
apacheloggerScottK: it woudl appear that I have no usable minions right now...00:08
* apachelogger notes that shadeslayer did surprisingly little since UDS, making him think that maybe it was too son to go there... :(00:08
Riddellhe's had exams00:09
=== mueslix is now known as muesli
apacheloggerme too :S00:09
apacheloggerhttp://aplg.kollide.net/images/avatar/snapshot117.png grantlee \o/01:11
nigelbum, what is sc in respect to kde?03:12
ScottKnigelb: Software Collection.03:13
ScottKnigelb: KDE is now the community and not the software.03:13
tsimpsonKDE is like the group, KDE SC is the product03:13
nigelbScottK: Ah, I read the article twice trying to work out what's SC :)03:14
nigelbs/article/blog post 03:14
nigelbScottK: Nah, its probably because I got used to hearing SC for software center :/03:14
* nigelb hugs ScottK :)03:17
nigelbNow, I remember again why I like the Kubuntu people a lot :D03:20
apachelogger[Debug] You fool!!! This HttpDaemon does only supports 'GET'!!!! Go away!!!! You are so stupid for thinking that I am smarter than a tomato!!!03:21
apacheloggerI wonder who wrote that debug message03:21
apacheloggerdoesnt even make sense03:21
apacheloggeroh well03:21
* apachelogger invokes the blame03:21
* apachelogger hands nigelb a cookie while he is around03:21
* nigelb hugs apachelogger :)04:17
markeywhy do you refer to ARM as "Armel"?09:17
Tm_Tmarkey: good question, apparently "Armel" refers to ARM emulator09:55
kubotuwhy do you refer to ARM as "Armel"?09:55
Tm_Tkubotu: you repetitive you09:55
=== agateau_ is now known as agateau
agateaumarkey: Tm_T: iirc armel is arm eabi little-endian10:02
markeyah, thanks10:02
markeythe term is a bit confusing :)10:02
markeycause usually you would say, "We have this build for the ARM architecture."10:02
Tm_Tagateau: ah, different sources gives different meaning apparently10:19
agateauTm_T: :)10:19
kubotuI still don't get too excited :) you should still be able to test, should work fine10:19
Tm_Tmarkey: ^ the bot owner might like to turn the bot less verbose10:20
agateaumarkey: yeah, except it potentially won't work on one half of the arm machines :)10:20
agateau(assuming big endian are as common as little endian arm, which I doubt actually)10:20
* agateau is still a bit of an arm noob10:21
markeyTm_T: bot owner?10:24
markeykubotu: version10:24
kubotuI'm a v. 0.9.15 (master branch, revision a95675a [rss: watch handle case during rename]) [19 days, 17 hours, 30 minutes and 54 seconds ago] rubybot, (c) Tom Gilbert and the rbot development team - http://ruby-rbot.org10:24
markeyit's not mine...10:24
markeyagateau: hmm, I think ARM rocks. in fact I'd love to get rid of X86, and see ARM becoming the successor. in mobile space this has already happened, but Intel is far too huge for letting them grow much in the server space10:26
markeyand desktop, it would only matter for Linux10:26
markeybut still, ARM is great10:26
markeyvery very efficient10:26
markeyand even the ISA is nice, programming it in Assembler is almost fun :)10:26
markeylike in good ole times10:26
agateaumarkey: heh10:27
agateauI kinda agree, at least I am considering replacing my home server with an arm-based machine10:27
markeyagateau: wait for the next-gen ARM, the "Eagle"10:28
markeyit's going to rock10:28
markey(A 15)10:28
agateauand I was lucky to get an efika sb during uds10:28
agateaubut that one is not replacing my laptop for now!10:28
markeyI must say, I recently bought an HTC Desire phone (Android) with 1Ghz Snapdragon SoC10:29
markeyit's insanely fast10:29
markey(for a phone)10:29
markeykinda amazing10:29
agateauwhat worries me a bit is that now that intel is working with nokia on meego, they may try to sneak atom there10:29
markeyagateau: of course10:29
markeyIntel is well on the way of shrinking Atom to 22nm10:29
markeyand they will try to get it into phones10:29
markeybut ARM might just be too good for them to tackle10:30
agateauunfortunately technical superiority is not always enough to succeed10:30
markeyIntel has better fabs than anyone else10:30
markeythey can take crap ISA, through billions at it, make it work anyway10:31
