
alexp_sssup2hi everyone. PPAs does not support building for powerpc, but don't accept binary packages either. What is the right way to provide powerpc debs to users (beside uploading then somewhere else?)00:51
wgrantalexp_sssup2: You can't do that with a PPA, unfortunately.00:52
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jtvlifeless: thought this might interest you… https://code.launchpad.net/~jtv/storm/profile-fetches/+merge/4332305:29
alopenerpHow can i buy a voucher to register a project as private ?09:36
alopenerpIt used to be available on canonical shop09:37
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mrevellHello alopenerp, sorry for the delay in spotting your question.10:03
mrevellalopenerp, Mark your project's licence as "proprietary" and you'll get a link taking you to buy the voucher.10:03
mrevellalopenerp, Ping me if you need any help.10:03
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kikohey there12:50
kikoshould a series driver not have the right to +setproductseries for a blueprint?12:50
kikomrevell, ^^12:51
kikosinzui? flacoste?12:55
alopenerpmrevell: I bought a voucher my project is currently licensed as apache and i would like to set it as proprietary, but i'm unable to do so13:10
alopenerpI just redeemed a voucher but my branches are still public, it's a well known bug in launchpad that require a manual fix, i did it many here on irc could somebody fix my project openerp-ctp ?13:27
maxblosa ping: Anyone available to help alopenerp ?13:40
mthaddonalopenerp: which person or team should be able to create branches?13:43
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mrevellmaxb, mthaddon: I think alopenerp has resolved the issue ... we've been PMing.13:55
alopenerpmthaddon: nope it's not yet resolved all branches i push are public i don't know how to switch them to rpivate14:33
mthaddonalopenerp: which team or person should be able to see the private branches?14:33
alopenerpteam ~openerp-ctp14:34
alopenerpproject openerp-ctp14:34
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mthaddonalopenerp: ok, you should be all set14:34
alopenerpmthaddon: thanks it's ok now14:39
kikoflacoste, :)14:39
kikohow are you14:39
kikoflacoste, nobody helped me, so I had to help myself14:39
flacostei'm good, do you still need help?14:40
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kikoflacoste, no, it's all good14:48
kikoflacoste, see my question above though14:48
kikoproduct drivers don't have blueprint Edit permission basically14:48
flacostekiko: product drivers or product series driver?14:50
flacostekiko: if you file a bug we could fix it rapidly, we are in bug jam mode until the end of the year :-)14:51
kikoflacoste, product drivers.14:51
flacostekiko: that looks shallow and easily fixable14:51
kikoflacoste, hmm, I asked salgado to try, let me check14:51
=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | On-call help contact: abentley | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
flacostesinzui, bac, Edwin-afk: does one of you can qa bug 63892415:04
ubot5Launchpad bug 638924 in Launchpad itself "Milestone:+index timeouts with many bugs" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63892415:04
sinzuiEdwinGrubbs, was doing that QA 30 minutes ago15:05
sinzuiThe page is better, but not perfect. EdwinGrubbs was going to hunt down some staging oopses to verify if the death was in the ORM15:05
EdwinGrubbsflacoste: I can mark it as qa-ok, since it works fine except for not completely solving the timeout problem.15:06
flacosteEdwinGrubbs: thanks15:06
flacostesinzui: are you doing QA of bug 689431?15:07
ubot5Launchpad bug 689431 in Launchpad itself "change the mailing lists default signature" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68943115:07
sinzuiYes staging is broken Chex is helping me15:08
flacostesinzui: shouldn't we testing this on qastaging?15:08
sinzuiqastaging does not have a mailman15:09
sinzuior an archives which is what I am testing15:09
flacostesinzui: ok, can you file a RT to make sure we fix that?15:09
flacostewe should be able to QA mailing lists stuff on qastaging since it's part of the nodowntime set15:09
flacosteit thought it had been done15:09
sinzuithe archives or that qastaging does not have a mailman15:10
flacostethe mailman15:10
flacosteand archives15:10
flacostebut maybe mailman was done, but not the archives setup15:10
