
ejvi know it goes against my personal mantra of silence and lurking00:26
ejvbut another Humble Bundle has appeared on the radar, support them!00:26
ejvthe perfect gift for all nix users this christmas ;)00:27
=== gidim_anunaki is now known as gidimanunaki
itnet7Thanks ejv !!!00:45
ejvitnet7: my pleasure ;)01:33
ejvRevenge of the Titans looks fantastic01:33
MichelleQoooh, I totally got 'em, too.01:33
MichelleQI've had Machinarium for a long time - love it. 01:34
ejvthe pay-what-you-want model has apparently raised over 280k for them01:34
ejvit was 30k a matter of hours ago 01:34
MichelleQ1I love that they're supporting charitable orgs, too.  01:36
MichelleQ1And yay for brighthouse fail.01:37
=== gidimanunaki is now known as Guest70087
=== Guest70087 is now known as gidim
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reya276Morning everyone15:57
DammitJimhey reya276 16:42
reya276subversion =  total hate16:43
DammitJimwhat's the alternative?16:48
maxolasersquadDammitJim: bzr or git16:51
DammitJimgit is maxolasersquad 's friend16:51
maxolasersquadWe seem to get along pretty well.16:53
reya276I guess, but my app seems to work great with subversion, and it does not support git16:59
maxolasersquadreya276: What does your application do?17:01
crashsystems1Bah, I hate being late for work17:02
maxolasersquadcrashsystems1: Are you west coast now?17:03
maxolasersquadHow is it?17:04
crashsystems1Quite nice17:04
crashsystems1Much better food17:04
reya276maxolasersquad, web dev stuff17:05
crashsystems1Better weather too17:05
reya276the latest beta of Aptana supports git though so that would be good17:06
reya276right now version 2 only supports csv and svn17:06
crashsystems1The down side is that californians don't know how to drive in the rain, nor do they seem to know what heavy rain is17:07
reya276do you guys know how to remove repositories from Eclipse17:11
reya276meaning SVN repositories17:11
maxolasersquadcrashsystems1: Sounds exciting.  I definitely love eating at the restaurants out west.  It really makes Tallahassee restaurants seem sooo meh.17:12
maxolasersquadreya276: You can't use the Eclupse git plugin in aptana?17:13
reya276I'm not sure17:13
* mhall119 is now an edubuntu-dev \o/18:50
maxolasersquadGoogle just released tools to allow enterprise management of Chrome deployments in an organization, including an MSI installer and management through Window's Group Policy objects, as well as tools for Mac and Linux deployments.18:57
mhall119heh, Gwibber can translate tweets/dents for you19:58
mhall119that rocks19:58
maxolasersquadmhall119: Do you know which version that started in?20:03
mhall119nope, but I'm running daily builds, so it could be very recently20:04
mhall119I'm on 2.91.220:04
MichelleQmhall119: anyone at work have food allergies?20:05
RoAkSoAxitnet7: ping20:08
DammitJimI do, why, MichelleQ ?20:12
mhall119MichelleQ: not that I know of20:12
MichelleQmaking scones, then20:12
mhall119I think we have one vegetarian though, but I'll let him know if they have eggs20:12
reya276hey when you use version control tools like Subversion how to you Test the applications is there a branch where the files which are ready for testing get moved to?20:32
reya276*do you Test20:32
mhall119reya276: I usually have a "trunk" and "production" branch, at a minimum20:34
reya276ok so I can do say Trunk and Test?20:34
mhall119if you have a separate group doing testing, you might want to fit a "testing" branch in between20:34
reya276ah ok, the production is in a totally different server20:35
mhall119having a production branch is good when you have an emergency fix, you don't need to worry about rolling back your testing branch20:35
mhall119once your code is finished being tested, you merge it into your production branch, then deploy from the production branch20:36
reya276We have a central development server then after testing we manually moved the files to the production server20:36
mhall119likewise you do your day to day development against trunk, and merge it into the testing branch when it's ready to be tested20:36
mhall119reya276: what would you do if there was a critical bug discovered in production after you'd already moved new code to the testing server?20:37
reya276we fix it on test then move it to prodcution20:37
mhall119what about all the new code on test? does that go to production too?20:38
reya276only the things we know that are good to go20:38
mhall119so you have to back out the testing changes, so your test box matches production,then make the fix?20:38
reya276the Test server and production in terms of configuration are mirror images20:38
mhall119but by definition, you have stuff in testing that isn't necessarily ready to be in production yet20:39
reya276so if it fails on Test it will fail in production and vice versa20:39
mhall119suppose you just majorly refactored a piece of code, and just put it into testing, then you find a critical production bug in that same code20:39
mhall119can you make the fix in the pre-refactoring code used by production20:40
reya276then we fix it, test it and then after testing we move it to production20:40
mhall119or will you have to push the post-refactoring code through testing in a rush20:40
