
micahghi cyphermox01:21
cyphermoxhey micahg01:22
micahgcyphermox: did you get my notes on ofono?01:22
cyphermoxyep, if you mean those in the merge request?01:22
micahgcyphermox: yep01:22
DEKiMAWhat does MOTU stand for?01:58
porthoseDEKiMA, Masters Of The Universe https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU02:00
DEKiMAOk. Haha...02:00
DEKiMAOk, then I may belong here.02:04
DEKiMAI would like to see a package in the multiverse repo updated. Can I help with that? I know how to package it, that was pretty easy looking since I have plenty of Unix-like OS experience and computer experience in general.02:05
macoyeah just generate a new source package for the new version. make it for 11.04 since thats the development version02:07
DEKiMAHow can I submit it to be added to the repository?02:07
DEKiMAOr to being the process of submitting it.02:07
macosince the old package already exists, i think just uploading the source pakage to  bug on launchpad saying "update foo to version bar in multiverse" and subscribing sponsors should work02:08
macototally new packages go through revu02:08
ari-tczewand add tag 'upgrade;02:08
DEKiMAOh ok. Sheesh I made an entire new project page. I'll delete that.02:09
macotheres tags for type of upload to be sponsored?02:09
ari-tczewmaco: to type a bug02:09
macowhend that happen?02:09
ari-tczewit's not related to sponsorship02:10
* ari-tczew is off to bed, bye.02:10
DEKiMAOne question I need to ask is, can I create the source package on a non Debian based OS?02:14
DEKiMAI currently run Slackware and I believe I have all of the prerequisites except for apt or dpkg.02:17
DEKiMAHowever as I am simply downloading the source and packaging it for Ubuntu, I don't need to gather dependenies.02:17
DEKiMAFor myself that is.02:18
udienzDEKiMA: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete#Packaging%20from%20Scratch02:26
udienzDEKiMA: do you like videos? dholbach makes great videos http://youtube.com/watch?v=zKLabbXTqMc http://youtube.com/watch?v=SwTp1YnehoI02:28
macooh yes!02:28
macodholbach's videos are how i learned to package :P02:28
DEKiMAI watched those videos. That's how I got interested in doing this.02:29
macoDEKiMA: well youd be expected to do a test build of the package02:29
macoso if you could get an ubuntu vm or something...02:29
DEKiMAOn Ubuntu?02:29
macoor debian02:29
macobut need to check that the source package to binary package conversion goes over properly02:30
DEKiMAI don't have a problem install Ubuntu again. But I just didn't want to go to more work than I needed to.02:30
DEKiMAsed 's|install|installing|'02:30
DEKiMAThanks, maco :)02:30
macocould manually execute the debian/rules file i suppose...02:30
macobut without dpkg-buildpackage or debuild im not sure how itd kick out a deb02:31
DEKiMANo that's ok haha. I'll just install 10.10. That is the version I want to use correct? Even though I'll submit it for 11.04 which isn't out yet?02:31
macohmm speaking of slackware...02:31
macooh actually02:32
macoinstead of having a vm02:32
macowhat you can do is have an sbuilder or pbuilder chroot02:32
macowhich does a clean chroot'd build, so that the build dependencies are tested too02:32
DEKiMAI'm sorry?02:33
macopbuilder & sbuilder are two tools that make minimal chroots of ubuntu (or debian or whatever) and you can give them the source package and they'll download the build dependencies, try the build, and spit out a deb if it worked02:34
udienzmaco: i have a little bash script http://paste.ubuntu.com/543879/ helping me when i build in pbuilder02:34
DEKiMAI see.02:35
maco(and then they delete the build dependencies so you always have a clean chroot instead of ending up with cruft that keeps you from knowing whether you listed build dependencies correctly)02:35
macoive never used them outside of ubuntu (since well... ive never stuck with any other distro more than a month) but i doubt chroot works differently on slack than on ubuntu :)02:35
DEKiMAHaha I'm very much the same way.02:36
micahgRiddell: bug 678283 was marked fix released, but I don't see it on launchpad as a source package in natty06:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 678283 in Ubuntu "Sync python-pyproj 1.8.8-2 (universe) from Debian experimental (main)" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67828306:42
hajourhai all. i hope i am not shal disturb your time.i just want to ask ore someone wish to help us with the speech control voice command program with realistic voice07:27
hajourto let show who i am just read my wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/hajour07:28
hajouri am from the accessibility team07:28
micahghajour: how can I help you?07:29
hajourthe team need help in time for to bind  programs and advice07:30
hajourthey are not so sure witch program is the best07:30
hajoura little advice should be welcome07:30
micahgI'm sorry, I don't understand07:30
hajourmaybe if you want to come to the channel because i am not a programmer07:31
hajourthey can say it better07:32
hajoursorry for my bad english07:32
micahghajour: which channel?07:33
hajour##speechcontrol i now the channel have 2 ## but that is because they wanted a other name07:34
