
Roeyhey why is the PPA site called Launch Pad ?00:18
Roeyor I shall remain seated and sad.00:19
PiciRoey: LaunchPad is Ubuntu's bug/project tracker.  PPAs are just one of the other services it offers.00:20
Roeyoh, interesting00:21
Roeyso is Ubuntu's main repository there?00:21
Roeyhow does Ubuntu separate its public-facing repositories from its staging/development repos?00:22
Roeyhmm, I guess staging/dev are also public facing00:22
RoeyI suppose that some script 'pinches off' a snapshot from the development repository and tags it for release00:22
Roeyer, nah actually I do not know.00:22
PiciWe're not a rolling release distro, so we only have the supported releases and the development release.00:23
Roeyoh.. o,00:23
PiciFor the in-development release (natty/11.04 at this time) we sync from Debian unstable.00:23
Roeyoh!! so that's why it can be very volatile!00:23
Roeyit's not that you build off of the previous release; it's that you sync from sid I take it?00:24
PiciSort of, well its not like its a no-change sync, we do a lot of patching and we have a fair number of our own packages that aren't in debian.00:25
Roeydo you have scripts you run on packages which apply the Ubuntu and Kubuntu standard patches?00:26
Roeyyhou don't keep re-writing these patches every time you start developing a new version, right?00:26
PiciThats a bit above my head, I'm not a packager or a dev for Ubuntu.00:27
Roeyaye, ok00:27
Roeyyou've satisfied my curiosity, though.  Thanks00:27
PiciRoey: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide might be able to point you in the right direction though.00:27
RoeyPici:  yo whoever owns that "immutable page" has an immutable typo on their hands:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Python  <-- there's a typo there.  I forgot which word specifically, though.00:31
gr8m8!es | moises00:35
ubottumoises: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:35
FloridaGuytrying to install this plymouth theme....     http://www.ubunturoot.com/2010/07/mib-plymouth-theme-for-ubuntu-and.html    ......   the MIB-Kubuntu....following the directions....but im just geting a crapy blue screen that says kubuntu 10.10.....nothing to do with the theme im installing01:15
FloridaGuyi guess i forgot to do one thing....i forgot ...   sudo update-initramfs -u01:16
FloridaGuytrying to install a new plymouth theme in Kubuntu 10.10.... installing the MIB-Ubuntu  from here...   http://www.ubunturoot.com/2010/07/mib-plymouth-theme-for-ubuntu-and.html    .....   following the directions....then when i reboot...my screen is in verbose mode..just a text shutdown...and a black bootup01:39
FloridaGuyanyone home01:41
gr8m8I've never bothered changing the theme so I'm not much help01:42
gr8m8tried the ubuntu wiki?01:42
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy01:42
ubottuPlymouth manages the Ubuntu boot process (before the root filesystem is mounted) and also provides a graphical boot animation.  To change your Plymouth theme use « sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth && sudo update-initramfs -u »01:44
=== ross is now known as Guest74583
=== Freejack is now known as Freejack`
rosco_yCan anyone please tell me what I need to do to install libboost-filesystem1.34.1 ?03:13
rosco_yI've tried google, aptitude search and the package manager, and am not finding it03:14
rosco_yI get google hits on it, but am not finding how to install it03:14
tsimpson1.34.1 is a rather old version, we currently use 1.40.003:14
rosco_ytsimpson: I did install 1.4x, but the application I need to install (for my wife) seems to have a backwards compatibility problem03:15
rosco_yit's complaining that "Dependency is not satisfiable: libboost-filesystem1.34.103:16
rosco_yunless I suppose, I didn't actually install 1.40.0, as attempted....03:17
rosco_yAnd thank you, tsimpson....03:17
rosco_yI just did a "find . | grep libboost", and it seems I have 1.42 installed03:19
rosco_yI'm trying to install an Amazon downloader so I can download an album for my wife.....03:20
tsimpsonyou could try installing the .deb file manually from http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/libboost-filesystem1.34.103:20
