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bitplanehalp! I think I found a bug... can one of you please help me confirm and then walk me through the bug reporting process?02:39
bitplaneI changed the switcher with the Simple CompizConfig settings thing, but I can't do alt+shift+tab on the new fancy switchers. alt+tab works fine, alt+shift+tab doesn't do anything in the new switchers02:40
bitplanebut it works in the old one02:40
bitplaneI'm using a UK keyboard if that makes any difference. I've also tried both shift keys, which shouldn't02:40
cozziemotobitplane,   are you sure you have 11.04 installed because the compiz that is default is  0.902:55
cozziemotobitplane,  also I think you might want to install compizconfig-settings-manager02:56
cozziemotobillybigrigger,  rather than simple ccsm02:56
bitplaneall my software sources say maverick02:58
VolkodavHalf the plugins' icons are not visible in xfce or is it just me ?03:29
Volkodavin xfce panel*03:30
charlie-tcaVolkodav: icons in the system tray shrink until they disappear.03:41
Volkodavcharlie-tca: I am talking about the panel03:42
Volkodavsome are visible - some are not03:42
charlie-tcaThe tray is in the top panel, next to the speaker, normally.03:42
VolkodavI add them - they are in the panel but not visible03:43
charlie-tcaMost of us have them right after we log in, then they dsisappear through the day03:43
charlie-tcahm, try changing icon sets or appearance theme?03:44
Volkodavpanel 2 has it Ok03:44
Volkodavyes I changed icons not the theme though03:44
Volkodavnope - still the same03:45
charlie-tcaand, it does still have some bugs in 4.7, too03:45
charlie-tcaSome of the plugins are still broken, they won't work yet. They have to fix weather app and something else yet03:46
VolkodavThat i already see - the panel was substantially rewritten and is full of glitches with compiz on top of it....03:46
Volkodavsay you add any launcer and it is still invisible - you click on where the blind spot is and it works03:46
Volkodavwith or withpit compiz03:47
Volkodavi am sure they'll square it out03:47
Volkodavany idea how i restart the panel now?03:47
VolkodavOld one would give a menu on the corner right click03:47
charlie-tcaplaces plugin is gone, too03:48
nit-witVolkodav, killall gnome-panel03:48
charlie-tcarestart it by using Alt+F2, xfce4-panel &03:48
charlie-tcaIf you did not pick keep old configuration, you no longer have a menu03:49
nit-witcharlie-tca, that makes more sense03:49
Volkodavno workie charlie-tca03:49
charlie-tcayou have a top panel, right?03:49
Volkodavold one used to have restart on right click03:50
Volkodavthis new one does not03:50
charlie-tcano it doesn't03:50
charlie-tcaTry this - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels03:50
charlie-tcaKill them, then restart it03:51
Volkodavwhy they removed restart though - was very handy03:51
Volkodavwhen killing it will not save the config03:51
VolkodavI need it saved03:52
charlie-tcaThey completely re-wrote the panel code. It may have just got missed03:52
VolkodavThey's better put it back in - I will file it as a bug before they forget03:52
charlie-tcaI picked "default configuration" in natty. Got the top panel with what used to be in the bottom and the quit button. Bottom is 4 launchers, one of which is application finder. That replaced the menu for me03:55
Volkodavcharlie-tca: I change the panels all around - do not even remember how it was day one :)03:56
charlie-tcaIt was different! I got that down03:56
charlie-tcaWell, time for bed. Good luck with that. Might have to logout/login, or even restart to get the panel working right again03:57
VolkodavLaters charlie-tca03:57
timboyare we seriously going to have a global menu like mac?06:01
timboywill the menu follow the windows when they aren't maximized or are they always going to be at the top?06:04
timboythat's my biggest hatred of OSX06:04
rwwIf I recall correctly, they stay at the top.06:06
timboyso gay06:06
rwwtimboy: Don't use "gay" as a pejorative, please.06:07
timboyit's a suitable pejorative i believe. I'll use it if I want. it means wrong or absurd or bad or backwards06:09
rwwNo, it's not. It's offensive, and not acceptable for Ubuntu's channels.06:09
timboyi know being gay is offensive06:09
IdleOne!codeofconduct | timboy06:10
ubottutimboy: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ .  For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct .06:10
timboyi didn't come here for a debate and i don't want to try to dissuade your wrong opinions.06:10
rwwtimboy: Opinions have nothing to do with it. Part of this channel's guidelines are respect for others. Using sexual orientation as a pejorative is disrespectful and unacceptable behavior.06:11
