
=== SquishyNotHere is now known as squishy
uvirtbotNew bug: #690436 in openssh (main) "ssh-import-id requires wget and ca-certificates to function properly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69043600:21
boatdinkok, i have a question to ask00:27
twb!ask > boatdink00:28
ubottuboatdink, please see my private message00:28
boatdink10.04 server w/ubuntu-desktop. How can I make it handle my windows credentials?00:29
twbYou mean you have an AD or PDC and you want to authenticate against it instead of the local flat files (passwd, shadow)?00:30
boatdinkmaybe. I want to store EVERYTHING on this server...user accounts, files, etc.00:31
twbYou want Windows *clients* to authenticate against your Ubuntu server as if it was a Windows server?00:33
twbAh, OK.00:33
twbThe tool for that is "samba"00:33
boatdinkyeah im familiar with samba00:34
twbIf you need to be an AD, you need samba4, which is not production ready.  If you just need to be a PDC or BDC, samba3 will work.00:34
boatdinki know pdc and bdc but what is AD?00:35
twbActive Directory00:37
boatdinkcan you decrypt my samba.conf file because i have no idea what most of it means. I managed to use two routers on my network by messing with the dns and ip's but this is too confusing00:39
twbI'm a bit busy00:43
boatdinkshould i be trying this with an earlier version than 10.04?00:45
twbI don't see why00:45
boatdinkwhat does the hosts file do?00:48
twbboatdink: you mean /etc/hosts?  It contains the host database; a mapping of IP addresses to hostnames (and back).00:49
twbIt has largely been supplemented by DNS.00:49
boatdinkShould I have to configure the Bind9.conf file at all?00:51
twbThese questions seem a bit schizoid00:54
twbWork out what your goal is, and then only make the changes necessary to achieve it.00:54
twbIf you don't NEED a DNS server, don't run one.00:55
boatdinkWhen should I use a dns server. a WAN perhaps?00:55
boatdinkIm just trying to figure everything out and how everything works and connects to eachother before I give it another shot00:56
twbFair enough, I guess01:02
twbWhen asking questions it helps to declare if your after pedagogy or pragmatism :-)01:03
smoserSpamapS, here now01:06
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K350Can one install ubuntu-server on an regular ubuntu without first unistalling ubuntu?04:06
twbK350: that question doesn't really make sense.04:07
K350And can one install ubuntu-server from the terminal. What package do I need ot install then?04:07
twbK350: "ubuntu desktop" and "ubuntu server" are mostly just different default package lists04:07
K350Ok, what package do I've to install on my ubuntu to have ubuntu-server?04:07
K350twb: Ah, so I can just install ubuntu-server..great04:08
twbIIRC the ubuntu-server install CD will install ubuntu-standard metapackage, not include localization packages (language-base-NN), and prompt for various server tasks.04:08
twbPlease note that we discourage running servers with GUIs.04:08
K350twb: Ah, this is my situation. I've Hardy installed in text-mode only, on a machine that has no screen or keyboard connected to it. I controll it over SSH. Now I wanted ot upgrade it to the latest version of ubuntu -server. So I was wondering what I'd to install04:10
twbK350: basically you install whatever services you want to use, e.g. if you want DNS you install bind04:12
twbK350: it would be slightly better to do the initial instal using the ubuntu-server CD, but probably not worth reinstalling.04:13
K350twb: Ah, ok I got it:-)04:13
twbI strongly recommend you read the Ubuntu Server Guide, which outlines some best practices04:13
K350twb: well, I'll go for a list of packages and see what candy there's:-)04:14
K350twb: I would actually want ot install somehting completely new. But I'm to lazy to connect screen, kehboard and everything. And It's obviously a pain to do such things rmotely04:15
* JanC has never had any problems to install/upgrade remotely ;)04:16
K350jetole: Well, now I meant another OS. Not package.04:20
K350JanC: that one was for you04:20
K350JanC: <tab>'ed wrong.04:20
twbJanC: without an OOB console, it can be a pain04:20
twbYou have to automate at least up to the sshd udeb04:21
K350JanC: What's a ODB console, never heard of?04:21
K350JanC: Have you ever installed an OS remotely?04:22
JanCI've used 2 ways that are actually similar: a PXE rescue console and debootstrap from inside an existing OS install  ;)04:23
twbK350: OOB = out of band, e.g. ILOM04:41
twbOr KVM over IP04:41
twbJanC: bypassing d-i doesn't count :-/04:41
jetoleEvening guys. Does anyone know how I can view the libexec dir from an ubuntu source package?05:39
twbSource packages don't have destination directories.05:50
twbIf you download a BINARY package (foo.deb), you can extract its contents with dpkg -x.05:50
