
rbelemapachelogger, it is working with current kernel00:00
apacheloggerusb wouldnt be working though00:00
rbelemapachelogger, http://repo.meego.com/MeeGo/builds/trunk/
apacheloggercurrent meego you mean ^^00:00
rbelemi mean, newest :-)00:01
rbelemor development00:01
rbelemapachelogger, i'm going home00:14
rbelemapachelogger, maybe i come back online today00:14
* apachelogger is going to bed soonish00:14
rbelemapachelogger, i will install natty on n900, with rsalveti ppa, neon enabled00:16
jschallis there any chance someone could walk me through setting up ndiswrapper for a broadcom bcm4313 on kubuntu amd64? the bcmwl driver seems to be unreliable.02:45
ScottKbcmwl works very well for me on my netbook, although that's using 32bit.02:48
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nigelbshadeslayer: this wouldn't be the first conf for which you're bunking exas :p05:19
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cpatrick2008i upgraded from maverick to natty via the latest alternative cd and i have 2 battery icons here is a pic of my taskbar http://tinypic.com/r/2ibj2uq/708:59
cpatrick2008i upgraded from maverick to natty via the latest alternative cd and i have 2 battery icons here is a pic of my taskbar http://tinypic.com/r/2ibj2uq/709:08
valoriecpatrick2008: this isn't a support channel, sorry09:09
valoriefor support, use #kubuntu09:09
valoriethat said, you should be able to right-click on one of them and tell it to go away09:10
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ScottKvalorie: He probably needed to remove hal.  I suspect solid thought there were two batteries because it heard about one from hal and one from upower.11:58
valorieah, he's in the twilight zone12:01
valorieI'm betting that is documented somewhere in the testing docs though12:02
valoriebut I should have sent him to #ubuntu+1 12:02
valorieoh, well12:02
valorietime for sleep, anyway12:03
ScottKGood night.12:03
ScottKIt's probably just documented in the mail I sent to #kubuntu-devel and only by inference there.12:03
shadeslayernigelb: ok different things, these are majors cant bunk/get them postponed12:40
shadeslayerapachelogger: i haz 50 minutes, what can be done :P12:40
shadeslayeriirc there was some kdepim stuff that needed fixing12:41
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nigelbshadeslayer: I was kidding :)12:44
shadeslayeroh boi oh boi12:45
shadeslayernot good ....12:45
shadeslayerScottK: pingly12:47
shadeslayerScottK: need to talk about https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdepim/4:4.4.8-0ubuntu112:47
shadeslayerkubuntu_02_kalarm_kstatusnotifieritem needs to go back in ... its been applied against trunk not 4.4.812:47
shadeslayeralso ... why am i  in kdepim debian changelog 0_o12:47
shadeslayeri didnt do it12:48
shadeslayerlike .. debians debian changelog12:48
ScottKshadeslayer: OK.  You're in the changelog because that's what was in bzr.13:01
ScottKshadeslayer: IIRC the patch didn't apply.  Please fix it up in bzr and ping me.13:01
shadeslayerScottK: there was a new patch... i have it somewhere here ...13:02
shadeslayerill fix it in bzr13:02
shadeslayerScottK: new patch is http://pastebin.com/0jSnqe3H13:03
ScottKshadeslayer: Thanks.  Ping me when it's there.  I need to fix the updates PPA too for Maverick.13:04
shadeslayersomehow 4.6 beta broke my gpg-agent13:04
shadeslayerneed to rebuild and see if everything works13:08
Riddellit's broken everyone's gpg-agent13:10
RiddellMamarok knows a fix13:10
Riddellor workaround13:10
shadeslayeroh... well ... i can manage right now :P13:10
shadeslayerill wait for a proper fix13:11
shadeslayersamba is the awesome13:11
shadeslayeri can transfer files between my pc and phone over wifi \o/13:11
shadeslayerno more storage woes13:11
shadeslayerapachelogger: your magic is getting a android update apparently13:12
MamarokRiddell: I know for the ssh-agent, but not the gpg-agent, haven't tried that yet13:18
kronosRiddell: is KDevelop still up for grabs ?13:19
kronosor anyone working13:19
shadeslayerkronos: \o13:19
kronosshadeslayer: o/13:20
shadeslayerbtw... ctrl+shift+n or ctrl+shift+p for private browsing... which is better?13:20
shadeslayerthinking of setting a shortcut for it in rekonq13:20
