
phoenix_firebrdandrewh192: hi00:02
andrewh192phoenix_firebrd: hey, nevermind00:03
andrewh192phoenix_firebrd: i figured it out00:03
phoenix_firebrdandrewh192: didn't your device get detected?00:03
andrewh192phoenix_firebrd: hows it going, btw00:03
andrewh192phoenix_firebrd: well its a networked printer00:03
andrewh192phoenix_firebrd: runs off of my mom's mac00:03
andrewh192i found it though, just went to the printer config in the settings menu and clicked on new printer and it found itt00:04
ko2hello, i have Kubuntu Hardy Heron (8.04) installed and no Compiz is installed. How can i disable desktop effects?00:06
eevani'm coming by gnome to kde and i like to kow how to install themes on kubuntu, i find a nice theme here http://scnd101.deviantart.com/art/uniq-suite-v1-184479446 i'm using kubuntu 10.1000:06
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psykatog10.04 - i think the external wireless switch (on another computer) is broken in the off position.  is there a way to change this through terminal?01:40
wqapolHow to figure out the command name for a gui kde app?02:09
wqapolIn specific for 'System Monitor'02:10
macolook at the Exec line in its .desktop file in /usr/share/kde4/applications/02:10
wqapolfound out /usr/share/kde4/apps/ksysgaurd. But can open it through terminal kdesudo ksysgaurd. --> Command not found02:17
wqapolNever mind. sudo kill -9 1168 did the job.02:22
shane4ubuntuok, the other day I tinkered very little with iptables, and abandoned that idea, and fired up ufw instead, I allowed ssh on the local LAN but I can't ssh from laptop to cpu??  do I need to flush iptables?02:42
sobczykhello, is there some ubuntu texlive bacports repository?04:59
=== Freejack is now known as Freejack`
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pucko-Hello. I have some problem with bluedevil. Bluetooth actually works fine, hciconfig sees it perfectly, but for some reason bluedevil can't find my bluetooth adapter. Can anyone help me find what's wrong?06:53
muraliPlease help. i am new to kubuntu. how to get updates in kubuntu??07:11
pucko-murali, in kpackagekit07:14
muralithank you packo, how can i update from terminal07:18
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)07:19
Tm_Tmurali: see that help page ^07:19
muraliPlease help. i am tryin to use commads "aptitude -f install" n "aptitude upgrade", but gettin an error tht ""07:30
muraliE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)07:30
muraliE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?07:30
muraliwhat to do now? please help07:31
moetunesmurali:  use sudo07:32
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo07:32
muraliThank you moetunes.07:34
moetunesnp :)07:34
freinhardwhere can i disable the alt-mouse = move window behaviour?08:32
freinhardcouldn't find it in global shortcuts->kwin08:32
freinhardfound it.. window behaviour->window behaviour->window actions.. wtf08:36
jschallis there any chance someone could walk me through setting up ndiswrapper for a broadcom bcm4313 on kubuntu amd64?08:54
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ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:18
moetunesthat might have a link for it09:19
amichairisn't it a bit strange that apt-listchanges installs exim4 as a dependency? That's a glorified changelog viewer installing a mail server...09:24
bdizzleanyone know why I cannot connect to irc.mibbit.net via Konversation?09:41
amichairdoes dolphin support file browsing over ssh?09:59
rorkamichair: yes, use sftp://user@hostname09:59
amichairrork: Great, thanks!10:00
rorkyou're welcome10:00
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zmityahi gents10:50
zmityaI have a fresh kubuntu 10.10 installation10:50
zmityaand there is no "panel spacer" within the widgets somehow :(10:50
zmityawhere can I find it ?10:50
Riddellzmitya: cashew (on panel) -> Add Spacer10:51
zmityaRiddell: oh, thx !!10:53
alx_hey everybody! i was just wondering how to get the command "flashplayer" to work.. i have "flashplugin-installer" installed, but there seems to be no command "flashplayer"... i need a standalone flash player to run a .swf  .. any ideas?11:14
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obscurant1stiam using Kmail. But when i close it it exits, isn't it supposed to goto the tray and stay there till i quits it. o if this is supposed to be like this, can anyone helpme to make it like the way i wanted?12:15
Mamarokobscurant1st: how do you close it?12:23
Mamarokclicking on the window closer should be enough12:23
obscurant1stMamarok: close button on the right top corner12:23
