
Nubulissudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop00:00
cjdevlinkcorcoran: that sounds like a process error. type: ps ux and see if there is already an instance running00:00
Nubulisxangua: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop00:01
kcorcoranam i looking for the word 'fgrun' in this output?00:01
kcorcorancjdevlin: am i looking for the word 'fgrun' in this output?00:01
cjdevlinkcorcoran: yes. also look for any fgrun install directories (i don't know what they are)00:02
glitchdcan anyone give me steps to figure out why my mic isnt working in ubuntu 10.04??00:02
kcorcorancjdevlin:  i don't see any, the word or directories.  i think you're correct though..when i originally installed this i used synaptic and it installed it somewhere else.  but, for some reason it is not listed in synaptic for me to uninstall.00:03
goltoof_glitchd:  check this oiut if you haven't already  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting00:04
goltoof_glitchd:   it discusses mic troubleshooting towards the end00:04
cjdevlinkcorcoran: you installed from source most recently, correct?00:04
twinshockcjdevlin, does i hve to upgrade the package vlc00:04
kcorcorancjdevlin:  yes.00:04
cjdevlintwinshock: if there is an upgrade. yes. from what i can tell, you don't have it installed at all. sudo apt-get install vlc00:05
goltoof_glitchd:  that's all i got, i'm off.. good luck00:05
lobitowhen I decrypt a file with seahorse, it prompts for password only once, then I try it again and it doesnt prompt, the password is cached, how can I do to set the timeout to 0 ?? please help00:05
cjdevlinkcorcoran: are you trying to run from command line or gui?00:05
glitchdgoltoof_, thx00:05
twinshockcjdevlin, i use vlc 2 play other media files but yes there exist few upgrades for vlc package00:06
kcorcorani have tried both...if i browse to the ~/home/fgfs/fgrun/bin/ and double click the fgrun application or via terminal, i get the same results00:06
kcorcorancjdevlin: i have tried both...if i browse to the ~/home/fgfs/fgrun/bin/ and double click the fgrun application or via terminal, i get the same results00:06
cjdevlintwinshock: then i would recommend upgrading00:06
twinshockcjdevlin, well upgrades are upto 256 mb00:07
lobitoIm using ubuntu 10.10, I want seahorse to set the timeout cache to 0 or something like that so when I decrypt a file I want seahorse to ALWAYS ask me for the password00:07
cjdevlinkcorcoran: sudo ldconfig00:07
twinshocksry cjdevlin, well upgrades are upto 80 mb and 256 extra packages to be installed00:07
kcorcorancjdevlin: it prompted for my password; i entered it, then it just returned to and $00:08
gdblais there any way to use the natty repository if i'm on maverick?00:08
bastidrazorgdbla: if you want to break things00:09
twinshockcjdevlin, thanks for ur support..........00:09
cjdevlinkcorcoran: that was all it was supposed to do. from your home directory type: /home/fgfs/fgrun/bin/whatever the command is00:09
nit-witgdbla, why do you need to00:09
gdblabastidrazor: i just wanted an easier way to install the latest version of Qt00:09
cjdevlintwinshock: sorry couldn't work it out00:09
celestialhi everyone i need a little help setting up alsa i have a asus g73jh and i cant get the integrated sub to work or an option for it to show up any help will be appriciated00:09
lobitoplease help with seahorse, I dont want him to cache my passwords when I decrypt files00:10
bastidrazorgdbla: probably finding a ppa would be best.00:10
kcorcorancjdevlin:  no such file or directory?00:10
kcorcorancjdevlin: i know thats the path, i am looking at it in the gui00:11
kcorcorancjdevlin:  i tried again with ~/ instead of typing out /home00:11
kcorcorancjdevlin: this time it launched, however same error00:12
twinshockcjdevlin,its k ,u helped me a lot,bye..........00:12
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gdblabastidrazor: the first result for a ppa  that comes up is a launchpad link, but it still separates out the lower version for maverick and the recent one for natty00:12
cjdevlinkcororan: as much as i hate to say it, i'd say try a restart.00:12
macwhen I start ubuntu it wont go into grun00:13
macit just says Error 2100:13
Nubulisjust upgraded to ubuntu 10.10 installed kde but don't have the option to boot kde at login, any suggestions00:13
kcorcorancddevlin:  that's the only thing i have yet to try...lol.  will give it a shot00:13
macis it possible to fix grub from a live cd???00:14
Tyanyes mac, did it once using grml00:14
gdblai guess i'll just try to install the package from there anywyas00:14
macwhat do you type00:15
macjust grml??00:15
itaylor57gdbla: you will have to use the maverick ppa00:15
Tyanno... grml was the name of the live-cd distro I used00:15
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.00:16
gdblaitaylor57: it checks, huh?00:16
macI freakin tried to put open suse on a liveusb but the harddrive ubuntu grub got effetcted00:16
itaylor57gdbla: a package is tied to the kernel00:16
gdblaitaylor57: ic, thanks00:16
itaylor57mac: sudo apt-install grub00:17
TyanI mounted the boot partition from there, don't remember which commands I used then, but the grub FAQ should be able to help you with that00:17
gdblais the alpha of natty too buggy to try?  anyone on it?00:17
LADmaticCAanybody got revenge of the titans running on 64bit ubuntu?00:17
tanathmac, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub200:18
macsudo apt-install grub does not work00:19
tanathmac, i think you want part 12.100:19
Nubulisjust installed ubuntu 10.10 then proceeded to  install  kde however, I don't have the option to boot kde at login, any suggestions00:20
TyanI have a strange issue with fuse ... it works for root, but even though I made user /dev/fuse has the group 'fuse' and added my user to that group, I get the errormessage: fuse: failed to open /dev/fuse: Permission denied ... any idea what I might be missing?00:20
macnothing is working00:20
kcorcorancjdevlin: even after a reboot; same results.  not sure what to try next.00:20
bhueyIs there a chkdks for ubuntu ?00:20
mactanath: what is 12.100:20
bhueychkdsk ?00:20
tanathmac, see the menu on the right?00:20
bhueywithout having to boot into Windows ?00:20
cjdevlinkcorcoran: let me do some web search right quick00:21
itaylor57bhuey: fsck00:21
mactanath the menu where00:21
bhueyitaylor57: this is ntfs00:21
mactanath: im not following :)00:21
tanathmac, on the right side of the page i linked you00:21
Nubulisguess not. I'll try elsewhere Have a splendid evening00:22
mactanath, I have a windows installation on the ame hd00:22
bastidrazorNubulis: at the login screen select kde00:22
mactanath: I dont want to delete that00:23
jaakkahey, any ideas on how to work around bug 662781 ?00:23
Nubulisbastidrazor: I can't because i don't have the option of kde in the popup menu00:23
aladoinsanoI  have created the following short script: http://paste.ubuntu.com/544211/ to autostart with ubuntu, and it does just fine, but i always get prompted to enter my password, can i somehow avoid that?00:23
kcorcorancjdevlin;  i appreciate the assistance.00:23
onelinerso migrating from windows7; what should be my check list?00:23
bastidrazorNubulis: how did you install it? kubuntu-desktop?00:23
cjdevlinkcorcoran: what is the name of the binary?00:24
tanathmac, when you run 'sudo update-grub' it should add windows to the menu list00:24
Nubulisbastidrazor: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop00:24
tanathmac, grub doesn't delete OSes00:24
mactanath: it says command not found00:24
tanathmac, you should be following the directions, not randomly running commands00:25
tanathmac, i said _when_ you run it :P00:25
Tyananyone around who's using fuse?00:25
macwell is there any restore feature00:25
kcorcoranits a gui front-end for flightgear00:25
kcorcorancjdevlin: its a gui front-end for flightgear00:26
macI dont even know why it did this when I tolf it to install to a usb00:26
macit wasn't supposed to effect the hd00:26
cjdevlinkcorcoran: what is the command that starts it?00:26
onelineram hoping the usb isnt still plugged in00:26
Nubulismac: what exactly is the probs?00:26
tanathmac, try this instead. looks like more what you're looking for: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows00:26
macI tried to install opensuse on a usb00:26
macand the hd got effectde00:27
macnow it wont boot into grub00:27
macit just says error 2100:27
macat startup00:27
kcorcorancjdevlin: i can double click or command line /fgrun00:27
kcorcorancjdevlin:  i got it working!!!00:28
cjdevlinkcorcoran: chmod +x on fgrun00:28
cjdevlinkcorcoran: excellent. what got it working?00:28
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Nubulismac: can u boot to live cd?00:29
macim in it now00:29
kcorcorancjdevlin: part of the configuration calls for the path of another application.  i had the path of the application, however not the actual file...i added the file and it worked00:29
Nubulismac: can u open terminal00:29
macNubulis: yes00:29
cjdevlinkcorcoran: excellent: happy flight simmng00:30
Nubulismac: sudo apt-get update00:30
kcorcorancjdevlin:  thanks!!00:30
macon Nubulis it instakked something00:30
macNubulis: it installed somethign00:30
tanathmac, you need to fix your mbr00:30
skullboywhen i restart all my files are gone00:31
lorphafter i install a customized kernel, is it safe to delete everything in /usr/src if the only thing in there was the linux sources?00:31
skullboywhen i restart all my files are gone00:32
Nubulismac: sudo apt-get update grub00:32
MarkussssI'm on a Linux Mint right now00:32
MarkussssWith Compiz enabled00:32
macNubulis: E: The update command takes no arguments00:32
NubulisMarkussss: what's that like?00:32
MarkussssBut I can't find the plugin ADD-helper!00:32
PiciMarkussss: We do not support Mint here.00:32
Nubulisbeen meaning to try it00:33
Pici!mintsupport | Markussss00:33
ubottuMarkussss: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org00:33
skullboywhen i restart all my files are gone00:33
Nubulismac: try    sudo update-grub00:33
tanathmac, use the answer on this page: http://en.kioskea.net/forum/affich-25667-dual-boot-ubuntu-vista-grub-error-2100:33
skullboywhen i restart all my files are gone00:33
tanathmac, might need to install grub first if you haven't already00:34
UnholyTerrorskullboy, what do you mean?00:34
macNubulis: grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /.00:34
mactanath: yes, thats proabably all00:34
skullboyeverything but what came with the os is gone00:34
Goddardi need to downgrade php to 5.2 anyone know the safest way in ubuntu 10.1000:34
mactanath: because nothing was supposed to be installed on the hd00:35
myrkIs ubuntu 11.04 full of bugs? Is it possible to do anything efficiently on it?00:35
macit was installed on the usb00:35
UnholyTerrorskullboy, what are you running?00:35
skullboyubuntu 10.0400:35
OerHskullboy on live-cd or live-usb ?00:35
UnholyTerrorskullboy, is it the livecd?00:35
sogeppmy ubuntu won't shutdown or reboot, it stuck on black page, with no error mesaage00:36
skullboyno i installed off of a live onto my hdd harddrive00:36
UnholyTerrorskullboy, so what is it you are trying to save?00:36
UnholyTerrormyrk, what date is it today?00:37
skullboyUnholyTerror, apps and files00:37
Nubulismac: try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435100:37
UnholyTerrorskullboy, please give an example...00:37
onelineris there a tracker page for an ubuntu torrent?00:37
Texashello room does anyone use firestarter?00:37
greezmunkey1Year early...00:37
myrk@unholyterror, it's 12-15-10, why?00:37
tanathmac, (if you still get command not found. run 'sudo apt-get install grub2')00:37
mactanath: if I install grub it wont effect the existing windows right?00:38
tanathmac, you're on livedisc, no?00:38
macif I do this00:38
UnholyTerrormyrk, so it's not 2011 yet then... it' s not ready.00:38
Nubulisand if that don't help there's a million forums00:38
macroot (hd?,?)00:38
macyes tanath00:38
tanathmac, you'd be temporarily installing the program on your livedisc session00:38
skullboyUnholyTerror, like when i go to download xchat it is not installed when i reboot i download a picture its not there when i reboot i download a work doc i think you get the idea00:38
Texasdoes anyone use clam or have any knowledge on the clam software???00:39
myrk@unholyterror, yes, but I was wondering if anyone had tried it to see if it has many bugs00:39
tanathmac, it's when you run it to do things that it can affect the hard drive. but it goes to the MBR so you can choose what OS to boot00:39
jribTexas: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)00:39
Nubulismac: worst case scenario, you have to copy all files from hard disk to something else and start from scratchs00:39
skullboyUnholyTerror, like when i go to download xchat it is not installed when i reboot i download a picture its not there when i reboot i download a work doc i think you get the idea00:39
macif I install grub, will it show windows after?00:40
UnholyTerrorskullboy, what errors are you seeing when you tried to install xchat, and how did you install it?00:40
macor will it only show ubutnu00:40
tanathmac, that ubuntuforums thread Nubulis linked you is basically a more detailed guide for the answer i linked you to last00:40
sogeppmy ubuntu won't shutdown or reboot, it stuck on black page, with no error mesaage, what should i do to see the problem00:40
skullboyunholyterror, i dont get errors its just not present when i reboot00:40
macya I know00:40
macok ill try iy00:40
Texasok...my question is how reliable is it,because i installed avast and when i restarted my pc it locked the pc so i had to reinstall the os00:41
greezmunkeysogepp: press Ctrl+Atl+F2, what happens?00:41
tanathmac, no. after you USE grub you should be able to choose windows again. use one of the guides you've been linked00:41
UnholyTerrorskullboy, it's not under Applications->Internet?00:41
macok tanath00:41
Nubulismac: if bootloader is functioning correctly it will show you every os you have on your primary hard disk and give you the option to boot to the one you choose:::: Hence BOOTLOADER00:41
mactanath: can this all be done on the livecd?00:41
sogeppgreezmunkey : nothing, just moving on terminal right ???00:41
tanathmac, yep00:41
skullboyunholyterror, well it is now cause i installed there but if i restart it wont be or any of my work docs00:42
tanathmac, the original link i gave you explained things00:42
lucasreborngood nite00:42
greezmunkeysogepp: yeah, to see if there is another tty available. So it didn't do anything?00:42
lucasrebornsomeone can help me with my ubuntu server?00:42
tanathmac, you run 'sudo update-grub' after you've booted into linux to properly update the grub menu00:42
macok well tanath I just went find /boot/grub/stage100:42
sogeppyep, it's working normal00:42
Texasthanks anyways00:42
macand it says find: `/boot/grub/stage1': No such file or directory00:42
greezmunkeysogepp: Oh, so you have a login prompt?00:42
Nubulistanath: you know anything about kde, and not having the option to boot to it from the login screen after an install?00:43
lucasrebornmy server freezes networking, don't reply to pings, it's not acessible at all at random times, i fix doing a networking restart00:43
UnholyTerrorskullboy, that doesn't make sense... Are you sure you aren't running from the livecd by accident? you did remove the cd, right?00:43
greezmunkeysogepp: Do you want to restart type sudo shutdown -r 0, and supply your password when it asks.00:43
lucasrebornsometimes appear a messagem: error in task cp, blocked for 120 seconds.00:43
macok Im going to try and restart00:44
RayTracerchkconfig works much better if one adds "# chkconfig: 2345 99 01\n# description: upstart-converted-initscript" to the top.00:44
tanathmac, try 'find /grub/stage1'00:44
mactanath: ok00:44
skullboyunholyterror, yea and all my other devices but it is like i am00:44
sogeppyes. and i've done it many times, just keep stuck on black page, what should i do00:44
RayTracerchkconfig works much better if one adds "# chkconfig: 2345 99 01\n# description: upstart-converted-initscript" to the top of /lib/init/upstart-job.00:44
macbash: find /grub/stage1: No such file or directory00:44
greezmunkeysogepp: Using the method I just provided to you?00:44
stephen__What's the most basic channel for Ubuntu? I don't wanna be holding you guys up.00:44
tanathNubulis, i know a bit about kde... a while back i used to have gnome and kde... there's kdm from kde and gdm, you have to choose which one to use for login screen...00:45
lucasrebornstephen: this is the channel00:45
bibic682easy way to set up philips saa7130 tv card00:45
sogeppok, and then..???00:45
tanathNubulis, i think kdm may not present the choice (or possibly it was the other way around)00:45
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bubbalooostephen__, #ubuntu-beginners00:45
greezmunkeysogepp: If you issue that command, and then give it the password when it asks, the system should shutdown and then restart.00:46
stephen__so, I just say that?00:46
tanathNubulis, i think you need to use gdm to have the option for which to log into. or maybe they just need proper configuration and i don't know how to configure kdm to offer the choice00:46
bubbalooostephen__, whats the problem?00:46
bubbalooostephen__, #ubuntu-beginners is just a channel00:46
Nubulistanath: i installed kubuntu using sudo, everything seemed to go as normal but I don't have the option of kdesktop00:47
UnholyTerrorskullboy, go to System Monitor00:47
sogeppgreezmunkey : i've done that few times, and not working, it would stop on black page, what should ido to know what's worng on it??00:47
Nubuliswas running kde on ubuntu 10.04 but did a clean install of 10.10 and now me k don't work00:47
skullboyunholyterror, ok now what00:47
lucasrebornsomeone with server knowledge available?00:47
greezmunkeysogepp: who knows? Has this computer operated properly in the past with Ubuntu on it?00:48
skullboyunholyterror, ok now what00:48
tanathNubulis, 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm' to set gdm default. then log out and see if you have the ability to choose00:49
sogeppgreezmunkey : mm, what'd you mena with properly ??? i just didn't boot my ubuntu for few weeks, and suddenly the problem comes up00:49
greezmunkeysogepp: I'm just looking for more information. So the PC has been off for the last two weeks, but before that you had no problems?00:50
sogeppyep greezmunkey00:50
skullboyunholyterror, ok now what00:51
bibic682anyone can help....setting up philips 7130 tv card00:51
Nubulistanath: will try that. thanks00:51
skullboyunholyterror, my filesystem appers to be there but it is not00:52
UnholyTerrorskullboy, what fs does it say?00:53
greezmunkeysogepp: If the computer is not responding to a shutdown, it could be just about anything, but most likely an issue with the motherboard. I would suggest shutting it off, opening it up, and then refresh all of the motherboard connections. Unplug the wires one at a time, and plug them back in as you go. Power up once done, and see if it helps.00:53
lucasrebornmy server freezes networking, don't reply to pings, it's not acessible at all at random times, i fix doing a networking restart00:53
skullboyunholyterror, device /dev/sda2 directory /00:53
lucasrebornsometimes appear a messagem: error in task cp, blocked for 120 seconds.00:53
UnholyTerrorskullboy, type?00:54
zmills /msg nickserv00:54
skullboyunholyterror, ext400:54
UnholyTerrorskullboy, ok, open a terminal... go ahead close SM00:55
jimcooncatI'm looking for a screen magnifier, and orca's not friendly for me. Any others? aptitude search magn didn't show any00:55
sogepperrr, greezmunkey, i'm not sure bout that, he he,, can i measure it by doing some checking with software, or maybe livecd, perhaps00:55
chaospsychexcan someone help me join a NTFS recovery partition to my existing linux part?00:55
macboot still failed00:56
macerror 2100:56
machow do you get into emergency grub00:56
jimcooncatchaospsychex, don't you mean mount your NTFS parition?00:56
skullboyunholyterror, there was an error creating the child process for this terminal00:56
maclike in windows its f800:56
skullboyunholyterror, there was an error creating the child process for this terminal00:56
greezmunkeysogepp: maybe, good luck00:56
ToxicsgzTrying to install 10.10 on pentium 4 system, it will not boot from usb, created a CD and ran installer but it will not recongnize my HD  to install to.00:56
AmtraskHello, what is the package I need to install on 10.04 to have all the restricted formats? mp3 and dvds and aac, etc etc.00:57
sogepphe he, thxs anyway greezmunkey00:57
UnholyTerrorskullboy, hold on...00:57
chaospsychexjimcooncat let me explain00:57
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:57
chaospsychexjimcooncat before i installed ubuntu i had 2 partitions. one was my main, the other was a recovery partition00:57
aeon-ltdAmtrask: see above00:57
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AmtraskThank you aeon-ltd00:58
chaospsychexjimcooncat i installed ubuntu via a windows installer and it modified the main partition to install linux on00:58
chaospsychexi still have the recovery partition,i want to make it usable for ubuntu00:58
ToxicsgzSorry have to reboot.00:58
skullboyunholyterror, what should i do00:58
AmtraskFor the record I prefer the free formats but I am doing an OEM install and I just want the thing to "work" for the guy used to WIndows00:58
jimcooncatchaospsychex, if you installed with wubi, you have a file on your NTFS that holds your Ubuntu filesystem00:59
chaospsychexgo on.....00:59
jimcooncatso you have NTFS, and a recovery partition. You don't need to recover Windows again?00:59
UnholyTerrorskullboy, try CTRL-ALT-F2... your screen should go black and display a login. login and type 'mount'. press CTRL-ALT-F7 to get back to desktop. tell us what mount says about sda2 (ro or rw).01:00
chaospsychexno, i'm moving away from windows01:00
edbianchaospsychex, how's the move going?01:00
chaospsychexwhat do you mean edbian01:01
jimcooncatchaospsychex, I would suggest removing the recovery partition, and moving your Ubuntu off from wubi and onto the partition. This is not easy, but would be worthwhile01:01
digitalfizany of you know how to detach from a "screen" once you start an app in it?01:01
chaospsychexhow do i do that01:01
edbianchaospsychex, I am eager to help but I don't see anybody with problems I can help.01:01
Picidigitalfiz: ^a d01:01
fortellerI need to change the permission of a whole lot of files and folders (all of which are found in one and the same folder) to whatever permission is the normal one in Ubuntu. Could someone please point me in the right direction?01:01
edbianforteller, I can help!01:01
chaospsychexedbian i am trying to move ubuntu off wubi onto another partition01:01
edbianforteller, Where are these files?01:01
edbianchaospsychex, That's a multi-step process.  Especially if you have only one hdd.01:02
macim trying to follow the instructions but the commands are not working01:02
chaospsychexedbian ok, how can i do it01:02
edbianchaospsychex, Do you have a lot of data on your wubi install?01:02
jimcooncatchaospsychex, or just have apt make you a list of the packages you've installed, save it in your /home. back off your /home, burn an Ubuntu CD, and restart from scratch.01:03
tanathforteller, if it's stuff in your home folder you can use 'sudo chown [usernamehere] -R /home/[usernamehere]'01:03
fortellerhi, edbian. Nice to see you again! :) They're all on my second internal HDD: /media/Terra/Backups/clean-install14121001:03
chaospsychexedbian no,i just installed a week ago01:03
edbianforteller, PM me?01:03
chaospsychexcan i pm you edbian?01:03
edbianchaospsychex, yes01:03
tanathnubulis: found it. go to Sys > Admin > Login screen > show screen for choosing, and Select [user defined session] as default01:04
macNubulis: what key do you type to get into the emergency grub01:04
tanathNubulis, that should do the trick01:04
jimcooncatchaospsychex, I'm suggesting this because I lost an Ubuntu install on this laptop -- it was a wubi install. Had a glitch that ruined my NTFS partition.01:04
tanathmac, 'emergency grub' sounds like you mean the 'recovery mode' option in grub menu. just choose that01:04
mactanath: does work01:05
macIt doesn;pt do anything01:05
macno options01:05
macit just says error 2101:05
macno keys work01:05
jimcooncatmac, you might have to fix it with a livecd01:05
lucasrebornAmtrask it's ubuntu restricted extras, try to find by the app manager01:05
macjimcooncat: yes01:06
Nubulisthanks again tanath. will try that one.01:06
tanathjimcooncat, he's supposed to be doing that already01:06
macjimcooncat: I am on a live cd right now01:06
macNubulis: yes01:06
Nubulismac: oh i think esc maybe01:07
jimcooncatI'm looking for a screen magnifier, and orca's not friendly for me. Any others? aptitude search magn didn't show any01:07
Nubulismac: or alt f101:07
Nubulislets try again shall we01:07
macNubulis: and then update the grub from there?01:07
Amtrasklucasreborn thank you!01:08
Nubulismac: u still getting that error 21 thing?01:08
macNubulis: yes01:08
macbut im on live mode right now01:08
* jimcooncat says, mac needs a grub rescue!01:09
=== baka is now known as Guest81410
Guest81410@seek columbus card01:09
macjimcooncat: ya probably01:09
lucasrebornforteller i think you can use chmod, chroot and chown with -r parameter (recursively)01:09
Guest81410@seek orson card columbus01:10
=== stephen is now known as Guest53741
lucasrebornmac, you need to hold shift when booting to see the grub menu01:10
maclucasreborn: ok01:11
maclucasreborn: and then what do you suggest I do01:11
tanathlucasreborn, shouldn't need chroot01:11
tanathlucasreborn, and it's -R not -r01:12
lucasrebornyeah, it's -R01:12
lucasrebornsorry for mispelling01:12
lucasrebornmac, i don't read all your case01:12
tanathlucasreborn, 'tis an easy typo :P01:12
macok brb01:12
Nubulismac: this sounds like the problem your having try it http://www.pendrivelinux.com/grub-error-21-after-full-install-to-usb-hard-drive/01:13
ToxicsgzHow do I update to 10.10 from 10.4?01:13
lucasrebornmac, you have a non-booting system with error 21 in grub, that's it?01:13
tanathToxicsgz, run update manager01:13
lucasreborntoxicsgz: with update manager01:13
Toxicsgztanath it does not appear as an update?01:13
tanathToxicsgz, System > Admin > Update manager01:13
tanathToxicsgz, each release has it's own repos and updates01:14
Toxicsgztanath yes, there is no 10.10 update available there.01:14
tanathToxicsgz, run 'sudo update-manager -c' in terminal01:14
lucasreborni'm desperate01:15
Sparkhow do i boot up and get a root prompt to fix this system01:15
Sparkinit=/bin/bash just makes it reboot for some reason01:15
Sparkand maintanance mode hangs at mountall01:15
Sparkand doesn't provide me with a root prompt01:15
lucasrebornSpark, you can use a live CD or recovery mode on grub by holding shift when the system initializes01:15
daishadarhow do i restore the default config file for a file in /etc?  do i have to apt-get remove/install it again, or is there another way?01:16
Sparkwhat happened to init=01:16
sprungI want to connect to a second VPN and nm-applet has the second VPN greyed out so i can't select it. Why won't it let me connect to a second VPN?01:16
Sparkholding down shift doesn't do anything and the explicit 'recovery mode' options in grub just boot it without 'quiet'01:17
Flanneldaishadar: You could just snag the deb, open it as an archive, and copy the file out of it01:17
Toxicsgztananth still not there?01:17
Sparkholding down shift doesn't do anything and the explicit 'recovery mode' options in grub just boot it without 'quiet'01:17
Sparkargh ffs01:17
daishadarFlannel:  oh right, thanks :)01:17
Sparkforgotten how to type on old laptop keyboard01:17
lucasrebornholding shift gives you the grub menu that you can select recovery mode01:17
Sparkah i have the menu on by default01:17
Sparkreovery mode is useless though01:17
Sparki think it is the initrd that is buggy01:17
Sparkmaybe that is too early for recovery mode#01:18
lucasrebornSpark then use a live cd01:18
Sparkit's talking about mount /lib/init/rw01:18
maco!cn | conan01:18
ubottuconan: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk01:18
tanathToxicsgz, that's odd01:18
Sparki've had some pretty bad dist-upgrade experiences with ubuntu before but nothing that needed a live cd01:18
ToxicsgzIndeed it is tanath01:18
Sparki don't even know how to fix it yet01:18
lucasrebornthen we found the cause of the problem01:19
tanathToxicsgz, you don't see notice and button at top when it comes up?01:19
tanathToxicsgz, you did include -c right?01:19
Toxicsgztanath I have tried installing from usb but my ole system wont boot from it, I have burned a CD and can run 10.10 from it and can run the installer but I cannot allocate drive space, i get an error "No root file system". There is no HD in the partition menu. Yes I did use -c.01:20
Sparkah, this guy had the same problem https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/util-linux/+question/13160001:21
macall keys failed01:21
macit would not go into grub01:21
lucasrebornwhere is the server specific help?01:21
Sparki don't see how this can be blamed on teh user though01:21
macshift failed01:21
macit says grub loading, please wait.... error 2101:22
fortellertanath, lucasreborn: Thanks a lot both of you! :)01:22
lucasrebornwhere is the server specific help?01:22
Toxicsgztanath I am rebooting, be back soon.01:23
craigbass1976I'm trying to run GUI apps over ssh.  Everything works with ssh -X -C ipaddy for most things, but when I start firefox, it fires up a local version, or at least it's looking at my own localhost, not the one on the box I'm logged into.01:24
edbiancraigbass1976, There's some stupid flag for firefox "firefox --no-remote" or somethin' like that01:25
craigbass1976edbian, you're kidding me...01:25
Sparkis init=/bin/bash still meant to work01:26
macdoes anyone know a solution to this problem01:26
macthe errror 21 one01:26
edbiancraigbass1976, Nope.  We're firefox let's do ssh X forwarding different!  Why you ask?  Who cares!!01:26
Toxicsgztanath I am back.01:26
Sparkor is it like ctrl+alt+backspace, removed even though it's extremely useful01:26
ToxicsgzStill no update available.01:26
tanathToxicsgz, did you install windows or another os after?01:26
tanathToxicsgz, or start to?  or botch an install?01:26
ToxicsgzNo, only has 10.401:26
maclucasreborn: shift did not work01:27
nsdHow can I run executable files on a FAT formatted partition that's in my /etc/fstab? I know there's the showexec option which sets the executable bit for files ending in .bat or .exe, but what about just normal files? These are the flags I'm currently using: auto,nodev,nosuid,rw,uid=1000,gid=1000, dmask=0077,flush,shortname=mixed,user01:27
tanathToxicsgz, any trouble booting? try reinstalling grub01:27
craigbass1976edbian, I'm installing epiphany browser on that box.  Know of any issues with that before I try?01:27
Goddardi need to install php curl on 5.2 under 10.10 any help?01:27
mattalexxI'm having such a time compiling PHP with JPEG support for GD. PHP and GD are fine. It's the JPEG support that isn't working (compiles, but no JPEG support under GD in phpinfo). This is my configure string: './configure' '--prefix=/usr/local/phpfarm/inst/php-5.2.11' '--exec-prefix=/usr/local/phpfarm/inst/php-5.2.11' '--enable-debug' '--disable-short-tags' '--without-pear' '--enable-cli' '--with-pear' '01:27
mattalexx--with-openssl=/usr' '--with-iconv' '--with-curl' '--with-mysql' '--with-mysqli' '--enable-mbstring' '--enable-exif' '--with-jpeg-dir' '--with-zlib' '--with-zlib-dir' '--with-png-dir' '--with-gd' '--with-gettext' '--enable-gd-native-ttf' '--with-mhash' '--enable-ftp' '--with-pspell' '--with-mcrypt' '--enable-bcmath' '--with-mime-magic' '--with-pdo-mysql' '--enable-sockets' '--enable-soap' '--enable-fas01:27
FloodBot3mattalexx: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:27
edbiancraigbass1976, Not that I know of.01:28
ToxicsgzNo trouble booting 10.4 how do I reinstall grub?01:28
nsdGoddard: is it in the Ubuntu repository?01:28
Toxicsgz@ tanath01:28
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub201:28
edbiancraigbass1976, Just call firefox with the --no-remote flag and you should be set01:28
macit didn01:28
mattalexxAm I being blocked or something?01:28
mact happen after instaling windows01:28
Goddardnsd: yeah i believe so but it would be an older repository01:28
craigbass1976edbian, her connection is a bit slow; I'm wondering if epiphany might be faster anyway01:28
edbianmattalexx, we can see you01:28
macit happened after installing suse to a usb01:28
edbiancraigbass1976, Worth a shot01:28
Toxicsgztanath I am quite new to Linux.01:29
tanathmattalexx, see what ubottu said01:29
edbianToxicsgz, Isn't everybody?01:29
Chilaquileshey guys how can I install eclipse helios in ubuntu?01:29
craigbass1976edbian, of course, elinks would be best, but I need to see stuff besides test01:29
edbiancraigbass1976, mhmmm01:29
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server01:29
nsdGoddard: You can go to the Ubuntu package repository and attempt to download the older version (for a previous version of Ubuntu), but I can't guarantee that it'd work. The better thing to do (if it's not in the repos) would be to build it from source01:29
=== Nuit is now known as Motoko
ChilaquilesI just downloaded eclipse helios and unziped but it has a file that when I tried to execute it it says that the JRE is not available01:30
mattalexxtanath, What did the bot say? About GRUB?01:30
nsdChilaquiles: sounds like you'll have to install a JRE (Java Runtime Environment) then, though I would think that one should already be installed01:30
tanathmattalexx, no, about flooding and pastebin01:30
hanasakiwhen I hit the backspace/del in a gnome terminal and there is no more text on the line the whole gui screen dims down dark...  what can cause that?01:30
tanathmattalexx, you were suppressed breifly01:30
Sparkhanasaki: could be some sort of visual bell (but broken)01:31
macits very frusturating on why it keeps saying error 21 at startup01:31
Chilaquileshey nsd do you think Open JDK Java 6 runtime would work?01:31
macno keys appear to be functioal01:31
Toxicsgztanath checked grub install version, GNU GRUB 0.9701:31
hanasakithat's what I was thinking... if I do ^f in firefox and type something that cannot be found on the page the same happens.. .and if I bakcspace in the locked screensaver too...01:31
craigbass1976edbian, that seems to hose my local box's X session.  Got firefox working.  Thanks01:32
hanasakiSpark what controls the visual bell?01:32
tanathToxicsgz, recommend removing it for grub201:32
itaylor57Chilaquiles: where did you get the download from?01:32
hanasakiSpark anyone>? heard of this in 10.10 ?01:32
Goddardnsd: it should just be a dll file and a exstension i think not sure though01:32
edbiancraigbass1976, Excellent :)01:32
nsdChilaquiles: It should work fine... I think you can use that or the (proprietary?) Oracle one, but I don't know if that's in the repos. I'd say to give OpenJDK a try01:32
mattalexxtanath, Yes, I really thought that configure command was shorter in my clipboard. Sorry to flood, really.01:32
UnholyTerrormac, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-875952.html01:32
tanathmattalexx, just explaining. you asked if we could see you01:32
tanathmattalexx, and you didn't seem to know better than to flood01:33
nsdGoddard: There are no .dll's in Linux. Have you ever tried installing something from source before?01:33
Goddardnsd: i meant so01:33
macUnholyTerror: the commands dont work01:33
nsdGoddard: oh ok lol01:33
macUnholyTerror: they keep comming back with errors01:34
nsdGoddard: There may be a .deb package on the PHP site, I don't know01:34
UnholyTerrormac, #grub01:34
macin terminal?01:34
Chilaquilesare the servers here in the IRC running on linux?01:34
nsdGoddard: nope, nevermind -- just source01:34
edbianChilaquiles, Of course!  Most of the servers in the world are running linux01:34
Sparklooks like aptitude fucked up01:34
FloridaGuytrying to install a new plymouth theme in ubuntu 10.10.... installing the MIB-Ubuntu  from here...   http://www.ubunturoot.com/2010/07/mib-plymouth-theme-for-ubuntu-and.html    .....   following the directions....then when i reboot...my screen is in verbose mode..just a text shutdown...and a black bootup01:34
Sparka whole bunch of packages aren't even installed01:34
UnholyTerrormac, no, another channel01:34
macUnholyTerror: hold on I gotta get into livemode or this,01:34
nsdGoddard: Actually, you're in luck because I found the php 5 curl module in the repo. Just do sudo apt-get install php5-curl01:35
Chilaquilesedbian, but before linux? what the servers were running?01:35
craigbass1976Chilaquiles, I think there were circuit boards hooked up to hamster wheels.  Not sure what OS you call that...  :)01:35
edbianChilaquiles, unix01:35
Goddardnsd: i get a broken package error because im running 10.10 with a older version of php 5.2 and current is 5.301:35
edbianChilaquiles, is my guess.01:35
Chilaquilesok but are there any virus for linux?01:36
craigbass1976edbian, unix came out in 71-ish, yes?01:36
nsdGoddard: Ohhh ok now I see your problem. Well, as I said before you may be able to locate the package on the Ubuntu site which lets you download for any version of Ubuntu. I can check quickly for you01:36
edbiancraigbass1976, oh boy.  uhh.... Wikipedia?01:36
craigbass1976Chilaquiles, worms.  I remember a big red hat one a while back01:36
Chilaquilesin that case it would make linux unstable01:36
Goddardnsd: thanks man your awesome01:36
Chilaquilesare there any virus for the last version of ubuntu though?01:37
Goddardnsd: the error http://pastebin.com/nKMh40fW01:37
craigbass1976I am curious, if anyone is paying attention, as to whether or not someone could write a virus that affects systems with sudo users.  Why couldn't it snag your password, or know when you've entered it (so that it still has ten minutes or whatever to work it's magic) to run a sudo command.01:38
edbianChilaquiles, There are no viruses in the wild for Linux.  There are several (hundred) proof of concept viruses for linux.  They all depend on you doing something rather silly.  Viruses in linux are a controversial issue01:38
edbiancraigbass1976, It cannot run without you giving it permission to run first.01:38
edbiancraigbass1976, programs cannot see what other programs are doing unless they are part of the operating system01:38
nsdGoddard: That's rather strange because you should have the latest version of PHP if you've upgraded. At any rate, the version of PHP curl for Karmic is 5.2.10, so it *may* work: http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/php5-curl01:38
gogetaok i got a question. buddys wife dropped laptop and broke the dc mounting bracket. it still works but likes to come undone easly. think some dubble sided tape will hold it it my machine now.01:39
nsdGoddard: Just select i386 or amd64 for whatever system you have01:39
hanasakiSpark thanks! that wsa the key word I needed.. fixed... http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1521362.html01:39
Goddardnsd: its by choice this is my development machine01:39
nsdGoddard: ah01:39
Chilaquilesedbian, ok so from what you are saying getting a virus in a linux server would be something very rare01:40
=== Loveless is now known as danzer
edbianChilaquiles, Yes.01:40
edbianChilaquiles, near impossible if you are a good network administrator01:40
kaylineDCC SEND "ohshiniggazklgr" 0 0 001:40
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.01:41
Piciedbian:  And even if you're a bad one.01:41
Chilaquileswhat distribution of Linux would you recommend to have for a server?01:41
UndiFineDChilaquiles, ubuntu server :)01:41
FloridaGuyanyone home01:41
Chilaquilesno, seriously01:41
nsdChilaquiles: Unix like systems (such as Linux) are inherently very secure and offer features not found in other operating systems such as Windows, although later versions of Windows are much improved with respect to security. Ubuntu is an actively maintained distribution, so I'd imagine it's good on the security front01:41
edbianChilaquiles, :) I would recommend Debian (but I am bias)01:42
Goddardnsd: nice i didnt know you could download the packages like this01:42
edbianPici, :)01:42
nsdGoddard: Yep, just packages.ubuntu.com01:42
Chilaquilesright edbian, but I've heard that debian is really hard to configure as a server01:42
FloridaGuytrying to install a new plymouth theme in ubuntu 10.10.... installing the MIB-Ubuntu  from here...   http://www.ubunturoot.com/2010/07/mib-plymouth-theme-for-ubuntu-and.html    .....   following the directions....then when i reboot...my screen is in verbose mode..just a text shutdown...and a black bootup01:42
=== Nikon is now known as Gggodlike
Chilaquilesis very robust as a server, but very hard to configure, and you need a lot of linux knowledge and experience01:43
nsdChilaquiles: Security is not just about how secure the distribution is: any good administrator must spend a lot of time locking down any server installation before it would be ready for deployment. Things like writing IPTables firewalls and other such configuration files...01:43
Chilaquilesis this true?01:43
edbianChilaquiles, I disagree.  I think it's the same to configure as Ubuntu (neither one has a gui).  I say Debian because it is more stable.01:43
Chilaquilesmore stable than?01:43
edbianChilaquiles, yeah.  More stable than Ubuntu01:43
=== Nikon is now known as kayline_
Goddardnsd: that doesn't wanna work because it needs php5-common and i tried installing that but its only for people who built php from source01:44
Goddardnsd: damn01:44
holoseenmaybe no viruses but what about the proftpd  hack? http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/12/02/proftpd_backdoored/01:44
ChilaquilesI will try to install debian then thanks for the recommendation01:44
fleurehello, i like to know if transmission can work with  tor/vidalia ?01:44
edbianChilaquiles, Have fun!01:45
multi_ioso..I want to encrypt my /home volume.01:45
multi_iois LUKS the best way to do that?01:45
FloridaGuytrying to install a new plymouth theme in ubuntu 10.10.... installing the MIB-Ubuntu  from here...   http://www.ubunturoot.com/2010/07/mib-plymouth-theme-for-ubuntu-and.html    .....   following the directions....then when i reboot...my screen is in verbose mode..just a text shutdown...and a black bootup....????????01:45
hanasakiwhat vpn do you all use?   I need a linux server with windows linux and mac clients01:45
edbianChilaquiles, It is possible that another distro is better.  It doesn't matter what they're good at as much as what works for you.01:45
nsdGoddard: So what happens when you try to install php-common specifically? Does it break because it tries to install the newer version? If that's the case, you can try snagging version 5.2 of that from packages.ubuntu.com01:45
nsdGoddard: You may also be able to snag version 5.2 of PHP from source and try compiling and installing _just_  the curl module01:46
multi_iothe user must have to re-enter the passphrase also after every wake-up from hibernation01:46
oxyrosisim now on 10.04 and i have no sound. sound did work with the live cd and after install/reboot, nothing.01:47
oxyrosisoh and hi KM020101:47
KM0201oxyrosis, greetings... get the sound problem figured out?01:47
FloridaGuyAnyOne able to help with this...??     trying to install a new plymouth theme in ubuntu 10.10.... installing the MIB-Ubuntu  from here...   http://www.ubunturoot.com/2010/07/mib-plymouth-theme-for-ubuntu-and.html    .....   following the directions....then when i reboot...my screen is in verbose mode..just a text shutdown...and a black bootup....????????01:47
oxyrosisnope, downgraded to 10.04 to see if that did it. still nope01:47
oxyrosisi dont wanna buy ANOTHER damn peice of hardware01:48
KM0201oxyrosis, lol, sound cards are cheap.01:48
Chilaquilesfor example for a IRC server, what would be a good distro?01:48
KM0201as long as yu don't want booming sound...01:48
oxyrosisyeah, but i already had to buy the motherboard, cpu, and a damn optical drive because this motherboard wouldnt read usb for boot01:49
Gggodlikewhat is ??DCC SEND "ohshiniggakylgr" 0 0 001:49
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.01:49
KM0201oxyrosis, hmm01:49
oxyrosisnobody else on here is audio knowledgeable?01:49
sprungyes, those that were disconnected need to update their firmware01:50
sprungon their routers01:50
edbianWhy do people attack the Ubuntu chat room so often?  What benefit do they get out of it?01:50
hunterm lots of people01:50
KM0201oxyrosis, does the machine have frontside audio hooked up?01:50
sprungedbian, they think it's funny.01:50
huntermlots of targets01:50
Chilaquilesthey are against wikileaks edbian :P01:50
oxyrosisno, just the back01:50
pgpkeysnothing except a supposed e-penis with friends that think its cool to attack places01:50
pgpkeystheyre basically idiots01:50
KM0201oxyrosis, ok...01:50
ChilaquilesLets attack wikileaks!!!01:51
sprungedbian, yes, lots of targets too and plenty of people who.... um, less than know what they are doing which is why they come here for help.01:51
PiciLets get back to support.01:51
edbianChilaquiles, ha01:51
edbiansprung, good point01:51
FloridaGuytrying to install a new plymouth theme in ubuntu 10.10.... installing the MIB-Ubuntu  from here...   http://www.ubunturoot.com/2010/07/mib-plymouth-theme-for-ubuntu-and.html    .....   following the directions....then when i reboot...my screen is in verbose mode..just a text shutdown...and a black bootup....????????01:51
ChilaquilesFloodBot? thats a nice name for a op01:52
PiciChilaquiles: Its a bot.01:52
ChilaquilesI know01:52
Chilaquilesbut the name01:52
sprungChilaquiles, what's nice about it? it prevents floods01:52
schlippenFloridaGuy you been rooted01:52
Chilaquileswell with the name it seems like they create floods instead of attacking, but anyways..01:53
ChilaquilesI was just curious01:53
FloridaGuyschlippen, i been rooted ??01:53
schlippenFloridaGuy try safe-mode01:53
guampawow, high s/n ratio here01:53
sprungChilaquiles, RespondsToFloodsBot is a bit long01:53
guampaa bad installed plymouth theme is not being rooted01:53
schlippenand remove that theme01:53
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:54
sprungChilaquiles, by your logic, we should call firemen antifiremen01:54
FloridaGuyschlippen, safe mode for what to do the plymouth theme01:54
lahwranhow do I tell dhcpd3 what the default gateway should be for a subnet?01:54
schlippenso you can try to get it running01:54
Disk1of5Hey all i have a android phone and looking for the best way to Sync music/playlists.. (im not able to use MTP due to the device is too new... (even though its half a year old still)) ...any ideas?01:54
schlippenand unbreak it01:54
lahwranwhen I do "gateway" it errors with "semicolon expected"01:54
sprungDisk1of5, please part this channel and visit #android01:54
Chilaquileswell makes some sense01:54
ibmhi. is there an app that shows cpu temp in the taskbar?01:55
sprungibm: yes. next question01:55
schlippenFloridaGuy that theme was most likely not a theme from what you just said.01:55
FloridaGuyschlippen, how do i get safe mode i dont even see grub when the system boots01:55
tsimpsonlahwran: lines must end with a semicolon01:55
lahwrantsimpson, it does01:55
ibmsprung: next question: what is it?01:55
sprungibm, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-linux-get-sensors-information/01:56
ubu_frzCan anyone tell me why sometime, when I try to suspend Maverick running on my laptop, it freezes?01:56
FloridaGuyschlippen, did you look at it....    http://www.ubunturoot.com/2010/07/mib-plymouth-theme-for-ubuntu-and.html01:56
sanal_madathethhello all..01:56
tsimpsonlahwran: and use "option routers"01:56
lahwranah that started01:56
sprungibm, in the time you spent asking a question which i found the answer for using google, you could have alternatively gone to www.google.com and typed cpu temperature linux and found a plethora of sites. You asking in here was not only time consuming but did not provide a variety of options to choose from.01:57
sprungibm, you will find that if you go to www.google.com and search for what you are looking for, you may find the answer without asking in this channel01:58
sprungibm, it's an incredible site really01:58
aisourphI use both Thunderbird and Firefox, have set up the Mozilla daily PPAs for Firefox (would be happier with betas not nightlies, but *shrug*), but very much don't want to use non-release versions of Thunderbird. /etc/apt/preferences looks appropriate but I can't get it to work.01:58
tsimpsonsprung: please do not tell people to "go google it"01:58
aisourphPresumably this is possible, but what am I doing wrong?01:58
sprungtsimpson, i answered the man's question01:59
sprungtsimpson, i found it using google of course01:59
ubu_frzCan anyone tell me why sometimes, when I try to suspend Maverick running on my laptop, it freezes?01:59
aisourph(and I have read the apt_preferences man page)01:59
Disk1of5sprung, quick question why am i to ask in #android when my question is clearly a distribution oriented questioned geared around the lack of updates to libmtp?01:59
schlippenFloridaGuy I'm not sure how to fix it, maybe some other expert can help?01:59
tsimpsonsprung: that's up to you, but we don't tell people to just google it when they need help. some people aren't so good with search engines and are asking for help02:00
sprungDisk1of5, because you aren't running Ubuntu, you are running Android.02:00
sprungtsimpson, I don't know why you are accusing me of telling him to just google it when I did no such thing02:00
schlippenFloridaGuy try holding shift during boot02:00
schlippenif that works select recovery mode02:00
ibmlm_sensor shows a little number in the taskbar only? thats what im looking for02:00
sprungtsimpson, I explained to him my troubleshooting process. You are welcome to answer his question if you would like.02:01
Disk1of5sprung, Im running Ubuntu.. trying to sync with Android..02:01
Ademanis there a way to change the port that Evolution uses to connect to smtp servers? I don't see it in config, and I poked around a bit in gconf to no avail02:01
craigbass1976I have a former xp drive that I installed ubuntu on.  What are the chances of getting files off of it from when xp resided on the drive?  I know that government can do it, can I?02:01
tsimpsonsprung: "...you could have alternatively gone to www.google.com and ...", "...you will find that if you go to www.google.com and search..."02:01
sprungtsimpson, Perry Mason, that was after I answered his question with a link explaining the answer. Drop the subject immediately.02:02
IdleOnesprung: change your attitude and get back on topic please02:02
KM0201crag... probably somewhere between "not very good" and "near impossible".. if you've already formatted the drive and installed ubuntu on it.02:02
tsimpsonsprung: I'm just informing you of the rules, if you disagree we can discuss it in #ubuntu-ops?02:02
sprungIdleOne, The subject is dropped, he needs to end it as well02:02
KM0201craigbass1976, ... probably somewhere between "not very good" and "near impossible".. if you've already formatted the drive and installed ubuntu on it.02:03
aisourphcraigbass1976: depends how much of the disk blocks you've overwritten. By default I think the Ubuntu installer doesn't do an actual full disk write (I might be wrong here), only enough to set up the drive02:03
Disk1of5thank you...02:03
ibmannouncement: 90% of questions asked can be found on google and/or ubuntu forums. all noobs must die02:03
dfhsd<craigbass1976> i don't governments can do that when you fill up your disc four times with random data02:03
tilted_mindWith KDE if I drag a window to the edge it resizes to take up half the screen.  How can I get the same effect in gnome?02:03
ibmbye yall02:03
xanguaibm: see you never02:03
aisourphSo, the larger the disk, the more unrewritten blocks likely exist.02:03
iluminator101I got his error please help http://pastebin.com/z5fETnqz02:04
dan_help me please, my english is bad but i'll try...02:04
edbianiluminator101, broken link02:05
edbian!ask | dan02:05
ubottudan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:05
dan_i wanna "burn" iso windows xp in my pendrive for ubuntu, its possible?02:05
edbiandan_, windows xp is not a live CD02:05
dan_i know...02:05
iluminator101I got his error please help http://pastebin.com/z5fETnqz02:05
schlippenFloridaGuy you may have to disable the splash loading screen to get in as well.02:06
dfhsdRecovery of supposedly erased data from magnetic media is easier than what many02:06
dfhsdpeople would like to believe. A technique called Magnetic Force Microscopy02:06
dfhsd(MFM) allows any moderately funded opponent to recover the last two or three02:06
dfhsdlayers of data written to disk. Wipe repeatedly writes special patterns to the02:06
dfhsdfiles to be destroyed, using the fsync() call and/or the O_SYNC bit to force02:06
FloodBot4dfhsd: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:06
dfhsddisk access.02:06
aisourphIIRC it's possible with some weirdness to get WinXP to run off a USB drive that way but Vista and newer are really better in that regard...02:06
edbiandan_, You wanna burn an Ubuntu iso on windows xp?  it is possible.  Follow the instructions on the website.  www.ubuntu.com02:06
aisourph(it's still not a livecd/dvd though)02:06
dan_I want to replace the cd pendrive02:06
Invisikonanyone know of a bug in 11.04 where after u upgrade the system from install.. u cant use gnome/unity? it hangs completely02:06
edbiandan_, I don't know what you mean02:06
dan_i wanna burn windows xp iso on ubuntu 10.1002:06
dan_from pendrive02:07
craigbass1976aisourph, I installed ubuntu and shut it off.  A week or so later, my wife said "hey, I need such and such off that computer"  I hadn't even booted it since the install02:07
dan_my cd room broken =/02:07
nsddan_: Are you saying that the iso is on a pendrive, or that you want to install to the pendrive? Those are two different things02:07
jamesklyneburn it using brasero02:07
itaylor57Invisikon: thats Natty, next release02:07
nsddan_ nvm, I see now02:07
Invisikoni know it is itaylor5702:07
jamesklyneoh bootable usb?02:07
* KM0201 hates brasero02:07
twaggsanyone help with nvidia 420M on a dell xps l501x?02:07
nsddan_ There may be instructions for that on the Ubuntu wiki02:07
Invisikonim making sure the bug hasnt been reported, or if anyone knows/has a work around02:08
dan_burn windows xp iso in pendrive02:08
dan_but its possible?02:08
dan_its my question02:08
jamesklyneor k3b or whatev02:08
iluminator101I got his error http://pastebin.com/KYRiUxtR thanks in advance02:08
aisourphcraigbass1976, if it's a reasonably-sized drive, there's a chance the file's still there, with the right recovery software. Ubuntu writes 2-3GB I think on installation, so if those didn't clobber it, then you might be able to find the file in question if you know its contents02:08
TeslaTonyI just reinstalled Ubuntu on my laptop, and grub no longer shows my win7 install....which I kinda want to keep. Help?02:08
itaylor57Invisikon: Just checking some mistype the distro release02:08
aisourphStandard disk recovery software might have problems if it tries to infer how to scan from the filesystem though (ext4 now likely, rather than NTFS).02:09
dabukalamI'm looking to turn my ubuntu desktop into a bluetooth server which can receive bluetooth audio and play it on connected speakers, so I can basically listen to the music on my phone wirelessly02:09
Invisikonnp itaylor57, thanks i know stable is 10.10 =]02:09
dabukalamhow is that possible?02:09
craigbass1976aisourph, what software is that?  Something in the repos?02:09
twaggsanyone help with nvidia 420M on a dell xps l501x?02:09
=== DJAshnar is now known as SamuraiAlba
alex87_do many of you encrypt your home directory?02:10
Invisikoni do.02:10
UnholyTerrortwaggs, what's the problem?02:10
twaggsanyone help with nvidia 420M on a dell xps l501x? When I attempt to start X after driver installation, the screen flickers and goes back to terminal02:10
alex87_Invisikon, what do you use for it?02:10
aisourphcraigbass1976, not that I know of, but this is about the limit of my knowledge on filesystem recovery in your situation. It might end up being specialized, or it could be as simple as booting from a liveCD and grepping (or analogous tool using...) through the block device representing the partition02:10
UnholyTerrortwaggs, have you verified that X is using the nvidia driver?02:11
dfhsd<dabukalam> how is that possible? Interresting!02:11
KM0201craigbass1976, if you're using the computer, and you want any hope of possibly getting something off of it, you really need to shut it down, and google fixes on other machines02:11
twaggsUnholyTerror, I've tried manually installing the driver, and letting ubuntu do it with aditional drivers.  both yield same result02:11
Invisikonalex87_: incase someone takes my drive, etc it cant be read in any other machine but mine02:12
sanal_madathethafter upgrading to 11.04 ,no panels,window close buttons.Tried removal and reinstallation of metacity,still not getting it02:12
alex87_Invisikon, are you using the encryption provided by ubuntu?02:12
wqapolHello, I have asimple question. When we custom build any package and do 'make install'. Does it overwrite previous version(if any)?02:12
craigbass1976KM0201, it's been off since I realized I needed the files.  six or eight months now.  Sitting there.  Taunting me...02:12
aisourphAlso... about my question... http://pastebin.com/T85GRUjY - how do I get apt to respect the preferences I give it being difference for the PPA and non-PPA?02:12
Invisikonalex87_: correct.02:12
UnholyTerrortwaggs, double check that /etc/X11/xorg.conf shows the 'nvidia' driver?02:12
KM0201craigbass1976, oh ok... i'm guessing your efforts will still be futile.. but... who knows.02:13
swimfor some reason, a bunch of things just starting going wrong on my ubuntu 10.1002:13
KM0201craigbass1976, did you try googling "data recovery"02:13
dabukalam!google | KM020102:13
ubottuKM0201: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.02:13
twaggsUnholyTerror, Section "Device"02:13
twaggs    Identifier     "Device0"02:13
twaggs    Driver         "nvidia"02:13
twaggs    VendorName     "NVIDIA Corporation"02:13
aisourphcraigbass1976, the summary, and this has its advantages and disadvantages for you, is that it actually might be feasible. And "data recovery" is a really really broad topic.02:13
craigbass1976KM0201, a while ago.  We jsut had a little "spat" over it, and I was in this chat anyway, so I thought I'd ask.02:13
KM0201dabukalam, i don't need you to trigger me w/ useless bots.. i was asking him if he had tried it02:13
KM0201dabukalam, and if you pay attention, my next question(assume the answer was yes) was what it turned up, and i was going to try and offer a suggestion, so if you don't like my answers, ignore me02:14
swimfor some reason, my 10.10 just stopped waking up from suspend and I have wierd tracers on things when my computer reboots02:14
sanal_madathethFloodBot1, can u plz help me?02:14
twaggsUnholyTerror, only way to boot into X is to do recovery/failsafeX02:14
KM0201craigbass1976, who's "we"02:14
craigbass1976KM0201, my wife and I02:14
dabukalamKM0201: ;) chill, we're all here to help each other02:14
UnholyTerrortwaggs, hold...02:14
KM0201dabukalam, well, i don't need your condescension, when you're not even paying attention to the conversation....keep it to yourself02:15
KM0201craigbass1976, ah... ok.. :)  been there02:15
Matthew_Wcould someone tell me how to fix:  "Can't connect to wireless, firmware missing" in maverick?02:15
swimfor some reason, my 10.10 just stopped waking up from suspend and I have wierd tracers on things when my computer reboots02:16
KM0201Matthew_W, your wireless device is?02:16
UnholyTerrortwaggs, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=157944402:16
ubuntuislovedanyone try the new nvidia drivers yet?02:16
TeslaTonysanal_madatheth, Try #ubuntu+1 . You're running an untested alpha that doesn't work so well yet. If you want a more stable ubuntu, try 10.10 (latest release)02:16
G0dihow i register my nick ?02:16
KM0201!register | G0di02:16
ubottuG0di: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode02:16
Matthew_WKM0201: Not sure, whatever comes standard in a Dell Inspiron 150102:17
luxurymodewtf, im on a brand new 320 GB HD and ubuntu is telling me "this computer has only 162 MB disk space remaining."02:17
twaggsUnholyTerror, yeah, i've been there.  i have the last post02:17
sanal_madathethTeslaTony, Thanks02:17
KM0201Matthew_W, open a terminal and type "lspci" (thats a lowercase L) hit enter.. and it will spit out your PCI devices, find your wireless device and let me know what ti is(do not paste the whole freaking out put in the channel)02:17
azlonevery time i burn an Ubuntu CD i get BOOTMGR is missing02:18
azloni download the file directly from the Ubuntu site02:18
azlonseveral times in fact02:18
ChaosPsycheXis anyone familiar with the wubi-move-to-partition program?02:18
twaggsazlon, did you check the md5sum?02:18
ScarecrowQuick question: I have a lot of stuff installed (Games, Wine with 3 weeks worth of config, a lot of internet stuff, things I've coded myself) on my ubuntu partition at the moment. Is it possible to preserve this stuff and move over to Mint taking them with me, or would I need to install everything again?02:18
azlontwaggs: how can i do that? i have the ISO on this Ubuntu 10.04 machine02:18
twaggsazlon, type "md5sum <nameOfFile>02:19
dewwScarecrow: if you're lucky, most of your stuff is in /etc and /home02:19
Invisikonanyone familiar with 11.04 (natty) ?02:19
Matthew_WKM0201: give me a few minutes... I have to go find a keyboard to do this02:19
aisourphScarecrow, for programs, Mint is debian/ubuntu-based so you can mostly port the installed packages list probably02:19
Matthew_WKM0201: unless there's an onscreen keyboard?02:19
twaggsazlon, then google ubuntu md5 and you'll find a list that your iso should match02:19
aisourphand just automatically reinstall it all (see deborphan or dpkg -l for examples of that)02:19
KM0201Matthew_W, i dunno, maybe...02:19
ChaosPsycheXne1 know anything about wubi?02:20
sprungIdleOne, tsimpson  Gggodlike was the one who did the exploit a few minutes ago02:20
pgpkeysPlease ask SICCO questions :) Specific, Informative, Concise, Complete, and On-Topic. This means we need a description of the problem, it's symptoms, what you have tried, and MAKE SURE you've searched for answers on your own FIRST! GOOGLE IS YOUR FRIEND! Without this information, we can not assist you since we can not troubleshoot a problem if we have no info regarding what it should be doing and is not.02:20
Matthew_WKM0201: It's a long story, it's a wall mounted autoupdate photoframe02:20
KM0201Matthew_W, i see.02:20
Matthew_WKM0201: Actually it looks like ubuntu smart recognized the drivers were missing in System-Admin-Additional Drivers.02:20
IdleOnesprung: yeah, innocent victim it seems02:20
twaggsUnholyTerror, do you have any other ideas, or do I just have to wait it out until canonical fixes it?02:20
Flannelpgpkeys: Please don't ever do that again.02:20
sprungoh. ok.02:20
KM0201Matthew_W, ok.. what driver is there for it?02:20
Matthew_WKM0201: Though when I did that... it says "system installarchives() failed"02:21
pgpkeysflannel: err why not?02:21
Gggodlikesprung, i asked02:21
Matthew_WKM0201: Broadcom B4302:21
Gggodlikewhat it was02:21
eazyigzhi, I'm trying to figure out how to direct my audio output to a bluetooth speaker.  Has anybody done this?02:21
Matthew_WKM0201: Though it fails to install02:21
UnholyTerrortwaggs, cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep ee02:21
Flannelpgpkeys: Because it was spammy and unnecessary.02:21
KM0201Matthew_W, yea... i take it it's nt connected to the internet02:21
valrosmight anyone be able to help me diagnose an ssh connectivity issue?02:21
dewwpgpkeys: this isn't efnet ^_^02:21
IdleOnepgpkeys: also it went against our channel policies02:21
tsimpsonpgpkeys: spam, that is random and unsolicited messages, is not welcome02:21
Matthew_WKM0201: Nah, I put a wired conection it02:21
dabukalamFlannel: HAHAHA02:21
Matthew_WKM0201: so it is02:21
azlontwaggs: the has matches02:21
pgpkeysasking  ne1 know anything about wubi is spammy and unnecessary.02:21
Guest41346Is it useful to install the GSM Multiplexer, when on-line with gsm using usb modem?02:21
twaggsazlon, ok, the iso if fine then02:21
pgpkeysWHAT about wubi? WHAT is the problem?02:22
KM0201Matthew_W, ok.. if you can get hardware drivers to load, and activate that b43 driver, it should work02:22
Matthew_WKM0201: Though synaptic was running02:22
UnholyTerrortwaggs, cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep ww02:22
tsimpsonpgpkeys: no, that's not what you posted02:22
Matthew_WKM0201: and that's been trouble in the past02:22
=== Guest41346 is now known as go3900
pgpkeysidleone: ok now that I understand02:22
twaggsUnholyTerror, what am i looking for?02:22
swimfor some reason, my 10.10 just stopped waking up from suspend and I have wierd tracers on things when my computer reboots02:22
Matthew_Wtrying again02:22
KM0201Matthew_W, well, close synaptic, and open hardware drivers.02:22
azlontwaggs: i just right clicked on the iso file in nautilus and said burn to CD. the slowest it would let me select is 8x... is there a better way to burn an iso?02:22
BitEncryptwhen saving in gedit txt editor what does the 'line ending' function mean02:22
Flannelpgpkeys: Right. But you didn't help that person to ask a better question, you just spouted a paragraph of text.  While it may have been well meaning, there are more effective means of helping.02:22
ChaosPsycheXi installed ubuntu using wubi. i then wanted to move my ubuntu installation over to another partition, using wubi-move-to-partition. after i did this and tried to boot into it i got an error msg and dropped to a command prompt02:22
twaggs[   261.696] (**) |-->Screen "Screen0" (0)02:22
twaggs[   261.700] (II) Loading extension XFree86-VidModeExtension02:22
twaggs[   261.700] (II) Loading extension XFree86-DGA02:22
twaggs[   261.709] (II) Loading extension XFree86-DRI02:22
twaggs[   262.039] no screens found02:22
FloodBot3twaggs: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:22
aisourphYeah so IRC help etiquette tends to be 'just ask'. But I've 'just asked' twice now with plenty of other traffic around so it's not as if the channel is dead and the first time I mentioned the various RTFMing I'd done via URLs etc (the justf___inggoogleit people can shut up)  and got ignored both times except for my discussion with craigbass1976. So my question: are apt preference just a bad thing do ask about at the moment per people wh02:23
aisourpho know/care about them not being active?02:23
UnholyTerrortwaggs, what does those two commands show.... can you pastebin?02:23
sprungthe problem I have been having is I want to connect to a VPN that is inside of another VPN. When I try to connect to the first VPN, no problem, but when I try to connect to the second that is inside, it's greyed out and I can't select it. Is this a limitation of network-manager?02:23
Hilikusi installed an nvidia video card and connected the svideo output to my tv but the resolution is too big. the image is cut on the edges. is there any way to fix this?02:23
oxyrosisKM0201, this is me in livecd mode, and guess what? the sound is now busted here too.02:23
Invisikonanyone familiar with 11.04 (natty) ?02:23
KM0201oxyrosis, hmm02:23
pgpkeys:shrug: its worked for focusing people and their questions for years on multiple networks including this one, BUT since it bothers you I will do as you ask and not do it again02:23
twaggsUnholyTerror, trying to figure that out now02:23
UnholyTerrortwaggs, cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE02:23
pgpkeysAND i will offer apologies02:23
Flannelpgpkeys: Thanks.  Much appreciated.02:24
twaggsUnholyTerror, http://paste.ubuntu.com/544254/02:24
tsimpsonInvisikon: natty support is in #ubuntu+102:24
UnholyTerrortwaggs, capital EE and WW02:24
luxurymodewhich version of adobe flash should i download? YUM for linux or APT for 9.04+?02:24
BitEncrypthilikus, have tried messin with the resolution02:24
aisourphYUM is for OpenSUSE/Fedora/etc02:24
aisourphmodulo alien02:24
luxurymodeaisourph: so which one then?02:24
HilikusBitEncrypt: yes, but it is always cut02:24
go3900Is it useful to install the GSM Multiplexer, when on-line with gsm using usb modem? I would like to pimp my connection a bit02:25
twaggsUnholyTerror, http://paste.ubuntu.com/544255/02:25
sprungluxurymode, definitely not the YUM one, but there is Adobe Flash 10 available from the Ubuntu Software Center02:25
aisourphbetween those, apt.02:25
swimfor some reason, my 10.10 just stopped waking up from suspend and I have wierd tracers on things when my computer reboots02:25
luxurymodesprung: oh awesome02:25
valrosSo I cant ssh or telnet into my desktop from any other machine in the LAN, but connecting through localhost is viable, any suggestions?02:25
aisourphbut personally I prefer to get the tarball from adobe labs directly, for the 64-bit version02:25
sprungluxurymode, are you getting this via the Ubuntu Software Center? you should be doing that02:25
sprungyeah 64 bit is different02:25
naveen1hii.. iam a newbie to ubuntu.. can someone help me with finger-ldap package uninstallation??02:25
sprungluxurymode, are you using 64 bit?02:25
BitEncrypthilicus, does your monitor come with zoom or unzoom function02:25
BitEncrypthilikus, see above02:26
UnholyTerrortwaggs, can you just pastebin the whole Xrg.0.log file?02:26
twaggsUnholyTerror, yeah02:26
HilikusBitEncrypt: its a tv02:26
sprungluxurymode, it will be under the Canonical Partners section02:26
dav_hi guys - i'm booting off of the usb stick. is there a way to skip the window that asks "try or install" at boot time?02:26
luxurymodesprung, no dont think so02:26
naveen1hii.. iam a newbie to ubuntu.. can someone help me with finger-ldap package uninstallation??02:26
BitEncrypthilikus, i mean your computer02:26
sprungluxurymode, Applications -> Ubuntu Software Center02:27
HilikusBitEncrypt: i have no idea02:27
KM0201dav_, i dont think so.. since the idea of the live CD, is to "try then buy"...02:27
Hilikuswhere would that be02:27
Flannelaisourph: I believe that there's no way to specify you want to disregard the PPA version.  Since it's named "maverick".  The only recourse I can see is to give maverick-updates (and/or maverick-security) a higher priority than "maverick", except that's not forward compatible if you upgrade from Maverick02:27
twaggsUnholyTerror, http://paste.ubuntu.com/544257/02:27
dav_KM0201: my intent is to use this key only as a "try", no buy :) I already use ubuntu on all my computers..02:27
luxurymodesprung: i see adobe flash plugin 10, but it just asks me to "use this source"02:27
aisourphFlannel: but the dists/Release files do contain distinguishing information02:28
emeraldxIs it possible to turn an Ubuntu install w/two network cards into a network tap?02:28
KM0201dav_, well, then just click "Try" and don't worry about it.. :)02:28
aisourphwhich http://linux.die.net/man/5/apt_preferences (and local man page) suggests can be used to filter preferences02:28
BitEncrypthilikus, have you seen your x server settings02:28
sprungluxurymode, did you click yes?02:28
dav_KM0201: yes but have to click try on every boot... surely there's some startup script somewhere where this can be commented out..02:28
