
mhall119highvoltage: I'll be at Disney World all day tomorrow with the family, so just drop me a message when debmower is available and I'll check into it when I can00:33
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
porthosehey guys does anyone know of a list of companies that use ubuntu in an enterprise setting?  I have a friend (a teacher) that is trying to convince the schools superintendent that FOSS is a good thing, ubuntu-devel sent me here :)18:39
dindaporthose; there is a page of case studies that has some listed19:05
dindaporthose: http://www.canonical.com/about-canonical/resources/case-studies19:06
dindaporthose: and I'd be happy to talk to them and provide some more materials for their case.19:07
dindaporthose: I work for Canonical in all things Education19:07
dindaporthose: just have them contact me: belinda.lopez AT canonical.com if they need more materials19:08
porthosedinda, sorry I was AFK for a bit, thank you very much I will pass on the information :)19:09
dindaporthose: no problem19:09
priyank W: Failure trying to run: chroot /opt/ltsp/i386 /sbin/ldconfig20:56
priyankerror: LTSP client installation ended abnormally20:56
priyank what should i do20:56
priyankwhen i perform sudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i38620:57
priyankgroups: cannot find name for group ID 020:57

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