
=== zac is now known as Guest90262
thorwilhmm, are there 'unsubscribe' addresses for ubuntu lists?12:51
vishthorwil: why not make the illustrative submission on art-owl?  it hasnt started yet, and if doctormo is OK, we could do it this cycle..17:11
ivankavish: good idea17:16
ivankathe photographic wallpaper competition runs nicely17:17
vishivanka: hey, thanks.. and pls make sure illustrative submissions are highlighted this year.. (or we'll have john crying ;p)17:17
ivankamaybe we could agree in advance that whatever space there is on the CD we choose 3 illustrative wallpapers and the rest are photos17:17
ivankak - follow up with iainfarrell17:18
ivankahow are you vish? as busy as last cycle?17:18
vishivanka: hope i dont get as busy again this cycle... :)  forcing myself to sleep at times ;)17:19
ivankavish: good! sleep is good, my doctor told me ;-)17:19
vishivanka: we could move the photo submissions also to art-owl, (since people are complaining that the flickr pool is too large) , but not sure what the art-owl limit is..17:20
vishdoctormo: ^ any idea how much it can take?17:21
vishand we do have the canonical sysadmin ready to allot us server space for the art.u.c site.. so that might help later.17:22
ivankavish: what about love.ubuntu.com?17:23
vishoooh! even better.. :)17:23
ivankavish - that way we avoid it being about specific skills and more about giving 'design love' to ubuntu projects?17:24
thorwilcan we have pink instead of orange, then? :)17:25
vishivanka: as a bonus we might get more google hits with 'love' in the url.. ;)17:26
ivankathorwil: pink and butterflies :-)17:26
ivankavish: heh17:26
ivankasurely we can come up with something less 'art' OR 'design' and more about creative endevours17:27
vishwhy not just "creativity.ubuntu.com" ?17:27
vishit maybe just me, but anything with "creative" seems like a collaboration with www.creative.com/17:30
thorwilvish: don't let them own words! bloody capitalism :)17:33
ivankahi kwwii, are you around?17:37
ivankathorwil: hehehe17:38
ivankavish, thorwil: how about benice.ubuntu.com? hahaha17:38
vish innovation.ubuntu.com17:39
vishor ingenuity  .n.. there is fecundity / fertility.. but when we shorten them it doenst sound nice,,17:39
thorwilsome say creative endeavors are a replacement for giving birth, so how about pregnancy.ubuntu.com? 0.o17:39
darkmatterepidural.ubuntu.com same connotation but less painful17:41
woutervddnI only read the last two sentences and what crossed my mind was: WTF? o_O17:44
vishwoutervddn: exactly the reaction you should get, when you open your mind to the wonderful world of design.. ;)17:45
* thorwil changes coordinates in order to consume food17:47
doctormovish: owl should be able to take medium load17:54
doctormoivanka: I beat you to love http://spreadubuntu.neomenlo.org/en/material/poster/reasons-love-ubuntu17:55
ivankadoctormo: got any other ideas?18:00
doctormoivanka: maybe light.ubuntu.com >?18:01
ivankadoctormo: I quite like that18:02
* ivanka tries to channel all the negatives so she can be prepared for backlash18:03
thorwileverything is white here. or would be, if there was enough light18:29
vishhahs, we could go for "surreal.u.c" ;p18:30
darkmatterthe white is a lie18:32
vishhmm.. dream.ubuntu.com18:32
darkmatterepidural.ubuntu.com "we make your ubuntu less painful"18:33
thorwilvish: nah, that's too much that which does not happen18:33
thorwildarkmatter: antimasochistsenjoyment.ubuntu.com?18:33
woutervddnexactly what I said..18:46
thorwiltroy_s: now you like woutervddn earlier18:46
troy_sName decisions? bacon.ubuntu.com because everyone likes bacon.18:46
troy_sIt is pretty hard to understand so I feel woutervddn 's pain.18:47
woutervddntroy_s: vegans hate bacon -_-18:47
troy_swoutervddn: You are talking to the wrong fellow for that. ;)18:48
troy_svish thorwil - How goes stuff?18:58
vishlol! finally someone was able to make troy_s go wtf!! \o/18:58
thorwiltroy_s: today i used map() instead of a for-loop and now nothing can put me down!18:59
troy_svish: Not difficult.18:59
woutervddnlol @ vish18:59
troy_sthorwil: Geeky scripty18:59
vishtroy_s: coming up with a name for the new art/design site18:59
troy_svish: Oh gosh.19:00
vish" something less 'art' OR 'design' and more about creative endevours"19:00
