
bjsniderthat only happens if the user agrees to replace his own sudoers file with the package maintainer's version00:09
Sarvattnote to self: files in /etc/sudoers.d/ need to be 044000:15
RAOFScottK: I've got some prospective packages for that KDE crash on logout bug in https://edge.launchpad.net/~raof/+archive/aubergine03:20
RAOFAs I mentioned on the bug, GLX reference counting is moderately scary; it'll need lots of testing.03:23
ScottKRAOF: OK.  We can give them a try.03:58
ScottK$TEENAGER2 is sleeping already so I can install them there ....03:59
RAOFIf your systems start to die from swap thrashing for no obvious reason after a day or so please do pipe up; it's probably the patch :)03:59
ScottKOh.  Didn't build yet....04:06
RAOFWhat, still?04:08
RAOFGah, slow PPAs.04:08
ScottKI'll start a local build and we'll race.04:09
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ScottKRAOF: Which of the binaries from this source do I need?04:21
RAOFJust xserver-xorg-core should do.04:21
RAOFAh, you'll also need xserver-common.04:22
* ScottK nods04:24
ScottKThere was not an immediate kaboom of any kind.  That's something.04:41
ScottKI've also been able to login and logout a couple of times without crash (I did remember to remove the workaround for the logout crash first)04:45
ScottKSo I'll leave this on here and we'll see what happens.04:45
ScottKThis is also the system that's been having the random X crashes, so we can see if this helps that too.04:46
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SarvattScottK: sorry for not mentioning this yesterday but there is still a lot of discussion going on about the glx drawable patch and it might not get taken in that form17:05
ScottKSarvatt: OK.  That would have been good to know, but oh well.  At least it's not obviously worse.17:05
ScottKThanks for letting me know.17:05
Sarvattv3 of it here now http://patchwork.freedesktop.org/patch/3252/17:07
ilmarihuh, why can't I send to #intel-gfx?18:24
Sarvattneed to be registered with nickserv probably18:27
ilmariah, I'd failed to identify after my last disconnect18:31
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ko2hi, are there any newer driver releases available for the Intel 82865G for Linux Kubuntu Hardy Heron?20:06
ko2mine is very old. I need a newer one20:06
tjaaltonko2: for the third time, no20:12
bjsniderhardy is also very old20:13
jcristau865G is also very old20:17
ko2a driver drom last year could be sufficient20:17
ScottKFWIW, I've got an 865G system that worked very well on Hardy, so I doubt what's shipped is a problem.20:25
ScottKSarvatt: When there's something worthwhile on the patch, please convince RAOF to upload it to his PPA and let me know.20:25
bjsniderSarvatt, i just emailed you some ppa usage stats for x-updates and xorg-edgers20:41
Sarvattbjsnider: neat!20:47
SarvattScottK: will do, v3 has problems now too20:47
Sarvatt11k downloads of intel-gpu-tools since august 30th in x-updates, hmm20:48
Sarvattnumber is a lot higher than I imagined it'd be actually20:49
Sarvattoh wow20:51
Sarvattthats just from december 8th to december 16th!?20:51
Sarvattand just for maverick too, wow20:51
Sarvattbjsnider: that's awesome, thanks for passing that along20:54
bjsniderSarvatt, no, it's retroactive to when the package first appeared int he archives21:02
bjsniderin other words the nvidia-96 package has a lot of downloads because it's been there for a long time21:03
bjsniderbut the scanner started going through the logs on the 8th, and i'm still not sure if it has finished scanning them all the way back to the beginning or not21:03
Sarvattbryceh: check it out - http://sarvatt.com/downloads/ppadownloads/x-updates~maverick~2010-12-08--2010-12-16.htm21:10
Sarvattoh not here21:10
Sarvattintel-gpu-tools is a good one to compare, that's in every desktop install and hasn't been updated since aug 30th21:11
bjsnideramd64 only21:12
bjsnideryou can grab the i386 numbers easily21:13
bjsnideri have no idea how many people still use i38621:13
Sarvattyea looking at the script now21:13
Sarvattuh because they might have netbooks for one thing? :)21:13
bjsnideryeah but outside the lpia type devices21:14
bjsniderbut you could come up with a decent ratio with this script i suppose21:14
JanCbjsnider: I use two 32-bit intel systems still, and none are "LPIA"  ;)21:34
bjsniderJanC, why is that?21:35
JanCwhy not?21:35
JanCthey still work fine...21:36
bjsnideri think you've misunderstood what i meant21:36
JanCmaybe  ;)21:36
bjsnideri meant i wasn't sure how many people who have 64-bit cpu-systems choose to install i386 ubuntu on them instead of amd6421:36
bjsnideri didn't mean 32-bit processors21:37
JanCmost new users21:37
JanCbecause the official CD is 32-bits...21:37
bjsniderright, i thought of that21:37
bjsniderbut all of us super-nerds use amd6421:37
JanCand people recommend 32-bits because of issues with flash etc.21:37
Sarvattgot i386 numbers here http://sarvatt.com/downloads/ppadownloads/21:40
bjsniderare the numbers higher than the amd64 numbers?21:40
JanCat first sight i386 numbers are somewhat higher...21:42
bjsniderperhaps it's not quite as bad as you think JanC 21:43
JanCfor xorg-edgers a little more i386 than amd64, for x-updates it's about 18k i386 vs. 11k amd64 -- so the more of a graphics freak you are the more likely you use amd64 I guess  ;)21:49
ScottKbjsnider: I use 32bit on all my systems as 64bit doesn't offer significant advantages worth the trouble of reinstalling + flash and stuff.22:34
JanCflash works fine on 64-bit if you know where to find the "developer pre-release", but that's not exactly something to explain to "newbies"22:37
ScottKNext time I buy new hardware, I'll probably install 64bit.22:38
JanCScottK: you have no systems with > 4 GiB RAM ?22:38
ScottKI don't.22:38
bjsnideri madw a ppa that provides the 64 bit flash22:38
bjsniderScottK, if one of your 32-bit systems experienced a dead hard drive and you had to reinstall everything, would you go to 64-bit or stay with 32?22:49
ScottKProbably stay with 32.  I don't see a reason to mess with something different.22:51
bjsnidereven though 32-bit ubuntu has all of those backdoors put there by the FBI?23:00

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