jetoletwb: yeah but to be honest I'm not sure exactly what I am looking for to tell me it's the directory chosen by the libexec option.05:52
twbI don't know what that means.05:52
jetoleand wasn't sure if it did come with directories or not. It's piles upon piles of variables and trying to find what $libexec means from all the makefiles gets confusing05:52
jetoletwb: I am trying to find the libexec directory for libvirt0 or libvirt-bin. I have downloaded the source and the compiled dpkg which I extracted and I looked right at the directory I'm pretty sure but I didn't know that it was that directory05:53
jetoleI mean I saw every file that comes from the compile .deb but which one is libexec?05:54
twbUh, libexec is a directory05:54
jetolewhich directory?05:54
* jetole is getting the file again to have another look05:54
twbIt's set at ./configure type; the default is something like <prefix>/libexec/<package name>05:55
jetoletwb: right, I mean which one is the one that the compiled deb used05:55
twb--libexecdir=DIR        program executables [EPREFIX/libexec]05:55
jetolethats right05:55
twbEPREFIX for a Debian package is usually /usr05:55
twbFor a hand-compiled package it is usually /usr/local05:55
jetolethere is no /usr/libexec folder05:56
jetoleI thought that too05:56
jetoleso I'm still pretty lost here05:56
twbWhy do you need to know this?05:56
jetolea lot of progs will use something like /usr/lib/program_name/libexec but not libvirtbin05:56
jetoletwb: I doubt you want to know the answer05:56
jetoleI'm trying to do something I know you will tell me not to do05:57
twbNo package with "libvirt" in its name provides an inode path that contains "libexec".05:57
twbNo package with "virt" in its name provides an inode path that contains "libexec".05:57
jetolebut the program was compiled, didn't they have to give it a directory to use?05:58
twbJust because ./configure supports a libexecdir doesn't mean the project uses it05:59
jetoleI'm bashing my head in trying to find what this seamingly simple string should be05:59
* twb resists the urge to break out the cluebat06:01
jetolebtw, on topic, do you know how I can download a deb from the term? Is there an apt-<name> command to save me from going to the packages.ubuntu.com site06:01
twbjetole: aptitude download foo06:01
jetoletwb: I get it. I've been wasting my time looking for something that wasn't there06:01
jetoleah I should start getting in the habbit of using aptitude06:02
twbapt-get -d works, but you must be root and it'll put it in /var/cache/apt/archives, not $PWD06:02
jetoleI didn't know that but I guess I never did an ls -l on the archive. I just assumed that was left overs from when the package was installed06:03
jetolealso didn't know aptitude had non root features06:03
jetoleassumptions suck but I made the mistake of assuming anything apt/dpkg/aptitude almost always needed root06:04
jetoleneat. Never realized libvirt came with augeas lenses06:09
twbOh, it's a configuration management system, like puppet06:10
jetoleit's a config tool that helps with say mass deployments and what not06:10
jetoleuh no06:10
jetoleit's a tool you commanly use with puppet06:11
jetoleallows you access a config file like a tree and make changes to aspects without having to whip your sed-fu and awk like skills06:11
jetoleit's pretty cool06:11
jetoleI use puppet a lot a work too06:11
twbSo it's a gconftool-2 UI for /etc06:12
jetole... yeah06:12
jetolehehe. pretty much yeah06:12
twbOr like UCI in OpenWRT06:12
jetoleaugeas also plugs into puppet06:12
jetoledon't know. never got a openwrt box06:12
jetolebut what I meant about puppet is you can access augeas rules from puppet configs so you can write a puppet script that uses augeas to make changes.06:13
twbIn OpenWRT they store most stuff in /etc/config in a YAML-like format, which is queried/set by "uci" both from the CLI and from the web UI.  The init scripts then turn it into either flat files in /etc or (more commonly) just pass the appropriate arguments to daemons directly.06:13
twbIt sounds useful, but not useful enough that I'd actually go to the trouble of rolling it out on my own -- let Ubuntu do that heavy lifting for me for 12.0406:14
twbMy sed-fu is strong :-)06:14
jetolethat sounds neat but that last part of passing it to the daemon directly sounds kind of like an unreliable method06:15
jetolesounds kind of like a hack06:15
jetoleyay. 18 more months to the next LTS06:15
twbjetole: it exploits the knowledge that their daemons happen to accept arguments equally from either source, e.g. dnsmasq06:15
jetoleoh I think I misunderstood what you meant the first time then06:16
twbe.g. instead of dnsmasq -f /etc/dnsmasq.conf they call dnsmasq $options06:16
jetoleLike I said, I don't really have any openWRT06:16
