jacquesdupontd | hi guys, hope you're all doing good, wanted to share this video without disturbing the chan as it seems quiet, i had seen it 1 year ago and was amazed | 01:53 |
jacquesdupontd | as im doing home made tablets too but as i do all the time different ones i work hard on he case | 01:54 |
jacquesdupontd | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNcRLc13YVc | 01:54 |
jacquesdupontd | he seems not to have that problem | 01:54 |
jacquesdupontd | the dell streak was not even announced with specific date | 01:55 |
jacquesdupontd | hey guys, i wanna talk you about an incredible thing that is happing in tv boxes and interet suplier here but i wanna be sure that i'm not talking alone :) | 15:00 |
guerby | rsalveti, hmm if I plug an USB-serial into the pandaboard while it's running, am I supposed to get something? screen -m -c /dev/null /dev/ttyUSB0 115200 8n1 doesn't show any activity or answer to keypresses | 15:02 |
jacquesdupontd | not to make short things long, free (internet supplier gonna supply for a 50 euros of bill due to changing the box its box and the new box that will begin to be sent januaryt | 15:02 |
jacquesdupontd | instead of paying 30 euros for hundreds of TV channels + HD tuner TNT + 100 mega downloads / 50 mega upload , reserved for each custumer and only for the internet part, means the TV bandwith is bonus | 15:04 |
jacquesdupontd | a local phone with hundreds of countries where calls are totally free | 15:05 |
jacquesdupontd | with this new box, now they've managed to buy the last French Cellular Network Liscence, before they are allowed to sell phones, they give a kick with this box that for 6 more euros only will makes your loolocal phone being able to call any phone for free | 15:07 |
jacquesdupontd | anywhere 24/7 | 15:08 |
jacquesdupontd | and as it's SIP protocol, i can call from my iPhone, either in 3g or in Wifi, means nearly anywhere | 15:08 |
jacquesdupontd | the box is a game console with graphism between wii and PS3, blueray player, designed by phillip stark (we like it or we don't but i do), the box does NAS server, has got an OS with a perfect browser like chrome to do everything and surf using the remote ontrol that feature acceloremeter and gyyroscope | 15:10 |
jacquesdupontd | they are even giving a game controller with the pack | 15:10 |
rsalveti | guerby: you need to add the proper ttyO2.conf file at /etc/init | 15:11 |
jacquesdupontd | 250 mb storage server, a freebox store with Gameloft being linked to them, delivered with asphalt5 and let 's golf it 2 | 15:11 |
rsalveti | so upstart can run getty on it | 15:12 |
guerby | rsalveti, ok | 15:12 |
rsalveti | guerby: http://paste.ubuntu.com/545291/ | 15:13 |
guerby | rsalveti, ok that works | 15:14 |
guerby | rsalveti, thx! | 15:14 |
rsalveti | guerby: did you see any other crash? | 15:14 |
guerby | rsalveti, still the same kind of messages but no crashes for now. | 15:14 |
rsalveti | guerby: ok, cool | 15:14 |
guerby | rsalveti, I just relaunched the "make -k check" part that crashed the first time, and it got past the crash point | 15:14 |
guerby | rsalveti, this means crashes are not easy to reproduce ... | 15:15 |
rsalveti | =\ | 15:15 |
guerby | rsalveti, is there anything else to do to get crash messages than screen -m -c /dev/null /dev/ttyUSB0 115200 8n1 ? I get the expected login prompt for now | 15:15 |
rsalveti | guerby: should be fine now, then if we get a crash you can just resume screen and get the output | 15:16 |
jacquesdupontd | if some wanna take a look at what it looks like and what are the exact specification can search for the device name Freebox v6 | 15:17 |
jacquesdupontd | and another thing, there's an internal HDD with the ability to install any OS you want, they've said they want the more moders or hackers they can have | 15:18 |
guerby | rsalveti, ok, I'll wait for a new crash then :) | 15:18 |
jacquesdupontd | everythins is open | 15:18 |
rsalveti | :-) | 15:18 |
jacquesdupontd | for 6 euros :) | 15:18 |
jacquesdupontd | of course the reason i talked about this quadruple play first box in France, because it's armed with ARM 1,2 ghz and Ubuntu can be install like any other OS | 15:39 |
=== prpplague^2 is now known as prpplague | ||
lool | jacquesdupontd: Do you have details on the freebox server offering? I didn't read about installing the OS of your choice as you mention | 16:12 |
lool | this would really be awesome | 16:12 |
lool | I miss that from the start | 16:12 |
lool | jacquesdupontd: Also, if you have pointers about the hardware, that's helpful; I think it's only armv5 or v6 though, so not supported by Ubuntu anymore | 16:13 |
lool | since it's 1.2 GHz, I guess it's a marvell chip | 16:13 |
lool | they say it's an arm9, so v5 | 16:14 |
lool | with ESATA | 16:15 |
lool | yep, it's kirkwood | 16:17 |
guerby | lool, freebox v6 is based on Atom CE4100 not ARM | 17:00 |
guerby | jacquesdupontd, ^ | 17:00 |
guerby | oops sorry freebox server is ARM9, freebox player is Intel | 17:05 |
guerby | http://www.cnx-software.com/category/processors/intel-ce41xx/ | 17:05 |
guerby | wonder what the SoC with the SFP is... | 17:22 |
jacquesdupontd | it seems to be NAS server | 17:44 |
jacquesdupontd | the offer is just for French inernet custumers | 17:45 |
jacquesdupontd | Free is an internet TV local phone and soon Cellular Phone supplier, but as they wanted to use their liscence for Cellular Network before being able to sell Cellular Phones, they had this idea of New box wich is a mix of a mini server mixed with an xbox and mixed with a wii for tonrol and better than an apple TV | 17:47 |
