=== jjohansen is now known as jj-afk === UndiFineD is now known as Guest12280 === Guest12280 is now known as undi === undi is now known as UndiFineD === jj-afk is now known as jjohansen === smb` is now known as smb === cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson === soren_ is now known as soren === jjohansen is now known as jj-afk === doko_ is now known as doko === freeflyi1g is now known as freeflying === zul_ is now known as zul === smoser` is now known as smoser === bilalakhtar_ is now known as cdbs === Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch === yofel_ is now known as yofel [14:58] hello [14:59] I didn't screw up the timezone, did I? I can never remember whether Google Calendar is an hour off or not [15:00] looks fine to me [15:00] \o [15:00] cjwatson: hi [15:01] Keybuk: around? [15:02] I have been having a frustrating day involving elusive VESA BIOS specifications and repeated reboots, so a meeting is almost a welcome relief :P [15:02] ok, we have quorum, Keybuk can join in if/when he notices [15:02] #startmeeting [15:02] Meeting started at 09:02. The chair is cjwatson. [15:02] Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] [15:02] [TOPIC] Action review [15:02] New Topic: Action review [15:02] cjwatson: I'm here [15:02] are there any actions? I saw none in the minutes from last time [15:02] IRC client wasn't bouncing loud enough [15:02] Keybuk: ah, hello [15:03] cjwatson: my day has been less frustrating [15:03] and there was christmas pudding [15:03] lucky you ;-) [15:03] I'll take it that there are no actions then [15:03] [TOPIC] Reorganizing drivers/owners/release managers permissions in Launchpad (Matt Zimmerman) [15:03] New Topic: Reorganizing drivers/owners/release managers permissions in Launchpad (Matt Zimmerman) [15:04] mdz: you have the floor [15:04] cjwatson: ok [15:04] so it's time to throw the switch [15:04] I want to make sure that we've told folks that this is happening, so that if there are rough edges, they know how to get them fixed [15:05] I've passed the word down within Canonical [15:05] but that's obviously not enough [15:06] nothing should actually change in practice [15:06] it's just cleaning up the disorganization in LP [15:06] agreed; can we use ubuntu-release for the "release manager" role? [15:07] that sounds appropriate; is that not already what's in the bug report? [15:07] if we can't, there woudl still be something wrong in LP [15:07] [link] https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/174375 [15:07] LINK received: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/174375 [15:07] Ubuntu bug 174375 in Launchpad Registry "Distribution drivers permissions may need redesign" [Low,Triaged] [15:07] https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+bug/174375/comments/17 [15:07] mdz: you said "Create a new team to fill the 'release manager' role, and populate it appropriately (if we don't already have one)" [15:07] [link] https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+bug/174375/comments/17 [15:07] LINK received: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+bug/174375/comments/17 [15:07] so I was just filling that in [15:07] cjwatson: right, if ubuntu-release is the right set of people for those permissions, then we just use that [15:08] if there should be some extra people in there for whatever reason, we should create a new team and put ubuntu-release into it [15:08] well, ubuntu-release is kind of informational/social, and I don't think it currently occupies any explicit slots in LP [15:08] oh [15:09] so if we need to extend that team we can just extend it, IMO [15:09] the other question is what to do with the 'maintainer' slot for Ubuntu [15:09] that's the one which can do things like administer mirrors [15:09] given the description in https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+bug/174375/comments/18, I think it would be appropriate for that to be techboard [15:09] Ubuntu bug 174375 in Launchpad Registry "Distribution drivers permissions may need redesign" [Low,Triaged] [15:09] and announcements [15:10] and AdminSpecification and EditSpecificationSubscription which sound like they should be ubuntu-drivers [15:10] hm, u-release actually sounds more appropriate for this to me [15:10] hm, well, announcements aren't all techboard [15:10] yeah, I agree with pitti on reflection [15:10] for both mirroring and annoucnements [15:10] I think blueprint stuff should -> ubuntu-drivers [15:10] ^ +1 [15:10] and announcements -> release manager [15:10] that's tech leads, team managers, track leads, etc. [15:10] the blueprint-fiddling folks [15:10] it might also make sense to add techboard to ubuntu-release [15:11] the more I think about it the less ready I feel... [15:11] out of interest, where in LP does one assign the ubuntu-archive team? [15:11] is that hardcoded? [15:11] somebody needs to make another pass over this and write it down in a comprehensible form [15:11] maintainer can do this, release series manager can do that, drivers can do this [15:11] pitti: ubuntu-archive has queueadmin privileges on components [15:12] you can see that with lp:ubuntu-archive-tools edit_acl.py [15:12] cjwatson: ah, thanks [15:12] mdz: do you still see something where we disagree? [15:12] pitti: who do you think should be the 'maintainer' of ubuntu? [15:12] mdz: ubuntu-release [15:13] ubuntu-release seems obvious [15:13] mdz: that's for announcements and mirrors, right? [15:13] pitti: and AdminSpecification and EditSpecificationSubscription and the other things in https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+bug/174375/comments/18 [15:13] Ubuntu bug 174375 in Launchpad Registry "Distribution drivers permissions may need redesign" [Low,Triaged] [15:13] -release is the team most naturally involved with that day-to-day; I