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cactuar | Hi all! I submitted a bug for Maverick (#647128) and the triager there told me to try using the mainline kernels. So I looked at KernelMainlineBuilds wiki article to get the mainline kernels and try to install them. However, since my kernel panics before during boot, I am trying to install the kernel packages from a LiveCD. I figured I can do this by adding the --root=/media/*drive-uuid* option to dpkg when installing the files. Unfortunately | 05:20 |
jk- | cactuar: just boot to the live cd | 05:21 |
cactuar | Hi jk-, I'm in the LiveCD right now. | 05:22 |
jk- | mount your hdd: mkdir /mnt/foo; mount /dev/sdXX /mnt/foo | 05:22 |
jk- | then chroot: chroot /mnt/foo /bin/bash | 05:23 |
cactuar | Ok | 05:23 |
cactuar | Let me try that. | 05:23 |
jk- | then you're "in" the installed distro | 05:23 |
jk- | probably want to mount -t proc none /proc; mount -t sysfs none /sys | 05:23 |
jk- | then apt-get or whatever | 05:24 |
cactuar | All right, I'll let you know if it works! | 05:25 |
cactuar | Thanks! | 05:25 |
jk- | cool :) | 05:25 |
jk- | no problem | 05:25 |
cactuar | jk-: It didn't work ;.; | 05:30 |
cactuar | Right before it terminates, I get "update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-999-generic" | 05:31 |
cactuar | Then a bunch of "/usr/sbin/mkinitramfs:233: cannot create /dev/null: Permission denied" | 05:31 |
cactuar | And then "WARNING: no ldd around - install libc-bin" | 05:33 |
cactuar | and then finally "update-initramfs: failed for /boot/initrd.img-2.6.37-999-generic" | 05:33 |
cactuar | Though, I'm pretty sure I have libc-bin. | 05:33 |
cactuar | Yeah | 05:33 |
jk- | cactuar: ok, from a livecd terminal (not the chroot): | 05:54 |
jk- | mount /dev /mnt/foo/dev -o bind | 05:54 |
cactuar | ok | 05:55 |
cactuar | AH! | 05:55 |
cactuar | Now try again? | 05:56 |
cactuar | from chroot? | 05:56 |
jk- | yeah | 05:56 |
cactuar | jk-: Ah! It finished! Thank you so much! | 06:06 |
jk- | cactuar: woot :) | 06:06 |
=== smb` is now known as smb | ||
bullgard | '~$ modinfo ipw2200; filename: /lib/modules/2.6.35-23-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ipw2x00/ipw2200.ko'. How can I establish that its associated source code file is /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.35/drivers/net/wireless/ipw2x00/ipw2200.c ? | 09:03 |
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lag | Would someone be kind enough to explain a "Section mismatch" please? | 11:31 |
lag | I'm assuming a definition has been placed into .text when it should have been put in .data | 11:31 |
lag | How to solve? | 11:32 |
ikepanhc | lag: last time I have some markup to solve the warning... | 11:37 |
lag | ikepanhc: Hey Ike | 11:37 |
lag | ikepanhc: Can you explain a little more? | 11:37 |
ikepanhc | lag: searching the markup now | 11:38 |
lag | ikepanhc: Great, thanks | 11:38 |
ikepanhc | lag: at include/linux/init.h line 78 | 11:39 |
ikepanhc | ah, I think maybe you shall read from head of the file | 11:40 |
lag | Ah, I see | 11:40 |
lag | So something must be declared as __init, or such | 11:40 |
lag | ikepanhc: Thanks | 11:41 |
ikepanhc | lag: last time I ask a __devinit function to read global variable in wrong section.. | 11:42 |
ikepanhc | and have the warning.. | 11:42 |
lag | Thanks Ike, I'll look into it | 11:44 |
ikepanhc | :) | 11:45 |
lag | I've managed to get rid of the mismatch error, but now I get: | 11:50 |
lag | "arch/arm/mach-ux500/built-in.o:(.data+0x3fec): undefined reference to `sensors1p_device'" | 11:50 |
lag | Here's a grep report: | 11:50 |
lag | arch/arm/mach-ux500/board-mop500-regulators.c:extern struct platform_device sensors1p_device; | 11:50 |
lag | arch/arm/mach-ux500/board-mop500-regulators.c:.dev = &sensors1p_device.dev, | 11:50 |
