
micahgmr_pouit: am I ok to upload a similar powerpc fix for exo to the one that doko did for libsfce4ui?07:15
micahgmr_pouit: oh, I guess you did it 5 minutes before I had it ready :-/07:33
mr_pouitmicahg: eh sorry, I saw the ftbfs mail when I woke up, so I uploaded the fix immediately ;]09:07
charlie-tcaGood morning12:56
charlie-tcamr_pouit: fresh install today, desktop does not start; live cd same - desktop does not start. It is installed. I can start it myself.14:26
mr_pouitnot sure why, I tried the current i386 daily image this morning, and it started :]14:32
charlie-tcaI just ran it on hardware, got panels without the desktop wallpaper. 14:32
charlie-tcaI can't get virtualbox to work in Natty now. 14:33
charlie-tcaMaybe it dislikes my ATI 9800 ?14:34
charlie-tcaOh, wait. This is yesterday's live cd14:35
charlie-tcaToday's failed to build14:35
mr_pouitI don't know, I still need to disable "launch gnome services" in the default config, otherwise xfce4-session will try to start half of gnome (i.e. even desktop files with OnlyShowIn=GNOME;) afaik14:36
mr_pouityeah, it failed14:36
charlie-tcagreat... I will wait for another build to file bugs14:36
mr_pouitbut it won't affect existing configs14:39
mr_pouitso you should uncheck the box in xfce4-session settings ;)14:40
charlie-tcaThis is running the live cd14:40
mr_pouitand see if it's better14:40
mr_pouitmmh, ok14:40
mr_pouitanything in .xsession-errors ?14:40
charlie-tcaMy install is working14:40
charlie-tcaforgot to look14:41
charlie-tcadoesn't look like it14:44
charlie-tcaWe can wait and see next week14:44
mr_pouitcharlie-tca: is apport following your gtk+ theme?14:51
charlie-tcaI don't understand14:52
mr_pouitcharlie-tca: the apport window that appears, is it correctly themed?14:52
charlie-tcaI haven't seen an apport crash on natty in the panel14:52
mr_pouitwhen I tried this morning, it was "plain ugly grey"14:52
mr_pouitmmh, maybe you can make it appear with "apport-bug"14:53
mr_pouit(in a terminal)14:53
charlie-tcaI haven't seen any crashes come up14:53
mr_pouityeah yeah, I know, I had to provoke one to see apport ;>14:54
charlie-tcawhat package works?14:55
charlie-tcalinux and thunar and vbox are not guenuine packages14:55
charlie-tcaI can't force one14:56
charlie-tcaapparently all my packages are "not a genuine Xubuntu package"14:56
charlie-tcalol; must have faked everything on here... ;-)14:57
charlie-tcaI like greybird more than bluebird15:29
charlie-tcajust my 2 cents15:29
mr_pouitif you add xfce4-verve-plugin, can you see what you type in the tex area ?15:30
mr_pouitwith bluebird it seems to be white on white ;)15:30
charlie-tcait worked with dictionary plugin, let me check15:30
mr_pouitno need to, if it works with dict-plugin, it's okay15:31
charlie-tcagoing to verify anyway, maybe I used a different theme when I tested it15:32
charlie-tcaisn't white on white hard to see?15:33
charlie-tcavery light gray on white15:34
charlie-tcavery hard to see in greybird too15:34
charlie-tcaI have to hilight the text to see it15:35
mr_pouityeah, with bluebird it's invisible :p15:37
charlie-tcaI will have to install a floppy drive in a test unit to check the bugs from that. My system with the working drive lost the motherboard15:40
charlie-tcamr_pouit: are we really going to try and support floppy drives in Natty?15:42
mr_pouit"[Build #2081503] powerpc build of xfce4-panel 4.7.6-0ubuntu1 in ubuntu natty RELEASE" <<< micahg, it's for you if you want :P (I will only be at home in 2~3h, so I'll do it if you haven't done it already ;)15:43
mr_pouitcharlie-tca: if gio supports mounting floppy drives, yeah ;>15:43
mr_pouitotherwise, we don't care15:43
charlie-tcaOkay, I will check it out then. 15:43
mr_pouitmicahg: oops, nvm, doko was faster :p15:47
ochosihi everyone16:24
ochosiabout the invisible text: i'll check it out in a few mins, have to reboot to natty16:25
ochosihaven't noticed that problem yet though16:25
