
Dan__hey, does anyone know anything about getting DSP working in Ubuntu on a Beagleboard?02:00
Dan__specifically, dsp-bridge02:00
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Baybalgoogle gstreamer-openmax04:28
loolDan__: I used to; last cycle Ubuntu released OMAP4 images but the DSP-enabling stuff was mostly in a PPA https://launchpad.net/~tiomap-dev/+archive/release10:10
loolsome of it might work on OMAP3, but I don't know how much; the official OMAP3 stuff should be downloaded from TI10:10
hrwomap4 dsp is different then omap3 one10:39
ndeclool: hi. what was the question regarding the OMAP4 PPA?13:10
loolndec: 03:00 < Dan__> hey, does anyone know anything about getting DSP working in  Ubuntu on a Beagleboard?13:16
lool03:00 < Dan__> specifically, dsp-bridge13:16
ndeclool: thx...13:21
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guerbyhi, I have a pandaboard now running ubuntu downloaded from http://omappedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Pre-built_Binaries_Guide15:07
guerbyI'd like to switch it to server mode (no X), any idea on how to do that?15:07
rsalvetiguerby: 2 options for maverick, removing the x related packages or creating a minimal rootfs with rootstock15:11
rsalvetifor natty we'll also have a minimal image available to install15:11
guerbyrsalveti, apt-get remove xorg ?15:11
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rsalvetixserver-xorg will remove most xorg related package15:13
guerbyrsalveti, ok will try that. I don't see where in /etc it selects what to run at boot15:13
rsalvetiguerby: upstart, check at /etc/init/15:14
guerbyrsalveti, thx15:14
ndecguerby: how about adding 'text' in the bootargs. you just need to edit /boot/boot.script, add 'text', run sudo flash-kernel and reboot15:32
ndecrsalveti: that should work, right, ^^^^15:32
guerbyndec, thx for the tip15:32
rsalvetindec: sure, but the graphics packages will be at the rootfs still15:32
rsalvetiguerby: : if it's not a problem for you, that will work fine15:33
guerbyrsalveti, having the packages around on rootfs is not an issue for me (some of my users do require them)15:33
guerbyrsalveti, ndec thx15:33
ndecguerby: that should do everything except start gdm, which is likely what you want. not removing xorg-* will give you the ability to use is as a desktop later if needed.15:33
guerbyrsalveti, out of curiosity how text as kernel arg will impact upstart ?15:34
ndecguerby: it's definitely recommended to use external USB drive too. i saw your comment on pandaboard room.15:34
rsalvetiguerby: the kernel is not going to use the argument, but it'll be used by ubuntu later on15:34
ndecguerby: grep text /etc/init/* ;-)15:34
guerbyndec, /home will probably be over NFS, but I could add an USB disk15:34
ndecguerby: the USB disk will *drastically* improve overall performance. we have lots of perf issues when SD card is being read and written in //.15:35
ndecguerby: see http://omappedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_on_OMAP_FAQ#I_want_to_install_Ubuntu_on_external_USB_hard_disk_instead_of_sluggish_SD_card15:35
guerbyndec, I had bad experiences with USB disks and sheevaplug, but may be pandaboard does USB handling and power better15:35
guerbyndec, thx for the link15:35
ndecguerby: I am using exclusively USB drive, as many others around here!15:36
guerbyndec, ok I saw what gdm.conf is doing with /proc/cmdline :)15:37
ndecguerby: yep ;-)15:37
guerbyndec, other question: I saw a note that 1GB was not properly supported hence the 420+256, are newer kernels able to cope with 1GB ?15:38
ndecguerby: not yet. note the memory hole is only if you plan to use TI multimedia firmware (so called ducati). e.g. for 1080p. if you don't use it, you can use the memory and don't need the hole15:39
guerbyjayabharath, hi, I got the power supply and the pandaboard is now running ubuntu :) soon it will be announced15:40
jayabharathguerby: nice!15:40
guerbyndec, I won't do any multimedia with my pandaboard, so I just have to remove "mem=460M@0x80000000 mem=256M@0xA0000000" from /boot/boot.script?15:41
ndecguerby: yes, and replace it by mem=768M. until we fix the 1Gb issue.15:42
