wrst | hey tjcertified | 00:37 |
tjcertified | hey | 01:00 |
tjcertified | lot of traffic in here... | 01:00 |
cyberanger | tjcertified: a good day | 01:01 |
wrst | cyberanger I have lost some functions with irssi connectbot | 01:03 |
cyberanger | which ones | 01:03 |
wrst | the press and hold to bring up functions suchas tab | 01:05 |
wrst | when that was working running in the background wasn't | 01:07 |
chris4585 | wrst, have you seen that gnome-shell may not be in the 11.04 repos ? | 01:13 |
chris4585 | there is a bug currently about this, apparently its broken in 11.04 | 01:13 |
wrst | lchris4585 that kinda sounds fishy | 01:15 |
chris4585 | also alpha 2 comes out feb 3rd, one day before my birthday, so early birthday present lol | 01:16 |
chris4585 | wrst, a little bit, but there will more than likely be a ppa | 01:16 |
wrst | ha ha im running it now unity is almost usable | 01:16 |
chris4585 | if gnome-shell removes all the 'recent' crap I would love to use it | 01:17 |
wrst | what are you calling the recent crap? | 01:18 |
chris4585 | the ugly stuff that shows up on the side that shows your recent files and used programs | 01:19 |
chris4585 | thats like showing your dirty laundry imo | 01:19 |
wrst | oh is that in gnome shell? | 01:19 |
chris4585 | its been there since I can remember | 01:20 |
wrst | been a while since i tried it, gnome shell just really made no sense to me | 01:21 |
wrst | i'm on 11.04 right now i switch back and forth but its getting to where you can actually do some work on it | 01:21 |
chris4585 | these days its looking better than unity | 01:21 |
wrst | well unity is just getting started, but i don't know what i think about unity yet | 01:22 |
chris4585 | don't get me wrong, I like both of them and would like to see them both succeed | 01:22 |
wrst | i'm wondering about using kde soon, but its still too unstable | 01:24 |
wrst | i have a feeling that gnomeis going to be about like kde 4.0 hopefully not that bad but not what i'm used to as far as stability is concerned | 01:24 |
chris4585 | yeah, gnome-shell has been around quite a while now though... it feels only recently its actually got some real hard work put into it though which is sad | 01:26 |
wrst | yeah i don't feel to confident in it really | 01:28 |
chris4585 | personally I like my own blend of nautilus-elementary and awn | 01:29 |
wrst | if i could move the dock in unity i think i would really like it, but i totally disagree wihth that | 01:29 |
chris4585 | If I'm not mistaken I think it will be an option maybe in 11.10 | 01:29 |
chris4585 | but yeah I don't like the dock on the side... | 01:30 |
wrst | moving the dock, ok that's better last i heard was something about wanting to keep it close to the ubuntu applications button, why i don't know on a mac it works just fine and not being there | 01:30 |
wrst | yeah i prefer at the bottom center autohiding so i truly get all the realestate | 01:30 |
wrst | *screen realestate | 01:32 |
chris4585 | wrst, my flavor of gnome http://i.imgur.com/3P93X.jpg | 01:32 |
wrst | nice chris4585 | 01:33 |
wrst | very nice | 01:33 |
chris4585 | thanks, I have dockbarx plugin built into awn expanded, kind of a win7 feel... | 01:34 |
wrst | looks nice, funny i hear kde fans talk about how it is so much more customizable than gnome and i just don't see it | 01:37 |
chris4585 | me either | 01:37 |
wrst | they all have the kickoff menu and such at the same spot i know you can move it around, but i just don't know what they are talking about | 01:39 |
chris4585 | for awn by itself there are 2 - 3 app menus, then there's the mint menu, and the gnomenu (sp?) then of course you could go with docky / synapse route | 01:41 |
chris4585 | then there is the default which is simple and I like it the best | 01:42 |
wrst | i tried awn a couple years ago | 01:42 |
chris4585 | I'm not really up to date with KDE though, I just know it has the 2 menus that come with KDE | 01:42 |
wrst | kde runs so poorly on my laptop i can't get anything done with it | 01:42 |
chris4585 | awn is pretty good now, I just wish it had some of the stuff kiba-dock had | 01:44 |
chris4585 | that was the shizz when I first played with linux lol | 01:44 |
wrst | never tried it | 01:46 |
chris4585 | you could bounce your icons around your desktop as if there was low gravity, or swing your icons around like a chain or bump icons to make them fly all over your desktop | 01:48 |
chris4585 | bunch of useless fun lol | 01:49 |
wrst | ha ha useless fun is a great thing! | 01:50 |
chris4585 | indeed | 01:55 |
wrst | like wobbly windows serve no purpose at all | 01:58 |
chris4585 | but it adds a nice fluid touch | 02:00 |
wrst | yes it really does and it isn't working in natty right now well not while using unity it makes unity go away | 02:06 |
wrst | morning everyone | 15:37 |
techMiles | hey there wrst. :) | 15:40 |
* techMiles is setting up znc again | 15:40 | |
wrst | having fun techMiles ? | 15:40 |
techMiles | ofc! :) | 15:41 |
techMiles | for some reason, znc won't find the hostname of some of the IRC servers I want. | 15:41 |
techMiles | hav ehad to use IP's before | 15:41 |
techMiles | which is fine, but idk why it won't take hostname | 15:41 |
wrst | all over my head techMiles :) | 15:42 |
