
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
bjsnideri'm getting stuck uploading the last 1k of a source package02:01
ExbteLaunchpad is publishing email addresses to Google02:25
mwhudsonExbte: where02:26
mwhudsonthat's not launchpad02:26
Exbteeverything on launchpad is archived there02:26
Exbtealong with email addresses02:27
ExbteI've never posted to a mailing list yet02:27
ExbteI've never posted to a mailing list*02:27
mwhudsoner, the launchpad mailing lists aren't there02:27
mwhudson(the ones hosted on launchpad i mean, some of the lists there are launchpad-related)02:28
ExbteWell a Google search for my email returns launchpad entries I made, my email address+launchpad username02:28
mwhudsongot a link?  you can privmsg it to me if you don't want to paste it publically?02:30
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mok0I am considering creating an LP project, that tracks the developers svn distribution on Google code. Merely as a convenient way to work with it, so I can use a bzr branch to work on the packaging. Does someone have an example of a project that functions in a similar way?09:21
mok0(I know there are lots, just need a specific example)09:22
bigjoolsI know that mythtv does that but they just switched to git09:23
mok0bigjools: thanks I'll check it out09:26
mok0(I also prefer git as a DVCS, but LP is really a useful tool for a project. Now if LP used git... *pinch arm* :))09:27
maxbhalf of my related projects are ones I've registered just to have a vcs-import :-)09:29
mok0maxb, examples?09:29
mok0maxb: I'd like to spy on what you've done :-)09:30
mok0Mostly I need inspiration on how to write a proper project description09:30
maxbI leave them blank or copy text from the project's upstream homepage09:30
mok0maxb, thanks for your input09:33
mok0how long does it take for LP to import the project?09:53
bigjoolsI've seen git, and it made me itch10:05
mok0bigjools: in a good or a bad way?10:05
bigjoolsin an STD kind of way10:05
* Tak agree10:05
bigjoolsI don't know how long project import takes, mrevell?10:06
mok0It just says  "This branch has not been imported yet" and I am unsure if I need to do more, or just wait10:07
mrevellImporting a git branch? I think we run the imports once an hour or so10:07
mrevellmok0, Do you have a link to the branch overview page?10:07
mok0mrevell: it's an svn module from google code10:07
mok0mrevell https://code.launchpad.net/coot10:07
mrevellmok0, Leave it an hour or two and it the import should begin, I believe.10:08
mok0mrevell: great thanks!10:08
mrevellmok0, Ping if you have no luck.10:09
mok0mrevell: will do10:09
mok0It's not obvious to me how to register the Google code bug tracker10:12
sorenmok0, mrevell: Git imports start almost immediately. The one for https://code.launchpad.net/coot already ran once (32 minutes ago according to https://code.launchpad.net/~mok0/coot/trunk).10:16
soren...and failed.10:16
sorenmok0: It looks a bit odd that it's a git import, but the URL has "svn" in it.10:17
sorenmok0: Is that accurate?10:17
mok0soren: yes10:17
mok0I don't get it10:17
mrevellThanks soren10:17
mrevelljelmer, are you able to help?10:17
sorenmok0: What makes you think it's git? http://code.google.com/p/coot/source/checkout only mentions svn.10:17
mok0soren, I didn't configure anything, just gave it the URI10:18
sorenmok0: One of the things you choose on the vcs import page is the revision control system.10:18
mok0I believe I did tell it somewhere that it is an svn module10:18
sorenmok0: You can't skip it :)10:18
mok0soren: indeed10:18
sorenmok0: This is likely your problem. You accidentally chose git.10:19
mok0Hm /me is puzzled10:19
sorenmok0: I'd just remove that import again and create a new one, making sure to choose svn.10:19
glendoes launchpad ticket system have irc bot? one that could spam my irc #channel about new tickets?10:19
sorenMind you, svn imports need to be reviewed before they start, so it may take a while.10:19
sorenglen: no10:19
glensoren: but any script i could use?10:20
sorenglen: Ubottu (the Ubuntu IRC bot) does it quite well. The code is here: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bots/ubuntu-bots/devel10:20
mok0Is there a way to put bold text in the description? HTML tags are just quoted10:24
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mok0soren, svn imports reviewed, by a human?10:33
sorenmok0: Yes.10:34
mok0soren, is there a technical reason for that, or what gives?10:34
mok0(just curious)10:34
sorenmok0: 15:01 < jelmer> tumbleweed, soren: with svn some users register the root of the repository rather than a separate directory/branch which can result in huge load and disk usage on the importers and heavy network load on the repository10:34
mok0ah, of course10:35
mok0soren, it is not obvious that you need to give the URL of the module. In the subversion way, you'd pass the base URL + a module name10:35
wgrantThat's CVS.10:36
wgrantSVN is a single URL.10:36
mok0wgrant: you are probably right. It's been a while since I last used svn10:36
* mok0 shakes head in the hope the loose pieces fall into place...10:37
jelmerwe have some code in bzr-svn that should be able to tell with reasonable certainty that the specified path refers to a branch and not to e.g. a repository root10:37
jelmerthat code still needs to be hooked up with the new imports page10:37
mok0jelmer: that would be a nice improvement10:38
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mok0jelmer, thanks for approving, looks like it's importing now11:00