Mamarokwell, that doesn't quit the application, did you check in the SysTray widget if it is visible?12:23
obscurant1stno i dont want it to exit when i click on this close button, i want it to goto the system tray or the notification area!12:24
obscurant1stMamarok: its not there12:24
Mamarokread again what I said12:24
Mamaroksome apps don't show there, youneed to check the settings12:24
Mamarokof the SysTray widget12:24
remoremo, desde Chile.12:25
remo Que tal ¡12:25
Mamarok!es | remo12:25
ubotturemo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.12:25
obscurant1stMamarok: right click and systray settings?12:26
Mamarokobscurant1st: yes12:26
remoOk gracias. soy nuevos, gracias por comprender.12:26
remoY ayudar12:27
Mamarokremo: de nada :)12:27
obscurant1stMamarok: i think some problem is there. By the way how can i set the default aplication for torrents?12:28
Mamarokobscurant1st: in the System Settings12:28
obscurant1stMamarok: default applications?12:29
Mamarokobscurant1st: I just tried here, it doesn indeed not end in the System Tray, maybe I missed a setting in Kmail itself12:29
BajK_Kubuntu 4.6 has a new login screen?12:31
BajK_e KDE 4.612:31
obscurant1stMamarok: see this http://tinypic.com/r/2mnhc13/7, i dont hv an option to select default app for torrent in this. :(12:32
obscurant1stMamarok: yeah in KMail there is a setting for that. got it! :)12:34
obscurant1stMamarok: you there?12:37
Mamarokobscurant1st: sorry, was afk12:38
obscurant1stMamarok: see this http://tinypic.com/r/2mnhc13/7, i dont hv an option to select default app for torrent in this. :(12:39
Mamaroknot there, in the file associations12:39
Mamarokas the URL is a *.torrent, set this to be opened with Ktorrent12:40
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rahul_how to uninstall kubuntu ?14:17
rahul_ny ?14:17
susundbergdid you install it by booting or with wubi while running in windows?14:19
susundbergif you installed it by booting and to a specfic partition i am afraid there is no way to 'uninstall' it other than format that used partition14:19
susundbergor manually try to remove some of the files14:19
matematikaaditor did you mean that you using ubuntu then you installing kubuntu-desktop packages?14:21
rahul_not with wubi...14:21
rahul_i did it directly by typing into terminal..14:22
rahul_now i'm upgrading my ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10...14:22
rahul_so how do i remove this kubuntu..?14:22
rahul_@matematikaadit yup..14:23
BluesKajrahul_: how do you plan to upgrade ?14:23
rahul_i got the image downloaded..14:23
rahul_burn'd it 2 disk..14:23
susundbergyou should be able to remove packages installed with package manager in the same place where you installed them in the first place14:24
BluesKajyou can upgrade with this command : sudo do-release-upgrade ...no need to reinstall an iso/img14:24
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susundbergdid that really work .. i have alwayd decided to be better safe than sorry and do fres '/' ;)14:25
rahul_by installing this...10.10 package, will i be able 2 use kubuntu again ?14:26
BluesKajsusundberg: have you tried it ? ...worked fine for me the last 3 upgrades14:26
susundbergno i have not, some other user scared me off by saying its not working that good14:27
susundberganyway, i like fresh start from time to time14:27
rahul_@BluesKaj "rahul@rahul-desktop:~$ sudo do-release-upgrade14:27
rahul_[sudo] password for rahul:14:27
rahul_\Checking for a new ubuntu release14:27
rahul_No new release found14:27
rahul_rahul@rahul-desktop:~$ \14:27
FloodBotK2rahul_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:27
rahul_" this wht i see..14:27
susundbergit automatically removes the packages that are not needed14:27
BluesKajsusundberg: it does resquire a decent uninterruptable internet connection , but otherewise there's no oter reason not to.14:28
susundbergnice to hear that option is available!14:28
BluesKajthis kb is giving me touble again14:28
rahul_hello...can ny help me..14:31
rahul_@BluesKaj it did nt work..14:31
susundbergwhat does your /etc/issue say?14:32
susundbergand have you done upgrade ..14:32
BluesKajrahul_ what doe this say? lsb_release -a14:34
catasal all14:36
cataromani pe aici?14:37
ubottuDaca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro14:37
catanici un romanas pe aici?14:37
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yande111180_hablar espanol_14:55
yande111180_kubuntu user?14:59
BluesKajok , kde apps on normal runlevel permissions are ok , but anything requiring root permissions are immune to appearance changes , like toolbar fonts ...kate fonts in the text page are adjustable but the fonts on the toolbar are too small to read on this tv (42" plasma)15:16