jetoleI see06:16
jetolekinda like a wrapper?06:17
twbWell, in the sense that any /etc/init.d/foo script is a wrapper around foo06:17
jetoleand /etc/defaults06:17
jetolehehe. I see your point06:17
jetoleAlright. I'm gonna get back to work. Thanks for the insight @ libexec06:19
jetoleI'm gonna set my prefix as /opt and compile libvirt with every option I can find a proper dir for and see what else if anything gets sent to /opt06:21
twbSo I want a list of all the system accounts that Ubuntu typically creates06:48
twbA quick and dirty way to do this is:06:48
twbroot@mimic:/var/tmp/delete-me# find /srv/mirror/ubuntu/pool/{main,universe} -name \*.deb -exec sh -c 'dpkg-deb -e "$0" "$(basename "$0" .deb)"' {} \;06:48
twbroot@mimic:/var/tmp/delete-me# grep -r adduser.*--system .06:49
twbPlan B is just to pick a few packages I probably ACTUALLY care about, and install them into a scratch box, then getent passwd {100..999}||:06:50
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shaunostrikes me as something that should probably be documented somewhere07:00
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sorentwb: What do you need the list for?07:43
twbI had a clever idea of keeping the system UIDs and GIDs in sync between my LXC containers and the dom007:43
twbThat way when I did ls -l /srv/lxc/foo/etc/ssl on the host OS, it would show files being owned by ssl-cert, not some random other group07:44
twbUnfortunately, I now see this is basically impossible because many postinsts will use a simple "getent passwd foo" check to avoid OTHER non-idempotent commands, such as adding that account to additional secondary groups, or creating its $HOME.07:45
ttxzul: lots of noise around bug 458637, do you plan to have a look ?07:46
twbSo what I'll do instead is just ensure that the system accounts in the LXC container template and in the dom0 match, which will cover basics like syslog, postfix, ssl-cert, ssh.  Post-template system accounts like postgres, mysql, logcheck will just have to deal.07:46
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 458637 in samba "Windows Live Sign-In assistant prevents samba from accessing Windows 7 shares" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45863707:46
jasonmchristosWhat is the best how-to for setting up an openvpn server on ubuntu?07:52
twbhttps://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/openvpn.html ?07:54
twbpeer-to-peer openvpn is trivial because you can use symmetric cryptography, but openvpn disallow this for political reasons for hub/spoke setups.07:55
twbPersonally I'll be looking at ipsec instead of openvpn in future, because that's what IPv6 blesses for ICMPv607:56
jasonmchristostwb: thanks for the info i know what to think about in the future but for now i will go ahead with openvpn07:57
jasonmchristoscan anyone tell me which ports to open on ufw to allow apt-get08:05
jasonmchristosi locked everything down but ssh08:05
qman__by default it allows outgoing connections08:06
qman__apt uses standard http08:06
jasonmchristosqman__: i have allowed 80 and 443 out but still cant use apt-get08:21
twboutbound, or inbound?08:22
twbpastebin the output of "apt-cache policy" and "iptables-save -c"08:22
jasonmchristostwb: its dns not resolving i guess i needed to enable port 53 in from my router but still isn't resolving08:32
twbDNS requires both 53/udp and 53/tcp.08:33
twbUnless you mistrust your local users, it seems pretty stupid to block OUTPUT08:33
jasonmchristosits going to be for openvpn server only08:34
jasonmchristosok got it to work by allowing 53 out and in08:47
twbIIRC ufw implicitly allow return responses08:53
shauno53 is dns.  that shouldn't be required in either direction unless you are your own NS08:54
boneshakerHello All! May i ask for help? I have a little problem on my Ubuntu server08:55
twbshauno: he needs to resolve archive.ubuntu.com so he can apt-get08:55
shaunoufw doesn't drop outbound dns tho08:55
twbshauno: I think he's being a bit silly and trying to :OUTPUT DROP -08:56
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raubvogelIf you do an upgrade to a package that some services being run depend on, will the upgrade also restart those services?09:13
jasonmchristosgood question09:14
jasonmchristosi imagine it should09:15
qman__and yeah, an output drop policy is overkill unless you are directly connected to the internet09:16
qman__or an otherwise untrusted network09:16
twbqman__: even if you're directly on the internet, I wouldn't bother unless the host in question was likely to be compromised09:17
twbI *might* do it for a LAMP server with a public IP09:17
shaunooutput log once in a while could be instructive.  output drop is overkill in every situation I could think of09:17
