
MooDoohello all07:24
screen-xmorning :)08:33
nperry_morning o/08:43
BigRedSmorning all!!08:50
BigRedSWow, two exclamation marks08:50
BigRedSI didn't realise I was that excited :)08:51
MooDooBigRedS: it's because it's nearly christmas :D08:51
screen-xAnyone know of a better cpu stress test than cpuburn?08:51
BigRedShowever close it is to christmas, it's still <9am :)08:52
* Mez is excited08:52
Meznew car in 2 hours :D08:52
screen-xcpuburn can't get my CPUs to 70deg...08:52
* BigRedS found something else wrong with his bike this morning :(08:52
screen-xMez: what are you getting?08:52
Mezscreen-x: Vauxhall Insignia08:53
screen-xoooh, nice :)08:53
Mezlmao - I'm at home - just saw one of my Developers sign into facebook, so I told him off :D08:53
* BigRedS tells Mez off for signing in to facebook08:53
MooDooMez: you rotter :)08:53
MezBigRedS: why ?08:53
MezMooDoo: if he doesn't do the work - I'm the one that accountable.08:54
BigRedSAh, I just like the idea of being told off by a boss for doing what the boss is doing :)08:54
MooDooMez: i know i'm teasin :D08:54
MezBigRedS: I'm at home - he's at work08:54
screen-xMez: you have the morning off?08:54
Mez(or if he isn't - gets told off for not ringing me and informing me he's late)08:55
BigRedSMez: yeah, I was joking :)08:55
Mezscreen-x: to pick up the car :D08:55
MooDooMez: i'm guessing it's your business?08:55
MezMooDoo: nope.08:55
screen-xmorning daubers :)08:55
MezMooDoo: I'm just in charge of the IT Team08:56
Mez(well, in theory, I'm in charge of only the infrastructure side of things - but as I'm the deputy to the guy who's in charge, and he's away till 4th Jan ... )08:57
* screen-x is also in charge of the IT team.. which consists entirely of himself. 08:57
* dwatkins is in charge of the linux NAS server team08:58
BigRedSOh man, I was like that briefly once08:58
BigRedSnot fun08:58
BigRedS(on my own, not in charge of nas)08:58
screen-xBigRedS: yeah, its not great :-/08:58
screen-xneed to be in a team really.08:59
* Mez shrugs08:59
MooDoome isn't in charge of anything, just 2nd level :D08:59
BigRedSI think I'm in charge of coffee provisioning at the minute08:59
MezI'm fine - I've got the owner of the company working with me at the moment to run the department08:59
* daubers is supposedly in charge of testing/development/inrastructure/anything else other people don't want to do that needs to be done08:59
Mezdaubers: lol09:00
BigRedS'cause the only coffee anyone will drink isn't sold anywhere particularly near here, so every time I go to London I have to come back with a month's supply of coffee09:00
dwatkinsBigRedS: can't you order it or get it from Macro/CostCo?09:01
MezBigRedS: Make sure I never work for your company.  I don't drink coffee - and I only drink Orange Pekoe Tea, which is fecking hard to find in the UK09:03
BigRedSMez: it's a specific decaff coffee09:04
BigRedSWaitrose own-brand Peruvian decaff09:04
Mezorange pekoe is harder to find09:05
BigRedShaha, quite probably. We do get the occasional Tea Pigs shipment09:05
MezBigRedS: http://www.ocado.com/webshop/product/Organic-Peru-Decaffeinated-Coffee-Waitrose/39790011?parentContainer=SEARCHperuvian%20decaf09:05
BigRedSMez: they don't deliver to us09:05
BigRedSwe're in the middle of nowhere09:06
MezBigRedS: lol - fail...09:06
MezMy step brother used to work for Ocado :)09:06
MezHe built their picking robots, and their iPhone app09:06
BigRedSSeems quite a diverse pair of projects09:06
MezI think he did other stuff too.09:07
MezAnd I think he onl built the software for the robots...09:07
nperry_passwd: Authentication token manipulation error09:14
nperry_Hmmmmm any ideas as to why :(09:14
dwatkinswhat does google say, nperry_ ?09:14
Meznperry_: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=passwd%3A+Authentication+token+manipulation+error09:14
nperry_Not enuff caffeine to google :/09:15
Mezaloha czajkowski09:20
matttmorning all09:27
screen-xmersenne > cpuburn, 2x cores at 70 already.09:31
bigcalmMorning peeps09:36
danfishhow lazy is it to buy your brother and sister's xmas pressies on amazon, get it gift wrapped there and sent to their house?09:38
danfishd'ya think that's 'acceptable' these days?09:38
MooDoodanfish: not lazy, convenient.09:38
czajkowskidanfish: practical09:38
awilkinsali1234, I pasted up that "cached Flash video grabbing" script I mentioned the other day : http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/544354/09:39
Apacheukdanfish: even worse if you just get them an amazon voucher09:39
Apacheukhey can I ask a backup question?09:40
danfishoops- they live miles away and I won't be seeing them over xmas so I suppose it's better than nothing!09:41
Apacheukwhat do you guys do for off-site backup? is there a Carbonite type service that works with Linux?09:41
