=== nick_ is now known as Guest49481 | ||
ali1234 | the bbc news website has really gone down in quality since they redesigned it | 00:50 |
ali1234 | "more on this story" is now autogenerated and links to seemingly random other news stories, when it works at all | 00:51 |
hamitron | but has it REALLY EVER had good quality content? ;) | 00:51 |
ali1234 | yes | 00:52 |
ali1234 | it's still better than slashdot | 00:52 |
hamitron | whoopie \o/ :D | 00:52 |
hamitron | I've started reading the news on yahoo front page :/ | 00:53 |
hamitron | should I need, at least I get "important" news like the new Britain's Got Talent judges | 00:54 |
hamitron | :\ | 00:54 |
ali1234 | ha ha | 00:54 |
Azelphur | http://www.break.com/index/how-to-report-the-news.html | 01:22 |
Azelphur | ahahahaha, BBC News in a nutshell | 01:22 |
exobuzz | charlie brooker rules | 01:31 |
exobuzz | seen his one off "gameswipe" ? his other stuff is good too newswipe/screenwipe | 01:32 |
Azelphur | :p | 01:32 |
Azelphur | nope | 01:32 |
exobuzz | tis worth a looksee. | 01:32 |
Azelphur | exobuzz: I'm using a minimal installer on my mums laptop in the hope that it works :p | 01:38 |
Azelphur | it wouldn't install from CD because the drive is on the way out and it's too old to install from USB | 01:39 |
exobuzz | netboot it ? | 01:39 |
exobuzz | :) | 01:39 |
hamitron | or could use the mini.iso | 01:40 |
Azelphur | hamitron: yea I'm using mini.iso | 01:41 |
hamitron | oh, not the command line system install on the alt cd then | 01:41 |
hamitron | :) | 01:41 |
Azelphur | hehe nope :) | 01:41 |
hamitron | I keep meaning to use the mini.iso for all my installs | 01:41 |
hamitron | but I haven't got around to setting up apt-proxy or apt-cacher | 01:42 |
=== Martinp24 is now known as Martinp23 | ||
Azelphur | I havn't set them up either so I'm going from the web xD | 02:10 |
Azelphur | I should set up an apt cache though | 02:10 |
Azelphur | quite a few Ubuntu machines in this house | 02:10 |
hamitron | ok for 1 or 2 machines | 02:10 |
hamitron | but I got maybe 8 I want to upgrade to 10.04 on | 02:11 |
Azelphur | yea, I have at least 8 | 02:11 |
Azelphur | xD | 02:11 |
hamitron | are you doing full installs? | 02:11 |
Azelphur | I was just thinking for upgrades | 02:11 |
hamitron | that would be crazy | 02:11 |
hamitron | ah | 02:11 |
hamitron | all I want to do is basic fresh installs with only LXDE | 02:12 |
hamitron | no Gnome and crap | 02:12 |
Azelphur | hehe | 02:12 |
nigelb | AlanBell: Hi, can you get meetingology to join #ubuntu-in? :) | 04:18 |
shauno | 1Gb 'walletex' flash card. any fun ideas what to do with it? (currently has gnewsense-live on it, which is pretty useless on my laptop) | 04:55 |
shauno | found my fsf membership card over the weekend, and trying to think of something useful for it to do | 04:57 |
=== artv61_ is now known as artv61 | ||
MooDoo | hello all | 07:37 |
shauno | morning moo | 07:53 |
Apacheuk | how is everyone this morning? | 08:12 |
MooDoo | not 3 bad thanks :) you? | 08:13 |
shauno | I just found a picture of my car (which I don't live in the same country as anymore). sentimental much. http://files.shaunoneil.com/mini/mini-chev.jpg | 08:15 |
diplo | Morning all | 08:42 |
MooDoo | mornign | 08:45 |
daubers | Morning | 08:52 |
BigRedS | G'morning! | 09:00 |
shauno | aloha | 09:01 |
BigRedS | more people should have coloured shell prompts | 09:09 |
shauno | that's a pretty random statement. mine aren't coloured | 09:13 |
shauno | I do have the hostname in every prompt tho. else I go insane | 09:14 |
bigcalm | Morning peeps | 09:14 |
BigRedS | ah yeah, it's just when scrolling back up through the output of something run twice with two different inputs I keep missing the join on these machines | 09:15 |
BigRedS | so I get the correct bits out of the first, then some of the first and some of the second for the second | 09:15 |
BigRedS | of course, I could just be more awake, or use clear more | 09:15 |
shauno | my prompts are all machine:path$ | 09:16 |
shauno | 9am is very possibly your real problem ;) | 09:16 |
BigRedS | haha | 09:16 |
screen-x | morning :-/ | 09:19 |
shauno | howdy | 09:20 |
andylockran | howdy howdy howdy | 09:22 |
MooDoo | mornin | 09:22 |
screen-x | sup andylockran | 09:22 |
bigcalm | Good evening | 09:22 |
shauno | oi! howdy's my word! | 09:22 |
screen-x | bit andylockran has three repeats trademarked | 09:23 |
MooDoo | shauno: didn't you say aloha earlier? which is czajkowski 's word :p | 09:23 |
shauno | damn cztab. she's everywhere | 09:23 |
czajkowski | aloha | 09:25 |
shauno | of course | 09:25 |
shauno | huhu cztab | 09:25 |
czajkowski | :) | 09:26 |
bigcalm | Good morning czajkowski *hugs* :) | 09:26 |
bigcalm | shauno: that's written cz<tab> | 09:27 |
shauno | sadly, this is probably my queue to go to sleep | 09:27 |
shauno | bigcalm: I proxy my client via irssi-proxy. sending ^I inline doesn't work | 09:27 |
bigcalm | shauno: so nothing can be greater or less than to you? :) | 09:28 |
czajkowski | Go into google and search "how to find chuck norris", then click "im feeling lucky" | 09:28 |
shauno | bigcalm: I'm not sure. I try not to make my client-upon-client stack explode intentionally | 09:29 |
shauno | (^I is <tab> :p ) | 09:29 |
MooDoo | czajkowski: i've never done this but i'm guessing its, "no one finds chuck norris, he finds you"?? | 09:29 |
bigcalm | shauno: I see. I was refering to the literal <tab> characters, not the actual key | 09:30 |
bigcalm | pages from Chuck's Beard?! | 09:30 |
czajkowski | bigcalm: folks in other channels call me cztab | 09:30 |
MooDoo | czajkowski: pmsl it was :) | 09:30 |
czajkowski | I blame tdr112 | 09:30 |
shauno | I blame trying to spell the whole thing on a phone | 09:30 |
screen-x | bigcalm: s/<tab>/\t/ | 09:30 |
* bigcalm sighs ans goes back to work :( | 09:30 | |
screen-x | bigcalm: more php and mysql? | 09:31 |
shauno | ^I is chr(9) is \t | 09:31 |
bigcalm | screen-x: such is my lot in life | 09:32 |
bigcalm | CakePHP today | 09:32 |
* czajkowski hugs bigcalm | 09:32 | |
bigcalm | \o/ | 09:32 |
* shauno hugs bigcalm | 09:32 | |
shauno | equality ftw :p | 09:32 |
bigcalm | \o/ | 09:33 |
screen-x | bigcalm: will you be accompanying your php with some beats? | 09:33 |
bigcalm | screen-x: Liquid DnB from http://www.di.fm/ | 09:33 |
shauno | I don't really mind php. it's very C-like. | 09:33 |
shauno | it's people that mess the whole thing up for everyone | 09:33 |
