
thumperwallyworld: mumble?00:10
wallyworldthumper: ok00:10
wallyworldthumper: https://pastebin.canonical.com/40914/00:21
sinzuiwgrant, wallyworld ping02:52
sinzuiwgrant, wallyworld. I suspect the build that just started will fail. A test I landed broke when I merged tip. I landed a branch to reconcile the security change, but it was too late. I will try to stay up to restart the test if needed, but I am sick and do not trust myself.02:55
wallyworldsinzui: i can have a look for you.03:05
wallyworldsinzui: if it fails. you can go to bed if you like :-)03:06
sinzuiwallyworld, Since the revision missed the start, I think someone needs to land branch with testfix in it.03:06
sinzuiwallyworld, the branch can have a trivial text change03:07
wallyworldsinzui: do you have the details you can tell me?03:07
sinzuiwallyworld, I may have my wits when the cold medicine wears off03:07
wallyworldsinzui: ok. just let me know what you need me to do. i'll look out for any build failure03:08
lifelesssinzui: if you have a fix already landed03:09
lifelesssinzui: it will correct itself automaticallly03:10
lifelessyou need to land with [testfix] if the fix is not in the system.03:10
sinzuilifeless, maybe I should find the trivial fix now and land a branch with [testfix].03:12
lifelesssinzui: why? it sounds like you've already landed a branch with a fix?03:32
lifeless' I landed a branch to reconcile the security change'03:32
sinzuilifeless, I did not land it with [testfix] because buildbot was not in testfix mode03:33
lifelesssinzui: why does that matter?03:34
lifelesssinzui: it *did* land, didn't it?03:34
sinzuiyes it landed03:34
lifelessthen bb will sort itself out03:35
lifelesslanding something with [testfix] now wouldn't stop us going into testfix mode.03:35
sinzuilifeless, r12060 landed 30 minutes ago03:36
LPCIBotProject devel build (292): FAILURE in 3 hr 11 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/292/03:39
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=abentley][ui=none][bug=669249][bug=151290] Remove03:39
LPCIBotMailingListManager permission. Update the MailingList __repr__.03:39
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=EdwinGrubbs][ui=none][bug=645702] restore devel r11685 that was03:39
LPCIBotlost in db-devel r9875.03:39
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=benji][ui=none][no-qa] Update lazr.restful to use the new version03:39
LPCIBotwith faster WADL generation.03:39
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=allenap][ui=none][bug=48464,03:39
LPCIBot305856] Move incoming mail handlers out of the canonical.launchpad03:39
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=henninge][ui=none][bug=687676] Allow registry admin to delete03:39
LPCIBotteams with super teams.03:39
=== Edwin is now known as Guest64532
=== MTecknology is now known as Guest61557
=== spm` is now known as spm
wgrantWhat's the cowboy policy these days?05:29
=== Guest61557 is now known as MTeck
=== MTeck is now known as MTecknology
lifelesswgrant: if its a crisis, do it. + incident report05:52
LPCIBotYippie, build fixed!06:51
LPCIBotProject devel build (293): FIXED in 3 hr 11 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/293/06:51
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=sinzui][ui=none][no-qa] Added removeSecurityProxy to fix a test06:51
LPCIBotthat will break when another revision is merged.06:51
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=thumper][ui=none][bug=671262] Add filtering to built packages06:51
LPCIBotlisting to allow all recent builds or only those within last 3006:51
LPCIBotdays to be selected.06:51
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=abentley][ui=none][bug=683115] Fix bug 683115 by treating reported06:51
LPCIBotGoogle totals of less than 0 as 0.06:51
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=abentley][ui=none][bug=48464] Treat target domains on incoming06:51
LPCIBotmail without regard to case.06:51
_mup_Bug #683115: ValueError raised getting length of batch results <oops> <qa-untestable> <Launchpad Foundations:In Progress by gary> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/683115 >06:51
lifeless=== Top 10 Time Out Counts by Page ID ===07:12
lifeless    Hard / Soft  Page ID07:12
lifeless     155 / 5598  Archive:+index07:12
lifeless      82 /  258  BugTask:+index07:12
lifeless      28 /  228  Distribution:+bugs07:12
lifeless      14 /   13  Cve:+index07:12
lifeless      12 /  117  ProjectGroupSet:CollectionResource:#project_groups07:12
lifeless       7 /  229  Distribution:+bugtarget-portlet-bugfilters-stats07:12
lifeless       7 /   22  DistroSeriesLanguage:+index07:12
lifeless       5 /    7  ProjectGroup:+milestones07:12
lifeless       4 /   71  Distribution:+bugs-index07:12
lifeless       4 /    5  Person:+bugs07:12
mrevellHowdy bugjammers09:14
gmballenap: Am I remembering correctly when I think that bug-import.py has no tests?11:03
allenapgmb: Je ne sais pas.11:03
gmballenap: Okay. I'm going to guess that there aren't any, since I don't remember ever seeing any.11:04