agree with mdz that the specification stuff there should be moved to drivers [15:13] so apparently people who need to be able to admin blueprints need to go in there [15:13] mdz: those would be ubuntu-drivers IMHO [15:13] pitti: they are currently inseparable [15:14] isn't the only admin being the targetting to releases? [15:14] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu has a separate "mirror admins", though [15:14] how about this [15:14] which already seems to be set correctly [15:14] we set it up so that there is a team for each slot [15:14] how about we create an ubuntu-maintainer team, which has ubuntu-release and ubuntu-drivers in it [15:14] ubuntu-drivers, ubuntu-maintainers, ubuntu-release-managers [15:14] ... is this GMTA? [15:14] write down in the description of each team what it can actually do [15:14] so that it's self-documenting [15:15] mdz: blueprints and announcements are inseparable? wasn't this the very thing that this bug was all about? [15:15] pitti: it was more about separating blueprint admin and bug supervision [15:15] pitti: if so, it's not fixed, according to comment #17 [15:15] though bdmurray said he thought it was done [15:16] we just passed the 3-year anniversary for this bug *sigh* [15:16] I'd like to withdraw the agenda item until I can work on it some more [15:16] unless someone wants to take it over from me [15:16] your suggestion of writing things in the description of each team sounds good to me [15:17] yeah, then all we need to do is get LP fixed...again [15:17] ubuntu-maintainers can be a temporary team until the last bits of separation get fixed [15:17] and it should be less damaging than the ubuntu-drivers conflation, and we'll actually more or less understand what it's for [15:17] ok, I'll propose that as the first phase then [15:18] except perhaps a better name than ubuntu-maintainers, since maintainer == developer for many people [15:18] ubuntu-owner [15:18] that might stir some emotional response [15:18] I chose that because the Launchpad page says 'maintainer' [15:18] but we could ask for that to be changed [15:18] ubuntu-leads [15:19] ubuntu-release-plus-drivers [15:19] since that's what it is. :) [15:20] and it's ugly enough to point out that it's a temporary team [15:20] I'll draft an email to t-b and launchpad-dev and turn the crank on this again [15:20] cjwatson: +1 :) [15:20] * kees nods [15:22] ok, are we done with this item for now then? [15:22] yes [15:23] [TOPIC] Appoint Ubuntu Launchpad stake holder [15:23] New Topic: Appoint Ubuntu Launchpad stake holder [15:23] there's no name next to this one? [15:23] persia [15:23] looks like it was pitti [15:23] it was sent to the ML [15:23] persia sent the mail to the list [15:23] and we forgot about it last time [15:23] I would like to clarify whether this is in addition to Marjo, or replacing him [15:24] I understood "in addition" when I was talking to him [15:24] I spoke to persia about this in Orlando, and we reached agreement then ... but I've forgotten what that agreement was [15:24] the few stray neurons I have that remember that conversation think that this was essentially somebody to represent Ubuntu-as-project separately from the Ubuntu platform team [15:25] I proposed Bryce, as he has written tons of scripts for Launchpad, and is also doing massive regular bug triage, and also has experience on LP hacking [15:25] this is for Ubuntu, as opposed to Ubuntu Platform (part of Canonical) [15:25] in that case my memory is accurate. OK. [15:25] is it ours to appoint? [15:25] should this be TB or CC? [15:26] how close an interaction does Bryce have with the wider Ubuntu community, beyond X? [15:26] kees: I certainly think the representative should come from the development community; it's not strictly a technical matter but the TB may be better placed to judge [15:26] it was definitely persia [15:27] he hangs out in #ubuntu-desktop and discusses integration matters there as well [15:27] Keybuk: since you're one of the people persia suggested, do you have any thoughts on this you'd like to share? [15:27] I think I got shanghaid on the basis I'm going to shortly be the only TB member who won't be working at Canonical [15:28] but I wasn't really clear on why that was important [15:28] or indeed, why we needed a new and different stakeholder to LP than the one we already have [15:28] I think the point was to have a strong voice who doesn't have a commercial bias/pressure [15:28] I'd vaugely thought that we just needed a bigger stake to stab them with [15:28] pitti: everyone has bias or pressure of some sort [15:29] my understanding was that the Launchpad stakeholder meetings tend to be somewhat commercial-stake-driven, and that an explicit project representative would find it easier to stand apart from that [15:29] right, they just need to average themselves out [15:29] Launchpad certainly used to solicit input from the platform team and the Ubuntu community somewhat separately [15:30] is this stake-holder position something the LP team has agreed to having show up? (also, AIUI, such a person would need to sign an NDA due to some of the topics being discussed at the meeting) [15:31] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2010-November/000571.html says that Francis agreed that this would be appropriate [15:31] okay [15:32] as overall Launchpad manager I assume that he's authoritative on this :) [15:32] do we need to reach agreement on whether this is an appropriate thing to do at all? [15:33] I support it [15:33] I think it's reasonable [15:33] my view is that I can't easily say whether it will definitely be useful, but since Marjo has asked us to try and Francis is receptive to it it seems worth a go [15:34] I would like to hear from each of the suggested candidates before trying to select someone, though. Does