lag | arch/arm/mach-ux500/board-mop500-regulators.c:.dev = &sensors1p_device.dev, | 11:50 |
lag | arch/arm/mach-ux500/board-mop500.c:struct platform_device sensors1p_device = { | 11:50 |
lag | arch/arm/mach-ux500/board-mop500.c:&sensors1p_device, | 11:50 |
* lag is confused | 11:50 | |
lag | And it's only complained about at the linking stage? | 11:51 |
lag | Ah ... | 11:52 |
lag | Bingo! | 11:52 |
lag | Grrrrrrr, some result | 12:01 |
lag | A little help: http://paste.ubuntu.com/544393/ | 12:01 |
ikepanhc | lag: find the solution? | 12:01 |
apw | lag, are they in different modules? as in different .ko's ? | 12:02 |
lag | ikepanhc: Check out my pastebin - I'm sure I'm missing something obvious | 12:02 |
lag | apw: No, everything is built-in | 12:02 |
lag | It's arch/arm/mach-<blar> code | 12:02 |
apw | lag, are they in the same built-in.o | 12:03 |
lag | apw: Yes | 12:04 |
ikepanhc | ahh, undefined reference.. | 12:04 |
lag | apw: Does the order of the Makefile make a difference? | 12:04 |
apw | lag, don't believe so no | 12:04 |
apw | can you paste the bit where the .o's are added for those two files in the makefile | 12:04 |
apw | lag, ie grep board-mop500 Makefile | 12:06 |
lag | I just did that, hence why I asked | 12:06 |
lag | board-mop500-regulators.o is before board-mop500.o in the Makefile | 12:07 |
apw | lag where is the output ? | 12:07 |
apw | i want to _see_ it | 12:07 |
lag | :) | 12:08 |
lag | CFLAGS_board-mop500.o += -DCONFIG_CRYPTO_DEV_UX500_HASH | 12:08 |
lag | CFLAGS_board-mop500.o += -DAB8500_BAT_INTERNAL_NTC | 12:08 |
lag | board-mop500-regulators.o | 12:08 |
lag | obj-$(CONFIG_MACH_U8500_MOP)+= board-mop500.o board-mop500-msp.o | 12:08 |
lag | obj-$(CONFIG_MACH_U8500_PDP)+= board-mop500.o board-mop500-msp.o # until pdp-specific files are there | 12:08 |
lag | obj-$(CONFIG_MOP500_SDI)+= board-mop500-sdi.o | 12:08 |
lag | obj-$(CONFIG_MACH_U8500_MOP)+= board-mop500-mcde.o | 12:08 |
lag | obj-$(CONFIG_MOP500_NUIB)+= board-mop500-nuib.o | 12:08 |
apw | lag, what is the obj-xx prefix on the board-mop500-regulators.o stanza | 12:09 |
lag | apw: Your guess is as good as mine | 12:10 |
apw | lag can you pastebin the whole Makefile then | 12:10 |
lag | Oh I see | 12:10 |
lag | apw: After -DAB8500_BAT_INTERNAL_NTC, there is a \ | 12:11 |
lag | So "CFLAGS_board-mop500.o += -DAB8500_BAT_INTERNAL_NTC board-mop500-regulators.o" | 12:11 |
* apw is supprised that that is valid | 12:11 | |
lag | apw: Yes, looks add | 12:11 |
lag | odd* | 12:11 |
lag | You still want the Makefile pastebin'ed? | 12:12 |
apw | dm-raid45-objs := dm-raid4-5.o dm-memcache.o dm-region-hash.o dm-message.o | 12:12 |
apw | you normally do things like that to make an obj out of more than one obj | 12:12 |
ikepanhc | in my point of view, I will guess someone cut few words from Makefile | 12:12 |
apw | yeah it feels like something is not right with the makefile | 12:12 |
apw | lag, its not clear that they are not meaning to do the same as is done for b-mop500-msp | 12:13 |
apw | ie everywhere board-mop500.o is mentioned board-mop500-regulators.o should follow it | 12:13 |
lag | Ah, hold on | 12:14 |
lag | grep didn't pick up all lines | 12:14 |
lag | My bad | 12:14 |
lag | .. | 12:14 |
apw | pastebin the whole thing then | 12:14 |
lag | obj-$(CONFIG_REGULATOR)+= regulator-u8500.o \ | 12:14 |
lag | board-mop500-regulators.o | 12:14 |
lag | That's better :) | 12:14 |
apw | so is CONFIG_REGULATOR defined in your config | 12:15 |
lag | Yep | 12:15 |
lag | Or I wouldn't get the error | 12:15 |
lag | Definition is in board-mop500.c | 12:15 |
apw | lag, what is it set to ? | 12:16 |
lag | I believe the error is in board-mop500-regulators.c | 12:16 |
* lag checks | 12:16 | |