jacquesdupontd | gameloft is partner for the launching and deliver the box with asphlat5 (for tv to be played with the wireless remote gamepad with accelerometer and gyroscope) and Let's golf it 2 | 17:49 |
jacquesdupontd | it seems its gonna be really easy to develop any kind of app cause everything is open even source code, boot loaders etc... Free is a verysmart compagny they 've started from nothing and now are the 2nfd best and most taken supplier for internet behind the ancient monopoloe Orange (france telecom) | 17:51 |
jacquesdupontd | and from the beginning of the first freeboxes 5 years ago, on the first 2 mega bit offer , the freebox was already a linux based device | 17:51 |
jacquesdupontd | for 5 years they never updated the price 30 euros, others were asking you money for each little new features, first it has been wifi, then, tv the other things | 17:52 |
jacquesdupontd | but free Always 30 euros and so many things to be done | 17:53 |
jacquesdupontd | So if you make the exchange of your Freebox V5 HD counter the V6 you'll pay for the first time 6 more euros, but will have all those different services, a store, a based os, + possibility to install any os in dual boot, 250 giga server NAS based, another amazing thing thing is that no control will be made for apps developped, wich means, every app you'll be developing will be sold on the store | 17:55 |
jacquesdupontd | lemme show you a video i'm talking in paralallel with a friend | 17:56 |
jacquesdupontd | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGjvImz3QuU | 17:57 |
jacquesdupontd | server : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9T3MTCnN6Us&feature=related | 17:57 |
jacquesdupontd | remote control for TV and OS and Media Player Control : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HBSMIgzsVY&feature=related | 17:58 |
jacquesdupontd | the player : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEHVBGSXuus&feature=related | 17:58 |
jacquesdupontd | freestore : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5e2udA2ABgE&feature=related | 17:58 |
jacquesdupontd | general video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=db4mXb7LbKI&feature=related | 17:59 |
=== kmargar is now known as markos_ | ||
drbrando | anybody care to take a stab at why Id have such trouble getting the user-mode network stack on qemu to connect to my host? Its an ubu-arm install in that VM... | 21:19 |
drbrando | missing packages in the VM...? | 21:19 |
sinan_aykut | hello eveyone | 22:00 |
sinan_aykut | is it possible to burn an .img.gz file to a usb, and later run it? | 22:00 |
dex` | what do u want? | 22:01 |
sinan_aykut | i want to test natty narwhal on my netbook | 22:01 |
sinan_aykut | but i don't posess any sd cards | 22:02 |
dex` | x86? | 22:02 |
sinan_aykut | so i want to use my usb | 22:02 |
sinan_aykut | yes | 22:02 |
sinan_aykut | http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/daily-preinstalled/current/ | 22:02 |
sveinse | rsalveti: What kind of target HW are you using? | 22:02 |
dex` | ok.. /join #ubuntu | 22:02 |
sinan_aykut | i found this web site and now downloading natty-preinstalled-netbook-armel+omap4.img.gz | 22:03 |
sinan_aykut | ow ok | 22:03 |
sinan_aykut | i just came here because of that web page | 22:03 |
GrueMaster | sinan_aykut: You want http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ for x86 netbook. The omap4 images are specificly for TI Omap4 Arm SOC processors (similar to smart phone processors only newer). | 22:13 |
drbrando | irc=scareee | 22:23 |
sinan_aykut | GrueMaster, i use a netbook | 22:23 |
sinan_aykut | GrueMaster, do you think it is not suitible for my machine? | 22:23 |
GrueMaster | Does your machine have an Intel or AMD processor? Then it is not suitable. The omap4 image is for an entirely different processor design and not compatible with your system. | 22:24 |
sinan_aykut | GrueMaster, ow i see, it looks like i have got an wrong image right now | 22:25 |
GrueMaster | If you want to test the daily Ubuntu image for x86, then follow the link I posted. If you want a stable image, go here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/maverick/release/ | 22:26 |
sinan_aykut | GrueMaster, how can i learn my processor type? | 22:26 |
GrueMaster | What brand netbook do you have? What model? | 22:27 |
sinan_aykut | GrueMaster, i have got a Asus EEE Pc 1015 PEM | 22:29 |
GrueMaster | Here is one link a simple google search turned up. http://hubpages.com/hub/Asus-Eee-PC-1015PEM-Netbook-Review-On-Ubuntu | 22:31 |
GrueMaster | Essentially, it is an Intel Atom N550 Processor (x86). | 22:32 |
sinan_aykut | GrueMaster, i wanted to try natty narwhal because i can not enable compiz effects on my ubuntu 10.10 | 22:33 |
GrueMaster | The link I posted has installation tips and a review of running Ubuntu on that system. Beyond that, you should move to the #ubuntu or #ubuntu-desktop channel as this one is more geared for an entirely different design. | 22:33 |
sinan_aykut | ow ok, so thanks for your help and kindness | 22:34 |
GrueMaster | Natty is at Alpha 1 (meaning very unstable). The link for the daily builds is http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ | 22:34 |
sinan_aykut | ok thank you, so you don't recommend installing it, right? | 22:35 |
GrueMaster | I would try the live version first. Just remember that it is still early in the development stages. | 22:36 |
GrueMaster | You can boot it live from USB following the instructions on the link I posted. See the CD Burning Guide. There are tools available to copy to USB instead of burning a cd. | 22:37 |
sinan_aykut | ok thank you so much, i just wanted to see compiz effects on unity, but thanks anyway | 22:40 |
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