Unit193 | Hello Cheri703! | 01:09 |
Cheri703 | hey | 01:09 |
Cheri703 | brb | 01:10 |
Cheri703 | back :) | 01:17 |
Unit193 | Welcome back! | 01:17 |
* Cheri703 got a printer! | 01:17 | |
Unit193 | That multi one? | 01:17 |
Cheri703 | and reaffirmed my love for both microcenter and newegg | 01:17 |
Cheri703 | a different one, but similar | 01:18 |
Cheri703 | a canon, very similar except a secondary paper path | 01:18 |
Cheri703 | (lets you feed straight through instead of making it curve over) | 01:18 |
Unit193 | Not going for an HP ;) | 01:18 |
Cheri703 | pricematched newegg for $89.99, so I got a $10 2 year replacement thing, which normally I don't go for, but printers crap out quickly, and basically within 2 years, I can go back and get a gift card for the full purchase price if it does | 01:19 |
Unit193 | Would you try SSH -x over dialup? | 01:22 |
Cheri703 | probably do the ssh -Y -C | 01:22 |
Cheri703 | not x | 01:22 |
Unit193 | Mostly asking if you would try X11 over a dialup connection | 01:25 |
Cheri703 | worth a shot | 01:25 |
Cheri703 | if it doesn't work, and you're doing it from terminal, just do ctrl c | 01:26 |
Cheri703 | and it'll cancel it | 01:26 |
Unit193 | I love screen -rx :) | 01:26 |
Cheri703 | yeah? I still haven't messed with it. I've been running around all day | 01:27 |
Unit193 | I still have pidgin open, but I mostly use screen with finch | 01:28 |
Cheri703 | nice | 01:29 |
canthus13 | Woo. screen's man page is almost 3000 lines. | 01:30 |
Unit193 | I didn't read it all (most are too long) | 01:31 |
Unit193 | Pidgin is mostly for the sound (I can't get finch to tell me) | 01:31 |
canthus13 | Heh. Most of the stuff you'll never use. | 01:33 |
Cheri703 | gotta drive home now, ttyl | 01:36 |
Unit193 | Bye | 01:37 |
thafreak | over dialup, you want NX | 01:42 |
thafreak | look at nomachine.com | 01:42 |
thafreak | or freenx | 01:42 |
thafreak | or neatx | 01:42 |
thafreak | or, for full desktop, x2go | 01:43 |
thafreak | they all use NX developed by nomachine | 01:43 |
thafreak | super duper X compression... | 01:43 |
thafreak | but freenx (and maybe neatx) and the nomachine stuff, all let you run a single X command over ssh... | 01:44 |
Unit19P | are any of them wine? | 01:44 |
thafreak | actually, maybe x2go does to | 01:44 |
thafreak | no...no wine | 01:44 |
thafreak | they all have native ubuntu packages | 01:44 |
thafreak | freenx is being replaced by neatx (which is being developed by google no less) | 01:44 |
Unit19P | Sorry, do any work on Win? | 01:45 |
thafreak | oh yeah | 01:45 |
thafreak | no machine has a native windows client | 01:45 |
Unit19P | My grandma has one win comp (and I bet it's only a WinModem:( ) | 01:46 |
thafreak | OH | 01:47 |
thafreak | wait, do you want to run apps on a remote win machine? | 01:47 |
Unit19P | Noooo | 01:47 |
thafreak | or you want to use the win machine to run apps on a remote linux box? | 01:47 |
Unit19P | SSH FROM Win | 01:47 |
thafreak | Gotcha, yeah, NX is probably the only chance of it working over dialup | 01:48 |
Unit19P | The "server" is Lubuntu | 01:48 |
canthus13 | Remote lose machine. | 01:48 |
thafreak | you'll probably get better milage running a single app though...but a full desktop MIGHT be doable...may be dreadfully slow | 01:48 |
Unit19P | Single app is just fine | 01:49 |
canthus13 | A full desktop forwarded over the internet is painfully slow. | 01:49 |
Unit19P | I think I was looking at NX a bit back! | 01:49 |
* canthus13 accidentally did it once. (ssh -X, startx) | 01:49 | |
canthus13 | Gnome popped up 45 minutes after I forgot about it. | 01:49 |
thafreak | canthus13: you've never tried something using NX have you? | 01:50 |
canthus13 | Nope. | 01:50 |
* canthus13 is quite happy to use cli apps for everything he does over ssh. | 01:51 | |
thafreak | I usually run a full desktop from my home pc at work using NX...works almost as if it were local | 01:51 |
canthus13 | Nice. | 01:51 |
thafreak | course, we got big pipes at work...almost as big as your company probably :) | 01:51 |
Unit193 | Like VNC in the way of installing a server and (portable?) client | 01:52 |
canthus13 | Heh. I've got 2mbit up here at home, and access to 50/10 on my play machine... access to an OC3 on my work machine. | 01:52 |