naveen1hii.. iam a newbie to ubuntu.. can someone help me with finger-ldap package uninstallation??02:28
luxurymodesprung: yeah got it now. after yes it lets me install02:28
aisourphin particular, they have different origins and labels (http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa/ubuntu/dists/maverick/Release vs http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/Release )02:29
sprungluxurymode, :)02:29
HilikusBitEncrypt: no, what could i change02:29
KM0201dav_, it's a live CD.. why on earth would ther ebe a startup script?.. nothing gets saved when you reboot02:29
luxurymodeofficially supports FF, but should work with chrome, right?02:29
sprungluxurymode, you will need to restart your browser02:29
luxurymodecool, thanks for your help02:29
luxurymodereally appreciate it02:29
dav_KM0201: am using it on a USB key. stuff is saved. (I even apt-get installed some stuff and it sticks)02:29
Matthew_WOk, so that's working!  One final question02:29
KM0201dav_, then you have a persistent install.. there might be a way to do it.02:30
UnholyTerrortwaggs, hold...02:30
Matthew_WIf I want to input the SSID and Authentication of a wireless network so it automagically connects and doesn't ever ask me to authenticate... how would I do that?02:30
BitEncrypthilikus, go to system, admin. nvidia x server  there you can setup another monitor02:30
dav_KM0201: yes that's what I'm looking for :)02:30
emeraldxDoes anyone have experience w/network taps here?02:31
BitEncrypthilikus, press 'detect displays'02:31
mac_Hey rom02:31
mac_Can I just install ubuntu?02:31
mac_if grub is corrupted02:31
mac_actually reinstall to be more precise02:32
KM0201mac_, that will usually fix a grub problem, as it will install a new grub w/ the new install (thus overwriting the old one)02:32
UnholyTerrortwaggs, can you paste /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?02:32
mac_KM0201: thats no problem02:32
BitEncryptdoes anybody know what the ' line ending ' function in gedit means02:32
Matthew_WDoes if ["$202:32
mac_KM0201: the thing is I have a windows partition too02:32
mac_KM0201: will it harm that?02:32
Matthew_WDoes if ["$2" = "up"] then  detect wifi?02:33
DiamondciteBitEncrypt: Maybe the difference between a UNIX end of line VS a DOS end of line?02:33
KM0201mac_, well how is your current install set u?02:33
mac_half windows half ubuntu]02:33
mac_well actually more windows02:33
DiamondciteNotepad doesn't really like the UNIX end of line.(doesn't go to a new line as it should)02:33
KM0201mac_, ok, but it's not a wubi install, right?02:33
twaggsUnholyTerror, http://paste.ubuntu.com/544258/02:33
UnholyTerrortwaggs, hold...02:33
mac_KM0201: I have no idea02:33
aisourphand http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/Release actually looks very similar to http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/Release in particular it has all the same Origin/Label/Suite/Version/Codename/Date02:33
ChaosPsycheXcan someone help me? i'm having trouble booting into ubuntu02:34
BitEncryptdiamondcite, so if i choose windows EoL will the txt doc read on a windows machine?02:34
olskolircim trying to use gtk-recordmydesktop and it says that my /dev/dsp is busy02:34
UnholyTerrortwaggs, did you say you get a GUI... low graphics mode?02:34
olskolirchow can i see what is using my sound card please?02:34
twaggsUnholyTerror, yes, That's what i'm in now... actually at full resolution, just no hardware accel i'm assuming02:35
wricelsof /dev/dsp02:35
programmer__what is the trouble?02:35
DiamondciteBitEncrypt: It should read better in some programs. Note that I've only found notepad to be weak against a non-windows end of line.02:35
ChaosPsycheXi moved my ubuntu install to it's own partition and can't boot into it from grub. any ideas?02:36
UnholyTerrorok, open a terminal...02:36
luxurymodehow can i check which drive my ubuntu is installed on? having major disks issues02:36
ChaosPsycheXluxury, did you use wubi?02:36
luxurymodechaospyschex: no idea... lol total noob here02:36
KM0201mac_, hold on02:37
mac_KM0201: no it was done through ubuntu02:37
mac_KM0201: it was not installed in windows02:37
go3900can I use GSM multiplexer to make my usb modem handle many applications better at the same time?02:37
QuackersUse Synaptic to install gparted. Then System,Admin,gparted02:37
mac_KM0201: it was done by the live cd02:37
glitchdcan anyone help me get flash to work in chrome for ubuntu? i cant watch youtube or any other flash related site.02:37
KM0201mac_, ok, then just install over your old install.02:37
dan_ty all02:37
mac_KM0201: but it will ask to set the partitions again right?02:37
KM0201mac_, yes, you'll have to do "advanced" partitioning to overwrite the old ones02:38
Nicolas_Leonidashow do you remove a line in vim?02:38
mac_KM0201: well wouldn't this put the windows installation at risk02:38
ChaosPsycheXi'm having problems booting into ubuntu after moving it to it's own partition.02:38
ChaosPsycheXany idea why?02:38
KM0201mac_, type this w/o quotes.. "/join #km0201"02:39
guampaluxurymode: type 'mount | grep "/" ' in a terminal, that will tell you where you have your ubuntu installed, at least the root filesystem02:39
QuackersChaos, is Grub installed?02:39
ChaosPsycheXquakers, yup02:39
TeslaTonyI just reinstalled Ubuntu, dual-booting with Windows, and Grub isn't showing my Win7 install. How do I fix this?02:39
ChaosPsycheXwhen i pick the one that is on it's own partition i get dropped to inetramfs02:39
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DiamondciteChaosPsycheX: Are you sure grub was updated to point to the RIGHT partition?02:40
QuackersChaos, try re-installing grub via Live cd02:40
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ChaosPsycheXdiamoncite, nope. how can i configure grub?02:41
QuackersTeslaTony sudo update-grub02:41
glitchdcan someone help me install flash correctly in chromium so i can stop looking at this retarded grey box??02:41
JosephUbuntuI'm still having the problem that I had a few days ago--X won't start automatically, and now more stuff is going wrong.  http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10243625#post1024362502:41
cyberchapinanyone know about: upgrade ubuntu netbook edition by Alternate CD ???02:41
DiamondciteChaosPsycheX: Err..  I can't remember.. lets see if I can find a wiki02:41
cyberchapinWhere can i download the Ubuntu Netbook Edition Alternate CD?02:42
glitchdwtf, does anyone know anything about flash for chromium in ubuntu 10.04?02:43
cyberchapini need this ISO for upgrade my OS02:43
DiamondciteChaosPsycheX: After thinking about what another user had said.. try to re-install grub again first, maybe the auto detection will fix ir.02:43
DiamondciteChaosPsycheX: Though for more information.. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub202:44
aisourphcyberchapin, http://www.ubuntu.com/netbook/get-ubuntu/download ?02:44
=== AaronMT_ is now known as AaronMT
aisourphhttp://mirror.clarkson.edu/ubuntu-releases//maverick/ says for "Netbook live CD" that "There is one image available:"02:44
TeslaTonyQuackers, It's still only showing Linux kernels in the /boot/grub/grub.cfg file. The install does seem to still be there, though02:44
aisourphSo what sort of alternate CD are you looking for?02:44
cyberchapin@glitchd You need to install chromium from ppa02:44
reinforce__ /server ddos.hanirc.org02:44
jschallis there any chance someone could walk me through setting up ndiswrapper for a broadcom bcm4313 on kubuntu amd64? the bcmwl driver seems to be unreliable.02:45
cyberchapini want to upgrade ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10 but i dont want to loose my apps and my internet is slow for upgrade by netwotk02:46
Igorucan't stop mysql via 'sudo service mysql stop' and /var/log/mysql.err and mysql.log are empty. any idea about where i could start investigating the problem?02:47
tkmron Ubuntu 10.10 server I have a script that starts Killing Floor server in a detached screen session, but when I run the script it says 'Must run suid root for multiuser support.' When I run the command outside of the script, it works fine. What's going on here?02:48
cyberchapin@jschall you need to install ndiswrapper with gui and download the driver of your WiFi Card02:48
QuackersTesla, when did it last boot?02:48
TeslaTonyQuackers, probably a day or two ago. I had an Ubuntu 10.10 install alongside it nicely, but I did a reinstall on Ubuntu yesterday, and it hasn't been showing since02:50
bonjoyeewhat is gvfsd-metadata?02:51
bonjoyeewhat role does it play?02:52
katatoniahi everyone02:52
aisourphalright so an alternate form of the question. and maybe this will trigger the jfgoogleit people (hi all) but I'll ask just and let people fill in details if they want: I want Firefox 4.x (from an actual repo) but the released Thunderbird version (my web browser has no real state but my mail client rather does). Does Ubuntu provide a supported way to accomplish this?02:54
aisourphFlannel: I did see your answer regarding my specific question which is one reason I broadened it to the overall goals02:54
katatoniahow can update my ubuntu to new version with mac apperance withou install in cd/dvd? any know how can do it ?.. gretngs02:55
Flannelaisourph: The people in #ubuntu-mozillateam might be able to answer that quicker than you might get an answer here; they're knee-deep in all the mozilla versioning stuff, and adept at PPA issues.02:56
aisourphFlannel, thanks, will ask there02:56
DrManhattan I was wondering what an optimal chunk size would be for an ubuntu desktop raid0 system for the user to do a little amateur video editing?02:58
DrManhattan64, 128, 256, .5M?02:58
NismineCan anyone help me install Gyazo? New to linux.02:59
DiamondciteWhat's gyazo?03:01
NismineAn application for instant screeshots03:02
NismineI'm supposed to do something with this script03:02
DiamondciteOh it's natively linux03:02
NismineDo you know how to do it?03:03
DiamondciteNismine: Never ran it before.. trying to see what it is..03:04
NismineThanks. I read somewhere I was supposed to use ruby03:04
NismineNo idea how03:04
symptomcan anyone point me towards a good nvidia vs. AMD linux graphics discussion/page03:05
DiamondciteNismine: Try something like "ruby ./gyazo" in the place you downloaded the file to?03:05
tsimpsonNismine: it's a ruby script, install ruby, put the script somewhere like ~/bin/gyazo and make it executable03:05
IdleOneor use the screenshot tool installed by default?03:06
sacarlsonNismine: well you would need to intall the ruby package to start03:06
NismineAlright, I started using ubuntu yesterday, I still have no idea how to do most things03:06
NismineHow do I install ruby?03:07
DiamondciteDefault screenshot tool seems more convient03:07
DiamondciteUnless you are already used to using gyazo from other places.03:07
NismineI prefer Gyazo because it instantly uploads it03:07
netbeasti need some tech help03:07
itaylor57or its your homework assignment03:07
sacarlsonIdleOne: Nismine: yes what would make this any better then the screenshot tool that seems to be built in?03:07
netbeastfor a creative pccam300 i cant seem to get it to work in ubuntu 10.1003:08
Diamondcitesacarlson: Probably the only difference is lack of instant upload.03:08
NismineYes, it is03:08
NismineBut it becomes much more convenient03:08
NismineAt lest for me03:08
=== Freejack is now known as Freejack`
DiamondciteNismine: Well as the others said.. please install ruby03:09
netbeastcan anyone help me with the creative pc cam 300 problem03:09
s093294anyone have a solution for: I would like my ubuntu to on boot to dial up a vpn connection, and if dropped at some point reconnect? cant find a solution to this on google03:09
sacarlsonDiamondcite: ya I guess it would be like pastebinit for a screengrabed image03:09
Diamondcitenetbeast: Please be more specific as to what kind of problem. Is it on fire? Does it not detect? Are you upside down in a certain app?03:10
NismineWhat is the easiest way to get ruby?03:10
dannek7hey all03:10
NismineFrom the official site?03:10
DiamondciteNismine: software center03:10
netbeasti dont know if it detects i think it does cheese doesnt show anything it says it doesnt detect03:10
netbeastthis is what i get03:11
netbeastnetbeast@netbeast:~$ lsb_release -cdr;lsusb03:11
netbeastDescription:Ubuntu 10.1003:11
netbeastBus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub03:11
sacarlsonNismine: yes just apt-get install ruby03:11
netbeastBus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub03:11
FloodBot1netbeast: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:11
dannek7I did something dumb, I changed my screen resolution on my external monitor. Now I cannot see my top bar. How do I get this top bar back or change the resolution?03:11
netbeastwell guess i cant paste what i get because i flood03:11
Diamondcitenetbeast:  Please do as the bot says, don't paste into the channel ^_^03:11
FredFlinstoneset up samba , can see share, cannot access, can someone help?  samba is not around ...03:11
netbeastwould make it easier to help if i can paste03:12
Diamondcite[22:11:08] <FloodBot1> netbeast: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:12
sacarlsonNismine: I also use gem but so I would recomend also apt-get install rubygems1.8    or maybe the newer versions03:12
craigbass1976FredFlinstone, can't access from where?03:12
FredFlinstonefrom my win box03:12
NismineOk, I instaled it via apt-get03:13
craigbass1976FredFlinstone, what's the samba log say is going on?03:13
symptomcan anyone point me towards a good nvidia vs. AMD linux graphics discussion/page03:13
FredFlinstonei have one user, set up in samba & enabled03:13
netbeastwell the system detects  it because the id info comes up03:13
idea4goodhi all which device should i specify my boot loader installation here is my partition table03:13
FredFlinstonehow do i get samba log?03:13
DiamondciteFredFlinstone: Is there a user account setup for it? Of it's windows xp, have you tried disabling simple file sharing?03:13
netbeastbut cheese cant see it03:13
FredFlinstoneyeah the win boxes are ok, i know win well03:14
craigbass1976FredFlinstone, I'm guessing somewhere in /var/log/samba  I've never set up anything but wide open shares though03:14
sacarlsonNismine: you can upgrade most parts of ruby with gems and also get all the cool libs they have in it03:14
Igorucan't stop mysql via 'sudo service mysql stop'. what the hell this means, from syslog?03:14
Igoruoperation="open" pid=25051 parent=25050 profile="/usr/sbin/mysqld" requested_mask="r::" denied_mask="r::" fsuid=0 ouid=0 name="/sys/devices/system/cpu/"03:14
FredFlinstonethese are passworded win shares03:14
Diamondcitenetbeast: if you do "lsmod | grep -i spca" do you see any results?03:14
skullboyhow do i upgrade from ubuntu 10.04 to 10.1003:14
craigbass1976Igoru, does sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop work?03:15
Nisminesacarlson: How exactly do I do it?03:15
craigbass1976FredFlinstone, no idea then.  Sorry03:15
skullboyhow do i upgrade from ubuntu 10.04 to 10.1003:15
netbeastyes i get gspca_main03:15
DiamondciteFredFlinstone: Are they in the same workgroup? Do the logins used have the same password in both linux and windows? (for the linux side, the user needs to exist too)03:15
netbeastand videodev03:16
craigbass1976skullboy, does this work? http://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-upgrade-ubuntu-10.04-lucid-lynx-to-10.10-maverick-meerkat-desktop-and-server03:16
Diamondcitenetbeast: how about "ls /dev/video*"03:16
s093294anyone who can make a bash script that check if ppp0 is alive if not run sudo pon vpn1 ?03:16
sacarlsonNismine: the apt-get as I showed above03:16
Igorucraigbass1976 no too.03:16
idea4goodhttp://pastebin.com/bkJZbspN here is my partition table03:16
Nismineapt-get gems?03:17
cntbskullboy: why not google http://www.google.com.mx/search?q=how+do+i+upgrade+from+ubuntu+10.04+to+10.10&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&client=firefox-a&rlz=1R1GZEV_es___MX40703:17
netbeasti get /dev/video0 and /dev/video103:17
FredFlinstoneDiamondcite, yes wher is my workgroup in ubuntu03:17
sacarlsonNismine: apt-get install rubygems1.803:17
idea4goodshould i use same partition that i use for linux installation to install boot loader03:17
FredFlinstonei m kinda new to linux, but not computers03:17
DiamondciteFredFlinstone: That's configured in /etc/samba/smb.conf I think...03:18
Nisminesacarlson: Alright, done. What next?03:18
_PI_guys, for some reason I f'd up ubuntu on my desktop so bad, that even after a windows reformat - the cd won't boot03:18
FredFlinstoneyeah workgroup is the same03:19
sacarlsonNismine: I see I also have apt-get install rubygems  installed so it might be a package that just links another03:19
DiamondciteFredFlinstone: How about the users?03:19
sacarlsonNismine: well then try run your script and see if your missing something03:19
symptomNVIDIA > ATI for linux ????03:20
NismineHow do I save the script? Txt, sh, ?03:20
DiamondciteFredFlinstone: Such as... do both system use "slate" as the username and "bedrock" as the password for example?03:20
FredFlinstonei did this before in karmic, i cant rememebr what is missing03:20
DiamondciteFredFlinstone: I'm making assumptions the user it's being shared as has persmission to the said folder03:20
skplhow do i turn my gnome splash screen on?03:20
FredFlinstoneand user is in samba and enabled03:20
sacarlsonNismine: then start google for learning ruby with like http://www.troubleshooters.com/codecorn/ruby/basictutorial.htm03:21
_PI_anyone help me get ubuntu back up and running?03:21
FredFlinstonefolder is a drive and says i am not the owner, which is funny i am the only user03:21
FredFlinstoneowner is xp i guess03:21
_PI_even wubi's partition won't boot03:22
FredFlinstonehow do i get at the freaking permissions?03:22
skullboycraigbass1976, it does not seem to03:22
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: you might need to use something like forceuser=youruser    forcegroup=yourgroup  in the samba config03:23
edbianFredFlinstone, ls -la    lets you see them03:23
DiamondciteFredFlinstone: I'm confused.. permissions linux or windows side?03:23
FredFlinstonei didnt do  forcegroup03:23
FredFlinstonetrying that03:23
FredFlinstonelinux permissions says i am not the owner03:24
klownymy systeminfo shows me only having one processor, but i have two. any help?03:24
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: I'm not too experienced on the windows side but that's what's needed for windows to use ubuntu as a server03:24
edbianFredFlinstone, sudo chown <youruserName> file   to make yourself the owner03:24
francischeguei... boa noite..03:24
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^Phantom^woohoo i found a blank cd03:25
bonjoyeedo gnome apps work under lxde?03:25
=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest12110
^Phantom^Can I please get some help setting up a Xubuntu cd?03:25
idea4goodwhat happened to the room today is it everyone is super busy so no time to listen some stupid installer questions03:25
edbianbonjoyee, Yes but you have to install a bunch of dependencies03:25
FredFlinstonedo i need to be the owner?03:25
edbian^Phantom^, What do you mean "set up"03:25
FredFlinstonesacarlson, i have all that, must be more03:25
^Phantom^My system that it's going on has 192MB of ram right now (will be upgraded in the future) and I was told to make an alternative install CD.03:26
edbianFredFlinstone, i have no idea.  You said you weren't the owner which implied you want / need to be?03:26
glitchdJosephUbuntu, no more ideas?03:26
Diamondciteidea4good: If it's just where to put the MBR, the drive it's on ie /dev/sda (not /dev/sda1), if it's grub/boot loader pick the location with /boot03:26
JosephUbuntuI don't have any more ideas.03:26
FredFlinstonebeen using http://www.prash-babu.com/2008/05/how-to-setup-samba-in-linux.html with help from a guy, but he is stuck03:26
sacarlsonidea4good: no don't use the partition use the drive  like /dev/sda03:26
JosephUbuntuI'd try on the forums if I were you.03:26
glitchdJosephUbuntu, thx for the effort03:26
bonjoyeeedbian: i have disabled installing recommended packages..and when trying to install lxde its just 9MB!!!...so i need more?03:26
edbian^Phantom^, sure.  You'll find instrucstions here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation03:26
dfhsdJulian Assange has an assurance torrent 1.4Gb, encrypted. It's included in many bigger Music-torrents. Go 4 FLAC.03:26
idea4goodlet me show you the screen shot03:26
glitchdcan someone help me to get flash working in chromium for ubuntu 10.04?03:27
FredFlinstonei have an ntfs drive to be shared, i did what the page says03:27
skullboycraigbass1976, it does not seem to03:27
FredFlinstonebut it dont work03:27
edbianbonjoyee, If you want to run gnome apps you need to have (for one I know) gtk installed.  Now it's possible that it's already installed.  IDK, who cares.  Just try to install the programs you want.  Recommended packages are not the same as dependencies.  apt-get will get everything you need03:27
itaylor57glitchd: you need to find a PPA to get flash running03:27
sacarlsonglitchd: it works 95% of the time in firefox in 10.04 for me03:27
edbianskullboy, how's it going?03:27
klownyanyone able to help with the processor thing?03:28
glitchditaylor57, where can i find it?03:28
idea4goodDiamondcite : http://imgur.com/sooWg03:28
glitchdsacarlson, yes it works in ff for me too03:28
greezmunkeyFredFlinstone: can you read and write to the ntfs drive? Is it mounted?03:28
skullboyedbain, good got my new system up and runing but it is based off of ubuntu 10.04 and i want 10.1003:29
idea4goodsacarlson : just pasted the image03:29
glitchdsacarlson, but im starting to use chromium more nd more nd i dont want to have to swtich back nd forth all the time03:29
FredFlinstonei used ntfs cong tool, did that scru me?03:29
idea4goodhttp://pastebin.com/bkJZbspN  partition table03:29
bonjoyeeedbian, I mean the programs are already installed and don't need more as of now...just want to try a diff DE...03:29
FredFlinstoneseems to have03:29
FredFlinstonentfs config tool has sfa except two check boxes!03:30
edbianbonjoyee, Just switch to lxde and start your apps.  The DE is not an environment as much as it is just a couple apps that are running all the time that help you do useful things.03:30
edbianbonjoyee, It does not limit you in any way as far as what apps you can run.03:30
francis/alguem on?03:30
skullboyedbain, can you help me03:30
FredFlinstonehow do i ACTUALLY configure it?03:30
edbianskullboy, Depends what the problem is03:31
bonjoyeeedbian, thanks03:31
edbianbonjoyee, no problem :)03:31
Diamondciteidea4good: That looks about right. That is the HDD the linux is installed on correct?03:31
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: where does the problem lie?  in windows users can't access your linux or linux can't access the windows shared files?03:31
edbianskullboy, But the futurama holiday special is going to get at least 50% of my attention03:31
FredFlinstonewindows users can't access  linux03:31
bonjoyeeedbian,....the nick..something to do with debian?...just curios..03:31
idea4goodDiamondcite : But if you look at my partition table I want to install linux in sda503:31
edbianbonjoyee, I use Debian and my name is Ed!03:32
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: well I can see from the link above you have the security tight,  just open it up03:32
Diamondcitesacarlson: FredFlinstone: In this case.. maybe he needs the NTFS mounted as a user other than root? Since samba might be facing access restrictions.03:32
klownythis support is pretty bad. think ill come back when it is a little less hectic.03:32
skullboyedbain, well the os gnacktrack is based off of ubuntu 10.04 i want to update the version to 10.10 but the normal way of doing that does not work what should i try03:32
Diamondciteidea4good: Linux installer REPLACES the windows boot loader.03:32
FredFlinstoneyou guys lost me now03:32
edbianskullboy, Go to system-> admin -> software sources -> and change it to "normal releases' instead of "long term releases'03:33
sacarlsonDiamondcite: you could be correct,  I'm not sure about that part since you are also mounting an ntfs disk I guess in linux FredFlinstone03:33
bonjoyeeedbian:hmmm..i use debian as well...:)03:33
edbianskullboy, Then try again03:33
^Phantom^Can the xubuntu alternative CD run live?03:33
idea4goodDiamondcite : so you want me to specify whole hdd as selected in pic03:33
edbianbonjoyee, hooray!03:33
Diamondciteidea4good: Yes.03:33
rww^Phantom^: alternate CDs aren't live cds, no.03:33
Diamondciteidea4good: Least in regard to the boot loader.03:33
skullboyedbain, i tryed 10 times03:33
IBMThinkPadHello, can someone help me real quick? I am having an issue with my sound card03:34
edbianskullboy, Then perhaps that distro is lagging behind Ubuntu.03:34
_PI_anyone ever get the cd to boot but hang your system?03:34
FredFlinstoneand i was so close :(03:34
edbianskullboy, Technically this is Ubuntu support.  Not gnutrack or whatever03:34
_PI_cuz that's what mine's doing03:34
^Phantom^Because I want to backup the hard drive (~30GB) onto my external hard drive (250GB) for restoration in case this doesn't work right now.03:34
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: so best to solve one problem at a time by just shareing another part of your linux system that isn't ntfs to take that part of the problem out until you find out if anything works03:34
Diamondcitesacarlson: FredFlinstone: I treat ntfs-3g as voodoo, Maybe there is a way to change the user it's mounted as but I don't know how personally.03:34
FredFlinstonei have only ntfs shares03:34
skullboyedbain, is it not based off of ubuntu???03:35
FredFlinstonei have only ntfs drives, other than a ubuntu partition03:35
mohamedhii 4 all03:35
IBMThinkPadCan someone help me out real quick?03:35
edbianskullboy, Sure, it's based off of Ubuntu.  But it might lag behind a bit.  Similar to Mint.  They are different from Ubuntu, maybe they are still making their revisions on 10.1003:35
sacarlsonDiamondcite: yes I think there are mount values that can be forced at mount time but lets simplify and fix samba first03:35
edbianskullboy, code development is not automatic ya know03:36
nsdHow can I run executable files on a mounted partition that I set up in /etc/fstab? I explicity wrote the 'exec' flag and yet when I mount the partition I can run executables and mount tells me that it was mounted with 'noexec'. Any ideas?03:36
idea4goodDiamondcite : when i try to install since sda5 file system is unknown "No root file system specified"03:36
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: just use you /home/you/here  as a temp dir to test with03:36
skullboyedbain, i know im a programmer my self03:36
IBMThinkPadThe driver that is supplied to my ThinkPad T21's Crystal Fusion Sound card is not working properly. I constantly have to adjust the volume in Ubuntu to get the audio to come thru, is there a solution to this?03:36
edbianskullboy, :) Ask in the gnubacktrack channel03:36
mohamedi faced that prob b403:37
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: it's almost imposible to fix two broken things at the same time03:37
_PI_does anyone see this?03:37
Nisminesacarlson: I still can't run it. Do i need to do something with ruby first?03:37
mohamedjust install it at whole the hard disk03:37
nsd_PI_: If you're asking if your IRC client is working, then yes03:37
sacarlsonNismine: what does it say is missing?03:37
edbian_PI_, I see it03:37
NismineIt doesn't say anything. It simply does nothing when I run it.03:37
mohamedwhat can u tell me about programming?03:38
sacarlsonNismine: try run the hello world script to make sure you have ruby installed or that you have at least pointed to ruby in you script03:38
FredFlinstonewhat goes in smbusers? an example?03:38
greezmunkeymohamed: it's boring03:38
_PI_listen, I know you guys are really busy, but I think I may have a simple problem03:38
skullboyedbain, they dont seem to have one03:38
_PI_I've gotten ubuntu to boot before from cd, and it won't now03:38
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: are you sharing /home/you yet?03:38
nsdgreezmunkey: you would've thought that after, oh, like seven years I would have realized that :)03:38
itaylor57glitchd: try this link to get flash player in chromium http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-enable-flash-support-for-google-chromium-browser.html03:39
edbianskullboy, Well than they don't have a feature that Ubuntu does.03:39
FredFlinstonesacarlson, prob not, how?03:39
IBMThinkPadHey guess what, I have a question. If someone is willing to help...03:39
netzsoocI have a problem with Skype in Ubuntu 10.1003:39
FredFlinstoneremeber i am a newb03:39
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: just go into nautilus and right click on a dir in your home to share03:39
mohamednetzsooc go ahead03:39
nsd_PI_: Is it on a different machine than you tried booting off the CD before? You may have to set up your BIOS to try booting from removable media like CDs before your hard drive03:39
skullboyedbain, they are already going under03:39
netzsoocI can send video but I can't recieve video, I mean people can see me in conferences but I can't see them03:39
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: one step at a time grasshopper03:40
netzsoocthat is my exact problem03:40
FredFlinstoneok done03:41
netzsoocI have looked through different forums but they solve problem about sending video03:41
nsdAnyone that knows something about fstab and mount options? I'm having trouble executing files on a FAT partition...03:41
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mohamedhave u checked your sky options?03:41
netzsoocnot getting it03:41
netzsoocyes mohamed03:41
netzsoocthey are as should be03:41
skullboyedbain, lets approch this differently is there a way to get all the backtrack tools into ubuntu 10.1003:41
FredFlinstoneand win box access it !03:41
edbianskullboy, Oh almost definitely.  What tools are they offering?03:42
FredFlinstonesacarlson,  and the win box accessed it !03:42
edbianskullboy, I bet you $10 that 90% of them are in the Ubuntu repos.03:42
netzsoocskullboy yes, you can...03:42
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: is that a good thing?03:42
FredFlinstonesacarlson,  which tells us?03:42
mohamedtry to install onther version of it and i think it'll solved03:42
nsdnvm I think I may seem y problem03:42
edbianskullboy, And if they're open source you literally can install ALL of them.03:42
glitchditaylor57, ok ill try it, i hope it works, ill let u know if it doesnt03:42
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: that we now need to look at how we mount you ntfs disk03:42
mohamedany programmer here ?03:42
netzsoocmohamed I don't know where to get another version03:42
FredFlinstonethat was an access from a non ok user03:42
skullboyedbain, mostly pen testing apps03:43
Nisminesacarlson: The hello world script worked.03:43
edbianskullboy, pen testing?  You mean usb drive testing?03:43
mohamedu can find it on it03:43
netzsoocthankyou mohamed03:43
sacarlsonNismine: ok so ruby sounds like it's installed ok,  what error do you see on your other script03:43
FredFlinstonesacarlson, how we mount, beats me03:43
mohamedu welcome03:43
netzsoocskullboy: you can, but there is no point on doing that03:43
netzsoocBackTrack is already Debian Based03:43
skullboyedbain, no hacking apps but i hack people legally its my job03:44
skullboyedbain, well that and programming03:44
edbianskullboy, Name a hacking app and I can tell you how to install it in Ubuntu (including some windows apps)03:44
itaylor57skullboy: my job is stopping people like you :>)03:44
rwwedbian: "pen"'s short for penetration03:44
edbianrww, Thanks03:44
=== richard is now known as casseau
edbianskullboy, My job is studying people like you03:45
Nisminesacarlson: It doesn't give me any error, it's just not happening...03:45
skullboyitaylor57, we hack to test vanerbillitys to make tech safer03:45
greezmunkeyedbian: Psychiatrist?03:45
sacarlsonNismine: what is it we expect to happen?03:45
UnholyTerrorskullboy, what happend?03:45
edbiangreezmunkey, You're way off.  Computer Science student (I'm taking adv. network security next semester)03:46
sprungskullboy, vulnerabilities?03:46
Nisminesacarlson: It is supposed to install Gyazo I guess.03:46
sacarlsonNismine: if a keystroke is suposed to triger it add prints to see what it's doing03:46
netzsoocskullboy you can try sudo apt-get app in ubuntu03:46
maconetzsooc: missed a word in that command03:46
netzsoocskullboy you can try sudo apt-get install app in ubuntu03:46
netzsoocthanx maco03:46
sacarlsonNismine: I glanced at it didn't install anything03:46
FredFlinstonesacarlson, how we mount, beats me, how do i check that?03:46
netzsooc(4:46 am here, not that bright)03:47
skullboysprung, yea so we can improve security03:47
tbrockhey guys, what is the most text-mate like editor out there for ubuntu that works well in gnome03:47
sprungskullboy, sorry, you just spelled it so strangely :)03:47
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: I'm reasearching how to mount with a forced user for ntfs but I havn't found it yet03:47
dabukalamtbrock: emacs?03:47
netzsoocskullboy, why you want to install those apps in ubuntu? if you have already BackTrack?03:47
FredFlinstonei see, thanks03:47
glitchdwth........i cannot for the life of me get flash to work in chrome.03:47
Nisminesacarlson: I suppose it is broken then. Thanks a lot for the help anyway.03:47
glitchdplease help03:47
skullboyunholyterror, some how i installed it as a live distso on my internal03:48
UnholyTerrorskullboy, what happend?03:48
skullboyunholyterror, some how i installed it as a live distso on my internal03:48
UnholyTerror;) OMG!03:48
glitchdsome body, anybody03:48
UnholyTerrorskullboy, did you get it straightened out?03:48
glitchdhelp please03:48
skullboynetzooc, i hate kde03:48
edbianglitchd, What's the problem?  Can't help to we know that03:49
idea4goodi select the partition to install linux  though fdisk -l shows it linux file system the gui install window show it as unknown type and wants tme to change to a know file system03:49
skullboyunholyterror, yea thx 4 the help03:49
idea4goodand it gives following list of options03:49
skullboysprung, sorry bout my spelling i need to get to bed my spellings worse when im tired03:49
glitchdedbian, i cant for the life or luck of me get flash to work in chromium03:50
netzsoocskullboy I think it is easier to get your favorite windows manager for backtrack, thoug if you are pentesting I don't know why you need X03:50
NismineBy the way guys, how normal is it that after installing ubuntu on my 500GB hdd I only have 421GB left? It was a clean install.03:50
edbianglitchd, Ha ha, no worries. Does flash work in another browser?03:50
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: to start how is it presently mounted   check with the command mount  and pastebin that to us03:50
UnholyTerrorglitchd, are you running it with --enable-plugins?03:50
glitchdedbian, yes, firefox03:50
skullboynetzooc, i dont03:50
glitchdUnholyTerror, yes i AM03:50
jribNismine: can you pastebin the output of « df -h »?03:51
_PI_problems with ubuntu cd hanging on setup?03:51
edbianglitchd, Do you have more than one flash player installed?  Which flash player are you using?03:51
netzsoocNismine 500 gb are actually not 500 gb03:51
UnholyTerrorglitchd, what does it do?03:51
skullboygotta drop out here bye03:51
Nisminejrib: I don't know how to do it. Can you help me?03:51
glitchdedbian, i do not believe so03:51
netzsoocanyway, skullboy I think it would be faster to install gnome in backtrack03:51
edbianglitchd, Search 'flash' in synaptic.  Make sure you only have 1 flash player.03:52
Nisminenetzsooc: I got at least 480GB with windows installed03:52
glitchdUnholyTerror, when i go to youtube, or any other site that has a flash type applet, i jus get a grey/black box03:52
edbianglitchd, When you are restarting chromium make SURE the process is ending each time.03:52
UnholyTerrorglitchd, did you try to  press play?03:52
jribNismine: open Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal and type « df -h » without the guillemets03:52
grg27I have a quick quistion? Can u boot up back into windows 7 even through ubuntu is on your flash drive03:52
glitchdUnholyTerror, there are no buttons, jus a grey box, although, i get the audio03:52
glitchdedbian, I did03:53
UnholyTerrorglitchd, what kind of computer/graphics?03:53
grg27I have a quick quistion? Can u boot up back into windows 7 even through ubuntu is on your flash driv03:53
edbianglitchd, Which package is installed?03:53
glitchdedbian, flashplugin-nonfree.....flashplugin-installer03:53
UnholyTerrorglitchd, and which version of flash?03:53
NismineFilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on03:53
Nismine/dev/sda1             448G  8.5G  417G   2% /03:53
Nisminenone                  2.0G  300K  2.0G   1% /dev03:53
Nisminenone                  2.0G  1.1M  2.0G   1% /dev/shm03:53
Nisminenone                  2.0G   92K  2.0G   1% /var/run03:53
FloodBot1Nismine: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:53
Nisminenone                  2.0G     0  2.0G   0% /var/lock03:53
edbianglitchd, You restarted chromium I assume?03:54
edbianglitchd, How did you install chromium?03:54
glitchdUnholyTerror, i have  dell n5010  i5 processor and 8 gigs of ram, no clue on the graphics card tho03:54
glitchdedbian, yes03:54
glitchdedbian, i dont exactly remember03:54
UnholyTerrorglitchd, and which version of flash?03:54
glitchdUnholyTerror, i would assume its version 1003:54
overriderin ubuntu, do i have to use groupmod usermod etc, or can i type directly into /etc/group to add my users to groups?03:55
jribNismine: your hard drive has a size of 448G and ubuntu is using 8.5 of those03:55
UnholyTerroryou could try to d/l straight from adobe...03:55
dfhsdedbian: RTFM.03:55
dfhsd& forget flah-virus03:55
glitchdUnholyTerror, i did, several times already03:55
jriboverrider: you can do all of those things.  Or just use "adduser" and "deluser" which are probably easier and less error-prone03:55
edbiandfhsd, Pardon me?03:55
rww!rtfm | dfhsd03:56
ubottudfhsd: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.03:56
Nisminejrib: I don't get it. I got more than that with windows. Never mind. Thanks jrib.03:56
dfhsd& forget adobes flash-virus. it's closed source03:56
jribNismine: how much more?03:56
_PI_I think I have bad sectors on the drive, but can't fix them03:56
overriderjrib: yes but say i want to add a user to a group, can i just add him to the right group in /etc/group or do i have to use the tool for it? im worried the tool may update some other files that i dont know about03:56
edbianglitchd, What version of Ubuntu is this?03:56
glitchdUnholyTerror, ive also done this before i installed each time sudo apt-get purge adobe-flashplugin03:56
glitchdedbian, 10.0403:56
FredFlinstonesacarlson, http://pastebin.com/iCG6yW5P03:57
glitchdedbian, it worked in the past, then one day it just stopped working03:57
_PI_my boot cd hangs on *Setting sensors limits03:57
Nisminejrib: I used to have at least 450 free, I think even more.03:57
jriboverrider: like I said, you can just edit /etc/group if you want, but I'd suggest you use adduser/deluser03:57
edbianglitchd, Does youtube work?  What site are you testing on?03:57
glitchdedbian, in ff only03:57
glitchdedbian, i am becoming more of a chromium user now03:57
jribNismine: well you probably have a swap partition too which occupies some space.03:57
edbianglitchd, sure.  What site are you testing on?03:57
glitchdedbian, so i want to get it to work in that03:57
glitchdedbian, youtube03:58
jribNismine: in any case, the actual files are only occupying 8.5G of space03:58
Mene-MeneI've been trying to get sound working for a while. I'm in Ubuntu 10.10 on an onboard sound card on a Gigabyte GA-h55m-ud2h. I've checked the realtek drivers but all their servers require a login, any suggestions for help?03:58
UnholyTerrorglitchd, What does Menui->About say?03:58
Nisminejrib: Yeah, that is what I suspected but didn't know how to know for sure. Thanks. The space will hopefuly not be a problem for now.03:58
edbianglitchd, yes, Menu -> About03:59
rigvedis it possible to increase the swap space after installing ubuntu 10.04?03:59
jribNismine: should be plenty :)03:59
glitchdUnholyTerror, where do i type that in at?03:59
crimsunrigved: yes, if you have room to expand.03:59
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: ok and what is it we are trying to share of all these partitions?03:59
GulfstreamMy log out and shut down and restart options have disappeared. How do I fix this?03:59
jribrigved: you could shrink/enlarge the partition or just use a swap file03:59
UnholyTerrorGoogle Chrome->About03:59
glitchdUnholyTerror,  or where do i access that?03:59
UnholyTerrorchrome menu03:59
rigvedcrimsun: ok. via disk utility, right?04:00
glitchdUnholyTerror,  chromium 8.0.552.215 (67652) Ubuntu 10.0404:00
edbianglitchd, sudo apt-get reinstall flash-plugin-nonfree04:00
edbianglitchd, Worth a shot ;)04:00
FredFlinstonesacarlson, all of them04:00
crimsunrigved: sure, or via another utility04:00
UnholyTerroredbian, chrome should come with flash built in....04:00
FredFlinstonesdb1 is all i have tried so far04:00
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: you want to share your root?04:00
glitchdedbian, invalid operation04:00
FredFlinstonesacarlson, all of the NTFS04:01
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: whitch of these are ntfs?04:01
FredFlinstoneall of them but 104:01
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: just pick one so we have something to work on04:01
glitchdedbian, so i tried this sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree, and it says this flashplugin-nonfree is already the newest version.04:01
rigvedcrimsun: one more thing. should it shrink a ntfs partition via windows or ubuntu? i had heard that the ubuntu ntfs drivers are not as robust as the windows ones04:02
UnholyTerrorglitchd, in the url bar type: chrome://plugins04:02
GulfstreamThe options that include show down (upper right part of screen) have changed/disappeared. How do I get to the shut down/restart options?04:02
edbianglitchd, sudo aptitude reinstall flashplugin-nonfree     (I want it to install again since I know it's already installed)04:02
rwwedbian: fyi, -nonfree is a transition package in newer versions of ubuntu. I suspect you'd want flashplugin-installer instead04:02
rigvededbian: sudo apt-get install --reinstall flashplugin-nonfree04:03
FredFlinstonesacarlson,  backups - sdb1 - should be working from what i have tread04:03
FredFlinstonesacarlson,  backups - sdb1 - should be working from what i have read04:03
edbianglitchd, see what rigved said?04:03
FredFlinstonedamn i cant type i shoudl just give up04:03
edbianrww rigved Thanks04:03
rigvededbian: it's just another way to do the same thing. you are welcome04:03
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: ok and it seems I must have lost or never seen your file /etc/samba/smb.conf  so pastebin that too04:04
glitchdedbian, says this "You need to upgrade your Adobe Flash Player to watch this video.04:04
glitchdDownload it from Adobe."04:04
hipitihopCan someone enlighten me as to why it appears impossible to play standard definition rented DVD's ? the disc mounts, and even the title is shown, but nothing can actually play it, generally just complaining about not being able to read source04:04
BroichenFor flash can't you just utilize the normal Software Packaging?04:04
glitchdedbian, and i have done that already, several times tonigth04:04
edbianglitchd, yeah, the package does that for you much easier04:04
edbianglitchd, You tried what?  Going to the website manually or reinstalling using the command I gave?04:05
glitchdedbian, umm, both actually04:05
rwwhipitihop: Have you installed libdvdcss? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs04:05
BroichenRemember that after the install you have to restart your web browser.04:05
FredFlinstonesacarlson, http://pastebin.com/C7Kb6usS04:05
edbianglitchd, You should only have 1 version of flash player installed, that's almost def the problem.  When you have more than 1 installed it gets all sorts of confused04:05
rigvedglitchd: oh that's not fixable in ubuntu x86_x64. you need to have ubuntu x86 to view those videos04:06
s093294It should not be needed to call dhclient eth0 at each boot right ? eth0 dont get any ip before i do dhclient eth0 after a restart, why is this=04:06
glitchdedbian, and throughout this all, each time i either get the grey box with audio or i get told that i need to upgrade my flash player and to go to the site and get it04:06
Nisminesacarlson: Still there?04:06
edbianglitchd, I understand that it's confusing.04:06
sacarlsonNismine: yes04:06
edbianglitchd, To be honest this is how you get flash working: you install flashplugin-installer    That's it.04:06
glitchdrigved, i am using a 32 bit ubuntu04:06
NismineI managed to make it work, I needed a program called imagemagick.04:06
edbianglitchd, There is the small issue that sometimes you have to make sure there aren't any other versions installed.04:06
NismineIt's working now.04:07
glitchdedbian, then idk what could be the problem then04:07
hipitihoprww, checking...04:07
edbianglitchd, Perhaps try running chromium from the term and check for errors when you go to youtube.04:07
wrdhas anybody here tried lightspark from ppa with fallback gnash? if so, how is the experience? does youtube and vimeo work (flawless)?04:07
dfhsdFlood bot signature detected at this address, sorry ;-)04:07
edbianglitchd, Is this machine 64bit?04:07
BroichenGlitchd - Go to your Software centre and uninstall Adobe Flash Player.04:07
rigvedshould i shrink a ntfs partition via windows or ubuntu? i had heard that the ubuntu ntfs drivers are not as robust as the windows ones04:07
BroichenRig - if you shring a partition via windows it may unusable in Ubunto and vise versa.04:08
edbianrigved, That's more about reading / writing.  The partition editor in Ubuntu is very good.04:08
adgautam« /win 1 »04:08
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: can you cd /media/Backup;  and ls -l  to see what the files are setup as user and group?04:08
rwwrigved: I'd use Windows, if only because Windows' NTFS resizer is a lot faster.04:08
glitchdedbian, no its 32 bit04:08
sacarlsonNismine: cool04:08
rigvedBroichen, edbian, rww: ok. thanx. :)04:09
Nisminesacarlson: Thank you for your help. It actually seems pretty simple now.04:09
FredFlinstonesounds like DOS, didnt work04:09
FredFlinstonebash: cd: /media/Backup: No such file or directory04:09
glitchdBroichen, well edbian told me to run it in teminal and see the out put04:09
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: try sudo -i and try again04:10
glitchdBroichen, so i did, do u want to look at the output at all?04:10
BroichenSure, I sent you a private message04:10
Gulfstreamis it possible to play movies like Iron Man in Ubuntu?04:10
FredFlinstonewhat was that supposed to do, same result - -bash: cd: /media/Backup: No such file or directory04:11
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: are you superuser now?04:11
FredFlinstoneis that the #?04:11
FredFlinstonesays root, so i guess so04:11
DatzGulfstream: yes04:12
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: I'm not the best speller read between the lines what is in dir /media04:12
GulfstreamDatz: How do I play movies on DVD such as Iron Man in Ubuntu?04:12
DatzGulfstream: what have you tried?04:12
GulfstreamDatz: I have installed ubuntu-restricted-extras04:13
ChaosPsycheXwhat does "devadm is not permitted while udev is uncofigured" mean when trying to boot into ubuntu04:13
FredFlinstonesaca ok looks proper, the  fiels are the right ones under BACKUPS (case was wrong)04:13
FredFlinstonesacarlson,  ok looks proper, the  fiels are the right ones under BACKUPS (case was wrong)04:13
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: and with ls -l?04:14
DatzGulfstream: I'd assume it'd play in "Move Player"04:14
FredFlinstonewill i ever get used to case matters?04:14
GulfstreamDatz: let em try the DVD again then...04:14
Gulfstreamsee what happens04:14
DatzGulfstream: myself, I'd probably use VLC media player04:14
FredFlinstonesacarlson, ls shows waht it should04:15
FredFlinstoneand size matters too :)04:15
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: I have no idea what it should be,  as I said I need to know who owns the files04:15
FredFlinstonesacarlson, sorry i am getting real tired04:16
FredFlinstoneall root04:16
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: and what group are they under so give us one line with one file in it04:16
GulfstreamDatz: "An error occured Could not read from resource."04:16
FredFlinstonedrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  4096 2010-10-12 01:29 1-stuff04:16
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: ok root,  well that won't work now will it04:16
adgautamcan anyone help me on how to join a channel04:17
ChaosPsycheXwhat does "devadm is not permitted while udev is uncofigured" mean when trying to boot into ubuntu04:17
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: and what is the mask on the files?04:17
FredFlinstonesacarlson, i plan to read getting started with 10.0404:17
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: none of this would be needed if it was a normal ext4 file system04:17
FredFlinstonesacarlson, i do not understand that last one04:17
UnholyTerrorglitchd, what's the status?04:18
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: I just want a pastebin  of ls -l04:18
FredFlinstonewhen i know lnux better, they all will be, windoze and ntfs sucks04:18
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: since your not giveing me what i need to know04:18
aidrocsidanyone tried ctaclysm with wine yet?04:18
FredFlinstonesacarlson, http://pastebin.com/7Vx29bKp04:19
dfhsdFlood bot signature detected at this address04:19
dfhsdI have no Flood bot installed!04:19
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: finally like pulling teeth04:19
rwwdfhsd: Take the silliness to #ubuntu-offtopic, please.04:20
FredFlinstonesacarlson, sorry i am trying 2 understand everything, most is new04:20
dfhsdthanks, rww!04:20
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sacarlsonFredFlinstone: ok it seems to be set with mask 777 so lets test back as none super user04:21
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: exit ;  to go back to your $ prompt04:21
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Gulfstreamso the DVD still doesn't play. It mounts but it won't play. Do I need to install something for it to play?04:21
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: can we read the dir now?04:21
rwwGulfstream: libdvdcss. See http://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs04:22
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: ls and see if it can be read and now try touch test.txt   to see if you can write04:22
UnholyTerrorglitchd, what's the status?04:23
FredFlinstoneit didnt asnwer me04:23
FredFlinstonethat is good?04:23
FredFlinstoneah i see04:23
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: yes it's good,  ls -l test.txt  to see who owns it04:23
FredFlinstoneits there04:23
netbeastcan anyone help with a webcamera problem cant get creative pc cam300 to work04:23
FredFlinstonefred seems to own all04:24
hipitihoprww, you are a legend, many thanks04:24
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: paist that line of your test.txt   can't be user all04:24
Gulfstreamrww: looks like it will work!04:24
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Gulfstreamrww: it works! thanks!04:25
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: the line from that ls -l  with test.txt in it  can I see that?04:25
FredFlinstoneoh man i am in the wrong place04:25
FredFlinstonehang on04:26
glitchdUnholyTerror, still not working.04:26
Hilikushow can i restart X?04:26
UnholyTerrorglitchd, you running chromium or google chrome?04:26
FredFlinstone-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 2010-12-16 00:26 test.txt04:26
bonjoyee Hilikus: sudo service gdm restart04:27
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: ok well it is writeable so the only error I see so far is you have the wrong path in your smb.conf file04:27
UnholyTerrorHilikus, CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE if enabled in System->Preferences->Keyboard->Layout->Options04:28
FredFlinstonesacarlson, http://pastebin.com/ikBm7c4Y04:28
UnholyTerrorglitchd, you running chromium or google chrome?04:28
FredFlinstonewrong path?04:28
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: I see this path = /media/sdb1  and it seems it should be something like path= /media/BACKUP04:28
Hilikusbonjoyee: i don't use gnome or any desktop manager04:29
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: also the forceuser and forcegroup seems to not match what is forced into you ntfs file system,04:29
FredFlinstoneah, yeah i was asking about that earlier, either here in in the beginner chan04:29
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: so seems to be a breach in security but you should set forceuser and forcegroup=root04:30
FredFlinstonepath i get, please explain the rest04:30
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: try just change the path and see what it does04:30
sacarlsonFredFlinstone:  after the change in that file then restart samba  I think with sudo /etc/init.d/smbd restart04:31
netbeasti hate this one thing i cant get to work webcamera04:31
sacarlsonok next victum04:31
* linux_probe thinks up a troll question just for sacarlson 04:32
ejv"Debootstrap warning: file:///cdrom/pool/main/p/perl/perl_5.10.1-8ubuntu2_i386.deb was corrupt" <----HELPPPPPPPP04:32
clu3hi, i wanna run windows on my ubuntu box, sometimes. Which virtualization software should i install?04:32
netbeastwine right04:33
ejvclu3: vmware, kvm, virtualbox, etc, for full blown virtualization solutions04:33
xanguaclu3: virtualbox¿ the one you want04:33
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gogetaclu3: the one from virtulbox website has usb support04:33
UnholyTerrorclu3, vmware or virtualbox.04:33
bonjoyeeclu3: vbox works well for me too04:33
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clu3ok, thanks guys, is vbox same as virtual box?04:33
macoclu3: yes, just an abbreviation04:34
ejvfreenode needs a cursing room where i can just vent when computer stuff breaks...04:34
OvermindDL1Greetings, a question, I have a PC with Windows XP on one drive, but the boot partition is on a different drive, I install Ubuntu to dual-boot on to a third drive, but grub appears to be installing onto the Windows XP drive instead of the second drive which is where the BIOS checks for the boot partition.  Technically the Windows XP drive is hd0, the second is hd1, and Ubuntu is on hd2, but the BIOS will only boot off of 04:34
clu3okie, you guys are so helpful. Thanks a lot!!!04:34
FredFlinstonesudo: /etc/init.d/samba: command not found04:34
bonjoyeeget it from http://virtualbox.org04:34
FredFlinstonehow do i restart samba?04:34
rigvedejv: there ot if you like04:34
OvermindDL1Or should I just do it manually?04:34
bonjoyeeFredFlinstone: sudo service smbd restart04:35
FezzlerYou Tube video is slow04:35
FezzlerAnd i have a graphics card04:35
gogetaOvermindDL1: tell grub to install to the other drive. you can do it with manule partation in the installer04:35
FredFlinstonesacarlson, still no access04:35
OvermindDL1gogeta:  Hmm, I saw where to set partitions but not what to mark as the boot drive, let me check again...04:35
gogetaOvermindDL1: or tell bios to look at the other drive04:35
gogetaOvermindDL1: its on the bottem04:36
OvermindDL1gogeta:  I can tell the BIOS to do that, but hd0 is not bootable, whether a boot partition is installed or not, it is not quite a 'real' drive in the conventional sense04:36
bonjoyeeFredFlinstone: whats the output of "groups" command04:36
rigvedOvermindDL1: safest bet is to remove the windows drive and install. then when you are done, plug in the windows drive later and run sudo update-grub from the ubuntu terminal04:37
xanguaFezzler: define slow, ps. flash sucks in linux04:37
gogetaOvermindDL1: bootable is just a partation flage justadd it04:37
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: try change the forceuser=root forcegroup=root and restart again04:37
UnholyTerrorOvermindDL1, what rigved said... and #grub04:37
OvermindDL1rigved:  Ah, right, how obvious...  Thanks.04:38
OvermindDL1gogeta:  This drive still has issued, it is... odd..  ;-)04:38
rigvedOvermindDL1: you are welcome04:38
gogetaOvermindDL1: but you can also change where grub goes so you can do eyhter04:38
FredFlinstoneGROUPS = fred adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare vboxusers04:38
Fezzlerxangua>> t h e   v i d e o  s t u t t e r s - not smooth04:38
Fezzlerxangua>> does play at low res 25004:39
OvermindDL1gogeta:  Already installed anyway, just the bios is not booting it due to looking on wrong drive.04:39
FredFlinstonesacarlson, ok what file is hat?04:39
gogetaOvermindDL1: so flage the drive bootable tell bioss to look there04:39
Some_PersonIs there a simple tool I can use to combine two images together (one above the other)? I need to do this for like 10 images04:39
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: the same file /etc/samba/smb.conf04:40
gogetaOvermindDL1: bootable is a simple partation option04:40
OvermindDL1gogeta: Anytime I do that however things kind of die...04:40
gogetaOvermindDL1: heh04:40
OvermindDL1Pretty sure the drive is dieing...04:40
gogetaOvermindDL1: or has a bad boot sector yeasighn of bad drive04:41
FredFlinstonesacarlson, that did it thanks a big bunch, wish i understood it, i was fred in 10.04 and it worked, oh well04:41
FredFlinstonesacarlson, you rock :)04:41
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: cool04:43
CyberCodare there any SSH ninja's hanging around?  I have a pretty hard question04:48
rwwCyberCod: best to just ask it and see if anyone replies04:48
izinucsCyberCod: throw it out there.. someone might know the answer04:48
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MaletorCyberCod: IRC rule number 42458: just ask04:48
MaletorLOL ^^04:49
Ardethianwhy can't i see users list on xChat? o.o04:49
FredFlinstonesacarlson, did 3 more they work, now how about getting sharing the other way from xp to linux? is there a good webpage for that?04:50
CyberCodI'm trying to figure out how to start an application on Ubuntu by using a script on an Android phone.  I don't want the app to run in the ssh terminal, I want it to start and then be able to close the terminal and the program (Boxee) continue running.  I don't want the application to display on the phone, I want it to go to the Xserver of the sshd host.04:50
FredFlinstonesacarlson, is this good? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently04:50
mateothegreatUse nohup04:50
MaletorCrazyCod: for execution of just one line of code you are still gonna want to use shs04:51
CyberCodMaletor: not sure I understand04:51
Maletorssh yourmachine.com boxee &04:52
gogetaCyberCod: well on a pc ctrl-d etaches the app from you leaving it running on logout04:52
izinucsCyberCod: sshd host being on the remote machine away from the android phone? If so the host should also be running screen after you ssh in but before you start boxee.. that way when you "detach" it will continue to run04:52
FredFlinstoneperhaps someone else knows?  i bugged sacarlson a lot :)04:52
rigvedCyberCod: you can only connect via ssh (if you want to run something on the machine)04:52
sparky44need help getting rid of a warning on my tool bar says update info is out of date04:52
CyberCodwill a gui app like Boxee run in screen?04:52
sparky44i click on it and it looks for updates but dose not find one04:53
gogetaCyberCod: with x11 forwaring yes ssh -X04:53
CyberCodgogeta  I don't want it to display on the phone04:53
izinucsCyberCod: do you mean will a gui app run in screen on the host ssh machine or on the android?04:53
tusharhi i want help04:53
bonjoyeeCyberCod: with proper DISPLAY variable set..it will run on ubuntu04:53
CyberCodizinucs: gui running on the host ubuntu machine04:54
rigved!question | tushar04:54
gogetaCyberCod: then detach it so you can logout without closin it04:54
ubottutushar: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:54
gogetaCyberCod: you can reattack it later if you whant04:54
tusharkubuntu has actvated by me n i m not able to keep the size of window minimum how is it possible04:55
CyberCodI'm hoping to make a one-button app starter04:55
izinucsCyberCod: yes.. screen is just like terminal.. what you get when you ssh in.. it just allows you to detach remotely and still have the app running.. you'll be able to reattach where you left off as well.. that's how I'm on irc right now. ssh to my server running screen and irssi.04:55
izinucs!screen | CyberCod04:55
ubottuCyberCod: Screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen04:55
tusharrigved can u help me04:55
jyjhello all, it is just  a test, i from china04:56
CyberCodizinucs: I"m familiar with using screen for command line apps, but I didn't think it worked for graphical apps... such as Boxee which is a media center04:56
CyberCodjyj: hello tester from china04:56
gogetajyj: failed!04:56
izinucsCyberCod: sure.. you can start any gui app from the cli.. so there shouldn't be any difference04:56
CyberCodwill attempt it04:56
jyjit's my first IRC travel04:56
rigvedtushar: not sure if i don't know your question. ask it here in the channel and someone may be able to help you (including me!)04:56
tusharany application when started appears in full screen04:56
CyberCodany tips on proper usage of the DISPLAY variable?04:56
izinucsCyberCod: you're not attempting to display it remotely so you won't need to mess with that.04:57
FredFlinstoneok according to that page this is supposed to work, but it dont -  //pc/partition/media/partitioncifscredentials=/home/fred/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=07770004:57
tusharhow the system got upgraded to kubuntu from ubuntu04:57
tusharby which application04:58
gogetaizinucs: whont it jjust say cant find x and crash if it doesent have a display to go to04:58
jyj hello all, it is just  a test, i am from china04:58
gogetaizinucs: guess that only aplys to remote04:58
izinucsgogeta: he's only looking to start boxee remotely.. not display it remotely04:58
jyjit is my first IRC travel.04:58
rigved!ot | jyj04:59
ubottujyj: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:59
gogetaizinucs: i knoe but i dont think it will start via ssh without a display set04:59
rigvedtushar: what did you install last?04:59
izinucsgogeta: that might be.. humm.. only one way to find out :)04:59
gladsonI am using dell vostro 1320.. cannot find wireless networks.. anybody help ??04:59
gladsonmy laptop doesnt detect wireless network around05:00
rigvedgladson: which ubuntu version? 10.10?05:00
jyjto <gladson>: you can delete /etc/network/interfaces, and restart05:00
gladsonrigved, yeah05:00
gladsonjyj, let me try05:01
paulobearHi folks - does anyone have experience with bootp and NFS mounting root file systems?05:01
gladsonjyj, shal i delete the contents over there or the file ?05:03
sacarlsonpaulobear: bootp?  is that like pxeboot?05:03
gladsonrigved, yeah 10.1005:03
Sparkmaverick seems to be using nouveau by default05:03
paulobearyes, sacarlson, pxelinux booting.05:03
Sparkeven for the console05:03
Sparkunfortuntely, it doesn't support my gpu05:03
Sparkrendering the whole machine unusable05:03
gogetasacarlson: isnt bottp part or pxe05:03
sacarlsonpaulobear: I've done that05:03
Sparkhow do i make it use basic vga instead05:03
jyjmv /etc/network/interfaces   /etc/network/interfaces.bck05:04
paulobearsacarlson: I'm getting an NFS error and fail when the client attempts to mount the root file system: unmatched host05:04
gogetaSpark you can try low gfx mode05:04
Sparkwhat's that?05:04
CyberCodmeh, no joy05:04
gogetaSpark assuming your talking live cd05:04
Sparkno, this is the result of a distupgrade05:05
gladsonjyj, i deleted /etc/network/interfaces :(05:05
gladsonjyj, nwo what to do ?05:05
Sparkafter a certain point in the boot sequence, it starts using this thing and the screen goes black05:05
gogetaSpark you can invoke single mode install nivida drivers05:05
CyberCodssh tv@ "screen sh /opt/boxee/run-boxee-desktop"          whelp, that doesn't work05:05
Sparkeven in 'recovery mode' it does that05:05
jyjrestart your computer now05:05
gogetaSpark single you can invoke command line05:05
gladsonjyj, restarted05:05
Sparkgogeta: what do you mean 'single'05:06
gogetaSpark no gui05:06
sacarlsonpaulobear: nfs error?  that's all you see?05:06
Sparki haven't seen such an option since the debian days05:06
gogetaSpark at grub ad single to the options05:06
Sparkto the kernel boot params?05:06
gogetaspark yes05:06
gladsonjyj, yes done with restart.. now ??05:06
paulobearsacarlson: syslog says: Dec 15 18:59:28 taboul-ouradpa-vm mountd[2106]: refused mount request from for /home/paulourada/timesys/atomus15w/rfs (/home/paulourada/timesys/atomus15w/rfs): unmatched host05:06
sacarlsonpaulobear: unmached host oh maybe you didn't setup your  export correctly05:06
Sparkis this what replaces init=/bin/bash05:06
gogetaspark use the normal boot with single added05:06
gogetaSpark so you have rw acess05:07
sacarlsonpaulobear: lets see a pastebin of /etc/export05:07
izinucsSpark: you might need the more recent nvidia driver.. the easiest way to install it is to look for the PPA05:07
gogetaSpark then you should be able to apt-get the nivia drivers05:07
Sparkit didn't accept 'single'05:07
gogetaizinucs: he has nevu05:07
gladsonjyj, are you there ?05:07
Sparki need the developer drivers for nvidia05:07
Sparkand they refuse to isntall because the nouveau module is loaded05:08
paulobearsacarlson: pastebin?05:08
dnivra!pastebin | paulobear05:08
ubottupaulobear: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:08
izinucsgogeta: everyone starts there. nevu is default.05:08
Sparki only managed to work that out by sshing into the laptop05:08
gogetaSpark it didnt accept single????05:08
sacarlsonthanks dnivra05:08
Sparkit just reboot instantaneously05:08
jyjsorry, i dont know how to express what i think05:08
dnivrasacarlson, no problem :)05:08
jyjmy english is not good05:08
izinucsSpark: have you done a full upgrade yet.. update, upgrade, dist-upgrade ?05:08
gladsonjyj, tell me what you wanna tell i will try05:08
gogetaSpark you put it in the kernel line05:08
Sparkizinucs: yes, that's why i'm in this mmess05:08
Sparkgogeta: didn't work05:09
Sparkand neither does init=/bin/bash05:09
clu3hi, how can i figure out which ubuntu i'm using, Lcid or Maverrick?05:09
Sparkit just reboots to bios05:09
gogetaSpark thats strange as hell05:09
paulobearsacarlson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/544298/05:09
FredFlinstonei give up tried both ways, why is no one answering in samba chan is it dead?05:09
gogetaSpark well i guess if you can ssh doit from there05:09
Sparkdo what though05:09
Sparkproblem with ssh is the wifi access point is really flakey and i have to set it up 'blind'05:10
paulobearubotto: thanks!05:10
gogetaSpark instal nivida driver to get out of nevu05:10
dnivrapaulobear, uBOTtu is a bot.05:10
Sparkyou can't install the nvidia driver05:10
gladsonjyj, tell me in what language you want.. i will try google translate05:10
Sparkwait you mean a package?05:10
gogetaSpark yea05:10
sacarlsonpaulobear: ok and what is the ip of the pxeboot client?05:10
jyjcan you find the NetManager icon on the tray area?05:10
gladsonjyj, tell the commands05:10
rigved!brain | paulobear05:10
ubottupaulobear: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots05:10
Sparkthe package will replace nouveau? and then i overwrite it with my own nvidia kernel module and libraries05:10
gladsonjyj, yeah05:11
rednblueam connecting to ubuntu server using FTP. but the folder or files that i create through ftp gets only read write permission. cant get execute permission automatically assigned05:11
paulobearsacarlson: client uses DHCP of course. dhcp3-server set up and running fine.05:11
gogetaSpark make shure you purge out nevu05:11
gogetaspark sudo apt-get --purge remove xserver-xorg-video-nouveau05:11
Sparkthe problem is, everything depends on nouveau05:11
Sparkeven things like mountall05:11
jyjclick the icon,  and tell me what you see!05:11
Sparkso if you don't have nouveau, you don't have a system05:12
gogetaSpark oook05:12
sacarlsonpaulobear: oh I think I had a problem at boot since it seems it needs two IP address so try open the IP to all instead of what you now have set05:12
SwedeMikerednblue: search for "umask" in the ftp server documentation, it should be settable.05:12
Sparkmountall -> plymouth -> nouveau05:12
gladsonjyj, vpn connections.. but now networks05:12
gogetaSpark sudo apt-get install nvidia-current nvidia-settings05:12
sacarlsonpaulobear: ya we should have a pastebin of that too dhcpd.conf05:12
SwedeMike!cn | jyj05:13
ubottujyj: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk05:13
paulobearsacarlson: more 'splain, please? two IPs?05:13
Sparkah no i see what's going on05:13
Sparkmy laptop has a second pullout screen05:13
sacarlsonpaulobear: to start lets just see if the system can nfs mount after a system is already booted05:13
Sparkand for some reason it's decided to make that the primary screen05:13
gogetaSpark heh05:13
sacarlsonpaulobear: I'll tell you about that 2 ip thing later.  lets just go one step at a time05:14
gogetaSpark well that should be easy to switch05:14
gladsonjyj, well write in english. i will try to follow05:14
Sparkit's using something like that old vesa console stuff that never worked propery05:14
dnivragladson, jyj you two could continue in PM too.05:14
gogetaSpark man i wish i had your cash i knoe that labby expensiv heh05:15
sacarlsonpaulobear: can we boot this sytem or any other system to test the nfs mount?05:15
gladsondnivra, PM ?05:15
paulobearsacarlson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/544301/05:15
Sparki can install nvidia-current but it doesn't uninstall nouveau05:15
gladsonanybody could please help me with my wireless network not detecting problem ?05:15
dnivragladson, Private Message :).05:15
Sparkmaybe it will encourage it to not load the module though05:15
demonsporkI used to manage my audio streams from a window that allowed me to specify which device any application would play the sound on. It has been a while and I can't figure out what program I used to do that with, but this is the same install of Ubuntu that I did that with05:15
paulobearsacarlson: sorry, busy pastebinning. No, unfortunately, the system is @ work, and is diskless in any case.05:16
gogetaSpark well can always blacklist by hand if you got a ui you can use the addiontal drivers tab05:16
=== wqapol_ is now known as wqapol
izinucsgogeta: Spark might have to create a driver line in xorg.conf to activate it.05:16
Sparkhow do you blacklist it?05:16
sacarlsonpaulobear: that's ok that looks like it might work but lets test nfs mount on a already booted system05:16
Sparki only know how to blacklist modules during hibernate05:16
gogetaSpark heh will lets see how it behaves first05:16