jayabharathndec: hi.. any ideas on when the 1Gb issue might be resolved.. dint hear much noise about it ...15:42
guerbyndec, ok. this will not screw up "bootm 0x80000000 0x81600000" with just mem=768M ?15:43
ndecjayabharath: nope. likely not on .35 kernel.15:43
jayabharathndec: ok15:43
ndecguerby: no. this are 2 different things. the bootm is to load the uImage and uInitrd into DDR.15:44
guerbyndec, ok thx15:44
guerbyndec, I did play with that stuff a while ago (was on sheevaplug IIRC)15:44
guerbyndec, but I wanted to be sure :)15:44
ndecguerby: np.15:45
guerbyndec, are you in France BTW?15:46
ndecguerby: yes15:46
ndecguerby: Nice, France15:47
ndecguerby: you?15:47
guerbyndec, I live in Castres but I often go to Toulouse and Paris (and I'll be at FOSDEM in Bruxelles :)15:47
guerbyndec, the pandaboard is for http://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/CompileFarm15:47
ndecguerby: who are you working for?15:48
ndecguerby: oh, gcc build farm. cool!15:48
guerbyndec, I have my own company now, I do consulting in finance & software15:48
ndecguerby: thx15:48
guerbyndec, but I do spend quite some time on not-for-profit stuff including the farm15:48
guerbyndec, rsalveti the GCC name is historical, the farm is open to all free software (GPL, BSD, MIT ...)15:51
rsalvetithat's nice15:51
rsalvetiand yes, if you want to build on panda a usb-drive will help a *lot*15:52
ndecguerby: how about this: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-arm-n-public-panda-ppa-build-cluster ;-)15:52
guerbyrsalveti, I think I'll try /home over NFS first it's a bit less cable :)15:53
guerbyndec, most distro already have their farm for various arch, I know some are using the GCC farm to build packages though15:53
hrwI have to test nfsroot for my panda one day15:55
hrwshould be comparable to usbhdd15:55
hrwwhen it comes to speed15:55
guerbyhrw, I had one sheevaplug on NFS root, it did work fine (the NFS server had 8GB of RAM that helped :)15:56
hrw94Mbps network speed (iperf)15:56
guerbyhere I'll just put /home that's where most I/O will be done (may be /tmp too)15:56
hrwguerby: my sheevaplug has system in nand15:57
guerbyhrw, sheeva is gigabit IIRC15:57
hrwguerby: it is15:57
hrwguerby: and gets ~800Mbps15:57
guerbyI didn't check pandaboard, looks like usb eth so likely 100 Mbps15:57
hrwguerby: I said: 94Mbps15:58
guerbyhrw, ok :)15:58
hrwguerby: usb hdd got 12.5MB/s only15:58
jayabharathhrw: check out http://omappedia.org/wiki/Panda_Test_Data -- looks like USB 'flash' drives can expect about 20Mb/s write and 41Mbs read speed..16:18
hrwjayabharath: I hope that it is 20MB/s not 20Mb/s16:21
jayabharathhrw: right16:21
hrwwrite test assumes that card is mounted with sync16:25
hrw19.3MB/s read, 3.6MB/s write my class10 card has16:27
hrwharddrive: 16.7MB/s write, 20.3MB/s read16:29
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guerbyrsalveti, got http://pastebin.com/qTTDuYDu at the end of pt-get upgrade17:31
guerbyrsalveti, is this a known issue?17:31
rsalvetiguerby: unfortunately yes, this should be ok once you update your kernel and reboot17:36
rsalvetithen the alsa-utils package will be upgraded normally17:36
guerbyrsalveti, ok I'll reboot :)17:38
guerbyrsalveti, ok upgrade did work after reboot :)18:23
rsalveticool :-)18:24
guerbyrsalveti, something funny it looks like the MAC address has changed ...18:24
guerbyrsalveti, well yes MAC changed from 32:57:F8:93:E1:CD  to  d2:92:9c:66:81:be18:26
guerbynot good for DHCP18:26
rsalvetiguerby: yeah, we don't have a valid eeprom at ths usb chip18:26
rsalvetiso it'll be automatically generated on every boot18:27
rsalvetiunless you set your own at the network config or at the kernel cmdline18:27
guerbyrsalveti, what's the file to edit to fix the MAC?18:27
guerbyrsalveti, adding text to cmdline did work to get rid of graphical stuff18:28
rsalvetiguerby: /etc/network/interface18:30
rsalveticheck bug 67350418:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 673504 in linux-ti-omap4 (Ubuntu Natty) (and 2 other projects) "Pandaboard chooses a new IP address on each boot (affects: 2) (heat: 20)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67350418:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 673504 in linux-ti-omap4 (Ubuntu Natty) (and 2 other projects) "Pandaboard chooses a new IP address on each boot (affects: 2) (heat: 20)" [High,Fix committed]18:30