screen-x | DnB \o/ | 09:33 |
bigcalm | Though I'd just like to point out this thing I pretty much finished last night: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKgglMgroVI | 09:34 |
bigcalm | That's the last I'll mutter about it. Until some amazing new feature happens I guess | 09:35 |
screen-x | bigcalm: cool :) | 09:36 |
screen-x | simple, and finger friendly | 09:36 |
bigcalm | screen-x: ta :) | 09:36 |
gord | daaaang guys, the average amount paid for the humble indie bundle by linux users dropped from $14.something to $13.something. show some love :) http://www.humblebundle.com | 09:36 |
bigcalm | That's the thing. Existing online alarms are not finger friendly | 09:36 |
andylockran | anyone see the OpenBSD announcement last night by Theo? | 09:38 |
shauno | pft. linux contributors are over twice the dollar amount by windows' | 09:38 |
shauno | and yes. much discussion of openbsd when I was still awake/sober/et | 09:38 |
screen-x | andylockran: what did they announce? | 09:38 |
andylockran | screen-x: some guy has emailed them 10 years after doing some work for them, to say that he, and other people he was working with, may have coded backdoors into OpenBSDs IPSEC implementation | 09:39 |
andylockran | as they were also on the payroll of an FBI project to do just that. | 09:39 |
andylockran | it's only come out now as it's 10 years since, therefore the NDA has now expired. | 09:39 |
screen-x | yay, code audit time | 09:39 |
andylockran | screen-x: yup | 09:40 |
screen-x | and I hope linus and crew do the same, for completeness | 09:40 |
BigRedS | I'd hope anyone with that stack does same | 09:40 |
BigRedS | er, except me | 09:41 |
BigRedS | people upstream of me only :) | 09:41 |
gord | huh, did some calculations on the humble indie bundle. by my reckoning nearly 26 thousand linux users have bought the humble indie bundle.. seems crazy that video game makers don't mine the linux crowd more, thar be money in them hills | 09:44 |
BigRedS | Especially since, right now, if you release a game for Linux there's a big bunch of people who'll buy it just to demonstrate it's a good idea | 09:44 |
popey | andylockran: i wouldn't be surprised if that whole thing was fake | 09:50 |
BigRedS | yeah, but I think it still needs to be demonstrated to be so | 09:51 |
BigRedS | MS are going to love it :/ | 09:51 |
bigcalm | popey: touch alarm is useable. Want to play with it? | 09:51 |
screen-x | bigcalm: host it on a free aws instance :D | 09:55 |
bigcalm | aws? | 09:55 |
BigRedS | amazon | 09:55 |
BigRedS | (web services) | 09:55 |
bigcalm | I'm just about to put it on my bytemark host | 09:55 |
bigcalm | BigRedS: ta | 09:55 |
popey | not sure I'd use it tbh :) | 09:56 |
screen-x | bigcalm: popey requires radio 2 functionality | 09:56 |
popey | +12 | 09:56 |
bigcalm | Hehe | 09:56 |
popey | if it streamed R2, you're on a winner | 09:56 |
bigcalm | That's on a mental to do list | 09:56 |
bigcalm | It's entirely possible | 09:57 |
popey | http://bbc.co.uk/radio/listen/live/r2.ask | 09:57 |
popey | http://bbc.co.uk/radio/listen/live/r2.asx | 09:57 |
popey | job done | 09:57 |
popey | is it done yet? | 09:57 |
BigRedS | popey supports a rapid development methodology | 09:57 |
popey | heh | 09:57 |
popey | is it done yet? | 09:57 |
screen-x | 1) dictate spec 2) poke 3) is it done yet? yes->end no-> goto 2 | 09:58 |
bigcalm | Haha | 09:58 |
bigcalm | http://idophp.co.uk/touch_alarm/ | 09:59 |
andylockran | mysql guruus? I want to check the type of column on a 'session_id' column. I run show columns from sessions LIKE '%session_id%'; | 10:00 |
andylockran | is there a way to get that command to query all databases for that column, rather than just the one I'm using | 10:00 |
BigRedS | all databases or all tables in that database? | 10:01 |
BigRedS | (not that I know how to do either) | 10:02 |
andylockran | add databases | 10:02 |
andylockran | all* | 10:02 |
Mez | SHOW COLUMNS FROM *.* LIKE '%session_id%'; | 10:02 |
Mez | ? | 10:02 |
andylockran | nope, I tried SHOW COLUMNS FROM *.sessions LIKE '%session_id%'; too | 10:03 |
Mez | foo.* ? | 10:03 |
screen-x | andylockran: prob have to write some sort of loop that selects each database in turn :( | 10:04 |
andylockran | screen-x: yeah, no worries - thanks | 10:04 |
* Mez is wondering | 10:04 | |
Mez | SELECT * FROM inforation_schema.COLUMNS WHERE COLUMN_NAME LIKE '%session_id%'; (assuming mysql >5 | 10:05 |
czajkowski | Mez: I met another meridith! | 10:05 |
Mez | czajkowski: A | 10:06 |
Mez | czajkowski: Are you saying you met one of my family? Or someone with the same surname as me (assuming you spelt it wrong there) | 10:06 |
davmor2 | morning all | 10:06 |
czajkowski | Mez: same surname | 10:07 |
Mez | czajkowski: Did you meet a meredith or meridith ? | 10:08 |
Mez | @{ | 10:08 |
Mez | : P* | 10:08 |
czajkowski | Meredith | 10:09 |
Apacheuk | andylockran: I no MYSQL expert, now if it was an Oracle database I could tell you in a flash..... but that info (if you are talking about the column datatype) is normally held in a data dictionary on the ddatabase | 10:11 |
andylockran | Mez gets 11 points for the prize :) | 10:13 |
Mez | czajkowski: cool... Doubt it's any relation though (and meredith isn't that uncommon a surname!) | 10:16 |
czajkowski | Mez: he's never met another one! | 10:19 |
Mez | Weird... | 10:20 |
danfish | morning | 10:20 |
czajkowski | oh there will be a Bath meet up on thursday :D | 10:20 |
Mez | czajkowski: of Merediths? | 10:21 |
danfish | Mez could form his own channel, like thealans :) | 10:21 |
gord | oh firefox, how i hate your download window | 10:21 |
czajkowski | gord: why ? | 10:21 |
czajkowski | Mez: aye | 10:21 |
davmor2 | gord: just set it too hide :) | 10:21 |
Mez | czajkowski: ah well - unfortunately - it's not my family - and I'm busy tomorrow picking up the new car | 10:22 |
gord | czajkowski, it never pops up for me for some reason and even if it does. if i want to check my downloads i have to find my firefox download window. who's icon looks precisely the same as the rest of my firefox windows. its just a pain, why can't it be a tab :( | 10:22 |
* davmor2 pulls faces at czajkowski | 10:23 | |
* czajkowski puts ablack bag over davmor2 face | 10:23 | |
BigRedS | gord: you can configure it to pop up for you | 10:23 |
BigRedS | I use ctrl-shift-y to get it whenever I need it | 10:23 |
BigRedS | but looking like not jut another ff window would be nice | 10:23 |