apw | CONFIG_MACH_U8500_MOP and that is it =y or =m | 12:16 |
lag | CONFIG_REGULATOR=y | 12:16 |
apw | same for CONFIG_REGULATOR | 12:16 |
apw | and this one CONFIG_MACH_U8500_MOP | 12:17 |
apw | finally is there any bracketing of the struct platform_device sensors1p_device = { | 12:18 |
apw | in board-mop500.c ... | 12:18 |
apw | ie any config round it | 12:18 |
* lag checks | 12:18 | |
* apw pokes lag | 12:18 | |
lag | Sorry, doing 100 things at once | 12:19 |
apw | lag, but i am most important | 12:19 |
lag | apw: You like to think that :) | 12:19 |
apw | heh i know if i get bored i will go swimming and not wait for the answer | 12:19 |
lag | *_MOP doesn't look set | 12:20 |
lag | Let me check my *.mak | 12:20 |
* ikepanhc heads to home, see you all later | 12:21 | |
lag | See ya Ike | 12:21 |
apw | lag, its not obvious how _MOP can't be set else it wouldn't error would it ? | 12:22 |
lag | apw: Exactly | 12:23 |
lag | apw: And I swear I've checked it before (one of the first things I did) | 12:23 |
apw | i would put errors in each of the files in turn and confirm they are built | 12:24 |
* lag is investigating | 12:24 | |
lag | apw: Yarp | 12:24 |
apw | if that yeilds they are both compiled, i would then rename one set to something else | 12:24 |
apw | and see which errors out | 12:24 |
apw | #define sensors1p_device IN_FILE_ONE | 12:24 |
apw | stylee | 12:24 |
lag | apw: Where did you get the CONFIG_MACH_U8500_MOP option from? | 12:25 |
lag | Oh, the Makefile | 12:25 |
apw | <lag> obj-$(CONFIG_MACH_U8500_MOP) += board-mop500.o board-mop500-msp.o | 12:26 |
apw | those files are not made lest it is set | 12:26 |
lag | apw: It's in the defconfig I'm using: arch/arm/configs/mop500_defconfig:CONFIG_MACH_U8500_MOP=y | 12:27 |
lag | apw: I wonder why it's not in build/.config | 12:27 |
apw | lag, not there at all ? | 12:28 |
apw | lag, for it not to be there at all, the Kconfigs which are active in your configuration do not define it at all | 12:28 |
lag | apw: arch/arm/mach-ux500/Kconfig:config MACH_U8500_MOP | 12:30 |
apw | lag, is that file included, and is that entry conditional | 12:31 |
apw | paste the config stanza | 12:31 |
lag | It's not conditional | 12:33 |
lag | apw: I'm trying a different defconfig | 12:35 |
lag | apw: Both should work, hopefully this one works better | 12:36 |
apw | if it works it implies there is a dependancy between two config options which is not represented correctly | 12:36 |
lag | apw: It does | 12:36 |
apw | lag, it works or it imples ... | 12:38 |
lag | apw: Implies | 12:38 |
lag | apw: Still building (which is a good sign at least) | 12:39 |
apw | hrm | 12:39 |
lag | :o | 12:48 |
lag | Compiled | 12:48 |
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* apw_ waits on -rc6 builds | 13:52 | |
cking | apw_, just crack that whip harder | 13:54 |
apw_ | heh yeah ... | 13:55 |
tgardner | apw: what are you building on? | 13:55 |
* smb remarks that apw is whipping from the gym | 13:55 | |
apw_ | tangerine ... though they may have finishednow | 13:56 |
tgardner | apw: yeah, load average is 0.35 | 13:56 |
apw_ | cool | 13:56 |
jjohansen | smb: have you looked at Bug #682831 | 13:56 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 682831 in plymouth (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "lost console output early in boot (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/682831 | 13:56 |
smb | jjohansen, no | 13:56 |
* tgardner thought jjohansen is on vacation | 13:57 | |
jjohansen | smb: okay, me neither | 13:57 |
smb | jjohansen, But I can look a little today | 13:57 |
smb | Though from tomorow /me is on holidays :-P | 13:57 |
jjohansen | tgardner, soon I am just trying to finish up with the review of jamie's stuff I promised him | 13:57 |
* smb moans | 14:00 | |
