
canthus13wow. that was a lot of lag..00:01
Cheri703hooray for a crunchy hdd!00:25
Cheri703it was making crunching noises, then scraping/screeching noises, then it died completely01:38
canthus13Nice.  It'll make a decent set of wind chimes...01:39
Cheri703yeah, I'm going to liveboot to see if everything else is healthy01:39
canthus13You *might* be able to recover a bit from it.  Stuff it in 2 or 3 freezer bags, then freeze it overnight.01:39
Cheri703(on that note, is there a quick utility to check the viability of other hardware?)01:40
Cheri703I'll try it01:40
canthus13Hmm. The only thing I can think of is a motherboard diagnostic card.01:41
canthus13memtest86 does a decent job of testing RAM.01:42
Cheri703back to microcenter tomorrow, woo! :/02:30
Cheri703got that person's laptop settled, now to see about this dang printer02:30
canthus13Use a hammer.02:34
Cheri703:/ will just return it if it comes to that02:34
Cheri703I don't want to compromise my moral stance on hp, but...if they have one that does what I want...it's tempting :/02:34
Cheri703so the turboprint driver is...manageable, but 30day free trial then purchase :/02:47
Cheri703rawr at hp :( :( :(02:48
Cheri703they have a printer that does basically what I want for $60 :(02:48
dmcgloneHello peeps :-)03:39
* canthus13 is *NOT* a squishy, animal-shaped marshmallow covered in colored sugar.03:39
dmcgloneis that what a peep is?03:40
Cheri703google "peep science"03:40
dmcgloneI'm on top of it03:41
dmcgloneAh your referring to the name of them little yellow marshmallow ducks for easter03:42
dmcgloneI forgot all about them03:42
dmcgloneHeard you got a new printer Cheri70303:43
Cheri703yes indeed03:43
dmcglonewhat did ya decide to go with?03:44
canthus13she's having buyer's remorse.03:44
dmcgloneI got me an HP 6500n and it's awesome03:44
Cheri703I got a canon pixma mg522003:44
Cheri703and canthus13 I got it working alright :)03:44
Cheri703printed out a bunch of stuff that my hps (multiple of them) would never have handled as smoothly :D03:45
Cheri703dmcglone: mine can duplex!03:46
dmcgloneI'm not sure if mine can, but I can print from anywhere I have internet access03:46
dmcgloneand it's got instant built in apps03:47
dmcglonecheck this out: http://h30495.www3.hp.com/?from=h20563.www2.hp.com&jumpid=in_R11549%2FDT03:48
Cheri703mine is wireless as well, and it has iphone printing support, I'm curious if there's android support too03:48
dmcgloneyeah mine has smart phone ability too, but unfortunately I don't have internet on my phone :-/03:49
dmcgloneI got tired of at&t charging me for crap so I told them to take it and shove it where the sun don't shine03:50
dmcgloneCheri703:  ever heard of coupon mom?03:52
dmcgloneit's a website where you can get tons of great deals and coupons, but them sites require windows because you have to download software to make sure you don't print more coupons than allowed, well I always had to go get on my moms windows computer, but now it's all built into my printer03:55
Unit193Doesn't work in wine?03:55
dmcglonewine never works for me man03:56
dmcgloneI have come to hate wine03:56
Unit193I have it on every Linux install....03:56
dmcgloneyour better off running window in a VM03:56
dmcglonelet me rephrase that: I'm better off that is03:57
Unit193Have some left over works files (from a Win98) works 99 works better in linux then windows!!03:57
canthus13Depends on what it is.03:57
dmcglonewine just never ever works for me :-/03:57
canthus13not everything works better in a VM.03:57
dmcgloneI hear people talk about how wine works for them, but it just seems to hate me!03:58
canthus13dmcglone: If you weren't so mean to it...03:58
Unit193dmcglone: I may end up doing it like you do (gnome with KDE apps)03:59
dmcgloneAwww I feel the love ;-)03:59
dmcglonethats cool04:00
dmcgloneit might work great for you Unit19304:01
* dmcglone has been using linux for many moons04:01
Unit193I really hate decisions (that's all linux seems to be)04:01
