
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
thumpermwhudson: ping01:26
mwhudsonthumper: pong01:27
thumpermwhudson: remember that RT we had ages ago for a machine to test multiple codehosting front ends talking NFS?01:27
thumpermwhudson: feel like getting involved with the testing of said issue?01:28
mwhudsonthumper: yeah, i'm subscribed to the RT01:31
mwhudsoni wouldn't have a problem getting involved, i should probably ask linaro management if they do though :-)01:32
thumpermwhudson: ok01:36
thumpermwhudson: we want to test it but I don't have the resources to put people on it right now :-(01:36
james_wwhat do you estimate the investment to be?01:37
james_wand what do we get out of it?01:37
thumperwe get better front end scalability for codehosting connections01:37
thumperand kill a single point of failure01:37
thumpernot sure on time estimate01:38
lifelessmore tolerance of high load01:38
thumperI'm not sure on the time investment01:38
thumperI have a feeling that mwhudson would be able to give a better guess than me01:38
lifelessless downtime01:38
mwhudsonsimple testing should be simple01:38
mwhudsonif it all works fine, it's not long01:38
mwhudsonalthough i don't know how one would test production like load safely01:39
james_wIS have provided the test rig, it's just hammering on it for a while?01:39
mwhudsonyeah, & figuring out details of deployment i guess01:39
james_wsounds like something we can invest in, because I can certainly see the appeal01:40
james_wobviously if it starts to escalate we will have to look again01:41
mwhudsonis jam's forking service stuff deployed yet?01:41
spivI don't think so01:42
thumpermwhudson: I don't think it is being used yet01:42
thumpermerged but unused01:42
mwhudsonsomewhat tangential to the issue at hand of course01:42
mwhudsonjames_w: so you'd be ok with me spending tomorrow morning say on this?01:43
james_wmwhudson, sure. Let me know if it adds up to more than a day of your time.01:43
mwhudsontbh, i'm a little bit unsure what to work on as i have less than 2.5 days work left before being off for xmas, seems a bad time to start something big01:44
james_wyeah, this seems like a good stocking filler01:44
james_wthough I might advocate for getting the dead code in use and only tackling one big infrastructure change at a time01:44
spivI think jam's thing is stuck at RT 42199, the qastaging for it?01:45
lifelessjames_w: have you become a team lead ?01:56
james_wlifeless, yes, but things are still in flux01:57
stubAnyone else looking at the devel->db-devel conflict?03:00
pooliehi lifeless03:01
poolieand stub03:01
pooliethumper: are you around?03:02
pooliedo any of you want to talk to me about bug 605775, and showing file content within loggerhead?03:02
_mup_Bug #605775: Loggerhead doesn't support linking to the raw content <loggerhead:In Progress by mkanat> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/605775 >03:02
pooliei'm wondering what fits best in lp03:02
pooliei guess i should go by analogy to bug attachments which is that we'll serve anything, but we must serve it from a separate domain03:02
poolieto avoid/reduce xss03:03
thumperpoolie: I think that the option defined at the end of 2) to only support text/plain or application/octet-stream should mitigate the need for a separate domain03:06
thumperis ok03:06
thumperpoolie: or at least have it a configurable option03:07
thumperas some people may want to run loggerhead locally and have it serve images03:07
thumperbut launchpad doesn't03:07
thumperif we did get around to adding wikkid into LP there would be similar problems03:07
thumperperhaps we don't care that much?03:08
pooliewhich "2"?03:10
poolieoh, i see03:10
poolieyou have to pick from the list in my last post though :)03:10
thumperI was referring to the description03:11
thumperI haven't read the entire thread03:11
thumperis it necessary?03:11
poolieprobably not03:11
pooliei kinda feel someone wearing a security hat ought to agree to it03:12
thumperdepending on the size of the hat, you might get different answers :)03:12
lifelessthumper: applicaiton-octet stream is insecure and must not be used the lp domains03:14
lifeless(for user supplied content)03:14
thumperpoolie: see...03:14
lifelesss/the/in the/03:14
poolieyes, i know03:14
pooliei'm trying to decide on the best alternative03:14
lifelessI thought I put it in the bug already03:14