FleckBluesKaj u can change fonts ir system settings for toolbars and menus etc,,,15:18
FleckBluesKaj i mean - run system settings as root15:19
Fleckand change settings for root user15:19
BluesKajyes Fleck , I'm talking about root permissions like using the run command to call up sources.list etc15:19
FleckBluesKaj run systemsettings as root and chage fonts for root user too! :)15:20
BluesKajFleck: gotcha ..I'll try that :)15:22
BluesKajFleck: no luck15:24
gabinrm -rf /15:51
tsimpson!danger | ^15:52
ubottu^: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!15:52
BluesKajFleck: had to reboot twice after adjustments on the actual file pages . but I finally got them readable ..thanks:)15:55
skfin+q request took a while15:59
=== pixie__ is now known as dcyber_
amichairBluesKaj: I just fiddled with the fonts yesterday... if it helps, I think the defaults are taken from /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde4-profile/default/share/config/kdeglobals and optionally overridden by the user's own ~/.kde/share/config/kdeglobals.16:44
BluesKajamichair, yeah , I fianlly managed to get them adjusted by running ssytemsettings in the run command box and then rebooting , but it took a couple of rebbots to get them all done16:49
amichairok, whatever works for you :-)16:50
sresuI need help related to Ktorrent. How can I queue torrents so that second torrent download can start only after competion of first or before it starts to seed?17:02
amichairsresu: closest thing is to change the number of concurrent downloads in the settings to 1, then organize the queue in your desired order.17:05
sresuamichair: Yes, I've changed the queue order giving it the way I want. But For that to work one must all the queued order working. Then what's the point?17:06
sresumust have*17:06
amichairsresu: I'm not sure what you mean... if you have 1 concurrent download, it will do the first, when it's done go one to the second, etc. Is this what you want?17:07
sresuYes, I've changed the queue order giving it the way I want. But for that to work one must have all the queued torrent running else it doesn't work. The problem I face here is that downloads doesn't gets finished properly then17:08
amichair(btw I agree it's not ideal - I was looking for a better solution myself a while ago...)17:08
amichairwhy don't they finish properly? I think all but the current one get the status 'stalled' and await their turn17:09
sresuYes... If I've two torrents downloaded, I want first to get finished and only then second to be started17:09
sresuNo that doesn't happen17:09
sresuWhat have you done?17:09
sresuI've all running here17:10
sresuamichair:  If I don't start the queued torrents then it says "Not Queued"17:10
amichairsresu: you start all of them17:11
sresuamichair: I've to otherwise it says "Not Queued"17:11
amichairbut since it's limited to 1 at a time, the rest are 'queued for download' (not stalled - I just checked. sorry for the confusion)17:11
sresuamichair: What do you do?17:11
sresuI never saw that thing - queued for download17:12
amichairI just changed the settings to max downloads = 1,  selected two torrents and started them17:12
amichairunder settings -> queue manager -> maximum downloads17:12
kleopatrawhat does this error try to tell me ?   libclamav JIT: *** JITed code intercepted runtime error!17:12
amichairsresu: you can set it to any other number as well, e.g. if it's 2, you'd have the first two torrents downloading, and when one of them finishes the third queued torrent will start, etc.17:13
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sresuamichair: Well I've done that thing and as you said max 1 only even then max two runs. Now added two more torrent to check where previously I was only with two torrents. Even now it runs two torrents though the other two are queued. Again I've kept max only 1 torrent17:15
ArranHi and good evening17:17
sresuamichair: Now Queued five torrents. It runs two but queues rest three. But I want only one at a time17:17
amichairsresu: I'm on ktorrent 4.0.3 btw17:18
sresuamichair: Likewise17:19
amichairsresu: when I start a new torrent, it just shows as 'queued' in the queue manager tab, and as 'queued for download' in the top pane17:19
amichairso I'm not sure what's hapenning different in your setup...17:20
sresuamichair: I do see that. But max 2 when setting is made for max 117:20
sresuAfter your suggestion, when I changed it to one and after adding two more I saw thses - queued' 'queued for download'. But now the problem is about running only 1 max not 2 max17:21
