
=== Freejack is now known as Freejack`
=== Freejack is now known as Freejack`
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
=== szczur_ is now known as szczur
JoeMaverickSettyo! lift the ban?12:52
hyperairi lifted it sometime back.12:52
hyperairlike seconds after you got akicked12:52
JoeMaverickSetti doubt it! :P12:52
kosaidpohello guys14:02
kosaidpoi got a problem with nitrogen14:02
kosaidpoin the autostart file i put in nitrnethinogen --restore but it does14:02
kosaidpobut it does nethin when i boot14:02
kosaidpooh none is here14:03
UndiFineDkosaidpo, o/15:02
kosaidpohello UndiFineD15:02
kosaidpoi've been stugglin with nitrogen  to set it up durin boot but its not workin15:03
UndiFineDcannot help much with lubuntu, but at least you know someone is here15:03
kosaidpohahaha yeh true15:03
kosaidpoi use nitrogen --restore in my autostat file but its not wokin15:03
kosaidpoUndiFineD: wht  you using ?15:03
UndiFineDubuntu 10.1015:04
phillwkosaidpo: I've never heard of it. you can try the mailing list.15:04
kosaidpoyeh i guess phillwthanks15:04
kosaidpophillw: thanks15:05
kosaidpogoin to pray15:09
kosaidpoill bb in 15 min or so15:09
=== AndrewMC is now known as SpockVulcan
=== SpockVulcan is now known as AndrewMC
Woodzyis there a way in Lubuntu to set a time limit on limited accounts?17:29
YorvykWoodzy, have a look at timeoutd17:41
szczurYorvyk, you're awesome :) i was thinking about such program. i forgot about it and now you're coming with solution :)17:49
Yorvykszczur, I just happened to see mention of it the other day ;)18:02
YorvykWoodzy, szczur the other option to look at is a kiosk type program18:03
Yorvykthey often have time limiters in them or tying break programs18:04
Yorvykit all depends what result you’re after.18:04
* Yorvyk must remember not to use the Enter key as punctuation 18:05
* Yorvyk Dinner time18:05
legoszcan someone help me ?18:54
legoszwith gnome-power-manager18:54
legoszsomeone ?18:57
legoszanybody in here ?19:06
Woodzy@Yorvyk, I have it installed but how can I tell it is running?20:11
meetingologyWoodzy: Error: "Yorvyk," is not a valid command.20:11
WoodzyYorvyk, I have it installed but how can I tell it is running?20:11
YorvykWoodzy, no idea I just saw it mentioned the other day by somebody trying to do something similar.20:21
YorvykWoodzy, try man  timeoutd20:21
YorvykOK, sorry I can’t be of more help.20:37
Kurdistan:) fritte is back21:21
Lubuntunoobhow do I configure Grub from Lubuntu,cant find the app21:36
YorvykLubuntunoob, what do you want to do21:37
Lubuntunoobi installed on a pc having grub and two partitions, deleted the linux part and kept the win partition, now win does not show on boot21:38
YorvykLubuntunoob, can you boot into Lubuntu OK21:39
Lubuntunoobyes fine21:40
Lubuntunoobi can even get to the win part and see all files there21:40
YorvykWhich version of Lubuntu are you using21:40
YorvykKnown problem21:41
Lubuntunoob10.10 and with all upgrades21:41
Lubuntunoobwhen using kubuntu i had an app that allowed the grub to be edited, cant find a similar one in lubuntu21:42
YorvykYou have to install os-prober21:44
Yorvyksudo apt-get install os-prober21:44
Lubuntunoobok thanks!21:44
Yorvykthen run sudo update-grub21:45
Lubuntunoobi did, now i will reboot.....21:46
LubuntunoobThank you!!!21:46
Lubuntunoobbtw any FAQ for all these progs???21:47
YorvykThere is a problem on the install disk and os-prober doesn’t get installed21:48
* phillw goes and nags gilir to get the 10.10.1 iso out :)21:54
WoodzyYorvyk, I'll get back to you on timeoutd - maybe we can figure this out. :)22:12
YorvykWoodzy, I’ll have a look at it at the week end and we’ll see what we can do22:14
kosaidpohello mark7622:20
kosaidpohere you go http://pastebin.com/bbiEeGiq22:20
mark76Hang on22:21
mark76Go to /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu22:22
mark76And open autostart as root22:23
kosaidpodone and put the cmmd thee ?22:24
mark76@nitrogen --restore22:25
meetingologymark76: Error: "nitrogen" is not a valid command.22:25
mark76Quiet bot :p22:25
kosaidpomark76:  ??22:25
mark76Replace "@pcmanfm --desktop" with it22:25
mark76Sorry, I was talking to meetingology22:26
kosaidpoi cmmted the pcmanfm line n added that cmmd22:26
kosaidpoits okay mark76 thanks22:26
kosaidpolet me test okies22:26
mark76Restart X22:27
kosaidpomark76: you cmmd didnt work22:32
kosaidpoand i changed it to nitrogen --set-tiled path/to/image and it does now22:32
kosaidpomark76: ijst wanna let you kno so next time helpin someone you ll kno22:33
mark76nitrogen --restore usually works22:33
kosaidpoi guess so cus on the net i found nitrogen --restore22:33
kosaidpowell thnkas mark7622:34
kosaidpoim a read bad typer22:34
kosaidpothanks* mark7622:34
kosaidpohaha im real* bad typer22:34
mark76No problem :)22:35
kosaidpomark76: the ubuntu project its developped in UK or usa ?22:36
mark76The UK and the Isle of Man22:36
kosaidpoisle ??22:37
kosaidpoi mean whats that :P22:38
YorvykIsle-small island22:38
kosaidpoYorvyk: ok22:39
YorvykDo Not update sudo currently! <- From Ubuntu+123:03
YorvykNasty things happen!23:03
Yorvyk#bug 69087323:21
ubot5Launchpad bug 690873 in sudo (Ubuntu) "latest natty sudo upgrade removes admin from /etc/sudoers" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69087323:21
YorvykSolution to #bug 69087323:57
ubot5Launchpad bug 690873 in sudo (Ubuntu) "latest natty sudo upgrade removes admin from /etc/sudoers" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69087323:57
Yorvykboot a live cd, mount your root disk and echo "%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL" >> /etc/sudoers to /etc/sudoers on your root disk, of course23:57

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