awilkinsI'm just not so into the whole "present" gig ; I'm fine with presents where someone genuinely spontaneously thought of it (like the signed limited edition copy of Terry Pratchett's Nation that my sister got me because Terry was in town signing copies) ; but presents that people get you just because they feel obligated to - I'd rather not have them and I'd rather not put them through the stress of buying them.09:42
MooDooApacheuk: backups? ;)09:42
awilkinsApacheuk, For personal stuff, I'm reasonably happy with Dropbox at the moment, but I'm guessing that doesn't cut it for corporate types09:42
ApacheukI was kinda hoping for app/service where I could mark files/directories for backup09:44
Apacheukand they are just backup automatically09:44
awilkinsUbuntu One will let you mark folders for backup09:44
Apacheukawilkins: true09:46
MooDooApacheuk: spideroak?09:47
ApacheukI suppose I could write a script to backup files/dirs into a "backup" directory and sync that with ubuntuone..... but I'm lazy :)09:47
danfishawilkins: couldn't agree more re presents. Nice script BTW09:48
ApacheukMooDoo: cheers, am on their site now.... they have an Android app to09:50
MooDooApacheuk: if you go with them, just don't forget your password lol09:50
ApacheukMooDoo: Am going through the whole Gawker change all my passwords at the moment.... real pain in the ass, someone needs to solve this problem09:52
MartijnVdSApacheuk: don't use the same password everywhere, problem sovled? :)09:56
BigRedSMartijnVdS: well, one problem exchanged for a different one :)10:00
MartijnVdSBigRedS: vim + gpg extension + big password file = win :)10:00
awilkinsOpenID kinda fixes it10:01
awilkinsChange your password in one place - bam10:02
awilkinsOf course, if someone compromises the OpenID provider....10:02
awilkins... not sure how dangerous that would be10:02
MartijnVdSawilkins: and then nobody understands openid because it uses URLs to login instead of a username/password10:02
BigRedSMartijnVdS: ah, but then you need that file and gpg everywhere you might want to log in10:04
ApacheukMartijnVdS: I don't generally, I have around 10 different ones that I use for "normal" sites, all strong... trouble is I can't remember which one is likely to be compromised.... so safer to change 'em all10:05
daubersI just write mine down on a piece of paper and hide it away in the study at home10:07
daubersanalog ftw \o/10:08
* MartijnVdS scans daubers' study with a tricorder and knows his password now10:08
daubersMartijnVdS: The lead pipe attack defeats encryption most days anyway10:09
MartijnVdShah, I know it as the "rubber hose method"10:09
daubersMartijnVdS: Or the "ginger beer trick"10:09
Apacheuksystem I use is... I have 13 passwords matched to 2 letters each of the alphabet, I then take the first 2 letter of the domain name and pick the 2 passwords that match those letter and join them together10:10
awilkinsI thought the "ginger beer trick" was just a way of making people imagine their own worst torture (involving ginger beer)10:10
daubersawilkins: Yep, quite a good way to get encryption keys out of someone I'd say :)10:11
MartijnVdSawilkins: it's actually a real "method"10:11
awilkinsThe orifice involved is not the one I thought it would be10:13
MartijnVdSawilkins: a dirty mind is a joy forever? 8-)10:19
daubersUrgh, coffee time shortly I think10:35
* screen-x had to make a speedy exit from work, as he was supposed to be at home to let the glaziers in..10:35
davmor2Morning all10:52
davmor2MooDoo: How's life?10:53
MooDoodavmor2: aye not bad, proding czajkowski is going swimmingly, i'm ready for christmas and ready for england trouncing ireland at the world cup next year ;)10:53
* davmor2 ties czajkowski hair to her chair10:54
bittinhttp://cindye.dyndns.info/phpsysinfo/phpsysinfo/index.php?disp=dynamic    :)10:56
* czajkowski locks davmor2 and MooDoo in a room together for the new year and give us all some peace and quiet 10:56
MooDooczajkowski: and i was going to make you queen of the winter carnival :p10:56
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
davmor2czajkowski: well that's you off the card list :P11:05
MooDoodavmor2: was she actually on it? lol11:05
davmor2MooDoo: Of course everyone is on the list, honest Gov'nor11:06
MooDooMerry Christmas from me to you.....11:06
MooDoothere you go, there is my card11:06
davmor2MooDoo: You got it wrong again.  Leave it till the 24th and just Merry Christmas Everyone done :)11:08
MooDooah there is that one11:09
bigcalmI'm still alive then :)11:40
bigcalmVirginMedia are being horribly dodgy this week11:41
* screen-x plots11:41
bigcalmscreen-x: do you have a scheme, or do you need to do some of that as well?11:41
screen-xbigcalm: maybe later, your demise isnt a high priority ;-)11:43