amichairstrange, mine behaves properly - when max is 1 only 1 is running, and when max is 2 there are 2 running, etc.17:22
sresuamichair: Anyways, thanks for considering. I'll keep mini dowloads around 1 mb thing in between and sail around. Thanks17:22
amichairI wish they would overhaul the whole queueing mechanism though. It's often useful to queue individual files within a torrent too, etc. and the current controls aren't too intuitive.17:23
sresuYes, I agree17:23
amichairand it shouldn't be separate from the top pane.17:23
amichairoh well...17:23
amichairsresu: oh wow, I see they have a 'File download order' option now (or maybe it was there before?)17:25
sresuamichair:  I just now typed what you said as feedback17:25
sresuamichair: huh? where?17:25
amichairbut I don't see why there should be separate queues if they all use the same resources17:25
sresuMissed by seconds17:25
amichairright click on a torrent17:25
sudhanHi People17:25
sresuWhere is that - File download order'?17:26
amichairsresu: in the top pane, right-click on a torrent, the last option in the context menu17:26
sresuamichair: Not allowed to select though17:26
amichairsresu: maybe that torrent doesn't have more than 1 file in it?17:27
amichairthis option orders files within a single torrent, if I understand correctly17:27
sresuRight. I wish it was opposite for the other17:28
sresuThis should have been for what I need and other as optional for individual files within torrent17:28
sresuWhat do you say?17:29
Cronusim using konqueror in filemode. how can i change to listview?17:29
sresuCronus: Click on list view next to place where you see the current location17:30
sresuCronus:  Its called Detailed view17:30
amichairsresu: I have a bunch of ideas for how it can be organized, would have to think about it a bit (or just see what other torrent clients do - this problem has been solved before)17:32
sudhanDoes Kubuntu support Teamviewer natively17:32
amichairbut the current ktorrent behavior is definitely not on that list :-)17:32
Cronus@sresu cannot find it. the is a + and a - icon. here i can change iconsize. next to + and - the is another icon. if i click it nothing happens.17:34
sresuCronus: Konqueror Version 4.5.1 (KDE 4.5.1)?17:34
sresuWhy don't you try Dolphin file manager?17:35
Cronussresu: no 3.5.1017:35
sudhanHi people Does Kubuntu support Teamviewer natively17:36
Cronussresu: sorry im linux beginner, last time i used a distrib with gnome and nautilus.17:37
sresu!info dolphin | Cronus17:37
ubottuCronus: dolphin (source: kdebase): file manager for KDE 4. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.5.1-0ubuntu4 (maverick), package size 630 kB, installed size 2212 kB17:37
sresuCronus: This is what I see as options - http://imagebin.org/12804617:38
sresuCronus: In Kubuntu/KDE, Dolphin is the default file manager. (May change in upcoming versions)17:40
Cronussresu: but i cannot use dolphin because im on kde 3.5.17:40
sresu!info Krusader17:43
ubottuPackage Krusader does not exist in maverick17:43
amichair!info krusader17:43
ubottukrusader (source: krusader): twin-panel (commander-style) file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.2.0~beta1-1 (maverick), package size 3556 kB, installed size 13088 kB17:43
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shane4ubuntuOk, I have a wireless mouse (trackball actually) in gnome it would alert me when the battery was low, is there any thing to do that in KDE?18:21
Riddellshane4ubuntu: that's part of the bluetooth UI, KDE's bluetooth UI is currently under redevelopment through the bluedevil project and I'm not sure if that feature is in it yet or not18:23
Riddellshane4ubuntu: I'll ask the author18:23
shane4ubuntuRiddell: no, I'm not that advanced, :)  I don't have a bluetooth mouse18:23
Riddellhmm, then what protocol is it?18:24
shane4ubuntuRiddell: this is usb plug in reciever, then wireless18:24
shane4ubuntuas for protocol, I'm not sure.18:24
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Riddellin which case I'm not sure what would handle that18:24
shane4ubuntualso, another minor question, in gnome I hit ctrl and it would hightlight where my mouse was, I tend to loose it on my desktop. :)  I'm sure kde can do that I just don't see where.18:26
Riddellshane4ubuntu: afiestas is an elite KDE developer doing bluetooth and other bits18:27
shane4ubuntuin gnome the mouse battery thing was in gnome power management I think.18:27
afiestasshane4ubuntu: hi, can you provide the output of "qdbus --system org.freedesktop.UPower" ?18:27
shane4ubuntuafiestas: http://pastebin.com/xNKRHdwh18:28