gmballenap: Or, there could be tests in, say, test_bugimport.py. Who'da thunk?11:07
allenapgmb: Cool :)11:10
lifelessgmb: it has tests11:26
gmblifeless: I know, I found them.11:26
gmbgrep FTW.11:26
lifeless: )11:26
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deryckMorning, all.12:04
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allenapderyck, gmb: Have you encountered bug 86352 after a bug import this year? I haven't, so I'm tempted to close it Invalid or maybe Fix Released.14:34
_mup_Bug #86352: SchoolTool imported bugs have invalid reporters <oops> <tech-debt> <Launchpad Bugs:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/86352 >14:34
* deryck looks14:35
gmballenap: No, I haven't seen it as far as I recall.14:35
deryckallenap, I haven't seen that either14:36
allenapCool, thanks.14:36
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
=== flacoste changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Launchpad Development Channel | BUG JAM! http://mumak.net/lp-bugjam-2010/ | New starter this week: wgrant | PQM open for business | firefighting: - | Get the code: https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​Getting
=== flacoste changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Launchpad Development Channel | BUG JAM! http://mumak.net/lp-bugjam-2010/ 33 so far | New starter this week: wgrant | PQM open for business | firefighting: - | Get the code: https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​Getting
jcsackettsinzui: is there anything besides app/browser/stringformatter to work with on the linkifying?15:11
sinzuijcsackett, I do not understand your question?15:12
jcsackettsinzui: the linkifying code is restricted to the stringformatter file, right? just verifying what the find utility is telling me.15:12
jcsackettsorry, the first version of my question is pretty ambiguous.15:12
sinzuijcsackett, yes. it is registered as fmt:linkify I think15:13
jcsackettsinzui: cool. thanks.15:13
jcsackettsinzui: you were right about the regex. dang, that's a big one. :-P15:13
sinzuiThere are some doctests that show the expect links and non-links15:13
sinzuimrevell, ping15:20
mrevellsinzui, hi15:20
sinzuimrevell, My computer tells me I have an eye examine in 10 minutes. I cannot meet :(15:21
sinzuimrevell, can we talk tomorrow at 16:30 UTC15:22
mrevellsinzui, No problem. Good luck with the eye exam ... the answer is A E B U I O15:22
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
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=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
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flacostesinzui: https://lpbuildbot.canonical.com/builders/lucid_lp/builds/436/steps/shell_6/logs/summary18:40
=== _thumper_ is now known as thumper
lifelessflacoste: ping20:36
wallyworld_abentley: thumper: mumble?21:07
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
wgrantDoes anyone know what's going on with bug #629804? It was marked qa-bad four days ago, and nothing's happened since.21:18
_mup_Bug #629804: remove workaround for private Librarian files for launchpadlib clients <qa-bad> <Launchpad Foundations:In Progress by lifeless> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/629804 >21:18
thumperwgrant: sorry, no21:30
lifelesswgrant: read abels comments, sounds like it needss more work21:35
lifelesswgrant: roll it back, see the dev wiki for howto21:35
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
wgrantlifeless: Or I guess I could fix it.21:38
lifelesswgrant: yes!21:39
elmodon't you have to fix that timeout lifeless keeps whinging about first? ;-)21:40
wgrantI fixed that last week.21:40
wgrantThis bug is blocking the rollout :P21:40
lifelesswgrant: I would rollback22:05
lifelesswgrant: and fix22:05
lifelessbut the rollback can be shipped of immediately22:05
lifelessand will unblock things.22:05
lifelessWe should rollback more often.22:06
* StevenK rollbacks to rev122:12
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
pooliehi all23:05
wgrantMorning poolie.23:06
poolie>>  we23:27
pooliedidn't consider that a cronjob needs to get credentials without any user23:27
wgrantI'm pretty sure that is the most common use-case.23:31
james_w"...the first time you run it I assume."23:32
james_wget an request token and exchange it for an access token without user input23:33
james_wI don't believe they would be planning to require user input on every use of launchpadlib23:33
poolieit's bug 68669023:33
_mup_Bug #686690: 1.8.0 breaks login_with() API compat with existing credentials files, and forces keyrings <desktop-integration> <regression> <launchpadlib :Triaged by benji> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/686690 >23:33
poolieiiuc they ... well, the subject is pretty selfexplanatory23:33
poolieit makes it hard to use noninteractively23:33
james_wah, sorry, I remembered that phrase occurring later in the conversation23:35
pooliei was just reading the thread now23:35
pooliei guess the end state is ok23:39

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