bigcalmscreen-x: I don't know whether to be pleased or dissapointed11:44
selinuxiumMorning all    o/11:45
screen-xI'm not sure how I feel about VM, people who use it have problems, but its got to be better than adsl...11:45
screen-xyo selinuxium11:45
bigcalmscreen-x: I have had no problems with my Bytemark VM11:46
screen-xbigcalm: virgin media...11:46
bigcalmYou have the choice between ADSL and Cable?!11:47
screen-xno :(11:47
screen-xADSL only here.11:47
bigcalmAh, ok. I was confused11:47
bigcalmYeah, you've got to use what you've got...11:47
bigcalmI've had problems with VM now and then. But you get problems with any provider11:47
bigcalmOther than that, very good service11:48
screen-xbut if you're in a cabled area, then presumably you do have the choice between cable and ADSL.11:48
bigcalmI do11:48
bigcalmI have the choice of 5mb ADSL or 20mb Cable11:48
screen-xInfact cable + infinity, would make quite a  nice pair of diverse connections..11:48
bigcalmI would have the 50mb cable package, but I cannie have it with our discount11:48
screen-xJust noticed the internet archive plugin for banshee, seems to have a load of free concert recordings, is that legit?11:49
bigcalmOh, I guess I could have ADSL as well. But I've got more bills to pay than I really want11:49
danfishbigcalm: are you using their telephone service as well?11:51
bigcalmdanfish: Have to, it's part of Mate's Rates11:51
bigcalmThough the land line is rarely used11:52
bigcalmGF and I both use our mobiles for everything11:52
bigcalmMornin' Daviey11:54
bigcalmMy Tesco lipbalm has a best before date. How weird11:55
daubersSomedays I love pulseaudio11:55
* daubers plays sound on this machine and listens to it through -> that one11:56
Davieyafternoon bigcalm :)11:56
* bigcalm kicks di.fm due to lack of workingness11:56
bigcalmDaviey: pre-empting it being afternoon?11:57
Davieybigcalm: pre-empting it being friday :P11:57
bigcalmMmmmmmmmmm, Friday11:57
bigcalmToo much to do?11:58
lubotu3It's a weekend. Often on weekends the paid developers and a lot of the community may not be around to answer your question. Please be patient, wait longer than you normally would or try again during the working week.11:58
MartijnVdSis it?11:59
bigcalmIf we all agree it to be so, then it shall be11:59
screen-xMartijnVdS: no, not friday.11:59
shaunothat was a fun panic.  you had me convinced it was friday for a few minutes there.12:08
shaunothat said, I didn't know it was thursday either, so atleast it promoted me to set dirk gently to record12:12
* bigcalm throws himself down the stairs12:13
* gord throws screen-x down the stairs after him12:17
* bigcalm limps back into the room12:19
bigcalmThat's the V+ box set12:19
X3Nmmmm 40mbit12:20
daubersNot sure it'll be as good as the Harry Enfield radio play one12:21
bigcalmIs it a one off show?12:22
screen-xHow long would you stress test a server for before declaring it stable?12:27
bigcalmDepends on what you are testing12:28
bigcalmIf you are testing cronjobs, then a year12:28
screen-xCPUs at the moment12:28
screen-xbigcalm: http://paste.ubuntu.com/544404/12:29
bigcalmquad cpu with quad cores?12:30
screen-xDual quad with HT12:30
screen-xbeen going for about 2 hours, seems ok. Max core temp is about 72.12:31
AzelphurCan anyone tell me what's wrong with this cron job? * 8-0 * * 1-512:32
Azelphurit's supposed to fire from 8am to midnight weekdays, but it doesn't seem to be firing12:32
screen-xAzelphur: every minute?12:33
screen-x8-23 possibly12:33
Azelphurbut 23 is 11 that misses an hour? :(12:33
Azelphuroh wait, it goes to 23:59 doesn't it12:34
dwatkinsIt's supposed to run every minute, Azelphur?12:35
dwatkinsyeah, so if you want it to run from 08:00 to 23:59, use 8-2312:35
screen-x\o/ RIPE atlas probe arrived12:42
aaronris it possible to send sound over an NX connection?12:46
aaronrnot a big deal if not, just curious if there's a quick and easy solution.12:46
aaronrmostly just for sending audio from webpages/flash12:47
popeyone for AlanBell  http://www.amazon.co.uk/Extraordinary-Chickens-2011-Wall-Calendar/dp/0810989131/ref=pd_ys_ir_b_fb_512:50
MooDoopopey: remind me not to paste that into a sql query though lol12:50
kazadepopey, has your house been evacuated yet? :pp12:55
jpdsProtesters at popey's?12:55
kazadehe looks hungry..12:56
AlanBellpopey: I have last years!13:02
gordkazade, its okay, help has arrived http://gordallott.com/img/popeybattle.jpg13:12
bigcalmpopey: wifi camera?13:21
bigcalmThe image of the garden, I assume it's yours13:21
screen-xbigcalm: who else has dinosaurs and film characters round their water feature?13:23
bigcalmscreen-x: indeed13:23
popeyno, not wifi13:24
bigcalmOh. So long lead or computer in a shead?13:25