Unit193 | or does the X server work with it? | 01:55 |
thafreak | yeah, only NX compresses much much better than vnc | 01:55 |
canthus13 | VNC is a bit sluggish and ugly. | 01:55 |
thafreak | Well, VNC actually makes a fake X server, that your apps run as... | 01:55 |
canthus13 | ..And inconsistent in it's speed detection. | 01:55 |
thafreak | NX does some kind of proxy magic and talks to a real x server | 01:55 |
thafreak | NX is magic | 01:56 |
Unit193 | What server do I need to install? | 01:56 |
thafreak | you seriously have to try it to believe... | 01:56 |
thafreak | I would try the one from nomachine | 01:56 |
Unit193 | Not in the repo? | 01:56 |
thafreak | it's free for personal use, and "allows 2 silmultaneous connections" | 01:56 |
thafreak | nope | 01:57 |
thafreak | the ones available in a repo aren't as polished...yet | 01:57 |
Unit193 | I use VNC all the time... | 01:57 |
thafreak | and I *think* nomachine just released a brand new version, which is supposedly a huge leap forward in performance... | 01:57 |
Unit193 | I kinda need a portable win client... (I *can* install, but....) | 02:00 |
thafreak | there's a portable nx version I thought...check portableapps.com | 02:01 |
thafreak | yeah I just checked, the open NX servers aren't in the main repos still...you have to add a PPA to get them | 02:01 |
thafreak | Actually, check out x2go too...that's what I use, as it has a ton of features (Remote sound, file sharing, etc) | 02:06 |
Unit193 | PortableApps 2X client? | 02:06 |
thafreak | and ACTUALLY, there may be a web based x2go client somewhere | 02:06 |
thafreak | nothing to install | 02:06 |
Unit193 | Portable app would be best, but install would be second (dialup = slow) | 02:08 |
Unit193 | Server, Client AND Node?? | 02:19 |
thafreak | yeah...it's goofy | 02:25 |
thafreak | you could potentially split those up, and put server on one machine and node on another | 02:25 |
Unit193 | So install node & server on Lubuntu? (where are the repos? maybe only DEBs?) | 02:28 |
thafreak | eh, actually, I just use x2go now | 02:28 |
thafreak | it's much easier to install | 02:28 |
Unit193 | What one works best on slow connections? | 02:28 |
thafreak | just the "windows client" isn't quite so simple. It installs an x server, pulseaudio, and some other stuff... | 02:29 |
thafreak | They all use the same compression libraries actually | 02:29 |
thafreak | so, really they're all about the same... | 02:29 |
thafreak | It's just where do you want the hassle, on setting up the server part, or the windows part | 02:29 |
thafreak | Oh, and also note, that the no machine version eats up CPU on your linux box... | 02:30 |
thafreak | x2go has been more cpu friendly for me... | 02:30 |
Unit193 | server is 500MHz so CPU friendly sounds really good | 02:31 |
dmcglone | Hi everyone | 02:56 |
dmcglone | Cheri703: you here? | 02:56 |
Unit193 | Hey dmcglone! | 02:56 |
dmcglone | whats up Unit19 | 02:56 |
dmcglone | oops | 02:56 |
dmcglone | chopped your name off | 02:56 |
dmcglone | darn tab key.. LOL | 02:56 |
Unit193 | Better then my head... | 02:56 |
dmcglone | thats true | 02:57 |
Unit193 | Installing x2go server | 02:57 |
dmcglone | I bought me a new printer today | 02:57 |
Unit193 | Cheri703 did too | 02:57 |
dmcglone | she did | 02:58 |
dmcglone | no wonder she's not responding to me, she's too busy messing with it | 02:58 |
Unit193 | thafreak: Does x2go work with single windows too? | 03:00 |
Unit193 | I think she doesn't like you.... | 03:02 |
Unit193 | brb - SGA | 03:03 |
dmcglone | Nah we're good | 03:04 |
dmcglone | Well I'm gonna head out of here and get me a good nights sleep | 03:36 |
dmcglone | I'll talk to ya all later | 03:36 |
canthus13 | later | 03:36 |
dmcglone | later canthus13 | 03:36 |
BiosElement | canthus13, You did see that was a new bundle right? ;P | 03:36 |
canthus13 | Yep. Gettin' it for my boys for christmas. | 03:40 |
BiosElement | hah, awesome | 03:40 |
Cheri703 | anyone available to help me with some installation issues? | 04:16 |
canthus13 | what's up? | 04:17 |
Cheri703 | trying to install this: http://support-au.canon.com.au/contents/AU/EN/0100301702.html | 04:17 |
Cheri703 | it has an "install.sh" file in it | 04:17 |
Cheri703 | and when I run it, I get "An error occurred. The package management system cannot be identified" | 04:18 |
