
infoturtlehey  guys, who are the four on the team tonight? rory hugh myself and..... anyone know?14:57
* slashtom ?14:57
ebelyo yo14:58
ebeland slashtom!14:58
ebelinfoturtle: what do you look like?14:59
ebelthis is me http://www.flickr.com/photos/rorymccann/5011984507/ and this is slashtom http://www.flickr.com/photos/rorymccann/5011988985/14:59
* slashtom will look out for a turtle14:59
infoturtlespiky hair, big puffy green headphones and a woolie fleese, not turtle like at all15:01
slashtomhttp://ubuntu-ie.org/ there is no table quiz!15:04
czajkowskidont forget to take pics15:05
ebelsure sure15:06
slashtommaybe i should read the loco dir instead of ubuntu-ie.org15:07
* slashtom is confused15:07
czajkowskislashtom: s far as I knew, all the events were gooing on the LD and eventually when the new site is ready, the RSS feed of them will go on the site15:09
slashtomwhy not a http redirect on ubuntu-ie.org?15:10
czajkowskifrom the LD15:10
ebelredirect ubuntu-ie.org to the LD? sounds like an idea...15:16
slashtomaye, this whole thing of having multiple websites is silly15:17
slashtomand it creates far too much work15:17
czajkowskisilly.... hmm15:17
slashtombasic programming rule, really15:18
slashtomdon't go repeating yourself!15:18
* czajkowski nods and smiles and wont argue 15:18
czajkowskicasue I point to over 100 teams that do it this way :)15:18
slashtomwhich way?15:18
czajkowskiwebsite wiki and LD15:18
slashtommaintaining 3 seperate resources of identical information15:19
* slashtom is yet to be convinced that it is a good idea15:19
czajkowskiebel: you might find http://www.linux.com/learn/tutorials/390115:the-top-five-open-source-navigation-apps?utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=twitterfeed  useful16:11
ebelczajkowski: ta, heard of some of em already16:12
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