gordbah, can't use braid with two monitors, it does that thing where it just sits in the middle13:25
directhexgord: nice13:31
directhexgord: file a bug!13:31
danfishI swear this putty client is trying to drive me nuts!13:33
gordeh i don't really like braid all that much anyway13:34
gordmario is more fun13:35
gordOsmosis is better :)13:35
directhexthey're different genres13:35
directhexmario is a platform game, braid is an action puzzler13:36
gorddoesn't matter, mario still more fun. i don't like the dumb puzzles in braid. there is one where (if you want to fully complete the game) you have to litterally sit and wait 10 minutes or so doing nothing else for a cloud to slowly make its way across the map. no thanks13:37
gordi own braid 3 times now, thats a lot for a game i'm not fond of13:37
directhexi own turok 2 twice13:37
directhexand gta413:37
directhexand those both suck13:37
screen-xoooh  'E' in the output of ping -f13:39
=== njpatel is now known as njpatel_
screen-xAny idea what these ping errors signify? I am pinging an IP address that is not in use. http://paste.ubuntu.com/544435/13:57
popeyooo never seen that way of doing it13:58
popeyi tend not to use ping these days anyway, mtr ftw13:58
MartijnVdSmtr \o/13:59
kazadesigh yet another thing I should've known about and would have saved me numerous times :/14:01
MooDooyoutube, twitter and facebook are merging14:01
MooDoodetails at youtwitface.com14:01
screen-xwerid, if I do mtr between my workstation and a local server, I get no packet loss, but If do mtr between my workstation and an unused IP in the servers subnet, I get 20% packet loss14:03
popeysure its not unused?14:03
screen-xyeah, I should point out that the 20% loss pointed out by mtr, was between my workstation and the internal router14:04
screen-xbut there wasn't any packet loss when testing with an ip address that is in use.14:04
popeygot a vpn open?14:05
screen-xno, all routes via wired ethernet14:05
Flashtekhow is everyone ?14:06
MooDooFlashtek: i'm ok thanks :D14:06
jpdspopey: o714:06
FlashtekMooDoo: good good :)14:07
FlashtekIs everyone warm enough ?14:07
screen-xyep, about to turn the heating off14:07
Flashteksplendid.. mine has not been on in over 72 hours14:08
screen-xmaybe daubers could install one his arduino stats in here14:09
Flashtekdo what ?14:09
daubersDoes IRC require heating these days?14:09
* popey warms up the valves14:10
* screen-x overdoes the 'room' metaphor sometimes. 14:11
kazadepopey, I mentioned to my Mum earlier that I know someone with a webcam in their garden, her response was "Why?" ...14:11
daubersHmmm... managed to ssh into the wrong box with the wrong password.....14:12
screen-xdaubers: bad news14:12
popeykazade: technically it's not in my garden, it's in my house, pointing to the garden14:12
kazadeah I see14:12
popeykazade: the "why" was to monitor snow at home whilst I'm at work14:12
popeywhich I think is sensible :)14:12
kazaderight, I wondered what the right answer was14:12
popeyalso i like making those time lapse videos14:12
kazadeall I managed was "er.."14:12
screen-xdaubers: time for a chat with pam?14:12
popeyand on a clear night you can get a nice lapse of the moon and stars14:12
kazadeany online?14:13
Flashtekpopey: I have 2 cameras...14:13
popeyyup kazade14:13
* Flashtek ponders ZM14:13
popeymight upload some more14:14
MooDoocan't believe i'm watching this again14:16
kazadepopey, just scanned through the first one. It's good, the plots a little thin and the ending a bit of a disappointment, but besides that I'd watch it again ;)14:16
MooDooFlashtek: popeys back garden14:16
FlashtekMooDoo: oohh..14:16
kazadepopey, Daily Express says "4 stars"14:17
kazade"Best action film of the year"14:17
Flashteksays a lot..14:17
* kazade ponders superimposing a T-rex on a time lapse video14:18
* popey hugs mencoder14:18
popeypoor little acer revo getting beaten up14:19
* Oli`` found his revo is surprisingly capable of playing Braid14:19
* kazade really needs to get around to trying Braid14:20
kazadeI played Machinarium for a bit yesterday, that's a really cool game14:20
kazadereminds me of Discworld.. a game I played back in the 90s... somewhen14:20
bigcalmpopey: do you live in a flight path?14:23
popeyi do14:23
popeysee a plane go over?14:23
popeyTAG runs Farnborough Airport14:23
popeysports cars14:24
screen-xwouldnt that be WSCA?14:24
popeyI think the Gov sold it to them for £114:24
popeywhich quite annoyed a lot of people, given it was developed by the public purse14:25
popeybut hey ho, thats #politics :)14:25
daubersscreen-x: Ah! It was the right password for the wrong box, was looking at the wrong terminator pane14:26
czajkowskihmm this laptop is sounding rather dodgey with the sounds coming from it14:26
czajkowskinot good14:26