shadeslayerff uses p, chrom* uses n13:20
ScottKFYI.  I've started on Bug #691068.13:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 691068 in kdewebdev (Ubuntu Lucid) "SRU tracking bug for KDE 4.4.5/8 update in Lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69106813:21
shadeslayerScottK: also, thanks for taking the avogadro MIR13:21
Riddellkronos: ooh yes please13:23
shadeslayerwas the previous beta packaged?13:24
Riddellwhat previous beta?13:24
Riddellthis is the first beta13:24
shadeslayerkronos: best of luck :P13:24
shadeslayeryour going to need it13:24
Riddellkronos: do you have access to ktown?13:24
kronosRiddell: nah..13:24
shadeslayerRiddell: git plugin should probably be split into a new package?13:25
shadeslayerhmm ... no13:25
Riddellkronos: where is your ssh key?13:25
Riddellshadeslayer: why?13:25
shadeslayerjust asking ...13:26
kronosRiddell: launchpad.net/~bhargav13:26
Riddellkronos: ssh ftpubuntu@ktown.kde.org13:27
Riddellstart with kdevplatform13:27
shadeslayeror just use dolphin :P13:27
Riddellgrab existing packaging from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdevplatform/1.1.1-0ubuntu113:28
Riddellupdate changelog, start build, check for new build dependencies in the cmake output, continue build, check all files are installed 13:28
shadeslayerkronos: grab the handy build hook for missing files13:28
markeyapachelogger: Riddell: VLC file selector dialog is still borked13:29
markeytakes ~1 minute to come up13:29
markeyno idea why...13:29
shadeslayermarkey: kde 4.6?13:29
markeyBeta 213:29
markeylatest updates13:29
* shadeslayer tries13:29
markeyit worked fine with KDE 4.513:29
markeybbl, work13:30
shadeslayerpossibly stuff changed? :P13:30
shadeslayerBlocked: call to unsetenv("DBUS_ACTIVATION_BUS_TYPE")13:30
Riddellkronos: also I'd get rid of all those l10n packages, they're not needed for ubuntu, just put the .po files into kdevplatform2-libs, they'll get stripped on upload anyway13:30
Riddellall the de-halification of solid means a lot has changed for the file dialogue13:30
ScottKRemoving hal might actually help if you haven't already.13:32
* Riddell removes hal13:33
RiddellScottK: I take it suspend works without hal now?13:34
ScottKRiddell: I don't know.  It was supposed to with beta2.13:34
shadeslayerRiddell: whats the package for hal? just hal?13:34
Riddellyes, seems to work here13:35
Riddellshadeslayer: yes13:35
shadeslayer*cringe* http://paste.ubuntu.com/54442813:35
Riddellooh removing hal made my file dialouges open much faster13:35
Riddellshadeslayer: still on maverick?13:36
shadeslayeroh.. your on natty?13:36
Riddellhow old fashioned :)13:36
* shadeslayer will upgrade on 1st January 2012 :P13:37
shadeslayeri mean 201113:37
shadeslayeror .. maybe i could just let it upgrade now13:37
shadeslayerok ... lets run them scripts!13:37
shadeslayeralso .. no more project neon updates for me after upgrade :>13:40
ScottKWhy not?13:42
shadeslayerScottK: we start building neon for maverick after first beta13:42
shadeslayerwe are focusing on QA'ing packages for maverick atm13:42
shadeslayer( Release date is 2nd week of January )13:42
shadeslayerAlso ... who would want Neon on Natty ... with Natty being in alpha already .. they would have enough issues to handle  :P13:44
shadeslayerbtw.. i dont suppose i have to run do-release-upgrade with sudo13:45
shadeslayeri have *never* upgraded a install ....13:46
shadeslayerhehehe .... http://paste.ubuntu.com/54443013:49
shadeslayer5 hours13:49
Riddellshadeslayer: is neon anywhere near a big splash announcement?13:51
shadeslayerRiddell: wait till 2nd week of Jan :P13:52
Riddellwhat happens then?13:52
shadeslayerthen we can do promo stuff 13:52
shadeslayerwe finish packaging and QA'ing stuff13:52
Riddellthat sounds very organised13:52
shadeslayeryeah, we didnt have a target date, so we started slacking on work13:53
shadeslayeralso issues with kdebindings13:53
shadeslayerso hopefully bindings will be fixed by then and we can release neon13:53
shadeslayerRiddell: talk about organized https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/ProjectNeon/Packaging13:54
shadeslayerthats old13:54
shadeslayerapachelogger: ^^ thanks to yofel 13:55