hajourbut phillw can tell you that to07:35
dholbachgood morning07:54
hajourbye all and thanks08:04
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gesermicahg: see bug 69035612:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 690356 in Soyuz "The "xubuntu" packageset is missing in the lp.packagesets collection (LP API)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69035612:21
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Riddellmicahg: python-pyproj is in New queue15:00
micahgRiddell: I forgot about that, sorry :(15:25
highvoltagedholbach: the 16th of Debianber? :)15:25
dholbachhighvoltage, I'm VERY stoked15:26
dholbach(oops :))15:26
micahggeser: thanks15:26
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ari-tczewebroder: ping17:40
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smallfoot-package 'rhyme' was in dapper, hardy, karmic, now its gone, why?18:25
micahgsmallfoot-: dead upstream according to Debian18:28
smallfoot-but its was useful for me18:31
smallfoot-a dictionary isnt something that gonna get less useful cuz its dead18:32
jpdssmallfoot-: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=55372018:34
ebroderari-tczew: pong18:36
smallfoot-well i downloaded the .deb for karmic from packages.ubuntu.com and installed that18:37
smallfoot-so fuck that18:37
ebroderThough still working through backlog, so may be another minute18:37
jpdssmallfoot-: Alright.18:37
ari-tczewebroder: I downloaded your full branch, but it still doesn't work18:37
macohey hey language...18:37
smallfoot-i can use whatever language i want, im a gangster, ubuntu is made for black ppl18:40
ebroderari-tczew: Can you pastebin the output?18:41
* maco rolls eyes18:41
ari-tczewebroder: http://paste.ubuntu.com/544127/18:56
ebroderari-tczew: And backportpackage is a wrapper script that sets your cwd to the branch then runs backportpackage?18:56
ari-tczewebroder: cwd?18:57
ebroderari-tczew: current working directory18:57
ari-tczewebroder: I downloaded your branch (by bzr branch)18:58
ari-tczewI went there18:58
ari-tczewand run command - rest you have on pastebin18:58
ebroderari-tczew: If you're running "backportpackage" and not "./backportpackage", then you're running the one you put in ~/bin, not the one in the branch (it makes a difference)18:59
ari-tczewebroder: yes, you're right19:02
ari-tczewebroder: Please check the package in file:///tmp/backportpackage-9jCjux carefully19:02
ari-tczewbut this file is not exist19:03
ebroderari-tczew: It's a directory, not a file19:03
ari-tczewebroder: anyway, doesn't exist19:04
ebroderari-tczew: Did you say yes or no? The script cleans up after itself when it exits19:04
ari-tczewebroder: there weren't any question19:04
ari-tczewseems like you don't know what your script is doing19:05
ari-tczewI was only asked about password to sign dsc file19:05
ebroderari-tczew: I'd appreciate it if you weren't so combatative. You need to pass a --upload ppa:ari-tczew/ppa or whatever flag, otherwise backportpackage doesn't have anything to do once it creates the source package. I'll fix it to error out if you don't specify an action, though19:06
ari-tczewebroder: so, can't I see .changes file before uploading? not good, not good!19:07
ari-tczewfor that reason syncpackage is not welcome19:08
ebroderari-tczew: No, if you pass a -u option, it will build the source package, give you that "please go inspect" message, then prompt you whether you actually want to upload the package or not before actually doing so. That's the point that you can see it19:08
ari-tczewebroder: how should looks coomand with -u ?19:09
ebroderari-tczew: -u is the same as --upload19:09
ebroderSo something like ./backportpackage --from natty --to maverick --upload ppa:ari-tzcew/ppa clementine19:10
ebroderIt won't automatically upload without asking you first19:10
ari-tczewebroder: I suggest you to reconsider ~ppa0 instead ppa119:11
ari-tczewalways one revision to go :)19:11
bdrungari-tczew: i prefer ~ppa119:11
LaneyThose two sets are isomorphic19:12
ebroderari-tczew: I've always used ~ppa1. Just like Debian uses -1, and we use ubuntu1 or ~maverick119:12
bdrungari-tczew: you can see the .changes file if you use syncpackage - the reason for not being welcome is a different19:12
ari-tczewebroder: for SRU/security we use ubuntu0.1 :)19:13
ebroderari-tczew: But it's the .1 that matters, not the 019:13
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ari-tczewdoes anybody work on maverick? I'm looking for testers to test Clementine music player19:15
Laneythe point is that ubuntu0.1 is less than ubuntu119:17
ari-tczewebroder: would be nice to add a flag -bug20:00
ebroderari-tczew: I don't understand what that should do20:08
ari-tczewebroder: support launchpad janitor closing bugs, like in syncpackage20:13
ebroderari-tczew: I don't want to encourage using backportpackage for actually doing real backports. Those should be done by the AA's, who have their own way of closing bugs (just like with syncs)20:14
ari-tczewbdrung: what do you think about it? ^^20:14
bdrungari-tczew: i see no need for specifying a lp bug20:15
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