Mez | czajkowski: you do know your linkedin profile lists you as | 10:23 |
Mez | "Marketing Executive at Sirius Corporation plc at Sirius Corporation plc" | 10:24 |
czajkowski | I do now.. | 10:24 |
* davmor2 suffocates and dies, epitaph to read #blameczajkowski | 10:24 | |
gord | i installed an add-on so now it opens in a tab \o/ | 10:24 |
gord | and now i right clicked the tab and pinned it as an application tab \o/ | 10:25 |
Mez | davmor2: I have a bone to pick with you | 10:25 |
gord | i love firefox again | 10:25 |
gord | application tabs are great btw :) most under-exposed firefox feature and its wonderful | 10:25 |
screen-x | gord application tab? is that like a pinned tab in chrome? | 10:30 |
gord | screen-x, i wouldn't know, been a while since i used chrome | 10:30 |
screen-x | yeah, looks like it's the same thing. | 10:32 |
screen-x | are fstab entries mounted in file order at boot time? is there any dependency resolution? | 10:45 |
screen-x | Ie does the init script work out that /var needs to be mounted after /? and /var/vm needs to be mounted after /var.. | 10:46 |
popey | screen-x: I'd look at the source for "mountall" | 10:47 |
popey | !info mountall | 10:47 |
lubotu3 | mountall (source: mountall): filesystem mounting tool. In component main, is required. Version 2.19 (maverick), package size 51 kB, installed size 228 kB | 10:47 |
screen-x | stripping out all the error handling and organisation, mountall does: mount -a -t proc; mount -a -t noproc,nfs,nfs4,smbfs,cifs,ncp,ncpfs,coda,ocfs2,gfs; Are ext FSs included implicitly? | 10:55 |
screen-x | sorted, from man 5 fstab: "The order of records in fstab is important because fsck(8), mount(8), and umount(8) sequentially iterate through fstab doing their thing." | 10:59 |
* daubers sequentially iterates through time at the rate of 1 second/second | 11:00 | |
* popey moves away from daubers at the speed of light | 11:01 | |
daubers | popey: Now I'm not iterating through time in your frame of reference | 11:02 |
* screen-x notes that popey's relativistic observations do not affect daubers' real experiences | 11:02 | |
screen-x | daubers: wouldn't it be strange if you could alter times iterator, so it doesn't always return seconds in sequential order | 11:04 |
daubers | screen-x: You just need masses of negative energy :) | 11:05 |
bigcalm | What are the chances of my graze box being delivered today? Place your bets! | 11:05 |
daubers | screen-x: Or you could skip bits by playing with inertial frames | 11:05 |
daubers | bigcalm: Mine wasn't... | 11:05 |
daubers | screen-x: You'd need negative energy to get previous elements of the sequence though | 11:05 |
bigcalm | daubers: poop! | 11:06 |
bigcalm | Anybody know how to play a .asx stream in Chrome? :) | 11:24 |
bigcalm | I have the URL for BBC Radio 2... | 11:25 |
popey | heheh | 11:27 |
dwatkins | Can't you just listen via iplayer, bigcalm? | 11:29 |
bigcalm | dwatkins: one could, but I don't want to | 11:30 |
* dwatkins hands bigcalm a wind-up radio | 11:30 | |
bigcalm | :) | 11:30 |
bigcalm | dwatkins: it's for this app I wrote for the Joggler: http://idophp.co.uk/touch_alarm/ | 11:31 |
dwatkins | neat | 11:32 |
popey | bigcalm: http://www.jeroenwijering.com/?thread=8360 | 11:33 |
bigcalm | popey: aha! | 11:34 |
bigcalm | Hummmmm | 11:34 |
popey | jw player is free for non-commerical use iirc | 11:34 |
exobuzz | there is also flowplayer | 11:36 |
exobuzz | not used either in a while. | 11:36 |
exobuzz | s/radio 2/radio 4 :) | 11:37 |
exobuzz | or.. ubuntu uk podcast! | 11:37 |
exobuzz | wake up with alan! | 11:37 |
bigcalm | HAha | 11:38 |
bigcalm | Oooo | 11:38 |
bigcalm | I could add Crazy Tune as an alarm sound | 11:38 |
* bigcalm hunts for the mp3 | 11:38 | |
dwatkins | I keep meaning to put Morse code ringtones on my phone. | 11:39 |
exobuzz | to spell out ? | 11:39 |
dwatkins | yeah, exobuzz - so my girlfriend's ringtone would be ...-. . .- .-. -. | 11:39 |
dwatkins | It would force me to learn Morse properly. | 11:40 |
dwatkins | or at least recognise some names in it. | 11:40 |
exobuzz | Nothing to do ? | 11:40 |
exobuzz | <3 internets | 11:41 |
dwatkins | sorry? | 11:41 |
exobuzz | oh wait.. the javascript didnt work | 11:41 |
exobuzz | wrong number of chars anyway | 11:41 |
exobuzz | haha | 11:41 |
exobuzz | it said "nothing to do". | 11:41 |
dwatkins | heh | 11:41 |
exobuzz | ga.. ill do it manually. | 11:41 |
dwatkins | Can anyone direct me to a guide for getting a samba server to work with a fairly standard corporate LDAP configuration for user authentication, please? I have looked online but none of the umpteen guides I've followed seem to get it to work. | 11:43 |
exobuzz | what was the first letter? | 11:44 |
exobuzz | got e a r n | 11:44 |
popey | bigcalm: http://popey.com/~alan/uupc/ | 11:44 |
exobuzz | l e a r n ? | 11:44 |
bigcalm | popey: got it, ta :) | 11:44 |
dwatkins | exobuzz: 'F' | 11:44 |
popey | :) | 11:44 |
bigcalm | popey: it's been on my phone for quite some time now | 11:44 |
exobuzz | f e a r n aah | 11:44 |
dwatkins | sorry, I put too many dots | 11:44 |
exobuzz | heh. well the other letters took me a while with that chart. no job for me at bletchley then. | 11:45 |
exobuzz | if i could be arsed to change my ringtone it would be "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYryKa3CQTE" :) | 11:46 |
exobuzz | or something | 11:46 |
bigcalm | That's Crazy Words - Crazy Tune added as an alarm sound to http://idophp.co.uk/touch_alarm/ | 11:49 |
bigcalm | :) | 11:49 |
bigcalm | I assume that it's out of copyright by now? | 11:49 |
bigcalm | Humf, not working on my Joggler | 11:53 |
diplo | Snooze normally makes it go off again after 5 mins and a stop button to turn it off ? | 11:54 |
bigcalm_ | Hazar! | 11:58 |
bigcalm_ | It does work, but only with a .ogg | 11:58 |
bigcalm_ | And what's with my connection today? | 11:59 |
* bigcalm_ grrs at VirginMedia | 11:59 | |
MooDoo | bigcalm_: not still the linx issue is it? | 11:59 |
bigcalm_ | :( | 12:00 |
bigcalm_ | While checking the Service status with VirginMedia: Sorry, this service isn't working at the moment. Please try again later on. | 12:01 |
* bigcalm_ shakes his head | 12:02 | |
=== bigcalm_ is now known as bigcalm | ||
MooDoo | there was a massive outage yesterday at linx in london that caused all isp to have rubbish connectivity :( | 12:03 |
bigcalm | Ouch | 12:03 |
jpds | Happens. | 12:03 |
MooDoo | yeah certainly does | 12:04 |