bigcalmSeeing as my Wednesday grazebox still hasn't arrived, time to get the pork chow mein out of the fridge!14:26
screen-xbigcalm: and some late credit..14:27
bigcalmscreen-x: na. I'm easing off of the "where's my box?" button for a while14:27
bigcalmIt's xmas and royal mail...14:27
daubersNow the game is "Lets see how well OOo copes with graphing 136340 rows"14:27
screen-xprediction: not as well as gnuplot14:28
bigcalmAmazon are cool. A CD I ordered on the 30th Nov, estimated for 4th Dec, arrived 14th Dec. Amazon emailed me to say they have refunded the cost of the CD due to late arrival14:29
Flashtekbigcalm: nice14:29
MartijnVdSbigcalm: I ordered GT5, didn't get it, they resent it for free14:30
bigcalmJust surprised that they gave me a refund but don't want the CD back14:30
daubersIt actually copes relativley well. Shame it's only using a single core though14:30
MartijnVdSbigcalm: too much hassle, I guess.. it's cheaper to let you keep it14:32
MartijnVdSbigcalm: and to create a good customer experience ;)14:32
gordsnowing \o/14:34
BigRedSWhich is default in 10.10, shotwell or f-spot?14:35
MooDoogord snap14:35
popeyi have imported a bazillion images into shotwell14:35
popeyit tells me sometimes that it can't import images for whatever reason and tells me in a dialog box with some of the filenames in14:35
popeywhich is utterly useless14:36
BigRedSAh, I'm just wondering which one to get round to working out how to crop a photo in14:36
popeyneither, use picasa :)14:36
BigRedSIt's taking a lot of restraint to not just install teh gimp14:37
popeydoes the computer belong to someone else?14:37
screen-xBigRedS: Just do it,14:37
=== njpatel_ is now known as njpatel
BigRedSnot really. It's my work PC but I can have whatever I want on it14:39
popeyI should tilt the cam to point back up a bit, get more sky in14:39
kazadeit's really annoying that "Eye of Gnome" doesn't have crop :;14:39
popeysooooo install gimp? :)14:39
BigRedSI designated this the PC i try to do things 'properly' on14:39
BigRedSwhich, I've found, means occasionally finding that new things are better than old things14:40
BigRedSbut I've got to try the new things in order to do that. Like empathy, does XMPP priority, which pidgin doesn't.14:40
screen-xxmpp priority?14:45
BigRedSscreen-x: yeah, so when you've two hosts connected, you say which one's to get all the messages. Means I can stay logged on at work, then when I connect from my laptop I still see messages14:54
BigRedSeverything going to everything would be more ideal, but doesn't appear to be part of the protocol14:54
daubersGAH! Can't concentrate14:55
daubersNeed moar caffeine14:55
screen-xBigRedS: sounds useful, though I tend to cheat in that situation and use nx.15:13
BigRedSscreen-x: Ah, I've pondered doing that, but it'd involve sticking X on my server15:17
andylockranguys - just got this on some files:  ?---------  ? ? ? ?            ? Logo15:17
andylockrananyone know how to reset the permissions?15:17
popeyis it on a remote filesystem?15:18
andylockrantwo peoples home folders are like that15:23
screen-xmount -o remount15:25
AzelphurI had fun last night, was up till 5am getting per-user bandwith monitoring going on my router :(15:31
Azelphursomeone is using ~5GB a day of my 60GB peak allowanc15:31
Azelphurallowance* :(15:31
popeyAzelphur: at home?15:31
Azelphurthink I've found the culprit though15:32
Azelphur444MB download in <3 hours15:32
popeygo on, dish the dirt, who was it!?15:32
popeymum torrenting videos?15:32
* Azelphur isn't actually sure who that is, yet15:33
Azelphurit might be the lodger.15:33
popeyan ATI motherboard possibly15:33
jpdsAzelphur: We don't know who they are, but we have an IP address!15:33
Azelphurjpds: exactly! xD15:33
Azelphurso many computers in this house >.>15:33
popeycant you just like..15:34
jpdsAzelphur: Firewall their connection, and the first person to complain is it.15:34
popey(now I know this is going to sound _mental_)15:34
popey"ask them"?15:34
Azelphurpopey: I did15:34
Azelphureveryone says "It wasn't me"15:34
* screen-x stabs
popeyif you have the mac address then you have the IP surely?15:34
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
popeytcpdump and you'll probably have their logons :)15:35
Azelphurbut it doesn't respond to ping :p15:35
Azelphurso it's not on atm, I reckon it's the lodger just not sure yet15:35
jpdsAzelphur: But does it respond to: sudo nmap -O -A -PN -v ?15:35
Azelphurjpds: nope :p15:35
Azelphurpopey: haha15:36
popeyprobably off right now, is the lodger in?15:36
Azelphurnope, he's at work15:36
popeyevidence is mounting15:36
Azelphurhe runs windows too, so probably limewire or something nasty15:36
Azelphurpopey: that said, I enjoy my dad footing the bill anyway, I told him this would happen months ago15:36