rosco_ytsimpson: you're the best, thank you!03:20
rosco_ytsimpson: I see a list of files link, do you know where the instructions to do the manual install are?03:22
tsimpsonyou either click the i386 (32-bit) or amd64 (64-bit) links, then download the .deb, after that open a terminal and use "sudo dpkg -i /path/to/where/you/downloaded/the.deb"03:23
tsimpsonor use the GUI with gdebi-kde iirc03:24
tsimpsonkdesudo gdebi-kde /path/to/the.deb03:24
rosco_yThank you again.  If you email me your credit card #, I'll fax you a messload of cash....03:25
rosco_y:) seriously, kudos03:25
rosco_yinstalling like taking candy from a babe03:27
rosco_yexactly what I needed03:27
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kosmonauti am experiencing some hight cpu-loads when moving anything on my desktop (f.e. moving the mouse-cursor makes xorg go up to 100% ) Using the current nvidia driver on kubuntu101010:22
kosmonautany thoughts on this?10:22
gr8m8try a diff driver maybe10:23
kosmonautgr8m8: well this nvidia driver works fine under gnome?!10:24
kosmonauti mean under ubuntu10:25
gr8m8some drivers report that they do things that they don't and kwin has an issue with that from what I've  read10:26
gr8m8maybe go back one driver version10:26
kosmonautgr8m8: true...worth a try10:28
=== Christian is now known as Guest82098
Guest82098hi there10:46
Guest82098when i am using apt to install a software package - is anyone able to see, what i am installing?10:46
Guest82098or is the connection safe?10:46
Tm_TGuest82098: the data goes over normal http or ftp AFAICS10:49
Guest82098so it is not encrypted like in ssh or something like  that?10:50
Guest82098thank you for any answer ;-)10:52
Sebas_I run Kubuntu 10.10 and skype with a USB Creative Headset.. No audio as no mic works by default.. settings say PulseAudio Server Local and cannot be changed.. What can I do to fix this?10:53
=== Decorian_ is now known as Decorian
=== 13WAAVSZ9 is now known as skamster
skamsterhello all.. i've got a problem with kopete.. :s11:43
skamsteri've a jabber-connection which always tell's me, it does connect, but it never does..11:43
skamsterthere's no specific message, exect Unknown signature value:  795 in console11:44
skamsterdoes someone know what could be wrong?11:46
5EXABXORBso, once again.. i've seen there's a bug which creates the message Unknown signature value:  79512:43
=== 5EXABXORB is now known as skamster
skamsterisn't there a woraround or so?12:43
skamsterthis bug exists since kde 4.2 till 4.6 beta 2... so any jabber-accounts won't work there..?!?12:44
gr8m8I don't use jabber so it's not an issue here - just mentioned it so you weren't talking to yourself12:45
skamstergr8m8: thanks :p12:51
skamsterok, it seems to be a qca-problem.. does someone know how i downgrade it?12:54
skamsteri tried now pisi, which also use qca - same problem12:54
skamster could someone could tell me how i'm able to downgrade qca?12:57
gr8m8you'd have to find an earlier version on the net somewhere12:58
skamsteri'm searching13:01
skamsterfuck off, i use pidgin.. sad that kopete isn't work so nice..13:18
Piciskamster: That language and attitude isn't needed here.13:18
bassoHmm, im abit at a loss on kubuntu13:19
bassoWhy is the touchpad configure panel all grayed out?13:19
bassoVLC is bugged under fullscreen video13:20
skamsteri could also say "i give it up" - but please understand me when i search about 2.5 hours, no one except gr8m8 say something and the function which i need, should work on every m$-plattform but doesn't under kubuntu, that i'm nerved then13:20
bassoGnome-Do really dont work in kde, synapse works but doesnt display everything, and that which it can display it displays two times13:20
bassothe eyecandy is good, but i have do disable alot of stuff to get decent performance13:21
bassoand thats with a 9600gt :313:22
BauldrickI have two 'sound output devices' under system settings > sound & .. > phonon (Internal and rv710)  - internal is at the top and set, and works for sound, however the toolbar sound icon always brings up rv710, which is set to 0% and I have to goto mixer to select internal13:29
Bauldrickhow do i change that the other way round?13:30