VolkodavI noticed really weird behaviour of the right click in xfce with compiz - the menu of the right click shows up behind the app - I noticed that only on a half transparent window - otherwise it feels like it does not work at all06:27
Volkodavany app06:27
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h4fI have installed natty for testing purpose on my notebook. what is what is the key to see menu in all windows ?10:04
h4fhow do I see the list of running programs ? its not displayed in notification10:05
rumpe1h4f, do you use unity?10:10
xharxi have installed natty from life system, but install does not start. also not able to invoke konsole (alt ctrl f1)10:18
xharxi have installed natty from life system, but install does not start. also not able to invoke konsole (alt ctrl f1)11:26
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indusi cannot enable unity14:48
indusany suggestions, my system is uptodate14:48
coz_gawd the lanche is ugly ;015:02
coz_what ever happened to the sounds that were suppose to be changed?15:54
IdleOneart and sounds come later on in the cycle don't they15:56
PiciUsually too.16:02
coz_does anyone know who was picked to create the new sounds?16:02
IdleOneI don't think that info is revealed until the packages are released16:03
IdleOneI could be completely wrong16:04
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PiciI'd guess that the art team might have that information, but I may be wrong as well.16:09
coz_Pici,  i;ll check16:09
coz_although they did have a site to upload examples of new sounds from the user community16:10
IdleOnecoz_: a wiki page iirc16:13
IdleOnebest bet is to ask the art team16:14
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duffydackumnm, so I got alpha1 (tried daily-live also same problem) and I made usb with persistence but its not using the casper-rw.  ?17:39
faganhmmmm is anyone else getting unity segfaulting17:58
* fagan updated but thought unity would be fine to update 17:59
IdleOnethe joy of alpha release17:59
faganIdleOne: yeah but it was relatively stable up to now18:00
IdleOnethings break18:00
faganits interesting that they let an update thats segfaulting in18:00
IdleOneit's to be expected that your alpha os will not boot18:01
IdleOneor run properly18:01
faganIdleOne: yeah things break but thats where developers at least run their code before pushing an update. I know all that I have been testing for a crap load of releases now.18:01
rumpel__or doesn't damage anything18:01
rumpel__perhaps it's a very hardware-specific bug18:02
faganwhen we are the upstream (in things like unity) I presume that the sky isnt going to fall for an update18:02
faganrumpel__: probably not18:02
charlie-tcafagan: did you try unity --reset  ?18:05
fagancharlie-tca: nope18:11
faganill give it a go18:11
charlie-tcait was fixing things yesterday18:11
fagancharlie-tca: that fixed it18:12
charlie-tcaYou are welcome18:13
* charlie-tca got my one right today18:13
IdleOneone a day keeps the devs away?18:13
charlie-tcaI only seem to get one answer right each day18:13
* charlie-tca thinks no point in trying to answer any more questions todya18:14
coz_did I mention the Launcher is gosh darn ugly :)18:17
charlie-tcano :-)18:18
coz_ The launcher is gosh darn ugly :)18:18
charlie-tcaThank you for mentioning that18:19
charlie-tcavirtualbox is broken in natty?18:29
bongmaster__does anyone know why tehre is an extra x64 mac version?18:39
charlie-tcaanybody know how to make VBox puel version work again in natty?18:48
duffydackIve tried lucid and maverick to make a natty usb stick with casper-rw but its just not using the casper-rw,  is this a common problem?20:29
ghostcubenkt dass der chip + velo damals 190 geksotet ham20:52
guntbertghostcube: wrong window?20:52
ghostcubeoh lol sorry i was typing in another chan as the channels openeing all20:53
ghostcubemy fault20:53
guntbertas there is not much talking anyway I see no problem - it was only intended as a reminder :-)20:54
ghostcubethx so far i havent noticed till you told me :)20:54
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ferosHello there :) Searching for help about Ubuntu 11.04 :)21:39
ferosGood sign :P I ask for help and 1 quits >:21:39
* rumpel__ quits too21:40
ferosAnyone wanna help me a bit with my Microphone problem :/? my "sudo gedit /etc/esound/esd.conf" is blank,21:40
ferosWhitor :D Pro Ubuntu user :3?21:41
feros206 people here, and none can help :P21:43
ubottuAvoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude21:44
ferosI feel shot after that21:44
tejaishotAmaranth: i have a problem when i am trying to install updates...shows an error connection to daemon lost....what is this called?21:45
