
=== cB- is now known as cB
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=== teknico is now known as teknico_away
ralsinaalecu, dobey, thisfred, mandel, nessita standup in 5 minute13:52
beunokarni, ping13:56
ralsinaalecu, dobey, thisfred, mandel, nessita ping?13:59
ralsinaok, alecu, start14:00
alecuDONE: helped muffinresearch test staging DLDs on lucid, got ticket to dallas, reviews14:00
alecuTODO: discuss bindwood with thisfred, make mozmill start couchdb instances14:00
alecuBLOCKED: no sir14:00
* alecu roundhouse-kicks mandel. Drink that Orange Juice!14:00
mandelDONE: Integration tests for IPC, started to propose merges with changes to allow the use of sync daemon. Added extension for desktopcouch and SSO.14:00
mandelTODO: Propose merge for desktopcouch with sso code. Talk about Windows port scope and how we can meet it with bosses and such14:00
mandelBLOCKED: no14:01
* mandel dances around ralsina it is his turn!14:01
ralsinaDONE: I have a semi-working development environment now, so I can see your code running14:01
ralsinaTODO: actually start checking it, start with the windows dev. env.14:01
ralsinaBLOCKED: no14:01
nessitaDONE: bug 690292, bug 690305, bug 674459, bug 689646, bug 683619, started with bug 69064914:01
nessitaTODO: finished the aforementioned 69064914:01
nessitaBLOCKED: nopes14:01
nessitaNOTES: I need 2 reviews for https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/folders-if-new-creds/+merge/4369914:01
nessitaNEXT: dobey14:01
ubot4Launchpad bug 690292 in ubuntuone-control-panel (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Handle errors when requesting volume list (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69029214:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 690305 in ubuntuone-control-panel (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "File sync status retrieval leaks ugly DbusException to the user (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69030514:02
dobeyλ DONE: 690237, triage, client release14:02
dobeyλ TODO: 683351, 690291, client upload, backports14:02
dobeyλ BLCK: None.14:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 674459 in ubuntuone-control-panel (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "After machine adding, show folders tab (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67445914:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 689646 in ubuntuone-control-panel (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Allow subscribe/unsubscribe from UDF list (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68964614:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 683619 in ubuntuone-control-panel (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Unify booleans coming and going from dbus (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68361914:02
nessitathisfred_: ?14:02
* ralsina sucks at pinging people14:03
nessitaralsina: thisfred_ tricked you, he changed his nickname14:03
thisfred_bindwood TODO: more bindwood14:03
=== thisfred_ is now known as thisfred
thisfredalso note that this is my last day before EOY14:03
mandelnessita, ralsina: it is thisfred evil twin brother14:04
nessitathisfred: WOW14:04
thisfredactually we're both evil, that's why we're so hard to tell apart14:04
nessitathisfred: we'll miss you14:04
ralsinanot to mention you guys being named thisfred and thisfred_ shows little foresight by your parents ;-)14:04
thisfrednessita: well I'm not going away, so I'll be available for crises ;)14:04
ralsinawell, happy holidays, I suppose :-)14:04
nessitaeom then?14:06
mandelthisfred: feliz navidad! bon nadal! :)14:06
thisfredmuchas gracias14:07
ralsinaif there are no comments, eom it is14:08
ralsinawhoa, developing u1 equires LaTeX. And of course, it's about 50% of the dependencies :-)14:09
mandelralsina: wtf!?!?! we use LaTeX ?14:10
mandelwhere is that?14:10
ralsinawell, it's pulled by the dependencies suggested in the Wiki14:11
ralsina2GB of dependencies to be exact14:11
dobeybrb; it's insanely cold here14:11
ralsinaI even wrote rst2pdf so I wouldn't have to know or install LaTeX. Oh well :-)14:12
mandelI'm impressed, 2 gb...14:13
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karnibeuno: pong14:44
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* nessita -> lunchtime17:09
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ralsinapeople in desktop+ please be nice and put me as your manager in canonicaladmin18:05
nessitaralsina: you should ask magda to do that, as far as I know18:06
nessitaChipaca or any other gtk master: would you know how to set a value in a spin button without triggering the signal value-changed? I know I can bypass the callback by using a flag, but seems dirty18:07
dobeynessita: i don't think there is a way to do that. why do you want to?18:08
ralsinanessita: well, I can change mine :-)18:09
Chipacanessita: in canonicaladmin, click profile, you change your manager there18:09
Chipacanessita: set it to "lucio", for extra fun18:10
ralsinaprofile, edit, " somewhere in the massive pile of checkboxes"18:10
dobeyoh wow18:10
dobeyit's slightly less ugly now18:10