amichairBauldrick: in kmix's settings you can select which channel is the master channel, is that what you need?13:31
amichairkmix being the toolbar sound icon, if I understand you correctly13:32
Bauldrickprobably but i'm new to kubuntu, so wheres kmix settings found13:32
amichairwhen you open the mixer, under the Settings menu option13:32
amichairthere is a 'Select Master Channel' setting13:32
Bauldrickoh right i got it...that was rather simple and embarrasing :)13:32
amichairBauldrick: does it solve your problem?13:33
Bauldrickyeah cheers amichair13:33
amichairBauldrick: Great :-)13:33
BluesKajHey folks13:51
amichairhey BluesKaj13:55
BluesKajhi amichair13:56
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darthanubiswhere is the menu.lst?15:31
darthanubisI don't find it on the system at all?15:31
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub215:31
tsimpson(grub2 does not use a menu.lst, but other config files)15:32
darthanubisyeah nvm thx15:33
darthanubisI forgot15:33
cba123I'm running Kubuntu 10.10 and KDE 4.5.x (not sure where to find the x).  I'm trying to go from compiz to kwin, but I can't seem to get "present windows" to activate when I middle click on my mouse, although it could with Compiz.  Any ideas?  Everything I google seems to tell me to bind keys, but I'd think there has to be an easier way.16:05
StizzlyHi, i have got a question. I wanna sync my iphone 4 device with kubuntu. can anyone please tell me how to do? i've searched on google but i've found no solution.16:06
KoliaStizzly: it never worked correctly with an iphone 3G so i'm not sure you have any easy solution with yout iphone 4..16:09
cba123https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone "For the iPhone4 (iOS 4.1), music syncing does NOT work as libgpod has not implemented this yet. You can view the iPhone filesystem by using ifuse."16:11
Koliayep, and seeing the iphone filesystem is kind of useless16:12
Stizzlyi can view the filesystem via ssh this is no problem. But i cant sync music to my ipod libary on my iphone16:14
newby1does anyone know how to make my extra/2nd hdd not ask for a password every time i want to connect to it16:15
cba123Stizzly, I'll repeat "For the iPhone4 (iOS 4.1), *MUSIC SYNCING DOES NOT* work as libgpod has not implemented this yet. You can view the iPhone filesystem by using ifuse."16:15
KoliaStizzly: thats it. boring huh? :)16:16
Koliai just love this phone16:16
Koliabut hate Apple at the same time :)16:16
cba123You could always install VirtualBox and Windows inside that, and do iTunes there16:16
Stizzlyi've windows on my laptop on 2nd partition but i hate it to boot it... because ist damn slow... and itunes sorry but ist "sucks"16:17
Stizzlyi hate to boot it*16:18
Stizzlyok then i can only hope that libgpod implement it soon.16:18
cba123Stizzly, Well, as with all Apple devices, Apple knows you want.  It is their device that you borrow.  You can't really get any other program to sync to it.16:19
cba123knows what you want better than you do, or so they think.*16:19
cba123I have an iPhone 3g I was given free, but it's a rarely used backup phone to my Android Epic 4G, but this is getting off topic.  The short answer is there isn't an easy way to get anything other than iTunes to sync to an iDevice.  I *think* winamp might, but I'm not sure.16:21
Stizzlyive another question the same question like newby1 can you remove your password from your 2nd hdd?16:31
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vistausssI have a question about the message indicator17:07
vistausssif I want my own application to appear in the message indicator, how would I do that?17:08
kaddiis there a GUI-tool which will allow me to concatenate PDFs and move pages within it?17:08
vistausssI can't find any documentation about it17:08
vistausssanyone knows how I can integrate my app with the  message indicator?17:33
=== Freejack is now known as Freejack`
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stephdgcan anyone tell me what package konqueror is in?19:50
djusticekdebase-apps ?19:51
stephdgok thanks :)19:53
James147stephdg: is it not in "konqueror"?19:53
stephdgJames147, no19:53
stephdgJames147, it is saying no package available19:53