mhall119fix it where? in the pre-refactored code or the post-refactored code?20:40
reya276yeah we can also fix it production as well if wee need to20:40
mhall119it's much better practice to have a separate production branch20:41
reya276yeah I don't think your understanding, our production code is not tied in to any repositories so we can remove/add any file(s) at any given time20:41
mhall119that way if you have to do an emergency production fix, you can apply the fix to the production branch, put that on the test box, make sure it work, and go to production, without having to rollback or cherry pick changes from new code20:41
reya276only our dev and test code is20:41
mhall119I understand, I just think it's not an ideal setup20:42
reya276right but then the server would not be different20:42
mhall119ideally you want the ability to insert a change between testing code and production code, and keep that change as part of your source control history20:42
mhall119the server would not be different from what?20:42
reya276from what I'm looking at in subversion you create a repository for one specific location, I could be wrong but I have not seen anywhere I can add multiple server locations to deploy to20:43
mhall119hmmm, maybe you're using some fancy svn stuff, because I don't know what it has to do with deployments20:44
mhall119when I used subversion, you had a single repository for the project, and branches for the different stages of development (trunk, testing, production)20:44
mhall119then we'd build packages or rsync the contents of the production branch to the production environment20:45
mhall119same for testing20:45
reya276ok right now I'm looking at the svn preferences and in the Repository tab I have Trunk, Branches and Tags nothing else20:46
mhall119okay, that's the default SVN layout20:47
mhall119so I would make Branches/Testing and Branches/Production20:47
mhall119your developers will work on Trunk until the code is as ready as they can make it, then you merge Trunk->Branches/Testing20:48
mhall119then your QA guys test it, and anything wrong the developers fix and checkin to Branches/Testing (not Trunk!)20:48
mhall119they'll merge from Branches/Testing->Trunk once it's fixed20:49
reya276which is what I saying20:49
mhall119then, when QA is happy with everything, you merge Branches/Testing->Branches/Production20:49
mhall119and deploy Branches/Production to your production env20:49
reya276right but the issue that we have is that Production sits in an entire different server20:50
reya276so we manually move files over to that server20:50
mhall119then, if someone finds a bug in production, your devs check out Branches/Production, make the fix, check it back into Branches/Production, then you deploy Branches/Production to your testing env, verify the fix works, then deploy it to your production env20:50
mhall119instead of manually moving files from the testing env to the production env, you should have a place where you checkout Branches/Production and copy them from there to the production env20:51
reya276right but the way our servers are setup right now that is not possible only Dev and Test as production sits on a different server altogether20:51
reya276which is why I asked if SVN can create branches to multiple locations as in different servers20:52
mhall119you don't need the svn repo on the servers the code is running on20:52
mhall119you can svn checkout Branches/Production to your local box, then rsync it to your production box20:53
mhall119in fact, you shouldn't be running the code from the repo itself20:53
reya276right which is what we are doing20:54
mhall119you can run it from a checkout, if you want20:54
mhall119go to the production server and svn checkout Branches/Production20:54
mhall119that way a deployment is just svn update20:54
mhall119but the repo itself wouldn't be on the production box20:55
mhall119that would be fine20:55
reya276ok I see what your saying, create a prodcution directory within the Dev/Test server then merge code there and then after that move it to the actual production server20:55
mhall119that would work too, yes20:55
reya276k, thanks20:56
mhall119again, the benefit to that is you can make changes to production code without worrying about it getting mixed up with testing code20:56
mhall119you just have to make sure you merge the fix back from Branches/Production->Branches/Teseting->Trunk20:57
mhall119or you'll get regressions20:57
mhall119and, i'll just warn you, svn sucks at merging backwards like that20:57
mhall119supposedly it got better around like 1.7 or something20:57
mhall119but when I was using it, it didn't remember the last time you went Branches/Testing->Branches/Production, so going backwards you had to specifically tell it which revisions were new20:58
mhall119bzr/hg/git are all so, so much better at that20:58
mhall119anyone want a Perl job in Boca Raton?21:00
mhall119it'll by system programming, not web21:00
reya276hey in subversion does it have file checkout, or file ock21:36
reya276I know that you can manually lock it, but for some reason it wont do it automatically when you open a file21:36
maxolasersquadWoot, just got a cr4822:47
* maxolasersquad_ is excited.22:53

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