* bigcalm ugs | 12:15 | |
czajkowski | hmmm interesting http://www.osnews.com/story/24136/_quot_FBI_Added_Secret_Backdoors_to_OpenBSD_IPSEC_quot_ | 12:16 |
Daviey | ooooooooooold :P | 12:21 |
* czajkowski hugs Daviey ello ello stranger | 12:23 | |
Daviey | czajkowski: oi oi.. keeping well? | 12:23 |
czajkowski | grand | 12:23 |
Daviey | \o/ | 12:23 |
czajkowski | Daviey: all set for xmas? | 12:24 |
Daviey | no :/ | 12:24 |
Daviey | you? | 12:24 |
czajkowski | I got one pressie ordered yesterday on amazon hoping it arrives now before I leave | 12:24 |
czajkowski | other than that, nope diddly squat | 12:24 |
Daviey | goody :) | 12:29 |
Daviey | czajkowski: I've not received my xmas card from you yet. | 12:29 |
czajkowski | clearly ....... in the post | 12:29 |
Daviey | pah | 12:31 |
czajkowski | don't pah me mister! | 12:32 |
davmor2 | czajkowski: I've not received mine either if you're handing out xmas cards willy nilly :P | 12:41 |
screen-x | Apparently the first iostat result is average since boot, I wondered why it was so different from subsequent outputs.. | 12:43 |
* czajkowski puts davmor2 back in the bold corner | 12:47 | |
davmor2 | :P | 12:48 |
bigcalm | popey: I've managed to integrate jwplayer and it plays the .oggs just fine. Struggling with this .asx for Radio 2 | 12:48 |
UndiFineD | czajkowski, wisdom tooth ? | 12:57 |
bigcalm | Now I'm struggling against crossdomain policy restrictions | 12:57 |
czajkowski | UndiFineD: aye | 13:02 |
UndiFineD | czajkowski, see a dentist soon ! :) | 13:02 |
czajkowski | monday booked in | 13:03 |
bigcalm | popey: damn you and your radio 2 :P | 13:03 |
* UndiFineD hands czajkowski a box of 500 ibrufen 1000 | 13:03 | |
popey | :) | 13:04 |
popey | bigcalm: feel free to give feedback to the bbc | 13:04 |
bigcalm | ;) | 13:04 |
exobuzz | aah asx is windows audio right? does jwplayer do that then ? | 13:05 |
bigcalm | Yes | 13:05 |
exobuzz | didnt know. | 13:06 |
bigcalm | How does the default o2 system play BBC Radio streams? | 13:06 |
exobuzz | aah asx is a playlist.. | 13:06 |
exobuzz | depends what it has in it i guess though right ? | 13:06 |
exobuzz | bigcalm, via another service | 13:07 |
exobuzz | forgot the name | 13:07 |
* davmor2 trupms UndiFineD with co-dydramol for czajkowski | 13:09 | |
=== denny_ is now known as denny | ||
exobuzz | there is some bbc radio stuff as mp3 streams. for iphone. not sure if its just listen again stuff. | 13:12 |
exobuzz | there is also mms://wmlive-acl.bbc.co.uk/wms/bbc_ami/radio4/radio4_bb_live_ep1_sl1 which mplaeyr says is divx audio v2 | 13:13 |
exobuzz | and they serve up audio over rtmp etc also like their video streams | 13:14 |
exobuzz | i maintain http://code.google.com/p/xbmc-iplayerv2/ and have had lots of fights with bbc meta data and their changes over the last year | 13:14 |
* popey hugs get_iplayer | 13:15 | |
popey | and rtmpdump | 13:15 |
exobuzz | shame noone has cracked v2 swf verification though. if they move to that. its all over | 13:15 |
exobuzz | the current maintainer of rtmpdump certainly has the ability to crack it im sure, but not the interest at least currently | 13:17 |
diplo | exobuzz, the screenshot links get a 502 bad gateway when you follow them | 13:18 |
exobuzz | so they do.. | 13:18 |
exobuzz | shame i dont have the originals (i took over this some months back) :/ probably time to make some new ones | 13:19 |
diplo | heh, keep meaning to try xbmc again | 13:19 |
exobuzz | maybe just one imageshack server is down | 13:19 |
exobuzz | thanks for the heads up though | 13:19 |
diplo | Can't host the images on the code.google..... pages ? | 13:19 |
exobuzz | well i dunno. ive not spent a lot of time with the google code site apart from a few things. | 13:20 |
exobuzz | you would think so.. | 13:20 |
exobuzz | the plugin works better than the wiki page hopefully :) | 13:20 |
diplo | heh, will give it a try this weekend | 13:24 |
=== njpatel is now known as njpatel_ | ||
gord | y'know, i love that you can do ctrl+l to type in the location you want in nautilus, but i really hate that it does not understand what ~ means >:( | 14:16 |
screen-x | :( | 14:18 |
screen-x | I installed nautilus terminal, mostly so I could cd, but it doesn't work, the terminal and the nautilus window loose sync. | 14:19 |
gord | did you know that /home/gord/~/.local does not exist? | 14:19 |
screen-x | I do now. | 14:19 |
screen-x | memtest has taken 3 hours to do 45% of pass 0 | 14:28 |
dwatkins | that's normaly, isn't it? | 14:29 |
screen-x | probably, I'm just impatient. | 14:30 |
dwatkins | Depends how much RAM you have, for starters, then the speed... | 14:31 |
popey | ..direction of the neutron flow | 14:31 |
screen-x | 48G DDR3 1066, North East | 14:31 |
dwatkins | You have 48 GB of RAM and you expect a memory test to run quickly? | 14:32 |
screen-x | These things are supposed to get faster as well as more capacious... | 14:33 |
screen-x | Maybe memtest86 needs some multithreaded goodness | 14:34 |
gord | they are! you don't want to know how long it would of taken with old slower ram | 14:34 |
dwatkins | faster doesn't mean it all gets faster, it means for a given amount of storage or RAM that accessing it is quicker, the moer RAM you have, the slower it is to read and write it all | 14:35 |
dogmatic69 | i remember formatting 1 gig hard drives over night | 14:35 |
dogmatic69 | now you can do a 1TB faster than that | 14:35 |
dwatkins | yeah, dd if=/dev/zero of=/$DEVICENAME | 14:36 |
dwatkins | DO NOT try this at home, kids | 14:36 |
dwatkins | if you want it nice and quick, just do the first 512k, that'll wipe out the partition table and make all your data inaccessible in a few seconds... | 14:37 |
dwatkins | ...mkfs shouldn't take very long at-all, after that | 14:37 |
daubers | dwatkins: Also remember you'll need to be root :) | 14:37 |
dwatkins | daubers: thankfully, yes | 14:37 |
popey | shall we refrain from the silly commands? :) | 14:37 |
daubers | cat /dev/urandom > /dev/popey | 14:38 |
screen-x | popey: and I was just getting to the fork bomb | 14:38 |
popey | hey! that's my trick! | 14:38 |
daubers | urandom was always my friend for testing soundcards | 14:38 |
* popey tickles Daviey | 14:38 | |
* bigcalm is not feeling the Joggler love this afternoon | 14:38 | |
gord | during lunch today i enabled map generation on my minecraft server :) http://gordallott.com/img/minecraft.png pretty cool i think | 14:39 |