stephdghave installed kdelibs and kdebase-runtime but when i press alt-f2 and type it in19:54
stephdgnothing happens19:54
James147stephdg: no package available? I have it on my system... have you run "sudo apt-get update" first? .. but either way it should already be installed19:55
stephdgJames147, its on a ubuntu system, with gnome19:56
James147stephdg: the package should still exist then...19:57
stephdgok :-) i will look more later thanks James14719:57
pulaskiHi, can someone suggest a channel whee I can get a recommendation for a software package from a repository that helps print CD jewelbox labels?19:58
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Suboptimalwhat do i gain by using the loop option in (mount -o loop), when mounting an iso?20:25
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Lars_GSorry, but is there any way I can configure akonadi to diaf silently? it pops windows with a crash every 10 seconds sometimes21:08
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* crack05 is away (Gone)22:01
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DarkriftXdoes anyone know of a package manager that will constantly check for updates without crashing every few days liek the built in kde one?22:04
gr8m8you can use apt in the konsole22:04
gr8m8or synaptic from ubuntu22:04
fernandoque onda22:05
fernandono hya nadie22:05
DarkriftXgr8m8: but do either of these sit in the tray and check for updates at regular intervals?22:05
DarkriftXi dont want to have to apt-get update && apt-get upgrade every day22:06
DarkriftXyes.... i could write a cron job but im looking for something for kde22:06
gr8m8synaptic might be able to do that - I haven't used it in ages22:06
=== hannebambel is now known as tuxifier
muesliDarkriftX: did you file a bug report yet?22:10
DarkriftXothers have22:10
DarkriftXi found my bug already filed 1.5 years ago22:10
DarkriftXmaybe a little less but close22:10
DarkriftXthere are tons of ppl who have the same issue with it (i think its kpackageit or something)22:11
=== david is now known as Guest2835
muesliDarkriftX: kubuntu 10.10?22:11
DarkriftX10.04 still22:11
DarkriftXhavent updated yet22:11
mueslimight be worth it, haven't experienced any crashes with 10.1022:12
DarkriftXdid you have the problem with 10.04?22:12
DarkriftXit works fine, but after a few days it just stops working. i dont remember exactly what the problem is but it just never stays working for more than a week22:12
mueslilet's put it that way, since 10.10 i actually the gui package manager; -)22:13
DarkriftXi c22:13
DarkriftXi just hate rebooting lol22:13
DarkriftXi keep so much crap running 24/7 that a reboot is an hour long job22:13
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:13
DarkriftXno habla espanol22:15
fernandoyo si22:15
fernandopero ingles no jaja22:15
fernandoapenas estoy calando el ubuntu22:15
DarkriftX<ubottu> En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:15
DarkriftXerm.... dist-upgrade didnt work :S22:18
DarkriftXhope my sources arent all screwed up22:18
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moskovsoktugum kubuntusu xp nin yanına kuramadı kendini ya22:46
moskovillaki silecek tüm diski22:46
gr8m8moskov: in english pls or tell us your country :)22:48
moskovhassiktir la ezo22:48
moskovit doesnt install itself near xp22:48
gr8m8dual boot?22:49
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot22:49
moskovi cant read them22:49
gr8m8which country are you from there might be a channel22:49
moskovsiktir et saol haci22:49
moskovthnks falan22:50
gr8m8that means nothing to me sorry22:50
moskovi made a bootable usb pen drive22:51
moskovimage it a kubuntu 10.1022:51
moskovi reboot from usb22:51
moskovits working great but i doesnt have a choose "install near other operations system" bla bla22:52
moskovoption not choose22:52
moskovsokim ingilizceme22:52
moskovne o lan 2 link verdin sktridin gittin ortalıktan22:58
Lord_Drachenblutevening maco23:33
radiguys, where to get the unstable version of kde for 11.04 ?23:33
radii have kubuntu and updated from 10.10 to 11.04, but can i do more ?23:34
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.23:34
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