Tm_Tapachelogger: howdy10:36
apacheloggeroggy oggy oggy11:05
apacheloggermarkey: snapdragon would be way faster if it didnt have to cope with crappy software11:07
apacheloggersuch as *cough* java11:07
markeyapachelogger: Darlek is quite fast11:08
kubotudont work with other install (although i don't know who tomwilso is :/11:08
markeygoogle ain't daft11:08
markeybut yeah, C++ with Qt could be even cooler11:08
kubotuplugs into the matrix and Trinity downloads it in main could be done for now. Thanks.11:09
apacheloggernah, only if done right11:09
apacheloggerand since only 0.09% of Qt developers know how to do efficient Qt...11:09
markeymodern GUI apps like e.g. Amarok, they do *no* number crunching at all11:10
markeywe don't have any complex algorithms 11:10
markeyall delegated to libs11:10
markeyso that makes it very easy to write efficient code11:10
kubotuwe need to revert to native as the hashing functions I wrote yesterday, which consistenly only of a, b, i, r, x and k11:10
apacheloggerif you do not know how to use the libs the sophisitcated algorithms within the libs will not help you11:10
markeyapachelogger: ok, you can make some stupid mistakes, e.g. with blocking the GUI11:10
markeythat is probably the #1 issue11:11
apacheloggerlike say people use qstandarditemmodel for every sort of model since it is a *standard* model11:11
markeywith Qt apps11:11
markeybut still, learning that is not rocket science11:11
apacheloggerit is not just blocking really11:11
markeye.g. our very new contributor, Ralf Engels from Nokia, he has no issues at all with coding Qt stuff11:12
markeyit's almost like he does it all day11:12
apacheloggerif you haven't read krake's blog post about async app magic stuff, I can very much recommend this11:12
apacheloggerwell, actually, let me just expand the argument to the lot of software development in general ;)11:13
apacheloggerlike applications that initialize *cough* all scriptengine stuff in blocking manner, or *cough* initialize all their widgets in blocking manner...11:13
apacheloggerrunning plasma-mobile on the n900 I only realized how much time the latter really takes11:14
apacheloggersupposedly plasma could start in the blink of an eye if the widget startup was lazy initialized11:14
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ScottKapachelogger: It's this kind of thing getting fixed could cause mobile work to help desktop performance too.11:59
ScottKNew skrooge release someone should package up.12:05
ScottKQuintasan: I'm looking at sip4-qt3 again.  Did you fix the stuff POX told you to fix (sorry, forgot)?  Apologies also for taking to long to look at it.12:36
macothats funny. afternoon utc, and no sign of the scot that isnt scott yet12:39
ScottKmaco: Weren't you going to fix some armel FTBFS for me the other day?12:45
macoyeah...how abou tomorrow after my bio exam, since then i'll be on campus and thus have bandwidth for downloading/uploading packages?12:45
maco(and also because i'll be done with this week's finals)12:46
drdanzHi, I tried to create a package for KParts Plugin (http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=125066) because I couldn't find it anywhere. Is it really missing or maybe it is packaged with some other name? If it is not packaged, can anyone review my package and tell me if I'm doing it right or if I am missing something?13:19
kubotui was doing the dummy transition package and see ARM becoming the successor. in mobile space this has already happened, but Intel is well on my netbook13:19
droidslayerRiddell: coming to http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntudeveloperday?13:20
droidslayerRiddell: coming to http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntudeveloperday13:20
Riddellhmm, might be a bit far13:22
ScottKQuintasan: How do you determine the API version for sip4-qt3?13:55
apacheloggerwhy do I never get invited to ubuntu developer days in india14:14
apacheloggerit is a shame14:14
RiddellI believe it's an open invitation14:16
JontheEchidnahmm, I'm not sure I like the device notifier notifying me of me worker's windows shares...14:19