Riddellshane4ubuntu: you need to turn on the Track Mouse effect in System Settings -> Desktop Effects18:28
afiestas(that effect is very battery consuming)18:28
afiestas/org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/mouse_8_2 hehe :p18:29
afiestaswhat I don't know is if the current battery monitor supports more than one device, but it should18:29
afiestas(or at least it will in 4.7)18:29
Riddellah, so it's a powerdevil responsibility18:29
RiddellI had the wrong devil :)18:29
macoso instead of the devil being in the details, the detail is in the devils?18:30
* maco ducks18:30
shane4ubuntuafiestas: Riddell I don't want it to always display, just when I can't find my cursor (I have two monitors)  and I can't change the effect?  I wouldn't think it would use a lot of mouse battery just once to find it.18:31
scifihi, yesterday i moved the default panel from the top of the screen to the bottom, today when i logged on the panel is still at the bottom, but the applications, places etc menus have gone!! how do i get them back???18:32
macoi cant find something to do what your asking...which is surprising me a lot. since when does gnome have settings that kde doesnt?18:32
macoscifi: applications, places, and system? does this mean you're on gnome then?18:32
kaddi__anyone familiar with audacity in here? I would need some guidance on how to remove white noise18:33
macoscifi: if so, right click, add to panel, and i think it's main menu18:33
afiestasshane4ubuntu: it uses a log of battery (or at least it used to) because it has to track the position18:33
scifino using xfce418:33
afiestasand the tracking is done all the time, not just when you activate the shortcut18:33
macoscifi: you need #xubuntu18:33
scifisorry i typed wrong channel name lool18:33
shane4ubuntuafiestas: ahh, ok, in gnome it didn't seem to, but I don't really know.18:34
shane4ubuntuRiddell: is there another way of tracking it? is that my only option?   < afiestas   the circling stars aren't really for me.18:34
afiestasshane4ubuntu: you can ask in #kwin I'm not an expert in that area18:35
shane4ubuntuafiestas: ok, thanks!  much appreciated.18:35
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mjobin4.6 beta 2 rock stable18:59
Pici!ru | alex___19:05
ubottualex___: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:05
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niraziowhat is the Kubuntu equivalent for 'Network tools' as in Ubuntu ?19:28
gigasofthi all19:31
niraziowhat is the Kubuntu equivalent for 'Network tools' as in Ubuntu ?19:31
mjobinnirazio: what do you want to do ?19:35
mjobini dont know this 'network tools' app but I might know how to help you doing something more specific19:35
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BluesKajnirazio, I think it's net-tools in kubuntu19:42
ScuniziI don't think kubuntu has the network tools gui that gnome/ubuntu has.. but it's all available on cli19:43
Scunizialso, net-tools is not the same as the gui net tools on ubuntu.. ubuntu's has ping, whois, traceroute etc19:44
Scunizinirazio: if you want to install the gnome version it's called gnome-nettool in the repos.. see link for what it has.. http://projects.gnome.org/gnome-network/screenshots.shtml19:47
nirazioThankyou Scunizi19:56
Scunizinirazio: was that what you were looking for?19:56
silentstormhi everybody!20:03
silentstormi have a question about usplash20:03
silentstormhow to change bootsplash on maverick20:04
silentstormis there anyone to answer plz?ü20:04
Spurgeonmaverick? .... creepy :P20:07
* mjobin feel some love for 4.620:29
silentstormis there anone can help me plz?20:31
BluesKajsilentstorm, ask your question20:33
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bassoi am currently burning out kubuntu 10.10!21:31
BajKWhat is the cause for the desktop effects being not working in my kubuntu installation? In systemsettings it said something like "Desktop effects are not available due to:" and that's it. the checkbox is greyed out21:32
BajKnever had this on any other installation. It is neither working in virtualbox (where I have them working in other kubuntu installs) or on a real machine21:33
BajKthey are not  working with opengl. with xrender they work (but this is laggy as hell)21:33
BajKand the thing still shows "Effects are not available blabla" but the checkbox is checked and they seem to work with Xrender but not opengl which I want to21:35
noaXessmy maverick with kde 4.5.4 has a problem, that on boot sound is muted and set to 20% sound level.. need mute/unmute it to get it work..21:36
BajKand I don't want to reinstall the system just because of such a stupid error21:38