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boneshakerI have problem on my Ubuntu server, maybe somebody can help me with it?10:40
boneshakerwhen i try to send keysequence via xvkbd to client running on Xvfb - it kills Xvfb with fatal io error 1110:40
boneshakerwith other X servers (not Xvfb) it works fine10:41
boneshakerit works with Xvfb only if i run x11vnc and connet/disconnect to it before sending keysequence10:41
boneshakerany ideas? ty in advance10:41
qman__I run output accept on my router10:43
qman__just keep the attack surface minimal10:43
sorenboneshaker: Your question has nothing to do with Ubuntu server. Try #ubuntu or #ubuntu-x.10:49
boneshakerthx - i will try10:50
leonardopiresHi friends! Where i can get a documentation about Ubuntu's Virtualization11:46
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[diablo]afternoon #12:06
[diablo]guys I have replaced a NIC with a new one...12:06
[diablo]where can I can configure the new MAC -> ethX12:06
[diablo]previous was eth112:06
[diablo]udev[454]: renamed network interface eth1 to eth1-eth212:07
[diablo]found that12:07
Jeeves_[diablo]: /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistant-net12:15
patdk-lapoh heh, I thought he said he found it, but guess he meant he found that rename message12:16
[diablo]hi Jeeves_ ... sorted12:16
[diablo]cheers anyway12:16
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Davieyafternoon zul13:11
zulkirkland SpamapS Daviey: i added get-orig-source so it fetches a git snapshot based on the date for cobbler13:22
Davieyzul: when did you push that?13:31
zulDaviey: soon :)13:31
Davieyzul: I was gonna say!  I just branched, and it wasn't there13:31
zulDaviey: heh i have a whole bunch of changes in my branch ill be pushing by the end of the day13:32
Davieyzul: push incrementally!13:32
Davieyzul: code drops aren't cool :)13:33
zulDaviey: yeah ill push after this change then13:33
Davieyzul: Did you get the service started ok?13:34
zulDaviey: no i have to use the web interface for now im not sure what is happening when i do cobbler check13:34
Davieyzul: I had a hacky fix for that.... :/13:35
Davieylemme try and re-generate it now.13:35
uvirtbotNew bug: #690638 in net-snmp (main) "snmp tools fail to translate OIDs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69063813:36
sorenI'm curious... Why is cobbler suddenly a priority? It's been on our list of stuff to get done for almost three years, never managed to get resources allocated to do it. What changed?13:41
TREllisDaviey zul: I played around with one of your cobbler branches the other day, actually... I think it was kirklands', the deb package was missing a few python deps13:43
DavieyTREllis: interesting... branches welcome :)13:44
zulTREllis: ack...i have a couple of bug fixes13:44
TREllispython-{simplejson,urlgrabber} if I remember irght13:44
DavieyTREllis: Do you want to help develop?13:45
DavieyTREllis: lp:~ubuntu-virt/cobbler/ubuntu is our tip, if you want to base branches from that13:45
TREllisDaviey: cool, I'll take a look, not much of a python hacker but I'll happily test it13:46
DavieyTREllis: we'll help :)13:46
Davieyzul: Have you managed to install cheetah on Natty?13:50
zulDaviey: yeah i havent had any problems recently13:50
Davieyzul: Interesting... i'm getting python2.7 issues13:51
zulbut im always trailing edge when im using a devel version13:51
zulie when i slack off i upgrade ;)13:51
Davieyzul: lol... same here :)13:54
sorenzul: Why is it you add an empty changelog entry to the nova package after every upload?14:05
zulin the bzr branch?14:05
toast018Good morning everyone!14:06
zulsoren: good question14:06
toast018Can someone tell me in what directory should I place the .htaccess file on my server?14:06
sorentoast018: The for which you wish it to take effect.14:07
sorentoast018: The one for which you wish it to take effect.14:07
zulsoren: i wont in the future14:07
sorenzul: Cool :)14:07
toast018I placed it in the /var/www/ folder but it didnt work... then in the /var/www/squirrelmail dir and still nothing... :( even ran chmod 075514:07
toast018i ment directory not folder... .sorry still getting away from windows... lol14:08
sorenYou need to adjust AllowOverride to allow htaccess to take effect.14:08
sorenIt's in /etc/apache2 somewhere.14:09
toast018would i set it to none ?14:10
zulDaviey: just doing some bug fixes before i push14:11
toast018woohoo tutorial found... I just needed the allowoverride to set me in the right direction.... Thanks soren14:12
KrashkHi. I just got a mail from my ISP that my server has tried to establish contact with known botnet controllers. Any idea how I can check it I am part of a botnet or not?14:16