* Daviey giggles like a Gary | 14:39 | |
bigcalm | gord: coo | 14:39 |
gord | the map makes me want to build cities all over it, ala sim city 2000 | 14:40 |
* popey tickles Gary | 14:40 | |
popey | I think I may be overdosing on one song on spotify | 14:40 |
MartijnVdS | popey: which one? | 14:41 |
* dogmatic69 goes to buy minecraft | 14:41 | |
gord | if its not sledgehammer, then you are overdosing on the wrong track | 14:41 |
popey | Home - Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes | 14:41 |
popey | \o/ dogmatic69 | 14:41 |
popey | wont see dogmatic69 for the rest of the year | 14:41 |
dogmatic69 | lol | 14:41 |
gord | best buy it quick, on december the 20th its price is gonna rise as it enters beta | 14:42 |
dogmatic69 | i played once that time when the server was down | 14:42 |
bigcalm | Heh, another lost soul | 14:42 |
dogmatic69 | so pay once, updates are free? | 14:44 |
MartijnVdS | popey: have you tried LastFM's "Mix Radio" feature? | 14:44 |
popey | i dont really use last.fm | 14:45 |
popey | i bought minecraft as a present for my nephew when he was over | 14:45 |
popey | he told my wife I was the best uncle ever | 14:45 |
MartijnVdS | popey: lastfm://user/popey/mix :) | 14:45 |
popey | best 10 quid ever :) | 14:45 |
MartijnVdS | popey: destroyer of lives! | 14:45 |
popey | heh | 14:45 |
popey | that too | 14:45 |
dogmatic69 | 972 servers, 2444322 registered, 763891 purchases | 14:46 |
dogmatic69 | 763891 X 10 euro == bucket loads of cash | 14:46 |
bigcalm | Goodness | 14:47 |
MartijnVdS | dogmatic69: he's not running all the servers himself, is he? | 14:47 |
dogmatic69 | no you can run your own i think | 14:47 |
dogmatic69 | but still, that is 7mill euros | 14:47 |
screen-x | I wouldn't have believed anyone who said they could make ~£6.5 million from a java game. | 14:48 |
gord | dogmatic69, yup updates free | 14:49 |
silner | I was thinking about unity. This seems such an obvious idea, there must be something wrong with it so I wanted to sound it out. Why not make it really easy to switch desktops? The same way we switch screens? Then anyone who didn't like Unity could just go back to Gnome. What's wrong with that idea? | 14:58 |
jpds | silner: You can use between Unity and normal GNOME at GDM? | 15:00 |
gord | silner, you can? change your session on login | 15:00 |
silner | And that will still be the case with 11.04 model? | 15:01 |
gord | yup | 15:01 |
gord | would be nice if it were more obvious, but gdm isn't easy to deal with anymore | 15:01 |
* jpds ⁵ gord. | 15:01 | |
* MartijnVdS ⁶ * | 15:02 | |
silner | Yeah I say make that easier and you'll lose most of the objections from people like me (I've moaned a bit about Unity in the past) | 15:02 |
gord | patches welcome ;) didrocks is handling this stuff and he has his hands full enough as it is | 15:03 |
davmor2 | silner: type in you name and a drop down appears underneath with a choice of logins, it's ugly and odd but meh | 15:03 |
MartijnVdS | there's the "Classic GNOME" option | 15:04 |
silner | That seems pretty easy - not too widely advertised - but easy :) | 15:04 |
=== njpatel_ is now known as njpatel | ||
silner | I want to stay with Ubuntu on one box but I'll only do that if I can avoid Unity, so that's reassuring | 15:05 |
popey | silner: every single time unity has come up in discussions I've seen, it's been mentioned that you can switch between unity and classic gnome | 15:05 |
bigcalm | It's just not obvious | 15:06 |
popey | in fact, i just did a search for unity switch gnome | 15:06 |
popey | http://askubuntu.com/questions/10940/can-i-switch-between-gnome-desktop-and-unity | 15:06 |
popey | first hit | 15:06 |
silner | popey I've obviously been listening to the wrong discussions :) | 15:07 |
popey | !podcast | 15:07 |
lubotu3 | Grab the lastest Ubuntu UK Podcast from http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org | 15:07 |
popey | :) | 15:07 |
silner | I Gpodder them but I haven't caught up lubotu3 - about 2 behind :( | 15:08 |
popey | tut tut | 15:09 |
popey | :) | 15:09 |
* dwatkins finally manages to get Samba to play nice | 15:10 | |
screen-x | dwatkins: \o/ | 15:10 |
* popey wonders if anyone here is following bitcoins | 15:11 | |
screen-x | only the discussions in #bitfolk... | 15:12 |
BigRedS | I've noticed their existance | 15:12 |
screen-x | The BigRedSs have borged it into their consciousness | 15:13 |
dwatkins | screen-x: very much so - took me 3 days | 15:14 |
* silner has never heard of bitcoins before | 15:14 | |
BigRedS | haha | 15:14 |
screen-x | I still don't really get it | 15:15 |
popey | me neither | 15:15 |
popey | but I'm rich! I have 0.20 BTC! | 15:15 |
screen-x | w00t! | 15:15 |
daubers | I kind of understand | 15:22 |
daubers | it's a currency based on the apparent cost of a given calculation in processor time | 15:23 |
popey | yup | 15:23 |
daubers | rather than precious metals, like gold | 15:23 |
daubers | or stuff that falls out of nuclear reactors | 15:23 |
screen-x | so its value goes down over time? | 15:23 |
daubers | screen-x: More that it has a peak value as the calculation is modified for odds and sods | 15:24 |
BigRedS | yeah, to some already-decided upon level | 15:24 |
andylockran | howdy all | 15:45 |
andylockran | just got meself a 24" beauty for my revo :) | 15:45 |
andylockran | BenQ | 15:45 |
andylockran | man, it's pretty | 15:45 |
kazade | anyone here know much about Amazon EC2? | 15:45 |
* popey points kazade at Daviey | 15:46 | |
popey | andylockran: photos or it didnt happen | 15:46 |
popey | andylockran: vital statistics pls! | 15:46 |
Daviey | kazade: i know "some" :) | 15:46 |
Azelphur | kazade: I know that anonymous tried to DDoS it, rofl. | 15:47 |
Azelphur | Someone clearly wasn't thinking when they came up with that master plan | 15:47 |
kazade | Daviey, cool, I've got an EC2 image that I want to basically duplicate | 15:47 |
kazade | I notice there is a Create Image button, but I don't know what that does, the Amazon documentation is full of so many abbrievations I can't figure anything out | 15:48 |
kazade | (e.g. I need to login to AWS where I have an EC2 running off of EBS and I think I need to create an AMI...) | 15:48 |
kazade | it's all like that :/ | 15:48 |
kazade | I'm trying to work out what an AMI is in relation to EBS... does creating an AMI image create snapshot of the associated EBS data? and does taking an EBS snapshot create a restore point for the EC2 VM? so confused.. | 15:49 |