flacosteabentley: hello, since thumper is on leave, do you think you could qa bug 670440?15:11
ubot5Launchpad bug 670440 in Launchpad itself "Very difficult to create a recipe targeted to a new archive" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67044015:11
abentleyflacoste, I'll look into it.15:12
flacosteabentley: thanks15:12
flacosteUrsinha: we have a registered bug about reusing branch in qa-tagger right?15:12
Ursinhaflacoste, yes15:12
flacosteUrsinha: how do we work-around it in the mean time?15:13
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Ursinhaflacoste, what's the situation? I've landed a fix that doesn't touch fix released bugs when linked to the branch, only others15:13
flacosteUrsinha: revision 12065 and 1208315:14
flacosteUrsinha: what about if it wasn't fix released15:14
flacostebut fix commited15:14
flacostebecause the branch was reused before the revision was deployed15:14
Ursinhathan it will be touched15:14
flacostecan we change that to fix commited?15:15
flacostesince it makes sense to merge the branch, qa it15:15
flacosteand then reuse it15:15
flacosteit's possible that it's not deployed between the two events15:15
flacostelike now15:15
Ursinhaflacoste, problem is you have incremental commits, or commits fixing bad branches (not rollbacks)15:15
flacosteUrsinha: and i think the problem isn't that the tags are touched15:15
flacosteUrsinha: but more that the revision is considered linked to two unrelated bugs15:15
flacostelook at the current report for those two revisions15:16
Ursinhaflacoste, hm, iirc the previous discussion on this behavior, the only way to "fix" that would be to make tagger only consider mentioned bugs in the commit msg, not linked bugs to the branch15:18
Ursinhathis behavior of checking bugs linked to the branch was added due to people forgetting to mention bugs and we end up with lots of untested commits15:19
flacosteUrsinha: really? i'm sure we could apply some heuristics here15:19
flacostefor example if a branch link is merged and the bug is fix released or fix-commited QA-ok do not consider for the new revision15:19
Ursinhabranch link is merged, what exactly that means?15:20
flacosteUrsinha: if you look at bug 66077015:21
ubot5Launchpad bug 660770 in Launchpad itself "root logger in tests is very noisy" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66077015:21
flacosteand compare with bug 67325215:21
ubot5Launchpad bug 673252 in Launchpad itself "server.* scope not robust on misspelt scopes" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67325215:21
flacosteactually, that's a bad example since the second one doesn't have any branch linked :-/15:21
flacostebut if it had, you'd see that the branch was merged15:22
flacostewhereas on the first one, it's still up for review15:22
flacosteand you can look at the merged revno on the merge proposal15:22
Ursinhaso I'd need to check the merge proposals of that branch15:22
flacosteto distinguish between, it's a reuse and it fixes two bugs15:22
flacosteyeah, that's my suggestion15:23
UrsinhaI wonder if you have lots of merge proposals in the same branch, linked to lots of bugs, will all of them appear in every bug? because the bug is linked to a branch that has lots of mps15:23
Ursinhanot sure I'm making sense15:23
Ursinhalet me think a bit15:23
flacosteUrsinha: i haven't see that15:24
flacostebut they probably apply similar logic in the code15:24
flacosteabentley or thumper would be able to confirm15:24
Ursinhahm, no because a branch can have only one active mp for a target at a time15:24
Ursinhaabentley, is that correct?15:25
abentleyUrsinha, that's correct.15:25
Ursinhawondering how would I find that merged mp related to the bug15:28
abentleyUrsinha, merge proposals don't link to bugs in any way.  The display just uses the branch links.15:29
Ursinhathat's what I thought15:29
Ursinhaso how could I tell a merged mp relates to a specific bug, so I wouldn't touch it?15:29
UrsinhaI need coffee :)15:30
abentleyUrsinha, I can only think of gross things like scanning the description for "bug #"15:30
abentleyflacoste, I think it would be nice if bug fixes were linked to revisions in our data model, not to branches.15:31
flacosteabentley: that sounds like a sound idea15:32
abentleyflacoste, I guess that's a LEP?15:34
flacosteabentley: it could be one, but it could also be a model change to address some bugs15:36
flacostedepending on the scope of the changes15:36