anyone feel that we should issue a wider call for nominations? [15:35] seems only fair -- if someone in ubuntu really wants to jump on this, we should give them a chance. === Joeb454_ is now known as Joeb454 [15:35] my gut feeling is that three candidates are enough, and we already confirmed their willingness to act for this role; and as there are no particular hard privileges assigned to this, I don't think we really need a democratic vote of teh community here [15:35] (not that I'd veto one, I just feel it's a bit overkill) [15:35] well, except I'm not really sure I'm the right person [15:35] I'm fine with that too [15:35] yet I ended up on the list ;) [15:35] so I'm not so sure about confirmed their willingness [15:35] :p [15:36] Keybuk: hmkay -- that's what Emmet wrote, anyway [15:36] sounds like a bit of chinese-whispers going on === Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha [15:37] (not that I'm saying I'd be bad at it, I just suspect ENOTIME for the next several months) [15:37] this sounds to me as though it would be worth a quick call for anyone else who's interested, and in parallel ask the existing candidates to send in a short note to technical-board@ describing their plans? [15:38] Keybuk: would you like to explicitly excuse yourself, then? [15:38] cjwatson: yes, for now [15:38] OK [15:38] if the position was regularly chosen, I may well put myself up for it in future, for example [15:38] fair enough [15:39] so shall I do the above as part of writing up minutes for this meeting, then? === dholbach_ is now known as dholbach [15:39] cjwatson: fine by me [15:39] though we shouldn't wait too long [15:39] persia already canvassed and got volunteers [15:39] so we don't really need any more [15:40] but if someone is dying for the job I don't mind them coming forward [15:40] I agree, I was thinking no longer than two weeks [15:40] sure. could even go 1 week, just to avoid holidays, but yeah, 2 is fine. [15:41] one week is OK by me [15:41] [TOPIC] Schedule and chair (Matt Zimmerman) [15:41] New Topic: Schedule and chair (Matt Zimmerman) [15:41] I shall not be here on the 28th [15:41] just some points of order [15:42] I'll just paste from the wiki [15:42] Next meeting is scheduled for 28 December [15:42] Will we have quorum, or should we skip it? [15:42] Mark is unavailable to chair 11 January [15:42] will anyone else be absent the 28th? [15:42] I won't be online [15:42] I'm in a train on that day [15:43] will Mark be around on the 28th? [15:44] cjwatson: I don't know [15:44] I've negotiated with clan that she will tell me when he's unavailable for TB [15:44] I won't be here the 28th [15:44] so we don't end up without a chair [15:44] sounds to me as though we'll be at most barely quorate on the 28th, and probably inquorate [15:44] I'm unlikely to be available that day [15:44] so no pitti, no cjwatson, no kees, no keybuk [15:44] no quorum [15:45] ok, that's a definite no. next meeting on the 11th, then? [15:45] sounds like skipping then [15:45] so we just need a chair for the 11th [15:45] next in alpha sequence is kees [15:46] \o/ [15:46] I'll take that as a yes :) [15:46] :) [15:46] [TOPIC] Scan the mailing list archive for anything we missed [15:46] New Topic: Scan the mailing list archive for anything we missed [15:46] there are a few dangling items regarding SRUs and the like [15:46] 11th is the rally. [15:46] are any of them currently blocked on TB approval? [15:46] kees: I think we can probably manage, maybe with a time adjustment [15:47] we have: [15:47] bzr (https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2010-December/000596.html [15:47] ) [15:47] xubuntu-docs (https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2010-December/000599.html) [15:47] linux (https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2010-December/000597.html) [15:49] pitti: do you know which of those if any are outstanding? [15:49] xubuntu and bzr are missing a few more votes [15:49] which could just be sent to the ML (should be straightforward), then I'll add them to the exception page [15:49] the kernel process has by and large been worked out now [15:49] there was some misunderstanding at first [15:50] but now it's by and large what we had before, just that we now copy from teh PPA instead of accepting from -proposed [15:50] although there are still some technical difficulties, it didn't change on a policy level === sommer__ is now known as sommer [15:51] I will follow up to xubuntu-docs and bzr then [15:51] ok [15:51] Check up on community bugs: no change from last time [15:52] [TOPIC] AOB [15:52] New Topic: AOB [15:52] I'd like to make a suggestion [15:52] that we ask for AOB at the start of the meeting, rather than at the end [15:52] so that if someone turns up with an issue, we can get it on the agenda and leave time for it if necessary [15:52] you have OB, don't you? ;-) [15:52] just that [15:53] doesn't seem unreasonable [15:53] I'm fine with that, I'll adjust the agenda [15:53] yeah [15:53] should be a call for additional points or something [15:53] so the first agenda item becomes "make sure the agenda is complete" [15:53] I've started doing this in my meetings and it's more effective [15:54] sounds like that's a wrap, then [15:55] #endmeeting [15:55] Meeting finished at 09:54. [15:55] oh, mdz: thanks for organising that brainstorm review, it seems to have been a success [15:55] cjwatson: indeed, the thanks goes to the folks who wrote the responses [15:57] thanks everyone [15:57] thanks! [15:58] ~รด~ [15:59] \0 [15:59] /o\ === jj-afk is now known as jjohansen [16:00] \o [16:00] o/ === pgraner is now known as pgraner-afk [16:00] ok. weell, its that time of day again [16:00] o/ [16:00] \O/ [16:00] err... week. [16:00] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting [16:01] smoser: take us out