vishwe could just do the obvious and name it troy.u.c but it was too obvious ;p19:00
darkmatteripickmynose.ubuntu.com screams of creativity19:00
troy_svish: Yeah right up there with donkey.u.c.19:00
vishlmao was for darkmatter … i really could not stop myself from laughigg19:01
vishtroy_s: well, at some point you gotta stop being too modest.. it doesnt suit you ;)19:01
troy_svish: Judging from all of that fantastic creativity on the mailing list it looks needed.19:01
woutervddnugh.. tomorrow exam of economics.. =( I know sh*t about it..19:02
troy_svish: Or is this more of the wonderful "Slap it up on a wall and some faceless person will pick the winners."19:02
vishtroy_s: well.. i think we might have had our first "shone(ing)" ;)  it was more of a tag team ( thorwil and moi )19:02
vishwe might have repelled john.. ;)19:03
troy_svish: I suspect there are better things for time.19:03
troy_svish: I looked at that list and it looked like "v t v t j j j" with a token UNSUBSCRIBE ME jammed in there.19:04
troy_svish: I would wonder how to coax thoughts out of the other 1000 subscribers.19:05
thorwiltroy_s: we will rename "artwork team" to "discussion duo", soon19:05
troy_svish: Or at least see if any of them have any art / design interest or commitment.19:06
troy_sLikely just a gmail filter gathering dust.19:06
troy_svish: Who is the admin? Still kwwii?19:06
vishtroy_s: i did try to bring up the topic of discussing more art/design on the list.. the discussion there is a tie now 2 in favor and 2 against.. and thorwil doesnt (yet) want to break the tie ;p19:07
vishtroy_s: yea.. kwwii is the admin, but he is having too much fun  ;)19:07
troy_svish: Seriously?19:08
troy_svish: Let me get this right19:08
thorwilvish: i'm not even aware of that =0.o19:08
vishthorwil: thats why i kept poking you.. i said lets do it and then cephrn said yes.. john and leogg said no..19:09
troy_svish: You asked on an art / design / creativity list if there should be a more creative approach to discuss more about art / design and two people suggested not?19:09
darkmattermoar topics! that always helps in an ecosystem built on duct tape and crazy glue ;)19:09
vishtroy_s: yea.. they said it was bringing in bureaucracy! :/19:09
troy_svish: Whoever said no should be banished from the list.19:09
woutervddnlol +1 at troy.. :p19:10
thorwilvish: not that again. don't do a john19:10
vishtroy_s: we might have banished 1 (john)..19:10
troy_svish: Not qualified. Not competent. Should not be tolerated.19:10
thorwilvish: i pointed out several times the issue was your "mandatory" mail to the list for every submission19:10
woutervddnlol the "i want to stop this mail" is kind of funny :p19:11
troy_swoutervddn: Which is that?19:11
vishthorwil: well, if you dont say mandatory, no one will discuss.. like check out leogg, he said he dint have time to write a mail to the team.. but why did he announce his submissions?  because he doesnt want to get left out..19:11
woutervddni want to stop this ubuntu mail..19:11
woutervddnhaw can i stop this??19:11
woutervddni have 7262 messages and 7000 is from ubuntu...19:11
woutervddnplzzz help me to stop this :)19:11
woutervddnand sorry for my english.. :)19:11
vishthorwil: but even recommended is fine19:11
woutervddnit stand between the mudfight :p19:11
woutervddnmight be an idea for a wallpaper: a war between two people and another one standing in the middle asking to get out.. xD19:12
troy_swoutervddn: Ah the token UNSUBSCRIBE ME mails.19:12
vishwoutervddn: yea.. that we get every month in every active mailing list..19:13
thorwilvish: yeah, leogg mailed a list of his pieces, i commented, no one else did, no further reply19:13
vishthorwil: exactly. that's just human nature, if you say recommended , everyone gets lazy.. but if it is mandatory.. then they add the effort.. but as i said, "recommended" is a good temporary solution..19:14
troy_sthorwil: You forgot "And use an email system designed for contemporary email that provides filters."19:15
troy_sthorwil: And to be fair... the vast bulk of people don't have a clue about what a mailing list is.19:15
troy_sthorwil: So in terms of sensitivity to potential audiences, the nerd optics fall short.19:16