ralsinaBut *I* am not on the list :-)18:10
dobeybut like 100x harder to use18:10
ralsinaSo sorry chipaca, I am not a real manager yet, it seems18:11
Chipacaralsina: hah!18:11
* ralsina is going to be real someday, like pinochio18:11
Chipacanessita: handler_block wouldn't work for you?18:11
nessitaChipaca, ralsina: loading admin now, is terribly slow18:11
nessitaChipaca: don't know what that is! /me googles18:12
Chipacaralsina: maybe it's smart and won't let you be your own manager18:12
ralsinachipaca: what are the odds of canonicaladmin being smart? ;-)18:12
dobeyChipaca: no ralsina doesn't show up for me either18:12
ralsinabut could be18:12
ralsinaSo, I ask at #hr right?18:13
Chipacaralsina: plz18:13
nessitaChipaca: where can I change my manager? Line Manager(s): John Lenton is a read only string18:13
dobeynessita: click "edit" at the top of the page18:14
nessitacan that button be more invisible?18:14
ChipacaI was trying to find the edit link, but yeah, that18:14
ralsinawait until you try to save a change ;-)18:14
nessitayeah, no option for roberto alsina18:15
ralsina#hr is closed for the day, it seems18:16
=== ralsina is now known as ralsina_afk
alecufacundobatista, here's the branch that makes zeitgeist optional: https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-client/make-ziggy-optional/+merge/4381219:17
alecufacundobatista, I've asked mandel to review it, since I've moved the zeitgeist loading code into the platform/linux module also.19:18
alecufacundobatista, but I can really use a review from someone from #chicharra as well.19:18
facundobatistaalecu, ok19:20
alecunessita, approved the udf-subscribe branch.19:25
nessitaalecu: thanks!19:25
nessitadobey: ping19:31
dobeynessita: hola19:32
nessitadobey: do we have a dependencies package to install to cover all depencies to run tests for the client?19:32
nessitathat is some poor english, sorry19:32
nessitabut I think you now what I meant :-)19:32
dobeydepends on how you define "the client" i guess19:32
nessitadobey: u1-client19:32
dobeythere is a package that was created for the LOSAs to install in the chroot on the server for running tarmac there, but it doesn't have zeitgeist in its deps19:33
nessitadobey: does it have what's needed for gi.repositor. Soup ?19:34
dobeynessita: in general, those deps are specified via Build-Depends in the nightlies packages. so if you add the nightlies PPA source repo, you can just do "apt-get build-dep ubuntuone-client" (or libubuntuone, etc)19:34
dobeyyes i think so19:34
dobeyare we using soup in ubuntuone-client?19:35
nessitadobey: in control panel we are19:36
dobeynessita: i think gir1.0-soup-2.4 is what provides the Soup gir stuff19:37
nessitayes, thanks19:37
nessitadobey: hum, tarmac does not have the patched pylint19:39
dobey"patched" ?19:39
nessitadobey: do you remember the patch to apply to logic common?19:39
nessitadobey: I have you a diff for modutils.py to aply to the pylint package19:40
nessitabefore I meant logilab19:41
nessitalet me search the diff19:41
nessitadobey: http://nessita.pastebin.com/hii8cJZL19:45
nessitadobey: I have the fragment of the chat available if you need19:45
dobeynessita: was it on irc? context would be good yes; e-mail it to me please19:47
nessitadobey: sure. Basics are: we need to apply that patch to logilab sourcecode in ubuntu packages19:48
nessitadobey: email sent19:52
dobeynessita: why is ubuntuone-control-panel not using u1lint btw?19:57
nessitadobey: hum, my bad20:00
nessitaI'll change it in this branch I'm working on20:00
nessitadobey: does u1lint run pep8 or that should be another call?20:00
dobeyit doesn't run pep8 currently no20:01
dobeynessita: the ansi coloring and such is annoying, especially when it gets shoved in e-mails and comments on the web, though :)20:02
nessitayeah, but in the terminal it rocks. Can we somehow make colored output in a terminal and non colored some where else?20:03
dobeyhow are you doing it anyway, some pylint option?20:05
dobeynessita: ah this is to make namespecing work better like for how we do with the ubuntuone sub-packages?20:12
nessitadobey: yeah, but instead of "work better" I'd say "work" :-)20:14
dobeynessita: but why does it not fail in our other projects?20:15
nessitadobey: which other projects?20:15
nessitadobey: other project should be u1client that doesn't run pylint20:16
nessitabut only pyflakes20:16
dobeynessita: ubuntuone-dev-tools20:16
nessitadobey: do you import something from ubuntuone not in the same package?20:17
nessitafor example, ubuntuone.logger provided in u1client20:18
dobeyah, no. ok20:20
dobeynessita: looking at the logilab.org ticket again, i'm a bit concerned that we might not be able to put it in ubuntu now. the commentor that suggested the fix seems to suggest that it might break .zip eggs, and it lowers the quality of the error message when it is a valid error?20:22
nessitadobey: I'm using it since that day, and the errors are not of less quality. I wouldn't know about .zip eggs... haven't used those20:24
nessitadobey: can't we provide a pacthed modutils within ubuntuone-dev-tools?20:24