geseris it possible to derive from bug importance a rough estimate when it might get fixed? so I can judge better if I should wait for the fix (e.g. if it will get fixed within a few weeks) or work-around it somehow (if it takes longer)12:33
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deryckgeser: it's hard to judge from importance when a bug will be fixed.12:53
deryckgeser: do you mean across all projects on Launchpad, or just for launchpad's own bugs?12:53
geserderyck: for Launchpad's own bugs, more precisely: bug 69035612:54
ubot5Launchpad bug 690356 in Soyuz "The "xubuntu" packageset is missing in the lp.packagesets collection (LP API)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69035612:54
deryckgeser: so bigjools could probably speak to that bug particularly, but generally, given how many bugs are open against Launchpad, low bugs can go a long time before being fixed.  unless a dev is working in that area of the code.12:55
bigjoolsgeser: unless it's obviously a large impact bug it gets a low priority12:55
bigjoolsgeser: you could talk nicely to wgrant or StevenK and they might fix it for you this week :)12:56
geserthanks, will try it12:56
bigjoolsor you could fix it!12:57
wgrantI will probably get to it this week or next if you don't.12:57
wgrantBut I would strongly encourage you to try.12:57
geserI planned to start looking at LP code but didn't find time for it in the last months. This would be a good opportunity.12:58
wgrantIt's a rather nice trivial bug to start with.12:59
geserI guess I need a lucid VM to run the launchpad code in it to be able to test a fix, right?13:00
wgrantIt runs fine on Maverick too. I haven't tested Natty.13:00
wgrantBut most of the developers run it on Maverick.13:00
geserok, then a maverick VM13:01
geseris it suggest to use a VM or do most devs run it on the "normal" system?13:01
wgrantA VM is easy and clean.13:02
wgrantI normally run it on my real system, though.13:02
wgrantHard to say.13:03
wgrantEither way works.13:03
geserI give it a try on my natty system and switch to a maverick VM if that fails13:04
wgrantSounds like a plan.13:05
wgrant'night all.13:08
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CarlFKwhy is "for" hilighted?15:40
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tsimpsonprobably using python highlighting for some reason15:41
CarlFKand "use", "80", "and", " gtkbuilder" and a few other15:41
CarlFKtsimpson: that was my guess.15:41
benjiCarlFK: looks like syntax highlighting gone awry15:41
CarlFKweird: <span class="pyg-sr">/software-properties/g</span><span class="pyg-n">tkbuilder</span>15:42
CarlFKI wonder why it chopped the g from gtkbuilder15:43
CarlFKit is having a nervous breakdown15:43
benjisome crazy hungarian notation flashbacks?15:44
tsimpsonmaybe because /.../g is regex15:44
tsimpsong, i, and x would do the same iirc15:44
CarlFKhungarian... wow, I remember that.   and I remember thinking I would not be able to live without it.15:45
CarlFKI know some python, and I don't think15:47
CarlFKyeah, I don't think any  more.. lets try that again..15:47
CarlFKI know some python, and I don't think "last" or "new"  are keywords15:48
tsimpsonmaybe it's perl15:48
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bjsnideri'm being stopped from uploading any orig tarball to any ppa. it always freezes at the last 1k20:22
bjsnideri've tried upload.ubuntu.com as well20:23
radiihi, I can't create a new account on launchpad.net for my primary email address because apparently my email somehow got associated with a throwaway account i created years ago.20:27
radiiso when I try to "create a new account", LP sends the throwaway account an email saying "Launchpad Login Service: Warning  We've received a request to create a new account with your email address."20:28
radiiif I log into the throwaway account, I can't find the relevant email address mentioned anywhere in the UI.20:29
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mwhudsonwhy does https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+package/u-boot-linaro-omap3-beagle have three links to the same published version?20:46
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CarlFKradii: there has to be an option to change email.. I am looking for it21:48
CarlFKim just a user, so don't take my word for anything21:48
radiiCarlFK: thanks :)21:49
CarlFKhttps://login.launchpad.net "Manage email addresses" -> https://login.launchpad.net/+emails21:49
CarlFK"Enter your email address, and we will send you instructions on how to verify it."  oh oh.21:50
CarlFKoh, maybe it will send to the new addres21:50
CarlFKeither way, that's all I got21:50
radiiCarlFK: awesome, yes the offending email was listed there21:51
CarlFKwoot!  i'm helping!21:51
radiiI logged in to the old account and removed the "unverified" address21:51
radiinow opefully I can create a new account using the correct address21:51
radiibut first I ahve to go to 3 meetings for $REALJOB :(21:51
radiithanks CarlFK21:52
CarlFKgood luck with the j o b.21:53
AJenboHi i haven't been able to use BZR to get any projects for months now22:56
AJenbolast time i was told to wait a bit till some bug was fixed, i that can't be the issue here22:56
AJenboPermission denied (publickey).22:56
AJenbobzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message.22:57
AJenbobzr branch lp:~dpm/ubuntu-translations/ul10n-stats22:57
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mwhudsonthat suggests your local ssh key setup isn't right22:59
AJenbomwhudson, that my ssh key isn't uploaded to my lp account?23:01
mwhudsonthat's one possible reason, yeah23:01
AJenbook seams to work now, thanks23:05
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