gogetaSpark i think the new instalers do it for you05:17
paulobearsacarlson: so you want my to try it on my system here? somehow?05:17
sacarlsonpaulobear: yes do you have 2 systems that boot from something other than pxeboot?05:17
soreauCan anyone tell me which program is making the numpad control the mouse?05:18
gladsonwireless card not detecting wireless network.. anybody help ?05:18
paulobearsacarlson: hmm... I could set up a cupla VirtualBox systems, I suppose?05:18
gogetaSpark it should be easy enough to switch your display back around05:18
Sparkthis isn't X05:18
sacarlsonpaulobear: wow that's a good idea05:18
Sparkit's the console05:18
gogetaSpark oh05:19
izinucssoreau: try CTRL+insert.. there's a simple key combo to turn that off..05:19
Sparkdo you remember svgatextmode?05:19
Sparkit's like that05:19
sacarlsonpaulobear: I've never even tried that05:19
Sparkonly more broken05:19
gogetaSpark lol05:19
dnivragladson, perhaps the wireless network isn't in range of the wireless card?05:19
Sparkah now it's working05:19
Sparkinstalling that nvidia module must have disabled it05:19
soreauizinucs: I already found it in gnome-keyboard-properties05:19
gogetaSpark what with your nivida drivers now installed :)05:19
paulobearsacarlson: well, I just don't have the hardware laying around. take me a while to put it together. will you be around tomorrow?05:19
sacarlsonpaulobear: if you use virtualbox make sure you use the bridge ethernet mode05:20
Sparki now need to overwrite them with devdrivers from nvidia though05:20
gladsondnivra, people near and far from me are using perfectly05:20
mohamed_how i can install softwar05:20
sacarlsonpaulobear: ok05:20
paulobearsacarlson: yep.05:20
gladsondnivra, same is working in windows perfectly05:20
dnivramohamed_, check out software center.05:20
gogetaSpark will laptops working lol you use dev drivers your on your own heh05:20
mohamed_site ?05:20
Sparkit's needed for cuda unfortunately05:20
mohamed_gimme link05:20
izinucsSpark: look for the ppa.. it has the dev drivers and they will become the nvidia-current and will also update05:20
paulobearsacarlson: is there a better way to communicate tomorrow? I've been at it for 12 hours now. gotta get some shuteye05:20
dnivramohamed_, it's an application installed in your ubuntu machine. Applications -> Software Center.05:21
Hilikushow can i see my nvidia driver version? i'm using 10.0405:21
sacarlsonpaulobear: seem you don't need hardware just install virtualbox and setup another ubuntu system05:21
mohamed_thanks pal05:21
rednblueSwedeMike:  am new to ubuntu.. how do i set umask so that ge tread write execute permission for file and foldefrs created using ftp05:21
sacarlsonpaulobear: I'm always here  this system stays up 24/705:21
izinucsSpark: google "ppa nvidia-vapau" and in that link will be the link for the driver ppa05:21
dnivragladson, it doesn't detect the connection at all? do any other ubuntu systems have the same issue?05:22
dnivra!wireless | gladson05:22
ubottugladson: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:22
paulobearsacarlson: ok, talk to you when I get it put together.05:22
dnivragladson, check those out-pretty well documented.05:22
Sparkah it's another apt repository?05:22
sacarlsonpaulobear: my hours are like veried so just leave me a pm and I'll get back to you05:22
Sparki thought nvidia did not allow repackaging of their drivers05:22
mohamed_i can't find/ yahoo msn05:22
paulobearsacarlson: okey dokey05:22
tkmron Ubuntu 10.10 server I have a script that starts Killing Floor server in a detached screen session, but when I run the script it says 'Must run suid root for multiuser support.' When I run the command without using the script, it works fine. What's going on here?05:22
mohamed_how i can get it ?05:23
gogetaSpark shh dont tell05:23
dnivramohamed_, you mean chat client?05:23
izinucsSpark: they are packages as a script to install properly .. no modification of their drivers at all.05:23
gogetaSpark just kiddin ppa are just bledding edge repos05:23
dnivra!info empathy | mohamed_05:23
ubottumohamed_: empathy (source: empathy): GNOME multi-protocol chat and call client. In component main, is optional. Version 2.32.1-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 834 kB, installed size 2400 kB05:23
dnivra!info pidgin | mohamed_05:23
ubottumohamed_: pidgin (source: pidgin): multi-protocol instant messaging client. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.7.3-1ubuntu3.2 (maverick), package size 536 kB, installed size 1656 kB05:23
rednbluesudo chfn -o "umask=002" daemon_username  SwedeMike05:23
Sparkalright well stuff is working now05:23
dnivramohamed_, empathy should be installed by default. Applications -> Internet -> Empathy05:24
dnivra!pidgin | mohamed_05:25
ubottumohamed_: The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete05:25
rednbluehow do i use umask? :(05:25
randy_I install ubuntu 10.10 x86 using cd-rom ,but now I remove cd-rom,but when I boot OS,it show [    8.264543] ata3.00: status: { DRDY ERR } [    8.264592] ata3.00: error: { ABRT }05:25
gogetarandy_: bad cd or bad hardrive unfortanly05:26
randy_how can I do to solve that05:26
gladsondnivra, okei checking out05:26
gogetarandy_: let aim for bad iso05:26
randy_gogeta, I only use sata hard05:26
gladsonany command to see wireless networks available ?05:26
randy_gladson, you said my cd iso is bad?05:27
gogetarandy_: doesent mean they dont die but shhot for bad iso thats probly the issue05:27
dnivragladson, check out iwconfig.05:27
gladsonrandy, I never did that05:27
randy_gogeta, should I re-install my OS05:28
rednbluei want rwxrwxrwx permissino to be set auto to directories creating using ftp05:28
Chaos2358quick question guys. im looking into a program that is supportted on linux KDE or QT  is there a way to run this on ubuntu 10.10?05:28
gogetarandy_: with a new iso05:28
tanjirafter 9.04, i installed 10.04... and I don't see Services under admin menu... can any one tell me which package i can install to get it? :-(05:28
randy_gogeta, thank you05:28
gogetarandy_: make shure the cd isnt all messed up to05:28
gladsondnivra, randy_, la no wireless extensions eth0 no wireless extensions wlan0 IEEE and bla bla05:28
tkmrChaos2358, yes. just have to install dependencies05:28
gladsondnivra, and also vboxnet0 no wireless extensions05:29
dfhsdgo back to earlier version, that works!05:29
gogetarandy_: and dont use the win7 burner we get knothing but issues with that use something like imgburn05:29
miststlkrIf I want to essentially reformat a persistent usb install, would simply replacing the casper-rw file do the trick?05:29
Chaos2358tkmr meaning? Im not very.....skilled with somethings05:29
randy_I install ubuntu x64 10.04 server,when install it,I installed openshh,but Ican't connnect to it even can ping it,how can I do05:29
ogami1972oh shizznit...how did i end up here?05:29
nirazioI need to create minimalistic server appliance for running on amazon ec2 (ami). I tried debootstrap. its coming upto 200+ MB , its same with vmbuilder also.Are there any ways of getting it down to 100MB or less. I just need it with bare minimum linux os + JRE.The smaller the size the better.05:30
tanjirrandy_, did you start the service?05:31
dfhsdnirazo some tips go back in time,05:31
dfhsdlinux can be run from floppy.05:31
gogetadfhsd: 2 floppy these days05:31
ogami1972umm. Hey guys...i just launched my IRC client after at least 2 years of it languishing...am wondering if anyone knows what network the XKCD IRC is on these days?05:31
dfhsdmodern: microcore/tinycore05:31
tkmrChaos2358, what are you installing? dependencies are things that other things need to work properly... if that makes sense.05:32
dfhsdRescue Is Possible-Riplinux05:32
gogetadfhsd: 2.6 got to big for just 105:32
ogami1972sigh...um...sorry...i shouldn't have posted that, sorry05:32
randy_tanjir, yes,it can shh itself05:32
gogetarandy_: maybe ufw has the port closed or your roughter is blockin it05:33
Chaos2358tkmr yea it makes sense im looking at installing a program called kid3 if the one i am installing now doesnt work properly. im looking for an mp3 tag editor that searched web for missing track and ide tags and corrects it automatically05:33
toyotireshello I need to put a some lines of a script in a start up script witchone should be the correct??05:33
arthurhanyone played with pulseaudio+rygel can give me some pointers?05:34
dfhsdpulseaudio is used in LTSP05:35
toyotireshow can I put a pass to a user__05:35
tkmrChaos2358, as long as all the dependencies are installed, it should work fine. And if you're installing it with apt-get it should take care of the dependencies for you.05:35
toyotireshow can I put a pass to a user??05:35
FredFlinstonesacarlson, forceroot worked but allows access to anyone, that won't do05:35
toyotiresdoes any one know how can I change a pass to a user??05:35
FredFlinstonei need it security05:36
Chaos2358tkmr ok will do with apt-get then, will you be in here in oh say 30 minutes just in case i manage to fudge it up and need a lil "advice"05:36
dnivra!patience | toyotires05:36
ubottutoyotires: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/05:36
dfhsd security? Test BackTrack 4 r205:36
rwwtoyotires: For the user you're logged in as, or for a different one.05:36
rwwdfhsd: Backtrack is offtopic for this channel.05:36
toyotiresdnivra, those are different questions??05:36
tkmrChaos2358, yup05:37
toyotiresdifrent one rww05:37
rwwtoyotires: 'sudo passwd usersnamehere' in the terminal05:37
dfhsdl0gin as root05:37
toyotiresrww thsnks!!!05:37
dnivratoyotires, sorry :). seemed the same to me. should've read more carefully.05:37
randy_gogeta, I don't use iptable and the switch don't have firewall05:37
ubottuWe do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.05:37
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: who do you want to access it?05:38
FredFlinstonejust fred05:38
BillyRayCyrusI need help mounting a single RAID 1 drive to recover some files05:39
FredFlinstonesecurity = user fred map = /etc/samba/smbusers05:39
shamecd /media & mkdir raid105:40
glitchdBroichen,  ok im back05:40
shamemount /dev/xxraidxx /media/raid05:40
kaushalwhere do i copy the unbuffer shell script so that its available to all users05:40
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: ya looks like it has some kind of security already05:40
randy_tanjir, gogeta ,I find it,the switch is too old,has some problem,I change a port,is OK,Chinese school don't like students set up a group,so give us a bad switch05:40
FredFlinstonei tried , but failed i guess05:40
BillyRayCyrusmount: unknown filesystem type 'linux_raid_member'05:41
randy_tanjir, gogeta , Thank you a lot,I should go to the classs05:41
FredFlinstonenow i am confusing myself05:41
shameBillyRayCyrus look at the link from FredFlinstone  :)05:42
dfhsdnfs, reiserfs, flickrfs, ext2fs, minixfs, webfs, nfs, cloopfs, what do you want?05:43
mattalexxI can't seem to get to a prompt on my server. When I'm at a connected monitor, I can enter my user and pass, then it hangs at "Last login ...". When I SSH in, it displays "Authenticating with public key "rsa-key-...", then hangs. What might be causing this problem?05:43
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: well I don't see this security = user05:43
dfhsdsshfs, telnetfs?05:43
tanjirdoes any one know how can i see the services list like prior to 9.04 in 10.04?05:43
Chaos2358tkmr may i pm?05:43
toyotireshow can I add some commands to a start up script?? does any one knows a good start up script to do that in ubunut ... should be one on the /etc/init.b/    right??05:44
rwwtoyotires: /etc/rc.local05:44
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: ok I found it security = user fred map = /etc/samba/smbusers05:44
rwwdfhsd: Come into #ubuntu-ops when you feel like being helpful, instead of nonsensical and offtopic.05:45
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: can you do that?  put three values on one line?05:45
toyotiresrww tha is a good script to dfine a interface when it starts up__05:45
FredFlinstoneLOL i thought i did it right as per that page05:45
Chaos2358tkmr you still here?05:46
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: and I am comparing to this http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/install-samba-server-on-ubuntu/05:46
FredFlinstonei meant this page - http://www.prash-babu.com/2008/05/how-to-setup-samba-in-linux.html05:46
MoMoi'm using 10.04.1 LTS ... how can i start troubleshooting no sound over HDMI05:46
MoMothe HDMI is onboard btw05:47
FredFlinstonei am so burnt out today, sorry for that, i cant stop stressing05:47
FredFlinstoneFind the following line05:47
FredFlinstone; security = user05:47
FredFlinstoneand replace it with05:47
FredFlinstonesecurity = user username map = /etc/samba/smbusers05:47
FloodBot1FredFlinstone: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:47
FredFlinstoneso according to that i  did it right?05:48
FredFlinstonesecurity = user fred map = /etc/samba/smbusers05:49
FredFlinstonethis was easy in 10.04, under an hour both way sharing05:49
FredFlinstoneyou guys , not me :)05:49
FredFlinstonei upgraded it and it went bad05:50
tkmrChaos2358, yeah05:50
rwwtoyotires: What do you mean by "define an interface"?05:50
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: I don't think so,  try put each value=this ,  on a different line as shown in http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/install-samba-server-on-ubuntu/05:50
Chaos2358tkmr ok i installed from this website http://kid3.sourceforge.net/ it gave an option for ubuntu 10.10 with dependencies but i cant find the program05:51
toyotiresrww i nee to start up and always my IP to be the is a router05:52
FredFlinstonesacarlson,  what to replace, user?05:52
tkmrChaos2358, try typing kid3 into the run command dialog05:52
rwwtoyotires: You should be using /etc/network/interfaces for that05:52
toyotiresrww but always when I restart I get no add for that interface05:52
FredFlinstoneor username, or both?05:52
glitchdcan anyone help me diagnose why chromium wont use flash?05:53
FredFlinstoneman why arent people specific on pages tghat teach grrrrr05:53
toyotiresrww is that a script__05:53
Chaos2358tkmr ok forgive my stupidity but the run command dialogue?05:53
rwwtoyotires: no, it's a configuration file for one of Ubuntu's networking subsystems. See 'man interfaces'.05:53
FredFlinstonewhat do i replace with fred, user? or username, or both?05:53
glitchdcan anyone help me diagnose why chromium wont use flash?05:53
tkmrChaos2358, Hit alt+F2 and that should open the run command dialogue. =)05:54
Chaos2358tkmr oh ok lol05:54
Chaos2358tkmr ok it said error could not open no such file or directory. nut when i clicked the link in the webpage it opened ubuntu software center on my desktop and i downloaded from there. it also says it is installed05:55
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: ok simple rule to try "never have '='  sign seen twice on the same line05:55
tnm_can i install xfce on ubuntu without internet connection?05:55
FredFlinstonewhat do i replace with fred, user? or username, or both?05:56
FredFlinstonedo i even?05:56
Chaos2358tkmr hey i did it05:57
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: in the example I gave you it looks like username map = /etc/samba/smbusers05:58
tkmrChaos2358, Ah, did they put the binary in a weird place?05:58
tkmrChaos2358, I was just finishing up a response too... lol05:58
Chaos2358tkmr lol i had to go to preferences/main menu and check the box05:58
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: I'm not sure what example your looking at05:58
FredFlinstoneso F'ed up with fred LOL05:58
dexiHello everyone. I just put in a brand new SATA drive out of the box, is there something I need to do so ubby will recognize it? (10.04)05:58
tkmrChaos2358, and it works well?05:58
FredFlinstoneusername user geeeeezzzzzz05:58
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:58
FredFlinstonehow do we know when to replace soemthing like that?05:59
Chaos2358tkmr not sure yet i just found and opened it. didnt want to leave you looking for why i couldnt find it05:59
Chaos2358tkmr going to test it now05:59
tkmrChaos2358, haha ok. Thanks for that. =)05:59
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: I'm sure there are 100 different ways to do it,  I can only work on one method at a time05:59
Chaos2358tkmr yup im crossing my fingers and importing 10k mp3 files06:00
=== bots is now known as PEnnis91
KM0201Chaos2358: were you trying to install Gyachi a while ago?06:00
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: my method of security is just allow all local lan to access and also give one dir full read write.  but I'm a low security guy06:00
=== PEnnis91 is now known as bots
Chaos2358KM0201,  yep. i have tried every tag editor out there havent found one yet that does it automatically. I really fish they would fix cowbell06:01
KM0201Chaos2358: gyachi isn't a tag editor06:01
Aliveswhat is the best way to specify resolv.conf options in ubuntu, without using chattr +i?06:01
KM0201Chaos2358: easytag?... thats what i use06:01
FredFlinstonei see06:01
ejvhow do i turn off quiet booting for ubuntu server06:02
Chaos2358KM0201, tried it, it ran for about three hours but when i opened my rythmbox i still had over 2k unknowns06:02
rwwejv: sudo nano /etc/default/grub and remove the quiet and splash arguments from the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT line06:02
rwwejv: then sudo update-grub06:02
FredFlinstoneone thing i am missing is where do i put in mount on boot  commands to mount stuff from other win box?06:02
ejvrww: you friggin rock06:04
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: yup06:05
ejvyou know when you have a night of nothing working, and then stuff starts working, you just sigh with relief... lol06:06
FredFlinstonegotta reboot06:06
dexithe hell06:07
Chaos2358tkmr ok all that for nothing. it will only allow for manual editing06:07
deximy desktop wallpaer just turned black... my icons up top for programs turned to red X's... it seems as if my harddrive is no longer accessable, however, im still here06:07
dexii should check this out inside!06:08
Chaos2358KM0201,  you said you use easytag correct?06:09
KM0201Chaos2358: thats what i use06:09
KM0201sudo apt-get install easytag06:09
FredFlinstoneok i am still sol, i put fred wher you had me put root, and still it lets anyone06:09
Chaos2358KM0201,  yea i literally just deleted it an hour ago06:09
Chaos2358KM0201,  my question is this. when u use it does it edit the id3 tags as well as file names?06:10
FredFlinstoneif i reinstall ubuntu i lose a lot of stuff here06:10
KM0201Chaos2358: no..06:10
KM0201but if you do it manually, it's not an issue06:10
Chaos2358KM0201, edit the file names manually?06:11
KM0201Chaos2358: yeah06:11
KM0201when you highlight a song...06:12
KM0201if you look, you can see the tags on the right06:12
KM0201then at the top, you see the actual filename06:12
FredFlinstonei am now feeling like i cannot have a secure ubuntu at all, if its this flaky to set up, it must be untrustable too06:12
KM0201if you want to change the filename.06:12
Chaos2358KM0201,  and which is it that causes it to show up as "unknown title, unknown artist" in rythmbox? the id3 or file name?06:12
KM0201just type whatever you want up there, edit the tags, click save,06:12
KM0201Chaos2358: that woul be the tags06:12
Chaos2358KM0201,  but i have 10,317 songs06:12
KM0201i dunno chaos06:13
Chaos2358KM0201,  thats alot to edit manually06:13
KM0201should've kept track of it better.06:13
Chaos2358KM0201,  lol yea tell me about it06:13
FredFlinstoneno comment?06:14
Fezzlerhelp with nvidia GeoForce FX 5500 in Lucid.  Anyway to have Lucid detect card and install correct driver06:14
Fezzlerno compiz anymore06:14
Fezzlerwas working but I tried to install legacy nvidia driver - no I have nothing06:15
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:16
dnivraFezzler, tried System -> Administration -> Additional Drivers ?06:17
sacarlsonFredFlinstone: who on your local network do you NOT want to connect to shared files?06:18
=== zac is now known as Guest90262
Fezzlerdnivra>> nothing there06:18
scarra3I am having some trouble with my touchpad in 10.1006:18
Fezzlerdnivra>> empty06:18
tnm_can i install xfce on ubuntu without internet connection?06:18
dnivraFezzler, nothing there in system -> administration?06:19
Fezzlerdnivra>> additional drivers app - empty06:19
dnivraFezzler, oh okay when you open it. right. perhaps nvidia's site might have drivers? that's your best shot or the link ubottu gave you.06:19
dnivraFezzler, i've installed nvidia's drivers for a friend from their site. i did find it in their site.06:20
Fezzlerdnivra>> I have the driver that used to work and it doesn't install - some error about the kernel06:21
dnivraFezzler, but that was long ago-i don't remember what i did. sorry :).06:22
dnivraFezzler, no clue-i don't have an nvidia card :). maybe somebody else could help :).06:22
FloodBot1FredFlinstone: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:23
FishFaceFezzler: Maybe try synaptic and go with nividia-common06:25
FishFaceFezzler: nvidia-common :)06:27
FezzlerFishFace>> will do06:27
ChaosPsycheXcan someone help me with a partitioning problem?06:30
toyotiresrww, can you help me understand the file you point at me... the eth1 is a pre-up or post up job??06:30
ChaosPsycheXi installed ubuntu with the wubi and then moved it to a seperate partition and i cant boot into it06:31
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valrosAny gimp users, how can i precisely position a floating selection?06:33
omardragonslayerAnyone know how to set a workgroup?06:37
sacarlsonvalros: I'm not sure I understand floating  but you can zoom into the work to perform more acurate work06:38
valrosyeah, thats what i have to do now and its horrible..all i need to to is place it exactly at X,Y06:38
needhelp1how can i change the name associated with my home folder?06:38
h1<omardragonslayer>: in samba?06:40
* omardragonslayer needs samba06:41
h1omardragonslayer check /etc/samba/smb.conf06:42
rigvedwhich file is the terminal logged to? like all the commands that i have typed and the messages which were displayed in the terminal06:45
rwwrigved: commands are logged to ~/.bash_history. Output isn't logged by default.06:46
red2kicrigved: ~/.bash_history06:46
omardragonslayer"no such file or directory"06:46
rigvedrww, red2kic: ok. thanx.06:46
pgpkeysjust type history06:46
rigvedrww: how do i enable logging of the output?06:47
rwwno idea06:47
rigvedrww: ok. thanx again06:47
GabrielYYZ rigved: the output of what?06:47
rigvedGabrielYYZ: output obtained in the termional when i type any command06:48
Jordan_Urigved: You can run "script" and all the commands and output from then untill you close the terminal will be kept in a file called "typescript" in the current directory.06:48
GabrielYYZrigved:  "command > output.txt"06:48
maxylopesHow to open .bin file? writes it isnt supportet06:48
GabrielYYZrigved: without quotes06:49
Tobarjai want to be sure i haven't enabled something i shouldn't have. should libc have been updated in the last week or so on lucid/10.04?06:49
rigvedGabrielYYZ: that's redirecting the output. i wanted to know if it can be enabled by default. like a script which stores all the output and then maybe configure logrotate to rotate it06:50
maxylopesHow to open .bin file? writes it isnt supported06:50
rigvedGabrielYYZ: also, the output should be displayed in the terminal as well as stored in the output file06:50
GabrielYYZrigved: ahh, then i'll join the chorus and say "beats me" :( lol06:51
rigvedGabrielYYZ: ok. thanx. :)06:51
GabrielYYZrigved: sorry i couldn't help :(06:51
tioxI wanna switch to using Docky as my means of accessing files and folders, but Cardapio doesn't seem to have an option to integrate as it's own helper object in Docky's prefs. I installed cardapio-docky but I still see no helper of docklet. Suggestions? And no, I won't take show-near-mouse, I want a separate entity on the dock just for cardapio, like a start menu.06:52
rigvedGabrielYYZ: np.06:52
matt\Excuse me, what groups other than the user's own group and the admin group is the new user of an Ubuntu install placed in?  I accidentally dropped all of my groups due to leaving out the -a flag when using usermod.06:52
sacarlsonomardragonslayer: did you try in nautilus to right click on the dir you want to share and select share file?06:53
* tiox is surprised backslashes are acceptable characters in a nick06:53
rwwmatt\: mine's in its usergroup (same name as the username), adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare06:53
=== tiox is now known as \\\\
=== \\\\ is now known as tiox
matt\Thanks rww06:53
omardragonslayerI need to access the shared printer from another machine06:54
sacarlsonomardragonslayer: and what os is that machine on?06:55
sacarlsonomardragonslayer: the shared printer is on vista?06:55
omardragonslayersacarlson: yes06:55
sacarlsonomardragonslayer: sorry I"m a moron in vista06:56
omardragonslayersacarlson: np.  I have shared it from there it just seems to not recognize my Ubuntu sys as being on its own network06:56
zmbmartinI have a ubuntu server. When I ssh into it my bash prompt is not color. Anyone know why?06:57
omardragonslayerSo I figured it needs me to appear on the same workgroup06:58
h1omardragonslayer just the same subnet...07:00
sbeckh1, he's gone.07:01
froldis it possible to add a sidepanel to ubuntu desktop like you know on WinDows07:02
froldto show cpu usage etc07:03
tioxYes, froid.07:03
red2kiczmbmartin: ~/.bashrc07:03
tioxJust choose to add a new panel and drag it to the side.07:03
tioxWrong, sorry...07:03
tioxOld Windows logic kicking in.07:03
tioxYoucan configure where apanel manifests in it's properties.07:04
tioxIf you make a new panel, right click and choose properties, change it's position there.07:04
zmbmartinred2kic: let me rephrase if I set my local TERM "export TERM=linux" then the prompt is color07:05
tioxMind, froid, you need to adjust the panel to use a solid color, since the system theme default (Ambiance, Radiance too) has no side panel graphics.07:05
bullgard'~$ lspci | grep Network; 06:05.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG [Calexico2] Network Connection (rev 05)'. How can I determine the path and filename of my associated WLAN driver?07:05
zmbmartinred2kic: but if I leave my local term at default "rxvt-unicode-256color" then it is not color07:05
red2kiczmbmartin: You might have better luck at #bash07:06
bullgardtiox: Please do not replace punctuation with the Enter key.07:06
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tioxWHoops, sorry.07:06
tioxfroid, I would also suggest popping into #conky and asking how you can configure that, since conky has a lot of flexibility in terms of customization and theme-matching and stuff like that, I wouldn't be surprised if conky would be a superior solution to gnome-panels.07:07
froldthanks tiox I give it a look07:07
furiguys, i've been trying to sync my itouch with my ubuntu machine and nothing is working. when i plug in the itouch when rhythmbox is open, it mounts and immediately unmounts. in a terminal, it says: http://pastebin.com/MBqnDgU3 can someone help?07:08
tioxIf you look for screencaps of conky, you'll see nine times out of ten CPU is an entity, disk space, fan speed, uptime, all sorts of stuff like that.07:08
furiforgot to mention i'm trying to sync it without jailbreaking it07:08
tioxHey guys, isn't there a plugin for rhythmbox that syncs to most Apple MP3 devices?07:09
pickett_make sure its not on standby07:09
tiox(Also furl, I encourage jailbreaking -- Many apple apps you gotta pay for through the store always have free alternatives for those willing to break the locks on their device. Even stillthere are some paid apps for jailbroken iPads/iTouches, to which I ask... why?)07:11
rotem925hello, Does anybody know of a tool to mux two mp3 files into one?07:12
rigved!iphone | furi07:12
furitiox, i actually do want to jailbreak my itouch, but i think its version is too high07:12
ubottufuri: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod07:12
rigvedfuri: ^^ see if this helps07:12
furirigved, thanks07:12
rigvedfuri: you are welcome07:12
furiis there a way for rhythmbox though?07:13
furii'm reading this http://www.webupd8.org/2010/01/easy-way-to-sync-your-iphone-with.html07:13
tiox"Liberating", hehe07:13
rotem925anyone? how do I mux audio files?07:14
tioxI would rather build my own tblet PC than to be suckered into an iTouch.07:14
rotem925There must be a tool for that07:14
rotem925Blue1: it looks like mencoder needs a video stream07:15
ubotturockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!07:15
rotem925jamesklyne:  ill check it, thanks07:15
Blue1rotem925: :-( wasn't certain --07:15
Blue1i use guayadeque07:15
chandrageethahow to enable cookies?07:15
Blue1chandrageetha: depends on browser07:16
bullgardchandrageetha: Use your WWW browser.07:16
chandrageethai am using chromium and mozilla07:16
jijojohnhello when i use remastersys,which option i select to make a livecd with only the filesystem of linux,not userdata07:16
Blue1name fam with mozilla, do you mean firefox by chance?07:16
Blue1not fam07:17
chandrageethais it browser dependend? can´t we customize it?07:17
chandrageethawhat you mean by WWW browser, bullgard07:17
Blue1chandrageetha: it's different in every browser - so the answer to your question depends on what browser you use07:17
bullgardchandrageetha: Yes, it is WWW browser type dependent.07:18
jamesklynerotem925: Not sure if that's what you're looking for but good luck.07:18
tioxchandrageetha: Firefox is very customizable. If you want an unbranded version of firefox you can check out abrowser.07:18
rotem925jamesklyne:  I need a commandline tool :) this one is GUI, thanks anyway07:18
jijojohnanyone know  hello when i use remastersys,which option i select to make a livecd with only the filesystem of linux,not userdata07:18
bullgardchandrageetha: A WWW browser is a program that allows you to read the many websites in the Internet. A prominent example is "Firefox".07:18
* Blue1 wonders if they'll ever get ff to work 64 bit in 10.10?07:18
chandrageethai am using chromium and mozilla firefox, pls tell me which browser which is enabled cookies?07:19
tioxBoth browsers can have cookies enabled.07:20
chandrageethahow to enable cookies in FireFox?07:20
tioxShould be enabled by default.07:20
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chandrageethais chromium cookies customizable?07:21
glitchdughhh no matter what i do, i cannot get flash to work in chromium!!!07:21
glitchdplease help07:21
cdbsglitchd: Did you install the flashplugin-installer package?07:22
tioxchandrageetha: Please go to #firefox for more firefox help -- This ploace is for Ubuntu support. As for chromium, I assume it's #chromium for their support.07:22
glitchdcdbs, i have tried all of them07:22
cdbsglitchd: after installing it you need to close and re-open chromium07:22
glitchdcdbs, including the one from the site07:22
glitchdcdbs, yes i did that07:22
glitchdcdbs, i have been at this all day07:23
glitchdcdbs, since about 11am07:23
ChaosPsycheXcan someone help me with a wubi installation07:23
glitchdcdbs, i have done everything short of reinstalling ubuntu07:23
cdbsglitchd: Can you test flash by going to http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/07:23
ChaosPsycheXi cant boot into ubuntu07:23
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rigvedChaosPsycheX: how did you install. i mean what options did you select?07:23
glitchdcdbs, how exactly am i suppose to test it on that site?07:24
cdbsglitchd: Do you get a banner 'Flash player successfully installed ' ?07:24
glitchdcdbs, yes i did07:24
cdbsglitchd: so its installed!07:24
glitchdcdbs, but i cant watch youtube07:24
cdbsglitchd: What is the error you get?07:25
glitchdcdbs, i just get a black box, but there is audio, jus no picture07:25
tioxglitchd: Sounds stupid to ask, but did you allow YouTube through NoScript?07:25
rigvedChaosPsycheX: ok. are you able to boot into windows?07:25
* tiox stays out of the discussion07:25
glitchdcdbs, same thing on other sites with flash content07:25
cdbsglitchd: try http://cbse.nic.in/07:25
cdbsthe simplest flash website I could think of07:26
glitchdtiox i dont think  im using noscript, im in chromium07:26
tioxOooh! I should just shut my big fat mouth then. :P07:26
glitchdcdbs, yea theres just a big grey/black box there07:26
ChaosPsycheXmy windows install is infected07:26
ChaosPsycheXwith a virus posing as a anti virus program07:26
cdbsglitchd: hmm, maybe a problem with your graphic card driver?07:26
cdbsglitchd: does it work with Firefox?07:26
ChaosPsycheXi moved my linux install over to its own partition07:27
glitchdcdbs, yes it does work in ff07:27
ChaosPsycheXi cant boot into that partition07:27
glitchdtiox, dont be so hard on urself07:27
ChaosPsycheXi want to re-claim the windows partition and change it over07:27
tioxChaosPsycheX: Move your files over and delete the partion in gparted then?07:27
ChaosPsycheXcant,because i cant even boot to dev/sda207:28
glitchdcdbs, any ideas?07:28
rigvedChaosPsycheX: did you use the migration assistant?07:28
ChaosPsycheXi used the wubi-move-to-partition program07:28
cdbsglitchd: Which version of chromium are you using?07:29
ChaosPsycheXi can browse the partition files,just cant boot to it07:29
ChaosPsycheXi can even mount it07:29
glitchdcdbs, 8.0.552.215 (67652) Ubuntu 10.0407:29
tioxWell that sounds like a load of suck. :(07:29
cdbs!language | tiox07:29
ubottutiox: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional..07:29
ChaosPsycheXi want to boot to dev/sda207:29
ghisenEverytime Istart skype or virtual box, gnome crashes(?) and i get the login screen... Anyone know what could be wrong?07:30
cdbsglitchd: Is it from a PPA or the one from the ubuntu repos?07:30
ChaosPsycheXso i cant change dev/sda1 to a ext partition07:30
tioxHope you get it sorted out, I'm... ubottu... IN the words of Cartman, "Screw you guys, I'm outta here!"07:30
glitchdcdbs, im not sure07:30
sunwear_hello everyone07:30
glitchdcdbs, wait07:30
rigvedChaosPsycheX: ok. so firstly i'll tell you your last option - use live cd and backup you files. then do a fresh install07:30
sunwear_hello everybody07:30
glitchdcdbs, i just reinstalled it from synaptic07:30
sunwear_hello all07:30
ChaosPsycheXi dont have a cd drive07:30
rigvedChaosPsycheX: now before that, you should use the live cd and try to fix your grub using it07:31
ChaosPsycheXit went out07:31
glitchdcdbs, ive been at this all day, so i have completely removed it and reinstalled it 3 times already today07:31
ChaosPsycheXdont have a cd drive07:31
rigvedChaosPsycheX: do you have a usb slot?07:31
cdbsglitchd: okay, I think its a problem with webkit in embedding those. It works well here, so I guess you might try updating07:31
cdbsglitchd: I mean, updating chromium07:32
glitchdcdbs, ok, how do i do that?07:32
ChaosPsycheXcan i install from my ipod?07:32
glitchdcdbs, i just reinstalled it, wouldnt it be the most current one already?07:32
cdbsglitchd: https://edge.launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/beta07:32
rigved!liveusb | ChaosPsycheX07:32
ubottuChaosPsycheX: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent07:32
cdbsglitchd: Do you know how to add PPAs? Add that PPA and update your chromium07:32
glitchdcdbs, no i have no idea how to07:32
rigvedChaosPsycheX: ^^ follow these instruction to make a live usb. then use it to fix grub07:32
cdbs!ppa | glitchd07:33
ubottuglitchd: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.07:33
=== hekos is now known as Hekos
Jordan_UChaosPsycheX: If it's a "classic" iPod then yes, if it's an iPod Touch then no (because it uses its own proprietary protocal rather than showing up as a USB mass storage device).07:33
cdbsglitchd: Open software-sources, add ppa:chromium-daily/beta to the Third-party tab, close and update07:33
ChaosPsycheXgod dammit07:34
cdbs!language | ChaosPsycheX07:34
ChaosPsycheXits an ipod touch :-(07:34
ubottuChaosPsycheX: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional..07:34
rigvedChaosPsycheX: can you get a usb stick temporarily?07:34
ChaosPsycheXmy ipod touch is jailbroken though07:35
ChaosPsycheXcan i install a protocol on it so it will show up as a usb mass storage device07:35
Jordan_UChaosPsycheX: What happens when you try to boot Ubuntu?07:35
ChaosPsycheXi get an error saying that dev/sda2 doesnt exist dropping to a command shell07:35
oier_How many GB do Ubuntu 10.10 need just to have it as virtual machine to very specific uses (and not to save data)?07:36
rigvedoier_: 20 GB recommended07:36
oier_yeah, I see it in my vmware player...07:37
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ChaosPsycheXsomething about devadm is not permitted while udev is uncofigured too07:37
oier_but, what if 10?07:37
ChaosPsycheXi think grub is botched or something07:37
rigvedoier_: managable if you configure logrotate to rotate more often than usual07:37
glitchdcdbs, ok i did that but im getting some error, how do i track down which entry this is talking about07:37
glitchdcdbs, W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net lucid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY FBB49579B75FECB007:38
oier_rigved: thanks07:38
cdbsglitchd: okay, just a minute07:38
glitchdcdbs, ok07:38
rigvedoier_: you are welcome07:38
Two9AAlright, guys. I'm having trouble getting a Hauppage DVB-T card running: the driver loads fine, but dvbsnoop/dvbscan can't get anything out of it. http://pastebin.com/6BNHJKXN07:39
cdbsglitchd: run this in a terminal: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 4E5E17B507:39
puppywhat is the command line for allowing access to a executable?07:40
Two9AWhat worries me is the "Resource temporarily unavailable", where'd it go?07:40
spanglesontoasthas anyone ever managed to get a swf file working with xscreensaver ?07:40
glitchdcdbs, still says "W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net lucid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY FBB49579B75FECB0"07:41
Two9AI guess it's too early for TV card experts to have crawled out the woodwork yet ;)07:42
cdbsglitchd: run sudo apt-get update -o Acquire::Http::No-Cache=true07:43
glitchdcdbs, W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net lucid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY FBB49579B75FECB007:43
cdbsglitchd: meh, then try updating straight away07:44
glitchdcdbs, sudo apt-get update?07:44
glitchdcdbs, ?07:45
cdbsglitchd: just a sec07:45
cdbsglitchd: yes, and after that, ignore any errors and type sudo apt-get install chromium-browser07:46
* linux_probe has a wintv-hvr-225007:46
cdbsglitchd: I have to go now, sorry07:46
Two9Alinux_probe: Did you have any trouble setting it up initially?07:46
linux_probei gave up and plugged it into a windows7 box07:46
linux_probegave up on the beta crap07:47
Two9AMy Nova-T feels like it's almost working, it just can't tune in07:47
glitchdcan anyone else help me get this to work????????????????????????????07:47
ubottuPunctuation is good, but its overuse hurts readability:  Please refrain from adding many ?'s or !'s to the end of your sentences.  See also !enter07:47
linux_probei went through a week of trials and tribulations07:47
linux_probethen gave up, as I moved alot of stuff ot an ESXi host anyways07:48
glitchdcan someone please help me get flash to work in chromium???!07:48
linux_probethen again, that was about 1 year ago now07:48
acnotHi all, I have broken my wireless07:48
linux_probei had trouble with it on windows also07:49
faryshtaHello. How to mount a external hard-drive? Already plugged.07:49
linux_probeand still do on occasion07:49
Two9Alinux_probe: Doesn't sound like fun, sure07:49
faryshtaacnot, which wireless card you have?07:49
linux_probenope, i was ready to snap in it half about a dozen times07:49
glitchddoes anyone know anything about chromium in here??07:49
faryshtaTrouble mounting an external hard-drive.07:49
faryshtaglitchd what do you need to know?07:50
glitchdfaryshta, i cant get flash to work in chromium07:50
acnotI have been experimenting with WEP exploiting achieved absolutely nothing and manage to somehow bust my routing07:50
glitchdfaryshta, someone was helping me but bitched out in the middle of helping07:50
faryshtaglitchd, install the mozilla plugin.07:50
faryshtaThen reboot.07:50
* Two9A just doesn't understand why the card can't tune07:50
SargunDoes anyone have any decent programs to run basic statistical analysis on command line?07:50
acnotfaryshta: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG07:50
glitchdfaryshta, how do i do that?07:51
Sargunsimpler than R07:51
Two9AThe aerial's plugged in, and the card's up and running; should be fine07:51
faryshtaglitchd are you new? Not criticizing, need to know.07:51
linux_probeis it the same card as mine Two9A ?07:51
glitchdfaryshta, for all intensive purposes, yes.07:51
faryshtaIn the system menu you will find Synaptic Package Manager.07:52
linux_probestupidly on mine one coax port is for FM tuner only07:52
rwwintents and purposes07:52
acnotfaryshta: I can connect to an access point but no through-put07:52
linux_probethe other is internally split to both tuners07:52
acnotfaryshta: I can't even ping07:52
faryshtaacnot, are you sure your router is working? Try connecting other router.07:53
acnotfaryshta: Actually I can ping the wireless router07:53
FishFaceacnot: Did you change your mac address by chance? Also, have you booted since the problem?07:53
zealiodthis rule is not preventing network users viewing web content on port 80, can any one suggest why? iptables -IFORWARD -i br0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j DROP07:53
glitchdfaryshta, are u gonna help me?07:53
acnotFishFace: Yes and yes07:53
faryshtaglitchd, open synaptic manager.07:53
glitchdfaryshta, ok07:54
glitchdfaryshta, then?07:54
=== michael is now known as Guest18494
zealiodI've also tried the rule on INPUT07:54
faryshtafind a package named mozilla-flashplugin or something like that.07:54
faryshtaMaybe mozilla-plugin-flash I don't rememer.07:55
FishFaceacnot: Well, booting should change the address back. Maybe look at your router and see if the old mac address is listed. Kill it if so. Thinking your IP might be on there twice. Just a guess.07:55
acnotfaryshta: I have tried three completely different  access points connected to three completely different ISPa07:55
acnotFishFace : I am  on a different AP now07:56
faryshtaSomebody know how to plug an external hard-drive?07:56
FishFaceacnot: Sorry buddy. I don't know.07:56
glitchdfaryshta, there is no package with or like that name07:57
iflemaTwo9A: dvb-t?? install dvb-apps and in a terminal... for e.g.      scan /usr/share/dvb/dvb-t/au-Newcastle > ~/.channels.conf     to tune and save scan results.. replace au-Newcastle with what applies to you... should do....07:57
acnotI un-installed the driver patch that I installed to get airodump-ng working with my card and now chromium has cracked it with me07:57
acnotWhen running it it say that it can not read "my personal preferences"07:58
faryshtaglitchd are you using pure free-software?07:58
glitchdfaryshta, i believe so07:58
acnotFishFace: Well thanks for jump'n in anyway07:58
glitchdfaryshta, what do u mean by that?07:59
pavanaihelp me to update ma distro07:59
acnotFishFace: It's nice to know that you are not alone when shit goes wrong07:59
ChaosPsycheXhow do i find out if i am running ubuntu 32 or 64 bit07:59
pavanaii tried sw sources07:59
rwwChaosPsycheX: type "uname -a" in a terminal. If you see "x86_64" near the end, you have 64-bit. "i686" is 32-bit.07:59
acnotTime for some google foo in an atempt to increase my Ubuntu/Linux foo!07:59
glitchdfaryshta, ??08:00
pavanaisomebdy pls help me!!!08:01
pavanaii wanna update d distro08:02
=== myrtti is now known as Myrtti
=== Phoebus_ is now known as Phoebus
jijojohnwhen i use remastersys my ubuntu stucks in the middle of the process why?08:03
Two9Aiflema: Yeah, I've tried that, it comes back tuning failed08:03
Abhinav1When i am starting my computer I am getting Target filesystem doesn't have requested /sbin/init and (initramfs) propmt is coming  what hould I do?08:03
pavanaixcuse me guys08:04
bigjrhello where can i find a user ? have the irc system a serv for find user ?08:04
Two9Aiflema: As I say, dvbsnoop can't read details about the frontend, and it can't scan08:04
pavanaivers d option to update distro08:04
glitchddoes anyone know anything about chromium flash in here??08:04
faryshtaglitchd, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree08:04
glitchdfaryshta, that doesnt work08:04
glitchdfaryshta, it doesnt fix it08:04
glitchdfaryshta, i still get a blank box where the flash content should be08:04
Two9Aglitchd: Did you restart Chrome?08:05
faryshtaAlready rebooted chromium?08:05
glitchdTwo9A, yes08:05
glitchdTwo9A, i have been at this for like 13hrs trying to get flash to work in chrome08:05
Two9AAnd I've been trying to fix my TV card for the whole night08:05
MereXdoes anybody know how I could adjust brightness ( i guess it is a well-known bug for running on battery? )08:06
glitchdTwo9A, i have completely removed chromium twice and all the plugins in synaptic08:06
glitchdTwo9A, and still i get a grey box where the flash content should be08:06
Two9ACan't help you there; my Linux box can't render Flash either, and I've never tried to fix it08:06
glitchdTwo9A, i get audio, but no picture08:06
glitchdTwo9A, well mine did, but then it just stopped about 2 weeks ago, it only doesnt work in chromium, it works in ff08:07
faryshtaglitchd, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-enable-flash-support-for-google-chromium-browser.html08:07
glitchdfaryshta, ive done that, but ill try it anyways08:08
faryshtaglitchd, killall chromium-browser; chromium browser08:09
bigjrwho have update the NVIDIA graphis to nvidia 260.19.29 the instal failed under 10.0408:09
glitchdfaryshta, as soon as i copied it over, i got a msg in chromium that the plugin crashed08:09
faryshtaglitchd, what version of flash did you installed?08:09
faryshtaAre you on 32 bits or 64?08:10
glitchdi believe it was version 10 and i am in a 32 bit system08:10
glitchdand i did what u just said, and it still had no effect on the problem08:10
glitchdstill does the same thing08:11
DasEibigjr: 260.19.26-0ubuntu1~xup~lucid runs fine on my lucid08:11
bigjrhave you a link ?08:11
bigjrididnt find at ppa08:11
DasEi!who | bigjr08:12
ubottubigjr: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)08:12
DasEibigjr: I don't think it's from ppa, just jockey-gtk08:12
bigjrhm.. ok ty08:13
DasEibigjr: how did you install ?08:13
faryshtaglitchd, flash -v08:13
glitchdfaryshta, put that in terminal?08:13
faryshtaglitchd, yes.08:14
bigjrwith a older 196....08:14
bigjrno ifind the way out08:14
glitchdfaryshta, says no command flash found08:14
UmeaboyI'm looking for the name of the Systemtest-program in 10.10. What's it called?08:14
UmeaboyI went to packages.ubuntu.com, but no hit when searching.08:15
DasEibigjr: sudo apt-get install jockey-gtk && jockey-gtk  , choose recommended08:15
glitchdfaryshta, now it just said that the flash plugin crashed , but nothing ever played08:15
faryshtaglitchd, I think you don't have flash installed or at least not correctly installed.08:15
Abhinav1when I am starting my system getting error that target filesystem doesn't have requested /sbin/init what to do?08:15
glitchdfaryshta, please oh please tell me how to install it correctly08:16
glitchdfaryshta, like i said i have been doin this all day08:16
glitchdfaryshta, please be the guy that shows me how ive been screwing it up all day08:16
glitchdfaryshta, i will sh*t if u show me how to install it nd it works.08:16
faryshtaglitchd, I hope I can.08:16
glitchdfaryshta, literally sh*t.08:17
glitchdfaryshta, right here where i am08:17
faryshtasudo cp /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/chromium-browser/plugins08:17
=== blazie0 is now known as blaize
DasEiglitchd: 64 bit ?08:17
glitchdfaryshta, i have installed it thru the software center, synaptic, downloaded .debs from adobe, i have done it all08:18
glitchdDasEi, no, 32 bit08:18
dagoncan you run ubuntu on an  Iphone?08:18
glitchdDasEi, 10.0408:18
GabrielYYZglitchd: do you use firefox as your web browser?08:18
furiat whoever showed me the one thing for amarok, amarok doesn't show it up either. rhythmbox is the closest as it gets. again, it mounts and unmounts on rhythmbox and on terminal it says this: http://pastebin.com/MBqnDgU308:18
dagonIOS is unix and unix is linux right?08:19
glitchdGabrielYYZ, yes i did, but im trying to switch to chromium for speed08:19
Myrttidagon: wrong and wrong08:19
glitchdi also excluded it from gtk rgba apps in the .profile file08:19
GabrielYYZglitchd: ah, if you still have firefox installed, get the FLASH-AID add on and it will install flash automatically through a script08:19
dagonMyrtti, I want to run ubuntu on my IOS I phone.08:20
glitchdGabrielYYZ, u do know that im not interested in getting flash for firefox, right?08:20
Myrttidagon: good luck08:20
DasEiglitchd: flashpluginstaller did for me, or just install ubuntu-restricted-extras (partner-repo enabled) for some more needed codecs08:20
glitchdDasEi, thats already done08:20
DasEiglitchd: what error do you get ?08:20
glitchdDasEi, if i didnt have restricted extras installed i wouldnt have some of the codecs that i have08:20
glitchdDasEi, its not an error msg,08:20
glitchdDasEi, i get sound, but no picture08:21
glitchdDasEi, like on youtube, i get a grey box with sound and thats it08:21
Abhinav1anyone ?08:21
dagonSo IOS is screwed to not boot droid or ubuntu08:21
dagonI wanna get out of the clutches of apple and run droid on my i crap08:21
dagonmeaning I phone08:22
faryshtaglitchd, the flash for firefox is the same for chromium.08:22
GabrielYYZglitchd: but did you try faryshta's suggestion to cp libflashplayer.so to /usr/lib/chromium-browser/plugins? that didn't work either?08:22
dagonor Ubuntu08:22
Myrttidagon: too bad you bought an iphone then...08:22
glitchdGabrielYYZ, yes i did try and no it still didnt work08:22
DasEiglitchd: swfdec-mozilla installed ?08:22
DasEi(shouldn't )08:22
furiguys, i've been trying to sync my itouch with my ubuntu machine and nothing is working. when i plug in the itouch when rhythmbox is open, it mounts and immediately unmounts. in a terminal, it says: http://pastebin.com/MBqnDgU3 can someone help? i don't want to jailbreak.08:22
glitchdDasEi, i have no clue what that is08:22
dagonbah was traded.. I'm a linux guy so hene me being here08:22
GabrielYYZfaryshta: it's too complicated to do it the way i thought of anyways08:22
DasEiglitchd: another plugin which interferes with adobe08:23
glitchdDasEi, how do i install it to give it a try?08:23
=== tristan3199us1 is now known as trippy
vyHi! I'm looking for the patch Andy (apw) Whitcroft comitted to linux-libc-dev for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eglibc/+bug/673073 bug. Where can I find it?08:23
DasEiglitchd:sudo apt-get remove --purge  swfdec-mozilla08:23
dagonI wanna blow the I crap system and put on Droid or Ubuntu.08:23
faryshtaUbuntu 10.10 don't recognize my external hard-drive.08:23
keepguessingHello, Is it possible to boot from ISO remotely using PXE??08:23
DasEifaryshta: open a terminal ..08:24
DasEifaryshta: sudo fdisk -l08:24
faryshtaDasEi, done.08:24
glitchdDasEi, Package swfdec-mozilla is not installed, so not removed08:24
glitchd0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 20 not upgraded.08:24
DasEil= lower L08:24
faryshtaDasEi, done.08:24
DasEiglitchd: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade08:24
DasEifaryshta: hd not seen ?08:24
lundtorQuestion: how do i remove a commit in a non working tree?08:24
=== Xeross|AFK is now known as Xeross
faryshtaDasEi, nop :(08:25
trippyis there a way to install ubuntu or backtrack or kubuntu on a 16GB usb flash drive thats PERSISTANT.. also is there an easy way to do this.. anything simalar to unetbootin thats accually persistant08:25
glitchdDasEi, ok thats installing a bunch of stuff08:25
DasEifaryshta: connected by usb ?08:25
faryshtaDasEi, yup08:25
arunkumar413where are the source files stored?08:25
DasEifaryshta: lsusb, found ?08:25
DasEiarunkumar413: /etc/apt/sources.list08:26
glitchdDasEi, ok thats done, now what?08:26
glitchdDasEi, thank you btw for the help08:26
DasEiglitchd: restart ff, try again08:26
TarkersAnyone know of a good guide for installing SC2? I'm on 10.1008:26
DasEiTarkers: ŝc2 ?08:27
TarkersStarcraft 2.08:27
glitchdDasEi, maybe i didnt say this, ff flash is not my problem, it works find in there, its chromium that is giving me the headache08:27
arunkumar413DasEi: i mean the source codes of packages08:27
DasEiTarkers: look in :08:27
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help08:27
faryshtaDasEi, thats weird. lsusb stucked.08:27
TarkersThanks ubottu08:27
DasEifaryshta: hangs ?08:27
glitchdDasEi, and yes it still works fine in there08:27
DasEi!brain | Tarkers08:28
ubottuTarkers: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots08:28
faryshtaDasEi, still hanging.08:28
DasEifaryshta: ctrl -c it08:28
DasEifaryshta: try another usb port08:28
faryshtaDasEi, Done, not working.08:28
trippyanyone here ever made a persistant usb installation of ubuntu08:29
DasEifaryshta: re-plug,  dmesg | tail08:29
DasEiany hints there ?08:29
DasEiglitchd: working now ?08:29
glitchdDasEi, no, its not. im still getting the grey box with audio only08:30
DasEiglitchd: pm me08:30
seulhi! Yesterday i installed the latest version of desktop ubuntu, and now the fans are running at full speed constantly when there is no need to (checked with htop and stuff, not many heavy processes going on). The program fancontrol doesnt work for me. What to do?08:30
nmvictoris it possible to insert and eject my wireless card in ubuntu, seems like my hardware turn wireless ON/OFF button is not working ij my Toshiba satellite08:31
faryshtaDasEi, [219891.368704] EXT4-fs (sda1): re-mounted. Opts: errors=remount-ro,commit=008:32
faryshta[219897.172049] EXT4-fs (sda1): re-mounted. Opts: errors=remount-ro,commit=60008:32
DasEifaryshta: sda1 is your first hd, so likely the internal08:33
=== linuxguy101 is now known as Bankers-Own-U
faryshtaDasEi, then I suppose it simply can't read my external.08:35
faryshtaI will try to plug it tomorrow at work.08:35
faryshtaAnd check if its my external or my laptop.08:36
DasEifaryshta: it should least recognize it, seems like not powered on or such, is the drive spinning ?08:36
root_any good tutorial to set a ssh server??08:36
ruby_on_tailsi downloaded firefox latest version which is a tar.bz and has a folder inside, i have no idea how to install it, what should i do ?08:36
llutz_root_: man sshd_config08:36
DasEi!ssh | root_08:37
ubotturoot_: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)08:37
ilu-tghi all.. the persistent aliases for my root account are stored in /root/.bashrc08:37
ilu-tgwhere are the aliases for ALL users, like the global aliases?!08:38
ilu-tgtalking of centos, by the way08:38
furiguys, i've been trying to sync my itouch with my ubuntu machine and nothing is working. when i plug in the itouch when rhythmbox is open, it mounts and immediately unmounts. in a terminal, it says: http://pastebin.com/MBqnDgU3 can someone help? i don't want to jailbreak.08:38
faryshtaDasEi, yes its spinning.08:39
ruby_on_tailsanyone ?08:41
root_what is the application for ssh user?? userssh???08:41
llutz_root_: ssh08:41
faryshtaruby_on_tails, ./firefox/firefox-bin or something similar.08:42
root_llutz, how can I set ssh for users and pas??08:43
furiguys, i've been trying to sync my itouch with my ubuntu machine and nothing is working. when i plug in the itouch when rhythmbox is open, it mounts and immediately unmounts. in a terminal, it says: http://pastebin.com/MBqnDgU3 can someone help? i don't want to jailbreak.08:43
llutz_root_: password = user-password, settings "man ssh" "man ssh_config"08:43
ruby_on_tailsfaryshta: what to do with that bin file ?08:44
ruby_on_tailsif i double click it nothing happens08:44
root_llu is sshpass the comman I need08:44
faryshta./file means execute "file".08:44
faryshtaOn a terminal put ./firefox-bin08:44
llutz_!sshd > root_  read here08:45
ubotturoot_, please see my private message08:45
ruby_on_tailsfaryshta: ./firefox-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libxul.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory08:45
keepguessingI am trying to pze boot an iso from a remote machine. I have not mount the iso. Is there a way to provide the iso  ??08:45
Jordan_Uruby_on_tails: You don't run firefox-bin directly, you run the "firefox" shell script which properly sets up the environment for firefox-bin.08:46
ruby_on_tailsJordan_U: how do i do that ?08:46
Jordan_Ukeepguessing: Very few iso files can be booted via PXE.08:46
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ruby_on_tailsJordan_U: i did ./firefox and it opens my old version 3.0.8 ff08:47
keepguessingJordan_U How do you give that option ??08:47
techbreakMy wifi adapter doesnt detect wifi networks.. Dell Vostro 132008:47
Jordan_Uruby_on_tails: That's probably because you already had firefox open.08:47
llutz_ruby_on_tails: you're missing stuff to run the actual ff-version, it needs newer xulrunner afaik08:48
ruby_on_tailsJordan_U: should i close all of them ?08:48
DasEikeepguessing: yes, sudo -o loop Your.iso /your/mountpoint08:48
Jordan_Uruby_on_tails: Yes, close all firefox windows.08:48
luxurymodeis there a way to pull up the history for this feed? need to reference some stuff from earlier. didnt log...08:48
ruby_on_tailsllutz_: is there no debian file orsomething to install this08:48
Jordan_Uruby_on_tails: But really it's easier to install the latest firefox from a PPA.08:48
ruby_on_tailsi am not a terminal ninja08:48
UmeaboyNobody that knows?08:48
ruby_on_tailsJordan_U: i tried some cli commpands mentioning ppa, i dont understand a single thing from it08:48
DasEikeepguessing: the dir you have to create remote, make it readable and put it in pxe's config (the path of remote iso)08:49
llutz_ruby_on_tails: if you install stuff from tar-files you have to take care about these dependencies on your own. that why using .debs is recommended08:49
ruby_on_tailsis there any deb available ?08:49
llutz_ruby_on_tails: theres a mozilla-daily ppa (afaik) check it08:49
keepguessingI am not setting up a PXE server.08:50
Jordan_Uruby_on_tails: Do you want the latest stable version of Firefox, the latest beta, or the latest daily build?08:50
llutz_ruby_on_tails: and be prepared to break things that way08:50
DasEi!who | keepguessing08:50
ubottukeepguessing: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)08:50
DasEikeepguessing: how do you initiate ?08:50
ruby_on_tailsJordan_U: 3.6 i guess, the latest stable version08:51
ruby_on_tailsllutz_: :(08:51
keepguessingfrom the boot prompt I am giving it the location of image08:51
keepguessingI mean is there a way to do that??08:51
DasEikeepguessing: which prompt ? cd, usb, floppy.. ?08:51
keepguessingboot: prompt08:52
keepguessingDasEi: I am mouting it from the linux boot prompt08:53
Jordan_Uruby_on_tails: What version of Ubuntu are you using?08:54
ruby_on_tailsthough how can i check it?08:54
Jordan_U!version | ruby_on_tails08:55
ubotturuby_on_tails: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »08:55
Jordan_Uruby_on_tails: If you are using 9.04 then you need to upgrade, 9.04 is no longer supported.08:55
=== Termana_ is now known as Termana
Viking667hi all. I have a question about java... I installed the sun version of java from the apt database, but my system is still acting as if it's got to look for openjdk. It's causing trouble when I want to use ant, as ant can't find certain fairly essential commands, javac being one of them.08:56
Viking667I've noticed a series of _java_.... in my environment, but none of them tell me where the heck java is supposed to be, nor how I can tell the system I want to use Sun's java... what should I do?08:57
Viking667hey ho, another eric09:00
=== eric is now known as Guest34273
Jordan_UViking667: sudo update-alternatives --config java09:00
Guest34273lol not anymore09:00
Viking667ah huh.09:00
Viking667thanks, Jordan_U09:00
Jordan_UViking667: You're welcome.09:00
Viking667lol. THAT worked.09:02
Viking667Right... now hopefully I can get my own Google Wave server compiled09:02
Us3r_Unfriendlyweechat is a better with my old eyes09:05
Viking667Us3r_Unfriendly: I actually prefer irssi for the speed...09:06
Us3r_UnfriendlyViking667: i agree 100% with you. /connect is faster in irssi09:06
Viking667I tried weechat, I found it way too slow. Weird, considering it's just a textmode client.09:06
Us3r_UnfriendlyViking667: you know a way to color map irssi?09:06
Viking667my weechat tended to be slow in most areas09:06
Viking667colour map?09:07
Viking667how do you mean? Sorry, I'm not sure how you use the term.09:07
azbr00I used colours in mine, but I went to the irssi site and got a script to do it and placed in in autostart or something09:07
Us3r_Unfriendlyweechat kinda color maps every user's comments so it's easier to read.  I haven't dug into too much...funny thing is i've been using irssi for years and now it bothers my eyes09:08
Viking667ahhh yes.  $HOME/.irssi/09:08
tripelbHi I still cant print HP5440jet, new driver fail. 10.04 -- can someone help me now? I've been asking this 2x/day for 2 days. Hoping.09:08
Us3r_Unfriendlytripelb: what driver are you using?09:08
kukmanhi, people. I have problem with touchpad, which recognize as PS/2 Generic Mouse. I tried all workarround I found in google, but nothing =(09:08
tripelbViking667, I like xchat09:08
Viking667Us3r_Unfriendly: does it colour all of the user's text line? Or just their nicks?09:08
Viking667tripelb: xchat's no good when the X server falls off...09:09
kukmanon all kernels ( I tried ubuntu 10.04 ) touchpad recognized normally09:09
tripelbUs3r_Unfriendly, whatever I got from the hp site. let me give you what it is called.09:09
Viking667And I still prefer irssi09:09
Us3r_UnfriendlyViking667: it colors users names every time differently when you write making it easier to see your text vs someone elses09:09
tripelbviking oh. that kills penguin too. I used to use irc (back in the very very old days in the 80's(09:09
tripelbUs3r_Unfriendly, I am using hplip-3.10.9.run09:10
Us3r_Unfriendlytripelb: i love command line so much X is just for show...i don't use it so i like weechat and irssi09:10
azbr00Us3r_Unfriendly: Good on ya!09:11
Us3r_Unfriendlyand that's why i love mplayer :)09:11
Viking667Us3r_Unfriendly: my irssi colours each nick a different colour out of a palette of about 12 colours09:11
tripelbUs3r_Unfriendly, understood. I would like to know what I was using back then09:11
Viking667I use commandline for about 60% of stuff, for the rest I use X09:11
Us3r_Unfriendlyhttp irc windows09:11
tripelbUs3r_Unfriendly, I really love VLC because it just works and mplayer sometimes fails.09:11
linux_infernoI created a Raid1+0 on a Highpoint RocketRaid 7240 that is 3TB. I want to create an optimize XFS file system. I am a bit confused about the sunit and swidth. The card has a chunk size of 512B not Kb. Is my sunit then 512/512=1 and swith 1*numDataDrives=2?09:12
Viking667... it's partly why I run twin, because twin has an X client as well as a tty client09:12
Us3r_Unfriendlytripelb: never had a problem with mplayer...it's a great cli media player09:12
Viking667tripelb: hah. I've found problems with vlc, where sometimes it won't play certain types of media stream.09:12
tripelbUs3r_Unfriendly, "unable to open the initial device, quitting" == it will print that.09:12
Us3r_Unfriendlytripelb: what were you trying to play?09:12
tripelbViking667, will lucky you. I cant remember the fault. I just switched and didnt look back.09:13
daanishdoes anyone know of a channel or chatroom based on either bash or programming where I can learn a little more about those two things?09:13
tripelbViking667, but I think it was audio09:13
Us3r_Unfriendlytripelb: easiest way is cd'ing to the directory where the music is and typing mplayer *mp3 -shuffle09:13
dnivradaanish, #bash and ##programming.09:14
tripelbdaanish, haha I went /join #bash and there are lots of folks there. You can be more exploratory like me!09:14
Viking667tripelb: actually, wasn't quite so lucky. The machine I happened to be on didn't have mplayer at the time...09:14
Viking667which I soon remedied.09:14
dnivradaanish, you should really ask channel related enquiries at #freenode.09:14
Us3r_Unfriendlydaanish: also there's plenty of good ppl that made videos on youtube09:14
Viking667I like -shuffle09:14
Us3r_UnfriendlyViking667: me too09:14
Viking667-playlist isn't too bad either09:14
daanishthanks dnivra, tripelb and Us3r_Unfriendly.09:14
azbr00Wow, I just learnt something new about mplayer!09:15
Nemesis^Good day everyone - Does anyone know if there is some form of DNS Hijack in progress on *.archive.ubuntu.com? I'm finding that za.archive.ubuntu.com suddenly resolves to a host in Russia and I'd be a little concerned that I am updating systems from a boobytrapped source ?09:15
Viking667azbr00: what?09:15
Us3r_Unfriendlyyeah but        ls -a > *.playlist takes longer09:15
azbr00Thanks to this topic ;)09:15
tripelbUs3r_Unfriendly, thanks but I didnt need to do all that. All I was playing was one thing. Ireally cant remember now. I use the gui. Except to install. Synaptic befuddles me. -- but can you teach me how to get more repositories -- in Terminal.09:15
JoeMaverickSett!cn | lyj09:15
ubottulyj: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk09:15
Viking667Us3r_Unfriendly: hm? I suspect that only has to be done once though...09:16
Viking667(until you refresh the list, of course, in which case you merely append new entries)09:16
Us3r_Unfriendlytripelb: add-apt-repository is a good one09:16
Us3r_Unfriendlytripelb: adding to the software sources is another09:16
tripelbUs3r_Unfriendly, DO i have to know the name of the repository to do that?09:17
Us3r_Unfriendlytripelb: or you could go all out and go to /etc/apt/sources.list09:17
Viking667... which is what I used to do09:17
tripelbUs3r_Unfriendly, isnt that the same as adding software sources. I mean isnt a software source another word for repository???09:17
Viking667until apt-add-repository started working properly for me and adding keys for me09:17
Us3r_Unfriendlytripelb: yes you'll been to know the ppa for that09:17
daanishCan I ask a really newb question regarding bash?09:18
tripelbWHAT is a PPA?09:18
tripelbdaanish never never ask if you can ask just ask.09:18
Viking667daanish: go ahead, though n00b questions about bash could also be asked in #bash09:18
Us3r_Unfriendlytripelb: there might be a package in the repos that has the ability to search for ppa's out there09:18
bullgard'~$ modinfo ipw2200; filename:  /lib/modules/2.6.35-23-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ipw2x00/ipw2200.ko'. How can I establish that its associated source code file is /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.35/drivers/net/wireless/ipw2x00/ipw2200.c ?09:18
tripelbUs3r_Unfriendly, ok that's as far as I want.. oh bonjoyee thanks09:18
Us3r_Unfriendlytripelb: ppa is Personal Package Archive09:19
tripelb<bonjoyee> tripelb: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas09:19
tripelbwhatever that means. lol09:19
Us3r_Unfriendlylooks like bonjoyee has a list of ppa's out there...that works!09:19
tripelbok I will have to go to windows to print... and ask again another day.09:20
tripelbgoodnight friends09:20
Us3r_Unfriendlytripelb: what was your original question?09:20
dnivrailker_, hello. you got a query/problem. fire away.09:20
Us3r_Unfriendlytripelb: you were the one with the printer issue right?09:21
bullgardViking667: You are giving wrong advice. #bash is avery newcomer-averse channel.09:21
Nemesis^Sorry to ask again guys, maybe no-one sawe this? - Does anyone know if there is some form of DNS Hijack in progress on *.archive.ubuntu.com? I'm finding that za.archive.ubuntu.com suddenly resolves to a host in Russia and I'd be a little concerned that I am updating systems from a boobytrapped source ?09:21
Viking667bullgard: I don't find it to be so.09:22
Viking667They expect you to know what you're asking about, but so do a lot of channels.09:22
bonjoyeeNemesis^:works fine here..what is your DNS?09:23
bonjoyeeim using opendns..09:23
Us3r_Unfriendlyrc.d :)09:23
Nemesis^ and
Nemesis^Standard DNS from my ISP09:24
Viking667Nemesis^: try a dig using google's servers (
Nemesis^Thanks - will do09:25
dnivraNemesis^, i doubt the archive.ubuntu.com maintainers would be able to know about a DNS hijack in your ISP's DNS would they? Just a thought.09:25
Us3r_Unfriendlynetworking is my weak point.  i need school09:25
Nemesis^I'm getting the same resolution results from Google as local09:25
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Nemesis^However, it just seems strange that a repository for South Africa would now resolve to a host in Russia ?09:26
tripelbNew question: I try to save on windows drive. It cannot be mounted (even though it shows in Places) because: Windows is hibernated. Huh. I have rebooted more than once since using windows.09:26
Us3r_Unfriendlytripelb: what was your original question09:26
iromlihi people, how do i check if an alias is already set?09:27
tripelbUs3r_Unfriendly, it was about printing. but this is a new question. I was going to save my files on that windows drive.09:27
bonjoyeeNemesis^:what are the results of dig?09:28
Us3r_Unfriendlytripelb: you may had to wake your windows09:28
Viking667and it's been un-hibernated since?09:28
Nemesis^Bonjoyee - the same as from Google09:28
tripelbAnd it was only 3 days ago I stated I have no problems with Ubuntu09:28
bonjoyeeplease paste,,,09:28
Us3r_Unfriendlytripelb: now about the printer...what driver are you using for it on linux?09:28
Viking667lol. Ubuntu won't mount a hibernated drive...09:28
Us3r_Unfriendlyeasy Viking66709:28
tripelbViking667, no I havent known anything about hibernation. I havent booted from that particular windows drive in more than a month.09:28
Viking667anyhow, time I went to bed... night all.09:28
Us3r_Unfriendlylater Viking66709:29
Viking667yeah, night.09:29
Nemesis^dig @ za.archive.ubuntu.com  ; <<>> DiG 9.7.0-P1 <<>> @ za.archive.ubuntu.com ; (1 server found) ;; global options: +cmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 424 ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 8, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0  ;; QUESTION SECTION: ;za.archive.ubuntu.com.INA  ;; ANSWER SECTION: za.archive.ubuntu.com.377INA91.189.88.45 za.archive.ubuntu.com.377INA91.189.88.409:29
Jordan_UNemesis^: Packages from the repositories are digitally signed, you would get a huge glaring warning if anything had been tampered with. So even if they've redirected to another server, the only thing they are going to be able to serve you are official unaltered Ubuntu packages :)09:29
bonjoyeeNemesis^: i get 91.189.*.*  from opendns as well as google..09:29
Us3r_Unfriendlytripelb: lets fix your printer09:29
tripelbwhat is a hibernated drive? How do I get it unhibernated. How did it get hibernated in the first place. This is a desktop.09:29
pratzhey guys, when i use pdb set_trace in my project normally i am in python interactive shell, i need to get in ipython interactive shell, any one using python with ubuntu can help me out09:29
Viking667Nemesis^: it does say not authoritative...09:29
Nemesis^Thanks Jordan09:30
tripelbUs3r_Unfriendly,  I am listening.09:30
