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ebroder | Whoa... | 05:25 |
* ebroder has never seen a Malone: #123 closer before | 05:25 | |
kaushal | hi | 05:33 |
kaushal | which package contains unbuffer command in 8.04 | 05:34 |
kaushal | I did install expect-dev | 05:34 |
kaushal | and also expect | 05:34 |
kaushal | when i say unbuffer it says command not found | 05:34 |
micahg | kaushal: it's a sample expect script not a binary | 05:35 |
kaushal | ok | 05:35 |
kaushal | so where do i have to copy it ? | 05:35 |
kaushal | so that it becomes available for all users | 05:36 |
micahg | kaushal: that's a question for #ubuntu | 05:36 |
kaushal | ok | 05:36 |
kaushal | micahg: Thanks | 05:36 |
ebroder | udienz: ping? | 05:36 |
udienz | ebroder: yup | 05:38 |
ebroder | udienz: I'm looking at your bug #690927. Do you know anything about how translations work with Debian? (I don't) | 05:39 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 690927 in tpb (Ubuntu) "Please merge tpb 0.6.4-6 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/690927 | 05:39 |
udienz | ebroder: not much but little | 05:40 |
ebroder | udienz: I'm slightly hesitant to pull in a new translation without any review - I'd be a lot happier if the new translation came in through Debian | 05:41 |
micahg | http://i18n.debian.net/l10n-pkg-status/t/tpb.html | 05:42 |
udienz | ebroder: hm.. okay, so i must remove po files? | 05:42 |
udienz | micahg: thanks | 05:42 |
micahg | udienz: I think you just need to file a bug on the BTS with the appropriate tags | 05:43 |
ebroder | udienz: http://www.debian.org/doc/developers-reference/l10n.html#l10n-faqtr | 05:44 |
ebroder | There's a debian-l18n-indonesian list on lists.debian.org. That would be a good place to look for review | 05:44 |
ebroder | I wouldn't mind including the new translation as much if it had been vetted | 05:44 |
udienz | micahg: ok i will submitting to debian now | 05:45 |
ebroder | udienz: I also have some other comments I'm pulling together; just wanted to see if you were any better informed about Debian's l10n efforts than me before I tried to chase down information | 05:45 |
udienz | ebroder: i come from debian-l18n-indonesian | 05:45 |
udienz | i'm stuff at debian-l18n-indonesian | 05:45 |
ebroder | udienz: ...oh. Well, then :) | 05:45 |
micahg | udienz: I was wrong, it's supposed to go through peer review on teh appropriate l10n list before inclusion is requested | 05:46 |
udienz | ebroder, micahg: hm.. i take wrong way.. followong developer-reference "As a maintainer, never edit the translations in any way" | 05:49 |
ebroder | udienz: That's referring to the package maintainer editing translations they get from the l10n teams | 05:49 |
udienz | so if debian-l18n-indonesian submitting via list l10n it can be approved? and we can including it? | 05:50 |
udienz | i mean approved bu ubuntu-sponsors | 05:51 |
udienz | *by | 05:51 |
ebroder | If you submit the translation to debian-l18n-indonesian, and the other people on the list review and approve it, then yeah, I'd have no problem sponsoring it in Ubuntu, with the assumption that it would go directly into Debian (and it would no longer be in our diff) after Debian releases | 05:51 |
micahg | udienz: as a general rule, unless there's a rush, it's always better to try to get it in through Debian first | 05:52 |
udienz | ebroder: po files has been sended to debian-l18n-indonesian | 05:56 |
ebroder | udienz: Great, thanks | 05:56 |
udienz | micahg: what the meaning of rush? i mean what conditions to make a package is rush | 05:56 |
micahg | udienz: well, it's subjective, if it's not that something's broke, or we're near a freeze, and the Debian maintainer is responsive, the problem is when we make changes in Ubuntu, it requires a developer to review the changes again when Debian updates, so if it's pushed through Debian, it won't require someone here to review it again | 06:00 |
udienz | micahg: hm.. ic ic.. understood.. | 06:03 |
udienz | ok i know, if we make changes and Debian change it we make a ton of job every 6 month | 06:04 |
micahg | udienz: right, but that's not to say that we don't take changes, it's just one should think whether or not it can wait for the next Debian version to be released | 06:05 |