thumperI didn't read the entire thread03:15
lifelessah, I think my comments were in the merge proposal03:15
poolieyou commented on the bug03:15
lifelessis where I linked to the documented ie behaviour03:17
lifelessanyhoo, I'm not here today. ciao03:17
poolieso we agree on lp we will only serve them from a separate domain?03:17
mwhudsonoh nm03:18
mwhudsonshowing raw content from private branches also sounds fun03:19
mwhudsonprobably needs a different hostname per branch or something :/03:19
wgrantLike we do for the restricted librarian.03:19
mwhudsonyeah, and for the same reasons03:20
wgrantThe Web is bad.03:20
mwhudsonmaybe we can use websockets somehow03:21
mwhudson(note: heavy sarcasm)03:21
thumperthis all just makes me want to cry03:21
thumperif only people decided not to be evil03:21
thumperthe world would be a nicer place03:21
* thumper relocates back to his home03:21
poolieok, we'll do the same as there03:22
lifelesspoolie: its a little complex to do right now03:24
lifelessby do, I mean discuss03:24
lifelessas mwhudson and wgrant are talking about03:24
mwhudsonrefusing to do it for private branches at all is an option too03:25
lifelesspoolie: my suggestion to mkanat to get a discussion going in the lp dev list remains as my best suggestion for moving forward03:25
pooliei agree too03:25
lifelessI'm sure that if a proposal gets forged in that fire, it will be rock solid03:25
wgrantWe need an insecure domain.03:25
lifelessI'm worried that landing an unsafe branch on trunk will make trunk un-upgradable to by LP03:25
wgrantTo stick stuff like the librarian and branches under.03:25
lifelesswgrant: launchpadlibrarian.net :P03:26
pooliei am not going to let him land something that is unsafe by default03:26
mwhudsonwgrant: the problem is not the insecure domain03:26
poolieeven for non-lp users i think that would be a poor choice03:26
lifelesshave fun y'all03:26
mwhudsonwgrant: the problems are the "slightly secure" domains03:26
wgrantmwhudson: Right, but we sitll need an insecure domain.03:26
mwhudsonlet's confused the user and use lauchpad.net03:27
StevenKEven mis-spelt?03:27
pooliethanks for your contribution03:29
stubthumper: Even if we restrict what mimetypes or extensions we serve from the Librarian, we want it on a separate domain because web browsers have bugs.04:29
spmStevenK: wgrant: thee builder scores for PPA's - are they meaningless these days? or still relevant? istr some discussion a while back about no longer using those. ?04:47
wgrantspm: They're still relevant.04:49
wgrantWe don't want to use them.04:50
wgrantBut there's nothing else yet.04:50
StevenKWe just can't stop04:50
StevenKRight, because that04:50
StevenKspm: Someone is asking for a bump?04:51
spmwell no. someone has a bump already - 12K and counting. but apparently not being built.04:58
spmthat's a built in bump. I've not touched a thing.04:58
wgrantWe are running low on buildds.05:04
wgrantAnd there are some long builds running.05:04
pooliei'll do a patch for rlimits05:04
pooliespm i think robert would agree that if you have to kill/restart things by hand, there's at least two bugs05:05
poolieone underlying bug and one that it's not killed automaticalyl05:05
mwhudsonlaunchpad is pretty hostile to the casual developer05:06
spmpoolie: agreed. I did like the idea of the feature flag - but accept the challenges there :-/05:07
mwhudsoni guess this isn't really news05:07
pooliespm do you have any idea what would be a reasonable limit? how much ram does that machine have?05:24
poolieshall we say 3G? or 2G?05:24
pooliethings were easier then05:25
spmit has 8, but shares with some very big, and slow processes. it's not a single thing that gets bad per-se, it's the multiples that make it struggle.05:26
spmI'd aim for 1.2->1.5, and see how often we abort. work from that?? (to open negotiations)05:26
pooliethis is another case where it would be great to set rlimits through flags so they could be tweaked05:27
poolieone step at a time05:27
spmistr mwhudson did similar with the other whatsits, try and find a sweet point.05:27
spmI can have a look thru the last week and *give* you an idea of how much is normal.05:27
pooliedoing new code rollouts seems like a tedious way to titrate it05:27
mwhudsonwallyworld: wow, that's a strange test failure05:28
wallyworldmwhudson: yeah :-(05:28