Viking667should point to the ns servers for that, for the auth reply09:30
Visuextripelb, didnt you said it was hibernated in the first place?09:30
Jordan_UNemesis^: You're welcome.09:30
Viking667err, authoritative reply09:30
hdisalut tts le monde09:30
Us3r_Unfriendlytripelb: what driver are you using for your printer?09:30
Viking667hdi: a bientot09:30
Jordan_U!fr | hdi09:30
ubottuhdi: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.09:30
Us3r_Unfriendlytripelb:           sudo lshw           confirms this?09:30
Nemesis^OK Vikinig, here then is the official one: dig @ns1.canonical.com za.archive.ubuntu.com  ; <<>> DiG 9.7.0-P1 <<>> @ns1.canonical.com za.archive.ubuntu.com ; (1 server found) ;; global options: +cmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 49327 ;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 8, AUTHORITY: 3, ADDITIONAL: 3 ;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available  ;; QUESTION SECTION: ;za.archive.ubuntu.com.09:31
bonjoyeeNemesis^: what makes you say server location is Russia?09:31
hdiok than's09:31
Nemesis^Well, if one does a traceroute to za.archive.ubuntu.com, one can see - ot via a whois lookup09:31
tripelbVisuex, my new question is: I cant copy a file to a windows drive because it is hibernated. Huh - how did this happen? How do I get it unhibernated.  --- Us3r_Unfriendly I'll check on that.09:31
dnivraNemesis^, perhaps you should use paste.ubuntu.com rather than paste the output here?09:31
Nemesis^Sorry guys, I don't know about paste.ubuntu.com09:32
dnivra!paste | Nemesis^09:32
ubottuNemesis^: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:32
Nemesis^Thanks for the heads-up, apologies for not knowing about the past09:32
mikeplus64Anyone here use a Wacom Bamboo Pen & Touch ( Wacom CTH-460 ) ? I'm wondering if it works under Linux [ and if it's worth buying? ]09:32
Visuextripelb, is your hibernated drive setup as a boot drive such as dual booting with multiple drives instead of multiple partitions?09:32
tripelbUs3r_Unfriendly == that's a VERY long result. help me09:32
dnivraNemesis^, no problem. in future do read the channel topic :).09:33
EvilPhoenixmikeplus64:  it works, but it takes a bit of configuration09:33
Us3r_Unfriendlytripelb: for the hibernation > go to the hibernating machine and turn it on09:33
Nemesis^Will do dnivra ;)09:33
Nemesis^Nive touch, that paste.ubuntu.com09:33
Us3r_Unfriendlytripelb: there should also be devices connected to the machine in that list09:33
EvilPhoenixmikeplus64:  there's guides to make it work on ubuntuforums.org: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1515562&highlight=wacom09:33
VisuexNemesis^, yea there are many paste services like that but very nice for Ubuntu to have its own09:34
tripelbVisuex, seems Us3r_Unfriendly gave me tha answer. And for you, I have 2 drives and 3 partitions. grub shows me them all (plus a lot of other options I ddidnt bother remembering)09:34
EvilPhoenixmikeplus64:  whoops, i forgot to remove the &highlight part of that link09:34
bonjoyeeNemesis^: http://pastebin.com/BCPzsrNh ..that looks normal to me..09:34
Visuextripelb, cool glad you got it then09:34
Nemesis^Thanks for everyone's feedback on the DNS. Looks like I don't need to worry. Just crappy that my local mirror seems to have a problem - it's not very cool to do a dist-upgrade without an operational local mirror :(09:35
mikeplus64EvilPhoenix: I don't run ubuntu ( I run arch, I just thought that seeing that there are so many people here someone must know about wacom bamboo pen & touches ), but thanks, most of that will probably be relevant here unless it works out of the box.09:35
tripelbI have to sleep Us3r_Unfriendly - the list is too long to look at all of. it's full of devices, many screens long.09:35
tripelbVisuex, thank you.09:35
Us3r_Unfriendlytripelb: later09:35
EvilPhoenixmikeplus64:  it wont work out of the box, trust me.  you should ask in the arch support channels then09:35
EvilPhoenixmikeplus64:  or try ##linux09:35
EvilPhoenixmikeplus64:  because you need to do configuration long before it works09:36
EvilPhoenixmikeplus64:  it took me 3 hours to make it work, but i was looking at system fialures anyways.09:36
Us3r_Unfriendlyhat off to you tripelb09:36
mikeplus64EvilPhoenix: alright09:36
mikeplus64I just thought after seeing https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=109198 just then that it might09:36
Nemesis^So just to make sure that I get theis pastebin thing right - I paste on the site and then post the URL, like http://paste.ubuntu.com/544353/ ?09:36
tripelbUs3r_Unfriendly, theres no lpt in the list  | grub lpt09:37
EvilPhoenixmikeplus64:  *shrugs* the drivers dont come with any version of linux out-of-the-box09:37
EvilPhoenixmikeplus64:  it usually needs configuration, or installation09:37
dnivraNemesis^, yup.09:37
tripelbUs3r_Unfriendly, its almost 9 screens long09:37
EvilPhoenixmikeplus64:  i think though you should ask in the linux support channel for arch if you run into issues.09:38
mikeplus64EvilPhoenix: yarp, just wanted to see if people had it working at all09:38
tripelbUs3r_Unfriendly, the driver is called hplip-3.10.9.run  ok that's the install routine.09:38
EvilPhoenixmikeplus64:  i did 2 kernel versions ago, before my drive became fubar09:38
mikeplus64EvilPhoenix: Is it worth getting the pen & touch or just the pen only model?09:38
Visuexmikeplus64, good luck with arch...not the most user friendly bunch09:38
tnm_how do i set custom paper siye in ubuntu? i'm using hp 500n laserjet prinet09:38
EvilPhoenixmikeplus64:  i have the pen only version.  they're equally decent09:39
Us3r_Unfriendlytripelb: http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/articles/printing_ubuntu09:39
mikeplus64EvilPhoenix: alright.09:39
EvilPhoenixmikeplus64:  i prefer the pen version somewhat, but to each their own09:39
acnotSorry all wrong channel09:39
mikeplus64EvilPhoenix: yeah. I was just thinking that the touch part of it might be useful for things other than just drawing.09:39
tripelbUs3r_Unfriendly, wait shouldnt I be doing lsusb to find out about the printer?09:40
EvilPhoenixmikeplus64:  true, but i use the pen for standard navigation with a mouse too ;P09:40
EvilPhoenixmikeplus64:  but again, whichever you want, there's configuration needed anyways09:40
tripelbBus 002 Device 002: ID 03f0:8604 Hewlett-Packard DeskJet 544009:40
tripelbUs3r_Unfriendly, Bus 002 Device 002: ID 03f0:8604 Hewlett-Packard DeskJet 544009:41
Us3r_Unfriendlytripelb: yes that'll work09:41
Us3r_Unfriendlytripelb: but does lshw display the printer along with a driver name?09:42
glitchdanyone know any possible underlying reasons why flash refuses to work in chromium?09:43
tripelbUs3r_Unfriendly, this -- sudo lshw | grep DeskJet -- gives me nothing. Is that enough? I dont know where to look in the 9 screens of output09:43
teamcoltrais there a way to make my screen dimmer than the lowest setting in power management? Obviously the system knows how to make my screen dimmer since it goes dim before going to screensaver09:43
DeiuHello! I would like to have my boot process sleep for a period of time before mounting all filesystems, is it possible?09:45
Deiui.e. I'm trying to mount /var off an external disk which takes some time to initialize09:45
Eryn_1983_FLok peeps i need somehelp wtih gurb09:46
Eryn_1983_FL grub09:46
Eryn_1983_FLi just installed windows 7 and  now i cant boot to linux09:46
Eryn_1983_FLhow do i install grub2?09:46
Eryn_1983_FLis there an option in the  boot dvd?09:46
bullgard!grub | Eryn_1983_FL09:46
ubottuEryn_1983_FL: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.09:46
teamcoltraI press Fnc + down and it only adjusts the setting that is in power management (so I still can't go any lower)09:47
=== xcv is now known as DaZ
bonjoyeeglitchd: may be adode?;)09:50
henrik-_Hi guys! My Ubuntu server is struggling - when I'm trying to boot I get a fsck error 809:50
kermithow do i keep my CPU speed to performance?  it keeps resetting to ondemand.09:50
henrik-_As far as I see, that's an "operational error"09:51
henrik-_What does that really mean? Is my hard drive dying?09:51
matrix1986âñåì ïðèâåò09:53
matrix1986ðåáÿòà ïîäñêàæèòå ãäå ìîæíî ñêà÷àòü ðåïîçèòîðèè äëÿ Ubuntu DVD09:53
macomatrix1986: please stop banging on the keyboard09:55
teamcoltraI just tried "gamma -0.5" which darkens my colours -- but does not adjust screen brightness (as they lead to believe in the forum post)09:55
nirazioMy laptop has three extra keys, For Opening Mail client, Web browser and one other. I dont use them, so I want to assign the the web browser key to open synapse, currently I use Super+Space to open Synapse but now that I don't use the extra key given to open the web browser, I want to assign that key to open synapse, Is it possible?09:55
razz1what is the most popular game that I can install from synaptic, I like to play some racing games between work. just after some fun10:00
waffelwell there's a good strategy game, but I don't know about racing10:01
razz1waffel: which one?10:01
macorazz1: tuxracer for racing10:01
macorazz1: and probably wesnoth for strategy10:02
Jordan_Urazz1: Armegatron (tron light cycle game) is among the featured apps in Applications > Ubuntu Software Center (and I like it personally).10:02
riktkingtrying to port forward VNC connection from server->server->windows pc, have ssh all set up, vnc on middle server, can ssh between all 310:03
razz1maco: tuxracer, is it about racing a penguin down a mountain10:04
macorazz1: yeah10:04
macorazz1: well race against the clock... and you have to get the herring10:04
macogameplay is similar to those snowboarding games10:04
razz1maco: I should have been clear, after a car racing, played tuxracer, it's fun10:05
riktkingtrying to port forward VNC connection from server->server->windows pc, have ssh all set up, vnc on middle server, can ssh between all 3, cannot forward 5900 between servers, can anyone help me??10:05
waffelrazz1: hmm, have to get the name, I'll find it here within the next couple of hours10:06
razz1maco:  there are so many games to choose from, that why I came here to get the list of most popular games10:06
macorazz1: there's an ubuntu games website i think...10:06
razz1waffel: thank you10:06
macorazz1: actually i once came across one site that went through every game in the repos and described and rated it10:07
riktkingkeep getting this, can anyone help channel_setup_fwd_listener: cannot listen to port: 590010:07
tnm_anybody knows, how do i change, so i can print custom paper size in adobe reader?10:07
macorazz1: supertuxkart is like mariokart10:07
EvilPhoenixriktking:  it means something's probly using that port10:07
razz1riktking: can you post the command you are trying to use and tell us what all systems are behind NAT, most of the time it fails because of NAT10:08
waffelrazz1: there's also UFO: Alien invasion, that game is awesome10:08
razz1waffel: maco: some of the games are so addictive10:08
Jordan_Urazz1: Torcs and Trigger are the only traditional 3D car racing games that I know of.10:09
riktkingssh -L 5900:
riktkingi can ssh into the server , but will not port forward10:09
riktkingdo i need to edit the ssh config files??10:09
rigvedrazz1: playdeb has many games10:09
razz1riktking: if you can SSh, you do not need to port forward VNC, it runs inside the tunnel10:10
Sam_eYe_amI'm having trouble playing a video. No plugin for Mpeg-4. How do I fix this please?10:11
c0nv1ctis there a way to solve the /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon# roulette after each reboot?  Some boots my mobo sensor module is hwmon4 and sometimes it is hwmon010:11
riktkingrazz1 so from putty, i connect to server 1, then server 1 to server 2 via ssh10:11
dnivra!codecs | Sam_eYe_am10:11
ubottuSam_eYe_am: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:11
waffelrazz1: haha! I found it, Warzone 2100 is the name, it's a hell of a game. Better than most comercial RTS I've tried! ;) Once you get the hang of it you'll like it10:11
rigved!info ubuntu-restricted-extras | Sam_eYe_am10:11
ubottuSam_eYe_am: ubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages for Ubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 42 (maverick), package size 5 kB, installed size 36 kB10:11
rigvedSam_eYe_am: ^^ just install that and you can play mpeg-4 videos10:12
razz1rigved: waffel: maco: i will try warzone for now, that should keep me occupied for a while, playing trigger now, thanks guys10:13
Sam_eYe_amrigved, I checked and it is installed10:13
Sam_eYe_amrigved, won't play flv either10:14
Sam_eYe_amrigved, H.264 decoder needed10:14
rigvedrazz1: if you are more into RTS games, then there's Wesnoth.10:14
l337ingDisorderIs there some trick to get gFTP to connect to HTTP sites? I've put the host and port into the connection bar at the top, and I've selected HTTP as the connection method... When I click the Connect button, absolutely nothing happens. When I choose Remote -> Open Location nothing happens... But if I put the host info into my firefox web browser it loads just fine10:15
DrManhattanWhat would be the best RAID chunk size for an Ubuntu i386 32 bit desktop system?10:15
DrManhattanI'm hoping to do some video editing with it10:15
DrManhattanmy max chunk/slice size available is 512k10:16
rigvedSam_eYe_am: some flash videos don't play in ubuntu. maybe you have more than one flash plugins installed10:16
riktkingim trying to tunnel vnc via 2 ssh connections, can it be done and can anyone help?10:17
Sam_eYe_amrigved, fresh install10:17
c0nv1ctDrManhattan, you want smaller chunks for video editing10:17
DrManhattanuh oes.10:17
DrManhattanhow small?10:17
c0nv1ctDrManhattan, 8kb or less10:18
c0nv1ctDrManhattan, read the article yourself10:18
DrManhattanto spread the write process out?10:18
c0nv1ctDrManhattan, http://www.zdnet.com/blog/storage/chunks-the-hidden-key-to-raid-performance/13010:18
rigvedSam_eYe_am: run the file from the command line and then tell me if it gives any more info10:18
c0nv1ctDrManhattan, large I/O requests benefit from smaller chunks10:19
DrManhattanc0nv1ct, thanks10:19
Sam_eYe_amrigved, PLease tell me how to run it from command line. I have terminal open10:19
Igorui've installed 8GB in my computer, but gnome system monitor and htop says i have only 3GB. what's happening??10:19
DrManhattanaw man, I'm going to have to reformat my drive if I change the chunk size, aren't I?10:19
dnivraIgoru, you're running 32 bit Ubuntu i guess.10:20
rigvedSam_eYe_am: totem <filename>10:20
Igorudnivra yes. can u explain a bit more?10:20
dnivraIgoru, well 32 bits can be used to references to only 3GB of addresses. you need to install the 64 bit version of ubuntu10:21
c0nv1ctDrManhattan, yep10:21
Sam_eYe_amrigved, hmmm location not found? I even went to the Videos folder.10:21
PhysicistJamesor you can use the PAE kernel to access more than 3GB or ram10:22
DrManhattan(best Cartman impression) Weak....10:22
razz1riktking: from the second system you would ssh into third and redirect the vnc feed to the first for eg on the second system: ssh -L 5900:this has to be your second systems IP:5999
rigvedSam_eYe_am: suppose that your file is ~/Videos/Sam.mp410:22
rigvedSam_eYe_am: totem ~/Videos/Sam.mp410:23
DrManhattanc0nv1ct, thanks fo the help10:23
dnivraIgoru, As PhysicistJames said, yes you can use the PAE kernel but then when you have a 64 bit version, wouldn't that be the practical choice?10:23
Igorudnivra undestand. T_T there's any better way than reinstalling SO? haha10:23
Sam_eYe_amrigved, I just hit tab to avoid typos and that was the error10:23
Sam_eYe_amrigved, is there a way to refresh all codecs?10:23
rigvedSam_eYe_am: are you sure that the file is inside the Videos folder?10:24
Igorudnivra yes... i would need to reinstall and i'm afraid of that. but using that 'PAE kernel' is difficult? i'm almost noob at this.10:24
Sam_eYe_amrigved, yes I even tried another folder and file type and same error10:24
llutz_IdleOne: just install that kernel and use it, no further action needed10:24
dnivraIgoru, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-4gb-ram-limitation-solution/ would help.10:24
razz1riktking: you will only use localhost only when hitting the second system not the third, on the second system what ever feed you are getting you want to re-route it to first so on the second it cannot be, that is internal IP.10:24
Igoruty! :D10:24
dnivrallutz_, um not IdleOne Igoru :).10:25
rigvedSam_eYe_am: have you installed a display manager?10:25
PhysicistJamesi have a simple question.... how can i look up the log files when my instance of ubuntu 10.10 crashes10:25
llutz_argh, sry, idoru  i meant10:25
rigvedrazz1: check via GUI whether that folder exists10:25
Sam_eYe_amrigved, like Nvidia?10:25
dnivraPhysicistJames, i guess /var/log10:25
rigvedSam_eYe_am: like Gnome or KDE10:26
dnivraPhysicistJames, specifically /var/log/messages i guess.10:26
PhysicistJamesthanks dnivra10:26
dnivrallutz_, you seem to be getting names all wrong :).10:26
rigvedSam_eYe_am: can you navigate to your folder using the mouse pointer?10:26
Igorudnivra MAN thats easy! ty!10:26
IgoruPhysicistJames ty too =D10:26
palamfor an intel core 2 duo, should i get the 32bit version or 64bit version?10:26
Sam_eYe_amrigved, sure10:26
JustMozzyhi guys10:26
rigvedSam_eYe_am: ceck to make sure that the folder exists10:27
dnivraIgoru, np. but let me tell you that i was recommended not to use PAE and use 64 bit-common sense :)10:27
PhysicistJames64bit i believe10:27
llutz_dnivra: i'll better  shut up now10:27
rigvedSam_eYe_am: check*10:27
Sam_eYe_amrigved, Oh I had it open in front of me10:27
dnivrapalam, depends on how much RAM you have i guess. if >3GB, go for 64.10:27
JustMozzyI am having a problem accessing a website. I am trying to access my website through port 81. I check the server betstat and apache is listening to port 81, however when I nmap the port it is filtered. can someone help me out with this issue?10:27
zetherooanyone here had luck with batch resizing of pics with Gthumb ? ... This is the dump I get in trying to accomplish this simple task: http://paste.ubuntu.com/544372/10:27
pilgrimanyone knowwhy intel wimax 6050 driver wont work?10:27
palamdnivra: 2. so 32 bit then? should i be worried about http://webapps.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/201004-5594/?10:27
rigvedSam_eYe_am: that's weird. so you cannot access the folder via terminal but you can access it via the GUI?10:28
dnivrallutz_, don't get disheartened-it is pretty difficult to see all over the clutter :).10:28
PhysicistJameschoosing 64bit over 32bit shouldnt be an issue of ram size10:28
dnivraPhysicistJames, oh! it isn't? what's the reason to choose one over other?10:28
palamPhysicistJames: what should i base it on?10:28
Sam_eYe_amrigved, well since TAB filled it out wouldn't that mean it was there?10:28
dnivrapalam, well if ubuntu states 64bit, go 64bit :). they're better than i am any day :).10:29
rigvedSam_eYe_am: you just told me that tab was unable to fill it out, right?10:29
rigvedSam_eYe_am: location not found error...10:29
DrManhattanc0nv1ct, I guess it would make sense to make the chunk size match the block size of the file system, no?10:30
PhysicistJamesisnt there some architecture things with 64bit10:30
error_203hi  my desktop ubuntu login screen doesnot shows paasword box.how to resolve this10:30
dnivraPhysicistJames, i have no clue-so totally hate hardware :).10:30
dnivraerror_203, perhaps you should click on the username?10:31
error_203dnivra: no i tried it all10:31
palamPhysicistJames: not sure. i'm going to be using it as a web dev machine. php, ruby, aptana etc. 64 should work right?10:31
dnivraerror_203, what happens? you get logged in straight without being asked for the password?10:31
Sam_eYe_amrigved, No it filled it out. Another test I just did. Copied known good .avi to desktop. got search for plugin10:31
Sam_eYe_amrigved, doing the command line10:31
PhysicistJamesyeah it should10:31
PhysicistJamesdid a quick check and 64bit allows yo10:32
dnivraPhysicistJames, palam here's something interesting. http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-how-to-find-if-processor-is-64-bit-or-not/10:32
error_203dnivra: no m on laptop i m asking about my desktop10:32
Sam_eYe_amrigved, tells me I need Xvid Mpeg410:32
rigvedSam_eYe_am: what was the name of the plugin again? H...something10:32
PhysicistJamesallows programs to allocate more than 2 gn file cjuncks in ram10:32
rigvedSam_eYe_am: i mean the name of the required codec10:32
Sam_eYe_amrigved, it tells me I need one for every file I try10:32
error_203dnivra: i think there is a gdm problem but i cannot reolve it10:32
dnivraerror_203, well if you can describe what is exactly that's happening, then somebody can help out. you're pretty vague i can tell you that.10:32
Igorudnivra when i have a bit more time i'll install 64. i'm still using 9.10 'cos didnt had time to update and 'deal with problems' T_T10:33
palamPhysicistJames: problem is i don't have the computer with me yet10:33
Sam_eYe_amrigved, maybe I don't have a repository checked off?10:33
Sam_eYe_amrigved, like Medibuntu?10:34
dnivraerror_203, next time see if restarting gdm solves the problem. press Ctrl + Alt + F1 and login. then run "sudo service gdm restart". see if that helps. else come back here and describe exactly what is wrong.10:34
rigvedSam_eYe_am: i have installed only ubuntu-restricted-extras and all .avi and .mpg files can be played by me10:34
dnivraIgoru, sure sure. i did the same thing-switched to 64bit when i changed versions :). up to you :).10:34
rigvedSam_eYe_am: no. i mean for the first mpeg-4 file, it had asked you to install something like H.234 etc. what was the name again?10:35
palamPhysicistJames: think i'll go with 32: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-450532.html10:35
error_203dnivra: simply when i put my comp on and went to login my password dialouge box was  missing, i had clicked on username but it also didn't work10:35
dnivraerror_203, what happened when you clicked? didn't a box to enter a password come? which version of ubuntu are you running?10:36
rigvedSam_eYe_am: re-download and re-install the package - ubuntu-restricted-extras. it's about 95-100 MB10:36
Sam_eYe_amrigved, so it's like sudo ubuntu-restricted-extras?10:37
pavanaii cant boot to ubuntu after installin win710:37
PhysicistJameswhen you remove the ubuntu restricted extras package make sure that you completely remove it including the config files10:37
JustMozzycan someone help me with iptables? I am looking for I can allow all connections to port 8110:37
dnivrapalam, well sure a few things like adobe flash plugin are kind of hard to-64bit is still in beta but otherwise the system's quite stable i guess. i'm running 64bit. hey even ubottu runs on a 64bit too i believe.10:38
pavanaii think ma grub is corrupted10:38
dnivrapavanai, did you install windows 7 after you installed ubuntu?10:38
dnivraerror_203, what happens when you click on the username?10:38
pavanaifirst i installed ubuntu10:38
pavanaithen win710:38
the_eye_I have an ATI X700 and I cant enable tv-out, any help ?10:38
dnivra!grub2 | pavanai10:38
ubottupavanai: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub210:38
palamdnivra: but there's nothing to be gained with 64 bit in my case, i guess. flash and drivers are pretty important too10:39
rigvedSam_eYe_am: sudo apt-get purge ubuntu-restricted-extras && apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras10:39
pavanaii tried many weblinks10:39
error_203dnivra: one min m staring my pc10:39
pavanaiall they say that when we give in terminal sudo grub we vil get grub prompt10:39
pavanaibt am not getting it10:39
pavanaii tried the live10:40
dnivrapavanai, please go to the link that ubottu gave you. it has detailed step by step instructions on how to recover grub.10:40
rigvedpavanai: you need to use the live cd and restore grub using it10:40
Sam_eYe_amrigved, thanks10:40
rigvedSam_eYe_am: did it work?10:41
Sam_eYe_amrigved, I see the error that I can't lock the /var/lib/dpkg so I will have to fix that again10:41
palamhmm, is 10.04.1 718.9MB or 686MB? i tried downloading in two places and I'm getting different file sizes10:42
palamdesktop 10.04.110:42
PhysicistJames686 mb10:42
rigvedSam_eYe_am: it seems that you were installing something earlier and the lock file wasn't released after the operation was finished (or not finished)10:42
Sam_eYe_amrigved, yes10:42
PhysicistJamesdo a restart and youre golden10:43
palamPhysicistJames: thanks10:43
pavanaii tried every link10:43
pavanaican u xplain the procedure?10:43
rigvedSam_eYe_am: ok. after you do that then you should run the command which i gave you. it'll work after that10:43
dnivrapavanai, did you try the official documentation of GRUB2 in the ubuntu help website? sure you haven't. cos if you have, you'd have restored your grub2 successfully.10:44
Sam_eYe_amrigved, thanks a million! Do you think this lockout is why I can't just get plugins?10:44
pavanaiwts d cmd?10:44
dnivrapavanai, grub/grub2 depending on the version of ubuntu you have installed.10:44
dnivra!grub2 | pavanai10:44
pavanaii got it with ubuntu 10.0410:44
dnivra!grub | pavanai10:44
ubottupavanai: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.10:44
dnivrapavanai, go here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2.10:45
rigvedSam_eYe_am: this lockout is why you cannot install anything properly. maybe your plugins as well.10:45
pineconehow do i manually install a kernel module, i have the .ko loaded, but i want modprobe to be able to find it10:45
Sam_eYe_amrigved, ok thanks10:45
rigvedSam_eYe_am: you are welcome10:45
error_203dnivra:on clicking on username it shows  sqeeze/sid   and when i going to click on  the restart or shutdown option it also doesnot works10:47
noobie25i've been having trouble dual screening my ubuntu installation (10.10).... funny thing is...i never thought kubuntu (10.10) would solve the problem but it works.....  is there a way i can see what is different and apply these changes to ubuntu?10:47
PhysicistJamesare you using an nvodia or ati card10:48
PhysicistJameswhich card specifically10:48
noobie25PhysicistJames,   sure..its the radeon 9600[rv350]10:49
dnivraerror_203, sqeeze/sid or squeeze/sid?10:49
PhysicistJamescard supported under the catalyst drivers should support dual screen10:49
noobie25PhysicistJames,  the trouble i had was.... on the extended screen (half of the screen was scrambled)10:49
tnm_anybody knows how do i set custom page size in my .ppd file for specific printer?10:49
PhysicistJamesmy radeon 9000 doesnt do dual screen very well10:50
noobie25PhysicistJames,   no one was able to fix it over the last threee days.10:50
PhysicistJamesso i believe its an open source ati driver issue10:50
noobie25PhysicistJames,  its funny how it work perfectly in kubuntu though?  i figured i would have the same problem.10:50
PhysicistJamesit might be an xorg config thing10:51
PhysicistJamesi looked up the flags for xorg for my card and played with the xorg file you might try the same10:51
noobie25PhysicistJames,  i dont even have an xorg file though ..... =/10:52
PhysicistJamesgoogle how to generate a new xorg file in ubuntu 10.1010:52
melvsterquick question : is there a group of people within ubuntu, interested in using productivity tools collaboratively?10:53
PhysicistJamesits what i did10:53
rigvedpinecone: insmod ./<kernel_module_name.ko>10:53
melvsteris the forum the best place to check?10:53
PhysicistJameserror_203 are you using debian10:53
axadho know how to install mac os x under ubuntu?10:54
dnivraerror_203, cos squeeze and sid are codenames for debian version i believe.10:54
error_203physicistjames:no ubuntu 10.1010:54
PhysicistJamesjust curious whats up with the squeeze/sid stuff10:54
noobie25PhysicistJames, error 203...are you asking me?10:54
error_203m asking all of u my friends10:55
noobie25PhysicistJames,  i'm using this xchat new irc client...but it doesn't tell me if a message is direced to me10:55
dnivranoobie25, sure it does. if it's addressed to you it'll be shown in red like this one.10:55
noobie25dnivra,   oh!10:55
noobie25dnivra, thanks10:55
dnivranoobie25, np :).10:55
PhysicistJamesdnivra i believe youre correct10:55
dnivraerror_203, i have no clue why that error is being shown. all i know is ubuntu is based on debian so it might be some code the devs didn't remove that still retained the original name(doubt it). but this is confusing :).10:57
dnivraPhysicistJames, yeah just checked. Debian sid i was sure. squeeze is too.10:57
error_203physicisttjames,dnivra: actually i was going for update my ubuntu 10.10 to ubuntu alpha 11.04 ,and i locked my screen in the process of updating,after sometime when i going to unlock the screen it shows squeeze/sid10:57
rigvedsqueeze is the unstable branch i think. that's where most of ubuntu comes from!!!10:57
dnivraerror_203, there we go. you're trying to run ubuntu 11.04! head to #ubuntu+1 for 11.04 support :).10:58
PhysicistJameserror_203 yeah alpha releases always show up like that10:58
=== numberz_ is now known as numberz
dnivraerror_203, alpha releases are very very buggy and only developers should even bother installing them. i suggest if you don't plan development, revert to 10.10. i think you may have to reinstall.10:59
PhysicistJameserror_203 i have to agree with dnivra on this one theyre very buggy11:00
error_203physicistjames,dnivra: but the problems comes on uubuntu 10.10 and afterall 11.04 didnot  not installed,so i think u guys should help me and don't see me let to go to other channels11:00
dnivrarigved, oh! thansk for the info; didn't know squeeze was still under development. gotta find out.11:00
dnivraerror_203, did you have this problem before you tried installing 11.04?11:01
andrewfreeso I updated my computer like full system update and now when booting I get mount: mount on none /dev/ failed says later it cant find the disk by UID either then opens a busybox shell (ash) except now my keyboard is not being reckonized11:01
error_203dnivra: no11:01
dnivraerror_203, i think you may already have installed 11.04 then :).11:01
PhysicistJamesit might be something from the failed install11:01
andrewfreePhysicistJames: Yea I figured. What are my options from here? After the install I did do a normal reboot but after that I did a hard reboot11:02
dnivraerror_203, thing is that alpha means the take the old version and make changes to it. did you know 11.04 is not going to use GNOME any more. I'm guessing they've not removed GNOME yet.11:02
andrewfreePhysicistJames: Like just flipped the power swtcih on the PSU11:02
rigvederror_203: i think sudo is broken in 11.04. and also the package manager is going crazy11:03
error_203dnivra:ya i know it11:03
dnivraerror_203, alpha is a software engineering terminology. you might wanna read about it.11:03
PhysicistJamesreinstall 10.1011:03
dnivraerror_203, alpha is a part of*11:03
andrewfreePhysicistJames:  Is there any way to not lose all my data?11:04
PhysicistJamesit depends how do you have your partitioning set up11:04
PhysicistJamesis it the default ubuntu partitioning?11:05
andrewfreePhysicistJames: yes11:06
PhysicistJameswhen I do a reinstall I usually back everything up that is important onto an external hard drive11:06
andrewfreeit was just an upgrade11:07
error_203dnivra:  i checked my version using lsb_release -a it shows debian  ubuntu natty11:08
dnivraerror_203, well as rigved said natty is being developed from squeeze, which is debian's current development version.11:08
error_203dnivra: so i have to reinstall ubuntu 10.1011:09
PhysicistJamesyep reinstall ubuntu 10.1011:09
dnivraerror_203, yeah seems to me like the only way out.11:09
dnivraerror_203, didn't PhysicistJames already tell you that? i thought he did.11:10
ChrisHisshi is it possible to install an older version of java? currently i have version 1.6.0_22 but i want 1.6.0_7, using ubuntu 10.04 64-bit11:10
error_203dnivra,physicistjames: ok dude11:10
error_203dnivra,physicistjames:thanx for giving time11:10
dnivraChrisHiss, if you get the deb packages from sun's website i guess yeah-the current version should be the only one available in the repositories i think.11:11
dnivraerror_203, np :)11:11
PhysicistJameswhat I would like to know also is if there's a way to install older versions from the ubuntu repository using apt get11:11
ChrisHissdnivra: ok so only the latest version of java is available through apt-get?11:12
dnivraPhysicistJames, i doubt it cos the binaries of older versions won't be built on current ubuntu. i think they'd just choose the latest version and build it.11:12
dnivraChrisHiss, i think only latest version yeah. check if you can get older versions from sun's website.11:13
PhysicistJamesbut is there like a repository that contains all versions of a specific package11:13
ChrisHissdnivra: ok thanks for your help!11:13
dnivraChrisHiss, no problem :).11:13
dnivraPhysicistJames, i'm guessing upstream would still have the source of older versions. and repositories of older versions of ubuntu will have the older version of the package i guess. but i wouldn't recommend installing from them cos they may not work and also would have more bugs that current versions.11:14
rigvedPhysicistJames: then you need to use repositories of older ubuntu versions like 9.1011:14
PhysicistJamesI was just curious11:15
dnivraPhysicistJames, or you could take the older version and build it in the present ubuntu :).11:15
PhysicistJamesfrom source yeah I guess that would work11:16
abothi people11:19
kermithow do i keep my CPU at full speed? it keeps resetting to ondemand.11:21
macokermit: hate your battery that much?11:21
andrewfreeMy computer is saying the kernel requires an x86-64 CPU, but only detected an i686 cpu unable to boot11:22
kermitmaco: i'm not even on battery11:22
macoandrewfree: that means you have a 32bit computer and downloaded the 64bit ubuntu11:22
jribandrewfree: use the 32bit version of ubuntu11:22
andrewfreeI shouldnt of updated11:23
andrewfreeI was at like 9.0 or something11:23
BeelsebobI have an old Pentium M 1.73Ghz laptop that I'm setting up for someone to use as an internet browsing machine… Am I better sticking the netbook release on it, or should I stick with the standard one?11:23
dnivraandrewfree, 9.10?11:23
andrewfreedngr: yea11:23
andrewfreednivra: Yes*11:23
macoandrewfree: upgraded with a cd, i guess? cuz upgrading over the network wouldnt change your architecture11:23
jbangertHey, I reinstalled my NVIDIA MCP 51 based system (worked before on 10.04) with 10.10 and the wired ethernet does not work. Seems to  be a problem with forcedeth, the interface does not change to RUNNING when I plug in a cable11:25
jbangertDMESG gives  eth0: no link during initialization.11:25
jbangert[  614.268467] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready11:25
andrewfreemaco no it was over the internet...11:26
dnivrajbangert, perhaps the interface is not up? type "ifconfig" and see if the eth interface shows up.11:26
dnivraandrewfree, then you were running 64bit before?11:27
andrewfreeI think my processor is an amd athlon xp2200+11:27
jbangertdnivra : ifconfig status is  UP BROADCAST MULTICAST11:28
dnivraandrewfree, use this to find if the processor is 32bit or 64bit. www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-how-to-find-if-processor-is-64-bit-or-not/.11:28
lenovoxp2200+ is so old.11:28
jribandrewfree: what *exactly* did you do to upgrade?11:28
jbangertI only miss running11:28
andrewfreednivra: My computer doesnt boot.11:28
dnivraandrewfree, oops :).11:29
andrewfreejrib: sudo apt-get upgrade  and apache2 after my first restart I ran apt-get -f install too11:29
lenovowhat's happend?11:29
lenovojoke andrewfree11:30
dnivrajbangert, no clue. maybe somebody else can help. sorry :).11:30
jribandrewfree: that doesn't upgrade releases.  Don't you have old kernels in the grub list?11:30
jribandrewfree: this doesn't seem possible11:30
jribandrewfree: what did apt-get -f install do?11:31
andrewfreeerr I did a release upgrade11:31
jribandrewfree: this isn't what you told me11:31
andrewfreejrib:  Just checked my terminal buffer, I was in ssh11:32
dnivrajbangert, found this http://www.mail-archive.com/debian-amd64@lists.debian.org/msg11335.html.11:32
jribandrewfree: so how exactly did you do a release upgrade?11:32
diskinhi guys. tried to find on ubuntu.com or launchpad.net information about end of support for 8.04, and failed. where is it?11:32
andrewfreejrib:  http://paste2.org/p/114509811:32
rigvedis there an emulator which would allow me to run a x64 OS without VT support in my hardware? (something other than qemu)11:32
jbangertrigved: VirtualBox11:33
joaopintorigved, assuming you are using a 64 bits OS host11:34
dnivrajbangert, seems like a universal issue as said in http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=130438. there's some patch to it mentioned too. check it out.11:34
rigvedjbangert: no. vbox requires VT. i don't have VT11:34
joaopintorigved, the last time I have checked vbox did not require VT11:35
rigvedjoaopinto: yes i have x64 OS11:35
jribandrewfree: ok and when you reboot the first time after that what happened exactly?11:35
andrewfreejrib:  Well its a headless server so I tried to connect to the IP, ended up looking in my router config page and it showed it offline. Check out line 1543 of that file I just found :/11:36
rigvedjoaopinto: yes it does now. i tried installing one yesterday and it didn't allow me to :(11:36
joaopintooh :(11:36
rigvedjoaopinto: so is there any other good one for ubuntu 10.04?11:37
joaopintoI just use vbox nowadays :\11:37
andrewfreejrib:  The main stuff I care about losing is my blog thats is really, regardless my keyboard isnt working on boot now so I can boot from a live cd :/11:37
jribandrewfree: you can always just boot a live cd, so getting the data shouldn't be an issue11:37
jrib(and you should have backups anyway -_-)11:38
andrewfreejrib:  Its a personal server I abuse, penn testing, socks5 proxy, the only reason I want the blog is I have code on it that I dont have on my drive XD11:38
JimmeyIs there an easy way to find out the GRUB2 partition numbering for a partition /dev/sdb3? This partition has a freeBSD install. Where can I find the custom menu entry for this?11:39
andrewfreejrib:  Right now it would be just great if it would reckonize this keyboard so I could get on this live cd11:39
the_germanhi @ all my cupsaddsmb fails on 10.10 if I add the adobe postscript drivers to /usr/share/cups/drivers ...but if i delete them and only use the windows postscript drivers...it works. any idea why?11:39
=== dart is now known as purvesh
jribandrewfree: what's the kernel line you see in grub?11:40
dnivraJimmey, GRUB2 partition numbering? do you mean UUID?11:40
jribandrewfree: because I can't find "linux-image" in the pastebin which seems weird to me11:40
Jimmeydnivra, Well, I just need to know how to properly add a custom menu entry to boot into FreeBSD - I'm not sure how I might do that11:41
purveshhow can i run windows software on ubuntu i want to install Adobe Flash and Adobe Dreamviewer ?11:41
dnivra!wine | purvesh11:41
ubottupurvesh: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu11:41
andrewfreejrib:  Weird its not even getting to grub11:41
dnivraJimmey, check out the grub2 documentation for help. it's really good. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2.11:42
jribandrewfree: yes, that's even more weird... where does the error come up then?11:42
jbangertJimmey: in freebsd, just install the regular bootloader into your boot slice (do not install any bootloader)and then set up a chainloader11:42
jbangertFreeBSD does not use MultiBOOT, so grub cannot load it11:42
andrewfreejrib: Just the unable to boot please use a kernel approppriate for your cpu11:42
purveshdnivra, thanx for reply, i know wine but it is not able to install Adobe flash and Adobe Dreamviewer11:42
jribandrewfree: are you sure it's not getting to grub?  Did you try holding down shift?11:42
OvermindDL1Greetings, a question, when I install the ATI drivers in Ubuntu I am limited in resolution to a max of 1280x1024, but the native resolution of my monitor is 1920x1200, any thoughts as to how to fix?11:42
purveshdnivra, so do u know any other software which support windows software ?11:43
jribandrewfree: or is this the live cd...?11:43
OvermindDL1For note, FreeBSD multi-boots fine for me.11:43
dnivrapurvesh, well maybe you should try virtualizers then. i'm sure that'll work.11:43
dnivra!virtualizers | purvesh11:43
ubottupurvesh: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications11:43
dnivrapurvesh, dreamweaver works fine in win XP on virtualbox. don't know about flash.11:44
purveshdnivra, i also know virtualbox i had used that but i want to install something direct like wine, i forgot some substitute of wine on ubuntu ...11:44
NetGrunthi everyone11:45
DrManhattanc0nv1ct, yeah certain os's wont recognize the raid device with too small of a chunk size. Ubuntu wouldn't recognize less than 1k, windows 4k11:45
SirFrancisDrakeI mount a partition and then can write in it only with sudo. options in /etc/fstab look like "defaults,user,users,exec". What am I doing wrong?11:45
dnivrapurvesh, i guess you mean cedega?11:45
DrManhattanstill well within the recommended limits for video editing11:45
DrManhattanc0nv1ct, again thanks for the heads up on that article11:46
NetGruntI would like to ask you a question, it's not specific to any Ubuntu version, but rather to Ubuntu itself : I have a hard disk drive in one server, and I want to know if it is connected straight to one of the SATA ports on the motherboard, or to a RAID PCI board that it also has. How could I do it ?11:46
TheLegendaryFishI am the Legendary Fish. Thou shalt kneel before me, for I am your God. Thou shalt not eat me for I am Santa's friend and he will rape anyone that eats me.11:46
purveshdnivra, cedega can u give me any url ?11:46
dnivrapurvesh, this might help too http://www.codeweavers.com/products/cxlinux/.11:46
OvermindDL1NetGrunt:  Well for the addon card I have it is plainly obvious in the Disk Utility app11:47
elkyTheLegendaryFish, please don't troll here11:47
jribTheLegendaryFish: that's not appropriate here.  This channel is only for ubuntu support11:47
TheLegendaryFishAwwww..... :(11:47
NetGruntOvermindDL1: what do you mean the Disk Utility app ? that is for Mac OS X11:48
dnivrapurvesh, http://www.cedega.com//. but mainly cedega's for games. you can try the link i gave you above too.11:48
andrewfreejrib:  The problem gets deeper. I have two drives I thought one was empty I bought it used at this scrap PC store. So I unplugged it, thats when I got the kernel error. So I plugged it back in and unplugged the other one. I very likely just got them mixed around This time it loads grub and the error is http://snapplr.com/c42p . Regardless the keyboard will not work (I have used this exact one before) so I cant see grubs menu.11:48
MigaaresnoThe keyboard settings are set to dvarak. Everything works fine, except when i press CTRL+ALT+F1-6 those login shells think im using a plain keyboard. How can i convince them otherwise?11:48
SirFrancisDrakewhy would a partition be writable only by root?11:48
dnivraSirFrancisDrake, if it was mounted by root, it'd be writable by root i guess.11:49
purveshdnivra, so it runs windows games properly on Ubuntu ?11:49
SirFrancisDrakesample google requests are <3, but I thought mounting it as a user with options "defaults,user,users,exec" in /etc/fstab would be enough11:49
dnivrapurvesh, dunno. check their website for compatibility.11:50
SirFrancisDrakednivra, thanks. Are there any other possibilities?11:50
Jimmeydnivra, jbangert, I can't find the information I need in the GRUB2 Ubuntu documentation. I have figured how I can create a custom menu entry and roughly what it should look like, but I'm not sure that the device string that I have in the menu entry is correct, because FreeBSD won't boot with an error about the partition. How can I find out what device information to put?11:50
dnivraSirFrancisDrake, no clue. i used to mount windows partitions and they used to be mounted as root. had a tough time deleting files sometimes.11:50
jribandrewfree: not really familiar with busybox (I usually just grab a live cd).  Can you determine what the UUIDs of your devices are?11:51
dnivraJimmey, paste the custom entry and also output of "sudo blkid". let's see if i can make some sense11:51
rigveddoes vmware support x64 guest OS even when the host hardware does not have VT?11:51
andrewfreejrib:  Really hard without a keyboard11:51
jribandrewfree: what live cd are you using?11:52
SirFrancisDrakednivra, oh. That looks familiar, but not the case. Thanks anyway.11:52
andrewfreejrib:  Its 10.10 I think (w/e is newest)11:52
dnivraSirFrancisDrake, oh! okay then :). hope somebody else can help.11:53
jribandrewfree: do you know of any version that has worked in the past?11:53
andrewfreejrib:  7.x is what was put on it originally11:53
jribandrewfree: if you have it lying around, all we need is to boot something up so we can explore11:53
rigveddoes vmware support x64 guest OS even when the host hardware does not have VT?11:54
SirFrancisDrakeanyone had any luck with Advanced Format Drives?11:54
andrewfreejrib:  How do I do this without a keyboard?11:54
jribandrewfree: I was just suggesting you try a different version where the keyboard would just work11:55
makulkarhi all, I'm in desprate need of help! My grub loader got corrupted and doesnt show up when I select ubuntu from OS menu on bootup. I installed ubuntu from windows11:56
jribandrewfree: is this a usb keyboard?11:56
rileypshould i be using 295 or 260 nvidia driver11:56
andrewfreejrib:  Touche, idk how I would select it from a boot menu without a keyboard and yes it is. I have used it tons of times before11:56
rileypsorry thats 19511:56
rileypare ther stilll issies with the 260 driver11:56
jribandrewfree: can you plug in a ps/2 keyboard (or use one of those adapters)?11:56
rileypand vdpau11:57
Jimmeydnivra, BLKID has shown that there are 4 UFS partitions that didn't otherwise show up - Will the first of these be the correct partition for booting in FreeBSD?11:57
SirFrancisDrakeanyone had any luck with Advanced Format Drives?.. I'm gonna have to whine about this for some time, 'cause google failed to help.11:57
dnivraJimmey, you should find out which of them is FreeBSD's. only possible by mounting each one and checking.11:58
andrewfreejrib:  Don't have access to one.11:58
dnivramakulkar, guess you've to reinstall grub if it's corrupted.11:58
dnivra!grub | makulkar11:58
ubottumakulkar: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.11:58
jribandrewfree: does your mouse work?  You could boot the live cd and then startup ssh11:59
andrewfreeagain, how do I get it to boot from the cd without changing boot order, just unplug both hds?12:00
jribandrewfree: also, did you try just using the busybox prompt?12:00
acnotandrewfree: The BIOS has to know where to look12:01
Jimmeydnivra, /dev/sda7 is FreeBSD's root partition - does that translate as (hd0,7)?12:01
andrewfreejrib: Huh? I tried using it throughout the boot process, to acess the BIOS at that window of time, to escape to the GRUB menu at that time.12:01
fmjwhy is noone voiced here?12:01
Myrttifmj: why should they be?12:01
fmjwhy am i a noob?12:01
Myrttifmj: the channel isn't moderated12:02
acnotjimmey: I would think so12:02
jribandrewfree: wait, so the issue isn't that your keyboard doesn't work in the live cd, it's that you can't access the bios with your keyboard to be able to boot the live cd?12:02
fmji deserve to be banned, i am a bad person. this is why they have voiced users.12:02
Jimmeyacnot, dnivra, thankyou for the help, I will try that now.12:02
rigvedis there any difference between the open source vm tools and vmware player?12:02
charles_ircban me too12:02
dnivrawhat has gotten into people?12:03
andrewfreejrib: That and I need to create a live cd of 7.x still12:03
SirFrancisDrakeanyone had any luck with Advanced Format Drives?.. I'm gonna have to whine about this for some time, 'cause google failed to help.12:03
acnotjimmey: That is a lot of partitions you have there12:03
dnivraacnot, i've till sda10 :).12:03
fmj_thanks for the ban! :)12:04
SirFrancisDrakednivra, +112:04
jribandrewfree: well you don't know that 10.10 doesn't work then, since you can't boot the live cd12:05
andrewfreejrib:  indeed. Im going to unplug both drives and try12:06
jribandrewfree: it won't really be helpful since we want to learn about the drives12:06
jribandrewfree: you could... move the drives to a different computer?12:08
SirFrancisDrakeanyone had any luck with Advanced Format Drives?.. I'm gonna have to whine about this for some time, 'cause google failed to help.12:08
engineerunity(11.04) is plugin for compiz?12:11
andrewfreejrib:  Cant I plug them back in after boot?12:11
andrewfreejrib:  I'm home from college so my other computer thats not a mac is in my dorm12:11
jribandrewfree: I guess, I never did tha12:11
bunto_what is your problem with ubuntu12:11
andrewfreejrib: we are about to find out12:12
JanisBeHello, how can I detect how much RAM is in my server? '/proc/meminfo' says that MemTotal: 2057308 kB but 'lshw -short' states /0/20 memory     4GiB System Memory12:12
taranhelo friends12:12
rigvedengineer: no it's a GUI shell based on compiz12:12
erUSULJanisBe: free -m12:13
cordorok, i know a script can do it, but is there any better way to make gnome(icon) download a jnlp file from url and run java web start?12:13
taranis it possible to install a print server which can maintain user accounts in Ubuntu?12:14
rigvedengineer: http://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2010/10/shuttleworth-unity-shell-will-be-default-desktop-in-ubuntu-1104.ars12:14
engineerrigved: many thanks12:15
JanisBeerUSUL: Mem:  200912:15
andrewfreejrib:  wtf I got that kernel error and none of my drives are not plugged in12:15
rigvedengineer: you are welcome12:15
jribandrewfree: your live cd must be 64bit then12:15
erUSULJanisBe: for some reson the system only sees 2 GiB12:16
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional..12:16
andrewfreejrib:  downloading 32bit amd image now12:16
SirFrancisDrakeanyone had any luck with Advanced Format Drive HDDs?.. I'm gonna have to whine about this for some time, 'cause google failed to help.12:16
=== acnot is now known as Autonomiser
JanisBeerUSUL: Maybe you know how to find this problem roots?12:18
erUSULJanisBe: look at the output of "dmesg" ? bad memory stick? you can try to pass a memtest if you can reboot ( memetest is aviable in the grub menu )?12:19
andrewfreejrib:  If this fails Ill just cry and go to sleep its like 4:30 am12:19
morfeualguem ai fala portugues ?12:20
jrib!pt | morfeu12:20
ubottumorfeu: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.12:20
Autonomiserandrewfree: Why are you making this sooooooooooo hard for yourself?12:20
andrewfreeAutonomiser: I have no keyboard and am getting errors I have never got before. And two drives neither of which I know are the right one12:21
JanisBeerUSUL: I don't see any strange messages with grep -i mem over dmesg output, since server is on colocation i can't run memtest :/12:21
FloodBot4fmj: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:21
Autonomiserandrewfree: You are turning a very simple thing into a very difficult thing and potentially harmful you hardware.12:22
AutonomiserOh i see12:23
andrewfreeAutonomiser: What should I be doing?12:23
erUSULJanisBe: then i dunno; anyway take a look at complete dmesg ...12:23
AutonomiserWell then something is wrong12:23
Autonomiserandrewfree: Where are you getting the errors12:23
andrewfreeAutonomiser: On boot12:23
FloodBot4ohaithur: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:23
Autonomiserandrewfree: At POST? Keyboard errors?12:24
tnmare there anz drivers for hp printers and are not hplip drivers?12:24
Autonomiserandrewfree: "Boot" is not specific enough. Does the computer POST with out any errors?12:25
andrewfreeAutonomiser: It posts fine12:25
Autonomiserandrewfree: What type of computer is it?12:25
Autonomiserandrewfree: Is it a laptop or desktop?12:26
Autonomiserandrewfree: Is it  an OEM and if so what brand is it?12:26
andrewfreeAutonomiser: home made. Its all random parts baiscly but has been working for a while with ubuntu (4 years) and yes a desktop12:26
Autonomiserandrewfree: Cool12:26
andrewfreeI volunteered at this company for a while http://www.freegeek.org/ and built computers after building like 20 I got to keep one.12:27
morfeuHello everyone. I have a pc xp q ta with two network cards, a q is the dlink moden (hi velox) and another goes to the slack q, q ja ta com net, I can access the slack by putty here this pc, more than another remote pc can not12:27
jeushow can remote to my computer to install mysql 5.512:27
jrib!ssh | jeus12:28
ubottujeus: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)12:28
JanisBeerUSUL: Could you be so kind and check http://paste.ubuntu.com/544403/ with my dmesg please?12:28
jeusjrib, ubottu with team viewer12:29
morfeuHello everyone. I have a pc xp q ta with two network cards, a q is the dlink moden (hi velox) and another goes to the slack q, q ja ta com net, I can access the slack by putty here this pc, more than another remote pc can not12:29
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, sshd is the server (or daemon) of SSH. For setting up the SSH server, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/openssh-server.html . Advanced SSH uses: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Advanced . For SSH client information, see !ssh . Related: !scp (Secure CoPy)12:30
sagacicd /etc/rc3.d/12:30
comtom987this is a testing session for university12:30
morfeujeus plus I've got it all installed, and installed slackware 13 full12:30
jeusmorfeu, you say not do12:32
Abhinav1I was trying something and on my panel I get the icon of universal access, how to remove that.. I tried all the way.. any suggestions?12:33
morfeujeus: ?12:33
luxurymodehow can i retrieve a copy of this feed? need to reference something from last night...12:34
Myrtti!logs | luxurymode12:34
ubottuluxurymode: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/12:34
yautja_Cetanu_I'm trying to get my sony vaio F11 working with nvidia drivers. I have to make a custom EDID, I have a tutorial but ran into a problem can anyone help me?12:34
yautja_Cetanu_It says I need to select "the single string available" after using phoenix EDID designer but there are 3 strings I can select :(12:35
luxurymodeMyrtti: thank you sir!12:35
Myrttiluxurymode: ma'am ;-)12:35
=== xuodin is now known as dinosb
jeusmorfeu, i cant install mysql 5.5 from this page http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/binary-installation.html12:36
PerformerGood Morning All12:36
xuekanhey guys,who can recommend some good low-format software? i cann't do low format to my 160G hard drive.12:36
erUSULJanisBe: i took i look but did not see anything obvious sorry.12:36
jeusmorfeu, can u help me to install mysql12:36
jribjeus: why aren't you using the repositories?12:36
andrewfreejrib:  IT BOOTED12:36
jribandrewfree: of course12:36
jribandrewfree: check UUIDs now12:36
Performeri need some help in Ubuntu So who can help me pvt me TY :)12:37
jrib!pm | Performer12:37
ubottuPerformer: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.12:37
Abhinav1my mouse's scroll button is not working in ubuntu 10.10 what should I do?12:37
jeusjrib, iwant install mysql 5.512:37
jribjeus: do you know how to install software in ubuntu through APT and the repositories?12:37
jeusin repository is only 5.112:37
jeusjrib, yes i know12:38
ubottuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto12:38
andrewfreejrib: Well wtf.. I couldnt select test it so I think it auto select test ubuntu and I get this…. Your cpu does not support long mode. Use a 32 bit distro. I downloaded the second one http://snapplr.com/k7jk because I have AMD. but its 64 fuck how did it boot to that screen then im so lost12:38
jribjeus: what do you need from 5.5 that isn't in 5.1?12:38
xuekanno help? is there some hard drive channel?12:38
riktkinghi having this issue http://pastebin.com/hqE9XuTv on a ssh login12:38
jribandrewfree: you need to download i38612:38
riktkingcan anyone help me12:38
jribandrewfree: amd64 is just the name of the architecture (because amd got there first)12:39
jeusjrib, very stable and stronger than 5.112:39
andrewfreejrib:  THat makes a lot more sense it always kinda confused me.12:39
jribjeus: I'd strongly recommend you just use the version in the repositories since you'll get automatic security updates that way12:39
andrewfreejrib:  I need to sleep Ill figure this out tomorrow Ive been up for 40 hours12:40
Performeri need some help in Ubuntu So who can help me pvt me TY :)12:40
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)12:40
jribandrewfree: ok, good luck12:40
andrewfreejrib:  Thanks for the help though Hopefully I can finish it then.12:40
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.12:41
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SirFrancisDrakeanyone had any luck with Advanced Format Drive HDDs?.. I can't make parted and fdisk align one correctly12:41
izinucsPerformer: help is done in the open channel so everyone can participate..12:41
Performerizinucs ok bro i want to know more about installing commands ( for example i want to download and install skype so what can i do )12:42
izinucs!skype | Performer12:43
ubottuPerformer: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga12:43
jrib!software > Performer12:44
ubottuPerformer, please see my private message12:44
JanisBeerUSUL: Thank you anyway :)12:44
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke12:45
Performerizinucs done bro ty very much12:49
riktkinghi having this issue http://pastebin.com/hqE9XuTv on a ssh login, trying to port forward via ssh, but over two ssh logins12:50
izinucsriktking: you trying to get through a router? or hop from one machine to another?12:52
riktkingizinucs, from one machine to another12:52
izinucsriktking: are both machines on the same lan?12:53
riktkingizinucs, yes, but im not12:53
ctvoigtriktking, why "ssh -L 5900:localhost:4900"12:53
riktkingctvoigt, i thought that was the port forward command12:53
ctvoigtwhy -L..."localhost":12:53
izinucsriktking: does it work logging into the first machine then then logging into the second with the first?12:54
ctvoigtare both ssh running on the same machine on differnt ports?12:54
riktkingi have logged into the 1st machine via ssh, then 2nd via ssh from the 1st12:54
* izinucs thinks good questions all12:54
ctvoigttry following12:54
ctvoigtssh -L5900:second_machine:22 user@first machine12:55
ctvoigtand then12:55
ctvoigtssh -p5900 user@localhost12:55
riktkingctvoigt, my problem is im on a windows box12:56
ctvoigtthat works fine ;) for me (using it to access my desktiop computer from outside via my server)12:56
ctvoigtno problem use cygwin bash or putty12:56
ctvoigt(also tested on putty)12:56
riktkingso i ssh into myserver using -L5900:secondmachine:22 riktking@firstmachine12:57
izinucshe's asking12:57
ctvoigtan now: ssh against localhost:590012:57
ctvoigtwith login from the machine behind your server12:58
netwiredCan I get some help with a dlink wua 2340 on 10.10 64?12:58
Performerizinucs i want to know if i can use IRC not xchat if u plz?12:58
riktkingctvoigt, im not getting it sorry12:59
izinucsPerformer: how do you mean? use irc with a program other than xchat?12:59
riktkingctvoigt, i basically want to VNC my desktop at home, but my sever is the only one i have access to12:59
Performeryes bro12:59
riktkingbut the desktop and server are on the same lan12:59
Performeri want to use the default IRC12:59
Dr_WillisWhat is the default IRC app now in 10.04 and 10.10 ? ive never noticed13:00
NCS_OneI have a HD with 1TB but I made a partition of 500GB and left the rest empty, I have many files on that partition, could there be any problems if I resize that partition to occupy the all HD?13:00
izinucsPerformer: default irc program? you thinking of epifany?13:00
istokPerformer, there is no one default IRC app, there are many - it's your choice which one suits your needs.13:00
riktkingNCS_One, use a live CD and gparted, will take time but should be fine13:00
istokirssi is ok, i'm using mIRC right now13:00
Dr_WillisNCS_One:  you are enlargeing the partition withg parted. it should work. BUT i woul dmake backups. if somthing happens like a power failure during the reisize, or other issues.. that can result in lost data13:01
NCS_Oneriktking: that HD is not where the OS is13:01
Performerizinucs yes bro u r right but i mean i want to use the IRC application from www.irc.com13:01
PiciDr_Willis: empathy.  :(13:01
rigvedizinucs: i thought that epifany was a browser13:02
riktkingNCS_One, then unmount and use gparted then13:02
PiciPerformer: I don't see an application there. Its just some company's website.13:02
NCS_Oneriktking, Dr_Willis : ok, thanks13:02
netwiredcan someone help with my dlink wua2340 problem?13:02
Dr_Willisnetwired:  tell the channel what the problem is with the device. (what is that device anyway?)13:03
izinucsrigved: yea.. what's the new "all in one" messaging client they installed in place of pidgon13:03
Picirigved, izinucs: Empathy is the default IRC client. :(13:03
Performerguys yes yes lol, i mean that i want to use the application in www.irc.com so how can i download it and use it :)13:03
izinucsPerformer: I don't see an IRC app there .. or even a channel..13:04
netwireddlink wua2340 usb wifi adapter,  i've used ndiswrapper with the windows drivers, it loads the driver fine, and says it sees the hardware but doesn't work13:04
izinucsPici: that's it :(13:04
PiciPerformer: There is no application on that website.13:04
rigvedPici: yes i was talking about epiphany in debian, which is default browser13:04
Performerguys yes yes lol, i mean that i want to use the application in www.mirc.com so how can i download it and use it :)13:05
SirFrancisDrakeanyone had any luck with Advanced Format Drive HDDs?.. I can't make parted and fdisk align one correctly13:06
Performerwww.mirc.com not www.irc.com13:06
PiciPerformer: mIRC is a windows application.  Linux is not Windows.  If you really feel the need to use it you may be able to use it through Wine.13:06
Pici!wine > Performer13:06
ubottuPerformer, please see my private message13:06
Pici!appdb > Performer13:06
izinucsPerformer: mirc is a windows app..Pidgon, Empathy, Quassel all gui based irc clients... irssi, weechat and others for cli13:07
rigvedizinucs: i didn't notice any. i had to install xchat for irc.13:07
Performerizinucs yes bro i got u i will join that channel in the pvt and ask there13:08
izinucsrigved: empathy has many uses.. but I don't like it. xchat and quassel are good gui apps.. irssi is my preference on cli13:08
glickshey does anyobne know of a good text to speech program for ubuntu?  i heard of festival but its not in the repos13:08
Dr_Willisglicks:  i would look agagin.. check the spelling. Im pretty sure it is in teh repos.13:09
Piciglicks: espeak is also in the repos, and actually should be installed by default.13:10
Dr_Willisfestival - General multi-lingual speech synthesis system13:10
rigvedizinucs: ok. i just use empathy because i have never had any problems with it and i don't want to many applications on my machine13:10
glickswhats the speech synth used in those youtube and new geico videos?13:10
rs0832glicks: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=festival&searchon=names&suite=maverick&section=all13:10
izinucsrigved: that's hard to do .. so many things to explore13:10
rigvedizinucs: agreed. :)13:11
glicksdoes anyone know what im talking about?13:11
=== DIFH-iceroot is now known as iceroot
BauldrickI  have no /usr/lib32/libbz2.so.1 on my 64bit - I've had to symlink to  /usr/lib32/libbz2.so.1.0 .. is that the same for everyone and a bug??13:11
netwiredanyone know how to make the dlink wua2340 usb wifi work on ubuntu?13:12
SirFrancisDrake*sighs* Advanced Format Drive? Anyone?13:12
Dr_WillisBauldrick:  i have -> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root    15 2010-10-16 06:22 /usr/lib32/libbz2.so.1.0 -> libbz2.so.1.0.413:13
PiciSirFrancisDrake: I didn't have any issues with mine.13:13
rs0832glicks: afaik, youtube has a speech recognition system.. not synthesis13:13
SirFrancisDrakePici, what did you partition them with?13:13
SirFrancisDrakePici, lucky you :)13:14
PiciSirFrancisDrake: I think I may have used parted, as I put them into an LVM.13:14
DasEinetwired : no experience with that device particular, but basics are same, does lsusb find the device ? then13:14
glicksrs0832, no im talking about the new geico commercials that use that text to voice software13:14
diskinI pressed alt-sysrq-U and it remounted all file systems read-only. how can I remount them back to rw? sudo mount -o rw,remount -a did not work, because "filesystem is busy"13:14
glicksi also saw it on several youtube videos13:14
glicksthe same voices13:14
jo_do you guys use xchat or are there any better clients?13:14
Dr_Willisjo_:  it depends on your needs. I use weechat 90% of the time13:15
rs0832glicks: then try the link i sent you earlier13:15
izinucsjo_: irssi for me.. a lot like weechat13:15
glicksoh what link i missed it13:15
BauldrickDr_Willis: so should there be a /usr/lib32/libbz2.so.1.... I think there should, but I don't know much...?13:15
DasEijo_:there are several out, pidgin is comfortabel, irrssi most powerful, and many many more13:16
SirFrancisDrakePici, and Ubuntu treats them as having 4096b sectors?13:16
rs0832glicks: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=festival&searchon=names&suite=maverick&section=all13:16
Joze__ /etc/init.d/networking force-reload ?13:16
Joze__ /etc/init.d/networking force-reload ?13:16
rileypwhat is pcm13:17
BauldrickDr_Willis: I mean /lib/libbz2.so.1 is linked to /lib/libbz2.so.1.0.413:17
DasEiJoze__: whom you are talking to ?13:17
rileypto do with sound i think13:17
rileypis it pc mis\xer?13:17
Dr_WillisBauldrick:  i have only those 2.  I dont see a so.113:17
rs0832glicks: if you are searching for the same one they use, i think it is this one but i doubt it will run on ubuntu13:18
Dr_WillisBauldrick:  why do you think there should be one?13:18
DasEiJoze__: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart13:18
rs0832glicks: http://phonetic-arts.com/welcome/products/index.html13:18
rileypis it pc mixer for short13:18
DasEirileyp: it's the incoming signal of the mixer13:18
BauldrickDr_Willis: because a program I had relied upon it being there13:18
rileypso in mythtv i can select master or pcm13:18
PiciSirFrancisDrake: Let me check.  I'm not near that computer, but I can ssh in.13:18
netwiredI get ... Ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan0.13:18
Joze__for serving /etc/init.d/networking force-reload?13:19
DasEirileyp: on is incoming, other outgoing , seen from the mixer13:19
SirFrancisDrakePici, that would be nice of you.13:19
DasEione* , rileyp13:19
rileypDasEi, so the master is outgoing?13:20
netwiredJoze, yes13:20
DasEirileyp: yup13:20
Joze__for serving /etc/init.d/networking force-reload?13:20
Dr_WillisJoze__:  or try 'sudo service SERVIECNAME reload'13:20
rileypDasEi,  thanks it about 0.5 percent clearer now13:21
DasEirileyp: humm ? just ask if unclear13:22
PiciSirFrancisDrake: Actually it looks like I misconfigured it.  :(   Although I did a little searching myself and it looks like this might be the best solution you're going to get: http://community.wdc.com/t5/Desktop/Problem-with-WD-Advanced-Format-drive-in-LINUX-WD15EARS/m-p/7573#M36913:22
rileypwhy would you have an option for one or both? why not just have an outgoing volume control that can be either enabled or bypassed13:22
rileypeverything is so bloody technical these days13:23
SirFrancisDrakePici, oh, thanks. I'll try that. I also tried http://notepad.patheticcockroach.com/900/dealing-with-wd-advanced-format-hard-drives-on-linux-windows-and-mac-os-part-1/ and http://wdc.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/wdc.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=5655 , but, strangely enough, they didn't help much.13:24
coconutzhey, i registered a domain in godaddy and i want to make private name server (i have static ip and ubuntu + apache2) ... i setup in host summery a ns1.mydomain and ns2.mydomain to point to my static ip... but its wont redirect, anyone can help me out?13:25
DasEirileyp: I believe that comes from pulseaudio13:26
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netwiredanyone have any more ideas about my dlink wifi problem,  sudo modprobe ndiswrapper doesn't do anything btw13:27
jo_Dr_Willis, what do you mean by needs ?13:27
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rigvedcoconutz: is it a ubuntu server? then better ask in #ubuntu-server13:30
ChisisdabombCan i upgrade to 10.10 from 10.04?13:30
rigvedChisisdabomb: that's a downgrade.13:31
ShadowwwChisisdabomb, sure13:31
Shadowwwrigved, to 10.10 from 10.04, not to 10.04 from 10.10 :D13:31
rigvedChisisdabomb: sorry it upgrade13:31
ChisisdabombI meant13:31
ChisisdabombI'm on 10.04 and I want to upgrade to 10.1013:31
rigved!upgrade | Chisisdabomb13:32
ubottuChisisdabomb: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade13:32
Chisisdabombthanks :D13:32
rigvedChisisdabomb: you are welcome13:32
ChisisdabombI haven't used Ubuntu since 8.10 so I forgot alot of stuff13:33
jo_I installed irssi, but it is not starting :(13:33
istokjo_, from terminal; irssi13:34
BrouhahaTired of niggers?13:34
BrouhahaSick of their monkeyshines?13:34
BrouhahaThen join Chimpout forum!13:34
istokBrouhaha, troll elsehwere, kthnx.,13:34
jo_that is what i did13:34
jo_hm. i started new terminal now it works13:34
ChisisdabombYes finally got flash working :)13:35
jo_nice... got to know all the irc commands13:36
jo_have to remember all of them.13:36
jo_don't have time for that today.. got to study the entire skull in 4 hours13:36
Dr_Willisjo_:  i perfer weechat to irssi. but its a matter of taste. I find weechat has a bigger set of features.13:36
jo_tmi, sorry13:36
istokirssi is ok, i run mIRC under Wine13:37
jo_weechat in terminal also ?13:37
istokworks great.13:37
Chisisdabombirssi I haven't heard13:37
_joeyrunning ms windows 7 win64 and wmware player (free version). I want to install Ubuntu via network, what ISO file should I choose?13:37
Eubolistanyone here has experience with nfs4? I set up some shares but somehow they don't show any files in the remote location13:37
jo_Dr_Willis, is weechat in terminal also? I don't really like interminal clients13:38
_joeyis there netinstall?13:38
_joeya minimal cd13:38
Chisisdabombweechat is IRC right?13:38
Dr_Willisjo_:  I perfer 'terminal' clients.. the gui just gets in the way13:38
Dr_Willis!info weechat13:38
ubottuweechat (source: weechat): Fast, light and extensible chat client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.2-1 (maverick), package size 21 kB, installed size 52 kB13:38
istok_joey, sure, there should be both, using a mirror close to your location, like your ISP13:38
ShadowwwmIRC under wine? wtf.. use xchat instead13:39
humble!info backtrack13:39
ubottuPackage backtrack does not exist in maverick13:39
istokminimal.iso and netinstall are both fine13:39
ChisisdabombI use the standrd ubuntu one (<--noob)13:39
jo_Dr_Willis, does not tell me if it is in termainl :)13:39
istokShadowww, i can script mIRC, my perl and pureTCL skills aren't the best13:39
simon34how can i download youtube video?13:39
jo_Dr_Willis, i don't like in terminal since I use docky, and cant change between terminals accurately.13:40