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: same here14:35
apacheloggerit is horrible on campus14:35
ScottKCan we default that to off in k-d-s?14:41
kubotulater tonight/tomorrow Can we talk about the right packages14:41
Riddellsince 4.6 isn't out yet best thing would be to find the relevant upstream and moan at them14:42
Riddellapachelogger: is kubotu making random comments again?  is this done just to annoy me or for some greater purpose?14:42
ScottKRiddell: Isn't that enough?14:47
RiddellScottK: isn't what?14:49
ScottKBeing an annoyance enough of a reason?14:49
Riddelldepends how evil apachelogger wants to be14:49
RiddellScottK: "I'm going to create the first tarball for KDevelop 4.2 later today"14:52
ScottKMoar progress.14:52
ari-tczewkde-zeconf update failed. subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 115:26
Riddellari-tczew: lucky you, a new bug to investigate :)15:27
Riddellagateau: git question15:27
Riddellif I have a revision adec5bbc4893b290395f8ced35bf597d0fdefdba how do I find the diff to the previous revision?15:27
ari-tczewRiddell: go ahead :P15:27
agateaugit diff adec...^15:27
Riddellagateau: that shows me diff against current version15:28
agateauRiddell: ah right15:28
agateaugit diff adec5bbc^..adec5bbc15:28
agateauRiddell: or simpler: git show adce5bbc15:28
Riddellperfect, thanks15:29
CIA-116[muon] jmthomas * 1206713 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ (3 files in 2 dirs) (log message trimmed)15:40
CIA-116Fix a bug where a transaction cancelled due to an authorization error/cancelment15:40
CIA-116wasn't removed from the transaction stack, as well as a bug where the15:40
CIA-116[muon] jmthomas * 1206723 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ApplicationDetailsView/ (ApplicationDetailsWidget.cpp ApplicationDetailsWidget.h) Add a KRatingWidget next to the application icon/name/description in the header to display the popcon rating.15:59
apacheloggerRiddell: very evil I want to be16:01
* apachelogger wants to become a darth vader eventually16:01
apacheloggermatrix fun16:01
RiddellJontheEchidna: what's new?16:07
JontheEchidnaRating widget16:07
JontheEchidnaI'm fairly happy with the layout of the app pages now16:07
kubotuwhen bulldog98 is happy with it, and it'll go to go for16:07
Riddellah hah, where does that go?16:07
kubotuRiddell: I'm offended!16:08
* JontheEchidna giggles16:08
JontheEchidnaThe ratings come from the popcon scores, nothing too special.16:08
JontheEchidnaA standard 1-5 star rating system that users of the Ubuntu Software Center or Muon could submit their ratings to via the application would be better, though16:10
JontheEchidnadunno if the USC guys are planning on a non-popcon rating system16:10
Riddellyes I thought that was what they had/were doing16:11
JontheEchidnaiirc they had some sort of rating system in right before lucid, but they pulled it due to code immaturity or something16:12
JontheEchidnadoesn't seem to do ratings atm, at any rate: http://i.imgur.com/spoWF.png16:12
RiddellJontheEchidna: are you looking at the extras.ubuntu.com updates stuff?16:13
JontheEchidnaI noticed a new URI in the sources.list for that in maverick, but it always 404'd for me16:14
KRFapachelogger: not sure who's responsible for the german announcements, but: http://www.kubuntu-de.org/nachrichten/software/programmierung/2045-kdevelop-4-1-1-mit-kubuntu-paketen-verfuegbar references the wrong ppa16:15
RiddellJontheEchidna: it should be there now, I believe there's some XML description of the contents16:15
KRFor Nightrose ^16:16
RiddellKRF: probably best to ask in #kubuntu-de16:17
JontheEchidnaRiddell: so visiting the repo in chromium I noticed a "daily-journal" package. Is that what you were talking about?16:20
JontheEchidnaoh, it it just like another partner repo?16:21
ScottKJontheEchidna: No.16:31
ScottKIt's much scarier than that.16:31
RiddellJontheEchidna: it's the new partner repo but now has a process for free software without paying canonical16:31
* ScottK looks for references.16:31
Riddelloh and ScottK disapproves :)16:31
