
Newkszczur: thanks for that bashfile tip!01:39
szczurdid it work?01:40
Newkyup.. after finding typo in the file and after putting the command sh before the .sh file01:41
szczurgreat :)01:41
Newkindeed :)01:42
BookmanHow much is one stone in Kg?03:28
Newkdepends on the stone03:29
Bookman1 stone = 6.35029318 kilograms03:31
Newkwhat kind of stone?03:31
Bookmanenglish apparently03:32
Newkor is "stone" an old measure unit?03:32
Newklike "foot"03:32
BookmanYes, sorry, watching British tv show and I was just wondering.03:32
Newkok cool03:32
BookmanNot the right venue, just thought it was interesting.03:33
BookmanSo how is everyone tonight?03:37
Paddy_NItrying to figure out how to get appindicators to run on lxde03:40
Paddy_NIor lxpanel rather03:40
phillwNewk: Bookman, this room is fully logged to official ubuntu standards, could you please use #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat, thanks guys :D03:41
Paddy_NIHas anyone else had any issues with appindicators on lubuntu?03:42
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hosokaHello all12:08
hosokaI would like to know how I can get my Shutdown icon on the paneltray back ?12:08
Yorvykhosoka, have a look in $HOME/.config/lxpanel/Lubuntu/panels/panel and see if there is mention of lubuntu-logout.desktop near the bottom12:17
hosokaYorvyk: not found at the bottom12:20
hosokaPlugin {12:21
hosoka    type = dclock12:21
hosoka    Config {12:21
hosoka        ClockFmt=%R12:21
hosoka        TooltipFmt=%A %x12:21
hosoka        BoldFont=012:21
hosoka        IconOnly=012:21
hosoka    }12:21
hosokaPlugin {12:21
hosoka    type = indicator12:21
hosokathese are the last I found12:21
Yorvykhosoka, it should look something like this http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/Jn0qd1RK12:28
hosokalet me look12:28
hosokaI think I only need the logout.desktop part.12:32
hosokalet me check12:32
hosokaYorvyk: thanks. That did the trick after reboot.12:38
Newklubuntu uses alsa for sound, right?14:49
Newkis there a settings tool for it installed?14:50
Newkah there is curses alsamixer i see..14:52
szczurNewk, sudo apt-get install gnome-alsamixer15:06
szczurit is nice tool15:06
mati75I have small quation about remixing lubuntu18:20
Newkif you put a question it might get answered18:22
Newkdont ask to ask18:22
mati75How is about licence and branding os?18:30
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phillwbug #121:13
ubot5Launchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121:13
phillwYorvyk: I just needed it for a link to a PM, but it is still bug number 1 :D21:22
* Fabzgy is struggeling to install lubuntu 10.10 on a PIII with 256 MB RAM22:22
Fabzgyi m now installing Ubuntu 10.10 Alternate just with a command shell22:22
Fabzgycan I follow the minimal instalation guide from this shell on?22:23
szczurFabzgy, yeah, it pretty much covers the installation process22:25
FabzgyWhat I m actually trying to do is using the PIII Computer as a Client for my other PC through xnest via openssh22:26
Fabzgydo I need a further lubuntu installation or can I co that from the ubuntu shell right away?22:26

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