ubaHi, I'm using SSMTP to send emails from my PHP scripts but even with the "FormLineOverride=YES" the from address on the emails being sent is "www-data@mydomain.com" which is the local user name for the Apache process. I have extensively searched on the web but I have not been able to find a solution to this problem. I would really appreciate any help on this.14:34
patdk-wkyou have a sample email?14:35
toast018I have adjusted the properties of AllowOverride and also added the list of IPs from overseas. but how to i see if it works?14:35
toast018how can I ping my site from say Russia? or China?14:36
patdk-wkif you locate a russian/chinese web proxy service :)14:36
patdk-wkthere are some out there14:36
ubapatdk-wk: Yes i received them in my spam box.14:37
zulkirkland SpamapS Daviey: alot of packaging changes this morning ;)14:50
toast018can someone see if my site mail.jmchd.com is reachable from russia or china... I tried the proxies but I dont think I did it right... :(14:53
dokoDaviey: does my suggested fix work for eucalyptus?15:15
Davieydoko: Not tried it yet... but will do soonish15:16
Davieydoko: thanks for looking15:16
Davieyzul: How far off are you having a cobbler-web package?15:18
zulDaviey: havent started it yet...working on koan15:18
Davieyzul: ok, np15:18
robbiewredhat and eucalyptus huh...sounds like a match made in heaven15:19
robbiewDaviey: zul: (and whoever else might know):  who owns http://ubuntuserver.wordpress.com/15:20
Davieyrobbiew: we do :)15:21
Davieyrobbiew: that is our "offical blog"15:21
robbiewneeds updated branding then ;)15:21
Daviey(Many of us would, you know, prefer a blog hosted via ubuntu server :)15:21
* robbiew adds the wiki to his list of cleanups....whoohoo!15:23
Davieyliving the dream... :)15:23
hggdhDaviey: I would even say *all* of us ;-)15:28
hggdhDaviey: BTW -- kees' build works on AMD6415:31
hggdhjust finished the test15:31
hggdhnow... for i38615:31
Davieyhggdh: passed the test run?15:32
hggdhDaviey: sir, yes sir15:33
Davieyhggdh: you rock.15:33
hggdhnow... download the i386 mav iso locally, upload the beast to the rig, install15:34
hggdhwhy, oh why can't we get direct access to the ISO servers?15:34
Davieyhggdh: I'm sure you can if you put in an RT15:36
Davieyi added an RT for ppa archive access, and they granted that :)_15:37
hggdhDaviey: nowadays we use akamai for trhe official ISO downloads15:37
hggdhI am not sure how IS would react if we ask for it15:38
Davieyhggdh: There are still plenty of non-akamai mirrors, tho?15:39
hggdhprobably it will be easier to just add them ISOs to tamarind, and leave them there15:39
hggdhonly 15 minutes more to end uploading ;-)15:40
Davieyhggdh: gb.releases.ubuntu.com looks good to me :)15:40
hggdhDaviey: hum. Being local, it is probably not a bad one...15:41
hggdhyeah, I will open a RT on iy15:41
Davieyeek, hide - it's skaet15:41
* hggdh is just gone15:42
skaetlol,  no release happening for a while....   you're safe ;)15:42
jpdsDaviey: Good.15:42
Davieyskaet: :)15:44
Lars_GHey all.15:45
* hggdh is back15:45
Lars_GQuestion, is there an offitial package that comes with all the schemas that are not included with slapd? like openssh.schema? and preferably if they're on the .ldif format used by the newer system already....15:46
DelemasI have various Ubuntu 10.04 VMs built with vmbuilder. They respond to a virsh shutdown domainname issued on the host. Self build VMs ignore all similar commands, despite having similar packages. Can anyone tell me what listens for virsh shutdown commands in Ubuntu guests?15:48
hggdhJamesPage: I am considering adding 'DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer' to the PXE boot on ubuntu-server-testing, do you mind?15:50
hggdhJamesPage: I am having some issues on d-i, and I think having it there will not hurt if we find others later15:50
DelemasLars_G, I doubt it. I had to search for them. For example samba had some bits in the samba-doc package...15:51
Lars_Git's as evil as finding MIBs then15:52
Lars_Gthanks Delemas15:52
hggdhwell, at least the MIBS are in snmp-mibs-downloader15:53
zulDaviey: you said you had a hack for cobbler check?16:02
Davieyzul: i had one that was in place, yeah16:02
zulDaviey: can i see it?16:03
Davieyzul: hmm... it's gonna be easy for you/me to regenerate tbh16:03
Davieyit was a patch i wouldn't commit iirc16:03
raubvogelIf you are doing virtual mail domains in postfix in ubuntu, is there a specific path for where the mailbox directory goes?  I have been using /var/spool/vmail but in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixVirtualMailBoxClamSmtpHowto they use /home/vmail. Which one is the expected path for ubuntu?16:04
DelemasApparently shutdown only works properly if acpid is installed.16:07
toast018O Nooooos Cannot initiate the connection to archive.ubuntu.com:80 ( - connect (99 Cannot assign requested address) [IP: 80]16:26