Unit193How would that work great?04:01
Cheri703wine works for a few programs for me, but I'm a fan of vmware player04:03
dmcgloneI like the fact that if I pay thousands of dollars for an app, I can at least have a shot at fixing it myself, before I spend another thousand paying the people that couldn't code it right in the first place ;-)04:03
dmcgloneI used to use VMware04:04
dmcglonethe only reason I have windows is for Command & Conquer. so there is no sense in running a VM04:05
Unit193My sister needs Office 2k7 for school....04:05
dmcgloneI wonder what it can do that Ooo can't04:06
Cheri703office can run in wine04:06
Cheri703dmcglone: save as a docx most likely04:06
Cheri703give me a sec and I can find out04:06
Unit193(Still have to test it)04:07
* Cheri703 may have a copy floating around as an iso..04:07
dmcgloneI would look deep into Ooo and see if it can do everything she needs04:09
Unit193It can't04:09
Cheri703dmcglone: too many people are using the .docx now, it's stupid04:10
canthus13docx sucks.04:11
canthus13docx pisses me off every day at work.04:11
Cheri703yes, I hate it04:11
dmcgloneCheri703: on a side note, I am meeting Matthew tomorrow morning04:11
Cheri703yeah, he mentioned that :)04:12
Cheri703I'm glad it (at least so far) is working out :)04:12
canthus13We don't have office on our machines. We have Office 2003 document viewers.  Idiot secretaries in the company send out memos as docx.04:12
dmcglonehe'll be happy.04:12
Cheri703ha, fun canthus1304:12
dmcgloneI'll take good care of him, thats for sure04:12
Cheri703awesome dmcglone, he and his wife are great people04:13
dmcgloneyes, he is very polite04:13
Cheri703he can be very....enthusiastic :)04:14
dmcgloneI'll make sure he gets the royal treatment04:15
Cheri703awesome :) it's appreciated04:15
dmcglonewell him being enthusiastic is better than my sarcasm... :-)04:15
Cheri703probably true04:16
dmcgloneit's gotta be true04:16
Unit193I can be real bad with that too dmcglone04:16
Cheri703I always love it when people hear a phrase used often, and they write it in a completely wrong way: from an amazon review "[designer] NEVER seize to amaze me!"04:17
dmcgloneI don't know why I have to always joke around04:17
dmcgloneguess i'm afraid people will not like me04:17
Cheri703I'm VERY sarcastic04:17
* dmcglone has always been the class clown04:17
Cheri703eh, sometimes joking is good, sometimes people want to see past it04:17
Cheri703ooo, completely random subject change: I got husband and I matching nerf guns the other day :D04:18
dmcgloneyour right cheri04:18
dmcgloneso you can shoot each other when your mad at one another04:18
Cheri703sometimes ;)04:19
Cheri703they're fun04:19
Cheri703they're 6 shot revolvers :D04:19
Unit193I know some people that have them at work....04:19
Cheri703it is his first nerf gun EVER04:20
Cheri703his parents never let him have one04:20
Cheri703he's been going around the house shooting things for target practice04:20
Cheri703no, they'd eat the darts04:20
Cheri703the beagle mixes are nervous enough as it is...they're scared of the tiniest things :/ I'm working on socializing them04:21
dmcglonebring em to me, i'll talk their ears off04:21
Cheri703heh, not quite that kind, but we are trying to have more visitors so they get used to other people, at our old place, we pretty much NEVER had people over04:22
dmcgloneon second thought, they might turn them against being social04:22
Cheri703house was too run down :(04:22
dmcgloneI know how that goes. When my wife and I first got married, we had it rough. took us many years to climb the ladder.04:23
dmcgloneIt was especially hard for me because of my condition04:24
dmcgloneI've had managers say it right to my face too.04:24
dmcgloneI went to school to be Diesel Mechanic, and I had one manager tell me he wouldn't hire me because he was afraid I would get hit by a car or truck in the garage!04:26
dmcgloneOh those were the days04:27
Unit193Your mostly, right?04:27