_joeyistok should i used 32 bits or amd 64 to install it in vmware that runs on ms windows 7?13:40
B-r00tsimon34: install downloadhelper add on for firefox13:40
istoksimon34, have you tried searching?13:40
Chisisdabombsimon34: Use zamzar.com It's a good website. there are also some programs like downloadhelper for firefox13:40
DasEisimon34: several ways, plugin for ff is easiest, f.e.videodownload helper13:40
istok_joey, either are fine, 64 is better for virtualization13:40
marvin2Can simple-cdd be used to create a custom Ubuntu distribution?13:40
_joeywhat is vertualisation?13:40
Xintrudertried google? :P13:40
_joeyI am running Intel, not AMD13:41
jo_how do I get rid of applications? lets say irssi. how do I uninstall it13:41
istokjo_, terminal; sudo apt-get remove irssi13:41
istok_joey, you may want to consult google before choosing which release/version to install13:42
istokmost default setups are ok, but occasionally you run into an error that requires a rebuild of the kernel.13:42
simon34can i share net connection of ubuntu  in my symbian v5 mobile,nokia 5230 through bluetooth?13:43
_joeyistok google is quite a resourceful site. You can stuck there for a long time if you are not sure what you are looking for.13:43
aeiahjoey for a brief overview of virtualisation, see wikipedia13:44
aeiahyou'll probably want to use virtualbox as your choice of virtualisation software if you decide it's useful to you13:44
IBMThinkPadHey, I have a question, if someone is able to help13:45
IBMThinkPadI am using an older IBM ThinkPad T2113:45
IBMThinkPadThe sound card isn't working right13:45
bonjoyee simon34: i think you should search for bluetooth access points...13:45
diskinI pressed alt-sysrq-U and it remounted all file systems read-only. how can I remount them back to rw? sudo mount -o rw,remount -a did not work, because "filesystem is busy"13:46
dinosbibmthinkpad@what distro?13:46
IBMThinkPadFurther details would be, any time that I play a youtube video, or an mp3, the sound will play,but it will randomly start to warble13:46
spanglesontoastdoes anyone know if you add a new screensaver theme is there a command you have to run to get it to show up in the gnome-screensaver-preferences ?13:46
IBMThinkPadits 10.04LTS13:46
aeiahdiskin: is just rebooting our of the question?13:46
diskinaeiah, sure, rebbot helped, but I wanted to keep all apps running13:46
diskinsome app hanged, and I was too fast to press alt-sysrq-u in preparation to boot13:47
diskinthen I found the bad app and killed it13:47
diskinfrom text console13:47
simon34 can i share net connection of ubuntu  in my symbian v5 mobile,nokia 5230 through bluetooth?13:47
IBMThinkPadBut yeah, I would be listening to music, and then all of a sudden, the sound card goes nuts. It starts making loud buzzing sounds, and the only way to stop it is by sliding the volume control on Ubuntu up and down until the buzzing stops completely.13:47
IBMThinkPadThen it starts again...\13:48
=== root is now known as Guest4701
delueksyour thinkpad obviously thinks its a synthesizer13:49
delueksthats some deep psychological problems13:49
IBMThinkPadI believe the sound card is a Crystal Fusion CS46xx13:49
IBMThinkPadUbuntu recogizes the card13:49
IBMThinkPadbut the driver sucks13:49
IBMThinkPadI am looking at alsamixer right now, it reports no problems though13:50
IBMThinkPadso, any suggestions?13:51
BluesKajHey folks13:51
AlienDKHi. Could someone recommend a newbie friendly step-by-step tutorial for setting up an FTP server (and adding users) on Ubuntu Server (10.04 LTS)?13:51
delueksyou probably already know this page http://wiki.debian.org/snd-cs46xx13:51
IBMThinkPadLet me see...13:51
IBMThinkPadI have done a lot of forums searching for anyone who has had this problem, and some people have had luck uninstalling alsa and reinstalling it13:52
IBMThinkPadI tried it13:52
IBMThinkPadthen it still didn't work13:52
jo_Dr_Willis, still there. I put weechat one.. now it does not start either.. neither from terminal or alt+f213:52
ubottuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP13:52
erUSULAlienDK: howtoforge has good tutorials13:53
jo_Dr_Willis, still there? I put weechat on. now it does not start either.. neither from terminal or alt+f213:53
AlienDKerUSUL: Thanks, will have a look there13:53
erUSULAlienDK: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ftp-server.html13:54
Dr_Willisjo_:  how are you starting it from terminal? do 'wee<tab>'13:54
AlienDKerUSUL: Thanks again :P13:54
Dr_Willisjo_:  its text based.. so alt-f2 proberly is not the right way to stat it13:55
david506I have a two private keys here, I need to know how many bits each key is13:55
Dr_Williswillis@Cow:~$ weechat-curses13:55
IBMThinkPadI am looking at this site that you sent, none of what it is saying looks like it would be an effective fix to the problem at hand. Especially since it is advising a driver version that may be much older than the one currently loaded.13:56
erUSULdavid506: gpg --list-secret-keys13:56
david506I don't use gpg13:56
Dr_Willisjo_:  and if you want to use weechat. you will want to read its docs/starter guides at its homepage.13:56
david506The one key is used by apache on a server, the other is a DES-EDE3-CBC encrypted key on a usb key.13:56
AlienDKWhen installing an FTP server, I should run it on a seperate non-root user right?13:57
IBMThinkPadwouldn't the ASIO4ALL sound driver be a replacement for ALSA?13:57
bonjoyeesimon34 : some hope ...http://www.arjunprabhu.com/blog/archives/2005/03/30/nokia-6600-internet-over-bluetooth-how-to/13:57
IBMThinkPadany hope for me? XD13:58
bonjoyeesimon34 : if this works..i can use my nokia 5233 to do the same!!:)13:58
jo1Dr_Willis: ok, I see, weechat it does look good. but my problem is that it is terminal based, and I can't switch between windos quickly, w/o going through all the terminals13:58
zulaxlike tab button which focuses on the next item, any button to focus on last item (on item back)14:01
deluekscan anyone tell me why, on ssh-sessions, i always lose x11-forwarding after some time14:02
delueksalready started programs keep working, new x-apps fail with "failed to open x11 display"14:02
IBMThinkPadYeah, I am not seeing any support on the CS46xx driver, I am not SOL though, hopefully. A friend of mine has a ThinkPad T21, and his Ubuntu Distro works great, no issues at all. So why am I having this problem?14:03
tieinvzulax does alt tab work for you14:04
zulaxtieinv, nop, it stays in the same place14:05
delueksthinkpad: did you try another os?14:05
tieinvzulax then i dont understand the question14:06
zulaxtieinv, shift tab works, got some help , thanks though14:06
bullgardWhat does the following dmesg line mean? "ipw2200: Failed to send POWER_MDE: Command timed out."14:07
DasEiIBMThinkPad: second, looking up that chip14:07
IBMThinkPadAlright, thanks14:07
bullgardWhat does the following dmesg line mean? "ipw2200: Failed to send POWER_MODE: Command timed out."14:08
Fool1433 members14:08
IBMThinkPadI am looking at a Ubuntu support thread that is recent. Regarding my card actually...14:08
DasEiIBMThinkPad: thats cirrus logic ?14:08
simon34how can i make a internet access point in symbian v5 mobile eg nokia 5230 where data barrier will be data call  to use ubuntu's net connection in mobile through bletooth? plzzzz helpppppp........14:09
IBMThinkPadCirrus Logic Crystalfusion14:09
IBMThinkPadsomething like that14:09
DasEiIBMThinkPad:    modinfo soundcore                , returns ?14:09
IBMThinkPadLike I said, ALSA did not report any problems, but for some reason, the audio keeps crapping out on me14:10
Foolstop leaving14:12
diskinI pressed alt-sysrq-U and it remounted all file systems read-only. how can I remount them back to rw? sudo mount -o rw,remount -a did not work, because "filesystem is busy"14:12
Foolcause it is14:13
joa__hi. i cannot resolve any name of the machines in my local network. /etc/network/interfaces is configured like on all the other machines. where else could i have a possible mistake? e.g. i can ping but i cannot ping thename.intern14:13
DasEiIBMThinkPad: what does modinfo return ?14:13
otakbullgard: diskin - sudo mount -a should do ya if fstab is ok14:13
DasEijoa__: /etc/resolv.conf14:14
FloodBot4Fool: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:14
jo_do you guys know the search site that uses google/yahoo etc. all in one without saving the info ?14:14
netbeasthello all14:14
Pici!ot | jo_14:14
ubottujo_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:14
netbeastneed help today getting a creative pc cam 300 to work14:14
BluesKajdiskin, mount -o remount,rw /path/to/drive , maybe14:14
joa__DasEi: Thanks, that was it.14:15
jo_jesus, don't get ur panties in a tangle dude14:15
DasEijoa__: stay connected, have fun14:15
DasEijo_: stop that14:15
diskinotak, BluesKaj - nope, it says "/tmp is busy" for instance14:15
rigvedi am doing a fresh install (using standard cd, not alternate). how do i boot with nosplash and remove quiet from the boot line?14:15
IBMThinkPadomg, this is annoying, Mom! It's doing it again!14:15
otakbullgard: sorry I meant sounds like your cpu does not support power management14:15
netbeastanyone know anything about getting a webcam to work its a creative pc cam 30014:17
bahrHi guys. I've recently bought a Sony VAIO CW21SE laptop, and I am unable to adjust the brightness of the screen. This seems to be a common problem, and it makes Ubuntu unusable for me, and I would really love to to get back to ubuntu again. Is there anybody who was a known fix for this? My model has a Geforce GT 330m graphics card.14:17
IBMThinkPadnetbeast: How old is the cam?14:18
netbeastits old like 10 yrs ago14:18
IBMThinkPadnetbeast: I will see if I can find a driver for it14:18
netbeastok thank you14:18
IBMThinkPadnetbeast: is that the US, Canada, or Latin version?14:20
Inferuswhats the best filesystem for ubuntu on laptop14:21
DasEinetbeast: install cheese and see if it gets a picture14:21
jpds!best | Inferus14:21
ubottuInferus: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.14:21
luxurymodeTotal noob here. How can I find a file? I'm looking for my Xchat logs. Where do I even begin?14:21
netbeastnope no picture says cant detect device14:21
jpdsInferus: You should be fine with ext4.14:21
Dr_Willisluxurymode:  perhaps in /home/username/.xchat/14:21
netbeastbut when i do list i get /dev/video0 /dev/video1 but neither to camera14:21
Dr_Willisluxurymode:  xchat settings perhaps has a setting for them that would show where they are at also14:22
IBMThinkPadnetbeast: I found this, find out what it dos for you http://opensource.creative.com/webcam.html14:22
DasEiluxurymode: in trml sudo updatedb && locate , or google ubuntu xhchat logs14:22
DasEiruslanz: pong14:22
DasEiluxurymode: find an whereis additional possibs14:23
luxurymodeDr_Willis, DasEi thank you14:23
Inferusnext question... i am doing some work with gparted boot iso14:23
IBMThinkPadStupid sound card pooped again14:23
bullgardotak: Your interpretation is wrong. Here is not meant a power management of the CPU: The subject in question is the WLAN card's driver ipw2200.14:23
otakoops sorry14:24
Inferusi want to move my ubuntu install from partition 5 to the start of the disk14:24
Inferusis this possible or will i t fuck up grub14:24
dnivra!language | Inferus14:24
ubottuInferus: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional..14:24
jo_i love that bot14:25
luxurymodeDasEi, dont know how to use the sudo updatedb && locate14:25
Dr_WillisInferus:  grub installs to the MBR   so it wont erase grub. BUT moving the partion/fs from sda6 to sda1 for example. might confuse things.14:25
luxurymodedo i just enter search term after that command?14:25
nicolaushey guys can u tell me how to change my login background14:25
Dr_WillisInferus:  you may need toboot a live cd and reinstall grub to make it all see where stuff is at.14:25
nicolausi kno there r others i can download can u give me somje names plz14:25
Dr_WillisInferus:  theres no real need to 'move' the install. if its working.14:25
rigvedInferus: install a new ubuntu system at the start of the drive. then boot into this new install and then copy all your data from the old install. then delete it14:26
phixDr_Willis, Dr_Willis.  Dr_Willis, Dr_Willis. Dr_Willis, Dr_Willis, oh oh Dr_Willis14:26
Dr_Willisnicolaus:  you can just edit the /usr/share/backgrounds/warty-final-ubuntu.png image - to change it. if you want to do it the hardcore way. :) theres tools like gdm2setup (not in the repos) that let you change it via gui.14:26
luxurymodeDasEi, nm i found it you can just click open data folder in xchat14:26
* Dr_Willis sends phix a rx for sedatives.14:26
luxurymodehow do i add an SDK to the PATH?14:27
jo_Dr_Willis, then where do u get it if it is not in repos ?14:27
nicolausmr_willis: What about the other type of background like kde and xgnome or something like that14:27
phixDr_Willis: :D Valium?14:27
MrElementssry aber wie heißt der deutsch server von Ubuntu gleich nochmal habs schon wieder vergessen14:27
nicolausi kno u can download some14:27
DasEiluxurymode: sudo updatedb sets an indexed database up, takes few minutes in first run, is then incremetal. once done, locate FILENAME is very fast14:27
otakbullgard: soz only thing I can suggest is to look in man iwconfig if you haven't already as some features such as alternative mac are not supported on the card14:27
jo_MrElements is wondering what the name of the german ubuntu server is14:27
phixadd sdk to path?   like the libraries?14:28
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.14:28
phixotak: NEIN!14:28
luxurymodeDasEi, thank you14:28
zulaxwith netstat, how do i check if a specific port is accessible outside the lan network or not14:29
Dr_Willisjo_:  from its homepage, or a ppa.14:29
otakMrElements: or look on searchirc.com14:29
wrdzulax: you cant do that with netstat.14:30
dnivrazulax, i suggest use nmap14:30
dnivra!info nmap | zulax14:30
ubottuzulax: nmap (source: nmap): The Network Mapper. In component main, is extra. Version 5.21-1~build1 (maverick), package size 1737 kB, installed size 7052 kB14:30
DasEiluxurymode: you seem in the beginning with many things, there are a lot of goodies in :http://tinyurl.com/36hapdh14:30
wrdzulax: you need either access to the firewall or try to connect form the outside14:30
dnivrazulax, not enough details :). nmap shows all open ports on your local machine.14:30
bullgardzulax: man netstat14:30
luxurymodephix: umm im just told to "add Android SDK to path"14:31
zulaxdnivra, wrd bullgard  nmap solved my problem, nmap -p port ip14:31
DasEizulax: trafshow, ethereal14:31
dnivrazulax, np :14:31
gp5stany recommendations on an irc client with notifications like empathy or evolution?14:32
dnivragp5st, xchat's pretty good.14:32
bullgardgp5st: What do you want?14:32
DasEigp5st: pidgin with thed according plugins14:32
gp5stdnivra, that's what i'm using, i didn't know it had notifications14:32
gp5stDasEi, i might try that and switch from empathy14:32
Dr_Willisgp5st:  weechat can do that. but its a text based irc client. so may not be what you want.14:32
dnivragp5st, pidgin's a better choice. i misread as "withouth notifications" sorry :).14:33
bullgardDasEi: s/according/associated/14:33
Dr_WillisIt gets annoying getting irc notifications when someone spam/msgs you a dozen+ lines.14:33
dnivragp5st, it has an addon called pidgin-guifications. annoying at times but i guess it's what you're looking for.14:33
DasEigp5st: ..get install pidgin*,  the asterisk brings all that stuff to your plugin-list14:33
gp5stDr_Willis, yeah, if i could set it up only to notify me of msg on the work channel;)14:33
gp5sti'll give that a shot14:33
dnivraDr_Willis, which is quite common for you eh?14:34
luxurymodeDasEi, thanks for that link. i will definitely go through some stuff there.14:34
rigvedwhat exactly is swap used for? (other than for hibernation, video editing)? will a system that has a more heavy-processing-centeric role benefit from a larger swap space?14:34
DasEiluxurymode: see you after next weekend14:34
DasEirigved: data often read, not fitting in ram will be put there14:35
geekbririgved: the swap is also used for when the system needs more ram than it currently has, it puts some into the swap14:35
dnivrarigved, read a bit about paging and virtual memory. they are related to swap.14:35
netbeasti need help and i get a error when making a install you must have read write access14:35
luxurymodewhere does it make sense to like extract folders to? home/myname/whatever of go to "file system"?14:35
dnivrarigved, i sure can explain it but it'll turn into an operating systems lecture :).14:35
DasEirigved: on systems with lot aof ram, and if you don't "eat" ram by thousands of apps, can downgrade swapiness a lot for performance14:36
rigvedDasEi, geekbri, dnivra: ok. thanx. i think i'll put the standard recommendation swap=2*RAM then.14:36
DasEiluxurymode: create a subdir in your homefolder, app-wise14:36
DasEirigved: ram > 2-2,5 of RAM14:37
dnivrarigved, in short let's say a software needs about 300MB of RAM but only 150MB is free. it's possible that it needs only about 100MB at one go to work. so 100MB needed is put in RAM and rest in swap-it'll be called into RAM when needed.14:37
DasEirigved: if not needed, can drop it later on without a problem14:37
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rigveddnivra: ok. np. will read up on it. thanx14:37
=== dma147 is now known as criz
netbeastwhy wont this let me do a make file says i dont have read write access14:38
Dr_Willisluxurymode:  'filesystem' may actually be pointing to /  -  user should keep their stuff in /home/username/someniceorganizedlocation14:38
DasEirigved: errm swap = 2-2,5 of RAM14:38
Dr_Willisnetbeast:  one normally does a './configure' 'make' 'sudo make install'14:38
bullgardI forgot: What is the opposite (or "inverse")  CLI command to "eject"?14:38
rigvedDasEi: ok. thanx. my current RAM (on VM) is 1.9 GB14:39
dnivrabullgard, mount?14:39
luxurymodeDr_Willis, thank you thats what i did. just created a folder in myname. thank you guys so much. linux/open source ppl are so friendly and willing to help. hope i can pay it 4wd some day14:39
DasEirigved: so 4to 5 gig swap, if hibernation is planned14:39
rigveddnivra: got it. thanx :)14:39
dnivrarigved, cool :).14:39
geekbririgved: you should also check out information about "swappiness" because you can actually control how "swappy" your computer is14:39
rigvedDasEi: yes. i was planning on hibernating sometime or the other.14:40
rigvedgeekbri: ok. i'll google it14:40
geekbririgved: its not of vital importance just interesting :)14:40
luxurymodeHow can I edit the .bashrc file?14:40
DasEirigved: the only real reason for such a big ram14:40
=== Alien_Freak is now known as csgeek
Dr_Willisluxurymode:  its a text file. use any text editor14:40
Dr_Willisluxurymode:  you may want to backup the original14:40
DasEiluxurymode: gksudo gedit /etc/bashrc.bashrc14:40
dnivraluxurymode, or use gedit; it's usually configured to create backups i believe.14:41
Steve973I'm using maverick, and it's telling me that my version of clamav engine is outdated.  is this just a little slow in getting into the repo?14:41
rigvedDasEi: yes. :)14:41
DasEiluxurymode: fo backup, safe the file before any changes, add a BA to its name14:42
rigvedgeekbri: i'm interested. so i'm already up on it :)14:42
geekbririgved: :D14:42
SquarismI wanna downgrade to a certain version of a installed (using apt-get)software.. this software is in a PPA ive added... is it possible to list available versions of a specific product?14:42
luxurymodeDasEi, just add "BA" to the name somewhere?14:42
luxurymodeDasEi, also when i opened in gedit, its empty. is that normal?14:43
dnivraSquarism, well since it's in a PPA, just remove the PPA from know repositories and then install from the main repository. it's highly likely PPA's much ahead of the main repository.14:43
dnivraSquarism, remove PPA, remove app, reinstall app. should be enough.14:43
sikuwhere i can get help in ubuntu14:43
DasEiluxurymode: sudo cp /etc/bash.bashrc  /etc/bash.bashrc BA && gksudo gedit /etc/bash.bashrc14:43
sikuwhere i can get help in ubuntu softwares14:43
DasEi!ask | siku14:43
ubottusiku: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:44
dnivrasiku, that would be here :)14:44
Squarismdnivra, this is not anything ubuntu/linux.. its very much a niche app...14:44
DasEiluxurymode: sudo cp /etc/bash.bashrc  /etc/bash.bashrcBA  && gksudo gedit /etc/bash.bashrc , no gap before BA14:44
Squarismdnivra, siku: Doesnt the PPA carry info for all available versions?14:44
luxurymodeDasEi, so do that 2nd command first?14:44
DasEiluxurymode: sudo cp /etc/bash.bashrc  /etc/bash.bashrcBA  && gksudo gedit /etc/bash.bashrc14:45
DasEi^one and only right line14:45
dnivraSquarism, yeah it should but you can download the latest version only i think: doubt you can download any earlier version.14:45
luxurymodeDasEi, so just run that last cmd?14:45
=== denise_ is now known as denise__
Dr_Willisluxurymode:  do you want to change everyones bashrc? or just the users? or the system wide  bashrc? they all have differnt  jobs14:45
luxurymodeDr_Willis, i dunno ;) i just need to add android SDK to path14:46
netbeasti think i have the wrong driver for the webcam i dont need gspca i need spca14:46
DasEiSquarism: apt-cache show will display availabele packages, if you want to hold an older one, apt needs to be blocked from updating it, I'm not a fan of such14:46
Performercan someone help me in wine?14:46
dnivra!ask | Performer14:47
ubottuPerformer: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:47
DasEiPerformer: ask in #winehq14:47
dnivraPerformer, wine does have it's own channel too.14:47
PerformerDasEi nobody answering me lol14:47
Dr_Willisluxurymode:  you can do that on a per user setting by editing their own .bashrc or .bash_profile or .profile in their home dir14:47
netbeastwhy when i try to make  a install it says i dont have read write access to root tree14:47
dnivraPerformer, just ask. if somebody knows, they'd help i guess.14:47
DasEiPerformer: what you want to install ? what tells wine --version ?14:47
luxurymodeDr_Willis, ok how do i do that?14:47
Dr_Willisnetbeast:  check if its mounted read/write via the 'mount' command. could be iuts had an issue and remounted read only14:48
Dr_Willisluxurymode:  edit the PATH lines in the proper config in theusers home dir. or add a new line to the end of .profile perhaps.14:48
Sam_eYe_amNeed help with stuck pacakges. error: ""sudo apt-get purge ubuntu-restricted-extras && apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras""14:48
Dr_Willisluxurymode:  seems the .profile has a PATH line at the end.14:49
PerformerDasEi nobody answering me can we pvt plz bro?14:49
luxurymodeDr_Willis, could you guide me through that?  sorry i need so much hand holding14:49
DasEiluxurymode: or get the cellar done before planing the roof.. (me ducks)14:49
paldepindHi! Does anybody know why I can't play DVDs in Ubuntu 10.10. I've tried both Totem and VLC and I've got libdvdread4 installed..14:49
Sam_eYe_amNeed help with stuck  packages "E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)14:49
Sam_eYe_amE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?" error14:49
luxurymodeDasEi, you mean set everything up then do the PATH changes?14:49
DasEiPerformer: which app ? which wine version14:50
simon34how to select data bearer as data call in symbian s60 v5 mobiles? eg nokia 523014:50
rigvedgeekbri: so what is the swappiness value in a default ubuntu install? 50?14:50
DasEiluxurymode: what I wanted to say is, if you just walk in the system a little more, many irritations costing you much time will then be self-explained14:51
luxurymodeDasEi, oh ok. yeah, you're right14:51
simon34how to select data bearer as data call in symbian s60 v5 mobiles? eg nokia 523014:51
DasEiluxurymode: you need some rural basic understanding of the os, and it's nothing hard or taking ages14:52
luxurymodeim just confused by the file system, etc and afraid of messing things up14:53
dnivrasimon34, this is the hubuntu support channel. you might wanna go to the righ tchannel.14:53
DasEiluxurymode: go step by step, set up the system, there you learn a lot, and can ask, if things are unclear14:53
BeelsebobHey, I have an ancient Pentium M 1.73Ghz laptop… I want to set it up for someone to browse t'internet + grab mail etc, am I better with the netbook edition, or the bog standard desktop ubuntu release?14:54
Beelsebobwhat differs between the two?14:54
rigvedsimon34: when you connect your phone and then click on the network manager icon in the top panel, you'll get an option to select the default bearer for your phone (like AT&T or Vodafone etc.)14:54
geekbririgved: well you can check by doing cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness14:55
DasEiBeelsebob: standard, how much ram ?14:55
rigvedgeekbri: yes. of course. ;-)14:55
Dr_Willisluxurymode:  when in doubt make backups..  You edit the last like of the .profile file, add the new path you want there.14:55
rigvedgeekbri: it's 60 :)14:56
Dr_Willisluxurymode:  you may want to spend an hr or so reading some bash fundamentals also to learn what PATH even is. :)14:56
mops1khello all14:56
geekbririgved: 60 is actually a pretty good number for it... but its always fun to play with and see what you prefer :)14:56
mops1ksomebody can help me?14:56
Dr_WillisBeelsebob:  you may wan to try lubuntu.  if you want a bit more speed.14:56
simon34how to select data bearer as data call in symbian s60 v5 mobiles? eg nokia 523014:57
Dr_Willis!ask | mops1k14:57
ubottumops1k: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:57
=== denise__ is now known as lpt
BeelsebobDasEi: 1GB14:57
DasEimops1k: moving snow around ?14:57
BeelsebobDr_Willis: what does it cut out of the standard version?14:57
DasEiBeelsebob: night consider using a light windowmanager then14:57
Roasted_Here's a fun problem. Ubuntu 10.04. Intel wireless. Works GREAT! One day I boot up, no wireless. The fix? I have to boot up with my wireless disabled and then activate it after I'm logged back in. lol?? How can I fix this?14:57
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD14:57
todd2is there a way to NOT shut off an ATX board after a shutdown?14:57
rigvedgeekbri: yes it means that i'll remove applications which have not been used in a long time. i'll experiment with it in my VM. thanx again14:57
ubottuFor installing on low memory systems, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems.  See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements.14:57
gnugrsimon34: go there #meego and ask them about14:58
luxurymodeDr_Willis, gotcha. how can i pull .profile to edit?14:58
BeelsebobDasEi: that seems to suggest that a "low memery" system is one with less than 192MB is that out of date now?14:58
DasEiBeelsebob: 1 gig is enough for gnome, but with many apps open, it could become-- slow14:58
BeelsebobI doubt they'll want many apps open14:58
mops1ki'm search nautilus-elementary packages, but developers delete it from ppa, someone can uploud it to filehosting somewhere for i386 system? who have it in cache?14:58
Beelsebobprobably firefox + thunderbird and not much more14:58
luxurymodeDr_Willis, is this a good resource for learning bash?14:59
rigvedsimon34: when you connect your phone and then click on the network manager icon in the top panel, you'll get an option to select the default bearer for your phone (like AT&T or Vodafone etc.)14:59
Sam_eYe_amNeed help with stuck  packages "E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)14:59
DasEiBeelsebob: right, I'm a killer to by boxes often, like copy one thing, stream music, browse, chat.. depends on, though14:59
m4xxhow can i disallow users from editing pannels?14:59
dnivraSam_eYe_am, you have to run it as root.15:00
rigvedsimon34: ok. what have you set it as earlier?15:00
DasEiSam_eYe_am: are you root ? another apt open ?15:00
luxurymodeDr_Willis, can i just do $ vim .bash_profile ?15:00
m4xxi saw to modify /desktop/gnome/lockdown/lockdown_panel_config but i didnt have that key15:00
m4xxi tried adding it but it had no effect15:00
simon34pocket data15:00
Dr_Willisluxurymode:  use whatever editor you like.15:01
DasEiBeelsebob: anyway, use standard, not netbook, and alternate install is often easier on older hardware15:01
Sam_eYe_amI ran as root. and nothing is open. Just hung when installing through apt-get15:01
Dr_Willisluxurymode:  editorrname path/to/file     in a terminal :)15:01
BeelsebobDasEi: cool thanks15:01
GCNRHi I am trying to install the nvidia drivers on my Dell Vostro 3700 running Ubuntu 10.10 (x86_64), but after I install nvidia-current, run nvidia-xconfig and reboot the X doesn't start... when I try to do that manually I get a server error saying "no screens found". How can I get that done?15:01
luxurymodeDr_Willis, can i just do sudo cp /etc/bash.bashrc  /etc/bash.bashrcBA  && gksudo gedit /etc/bash.bashrc?15:01
mops1ki'm search nautilus-elementary packages, but developers delete it from ppa, someone can uploud it to filehosting somewhere for i386 system? who have it in cache?15:01
dnivraSam_eYe_am, it could be an apt lock then.15:02
dnivra!aptlock | Sam_eYe_am15:02
ubottuSam_eYe_am: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »15:02
Dr_Willisluxurymode:  why do you need to edit the system bashrc? you can do it in yoru users home dir. and not need to mess with the system files at all.15:02
DasEiBeelsebob: netbook is specialized for todays mini-screens, not the older 14""//15""15:02
Beelsebobah, k15:02
Dr_Willisluxurymode:  edit your users .profile and be done with it..15:02
BeelsebobI wondered if it was optimised for lower-resource systems15:02
Beelsebobrather than smaller screens15:02
luxurymodeDr_Willis, gotcha. how do i do that? ;)15:02
luxurymodeso sorry, i know im a pain the ass15:03
todd2is there a way to NOT shut off an ATX board after a shutdown? And further more... is there a way to display a custom message at the end of the shutdown process?15:03
Roasted_Here's a fun problem. Ubuntu 10.04. Intel wireless. Works GREAT! One day I boot up, no wireless. The fix? I have to boot up with my wireless disabled and then activate it after I'm logged back in. lol?? How can I fix this?15:03
Dr_Willisluxurymode:  we allready told ya.. :) editor you like.. edit the file.. its /home/yourusername/.profile15:03
babaanyone else not able to reset password for lifehacker?15:03
DasEiBeelsebob: mainly screen, and a more specialized paketselection15:03
luxurymodeDr_Willis, just wanted the command for it...15:03
mops1ki'm search nautilus-elementary packages, but developers delete it from ppa, someone can uploud it to filehosting somewhere for i386 system? who have it in cache? help me pls!))))15:03
Sam_eYe_amubottu, Ran it and same error15:04
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:04
Dr_Willisluxurymode:  editorrname path/to/file     in a terminal :)    <--------------------- I gave you a summary of the command. :) use the editor and path  you like.15:04
Dr_Willisluxurymode:  gedit /home/yourusername/.profile    for example15:04
luxurymodegedit /home/levi/.profile15:04
luxurymodegot it15:04
luxurymodethank you15:04
rigved!brain | Sam_eYe_am15:05
Pacorabhi all15:05
ubottuSam_eYe_am: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots15:05
gnugrSam_eYe_am: do you run on your PC apache2, mysql? if yes /var/lib is locked for some reason (mistake maybe).15:05
DasEiSam_eYe_am: synaptic or softwarecenter open in parallel ?15:05
amitcan i do yahoo video chat on ubuintu15:05
Sam_eYe_amTotem won't play any file types nor allow download of plugins help!15:05
Sam_eYe_amrigved, hey man still stuck on Totem and playing video15:06
DasEiamit: I haven't tried yahoo, but goole works on pidgin15:06
Dr_WillisSam_eYe_am:  install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package perhaps. that should get a lot of the video codec files you m ay need15:06
mops1kHey, somebody look at me?15:07
rigvedSam_eYe_am: hmmm. i don't remember the exact error. can you run it again in the terminal and tell me what the error is?15:07
DasEi^apt is locked, Dr_Willis (at Sam..)15:07
luxurymodeDr_Willis, should i just ADD (as opposed to EDIT). So just add "PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin export PATH"?15:07
Pacorabi need help, i can't install ubuntu on my PC. I can boot via the CD, then ubuntu start to load , and after 1-2 mins  i get back to  some basic console, and a msg that "no live filesystem has been found" (something like that). i can type some stuff in the console, but i don't know what to type...15:07
DasEiPacorab: looks like a bad cd in first hand15:08
DasEiPacorab: did youi verify the download, tried cd on another box ?15:08
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows15:09
Dr_Willisluxurymode:  PATH="$PATH:/usr/games:/new/path/here"15:09
p47I can't do a Downgrade of udisk with synaptic. I can't select Force version ! HELP ME !15:09
Pacorabi'll retry then. ok thx15:09
Sam_eYe_amrigved, is it possible to install plugins manually just to try to get totem working?15:09
mops1ki'm search nautilus-elementary packages, but developers delete it from ppa, someone can uploud it to filehosting somewhere for i386 system? who have it in cache? help me pls!))))15:09
luxurymodeDr_Willis, thanks. just add that?15:09
DasEiPacorab: apart from an intact iso.file, burn at slow speed, and, oc cd must be bootable, it also has an option verify medium15:10
Dr_Willismops1k:  since thats not an official ubuntu thing..  its not really sypported here.. you could check the webupd8 and omgubuntu  sites and see if anyone else has some infop on where its moved to. theres also some ppa-search tools out15:10
Dr_Willis!info ppasearch15:10
ubottuPackage ppasearch does not exist in maverick15:10
Dr_Willis!info ppa-search15:10
ubottuPackage ppa-search does not exist in maverick15:10
amiti install window xp by virtualization on ubuntu but my windows cannot working properly.as on standard mode15:10
Dr_WillisHmm. thought hter ewas one in maverick..15:10
Dr_Willisamit:  clarify that a bit. you got 'xp installed in virtualbox , on ubuntu as the host os' and windows has some 'issue' ?15:11
rigvedSam_eYe_am: yes15:11
gp5sthow do i disable the nvidia driver?  I can only use twinview for my two monitors instead of how gnome handled it before (two separate, but adjacent displays).  I did a system update and the gnome config program forces me to use the nvidia config now15:12
luxurymodeDr_Willis, .profile already has a statement that "sets path so it includes user's private bin if it exists. do i need to add the path there or just do it right below?15:12
mops1kpackages deleted from launchpad ppa, because developers stoped this some days ago, i ask about some deb packages who have installed it in their /var/cache/apt/archives, to upload it to some file hosting15:12
rigvedSam_eYe_am: you can search Software Center and install only the plugins that you need15:12
=== Juo_ is now known as Juo
mops1kall sites, that u say i am look before & use search for it, nobody do not share it in internet from cache for manual install15:13
gp5stcould i just uninstall the nvidia-settings package?15:13
Dr_Willisluxurymode:  PATH="$PATH:/usr/games:/new/path/here"       <-------------------- This is the example i gave.. of an edit of the last line....15:14
DasEigp5st: could, but unwise if prop. driver installed15:14
=== cho is now known as chochotrain
todd2is there a way to NOT shut off an ATX board after a shutdown? And further more... is there a way to display a custom message at the end of the shutdown process?15:14
luxurymodeDr_Willis, i should use games?15:14
histotodd2: what like suspend mode?15:14
Dr_Willisluxurymode:   use the path to whatever it is you are wanting to be using..15:15
luxurymodeDr_Willis, im a retard you just mean edit so it says levi/android_sdk"?15:15
mops1kDr_Willis, did u have installed nautilus-elementary?15:15
todd2histo: no... like making it as if it's an old AT system that you have to power off by a power switch after the OS is shut down15:15
AbhiJitalireza83, ask15:15
histotodd2: you can check int he bios for options on the soft switch15:16
DasEitodd2: or view man shutdown, different options there15:16
amityes...that can not istall the driver cd peroperly, many exe files., even yahoo messenger15:16
gp5stDasEi: the nvidia settings, though, is horrible:(15:16
gp5sti just want to manage them like i did before the update15:17
todd2histo: hmm, I'll take a look. I already checked the 'shutdown --help', but I'll see if the man page mentions more.15:17
DasEigp5st: youir opinion, but with driver installed handles setting more aprobiat15:17
histotodd2: I didn't suggest that. And the option you are looking for won't be there. It will be in the bios15:17
gp5stDasEi: it doesn't do what I want:) I don't like the option of not using one monitor or using twinview15:17
AbhiJit!details | amit15:18
ubottuamit: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:18
mops1kWho have installed nautilus-elementary on maverik?=)15:18
DasEitodd2: try sudo shutdown -H now15:18
DasEigp5st: which config you're after ?15:19
MaartenPIHi guys, I'm trying to setup different virtual hosts with Ubuntu, so I can run multiple websites on Apache. SHould I ask for help here on how to setup the virtual hosts?15:20
gp5stDasEi: i want it to act like gnome treated it: two seperate but juxtaposed monitors essentiall. I don't want my screen to span both15:20
DasEimops1k: first hit on mrs. allnkoogle : http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/09/nautilus-elementary-ppa-now-working-for-maverick-users/15:21
Dr_Willisof course Nautilus elementry is basically a dead project now from what i recall..  but you can always compile your own.15:21
DasEigp5st: setting allow that, clone screens15:21
gp5stDasEi: I don't want a clone15:21
mops1kDasEi, ppa closed 2 days ago15:22
gp5stDasEi: also, nvida-settings dones't seem to even be able to do that15:22
mops1ki need packages from cache15:22
DasEigp5st: you want too screens, showing same picture15:22
gp5stDasEi: no15:22
DasEiso span then ?15:22
gp5stDasEi: i want two screens, not a spanned screen15:22
gp5stDasei: no15:22
Dr_Willisgp5st:  you mean 2 seperate X displays?15:23
amiti had installed on my virtual m/c XP and in that i can not open my yahoo messenger.that have an error15:23
gp5sti guess15:23
Dr_Willisgp5st:  nvidia-settings has that..... i find that feature rather useless...15:23
mops1kDasEi, packages from ppa was deleted15:23
gp5stbut i could drag windows between them15:23
mops1kDasEi, have u installed it?15:23
Dr_Willisgp5st:  thats not 2 seperate X displays then.. thats one 'wide screen; using twinview'15:23
gp5stDr_Willis: it won't let me do that, in fact it won't let me do anything right now:(15:23
DasEimops1k: nope15:23
gp5stfor the love of god, i don't want twin view15:23
DasEi.. or span15:24
gp5stbefore i did an update, gnome handled it perfectly, two seperate displays i could drag windows between15:24
Dr_Willisgp5st:  install nvidia drivers, reboot, login , run nvidia-settings, tweak xorg.conf as needed.. restart X. then  play with it.15:24
mops1kDr_Willis, i know, but i can't compile15:24
gp5stDr_Willis: i have the nvidia drivers, that's the problem15:24
Dr_Willisgp5st:  what you descrived was twinview...  you do not drag windows across 2 seperate 'x sessions'15:24
gp5sti want to get rid of them15:24
mops1kDr_Willis, i need packeges from cache, who have installed it, understand?)15:24
gp5stno, twinview spanned my screen15:24
gp5stmaking a 3k by 1080 screen15:24
gp5stthat's not what i want15:25
Dr_Willisgp5st:  yes.. thats how you 'drag' windows across from one monitor to the next.. its that or clone.. or 2 seperate displays.. where you cant drag them across...15:25
Dr_Willisgp5st:  so theres only 3 options really.15:25
gp5st:( gnome did it perfectly15:25
DasEimops1k: it's understood, but seems nobody has it on his box.. compiling might be the faster way, if you don't like knoogle15:25
amiterror is " this application is failed to start because its configration is in correct.reinstalling of application may resolve the problem. then  i install two time messenger from net but same error comes......similarly happen when i install my driver cd for graphics and sound15:25
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)15:25
Dr_Willisgp5st:  it was proberly using ximerama. which is sort if is twinview15:25
doug_need some help, just got a new cable modem installed, all of a sudden, one of my ubuntu (10.04) boxes won't connect to the internet, I can connect to internal network just fine, any ideas?15:26
mops1kDr_Willis, i have amd64 packages, but i need i386, i need somebody share it on filehosting for help me & other ppls15:26
gp5stDr_Willis: nvidia-settings claims it doesn't exist15:26
gp5stnot on15:26
histodoug_: have you restarted this box?15:26
doug_yes, several times15:26
histodoug_: what happens when you try dig google.com15:26
amiti m using virual m/c just for yahoo video chat if u have alternative plz tell me15:26
gp5stalso, nvidia settings doesn't support rotations, which gnome did15:26
doug_odd thing is that I dual boot with windows on it and windows is fine15:26
goldinsmops1k: replace your machine, no one should be using i386 anymore15:26
mops1kDr_Willis, i don't know how compil good this15:27
Dev^nullhey all I am trying to figure out on a default install of Ubuntu desktop 9.4 where does fstab actually mount the drives what init script?15:27
MaartenPIanyone know where to setup eth0?15:27
histoDev^null: what do you mean?15:27
doug_looks like it hit google ok, ping won't though15:27
goldinsDev^null: if you're screwing with it you're doing something wrong.15:27
goldinsDev^null: what is your actual problem.15:27
histoDev^null: any drives in /etc/fstab get mounted on boot15:27
DasEiDev^null: re-phrase question15:27
histodoug_: does it resolve google.com to an ip?15:28
Dev^nullhisto, I have a compact flash that needs to mount before mysql starts and this does not occur so I need to change the boot priority of mysql but I need to know where the drive is mounted so I know how high to set the priority15:28
doug_If I'm reading it right, yes it appears to15:28
mops1kgoldins, this is bad variant15:28
zetterwhy isn't there a settings or edit option for the screensavers in maverick?15:29
doug_haven't used that command before so not totally confident at what I'm looking at15:29
wn1zidhey folks, is there a way to configure screen savers ?15:29
zetterwn1zid: :)15:29
Picizetter: Because GNOME doesn't want you to be able to do that.15:29
goldinsDev^null: you should change the numbers at the end of the fstab line for that drive15:29
doug_says answer section: google.com 242 IN A and then address15:29
mops1kgoldins, i can install amd64 on my machine, but i have a specific programs that workin only on i386 system15:29
goldinsmops1k: no you don't.15:29
goldinsthere's no such thing.15:29
histodoug_: look at the answer section should say something like google.com 300 in a 74.125.229.blah15:29
_joeywhat is going on? where is the bloody su on this linux?15:29
zetterPici: strange, first leaving out GIMP and now this... i dont like15:29
doug_yup that's what I get15:30
gp5stwn1zid: system>pref15:30
Picizetter: You can install the xscreensaver package and then run xscreensaver-demo (be careful to make sure that you DON'T enable the xscreensaver daemon, and you can configure them from there).15:30
histodoug_: k try ping google.com15:30
DasEiDev^null: or make mysql starting later (inittab)15:30
Dev^nullwhat do you mean to what? they are currently 0 115:30
zetterPici: thx15:30
amiti m using ubuntu 10.1015:30
Picizetter: This isn't anything Ubuntu has done, GNOME has been doing this for years.15:30
doug_ping sticks, doesn't hit at all15:30
histodoug_: ping
zetteri see15:30
wn1zidcool, t pici15:30
mops1ki see hehre not a so good chat as i think before, u can't help me(15:30
mops1kgl all15:30
doug_ping nothing15:30
XLVanyone here has experienced problems with ubunty 10.10 and microsoft wireless notebook mouse 3000? it worked in previous ubuntu releases... now i get very choppy intermitted performance.. i use boot options acpi=off, noapic and nolapic15:30
Pici!root | _joey (and please mind your attiude)15:30
ubottu_joey (and please mind your attiude): Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo15:30
_joeyhow do I install ubuntu desktop?15:31
histodoug_: but you can ping internal ips fine?15:31
_joeyI only have base currently15:31
Dev^nullDasEi, Thats what I am trying to do. but I need to know where fstab starts..15:31
wn1zidok, im out, have a great day people15:31
_joeywhat is the name of the package?15:31
doug_yes, I can even browse the local network and transfer files, etc15:31
goldinsDev^null: it appears that I'm wrong15:31
Pici_joey: ubuntu-desktop15:31
histo_joey: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop15:31
DasEiDev^null: intrd calls fstab/mounttab15:31
histodoug_: something must be messed up with your routes for that box then15:31
AntonisHello folks. I have recently installed ubuntu 10.10 and added some hdds to fstab to automount them when I boot ubuntu. I now have a problem with nautilus showing each hdd twice one mounted and one unmounted that does nothing but being there.. is there a solution to this? I have added every entry by its UUID and not label or path15:32
doug_it shouldn't work in windows then though, should it?15:32
histodoug_: one would think not on the same box15:32
DasEiDev^null: grub > kernel > fstab > fs > boot15:32
histodoug_: the router should be giving it the same ip most likely15:32
histoDev^null: anything in fstab will get mounted prior to mysql starting15:33
doug_which makes me think it's not the router15:33
MaartenPIwhen adding a virtual interface, should i start with eth0:0 or eth0:1 ?15:33
DasEiDev^null: is it possible that mysql can't read from the mount ?15:33
doug_even installed a wireless card and can connect via wireless but not to the internet, same results15:33
_joeyso what is the  cool desktop?15:33
histodoug_: any firewall installed?15:33
FloodBot4_joey: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:33
histo!enter > _joey15:33
ubottu_joey, please see my private message15:33
DasEijoeyjones: get a virtualbox and try yourself15:34
cmillerdrip feed what?15:34
_joeyubottu I like pressing Enter button :)15:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:34
joeyjonesDasEi: _joey != joeyjones15:34
DasEijoeyjones: sorry, I like enter too much :)15:34
rigvedwhen installing, i want to set the partitions to be encrypted volumes. should i also set up the swap to be encrypted, or will that cause problems?15:34
doug_yes, just disabled but still same results15:35
joeyjonesthat reminds me, my debian server need a swap file since it has no swap partition15:35
slynever encrypt your boot ! will never be able to boot again15:35
joeyjonesat one point it ran out of memory and was lcoked badly15:35
DasEirigved: no that's fine15:35
histodoug_: i'm guessing it's not disabled15:35
_joeyhow is xubuntu-deskto differ from ubuntu-desktop?15:35
DasEi_joey: surface15:35
joeyjones_joey: different desktop enviroment15:35
joeyjonesgnome, xfce, kde15:36
rigvedDasEi: ok.15:36
fortellerI'm trying to find info on how to install Thunderbird 3.3. Preferbly without having to build it myself. But I can't find it. Is it possible? Is there a .deb or ppa somewhere?15:36
doug_I tend to think the same thing but is there a command I can type to see if I have one up?  wondering if I put one in I can't remember15:36
_joeyjoeyjones different in what way?15:36
joeyjonesubuntu, xubuntu, kubuntu15:36
=== wema|off is now known as wemaflo
_joeyxubuntu uses xfce?15:36
_joeyI see15:36
joeyjonesit's really just preference15:36
slywhat is xfce15:36
rigvedsly: if i encrypt the partitions, will that also encrypt boot? are you talking about the boot folder under / ?15:36
om26er!xfce | sly15:36
ubottusly: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels15:36
Myrttirigved: no15:37
joeyjonesbtw, trying to use a server with 0 free ram is a PITA15:37
joeyjonesonly root can login and can only use commands that don't fork15:37
joeyjonesso, a lot of cat /proc onstead of normal tools15:37
rigvedMyrtti: so it's fine as DasEi suggested?15:37
Myrttirigved: as long as /boot is unencrypted, you can encrypt everything else, including swap15:38
researcher1I want to create a print server which can be given print commands from any windows PC connected in LAN. whats the way out15:38
rigvedMyrtti: that means i'll have to set up a seperate partition for it15:38
Myrttirigved: yes15:39
fortellerNoone knows anything about installing Thunderbird 3.3?15:39
blue112Hi here.15:39
blue112When I'm on linux, few http server doesn't answer before the timeout is reached. Then, the server responds fast, but few minutes ago, that's happening again. That doesn't happens on the other OS on this computer. It also happens for all my colleges in the same room. I've already disabled IPV6. What can I do to fix that ?15:39
rigvedMyrtti, DasEi: thanx15:39
DasEirigved: np, use alternate installer, supports cryption better15:40
doug_I just disabled ufw, do you think if I upgrade to 10.10 this may resolve the issue?15:40
rigvedDasEi: using that only15:40
zetterPici: why shouldn't i enable the xscreensaver daemon??15:41
error_203how to use gif  image as your desktop background image?15:41
Picizetter: Because it will interfere with gnome's screensaver.  They both store their settings in the same place though, so you can make configuration changes with xscreenaver-demo15:41
rigvedbtw, how much space does /boot need? 2 GB enough? or 8 GB?15:41
zetterPici: can't i just disable gnome screensaver? and use xscreen?15:42
om26errigved, 1gb is more than enough in my book ;)15:42
Picizetter: Sure, if you want.15:42
dewwrigved: 2GB is more than enough for now15:42
error_203rigved:use 500mb its good15:42
* om26er have a 100mb /boot :p15:44
rigvedom26er, deww, error_203: thanx15:44
_joeyhow do I use a bot on this channel to answer frequently asked questions?15:44
error_203hi ny 1 know how to use gif image as ur desktop background image?15:45
OerH!factoids | _joey15:45
ubottu_joey: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots15:45
kibibytewhy ubuntu package maintainers doesnt create any libreoffice package ?15:45
kibibytenow we stuck with openoffiice crap15:45
Picikibibyte: Because we don't add new packages to the repositories in the middle of a release.15:45
om26erkibibyte, i think we would have it in archives before natty15:45
_joey!factoids | java15:45
ubottujava: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots15:45
om26er*in natty only*15:46
rigvedkibibyte: maybe you could ask this also in #ubuntu-devel. from the developers temselves15:46
kibibyteom26er, before natty? is codename for next ubuntu relase?15:46
zetterPici: xscreensaver seems to be flickering15:46
om26erkibibyte, yes the codename of 11.0415:46
mw44118-scratchI'm running 10.4 LTS on my server, and it comes with python2.6.  Will python2.7 ever become available in 10.4 LTS?15:46
om26ermw44118-scratch, no15:46
rigved!natty | kibibyte15:47
ubottukibibyte: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.15:47
om26eryou can install it ofcourse15:47
slymw44118-scratch> just install it dude15:47
rigvedmw44118-scratch: backports15:47
wrdmw44118-scratch: you'll probably have to backport it or look in the ppa's if somebody backported it already15:47
_joey!sunjava | _joey15:47
ubottu_joey, please see my private message15:47
mw44118-scratchrigved: yeah, backports.  How do I look in the ppa's?  I don't know what that is.15:47
slyhow do i send private msg ? without using the mouse15:47
Pici_joey: Please /msg ubottu instead of playing with the bot here.15:47
rigved!ppa | mw44118-scratch15:48
ubottumw44118-scratch: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.15:48
DasEierror_203: got your answer ?15:48
_joey!partner repository | _joey15:48
rigved!backport | mw44118-scratch15:48
ubottumw44118-scratch: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging15:48
_joeywhat is partner repository?15:48
_joeywanking bot15:49
DasEierror_203: d/l  say to desktop, right click desk, change BG, add.. there you are15:49
DasEi!partner | _joey15:49
ubottu_joey: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »15:49
DasEi!brain > _joey15:49
ubottu_joey, please see my private message15:49
Error404NotFoundcan i create a ssh tunnel for a port thats empty, service running on it is down for now?15:50
wrdError404NotFound: yes you can.15:50
doug_so if I have a firewall on and I can't tell which one is there a command where I can find out what firewall is active?15:50
rigvedError404NotFound: yes15:50
error_203DasEi; sir plz u xpalin it m not understood15:50
DasEierror_203: d/l  gif to desktop15:50
DasEierror_203: right-click desktop, change backgraound , add (picture) navigate to gif, choose15:51
rigveddoug_: there are software available for this kind of stuff. don't remember the name right now15:51
error_203DasEi:ok sir m trying15:52
DasEierror_203: gnome accepts gif as background15:52
campbellgolfwhat is Ubunut's equivalent to terminal service?  I would like to manage my Ubunutu desktop from a Windows env, much like MSTSC.  -thx15:52
zetterPici: i am going back to gnome screensavers... i disabled the daemon though, how do i enable it again? and do i have to disable the xscreensaver daemon after removing the package?15:53
_joeyhow do i configure distro so that it start GUI login and GUI desktop automatically?15:53
resixianchaff: for ipod touch you can jailbreak it, then mount sshfs15:53
_joeythat is when it boots15:53
resixianerr.. woops15:53
_joeyshould I change run level?15:53
DasEi_joey: system> admin..> login15:54
=== vassago is now known as baalberith
error_203DasEi: but sir the gif image is not moving after set it as desktop background,it only show still image15:58
error_203DasEi: the movement in image vanish after setting it as desktop background15:58
DasEierror_203: you choosed an animated gif ?15:58
error_203DasEi: yes sir15:59
=== Aaron5367|detach is now known as Aaron5367
DasEiidk, my jpeg works, try conversion15:59
error_203dasEi: i download a gif image,then clicked on desktop to change background and choose the gif image as baxckground15:59
h3llb0yoh it wont move that way16:00
h3llb0ydoesnt for me at least16:00
h3llb0yi use xwinwrap16:00
error_203h3llboy:then how it moves16:00
j3d3how does one enable Ctrl+V to paste into a terminal?16:00
h3llb0yuse xwinwrap16:00
error_203is it a s/w16:01
MoriaantjeIs there a command to check if a server is configured to accept a specific domainname16:01
h3llb0y@ j3d3 use ctrl+shift+v16:01
slyjesus im not reading things right didnt knew wget was already installed with ub16:01
DasEierror_203: I haven't tried animated gif's so far, imagemagick let's you convert to jpg, and they work animated16:01
h3llb0yerror_203: yeah its a s/w16:02
evandroolá, tenho um arquivo texto onde preciso substituir ; por , em seu conteúdo, alguém tem uma idéia de como posso fazer?16:02
error_203DasEi:what is imagemagic?is it a s/w?16:02
joaopinto!pt | evandro16:02
ubottuevandro: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.16:02
DasEi!info imagemagick | error_20316:02
ubottuerror_203: imagemagick (source: imagemagick): image manipulation programs. In component main, is optional. Version 7: (maverick), package size 71 kB, installed size 284 kB16:02
Gorilla_No_Bakaright.. any of you guys know how to change the background color of windows from inside of the gtkrc-2.0 ? cheers16:04
error_203DasEi: thax for helping sir16:04
zokeis 256MB if ram enough for ubuntu to run on a server?16:04
Picizoke: Sure.16:04
rs0832szoke: yes16:04
DasEizoke: headless and not too high load, yes16:04
h3llb0yheadlees means?16:05
h3llb0yno gui?16:05
DasEih3llb0y: no x16:05
zokeCurrently I have just a server with nothing useful running and it only has 16 mb free16:05
DasEizoke: from 256 total ?16:05
zokewhat could be taking so much memory away from me?16:05
riktkingcan i set up a PXE netboot where the server is not the DHCP server?16:05
Computerheadless can mean no GUI depending on context :316:05
DasEizoke: check htop for what's taking up so much ram16:06
Gorilla_No_Bakaright.. any of you guys know how to change the background color of windows from inside of the gtkrc-2.0 ? cheers16:07
Picizoke: Are you sure that only 16 are free? Check the +/- buffers/cache line from `free` for the actual amount.16:07
KM0201Gorilla_No_Baka: you mean like the background of nautilus?.. the file browser?16:07
error_203suppose if i install some s/w and that software is not showing in the menu lists,then how should i take it in one of menu lists16:08
Gorilla_No_BakaKM0201:  yeah pretty much yeah except for the fact that i do not run nautilus but rox.. this is a minimla install thing16:08
zokePici: -/+ buffers/cache:      17768     23187616:08
Picierror_203: If you're talking about imagemagic, thats a cli program.16:08
zokewhy is it different than the line above it?16:08
KM0201Gorilla_No_Baka: oh ok.. not sure on Rox16:08
error_203pici:what is cli program16:08
Picierror_203: command line interface16:08
=== carbon_ is now known as carbon177
Picizoke: Because thats how much ram the kernel is caching.  Its effectively free.16:09
error_203pici:thanx sir16:09
DasEierror_203: you can create your own launcher or run it from commandline=cli16:09
zokePici, understood. Thanks!16:09
Picizoke: You may want to take a look at this for a more technical discussion: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html16:09
ikonia7/join #sendmail16:09
error_203DasEi:sir how to do this?will you please help me.16:09
MoriaantjeIs there a command to check if a server is configured to accept a specific domainname16:10
h3llb0ywhats the best IRC client?16:10
Pici!best | h3llb0y16:10
ubottuh3llb0y: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:10
PiciMoriaantje: What do you mean exactly?16:10
DasEierror_203: which app ? imagemagick is ment to be terminal16:10
Moriaantje@Pici, I am setting up a server with some domain on it16:10
KM0201h3llb0y: what are you using now?16:10
Moriaantjeand i would like to know if it accepts the domains16:10
tioxNeed some quick help.16:11
Moriaantje(as if I would go their like a website)16:11
KM0201h3llb0y: well, IMO.. thats probably the best... it's easy to setup etc.. but there's a lot of different irc clients for Linux.16:11
error_203DasEi: sir m not more familiar with these,so please u tell me taking an simple example16:11
h3llb0yguess i'll try out some more16:11
zokealso, why is the universe repo not enabled by default?16:11
tioxI changed the domain of where docky comes from through Software Sources, but I need the keyfile so I can actually start getting stuff from it.16:11
zokeI cannot get the tool htop for example, because apt-get only checks main16:11
tioxCan I be directed where in launchpad I can get the keyfile for docky maverick stable?16:12
MoriaantjeI can test it by changing my hosts file to send me to the "correct" ip for a website16:12
Moriaantjebut I was wondering if I can "fake" that behavior with a command16:12
riktkingcan i set up a PXE netboot where the server is not the DHCP server?16:12
DasEierror_203: convert -delay 100 -loop 0 image*.gif animation.jpg16:12
error_203DasEi:u said imagemagick is ment to terminal.what does it mean16:13
DasEierror_203:man imagemackig tells you more16:13
itilioushello everyone16:13
rigvedwhich encryption is better for encrypted volumes - AES, Blowfish, Twofish, Serpent? or is this the wrong channel to ask?16:13
DasEierror_203:terminal = cli= bash = ..16:13
rash502hi all16:13
shebhhi all16:13
=== carbon177 is now known as Carbon357
error_203DasEi:thanx sir16:13
rash502i have problem in php point of sale16:14
itiliouswhy would my /sys/ folder be empty, is this the result of malicious activity on my ubuntu lucid installation?16:14
shebhi have prroxey ?16:14
rash502No direct script access allowed16:14
rash502i have problem in php point of sale16:14
RobinJcan your system still run as it should itilious? if yes, then there's nothing to worry about i think :p16:14
itiliousmy system does not boot anymore, i'm on livecd, how can i find the files to diagnose why my system hangs after plymouth screen?16:15
DasEiitilious: /var/log there : syslog, messages16:16
itiliousDasEi, I checked there and it does not have any entries for today16:17
itiliouswhich i've tried booting 3 times today, 3rd time gave it over 15 min, and still no log entries16:17
rabcnesbittHi. I am trying to setup Readynas duo (comes without a harddisk) I have installed harddisk how do i format it. Can any1 here help me or know chatroom where i can get help tia16:17
itiliousis there maybe another log file that logs during earlier boot?16:18
DasEiitilious: you will have to chrrot in then, do an update/grade , also check initrd and grub16:18
rash502any one have installed php point of sale16:18
DasEi.. and maybe a fs-check16:18
rash502any one have installed php point of sale16:18
Pici!anyone | rash50216:18
ubotturash502: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?16:18
nikitisHow come when I do a compiz --replace & it works, but kills my gnome panel bars?16:18
itiliousthere was 2 times that it boot and said an error that couldnt load boot daemon and was stuck at a command propmpt16:19
chicognuI install windows xp and grub2 disapear, Im now on live cd, how I fix it16:19
itiliousnow it gets and animates plymouth fully, but never actually starts16:19
DasEiitilious: so either a fs-issue, kernelpanic behind plymouth or borked grub (wrong uuid)16:20
DrDamnitI have a raid driver (RocketRaid 2300) that I need to give to anaconda during install so I can install to a RAID 5 series. How do I slipstream the driver or use a floppy to give setup the driver?16:20
rash502i have made every thing in the read me file in the php point sale and i have setup mysql and apache2 i cant access database.php16:20
i0nicanyone have a link for installing ubuntu on a thumbdrive?16:20
Picirash502: What happens when you try?16:21
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent16:21
nikitischicognu, you'll have to google how, but i'll steer you in the right direction.  On the live disc, you'll have to manually mount your linux root parition.  Then do a grub-install again.16:21
DasEii0nic: saw ubott.. ?16:21
rash502No direct script access allowed16:21
rash502in the browser16:22
nikitisAnyone know why gnome-panel bars disappear when re-enabling compiz from metacity?16:22
itiliousDasEi, to check out grub you say,, do i look at /etc/default/grub?16:22
chicognunikitis, ok, I already did it, and grub is reinstalled, but without the menus ... just a grub bash like16:22
rash502Pici:No direct script access allowed16:22
nikitischicognu, hmm try a grub-update16:22
DasEiitilious: no, you will have to chrrot into internal hd, assuming it's the first drive : sudo grub-install --recheck /dev/sda16:23
itiliouscan i uninstall a plymouth theme from an install ubuntu with a livece?16:23
chicognunikitis, with the same options I use to run grub-install ?16:23
rash502Pici:i googled nothing16:23
nikitiswhat DasEi said16:23
Picirash502: That sounds like a misconfiguration issue with your php application.16:23
i0nicDasEi: Yes, ty. does it matter if i go 32 bit or 64?16:23
JemtHi. Ubuntu has two icons in the top panel - a letter and a chat/speech bubble. What are their application names? I want to uninstall them16:23
DasEiitilious: yes, from the chroot16:23
DasEii0nic: no, dependson the boxes should be booting it16:24
dnivraJemt, i guess letter is evolution and chat/speech bubble includes your chat client and gwibber. why do you want to uninstall them/16:24
chicognunikitis, and the is no grub-update just update-grub16:24
luke_hello, I'm trying to edit permissions on a .exe file, however the box auto unchecks, any ideas? I already have wine installed. the file is on my windows 7 partition and is installed for windows but im fairly sure if it would become executable I could use it with out a problem16:24
DasEii0nic: 32 boots on 64, too16:24
Jemtdnivra: Thanks. I don't want to use them16:24
rash502Pici:the php admin is working and php test is working16:25
DasEii0nic: whereas can't fix a 64 system with a 32 usb-boot16:25
i0nicDasEi: its a brand new dell laptop, i516:25
Jemtdnivra: I don't think it's just Evolution. I can set up chat as well16:25
DasEiso 6416:25
dnivraJemt, if just to remove the icons, just remove the icons instead. but i guess that takes out the entire notification area. hmmm okay but i doubt those icons will go.16:25
DasEii0nic: 64 so16:25
DrDamnitI have a raid driver (RocketRaid 2300) that I need to give to kickstart during install so I can install to a RAID 5 series. How do I slipstream the driver or use a floppy to give setup the driver?16:25
nikitischicognu, i believe so16:25
Picirash502: I mean with your POS application itself.16:25
Jemtdnivra: Okay, appriciate your help. I'll dig into it :)16:25
dnivraJemt, well i don't use evolution either :). sure give it a shot!16:25
nikitischicognu, update grub usually reassesses where the installed partitions are located16:25
nikitisand should fix the menu16:25
itiliousDasEi, do i need the drive mounted for it? i've tried both and still get error "can't find device"16:26
rash502Pici:i have made the data base they ask me and i edit in the conf database.php password and db name16:26
DasEiitilious: you are on live now ?16:26
KM0201luke_: doesn't it have to be installed inside wine, in order for it to operate?16:26
rash502pici:i dont know what i have missed ohhhhh16:27
luke_it might but the problem is it wont become executable16:27
itiliousDasEi, yes16:27
DasEiitilious: sudo fdisk -l16:27
rash502Pici:i am working a lot on this16:27
DasEiitilious: which is your root partiton ?16:28
KM0201luke_: have you tried chmodding it?... sudo chmod 777 /path/to/file/filename.exe16:28
luke_when i check the executable box it unchecks it real quick16:28
itiliousthe first /dev/sda116:28
KM0201luke_: you likely don't have permission to modify it.16:28
dwalkerHey anyone, I'm attempting to roll together a non-interactive install CD using a pressed file, and the mini.iso.  I'm to the point of using mkisofs to wrap up the image to a .iso, however i'm getting weird error of genisoimage not able to locate the boot image.  I've tried -b /full/bath/to/raw/isolinux.bin, and relative to the disk root -b "isolinux.bin"  both fail, anyone have a solution/better channel to ask this on?16:28
itiliousi tried using that too, inplace of /dev/sda but still same error16:28
DasEiitilious: mount , no further args, sda1 not mounted ?16:28
itiliousDasEi, no, nothing is mounted other than jumpdrive livecd16:29
disgrntldis there a way to find out how I got a package? i.e. did I install it directly or did it get pulled in as a dependency?16:29
saliakI'm ssh'd into a computer with a monitor.  I want to launch VLC to display on the monitor that's connected to the system (I don't have X forwarding on my connection).  how would i start that?  I know it has something to do with DISPLAY := 0, but i forget the exact syntax16:29
DasEiitilious: fine, not mounted, then : sudo e2fsck /dev/sda116:29
luke_chmod 777, i get "bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('"16:29
DasEiitilious: clean or errors found ?16:29
rash502point of sale i have made the data base they ask me and i edit in the conf database.php password and db name16:29
KM0201luke_: what was the entire command you put in the terminal16:29
luke_sudo chmod 777 /media/A800172B0016FFCC/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steam.exe16:30
itiliousDasEi, says found errors, should i simply choose y? lol16:30
DasEiitilious: ctrl-c it16:30
KM0201luke_: put "  at the beginning and end of the path...16:30
DasEiitilious:  sudo e2fsck -y /dev/sda116:30
chicognunikitis, don`t work16:30
chicognunikitis, don`t work there is not a options like --root-directory in update-grub16:31
chicognuand without it keep saying that my / is not mounted16:31
Ov3Rhi all16:31
DasEiitilious: repair finished ?16:31
itiliousDasEi,  http://pastebin.com/p9DbvvF316:32
luke_chmod 77 went through, but i still cant edit the permissions, KM0201 how would i get permission16:32
i0nicthe meerkat torrent is taking forever16:32
riktkingcan i set up a PXE netboot where the server is not the DHCP server for the network????????16:32
rash502who can help me in php point of sale setup i did every thing16:32
itiliousDasEi, yes should i reboot? or do other things need to be checked ? lol16:32
AbhiJit_rash502, #php16:32
nikitischicognu, i don't know then, been awhile since I had that problem16:32
nikitischicognu, i always install windows first16:32
macsmisterWhat's the best way to install IE6 on Ubuntu?16:32
DasEiitilious: try reboot, if it hangs, come back on live here16:33
rash502AbhiJit:i will ask thanks16:33
chicognumacsmister, winetricks16:33
DasEi!ie | macsmister16:33
ubottumacsmister: For Irish ubuntu support, visit #ubuntu-ie, agus tá uisce beatha agus cuidiú Ubuntu isteach an #ubuntu-ie, Béag fáilte ort!16:33
KM0201luke_: try sudo chmod +x "/path/to/file/filename.exe"16:33
nikitismacsmister, winetricks16:33
luke_macsminster winetricks16:33
itiliousawesome, thanks16:33
sacarlsonriktking: wow I'm not sure, maybe if you wrote your own boot script like in some small mini boot cd?16:33
macsmisterthanks guys.16:33
nikitisAnyone have their gnome panel bars disappear when switching to compiz?16:33
c0nsensehey! i have a laptop with usb and cd/dvd broken, so i need install ubuntu with the hd in other PC as slave, but when i put it back on laptop it's show me and mapping error with sdc1, how to solve this problem? any ideas?16:33
* KM0201 wonders why on earth someone would install IE on Linux..16:33
DasEi macsmister: wine, look in their16:33
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help16:33
riktkingsacarlson, is it not easy???16:34
dwalkerKM0201: web developers :'(16:34
sacarlsonriktking: if live boot cd is an option all I can say is it's not imposible16:34
KM0201dwalker: i'd rather run a small windows install in virtualbox, than run it in Wine (which often doesn't work very well anyway, IMO)16:34
Pwegriktking: check out LTSP, I think that's the kind of thing you might be looking for16:34
m4xxwhat about web developers?16:34
riktkingPweg, sacarlson thanks16:35
chicognumacsmister, here I run Ubuntu64 many Windows appz that is listed to be working with wine don`t work for me16:35
dwalkerm4xx: that we actually need to test crap in IE, since god only knows if you use chrome to do all you're devving you're going to cry when you try to see the site in IE16:35
macsmisterchicognu, all I need is IE6, to sign in to a work database.16:35
KM0201chicognu: it's an imperfect program for sure... when it works, it usually works well, when it fails, it's usually quite spectacular.. :)16:35
sacarlsonriktking: I have a system that can't pxeboot boot so I have a cd that is made to do that,  so you would need to modify that boot cd I guess.16:35
macsmisterwinetrick should do the trick! :-)16:35
c0nsensehey! i have a laptop with usb and cd/dvd broken, so i need install ubuntu with the hd in other PC as slave, but when i put it back on laptop it's show me and mapping error with sdc1, how to solve this problem? any ideas?16:35
m4xxat least we get to stop supporting ie6 ;]16:36
chicognuKM0201, :D16:36
KM0201dwalker: so you're gonna test w/ IE6?.. isn't IE up to like 8 or 9 now?16:36
luke_installed udo, did udo chmod +x got this:16:36
luke_"Error:  0: couldn't open source file </media/A800172B0016FFCC/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steam.exe>16:36
luke_/media/A800172B0016FFCC/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steam.exe: No such file or directory"16:36