Mr. Sulu [16:01] how do i "start meeting " ? [16:02] you say startmeeting [16:02] or for some.. startmeeting [16:02] mmmm...hash [16:02] #startmeeting [16:02] Meeting started at 10:02. The chair is smoser. [16:02] Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] [16:02] o/ [16:02] * robbiew will lurk today....call in 30min [16:02] \o [16:02] hm.. seems my clever trick to get someone else to scribe has failed. [16:03] smoser: nice try :-) [16:03] fyi, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScribesTeam/MootBot has such info [16:03] [TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous meeting [16:03] New Topic: Review ACTION points from previous meeting [16:03] * ALL: please check the SRU tracker for 'needs-verification' bugs [http://people.canonical.com/~chucks/SRUTracker/sru-tracker-bugs.html] [16:04] Imre Gergely has been *heroic* in verifying server SRU's [16:04] it looks like i need to take a look at that. [16:04] and i will. [16:04] thanks to Imre [16:05] * ACTION: robbiew to review ServerTeam wiki [16:05] robbiew, ? [16:05] yeah..yeah...slowly but surely [16:05] keep it [16:05] damn it! [16:05] [ACTION]: robbiew to review ServerTeam wiki [carried over] [16:05] ACTION received: : robbiew to review ServerTeam wiki [carried over] [16:05] * ACTION: Kernel team to follow up on bug 661294 [16:05] Launchpad bug 661294 in linux (Ubuntu) "System lock-up when receiving large files (big data amount) from NFS server" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/661294 [16:06] jjohansen, smb ? [16:06] I added some potential debuuging steps today [16:06] Though that is the one I am not able to reproduce [16:07] smb: there are 2 users who are reproducing it consistently, right? [16:07] I think yes. A third one has opened another bug as he thinks it might be a too different setup [16:08] bug 688437 [16:08] Launchpad bug 688437 in linux (Ubuntu) "NFS load locks processes and mounts" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/688437 [16:08] smb: Would it help if we try and reproduce it? [16:08] Daviey, Sure, it helps to know what exactly triggers it [16:09] * Daviey will try this. [16:09] The second bug seems to have some vmware involved. (at least on a quick look) [16:09] Daviey, you want an action ? [16:09] smoser: Yeah... i have rouble with committment without an action item. [16:09] [ACTION] Daviey to try to reproduce bug 661294 [16:09] ACTION received: Daviey to try to reproduce bug 661294 [16:10] Launchpad bug 661294 in linux (Ubuntu) "System lock-up when receiving large files (big data amount) from NFS server" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/661294 [16:10] hope that helps your rouble. [16:10] smoser: Yeah, that has changed my life for the better... thanks :) [16:10] It sounds to me like smb has a handle on it. if anyone else can add reproduce, that would be nice. [16:11] * ACTION: JamesPage to arrange URL for Hudson CI Server [16:11] ^ done [16:11] Done: http://hudson.qa.ubuntu-uk.org:8080 [16:11] JamesPage, ^ [16:11] Cheers Daviey! [16:11] gracias. [16:11] hah [16:11] FWIW, I have seen other bugs with a hang on remote FS, and a kernel trace involving sys_sync [16:12] JamesPage: any reason that has to run on 8080 ? [16:12] SpamapS: only my lack of time to make it run on port 80 - will do by the end of the week [16:12] JamesPage: btw, that is amazing. ;) [16:13] SpamapS: not really, but now we have the firewall set, and I would rather not mess with it [16:13] to be fair, the subdomain only went live about 30 mins ago... give JamesPage a break :) [16:13] JamesPage: mind the firewall... [16:13] hggdh - will do [16:13] * ACTION: spamaps to talk to his friend to try and get more info on Bug 684304 [16:13] Launchpad bug 684304 in linux (Ubuntu Natty) "cciss module does not identify resources" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/684304 [16:13] btw it is not only cciss that has problems [16:14] just tried the options given by smb, but no luck (and a kernel trace) [16:14] smb: oh? [16:14] hggdh, yep just saw it [16:14] sadly no luck [16:14] I just spoke with him yesterday and he has the hardware in the rack but not hooked up to the network yet.. should be getting a DL360 G5 with ILO support to play with. [16:14] SpamapS, Yes, there is something odd going on here, all of the pcie root ports have msi not enabled and no drivers bound [16:15] so carry that one forward, but maybe carry it forward as "spamaps to confirm bug #684304 on borrowed DL360 G5" [16:15] Launchpad bug 684304 in linux (Ubuntu Natty) "cciss module does not identify resources" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/684304 [16:15] smb: you are aware that you can play with the machines, right? [16:15] [ACTION] spamaps to confirm bug #684304 on borrowed DL360 G5 [16:15] ACTION received: spamaps to confirm bug #684304 on borrowed DL360 G5 [16:15] hggdh, No, you probably need to make me aware offline [16:16] ack [16:17] [ACTION] hggdh to tell smb about how to get at machines [16:17] ACTION received: hggdh to tell smb about how to get at machines [16:17] next is [16:17] * ACTION: zul to request feedback on the install-service blueprint to the mailing list [16:17] not done [16:18] smoser: Is that a topic shift, or a warning what is the next stop? [16:18] topic shift. [16:18] [ACTION] zul to request feedback on the install-service blueprint to the mailing list (carry over) [16:18] ACTION received: zul to request feedback on the install-service blueprint to the mailing list (carry over) [16:18] moving on [16:18] [TOPIC] Natty Development [16:18] New Topic: Natty Development [16:18] robbiew, are you leading this topic ? [16:19] I have one thing relevant under that topic.... [16:19] Did everyone see the FTBFS email? [16:19] Yep [16:19] Daviey: yup [16:19] sure...I'll start with I need someone to represent