mwhudsonwallyworld: i think i know the problem though: for the tests in TestPullerMonitorProtocol, TestCase.setUp is being called twice05:28
wallyworldany ideas?05:28
mwhudsonwallyworld: why this causes the symptoms it does.... no idea05:28
wallyworldmwhudson: i'll just switch back to that branch and have a look05:29
mwhudsonwallyworld: it's something like, the testcase's _recordOops method is registered as an @adapter(ErrorReportEvent)05:31
mwhudsonwallyworld: and something about registering it twice means that it doesn't get deregistered properly05:32
wallyworldmwhudson: well, removing the dup setup worked \o/05:32
wallyworldi was too busy looking for something non obvious and complicated :-)05:32
wallyworldthanks for finding it :-)05:33
mwhudsonwell, it was a good one for a set of fresh eyes i think05:33
mwhudsonwallyworld: duplicating the line05:33
mwhudson        self.useFixture(ZopeEventHandlerFixture(self._recordOops))05:33
mwhudsonin TestCase.setUp brings the error back05:33
wallyworldok. interesting that it hasn't come up before now05:34
* wallyworld fires up ec2 again :-)05:35
mwhudsoni would like to know why the failure mode is just that strange05:38
mwhudsonbut i would also like to go home and have dinner05:38
pooliemwhudson: https://code.launchpad.net/~mbp/launchpad/690021-rlimit/+merge/4373305:39
pooliebut don't let it spoil/delay your dinner05:39
wallyworldmwhudson: enjoy your dinner. thanks again :-)05:39
mwhudsonpoolie: approved, you'll need to find someone else to land it though05:40
mwhudson(unless you can do that now?)05:40
pooliei probably have permission; i might need some hand holding05:40
poolieare there black box tests for this?05:41
poolieor, can i interactively test it?05:41
* mwhudson points poolie at wallyworld :-)05:41
mwhudsonpoolie: yeah, there are blackbox tests05:41
* wallyworld looks05:41
wallyworldpoolie: i can help you land it but am not sure about testing it05:44
pooliei will see what i can do05:44
* poolie fights with source code05:47
LPCIBotProject db-devel build (217): FAILURE in 3 hr 34 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/217/06:00
* StevenK glares at Hudson06:02
* wgrant glares back at StevenK.06:03
wgrantYou borked it!06:03
wgrantAlthough I was watching :(06:03
LPCIBotProject db-devel build (218): ABORTED in 12 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/218/06:13
LPCIBotLaunchpad Patch Queue Manager: [rs=buildbot-poller] automatic merge from stable. Revisions: 12071,06:13
LPCIBot12072 included.06:13
spmpoolie: "<spm> I can have a look thru the last week and *give* you an idea of how much is normal." <== 99.55% are < 400Mb. 99.90% < 800Mb. then it jumps into crazy territory. I'd suggest starting with 600Mb.06:28
pooliespm, ok06:44
poolieso i put it up at 2gb06:44
spmshrug that works.06:45
lifeless=== Top 10 Time Out Counts by Page ID ===06:48
lifeless    Hard / Soft  Page ID06:48
lifeless      30 /  173  BugTask:+index06:48
lifeless      10 /  112  ProjectGroupSet:CollectionResource:#project_groups06:48
lifeless       9 / 2622  Archive:+index06:48
lifeless       9 /  230  Distribution:+bugs06:48
lifeless       7 /  235  Distribution:+bugtarget-portlet-bugfilters-stats06:48
lifeless       6 /   16  Archive:+copy-packages06:48
lifeless       6 /    7  Person:+bugs06:48
lifeless       5 /  195  POFile:+translate06:48
lifeless       5 /    6  ProjectGroup:+milestones06:48
lifeless       4 /    0  https://api.edge.launchpad.net06:48
spmheya jelmer!06:59
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
lifelesswgrant: bug 690484 is a dup of #?07:30
_mup_Bug #690484: "Start in 1 minute" shown for hours despite 12505 points <Soyuz:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/690484 >07:30
wgrantlifeless: It may not be a dupe.07:32
wgrantThe underlying problem was not fixable until very recently.07:32
spmlifeless: there's a basic summary in #is from about 90 mins ago. fwiw.07:33
lifelesswgrant: I thought there was a bug for queue estimating already07:34
lifelessoh, I see07:34
wgrantIt's not really an estimate issue.07:35
spmright. it's not an estimate problem.07:35
wgrantIt's publisher latency + people clicking things that they shouldn't.07:35
lifelessso, someone will updates it?07:35
spmif anything the estimate was accurate.07:35
wgrantI will talk to Julian about it this evening.07:35
spmjust... wrong. :-)07:35
wgrantSince it's now feasible to fix.07:35