Riddellthat yofel is good13:57
shadeslayerok .. now back to studies, im keeping a watch on my kdepim build via VNC13:58
jussiScottK: How is kde on maverick?  do we have an armel build? also, do we have a plasma mobile build on armel for maverick? (Ive just got our new efika smarttops and hoping for som kde goodness)14:05
ScottKjussi: Good, Yes, and Yes, but you probably want plasma-netbook.  You will have to work at it a bit to reduce what runs by default to make it somewhat usable.14:07
jussiScottK: regular repos?  or ppa?14:07
ScottKYou'll also have to fiddle the kernel since no in archive kernel will run on those.14:08
jussiok, so just a simple apt-get install plasma-netbook then? 14:08
ScottKActually apt-get install kubuntu-desktop and it should know to run -netbook14:08
jussiScottK: they came with maverick, so kernel is there already. 14:08
* jussi got new ones - no more crappy lange51 anymore :D14:09
jussiScottK: is plasma mobile also available? Id like to see how it runs on an imx51.14:10
ScottKYes, but it's not very mature.14:10
jussiyeah, I realise that14:10
shadeslayerNightrose: is there a page listing all GCI tasks? ( Completed and those which are in progress and not claimed )14:27
shadeslayerKDE specific page would be rather nice14:28
Nightroseshadeslayer: i don't think so14:30
Nightroseif you find one let me know14:30
Nightrosei also need it14:30
shadeslayerNightrose: http://www.google-melange.com/gci/program/list_tasks/google/gci2010 << Organization = KDE14:30
shadeslayerbut ... i cant find rekonq specific tasks, maybe because theyre taken14:30
Nightrosethat doesn't list completed one14:30
shadeslayerah ok .. thats probably why14:31
shadeslayerdunno then :P14:31
shadeslayerScottK: pushed rev 152, please have a look14:50
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=152&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 152 | Coolo: included X11 headers again in drag.cpp (my fault)14:50
Nightroseis there a tool like debian's popcon for ubuntu packages?14:52
Nightroseahhh also popcon :D14:53
Nightrosehmmm but pretty useless when it's broken14:55
ScottKshadeslayer: Would you please look at kdepim in the updates PPA for lucid (I didn't upload that one, Riddel did)14:55
ScottKshadeslayer: Did we even have that patch in Lucid?15:05
ari-tczewwrrrrrrrrr how can I restore pinentry in kde?15:07
CIA-116[libqapt] jmthomas * 1207013 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/ (backend.cpp backend.h) Added an areChangesMarked() function to provide an easier way to check if there are pending changes without checking the emptiness of the QApt::PackageList that Backend::MarkedPackages() constructs and returns15:17
CIA-116[muon] jmthomas * 1207014 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/installer/ApplicationWindow.cpp Use the new Backend::areChangesMarked() function. This avoids constructing a QApt::PackageList as well as 67,000 calls to QApt::Package::state() in the Backend::markedPackages() function15:18
CIA-116[muon] jmthomas * 1207015 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/libmuon/StatusWidget.cpp Avoid 67,000 calls to QApt::Package::State by using the QApt::Backend::areChangesMarked() function rather than checking the size of the QList that QApt::Backend::markedPackages returns. Speeds up statusbar population.15:21
ScottKari-tczew: pinentry and KDE are unrelated.  KDE uses pinentry, but doesn't affect it.15:21
CIA-116[muon] jmthomas * 1207016 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/libmuon/MuonMainWindow.cpp Use areChangesMarked() rather than checking the size of markedPackages()15:22
ari-tczewScottK: so have to I always putting password twice in console?15:23
ScottKari-tczew: I didn't say that.15:24
JontheEchidnassh-askpass isn't working in natty either, so I doubt it's pinentry-qt4's fault15:25
ari-tczewScottK: I know. but this case is annoying15:25
ari-tczewand after switch from gnome, I have to putting password to bzr acitvities always :/15:26
ScottKI don't doubt it, but it's not directly a KDE thing.15:26
CIA-116[muon] jmthomas * 1207017 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/updater/UpdaterWindow.cpp Use the more efficient areChangesMarked() function to determine whether or not to enable the apply button should be enabled15:27