smb | So jjohansen is still doing yesterday even as it is well today now | 14:00 |
jjohansen | smb: I wouldn't call it critical, I can look at it next week, it is blocking smoser from shipping lucid amis using pv-grub which is nice to have, but is really a new feature for lucid | 14:00 |
* apw_ wonders which day jjohansen is on | 14:00 | |
smb | jjohansen, At least I can give it a first stab | 14:01 |
smb | Saw some of his posts with half a mind but did not really look close | 14:01 |
jjohansen | apw: well wednesday's work but I uhm slept last night :) | 14:01 |
apw_ | jjohansen clock is mighty eratic, i suspect we need to get him a radio locked clock for xmas | 14:02 |
jjohansen | hehe | 14:02 |
smb | He is the living example of the relativity theory. His time is heavily relative | 14:03 |
jjohansen | hehe, I actually run through cycles, there are times when I just sleep in nap segments of an hour or two and others when I sleep long nights | 14:04 |
apw_ | that would kill me i recon | 14:05 |
tgardner | smb, creating a /boot allowed me to RAID0 everything else. | 14:08 |
smb | tgardner, I would have been a bit surprised if not. But good to hear you succeeded. Without reinstalling? | 14:09 |
jjohansen | so smb my git bisect problems from the other night where from a corrupt fs | 14:10 |
tgardner | smb, oh, it was already trashed, so I needed to reinstall | 14:10 |
bullgard | '~$ modinfo ipw2200; filename: /lib/modules/2.6.35-23-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ipw2x00/ipw2200.ko'. How can I establish that its associated source code file is /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.35/drivers/net/wireless/ipw2x00/ipw2200.c ? | 14:10 |
smb | jjohansen, Doh! I am not sure I want to know how that could happen. | 14:10 |
jjohansen | smb: I didn't chase it that far, running fsck spewed lots copious errors | 14:12 |
mjg59 | bullgard: There's no fundamental way to do so | 14:13 |
mjg59 | bullgard: But the path in /lib/modules will correspond to the directory the driver lives in in the source tree | 14:13 |
* smb does not think he understands "establish" the right way. One could copy a tree there manually, but would then need to take care of the right version | 14:14 | |
apw | yay they built | 14:15 |
smb | And the linux-source deb package is a bit useless (imo) even if it would extract/install into the right directory | 14:15 |
apw | smb, i think he means how can you know the source file name from the name of the module, and there is no clear way to do that | 14:16 |
smb | Ah no, true. Only that the files for it are in the same relative directory | 14:16 |
apw | yep ... the Makefile contains the mapping and its not trivial to script extract either | 14:17 |
smb | It sounded a bit like the target is oprofile, where you need the sources in some quite restricted target space | 14:17 |
apw | smb, ahh, yes an issue indeed. i wonder if the debug versions of the .ko in the .ddeb would have the real source file names in, they are not stripped afterall | 14:18 |
bullgard | mjg59: Thank you very much for your information and help. | 14:19 |
smb | apw, Oh, right. Actually the unstripped modules might be what is actually needed | 14:19 |
apw | bullgard, it is possible the debug versions of the .ko may contain more accurate filename information | 14:22 |
apw | though i have not tried to extract it | 14:23 |
jjohansen | see you guys monday | 14:23 |
smb | jjohansen, Next year! :) | 14:23 |
jjohansen | smb: :), if there is anything I need to look at next week send me an email | 14:24 |
smb | jjohansen, I hope to have all knowledge in the corresponding bug reports. And if you need to look at something it likely will find you. :) | 14:25 |
bullgard | apw: Thank you. | 14:25 |