ScottKJontheEchidna: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PostReleaseApps16:32
ScottKTm_T: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/20101215.1/natty-desktop-powerpc.iso16:35
ScottKAny reason (beyond no one did it yet) that kdepim-runtime is updated to 4.4.8 and kdepim isn't?16:44
Riddellmm, that should be in16:46
ScottKI'll have a look.16:47
ScottKLooks like it's in bzr, just didn't get uploaded.16:52
Riddellyes I guess so16:52
Riddellwant to upload it?16:53
ScottKI'll merge from Debian first.16:53
JontheEchidnaRiddell: since extras.ubuntu.com behaves as a regular repository, muon will show it as one, so there shouldn't be anything preventing it from working16:59
RiddellJontheEchidna: right but there is (I believe) an XML file somewhere to say what's new so software centre can put it in its what's new section17:00
ScottKJontheEchidna: It would possibly make sense to put some extra warnings around it (as presumably you do for third party repositories)17:00
JontheEchidnaRiddell: ah, I know the one you're talking about17:01
JontheEchidnableh, lousy connection17:02
JontheEchidnaRiddell: ah, I know the one you're talking about. It's /usr/share/app-install/menu.d/new.menu which is shipped in the software-center package17:02
Riddellthat could be it17:03
Riddellso it has similar data as the .desktop files for other packages17:03
Riddellother applications I should say17:03
JontheEchidnaactually, it's the featured.menu in the same folder17:03
JontheEchidnaUSC uses some sort of zeitgeist magic to determine new packages17:04
JontheEchidnaso new.menu is basically just a shell that USC uses for making the "new" section GUI17:04
JontheEchidnahttp://pastebin.com/7dpXrrZ8 It's similar to the categories.xml files that USC, KPK and MSC use, but I don't think that we'd really want to use USC's since it's basically all gnomey apps17:05
JontheEchidnagrr, connection dropped again. What was my last message?17:06
Riddell...it's basically all gnomey apps17:08
Riddellhi kronos 17:11
kronosRiddell: hey. 17:11
kronosRiddell: any task for me ?17:11
Riddellkronos: not yet but kdevelop tars are due out later today17:19
Riddellkronos: don't have an ICQ account do you?17:25
Riddellwe need some way of testing bug 67666317:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 676663 in kdenetwork (Ubuntu Karmic) "Kopete ICQ plugin broken due to login server change" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67666317:25
Riddellapachelogger: any ideas how to test that?17:25
kronosRiddell: no ..17:25
ScottKRiddell: Maybe kronos could work on the MIR for libasyncns since shadeslayer is slacking.  No one else did it, did they?17:27
RiddellScottK: I don't believe anyone has17:29
Riddellkronos: fancy doing that?17:29
kronosRiddell: u will have to guide me though ..17:29
Riddellkronos: review the package libasyncns for these requirements https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuMainInclusionRequirements17:31
kronosRiddell: i guess an MIR has been filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libasyncns/+bug/68976618:11
ubottuUbuntu bug 689766 in libasyncns (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libasyncns needed as b-d of loudmoyth" [Undecided,New]18:11
ScottKkronos: It would be good if you could review the MIR requirements and add the missing details.18:13
Riddellafiestas: do you know the answer to this? 18:23
Riddell18:21 < shane4ubuntu> Ok, I have a wireless mouse (trackball actually) in gnome it would alert me when the battery was low, is there any thing to do that in KDE?18:23
macoafiestas: nevermind. its not a bluetooth wireless mouse18:25
afiestasmaco:  Riddell anyway if the usar can provide some dbus output I can help18:26
Riddellafiestas: he's in #kubuntu now18:26
macoafiestas: he's in #kubuntu if you want to ask about dbus18:26
kronosScottK: a couple of problems i found. Standards-version is 3.7.2 instead of 3.8.4 . Maintainer is not @ubuntu.com and the debian/compat is 5 while debhelper recommends 7.18:36
RiddellI don't think those should be problems for main18:37
nixternali can say this, my wireless mouse doesn't show battery status in gnome. i want that now :)18:37