guerbyrsalveti, :)18:30
guerby"This bug was fixed in the package linux-ti-omap4 - 2.6.35-903.19"18:32
guerby# cat /proc/version_signature18:32
guerbyUbuntu 2.6.35-903.19-omap4
guerbywell let's see another reboot18:32
guerbyah no that's not the same issue18:33
guerbyI'll use the kernel param then18:33
rsalvetiguerby: not the same issue, but shows how you can set up your own mac18:33
rsalvetiyou'll still get another mac on every reboot, unless you set it up manually18:34
rsalvetithis bug was related with the mac regeneration on every ifup/ifdown18:34
rsalvetieven worse :-)18:34
guerbyrsalveti, cmdline worked :)18:36
guerbynow checking mem=786M18:38
guerbyMem:    734676k total,18:39
guerbyseems to work too :) now NFS then GCC bootstrap18:39
guerbyapt-get install nfs-kernel-server18:44
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fredimSomeone uses BeagleBoard?19:06
guerbyNFS /home working19:15
guerby150MB rsync running19:15
DanaGHmm, anyone have recommendations for a good arm board for use as a nas?19:52
DanaGI'd want: gigabit Ethernet (perhaps dual), more than one SATA (esata is okay) port, and armv7l (so no Kirkwood)?19:54
DanaGEr, that should ne a statement, not a question.19:54
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mpoirierrsalveti: do you still have a panda board on your desk ?20:02
rsalvetimpoirier: yes20:02
mpoirierrsalveti: powered and running ?20:03
mpoirierrsalveti: I got a question from nhg, he need to find the cpu speed in MHZ .20:03
mpoirierI thought it would be under /proc/cpuinfo but apparently not.20:04
rsalvetiit shows only the bogomips20:04
nhgyeah...how to find the actual Ghz numbers?20:05
mpoirierrsalveti: meet nhg20:05
comradekingu1"cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep MHz"  ??20:05
nhgthe uboot I'm using also doesn't seem to print it20:05
mpoirierrsalveti: could you think of a place where the info could be found ?20:06
comradekingu1How about just finding the model number and google away?20:06
nhgcat /proc/cpuinfo gives only bogompis20:06
rsalvetimpoirier: nhg: also don't know about it, try asking at #pandaboard20:06
comradekingu1From "cpufrequtils"20:08
mpoiriercomradekingu1: yes that seems to be a valid option.20:09
comradekingu1That didnt work on my machine becase configuration moved to /etc/modprobe.d/, but your milage may vary. Could be fixed though20:09
mpoiriernhg: you should try ^^^^20:10
nhgnot mine either20:10
mpoiriernhg: do you have a network connection ?20:10
mpoirieron the panda board that is...20:10
nhgno ethernet20:11
mpoirierthen: sudo apt-get install cpufrequtils20:11
rsalvetidoesn't work on panda20:11
DanaGSay, does panda now support cpufreq?20:12
rsalvetiit doesn't20:12
rsalvetiat least not at ubuntu20:12
mpoiriernhg: go to #pandaboard then...20:12
nhgasked the question on pandaboard20:13
DanaGArgh, ubuntu has supported20:18
DanaGmarvell dove boards for like 1 or 2 years, but you still can't buy any anywhere!20:19
guerbyrsalveti, hmmm not good: http://pastebin.com/enX6nAbZ20:23
guerbyrsalveti, may be mem=768M is the culprit?20:23
rsalvetiguerby: this is not a kernel panic, it's just that you don't have more memory left20:24
guerbyrsalveti, no swap happened20:25
guerbyMem:    734676k total,   679100k used,    55576k free,    12708k buffers20:25
guerbySwap:   524284k total,        0k used,   524284k free,   491024k cached20:25
guerbyrsalveti, rather surpising for ENOMEM situation, 491MB in cache20:26
rsalvetihm, true20:26
guerbyrsalveti, I will reboot with the original mem= to see if it changes something20:27
rsalvetidon't think it will help much20:27
rsalvetiwith 1gb the instability we got was basically a random kernel panic20:28
guerbyrsalveti, this was just a time svn co -q svn://gcc.gnu.org/svn/gcc/trunk20:28
guerby(with /home over NFS)20:28
guerbyhmm I keep getting kswapd0: page allocation failure even with svn being 30MB20:31
guerbymay be I'll just deactivate swap20:32
guerbyswapoff -a done20:33
rsalvetimeanwhile I'm reading to try to understand why you could get it20:35