Azelphursaid we needed to switch to something unlimited as my mum was using it and we was getting students in too15:37
Azelphurso it's amusing that he's having to fork out £10 a day for being rude and not listening :)15:37
BigRedS£10/day for overage?15:37
* BigRedS is in the wrong industry15:37
AzelphurBigRedS: yea, £10/day for the 10GB a day someone is using apparently lol15:37
Azelphurevery time we get throttled I just jump on 3g15:38
BigRedSah, so it's £1/day per GB over the limit?15:38
AzelphurBigRedS: yea it's pretty much £1 per GB over15:38
Azelphuror throttle to "128k" (0.03mbps)15:38
Azelphurit's a terrible deal15:39
popeypersonally I'd just cut him off15:39
popey(at the knees)15:39
BigRedSIf you've got lodgers, I'd want a box doing monitorign such that you know who to blame when something like this happens15:40
* bigcalm puts popey on his "do not anger" list15:40
czajkowskipopey: remind me not to piss you off please15:40
AzelphurBigRedS: yea I have that now15:40
BigRedSHe has a dinosaur in his garden, I already had him on that list15:40
* bigcalm hugs his cuppa tea15:40
jpdsczajkowski: What if having to remind you would piss him off?15:41
screen-xAzelphur: give him his own dhcp class, that points him at opendns with a restrictive filter set.15:41
Azelphurscreen-x: haha, I prefer laughing at my dad for ignoring me15:42
* bigcalm opens his graze box like an excited child on xmas morning15:48
bigcalmOoo, free gift vouchers15:50
screen-xhi supercosmonaut15:50
* bigcalm ignores the food and plays with his rain deer15:50
popeyhullo hullo james_w15:50
james_whi popey15:51
james_wjust letting everyone know that everything is ok15:51
james_wwasn't the wrong window or anything...15:51
screen-xtoo slow15:51
* james_w whistles15:51
=== popey changed the topic of #ubuntu-uk to: Welcome to #ubuntu-uk! http://ubuntu-uk.org | This channel is publicly archived: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Mailing List: http://tinyurl.com/uukml | Support Guidelines - http://tinyurl.com/uuksupport | Meeting Thursday December 16th 21:00 GMT in #ubuntu-uk-meeting http://tinyurl.com/uukmeet | Christmas party http://ubunt.eu/c2 ☃ | < james_w> ok
popeythat warranted a topic wide announcement!15:51
popeydon't want anyone to miss it15:52
MooDoohave i missed soemthing here15:52
bigcalmDoes that mean that we can now talk about the group OK?15:52
* bigcalm watches OK GO15:52
popeyGO GO GO!15:52
* MooDoo is confused.com15:53
* popey wonders if http://myworld.ebay.co.uk/kaushal71/ is our own kaushal16:03
MartijnVdSthere are at least 70 others 8-)16:03
screen-x\o/ copy and paste works over nx16:22
Azelphurhttp://pastebin.com/whps4LuQ teehee, just had this funny little convo in the dd-wrt channel16:23
mattiali1234: ;]16:25
screen-xis it possible to do ssl virtualhosting yet?16:25
MartijnVdSyes, unless you have IE visitors16:26
MartijnVdSscreen-x: RFC 3546 + RFC4366 ("server_name" extension of TLS)16:27
* bigcalm grumbles at all things IE and SSL16:27
screen-xso there isn't a host: header for https as there is for http?16:27
MartijnVdSah "SNI" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Server_Name_Indication16:27
MartijnVdSanother google term for you :)16:27
MartijnVdSIE7 supports it.. it seems16:29
screen-xI have a significant proportion of IE6 users, but I'm also running out of public port 443s16:32
MartijnVdSscreen-x: ipv6 then :)16:32
screen-xI think I'm going to have to steal port 443 from the mail servers public IP :(16:32
MartijnVdSstart upgrading clients16:33
screen-xnot under my control :(16:33
screen-xall my local users are ubuntu 8.04 \o/16:33
screen-xbut supported :)16:34
screen-xBut many external users of our web apps use IE :(16:34
MartijnVdSscreen-x: as long as you can make them upgrade to ie7 ("for security")... you'll be fine16:35
MartijnVdSat least set a cutoff date :)16:35
MartijnVdS"We won't support IE6 after 2011-12-31"16:35
screen-xNah, this current project is going to have users from the British Standards Institute, and the Sweedish equivalent, I'm in no position to dictate to them..16:36
gingdidnt microsoft stop supporting IE6 already?16:36
MartijnVdSIf the hostnames are all in the same domain, you could cheat and use one IP if you have a *.domain certificate16:36
screen-xWe don't have any wildcard certs yet, but thats probably the way to go if we have any more projects like this.16:37
Phineashi all i have got a new phone16:53
Phineasit is fab16:57
MartijnVdSnexus s?16:57
PhineasMartijnVdS,  nope sony ericson xperia x816:58
czajkowskiUbuntu meet up in Bath tonight :D16:58
Phineasconvert flv to fintone foe phone?16:59
Phineashow do i do this16:59
X3Nwhat's fintone?17:00
MartijnVdSPhineas: didn't we tell you last week?17:00
popeywe have been through this at least twice17:00