DrDamnitHow do I add drivers to a custom ubuntu distro?16:36
dwalkerKM0201: yeah, but you know how many of our clients still are on IE6...shit the US government is still only using IE6 everywhere, and we gotta support them.16:36
chicognumacsmister, it does, in general way, with absolute sure if you use a 32bit system it will do the jobs perfect16:36
macsmisterthe database frontend is compatible with ie6. we don't have enough devs to upgrade the frontend at this time...16:36
sacarlsonriktking: but if you just went with a pxeboot that uses just bios then I think you need a dhcp server16:37
=== dwalker is now known as dwalker[smokin]
macsmisterchicognu, I use 32bit.16:37
KM0201dwalker: well... the us govt has never been efficient at anything... i'm surprised they're not using windows 3.0.. but thats another forum.16:37
macsmisterShould be good ;-)16:37
chicognumacsmister, will be :D16:37
riktkingsacarlson, i have a DHCP server on the network (the router)16:37
m4xxhttp://dearie6.com <316:37
=== Nuit is now known as Motoko
i0nichow large is the 64x 10.10 iso?16:38
itiliousDasEi, worked like a charm, thanks so much :)16:38
IdleOnei0nic: should be just under 700mb16:38
DasEiitilious: nice to read, have fun16:38
KM0201i0nic: it's like 698 i think, should fit on a CD16:38
kanziehow do I query apt-repository to see which php version it will install with php5?16:38
itiliousDasEi, forgive me for asking, but what was the command again though? and it is something a noob should be reading into? lol16:39
chicognuI install Windows XP and my grub is gone. How i fix it ?16:39
DasEikanzie: apt-cache show PACKAGENAME16:39
sacarlsonriktking: well I think you would have to turn that dhcp server off and use the dhcp server from your ubuntu,  or if the dhcp server is like modifiable then maybe you could set it up to point to your ubuntu to continue the pxeboot16:39
KM0201chicognu: is your ubuntu install still present?16:39
JemtPackages marked with a star (*) in apt-get are meta packages, right ?16:39
DasEi!grub | chicognu16:39
ubottuchicognu: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.16:39
luke_udo chmod +x didnt work16:39
chicognuKM0201, yes, it is16:39
c0nsenseon grub.cfg can i change "set root='(hd2,msdos2)'" for "set root='(sdc1,msdos2)'" ??16:40
KM0201chicognu: what version of ubuntu?16:40
KM0201luke_: i really don't know.. you have one mysterious system.16:40
glicksi wish ubuntu had a YaST equivalent of starting and stopping and setting up services from a gui16:40
riktkingsacarlson, thanks16:40
chicognuKM0201, It is a shame to say, but I don`t remember lol ... the LTS, but the name I don`t remember16:40
dnivraluke_, is it a windows partition? cos I have had same problem in setting permissions in windows partitions.16:40
DasEiitilious: fsck/e2fsck are important and also to be handled with care, aka not to be run with "heavy" options on mounted filesystems16:40
c0nsense!grub | consense16:41
ubottuconsense: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.16:41
error_203in ubuntu;supose i open  firefox and type google.com but instead of google.com the other website open.how to do this16:41
DasEichicognu: I 'm here16:41
KM0201chicognu: well thats pretty important, because if it's 8.04(LTS) that uses grub 1, if it's 10.04(LTS) that requires grub216:41
DasEichicognu: got to boot live cd and reinstall grub16:41
chicognuKM0201, 10.04 grub 216:41
chicognuDasEi, it is not so simple16:41
KM0201chicognu: ok, well, boot the live cd, and follow the instructions in the link to reinstallg rub 216:42
KM0201*grub 216:42
glicksis there a ubuntu YaST equivalent?16:42
DasEichicognu: whole story ?16:42
DasEiglicks: apt16:42
KM0201glicks: isn't YaST the suse package manager?16:42
sacarlsonriktking: on my system I just have my adsl dhcp turned off, and I do the dhcp from ubuntu, all the adsl modems I've seen have that option16:42
glicksKM0201, yast also allows you to start, stop and configure services from a nice gui16:42
DasEiglicks: synaptics, softwarecenter16:43
rabcnesbittI am formatting a 2tb (ext3) harddisk how long should it take to format been going now 10mins.16:43
KM0201glicks: i'm not aware of something that allows you to configure services from GUI... but software center will let you install/remove apps16:43
zroysch1i just installed ubuntu 10.10 on my desktop and my laptop. i transferred the .purple config files for pidgin from the desktop to the laptop through the cat5 LAN. Is this an acceptable transfer rate? it seems incredibly slow. http://i.imgur.com/I19gt.png16:43
riktkingsacarlson, i have DHCP on the router, if i switch it off will i need to reconfigure it to look to the server16:43
chicognuDasEi, wait, I will tell all the story ... before I will re-read the how to ... but resuming: root@ubuntu:/home/ubuntu# update-grub /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?).16:43
KM0201rabcnesbitt: well more than 10min.16:43
glicksKM0201, yast2 is pretty sweet16:44
DasEichicognu: looks like not properly chroot'ed; story is dualboot, first installed ubu, then win, now grub is gone ?16:44
KM0201glicks: well, thats pretty irrelevant...16:44
DasEichicognu: ?16:45
chicognuDasEi, it is not chroot .. yes, ubuntu then win and grub is gone16:45
cissaddgroup allows to either create a user group or a system group. what is the difference between the two, beside their guid ranges?16:45
rabcnesbittIs there not a ext3 Quick format (same as xp quick/slow format)16:45
glicksKM0201, im just saying i wish ubuntu had something similar16:45
sacarlsonriktking: if the router is no longer the dhcp then you ubuntu server will have to provide the dhcp server and be setup as a static ip that points to the router as the gateway to the internet16:45
KM0201glicks: well, i wish suse didn't suck.. so i guess we all wish for something. :)16:45
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ChoonsHey guys. Kinda odd question: I just accidentally deleted the partition table on my laptop. It is imperative that I retrieve this. I've tried Gpart (no luck.) anyone know what I could do? Perhaps use dd to find the mbr? But I wouldn't know where to look. Any suggestions?16:45
glicksKM0201, thats irrelavant16:45
DasEichicognu: k, I want to log off soon, grab a live with same architecture (32 to 32, 64 for 64) as the internal grub, let's get done ..16:46
glicksKM0201, im just saying i think that would improve ubuntu16:46
KM0201Choons: how on earth did you do that16:46
glicksrelax dude, this isnt a personal attack on you16:46
KM0201glicks: i don't...16:46
chicognuDasEi,  sorry if i took too much time to anwser ... i cant think clear today16:46
ChoonsKM0201: Formatting a usb stick; was deleting the partition map but hit the wrong drive and the confirmation message didn't come up16:46
DasEichicognu: me being ignorant, dragging you :)16:46
chicognuDasEi, Im with a live cd to my arch16:46
KM0201Choons: yuck... bet you never do that again16:46
zroysch1i just installed ubuntu 10.10 on my desktop and my laptop. i transferred the .purple config files for pidgin from the desktop to the laptop through the cat5 LAN. Is this an acceptable transfer rate? it seems incredibly slow. http://i.imgur.com/I19gt.png16:47
ChoonsKM0201: Haha, you bet your ass16:47
DasEichicognu: arch live cd ?16:47
ChoonsKM0201: Any ideas?16:47
chicognuDasEi, sorry again . Im with the live cd to my architecture type. x6416:47
KM0201Choons: nothing that doesn't involve me laughing and swearing at how you could be paying so little attention16:47
ChoonsKM0201: Fair enough.16:48
DasEichicognu: you are in live now ?16:48
chicognuDasEi, yes16:48
DasEichicognu:k, open terminal16:48
DasEichicognu:sudo -s16:48
nikitisWhat's the library files for opencl?16:48
DasEichicognu:umount -a16:48
DasEichicognu:press  ctrl+d16:48
joeyjonesChoons: i'd suggest you backup everything now :p16:49
chicognuDasEi, nices shortcuts16:49
geojanmhi@ all who know a software to set up a proxy server supporting livecompression of the requested sites16:49
KM0201joeyjones: lmao16:49
DasEichicognu: fdisk -l16:49
BajK_where do i see the file system a usb stick is formatted withß16:49
DasEichicognu: which /dev  is your root ?16:49
geojanmi know ziproxy, but can't get this working due to bad manual16:49
BajK_thx got it.16:49
flosskIs 60hz bad for my eyes ? screen resolution 1024 X 76816:49
BajK_(stupid that it is not shown in properties dialog)16:50
Choonsjoeyjones: Yea I would like to :] But I have to recover these partitions... There must be a record of partition delimiters somewhere on my drive. I'm using dd atm to browse the filesystems raw (which is working to some extent)16:50
DasEiflossk: lcd ?16:50
chicognuDasEi, nothing show in fdisk -l16:50
joeyjonesChoons: did you reboot already?16:50
flosskDasEi, Yes16:50
flosskI am using a laptop16:50
DasEichicognu: l= lower L16:50
DasEiflossk: ok for that16:50
joeyjonesChoons: maybe https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery16:50
dwalkerI'll take another stab at this, anyone here familiar with using mkisofs?16:50
DasEichicognu: fdisk -l  as root16:50
chicognuDasEi, by root you mean the partition where my ubuntu are installed ?16:51
flosskDasEi, My eyes started to hurt a bit I was thinking that, that could be the reason16:51
chicognuDasEi, if so, it is sda716:51
DasEichicognu: sda7 is your root partition, and in terminal you are logged in as root16:51
genii-aroundBajK_: I'm pretty sure you can also fdisk a dd image file as if it were the drive. So sudo fdisk -l whatever.img   or so works and tells you the old partition table16:51
Choonsjoeyjones: Yeah I did. I hadn't instructed gparted to apply any changes, so I assumed it hadn't actually done anything16:52
chicognuDasEi, I don`t get what you mean16:52
DasEiflossk: it's the under border, but lcds don't flicker as early as crt16:52
Choonsjoeyjones: But yea, I suppose that was a little stupid16:52
chicognuDasEi, I don`t get what you mean ~and in terminal you are logged in~16:52
CheBuzz_HomeHow can I see what service are set to start at boot time?16:52
DasEichicognu: you are logged in as root16:52
joeyjonesChoons: GUI apps often don't ask for confirmation like CLI apps do :p16:52
joeyjonesChoons: did you have multiple partitions, or only 1?16:53
bonjoyeehow can set a different LD_LIBRARY_PATH only for apps under /usr/local/bin...?16:53
DasEichicognu: fine so, is there a seperate /boot in your linux install (full disk encryption ?)16:53
chicognuDasEi, I mean no ... I get root in the terminal emulator16:53
joeyjonesChoons: you can try to guess your partition start/end...16:53
tekhneekwhat does cron run as? I'm trying to execute PHP scripts and I need to make sure they have the proper permissions16:53
chicognuDasEi, yes16:53
Choonsjoeyjones: I had about 6 partitions ;)16:53
joeyjonestekhneek: they run as what you set it as16:53
DasEichicognu: and which parti is that ?16:53
Choonsjoeyjones: otherwise it would be plain sailing16:53
bonjoyeei.e whenever i start an app in /usr/local/bin this LD_LIBRARY_PATH shud be used...16:53
joeyjonestekhneek: each user has a seperate crontab16:54
chicognuDasEi, the boot partition is /dev/ds516:54
CheBuzz_HomeWhat commandline utility can I use to see what services are set to start on boot?16:54
DasEichicognu: /dev/sda516:54
chicognuys sda516:54
tekhneekjoeyjones: as what I set it as? I just want to make sure my scripts run as root, is there an easy way to do taht?16:54
joeyjonesChoons: well, you might as well try to guess your main partitions and re-build.  it sounce like it's a hopeless battle uphill at this point16:54
DasEichicognu: which distro ?16:54
chicognuDasEi, ubuntu lts 10.416:55
joeyjonestekhneek: each user has a seperate crontab, so if you added it as root it will run as root16:55
DasEichicognu: gedit /etc/fstab16:55
DasEichicognu: sorry16:55
commodorefuck you.16:55
DasEichicognu: gedit /etc/apt/sources.list16:55
JemtHow can I find the actual name of a GUI application, if I want to start it from a command line ?16:55
chicognuDasEi,  ok16:55
joeyjonesJemt: google or guess it for starters16:56
DasEichicognu: enable partner repos (delete the # in front of that 2 lines)16:56
joeyjonesChoons: i really hope you didn't mount the drive as rw...16:56
Jemtjoeyjones: That could take some time when I need names for more than 100 applications :)16:56
DasEichicognu: save sources, close gedit16:56
bonjoyeeJemt: check the application name in the launcher..16:56
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DasEichicognu: apt-get update16:57
Jemtbonjoyee: Thanks, but this is an applet in the panel. But perhaps I can access some properties of sort16:57
CheBuzz_HomeAnybody willing to help?  What commandline utility can I use to see what services are set to start on boot?16:57
chicognuDasEi, there is no comment repository in source list16:57
error_203verne:  ?16:57
Choonsjoeyjones: Not to my knowledge; I disabled swap in the live system I'm on now. Running testdisk16:57
DasEichicognu: leave it then, we will see if we get what we need16:57
DasEichicognu: apt-get update16:57
zroysch1CheBuzz_Home: is there something wrong with System/Preferences/Startup Apps16:57
joeyjonesChoons: make sure it won't mount as rw, oryou're totally hooped16:58
Choonsjoeyjones: To make things worse: I'm miles from a stable internet connection; connecting through my phone16:58
chicognuDasEi, ok16:58
zroysch1i just installed ubuntu 10.10 on my desktop and my laptop. i transferred the .purple config files for pidgin from the desktop to the laptop through the cat5 LAN. Is this an acceptable transfer rate? it seems incredibly slow. http://i.imgur.com/I19gt.png16:58
DasEichicognu: might be some stuff, say yes to install16:58
bonjoyeeJemt: what applet is it?16:58
Choonsjoeyjones: Ahh seem to be getting somewhere with testdisk16:58
Jemtbonjoyee: Broadcast Accounts in Indicator16:59
CheBuzz_Homezroysch1: Yep, I don't have GNOME installed on this box, or any other desktop environment for that matter.16:59
chicognuDasEi, software list updated16:59
DasEiapt-get install lvm2 cryptsetup16:59
DasEichicognu: ^16:59
joeyjonesChoons: if you have a spare hdd you may want to use a tool like gddrescue to image the drive16:59
chicognuDasEi, no encrypted volume16:59
geekbriCheBuzz_Home: you could install rcconf16:59
chicognuDasEi, no encrypted volume ... just a saparated partition for /boot17:00
DasEichicognu: pardon ? you said so ten minutes ago17:00
geekbriCheBuzz_Home: you can just sudo apt-get install rcconf17:00
Roasted_Here's a fun problem. Ubuntu 10.04. Intel wireless. Works GREAT! One day I boot up, no wireless. The fix? I have to boot up with my wireless disabled and then activate it after I'm logged back in. lol?? How can I fix this?17:00
DasEichicognu: k..17:00
geekbriCheBuzz_Home: its an Ncurses based configuration tool  You coul dalso use sysv-rc-conf17:00
bonjoyee Jemt: one way is to keep gnome-system-properties window open..and then launch it!!17:00
Jemtbonjoyee: I figured it out. 'xprop' can provide me the information I need17:00
CheBuzz_Homegeekbri: I saw that.  Is there not a way to see with update-rc.d ?17:00
DasEichicognu: mkdir /mnt/boot17:00
Jemtbonjoyee: It was already running. But thank you for your suggestion :)17:00
Choonsjoeyjones: I'm a long way from any of my spares. I've temporarily moved to South Africa so most of my gear is still in Scotland. Add to that the fact that I'm away from home in SA...17:00
Choonsjoeyjones: Not liking these odds at all17:00
DasEichicognu: mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/boot17:01
DasEichicognu: mount /dev/sda7 /mnt17:01
joeyjonesChoons: is the data mission-critical?17:01
geekbriCheBuzz_Home: if there is i dont know it off the top of my head, i generally install sysv-rc-conf :)17:01
DasEichicognu: mount --bind /dev  /mount/dev17:01
Choonsjoeyjones: Absolutely.17:01
joeyjonesdo you have any backups?17:01
rethus12010-12-16 17:53:01: (network.c.345) can't bind to port: :: 80 Address already in use17:01
DasEichicognu: mount --bind /proc  /mnt/proc17:02
Choonsjoeyjones: If I lose this stuff I can consider my life over effectively. I know that sounds like hyperbole, but it really isn't.17:02
pzr11hdik56I need swf-player. how to get?17:02
DasEichicognu: mount --bind /sys  /mnt/sys17:02
rethus1but apache is not running17:02
rethus1lsof -i :80 result in: http://pastebin.com/DDiBS4JV17:02
DasEichicognu: mount --bind /usr  /mnt/usr17:02
joeyjonesChoons: if you have access to a full disk backup you could reference the partition sizes/positions to recover17:02
geekbriCheBuzz_Home: if you read the manpage for update-rc.d you'll see it says it wasn't really meant for people it was meant for package maintainers and scripts, i generally always install sysv-rc-conf17:02
CheBuzz_Homegeekbri: Thanks.17:02
rethus1what the hell is this barbadine.canonical.com address?17:02
DasEichicognu: umount  /dev17:02
DasEichicognu: mount --bind /dev  /mnt/dev17:02
chairabantahi I have a nas and documents on it and I would like to index it via tracker but I don't know how do I add a samba share on tracker?17:02
DasEichicognu: chroot /mnt17:03
chicognu<DasEi> chicognu: mount --bind /dev  /mount/dev u mean mnt/dev17:03
Picirethus1: Do you use UbuntuOne?17:03
Roasted_Wow. I just installed 10.10 on a netbook with broadcom wireless, and it works OOTB?!?!?! I never thought I'd see the day where broadcom didnt (royally) suck...17:03
rethus1normaly not, but i have upgrade my xubuntu to 10.04 before some minutes.17:03
DasEichicognu: corrected already, yes /mnt/dev17:03
Choonsjoeyjones: Again, unfortunately not. testdisk has spewed out the DellUtility partition, so I'm hoping it will find the rest17:03
rethus1maybe is presetting17:03
Picirethus1: Likely.17:03
Choonsjoeyjones: If memory serves, the second partition is a 300Gb one, so it will take a will to appear I think17:03
rethus1how can i check fot this17:04
joeyjonesChoons: i suggest you do a backup if it recovers17:04
KM0201Roasted: depends on the broadcom, but most of them work w/ little fuss17:04
haploiddoes hdparm -t benchmark reads only?  if so how would I benchmark writes?17:04
DasEichicognu: chrooted in ?17:04
joeyjonesoh, and virtualization is key for mission-critical servers17:04
sl1v68my flash disk seems as a 2,1 mb what would I do17:04
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DasEihaploid: man hdparm17:04
Roasted_KM0201, broadcom with my latitude e5500 was a joke. It was so bad I bought an intel wifi card. ALL problems gone. This netbook is also a latitude, but its a netbook whereas my laptop is a regular laptop... but Im surprised it worked without any issue. Broadcom has a lengthy history of being a brat.17:04
chicognuDasEi, ok everything mounted .. now chroot /mnt ?17:05
joeyjonesChoons: with virtualization you can keep backups of full installs and in the case of a hardware failure be back up as soon as the hardware is ready to go17:05
KM0201Roasted_: yeah, i know.. but they've actually been pretty solid since around 9.1017:05
chicognuDasEi, chrooted17:05
rethus1 Pici:you have a idea how to deaktivate or check if it is activated?17:05
Roasted_disagreed. Im on 10.04, and they sucked. that was across 3 different laptops, all different broadcom cards.17:05
lamikjoin #ubuntu-pl17:05
DasEichicognu: grub-install --recheck /dev/sda17:05
Roasted_But with 10.10 I might have to start giving them some credit...17:05
KM0201Roasted_: well, it depends on the broadcom card.. but most of them, w/ fwcutter, they worked w/ little fuss.17:06
DasEichicognu: should comlain somehow17:06
joeyjonesChoons: a very popular website i frequent is fully virtualized and is prone to atleast 1 hdd failure every 6 months, very high hdd write count i'd imagine17:06
KM0201Roasted_: i've set them up many tiems17:06
haploidDasEi: yeah reading the manpage - there appears to be nothing here about timing writes.17:06
bonjoyeehow can i set a LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable only for apps under /usr/local/bin...?17:06
Roasted_same here. that's why I'm agreeing to disagree. :)17:06
chicognuDasEi, can i update-grub before ?17:06
DasEichicognu: we will have to install17:07
chicognuDasEi, man tks it work17:07
Choonsjoeyjones: Yeah that's a good idea. But at the moment, I'm just going to work on retrieving this partition map17:07
DasEichicognu: output from the recheck ?17:07
joeyjonesChoons: there's not better time for upgrades than after a major failure/repair17:07
Choonsjoeyjones: True that.17:08
DasEihaploid: no nerv for details atm, it does17:08
Picirethus1: No, I don't sorry.  I don't use ubuntu-one myself.17:08
joeyjonesChoons: and you can get your management onboard by citing a near meltdown that could have be prevented in the future :p17:08
chicognuDasEi, Installation finished. No error reported.17:08
DasEichicognu: niceeee...17:09
abrakadabra`hello! how to install old version php (5.2.6), using apt-get on ubuntu 10?17:09
DasEichicognu: ctrl+d     . leave chroot17:09
Choonsjoeyjones: Heh, that's true. But I'm sure they would just bitchslap me ;)17:09
DasEichicognu: umount -a17:09
joeyjonesChoons: that's going to happen no matter what :p17:09
sacarlsonabrakadabra`: I'm not sure it works but you can pin a version in synaptic or apt-get17:09
chicognuDasEi, think you so much ... the first time I try chroot I just mount the /dev/sda7 and  /proc ... but now works fine17:09
DasEichicognu: reboot, check if win is in grub17:10
chicognuDasEi, brb17:10
DasEichicognu: else come back, quickly17:10
rethus1ok, ubuntu one is not installed17:10
rethus1so must be another programm17:10
abrakadabra`sacarlson, how?17:10
rethus1/usr/lib/gvfs/gvfsd-http --spawner :1.9 /org/gtk/gvfs/exec_spaw/017:11
sl1v68hi.My kington flash disk seen as a 2,1 mb but orginall 2 gb what would I do17:11
rethus1say ps aux |grep gvfsd17:11
sacarlsonabrakadabra`: see if this is close https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto17:12
haploidperhaps this is more of a postgres question, but is it normal for all I/O write operations on an ubuntu box to hang while running pg_restore?  Is there any way of nice-ing i/o priority as you can with cpu scheduling priority?17:12
DasEihaploid: still alive ?17:12
AntonisHello folks. I have recently installed ubuntu 10.10 and added some hdds to fstab to automount them when I boot ubuntu. I now have a problem with nautilus showing each hdd twice one mounted and one unmounted that does nothing but being there.. is there a solution to this? I have added every entry by its UUID and not label or path17:12
DasEihaploid: sudo apt-get install gnome-disk-utility17:12
DasEihaploid: you find it under system > admin..17:13
haploidDasEi: thanks17:13
DasEihaploid: hassling egg here, sry17:13
haploidoh wait, I'm not running X, this is a server.17:13
DasEihaploid: hehe17:13
haploidI'll figure it out17:13
joeyjonesChoons: anyway, i'm going to be leaving soon but pm me to let me know how it works out or if i could be of any help.17:14
c0nsensewhat the command to use unity?17:14
Choonsjoeyjones: will do mate. Thanks17:14
Se7enC00re, logout and pick Unity from the list17:15
Se7enc0nsense, even17:15
i0nicis there anyway to force cron to run?17:16
sacarlsoni0nic: force the app that cron was suposed to run?17:16
AbhishI'm looking to build a brand-new machine entirely from scratch. I plan to use Linux ONLY. I am researching Motherboards, and it looks like alot of them use proprietary technologies. I am looking for a MB that will work 100% with Linux. Better yet, one that is designed and optimized for Linux.17:17
chicognuI forgot the nick the guy is try to help me out17:17
stealthcugh this sucks17:17
i0nicsacarlson: just because a script runs manually does not mean cron runs it properly17:17
KM0201Abhish: finding one that is optimized, is unlikely... I've always had very good luck w/ Asus and MSI... but if you buy brand new, hot off the shelf stuff, there is a possibility some things won't work... no matter what.17:17
nirazioThere were some occasions when I needed to know the time I installed or uninstalled something from the Ubuntu Software Centre so that I can diagnose some problem. It is great that the time is shown under 'history' there, even up to the second. However the am/pm is not shown and the time is not given in the 24-hour clock format. Is there a way to configure it to show the am/pm or 24-hour clock?17:17
chicognuKM0201, who is the other guy who is help me out17:18
chicognuKM0201, can u check it for me please17:18
sacarlsoni0nic: I just setup a job to run in 2 min to verify it will run in cron17:18
KM0201chicognu: DasEi17:18
geekbrii0nic: why not create a new cron that runs more frequently...17:18
chicognuDasEi, I back17:18
chicognuKM0201, thank u17:18
i0nicgeekbri: cause its painful for script testing17:18
DasEichicognu: which result ?17:18
KM0201chicognu: did it work?17:18
chicognuDasEi, I back ... problem, the only entry is Windows XP17:18
geekbrii0nic: unfortunately i think its your only option :-\17:19
stealthcscripts are easy....17:19
chicognuKM0201, Is it works, as DasEi said I chroot wrong17:19
i0nicmaybe your scripts are easy.17:19
KM0201chicognu: that was a lot of steps to do that... i done it last night in about 5.. so.. i dunno17:19
AbhishKM0201 I am looking into Gigabyte... but I fear that some of their bells and whistles won't work under Linux... the documentation isn't clear enough for me to make the determination... though they apparently had the firstt MB to suppor LinuxBIOS aka coreboot.17:19
sacarlsoni0nic: there is a simple gui to setup cron jobs if it's too hard for you with gnome-schedule17:19
i0nicsacarlson: strom, right?17:20
DasEichicognu:same appraoch again, grub-install /dev/sda was missing, if win is gone, goto install and rub os-prober afterwards..17:20
KM0201!hardware | Abhish you can try looking here.. but like i said, if it's bleeding edge stuff... it's gonna be tough.17:20
ubottuAbhish you can try looking here.. but like i said, if it's bleeding edge stuff... it's gonna be tough.: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection17:20
Dave_LI have a question about using the script ecryptfs-migrate-home17:20
Dave_Lon ubuntu 10.0417:20
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EpicFialGuyhi #ubuntu, I have a problem with GRUB17:21
sacarlsoni0nic: the complexity of the script make no difference to when it is ran,  I have ran gui scripts in cron that have caused me problems17:21
chicognuDasEi, what folders from my runing live cd shoud a mount in chroot ? proc and what more ?17:21
krunalyou know what would be nice? If you can rotate the ubuntu desktop cube by holding down the middle mouse button and scrolling17:21
DasEichicognu: short reminder : sda5= boot, 7= root mount --bind /dev /proc/ /sys17:21
KM0201EpicFialGuy: lol, whats wrong?17:21
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chicognuDasEi, ok let me try now. thak u so much again17:22
EpicFialGuyI installed Debian 5.0.7 and then GRUB, when rebooting I'm stuck at 2 lines:17:22
EpicFialGuyLoading GRUB stage1.517:22
DasEichicognu: k, one more time..17:22
EpicFialGuyLoading GRUB, please wait...17:22
DasEichicognu: sudo -s17:22
chicognuDasEi, by my self ?P17:22
KM0201EpicFialGuy: ask in debian or grub.. i believe debian 5 is stil using grub 1...17:22
DasEichicognu: mkdir /mnt/boot17:22
chicognuDasEi, by my self :P17:22
ChoonsAnyone got any suggestions for recovering a partition table? Running Ubuntu on a live CD. Gpart turns up nothing, testdisk is still running. Any alternative ideas?17:22
DasEichicognu: mount /dev/sda5  /mnt/boot17:22
Sleeping_Foxcan any1 recommend a book to get started to help programming the linux kernel ?17:22
EpicFialGuyany way to employ GRUB2 while using Ubuntu live?17:22
DasEichicognu: mount /dev/sda7  /mnt17:22
KM0201Sleeping_Fox: i'd learn to use the OS effectively first.17:23
DasEichicognu: mount --bind /dev  /mnt/dev17:23
DasEichicognu: mount --bind /proc  /mnt/proc17:23
DasEichicognu: mount --bind /sys  /mnt/sys17:23
DasEichicognu: chroot /mnt17:23
sacarlsonEpicFialGuy: I think the new live cd use grub 217:23
DasEichicognu: grub-install /dev/sda17:23
KM0201EpicFialGuy: i don't think so.. you'd need an older ubuntu live cd( pre-9.10)17:23
root_h1 all17:24
root_plz help me for download skype ;17:24
DasEichicognu: crtl+ d , umount -a , reboot17:24
chicognuDasEi, how I add the others entry with grub ?17:24
KM0201root_: just go to skype.com and download it?17:24
root_i try17:24
chicognuDasEi, there is only Windows XP entry17:24
root_no work ..17:24
DasEichicognu: just go I already told you above17:24
Dave_Lchoons, this might help: http://www.terabyteunlimited.com/kb/article.php?id=28817:24
Sleeping_Foxi am learning bash and the advanced bash guide is great , but all i wanna get my hands in the kernel , at least some hacking at first and all i know is a lil c++:17:24
root_i try with shell konsole .17:24
KM0201root_: second, you really shouldn't be running your chat client as root, thats' borderline stupid17:24
sacarlsonKM0201: so now live cd boot of ubuntu 10.10 uses grub legacy?17:24
KM0201sacarlson: i don't believe so.. 10.10 uses grub2 as well.17:25
krunalhow can i set my cube to rotate with mouse wheel?17:25
KWhat_WorkWhere would I got to find out if ubuntu includes a particular package like the mbstring php extension.17:25
DasEisacarlson: no, grub-pc, so grub217:25
PiciKWhat_Work: http://packages.ubuntu.com17:25
sacarlsonKM0201: DasEi: ok17:25
EpicFialGuybut there is GRUB in Ubuntu Soft Center17:25
EpicFialGuythat won't work?17:25
ChoonsDave_L: Would be great, but it's for Windows17:26
Dave_Lno, it should work with linux too17:26
KM0201EpicFialGuy: w/ a pre-9.10 cd.. yes, but even then, he's trying to restore a debian system, which will probably be a little different17:26
Dave_Li thik17:26
chicognuDasEi, root@ubuntu:/# grub-install /dev/sda Installation finished. No error reported.17:26
EpicFialGuywhy do I need a pre 9.10  cd anyways?17:26
kangarooooohello. i want to make using wifi make connection from ubuntu to windows to send files. without internet connection.17:26
DasEichicognu: lets try..17:27
chicognuDasEi, reboot ?17:27
Dave_Lhmm, i thought they had a linux version. Maybe I'm wrong.17:27
DasEichicognu:still in chroot ?17:27
DasEichicognu:apt-get install os-prober17:27
KM0201EpicFialGuy: not saying you definitely do.. just saying debian(to my knowledge) uses grub 1, last ubuntu ver. that used that, was 9.0417:27
DasEichicognu:I'm not sure if that can be found17:27
EpicFialGuyokay, but I just want to use GRUB2 with Debian17:27
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EpicFialGuybecause GRUB1 as I said, is disfunctional17:28
sresu_How can I convert .sis file to .jar file?17:28
DasEiEpicFialGuy: can do that, but least karmic cd17:28
KM0201EpicFialGuy: and i'm not sure how to do that from a live CD.. i thought i was pretty clear on that17:28
EpicFialGuyk, brb, trying my luck17:29
chicognuDasEi, WARNING: kernel & initrd not found in the root directory (/vmlinuz & /initrd.img)WARNING: Do NOT reboot or LILO may fail to boot if your kernel+initrd is large.17:29
New0hi guys17:30
sacarlsonkangarooooo: look for ad hoc mode17:30
chicognuDasEi, update-grug works17:30
chicognuDasEi, exit umount and reboot ?17:30
DasEichicognu: if thatisn't found prbly sda5 isn't /boot (can see in fdisk by the "*"17:30
New0http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/1944/screenshotrt.png when i  map my network (Win 7) it's come two times17:30
DasEichicognu: are the images found now ?17:30
chicognuyes DasEi17:30
sacarlsonkangarooooo: or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Adhoc17:31
DasEichicognu: ctrl-d, umount- a , reboot17:31
masdihello, my wifi connection problem, always got "connection refuse"17:32
chicognuDasEi, again, brb, hopefully from my os installed in HD17:32
Pacorabhi, i need help to install ubuntu via USB stick (i'm currrently on WinXP)17:32
gogetaNew0: lol dmam didnt compress that screenshot at all did ya17:32
masdii just upgrade to 10.10 version17:32
Pacorabi've dl the ISO ubuntu desktop 10.1017:32
masdican someone help me.17:32
DasEimasdi: install unebootin, get iso to the stick17:33
Pacoraband then i don't know how to proceed17:33
KM0201Pacorab: do you have ubuntu ISO on the thumb drive?17:33
DasEimasdi: install unetbootin*, get iso to the stick17:33
EberAre there any packages that organize windows the way windows 7 does?!?17:33
Pacorabok unetbootin, i'll search for it thx17:33
KM0201masdi: whats your wireless device?17:33
ActionParsnipmasdi: remember to MD5 test the ISO first17:33
DasEimasdi: sorry, was for Pacor, but already mentioned17:34
ActionParsniphi Free_Speech17:34
KM0201masdi: which ralink17:34
AbhiJit_!usb | Pacorab17:34
ubottuPacorab: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent17:34
sacarlsonPacorab: try http://old.linuxliveusb.com/  and tell me how it goes17:34
KM0201better late than never i guess17:34
DasEiAbhiJit_: is on a win os17:35
DasEiPacorab: stay with unetbootin from win, easiest17:35
masdihow to check ralink version?17:35
Pacorabmm ok17:35
KM0201unetbootin always fails for me...17:36
sacarlsonPacorab: I have heard good things about unetbootin too17:36
Free_Speechhow to find packages in ubuntu i don't need?17:36
DasEiFree_Speech: the hard way ?17:36
Free_Speechhmm.. i have a Netbook with ubuntu but only 4GB mainspace... i want it as small as possible17:37
jo_I can't get gmd2 to run. I have tried to add the resp. and everything.17:37
DasEiFree_Speech: sudo dpkg -l > pak.txt, open with editor, ...17:37
Free_Speechokay thx.. :)17:37
DasEiFree_Speech: gnome-games, browse your apps menu, use synaptics, check bum17:38
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto17:38
ActionParsnipFree_Speech: run: dpkg -l | less    and review17:38
ActionParsnipFree_Speech: remove openoffice and install abiword if you only use write17:38
masdimy wifi : RaLink RT286017:39
ActionParsnipFree_Speech: remove vino and vinagre if you never use them (VNC stuff)17:39
=== Rusty149 is now known as rusty149
Free_Speechit's for my younger sis she just need it for Skype, Browsing and write something down for school...17:39
DasEiActionParsnip: install lynx ;-)17:39
ActionParsnipDasEi: no flash in lynx ;)17:39
sacarlsonmasdi: the version that is running or what you have pluged in?  lspci or lsusb for the device, lsmod to see what drivers are loaded17:39
ActionParsnipFree_Speech: remove compiz and use openbox for a faster OS as well as less space used17:40
Free_Speechshe likes the unity... could it be run in openbox too?17:40
ActionParsnipFree_Speech: if you use unity then it will NEED mutter17:40
duffydackFree_Speech, use another dock, like docky or dockbarx17:41
New0gogeta no i did not17:41
ActionParsnipFree_Speech: basically openoffice will get you 300Mb back17:41
New0gogeta and i don't know how17:41
Free_Speechnice.. :) thx for the help... i will give openbox a try and remove openoffice :)17:41
New0so how can i fix it?17:41
DasEiFree_Speech: also can remove whole ubuntu-desktop, just run gdm17:42
ActionParsnipFree_Speech: keep your kernels to just ONE kernel, if you have more than 1 kernel then remove the unnecessary ones to keep maximum space17:42
masdiiwconfig : RT2860 , lsmod : rt2860sta17:42
Free_Speechi know i always worked with one kernel on the netbook.. ;)17:43
sacarlsonmasdi: and what are we suposed to do with that info rt2860?17:43
ActionParsnipFree_Speech: if you set your browser cache to be stored in /tmp it will be stored in RAM and be lost on reboot but who cares, its web cache17:43
duffydackFree_Speech, either mount /var/cache/apt/ as tmpfs or add "apt-get clean" to /etc/rc.local17:43
wrdActionParsnip: how much does a complete set (Kernel + modules) require (space)17:43
DasEiFree_Speech: get a cheap usb and put /home on it17:43
ActionParsnipwrd: each kernel takes up about 120Mb per kernel17:44
masdimy wifi adapter is ralink RT2860, do i need to install new driver? right now i cannot connect to security network "wpa"17:44
New0is there anyone can help me plz?17:44
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:44
masdiit can connect to unsecure network17:45
KM0201New0: ask your question.. if someone can help, they will17:45
New0http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/1944/screenshotrt.png when i  map my network (Win 7) it's come two times17:45
ChoonsAnyone got any suggestions for recovering a partition table? Running Ubuntu on a live CD. Gpart turns up nothing, testdisk is still running. Any alternative ideas?17:45
masdiguide me please17:46
KM0201Choons: just curious, how long are you gonna work on this?17:46
Free_Speechanyone knows why Xorgs uses about 8-30% CPU on a quadcore Laptop?17:46
DasEiChoons: testdisk is your best bet..17:46
sacarlsonmasdi: I'm not sure it works for all but maybe https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo17:46
DasEiChoons: unless deep forensics are your desire17:46
ChoonsKM0201: Until I get my stuff back.17:46
OerHChoons if testdisk does nog find immediatly, i have verry little hope :(17:46
ChoonsDasEi: runnint testdisk atm. Fingers crossed17:46
KM0201Choons: are you just not accepting that it's gone?....17:46
woutervddnquestion: I'm trying to burn an iso to a cdrw; I just cleared the iso with brasero, and now when I'm burning the iso it keeps saying there is an scsi error.17:47
chicognuDasEi, update-grub should automatic record the new grub to mbr, right ?17:47
ChoonsKM0201: Why are you being so negative? If you have nothing constructive to say, then don't say anything17:47
ActionParsnipFree_Speech: do you have 3d accelleration?17:47
KM0201Choons: not being negative, i'm just curious what you hope to accomplish if you've deleted the partition table and formatted the drive?17:47
SbiokoDoes Ubuntu apps have ability to handle17:47
ActionParsnipwoutervddn: try gnomebaker17:47
Free_Speech@my laptop yes and Nvidia driver 256.x.x17:47
ActionParsnipwoutervddn: make sure you MD5 test the ISO first17:47
Sbiokoto handle drag and drops on system tray icon?17:48
ActionParsnipFree_Speech: cool17:48
KM0201woutervddn: i agree w/ ActionParsnip ... brasero sucks.17:48
ChoonsKM0201: No I've just deleted partition table; the drive isn't formatted17:48
masdiok, tq ..need to read help files17:48
DasEiChoons: autopsy if you're a unbeliever..17:48
chicognuDasEi, I thin i forgot to execut grub-install /dev/sda17:48
DasEichicognu: yes17:48
OerHK3b works on gnome too, best burning appl i know17:48
chicognuDasEi, so it don`t work17:48
ChoonsDasEi: OK I'll have a go17:49
DasEichicognu: your turn this time17:49
chicognuDasEi, see, update-grub find all imagens and os, but don`t put it on menu17:49
ActionParsnipFree_Speech: is it at a particular point in the OS running or is it random?17:49
New0http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/1944/screenshotrt.png when i  map my Win 7 drive it's come two times!! how can i fix it?? plz17:49
DasEichicognu: without grub-install, mbr is not re-written, least sda5 was right as images were found17:50
ActionParsnipNew0: its a partition, not a drive. You can't mount drives17:50
shareHow can I find the ipv6 address of a website17:50
goltoof_quick ? has someone here successfully setup acrobat pro x on their xp virtualbox ?17:50
luxurymodewhats the command to pull up sources.list?17:50
chicognuDasEi, ok  .. what shout I mount ? i don`t remember all .. I mount with the bind option proc, sys, I miss some thing ?17:50
Free_Speechthe Xorg CPu.. is always higher than 8% i think it's because of the effects... but sometimes it goes up to 30%17:50
DasEi!grub | chicognu17:50
ubottuchicognu: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.17:50
DasEi.. not again17:50
B45h_V|still trying to install 10.10 on my Revodrive X2. Any help?17:51
ActionParsnipFree_Speech: try pressing ALT+F2 and run:  metacity --replace     is it any better?17:51
DasEi!brain > Free_Speech17:51
ubottuFree_Speech, please see my private message17:51
chicognuDasEi, not all comands , the comands i remember, I just don`t remember all the things I need to mount with the bind option17:51
ActionParsnipB45h_V|: how are you installing, USB or CD?\17:51
Free_Speechohh ^^17:51
Free_Speechit's everytime i reboot...17:52
woutervddnactionparsnip MD5 is correct17:52
ActionParsnipFree_Speech: just to test for now17:52
ActionParsnipwoutervddn: good17:52
luxurymodewhats the command to pull up sources.list?17:52
DasEichicognu: first link of grub-facto tells all, it's /proc /dev/  sys/ (/usr for advanced)17:52
luxurymodenm got it17:52
B45h_V|actionparsnip with alternate cd17:52
woutervddnactionparsnip: that means my problem isn't solved yet :p17:52
sacarlsongoltoof_: no but there are cool pdf editors in ubuntu if that's what you hope to do,  otherwise the viewers in ubuntu work perfect also17:52
ActionParsnipB45h_V|: did you MD5 test the ISO you burned? Did you burn it as slowly as you could?17:52
Free_Speechmetacity -- replace  chrashes Compic i think :/17:53
ActionParsnipwoutervddn: try using gnomebaker, its awesome. Burn the CD slowly17:53
Free_Speechno effects.17:53
B45h_V|actionpasnip well... in fact installation goes good up until the installation of GRUB17:53
DasEichicognu: an have a dir /mnt/boot for sda517:53
woutervddnok thx17:53
B45h_V|it's stuck on 50% :(17:53
ActionParsnipFree_Speech: no, it REMOVES compiz and makes metacity your WM17:53
Free_Speechohh... ^^17:53
ActionParsnipFree_Speech: is the CPU usage any less?17:53
Free_SpeechXorg 17% .. nope...17:53
ActionParsnipFree_Speech: ok you can switch compiz back in if you want17:54
chicognuDasEi, ok, mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/boot mount /dev/sda7 /mnt mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc mount /sys /mnt/sys mount /dev /mnt/dev chroot /mnt I forgot anything ?17:54
Free_Speechhrhr.. did it ^^17:54
ActionParsnipFree_Speech: are you using a netboook?17:55
Free_Speechnope i am writing from an laptop (Sony Vaio F12..) and beside i have my sisters netbook to reinstall ubuntu ^^17:56
DasEichicognu: yupp. the --bind on the last two ones17:56
DasEise the docu17:56
DasEieven not scrolling17:57
chicognuDasEi, I use it, I just forgot to write it17:57
B45h_V|DasEi german?17:57
Free_SpeechDas EI :D17:57
vvvccchow do I start a program and keep using terminal? if i use '&' i'm always getting the program debug/output info17:57
DasEiB45h_V|: y17:57
chicognuDasEi, now update-grub only show the Windows XP ... When I did before it show all17:58
ActionParsnipB45h_V|: if you use TAB you can autocomplete nicks17:58
saliakrandom question, anyone know of a cool audio visualizer that looks like a face?  more a generic, abstract face..17:58
DasEichicognu: did the grub-install ?17:58
B45h_V|ActionParsnip: :o thx, didn't know about that17:58
sacarlson vvvccc I guess if you don't want to see the debut info after &  you could add >filename.txt  or NULL17:58
Free_Speechthx ActionParsnip ;)17:58
ActionParsnipvvvccc: command >> /dev/null 2>&117:58
ActionParsnipB45h_V|: every day is a school day17:59
chicognuDasEi, yes17:59
chicognuDasEi, I miss something this time17:59
ActionParsnipFree_Speech: latest BIOS? You could try the xorg-edgers PPA but its VERY experimental and may cause issues17:59
DasEichicognu: apt-get install os-prober && osprober17:59
sacarlsonActionParsnip: vvvccc: ya that's even better17:59
New0wow i have a serious lag18:00
chicognuDasEi, root@ubuntu:/# os-prober /dev/sda1:Microsoft Windows XP Professional:Windows:chain18:00
bonjoyeeguys can u recommend an alternate desktop env...which works well with gnome apps?18:00
chicognuDasEi,  I forgot something this time18:00
New0ActinoParship yes a partition. but how can i fix it?18:01
chicognuDasEi, the list of comands I peform18:01
DasEichicognu: that was ?18:01
Free_Speechwont change to ppa of Xorg.. had many problems with Nvidia drivers... :/ i mean it's not a real problem i think...18:01
Free_Speech*the higher cpu usage..18:01
DasEichicognu: it's all in the link also I can give you a log of this con...18:02
=== root is now known as Guest56287
Guest56287I am adding a user as useradd name -m -g group -p password and it does not let me what am I doing wrong??18:02
sacarlsonGuest56287: forgot sudo ?18:03
Guest56287sacarlson, yes I am as root18:03
Scott___Can someone quickly explain how I can run fetchmail. I've just reinstalled Ubuntu but now I'm getting an error that fetchmail can't connect to localhost:smtp.18:04
sacarlsonGuest56287: and error is?18:04
Scott___I'm pretty sure I didn't have an smpt last time18:04
=== Fookin_Prawn is now known as Prawn_gone
chicognuDasEi, mkdir /mnt/boot , mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/boot/ mount /dev/sda7 /mnt/ , mount --bind /dev/ /mnt/dev/ , mount --bind /proc/ /mnt/proc/ , mount --bind /sys/ /mnt/sys/ , chroot /mnt/18:04
chicognuDasEi, those are the exact comands I run18:05
Guest56287sacarlson, that the group does not exit... I am not creating the group at the same time as the user__18:05
chicognuDasEi, and os-prober don`t find this time18:05
DasEichicognu: /mnt/dev...18:05
sacarlsonGuest56287: ya I guess you need to create the group first then18:06
Guest56287with addgroup right? sacarlson +18:06
DasEichicognu: mount --bind /dev  /mnt/dev  .. and so on18:06
luxurymodeHey all. I'm trying to install MySQL and directions I'm following say to "Change to the directory that has the RPM." How do I do that?18:06
sacarlsongruest56 yup maybe if needed check man addgroup18:07
DasEichicognu: ctrl-+d, umount -a, same procedure as ..18:07
chicognuDasEi, nothing change18:07
chicognuroot@ubuntu:/# os-prober  /dev/sda1:Microsoft Windows XP Professional:Windows:chain18:07
crickjluxurymode: you can install mysql from the package manager18:07
joeyjonesScott___: fetchmail is supposed to grab mail and forward it, so it's trying to find an smtp so it can forward the mail18:07
chicognuDasEi, is diferent mount --bind /dev/ and mount --bind /dev ?18:08
chicognuDasEi, please send me the logs from our talk18:08
joeyjonesScott___: so you either have it configured wrong or you need an smtp client18:08
Scott___joeyjones, ok, before i reinstalled i was still able to fetchmail although i did always see a connection refused message. in any case, is there a particular smtp server that I should install?18:08
andre_plI'm building a new machine after christmas and I am considering ATI over nvidia for the first time ever, msotly because I've heard good things about their linux support lately. anyone have any advice either wya?18:08
Scott___I've just copied the .fetchmailrc from before...18:08
joeyjonesfor an smtp client you likely want either sendmail or exim418:08
chicognuIm dead now with dasei18:08
luxurymodecrickj, how do i do it? kinda new. i see a bunch of sql things, not sure which to select..18:09
joeyjonesi don't like working with either much myself, so you can ask around for hlep with that if need be18:09
crickjluxurymode: do you want the server or client?18:09
luxurymodecrickj, MySQL database core client binaries?18:09
joeyjonesbut iirc exim4 was drastically simpler to work with18:09
luxurymodecrickj, i think server. i wat to set up sql db locally so i can mess around with it.18:10
=== patrick is now known as Guest56944
Guest56944hi all18:10
Scott___ok, i'll give exim4 a go18:10
crickjluxurymode: open a terminal, type "sudo apt-get install mysql-server"18:10
testuserhi all18:11
luxurymodei love linux18:11
luxurymodecrickj, thank you!18:11
Guest56944yup :)18:11
* joeyjones bext $100 that luxurymode will be hating linux within a week.18:11
testuseri have a problem in ubuntu10.0418:11
Guest56944what for a problem???18:11
luxurymodeuh joeyjones, why?18:12
KM0201luxurymode: cuz everyone loves it at first.. then the first bit of trouble they run into, they are reinstalling XP18:12
joeyjonesluxurymode: perople tend to go througn stages when just starting using linux18:12
joeyjonesKM0201: exactly18:12
testusermy ubuntu window looks like win98 after system crash18:12
luxurymodei went through 8 hours of hell setting it initially bc of config issues, raided drive, etc18:12
luxurymodeso i was pretty committed18:12
testuserit's sceenshot~18:12
memocharetteanyone here using a t61 with Ubuntu?18:13
wildc4rdevenin all18:13
KM0201joeyjones: thats why i always recommend a dual boot.. that way they have a fall back when they have a problem they can't solve and they can stay productive.18:13
IdleOnetestuser: System > Preferences > Appearance and select the theme you want18:13
luxurymodei have dual boot18:13
memocharettebonjour! :)18:13
KM0201joeyjones: i dual booted for 5mo before i finally went to Ubuntu 6.06 as my only OS.18:13
KM0201luxurymode: oh ok.. well, you might be all right... but we'll seee, i still completely agree w/ what joeyjones said18:14
joeyjonesKM0201: personally i use multi-platform apps as much as possible so i can swap over in a catastrophic failure18:14
joeyjonesand kept dual-boot18:14
testuserIdleOne: no..,it take no affect18:14
joeyjonesalthough my vista install is extremely idle :p18:14
Guest56944Linux is awesome :=)18:15
testuserand it both in kde and gnome18:15
Guest56287how can I add a user to an exiting group???18:15
IdleOnetestuser: try logging out and back in after changing the theme18:15
simon34what is the use of public FTP service? is it free? how can i use it?18:15
luxurymodeKM0201, i hear. sort of a pointless discussion though, eh? ;)18:15
KM0201luxurymode: i dunno.. we'll see in about 2-3 weeks i guess18:15
joeyjonesand i use win7 on my desktop now because i play games sometimes and don't want to have to reboot18:16
waffelGuest56944: well ofcourse! ;)18:16
simon34what is the use of public FTP service? is it free? how can i use it? which one is better SSH, Windows share, Public FTP server?18:16
janhajhello, Is any difference between installing Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop and after that doing update, and Ubuntu 10.10 net install (except in netins I must have internet connection)?18:16
joeyjonesbut my lappy lixes on ubuntu and all my servers run nix18:16
testuserIdleOne: i have try it~but still no affect..18:17
ActionParsnipsimon34: you can share files publicly with a public ftp service, however ftp is not very secure18:17
Guest56287does any one know how can I add a new user to an existing group_18:17
jocrawfohey guys what is a good rss reader for gnome?  I tried liferea and thunderbird but liferea seems slow and clunky while Thunderbird is nice but if I put feed under sub folders I cannot get all items under sub-folders to show up, for instance web development -> php.  If I click on web development i would want to see all items under any sub-folders18:17
ActionParsnipsimon34: sounds like you just clicked on connect to server in nautilus18:17
simon34what is the use of public FTP service? is it free? how can i use it? which one is better SSH, Windows share, Public FTP server?18:18
goltoof_jocrawfo:  if you're into browser based stuff i go with google reader18:18
ActionParsnipsimon34: i just answered you18:18
goltoof_jocrawfo: not savvy on rss apps tho18:18
jocrawfoyea even google reader would not do what i wanted when it comes to sub-folders etc.18:18
goltoof_jocrawfo:  yea it's a little limited18:19
=== Kelvin is now known as Guest83160
ActionParsnipsimon34: instead of pasting the same question, if you need clarification ASK for it rather than being a troll and pasting the same nonesense18:19
ActionParsnipsimon34: you can share files publicly with a public ftp service, however ftp is not very secure18:19
Guest83160olá boa tarde algum brasileiro por ae?18:19
simon34is it free?18:19
ActionParsnipjocrawfo: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/list-of-rss-readers-available-in-ubuntu.html18:20
ActionParsnipsimon34: is what free?18:20
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.18:20
Guest83160you know how a to make a local share for windows?18:20
simon34need to sign my account?18:20
Guest83160no...its free18:20
ActionParsnipsimon34: what account?18:20
simon34i am novice about it. what will be the server address?18:21
Guest83160i dont know18:21
Guest83160me too a novice here18:21
Scott___joeyjones, installing exim4 seemed to be a quick fix18:21
SystemParadoxWhat happened to ftpfs/lufs in Ubuntu 10.10? I can't find it anywhere18:22
joeyjonesScott___: cool18:22
simon34hey Action,.......18:22
ActionParsnipsimon34: if you dont know then you don't have a server, you use that to connect to a KNOWN server. So if you have a windows share or have configured an FTP server, then you can connect to it that way18:22
Guest83160i instaled the version 10.1018:22
ActionParsnipsimon34: have some damn patience18:22
giorgosi have  GPG error u know any one what  i do18:22
luxurymodeSomeone told me to Close the mysql session by typing quit at the prompt. Exit from superuser and come back to your account. (Type exit). This isn't working. Thoughts?18:22
SystemParadoxgiorgos, try giving us the error and maybe we can help18:23
testuserIdleOne: should i check the log file?18:23
ActionParsnipgiorgos: what is the GPG bad sig you get, it will be 16 characters long18:23
IdleOnetestuser: I'm not sure what else it could be18:23
giorgosok 1min plz18:23
simon34man u seems little bit crazy. ok. thanks18:24
giorgosW:GPG error: http://archive.canonical.com maverick Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>, W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/weather-indicator/weather-indicator-experimental/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/source/Sources.gz  404  Not Found18:24
testuserIdleOne: OK.. thank you :)18:24
joeyjonesKM0201: luxurymode has already had his first issue :p18:24
jussi!gpgerr | giorgos18:24
ubottugiorgos: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key> »18:24
ActionParsnipsimon34: no, yo need to give me more than 39 seconds to reply18:24
KM0201joeyjones: lol... what was the over/under again?18:24
Guest83160i needed one help to make an LAN with windows18:24
Guest83160you can help me?18:24
giorgosi make but the some18:24
joeyjonesKM0201: <luxurymode> Someone told me to Close the mysql session by typing quit at the prompt. Exit from superuser and come back to your account. (Type exit). This isn't working. Thoughts?18:25
ActionParsnipsimon34: my client gives timestamps so I know how long you waited18:25
jussiwait, sorry, giorgos, that probably wont help18:25
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ActionParsnipGuest83160: do you mean a shared folder for data?18:25
joeyjonesKM0201: i had $100 on him hating kinux18:25
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Guest83160and share my printer18:25
ActionParsnipGuest83160: thats no "making a LAN"18:25
joeyjonesKM0201: i think 1 week was a safe bet :p18:25
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ActionParsnipGuest83160: try being specific with your questions18:26
=== Freejack is now known as Freejack`
luxurymodeok, honestly you guys are losers18:26
Guest83160i try configurat samba, but no sucess18:26
joeyjonesluxurymode: protip: ctrl+c to exit apps and ctrl+d to exit user18:26
ActionParsnipluxurymode: then leave the channel, nobody is forcing you to stay18:26
luxurymodethis isnt any more of an issue with linux than figuring it out in windows is a "first windows issue"18:26
luxurymodeActionParsnip, no im very appreciative of advice and very courteous, but thats just outta line18:27
luxurymodei might be overreacting18:27
ActionParsnipGuest83160: do you want to share ubuntu resources to windows, or access windows shares from Ubuntu?18:27
luxurymodeif so, i apologize18:27
vipulwhat's wrong with this commandhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/544542/18:27
joeyjonesluxurymode: for a *nix chan this is very sober18:27
Guest83160i need access the fold in the linux18:27
joeyjonesnot even flaming18:27
ActionParsnipluxurymode: and "luxurymode: ok, honestly you guys are losers"  is not "outta line"??18:27
vipulhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/544542/ <--- What's wrong with this command18:27
joeyjonesno personal attacks yet18:27
ActionParsnipGuest83160: then run:  sudo apt-get install samba18:27
HomingHamsteri use ubuntu netbook remix and i was wondering if you lot have any clever ideas about what to do if my windows are bigger than the screen18:28
luxurymodeActionParsnip, you're right maybe it was, but when joey pasted my comment, kinda made me feel stupid18:28
luxurymodei guess im just being sensitive18:28
luxurymodesorry guys18:28
ActionParsnipits cool18:28
Guest83160the samba is already instaled18:28
TyphHomingHamster: use alt+click to move them around?18:28
HomingHamsterand i can't resize them because i can't get to the bottom18:28
Guest83160but i cant configurate18:28
joeyjonesluxurymode: i was loling at with KM0201 at how fast you ran into something18:28
TyphHomingHamster: or alt middle click to resize them18:28
ActionParsnipGuest83160: then right click folders in nautilus and you can share them, or you can use /etc/samba/smb.conf18:28
luxurymodei keep getting access denied when i try connecting18:28
luxurymodei granted access and created a pw18:29
HomingHamsterTyph, thanks, have no middle button, it being a netbook18:29
luxurymodebut now not working, hmm18:29
ActionParsnipluxurymode: are you connecting to a windows PC from Ubuntu to access folder shares?18:29
TyphHomingHamster: there's still the first thing I said, and my netbook middle clicks when I press both buttons18:29
HomingHamsterTyph, another thing i never knew18:30
TyphIt's likely netbook specific :)18:30
luxurymodeActionParsnip, no dont think so, just followed this tutorial that said i needed to " grants my account (me@localhost) all the permissions on  database and sets my password"18:30
luxurymodeActionParsnip, i guess i can just forget about that part, huh?18:30
vipuli need a help18:30
luxurymodeActionParsnip, and just do mysql -u root -p18:30
Guest83160i installed the samba but, when try to access the ubuntu with the windows ask the password18:30
HomingHamsterTyph, thanks, that half solves my problem, the only thing is that the window is not refusing to resize, it comes up with a menu with the options to move workspace etc...18:30
Guest83160i write but say incorrect18:31
wieshkaHow it is possible to make fake USB device what basicly receives data and stores in file ?18:31
wieshkawith no real physical device18:31
HomingHamsterTyph, thanks, that half solves my problem, the only thing is that the window is not refusing to resize, it comes up with a menu with the options to move workspace etc...18:31
area51pilotwieshka: why?18:31
Sam_eYe_amHow can I start Rhythmbox as root each time?18:32
HomingHamsterok, g2g sorry thanks!18:32
TyphHomingHamster: alt left click lets you drag the window around. alt-right click should give a few options, including "resize", are you seeing something different?18:32
wieshkai have software, whats sends data via USB to my POS printer. My printer is Ethernet connected, so i need to capture this data and transfer over TCP to real destitination18:32
vipulcan any one plz help me http://paste.ubuntu.com/544542/18:32
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luxurymodeActionParsnip, when i command to SHOW DATABASES, i just see "-> "18:32
ActionParsnipSam_eYe_am: starting rythmnbox as root is not necessary18:32
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ActionParsnipluxurymode: what database technology are you using?18:33
simon34Hi smart #ActionParsnip......how can i make a internet access point in symbian v5 mobile eg nokia 5230 where data bearer will be data call  to use ubuntu's net connection in mobile through bletooth?18:33
ActionParsnipsimon34: no idea, ive not used it. Tr asking the channel like normal18:33
luxurymodeActionParsnip, my bad i got. bad syntax. its SHOW DATABASES; im using mysql18:33
Sam_eYe_amActionParsnip, well... I have been fighting all night to have drives automount and finally they do. Now I can't delete songs in Rhythmbox.18:33
simon34Its should be normal for u18:34
wieshkaarea51pilot: i have software, whats sends data via USB to my POS printer. My printer is Ethernet connected, so i need to capture this data and transfer over TCP to real destitination18:35
ActionParsnipluxurymode: have you tried asking in #mysql18:35
ActionParsnipSam_eYe_am: you mount partitions, not drives18:35
ActionParsnipSam_eYe_am: check your mount options in fstab18:36
frxstremhow can I unmount a sshfs mount point after the SSH server it was connected to has been shut down?18:37
Sam_eYe_amActionParsnip, okay. jeesh. I am so tired of Linux I'm ready to go back to 7 just for a break!18:37
luxurymodeActionParsnip, nope i havent. will do. thank you!18:37
Sam_eYe_amActionParsnip, I must have learned something in 2 yrs I managed to open fstab!18:38
New0http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/1944/screenshotrt.png when i  map my Win 7 drive it's come two times!! how can i fix it?? plz18:38
OrangePeelWould anyone here recommend Nero Linux over Brasilero18:39
Sam_eYe_amActionParsnip, okay what am I looking at or for?18:39
ActionParsnipSam_eYe_am: you'll need: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab    to get write access18:39
OrangePeelWould anyone here recommend Nero Linux over Brasero *18:39
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions18:39
KM0201OrangePeel: no.. but I'd recommend gnomebaker over both of them.18:39
Sam_eYe_amOrangePeel, Baras18:39
ZykoticK9OrangePeel, k3b or gnomebaker over Brasero (personal opinion of course)18:39
New0/ /media/net1 smbfs user,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,codepage=unicode,unicode  0  0     this is the line on /etc/fstab18:40
Sam_eYe_amActionParsnip, okay. Now what?18:40
OrangePeelK3 gave me problems more so than Brasero18:40
ActionParsnip!fstab | Sam_eYe_am18:40
ubottuSam_eYe_am: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions18:40
OrangePeelMaybe becuse slower download speeds18:40
KM0201OrangePeel: your the 3-4th person that i've saw say that in 2 days... i like k3b, but i don't use it, cuz i don't like installing all the KDE libs... so maybe there's a problem w/ the current version.18:40
ScarecrowCan someone help me? I've just suddenly started getting "Error: API mismatch: the NVIDIA kernel module has version 260.19.06, but this NVIDIA driver component has version 260.19.29." when I try to run anything via wine, open nautilus (pretty much anything graphical). Has the update caused it?18:41
KM0201OrangePeel: i'd install gnomebaker.. it's clean, and easy to use.18:41
Sam_eYe_amActionParsnip, I don't understand !fstab :-(18:41
OrangePeelYeah KM020118:41
OrangePeelinstalling gnomebaker18:41
trijntje!fstab | Sam_eYe_am18:42
ubottuSam_eYe_am: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions18:42
ActionParsnipSam_eYe_am: read the factiod ubottu ave18:42
ScarecrowRepeating it isn't really helping18:43
=== aarcane_ is now known as aarcane
OrangePeelThanks KM0201 will tell you how it works18:44
KM0201OrangePeel: ok.. good luck.18:44
vvvcccI saw in some videos you can write the first letters of a file and it will auto-complete, how do i do that?18:44
ZykoticK9Scarecrow, i'd try reinstalling nvidia-current18:44
vvvcccin terminal18:44
ZykoticK9!tab | vvvccc18:45
ubottuvvvccc: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:45
vvvcccnot irc18:45
vvvcccfor some reason it doesnt work i use xubuntu18:46
vipul$ sudo gem install pg <--- what's wrong with this command18:46
ScarecrowZykoticK9, how would I reinstall nvidia-current?18:46
vipulsudo gem ? why not sudo apt-get install gem pg?18:46
ZykoticK9Scarecrow, "sudo apt-get install nvidia-current"18:46
shane4ubuntuok, how do I upgrade a version via command line?18:46
Scarecrow"nvidia-current is already the newest version."18:47
vipulany one here?18:47
shane4ubuntuI mean from 9.04 to 9.10?18:47
vipulwho can help me18:47
ZykoticK9Scarecrow, use remove then install18:47
gaybittwist http://pastebin.com/n1tCH0M2 - The GNAA wants to wish you and yours HAPPY KWANZAA!!!   gaybittwist PreZLaptop thegladiator leagris wilhart sebikul b-worth mue aarcane Praxi LouisJB KennethP Kriss-|- vvvccc irvy Guest88071 Sam_eYe_am JJ|School_ Connor1 b2ag Darwin4Ever rgoytacaz ZacroMesartin carabobo Vanadis vipul Freejack` kwenteen Emmanuel_Chanel OY1R Roots nicky0288 sauerbraten bfiller a7i3n hacht enoex SystemParadox Tigger__ r2mx sebner doug_ bso18:47
trijntjevipul, what is your problem?18:47
om26ershane4ubuntu, how about 9.04 to 10.10 ?18:47
aarcaneoh, that's sweet.  happy kwanza, GNAA peoples, whoever you are.18:47
shane4ubuntuom26er: hmmm, I'm pretty sure you have to step upgrade18:48
vvvccchow do I start a program and keep using terminal? if i use '&' i'm always getting the program debug/output info18:48
shane4ubuntuom26er: not leap. :)18:48
vipultrijntje,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/544557/18:48
vipulcheck this18:48
trijntjevvvccc, gedit >/dev/null&, this will discard all output18:48
om26ershane4ubuntu, i have never done a ubuntu upgrade but i think you can leap ;)18:49
trijntjevipul, what are you trying to do?18:49
shane4ubuntuom26er: pretty sure it is highly un-advisable, I have done lots of upgrades, and failed upgrades on the step level.18:49
=== thegladiator is now known as nvarma
vipuljust making a database support18:50
shane4ubuntugot it sudo do-release-upgrade18:50
nirazioWhen I run update from the terminal, I get the following list where many repositories are shown with "Ign". Does it mean the update manager will always ignore updates from those repositories?18:50
chicognuhow can i force a umount ??18:51
ActionParsnipnirazio: try changing your source server in software centre18:51
vipultrijntje,  just trying to install Postgres as it is the recommended database18:51
trijntjevipul, gem is not used in ubuntu to install software18:52
trijntjevipul, why not go to applications -> ubuntu software centre?18:52
vipultrijntje,  can i pm you ?18:52
ActionParsnipchicognu: sudo umount device -f18:52
nirazioActionParsnip: But what does that mean???18:52
trijntjevipul, ok18:52
chicognuActionParsnip, dont work18:53
ActionParsnipnirazio: you upgrade from a server out in the great wide internet. There is more than one server to upgrade from so if you try a different one it may work, the one you are using currently may be down for maintenance18:53
ZykoticK9chicognu, i believe it's "sudo umount -f device" but i could be wrong18:53
ActionParsnipchicognu: according to: man umount   -f is the force option18:53
chicognuZykoticK9, also dont work18:54
chicognuActionParsnip, maby, but it is not umounting18:54
chicognumaby something crash18:54
nirazioActionParsnip: I am asking about Ign..See the result here http://paste.ubuntu.com/544545/18:54
ActionParsnipchicognu: not sure there champ, sorry. You are hitting the official server so all is ok18:55
ActionParsnipchicognu: can you give a pastebin of the output you get, rather than "its not working"18:55
chicognuActionParsnip, device or resource is busy18:56
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ZykoticK9chicognu, are you trying to umount from terminal?  are you in the mounted directory?18:56
ActionParsnipchicognu: is that the ONLY text you get output?18:56
chicognuActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/BVnxuU5V18:57
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chicognuZykoticK9, no18:57
chicognuZykoticK9, I mean. yes, terminal emulator. no im not in the directory18:57
ActionParsnipchicognu: try:   lsof | grep mnt18:58
ZykoticK9chicognu, you are logged in as root.  sorry i'm not gonna assist - someone else will i'm sure.18:58
ActionParsnipZykoticK9: could be: sudo -i  ;)18:58
chicognuZykoticK9, lol18:58
chicognuActionParsnip, sudo -s to be exact18:59
=== guillaume_ is now known as tkog
ActionParsnipchicognu: -s can be funny, but its fine18:59
chicognuActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/FyASbXyz here the output of lsof  | grep mnt19:00
agentgasmaskHi. Does anyone know if you can tell a program what "desktop" (aka. workspace) to open on?19:00
ZykoticK9chicognu, FYI before you did sudo -s what directory where you in?  could be the issue.19:00
ActionParsnipchicognu: ok try:  sudo lsof | grep mnt19:00
ActionParsnipchicognu: ZykoticK9 is right though19:00
ScarecrowZykoticK9, still getting that nvidia api error after removing and installing it again. Now what?19:01
chicognuActionParsnip, the same output19:01
ZykoticK9Scarecrow, and you have rebooted in between?19:01
ActionParsnipchicognu: if you run:  exit    what is the output of:  pwd19:01
ScarecrowZykoticK9, I'll try that.19:02
chicognuActionParsnip, detail im in live cd  and I mount sda7 with the intent to  chroot19:02
ActionParsnipchicognu: then logoff and it'll unmount as needed19:02
chicognulogof from where19:02
chicognuActionParsnip, mkdir /mnt/boot && mount /dev/sda7 /mnt && mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev && mount --bind /sys /mnt/sys && mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc && mount --bind /usr /mnt/usr && chroot /mnt19:03
chicognuActionParsnip, after that I exit and try to umount -a19:03
chicognubut /mnt don`t umount19:03
ActionParsnipchicognu: if you mount to /mnt after making /mnt/boot then the /mnt/boot will not be seen19:04
SageXI wAs messing with compiz And I Accidently binded the lower cAse A need help19:04
chicognuActionParsnip, you are sure that ?19:04
testuserhi all19:05
jribSageX: undbind it?  You probably press backspace to undbind it19:05
testuseri have deal the issue i just post19:05
SageXwill see jrib19:05
vipuli need a help19:05
chicognuActionParsnip, is so, how shout I mount sda5 in /mnt/boot and sda7 in /mnt ? you maby dicovery what im doing wrong19:05
ActionParsnipchicognu: yes, when you mount, the mountpoint will show the content of the mounted device, only19:05
chicognuif so*19:06
testuserthe root cause of the issue is ubuntu updating19:06
testuserbut system memory too few~19:06
agentgasmaskAny one know the irc channel for mdadm (software RAID)19:06
testuserso it crashed.19:06
chicognuActionParsnip, sorry my miss typo some words, Im a little bit tired19:06
vipulhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/544557/ whats wrong with this command19:06
=== hunterm is now known as hunterm-noschool
testuserafter reboot, it became win98 like screen19:07
h-deeHey guys...I need to know if there's any VHDL synthesis or burning tool available for Linux? Preferably FREE!19:07
ActionParsnipchicognu: http://karuppuswamy.com/wordpress/2010/06/02/how-to-chroot-to-ubuntu-using-live-cd-to-fix-grub-rescue-prompt/19:07
testuserfix it just need to re-update ubuntu19:08
=== hunterm-noschool is now known as hunterm
testusershare to everyone :D19:08
ActionParsnip!burning | h-dee19:08
ubottuh-dee: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto19:08
h-deeubottu: No I don't need CD burning app. I need VHDL synthesis tool. Its a programming language.19:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:09
SageXhold down <Super>m19:10
ActionParsniph-dee: "burning tool" said CD burner to me19:10
chicognuActionParsnip, lol. google is my friend too, I previously see that page, and it don`t work, because I have a separated partition to /boot folder19:10
h-deeActionParnship: I didn't got you. You mean there ain't any burning tool?19:10
h-deeI need VHDL tool19:10
ActionParsnipchicognu: i use many search engines19:10
nudewoolley http://pastebin.com/n1tCH0M2 - The GNAA wants to wish you and yours HAPPY KWANZAA!!!   nudewoolley Darwin4Ever Toph Turtlez Beelsebob FullFlannelJacke zkriesse duffydack rigved Se7en lamik h-dee AaronMT Lethe0_o oski testuser SageX sechrist aeon-ltd shazzr m_schulze wmorri tschundeee coz_ Milosz skraito alessiofachechi Samual-Laptop Error404NotFound tkog hebz0rl MacGyverNL kaziem overlord_tm [ND] m4v bullgard4 dury zesoze agentga19:10