rsalvetiat least it's harmless20:41
guerbyrsalveti, the first svn failed so it had some impact. No more errors since swapoff, the second svn continues20:42
rsalvetiguerby: it failed? but the kernel will probably try to alloc again after failing to find more memory20:43
rsalvetiweird is that the swap itself was unused20:44
guerbyrsalveti, my full /var/log/messages is here: wget http://guerby.org/ftp/messages-pandaboard20:46
guerbyrsalveti, I got plenty of failures I didn't notice before my svn20:47
DanaGHmm, anything interesting for ARM coming out early 2011?20:48
guerbyrsalveti, I got new ones even with swapoff20:48
DanaGMost of the new stuff talked about this year seems to not actually be available.20:48
DanaGLike, Marvell Armada.20:48
rsalvetiok, so not related with swap20:48
DanaGAvailable as in not-ungodly-expensive boards.20:49
rsalvetiseems that the usb driver is the hungry one20:58
rsalvetithe ethernet chip and the usb host is the same chip20:59
rsalveticonnected by usb20:59
guerbyrsalveti, hmmm21:00
guerbyrsalveti, I just rebooted with no swap and original mem=21:02
rsalvetidon't think it'll help, but it's a good try21:02
guerbyrsalveti, this time I'm monitoring /var/log/messages21:02
guerbyrsalveti, only thing specific is that I have two openvpn running so tun driver is there too (if it helps)21:03
guerbyrsalveti, I launched a GCC bootstrap, it failed quickly with a tool reporting "out of memory allocating 4072 bytes after a total of 199240912 bytes"21:20
rsalvetiguerby: can you try that with 768M and swap?21:21
guerbyrsalveti, I'm removing a ulimit from my script, then I'll try with 768M and swap21:21
rsalvetione thing is the userspace application having problems to allocate memory, another one is the driver itself failing to find the suitable page21:21
rsalvetiin our case I believe that the driver is the hungry one21:22
guerbyrsalveti, nothing in /var/log/messages so far21:24
guerbybut alloc of 200MB shouldn't fail, at least it doesn't fail on a sheevaplug with 512MB RAM and ulimit 500MB21:25
rsalvetiguerby: but were you using swap this time?21:26
guerbyrsalveti, swapoff when it happened (I commented out the swap line in fstab before reboot)21:26
rsalvetiguerby: have to leave now for dinner, otherwise the restaurant will close, can you please open one bug for it?21:27
rsalvetiwhile I believe it should not harm you, it'd be good to understand why ehci is requesting so much memory21:28
rsalvetiand if this is expected, it should at least set __GFP_NOWARN, like we have with some other drivers21:28
guerbyrsalveti, ok good dinner :)21:30
guerbyMem:    681844k total,   368152k used,   313692k free,     6076k buffers21:30
guerbySwap:        0k total,        0k used,        0k free,   240456k cached21:30
guerbyit happened again and I was looking at top ^21:30
rsalvetiguerby: open a bug against https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+source/linux-ti-omap421:31
guerbyno way a 200MB program can fail malloc here21:31
guerbyrsalveti, will do21:31
rsalvetiguerby: the process failed again?21:31
guerbyrsalveti, yep21:31
guerbysame place21:31
guerbythis time I just removed the ulimit21:31
rsalvetiwell, be back later21:32
guerbyrsalveti, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ti-omap4/+bug/69037021:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 690370 in linux-ti-omap4 (Ubuntu) "Strange out of memory on pandaboard (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]21:37
guerbyndec, hi again :) looks like I'm pushing a bit too much my pandaboard :)21:39
ndecguerby: what happened?21:40
guerbyndec, I put some info in launchpad21:40
ndecguerby: so there is no swap, right? have you tried with swap?21:46
guerbyndec, I will try but I strongly doubt it's the issue, there was more than 400MB free when the alloc failed21:47
guerbyndec, and the same bootstrap works on a sheevaplug 512MB RAM and ulimit 500MB21:47
ndecguerby: i don't remember if highmem is enabled in the kernel. is it?21:47
guerbyndec, first try was with orig mem=x mem=y, I'm now trying with mem=768M21:48
guerbyndec, how do I know highmem ?21:48
ndecguerby: well, i think it is. grep HIGHMEM /boot/config-XXXX21:48