PhineasMartijnVdS,  not to a ringtone for my hpone17:00
MartijnVdSprinciple is the same17:01
MartijnVdSalso, most phones use mp3 as ringtones now17:01
Phineasoh *facepalm* of corse17:01
Phineasyoutube 2 mp317:01
MartijnVdSor just ffmpeg -i file.flv file.mp317:02
MartijnVdSnow keep that somewhere safe17:02
PhineasMartijnVdS,  Unable to find a suitable output format for 'Perry the Plytapus sound'17:05
MartijnVdSPhineas: you should name the file ".mp3" at the end of course17:05
MartijnVdSor it won't know17:05
PhineasMartijnVdS,  i have17:06
MartijnVdSPhineas: can you paste the entire log to pastebin?17:06
PhineasMartijnVdS,  ok17:06
popeymissed the -i17:08
PhineasMartijnVdS,  is that ment to happen17:08
MartijnVdSPhineas: what popey said: you forgot the "-i"17:08
MartijnVdSPhineas: it should be: ffmpeg -i input_file_here output_file_here.mp317:09
popey17:02:09 < MartijnVdS> or just ffmpeg -i file.flv file.mp317:09
Phineasworked, thamk you17:10
* MartijnVdS off17:10
Phineasdamn i hope i'm not busted this time17:20
screen-xPhineas: It'll be ok, james_w said so.17:22
Phineasand i am ok17:30
Phineasscreen-x,  i'm ok17:32
davmor2ging: MS stopped supporting XP doesn't mean it isn't being used still17:33
gingdavmor2: no they stopped supporting xp SP2 they still support SP317:35
gingunless there has been a recent change i'm unaware of17:35
davmor2ging: only on netbooks, and only oem versions on netbooks to boot17:36
Phineasok my website is now up and running17:47
Phineasplease feel free to browse17:48
Phineasif you want the adress let me know17:48
Azelphurhow do you loop through folders, not recursively, in bash? I only want folders not files18:09
jpdsAzelphur: find . -type d18:09
Azelphurjpds: not recursively18:09
jpdsSo you just want the directories, in the current directory?18:10
bigcalmls -l | grep "^d"18:14
Azelphurbigcalm: I think I got it, I just looped everything and used if -d18:15
jpds$ ls -l | grep "^d" | awk '{print $8}'18:15
bigcalmI've lost all of my awk foo :(18:15
bigcalmLearnt a lot in the late 90s, all gone now18:16
ubuntuuk-planet[Ralph Janke] Netflix - Another Example of Open Source Hypocracy? - http://drupal.txwikinger.me.uk/content/netflix-another-example-open-source-hypocracy18:17
daubersApparently not a good evening to be on a train that goes near didcot18:23
daubersIf I where to build a box for hosting a few VM's (not for me personally, a work thing). Would it be best just to work with KVM or to use UEC to give the option of adding more nodes in the future?18:39
danfishdaubers: probably depends on who you ask, but for small scale KVM's probably easier19:09
daubersdanfish: Yeah coming to that conclusion as I read around a bit19:11
danfishdaubers: or if you want a nice gui and the ability to add vm's and hardware as nodes proxmox ve (debian based) is a doddle to setup and maintain19:12
daubersdanfish: I think I'll stick with kvm. Should be easier I think19:14
daubersdanfish: Specially as I only have a single server to play with at the moment19:15
daubersspecially as I only need 3 VM's at the moment19:16
daubers1 for some web stuff, 1 to do some DB stuff and 1 to act as a VPN server19:17
danfishMy laptop ran out of hard disk space recently and I couldn't for the life of me work out why - then I looked in the VM storage 'graveyard' and found 100Gb of old VM images :(19:18
danfishdaubers: so fairly light VM's then19:18
daubersdanfish: Yeah, going to stick it on a single quad core 2u server19:19
davmor2czajkowski: fancy calling JFo evil19:19
danfishdaubers: did a 'usage' audit of all the servers at work recently - embarassing really. None of them more that 15% CPU usage or 40% RAM usage at any one time19:22
daubersdanfish: Means you have some spare capacity for growth :)19:22
danfishdaubers: hah - and a hefty leccie bill19:23
danfishthey are all windows 2003 server machines, but I've convinced the power that be to let me run a virtualised setup on a spare server on a base 10.04 system as a trial19:25
daubersheh :)19:26
daubersThis has all come about because we need to start storing some critical business type data, and at the same time need to provide some webservices. So this is one box to rule them all going into a DC somewhere19:26
palnHello, people of Ubuntu!19:28
popeyhello paln19:32
palnpopey: How are you?19:34
popeyfine thanks19:35
palnI took your advice and am currently burning a copy of Lubuntu 10.1019:35
palnXubuntu failed on me... :(19:36
palnNot that it didn't install, but it would just boot a terminal instead of a GUI.19:37
popeypaln: what video card does your machine have?19:38
palnIt's an nVidia GeForce2 MX400, if I'm correct19:38
palnI only know that because my graphics decided to play up in Windows...new drivers!19:39