us in the weekly status meeting [16:19] ill do it [16:20] robbiew: rota? :) [16:20] Daviey: indeed, looks like there are a few still left. [16:20] Daviey: one question about that ... what's difference between that and Lucas Nussbaum's? that yours focuses on server packages, perhaps? [16:20] kirkland: mine is JUST the server seed. [16:20] Daviey: okay [16:20] zul: thnx [16:21] robbiew: what does that entail? [16:21] so everyone should take a look at that and see if they can't knock off a few ftbfs. [16:21] Daviey: as long as the rotation doesn't involve me...I'm fine with it [16:21] robbiew: heh. [16:21] kirkland: means keeping https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/ReleaseStatus/Natty up-to-date [16:21] robbiew: assume this is the release meeting? [16:21] ah yes. [16:21] mostly just tracking the bug stuff [16:21] robbiew: ah [16:21] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/ReleaseStatus/Natty/Detail is generated from a script [16:21] robbiew: okay cool; zul -- it's all yours :-P [16:21] and pulls into https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/ReleaseStatus/Natty [16:22] lol [16:22] zul: If you want a hand, lemme know. :) [16:22] Daviey: Server seed or server package set? [16:23] robbiew: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/ReleaseStatus/Natty/Detail doesn't exist [16:23] Daviey: ack [16:23] anything else here ? [16:23] SpamapS: add an "S" [16:23] ScottK: Seed [16:24] zul: (yeah, i'm happy to back you up too) [16:24] OK. I thought there were Universe packages in there, but OK. [16:24] SpamapS: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/ReleaseStatus/NattyDetail [16:25] ah [16:25] * kim0 knocked off 2 ftbfss [16:25] anything else here ? [16:25] hggdh, you're on [16:25] [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh) [16:25] New Topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh) [16:25] I am still dead in the water re. testing UEC === Pendulum_ is now known as Pendulum [16:26] hggdh: is this to do with that kernel bug [16:26] I have requested two machines to be set local, but right now I simply cannot test any [16:26] robbiew: yes [16:26] smb is supposed to be looking at it [16:26] the only machines I currently have access to -- the UEC test rig have not been working on Nattty [16:27] was on patch pilot yesterday [16:27] this is blocking UEC testing [16:27] right, robbiew pinged me yesterday and I checked what I could about it [16:28] apart from that... JamesPage, myself, and others have been adding tests under Hudson. Contributions are welcome (and machines to run them under) [16:28] So atm we don't have anything new [16:28] hggdh, i dont think it will affect you (my test was that it did not affect lucid UEC) but bug 688773 affects euca2ools on natty with python2.7 [16:28] Launchpad bug 688773 in euca2ools (Ubuntu) "euca2ools give 'SignatureDoesNotMatch' error" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/688773 [16:28] But maybe when I know how to play remotely [16:28] smoser: I will add it in to test when I can [16:29] thank you [16:29] hggdh, well, if it fails, it will fail all over the place, as you wont be able to upload images :) [16:29] anything else, hggdh ? [16:29] heh [16:29] no, I am done, smoser [16:30] [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb) [16:30] New Topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb) [16:30] There are more? :) [16:30] * smoser claps for smb and bug 651370 [16:30] Launchpad bug 651370 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) "ec2 kernel crash invalid opcode 0000 [#1]" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/651370 [16:31] and i'm under the impression that bug 667796 is soon to be fixed [16:31] Launchpad bug 667796 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) "kernel only recognizes 32G of memory" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/667796 [16:31] Thanks, though I think that was still jjohansen at work [16:31] smoser, right that one is simply the option [16:31] and also that jjohansen is epxecting to push bug 614853 into lucid (with the wonderful patch attached there) [16:31] Launchpad bug 614853 in linux-ec2 (Ubuntu) "kernel panic divide error: 0000 [#1] SMP" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/614853 [16:31] its in the next proposed kernel [16:32] I hope so, though we would need to ask him [16:32] all in all, i'm quite happy. i expect to have refreshed maverick images as soon as that one gets into maverick-proposed [16:32] I had been tied up severely by a support escalation and another nfs bug === Sarvatt_ is now known as Sarvatt [16:33] smb: no its not yet, and I believe its likely causing another bug [16:33] and hiping for lucid update this week, which will include lucid images that can be booted with pv-grub [16:33] s/hiping/hoping/ [16:33] (or to say which was another nfs bug) [16:33] that will make jjohansen and smb's life easier, as pv-grub makes kernel testing much easier. [16:33] \o/ [16:33] I haven't tried natty on ec2 yet.. is it working? [16:33] [ACTION] smoser to write a blog entry on how to use grub 'fallback' with our images. [16:33] ACTION received: smoser to write a blog entry on how to use grub 'fallback' with our images. [16:33] except micro it should by now [16:34] SpamapS, ^ [16:34] SpamapS, natty boots on non-t1.micro [16:34] and... possibly (if ami-2470864d works) we have an hvm image now (cluster compute) === emma is now known as em [16:35] smb, jjohansen the other bug that I see getting hit in maverick is bug 613273 [16:35] Launchpad bug 613273 in linux (Ubuntu) "kernel panic on ec2 in system_call_fastpath" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/613273 [16:35] ack [16:35] although my "in system call fastpath" description is probably competely bogus [16:35] well it