
=== androidbruce is now known as androidbruce|afk
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dmbanyone's x crashing?05:31
F3RR1SI need a script that will log a user off after a set time limit (33minutes) and then refuse login until 15:00 the next day... basically I want to give the kids a half hour of computer time for games and such each day but no more05:33
F3RR1Snot mine dmb05:33
dmbmines also in vbox05:33
dmboh well, nightime05:33
=== Guest61557 is now known as MTeck
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jamalta1do you have to do something special to get to the grub menu in natty?06:50
jamalta1all i see after the bios is the black, the ubuntu logo, and then login :\06:51
rwwHolding down shift at boot should work, like in Maverick.06:51
jamalta1rww: oh i didn't know this was also the case in maverick06:51
jamalta1i don't recall if i ever had to go to the grub menu when i was using maverick06:51
jamalta1ty! that worked :)06:52
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nperry_There is09:04
nperry_Ouch long window :/09:04
nperry_Fuck I need coffeee09:04
jpdsnperry_: Have some tea.09:05
coz_hey all10:02
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coz_hey guys.. just did updates and unity is broken  ...classic gnome works11:22
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PoKrAkhelo can anyone tell me something about ecomorph for natty ??14:41
PiciWeren't you in here a few days ago asking about it?14:42
PoKrAkyes i was14:43
PoKrAkbut anyone cant tell me about is ecomorph will be in natty or no14:43
PiciIs it in Debian?14:44
PoKrAkpici it is in ubuntu and distro like ubuntu: elive opengeu pinguy os e1714:44
PoKrAki have ecomorph in 9.1014:45
jpds 14:45
Picijpds: yes?14:45
PiciPoKrAk: But is it in Debian? We sync packages from Debian.14:46
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PoKrAkwhy it was in 9.1014:47
yofelPoKrAk: what's the package name? I can't find it even in 9.1014:47
PoKrAkecomorph = e17 witch compiz14:47
PiciIt looks to be a module of enlightenment, it may not have its own package name.14:47
PiciPoKrAk: How did you install it in 9.10?14:49
PoKrAkSid (Unstable)    deb http://packages.enlightenment.org/debian sid main extras14:49
PoKrAkfrom this Jaunty Jackalope (9.04)    deb http://packages.enlightenment.org/ubuntu jaunty main extras14:50
PiciSo it wasn't in 9.10 then.  Those aren't Ubuntu's official repositories.14:50
charlie-tcae17 is available for maverick and natty14:53
charlie-tcabut no ecomorph anywhere that I can find, either14:53
PoKrAkdeb http://packages.enlightenment.org/ubuntu karmic main extras fo 9.1014:53
PoKrAke17 i have14:53
PiciPoKrAk: Are you asking us if "http://packages.enlightenment.org/ubuntu" will have Natty packages?14:54
charlie-tcaThose are not official ubuntu repositories, they are enlightenment14:54
PoKrAkin 10.04 i will have e17 and ecomorph too but in 10.10 i havent14:54
PiciPoKrAk: Are you asking us if "http://packages.enlightenment.org/ubuntu" will have Natty packages?14:54
PoKrAkpici no but if u cant help me here i will aks them thanks14:55
PiciPoKrAk: Then what exactly are you asking?14:55
bjsniderPici, the lesson to be learned from that is, never answer any questions15:02
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SamuraiAlbaHello, all.  How do I upgrade a WUBI installed 10.10 to Natty Alpha 1?19:38
knit-witSamuraiAlba, you don't, wubi will not upgrade to a under develpment and upgrading a wubi is not a good idea19:39
SamuraiAlbaHmmmm.  Poop.19:40
knit-witSamuraiAlba, dual bot natty be careful if you do put it on a thumb really19:40
SamuraiAlbaBruning Natty to a DVD and gonna toss it on the Revo :)20:00
DrHalanhey how are the natty testers doin?20:11
coz_DrHalan,  there are issues and bugs  as usual for alpha :)20:14
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F3RR1Show do i remove a directory?21:20
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rumpe1F3RR1S, rm?21:21
IdleOnesee man rmdir21:21
rumpe1or unmakedir21:22
ldunnWhat's the differ21:23
F3RR1Sthanks... was showing someone how to get help in ubuntu21:23
rumpe1rmdir removes empty directories :)21:23
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mauri_im not able to boot un dos image from pendrive using grub2...... help23:02

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