tejaishoti have a problem when i am trying to install updates...shows an error connection to daemon lost....what is this called?21:45
coz_whoa   gksudo nautilus is giving an error  ..."underlying authorization mechanism (sudo) does not allow you tu run this program22:14
IdleOnecoz_: not seeing that here22:19
Amaranthwhoa OpenGL ES is still broken for i965 :/22:19
IdleOneAmaranth: fix it :)22:19
AmaranthIdleOne: I'm compiling the i965 gallium driver now22:20
AmaranthIf the driver itself doesn't fall over GLES is free22:20
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IdleOnesounds good22:21
AmaranthAlthough this doesn't look promising: "<Dr_Jakob> Amaranth: its dead jim."22:21
BUGabundo-root   ALL=(ALL) ALL22:34
BUGabundo+root   ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL22:34
BUGabundoare we changing sudoers?22:34
crucialhoaxhello all22:48
crucialhoaxI created a live usb and when it boots it stops as soon as it shows the 'Debian`date` Peter et all' screen is this a bug?22:50
charlie-tcaBUGabundo: look like this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sudo/+bug/69087322:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 690873 in sudo (Ubuntu) "latest natty sudo upgrade removes admin from /etc/sudoers" [Critical,Triaged]22:59
BUGabundoshould I revert ?22:59
charlie-tcait is being discussed in #ubuntu-devel23:00
crimsunif you can revert, yes23:00
=== crimsun changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Natty Narwhal 11.04 | UDS Summaries: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDSProceedings/N/ | Release Milestones: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseSchedule | Happy Bug Hunting! | Maverick/10.10 support in #ubuntu | Alpha 1 Released: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/natty/alpha1 | Python 2.7 rebuilds are happening now, please wait with updates/upgrades until the rebuilds are done. | Do Not update sudo
crucialhoaxI created a live usb and when it boots it stops as soon as it shows the 'Debian`date` Peter et all' screen is this a bug?23:01
=== crimsun changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Natty Narwhal 11.04 | UDS: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDSProceedings/N/ | Milestones: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseSchedule | Maverick/10.10 support in #ubuntu | Alpha 1 Released: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/natty/alpha1 | Python 2.7 rebuilds are happening now, please wait with updates/upgrades until the rebuilds are done. | Do Not update sudo currently!
BUGabundocrimsun: too late23:19
BUGabundocrimsun: charlie-tca I have my /etc with etckeeper and bazaar23:19
BUGabundosufice to revert that? or do I need the binaires too?23:20
bjsnidercrimsun, why would vlc have a volume control that operates independently of pulse if it's using pulse's output driver?23:20
duffydackI cant create a live usb with persistence, it just wont use the persistence part..23:21
crimsunbjsnider: "operates independently"?23:21
crimsunbjsnider: note that we still disable flat volumes23:21
bjsnidercrimsun, what i mean is, vlc's volume control moves separately from the one that appears in pulse's applications tab, and can move the volume higher than pulse can get it23:24
BUGabundobugabundo is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.23:25
BUGabundoI guess its to late for me23:26
BUGabundolive cd here I come23:26
bjsniderreported to whom? the swiss navy?23:26
BUGabundochroot here I come23:27
BUGabundoso I'm no longer ROOT of my own laptop... awesome23:31
BUGabundomachines are taking over23:31
bjsnideryeah, the matrix has you23:32
Ian_Cornewatch out with updating the sudoers file23:33
Ian_Corneit's in the topic :p23:33
Ian_Corneto bad :D23:33
Amaranthbjsnider: vlc runs an audio filter to boost the volume before sending it to pulse23:34
AmaranthSo it gets overdrive, 400% volume23:34
bjsnideris it possible to turn that off?23:34
AmaranthNot that I know of23:34
bjsniderwell, i don't want the sound filtered23:35
faganI updated but I still have root access23:39
faganso am I still good?23:39
h00kSo, there was just an update...I allowed it to install package-maintainers version of /etc/sudoers, suddenly I can't sudo on my box.23:50
ubottuUbuntu bug 690873 in sudo (Ubuntu) "latest natty sudo upgrade removes admin from /etc/sudoers" [Critical,Triaged]23:51
h00kyeah. Cool.23:51
h00kwonder how I should take car eof this :D23:52
charlie-tcah00k: boot a live cd, mount your root disk and:23:54
charlie-tcaecho "%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL" >> /etc/sudoers23:54
charlie-tcato /etc/sudoers on your root disk, of course23:54
h00kcharlie-tca: yeah, I have my USB drive here...I'll do that23:54

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