Azelphur | that was fun, finally managed to get Ubuntu to install on my mums laptop with a barely functional DVD Drive and no boot from USB support \o/ | 15:51 |
Daviey | kazade: Can i recommend you join #ubuntu-cloud, and specifically try and grab the attention of smoser | 15:52 |
kazade | ok | 15:52 |
Daviey | he maintains the ubuntu amazon images.... would have better advice than me :) | 15:52 |
kazade | ok cool thanks :) | 15:52 |
Daviey | np | 15:53 |
Azelphur | Daviey: while your about, My MythTV setup decided it doesn't want to grab EIT data any more | 15:54 |
Azelphur | I don't think I changed anything, just randomly got called down one day because everything is "Unknown" | 15:54 |
Daviey | Azelphur: blame apparmor :( | 15:54 |
Azelphur | ah, is it a known bug? | 15:54 |
Daviey | yeah, mysql + apparmor bug | 15:55 |
Daviey | Bug 615177 | 15:55 |
lubotu3 | Launchpad bug 615177 in mysql-5.1 (Ubuntu Lucid) "mythtv schedules broken due apparmor mysql profile" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/615177 | 15:55 |
Azelphur | Daviey: ah, so just sit back and wait for the update then | 15:57 |
Azelphur | ty :) | 15:58 |
Daviey | heh | 15:59 |
bigcalm | popey: did you get a reindeer at the weekend? | 16:30 |
popey | uhhhhm | 16:30 |
popey | yes | 16:30 |
bigcalm | Cool | 16:30 |
popey | kids liked it | 16:31 |
bigcalm | I hope I get one this week | 16:31 |
Nafallo | bigcalm: a kid? :-) | 16:33 |
gord | .... reindeer? | 16:33 |
bigcalm | Nafallo: yeah, I'll make some gloves from it | 16:33 |
Nafallo | O_O | 16:33 |
bigcalm | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kid_gloves # see Clothing | 16:34 |
X3N | Wonder where I can get conductive gloves on the highstreet? | 16:37 |
* popey dips X3Ns gloves in water | 16:42 | |
X3N | hmm, not quite what I was after | 16:53 |
davmor2 | X3N: Curry digital maybe? | 16:58 |
bigcalm | 8bit Rogan Josh please | 16:59 |
screen-x | X3N: http://www.agloves.com/pages/Glove-Science.html | 16:59 |
dwatkins | X3N: Maplin | 17:01 |
dwatkins | http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?ModuleNo=508279 - I have a pair of these, X3N, they work fine | 17:02 |
popey | ooo | 17:03 |
popey | i am going to maplin on the way home | 17:03 |
* dwatkins takes off his Maplin beanie | 17:03 | |
dwatkins | popey: they also sell heated jackets - they take 3 AA batteries (!) | 17:03 |
popey | lol | 17:04 |
daubers | dwatkins: I can make you a heated jacket with just a few hundred mills of lighter fluid and a match | 17:07 |
daubers | Much cheaper :) | 17:07 |
dwatkins | daubers: yeah, but it has a bit of a niggling issue of lack of reproducability ;-) | 17:08 |
daubers | dwatkins: In other news, it will save you on heating bills for a bit, as the NHS will take over on that front | 17:09 |
dwatkins | daubers: do you find yourself staring at lit candles? | 17:10 |
screen-x | dwatkins: no, he just holds them up to the curtains | 17:11 |
daubers | dwatkins: Pah, candles are for people with no imagination | 17:12 |
Azelphur | http://www.speedtest.net/result/1072028678.png | 17:27 |
Azelphur | 24mbit internet is so fast these days. | 17:27 |
popey | 24mbit internet is as fast as it's always been... 24Mb/s :p | 17:32 |
Azelphur | popey: unless it's via BT :p | 17:32 |
gord | can someone *other* than bt please come to my town and put in fibre? | 17:36 |
gord | in exchange i will agree to give you some money once a month | 17:36 |
Azelphur | ^ ditto | 17:36 |
Azelphur | gord: have you heard of Orbital/VFast | 17:36 |
Azelphur | I'm tempted to try it | 17:36 |
popey | move house? | 17:36 |
gord | i have not | 17:37 |
gord | unfortunately, estate agents still don't provide broadband speed information! | 17:37 |
gord | in this day and age! | 17:37 |
Azelphur | I know, travesty. | 17:38 |
Azelphur | gord: it's wireless, they have masts on top of the telephone exchange | 17:38 |
Azelphur | and they stick a directional antenna on your roof. | 17:38 |
gord | =\ | 17:39 |
gord | wireless tends to not work very well at best | 17:39 |
Azelphur | gord: that's what I thought, but people are saying it's flawless | 17:39 |
gord | until you get a strong gust of wind? | 17:40 |
Azelphur | every speed test result I've seen has been HIGHER than what they are paying for | 17:40 |
Azelphur | I've also read forum posts saying it was fine even during the recent snow business | 17:40 |
bigcalm | There's no business, like ... | 17:40 |
Azelphur | gord: I reaqd forum posts people get like 15ms to bbc.co.uk and stuff | 17:41 |
Azelphur | gord: http://www.speedtest.net/result/1042674184.png | 17:41 |
gord | i just pinged bbc.co.uk, i get 22ms here on 2mbit | 17:41 |
Azelphur | exactly | 17:41 |
Azelphur | I get about 30 usually | 17:42 |
bigcalm | 22ms on 20mb | 17:42 |
Azelphur | I keep thinking wireless, eww | 17:42 |
Azelphur | but look at these speed test results...it's crazy | 17:42 |
Azelphur | gord: http://www.google.co.uk/images?hl=en&biw=1908&bih=1032&gbv=2&tbs=isch:1&sa=1&q=speedtest.net+vfast&btnG=Search | 17:42 |
bigcalm | Only works if you have line of sight with the exchange though? | 17:42 |
Azelphur | just look at this madness | 17:42 |
Azelphur | bigcalm: dunno | 17:43 |
popey | i get 11ms to bbc.co.uk | 17:43 |
* Azelphur is at the top of a hill \o/ | 17:43 | |
dwatkins | I get 35ms, but I think that's via the US | 17:44 |
Azelphur | but yea, with ping times like that and speeds like that | 17:44 |
Azelphur | I've never ever seen my 24mbit ADSL do >8mbit | 17:44 |
gord | i wouldn't question the speeds of wireless, i would question the stability | 17:45 |
jacobw | is there a way of replicating the vim+gcc experience on windows? | 17:46 |
popey | yes, there is vim for windows | 17:46 |
bigcalm | gvim \o/ | 17:46 |
popey | and either cygwin or djgpp for gcc-a-like | 17:46 |
Azelphur | gord: yea, I read forum posts where a guy said he has no problem rain or shine | 17:46 |
jacobw | i've heard of the former, but not of the latter | 17:47 |
Azelphur | used it in storms no problem | 17:47 |
davmor2 | nano ftw | 17:47 |
jacobw | i've been struggling with mingw today | 17:47 |
gord | Azelphur, people say that about their own wireless right now, yet here in my house the wifi sucks ;) | 17:47 |
Azelphur | haha | 17:47 |
Azelphur | wifi does suck | 17:47 |
Azelphur | but the question is does wifi suck when you have a huge directional antenna on the roof. | 17:47 |