Cheri703 | that line exists as an output in the script, but I have NO idea why it's outputting that | 04:18 |
canthus13 | It's australian. run it backwards? | 04:23 |
canthus13 | :) | 04:23 |
* canthus13 checks out the script. | 04:23 | |
Cheri703 | well, there's this forum post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1475336 | 04:23 |
Cheri703 | and I kind of get it, but... | 04:25 |
canthus13 | there's your problem.. you got the australian drivers. :) | 04:25 |
canthus13 | (Download linke in the post says asia) | 04:25 |
Cheri703 | well, yes... | 04:26 |
canthus13 | Are you running 32 bit or 64? | 04:26 |
Cheri703 | 32 | 04:26 |
Cheri703 | someone further down says that to get theirs working on 32 they had to comment out stuff too | 04:26 |
thafreak | Unit193: I think x2go does support single windows too | 04:28 |
canthus13 | Cheri703: Did you try the commenting out part? | 04:28 |
Cheri703 | trying to figure it out | 04:29 |
canthus13 | gedit or nano install.sh, comment, save. :) | 04:31 |
Cheri703 | well, yeah, trying to figure out what to comment...I'll reread the thread | 04:31 |
Cheri703 | now I got "An error occurred. A necessary package could not be found in the proper location." | 04:38 |
Cheri703 | I had been looking in the wrong part of the script, but now I don't know where to look for where it is looking for the files | 04:39 |
canthus13 | I'd use the search function to locate one of the strings. | 04:41 |
* Cheri703 doesn't know what string to look for :( | 04:42 | |
Cheri703 | sorry for being difficult | 04:42 |
canthus13 | All good. | 04:43 |
* Cheri703 is excited to use new printer! | 04:43 | |
canthus13 | Search for "deb are error" and you should find the correct code block. (No quotes) | 04:44 |
Cheri703 | ok | 04:44 |
Cheri703 | well, I got that, for the commenting, now I need to figure out why it isn't finding the file | 04:45 |
canthus13 | It looks like the script is a bit different... | 04:45 |
Cheri703 | yeah | 04:45 |
* canthus13 checks the drivers from the asia server. | 04:46 | |
canthus13 | ...although the model # appears to be different. | 04:46 |
Cheri703 | well, yeah, mine is a 5220 | 04:47 |
Cheri703 | the one I downloaded is 5250 | 04:47 |
canthus13 | Hmm. | 04:47 |
Cheri703 | the one in the thread is different | 04:47 |
Cheri703 | mg5220 | 04:47 |
canthus13 | Yeah. I just figured that out. | 04:47 |
Cheri703 | sorry >.< | 04:47 |
canthus13 | All good. :) | 04:49 |
canthus13 | I dunno.. I can't find anything talking about it not working. | 04:50 |
Cheri703 | ok | 04:50 |
Cheri703 | np | 04:50 |
Cheri703 | I'm bugging other people about it too ;) | 04:51 |
Unit193 | I may end up doing what dmc did, have gnome with KDE apps.... | 06:00 |
=== Unit1931 is now known as Unit19P | ||
paultag | If anyone cares to give me a plug for the IRC Council, I'd love it :) -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Paultag/Plugs | 18:26 |
Unit193 | Hello jacob! | 19:38 |
jacob | heya Unit193 | 19:38 |
jacob | how's it goin | 19:38 |
Unit193 | Good I guess, you? | 19:38 |
jacob | pretty good here, sleeping the day away | 19:42 |
jacob | (sorry, i'm tabbing around windows catching up on things :P) | 19:42 |
Unit193 | Hey Cheri703 | 19:45 |
Cheri703 | hi | 19:46 |
Cheri703 | I only have a few minutes :/ | 19:46 |
Unit193 | then goodbye :D | 19:46 |
Cheri703 | well, I'm here for a bit | 19:46 |
canthus13 | Cheri703: Figure out the printer yet? | 19:51 |
Cheri703 | :/ not entirely | 19:51 |
canthus13 | Oh wow. Lexmark now supports linux officially. How'd I miss this? | 19:54 |
Cheri703 | what? really? last lexmark I had was HORRIBLE | 19:54 |
Cheri703 | and their ink was stupid expensive too | 19:54 |
Cheri703 | might have to reconsider lexmark | 19:54 |
Cheri703 | if I end up returning this one | 19:55 |
canthus13 | Lexmark black ink is cheap. | 19:55 |
canthus13 | around 5 bucks a cart. | 19:55 |
canthus13 | dunno about color. | 19:55 |
* canthus13 may consider one for business use. It'd be nice to have something that uses cheap ink for printing invoices and such. | 19:55 | |
canthus13 | http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=lexmark_linux&num=1 | 19:56 |
canthus13 | http://support.lexmark.com/index?page=content&id=OS4&locale=en&userlocale=EN_US | 19:56 |