flacostebut since it's kind of tricky, a LEP might be in order15:37
abentleyflacoste, True, but I think it's "features-sized", because the existing model is assumed all over the place.15:37
flacosteit's tricky beceau on the other hand, there has been a lot of criticism on the way bzr does --fixxes15:37
flacostewhich basically ties a revision to a bug fix15:38
abentleyflacoste, data migration would be a nightmare, for example.15:38
abentleyflacoste, are the criticisms just that if you forget, you can't fix it later?15:38
flacostewhereas we didn't record revision in the bugbranch link15:38
flacosteabentley: and that the fix is usually over multiple revisions15:38
flacostemore like LP does it, when using a feature branch: this branch is intended to fix that bug15:39
flacosteand there is no single revision that provides the fix15:39
flacostebut when it's merged on mainline then one revision contain the fix15:39
abentleyflacoste, in bzr, revisions are tree snapshots, not deltas.  So to me, the first snapshot that doesn't have the bug is the one that fixes it.15:40
flacosteok, i can get that15:41
flacostebut from a UI perspective i think you have to be intimate with the bzr data model to get it15:41
flacosteso it's not really intuitive15:41
flacostemost people think of revision as deltas15:42
flacostei do15:42
flacosteeven if for bzr, that's not the case15:42
abentleyflacoste, if you think of it as deltas, there may be many deltas leading up to the bug being solved, but there's one that builds on the others to actually fix the bug.15:43
flacosteright, that's also 'correct'15:48
flacostebut as a user, i think of it in two ways15:48
flacostei create a feature branch that fixes the bug15:48
flacosteonce it's merged on mainline it's fixed15:49
flacosteor i like you explained, i commit and at one point the bug is no more15:49
flacostewhich i can record their15:49
flacosteanyway, in both case, the bzr data model is probably fine15:50
flacostewe just have to be clever at the UI level above it15:50
flacosteand consider both feature branch and one-branch cases15:51
flacostein short, yeah, that probably sounds like a LEP :-)15:51
abentleyflacoste, fullly agreed.15:55
abentleyUrsinha, could qa-tagger look for "its own bug fixed by a commit" messages to figure out what revision fixes a bug?15:59
abentleyUrsinha, could qa-tagger look for its own "bug fixed by a commit" messages to figure out what revision fixes a bug?15:59
flacostekiko: salgado proposed https://code.launchpad.net/~salgado/launchpad/target-driver-edit-blueprint/+merge/44046 to fix your issue16:02
kikoflacoste, so I hear, help get it through :)16:04
kikoflacoste, is QA on that done on staging?16:07
flacostekiko: qastaging16:07
kikoflacoste, qastaging.launchpad.net?16:07
flacostekiko: yep, but it's not merged yet, bac just approved the review16:08
backiko: i just sent it to ec2 for salgado.  it'll be a few hours...16:08
kikobac, okay, ping me when it's back -- and thanks16:09
backiko:  ok.  also i subscribed you to bug 69155916:10
ubot5Launchpad bug 691559 in Launchpad itself "Drivers of a blueprint's target should be able to edit that blueprint" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69155916:10
flacostejelmer: what's the QA status of bug 690074?16:12
ubot5Launchpad bug 690074 in Launchpad itself "test to ensure archiveuploader ignores unknown build status uploads" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69007416:12
jelmerflacoste: it is QA OK, like the other bug that branch fixes.16:13
jelmerflacoste: updating now, thanks for the reminder.16:13
flacostejelmer: thx!16:13
aboudreaulthi. I'd to download a file listed in the PPA package details. but got a file not found. what's the URL to get the directory list of the ppa?16:18
aboudreault*directory file list*16:18
flacostesinzui: let me know once you've QA-ed bug 689431, i'll trigger set-up the nodowntime release16:24
jelmeraboudreault: Hi16:24
ubot5Launchpad bug 689431 in Launchpad itself "change the mailing lists default signature" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68943116:24
sinzuiflacoste, I ask for the mbox since the archives is usless16:24
jelmeraboudreault: There isn't a single directory you can list. You could look at the Packages file for a particular distroseries in the PPA (e.g. maverick)16:24
jelmeraboudreault: The best way to look at the contents of the PPA is using the "View Package Details" link on the PPA web page, or using the web service API.16:25