ebroder | udienz: Or potentially more often than every 6 months, since we like to try and stay in step with any updates Debian releases over the course of our development cycle | 06:05 |
udienz | ups sorry i missing not at "Debian change" => Debian bot change it | 06:07 |
udienz | *not | 06:08 |
dholbach | good morning! | 06:55 |
udienz | i have questions | 07:00 |
udienz | how to merge changelog? | 07:00 |
ebroder | udienz: The easiest way is with bzr merge-package | 07:00 |
udienz | ebroder: hm.. and aother way? | 07:01 |
ebroder | udienz: Use http://merges.ubuntu.com, which will merge the changelog for you | 07:02 |
ebroder | udienz: Or use dpkg-mergechangelogs | 07:02 |
micahg | udienz: grab-merge if it's on merges.u.c | 07:02 |
udienz | ebroder: yu, i use ./grab-merge.sh for last package | 07:02 |
udienz | *yup | 07:03 |
udienz | dpkg-mergechangelogs: command not found | 07:04 |
udienz | hm.. which package i can get dpkg-mergechangelog command? | 07:05 |
ebroder | udienz: http://pastebin.com/qZEirbQS | 07:05 |
AnAnt | Hello | 07:19 |
AnAnt | fabrice_sp: ping | 07:20 |
AnAnt | fabrice_sp: what do you think about syncing luatex 0.65.0-1 & context 2010.07.30-1 from experimental ? | 07:20 |
geser | udienz: or "merge-changelog" from ubuntu-dev-tools | 09:17 |
udienz | geser; wow thanks! i'm very frustrated while installing dpkg-dev ( at lucid | 09:19 |
udienz | oke lets me try merge-cgangelog | 09:19 |
AnAnt | tumbleweed: ping | 09:30 |
AnAnt | tumbleweed: nevermind | 09:38 |
Rhonda | cool version string: 4:2.0.3-kde4.4.0really2.0.2-kde4.4.0-0ubuntu1 | 09:51 |
Rhonda | Actually the package kmldonkey doesn't seem to ever be able to get back into sync state unless the debian maintainer of the package can get convinced to also add the epoch? | 09:52 |
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ScottK | Once 2.0.4 gets released it can. | 12:08 |
Al_1 | hi guys. I'm using tkgate and I've noticed a 2yo bug that seems fairly easy to fix upstream https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tkgate/+bug/307220 . Can someone fix this? thanks :) | 12:22 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 307220 in tkgate (Ubuntu) "Error when tkgate starts simulator " [Undecided,New] | 12:22 |
sagaci | dholbach: thanks for the ustream getting started with ubuntu development, you did a good job with explaining why we need each things rather than just setting out to copy/paste commands, however you do need to fix your second slide to read "gpg --gen-key", not "gpg --key-gen" :) | 12:27 |
Rhonda | ScottK: No, it can't. | 12:35 |
Rhonda | ScottK: That would still leave the 4: epoch in ubuntu and none in Debian - or can a sync cope with that? | 12:35 |
ScottK | Oh. | 12:35 |
ScottK | I didn't realize Debian had no epoch at all. | 12:35 |
ScottK | You're correct. | 12:35 |
* Rhonda really wonders why the epoch was introduced in the first place. | 12:35 | |
ScottK | Sorry for the noise. | 12:35 |
Rhonda | And there is no changelog for that version on changelogs.ubuntu.com btw. :) | 12:36 |
Rhonda | just the copyright file | 12:36 |
hrw | hi | 12:37 |
hrw | if package is in -proposed can anyone change verification-needed into verification-done or can it be done only by sru-reviewers team? | 12:37 |
hrw | sru-verification team I meant | 12:38 |
dholbach | sagaci, ah thanks - will do | 12:39 |
dholbach | sagaci, done | 12:40 |
hrw | ok, one package verified in -proposed | 12:56 |
ari-tczew | sladen: is +nmuX versioning welcome in Ubuntu? I didn't hear. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mountall/2.20+nmu1 | 13:38 |
sladen | ari-tczew: not generally. But in this case I wanted to sponsor the offered debdiff as-is; normally we'd send that to Debian, but for mountall Ubuntu is upstream | 13:40 |
ari-tczew | sladen: then I prefer to use 2.20.1 or similiar | 13:41 |
ari-tczew | we have not maintainers for packages in general :) | 13:41 |
sladen | ari-tczew: indeed, I repeat. We don't have maintainers. It was purely that I wanted to sign the offered debdiff verbatium, and not detract from whatever Debian coaching they are getting just because the upstream happens (for this single package) to be Ubuntu | 13:43 |
ari-tczew | sladen: odd, but okay, I'm not an archive admin to rate versioning quality. | 13:45 |
den_ | ура)...Приветствую всех! | 15:02 |
ari-tczew | !english | 15:04 |