only means in a system call [16:36] right. not generally helpful. [16:36] so thats all from me... [16:36] I will update the description when I know more [16:37] There was one I was looking at today which had mostly screenshots as jpg which is hard to reassemble in mind [16:37] smb, i can provide more console logs (i think) if necessary from https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-on-ec2/ubuntu-on-ec2/ec2-test-results [16:37] anyone else have anything for kernel team ? [16:38] [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer) [16:38] New Topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the Documentation Team (sommer) [16:39] mr sommer ? [16:39] hey all, don't have anything new this week [16:39] should have time to works on docs soon [16:39] :-) [16:39] any one have questions for the great sommer ? [16:40] sommer: wb! [16:40] if not, then we move onto kim0 [16:40] [TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Ubuntu Community Team (kim0) [16:40] New Topic: Weekly Updates & Questions for the Ubuntu Community Team (kim0) [16:40] Hey everyone [16:40] Daviey has agreed himself to be bugged about identifying venues for community contributions to cloud related projects [16:40] Such venues will be featured on the cloud portal, and regularly advertised on our communication channels (blogs, twitter, FB, IRC events ...etc), with the aim of hopefully attracting more contributors [16:40] I think it shouldn't be overly technical, however still fairly challenging [16:40] kim0: have you linked to harvest from the cloud portal yet btw? [16:41] kim0: last time I looked, harvest was pretty low on server specific stuff to do [16:41] I think I need a good way to link cloud stuff to harvest first [16:41] the portal is only cloud btw .. [16:41] the cloud is the server is the cloud ;) [16:42] not sure .. cloud seems to be part of server for me [16:42] anyway, @everyone, if you think something cloudy you're working on, is a good candidate for community contributions, please send suggestions to me kim0@ubuntu.com [16:42] well....a cloud would be nice if you have something to run in it [16:42] * kim0 hugs Daviey for all the help [16:42] for anyone not aware, kim0 is making some really nice blog posts that can be seen there on the http://cloud.ubuntu.com or at http://foss-boss.blogspot.com/ [16:42] kim0: Ubuntu One is personal cloud... covering that? :) [16:42] Daviey: I guess it would count :) [16:43] smoser: and screencasts [16:43] which brings up the other topic [16:43] i really liked http://foss-boss.blogspot.com/2010/11/ubuntu-server-in-ec2-cloud-easy.html [16:43] any suggestions on "trainings" or screencasts [16:43] kim0, one thing... you should be syndicated on "cloud planet" if you are not already [16:43] you guys think would be useful [16:43] please flood me [16:43] There is no 'cloud' section of harvest, and the ubuntu-server section has *one* package.. erlang [16:44] smoser: where is that ? isn't that the one on the portal ? [16:44] hm.. i guess you handled it. [16:44] smoser: yep .. [16:44] nijaba, used to have it. [16:44] ok. good. [16:44] aha yeah .. I'm on that [16:44] SpamapS: I can add a cloud section to harvest [16:44] I'd just need you guys to point at some jobs [16:44] the community can help with [16:44] that's really all for me .. don't forget .. flood me :) [16:45] [TOPIC] Open Discussion [16:45] New Topic: Open Discussion [16:45] * RoAkSoAx has an announcement to make! [16:45] * kim0 makes drum roll [16:45] The Cluster Stack is Finally in Main!! [16:45] woohooo [16:45] \o/ [16:45] oohhhh snap [16:45] RoAkSoAx: Awesome!! [16:45] Next steps are to enable some missing features, update to latest versions, and continue with the research on HA for UEC [16:46] RoAkSoAx really rocks [16:46] and will announce it via blog post and ML later today [16:46] RoAkSoAx: awesome [16:46] RoAkSoAx: Does it need better docs? [16:47] Daviey: well I wanna get docs into the server guide [16:47] that's also what I've planned for this cycle [16:47] RoAkSoAx -> talk with sommer... :) [16:47] [TOPIC] Announce next meeting date and time [16:47] New Topic: Announce next meeting date and time [16:47] I'll help definitely [16:47] next meeting: Tuesday 2010-12-21 at 1600 UTC [16:48] sommer: \o/ [16:48] i'm sure it will be well attended, since lots of people will have more time for such things since they'll be taking vacation. [16:48] yeah the community will probably show up in droves. ;) [16:49] ill be on vacation :) [16:49] me too :-) [16:49] zul: Great... turn up as a community member :) [16:49] Daviey: umm....no :) [16:49] hehe [16:49] #endmeeting [16:49] Meeting finished at 10:49. [16:49] quick, shut it down! [16:49] * zul is going to go see tron that day [16:49] lol [16:49] yay for tron! [16:50] i could have watched it yesterday if I haven;t had to graduate [16:50] boo for sark! [16:50] RoAkSoAx: congrats! [16:50] RoAkSoAx: priorities! [16:50] thanks ;) [16:54] * JFo straggles in [16:55] * ara waves [16:55] straggling is very tiring [16:55] ara! :) [16:59] * smb \o [17:00] * cking \o [17:00] o/ [17:00] \o [17:00] # [17:00] # lets "get 'er done"! [17:00] # [17:00] #startmeeting [17:00] Meeting started at 11:00. The chair is bjf. [17:00] Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] [17:00] [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting [17:00] [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Maverick [17:00] LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting [17:00] LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Maverick [17:00] # [17:00] # NOTE: '..' indicates that you are finished with your input. [17:00] # [17:00] [TOPIC] ARM Status (bjf) [17:00] New Topic: ARM Status (bjf) [17:01] * Marvel (mvl-dove) [17:01] * Nothing new this week. [17:01] * Texas Instruments (ti-omap) [17:01] * Bug 