ActionParsniph-dee: http://www.armadeus.com/wiki/index.php?title=How_to_make_a_VHDL_design_in_Ubuntu/Debian19:11
TurtlezI have a question that you've probably heard before19:11
BeelsebobI've just put ubuntu onto a rather ancient laptop – an earlier version (9.04?) detected and used the WiFi on it fine, but this 10.10 doesn't seem to pick any networks up.  What's my best bet to go about diagnosing it?19:11
ActionParsnipask away Turtlez19:11
ActionParsnipBeelsebob: jaunty isnt supported anymore19:11
h-deeAny idea guys regarding VHDL synthesis tool?19:11
TurtlezI'm wanting to switch from Win7 to a Unix based OS and I'm a bit iffy on Wine support for my stuff.19:11
BeelsebobActionParsnip: I'm not asking for help with jaunty...19:11
ActionParsnipBeelsebob: run; sudo lshw -C network     and websearch for the product line19:11
ActionParsnipTurtlez: what apps do you need?19:12
ActionParsnip!appdb | Turtlez19:12
ubottuTurtlez: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help19:12
TurtlezWell, I have Finale 2010, that's the biggest issue... I'll probably just go Dual-Boot.19:12
ActionParsnipBeelsebob: if its USB based, also run: lsusb   one line will identify the device and you can websearch that to find guides too19:13
BeelsebobActionParsnip: tis apparently an Intel Pro/Wireless 2200BG19:13
jon-sansorry if this is a noob question, but is there a difference between a terminal & a bash shell in ubuntu?19:13
ActionParsnipTurtlez: the 2009 version works perfectly19:13
TurtlezI bet, but I don't own 2009.19:14
ActionParsnipBeelsebob: then see about guides for it under Lucid19:14
ZykoticK9jon-san, terminal is the program, while bash is a shell.  they are different - but it's difficult to explain what that difference is...19:14
cgahi all. is there an x86_64 Ubuntu Netbook edition?19:14
ActionParsnipBeelsebob: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/Notation19:14
jon-sani always thought that termianl & shell were synonymous19:14
ZykoticK9jon-san, no not really19:14
ActionParsnip!info Denemo | Beelsebob19:15
jon-sanbut yesterday my boss said something akin to "open your bash" & that just confused the hell out of me19:15
ubottuBeelsebob: Package Denemo does not exist in maverick19:15
ActionParsnip!info denemo | Beelsebob19:15
ubottuBeelsebob: denemo (source: denemo): A gtk+ frontend to GNU Lilypond. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.10-1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 1461 kB, installed size 4884 kB19:15
ActionParsnip!info lilypond19:15
ubottulilypond (source: lilypond): A program for typesetting sheet music. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.12.3-7 (maverick), package size 1492 kB, installed size 4128 kB19:15
jon-sancan anyone refer me to any good info online? ive been using google, but i'm still confused19:15
BeelsebobActionParsnip: what's that meant to be?19:15
ZykoticK9jon-san, typically on a linux system the terminal will be using bash19:15
jon-sanany input would be much appreciated19:15
vecchiascore__iahi all| Please, help me about an annoiyng problem with ubuntu19:15
cgajon-san, shell is a component of the operating system around the core , terminal is an emulator/connector of/to the shell19:15
ActionParsnipBeelsebob: http://linux.softpedia.com/screenshots/Denemo_1.png    its an open source equivelent19:15
vecchiascore__iamy pc stucks when I try installing 10.04.1 lts19:16
BeelsebobActionParsnip: uhhhh?19:16
TurtlezFinale 2010 is rated garbage... :/19:16
SageXhey ubuntu I still hAvn't fixed my lower cAse "A" problem how do I fix it through the commAnd line19:16
ActionParsnipBeelsebob: sorry, mixed wires19:16
rigvedvecchiascore__ia: do you get a blank screen?19:16
ZykoticK9Turtlez, either dual-boot or think about a VM19:16
jon-sanZykotick9, as I understand it, terminal is just a program that lets you move through the file system, edit & execut files, etc.19:16
ActionParsnipTurtlez: http://linux.softpedia.com/screenshots/Denemo_1.png   try denemo19:16
vecchiascore__iarigved: no. only mouse moving19:16
jon-sanwhere does the bash come into play?19:16
ZykoticK9jon-san, cga's answer isn't bad.  terminal is where you use bash.19:17
detrix42I am trying to find a way to convert docx to odt  I have tried to get odf-converter, but the links to the page to get it are no longer valid.19:17
ActionParsnipBeelsebob: websearch for guides for intel 2200BG19:17
detrix42is there another way to do this?19:17
Beelsebobahahahahahahaha… STUPID LAPTOP19:17
StavaHow can I share the internet connection I have through a GSM device with my home network (router/switch)?19:17
Beelsebobit has a wifi kill switch on the front of it… just where you might bash it19:17
* cga off for food.19:17
Beelsebobdmesg revealed it had been bashed19:17
rigvedvecchiascore__ia: in any case it's probably a graphics problem. not compatible with ubuntu19:17
TurtlezZykotick9: I'm probably just going to dual-boot. ActionParsnip: I enjoy the support of Finale 2010 (Just got a christmas "gift" of a bunch of scores)19:17
ActionParsnipBeelsebob: nice, all is good then :)19:17
ZykoticK9detrix42, i ran into problems with docx earlier this month - had to get the origional creator to re-save as a doc, before open/libre-office would do it.19:17
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cysiolandHow to play .cda files in Ubuntu?19:18
detrix42ZykoticK9: ok.19:18
jon-sanhmm, well at least I know that the "bash" and "terminal" are in fact two separate components19:18
jon-santhanks guys19:18
jon-sani'll keep researching it19:18
ActionParsnipTurtlez: you could use a virtualized system but it wont run as well, you can run it in seamless mode too ;)19:18
itsmeagainhere I am19:18
itsmeagainwe're talking about pc freezed during install19:19
ActionParsnipcysioland: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-496436.html19:19
New0how can i connect my windows share from ubuntu without prompt for an User&Pass?19:19
rigvedvecchiascore__ia: you could try the alternate cd. you may be able to successfully install, but the problem may persist after the install19:19
ActionParsnipitsmeagain: did you test your ram>19:19
itsmeagainActionParsnip: RAM OK (1024MB), cd ok19:19
TurtlezActionParsnip: Main reason I'm thinking about using a bit of Unix is because I recently BSOD'd and used a PuppyLinux Live-CD to save some stuff, and I really like the idea of a minimal OS.19:20
ActionParsnipitsmeagain: did you test it using the CD?19:20
Braber01Hi my aunt just reloaded Windows on to my laptop, but it's giving us the 'grub_rescue>' prompt how can that be fixed?19:20
FredFlinstonehi i need a samba skilled person to assist me in fixing shares, anyone around ? the shares are set to force a user and that is not happening anyone gets on with a password19:20
itsmeagainActionParsnip: sure and also md5 before burning it19:20
ActionParsnipTurtlez: you can install ubuntu minimal, then install LXDE and get a minimalist OS19:20
New0ActionParsnip i got disconnected!!! so do u know how?19:20
FredFlinstoneoops WITHOUT19:20
rigvedBraber01: use live cd19:20
ikoniaFredFlinstone: make sure your not using the guest account19:20
FredFlinstonehow can i disable the guest?19:21
rigved!fixmbr | Braber0119:21
ubottuBraber01: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.19:21
ActionParsnipNew0: if you are connecting to a WIndows share and you have Windows Live Messenger it causes issues19:21
FredFlinstonein users there is only me19:21
Braber01rigved: I'm wanting to install windows on my laptop thogh .19:21
itsmeagainthe pc is really old19:21
ZykoticK9Braber01, reinstalling windows will overright grub19:22
New0ActionParsnip well i have it installed! so how can i fix it?19:22
ActionParsnipNew0: http://thelinuxexperiment.com/linux/accessing-windows-7-shares-from-ubuntu-is-a-pain/19:22
itsmeagainbut winxp and mandriva work fine hours and hours turned on19:22
rigvedBraber01: just follow the instruction given in the restore grub2 link, it'll give you a dual boot with windows and ubuntu19:22
FredFlinstonei porbably have it messed up by using wrong documentation, too bad good docs are not written yet huh19:22
New0ActionParsnip tnx19:22
ActionParsnipNew0: using a username / password is a good idea, you can have your Ubuntu OS store the password so you only need to store it once19:22
cysiolandHow to play .cda files? I have only files, not whole CD.19:22
TurtlezActionParsnip: Interesting... I'll have to check it out. Thanks for your help.19:23
FredFlinstoneperhaps if i remove samba and ntfs stuff and start over?19:23
itsmeagainand the pc freezes completely, only mouse cursor is moving19:23
Braber01Zykotic: my aunt chose the restore option to wipe out everything however she's still geting the grub_rescue prompt is there some speical instructions i can give her?19:23
nirazioSometime ago I just tested to see if I could login to desktop from root, and I succeeded. I clicked on Others on the userlist and entered root and its password and logged in. Now I'd like to know how we can disable root login altogether. I didn't see any option as such in the Login Screen.19:23
ZykoticK9cysioland, have you tried mplayer?  i have no expericnce with cda files.19:23
New0ActionParsnip well i try to Enter U&P but didn't work19:23
Braber01rigved: I removed my Linux partions so I can't load up ubuntu at all.19:23
ActionParsnipNew0: read the link dude, some guy had the same issue19:23
ZykoticK9Braber01, if you want to restore the windows boot loader, you should be asking in ##windows19:24
New0ActionParsnip ok tnx :D19:24
rigvedBraber01: do you want ubuntu on that machine?19:24
itsmeagainno one can help with my problem then?19:25
cysiolandZykoticK9, don't works19:25
ZykoticK9cysioland, sorry i have no ideas then.  best of luck.19:25
=== Turtlez is now known as Myxalidian
itsmeagainIf I choose automatic partitioning it stucks @ 46% of install19:26
rigvedBraber01: ok. didn't see the earlier reply. so you need to ask in ##windows to restore only to windows19:26
itsmeagainbut sometimes it satucks after choosing keyboard language19:26
anygivennamehow do I stop samba service ?19:26
rigveditsmeagain: which version are you installing? 11.04?19:26
Goliathi am installing a game with wine, should i use playonlinux or winegame?19:27
itsmeagain10.04.1 LTS19:27
dicktator-davey http://pastebin.com/n1tCH0M2 - The GNAA wants to wish you and yours HAPPY KWANZAA!!!   dicktator-davey Goliath spencer_ maidegen_1 anygivenname bp0 Daytona60146 lexicon67 tjingboem cysioland patholio Varox KabukiOrigin sbalmos Braber01 leagris vitor-br itsmeagain FredFlinstone New0 Stava jsurfer cga jianfei guampa Kartagis Juo dijonyummy Sergeant_Pony Darwin4Ever Toph Myxalidian FullFlannelJacke zkriesse rigved Se7en lamik AaronMT oski testuser 19:27
ZykoticK9Goliath, why not just use "wine"?19:27
spencer_Hey guys, another Wi-Fi problem but this having to do with a bunch of ad-hoc(?) networks showing up at once19:27
ActionParsnipGoliath: +1 ZykoticK919:27
rigveditsmeagain: and what the specs of your machine? RAM? processor speed?19:27
FredFlinstonei have put ubuntu on many systems and laptops, but this sharing stuff is fracked up totally , no one writes books, webpages are wrong, this chan has no samba folks , yesterday i was screwing around 6 hours, samba people where are you (even #samba  is useless so far)19:28
nirazioSometime ago I just tested to see if I could login to desktop from root, and I succeeded. I clicked on Others on the userlist and entered root and its password and logged in. Now I'd like to know how we can disable root login altogether. I didn't see any option as such in the Login Screen.19:28
itsmeagainrigved: 512mb x2 of ram, intel pentium3-s 1,4ghz, hdd 20gb ata 100, 8,6gb ata 3319:28
Anon269hello everyone!19:29
anygivennamehow do I stop samba service ?19:29
gobbeanygivenname: service smb stop?19:29
aeon-ltdanygivenname: sudo service samba stop (guessing here based on memory)19:29
FredFlinstoneTODAY i shall ask until i get somewhere - will somebody give me a bit of their time please?19:29
rigvedFredFlinstone: use rsync and zsync to backup files between your ubuntu machines19:29
anygivennameit says unrecognized service19:29
Anon269i will19:29
aeon-ltdanygivenname: check in a process manager if its running19:30
ZykoticK9FredFlinstone, file shareing with SSH or NFS work great for me between *nix boxes.   Oh, you're complaining about Windows interoperability... not really a linux/ubuntu issue in my opinion.19:30
Anon269i will give u a bit of my time19:30
Anon269@ FredFlinstone: i will give u a bit of my time...wasssup?19:30
FredFlinstonewell it worked it 10.04 funny about that , same stuff is broke now i guess?19:30
johnwmi have wine loaded how do i select programs19:31
Anon269what r u guys talking bout???19:31
itsmeagainrigved: 512mb x2 of ram, intel pentium3-s 1,4ghz, hdd 20gb ata 100, 8,6gb ata 3319:31
FredFlinstonei THINK i am doing it the same in fstab as 10.04, but it don';t work19:31
cgais this the only way to get UNE 64bit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuNetbookEdition/amd64 ?19:31
FredFlinstoneAnon269, thx, i 'l make some pastebins19:32
cysiolandHow to convert .cda files to .ogg?19:32
aeon-ltdcga: yes, but why? most netbooks are 32bit19:32
ZykoticK9cga, does your netbook have more then 4GB or RAM?19:32
anygivennameit is smbd....not smb & not samba19:32
chicognutks a lot19:32
cgaaeon-ltd, most , not mine19:32
netbeasthello all19:32
chicognutks a lot I restore my grub19:32
cgaZykoticK9, nope. 2GB19:33
ActionParsnipcysioland: mencoder may be able to help19:33
ZykoticK9cga, then 64bit is a waste19:33
netbeasti need some help installing a creative pc cam 300 it seems not to work on ubuntu 10.019:33
aeon-ltdcga: again though, unity is the same anyway so its not like it matters, its just takes a little longer19:33
FredFlinstoneZykoticK9, understood, but still , my win boxes are the same as they were when 10.04 liked them all, i think of that as an ubuntu issue ONLY19:33
cgaZykoticK9, why?19:33
ZykoticK9cga, 64bit will be slower with only 2gb of memory vs 32 bit19:34
cgaZykoticK9, hu. i think i'll install 32 and see.19:34
ZykoticK9cga, and i doubt you are doing complex math or encoding with your netbook19:34
rigveditsmeagain: use alternate cd19:35
dfrankhi all. I using kubuntu. How can i close X and get text console? I trying to Ctrl+Alt+F2,  or ..+F3, etc, but i got just black window, no command prompt. Ctrl+Alt+Backspace won't work too.19:35
cgaZykoticK9, true. it's xmas present for my mum. her first computer ever....19:35
rigved!alternate | itsmeagain19:35
ubottuitsmeagain: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal19:35
ZykoticK9dfrank, do you have proprietary nvidia/ati and did you try to alter the resolution of plymouth.19:35
nirazioSometime ago I just tested to see if I could login to desktop from root, and I succeeded. I clicked on Others on the userlist and entered root and its password and logged in. Now I'd like to know how we can disable root login altogether. I didn't see any option as such in the Login Screen.19:36
chicognuWhat is kernel module to suport more than 4 gb in 32 bits so compiled system ??19:36
netbeastdoes anyone know how to install a creative pc cam 300 on ubuntu 10.1019:36
FredFlinstonewith public = no i get access denied, no chance to login, with yes eveyone gets in without a login19:36
ZykoticK9dfrank, the command "sudo service kdm stop" should stop X, but i'm guessing you'll just get a black screen19:36
FredFlinstonemy fstab http://pastebin.com/rRQHYysp19:37
ZykoticK9chicognu, PAE is what you are looking for - don't think it is a module though19:37
FredFlinstonei mean smb conf19:37
chicognutks ZykoticK919:37
aeon-ltdnetbeast: the pae kernel19:37
dfrankZykoticK9: yes i am. How can i get command prompt?19:37
FredFlinstonefstab for the other direction dont wok either, used ubuntu site as a guide19:37
ZykoticK9dfrank, did you play with plymouth resolution?19:38
dfrankZykoticK9: no19:38
cysiolandActionParsnip, these are audio files, and videostream is mandatory19:38
FredFlinstoneso both ways i have problems19:38
anygivennamein terminal...how do I see all history ?19:38
ZykoticK9dfrank, sorry i don't know then... best of luck.19:38
ZykoticK9anygivenname, "history"19:38
dfrankZykoticK9: i heard "plymouth" first time, btw..19:38
ActionParsnipangryuser: history   is the command19:38
anygivennamehistory does not show all.....it starts in the middle19:38
ZykoticK9anygivenname, "history | more"?19:39
anygivennameI need to see earlier lines19:39
sandking_i really need some help with my keyboard. i got apple aluminium one (wired) and by default i got special keys instead of fn keys19:39
FredFlinstonei dont understand the fstab bit, but i think i get the smb.conf, still i cant get it19:39
sandking_how to switch it?19:39
sandking_i just wanted to play frets on fire and i can't19:39
ActionParsnipsandking_: you can use 1,2,3,4 and 5 instead :)19:40
anygivennameZykoticK9: thank you19:40
ActionParsnipfretsonfire is badass19:40
ZykoticK9anygivenname, glad to help19:40
sandking_ActionParsnip, oh come on - it's too far :]19:40
nerdy_kidhello, I need to strip all colons out of a the names of a folder full of files, how would I do this?  thanks19:41
rigvedusing manual partition method, how do i setup encryption of the home folder?19:41
ActionParsnipsandking_: I play bass, I like the reach peersonally19:42
slgmaare there any better alternatives to lm-sensors19:42
netbeastthis is not helping19:42
rigvednerdy_kid: use rename19:42
sandking_ActionParsnip, well I used to play guitar more back in the days and it's far from guitar feeling, so i prefer it to be closer to the edhe19:42
XLVgot a laptop with intel p965 mobile chipset... in ubuntu 10.10 i need to set acpi=off noapic and nolapic boot option for the kernel to load.. ofcourse then i got no battery status. anyone got any info on how to get the pos load with acpi enabled?19:42
ActionParsnipsandking_: fretsonfire is heavily controlled by hardware, some key combinations just wont work with some keyboards so you may need to use 2 key chords19:42
nerdy_kidrigved: that looks like what I need, only I don't know perl...19:43
netbeastcan someone help me install spca5xx i get errors when i try to install it19:43
=== konsumer is now known as konbon
rigvednerdy_kid: d man rename. there are examples given in the end19:43
konbonhello mates19:44
rigvednerdy_kid: man rename19:44
ntr0pyCan someone tell me where i can find sun-java jaxb XJCTask for ant build? I googled my ass off finding nothing...19:45
ZykoticK9!partner | ntr0py19:45
ubottuntr0py: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »19:45
ActionParsnip!java | ntr0py19:46
ubottuntr0py: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.19:46
ActionParsnipnetbeast: gspca replaces spca5xx19:46
robisinhohow do I enable inline SVG in 10.10's firefox (the one called only "web browser")19:46
ntr0pyZykoticK9, ActionParsnip: Thx but that i have done already, but there is no such implementation in tools.jar or rt.jar from suns jre/jdk...19:47
nerdy_kidrigved: its not working :(  I tried rename 's/\:$//' *.mp3  and a bunch of varations on the perl expression and only succeed in stripping all the file extensions.19:47
=== jeroenim1 is now known as jeroenimo
ActionParsniprobisinho: http://labs.silverorange.com/archive/2006/january/howtoinclude19:48
Fryedfishhi there19:49
netbeastdoesnt work with camera19:49
robisinhoActionParsnip: my SVG sample file works on mozilla on my windows 7 machine, but not on ubuntu -- on ubuntu it wants to open it as a download, even if I specificalkly open it in a new tab19:49
FryedfishI have a little problem when installing wubi.exe19:49
dfrankseem like there's no getty runnung on tty1,2,etc. How can i make it run?19:49
robisinhoActionParsnip: https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B9TOmYPGKkKNMDBlNzk1NzgtZWNiOS00ODlhLWE1OTgtZjM1ZmMzNmU5OTJk&hl=en this is it19:50
robisinhoor, one of them19:50
rigvednerdy_kid: well the first expression is the one that you want. the second one (*.mp3) is the actual file which you are replacing.19:50
dfrankactually, there's strange: why getty isn't running?? Strange ubuntu.19:50
rigvednerdy_kid: i'm that good with RE. maybe someone else may be able to help19:51
ActionParsniprobisinho: i dont use firefox so I'm no use here dude19:51
robisinhoActionParsnip: ooh jesus, I was clicking the download link insteadof the open link -- I'km a dolt. thnk you!19:51
Typhmy font rendering regularly gets all distorted and wacky. Changing the hinting fixes it, but is there any shortcut that might force everything to refresh?19:51
nerdy_kidrigved: ok thanks for your help :)19:51
rigvednerdy_kid: sor i meant that i'm not good with regular expressions19:52
rigvednerdy_kid: *sorry19:52
sparkeyHey, i got a scp transfer of a 1TB file that lost connection at 98% lol and got interrupted. Trying to resume it with "rsync --partial --progress --rsh=ssh filename.tar.gz username@remote.host.com:/home/username/filename.tar.gz" but nothing happens. What am i doing wrong? :)19:52
Fryedfishafter the dual boot on ubuntu, there is no action after the ubuntu logo has dissapeared... howcomm?19:53
netbeastdoes anyone know why camfrog wont display video in wine19:53
Guest151When i try to do the Live Boot from the cd it just sits at the window that says Ubuntu with the dots under it. Is this a common prob?19:53
needhelp1what should i format a hdd to so it will be compatable with mac osx19:53
rigvedsparkey: just run the rsync program as normal and check what happens. it should resume automatically19:54
pgpkeysHFS+ same as google tells you19:54
niraziowhat this command will do "sudo usermod -p '!' root"19:54
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EgonisI'm trying to install UNR 10.10 on a Lenovo S10-3 Netbook, and it hands on 'Initialized DRM' in a kernel console19:55
Egonis'hands' = 'hangs'19:55
rigvedGuest151: it means that your hardware is not fully supported by the installer. try installing from the alternate cd19:55
rigved!alternate | Guest15119:56
ubottuGuest151: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal19:56
esteban22xhi .. I have a question19:56
esteban22xwho can help me ?19:56
needhelp1pgpkeys, is ext4 compatable with osx19:56
ActionParsnipesteban22x: ask away19:56
sonorushi, how to change color of syntax highlighting in Geany ??19:56
ActionParsnipneedhelp1: i'd ask in #apple19:56
sonorusit's possible ?19:56
Guest151ahh gotcha, wanted to get into live mode to do the partitioning first. thx guys!19:57
Guest151n girls :)19:57
esteban22xI'm thinking to install the new ubuntu 10.10 but I need a broadcom driver for my wireless19:57
nerdy_kidesteban22x: what wireless card is it?19:57
esteban22xUbuntu 10.10 can support it?19:58
nerdy_kidesteban22x: what model wireless card?19:58
XLVesteban22x, first you need to find the exact model.. broadcom means little19:58
ActionParsnipesteban22x: use a wired connection is by far the easiest way, there is a method using the live cd too but if you are using a laptop this is especially easy19:58
gobbeesteban22x: you can install broadcom-drivers with additional drivers-installer19:59
nerdy_kidesteban22x: e.g. I have a broadcom BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY19:59
ActionParsnipXLV: most lappys use broadcom 43xx as they are cheap and abundant19:59
netbeasti like ubuntu 10.10 making it easy for the switch19:59
esteban22xbut Ubuntu 10.10 support it19:59
gobbebut you need to download drivers20:00
ActionParsnipesteban22x: if its a broadcom 43xx the driver will be offered once you get a network connection20:00
Typhmy font rendering regularly gets all distorted and wacky. Changing the hinting fixes it, but is there any shortcut that might force everything to refresh?20:01
TyphI know my video drivers are probably crap, but unfortunately this card is no longer supported20:01
esteban22xok .. tanks a lt20:01
BlackBoxI have a question if any one may help.20:01
ActionParsnipBlackBox: ask away20:01
esteban22xare there a chat IRC about Ubuntu in spanish20:02
esteban22xI can't speak english so good20:02
Myrtti!es | esteban22x20:02
ubottuesteban22x: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:02
BlackBoxDoes any one have a link to a tutorial to upgrade Ubuntu 10.10  to Ubuntu Studio 10.10 i know you can use command line but not sure on what repositories to add or how to exactly add them20:02
soerenbnoergaardjoin #latex20:03
ActionParsnipBlackBox: its not an "upgrade", its just adding extra packages20:03
esteban22xbut I'm gonna stay here for a moment :)20:03
esteban22xI like this channel20:03
ActionParsnipBlackBox: run: apt-cache search ubuntustudio     install those packages20:03
BlackBoxThank you20:03
humblewhat shall i install for sound drivers?20:03
=== Newa2 is now known as NewaWrk
nirazioSometime ago I just tested to see if I could login to desktop from root, and I succeeded. I clicked on Others on the userlist and entered root and its password and logged in. Now I'd like to know how we can disable root login altogether. I didn't see any option as such in the Login Screen.20:04
FredFlinstoneAnon269, you still around now that i am done with the telephone? somehow things changed all on their own - do i have to wait 5 minutes after restarting samba when tweaking?20:05
FredFlinstoneor anyone?20:05
B45h_V|nirazio: just delete root-password20:05
nirazioB45h_V: How???20:06
SocAtany one know why redirecting an rtsp video stream with socat causes vlc to crash, but not with rtp?20:06
ActionParsnipnirazio: sudo usermod -p '!' root    will disable root account like it SHOULD be20:06
B45h_V|nirazio: sudo passwd -d root20:06
Myrttinirazio: like ActionParsnip said20:07
ActionParsnipsource: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo20:07
ActionParsnipsimple stuff20:07
CH|LLZ  /exit20:08
FredFlinstonewhere does stuff go to mount and share an ntfs win box, i know fstab needs entries (tried a couple variations from webpages without luck) , is there other files to edit? must be20:08
sandkingActionParsnip, could you help me and tell where should i import frets on fire songs? :) (i already managed the tfn problem)20:10
lithprhi, how do i load changes in my .bash_aliases file w/o starting a new terminal?20:10
nirazioActionParsnip: what this command will do?? sudo passwd -d root20:11
BlackBoxActionParsnip: Thank you . Got the list then used synaptic package manager. Cheers20:11
sandkingah, got it :]20:11
resixiantrying to: mount -t cifs -o ro,username=foo,password=bar // ~/upgrade_src20:11
ActionParsnipnirazio: no idea, the command I gave disables the account20:11
bullpupdoes anyone know how to install 2.6.37 kernel with PAE in Ubuntu 10.10?20:12
resixianbut i keep getting.. "mount: cannot mount block device // read-only"20:12
lithprwhile i'm waiting, let me mention that i love the way Ubuntu integrated Liferea into the messaging menu20:12
lithprif you haven't seen it, it's great20:12
resixianthis share mounts 'just fine' on my arch linux laptop20:12
ActionParsniplithpr: run:   source ~/.bash_aliases  maybe20:12
lithprActionParsnip, thanks, that did it :)]20:13
nirazioActionParsnip: why root account is disabled in ubuntu??20:14
ActionParsnipnirazio: security20:14
lithprnirazio, 'sudo su' works20:14
ZykoticK9lithpr, DON'T USE THAT20:14
sandkinghow to use chmod to set rw of folder for me?20:14
IdleOneuse sudo -i if you must20:15
lithprnirazio, don't use that.  nevermind :)20:15
ActionParsnipsandking: depends who the owner is20:15
sandkingActionParsnip, i can't copy songs to frets on fire and i need to change permissions20:15
nirazioActionParsnip: if that is for security reason..Why cant they delete the root account permanently??20:16
ZykoticK9sandking, "chmod 600 file" will set you to rw and nothing for everyone else20:16
sandkingi tried to run nautilus as su but that didn't work20:16
netbeastlinux has come a far way since i used redhat20:16
sandkingZykoticK9, ok, will try that20:16
ZykoticK9!gksu | sandking20:16
ubottusandking: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)20:16
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sandkinggood to know20:16
needhelp1can ubuntu read and write to HFS+20:16
ActionParsnipnirazio: because root owns the other files20:17
FredFlinstonewhere does stuff go to mount and share an ntfs win box, i know fstab needs entries (tried a couple variations from webpages without luck) , is there other files to edit? must be20:17
ekspiulojoin #clutter20:17
ActionParsnipsandking: you don't use sudo with gui apps20:17
nerdy_kidhow do I convert filenames to FAT compatible ones?  thanks!20:17
jiffeI'm trying to figure out why when I try to install emacs23-nox via apt-get, it wants to remove mysql20:17
ActionParsnipFredFlinstone: you can mount to ANY folder you want, except in /proc  so there is no set place20:18
sandkingActionParsnip, well, i did it several times and it worked :]20:18
ActionParsnipFredFlinstone: you could make a new folder in ~/Downloads called stuff and mount to ~/Downloads/stuff20:18
sandkingZykoticK9, chmod 600 didn't much helped :]20:18
secretary_linuxHi all. it seems since I last used ubuntu a couple years ago, its init.d arrangement has changed, what with upstart and all. can anyone point me to some documentation that outlines ubuntu's init process now and how to control which services load at boot?20:18
FredFlinstoneActionParsnip, ok ill go media, but exactly how do i do this with a command in a text file somewhere?20:18
ActionParsnipsandking: you will make your ~/.ICEauthority be owned by root and you wont be able to use sudo20:19
Atriktisonhi all20:19
ActionParsnipsandking: if you want to avoid that you can use your OS PROPERLY and use gksudo with GUI apps, your choice20:19
FredFlinstoneor in a gui, as a noob , i have no clue :)20:19
AtriktisonI have an bug open office20:19
Atriktisonwhen I select tools bibligophy20:19
sandkingActionParsnip, i wasn't aware of that before, so thanks for the tip - will do it in future then20:19
Atriktisonit is creashes20:19
ActionParsnip!gksudo | sandking20:19
ubottusandking: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)20:19
ActionParsnipsandking: in kde it's kdesu20:20
FredFlinstoneActionParsnip, i'd like them mounted/shared every boot20:20
ActionParsnipFredFlinstone: then use fstab20:20
nerdy_kidAtriktison: have you reported it?20:20
FredFlinstoneActionParsnip, i only need stuff there?20:20
ActionParsnipFredFlinstone: its an example, you can mount to any folder20:20
FredFlinstoneActionParsnip, i only need stuff in fstab for that?20:21
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nirazioActionParsnip: What are the files that root owns??20:21
nerdy_kidAtriktison: if not, then just hit "report a bug" over on the right here:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu20:21
FredFlinstoneActionParsnip, i had tried fstab and failed, i guess the webpages were outdated20:22
ActionParsnipnirazio: many, mainly outside of $HOME20:22
jiffeit looks like cacti was uninstalled, which has a recommended package of mysql-server, if I don't want to remove mysql-server how do I remove that from the autoremove list ?20:22
ActionParsnipFredFlinstone: find other guide20:22
FredFlinstoneActionParsnip, got a link for me on that? :)20:22
ActionParsnipFredFlinstone: there are so many, for me to give you just one would be ridiculous20:22
Atriktisonok thanks20:22
sandkinggreat - i could copy files now but now frets on fire has access denied :]20:24
ethereticHello! Running amule and/or transmission causes horrendous lag n my connection. What may the cause be?20:24
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Suboptimalwhat do i gain by using the loop option in (mount -o loop), when mounting an iso?20:24
itaylor57wb KM020120:25
baggar11Suboptimal: I think it's required, otherwise you can't mount the file20:25
KM0201itaylor57: ty20:25
nerdy_kidI need to strip all '!'s and ':'s out of a bunch of filenames, how would I do this?  I have been shown rename, but I dont know how to use perl expressions.20:25
ActionParsnipetheretic: what version of transmission20:26
ZykoticK9Suboptimal, loop is required for mounting ISOs20:26
yhagerI am looking for the package libantlr3c-dev, and I found it on debian sid. Can I install it in Ubuntu somehow? http://packages.debian.org/sid/libantlr3c-dev20:26
FredFlinstoneActionParsnip, for a win box named PC1 with a share named MEDIA is this correct -  //PC1/MEDIA /media/MEDIA cifs credentials=/home/fred/.creds,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 020:26
itaylor57nerdy_kid: you can do it via shell scripts, bash or perl20:26
diskinnerdy_kid, gprename will help probably20:26
FredFlinstoneassuming i did the rest ok?20:26
SuboptimalZykoticK9: if i do it without it20:26
FredFlinstoneis uppercase correct here?20:26
SuboptimalZykoticK9: what happens?20:26
ZykoticK9Suboptimal, it won't work ;)20:27
ActionParsnipFredFlinstone: does the folder /media/MEDIA   exist?20:27
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Jordan_USuboptimal: Try it, it will fail.20:27
ethereticActionParsnip: Hello again :-) It's v 2.1320:27
ZykoticK9FredFlinstone, i don't think the // is correct20:27
FredFlinstoneActionParsnip, i did create one with root in nautilus20:27
ActionParsnip!info transmission20:27
Typhmy font rendering regularly gets all distorted and wacky. Changing the hinting fixes it, but is there any shortcut that might force everything to refresh/redraw?20:27
ubottutransmission (source: transmission): lightweight BitTorrent client. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.04-0ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 0 kB, installed size 20 kB20:28
stiangmy lucid EC2 image has no free devices to mount EBS volumes (/dev/sda1 is root, /dev/sda2 is ephemeral storage). how can I add more devices?20:28
FredFlinstonegot syntax from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently20:28
HavokDelta6heya, just wondering guys, how does one change the audio bit depth, i've found out how to change the sample rate already (athough recomformation - or an alternate way - is welcome)20:28
ActionParsnipetheretic: then its not from the Ubuntu repo, you should contact the developer20:28
ZykoticK9FredFlinstone, will if that page says it right - i guess it's correct20:28
SuboptimalZykoticK9: what about -o loop,ro?20:29
HavokDelta6heya, just wondering guys, how does one change the audio bit depth, i've found out how to change the sample rate already (athough recomformation - or an alternate way - is welcome)20:29
FredFlinstoneok , one last thing, do i need to reboot , or restart samba?20:29
ZykoticK9Suboptimal, i'd guess that will prevent the read only error - but it would work either way20:29
nerdy_kiddiskin: thanks, that looks like it should do the trick :)20:29
ethereticActionParsnip: I believe it ccame with the vanilla 10.10 distro20:30
Antonisguys could someone please tell me how to change the colors of the workspace switcher on gnomepanel without changing theme? Is it something I can do through .gtkrc-2.0 perhaps?20:30
ActionParsnipetheretic:  transmission (source: transmission): lightweight BitTorrent client. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.04-0ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 0 kB, installed size 20 kB   so it's 2.04 in maverick20:31
wildfire100hi, my mic isnt working how do i fix this, how do i get to the settings??20:31
rushanahey julle varkies20:31
sparcSo, people say Ubuntu isn't a serious distribution we can use in production20:32
FredFlinstonesudo mount -a = mount error(110): Connection timed out Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)20:32
ActionParsnipsparc: if it suits your needs, why not20:32
rushanaubuntu is kak kool20:32
FredFlinstonei guess its NOT right - take out the // and put / ?20:32
sparcand that it doesn't have the patches or extra utilties that RHEL has20:32
KM0201Antonis: i have no idea where that color is set.... i imagine yu20:32
KM0201Antonis: i imagine you'll be looking a while to find someone that does20:32
Suboptimalby the way, is it the same using the wine command in terminal and right click open with wine?20:32
sparcdoes Ubuntu have corresponding tools to work with the kernel and kickstarting?20:32
ActionParsnipsparc: its the same OS essentially so is as flexible as you like20:32
sparcit's not the same OS, redhat's modified the kernel and backports security updates and features20:33
sudipta<snake__>use elementary nautilus instead20:33
ethereticActionParsnip: should it make a difference? I'd think its's a config thing, since the same issue arises with amule.20:33
zroyschhow do i get the rhythmbox icon in the dock on the top right like it used to be? running ubuntu 10.1020:33
sparcand also offers add-on programs and utils, along with the redhat network20:33
sudipta<snake__>or else change the key combination20:33
_unallocated_How can I know the IP address of a buddy in Pidgin?20:33
KM0201sparc: then use Redhat?20:33
AntonisKM0201, do you maybe know where in a theme i can find the values? maybe I could edit the theme instead?20:33
dagnithis is really big chan ;)20:34
ActionParsnipetheretic: yes! you are using an app and we have no idea how it was made or compiled, if you use the Ubuntu one then it is consistent and we can support it20:34
sparcKM0201: yeah, i think maybe that's what the data's poitning to20:34
KM0201Antonis: thats what i'm saying,  i have no idea, and you'll probably be hard pressed to find soemone that does20:34
KM0201sparc: well... buh bye20:34
snake__sudipta, no.I.do.have.natilus.elementary.and.don't.have.key.combos.in.compiz.on.20:34
ethereticActionParsnip: 10 secs lag atm, running transmission. 10 seconds after I quit T.: 11 ms.20:34
sparcKM0201: see ya20:34
AntonisKM0201, oh ok.. thnx anyway20:34
aeon-ltdAntonis: you talking about gtk themes?20:34
ActionParsnipsparc: i recommend you try it to see20:35
ActionParsnipsparc: if you like it, use it. If not then its easy to switch to whatever distro you prefer20:35
Antonisaeon-ltd, yes.. actually I am talking about the gnomepanel and the workspace switcher.. I want to change the colors of the workspace switcher without changing the whole theme20:35
wildfire100help please??20:35
snake__sudipta, perhaps.it's.because.I.updated.to.10.10,.but.the.change.wasn't.immediate.20:35
KM0201wildfire100: ask your question, if someone can help, they will20:36
sparcActionParsnip: ok sounds good.  i already use redhat for my company.  i was looking for reasons to switch20:36
FredFlinstoneActionParsnip, what about the uppoercase?20:36
sudipta<snake__>then what?it works fine with me...(I guess)20:36
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ActionParsnipsparc: if what you have works, why change it..20:36
netbeastwhy cant i get this camera to work always something one thing20:36
ActionParsnipFredFlinstone: how do you mean?20:36
FredFlinstone/PC1/MEDIA /media/MEDIA cifs credentials=/home/fred/.creds,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 020:36
sudipta<snake__>i do use 10.1020:37
snake__sudipta, I.don't.know..Can.you.help.me.remove.it.intead?20:37
FredFlinstoneor //pc1 ?20:37
ActionParsnipFredFlinstone: linux is VERY case sensitive so you must be accurate there too20:37
FredFlinstoneMEDIA or media?20:37
ActionParsnipFredFlinstone: ALL, be accurate with ALL cases20:37
FredFlinstonehow do i check it?20:37
sudipta<snake__>what is ur actual problem?can u elaborate20:37
ActionParsnipFredFlinstone: well YOU made the mount point so you can check that easily20:37
aeon-ltdAntonis: ok, i think gnome-panel handles its own background and images, as for the workplace switcher it may source its images from somewhere within /usr/share20:38
wildfire100KM0201, my question is further up in the chat20:38
ActionParsnipFredFlinstone: YOU also shared the folder on the server side, so can check that case too20:38
FredFlinstoneit is uppercase like the WIN share name20:38
KM0201wildfire100: have you looked in your sound settings?20:38
FredFlinstoneso then upper is correct20:38
ActionParsnipFredFlinstone: then you know what to do20:38
FredFlinstonethen why is it broke?20:38
FredFlinstone/PC1/MEDIA /media/MEDIA cifs credentials=/home/fred/.creds,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 020:39
Antonisaeon-ltd, is there a way to find out what the path to the workspace switcher applet is?20:39
FredFlinstoneis supposed to be right20:39
wildfire100yes, but i cant figure out what to do KM0201 ?20:39
snake__sudipta, well,when.I.hit.the.space.key.it.comes.up.with.a.metacity.error.and.it.can't.locate."gloobus-preview".No.such.file.or.directory..20:39
KM0201wildfire100: well, when you go to your sound preferences, and you clcik the input tab... what do you see?20:39
aeon-ltdAntonis: i don't think so but there will be a folder in /usr/share with the name of the application20:40
wildfire100connecter microphone 1 KM020120:40
sudipta<snake__>  is it properly installed....if not i suggest u to reinstall it....20:40
KM0201wildfire100: can you change it?20:40
wildfire100yes to microphone 220:40
nirazioWhat are the "select-by-word" in gnome-terminal's preferences?20:40
KM0201wildfire100: well... i would try that (are you trying an internal mic, or a mic you plug in?)20:40
wildfire100or line in KM020120:40
wildfire100internal KM020120:40
FredFlinstonethen why is it broke?20:40
snake__sudipta, could.you.give.me.a.command.(i.can't.type.it.without.spaces)20:41
stiangI have just /dev/sda[1-3]. how can I create more block devices so I can mount more disks?20:41
KM0201wildfire100: well, try microphone 220:41
FredFlinstonesoemone please  why is it broke?20:41
wildfire100ok km20:41
snake__sudipta, to.uninstall20:41
Suboptimal if i delete the .wine dir20:41
Suboptimaldoes it get recreated when i install something?20:41
ZykoticK9stiang, make more partitions20:41
ActionParsnipSuboptimal: yes20:41
_march__I have upgraded PAM (and pambase) and since then I can't get it to let in LDAP users20:41
_march__can somebody help me with that?20:42
SuboptimalActionParsnip: so i dont have to reinstall wine20:42
wildfire100not working KM020120:42
ZykoticK9Suboptimal, deleting .wine will delete all your install programs FYI20:42
sudipta(snake__:use the synaptic package manger to uninstall20:42
SuboptimalZykoticK9: yes20:42
Suboptimali want to make new20:42
KM0201wildfire100: is it not working w/ a specific application, or is it not working w/ the OS, there's a difference20:42
ActionParsnipSuboptimal: no, thats only the config for the app, wine in installed outside $HOME, only the apps you install with wine are in $HOME/.wine20:42
snake__sudipta, it.can't.find.it.20:42
stiangZykoticK9: I am mounting Amazon EC2 EBS volumes, not physical disks, so there’s nothing to partition20:42
SuboptimalActionParsnip: k20:42
ZykoticK9stiang, sorry no idea how EC2 works.  best of luck.20:43
nirazioActionParsnip: What are the "select-by-word" in gnome-terminal's preferences?20:43
wildfire100i dunno, i have only tested it in skype20:43
snake__sudipta, type.in.terminal:which.gloobus-preview.(change.periods.to.spaces)20:43
drew_need help with 10.04 dual monitors20:43
drew_10.04 dual monitors?20:44
stiangbut I don’t think this is an EC2 problem, I just need more devices on the OS level20:44
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snake__sudipta, then.tell.me.the.path.that.comes.up20:44
drew_Can anyone help me with setting up 10.04 dual monitors20:44
sudiptasnake__:go to system->administration20:44
resixianis there some 'non gui' alternative for this here? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LucidUpgrades#Upgrading Using the Alternate CD/DVD20:44
ActionParsnipnirazio: not sure20:44
ActionParsnip!dualhead | drew_20:45
ubottudrew_: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama20:45
soerenbnoergaardHi, how do I add Vim as my standard editor for tex files, so that when I doubleclick a file in nautilus, it will open in Vim in a terminal window (I would prefer not using gVim)20:45
drew_Displays the same screen on both monitors now.20:45
snake__sudipta, thanks20:45
chaospsychexi'm trying to run an executable but when i click "run as a executable program" in the permissions tab, the check goes away as sooon as i click it20:46
aeon-ltdsoerenbnoergaard: right click, open with, use this for similar file types. something along those lines, but if its vim (not gvim) you'll need something like xterm -e vim; or gnome-terminal -e vim20:46
ZykoticK9chaospsychex, is the executable on either a CD or a Windows partition?20:47
chaospsychexa windows partition20:47
nirazioActionParsnip: What you mean by Hit and Ign in update??20:47
sudiptasnake__:have u uninstalled it?20:47
soerenbnoergaardaeon-ltd: Thank you, I'll try that20:47
ZykoticK9chaospsychex, you can't apply unix permission to files on windows partitions20:47
ubuntuhow do i setup openVPN client the server docs just say to copy certain files but do not give a very detailed explanation20:48
chaospsychexoh,let me copy it over and see if i can run it20:48
perohello i want to know does have ubuntu function that will automaticly goes to hibernation after suspend,like in windows 7?20:48
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peroin windows 7 you can set that after laptop is suspended after 10minutes automaticly goes to hibernation20:49
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FredFlinstoneIn this WHOLE channel right now no one knows  proper fstab ? no one can correct the page that i used?20:49
soerenbnoergaardaeon-ltd: Hmm.. Vim opens, however the file doesn't open inside it20:50
KM0201!attitude | FredFlinstone20:50
ubottuFredFlinstone: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines20:50
resixianFredFlinstone: i have no idea what your problem is, but have you checked the output of sudo mount -a ?20:51
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SpowHi guys, I'm trying to read the end of the /dev/ttyUSB0 buffer. I tried tail with no success. I'd now like to flush it (and then read), but I can't find how to flush /dev/ttyUSB0. Could someone please help me ?20:52
aeon-ltdsoerenbnoergaard: you didn't put the semicolon did you? its just 'xterm -e vim'20:52
chaospsychexis there anything better than WINE?20:52
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b2ag_FredFlinstone: "sudo mount -a = mount error(110): Connection timed out " means network connection could not be established20:53
resixianFredFlinstone: scrollign up, i would suspect you hsould be using, //PC1/<sharename> ?20:53
Rogan_Hey there everyone! I'm setting up JIRA and Confluence on a ubuntu 10.04 server. I was hoping someone might give me a hint or two for auto-starting them... init.d doesn't seem to be used like it used to, what's the 'new' way to do that?20:53
jianfeiany alternatives to Tor?20:53
soerenbnoergaardaeon-ltd: No I didn't. Should it be 'vi' or 'vim' ?20:53
ZykoticK9FredFlinstone, FYI you may run into problems with putting Windows mounts into fstab if that server is not available (might prevent bootup of Ubuntu)20:53
baggar11chaospsychex: a nice glass of single malt scotch20:53
aeon-ltdsoerenbnoergaard: your choice20:53
b2ag_FredFlinstone: "sudo mount -a = mount error(110): Connection timed out " means host could not be found ... sometihng like this20:53
peroanybody know bout hybrid sleep?20:54
soerenbnoergaardaeon-ltd: Doesn't work anyway20:54
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b2ag_FredFlinstone: "sudo mount -a = mount error(110): Connection timed out " could also mean firewalled ports20:54
baggar11chaospsychex: have you checked out "playonlinux" ?20:54
aeon-ltdsoerenbnoergaard: a open with should be --> xterm -e vim (thefilewillbeplacedhere)20:54
baggar11chaospsychex: good interface, easy setup20:54
soerenbnoergaardaeon-ltd: Oh yea, it just doesn't work with sakura terminal. Thany you for the help :)20:54
soerenbnoergaardaeon-ltd: Works fine with xterm20:55
secretary_linuxHi all, I find myself very confused by Ubuntu's transition to upstart. The documentation seems to apply mostly to the old sysvinit setup, and my 10.10 system seems to be using a combination of sysvinit and upstart. Is there any updated documentation available regarding Ubuntu's handling of services on boot?20:55
aeon-ltdsoerenbnoergaard: oh it may have different params instead of '-e'20:55
aeon-ltdsoerenbnoergaard: man pages may help20:55
soerenbnoergaardaeon-ltd: I'll check it out, thanks :)20:55
FredFlinstoneb2ag_, net IS there though20:55
Rogan_I have been at work under an hour and drunk over a liter of wine... Today is a good day.20:55
Jordan_U!boot | secretary_linux20:56
ubottusecretary_linux: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto20:56
FredFlinstoneresixian, I AM20:56
resixianFredFlinstone: 12:39 FredFlin+| /PC1/MEDIA /media/MEDIA cifs credentials=/home/fred/.creds,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 020:56
secretary_linuxJordan_U: thanks. isn't update-rc.d part of sysvinit though? is there a way to get out of this hybrid mess and switch entirely to upstart or sysvinit?20:56
chaospsychexbaggar11 ima check it out20:57
resixian^^ in this you were not, so #1 stop shouting, its RUDE #2 pastebin the WHOLE fstab at least20:57
aeon-ltdsoerenbnoergaard: you're welcome20:57
FredFlinstoneMEDIA is the sharename20:57
FredFlinstoneits full of various media20:57
chaospsychexany DOOOM players in here?20:57
resixianFredFlinstone: use two forward slashes20:57
resixianFredFlinstone: //PC1/MEDIA20:57
FredFlinstonei am using two //20:57
resixiannot in what you pasted previously...20:58
FredFlinstonei took one off andf it said invalid20:58
Rogan_pbDoom count? :P20:58
SpowI'm trying to read the end of the /dev/ttyUSB0 buffer. I tried tail with no success. I'd now like to flush it (and then read), but I can't find how to flush /dev/ttyUSB0. Could someone please help me ?20:58
chaospsychexRogan you got a source port running on ubuntu?20:58
peroanybody know how to automatically from Suspend into Hibernate?20:58
FredFlinstonewhat about iochar is that right for win?20:58
FredFlinstonewhat is file mode 0777?20:59
resixianFredFlinstone: can you do, smbclient -L //PC1 -U <your user>20:59
ZykoticK9FredFlinstone, 0777 = full permissions20:59
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chaospsychexanyone know any good source-ports(doom) that will run good on linux?20:59
Guest16980hello everybody mind giving me a hand here i got some problems wyth ubuntu 10.10 effects21:00
Rogan_chaospsychex: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doom_source_port#PrBoom21:00
aboodhow i install mac app on ubuntu21:00
Rogan_I've had that running on the worst linux you can imagine, it should do the trick for you21:00
ZykoticK9abood, you don't21:00
Guest16980it just that my ubuntu for some reasone isnt detectyng any graphic drivers and for that i have no effects21:01
Rogan_Sweet original doom, with an amp up on a few graphics21:01
FredFlinstonewaiting ...21:01
chaospsychexRogan what about a map editor? is there a way to get doom builder to work on ubuntu?21:01
ZykoticK9Guest16980, what graphics card?  "lspci | grep -i vga" if you aren't sure.21:01
KM0201Guest16980: no effects? i'd consider thata blessing... :)... what graphics device do you have?21:01
resixianFredFlinstone: smbclient -L failed?21:02
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Rogan_Ooo, not sure I've never tried. Ther definately should be something out there, there are a ton of linux doom lovers. Good luck on your hunt. I must drink and set up servers allllll dayyy :D21:02
FredFlinstoneyeah even tho i ahve PC1 seeing my shares FROM ubuntu21:02
Guest16980its a VGA compatible21:02
FredFlinstonemakes no sense21:02
aboodhow i change empathy mice  setting ?21:02
resixianFredFlinstone: if smbclient -L fails, then you'll never be able to mount shares.21:03
KM0201Guest16980: is it Intel, ATI or Nvidia (or heaven help you, something else)21:03
resixianFredFlinstone: as an aside, it would help putting nick's in your responses21:03
resixianFredFlinstone: try aptitude install smbfs21:03
FredFlinstone (Error NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL)21:03
resixianFredFlinstone: did it ever ask you for a password?21:03
Rogan_chaospsychex: You could try this http://www.teaser.fr/~amajorel/yadex/ I just looked it up, needs to be compiled from source, but should be worth it21:03
aboodhow i change empathy mic setting ?21:03
FredFlinstoneresixian, i know that it is installed, but ok21:04
ZykoticK9FredFlinstone, can you mount the shares from command line?  if not don't bother trying to put them in fstab.21:04
fleshpikehello, sometimes the option to connect to internet disappears and to reappear i have to turn off the switch from power supply, does anyone knows something about it?21:04
resixianFredFlinstone: thats ok, just checking21:04
resixianFredFlinstone: there is a difference between cifs, and smbfs and i just had a problem with a 9.x install that did not have smbfs21:04
FredFlinstoneZykoticK9, how woudl i do that?21:04
ZykoticK9FredFlinstone, "sudo mount ...."21:05
Guest16980ot ask if i am root what now?21:05
resixianFredFlinstone: you do it just the same as with fstab, but instead use 'sudo mount -o <options> -t cifs //PC1/MEDIA <path to share>'21:05
Guest16980hey my ubuntu asks if i am root what now?21:06
KM0201Guest16980: is it asking for a password?21:06
aiucathow can i install the pkg that lets me run 'acpi -t' in ubuntu 9?21:06
Guest16980now its asking if i am the administrator21:06
fleshpikemay the power supply switch "confuse" motherboard?21:06
KM0201Guest16980: helping you is nearly impossible...21:06
aboodemesene can make  call21:07
Rogan_OK. Dumb question, how to I check if Apache Tomcat is even running? I don't think it's auto starting.21:07
vcarneyunable to open Network Manager on hp laptop with Ubuntu 10.10. How do i connect to wifi without it?21:07
BlackBoxSexy Porkypine !21:07
KM0201vcarney: you can't open it at all, or it just doesn't show yoru wireless device as working21:07
wilhartdoes anyone have soundblaster x-fi?21:07
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX21:07
Guest16980aw dude mi terminal got filled wyth "y"21:08
ZykoticK9Rogan_, "ps aux" should show everything that's running (there must be an easier way to find out though)21:08
vcarneyKM0201: i go to preferences -> network manager and then the window doesn't even open21:08
fleshpikewilhart : tell us your problem21:08
Rogan_ZykoticK9: Cool, that'll do for now thanks :) Thought there would be a test page/port somewhere but I'll find that out later21:09
KM0201vcarney: that is strange, are you on the live cd21:09
shawnboyHow do I get Android adb running? I followed instructions, but can't seem to get it running.21:09
Jordan_U!ot | BlackBox21:09
wilhartfleshpike, i would like soundblaster x-fi xtreme audio drivers21:09
ubottuBlackBox: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:09
nirazioDoes anybody know an alternative MS Terminal Server for Ubuntu (Debian) which can be used for connection of Windows thin clients ? It is a big advantage if there are no limitation for a number of connected thin clients.21:09
vcarneyKM0201: no, i'm on 10.10 dual booted.21:09
zelerhello ! i'm trying to uninstall exim and it forces me to install postix ! can i avoid that ?21:09
ZykoticK9Rogan_, try opening in a browser and you should see "it works" or similar21:09
Dazza71hi guys been told i can use something called virtualbox so i can use windows programs on unbuntu is this right ?21:09
fleshpikewilhart : isn t it working?21:09
wilhartfleshpike, i cant' get into sound -> preferences21:09
FredFlinstoneMOUNT FAILED syntax stuff , well i cant figure that out, if someone can , i have to go to the washroom can you msg me21:09
wish^For some reason i cant enable the visual effects in ubuntu, anyone able to help?21:09
vcarneyKM0201: i just upgraded from 10.04 since my intel integrated graphics didn't work21:09
shawnboyDazza71: one option21:10
ZykoticK9Dazza71, vbox allows you to install windows inside ubuntu - not just programs21:10
wilhartfleshpike, it's working yes but can't enter sound setup21:10
ZykoticK9Dazza71, wine for just programs21:10
KM0201vcarney: i don't see "network manager" in the preferences menu.21:10
wilhartfleshpike, it just says Waiting for sound system to respond21:10
guntbertDazza71: with virtualbox you can run windows (or many other OSes) in a virtual machine21:10
KM0201are you using network connections?21:10
Dazza71i see but cant get the programs to work with wine21:10
vcarneyKM0201: maybe it was administration ->21:10
ZykoticK9KM0201, i think vcarney is using an old version perhaps21:10
KM0201vcarney: thats network tools21:10
Rogan_:) Well, dispite it not being running, I'm pleased, because it means my other scripts probably were working21:10
KM0201ZykoticK9: well, he says he's using 10.10.21:11
fleshpikewilhart : does your board have a internal sound chip?21:11
shawnboyCan someone help me get Android SDK (and adb) running?21:11
KM0201thats why i'm trying to clarify21:11
wilhartfleshpike, it's internal yep21:11
wilhartfleshpike, how do i check that? btw.21:11
ZykoticK9KM0201, then he's mistaken - as i too don't have any Network Manager21:11
vcarneyKM0201: yes i'm on 10.1021:11
KM0201ZykoticK9: i as gonna get to that, i was just going to make him embrace the horror21:11
zeleranyone can help ?  i'm trying to uninstall exim and it forces me to install postix ! can i avoid that ? like an apt-get -ignore something ?21:11
lulat-get ignore user21:12
Dazza71so how does vbox help ?21:12
Guest16980dudes listen ive bein wyth this problem for a few weeks now ok:i have downloaded nvidia drivers and i have reinatlled compiz and i have checked my life driver and it till doesnt add up anythought/21:12
fleshpikewilhart : some motherboards have its own sound system. you can see that at motherboard specification or in the bios21:12
EntelinI'm trying to chroot /mnt/sda3 /bin/bash  and I get  "chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory"   however /bin/bash is there, it works fine.  any ideas?21:12
Entelini'm doing this from the ubuntu live cd21:12
vcarneyKM0201: there is a preference related to network which doesn't open for me. it should allow me to select/configure my wireless connection, but the window doesn't even open21:12
wilhartfleshpike, no i disabled that in bios, i jsut have soundblatser x-fi xtreme audio now21:12
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wilhartfleshpike, soundcard21:12
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vcarneyi have brought up wlan0 with iwlist and connected to a guest essid21:13
wilhartfleshpike, wondering why i can get into system -> preference -> sound21:13
fleshpikewilhart : sorry wilhart dont have more ideas21:13
ActionParsnipEntelin: did you mount proc too?21:13
wilhartfleshpike, what was that manually sound settings?21:13
wilhartfleshpike, gstream-properties or something21:13
guntbertGuest16980: we could read your question better if you just typed plain english21:13
vcarneyKM0201:  i have brought up wlan0 with iwlist and connected to a guest essid21:13
KM0201vcarney: so your wireless is working21:13
fleshpikewilhart : lol, you know more than me21:14
EntelinActionParsnip, proc is mounted automatically on the live cd21:14
vcarneyKM0201: no, i connected to a guest connection. i'm unable to update repositories21:14
Guest16980sory its just that im loosyng my english as i  live out of te us ok21:14
ActionParsnipEntelin: yes, but not in the chroot, so you need to mount it21:14
vcarneyKM0201: dns doesn't resolve.21:14
KM0201vcarney: ok, you're either connected to a wireless network, or your not.21:14
JemtUbuntu supports multiple keyboard layouts. When enabled, I get a fancy keyboard switcher in my top panel. Is it possible to add keyboards though a console? I need to add multiple languages on many computers21:14
Entelinok ill try that21:14
Guest16980i am dude21:14
SpowAnyone knows how to flush /dev/ttyUSB0 please ?21:14
fleshpikewilhart : what s yor ubuntu version?21:14
ActionParsnipEntelin: http://karuppuswamy.com/wordpress/2010/06/02/how-to-chroot-to-ubuntu-using-live-cd-to-fix-grub-rescue-prompt/21:15
lamikHow can i add aplication to menu in unity?21:15
nirazioDoes anybody know an alternative MS Terminal Server for Ubuntu which can be used for connection of Windows thin clients ? It is a big advantage if there are no limitation for a number of connected thin clients.21:15
Guest16980and its in the AGNOME session21:15
Guest16980sory i mean GNOME21:15
tolisHello, i have just updated to 10.10 and after a restart i get grub rescue screen... Anyone tha can help me??21:15
fleshpikewilhart : you asked for drivers. have you tryed creative site?21:16
Jordan_Utolis: Do you have more than one hard drive?21:16
KM0201tolis: what did you update to 10.10 from?21:16
Guest16980no i havent [explain]21:16
tolisKM0201: fron 10.0421:16
nirazioDoes anybody know an alternative MS Terminal Server for Ubuntu which can be used for connection of Windows thin clients ? It is a big advantage if there are no limitation for a number of connected thin clients.21:16
Dazza71what is best option if i need to access windows programs but cant use them with wine as they fail to open or crash ?21:16
tolisJordan_U: yes i have 2 drives21:16
tolisJordan_U: but i have a grub partition21:17
chaospsychexwhat is the difference between terminal and console21:17
ActionParsnipDazza71: there is no sigle best option for ANYTHING21:17
guntbertDazza71: install windows in a virtual machine21:17
webroastershi guys. i can't seem to uninstall "bandwidthd" and I've scowered the interwebs for help, nothing works.21:17
Dazza71and in vmachine can i then open the programs safely ?21:17
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FredFlinstoneresixian, nautilus nwetwork browse fails too - failed to retrieve share list ..21:18
ActionParsnipDazza71: you can use a virtualbox and use the app seamlessly if you want. You will need and be running a full WIndows OS (you'll need valid licence and install media) as well as Ubuntu so is a lot of bloat21:18
ZykoticK9Dazza71, your "best" option is to find linux alternatives to your windows programs :p21:18
guntbertDazza71: you will be running a standard windows in there21:18
ActionParsnipDazza71: sure its safe21:18
radiany solution for this bug ?21:18
webroastersi can't seem to uninstall "bandwidthd" and I've scowered the interwebs for help, nothing works.21:18
raditried all suggestions from launchpad21:18
Jordan_Utolis: When you say you have a grub partition, do you mean that you have a separate partition for grub's files (which is fine) or that you installed grub's boot sector to a partition (which doesn't make much sense and can cause things to break)?21:19
ActionParsnipDazza71: what does you incompatible app do?21:19
inphernalHey, can anyone help me out with a partitioning problem I'm having?21:19
Dazza71but i guess then i would have to re-install the software in the virtualbox ?21:19
ActionParsnipDazza71: is this some itunes nonesense?21:19
tolisJordan_U: sry i mean boot partition21:19
Dazza71they crash a lot21:19
KM0201lol, itunes nonsense21:19
Dazza71no office programs and msmoney21:19
wilhartsoo what's up with gnome 3 ?21:19
ActionParsnipDazza71: its windows so will only crash like it does in windows21:19
resixianFredFlinstone: it seems like there is a permission issue from the windows box21:19
wilhartis it awailable ?21:19
ActionParsnipDazza71: have you considered gnucash?21:19
ActionParsnipwilhart: there is a ppa for it21:20
ZykoticK9wilhart, gnome-shell (side not, looks like it's being removed from upcoming 11.04)21:20
KM0201wilhart: scheduled release date ist he year 2030, but that could be pushed back.21:20
webroasterscan someone help me about bandwidthd21:20
FredFlinstoneresixian, 3 win boxes they all like each other, and ubuntu 10.04 did too21:20
wilhartActionParsnip, soo, how stable is it?21:20
webroastersi can't seem to uninstall "bandwidthd"21:20
Dazza71i could find alternative money prog but i use databases at work and they only use access and nothing seems to work with them files21:20
ActionParsnipDazza71: seems like a LOT of OTT for Office when you have openoffice, you cold even grab crossover office or cedega if you want to pay cash for a solution, they will make them run a little better21:20
resixianFredFlinstone: so this is a new problem after upgrading?21:20
ActionParsnipwilhart: no idea, i dont use gnome21:21
KM0201webroasters: how did you install it?21:21
webroastersi downloaded a deb file21:21
FredFlinstoneresixian, so, they are already set ok, its the ubuntu, its a clean install, upgrade ruinded stuff21:21
shawnboyanyone running android sdk successfully?21:21
KM0201webroasters: well, sudo apt-get remove packagename21:21
webroastersi tried that21:21
Jordan_Utolis: Try changing the boot order in the BIOS, if that doesn't work then please run boot info script as explained here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and pastebin the RESULTS.txt.21:21
radianyone ?21:21
KM0201webroasters: and..?21:21
webroastersit comes back with errors and I've looked online and I ahven't been able to find a fix21:21
ZykoticK9wilhart, gnome-shell is a long way from being feature complete (when compared to gnome)21:21
ActionParsnipwilhart: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/11/install-vanilla-gnome-3-in-maverick/21:21
inphernalCan anyone help me with a partitioning issue I'm having? I'm trying to merge unallocated space to make a /home partition but there's a hidden partition (Win7, I'm assuming) in between the two and I can't figure out how to move it21:21
FredFlinstoneresixian, i am VERY sorry that i did vmware first, or i would  have already toasted this , yet again21:22
Dazza71is they any program that can open access database files then ?21:22
Dazza71there *21:22
shawnboyinphernal: do you have room to move it?21:22
wilhartActionParsnip, if it doesnt work can i fallback install ?21:22
FredFlinstonenext installl, shares first :)21:22
tolisJordan_U: ok thanks21:22
Jordan_Utolis: You're welcome.21:23
wilhartActionParsnip, or does it add in gdm gnome3 ?21:23
KM0201wilhart: This isn’t an upgrade than can be easily reversed either so be aware of what this entails before attempting.     right from the webpage21:23
Chaos2358how risky is it to set up a dual boot?21:23
ActionParsnipwilhart: i guess you could drop to livecd or root recovery mode, remove the ppa and install gnome21:23
FredFlinstonea fellow who is new shouldnt always be formatting to solve stuff, so i HAVE to bug you guys, so please bear with me21:23
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ThatBumChaos2358: not too bad, i set mine up with little difficulty21:23
rizoi am using xchat and i dont see the timestamp... and i cant fint the option to enable it... any idea?21:23
Chaos2358meaning i already have ubuntu 10.10 and want to set up xp as dual boot21:23
KM0201Chaos2358: if you pay attention, it's fairly safe...21:24
inphernalYeah I have  |sda1(1.4GB)|sda2(140GB)|UNALLOCATED(80GB)|sda3(9.6GB)hidden|UNALLOCATED(232GB)21:24
FredFlinstoneresixian, nautilus nwetwork browse fails too - failed to retrieve share list - can we find out why?21:24
KM0201Chaos2358: how is ubuntu installed now?.. as the sole OS on the machine?21:24
s5sHey guys I have a problem sending mail through (al)pine. I can read mail and I pretty much know what the problem is with sending but don't know how to fix it. Can anyone who's using pine through IMAP help?21:24
webroastersis there a way to find this package physically and delete it???21:24
Chaos2358KM0201, yes it is21:24
inphernalI want to move it into that 80GB unallocated space and combine the rest of the free space for a /home partition21:24
wilhartKM0201, how stable is this gnome3?21:24
ActionParsnipDazza71: sounds like you may need office if you use MS Access, if you are doing proper database work I suggest you use SQL21:24
p47I need to make a udisk downgrade but "Force version" seems dont function ! help !21:25
ThatBumChaos2358: on my box, i have xp and ubuntu on a dual boot, each with their own separate 160GB drive, and a 320GB drive for /home for linux21:25
KM0201wilhart: i have no idea, i don't use it.. i just copy/pasted that off the webpage21:25
Dazza71can sql be used on unbuntu then ?21:25
s5sChaos2358: It is not risky at all. There is no risk whatsoever. However, I find it much more convenient to use a single boot maching + Vbox for windows.21:25
p47I need to make a udisk downgrade but "Force version" seems doesn't work! help !21:25
KM0201Chaos2358: well, when you install XP, it's going to overwrite grub, so you'll need to be prepared to reinstall that, but other than that, not to bad21:25
radiis there a patch or fix for this bug ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/642421?comments=all21:25
radiofficial one21:25
ThatBumChaos2358: just install windows first and ubuntu seconds, or windows will eat your master boot record and you won't be able to boot ubuntu21:25
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Dazza71i like unbuntu and if i can get programs to do the same job as office then wud stay with them21:25
MrKeunerbodybrowser.googlelabs.com crashes X or GDM I am not sure, is this a chrome problem or an X problem21:26
ActionParsnipDazza71: sure, its a standardized ting. If you want to use MS Access you will more than likely need a virtualbox21:26
KM0201s5s: well that's pretty much irrelevant, cuz it didn't tend to his question, maybe his pc isn't powerful enough to run 2 OS's, or maybe he wants to play games?21:26
dyllanif facebook offline for anyone else?21:26
BlackBoxUbuntu is the only linux distro which has worked out the box for me. as to say.21:26
inphernalPartition help, anyone?21:26
radiam i talking to a wall or something -.-21:26
KM0201inphernal: just ask.21:27
BlackBoxradi: why21:27
Dazza71i have the xp disk and cud install vbox but then i guess i wud have to re-install office again then ?21:27
Chaos2358ThatBum,  KM0201 ok would it be possible to set it up so that both window and ubuntu can access my media? as in pics vids music documents? I would like to lets say partition as so 10gig for xp, 10 gig for ubuntu, and the remaining 300 gig as shared. is that possible?21:27
may_nullHi I want to connect internet using iwconfig and dhclient but how can I set WPA password key ?21:27
inphernalI have been21:27
ActionParsnipDazza71: yes, it'll need installing in the virtualbox too21:27
radiBlackBox,  radi> is there a patch or fix for this bug ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/642421?comments=all21:27
jef91Anyone help me get flash working in Firefox? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=164681221:27
KM0201Chaos2358: yes...Ubuntu should be able to read your NTFS partition out of the box... so if you keep your multimedia crap on your windows partition, you should be able to use it no prob w/ Ubuntu21:28
chaospsychexwhy won't a installed program run when i click on it21:28
radijef91, just go to adobe web site and download i t21:28
FredFlinstonepart of samba MUST be missing, i go in synaptic, and it looks like hundreds of samba things missing, ANYONE?21:28
inphernalI have |sda1(1.4GB)|sda2(140GB)|UNALLOCATED(80GB)|sda3(9.6GB)hidden|UNALLOCATED(232GB)21:28
chaospsychexi used apt-get to install a program21:28
radior use chrome21:28
chaospsychexdidn't get any errossa21:28
Dazza71and i am sure someone said it wud be safe and virus free using vbox on unbuntu to access windows programs ?21:28
inphernalThe allocated ones are Win7 partitions21:28
jef91radi - read that thread21:28
ActionParsnipinphernal: gparted should do all that for you, just be sure the partitions you want to manipulate aren't mounted21:28
p47I need to downgrade udisk with synaptic but "Force version" function seems to doesn't work ! any help ?21:28
chaospsychexbut when i click on the program in wont open21:28