Riddell"15:21 < NCommander> Kubuntu devs want to work on backporting and enabling NEON runtime detection for some handwritten assembler."15:43
RiddellNCommander: backporting from where to where?15:43
CIA-116[libqapt] jmthomas * 1207021 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/package.cpp (log message trimmed)15:49
CIA-116Since package names are always latin1-compliant, prevent the unnecessary15:49
CIA-116conversion of const char * -> std::string -> QString::fromAscii ->15:49
NCommanderRiddell: newer QT?15:51
CIA-116[libqapt] jmthomas * 1207025 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/package.cpp Use QLatin1String instead of QString::fromStdString() to avoid unnecessary conversions to/from std::string (When we're dealing with or can deal with const char *)15:57
CIA-116[libqapt] jmthomas * 1207026 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/src/package.cpp Fix a potential problem with homepage URLs with UTF8 characters not displaying correctly15:59
shadeslayerScottK: afaik yes, kronos was looking into kdepim 4.4.8 for lucid and iirc Riddell gave him the new patch and thats how it came to my attention16:16
ScottKCool.  Thanks.16:16
shadeslayer( the 152 revision didnt have the new series file, 153 has the patch in it now )16:16
CIA-116[couchdb-qt] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20101216162229-qbqvsgadix2q18fi * cmake_uninstall.cmake.in unbreak build16:22
ScottKshadeslayer: Would you please go ahead an upload the fixed version to maverick in the updates PPA?16:22
* ScottK is in the middle of uploading 4.4.5 to lucid-proposed.16:23
shadeslayeroh 4.4.5 in proposed .. great :D16:23
=== bhargav is now known as kronos
kronosRiddell: kdevplatform built log http://paste.ubuntu.com/544484/ 16:35
shadeslayercmake output looks good16:39
shadeslayerthe rest of the file is still downloading :P16:40
shadeslayerkronos: can you pastebin the debdiff?16:40
kronosshadeslayer: http://pastebin.ca/2021334 17:01
apacheloggerRiddell: you said you are getting stuttering sound in dragon with phonon-gst?17:07
Riddellapachelogger: yes17:08
* apachelogger can reproduce that17:08
* apachelogger unfortunately has no idea why17:08
Riddellalso it crashes on close17:08
Riddellalso i seem to get no video picture17:09
Riddellso not great all in all17:09
apacheloggerRiddell: with gst?17:12
apacheloggerwhat is the crash on close?17:12
apacheloggerkgpg is the broken17:12
apacheloggergpg: Invalid option "--debug-level"17:12
Riddellso bad even DrKonqi can't sort it17:14
apacheloggerRiddell: are you sure you are using gst?17:14
* apachelogger is wondering why libxine shows up in the memory dump17:14
apacheloggerand vlc17:15
apacheloggeroh, libxine possibly from dragon linking against it17:15
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shadeslayerkronos: looks fine, except seems that your debian/ folder got dirty in the build process17:21
shadeslayerthere are log files in there17:21
shadeslayerrbelem: pingly17:21
kronosshadeslayer: look at line 670 of the debdiff. should the package be kdevplatform3-libs?17:22
shadeslayerrbelem: so apparently you can boot good old debian on the phone, i suppose kubuntu-mobile can work as well17:23
shadeslayerdunno about radio etc17:23
shadeslayerkronos: no line 670 in debdiff17:23
shadeslayerlast line is 38217:23
apacheloggerphonon-gst's debugging is made out of garbage17:24
apacheloggerhorrible, simply horrible17:24
apacheloggerRiddell: please report a bug about the stuttering17:24
apacheloggerI'll force sandsmark to do hardcore haxx0ring with me over the holidays17:25
shadeslayerkronos: bump up library name ... to kdevplatform3-libs17:25
shadeslayerapparently your debdiff was only half posted17:25
shadeslayerwait ...17:26
shadeslayerwould that be correct library naming?17:26
Riddellapachelogger: where?17:27
rbelemshadeslayer, pong17:27
shadeslayerhold on17:27
kronosshadeslayer:  changelog shows previous change from kdevplatform1-libs to kdevplatform2-libs .17:27
apacheloggerRiddell: bko17:27
shadeslayerkronos: ah ok then17:27
shadeslayerotoh there is a command to generate a package name as well17:28