thorwiltroy_s: not quite sure what you are saying there. i'm quite aware that knowing what a mailing lists is already makes you an "insider", kinda19:17
troy_sthorwil: The unsubscribe issue is symptomatic perhaps19:18
troy_sthorwil: Completely agree. Not "kinda"19:19
troy_sthorwil: Is there a checklist on the wiki?19:19
thorwiltroy_s: thing is, i think it is net-harmful to get people on lists that can't figure out how to unsubscribe. at least if the lists cover technical matters19:19
troy_sthorwil: That explains what those various uber-nerd techniques do?19:19
troy_sthorwil: I can easily see where people hit a wall with mailing lists. They are almost exclusive to nerdville. Even intra company emails are generally cc.19:21
thorwiltroy_s: all i can find, and even that only with a direct search: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MailingLists19:22
thorwilfirst link broken right there19:22
troy_sthorwil: So as a less committed individual, mailing lists might not be optimal. The sad part is that there is a disparity between the uber-nerd and their mailing lists and the typical-casual that might gravitate to a forum. The two can't reconcile.19:24
thorwiltroy_s: lists and forums both suck in their own way19:24
troy_sthorwil: Sure but they are language19:25
troy_sthorwil: I wouldn't be worried about perfect or even close.19:25
woutervddntroy_s: true about the don't reconcile..19:26
troy_sthorwil: I can only speculate, but I would gamble that most North American netizens understand the language of forums better than the language of mailing lists.19:27
woutervddnI hate to say this but imo troy's right again..19:27
woutervddnthe only way to introduce a more forum style approche in an ML is by hashtagging and allow to only recieve messages with the right hashtag..19:28
doctormoUnless your having a chat, there is no need for forums or mailing lists.19:28
woutervddntrue that..19:28
troy_sthorwil: Perhaps doubly so for art / design centric minds. Dribbble, Notcot, Juxtapoz, etc. all speak web based interaction models with auxiliary email notifications for the uber savvy.19:28
woutervddnbut how would you see that doctormo?19:28
thorwiltroy_s: while i've seen forums with high standards, i think they tend to attract more mouth breathers than lists ever could19:28
troy_sdoctormo: Depends on goals of course...19:29
woutervddnand +1 for thorwil on that..19:29
doctormowhat are the goals?19:29
troy_sthorwil: Look at Dribbble19:30
troy_sthorwil: Or Typophile19:30
troy_sthorwil: Very specific cultures there.19:30
troy_sthorwil: Which is precisely my point on cultivating a culture.19:30
woutervddntroy_s: neither of those are real forums..19:30
troy_swoutervddn: Typophile most certainly id.19:31
troy_swoutervddn: And Dribbble is interesting less as a technology platform and more of the audience it has selected and cultivated.19:31
troy_sdoctormo: And I completely agree with you. What are the goals?19:32
troy_swoutervddn: Although in the case of the latter, I can't suggest the two aren't related.19:32
troy_swoutervddn: Indeed it appears the very "low tech" interaction design touched a nerve for the audience.19:33
woutervddnthat approach indeed is better targeted for less technically focused people..19:37
woutervddnand it's true far from all designers have technical (or logical) skills..19:37
troy_swoutervddn: Erm. Most of the extremely talented artists I know are -ridiculously- technical, more so within their own domains.19:38
thorwilwoutervddn: are you talking about nail designers?19:39
woutervddnlol no I wasn't.. but a more userfriendly approach will ultimatly also allow new people to feel comfortable being around..19:40
troy_swoutervddn: New should be a trait. Not an end. Another trait should be of greater importance.19:41
coz_is troy_s  picking people again ?19:42
coz_picking on people rather19:42
coz_damn fingers19:42
darkmatternah. he just likes hearing the sound of his own text ;)19:43
troy_sWhy yes. That's why I type it here. I generally just sit alone in a box and type into a text editor.19:46
troy_sClearly I am disrupting a fount of creativity and unbridled passion here.19:47
troy_sAight out for a while. Be good all.20:06

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