jacobw | wifi in my part of the house sucks because of a breeze block wall :( | 17:47 |
davmor2 | Azelphur: Yes you only need something to block line of sight like say a block of flats :P | 17:48 |
Azelphur | hehe | 17:49 |
popey | jacobw: djgpp has been around for _years_ | 17:49 |
popey | made by a guy who works for redhat now on gcc iirc | 17:49 |
Azelphur | davmor2: apparently they come out and do a survey to tell you what speeds you'll get if any | 17:49 |
Azelphur | so I'm very tempted. | 17:49 |
jacobw | popey: it looks a bit abandoned, not thats a reason not to use it | 17:50 |
Azelphur | baring in mind my BT connection continually goes ridiculously slow or drops out altogether | 17:50 |
Azelphur | tbh the ADSL connection I'm on has to be less stable than wireless | 17:50 |
Azelphur | it drops like every day | 17:50 |
jacobw | my BT connection seems to run at either 6.5Mb/s or 0.9Mb/s | 17:50 |
Azelphur | lol | 17:50 |
* davmor2 hugs his virgin box | 17:51 | |
Azelphur | davmor2: no virgin for miles around here :( | 17:51 |
jacobw | my local exchange was on the list of ones to be upgraded to SFBB as well :( | 17:52 |
jacobw | it hasn't happen yet though | 17:52 |
* jpds prods jacobw to PM. | 17:53 | |
* andylockran heads off to the Rugby @ Damson Park. No mascotting tonight - I'm on the PA. | 17:54 | |
X3N | uh huh | 17:57 |
dogmatic69 | can anyone tell me how to make a lamp thingy | 18:10 |
dogmatic69 | (minecraft that is) | 18:10 |
popey | stick and coal | 18:11 |
popey | http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Crafting | 18:11 |
dogmatic69 | i got 4 sticks :/ | 18:11 |
popey | ok, stick, put coal on stick | 18:11 |
dogmatic69 | ye im on that site | 18:11 |
popey | you should watch seananners videos | 18:12 |
popey | from the start | 18:12 |
popey | they're good fun | 18:12 |
popey | http://www.youtube.com/user/SeaNanners | 18:12 |
dogmatic69 | cool | 18:12 |
popey | start with #1 | 18:12 |
popey | :) | 18:12 |
dogmatic69 | this shit gets scary when it goes dark :/ | 18:12 |
dogmatic69 | how does the multi player stuff work? just like when you alone but more people | 18:14 |
gord | dogmatic69, yup | 18:14 |
gord | fyi, i have firefox global menus and they are awesome | 18:15 |
dogmatic69 | ? | 18:16 |
popey | dogmatic69: you can switch off the enemies :) | 18:17 |
dogmatic69 | na | 18:17 |
dogmatic69 | its cool | 18:17 |
dogmatic69 | i think i got the basics now, so i wont die any more | 18:18 |
davmor2 | gord: :D | 18:18 |
bigcalm | I'm being lazy and playing in peacful for now | 18:48 |
paln | Hey! | 18:52 |
paln | Hello? | 18:57 |
* paln thinks they are alone... | 18:58 | |
* AlanBell thinks there are lots of people here | 19:12 | |
paln | AlanBell: hello! | 19:12 |
AlanBell | hello paln | 19:12 |
AlanBell | how is your 386? | 19:13 |
paln | What are you doing? | 19:13 |
AlanBell | or whatever it was :) | 19:13 |
paln | ;) | 19:13 |
paln | do you like HSR, then? | 19:13 |
paln | i'm guessin... | 19:13 |
AlanBell | I am being happy because I have got a cooker again after a bit of a disaster | 19:14 |
AlanBell | and now we are cookin' on induction | 19:14 |
paln | Well, anyways, Xubuntu kept crashing during the install process, and after reading a bit aobut Lubuntu, the ISO is currently downloaded to my laptop right now...! | 19:14 |
paln | It's about 23% done, 22 minutes left... :/ | 19:15 |
AlanBell | paln: can the computer accept more memory? | 19:17 |
paln | meaning...? | 19:17 |
AlanBell | if you find out exactly the spec of the memory it could take you could try asking here or emailing your local LUG to see if anyone has any lying about they would be happy to send you | 19:18 |
paln | oh... | 19:18 |
paln | Well, I plan on getting 2GB RAM sometime this or next week | 19:18 |
AlanBell | most people who have been messing with computers for years have a box of bits of memory and usefull looking stuff | 19:18 |
paln | ...and what's a "LUG"? | 19:19 |
AlanBell | Linux user group | 19:20 |
paln | ahhh...! | 19:20 |
AlanBell | http://lugs.org.uk/ | 19:20 |
paln | thanks | 19:20 |
paln | Do you think my wireless adapter would be compatible with Lubuntu? | 19:22 |
paln | It's a NetGear WG111v3... | 19:23 |
paln | Are you there, AlanBell ? | 19:28 |
paln | Hey Darael and aaronr ! | 19:33 |
Darael | Hullo, paln. | 19:33 |
paln | How are you guys? | 19:35 |
Darael | Reasonably well, if a little tired. Quite full, at the moment, which is a rarity. Not due to food-availability problems, I hasten to add, but due to a stupid metabolism. | 19:38 |
aaronr | hey paln | 19:38 |
paln | um...ok | 19:38 |
paln | aaronr: hi! | 19:39 |
paln | so, what are you guys here for...anything in particular? | 19:39 |
orothus1 | paln: try plugging it in when using the cd it should work | 19:44 |
jacobw | idle relay chat | 19:45 |
Darael | Well, I'm here because the conversation is often entertaining, and occasionally I get to help someone. | 19:45 |
paln | orothus1: I mean with Lubuntu... | 19:47 |
jacobw | if it works with Linux it'll work with Lubuntu | 19:47 |
paln | My Lubuntu CD is burning atm. | 19:47 |
orothus1 | are you going to use a live cd | 19:47 |
paln | I don't know if it's a Live-CD or not... | 19:48 |
paln | Well, I'm sure to find out soon enough! | 19:48 |
mattt | lubuntu? | 19:49 |
orothus1 | if it is,run the cd and just plug your adapter in you should get some form of information that it is detected. | 19:51 |
paln | cool | 19:51 |
paln | but i kinda knew that anyway | 19:51 |
paln | about 9.5 mins left! | 19:52 |
jacobw | if you run `lsusb` when you have the live cd running it'll help determine the chipset of your wireless adapter | 19:52 |
orothus1 | ah that was something i missed | 19:53 |
paln | i was just reading a post on UbuntuForums.org and 'lsusb' was mentioned, but why would I need to know the chipset anyway? | 19:55 |
paln | Well, the adapter works on Windows...Millenium Edition and Vista | 19:55 |
ali1234 | because drivers for linux work based on the chipset not the branding | 19:55 |
paln | Lubuntu going on the ME computer | 19:55 |
paln | ohh... that changes EVERYHTING ali1234 | 19:56 |
orothus1 | some manufacturers change the chipset in a product without telling anybody | 19:56 |
ali1234 | also many manufacturers use the same chipsets which means you only need 1 driver for all of them | 19:56 |
paln | I'm running Ubuntu now so I might as well do it now anyway... | 19:56 |