633227: Native building crash. [17:01] * Tested with Linaro 2.6.37 kernel which is close to upstream mainline. Native building still fails even with highmem disabled. [17:01] Launchpad bug 633227 in linux-ti-omap4 (Ubuntu Natty) "instabilities with highmem activated" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/633227 [17:01] * X-loader and U-boot update from TI. [17:01] * Received 1700+ patch update from TI for 2.6.35 based Natty branch. This has been submitted to the mailing list, applied and pushed. [17:01] * Freescale i.MX51 [17:01] * Bug 605042: Java crash issue. [17:01] * Due to a lack of FSL HW in the kernel team this has been difficult to diagnose. However, some testing was done on a Babbage 2.0 [17:01] Launchpad bug 605042 in eglibc (Ubuntu Natty) "[armel] java fails to start with eglibc-2.12-0ubuntu4" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/605042 [17:01] board but was unable to reproduce the issue. [17:01] .. [17:01] I uploaded ti-omap4 for natty this AM. [17:01] It includes a new BSP from TI, over 1700 patches since Maverick. [17:01] .. [17:02] [TOPIC] Release Metrics (JFo) [17:02] New Topic: Release Metrics (JFo) [17:02] Release Meeting Bugs (8 bugs, 14 Blueprints) [17:02] ==== Alpha 2 Milestoned Bugs (28 across all packages (up 10)) ==== [17:02] * 1 linux kernel bugs (no change) [17:02] * 0 linux-ti-omap bugs (no change) [17:02] * 0 linux-meta-ti-omap bug (no change) [17:02] ==== Release Targeted Bugs (133 across all packages (up 7)) ==== [17:02] * 11 linux kernel bugs (up 2) [17:02] * 0 linux-ti-omap bugs (no change) [17:02] * 0 linux-meta-ti-omap bug (no change) [17:02] ==== Milestoned Features ==== [17:02] * 6 blueprints (Including HWE Blueprints) [17:02] ==== Maverick Updates Bugs ==== [17:02] * 54 Linux Bugs (up 2) [17:02] ==== Lucid Updates Bugs [17:02] * 111 Linux Bugs (no change) [17:02] ==== Bugs with Patches Attached:142 (up 2) ==== [17:02] * [[https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs?field.has_patch=on | Bugs with Patches]] [17:02] * [[http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ogasawara/csv-stats/bugs-with-patches/linux/ | Breakdown by status]] [17:02] .. [17:03] [TOPIC] Blueprints: Natty Bug Handling (JFo) [17:03] [LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-bug-handling [17:03] New Topic: Blueprints: Natty Bug Handling (JFo) [17:03] LINK received: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-bug-handling [17:03] nothing to report. [17:03] .. [17:03] [TOPIC] Blueprints: Enhancements to the firmware test suite (cking) [17:03] [LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-firmware-test-suite-enhancements [17:03] New Topic: Blueprints: Enhancements to the firmware test suite (cking) [17:03] LINK received: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-firmware-test-suite-enhancements [17:03] Changes to fwts (natty development branch): [17:03] * Method test - check for null object returns [17:03] * s4 - check for swap before hibernate [17:03] .. [17:04] [TOPIC] Blueprints: Handling of Deviations from Standard Kernels (smb) [17:04] [LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-stable-frankenkernel-maintenance [17:04] New Topic: Blueprints: Handling of Deviations from Standard Kernels (smb) [17:04] LINK received: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-stable-frankenkernel-maintenance [17:04] The last piece (script) has been started but users, support and other incidents have a tendency of getting into the path of progress *sigh*. Translation: nothing new [17:04] .. [17:04] [TOPIC] Blueprints: Review of the Stable Maintenance Process (sconklin / bjf) [17:04] [LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-stable-process-review [17:04] New Topic: Blueprints: Review of the Stable Maintenance Process (sconklin / bjf) [17:04] LINK received: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-stable-process-review [17:04] Kernels for both Lucid and Maveric had all associated bugs verified last week. [17:04] This means that it was not necessary to revert any fixes or re-upload the kernels, [17:04] as described in the stable cadence process: [17:04] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/StableReleaseCadence [17:04] This means that the kernels currently in -proposed could immediately enter [17:04] the Testing phase by the Cert and QA teams. [17:05] Thanks to everyone who tested their bugs promptly. This is the optimal [17:05] way to run the new process, with fast testing and no reverts. It's been [17:05] a little chaotic at times, and I'd like to thank the archive admins, members [17:05] of the cert team, and everyone else who is helping shepard this new process [17:05] through the first few cycles. [17:05] All releases other than Lucid and Maverick (except Hardy) have new packages [17:05] in -proposed, which contain only security CVE fixes. Hardy is delayed due to [17:05] a problem we encountered in moving to the new non-virtualized build ppa, and [17:05] should be built by the end of this week. [17:05] Testing status for these security-only kernels is unknown. They do not follow [17:05] the same testing process as the Lucid and Maverick stable kernels. [17:05] Most members of the kernel team are on holiday until after the new year. We [17:05] plan to try to upload -proposed kernels to begin a new cycle by Friday, Jan 7th. [17:05] .. [17:07] [TOPIC] Status: Current -proposed testing by cert. team (ara) [17:07] New Topic: Status: Current -proposed testing by cert. team (ara) [17:07] Hello! [17:07] Very little to update at this point. [17:07] The certifcation testing has started for Lucid proposed kernel, but we cannot report on results yet. [17:07] cr3 and brendand are working hard on this and they should be able to have results for both Maverick and Lucid before the end of the