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a_ok2are the settings in /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf actually used when doing an iSCSI boot?16:36
coxnlvm question. I've got an LV that claims "2" in the Open column, but it's not in /proc/mounts, I've already deleted the virtual machine that was using it as its disk, no kvm sessions are hanging, fuser doesn't show anything.... I'm running out of ideas as to how this could be open.17:04
coxn# dmsetup info -c raid10-bootvm17:04
coxnName             Maj Min Stat Open Targ Event  UUID17:04
coxnraid10-bootvm    251   3 L--w    2    1      0 LVM-9x3W5fj2SMJZwScutUEv7EWL3JaRfnWCwolLpVI2S8e9JAXoY9yqoszOekKSGYNH17:04
coxnI dispute this                  ^17:05
coxnI'd like to remove this LV, and I'm stuck. Several people have suggested a reboot or a vgchange -an for the whole volume group, but neither of those is palatable since there are other (running) VMs on the box.17:06
coxnexample: # lvchange -an raid10/bootvm17:12
coxn  LV raid10/bootvm in use: not deactivating17:12
coxnI'd like to know what tools (eg. fuser, lsof) I should be using (and how) so that I can kill whatever it is that's hanging onto that LV17:12
coxnor at least know how it's getting hung if not fix it.17:13
hggdhplease pardon my ignorance, but why is ntfs-3g included in the basic server install?17:35
zulif you want to mount ntfs partitions on your server maybe? :)17:37
patdk-wkno idea, I remove it :)17:37
leonardopireshi friends17:43
leonardopiresi have 2 ubuntu + kvm running guest os17:44
leonardopireswhats the tool for cluster this 2 physical ubuntu machines?17:44
leonardopiresim was looking for ganetti...17:44
leonardopiresbut ganetti dont have full support from ubuntu...17:45
hggdhzul: how many servers have you seen that mount a NTFS partition?17:59
zulhggdh: none but i think that was pre ubuntu-server team18:00
ScottKhggdh: It's not harmful just sitting there.18:00
hggdhScottK: I do not disagree, but are we not looking to more space in the ISO?18:01
ScottKhggdh: Also it's in the Standard seed, so to remove it from Server, it would have to be removed from that seed and then explicitly seeded in the desktop flavours that want it.18:01
ScottKIt's not very big: Size: 9135418:01
zulkirkland SpamapS: http://people.canonical.com/~chucks/2010-12-15_124012_import.log18:07
kirklandzul: ooooh, getting close :-)18:08
ivokswhat can one do when mysql takes ages to finish the query?18:10
ivoksis it possible to automatically kill that query after some_time18:10
hggdhScottK: thank you18:15
smoserjdstrand, do you have a security test suite for kernel ?18:28
smoserlooking primarily to test for lack of major regression.18:28
smoser(i'm asking the security team in general, mdeslaur kees )18:28
hggdhsmoser: qa-regression-testing18:29
keessmoser: are you familiar with the qa-regression-testing bzr tree?18:29
keessmoser: hggdh can show you were we put our tests. :)18:29
* kees goes afk again18:29
smoserthanks kees18:29
smoserhggdh, thanks.18:29
smoserso, hggdh have you by chance run the current -proposed for maverick ?18:29
hggdhsmoser: b co lp:qa-regression-testing, then look at ./scripts/test-kernel*.py18:30
hggdhsmoser: I have not, but pedro_ was doing it18:30
hggdhs/b co/bzr co/18:30
RoyKhi all. how can I report the physical ethernet speed?19:07
RoyKthe nic is gigE, so is the switch, I just want to see what is being used...19:07
jmedinayou can use ethtool ethX19:07
RoyKjmedina: thanks19:09
jmedinaRoyK: probably this is interesting to you: http://datatag.web.cern.ch/datatag/howto/tcp.html19:11
RoyKjmedina: seems that article is rather old - most new stuff is tuned to support gigE quite well out of the box19:15
RoyKalso, pci-x isn't very hot anymore either19:15
jmedinaRoyK: ok :)19:15
* RoyK has two 100TB boxes hooked up with 10gigE19:16
RoyKbtw. 10gigE on PCI-X would't be much fun19:16
patdk-wkpci-x (66mhz) supports 8gbit (one way) :)19:17
patdk-wkso really, pci-x 133mhz by itself could do 10gbit nic, but it would be maxed out19:17
RoyK133MHz 64bit is _theoritaclly_ 8,5Gbps, but for old PCI, add a spoonful of two of overhead19:19
patdk-wkwell, I can push 980mbit over pci, 32bit 33mhz19:19
patdk-wkthat is damn well close to the pci limit19:20
RoyKmost pci is pci 2.3, though, which is 66MHz19:21
RoyKbut then, why bother :P19:21
patdk-wkoh, my pci isn't even pci 2.0 :)19:21
patdk-wkthat I did that test on19:21
RoyKpatdk-wk: 1996 hardware?19:21
i0nichi does this cron look right for every 5 minuts ? */5 * * *  echo 'Hello'?19:22
patdk-wkit was available, and I was bored19:22
RoyKi0nic: yes19:22
i0nicim new to cron, just trying to understand it19:22
Picii0nic: Yes.  But where are you echoing to?19:22
i0nicRoyK: thanks19:22
patdk-wkbut that was using jumbo packets :)19:22
RoyKPici: that one'll echo to stdout, which will send an email to the owner19:22