apacheloggervirtuoso gone wild17:28
apacheloggerusing 60% cpu17:28
shadeslayerapachelogger: happens on maverick as well :P17:28
shadeslayer( assuming your on natty )17:28
apacheloggerI am on mav17:28
shadeslayerah ok17:29
shadeslayerrbelem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=141331317:29
shadeslayerand look at the last post17:29
rbelemoki :-)17:29
apacheloggerrbelem: did you try the class10 yet?17:30
rbelemapachelogger, i tried with meego17:31
apacheloggerany better?17:31
rbelemit is a little bit faster17:31
apacheloggernow that does not sound a whole lot better ^^17:31
shadeslayeroh that is the second thing ^^ .. how do you find out the class of your SD card17:31
rbelemapps runs smother17:31
* apachelogger thinks that the n900 probably only supports class617:31
shadeslayeri cant find it anywehere17:31
apacheloggershadeslayer: it is written on the card17:32
apacheloggerunless it is a crap one17:32
shadeslayerapachelogger: not mine it isnt17:32
apacheloggerthen it is not and probably class 217:32
apacheloggerclass 2 == crap17:32
shadeslayerits a 2GB one ... came with the phone itself 17:32
rbelemapachelogger, it uses full speed with class1017:32
apacheloggerYou won £ 500,000.00GBP17:33
apacheloggerit is £ GBP17:33
rbelem12 MB/s +ou-17:33
shadeslayerlol ^^17:33
apacheloggerthat is like £ by the powers of two17:33
rbelemshadeslayer, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=63138917:40
rbelemthis looks interesting :-)17:40
shadeslayerit does, doesnt it :)17:41
shadeslayerToo long to try it out tonight17:41
shadeslayerpossibly in Jan17:41
shadeslayerbest thing is... you cant brick it ..17:41
rbelemehehehe :-D17:42
shadeslayer( need to get a good microsd card first tho )17:42
rbelemshadeslayer, is easy to get a good one in your city?17:42
shadeslayerrbelem: dunno .. i see microsd cards everyday, dunno what class tho17:43
shadeslayerrbelem: http://www.flipkart.com/sandisk-memory-card-16gb-microsdhc-mobile-accessories-acccrrqzzjmaztzw17:58
shadeslayerthats the best deal i can find right now17:58
shadeslayer( its out of stock )17:58
shadeslayerseems like a class 417:58
rbelemshadeslayer, i bought mine from ebay18:00
shadeslayeri dont trust ebay india :P18:01
shadeslayerthey steal your moniez18:01
rbelemfrom hong kong18:01
rbelemit took one month and five days to arrive :-D18:01
shadeslayeri might get it from here : http://www.infibeam.com/Camera_Accessories/i-SanDisk-Micro-SD/P-E-ME-SanDisk-MicroSD-Basic.html?id=Black-16GB&utm_term=sandisk+microsd_1_518:01
shadeslayerdunno tho18:02
shadeslayerthis time for good18:02
ScottKshadeslayer: Did you fix kdepim in maverick updates PPA?18:04
kronosRiddell: kdevplatform debdiff http://pastebin.com/70zHiT6k .18:14
Riddellkronos: hmm, just a diff -urN <old>/debian <new>/debian   would be more useful I think18:17
Riddelldebdiffs between different upstream versions aren't too useful18:17
kronosRiddell: hmmm.. i ve copied the debian part in the pastebin ..18:18
Riddellkronos: URL?18:18
Riddellkronos: do you want to put it into your PPA?18:20
Riddellkronos: are about able to continue on with the main kdevelop package?18:20
kronosRiddell: yeah .. i'll put it in mp ppa ..18:21
kronosRiddell: which package is next ?18:22
ScottKRiddell: Would you be up for uploading 4.4.5 l10n to lucid-proposed in a bit (tomorrow's fine)?18:22
Riddellkronos: kdevelop18:25
kronosShould i put kdevplatform in my ppa ? and should there be a ~natty1~ppa1 in the changelog?18:26
ScottKkronos: For your PPA, just ~ppa1 is fine.18:26
ScottKkronos: We don't bother with $release when it's for the development release.18:27
RiddellScottK: sounds like lots of downloading, changing changelog entries, source package building and uploading?18:42
ScottKRiddell: Don't you have a script that does all that?18:43
RiddellI expect so18:43
Riddelllet's see what happens if I fire up an EC2 machine and run it18:44
kronosRiddell: should i remove l10n packages in kdevelop and put corresponding files in the -data package ?18:45
Riddellkronos: yes please18:46
hungerpower management is not working anymore in natty for me. I get a popup informing me no backend was found. Is that a known issue?18:54