week [17:07] .. [17:07] welcome to the meeting ara :) [17:07] . [17:07] .. [17:07] JFo, thanks [17:08] [TOPIC] Status: Natty (apw) [17:08] New Topic: Status: Natty (apw) [17:08] The Natty kernel is at 2.6.37-9.22 (rebased against 2.6.37-rc5). Items of interest include: [17:08] 1) A number of external drivers have been updated: dm-raid4-5, omnibook, ndiswrapper, and iscsitarget. [17:08] 2) The module RO/NX patches have been re-instated with bug fixes. [17:08] 3) 2.6.37-rc6 is imminent and will likely be the last kernel version until after the holidays. [17:08] 4) New firmware files to support new intel wifi adapters in the 6000 and 6050 family. [17:08] .. [17:08] [TOPIC] Security & bugfix kernels - Maverick/Lucid/Karmic/Hardy/Dapper (sconklin / bjf) [17:08] New Topic: Security & bugfix kernels - Maverick/Lucid/Karmic/Hardy/Dapper (sconklin / bjf) [17:08] | Package | Upd/Sec | Proposed | TiP | Verified | [17:08] | | | | | | [17:08] | karmic linux-ec2 | 2.6.31-307.22 | 2.6.31-307.23 | 0 | 0 | [17:08] | --- linux | 2.6.31-22.69 | 2.6.31-22.70 | 0 | 0 | [17:08] | | | | | | [17:09] | lucid linux-ec2 | 2.6.32-310.21 | 2.6.32-311.23 | 3 | 3 | [17:09] | --- linux-ports-meta | | | 0 | 0 | [17:09] | --- linux-lts-backport-maverick | 2.6.35-22.34~lucid1 | 2.6.35-23.41~lucid1 | 0 | 0 | [17:09] | --- linux-backports-modules-2.6.32 | 2.6.32-26.25 | 2.6.32-27.26 | 0 | 0 | [17:09] | --- linux | 2.6.32-26.48 | 2.6.32-27.49 | 3 | 3 | [17:09] | --- linux-meta | | | 0 | 0 | [17:09] | --- linux-meta-ec2 | | | 0 | 0 | [17:09] | | | | | | [17:09] | maverick linux-backports-modules-2.6.35 | 2.6.35-23.13 | 2.6.35-24.15 | 0 | 0 | [17:09] | --- linux-ports-meta | | | 0 | 0 | [17:09] | --- linux-meta | | | 0 | 0 | [17:09] | --- linux | 2.6.35-23.41 | 2.6.35-24.42 | 14 | 14 | [17:09] | | | | | | [17:09] .. [17:09] [TOPIC] Incoming Bugs: Regressions (JFo) [17:09] New Topic: Incoming Bugs: Regressions (JFo) [17:10] Incoming Bugs [17:10] 38 Natty Bugs (up 6) [17:10] 1127 Maverick Bugs (up 14) [17:10] 1096 Lucid Bugs (down 14) [17:10] Current regression stats (broken down by release): [17:10] ==== regression-update ==== [17:10] * 26 maverick bugs (up 1) [17:10] * 76 lucid bugs (down 7) [17:10] * 6 karmic bugs (no change) [17:10] * 0 hardy bugs (no change) [17:10] ==== regression-release ==== [17:10] * 177 maverick bugs (up 2) [17:10] * 198 lucid bugs (no change) [17:10] * 40 karmic bugs (no change) [17:10] * 2 hardy bugs (no change) [17:10] ==== regression-proposed ==== [17:10] * 13 maverick bugs (no change) [17:10] * 3 lucid bugs (down 3) [17:10] * 1 karmic bug (no change) [17:10] . [17:10] .. [17:11] [TOPIC] Incoming Bugs: Bug day report (JFo) [17:11] New Topic: Incoming Bugs: Bug day report (JFo) [17:11] The next bug day will be next week. I'd like for that one to focus on regression-proposed bugs [17:11] since the ones that I have on my list have been there too long to be seriously considered as legitimate [17:11] bugs in the proposed queue. I've decided to use this small segment of bugs due to the majority [17:11] of interested people being on holiday. [17:11] .. [17:11] [TOPIC] Triage Status (JFo) [17:11] New Topic: Triage Status (JFo) [17:11] I have begun testing the script that replaces one tag with another. There is a pre-existing script [17:11] that bjf made me aware of, and I am looking at that for some of the other scripts I have/had planned. [17:11] .. [17:12] [TOPIC] Open Discussion or Questions: Raise your hand to be recognized (o/) [17:12] New Topic: Open Discussion or Questions: Raise your hand to be recognized (o/) [17:12] o/ [17:13] one thing i'd like to point out is that this will be the last irc meeting of this year, the next will likely be Jan. 4, 2011 [17:13] JFo, go [17:13] If I don't speak to some of you before the holidays, Happy Holidays!! Hope you enjoy your vacations. [17:13] .. [17:13] :-) [17:13] +1 [17:13] happy holidays all! [17:13] Happy holidays! [17:13] \o/ [17:13] and +1 [17:14] thanks everyone [17:14] #endmeeting [17:14] Meeting finished at 11:14. [17:14] thanks bjf [17:14] thanks bjf [17:14] thanks bjf [17:14] thanks all! [17:14] thanks bjf [17:14] thanks! [17:14] you run a fast meeting! [17:14] heh [17:14] we are infamous for that ara :) [17:14] ara, we don't like long ones === jjohansen is now known as jj-afk === jj-afk is now known as jjohansen === ian_brasil___ is now known as ian_brasil === cking is now known as cking-afk === _thumper_ is now known as thumper === inetpro_ is now known as inetpro === oubiwann is now known as oubiwann-holiday === Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk [22:54] good evening [22:56] bioterror, good evening hi [22:59] Good evening, everyone. I'm pretty excited. [22:59] Your here too JackyAlcine? [22:59] JackyAlcine, :D congratulation [22:59] ChrisDruif: Yup. :D [23:00] :) [23:00] I might still be here when the meeting starts....still gotta finish something <_<" [23:01] I'll leave the window open; just so I can check up on it. [23:07] hi phillw ;) [23:08] bioterror: nervous yet? [23:08] nope [23:10] well, you should be... having people decide if you are a fit and proper person is an ordeal. I trust you are preapred. [23:11] Fit for what? [23:11] And time remaining? [23:11] Thought the same JackyAlcine xD [23:12] you have a launchpad, ChrisDruif ? [23:12] I don't think so, sorry...:) [23:12] JackyAlcine: , ChrisDruif https://wiki.ubuntu.com/phillw#Testimonials [23:12] I'm just here to help....don't wanna fuss with a launchpad page of myself... [23:13] Oh, okay. :D [23:18] Did you mean this with launchpad: https://launchpad.net/~chrisdruif [23:38] I'm not sure if I either missed the meeting or it hasn't started. [23:39] starts in 20 minutes [23:39] if you [23:39] if you're talking about the beginners team [23:40] Okay, thanks bioterror [23:58] o/ [23:58] \o [23:59] :D [23:59] \o