Cheri703 | hmmmm | 19:56 |
Cheri703 | maybe it was just that one I had | 19:56 |
Unit193 | You can get cheap refills from CartridgeWorld | 19:56 |
Cheri703 | do they do the crappy thing hp does with the expiration dates on ink? | 19:56 |
canthus13 | Lexmark has been advertising 5 dollar black ink carts on Tv for a while now. | 19:57 |
* Cheri703 was vaguely considering going back on her standards and contemplating an hp | 19:57 | |
canthus13 | dunno. | 19:57 |
canthus13 | that's why I'm not gonna buy another hp. | 19:57 |
canthus13 | hp just works, though. | 19:58 |
Unit193 | canthus13: Do you get the normal printers (not scan/fax/network and stuff) | 19:59 |
canthus13 | Unit193: Nah. I usually just get a scan/copier/printer combo. | 20:01 |
Cheri703 | other question is if the driver is fully featured or not | 20:01 |
Cheri703 | yeah, that's why they're off my list, I was thinking of going back since they're ubuntu compatible...but I hate them :( | 20:01 |
Cheri703 | I installed the .deb files that were in that canon driver, and it's HORRIBLE with features. I can print, but can't change resolution, can't get 99% of the features that it has | 20:01 |
Cheri703 | and it has a LOT of features :( | 20:01 |
canthus13 | Bummer. And I suppose CUPS doesn't support it. | 20:01 |
Cheri703 | if brother had an mfp that would duplex, I'd get it :/ | 20:02 |
canthus13 | I actually like my hp, but it has issues with feeding paper. | 20:03 |
Unit193 | Brother has good linux support? | 20:04 |
canthus13 | I have no idea. | 20:09 |
Unit193 | They seem to:http://welcome.solutions.brother.com/bsc/public_s/id/linux/en/index.html | 20:11 |
deejoe | not a bad little page for this | 20:43 |
deejoe | http://www.hiren.info/pages/bios-boot-cdrom | 20:43 |
Cheri703 | my stupid wifi cuts out! it drives me nuts :( | 23:46 |
canthus13 | Cheri703: Which wireless card? | 23:48 |
Cheri703 | I don't know, I could look. I'm going to be sending my netbook for repairs, and one of the issues is my wireless | 23:48 |
Cheri703 | so hopefully it'll get fixed | 23:48 |
Cheri703 | but the internet cutting out affects husband too, and he's wired | 23:49 |
canthus13 | Ah. So it's your router. | 23:49 |
canthus13 | Running any torrents? | 23:49 |
Cheri703 | nope. and I don't think it's the router...next time it does it I'll check the modem page. I was reading stuff so didn't really notice till everything signed back in... | 23:50 |
canthus13 | Oh yeah.. that's right. You keep losing connection. | 23:50 |
canthus13 | And of course your modem doesn't keep logs, so no way to tell if there are any T4 timeouts. :P | 23:51 |
_bbb_ | suck | 23:51 |
_bbb_ | i have similar problem | 23:51 |
_bbb_ | with wireless bridge | 23:51 |
canthus13 | (T4 timeouts are bad, indicate a loss of connectivity with CMTS, and usually indicate a wiring problem between the modem and the tap.) | 23:52 |
_bbb_ | wet54g | 23:52 |
Cheri703 | yuppers | 23:52 |
canthus13 | wet? | 23:52 |
Cheri703 | it's no good | 23:52 |
canthus13 | shouldn't wet your bridge. | 23:52 |
_bbb_ | thats a lot of acronyms | 23:52 |
_bbb_ | cant be good | 23:52 |
canthus13 | CMTS = Cable Modem Termination System. that's the hub, which serves a given area and aggregates the signals from all the nodes attached to it. | 23:53 |
canthus13 | Each node should serve about 200-500 customers, depending on the type of hardware serving it. | 23:54 |
canthus13 | A tap is basically just a heavy duty splitter, and serves 4-8 houses. | 23:55 |
canthus13 | Anyway. | 23:55 |
canthus13 | Most T4 timeouts are caused by a bad tap, bad drop, bad ground block, bad splitters in the house, or cracked/loose fittings on the cable ends. | 23:56 |
canthus13 | They don't get fixed unless the customer complains. the ISP has no real way of knowing that it's going on otherwise. | 23:57 |
Cheri703 | yeah, next time it does it, I'm going to verify that it's them, and not mine somehow, and then call | 23:57 |
canthus13 | lately, though, we've been seeing T4 timeouts caused by load balancing. Older cable modems can't handle automatic load balancing and have to drop off and reacquire their channel. | 23:58 |
canthus13 | Cheri703: Cool. | 23:58 |
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