ndecguerby: i am running a custom kernel, but I think i still have the 10.10 kernel, and it seems to be enabled.21:49
guerbyndec, CONFIG_HIGHMEM=y21:49
guerbyndec, running Ubuntu 2.6.35-903.19-omap4
ndecguerby: we started to see such random mem issues when we enabled highmem.21:49
ndecrsalveti: ^^^21:49
guerbyndec, rsalveti is away for dinner21:49
ndecguerby: thx21:50
ndecguerby: do you know how to recompile a kernel a-la ubuntu?21:51
ndecguerby: it would be good to try your test without highmeme21:51
guerbyndec, I'll learn :) issue is that I probably won't have time to play more before next week21:52
ndecguerby: np. i think that should help: http://omappedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_kernel_for_OMAP421:52
ndecguerby: i will be out next 2 weeks ;-)21:52
guerbyndec, interesting I got past the failure point with mem=768M21:53
guerbyndec, may be memory with hole is the issue21:53
guerbyhmm make bootstrap failed a bit later on "virtual memory exhausted: Cannot allocate memory", nothing in /var/log/messages22:21
guerbylet's try again with swap on22:21
guerbyndec, with mem=768M and no swap  make bootstrap failed a bit later on "virtual memory exhausted: Cannot allocate memory", nothing in /var/log/messages22:28
guerbyndec, I'm trying with swap now22:28
GrueMasterguerby: If you have networking available on that system, could you run "apport-bug -p linux-ti-omap -u 690370" when you get a chance?  This way I can mark the bug triaged and the kernel team won't autoclose it as invalid.22:51
guerbyGrueMaster, I get stuck in the launchpad login service, it doesn't seem to work in text mode22:53
GrueMasterYou don't have keyboard/monitor/X?22:54
guerbyGrueMaster, no I deactivated all that stuff22:54
guerbyGrueMaster, there's no way to do it CLI ?22:55
GrueMasterAh.  I think you can run apport-cli and it will create a .crash file that can be copied to another system.22:55
GrueMasterLet me check.22:55
GrueMasterUse --save=<path> to save the bug report.  It can then be transfered to another system and uploaded from there.22:56
GrueMasterSend me the .crash file and I can patch it into the bug report if you like.22:56
guerbyGrueMaster, # apport-bug  --save=toto22:58
guerbyNo pending crash reports. Try --help for more information.22:58
guerbyGrueMaster, rsalveti will look into it, I need to go to bed now :)22:59
GrueMasterapport-cli --save=<path> -p linux-ti-omap23:00
GrueMasterHe's on my team.  I'm the QA guy.23:00
GrueMasterNo problem, we can get the data tomorrow.23:00
sveinseI'm currently working on some manual recompilation of Qt with SGX enabled, and looking at this rather odd source package from TI, I wondered if there are any efforts from the community. I see rsalveti's name pop up in respect of devmem2 on lauchpad23:13
sveinseA side question: Can somehow apt-get source a armel pkg. from my (non armel) host?23:15
DanaGI wonder: would something higher than 768, but lower than 1024, work?23:15
GrueMastersveinse: The source for armel packages *should* be the same as every other arch (i.e, identical).23:21
GrueMasterI believe all source packages are at archive.ubuntu.com and only armel (and other less-popular hardware) have binaries on ports.ubuntu.com.23:22
sveinseI need to take a look at some specific sources, so the binaries doesnt interest me as much right now23:23
GrueMasterright.  Just saying that all binaries come from the same source.23:24
sveinseSince I'm lazy and apt-get n00b, I just chrooted to my armel target and ran apt-get sources from there... Inefficient, but it gets the job done23:24
GrueMasterregardles of arch.23:24
sveinseDoubt this package (powervr-omap3) has any interest outside of omap3/armel though23:25
sveinseBut I get your point that all sources come from the pool23:25
GrueMasterProbably not.  If it is in the ppa, that's a different matter.23:25
GrueMasterapt-cache show <package> will give you a full link to the source as well.23:26
sveinseah. Excellent23:27
sveinsersalveti: you around?23:28
GrueMasterI think he's feeding.23:28
sveinsewell it's night for me, so I'll catch up with him tomorrow23:42

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