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aboudreaultjelmer, I'm already there. but the link are broken.16:25
jelmeraboudreault: Which PPA? That's probably a bug.16:26
aboudreaultjelmer, https://launchpad.net/~georepublic/+archive/pgrouting-testing/+packages , trying to download pgrouting_1.6.0-0+1-SNAPSHOT.orig.tar.gz  (51.0 KiB)16:26
jelmeraboudreault, That file appears to be removed from the librarian (our file store)16:27
jelmerI'm not sure why.16:28
aboudreaultit's not the first time I got something like that16:28
aboudreault(in different ppas)16:28
jelmerThe file does still appear to be present in the pool:16:29
aboudreaultgood, can download it from there16:31
jelmerI'm not sure what's going on with the file in the librarian16:32
aboudreaultjelmer, do you take care to create a bug or.. ?16:37
jelmeraboudreault: Yes, I'll see if I can find the relevant bug and file a new one if I can't. Should I subscribe you?16:38
aboudreaultgreat. yes please. "aboudreault". Thank you!16:39
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lamontlaunchpadlib has to be packaged somewhere, doesn't it???17:52
benjilamont: I don't quite understad the question.  If you want to install it, "apt-get install python-launchpadlib" should work for you.17:54
lamontbenji: it was more that I'm running maverick and apt-cache search launchpadlib returned nothing17:54
lamontthough interestingly, python-launchpadlib has been there since karmic. silly apt17:55
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maxbThat's fairly odd. I uploaded a package for hardy/jaunty/karmic/lucid/maverick/natty, and just the karmic upload disappeared into a black hole18:25
maxbIf there's anyone with log access around, is there anything in the upload processor logs for mercurial mercurial_1.7.2-1ppa1~karmic1 to ~mercurial-ppa/staging-releases around 14:35 UTC (since reuploaded just now)18:27
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smoserhi. is there any way to download mbox format archives of mailing list on launchpad ?18:46
smoserie: https://lists.launchpad.net/openstack/threads.html i'd like to get an mbox like is common for mailman lists18:47
smoser(ie http://lists.mindrot.org/pipermail/openssh-unix-dev/ see 'Downloadable Version')18:47
Chipacahi all. I can't find how to stop a project from using answers (that is, it's using answers, and I want to make it stop). Help?18:47
Chipacaabentley: ping19:08
abentleyChipaca, pong19:08
Chipacaabentley: hi. My Q above ^19:09
abentleyChipaca, on the project page, there should be a listing of what the project uses, with a configure link below it.19:10
Chipacaabentley: I don't see it :(19:10
abentleyChipaca, do you have admin rights to the project?19:11
Chipacaabentley: I see the "administer" link19:11
Chipacaabentley: I assume that means yes19:12
abentleyChipaca, what project?19:12
Chipacaabentley: ubuntuone19:12
abentleyChipaca, I see what you see.  I suspect this means that the rights to configure this are very limited.19:13
Chipacaabentley: meaning I have to pester the person who registered the project?19:14
abentleyChipaca, I think so.19:14
Chipacaabentley: ok19:14
abentleyChipaca, here's what I see on a project I registered: http://people.canonical.com/~abentley/configure-tracker.png19:20
Chipacaabentley: i know the box you mean, i see it also in projects i registered19:20
Chipacaabentley: the ubuntuone project is a lot more complicated and special than the ones I've registered myself, though :)19:20
abentleyChipaca, :-)19:21
abentleysinzui, do you know whether it's possible to get an export of a Launchpad-hosted mailing list in mbox format?19:36
sinzuinot without a losa's assistance. The admin can copy the mailman/archives/private/<team>-mbox/<team>.mbox19:38
sinzui^ abentley that mbox is always complete. The db file in the same directly keep a record of what can be published as pages19:39
abentleysmoser, That's not something provided by Launchpad.  It would require admin intervention.19:42
smoserthats what i thought, thanks for the verification.  it is a nice feature in mailman.19:43
abentleysmoser, np.19:47
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=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | On-call help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk

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