techMiles | you wouldn't happen to know how to clear the dns cache in ubuntu, eh? | 15:43 |
wrst | i have at one time | 15:48 |
wrst | http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-clearflush-dns-cache-in-ubuntu.html | 15:49 |
techMiles | danke | 15:50 |
wrst | if you are on 10.04 or above i think the command to restart is now sudo service ncsd restart | 15:51 |
techMiles | a'ight. | 15:52 |
techMiles | I think I've gotten it, though... idk why it does that. | 15:52 |
techMiles | stupid thing. :) | 15:52 |
techMiles | brb. adding this network to znc. :) | 15:53 |
chris4585 | well thats interesting, I added xchat to my messaging menu, and I didn't know this but simply adding the launcher also adds the capability of it showing updates such as PMs | 18:02 |
techMiles | lol | 18:03 |
techMiles | the popup bubbles? | 18:03 |
wrst | chris4585: i didn't know you could add apps to that menu that's cool | 18:03 |
chris4585 | techMiles, it shows when someone PM'd me | 18:04 |
chris4585 | wrst, yeah its pretty simple | 18:04 |
techMiles | I like the notification popups. :) | 18:04 |
chris4585 | me too | 18:04 |
wrst | i like that too chris4585 i shalll have to mess with that! | 18:05 |
* techMiles can't wait to start switching himself over to ubuntu | 18:05 | |
chris4585 | wrst, in /usr/share/indicators/messages/applications | 18:05 |
chris4585 | pretty much copy one of the existing files in that dir, and rename it to xchat and edit the info | 18:06 |
wrst | you still in winders techMiles ? | 18:06 |
chris4585 | actually | 18:06 |
techMiles | yeah. | 18:06 |
techMiles | had to have it for mah classes. | 18:06 |
techMiles | dammit | 18:06 |
chris4585 | create a file named xchat in that dir and in the file paste this, /usr/share/applications/xchat.desktop | 18:06 |
wrst | cool chris4585 | 18:08 |
chris4585 | techMiles, like this http://i.imgur.com/VxZl8.png | 18:09 |
techMiles | that convinced me. :d am starting asap on that redo. | 18:10 |
techMiles | just have to have windows for games, and possible school stuff. | 18:10 |
chris4585 | I have win7 just for games | 18:10 |
wrst | nic screenshot chris4585 | 18:16 |
wrst | techMiles: i keep xp in a VM for our finance stuff at home which really isn't needed i'm looking to get rid of that | 18:16 |
chris4585 | thanks wrst | 18:18 |
techMiles | wrst chris4585, anybody else.. | 20:28 |
techMiles | should I install ubuntu mininmal? | 20:28 |
techMiles | debian testing? | 20:28 |
techMiles | or bt? | 20:28 |
wrst | hey techMiles | 20:49 |
wrst | techMiles: any reason why you want a minimal install? | 20:50 |
techMiles | so I can work from ground-up | 20:50 |
techMiles | instead of having to get rid of stuff i don't want/need | 20:50 |
wrst | i guess its ok but i don't really think you get much of the benefits of ubuntu going that route if i were going that route i would probably consider arch | 20:51 |
techMiles | hmm | 20:52 |
wrst | techMiles: cyberanger can really provide more info on that than me i've just never seen that ubuntu installs all that much extra that i can't just purge if i don't like it once i get it installed | 20:54 |
techMiles | yeah | 20:55 |
techMiles | I just like starting from the ground-up sometimes. | 20:55 |
techMiles | let's you learn more about it, too | 20:55 |
wrst | yeah that's one reason i like arch is the learning part, but for everyday use i like ubuntui | 20:56 |
wrst | *ubuntu | 20:56 |
techMiles | well this is going to be the operating system I use most | 20:56 |
techMiles | and I can boot into a 3rd for experimenting, or in virtualbox for that. | 20:57 |
wrst | techMiles: using gnome? | 20:58 |
techMiles | hm? | 20:58 |
techMiles | I'd probably use GNOME, yes | 20:58 |
wrst | yeah i just wouldn't fool with it and use that other learning partition to learn from, but i don't like having to mess with the system i need to use | 20:58 |
wrst | oh and techMiles personally since even the min-install will do the configuring or what not really all you are learning is to install what packages | 21:01 |
techMiles | yeah | 21:02 |
wrst | but i'm a fanboy of the ubuntu regular desktop edition or have been, the jury is out on unity :) | 21:02 |
techMiles | lol. | 21:02 |
wrst | but with a system like arch you have to edit the configs and really got down and dirty with what makes things work | 21:02 |
techMiles | yeah | 21:02 |
wrst | but all that said i may give it a go too :) | 21:03 |
techMiles | hehe | 21:11 |
wrst | sounds fun to do | 21:12 |
techMiles | ever used the netbook edition? | 21:20 |
wrst | yes | 21:23 |
techMiles | does it run well on netbooks? lol | 21:23 |
techMiles | the older, less powered ones? | 21:23 |
wrst | its using unity that 11.04 is going to for everything and i didn't like it | 21:24 |
wrst | it uses mutter | 21:24 |
techMiles | Ah. | 21:24 |
wrst | but the new unity using compiz is not bad | 21:24 |
wrst | but its ok, but a gnome install isn't bad either | 21:24 |
wrst | hey pace_t_zulu unity seems to be improving | 23:12 |
pace_t_zulu | wrst: still haven't got it running in virtualbox | 23:13 |
wrst | its better pace_t_zulu not 100% by any means but its not terrible | 23:14 |
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