dobeynessita: i'd rather just get it in ubuntu. do you know how to test the change with .zip eggs?20:25
nessitadobey: nopes, maybe Chipaca can help. Chipaca, would you be able to help with this?20:26
dobeynessita: and sorry i forgot to get it in earlier. :-/20:26
nessitadobey: no problem. is this tarmac failing in your computer or in dc?20:27
* Chipaca reads20:27
Chipacawhich is the logilab ticket?20:27
dobeynessita: u1cp is set up in tarmac on my machine for now20:28
dobeywe desparately need a private cloud with unicorns and free beer20:29
Chipacaeasy enough to try it with a zipped egg20:32
Chipacacan we apply the fix anyway, as it's an improvement, even if it breaks eggs?20:33
nessitaChipaca: I think so20:34
alecuralsina, the devel instalation you just did... did you do it on natty or on maverick?20:37
alecuralsina, I've just installed natty from scratch on my laptop and some dev packages are broken or not built yet :-(20:38
dobeyChipaca: well, i'm guessing the "getting into ubuntu proper" bit might be harder if it breaks eggs20:39
Chipacasorry, I said it breaks eggs, but what i meant was that it breaks for zipped eggs20:40
Chipacaas opposed to breaking all the time now :)20:40
dobeyChipaca: i have no problem with it, just trying to validate it one way or the other before suggesting it20:40
dobeyChipaca: so you verified that it does break zipped eggs?20:40
Chipacado we ship zipped eggs in ubuntu at all?20:41
Chipacano, I haven't20:41
ralsinaalecu I am trying natty tomorrow on a VBox20:41
ChipacaI should :)20:41
Chipacadobey: give me 10 minutes and I'll do this20:41
dobeyChipaca: well, we ship python and python supports zipped eggs, so we "support" it by proxy i guess :)20:41
dobeywhether or not we ship any zipped eggs ourselves20:41
dobeyit's sort of like if i make a patch to firefox to fix the giant gaping security hole. it will fix the security, but it might break 99% of the web :)20:42
dobeybut we don't ship any insecure web pages in ubuntu :)20:42
Chipacadobey: this is more a fix that moves it from breaking on all instances of one thing to it breaking on a subset of them20:43
dobeyChipaca: i suppose the correct question is "does it break zipped eggs more than they currently are?"20:45
dobeyChipaca: which the comment implies it might20:45
dobeyanyway, i'm not trying to get out of doing it. just trying to cover the bases when someone asks me what it breaks with zipped eggs, when i go and submit the patch for inclusion in ubuntu :)20:46
nessitadobey: not sure if you got the part that currently zip eggs are broken20:46
dobeynessita: i am merely asking for an elaboration on 'broken' here, and what the diff is between 'broken before patch' and 'broken after patch' for the patch20:47
nessitadobey: right20:48
dobeyand i don't know enough about the zipped eggs domain to clarify that myself20:48
dobeybut if chipaca does, then yay. i will await his verification :)20:48
Chipacadobey: I have good news, and bad news21:11
Chipacabut mostly bad; I can't check with the current logilab-common21:12
Chipacaneed to dig deeper21:12
Chipacaand I don't look forwards to digging into logilab code21:12
dobeywhat's the good news?21:13
dobeyi get the penthouse suite all to myself in dallas? :P21:19
dobeyi guess there wasn't any good news :)21:26
nessitadobey: in the mean time, could you please pacth your local logilab to be able to land u1cp branches?21:40
dobeywill do better than that21:42
nessitayou will?!?! :-)21:43
joshuahooverdobey: is there a good way to handle the use case where a user has network manager but sometimes uses some non-nm connection to the internet (like a usb modem, etc.)?22:00
dobeywell, depends maybe22:01
dobeyif "other method" is "connman" then there is hope22:01
dobeybut if not, then it's basically either or, not sometimes this sometimes that22:01
joshuahooverdobey: ah, ok...so for those users it's "u1 won't work for you when you're not using nm"22:07
nessitadobey: would you please let me know when I can re-approve the u1cp branch?22:09
dobeyjoshuahoover: yes22:09
joshuahooverdobey: ok, thanks22:09
dobeynessita: no, i will just do it when ready :)22:09
nessitadobey: ok, even better, I gotta go22:10
nessitabye all!22:11
Chipacajoshuahoover: welllll22:11
joshuahooverChipaca: yes?22:11
Chipacajoshuahoover: I can give you a longish dbus command they can use to fake nm22:11
Chipacajoshuahoover: would that work?22:11
joshuahooverChipaca: possibly, as a workaround22:11
joshuahooverChipaca: i'll leave that up to the user if they want to use it or not22:12
Chipacadbus-send --print-reply --session --dest=com.ubuntuone.SyncDaemon --type=method_call /events com.ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Events.push_event "string:SYS_NET_CONNECTED" "array:string:"22:12
Chipacaeasy as cake22:12
Chipacammmm cake22:12
dobeyi think you typoed cake there; are you sure you didn't mean to type "cmake"22:13
Chipacanope, was definitely thinking of cake22:14
Chipacaspecifically one of my mom's recipes22:14
dobeylater all22:35
karnibeuno: sorry, the server I keep my session on lost connection.23:11
karnibeuno: we'll be in touch :)23:11

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