i0nicPici: would that not echo to my terminal if I am logged into the user that the cronjob is under?19:22
PiciRoyK: exactly.19:23
Picii0nic: No, what RoyK just said will happen.19:23
i0nichow would I echo to the terminal?19:23
PiciUsually?  You wouldn't.19:23
i0nicis there a cron log so I can confirm the cron is running as scheduled?19:24
RoyKi0nic: why would it know which terminal to echo that to?19:24
patdk-wkwrite or writevt :)19:24
RoyKi0nic: you could always do something like echo wtf > /dev/console19:24
i0nicahh nice19:24
Picii0nic: It should drop an entry into /var/log/auth.log19:25
patdk-wkmy brother loves write, I ban him from it19:25
i0niclooks like cron runs as UID 0?19:25
i0nicis there anyway to make it run as the user its been scheduled under?19:26
QAHHi everyone!19:27
QAHI have a question about Ubuntu Elastic cloud. Does it do virtualization like VMWare Server or something? What would be advantages to using it for a home server?19:28
i0nicthe only reason I can think of for having a virtualized home server is if you have the power.19:30
i0nicand you wanted the multiple machines19:30
QAHSo UEC can virtualize?19:33
QAHBecause I always see that install option when installing Ubuntu Server, but I never realized what it really was.19:33
baggar11what program do you use to manage the virtualization cloud when using that install option?19:34
SpamapSQAH: it provides an EC2 API compatible "cloud" implementation19:35
SpamapSbaggar11: euca2tools or ec2tools19:36
QAHSpamapS: Ok. So basically it allows you to create a cloud of virtual machines correct?19:36
SpamapSbaggar11: or any other EC2 management utility19:36
SpamapSIt also has its own web interface.19:36
SpamapSQAH: right19:36
QAHBecause EC2 is MAD expensive.19:36
SpamapSEC2 is $17/month for a t1.micro19:36
QAHThat includes storage and everything?19:36
SpamapSEC2 is *free* for *one* t1.micro19:36
QAHThat doesn't include bandwidth.19:37
SpamapSwhich is reasonably priced given what you're getting19:37
SpamapSwhich is the equivilent of a high end colo connection to the internet19:37
QAHI guess. It's just out of my price range right now.19:38
QAHI'm not really hosting much.19:38
i0nicS3 is the file storage19:38
QAHI actually removed VMWare Server from my server because virtualization was kinda overkill for me.19:38
QAHI just wanted to know if UEC virtualized.19:38
i0nicEC2 is typically used for off loading resources onto19:38
i0nicUEC does not create virtualized servers.19:39
i0nicXen would be a program that does that.19:39
QAHi0nic: ???19:39
QAHThat's what I was asking.19:39
QAHSo basically, UEC just allows you to share the workload among different computers?19:41
QAHI'm kinda confused as to its true purpose.19:41
panfisti have a printer shared with cups. i have connected to it both at http://localhost:631/printers/Foo and http://my.ip:631/printers/Foo and it works fine, from the localhost19:44
panfisti have tried to connect to the printer from another machine at http://my.ip:631/printers/Foo and it won't print19:44
panfisthere's the error log from the last two jobs i tried to send http://dpaste.com/287088/19:44
i0nicQAH -> http://cssoss.wordpress.com/2010/06/22/pdf-version-of-eucalyptus-beginners-guide-uec-edition/19:44
=== Fookin_Prawn is now known as Prawn_QuakeLive
baggar11SpamapS: are those free tools, graphical or commandline?19:55
QAHOk. That clears up stuff. :)19:55
QAHSo overkill for me. :P19:55
=== Prawn_QuakeLive is now known as Fookin_Prawn
uvirtbotNew bug: #690815 in openldap (main) "db_open(/var/lib/ldap/access/id2entry.bdb) failed: No such file or directory (2)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69081520:11
smoserhggdh, do you know how i run these 2 kernel tests ?20:13
smoserjust run them ? no args ?20:13
hggdhsmoser: you should not need any parms20:14
smoseri'm wanting to run ./scripts/test-kernel-root-ops.py and ./scripts/test-kernel.py20:14
smoserjust run them, do i need to | output into tee or anything ?20:14
hggdh--help would point to potential options20:15
hggdhyou might need to run them as root, though20:15
i0nichmmm..  "Received disconnect from IP: 2: Too many authntication failures for tablet"20:16
i0nicwhat program is blocking tablet?20:16
i0nicdoes ubuntu 10.04 lts have some sort of firewall installed by default?20:17
i0nicbesdies iptables*20:17
remix_tjby default is installed iptables and his management tool ufw i0nic20:24
remix_tjbut set as ACCEPT ALL as default20:24
i0nicwho is the user voice?20:33
i0nicor group i mean20:33
kirklandSpamapS: so what's the output of + [clint-fewbar] Work with Cobbler development to upstream patches and coordinate release: DONE20:33
i0nicah pulse20:33
i0nicim at a lost20:41