palnOh, I forgot to mention that the "Select and Install Software" step crashed after retrieving all 830 files required. About 14% of that step19:40
palnSo maybe it just didn't get to installing Xfce19:40
palnThe CD's 90% done19:41
palnGoing to reboot my system now...testing the CD!19:49
* danfish predicts a joggler related blog post is in his near future20:02
* mgdm has one with the default O2 stuff on it20:03
danfishI got three in the 'joggler-mania' earlier in the year and am going to retask two into part of a zoneminder security system20:05
danfishI came back froma trip abroad after the past snow episode and found numerous tracks in the back garden - including two sets of human ones :(20:06
danfishexactly - so I figure a 50 quid joggler + a cheapo usb webcam = a cheap IP webcam20:08
danfishwhich can also double as a zoneminder web interface20:10
mgdmgood plan20:11
ali1234except that actual ip webcams cost about the same20:11
Flashtekip wifi cams ?20:11
Flashtekfrom where ?20:12
FlashtekI'll have some of that..20:12
danfishali1234: true, but I already have the jogglers and webcams - recycling and all that :)20:14
Flashtekjogcam0, jogcam1 etc..etc..20:15
ali1234if you want to go super cheak: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/CCTV-Wireless-WiFi-IP-Network-Camera-IR-Mobile-Viewing-/300504418358?pt=UK_CCTV&hash=item45f775883620:15
popeycan't imagine the quality of image is great off of that20:16
ali1234why would it be worse than any other "cheap webcam"20:16
danfishFlashtek: fishcam :D20:16
Flashtekhmm... these aren't going to be any good for use out doors are then..20:17
popeyI do not for a minute believe those images :)20:17
danfishpopey: what software do you use for popeycam?20:17
popey!info webcam20:17
lubotu3webcam (source: xawtv): image grabber and uploader. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.95.dfsg.1-8.1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 37 kB, installed size 116 kB20:17
danfishah - cool. Was looking at motion but a bit fiddly to setup20:18
popeythats my .webcamrc20:19
danfishtx - so 6 sec delay. Can I ask what spec PC that's connected to? The reason I ask is for an IP surveillance system I'd need the joggler to capture images twice a second to be useful20:23
danfishso an idea of load would be useful20:23
popeydanfish: its connected to a 1.6GHz atom20:51
popeyan acer aspire revo20:51
danfishpopey: ok thanx - I'll experiment 2moro - \o/ Dirk Gently starting21:02
* popey is recording that21:03
* MartijnVdS would be recording, if kaffeine hadn't lost signal21:06
danfishi still like the radio 4 series with Harry Enfield - great stuff21:06
MartijnVdSalso, if it would start again21:06
danfishMartijnVdS: given your location iplayer won't be accesible to you :(21:08
MartijnVdSdanfish: Uhhh.. yes, that's very annoying :)21:08
dogmatic69hi o/21:11
MartijnVdSWe get a year to watch most missed programs here in .nl :)21:12
dogmatic69anyone know how to make the minecraft Cartograph thing work on ubuntu21:12
MartijnVdSsome programs can even be viewed "forever"21:12
suprengr agenda for next UUK meeting,,, using Ubuntu to set meeting reminders...  rolf21:14
mgdmwho's rolf?21:14
suprengr[roll over laughing floorless]21:14
dgjonesmgdm: Can you tell what it is it yet?21:14
mgdmdgjones: \o/21:15
dgjones:) Even21:15
* dgjones points popey & AlanBell to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeamMeetingAgenda21:17
=== dgjones is now known as djones
popeyhow does this meeting come round so fast21:20
djonespopey: Too busy Christmas shopping21:20
popeyah well21:20
suprengra-hemmm[cough]... perhaps 1 a month would suffice?21:23
* djones suggests mid jamuary at least (Not Tuesdays)21:25
danfishto quote 'in the night garden' - whoopsie daisy21:25
=== nperry_ is now known as nperry
andylockranwhat'd I miss :p21:42
andylockranwrong button21:42
dutchiebig split21:53
DaraelImagine how big it looks from the other side.21:57
=== chris is now known as 92AABTKVA
aertyuanyone there ?22:12
aertyuwell i got 2 remote host, from a localhost IF i do a scp file1 from Remote host1 to remote host2 over an ssh connection from localhost if turn my localhost pc it will still continue to copy or not ?22:12
DaraelI don't believe so.  If, on the other hand, you SSH to the first and do the SCP from there within screen, you should be able to detach and have it continue.22:13
aertyuso when you quit ssh connection you end all task ?22:18
aertyukilling task ?22:21
DaraelI believe so - not certain enough, though.22:25
=== monsterkiller is now known as MonsterKiller
AlanBellhi czajkowski22:42
czajkowskiAlanBell: hey22:43
AlanBellhaving fun in Bath?22:48
czajkowskihad a nice evening out with a Uk Ubuntu person22:48
=== MonsterKiller is now known as monsterkiller

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