ochosimaybe some new behaviour of murrine...16:25
charlie-tcaIt is only the panel apps, as far as I know16:26
ochosiit's the same in maverick16:26
ochosithanks for reporting that16:26
ochosiis it problematic in any other plugin than verve?16:27
ochosikay, i'll try to fix the panel code asap16:28
charlie-tcaWe seem to be a bit fussy now. Wanting to read the text that got typed! ;-)16:28
ochosibtw, i made a new gtk-scale style for greybird, will push that in a few mins16:29
ochosiwould be interested what you say16:29
ochosiit should be more visible and better for accessibility now16:29
charlie-tcaI like that idea16:29
ochosii'll maybe also try to quickly fix the panel-text problem16:30
ochosik, i fixed it16:38
ochosii'll commit the stuff in a few mins16:38
ochosican any of you test the fix on natty?16:38
charlie-tcalet me know16:38
ochosicharlie-tca: just pushed the changes, should now be available in the hg-repo16:41
charlie-tcaLooks the same17:00
ochosik, will check myself quickly in natty17:00
charlie-tcaI have to hilight the text to see that I typed it17:00
ochosithe fix worked in maverick17:00
charlie-tcaochosi: it works now in verve plugin but not in dictionary plugin17:02
charlie-tcaLetters are very sharp in verve plugin17:02
ochosicharlie-tca: please specify the dict-problem17:04
ochosidict is only a launcher button as far as i can see17:04
ochosiah right17:05
ochosinow i see17:05
charlie-tcaWhen you add it to the panel, you add a book and a blank17:05
ochosiwell, not by default17:05
charlie-tcano? mine did17:05
ochosiby default it's without the textbox in the panel (at least here)17:05
ochosibut nevermind, i'll fix it17:05
charlie-tcasorry for the confusion17:06
ochosino problem17:06
ochosiit's a pity that the systray is still broken17:07
charlie-tcaBut, they don't shrink all the way gone everyday :-)17:09
ochosihm, strange that the fix doesn't apply for the dict-plugin, it's using the same widget as the verve plugin17:10
charlie-tcahm, before we couldn't type in either one, but that got fixed finally17:11
ochosihm, i think i won't have enough time to fix xfce-dict for now, g2g17:16
ochosii'll put it on the todo-list for greybird17:16
charlie-tcaThat works, too. Didn't expect you to jump right in 17:17
ochosiwell, it seemed easy to figure out ;)17:18
ochosihow do you like the new scale style?17:18
ochosi(it's that widget you can see as progressbar of a video/audio in parole)17:19
ochosii guess you have to play a file to really see how it works/looks17:19
ochosicharlie-tca: in case i forget about the dict-bug please remind me17:22
ochosig2g now17:22
charlie-tcaOh, 17:22
charlie-tcaI don't do well with that, but will check it out in a bit17:22
ochosik, see you17:22
charlie-tcamr_pouit: I can not get Natty to recognize the floppy drive. I don't know if there is a udev rule for it even.18:15
mr_pouitI only have laptops here, so no more floppy disk for me :p18:16
charlie-tcaWell, I get the drive in lucid, but not maverick or natty18:16
charlie-tcaI can't force a mount even, because it isn't in /dev18:16
mr_pouityeah, then probably a kernel or udev issue18:17
charlie-tcaWant to kill the bug reports on floppies then? 18:17
mr_pouitI don't think the original reporter still cares18:18
charlie-tcaI will take care of it. 18:18
micahgmr_pouit: the xdg applications list moving to /usr/share doesn't change anything WRT its purpose, right?20:49
mr_pouitmicahg: it shouldn't20:56
micahgmr_pouit: ok, I'll update the firefox apparmor profile then20:57
mr_pouitputting it to /etc was probably a mistake in the first time ;[20:57
micahgmr_pouit: because it's not meant to be changed?20:58
mr_pouityeah, and all desktop files added would be marked as conffiles, so not really usable20:59
micahgok, cool20:59
mr_pouit(there will be already enough rm_conffile stuff because of the 4.6 -> 4.8 transition)21:00

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