dmcglonemostly what?04:27
dmcglonewith my hearing aid on I hear everything04:28
dmcglonetalk on the phone, listen to music etc, etc04:28
Unit193can be nice to take them out...04:28
dmcglonebut when I take it off, I am completely deaf04:28
dmcgloneOh yeah. everyone says I have the best of both worlds04:28
dmcgloneI wasn't born deaf though04:29
Unit193I might not go that far... have you found it handy?04:29
Unit193(is this a bad topic?)04:29
dmcgloneI'm fine with talking about it04:29
dmcgloneIt doesn't bother me04:29
Unit193I don't always get what is and what isn't04:30
dmcglonehave I found what handy? being able to turn my ears off so to speak? LOL04:30
canthus13Depends.  'Born deaf' culture is a bit different from 'Went deaf' culture.04:30
dmcglonetrue canthus1304:31
dmcglonevery very true04:31
dmcgloneI know some deaf people that hate hearing aids04:31
canthus13When it comes to Born deaf, some of them can be downright militant about their opinions, just like hearing people.04:31
dmcglonethey don't believe in them04:31
Cheri703canthus13: my grandma and her brother were born deaf04:31
Cheri703grandma = militant04:31
Cheri703also she used to favor my brother over me because he had a hearing loss >.<04:32
dmcgloneI lost my hearing from medical malpractice when I was 704:32
canthus13Cheri703: it can be a pain in the butt dealing with folks like that.04:32
Unit193Cheri703: used to?04:33
dmcgloneCheri703: I don't think she favored him, I just think they were probably closer because they both understood what each had to bear in life :-/04:33
Cheri703I've seen them once in the past 10 years or so, and he wasn't around :)04:33
Cheri703dmcglone: she did...I was like 6 and she'd tell me not to eat so much, and then give him candy o.O various things, various ways, even my parents noticed and my dad had to tell her to stop04:33
dmcgloneI have deaf friends and I connect with them in such a different and deeper way than i do some of my other friends04:34
canthus13Some deaf folks are downright prejudiced agains hearing folks.04:34
Cheri703I'd imagine so04:34
canthus13But it takes all types. :P04:34
dmcglonecanthus13: are you just saying that because you got turned down by a really really really hot deaf girl?04:35
canthus13dmcglone: Nah. :)04:35
Cheri703my brother dated a deaf girl for a while04:35
canthus13dmcglone: I'm saying this because my parents used to do a lot of volunteer work through the church with the deaf community in San Antonio.04:35
Cheri703they broke up (for various reasons) but he mentioned that he would realize he'd gone DAYS without speaking04:35
Cheri703and he easily isolates himself, so it wasn't a particularly good thing for him04:36
dmcgloneI isolate myself a lot04:36
dmcglonenot because I'm deaf, but because I need a mental break04:36
canthus13Meh. So do I.  It's a geek thing.04:37
dmcgloneI work non stop04:37
dmcgloneI take care of 3 kids practically by myself04:37
canthus13s straight.04:37
Cheri703well, yeah, but for someone who already isolates, to have their "social time" be completely silent as well? it was wearing on him even though he didn't realize it at the time :/04:37
canthus13Pisses off my wife sometimes.  I'll get to a point where I tell her to go away because she's been sitting next to me for two or three hours straight.04:37
Cheri703husband and I spend most of our time in separate rooms04:38
dmcglonelol canthus1304:38
dmcgloneCheri703: I love silence04:38
dmcglonesilence is golden04:38
Cheri703me too, husband is ALWAYS ALWAYS making noise of some sort04:38
Cheri703tapping, humming, whistling, shaking his foot (movement is annoying as well, if I'm not the one causing it), etc04:39
Cheri703drives me NUTS04:39
dmcgloneamplify that 3 times along with a wife barking orders and ya got my life... LOL04:39
Cheri703women don't bark orders, they gently compel ;)04:39
dmcglonehave you met my wife???? HAHA04:40
dmcglone2 of my kids are like your husband Cheri70304:40