ScottKRiddell: I'd take doko's suggestion to port to another library already in Main if he'll agree to maintain the port.18:37
ScottKnixternal: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/20101215.1/natty-desktop-powerpc.iso today thanks to your powerpc box.18:38
nixternalrock on with your badself!18:38
ScottKapachelogger did the patch for the only tricky one.18:39
Riddellkronos: bug 683439 would be interesting if you're wanting to do some package changes18:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 683439 in kdeedu (Ubuntu) "split kalgebra mobile" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68343918:58
kronosRiddell: i'll try that one.19:00
kronosRiddell: the MIR request filed has a spelling mistake - at 2 places it says loudmoyth instead of loudmouth . does this matter ?19:02
Riddellkronos: shouldn't matter unless it's confusing to the reader19:03
Riddellkronos: kalgebra should be split into three packages, kalgebra-common, kalgebra and kalgebra-mobile19:04
apacheloggerRiddell: get an icq account and try to login19:13
apacheloggerunpatched kopete will fail to login, patched one will succeed19:13
* apachelogger finds it a bit odd that no one has bothered to try that19:13
apacheloggermaybe kopete got no icq users?19:13
apacheloggeror no users at all?19:14
apacheloggerTm_T: ^?19:14
apacheloggerneversfelde: <KRF> apachelogger: not sure who's responsible for the german announcements, but: http://www.kubuntu-de.org/nachrichten/software/programmierung/2045-kdevelop-4-1-1-mit-kubuntu-paketen-verfuegbar references the wrong ppa19:16
neversfeldeapachelogger: I know19:21
neversfeldemy quasselcore died and everyone who could change this is offline now :)19:21
RiddellNCommander: can you make out what we should do about this neon stuff in bug 664431 ?19:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 664431 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu Natty) "QT on armel is built with NEON by default" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66443119:36
kronosRiddell: what should kalgebra-common and kalgebra-mobile contain ?20:09
Riddellkronos: kalgebra should contain /usr/bin/kalgebra and the associated .desktop file, kalgebra-mobile should contain /usr/bin/kalgebra-mobile and kalgebra-mobile.desktop20:15
Riddellkalgebra-common should contain everything else20:15
Riddellkalgebra-common should conflict and replace old kalgebra (as should kalgebra-mobile)20:15
rbelemRiddell, http://identi.ca/attachment/3588618720:15
rbelemapachelogger, ^20:15
Riddelloh hi rbelem 20:16
rbelemScottK, ^20:16
Riddellgosh, a little rbelem!20:16
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly cookies all around | Lots to do https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Let's package beta 2! https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging | Congratulations rbelem
ScottKrbelem: Congratulations.  Speaking as a parent of multiple teenagers I can honestly say you've no idea what you've signed yourself up for.20:21
rbelemehehe :-)20:22
rbelemthx ScottK 20:22
ScottKYou think I'm joking.  Check in with me in ~16 years.20:22
rbelemI remember ten years ago when i was teen. I gave lots os headaches to my mother :-)20:24
highvoltageScottK: how old are you btw?20:30
DarkwingDuckScottK: is 10320:31
ScottKhighvoltage: 47.20:34
ScottKSo DarkwingDuck was ~ right.20:34
DarkwingDucklove you too ScottK :P:P20:34
kronosRiddell: http://pastebin.com/s9bwuqRE20:38
kronosRiddell: still need to change synopsis .20:38
* apachelogger dances around with rbelem \\o/20:56
apachelogger*hugs* cookies !!! unicorns!!!20:56
apacheloggerkronos: how is liblikeback coming along?20:58
kronosapachelogger: couldnt do much after that .. had been out all day ..20:58
=== ganesh is now known as Guest40264
kronosapachelogger: http://pastebin.ca/2020734 . where should these files go ? liblikeback0 or the -dev package or both ?21:12
apacheloggercertainly not both :D21:12
apacheloggerthen there would be a conflict ^^21:12
apacheloggerthe cmake files goes into -de21:12