vbgunzdoes anybody have an nvidia card? I have a gtx 260. when the system first starts up and my power profile is on performance and nvidias powermizer is on performance, the effects scream with vsync enabled... then at some point, not sure whats causing it, nothing else is stressing the system, the effects begin to chug and hiccup. why is that?22:08
david96Bonsoir, je suis français. J'ai un bug avec le démon d'alarme de Korganizer. À chaque démarrage de Korganizer il s'affiche avec ce message d'erreur :22:25
david96 Exécutable : korgac PID : 30275 Signal : 11 (Segmentation fault)22:25
david96Good evening, I'm French. I have a bug with the alarm daemon Korganizer. Every time you start Korganizer it appears with this error message:22:25
david96 Executable: korgac PID: 30275 Signal: 11 (Segmentation fault)22:25
=== Neutrum_ is now known as Neutrum
silentstormis there anyone who knows about usplash?22:27
david96silenstorm : I heard about it but never installed, sorry22:28
Roeyfrogonwheels:  hello22:49
Roeylong time no see22:49
vbgunzdoes anybody have an nvidia card? I have a gtx 260. when the system first starts up and my power profile is on performance and nvidias powermizer is on performance, the effects scream with vsync enabled... then at some point, not sure whats causing it, nothing else is stressing the system, the effects begin to chug and hiccup. why is that?23:11
=== dave is now known as Guest6221
biostarsry for the dumb question but never booted from usb before and need help creating a bootable usb from 10.10 any help appreciated23:20
gr8m8biostar: it's not something I have done but there are plenty of howtos around - try this one23:22
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent23:22
gr8m8try the persistent link23:22
biostargr8m8: did allot of google and did what it said to do but when i try to boot from usb no go23:24
biostar10.10 still buggy huh23:24
biostarclicked on link ubottu gave me and now my pc going nuts lol23:25
vbgunzbiostar: what bios do you have? can you turn off the pretty images and see if it offers you a way to get into the device boot menu? that can help. a lot.23:25
biostarvbgunz: yeah changed boot order in bios think its 10.1023:26
biostarvbgunz: be back gotta reboot pc went nuts and keeps opening pages when i clicked the link ubttu gave me23:27
biostar brb23:27
vbgunzbiostar: yeah, that's one way, the other way is to get to your bios boot menu. what I mean is different than what you did. theirs usually a shortcut you can press during post. something like ctrl+F8 or something. you press it the same time you would press the shortcut to get into your bios. anyhow, the shortcut pops up a boot menu on the spot. see if your usb is there23:28
=== k0s is now known as timonko
biostarvbgunz: yeah f10 on my pc tried that too23:32
vbgunzbiostar: it doesn't offer you a choice or can you see the usb stick and not boot from it?23:32
biostarvbgunz: shows usb and lets me attempt to boot but during boot process comes up with errr23:33
gr8m8what's the error?23:34
vbgunzbiostar: now you onto something, whats the error just curious?23:34
biostarvbgunz: cannot remember but created an image with startup disk creator on 10.1023:35
vbgunzbiostar: without that error getting or googling help can be futile. figure out the error first.23:36
biostarvbgunz: was using 9.04 and decided to do full install of 10.10 nothing but disapointment23:36
bassognome-do crashes in kde23:36
biostarvbgunz: long time user of kubuntu but never booted from usb so could be operator error will keep trying though thats what makes linux great reaping benifits of your efforts23:38
biostar$%^&@ windows 7 refuse to pay 200 for an os that does less than expected23:40
biostarvbgunz: brb gonna give the err23:40
biostarvbgunz: ok im back when booting from usb it says vesamenu.c32:not a COM32R image23:47
=== Drachenblut is now known as Lord_Drachenblut
gr8m8biostar: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-mint-84/trying-to-boot-linux-mint-9-from-usb-flash-drive-vesamenu-c32-not-a-com32r-image-829397/23:54
noobie25can someone help me get my dualscreen working with ATI ??  half of my extended screen (2nd monitor) is scrambled.23:55
=== jackson_ is now known as jackson
noobie25is there a way to install the proprietary driver for ATI?  i 've been having trouble just initiating installation.23:56
biostargr8m8: omg every time click a link on 10.10 taskbar goes nuts opening million windows23:56
gr8m8biostar: that's gotta suck - dunno what would cause that23:58

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