
* ol coughs02:29
* Atamira deodorises ol general area of coughiness02:30
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karoragood evening :-)09:33
Atamiraquestion..whats linux standard file system?..ext 2 or fat32?19:50
ibeardsleeext3 ?19:51
Atamiraor ext319:54
ajmitchor ext4 now for a lot of distros19:54
Atamiraso if a external hdd is formatted in fat32..it should work on linux? specially ubuntu?19:55
Atamirawell..then i guess im taking this back..cause its not working19:56
ibeardsleeis it a big drive?19:57
ibeardsleebecause I've come across some formatted NTFS19:57
Atamiraits a usb mobile hdd19:58
Atamiraworks on the windows machine, but not in here19:58
Atamiraright..off to jb hifi now that its open19:58
ibeardsleethat'll be fun .. because it obviously works (on windows)19:59
ibeardsleeyou are sure it's fat32 rather than ntfs?19:59
ajmitchany recent external drive I've seen is ntfs20:01
ajmitchwhich Just Worked when plugging into my laptop running ubuntu20:01
Atamirathe guy at the store says its fat3220:01
Atamiradocumentation for this thing says fat32 or ntfs20:02
Atamirait works on windows only20:02
* ibeardslee nods at the knowledgable staff at places like jb hifi and dse20:02
Atamirathey had to find one who actually did anything on linux20:02
Atamiracant be that good..cause he thought linux was formatted with fat3220:02
Atamiraits a standard he said20:02
ajmitchit's useful having a 1.5TB external drive that I can plug in to my laptop :)20:02
ajmitchin other words they looked around the store for someone who'd seen a linux cd a few years ago but who'd never run it :P20:03
Atamiraajmitch, i have a 1TB one..but i wanted a smaller one to swap with friends at work so i didnt have to lug the terabyte one around20:03
Atamirafinding a spare power point at work is a mission20:03
Atamiraone of the guys had a 320gb usb external hdd20:04
Atamiraquite handy20:04
ajmitchyeah, the ones powered from the usb port are better for mobility20:04
Atamiraneway..out for a bit20:04
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Atamirawoot..got a new one and this one works right out of the box21:40
Atamiranow to change the permissions on it so i can write to it21:41
Atamiraugh.too tired to do that now..21:50
Atamiraim going to bed21:50
Atamiraoh and a side note21:52
Atamirathat hdd is formatted in msdos21:52

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