ali1234 | unlike on windows, where the driver also includes a bunch of crap that advertises the manufacturer's name constantly | 19:56 |
orothus1 | suddenly they start working | 19:57 |
ali1234 | the most obvious example of this is bluetooth | 19:57 |
orothus1 | if it works on ubuntu its highly likely to work on lubuntu | 19:58 |
paln | Turning off my wireless now...gonna be disconnected! | 19:58 |
=== denny_ is now known as denny | ||
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away | ||
gareth_ | join | 21:15 |
gareth_ | join #ebookz | 21:15 |
tejaishot | i have a problem when i am trying to install updates...shows an error connection to daemon lost....what is this called? | 21:29 |
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte | ||
tejaishot | Azelphur: can you help me? | 21:31 |
tejaishot | AlanBell:i have a problem when i am trying to install updates...shows an error connection to daemon lost....what is this called? | 21:33 |
czajkowski | aloha | 21:50 |
AlanBell | hi czajkowski | 21:52 |
daubers | o/ | 21:53 |
Mez | Any advice from anyone for first time motorway driving? | 21:54 |
czajkowski | don't drive very slow, obey the limit | 21:56 |
daubers | Mez: DON'T SIT IN THE MIDDLE LANE!!! | 21:57 |
daubers | </pet peeve> | 21:57 |
daubers | Oh, and be confident when you join from the slip lane :) | 21:57 |
Mez | daubers: but - I'm always sitting when in a car. | 21:58 |
daubers | Mez: Indeed | 21:58 |
czajkowski | 3 people meeting tomorrow in Bath :D yay | 21:58 |
Mez | so - if I go through the middle lane, or do anything... | 21:58 |
Mez | I'm sitting... | 21:58 |
Mez | in it... | 21:58 |
daubers | Mez: Yes, just don't drive in the middle lane if the left hand lane is empty | 21:59 |
daubers | It's very annoying and means that someone may have to move across two lanes to overtake and then move back two lanes. Also means that you're now setting the speed for the first two lanes | 22:00 |
daubers | So if you go slow, technically the others should be too (as undertaking isn't allowed) | 22:00 |
daubers | and all the overtaking traffic is now funnelled into the far right lane | 22:01 |
daubers | Which can cause everyone else to slow down | 22:01 |
daubers | all because some people refuse to move back into the left hand lane when it's empty!!!!! | 22:01 |
Mez | daubers: I wouldn't be doing that anyways. | 22:02 |
Mez | Could be fun though - my entrance will be spaghetti junction! | 22:03 |
daubers | Mez: Good good :) | 22:03 |
daubers | Mez: Oooh m6 in birmingham.... that'll be pleasant.... | 22:03 |
Mez | Lol - M6 J6 -> M42 J10 | 22:04 |
daubers | You'll be fine. Be sat in traffic most of the time :) | 22:04 |
Mez | I could, in theory, just take the A road | 22:05 |
Mez | s | 22:05 |
Mez | Which is "shorter" | 22:06 |
Mez | but more time. | 22:06 |
jacobw | you should do pass plus | 22:11 |
TheOpenSourcerer | Mez: One point I'd make if you are not very familiar with Motorway driving is this. If the road if running well, make sure you *accelerate* down the slip road when entering the motorway so you are travelling at a similar speed to the traffic in the inside lane. | 22:32 |
TheOpenSourcerer | It isn't really a Give-Way on a motorway; it's more of a "merge" to use an american term for this kind of junction. | 22:34 |
AlanBell | Mez: leave the brakes alone unless you really need to slow down fast. In traffic if you want more space in front of you just let go of the accellerator and the car will slow down plenty quick enough, no need to put the brake lights on and scare the person behind you. | 22:38 |
* Azelphur is having fun :p | 22:42 | |
Azelphur | about 4 months ago I tried to have a conversation with my dad along the lines of "My mums using the net, we're getting lodgers, we already come close to our 60GB usage cap, it's not going to be enough" | 22:43 |
Azelphur | his reply was pretty much "F*** off" | 22:43 |
Azelphur | now it's happened, he's throttled into the floor and can't work, I'm chilling out laughing 3g tethering on my android. | 22:43 |
Azelphur | :) | 22:43 |
jacobw | lorries don't like people entering from slip roads in front of them | 22:44 |
AlanBell | only if it causes them to slow down, they don't like losing momentum | 22:51 |
exobuzz | the public ftp server on my home adsl did 300gb last month. bloody leechers! | 22:54 |
exobuzz | i thought about the new bt infinity, but they have a 300gb limit. so that would leave me with 0 unless i switched off the ftp.. but with more upstream, it would be easier to use more | 22:55 |
Mez | ty TOS / AlanBell | 23:03 |
Mez | One of the tips I've been given - don't use Cruise control (until you're used to it) | 23:04 |
stuphi | Mez: If you can have an experianced driver with you for an extra pair of eyes, that would be good. | 23:06 |
Mez | stuphi: I've got to get to the place with the experienced driver :( | 23:06 |
Mez | (I may take A roads for most of it - then just do the one junction on the motorway. | 23:07 |
stuphi | Mez: The fact that you are thinking carefully about this means you will probably be ok. | 23:08 |
Mez | stuphi: 2 of my colleagues ended up on the motorway without knowing it. | 23:08 |
Mez | One within 15 mins of passing his test | 23:08 |
Mez | the other - an hour and a half :P | 23:08 |
stuphi | Mez: I just went straight to the motorway after dropping off my instructer after my test. | 23:09 |
Mez | Lol - I passed monday - dont get my car till tomorrow - so couldn't do that | 23:09 |
Mez | Though - I should go to bed. | 23:09 |
stuphi | Congrats on passing. | 23:10 |
Mez | Even though I'll probably not sleep (I'm a little bit little kid excited :P ) | 23:10 |
Mez | Thanks :D | 23:10 |
stuphi | Don't do the Motorway if it is windy. | 23:10 |
stuphi | Mez: What car are you getting? | 23:11 |
ubuntuuk-planet | [Ralph Janke] AskUbuntu reaches 5000 questions - 11000 answers - 7000 users - 50000 votes - http://drupal.txwikinger.me.uk/content/askubuntu-reaches-5000-questions-11000-answers-7000-users-50000-votes | 23:17 |
andylockran | Mez: congrats on the passing of teh test | 23:31 |
andylockran | you owe me a lift :p | 23:31 |
andylockran | I could do with some dns help if anyones around? | 23:38 |
andylockran | dig zrmt.com dig ns zrmt.com and nslookup zrmt.com ns1.whatisfloss.co.uk | 23:38 |
andylockran | run those three commands, does that make sense? | 23:39 |
andylockran | ah, think I've sorted it. | 23:49 |
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