ubottu | The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList | 15:04 |
ari-tczew | !english | den_ | 15:05 |
ubottu | den_: please see above | 15:05 |
den_ | oh sorry my english so bad | 15:13 |
hrw | question: if rebuild of package is required (no changes) then what is proper procedure? bump version and ask for sponsorship? | 15:53 |
ari-tczew | hrw: could be | 16:34 |
hrw | thx | 16:35 |
geser | hrw: yes | 16:35 |
AnAnt | Hello, what is the patch pilot ? | 17:00 |
ari-tczew | AnAnt: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/CodeReviews#Patch%20Pilots | 17:01 |
ari-tczew | maybe ubottu should gain option !patchpilot :> | 17:01 |
AnAnt | ari-tczew: thanks | 17:11 |
ari-tczew | np | 17:11 |
MTecknology | persia: hey.. I was tidying up my system and ran across a script - you might remember me talking about it some and i thought you might be interested in it - http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/544513/ | 17:29 |
ari-tczew | mr_pouit: what do you think about sync xfswitch-plugin ? | 18:04 |
ari-tczew | or merge if necessary | 18:04 |
mr_pouit | ari-tczew: useless, gdm3 doesn't exist in ubuntu | 19:00 |
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micahg | paultag: Do you know about etckeeper? | 20:28 |
paultag | micahg: I don't :) | 20:28 |
paultag | micahg: let me look into it, thanks :) | 20:29 |
paultag | micahg: my git solution is a bit of a kludge ;) | 20:29 |
micahg | paultag: ah, that explains, cd /etc; git init :) | 20:29 |
paultag | Oh cool! it supports git :) | 20:29 |
micahg | paultag: it supports whatever you want :) | 20:29 |
paultag | micahg: thanks! That rocks :) | 20:29 |
micahg | paultag: just a warning, Debian default is git, Ubuntu default is bzr | 20:29 |
paultag | Oh shucks :), well that can be patched around | 20:30 |
ari-tczew | is there anybody who can test backported package on maverick? | 20:30 |
micahg | paultag: it's a conffile | 20:30 |
paultag | micahg: ah, even better :) | 20:30 |
micahg | paultag: it also adds hooks to the package manager, so it commits before and after updates | 20:31 |
paultag | micahg: what did you think of the rest of the blog post? I hope I did not come off as an ass. I really tried to not joke too far | 20:31 |
paultag | micahg: Oh cool! | 20:31 |
micahg | well, people are RTing it, I hope they read it as well | 20:31 |
paultag | me too :) | 20:32 |
udienz | micahg: hello, i have any questions again | 20:41 |
udienz | i'm working at bugs 514401 | 20:41 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 514401 in Ubuntu Translations "Translations are not loaded for the test descriptions in Checkbox" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/514401 | 20:41 |
udienz | but from lp:ubuntu/checkbox contain build/ dir | 20:42 |
udienz | can i remove it? i think its temporary directory that created from building | 20:42 |
micahg | udienz: not sure, the lp:ubuntu/foo branches have the source in it | 20:43 |
micahcowan | udienz, that means that the file usr/bin/ssh-keyscan doesn't appear in the foo.install file for any package, which means it won't be placed in any package, and it's an error because dh_install was told (via --fail-missing) to throw an error when that happens. | 20:44 |
micahcowan | Sorry, that was directed to the wrong person. :\ | 20:44 |
udienz | micahg: no no.. no source code, but build directory. chechbox based at python | 20:45 |
udienz | micahcowan: no problem :) | 20:45 |
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micahg | udienz: sorry, I don't know the python build system, but someone should grab it from the sponsors queue and let you know | 20:47 |
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udienz | ok | 20:47 |
* udienz request doko to review, because he is last commiters | 20:48 | |
micahg | udienz: it's usually best to just get it in the queue and let people review at their leisure unless it's urgent or being ignored | 20:49 |
udienz | micahg: can i ask from emails, i can not daily online again for one/two week | 20:55 |
micahg | udienz: general questions? | 20:56 |
udienz | micahg: yup, maybe usual questions | 20:56 |
micahg | udienz: try the MOTU ML | 20:56 |
udienz | micahg: ubuntu-motu@list.u.c? | 20:57 |
micahg | udienz: yep | 20:57 |
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