SpamapSkirkland: They know we're here, 2 patches upstreamed, and some feedback on how well that went (seems like they'd prefer that we send them git formatted patches)20:42
SpamapSkirkland: Hopefully also they'll provide some thoughts on 2.1 and when we can expect a 2.1.020:42
kirklandSpamapS: neat;  capture that in a note in the whiteboard?20:43
SpamapSkirkland: done... this is cool.. its like.. it might actually work.. and be fun.. ;)20:54
jasonmchristosmorn'n folks using this howto https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/openvpn.html i am at the point of CONFIGURATION it says to specify the local ip , is it going to be a problem if the openVPN server I am using is on DHCP?20:54
SpamapSjasonmchristos: only if your IP changes20:56
jasonmchristosthis is a problem20:57
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:58
SpamapSjasonmchristos: you may be able to specify it as a hostname and restart the service.. but IIRC, openvpn needs to know what its IP address is to act as a server.21:01
gholmssmoser: ping21:02
smosergholms, here21:03
gholmsHow would you feel about cloud-init stuff shelling out to PK instead of apt wherever possible so stuff is more portable?21:03
smoserPK ?21:06
gholmsI'm thinking pkcon, its CLI.21:06
smoseri've never used it.21:07
smoserthe 2 thoughts i would have are a.) its not in our images right now, so we'd have to get it there21:07
smoserb.) there are some options that i pass to apt to make it really not prompt me (as thats just not going to work)21:08
smoserand i'd hae to be able to do the same through pkcon21:08
smoseralso, you're aware that amazon did some work on cloud-init to make it non-ubutnu specific, right?21:08
gholmsIIRC, I was a little disappointed with how they did it, but yeah, I saw that.21:09
gholmsI just figured I would ask if you would have any philosophical objections or anything before I start working on a PoC.21:10
smosergholms, no i do not have any real objections21:17
gholmsOkee dokee.  Thanks.21:18
smoseri've not looked extensively at the amazon changes, and i know that they weren't 100% happy with them either.21:18
gholmsIt's been a while since I looked at their changes, but IIRC they basically just directly called pieces.21:21
gholmsI also have to figure out how to deal with disappearing disks since nobootwait isn't portable.  :-\21:21
SirDerigohi people21:27
uvirtbotNew bug: #606373 in cloud-init (main) "cloud-init output does not get to console when booted with pv-grub and ramdisk" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60637322:03
geekbriso if you damage your /etc/passwd file there is no way to copy over /etc/passwd- back to /etc/passwd without booting into single user mode is there?22:07
jmedinaI have always restores passwd- on a running system without problems22:07
hggdhduh. There I am, running a test on UEC with 5 NCs. Test is taking an awfully long time... and I noticed I had not powered on the NCs :-(22:08
jmedinaeven in runlevel 222:08
geekbrijmedina: hrm?22:08
geekbrijmedina: the problem is i can't SU because the passwd file is damaged so i dont have access to copy the file over22:08
jmedinawhat about ssh?22:10
jmedinawell only if you have root access22:10
Lars_GQuestion, is there any advantage to a 64 Bit kernel other than accessing over 4Gb of ram? something that I think pae in i386 mode can do anyhow.....22:16
=== jmedina is now known as eljmedina
The_TickLars_G: google is your friend here22:19
The_Ticklots of information on the pros and cons22:19
baggar11I'm pretty sure 32bit linux can access over 4gb of ram22:20
The_TickI'm pretty sure 64 bit can access a ton more than 32 bit22:23
The_Tickand that there are other benefits to 64 bit22:23
baggar11for sure22:25
lenios32 bit can access a lot of memory with a pae kernel, it's a little slower though22:38
lenios64 bit should be the choice if hardware is capable22:39
patdk-laplenios, I have cpu's that can do 64bit, but not pae22:50
leniosif your cpu is 64 capable, go with 64 bit22:51
leniosit's default on server, anyway22:51
gallaminehello, i'm a first time AWS user and I'm trying to get a Ubuntu image installed23:38
gallaminewhen i run 'ec2-run-instances', as per the instructions on the Ubuntu website I get the error, "the AMI ID does not exist"23:40
gallaminewhile the AMI is shown here:23:41
gallamineah ha! i was using a AMI from the wrong region23:46
=== oubiwann-holiday is now known as oubiwann
gallaminewhen i attemp to ssh into my aws instance, it asks for my passphrase23:57
gallaminethere is nothing in the instructions here (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EC2StartersGuide) that mention this23:57
gallamineany ideas whati've done wrong?23:57
gallamineI'm on step #423:57
jasonmchristoslooks likr you have to have static ip for openVPN config?23:59

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