apw | smb, http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/jfo/kernel-buglist-by-team.html | 14:29 |
tgardner | apw, did 2.6.37-9.23 fix Sarvatt's problem with RO/NX and warm booting? | 14:36 |
apw | tgardner, i have not heard anything back now you mention it, but he is more in west coast time isn't he? | 14:37 |
tgardner | apw, I think so. I just wanted to make sure his nick was flashing at him when he gets to work. | 14:38 |
Sarvatt | trying it now | 14:38 |
apw | tgardner, indeed ... and why i was repeating his name too :) | 14:38 |
tgardner | apw, don't forget to push your -rc6 bits | 14:40 |
apw | tgardner, already pushed | 14:40 |
tgardner | ack | 14:40 |
apw | tgardner, you were keen that master-next was buildable so i was holding till the builds were done | 14:41 |
tgardner | apw, you gonna upload soon? | 14:42 |
apw | tgardner, was thinking i might today or early tommorrow, sooner if there is nothing pending | 14:42 |
apw | tgardner, you got something in the pipe i should be waiting for ? | 14:43 |
tgardner | apw, not really, but I was thinking the ext4 corruption fix might be important. | 14:43 |
tgardner | though it does appear to be unique to certain mount options | 14:44 |
apw | tgardner, yeah that does sound like a pile of snakes waiting to bite one on the ass ... i'll aim for sooner rather than later given that | 14:45 |
* apw tries booting it first :) | 14:45 | |
tgardner | what a novel idea | 14:45 |
apw | tgardner, you know me ... always pushing the envelope | 14:46 |
apw | Sarvatt, this clickpad thing ... do you know why its going to conflict (according to hendryk) ? is that cause it will be upstream, or cause its all changing | 14:47 |
Sarvatt | tgardner: grub still hangs with the grub loading message after rebooting in 2.6.37-9-23-generic, the ftrace warnings are gone though | 14:47 |
tgardner | Sarvatt, well, thats something I guess. | 14:48 |
apw | Sarvatt, thats sucky ... but yes a step, now its hard to diagnose :( | 14:49 |
Sarvatt | oh boy, reflashed the bios and lost the NX stuff and no joy fixing it | 14:54 |
Sarvatt | apw: no I don't know what he's referring to, don't see anything here http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/dtor/input.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/next | 15:06 |
apw | Sarvatt, i think i'll ignore that too then as we will be going therre soon | 15:08 |
tgardner | apw, should we drop ubuntu/rtl8192se in favor of drivers/staging/rtl8192e ? | 15:59 |
apw | tgardner, aledgedly FOOe and FOOse are different and need different drivers | 16:00 |
tgardner | apw, same PCI IDs are in both drivers | 16:01 |
apw | tgardner, will check into it | 16:02 |
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Sarvatt | smb: you had an AOA150 didn't you? do you have natty on it? | 16:50 |
smb | Sarvatt, An AOA110 but hell no. I want something stable. :-P | 16:51 |
Sarvatt | ah same thing with an SSD, and darn, need to find someone else with one to see if https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/686705 affects them too | 16:52 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 686705 in linux (Ubuntu) "System hangs at GRUB loading screen every warm boot since 2.6.37-3.11 seemingly due to nx-emu patch (affects: 1) (heat: 441)" [Undecided,New] | 16:52 |
smb | Sarvatt, I normally do external installations on sd cards, but I run out of them. | 16:54 |
Sarvatt | maxb: running natty on your aspire one? :) | 16:55 |
Sarvatt | smb: no worries, I think vish has the same machine and is running natty, will ask him to test | 16:56 |
maxb | Sarvatt: no.... but it's probably about the right time in the release cycle to give it a try | 16:56 |
maxb | before I go home for christmas and am away from decent internet for a while :-) | 16:56 |