spmwgrant: so the estimate would be "Never. This PPA is unable to publish" or words similar?07:36
wgrantspm: No -- private PPAs need no longer wait for publication.07:36
spmah. even better.07:36
wgrantThey can use the public restricted librarian.07:37
pooliehy bryce07:44
pooliehow do i actually land something through pqm?08:03
pooliei don't need ec2 testing08:03
wgrantbzr lp-land, or bzr pqm-submit.08:04
wgrantlp-land takes an MP, pqm-submit requires you to specify the source, destination and commit message manually.08:04
pooliebryceh: so my current theory as i said in mail is that for some tests there are two database connections present08:07
poolieand two transactions08:07
pooliethis may be bs08:08
pooliei was hoping someone would answer that it was true :)08:09
brycehpoolie, http://pastebin.com/JFiz4mga08:11
brycehwait, nevermind that08:11
bryceh(ran the wrong test)08:11
poolieiow i'm wondering if the test is running in a different storm context from the code under test08:13
poolieor something like that08:13
brycehhere we go - http://pastebin.com/UghMbtsJ08:13
pooliebear in mind it's only installed per-thread08:13
brycehnote down towards the bottom Features: {'bugtracker_components': None}08:14
brycehI assume that should show as something other than None once the feature flag is seen08:14
pooliethat does show that at least your template/view checked the flag08:15
pooliein -1 seconds!08:15
poolieway to go08:15
pooliei see that create_view does setFirstLayer etc08:17
pooliei wonder if that gives it a new db connection?08:17
poolieor maybe this is a different kind of layer?08:17
brycehI tried doing this, but same error:08:19
bryceh                scope=u'default', flag=u'bugtracker_components',08:19
bryceh                value=u'on', priority=1))08:19
poolieactually if my theory is true you'd expect that no uncommitted changes are seen by the view08:19
pooliebut in fact it's very common that they all are08:19
pooliecan you make your view print its threadid and print the tid from the test code?08:20
brycehyou mean like:08:21
bryceh        print view.threadid08:21
bryceh        print self.tid08:21
poolieno i think08:21
bryceh_MainThread(MainThread, started -1219778880)08:26
pooliethe same in both?08:28
brycehhmm, I can't figure out how to get the view to print its threadid08:34
pooliebryceh: i need to go and cook08:35
pooliethe next thing i would try is to get all the feature control rules08:35
poolieand see if there is one in there that's not being bmatched08:36
poolieok good night all08:40
pooliebryceh: if you learn anything else (or don't), please send a followup to the dev list08:40
brycehpoolie, ok thanks for trying08:40
poolieoh you could also search the archives08:41
brycehthis feature flag stuff has been a huge headache08:41
pooliesomebody, maybe deryck, hit something similar before08:41
pooliesorry :(08:41
pooliefor testing, or generally?08:41
poolieif you can send a mail explaining where the problems have been i'd appreciate it08:42
brycehwas hard to figure out how to get it set up and working in the first place, now its hard to figure out how to get it to work in tests08:42
brycehpoolie, that's easy - the documentation is really confusing08:42
poolieok, that should be fixable then08:43
poolieanything else?08:43
pooliewell, if you think of anything, let me know08:44
thumperwallyworld_: ping08:52
wallyworld_thumper: hi.08:52
thumperwallyworld_: https://code.qastaging.launchpad.net/+daily-builds08:52
thumperwallyworld_: can you land a patch rs=me to remove the distro from the first column?08:52
wallyworld_i know. the filtering doesn't work :-(08:52
thumperwallyworld_: just the distribution fmt:link08:52
wallyworld_i'm fixing it now08:52
thumperwallyworld_: this isn't the filtering08:53
wallyworld_i'll include your change in the same branch08:53
thumperwallyworld_: thanks08:53
wallyworld_yeah, i was just letting you know i was already looking at it08:53
wallyworld_i'll do it tonight and the mp will be in your inbox tonmorrow morning08:53
wallyworld_thumper: i assume the distro is to be removed because it's always Ubuntu?08:54
thumperwallyworld_: yep08:54
thumperwallyworld_: perhaps in the future if it isn't always ubuntu, we may change it08:54
wallyworld_thumper: i was just typing that question :-)08:55
wallyworld_thumper: mw found the codehosting issue too :-)08:56
thumperwallyworld_: awesome08:56