Chaos2358KM0201,  so ubuntu reads through the partition as standard?21:28
ThatBumChaos2358: you have to make a separate partition that can be read by both linux and windows...e.g. not ext4 or other unix filesystems21:28
inphernalI can't launch gparted21:28
webroastersthx guys21:28
KM0201Chaos2358: yes...21:28
demonsporkon Ubuntu I am running into an issue with disk IO crippling the system. In Windows 7 on this same machine, I can move massive files without it affecting performance of desktop activities like internet browsing. Right now I am moving some large directories and it is causing other parts to react slowly, like web browsing and switching to different windows.21:28
ActionParsnipFredFlinstone: no, you can use samba on desktop21:29
jribFredFlinstone: no...21:29
BlackBoxradi: i had the same problem just reinstalled and it worked21:29
inphernalI can launch KDEped though21:29
radijef91, did that already and tried all solutions21:29
ActionParsnipinphernal: then run:   sudo apt-get --reinstall install gparted21:29
radiBlackBox, well, i dont want to reinstall21:29
ActionParsnipinphernal: or if you use kde, kparted21:29
Mr18Hello, I just installed Ubuntu. However, I am not getting internet.21:29
wilhartanyone using that gnome 3 ?21:29
FredFlinstoneActionParsnip,  well this version dont like me, why are so many thigs not install when i search samba in synaptic?21:29
Chaos2358ThatBum, what do you mean?21:29
BlackBoxMr18: over wireless21:30
FredFlinstonean what is samba 4 do i want that?21:30
Mr18BlackBox, Yes.21:30
joshmclvl1Mr18: you are using a laptop, yes? can you use the internet over ethernet cable?21:30
BlackBoxMr18: If you can connect by ethernet and then install all updates21:30
Mr18joshmclvl1, No, currently I am using a laptop.21:30
FredFlinstoneshoudl i install everything with the word samba in it?21:30
ThatBumChaos2358: you can have all your stuff of the windows partition and just set that drive to automount when you start ubuntu, and then make a link to it, but that's kind of a meh solution21:30
inphernalActionParsnip: Didn't work:  I have |sda1(1.4GB)|sda2(140GB)|UNALLOCATED(80GB)|sda3(9.6GB)hidden|UNALLOCATED(232GB)21:30
BlackBoxMr18: should work after21:30
inphernalSorry, E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)21:30
Mr18but the machine that has it is a desktop.21:30
ThatBumChaos2358: make a third partition with no os on it, just stuff, and both os's can share it21:31
inphernalI am running Live USB if that makes a difference21:31
boyglickim so glad that 5 months ago i setup ubuntu as my mom's main computer21:31
BlackBoxMr18: connect via ethernet then install updates then the wireless should work fine.21:31
boyglicki no longer have to fix viruses, and trojans, and things breaking21:31
joshmclvl1Mr18: if you connect by ethernet, you can probably dl the drivers for your wireless card (through system / administration / additional drivers)21:31
Mr18BlackBox, I know21:31
boyglickfor people that arnt computer savvy ubuntu is definately better then windows21:31
elias79is this the general ubuntu chat ?21:31
Mr18but the case is extremely heavy.21:31
BlackBoxMr18: something to do with the old kernel not working with certain wireless chipsets21:31
ActionParsnipboyglick: same with my grandad, just has a big firefox (yuk) icon on the desktop next to amsn and he's away :)21:32
guntbertboyglick: nice, but please express you happiness in #ubuntu-offtopic -- this here is the support channel21:32
Mr18BlackBox, I am sure that this PCI is new.21:32
ActionParsnipelias79: this is support only, #ubuntu-offtopic for everything else21:32
BlackBoxMr18: Is it ralink21:32
peroanyone know some good keybinding program?21:32
BlackBoxMr18: model number21:32
aeon-ltdboyglick: except people who use proprietry hardware; damn there should be a venn diagram for this21:32
Mr18BlackBox, ASUS PCE-N1321:32
inphernalGparted still won't start21:32
inphernalKDEped did though21:33
boyglickyeah this was like a 300 dollar pc from frys21:33
inphernalShows sda3 - unknown - 9GB - hidden21:33
inphernalThat's my Win7 recovery partition21:33
inphernalI highlight it and move/resize isn't even an option21:34
aeon-ltdboyglick: i didn't mean internal hardware, i meant hardware like iPods etc21:34
BlackBoxMr18:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=147135321:34
boyglickaeon-ltd, oh, yeah, although, my ipod works fine with 'buntu21:34
Mr18BlackBox, Thank you.21:35
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Mr18BlackBox, I do not see the wireless network at all.21:35
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Mr18It seems the Ralink card is not functioning at all.21:35
jkghi hi. to try debug an issue I'm having with a Xen domU running Lucid, I've been advised to disable irqbalance. 'service irqbalance stop' doesn't seem to cut it ('stop: Unknown instance:'), where should I be looking?21:35
jkgI'm happy to disable it somewhere and reboot, if required21:35
perohow to instal google earth on ubuntu 10.10?21:36
ignitedcodingHey.. trying to install photoshop cs2 on Ubuntu with WINE. However, after I stick the cd in the drive ubuntu refuses to let wine run it because the setup.exe needs to first be given executable (+x) permissions. It's a cd, I can't modify that. Do I have to copy the entire cd to the hard drive and install it from there?21:36
BlackBoxMr18: Can you see your wireless card under system specs21:36
Mr18BlackBox, How?21:36
=== alex____ is now known as wish^
TyphIs there any way to automatically map users to other users when using ssh?21:36
Dazza71final question guys virtual box on unbuntu is it safe to use any windows based programs without fear of getting viruses21:36
TyphI hate forgetting to type user@server21:36
mhahegood evening. after running top in CLI and reading the VM content there are two values that are confussing me.. it says my vsize is 140G and then next to that there is framework vsize, which is 1G. whats the difference between the two?21:37
Typhand while I'm at it, what is "nomodeset" and why is it the answer to everything21:37
wish^I have a problem, for some reason i can slide my mouse out of my laptops screen as if i have 2 screens.. and the desktop simply scrolls to a blank area with nothing21:37
crack05Hi All , can I make backup21:37
jkgpero: you'll want to set up the medibuntu repository (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu) then it should just be sudo aptitude install googleearth21:37
crack05I had lost my graphic interface , I wana do backup21:37
inphernalHow do I move my WIN7 recovery partition?21:37
guntbertTyph: for (1): create a shell script myssh....21:38
BlackBoxMr18: i have no idea just looking now21:38
wish^I have a problem, for some reason i can slide my mouse out of my laptops screen as if i have 2 screens.. and the desktop simply scrolls to a blank area with nothing21:38
guntbert!repeat | wish^21:38
ubottuwish^: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:38
wish^sorry :(21:39
* ignitedcoding shakes head a wish^ 21:39
irieKENHowdy folks. Anyone know of why my laptop is still beeping at startup and shutdown, even though I've disabled both the pcspkr and snd_pcsp modules? (not POST beeps, btw);) I've been digging all over google and the forums, but haven't come up with anything that works.21:39
irieKENwish^: I've seen that happen when your x resolution is set to something higher than your display can support; you'll get "panning".21:40
wish^yes irieKEN that is the problem, do you think it might be adjustable in the nvidia x server settings?21:41
irieKENwish^: It probably is. Was it ever working properly?21:41
BlackBoxMrhttp://embraceubuntu.com/2007/02/18/find-hardware-specs-details-on-your-computer/18:     Then look for Network and wireless21:42
radijust use lspci -.-21:43
FredFlinstoneANYONE shoudl i install everything with the word samba in it? an what is samba 4 do i want that?21:43
FredFlinstonegotta be a way to wake it up21:44
* jkg answers his own irqbalance question, doh, that was actually pretty straightforward :)21:44
radidid you tried samba's web site ? :P21:44
irieKENwish^: Ignoring my response/inquest for further information?21:44
ActionParsnipFredFlinstone: just install samba, thats all you need21:45
jef91I have libflashplayer.so in my ~/.mozilla/plugins folder and firefox still doesn't see any plugins... Anyone have any idea what else I need to do for flash to work?21:45
FredFlinstonea friend has come over with win 7b lappie, it connected to everything ok21:45
crack05I had lost my graphic interface , I wana do backup21:45
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FredFlinstoneits the ubuntu bozx, but what exactly, and how can i fidn out?21:46
o2simo20hi all21:48
o2simo20need a little help21:48
coolmanquelqu'un parle francais?21:48
o2simo20runnin ubuntu 10.10 atm, and have a issue with the 'stock' emerald21:49
rwwcoolman: English here. #ubuntu-fr for French.21:49
coolmanthank you21:49
o2simo20not emerald, but the one that is standard21:49
o2simo20whats the name of it, is it a 'window manager'21:50
aeon-ltdo2simo20: metacity comes with gnome21:50
KM0201wow, rock on netsplit21:50
rwwo2simo20: compiz?21:51
o2simo20yeah im runnin compiz21:51
o2simo20but the 'module' that renders the 'skin' of the os21:51
o2simo20like the open, close, maximise etc21:51
Godfather_im trying to install libapache2-mod-php5, but when i load a .php i my browser automatically download it, any ideas? do i have to modify anything in httpd.conf ?21:52
o2simo20isn't loading when i start up, i have to select System>Preferences>Appearance for all the decorations to load21:52
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resixiano2simo20: you mean for any decorations or just the ones you like?21:52
o2simo20just the 'new wave' one that i use21:53
o2simo20it has stopt loadin when i start up21:53
o2simo20i just get basic colours, until i click the appearance options, and then it sorts itself out21:53
exaHi! Is there a way to see all windows in irssi? =(21:53
itaylor57exa: how do you mean?21:54
NitrodistI have a broken wubi grub and I'm a bit lost as to how to boot back into ubuntu to get it back. I'm running 10.04.21:55
exa@itaylor57: I want to see all windows like NickServ, Channels etc. in a sidebar, is that posible?  I'm new to irssi ;)21:55
MichealHexa: You could ask in #irssi ?21:56
Winston_WolfHow the hell can I connect to forestnetẞ21:58
Godfather_im trying to install libapache2-mod-php5, but when i load a .php i my browser automatically download it, any ideas? do i have to modify anything in httpd.conf ?21:59
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quentusrexGodfather_, close your browser completely.21:59
quentusrexall windows.21:59
NitrodistI have a broken wubi grub and I'm a bit lost as to how to boot back into ubuntu to get it back. I'm running 10.04 and I have a "grub>" prompt and access to the C: drive of my windows from the prompt.21:59
quentusrexGodfather_, also, google the issue. There are many posts talking about how to fix that problem.21:59
area51pilotGodfather: use synaptic or apt-get install +file name+21:59
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Godfather_quentusrex, i google it, and i have php5 installed21:59
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Humbleguys whats the channel for backtrack ?22:00
crickjGodfather_: restart apache (sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart)22:00
rwwHumble: #backtrack-linux22:00
Humblerww thanks alot22:00
Nitrodistcrickj, wouldn't that be /etc/init.d/httpd restart ?22:00
Godfather_crickj, i did that22:00
Godfather_Nitrodist, nope22:01
* crack05 is away (Gone)22:01
=== crack05 is now known as CRACK05
quentusrexGodfather_, have you closed your browser completely?22:01
rwwubottu: tell CRACK05 about away22:01
ubottuError: I haven't seen CRACK05, I'll let you do the telling.22:01
ubottuCRACK05, please see my private message22:01
zroyschhow long is it supposed to take ubuntuone to synchronize my files? its been sitting here saying "synchronization in progress" for at least the last hour. 0%22:01
crickjGodfather_: also check the apache config files22:01
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quentusrexyour browser caches the webpages it gets, and most of the time a simple reboot of the apache service after the install of the package fixes it. But your browser will make it seem still broken if you have not completely closed the browser.22:02
Godfather_crickj, i didnt see anything about php in apache2.conf22:03
w4rdanyone know a way I can limit concurrent http connections to a given host?22:04
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nikhatzihello people... do you know any webcam with embedded mic which works fine with ubuntu? (i want the mic to work too)22:04
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aertyui got a small question ?22:04
erUSULw4rd: probably the http daemon you use can be configured for max allowed connections? or maybe some iptables ( ratelimit ? )22:05
crickjGodfather: php5 install via the package manager should add configuration for you22:05
crickjGodfather_:  https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/php5.html might help22:06
Godfather_crickj, http://pastebin.com/ZF5CqsCd22:06
w4rderUSUL: i don't have control over the endpoint, it's a third-party web service that only allows 5 concurrent connections - i need some way to limit to 5 from my end22:06
Godfather_crickj, php5 is already installed22:06
Godfather_crickj, i have already installed those packages..22:07
aertyui got 2 remote host, from a localhost i do a scp file1 from Remote host1 to remote host2 over an ssh connection from localhost if turn my localhost pc it will still continue to copy or not ?22:07
JemtHow can I disable access to floppy, cd-rom, network (LAN & WiFi) and USB storage? Is it possible to remove the user from certain groups ?22:07
erUSULw4rd: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/18722:07
aertyui got 2 remote host, from a localhost IF i do a scp file1 from Remote host1 to remote host2 over an ssh connection from localhost if turn my localhost pc it will still continue to copy or not ?22:07
crickjGodfather_: you might find php mod in the mods-available dir - you need to symlink it to the mods-enables dir22:07
zroyschhow long is it supposed to take ubuntu one to synchronize my files? its been sitting here saying "synchronization in progress" for at least the last hour. 0%22:07
aertyui got 2 remote host, from a localhost IF i do a scp file1 from Remote host1 to remote host2 over an ssh connection from localhost if i turn  OFF my localhost pc it will still continue to copy or not ?22:07
w4rderUSUL: i need to limit outbound connections though22:08
itaylor57!repeat | aertyu22:08
ubottuaertyu: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:08
erUSULJemt: maybe if you remove them from plugdev floppy you are half there. then use /etc/network/interfaces instead of network manager to configure network?22:08
aertyu! itaylor57 don't be like a bot22:08
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:08
JemterUSUL: That might work, thank you :)22:08
Godfather_crickj, http://pastebin.com/vjPxGPkA22:09
erUSULw4rd: /join #netfilter ?22:09
zroyschhow long is it supposed to take ubuntu one to synchronize my files? its been sitting here saying "synchronization in progress" for at least the last hour. 0%22:09
rwwaertyu: itaylor57 and ubottu's advice to you was valid. I recommend following it.22:09
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itaylor57ty rww :)22:09
derick_is it possible with network-manager to connect on boot like wicd?22:09
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Godfather_crickj, as you see i have nothing in mods-available.22:09
=== Guest7497 is now known as derickxx
derickxxis it possible with network-manager to connect on boot like wicd?22:10
aertyuplease read what i written, i m not spamming and on the last sentence there more vocabulary than the rest22:10
aertyure read22:10
KM0201derickxx: you mean like for network manager to auto connect to a wireless network?22:10
derickxxKM0201, yes22:10
KM0201derickxx: well of course it is.22:10
derickxxKM0201, while booting22:10
rwwaertyu: Perhaps you should correct yourself before sending three almost-identical questions in less than a minute, then.22:10
KM0201derickxx: well, all i know is when i sign on, i'm online... i don't have to enter passwords, etc.22:11
aertyudo you understand my questioN ? rww22:11
Nitrodistcrickj, wouldn't that be /etc/init.d/httpd restart ?22:11
derickxxKM0201, and before login?22:11
KM0201derickxx: i dunno about before.. i never tried to get online before login22:11
crickjNitrodist: not on my machine22:11
Godfather_crickj, any ideas?22:12
Godfather_Nitrodist, in my machine is also /etc/init.d/apache2 restart22:12
crickjGodfather_: i've never had a problem when installing php5 libapache2-mod-php5 packages22:12
rwwaertyu: yes22:12
NitrodistGodfather_, word.22:12
wilhartwhat's the point with gnome3???22:12
wilhartno x-screen NO compiz NO nothing?22:13
aertyuif yes what is it possible ? rww22:13
crickjGodfather_: there is a generic LAMP package somewhere that installs and configures apache + php for you - try searching the repos for that22:13
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)22:13
KM0201wilhart: well, no compiz... thats a bonus if you ask me.. but you have to remember, it is still beta.22:13
rwwwilhart: Try asking in #ubuntu-offtopic. Ubuntu isn't shipping GNOME 3 yet, so it's offtopic for this channel.22:13
Godfather_Nitrodist, word?22:13
erUSULcrickj: Godfather_ sudo tasksel install lamp-server22:13
NitrodistGodfather_, the word is the bird.22:13
rwwaertyu: I'm not sure, but I'd guess not. I don't generally give answers if I don't know, hence me not doing so.22:13
KM0201wilhart: or maybe ask in #gnome ?22:13
wilhartinstallled it tried and blah22:13
zroyschhow long is it supposed to take ubuntu one to synchronize my files? its been sitting here saying "synchronization in progress" for at least the last hour. 0%22:14
aertyuok an other question22:14
KM0201wilhart: well, i like gnome 2.32  it's simplicity is a good halfway between simple, easy to use, while not being to heavy.22:14
Godfather_erUSUL, and now?22:14
kholbySo, I'm dual booting ubuntu and Vista and having issues with the time in Vista.  I set hwclock to localtime, but no fix.  Time is always right in Linux, but when I booted in just now I checked hwclock and it was utc.  I check a couple minutes later and hwclock was localtime.22:15
erUSULGodfather_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP22:15
aertyuwhen you do apt-get install software there are line scrolling from UP to down i want to scroll it from down to UP is that possible ?22:15
histokholby: so why are you asking here?  Time is off in vista has nothing to do with ubuntu22:15
wilhartKM0201, yep i use gnome ,x-screens22:15
kholbyIt has to do with ubuntu's hwclock.22:16
histoaertyu: what do you mean?22:16
kholbyVista reads the hwclock as localtime.  Ubuntu by default sets it as utc.  I changed that, but the change doesn't seem to stick.22:16
rwwkholby: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime is the go-to page for this sort of problem.22:16
kholbyrww:   Thanks.22:16
histokholby: ubuntu can't set the clock in teh bios22:16
KM0201aertyu: the easiest way to change that... i sto change the "scrollback" in the terminal preferences, to some ridiculous number.. i have mine set to 50k... so i can always scroll back22:16
rwwkholby: I have noticed that getting it set up right is rather fiddly, though. Might take a few times to stick :(22:16
rwwhisto: Yes, it can.22:17
KM0201aertyu: i do the same thing to xchat.22:17
aertyuwhen you do apt-get install software there are line scrolling from DOWN to UP  i want to scroll it from  UP to DOWN is that possible ?22:17
o2simo20rww: sort of know what the issue is now22:17
o2simo20but dont know how to solve it22:17
valrosCould anyone help me debug an ssh timeout problem on my LAN?22:17
crickj1aertyu: turn the screen upside down22:17
KM0201aertyu: oh wait, nevermind...22:17
=== crickj1 is now known as crickj
rwwo2simo20: I don't use GNOME, so I'm probably not the best person to ask about Compiz/Metacity problems ;)22:17
NitrodistI have a broken wubi grub and I'm a bit lost as to how to boot back into ubuntu to get it back. I'm running 10.04 and I have a "grub>" prompt. Also, the guides/forum posts about it point to my C:\ubuntu\disks/root.disk file but that file doesn't even exist for myself.22:17
historww: no it only adds or takes away time from it. It doesn't actually change the bios time22:17
aertyutell me serious22:17
o2simo20its ok mate, it's a nautilus issue22:17
rwwhisto: Yes, it does.22:18
o2simo20because all other windows render ok, i think when i installed gloobus it has smashed nautilis22:18
histoaertyu: you want your temrinal to scroll the reverse way22:18
historww: No you are insane22:18
jeushow can help to install mysql 5.5 on ubuntu ?22:18
o2simo20histo thats not productive22:18
rwwhisto: Well yes, but I'm still right :)22:18
aertyuyes histo22:19
rwwhisto: You may find, for example, 'man hwclock' interesting.22:19
mawstOn the reals man...22:19
jeusI want install mysql 5.5 and i dont know what do22:19
kholbyrww:   I figured it was a config file somewhere.  Thanks.  Gonna reboot now and see what happens...22:19
mawstAnyone having a lot of compiz crashes in the past few days?22:19
kholbyhisto:   You're wrong.  I does change it.22:19
o2simo20so rww do you know what command i use to 're-stanll' or reverse the upgrade to gloobus/ nautilus22:19
crickjjeus: sudo apt-get install mysql-server22:20
valrosOkay, so within the lan, D can ssh to L, but L cant ssh into D, why? Yes the device is reachable. No ufw is not installed.22:20
jeuscrickj, i want install mysql 5.522:20
histoaertyu: hrm.. let me think on that one22:20
historww: interesting22:20
jcmartinezmawst: I have experienced some crashes on compiz22:20
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jeuscrickj, and is not in repository22:20
jcmartinezmawst: but only using unity, and in the alpha-1 version of natty22:20
mawstIt never used to crash on me...22:20
mawstI'm in mav...22:21
aertyuok take your time histo22:21
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mawstIt has to be something recent that changed...22:21
jeuscrickj, iwant install from here http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/binary-installation.html22:21
FredFlinstoneon thisp age https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountWindowsSharesPermanently  what does this mean?22:21
FredFlinstoneNote: Regretfully as from version 3.3.2-1ubuntu3.2 (October 2009) this approach is no longer possible together with the "user" option. A security fix prevents reading the credentials file if you don't have read access to it. You will have to pin the packages at version 3.3.2-1ubuntu3 or 3.3.2-1ubuntu3.1 to continue using this approach as non-root.22:21
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jcmartinezmawst: no, on maverick is working ok for me, I didn't know about regular crashes, did you install something new?22:21
sonorushi, how to save a game in PCSX emulator ??22:22
JemtOdd. I have just created a new user called "limited". I have revoked ALL privileges (including "Connect to wireless and ethernet networks" - but I can still connect)22:22
rwwubottu: pm | o2simo2022:22
ubottuo2simo20: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.22:22
JemtWhat's wrong ?22:22
aertyuuse windows sonorus22:22
histoaertyu: you know you can scrollback rigth?22:22
sonorusaertyu ????22:22
aertyui simply want reverse scrolling22:23
crickjjeus: make a dir for mysql to reside in (eg /opt/mysql5.5) and unpack the tar archive in that location22:23
o2simo20oops sorry22:23
KM0201aertyu: i'm not awaer of any terminal app that has that option... you'd probably have to write it22:23
rwwo2simo20: and no, I don't know how you'd revert to a previous version of a package. I've never had to do it :\22:23
sonorusi have a bug when try to save/load game from memory card on PCSXwr... how to save a game ?22:23
FredFlinstoneversion 3.3.2-1ubuntu3.2 wtf?22:23
jeuscrickj, i do this22:24
FredFlinstoneno longer possible together with the "user" option?22:24
histoaertyu: I don't know of a way to always make it backwards.22:24
FredFlinstoneYou will have to pin the packages at?22:24
o2simo20what command do i use to reverse a upgrade? apt-get update or apt-get install it mentions that i have the latest version, does anyone know how to revert or downgrade22:24
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FredFlinstonecan someone explain this?22:24
histoaertyu: shift page up to scroll back though22:24
crickjJeus: the server can be started view /opt/mysql5.5/bin/mysqld22:25
jeuscrickj, icant find this22:25
jwormyI have a new core i7 that I just installed ubuntu 64bit on a SATA SSD. Using all default partition configurations and ubuntu 10.10...  The install goes fine, and I have used the 10.10 'live CD' fine. After install the machine reboots and after the bios post, the screen goes black and nothing happens22:26
aertyuthta's not histo leave it thanks a lot22:26
jeuscrickj, i cant find /opt/mysql 5.5/bin22:26
joshmclvl1jeus: `locate mysqld`?22:26
crickjjeus: the package should contain the mysqld file somewhere22:26
jwormyI have previously successfully installed ubuntu 10.04 32bit on the machine fine, but decided to install 64bit version to recognize all 12gb of memory22:26
craiggleshey guys, trying to install rarcrack but when i `make` i get.. rarcrack.h:25: fatal error: libxml/xmlmemory.h: No such file or directory .. is there some kind of xml-library i'll need to install beforehand?22:26
rww!find xmlmemory.h22:27
ubottuFile xmlmemory.h found in libxml2-dev, libxml2-doc, lsb-build-desktop322:27
rwwcraiggles: install libxml2-dev package22:27
FredFlinstonecan i buy supoort here? i need some help , 19 hours now22:27
erUSUL!ask | FredFlinstone22:28
ubottuFredFlinstone: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:28
aertyuduring a ssh connection to an machine if you run for example a command like apt-get install takingtimesofware and if you quit the ssh connection the remote machine still online do you end the apt or it continue to work ?22:28
Jordan_UFredFlinstone: http://www.canonical.com/consumer-services/support22:28
rwwFredFlinstone: Ubuntu's complete list of support options, including paid support, are linked at http://www.ubuntu.com/support . I'd recommend trying the other community-based ones first.22:28
FredFlinstonecan i buy some help thru paypal?22:28
Skater0Guyim trying to build dolphin and everytime i type sudo get-apt i get this Sorry, user skaterguy is not allowed to execute22:29
CarlFKFredFlinstone http://www.ubuntu.com/support/services22:29
FredFlinstoneCOMMUNITY STUFF? NOPE, i have been reading wrong pages enough22:29
rwwFredFlinstone: I don't see http://askubuntu.com/ linked on that support page yet, but that's another option as well as the forums :)22:29
CarlFKaertyu: that will kill the apt-get.  look at the screen command to keep it alive22:29
FredFlinstonei am asking one of you to see me through and i will pay you if i must :)22:30
ezrafreei recently upgraded thunderbird and ever since i keep getting a popup that says "Unable to find specified executable"22:30
ezrafreei've tried switching out /usr/bin/notify-send to /usr/bin/notify-osd but this still does not fix the problem. any ideas?22:31
craiggleswith `rarcrack file.7z` i'm getting a segmentation error.22:31
aertyuok i get CarlFK but screen command it is not for sharing terminal ?22:31
crickjSkater0Guy: your user account must be in the sudoers file to use sudo22:31
crickjsee man sudoers22:31
CarlFKaertyu: what?22:31
Skater0Guyhow do i do that22:31
aertyuyou said : aertyu: that will kill the apt-get. look at the screen command to keep it alive22:31
Skater0Guycrickj: how do i22:31
aertyubut what i say is the screen is it not for sharing the terminal screen to an other user ?22:32
CarlFKaertyu: it can do that too.22:32
aertyuok fine22:32
FredFlinstoneoh man they don't even have a phone number you can call? i need support now, not someday22:32
FredFlinstoneSO i am asking one of you to see me through and i will pay you if i must :)22:32
aertyuthanks a l ot CarlFK22:32
KM0201FredFlinstone: lol, what on earth are you trying to do that is so important?22:33
jwormyI recently installed ubuntu 10.10 64bit on a new corei7. Install goes fine but after the machine restarts (with the correct HD set as the boot device) nothing happens after the BIOS POST message. Ubuntu 10.10 works fine from the 'Test it out' CD option22:33
FredFlinstoneprevent a STRESS ATTACK22:33
FredFlinstoneand other things22:33
normandytrying to update qt4 so i can install skype, i get this:   libqt4-core: Depends: libqtcore4 (= 4.5.3really4.5.2-0ubuntu1) but it is not installable22:33
KM0201FredFlinstone: well, for that you need a doctor and alcohol, not technical support22:33
normandywhy are they not installable, never esen this before22:33
bluesparkhi! Is it possible to play two different sounds on headphones and internal speakers at the same time? thanks22:33
billy_soy nuevo en ubuntu .. pero por que todo sale en ingles ??22:34
crickjSkater0Guy: actually, your user account just needs to be a member of the sudo group, usually22:34
sophocliusbonsoir, j' ai besoin d' aide22:34
rww!es | billy_22:34
ubottubilly_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:34
KM0201FredFlinstone: so what is the problem exactly?22:34
billy_ok .. gracias22:34
georg_guten abend22:35
FredFlinstone because i want it done now, (been at it since yesterday) there is somethign wronmg with me?22:35
Skater0Guycrickj: i feel like an idiot22:35
KM0201.. what ..is...the...problem...22:35
FredFlinstonenow my hands are shaking22:35
crickjSkater0Guy: why?22:35
FredFlinstonewhy you guys give me a hard time?22:35
KM0201FredFlinstone: lol, i'mn ot giving youa  hard time, i've asked repeatedly what the problem is, and all you talk abouot is your hands shaking and being frustrated and how mean we are22:36
jwormyFredFlinstone: maybe it would be best if you calm down a bit and come back with a level head to ask for help. No one is giving you a hard time.22:36
ezrafreeFredFlinstone: state your problem and include as much details as you can, and maybe someone can help you22:36
bluesparkhi! Is it possible to play two different sounds on headphones and internal speakers at the same time? thanks22:37
FredFlinstoneif you have been here since yesterday, then you know i have been trying to get help, and i dont think i have a bad attitude , bu i am gettin impatienrt, yes ,it almost day 322:37
ezrafreebluespark: i think that would require a sound card with two outputs22:37
KM0201FredFlinstone: well for the benefit of those who've not hung on every word you've said here, perhaps you could repeat your problem22:37
KM0201FredFlinstone: cuz i've been here since yesterday, and i don't know...22:37
FredFlinstonei shall try22:37
bluesparkezrafree; thanks, I have laptop and built in stuff? I should try maybe USB speakers or USB sound card?22:38
FredFlinstonefollowed a bad page or two to try to set up fstab to have win shares mounted every boot, now i am on a page that i cannot follow without help22:38
billy_I can help in ubuntu install corel !!!22:38
billy_I'm new .. although I have improved and I have several programs still need the corel dreamvewer for some web design22:38
FredFlinstoneso if some1` willing to help i can show them wher i left off22:39
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KM0201FredFlinstone: i guess i'm curious, why would you go to that hassle, when you can mount a NTFS drive by just going to places menu, and selecting the drive when you boot up22:39
david553I read that ssh2 allows several shells on the same ssh connection. I use the ssh connection to connect to remote machines, how do I see a second shell without using screen ?22:39
ezrafreebluespark: nd card sounds coming out at once22:39
FredFlinstonego here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountWindowsSharesPermanently search for this - this will ensure that only root can access this file.  - read the next paragraph and help me understand it22:40
FredFlinstoneno i cant22:40
ezrafreebluespark: you would need one soundcard with two outputs to do that22:40
FredFlinstoneresixian, nautilus nwetwork browse fails too - failed to retrieve share list ..22:40
KM0201FredFlinstone: so this is something you're trying to set up.. that is on another machine?22:40
FredFlinstoneresixian was trying to help me, thanks dude22:41
bluesparkezrafree; OK. thanks again... :)22:41
FredFlinstonei can see all my mahcines from each other the only one sick is ubuntu22:41
FredFlinstoneit cannot see win shares22:41
crickjFredFlinstone: have you created the credentials file?22:42
FredFlinstonei got the other way going thru trial and error , and nobody told me to wait 5 minutes after restarting samba grrrrr22:42
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FredFlinstonethat cost me hours22:42
KM0201FredFlinstone: so what happens when you go to places/network ?22:43
FredFlinstonecrickj, yes22:43
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FredFlinstonefailed to retrieve share list ..22:43
FredFlinstonefailed to retrieve share list from server22:43
guampaFredFlinstone: tried using smbmount?22:43
jwormysorry to keep asking again, but I just did an install with 10.10 64bit and after restarting after the install the machine will not boot into ubuntu. Doesn't seem to hit grub or anyting. The HD it is installed on is the bootable harddrive in my BIOS and I used the default partition setup.22:43
FredFlinstoneguampa, nope im a noob, how?22:43
crickjFredFlinstone: have you edited fstab?22:44
guampafirst check if you have it installed22:44
ikoniajwormy: what do you see22:44
guampatry to run "smbmount" in a terminal22:44
bryhoytHello, I've had this attack on my Ubuntu 8.10: http://lists.exim.org/lurker/message/20101207.215955.bb32d4f2.en.html22:44
valroshow can i disable iptables?22:44
ikoniabryhoyt: what od you want us to do about it ?22:44
crickjvalros: sudo ufw disable22:44
KM0201valros: i believe its off by default22:44
FredFlinstonei tried many variations in fstab22:44
bryhoytI know 8.10 isn't supported anymore, but I'm a bit desperate. Does anyone have any experience with that attack?22:44
bryhoytIt's related to exim4.6922:44
ikoniabryhoyt: what do you want us to actually do about it ?22:45
FredFlinstonei really need to reboot to be sure wher i am at NOW22:45
jwormyikonia: black screen of nothing..  display goes into power save mode due to the lack of input22:45
valrosisnt ufw separate from iptables?22:45
FredFlinstonegimme 2 min22:45
bryhoytand that's the latest version in the repositories, so I can't upgrade: how do I upgrade?22:45
gonzojive_I'm getting a purple screen of death when I start up :(22:45
jwormyikonia: I installed ubuntu 10.04 32bit on the same machine earlier with no problems at all.22:45
crickjFredFlinstone: you'll need a reboot anyway after editing fstab22:45
jwormyand then ubuntu 10.10 64bit 'live cd' works great22:45
skulltipwhy would firefox or chrome load slowly22:45
ikoniabryhoyt: you can't, that 8.10 is dead22:45
ikoniajwormy: what video card do you have ?22:45
crickjvalros: ufw is a frontend to iptables22:45
guampacrickj: actually a "mount -a" is all you need22:45
gonzojive_just tried to upgrade from lts 10.04 to 10.10, but my computer froze halfway through the "install" process of the network upgrade22:46
crickjguampa: oh yea - forgot that one22:46
FredFlinstoneok trying mount -a ..22:46
valroswell its disabled but still no go, port 22 seems blocked22:46
bryhoytikonia: I know. But our mailserver's down, and I was hoping someone could give me a quick fix22:46
bryhoytany ideas?22:46
ikoniabryhoyt: there isn't one22:46
ikoniabryhoyt: 8.10 is dead, so there is no where to get an update from22:46
bryhoytso compile from source, I guess?22:47
ikoniabryhoyt: don't use non-lts distros for production servers, that's the answer22:47
bryhoytor will that be a dead end, too?22:47
FredFlinstonemount error(110): Connection timed out22:47
FredFlinstoneagain :)22:47
bryhoytthanks, ikonia, lesson learnt ;-)22:47
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crickjvalros: external firewall?22:47
FredFlinstoneno sense rebooting is there?22:47
ikoniabryhoyt: I wouldn't put compilers and development headers on an internet facing mail server, that's lesson 0222:47
valrosonly intermediate device is dd-wrt22:47
bryhoytikonia: good point22:47
guampaFredFlinstone: tried with smbmount or not?22:47
valrosand its not blocking other machines22:47
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crickjFredFlinstone: check ubuntu's firewall22:48
FredFlinstoneguampa, it is install, so22:48
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valroshow could i fully reset the firewall and ssh settings? reinstall openssh-server and ufw?22:49
crickjvalros: ufw reset22:49
guampaFredFlinstone: so, try to build a command line with it to connect to the share...it is the backend for what you use in fstab anyway22:49
jwormyikonia: PNY  Quadro FX 380 256mb..  video displays fine in install and using CD 'try it out'22:49
guampaone you have it working from command line, fstab is almost the same22:49
ikoniajwormy: Hmmm, do you get nothing from power on to where you are now on screen22:50
bryhoytikonia: do you know anything about that vulnerability? For a quick fix, for 1 week, (until we have a chance to upgrade to an LTS and fix some root problems), would removing gcc be safe enough?22:50
valrosstill nothing22:50
FredFlinstone-o options part?22:50
guampaFredFlinstone: correcto mondo22:50
ikoniabryhoyt: up to you, I wouldn't do it22:50
FredFlinstoneno i mean do i need options or just -o22:51
jwormyikonia: I get the typical BIOS post and all that, just whne it starts to boot the OS it just...  goes black and then quickly you see the monitor going into power save mode due to no input22:51
ikoniajwormy: do you see any part of the boot process22:51
jwormyikonia: same hardware setup with 10.04 32bit worked great.22:51
jwormyikonia: nope, no part of the boot process at all22:51
guampaFredFlinstone:  -o means "options start here" and you need the options, check "man smbmount"22:51
FredFlinstoneyeah i am a guy who needs examples , not gettin git , yet22:52
guampaFredFlinstone: you need "user=", "password="22:52
bryhoytikonia: neither :-) except the alternative isn't much better (we can't quite live without our mailserver at the moment). So I'm trying to get a feel for what level of risk I'd be taking22:52
bryhoytikonia: but point taken, thanks22:52
FredFlinstonei need creds , any thing else?22:52
ikoniajwormy: that's very very odd22:52
guampaFredFlinstone: the share is in a windows domain or just a workgroup¿22:52
jwormyikonia: I agree!22:52
jwormyikonia: for giggles I coudl try installing on a different harddrive and moving my BIOS boot to that one22:53
Batagshow do yyou get an upside down ?   ?22:53
jwormyikonia: but I would rather leave the OS on the SSD.. ;)22:53
Tonusbryhoyt, you could consider replacing exim with postfix, if you're up for it and know how to migrate the configuration. this I wouldn't do if the configuration isn't very simple to begin with.22:53
FredFlinstoneguampa, workgroup22:54
guampaBatags: latin american keyboard ;)22:54
Batagsthanks ill have to get one22:54
kakashi__please i wanna to install beowulf clustering in ubuntu but i dont know what services i should to install??22:54
bryhoytTonus: thanks, that a helpful idea. But yeah, in this case the config migration is probably not straightforward. Nothing too serious, but we have a couple mailing lists & virtual hosts config22:54
FredFlinstoneAH HAH22:54
toyman61No sound from YouTube-videos. Error message in syslog:  "Error opening PCM device front:0: Device or resource busy". How can I find out which process who is holding the device ?  Ubuntu 10.0422:54
FredFlinstoneunknown eror openin cred file22:54
Tonusbryhoyt, that's probably too risky on a production environment then. unless you have a test environment, or set up one, virtually perhaps.22:55
FredFlinstoneI DID sudo chown root .smbcredentials AND sudo chmod 600 .smbcredentials22:55
bryhoytTonus: thanks anyway :-)22:55
kakashi__how can i install beowulf clustering ??22:56
guampaFredFlinstone: what command line did you use? (use dummy user/pass/machine etc)22:56
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FredFlinstonei do exactly what things say but it DONT LIKE ME22:56
FredFlinstonethe page is above22:56
guampaFredFlinstone:  with that psycho attitude i'm stopping helping right now22:57
Batagssounds like a bunch of Ubuntu to me22:57
FredFlinstoneHOWEVER I was  first on this = https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently, which is maybe wrong?22:58
crickjFredFlinstone: with a timeout message it sounds as if the error is not do do with smbcredentials or fstab22:58
guampacalm down, stop shouting man22:58
Chaos2358quick question. does anyone know "for sure"whether the ubuntu 10.10 live download will fit on a 700 mb cd?22:58
Eberguys, how can I reproduce the window management of windows 7 with ubuntu?!?22:58
FredFlinstonei did exactly what that said , more than once22:59
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FredFlinstonehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently, which is maybe wrong?22:59
FredFlinstoneand if so i am  lost22:59
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resixianFredFlinstone: did you ever try this from the cli?22:59
Batags659mb download22:59
resixianFredFlinstone: or get any furhter even listing the shares? (e.g. smbclient -L)23:00
Batagsshould fit on a 700mb cd23:00
crickjFredFlinstone: try checking that the name of the file server is correct as well as the correct firewall ports are open23:00
FredFlinstonesorry for my attitude23:00
guampai still don't know what's the command line you had used23:00
Drek010I'm having a problem running update on my ubuntu 10.10 desltop x6423:00
FredFlinstonei really DO appreciate any help23:00
guampathen act like you do23:00
Chaos2358batags ok last question i am running a laptop not a netbook. i use the desktop installation correct?23:01
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kakashi__i wanna to install beowulf clustering without hard disk. but i dont know what services i chould install23:01
georg_is there a german ubuntu support?23:01
FredFlinstoneresixian, i'll try that again listing the shares23:01
rwwgeorg_: /join #ubuntu-de23:01
benhamillDoes anyone mind answering some bash prompt questions, or know a better channel to ask about that in?23:01
kakashi__please help me23:01
rwwbenhamill: #bash might be more helpful23:01
FredFlinstonetimes out23:01
Drek010the message says "The action would require the installation from not authenticated sources"23:02
rwwChaos2358: You can use either, they only differ in which interface they have. I'd recommend trying Desktop first.23:02
benhamillrww: Heh. i should have just guessed. Thanks.23:02
Drek010how can i fix this?23:02
Chaos2358rww ok thank you .23:02
resixianFredFlinstone:smbclient -L -U <your windows user> does what?23:02
KM0201!helpme > kakashi__23:02
ubottukakashi__, please see my private message23:02
FredFlinstoneplease note that the sharing between these two NOW works the other way, does that tell us anything?23:02
FredFlinstoneConnection to ASUS1 failed (Error NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL)23:02
New0hi guys23:03
kakashi__i wanna to install beowulf clustering without hard disk. but i dont know what services i chould install23:03
FredFlinstoneasus1 sees ubuntu  fine tho23:03
New0can i ask about mysql Q here? about xampp23:03
resixianFredFlinstone: ASUS1 is the windows host?23:03
rwwubottu: xampp | New023:03
ubottuNew0: We do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.23:03
FredFlinstoneasus2 is the ubuntu, im not great with names :)23:03
Drek010im problems with ubuntu updates "The action would require the installation from not authenticated sources"23:04
kakashi__i wanna to install beowulf clustering without hard disk. but i dont know what services i chould install. so please help me23:04
New0well where can i get some help about it?23:04
ezrafreecan anyone tell me why installing lib-notify would completely hose my system?23:04
FredFlinstoneJoeSomebody helped me get started with ubuntu , but he's unable to help with this and he is maybe hiding from me :)23:04
ezrafreeany ideas how i could fix this please?23:04
New0and i have problem with LAMP stack23:04
rwwNew0: See the support link on their website.23:05
KM0201ezrafree: what makes you think its libnotify?...23:05
guampaFredFlinstone: have you been able to connect to asus1 from another machine / os?23:05
FredFlinstoneall of them23:05
trojan_spikeezrafree, u may already have a notifer running?23:05
FredFlinstoneto all of them23:05
FredFlinstonewith this one exception23:05
ezrafreeguampa: because everything was working until i ran the command "sudo aptitude install lib-notify"23:05
resixianFredFlinstone: how have you set up the Xp shares?23:06
FredFlinstoneso frustrating23:06
Drek010can someone help me?23:06
guampaezrafree: what?23:06
New0rww by the way it's : #1045 - Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)  and can't connect to my PHPMYADMIN so if someone can help me even in PM tnx23:06
ezrafreeit removed a bunch of packages, including linux 2.6 headers23:06
Drek010"The action would require the installation from not authenticated sources"23:06
KM0201ezrafree: well thats probably the problem, not libnotify23:06
FredFlinstonewell its xp pro, i have advanced sharing in win explorer, one user allowed, fred23:06
ezrafreeKM0201: why on earth would it remove such important packages?23:07
KM0201ezrafree: without seeing what yo were doing, i dont know.. but you didn't think when you saw all that stuff it was removing, not to uninstall it?23:07
resixianFredFlinstone: so like, right click-> sharing and security-> share this folder on the network?23:07
resixiansomethign like that?23:07
guampaFredFlinstone: it does look odd, but at this point (you said you chmoded / chowned samba files) you may have a corrupt samba install. I'd go for checking a) that you effectively can reach the samba tcp port on asus1 and b) purging samba completetly and reinstalling in asus223:08
FredFlinstoneno i use aadvanced sharing in xp, not simple23:08
trojan_spikeis there an admin A/C ? Like oem in windows 'ctrl - Alt - f3?23:08
resixianFredFlinstone: another thing, have you tried smbclient //<ASUS1 IP addr>  -L23:08
ezrafreei guess i trusted in the removing of such a simple package way too much23:08
ezrafreewhat command can i run to restore my system?23:09
FredFlinstoneoh man23:09
crickjtrojan_spike: the root account has all privelages, but is not for everyday use23:09
rww!sudo | trojan_spike23:10
ubottutrojan_spike: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo23:10
kakashi__i wanna to install beowulf clustering without hard disk. but i dont know what services i chould install23:10
trojan_spikecrickj, its a xmas prezy im building for a neighbour. Have ubuntu install , have the 'prepare for end user' etc.. just need to be able to delete the premade A/C by me23:11
ezrafreewhat command can i run to upgrade all my packages? is it just "sudo aptitude update" ?23:11
rwwezrafree: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade23:12
guampaFredFlinstone: that's what *I* would do, you might find another way out of the hole, ymmv. even that won't guarantee success23:12
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.23:12
crickjtrojan_spike: your using the oem installer?23:12
rwwezrafree: assuming you have aptitude installed, otherwise replace "aptitude" with "apt-get" above.23:12
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub223:12
ezrafreerww: thanks23:12
trojan_spikecrickj, just from synaptic,, not DVD23:12
kakashi__how can i install a high performance cluster in ubuntu server? wich service i must install??23:12
ezrafreeit looks like i can't ssh in to the box anymore either so does anyone know how i can boot it up into command line?23:13
crickjtrojan_spike: i've no experience with that, sorry23:13
trojan_spikeI basically just need access to ROOT login23:13
bryhoytI'm trying to upgrade my Ubuntu 8.10 to the latest LTS because of a security vulnerability, and I can't upgrade the specific package (because 8.10 is so old). What's the recommended path forward?23:13
FredFlinstonei tried setting an ip on my auto eth0, doesnt seem to help, still, - mount error(110): Connection timed out23:14
ikoniatrojan_spike: why do you need root ?23:14
rwwbryhoyt: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades23:14
FredFlinstonenow it matches my lan 192.23:14
boywonderhi i need somthing a little off topic, im running ssh only the router company says there router dont support it,any help much abliged?23:15
ezrafreeis there any way to boot into console mode?23:15
ikoniaFredFlinstone: are you on the network ?23:15
troyw to get that verical slash i need for a terminal command23:15
bryhoytrww: thanks!23:15
FredFlinstoneikonia, yes23:15
dardanonly type: sudo in terminal?23:15
trojan_spikeikonia, to delete my setup A/C , and run OEM 'prepare for end user'.23:15
KM0201!upgrade | bryhoyt23:15
ubottubryhoyt: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade23:15
rwwtroy: if you mean |, it's shift and \23:15
ikoniatrojan_spike: use sudo23:15
rwwon a US keyboard, anyway23:15
troythanks rww23:15
FredFlinstoneikonia, all machne see all machines, EXCEPT one way only on ubuntu23:15
ikoniaFredFlinstone: ok, so why are you changing it to dhcp23:15
ikoniaFredFlinstone: one way ?23:15
FredFlinstoneand i did it before in 10.04 (i started then im new)23:16
trojan_spikeawww,, smart.. :) do u know the command at all.. You have me on the right track now23:16
FredFlinstoneikonia,  i changed it to manual23:16
boywonderjoin #ssh23:16
FredFlinstoneit didnt help23:16
ikoniaFredFlinstone: why ?23:16
ikoniaFredFlinstone: why change things for no reason23:16
rwwKM0201: For future reference, !upgrade is for releases that are still supported; !eol has the upgrade link for unsupported releases (like 8.10) :)23:16
XLVfor anyone who's interested, for both the problems ubuntu 10.10 on my laptop had ( jerky MS wireless mouse response and acpi/battery info not working ), it was the bios.. i upgraded to 4GB of ram, all hell broke loose, not even windows loaded, with a message that the bios isnt fully acpi compliant, so i update upgraded bios, now ubuntu can boot without acpi=off noapic nolapic kernel parameters, so battery info works, and the mouse also works ( that one must ha23:16
XLVve to do with better usb support or something )23:16
KM0201rww: they both have upgrade eol links23:17
FredFlinstonebecause i am new and in a hurry23:17
zroyschhow long is it supposed to take ubuntu one to synchronize my files? its been sitting here saying "synchronization in progress" for at least three hours. it remains at 0.0%23:17
KM0201rww: for future reference of course.. i'm not sure why you're always trying to correct me23:17
FredFlinstonetrial and error due to ignorance is what you are looking for ( i think)23:17
ikoniaFredFlinstone: so changing random things is not the way to fix anything23:17
ikoniaFredFlinstone: what exactly are you trying to do23:17
troyrww dosent work on my keyboard is there a keymap?23:18
ezrafreei am set to init 4, is there anyway to boot into the command line somehow?23:18
rwwKM0201: I don't know who you are, and I can only see me speaking to you once today :\23:18
janisozaurusing 10.04, is it possible to disable ibus for a specific application?23:18
FredFlinstonemount my win shares on boot, took half an hour on 10.0423:18
ikoniaezrafree: why are you set at init 4, ubuntu only uses init223:18
trojan_spikeTY ikonia i'll search the forum23:18
KM0201rww: whatever.. like i said, the factoid i posted was perfectly relevant, and contained the info he wanted23:18
rwwKM0201: Yeah, halfway down the page. We have !eol for that specific case. But whatever, do what you want *shrug*23:18
ezrafreeikonia: well whatever the number, i am set to boot straight to the gui, is there any way to get to the command line?23:18
FredFlinstonei tried the same page i used back then,  apparently a very bad plan23:19
KM0201rww: halfway down the page?.. it was 2 sentences23:19
ikoniaezrafree: disable gdm23:19
FredFlinstonewho knew?23:19
ikoniaFredFlinstone: what command are you using to mount one of the windows shares that is failing23:19
rwwKM0201: Feel free to PM me if you want to continue the conversation, best not to clog up #ubuntu with extended discussion of it.23:20
FredFlinstonesee i am under the gun time wise and i didnt allow for things that worked before to be broke now23:20
ezrafreehow can i disable gdm during boot?23:20
KM0201rww: i didn't want to start it in the first place, you did.23:20
ikoniaFredFlinstone: if you are against the clock, stop rambling and answer the questions23:20
netbeasti need some help installing a creative pccam30023:20
ezrafreemy mouse and keyboard are not working and my box is booting me straight to the gui login23:20
FredFlinstonei tried exactly what is in the two pages above23:21
ikoniaFredFlinstone: no, not what I asked23:21
FredFlinstonethat tells you exactly what i did23:21
ikoniaFredFlinstone: give me the command you are using to mount a windows share that is failing23:21
ikoniaFredFlinstone: ok, you're on your own, best of luck, I'm not begging for info23:21
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FredFlinstonei am tryin g to find it23:21
netbeastcan anyone help me on installing a camera23:21
ezrafreeFredFlinstone: if you want help no one is going to go read websites and web pages for you, you have to give them the information they ask so they can help you23:22
ikoniaFredFlinstone: not interested23:22
FredFlinstonemount.cifs //asus1/MEDIA /media/MEDIA -o credentials=/.smbcredentials23:22
FredFlinstonein fstab = //asus1/MEDIA /media/MEDIA cifs credentials=/home/fred/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 023:23
FredFlinstoneand places / network also times out23:23
ubuntuQUESTION: How can i specify my openVPN clients to use the same DNSproxy from my nat router that the server uses and also default route?23:23
FredFlinstonei cannto type fast or find stuff fast23:24
FredFlinstonegeez after all i am a newbie to ubuntu, and isnt that who you are here to help?23:24
boywonderhi i need somthing a little off topic, im running ssh only the router company says there router dont support it,any help much abliged?23:24
ikoniaubuntu: I'm not sure you can, as once you connect to the VPN you're isolated from your network23:24
ikoniaboywonder: sorry, try the router support, it is offtopic here23:25
boywonderk thanks23:25
ubuntuikonia, well how do i brows the web while connected to my openVPN server23:25
ikoniaubuntu: you won't be able to, as you'll be on the VPN network23:25
ubuntuikonia, well the VPN is a bridge so it should be able to browse the web since the server is connected to the internet23:26
FredFlinstoneso thats it?23:26
ikoniaubuntu: if it's set to route you out to the internet, you can browse it yes23:26
FredFlinstonei can leave i am undesirable?23:26
ezrafreeFredFlinstone take that drama somewhere else man23:27
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ubuntuikonia, so in server.conf i should have push "rout"?23:27
ezrafreeif you want help, state your problem with as much detail as possible and maybe someone will help you. save the comments and complaints to yourself, this isn't a channel for discussion it's a channel for help.23:27
ikoniaubuntu: it really depends on how your network is setup23:28
FredFlinstoneah cummon i answered the same stuff over and over for a day23:28
ubuntuikonia, its a standard dhcp nat router23:28
FredFlinstonethis version i sbroke and you guys really are lost23:28
ikoniaubuntu: as I said, it depends how the network is setup23:28
ezrafreeFredFlinstone: i've spent many more then 3 days on the same problem in countless irc channels over the years23:28
KM0201FredFlinstone: maybe you'd be better off posting this on the forums....23:28
ikoniaFredFlinstone: we are not lost, we are chosing not to help you any more23:28
ubuntuikonia, well its setup with a nat router as dhcp23:28
KM0201FredFlinstone: i don't think i'm lost, Linux runs fine for me on 4 different machines23:29
guampaFredFlinstone: many tried to help you, you refuse to drop that attitude at all cost. Many have had the same probs as you and manged to solve them w/o bothering others23:29
ikoniaubuntu: ok, so it will need to serve an IP/route that will route you out onto the network23:29
ubuntuthe router has dns proxy and its ip is
aertyuwhat is the best mail server ?23:29
FredFlinstonelets be clear then so then i shall find another distro since you are forcing me ?23:29
ikoniaaertyu: best is a tough question, the answer is what works for YOU23:29
ikoniaFredFlinstone: if you want to23:29
KM0201FredFlinstone: well, then get another one.. i'd try Debian.. they'll love you in #debian23:29
ubuntuikonia, how do i do that? push "route"?23:29
aertyui don't know ? ikonia23:30
ikoniaubuntu: I don't know why you keep saying "push route"23:30
FredFlinstonei heard good things about ubuntu23:30
ezrafreehow can i get to the "on screen keyboard" using my mouse?23:30
ikoniaubuntu: it depends how your network is setup23:30
FredFlinstoneand freenode23:30
aertyuwhat are the point i have to check ? ikonia23:30
FredFlinstonebut i shall not recommend you people ever23:30
ezrafreeFredFlinstone: ubuntu is fantastic, but like anything else, you get out of it what you put into it23:30
FrozenKnightA little non cooperative are we FredFlinstone ? :D What can't you find fast? :)23:30
ubuntuikonia, my network is setup with a dhcp nat router23:30
ikoniaaertyu: look at sendmail/postfix/exim they are the core ones, they all have different pros/cons23:30
FredFlinstonei wish you had been more patient23:30
ezrafreeFredFlinstone: all you are putting in to it right now is complaining and moaning23:30
ikoniaubuntu: that's not a network setup, that's just a device23:30
ikoniaFredFlinstone: enough now23:30
FredFlinstonei tried to be with you23:30
netbeastanyone here good at installing webcams mine isnt working i have ubuntu 10.10 and a creative pc cam 30023:30
ikoniaFredFlinstone: either wait for someone to help you, or be quiet23:31
FredFlinstonea day is not fast23:31
ubuntudhcp is the setup ikonia23:31
aertyupros/cons means ? ikonia23:31
ikoniaubuntu: that's not a setup, that's just a service23:31
XLVFredFlinstone, you can always ask for a refund, if you arent happy with services provided23:31
KM0201FredFlinstone: well, complain to the person that signs our paychecks for providing support here23:31
ubuntuwhat do you need to know?23:31
ikoniaaertyu: eg: sendmail is VERY fast for high loads, but hard to setup/manage23:31
ActionParsnipXLV: nice23:31
FredFlinstoneand i didnt complain OR  get an attitude til i was given one (you can check logs)23:32
ubuntuits setup on the ledge of the dry erase board?23:32
ezrafreehow can i get to the onscreen keyboard using just my mouse? any ideas?23:32
netbeasti need some help with my webcam23:32
jay1(taking a backseat to see what kind of help this room can offer) lol ;)23:32
zroyschhow long is it supposed to take ubuntu one to synchronize my files? its been sitting here saying "synchronization in progress" for at least three hours. it remains at 0.0%23:33
aertyusendmail is it integrate with webmail ?23:33
ActionParsnipezrafree: System -> Prefs -> Assistive tech23:33
aertyusendmail is it integrate with webmail ? ikonia23:33
ubuntuzroysch, million years23:33
ezrafreeActionParsnip: thanks23:33
rwwzroysch: If you haven't already, you might want to try the #ubuntuone channel23:33
KM0201!webcam | netbeast23:33
ubottunetbeast: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras23:33
ActionParsnipezrafree: if you are smart, you can add onboard to system startup23:33
zroyschubuntu thats helpful23:33
ikoniazroysch: it's safe to say there is a problem there23:33
zroyschrww: i just went there and asked the same question. thanks23:33
crickjzroysch: less than three hours23:34
zroyschikonia: i would have to agree.23:34
ubuntuzroysch, it depends on how your network is setup23:34
ezrafreeActionParsnip: that is not bringing up the actual on-screen keyboard23:34
zroyschubuntu my computer is connected to the verizon fios router/modem. i have not configured the firewall for ubuntu one.23:34
FrozenKnightHmm, OK, in this precise are I'm a bit of a newbie. I'd like to get a usb hard drive to run "plug and play" I mean, to make it visible in "Computers" location when I plug it in.23:34
Mr18Is there a fix for Clock Skew?23:35
ubuntuzroysch, ikonia says thats not a setup23:35
ezrafreeis there really no icon to bring up the onscreen keyboard lol23:35
ezrafreeyou must admit, that's kind of funny :)23:35
ActionParsnipezrafree: i'd use a keyboard to make a shortcut on the desktop23:35
ezrafreeActionParsnip: if i had a keyboard i wouldn't be looking for the onscreen one haha23:36
crickjzroysch: I *think* ubuntu one uses https anyway, so there shouldn't be a firewall issue23:36
ezrafreei mean think about it for a second, hah23:36
ubuntuzroysch, take your amount of files sychronizing in size and divide that by the connection speed and convert to minutes or hours23:36
ActionParsnipezrafree: not that i know of, you can always ssh in and create a shortcut that way23:36
ubuntube sure to change filesize to bits instead of bytes23:36
ezrafreessh seems to be broken since i installed lib-notify and it decided to remove a bunch of other packages to do so23:37
FrozenKnightRight now when I connect a USB drive and go to "Computers" location it doesn't show any drive, is that behaviour normal? And if so... is there a way to set up easy access ? :)23:37
crickjFrozenKnight: no, it isn't normal23:38
resixianFrozenKnight: check dmesg | tail23:38
FrozenKnightOh... that's a bummer :(23:38
crickjFrozenKnight: is the disk formatted?23:38
FrozenKnightOK, doing now23:38
ubuntuzroysch, how big are the files it is synching?23:38
ezrafreeoh how i hope this is all just a bad joke23:38
vipulany one know how to  initialise the cluster23:39
FrozenKnightcrickj: it's a NTFS formatted drive that I've been using for some time.23:39
zroyschubuntu: 241.6MB23:39
ActionParsnipezrafree: its not something I use so I'm not really a great guy to ask23:39
vipulany one know how to  initialise the cluster23:39
ezrafreehow on earth has it been overlooked to think to make a way to access the on-screen keyboard from a mouse click?23:39
zroyschubuntu: no matter how big the files are, there should be more than 0.0% transferred over 3 hours.23:39
crickjFrozenKnight: go to System -> admin -> disk utility and see if it's listed23:39
ezrafreeActionParsnip: me neither, it's not the kind of thing anyone would use... unless they needed it :)23:39
vipulany one know how to  initialise the cluster23:40
resixianFrozenKnight: could be you need 'sudo modprobe ntfs' ?23:40
FrozenKnightresixian: I did the dmesg, and it shows "nice" messages, like usb found assuming write through23:40
vipul initialise the cluster23:41
FrozenKnightcrickj: when I go to the place it isn't listed23:41
FrozenKnightresixian: I think it allocated sdc23:41
liminalim having a problem with dual  monitor support in ubuntu 10.1023:41
vipul initialise the cluster any one know i have problem with postgreSQL23:41
rww!repeat | vipul23:41
liminalxorg is applying the wrong resolution settings to each monitor23:41
ubottuvipul: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/23:41
FrozenKnightresixian: wait, it detected the USB hub but not the disk attached to it23:41
liminalit gets them the wrong way around23:41
netbeastdamn camera23:42
ActionParsnipezrafree: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=55396123:42
FrozenKnightresixian:  trying modprobe23:42
vipul initialise the cluster any one know i have problem with postgreSQL23:42
ezrafreeActionParsnip: thanks let me read23:42
FrozenKnightresixian: nothing output23:43
crickjFrozenKnight: what's the output of lsusb?23:43
ActionParsnipezrafree: http://cmwelsh.com/enable-on-screen-keyboard-ubuntu-lucid-lynx23:43
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ezrafreeActionParsnip: yes using your initial advice i was able to get an onscreen keyboard to show up at login... now what abotu once i'm logged in though?23:43
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ActionParsnipezrafree: if you install onboard   you can click / drag the icon to the startup items thingy23:44
resixianFrozenKnight: there shuoldn't have been any output. try re-plugging your drive int23:44
KM0201netbeast: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cheese/+question/13796023:44
resixianFrozenKnight: also, can you plug it directly into your box? might be too little power on the usb hub23:45
ActionParsnipvipul: have you asked in the postgesql channel (if there is one)23:45
vipulI did23:45
FrozenKnightHmm, true... trying.23:45
ActionParsnipvipul: the sensible answer would be: If nobody replys then the answer is clearly NO23:45
Chaos2358ok i am having trouble with my cd creator on ubuntu 10.1023:45
ActionParsnipChaos2358: wassup>23:46
vipuljohto> "initdb" doesn't work well with the multi-version system debian/ubuntu has< what they says23:46
rwwvipul: as ubottu's already told you, "if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you".23:46
Chaos2358i am trying to burn an iso of 10.10 but....23:46
Chaos2358ActionParsnip,  when i select the iso it asks whether to burn as a file or burn contents23:46
centcomcanada here23:46
Chaos2358ActionParsnip,  i select burn contents and it closes the application23:46
FrozenKnightresixian: tried, dmesg says it has attached a usb drive... but I can't find it in System/Admin/Disks and neither in Computers23:47
KM0201Chaos2358: what app are you using to burn it?.. there should be an option to "burn as image"23:47
ActionParsnipChaos2358: what app are you burning with?23:47
resixianFrozenKnight: lsmod | grep ntfs shows the ntfs module?23:47
Chaos2358KM0201,  ActionParsnip the standard cd/dvd creator that comes with 10.1023:47
ActionParsnipChaos2358: then i suggest you try gnomebaker23:47
KM0201Chaos2358: thats probably brasero... install gnomebaker (sudo apt-get install gnomebaker)23:48
Chaos2358ActionParsnip, KM0201 wow ok then thanks guys23:48
FrozenKnightresixian: and two numbers the latter 023:48
KM0201if i wasn't as wordy as ActionParsnip i'd beat him to the punch every so often23:48
Chaos2358KM0201, lol23:49
ActionParsnipKM0201: use terminal more and you type faster :)23:49
KM0201Chaos2358: once you install gnomebaker.. insert cd, start gnomebaker, go to tools/burn cd iso image... then go fromt here.. it's easy23:49
KM0201ActionParsnip: i type pretty fast.. just prefer GUI's rather than cli.23:49
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Chaos2358KM0201, in the 3 mos ive been using ubuntu ive never had to burn a disc23:49
FrozenKnightThe patience these guys must have :)23:50
ezrafreeomg i can't even get to synaptic without entering my password which i can't do since i don't have a keyboard.23:50
KM0201Chaos2358: i burn data CD's on occasion w/ Gnomebaker... usually when i'm fixing someones computer and i'm retrieving pics, etc.. off a drive before reinstalling Winders23:50
ActionParsnipezrafree: the onboard keyboard should work with gksudo etc23:51
Chaos2358KM0201, well my bro has a win7 laptop and i generally transfer files to his to burn dvds since my machine only has a dvd-r drive23:51
KM0201Chaos2358: ah... i see23:51
enyawixcan you edit the sources list to go from debian to ubuntu23:52
guampaezrafree: character map?23:52
velkoenyawix, no23:52
ezrafreeActionParsnip: i can't find any way to _start_ the onscreen keyboard23:52
KM0201enyawix: you can try, but epic fail wouldn't begin to describe what would happen23:52
ezrafreeguampa: that's an idea, i will give that a shot23:52
rwwezrafree: right-click the main menu applet, click Edit Menus. Click Universal Access. Click the checkbox by OnBoard. Click Close. Click Applications. Click Universal Access. Click OnBoard.23:52
ActionParsnipezrafree: install onboard and it will have an entry in the applications menu23:53
rwwonboard was installed by default for me :\23:53
ActionParsniprww: yes it is, ezrafree listen to the smart man :)23:53
FrozenKnightresixian I just tried sudo mounting the drive to a temporary folder, and I can do it.23:53
guampayup i have installed too, just hidden in the menu23:54
ezrafreeActionParsnip: where would this entry be?23:54
rwwezrafree: I just told you.23:54
ezrafreerrw: sorry didn't see that23:54
FrozenKnightwin 1623:54
ActionParsnipezrafree: under the accessibility options you can enable onboard and it will appear23:54
netbeastnope that didnt work23:54
ActionParsnipezrafree: you can then even open the startup items and drag it there so it autostarts23:55
resixianFrozenKnight: must be some user permission or the automagic daemon is failing you23:55
ActionParsnipezrafree: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_cNuMZYzxcps/S2sr132286I/AAAAAAAAAv4/Sv-MTllbUgA/s320/Onboard-Menu.png23:55
ezrafreeAHHH that's got it thanks guys :)23:55
ezrafreehopefully i can update this beast and get things working again now lol23:55
FrozenKnightresixian: I had a hunch the daemon might be failing, don't really know why, but I'll use it like this for now :) Thanks resixian ! :)23:56
Two9ARight, I've tried asking this before today, but: Does anyone know why my Hauppage Nova-T card won't allow ioctl to be opened to its frontend? http://pastebin.com/6BNHJKXN23:56
ActionParsnipezrafree: add the item to your startup items and it'll run at login :)23:56
Two9AI've tried compiling up a new 2.6.36 kernel, the driver loads normally, but nothing doing when I dvbsnoop23:56
resixianFrozenKnight: also check here, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB#User Privileges23:57
resixianFrozenKnight: it really should 'just work'23:57
netbeastaction that installing cheese thing didnt work it doesnt detect webcam23:57
ezrafreedarn, there's no "arrows" on the on screen keyboard so i can't see what the command was that got me in to this mess, but i'm pretty sure it was "sudo apt-get install lib-notify" because i was trying to fix this error i was getting in thunderbird23:58
FrozenKnightThanks resixian :)23:58
ActionParsnipnetbeast: then websearch for the 8 character hex ID of the device23:58
ubashi to all23:58
Chaos2358ActionParsnip,  KM0201 ok gnomebaker is "frozen?" i installed with sudo, opened, tools, burn cd image, selected the iso file, hit burn, it spun up my disc and is just sitting there at"starting new track at sector:0" and its not spinning the disc..23:58
aertyui simply made a copy from one machine to an other machine if i do ls -l on the first i got total 8512   and the second if i do ls -l i got  total 8360  is that normal ?23:58
netbeasthow do i find the hex id23:58
shcherbakezrafree: history?23:59
KM0201Chaos2358: didn't you say you were trying to burn a DVDr?... maybe you need to choose burn DVD iso?23:59
itaylor57ezrafree: i think sudo aptitidue update then sudo aptitude install willdo the trick23:59
ubassome one for a little help??? My ubuntu going crazy! i cannot open andy folder, cause file manager starts,and when open ubuntu a lot of file manager opened!23:59

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