apacheloggerthe png actually, ideally, would get their own package21:12
apachelogger-data for example21:12
apachelogger(with arch: all, so that this package only gets generated on one architecture, since it is architecture independent anyway)21:13
ScottKOr -common21:13
apacheloggeror -share ;)21:13
kronosapachelogger: http://pastebin.com/JW1J6Jgc updated control file21:31
apacheloggerkronos: description would not describe it to someone who does not know what likeback is about :)21:33
apacheloggeralso you can drop the section lines in liblikeback0 and -data (they will use the one defined for the source if none is defined, and the source is libs, so...)21:34
kronosany suggestions for description ??21:34
apacheloggernot really, I am knee deep in interpolation stuff right now ^^21:35
apacheloggerkronos: liblikeback0 needs to depend on -data21:35
apachelogger-data neesd a depends line with misc:Depends and -dev also needs the misc stuff21:35
apachelogger(without misc debhelper grows every so grumpy with you and starts whining and whatnot ^^)21:35
kronosapachelogger: hows this "Likeback is a user feedback tool that allows users of an application to communicate their opinions/liking of the application to its developers. It makes the developers understand and satisfy better the needs of the users."21:46
ScottKkronos: I'd say helps instead of makes.21:47
* kronos is making notes.21:47
NCommanderRiddell: *grumble* that should have been fixed22:13
apacheloggerepic wallpaper he's got there22:22
* rbelem hugs back apachelogger22:23
ScottKNCommander: Read the bug.  It's a bit more complicated than we thought.22:26
ScottKOn a more positive note we fixed all the qreal/double stuff without anyone from the arm team needing to help.22:28
ScottK(for KDE 4.6 beta 2)22:28
NCommanderScottK: thanks (on the later), great work22:29
NCommanderRiddell: ScottK: I'm not seeing the bug22:29
NCommanderWe're not going to provide a NEON compiled version of Qt.22:30
NCommanderIt breaks compatibility with a ton of boards22:30
* ScottK doesn't recall which one it is, but thought Riddell linked you to it.22:30
ScottKNCommander: We can do most of it at runtime.22:30
ScottKNCommander: What supported boards does it break (I'm aware of one)?22:31
ScottKThe proper fix for Natty is runtime detection, not disabling it.22:31
NCommanderScottK: Qt doesn't support dynamically loading a NEON version, does it?22:31
ScottKSort of.22:32
NCommanderScottK: anyway, it breaks everything expect OMAP22:32
ScottKIt's the sort of that's the tricky part.22:32
apacheloggerthiago says it does22:32
NCommander(in theory, imx51 would work, but about half the hardware in the wild have buggy NEON implimations)22:32
apacheloggerwith patchy or something like that22:32
NCommanderapachelogger: patchy?22:32
apacheloggerthere is runtime detection in some Qt branch (master or 4.7 not sure)22:33
NCommanderStill doesn't help for cases with boards with buggy NEON22:33
NCommanderThe only way to do a NEON version at the moment is to use hwcaps, and provide a qt4-neon as a separate package22:34
apacheloggermaybe introduce a blacklist?22:34
NCommanderapachelogger: no sane way to autodetect22:34
apachelogger<3 hardware22:34
NCommanderThere are difficult logistics of providing NEON packages. 22:34
NCommanderRead through the bug22:34
NCommanderIf runtime detection exists, and is known to work properly, no issues from me22:35
NCommanderBut a non-NEON confirmation MUST work, or its a high/critical bug.22:35
NCommander^- ScottK apachelogger Riddell 22:36
ScottKNCommander: We didn't ask for your help to have you tell us the same thing ogra's already bitched about.  We'd like some actual help figuring it out.22:37
NCommanderoh, you mean making autodetection out?22:37
NCommanderI thought ogra wanted to keep it on22:38
* NCommander might be slightly exhausted22:38
ScottKNCommander: Since N900 is one of our targets this cycle, lack of Neon support is a real problem.22:38
ScottKHe just wants Neon out.22:38
NCommanderN900 has NEON22:38
* NCommander goes to drink coffee22:38
NCommanderScottK: TBH, I recommend doing a hwcaps version of NEON22:38