thumpermwhudson: I owe you a drink next time we are together in the same place :)08:56
wallyworld_thumper:  there was a bad test that called setup twice - been there a while, unrelated to my changes. not sure why it showed up the way it did08:56
thumperoh well08:56
thumpergood to clean it up08:56
wallyworld_yep. it's in ec2 again as we speak. it was such a simple error - i was looking for something really complicated08:57
* thumper afk again08:57
wallyworld_wood, tree and all that08:57
wgrantDoes anybody have any objections to a reversion of r12041 (the Bugs restricted LFA API change, which has been qa-bad and untouched for four days)?09:29
gmbwgrant: ISTR abel doing some work on that, but he's got a bad back and won't be working for the rest of the week. Probably best to check with deryck, who I think knows what's happening there.09:33
wgrantgmb: k, was wondering where he was.09:34
wgrantWill check with deryck when he appears.09:34
jelmerhas anybody else tried ec2 land in natty yet? From the first look of it it looks broken here.09:46
wgrantI was going to upgrade this weekend. Maybe I should not.09:49
gmbAnyone know off the top of their heads how I can persuade a widget to sprout a tabindex? Or should I just poke around until Zope blows up in my face, as usually happens with widgety things.10:14
gmbNice. I'm so smart I ask the question and then /part the channel. I'm obviously going to have a winner of a day.10:17
* gmb decides to just go an shove things in templates. It works better.10:20
wgrantAs long as you don't use BeautifulSoup...10:21
wgrantDo we have reports of script runtimes somewhere?10:24
gmbAh, BeautifulSoup, the thing that made syncing with Sourceforge possible for a short while.10:25
wgrantIIRC it was also involved in generation of the code import registration form.10:26
gmbwgrant: IDK; mthaddon might know. There may be something at https://lpstats.canonical.com.10:26
mthaddonwe don't - it's in the DB, but I don't believe we graph it10:27
mthaddon(scriptactivity table)10:27
LPCIBotYippie, build fixed!10:46
LPCIBotProject db-devel build (219): FIXED in 3 hr 35 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/219/10:46
allenap`gmb: Do you know what the deal is with revision 12041 on https://devpad.canonical.com/~lpqateam/qa_reports/deployment-stable.html?10:46
gmballenap`: wgrant already wondered about that. I don't know where abel was up to with fixing it. deryck might; if it's okay with him we'll back it out.10:49
wgrantgmb: It turns out that bigjools managed to get a rev after it rolled out anyway, so I am no longer strongly desiring its removal.10:50
gmbwgrant: Righto. Worth pursuing anyway, elsewise it'll make things confusing.10:51
bigjoolsthere was a rev that backed it out, no?10:51
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
lifelessbigjools: I sure hope so, or apport is broke again :)11:41
wgrantIt was only rolled out to Soyuz.11:46
wgrantIt's not been rolled back, AFAICT.11:47
deryckMorning, all.12:04
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
stubIs the thing that generates diffs for merge proposals single threaded? No update for 8 mins on https://code.launchpad.net/~stub/launchpad/pending-db-changes/+merge/4376312:56
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
jelmerfwiw that MP still hasn't been updated - and it's 39 minutes ago now13:29
=== flacoste changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Launchpad Development Channel | BUG JAM! http://mumak.net/lp-bugjam-2010/ 35 so far | New starter this week: wgrant | PQM open for business | firefighting: - | Get the code: https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​Getting
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
bacabentley, adeuring, allenap , bac, benji, danilo, sinzui, deryck, EdwinGrubbs, flacoste, gary, gmb, henninge, jelmer, jcsackett, jtv, bigjools, leonard, mars, mrevell: Reviewers Meeting ping14:59
deryckack, thanks for the ping15:00
* gary_poster is ready with my "me"15:00
bacallenap`: ^^15:02
=== allenap` is now known as allenap
allenapThanks bac.15:03
=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== leonardr is now known as leonardr-afk
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
mrevellHey sinzui, do you have time for our call now?16:37
sinzuimrevell, I will be free in a few minutes16:37
* sinzui otp16:37