dmcglonethey constantly talk like you are in california04:40
dmcglonethey fight constantly04:41
dmcgloneit's a never ending battle04:41
Unit193Two older sisters....04:41
dmcgloneBUT......I wouldn't trade it for the world04:41
* dmcglone loves his kids to death04:42
dmcgloneand I am very protective of my girls04:42
dmcgloneUnit193 do you torture them?04:42
Unit193OLDER sisters ;)04:43
dmcglonewhat you scared of them because they are older?04:43
dmcglonehere's a great thing about being deaf, I sleep through everything04:44
Unit193I'm taller so no issue there... the one whacks me at times04:44
dmcglonewhack her back04:45
Unit193I mostly come out as the bad one, so I don't whack back much (I actually like that sister)04:46
Unit193Not that I don't like the other one04:46
dmcglonecan I ask you something?04:47
dmcglonehow old are you?04:47
dmcglonecanthus13: you must be into something tonight to be this quiet05:09
canthus13Just doin' other stuff, listening to the violent femmes....05:11
dmcgloneis that music?05:12
canthus13Yup. Remember "Blister in The Sun" or "Add it Up"?05:12
dmcglonewas it by violent femme05:13
canthus13Late 80's/early 90's.05:13
Cheri703let me go oooouut like i blister in the sun, let me go ooooout, big hands I know you're the one05:13
Cheri703something like that05:13
dmcglonethat was too early for me05:14
dmcglonethat didn't sound right05:14
canthus13Let me go on, not out. :)05:14
Cheri703close enough05:14
Cheri703that's what it sounds like05:15
canthus13but yeah, that's the song. :)05:15
dmcgloneare they heavy metal?05:15
Cheri703then he's saying "oooowwwwn"05:15
canthus13More like early alternative/new wave.05:16
Cheri703ooo, flat mullet there05:16
canthus13with a bit of rockabilly.05:16
dmcgloneI see.05:16
Cheri703acoustic guitar guy05:16
canthus13They were just a really fun band.05:16
dmcgloneI was more into thrash metal than anything back in them days05:16
canthus13and this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHapDS2fcFE&NR=1 (add it up)05:17
dmcgloneanyone remember when Metallica first put "one" on Mtv?05:17
Cheri703ooo, I think I've heard this one canthus1305:17
dmcglonethat was the very first song I heard since regaining my hearing05:17
* canthus13 saw 'em when they toured with GNR.05:17
canthus13Cheri703: I've been rediscovering them lately, along with a bunch of other bands I hadn't listened to in years.05:18
dmcgloneI don't have a very big selection05:19
* canthus13 listens to everything.05:19
dmcgloneA lot of my music is from when I was younger in the '70s05:19
dmcgloneever heard of "the sugar hill gang"05:20
canthus13Heard of 'em.05:20
dmcgloneI listened to Kenny Rodgers05:20
dmcglonemy all time favorite Meatloaf05:20
dmcgloneDiana ross and the supremes05:20
dmcglonewell I was young05:21
dmcgloneoh yeah don't forget tina turner05:21
canthus13I liked her in Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome.05:22
dmcgloneI'm also a really big fan of the piano05:22
dmcgloneso I love Elton John and Billy Joel05:22
dmcglonetheres also Journey05:23
canthus13Ooo.. and Kiss Off: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gproa6vzgws05:23
canthus13I like some Journey.05:23
canthus13Never really liked Elton John... I like Billy Joel, though.05:24
dmcglonemy favorite is Open arms05:24
canthus13As for piano, Tori Amos rocks.05:24
canthus13dmcglone: I love the whole Heavy Metal sound track. :)05:24
dmcglonedid you like pink floyd?05:25
dmcgloneI like Elton's song "I'm still standing"05:25
dmcglonebut anything after '88 it's mostly just metallica, misfit, suicidal, and a few others05:26
canthus13ST.. Wow. That's another one I'll have to dig up. I haven't listened to them in years.05:27
Cheri703I really hate it when I'm trying to put in all of my purchases, and things don't match up -_- according to the bank site, there's some $37.99 amount that I can't remember...05:33
Cheri703I just remembered that I didn't grab my receipt at walmart today, but I didn't think it was that much05:34