ScottKhunger: No.  Do you have upower installed?18:55
ScottK(ideally we want upower without hal and it working)18:55
hungerScottK: Yes... 0.9.7+git2something... aptitude says I am up to date.18:56
ScottKNo one else has reported this that I'm aware of.18:56
markeyerm, X11 or KWin or KDE crashed on me18:58
markeyhad to reboot18:58
markeysomething is weird with Beta218:58
markeythat never happened with 4.518:58
markeyit did not fully crash18:59
markeyit got "stuck"18:59
markeyand then kinda continued a zombie life18:59
markeyyou could not really use it, but you could move the mouse18:59
hungerScottK: Hmmm... Seems like an issue with some update action or so. Just logged out/in and can no longer reproduce.19:00
hungerHey! kde network management connected to my WLAN for the first time ever!19:48
ScottKSounds good.19:48
ScottKInterestingly enough we haven't updated the NM widget.19:49
hungerOnly downside: It does not stop connecting when I plug in the ethernet.19:49
hungerScottK: I have not updated my netbook in a while.19:49
hungerScottK: So far I used knetworkmanager... now the plasmoid finally does something:-)19:50
ScottKNo, I mean it's the same as Maverick.19:50
ScottKSo if that's gotten better it's something else started working.19:51
hungerScottK: Never worked there. And you did update KDE, did you leave out the nm plasmoid?19:51
ScottKhunger: NM widget is extragear.  Not part of core KDE SC.19:51
hungerScottK: It builds on solid and whatnot... maybe that is finally fixed.19:53
ScottKPerhaps.  Or maybe something in NM itself.19:54
ScottK(the backend)19:54
hungerScottK: Considering that knetworkmanager as well as nm-applet both worked all the time I think it is not NM itself.19:58
kronosHow do i get local packages into pbuilder chroot ? the method in the pbuilder tutorial doesnt work .20:03
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neversfeldekronos: you could use the pool hook https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Ninjas/BuildEnvironment20:13
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doctormodo you know if kde supports svg wallpapers and if so what renderer it uses?21:12
doctormoI'd like it if the genetic wallpapers weren't just stuck on default ubuntu and where made available for kde too.21:12
doctormognome uses librsvg and looking at that package it's tied to gtk heavily, so it can't be using librsvg.21:12
JontheEchidnadoctormo: yes, using the QtSvg library most likely21:15
doctormothanks JontheEchidna21:21
ScottKOK.  kde4libs building in lucid-proposed.  Here we go ....21:32
apacheloggerdoctormo: in particular http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/qsvgrenderer.html21:34
doctormoapachelogger: Do you know if it's any good?21:35
doctormoactually scratch that, could I pass you an svg and could you set it as your wallpaper and tell me if it renders good?21:35
apacheloggeralso considering the whole desktop theme is also rendered using it, I would suppose it works decently well ;)21:36
doctormodownload this http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~doctormo/doctormo-random/genetic-wallpapers/annotate/head%3A/target.svg21:36
doctormouse the download link21:36
apacheloggerScottK: did you see that Riddell destroyed my dreams of having a 72h qt build on arm :(21:37
doctormoI wonder if it supports tspans, would be interesting if it did.21:37
apacheloggerdoctormo: major fail21:39
doctormoapachelogger: ok thanks, that means that bluring and gradients aren't supported.21:46
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kronosapachelogger: uploaded liblikeback to my ppa https://launchpad.net/~bhargav/+archive/sandbox .22:15
ScottKapachelogger: We need a minion to go sit a jdstrand's feet and learn enough about apparmor to fix it so mysql-akonadi can go away because we solved the problem a smarter way.22:19
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Riddellooh koffice has been compiling for 12 hours without breakage23:16
Riddellthis is promising23:17
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=== evilnhandler is now known as Guest44355
=== Guest44355 is now known as evilnhandler

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