gmbgary_poster: Do you know if it's possible to give a widget or action button a tabindex using Zope? (Sorry if that's repeated; I lost conn)16:42
gmbgary_poster: I'm asking in the context of https://bugs.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/55841916:42
_mup_Bug #558419: +filebug page really should have tabindex for "Submit Bug Report" Button <bugjam2010> <dhrb> <escalated> <story-ajaxify-dupe-finder> <Launchpad Bugs:In Progress by gmb> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/558419 >16:42
gary_postergmb: I'm pretty sure it is one of the knobs.  Lemme see if see any docs...16:43
sinzuimrevell, mumble16:44
gmbgary_poster: Thanks.16:44
gary_postergmb: "extra" is a string that is just dumped in the widget tag, I believe.  you can set it up with the usual customwidget bits16:49
gary_posteris that enough to get you going, or should I try for more detail? :-)16:49
gmbgary_poster: Brilliant, thanks for the tip.16:49
gmbgary_poster: That's fine. I'll poke around til something works - or breaks.16:50
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
bigjoolsflacoste: so I am not sure after that call as to whether jml's bugjam counter is looking for the tag or not, what was the consensus?17:44
flacostebigjools: sinzui thinks it is, i'm not sure17:45
flacostebigjools: looking at the code would clear doubts17:45
flacostebut i'm not sure where the code lives17:45
bigjoolsit would. but ... exactly17:45
flacosteputting the tag on is safe anyway17:45
bigjoolswhere is it running17:45
flacosteand good practices17:45
flacosteon his server i think17:45
flacosteit's on mumak.net17:45
flacostean API script17:46
bigjoolsyeah, I just went through 20-odd bugs adding the tag17:46
bigjoolslet's see if the count changes17:46
flacostebigjools: it doesn't to seem to run that often either17:46
flacostebut we'll see17:47
bigjoolsand on that note, it's good night from me17:50
=== benji is now known as benji-lunch
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
beunoabentley, hai! I wants lp-propose!  where do I get it from?18:52
jelmerbeuno: it's in the launchpad plugin18:53
jelmerso if you have bzr you should have itg18:53
beunothat is awesome18:54
beunothanks jelmer18:54
=== benji-lunch is now known as benji
gary_postergmb: hoping to have a bugs team review on a revert I'm doing of an adeuring branch.  You happen to be around for such a thing?  I think you are the only candidate19:07
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-brb
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
thumperabentley: ping?21:09
abentleythumper, pong21:10
thumperabentley: mumble?21:10
=== leonardr-afk is now known as leonardr
lifelessflacoste: win: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/22:22
flacostelifeless: nearly complete22:22
flacostelifeless: now it's complete!22:26
flacosteblog post and identi.ca updated22:26
wgrant... I didn't think that was happening yet.22:27
flacosteit's actually 5 days late22:30
flacostewas supposed to happen before the opening of the Jam22:30
thumperpoolie: you'll be happy to know I've just fixed bug 523019 for the bugjam22:51
_mup_Bug #523019: can't save comment on mp til you click in the text field <ajax> <chrome> <code-review> <confusing-ui> <lp-code> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/523019 >22:51
wgrantjelmer: Hi.22:56
=== Ursinha-brb is now known as Ursinha
jelmerwgrant: g'morning23:04
wgrantjelmer: Evening.23:04
wgrantjelmer: How is SyncPackageJob going?23:04
jelmerwgrant: tagged needs-landing23:05
jelmerwgrant, I've been almost done with it for about a week but keep being interrupted by other things23:06
wgrantjelmer: How usable will it be for Debian->Ubuntu in the near future?23:06
jelmerwgrant, The UI won't be relevant, but I've created the actual job with Debian->Ubuntu syncs in mind.23:07
pooliejelmer, we should talk sometime before christmas23:07
pooliebut, i see it's late for you now - maybe tomorrow morning your time, or next week?23:07
pooliei'm going to be on leave tomorrow (just for friday)23:08
jelmerpoolie: now would be fine actually, I'll probably be around for another hour23:08
jelmerpoolie, but I'll be around next week as well23:09
wgrantjelmer: OK, great.23:12
pooliejelmer: irc/skype/pots/mumble/..?23:15
jelmermumble ?23:15
bacthumper, mwhudson, stevenk, wallyworld, wgrant: reviewers meeting?23:59

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