NCommanderEven with the hand-optimized NEON code, a full compile with NEON will get you a much better performance increase22:39
ScottKNCommander: Find Thiago's discussion of it in the bug and help us sort it out.22:39
NCommanderNo, I see it22:39
NCommanderThigao's runtime detection would make specific hand-optimized functions be NEONed22:39
ScottKGotta run.22:40
NCommanderWhat you want for max performance is a full build of Qt in NEON, you have to do multiple packages of Qt to make that work22:40
NCommanderScottK: cya. glad to discuss more when you return22:40
ScottKapachelogger: Please discuss with NCommander.22:40
Riddellbug 66443122:40
* apachelogger is doing homework!22:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 664431 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu Natty) "QT on armel is built with NEON by default" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66443122:40
ScottKRiddell: kdepim done in Natty and the updates PPA.22:40
apacheloggerNCommander: that is 48 hours of building right there22:40
RiddellScottK: lovely22:41
NCommanderapachelogger: I didn't say it would be fun ;-)22:41
ScottKapachelogger: Don't forget we want the qws version too.22:41
NCommanderScottK: QWS?22:41
apacheloggerScottK: uhhh22:41
apacheloggerNCommander: non-X11 Qt22:41
* NCommander jumps out of the nearest emergency window22:41
apachelogger72 hours of Qt building22:42
apacheloggeroh this is going to be fun :D22:42
apacheloggerpeople will hate us22:42
apachelogger:D :D :D :D22:42
apacheloggerlove it22:42
Riddellwhat's this about QWS?  I haven't heard any suggestion that's going (back) in the archive22:42
apacheloggerRiddell: qws is part of Qt22:43
apacheloggernowadays anyway22:43
Riddellyes I know, we had packages of it in maverick but it didn't get past new because people didn't want a second compile of Qt in the archive22:44
apacheloggerwell, I gather it is something important for mobile movement22:45
Riddellapachelogger: moderately, but the advise from upstream is to wait for Lighthouse. Our people only the binary incompatible bits rebuilt for QWS and that's fiddly to do so it remains in PPA only22:46
apacheloggertoo bad, only 48 hours of building then :(22:48
RiddellNCommander: so for middling performance we can have the runtime neon detection?22:49
NCommanderRiddell: it won't make as much as an improvement as your hoping I suspect22:51
NCommanderapachelogger: if we can get the buildds to go TILT, it will be fun :-)22:51
NCommander(in all honestly, we probably need to make a new qt4-source binary package, then have stub packages which build the source instead of MEGAPACKAGE OF BUILDD DEATH)22:51
apacheloggerwell, that is coming with modularization anyway23:01
RiddellNCommander: but it's still an improvement, so we should do it?23:09
NCommanderRiddell: TBH, I'd have to have someone look at benchmarks, but it would be a pain to do multiple builds23:11
NCommanderand there's the usual maintence overhead, etc.23:11
RiddellNCommander: I'm not suggesting multiple builds, I'm suggesting the runtime stuff23:12
NCommanderRiddell: oh, that23:13
NCommandersorry, my brain is not quite working23:13
NCommanderI'm in favor of the runtime detection if it can be backported without breaking the world23:14
RiddellI just care about natty in the first instance23:15
Riddellhmm, random youtube link23:41
Riddellapachelogger: what is it?23:41
Riddellyou haven't convinced me to click it yet23:43
Riddellany more clues?23:43
apacheloggermonty python's money song23:43
Riddellooh, that's more tempting23:44
Riddell"KDevelop 4.2 Beta 1 ready to be packaged"23:45
Riddellwhere's Kronos when you need him?23:45
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly cookies all around | Lots to do https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | KDevelop packager needed | Congratulations rbelem
rbelemapachelogger, do you know the status of natty qt on arm?23:58
rbelemapachelogger, my micro sd class 10 arrived today :-)23:59
apacheloggerrbelem: didnt work with meego kernel when I tried it last week23:59

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