ara | sconklin, hey! | 16:57 |
sconklin | ara: hey! | 16:58 |
maxb | Hmm | 16:59 |
maxb | Need to get 747MB of archives | 16:59 |
* maxb hugs office internet connection, downloading at 1,890kB/s | 17:00 | |
Sarvatt | maxb: can't say I'd recommend it unless you want some pain :) | 17:00 |
maxb | Part of the function of my netbook is to be a machine I can break :-) | 17:01 |
Sarvatt | same as mine then :) when you get it all done would you mind seeing if you hang at grub after booting the natty -generic kernel and then rebooting? | 17:02 |
maxb | So, boot natty kernel once, restart without a power off, see what happens? | 17:04 |
apw | maxb, expect unity to be utter crap right now, the bug list is immense, including not starting, not displaying self, not showing menus unless you right click on the desktop first, screen saver not working ... etc | 17:13 |
apw | all of the above at random and in combination of course | 17:14 |
maxb | apparently even the dist-upgrader is broken right now :-) | 17:14 |
apw | maxb, _yes_ ship it | 17:14 |
jMCg | meh.. still no UTRACE support :-/ | 17:17 |
jMCg | Maybe I should start something like a feature request.. | 17:17 |
maxb | Sarvatt: "About 4 hours remaining" .... ping me tomorrow :-) | 17:28 |
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apw | jMCg, that tends to help | 18:02 |
apw | jMCg, if a feature is not upstream then we won't get it without someone needing it and proposing how we might get it and maintain it | 18:08 |
vanhoof | tgardner: heya | 18:15 |
tgardner | vanhoof, dude | 18:16 |
vanhoof | tgardner: this new linux-firmware that's uploaded, did you test out the 6150 or 6250 card on maverick, or just natty? | 18:16 |
vanhoof | tgardner: trying to get some maverick testing done today | 18:16 |
tgardner | lucid, maverick, and natty | 18:16 |
tgardner | maverick and lucid might need compat-wireless. i can't keep 'em all straight | 18:17 |
vanhoof | yeah thats what im guessing | 18:17 |
vanhoof | cool, ill try it out | 18:17 |
* vanhoof was hoping for a 'just works' ;) | 18:18 | |
tgardner | vanhoof, try the stock maverick kernel first. lucid will definitely need compat-wireless | 18:18 |
vanhoof | tgardner: will do, thanks! | 18:19 |
=== smoser is now known as smoser` | ||
=== smoser` is now known as smoser | ||
JFo | tgardner, do you know who looks after fglrx-installer (Ubuntu)? | 20:23 |
tgardner | JFo, not offhand. who was the last changelog entry? | 20:23 |
JFo | no idea. I'm looking at a bug from skaet | 20:24 |
JFo | and I confess I have not heard of the package before | 20:24 |
tgardner | JFo, which release? | 20:24 |
JFo | natty is what is targeted | 20:25 |
JFo | it is bug 566437 | 20:25 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 566437 in fglrx-installer (Ubuntu Natty) (and 1 other project) "package fglrx 2:8.723.1-0ubuntu2 failed to REMOVE: error exit status 2 - dpkg-divert: mismatch on package - while removing the package (affects: 112) (dups: 27) (heat: 458)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/566437 | 20:25 |
JFo | package is owned by Ubuntu Developers, so that is no help | 20:26 |
JFo | oh | 20:26 |
tgardner | JFo, gimme a bit... | 20:26 |
JFo | hmmm | 20:26 |
JFo | tgardner, ok | 20:26 |
charlie-tca | that's the ati video package, isn't it? | 20:26 |
tgardner | JFo, its probably alberto milone, but I'm checking for sure | 20:26 |
JFo | tgardner, k | 20:27 |
tgardner | charlie-tca, yep | 20:27 |
tgardner | JFo, ah, Sarvatt is your man. | 20:35 |
tgardner | he touched it last | 20:35 |
JFo | ah hah! | 20:46 |
* JFo assigns blame ;-) | 20:46 | |
maxb | Sarvatt: For me, grub started to hang only after powering off for a while | 21:36 |
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