Cheri703nvm, I think I figured it out :/ I hate this process ...blah05:34
* Cheri703 put up our christmas tree tonight05:36
Cheri703took about 2 minutes05:36
Cheri703it's a 3ish foot pre-lit artificial :)05:36
Unit193We might about tomorrow...05:36
Cheri703going to decorate it when I figure out what I did with the ornaments05:36
* canthus13 is debating putting up a tree this year.05:37
Cheri703we didn't last year, we just didn't bother with it05:37
Cheri703this year we're having people over for the holiday, so figure we might as well ;)05:37
Cheri703this is actually the first time since we've been married that we've had people come to our home around the holidays (not ON christmas, but the day after, and my parents will be here for the weekend)05:38
Cheri703maybe even the first time since we started dating...05:38
Cheri703oh, and random note, today (thursday) is our 4 year anniversary! crazy05:38
canthus13Ah. Congrats.  Our 14th is the 26th.05:38
dmcgloneCongrats to both of you05:39
canthus13..and in all those years, I don't think we've ever had anyone here for teh holidays. We've always gone to my parents or hers.05:39
Cheri703it is 1.0 degrees f right now...05:39
dmcgloneI am off to bed05:39
canthus13Wow. it's 9 here.05:39
Cheri703hope your meeting with matt goes well!05:39
Unit193I need to go outsite with no coat on!05:40
dmcglonecanthus13: is't 12:4005:40
dmcgloneanyway, Night all05:40
Unit193Not too bad out (except the snow on my arm)05:44
Unit193Trash day tomorrow05:45
Cheri703why no coat?05:46
canthus13It's still above 0.05:46
Unit193Takes too long to put it on...05:46
Cheri703I've been known to take twice as long in the bundling up as in the actual being outside05:47
Unit193I'm a freak....what can I say?05:47
* canthus13 has been known to dash out to the mailbox in his boxers in below 0 weather...05:51
Unit193not done boxers, have done no shoes....05:52
canthus13Gotta have shoes for snow.05:52
Unit193Not really... just move fast05:53
* Cheri703 has LOTS of cold weather gear05:58
Cheri703I get breathing problems when the air is too cold05:58
Unit193Yeah, I'm very crazy (just went to get mail, again no coat)05:58
Cheri703that's part of the problem, I get a REALLY bad uncontrollable cough when the air is below a certain temp, which isn't even that cold :/ so I have to keep my core warm, and I have an awesome facemask for when it's stupid cold, it actually uses your exhaled breath to heat the air you inhale05:59
Cheri703takes a bit of getting used to, feels like breathing under a blanket at first05:59
Unit193I don't do well with the cars heater... nasty headache06:01
Cheri703yeah, I warm up the car and then promptly turn it to "cool air or slightly above"06:02
canthus13http://www.gamedesign.jp/flash/whitejigsaw/whitejigsaw.html <-- this is making my brain itch.  on 12x9 right now.19:16
Unit193Getting good at it?19:56
canthus13I'm still working on 12x9...20:38
BiosElementHmmm are we skipping the 22's ubuntu hour this month? ANyone happen to know since I'm too lazy to look? >.<21:59
greyfox-The next one is scheduled for the 29th, and it's still on22:00
BiosElementAhh, cool thanks. Gotta remember to swing down there with the shiny chrome laptop ^_^22:01
greyfox-Ah, very good. I would like to see that22:01
BiosElementIt's pretty slick really22:01
BiosElementCurrent annoyance is the password = your gaccount password...which in my case is over 30 chars long randomly generated >.<22:02
BiosElementNot a problem but it's not something I'm gonna type often in public heh22:02
greyfox-I guess it must be all in lower-case, then?22:02
BiosElementAfter having an account cracked once, I'm paranoid. :P22:02
BiosElementNope, it's mixed case22:03
BiosElementWith numbers.22:03
BiosElementAwesome... :http://www.10tv.com/live/content/local/stories/2010/12/16/story-columbus-dunbar-road-robbers-fall-asleep.html?sid=10222:04

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