
kristian-aalborgibuclaw: I got the super grub rescue cd00:14
thewrathanyone home?00:23
kristian-aalborgthewrath: no00:23
* thewrath comes to kristian-aalborg and gives them a "Gibbs" head slap00:24
kristian-aalborgas in Brothers Gibbs, the Bee Gees?00:25
thewrathno NCIS Special Agent LeeRoy Jeathrow Gibbs00:26
kristian-aalborgah okay... the other thing would undoubtedly be painful, though00:27
reaper_anyone know how to recover a password for a achieve02:14
UndiFineDreaper_, meet john02:15
UndiFineDjohn is a cousin of jack02:16
UndiFineDthe ripper02:16
UndiFineDwhich happens to be able to guess passwords02:16
UndiFineDi found it funny with your name reaper_02:17
UndiFineDbut john is real02:17
aveilleuxreaper_: You mean like passworded RAR archives?02:18
reaper_rarcrack doesnt work02:18
aveilleuxreaper_: Why don't you have the password? Most times you find on you generally get the password from the uploaded 9_902:18
reaper_yeah well not this time02:19
reaper_have to pay to get a password02:19
aveilleuxFrom... what02:19
reaper_a movie02:19
aveilleuxreaper_: Piracy is not condoned on these channels.02:19
reaper_its not piracy if you own the movie02:20
aveilleuxreaper_: Then make a digital copy yourself.02:20
reaper_the one i have is all messed up and will not play02:20
aveilleuxreaper_: Have you tried disc recovery solutions like Disc Doctor, etc?02:21
reaper_their is no hope for the disk02:22
reaper_a friend had a copy of it and sent it to me only problem is that we cant remember the password02:23
aveilleuxreaper_: The distribution of media from one person to another is still technically piracy, even though you legally own a copy of it. You're licensed to make backups of /your/ copy, not take copies from other people. It's very tricky, legally.02:25
reaper_yeah true02:25
head_victimaveilleux: also in some parts of the world making backups that change the format are not acceptable eitiher (eg backing up a CD to mp3/ogg)02:26
aveilleuxhead_victim: True that.... sadly02:26
head_victimaveilleux: The hard part is I'm sure the laws are all slightly different from place to place making what some people think is ok not ok for others.02:28
head_victimI'm not even 100% certain the limits in my own country as it's all so confusing.02:28
reaper_very true02:31
hakimsheriffam I allowed to use a luanchpad account as an open id on oter websites not realted to Ubuntu>02:37
aveilleuxhakimsheriff: Yes02:37
hakimsheriffokay thx02:38
aveilleuxhakimsheriff: Though you might have to change the https: with http:02:38
aveilleuxhakimsheriff: Some sites can't parse https: properly.02:38
hakimsheriff<re you guys part of the ubuntu beginners team?02:39
Dutch70what would be the purpose of doing that?02:40
aveilleuxhakimsheriff: I'm a Padawan, not really a full member02:40
hakimsheriffwait lets talk un #ubuntu-beginner team02:40
aveilleuxDutch70: Changing the https: to http:? Some websites that use OpenID authentication can't properly handle https: referrer URLs, so changing it to http: makes it work. Launchpad automatically forwards to the encrypted https: address to log in, though.02:41
Dutch70sorry, should of been more clear...what is the purpose of using a launchpad acct as an open id on other websites? Not exactly sure what an open id is.02:42
hakimsheriffIt lets you login to the website without having to create a account on that website02:43
aveilleuxDutch70: OpenID is a system that enables user to use a single account to login to many websites.02:43
hakimsheriffLike "connect with facebooK" thing02:43
aveilleuxDutch70: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenID02:43
Dutch70oh...lol, sweet02:43
Dutch70Thank you02:44
Dutch70nice peice of info02:44
hakimsheriffis it better to dual-boot or use a virtual machine to play games that can only be played on windows and don't work with wine?02:45
aveilleuxhakimsheriff: Dual-boot. Virtualization MURDERS the video performance.02:45
Dutch70Does anyone have any idea why I would be able to run Ubuntu 10.10 from a live usb on an older pc, but Lubuntu seems to get stuck on the load page with the 4 dots...still flashing?02:46
hakimsheriffthx a lot02:46
head_victimDutch70: I had a problem with that screen where it wouldn't find the correct drive. When it's sitting on that screen press an arrow keey and it should drop you to cli and you can see the errors coming through. If you can then google what seems to be coming through that should help;02:47
Dutch70Hey head _victim...I was wondering if you'd be on here tonight...I'll give that a try02:50
head_victimDepends on when tonight is for you, it's just about 1pm here02:51
Dutch70it's 9:51 here...Fri night of course02:51
head_victimAnd I'm just about to head off for the afternoon but should be home tonight. Just not sure how much I'll be at the pc.02:52
Dutch70So  far I just have a flashing "=" sign in the upper left hand corner02:52
Dutch70without the quotations that  is02:53
head_victimYep, depends on how old the PC is as to how long it takes.02:54
Dutch70Well...in the mean time, the thread you gave me "yesterday" lol...worked great!!! And I'm lovin my pc once again!!!02:55
head_victimHah good to hear02:56
head_victimSee my trick is that I don't know tonnes of stuff but I have spent so much time googling problems I've had that I've learnt how to find stuff pretty well :)02:57
nit-withead_victim, don't give away the secrets. ;)02:57
head_victimnit-wit: hahaha sorry I'll keep it ot myself next time ;)02:58
head_victimBut yeah, I don't work in IT, I don't know how to code or program, but I do know how to drive google :)02:58
nit-withead_victim, I use google to find links at the Ubuntu forums where I actually help others or so they think anyway02:59
Dutch70lol...I'm a regular at the Ubuntu Forums & never found that thread.03:00
nit-witDutch70, if your loving your pc make sure you wipe it clean for other users. ;)03:01
aveilleuxnit-wit: awwwwwwwwwwww horrible pun03:05
Dutch70not so much...here03:07
Dutch70my g'f thought it was cute03:07
nit-witsorry I couldn't resist03:07
head_victimDutch70: well I'm sorry I ihave to head out but what I'd suggest is when that screen hangs just fress a few keys, from memory the arrow keys worked) until you f ind one that drops you to cli so you can see what problems it's havving. Google them and it should help. If you're still not having any luck someone in here the main lubuntu channel, their mailing list or the forums should be able to help out.03:08
Dutch70ok...do I need to reboot if it doesn't go anywhere or do you know of a shortcut?03:09
head_victimIf it doesn't hit that screen I'd just reboot03:09
head_victimBearing in mind the older the PC is the longer it will take to get there03:10
Dutch70alright thanks03:10
head_victimNo worries sorry I can't stay but need to work on my resume and I need to head over to my folks as my dad does lots of hiring of staff so he helps me write it.03:11
Dutch70good luck03:14
qu1nn1newb tried the ubuntu live on a HP Pavilion dv1000 laptop ...impressed03:31
qu1nn1wifi, sdcard, got the network share, network printer, all with no problem.  Unplugged the AC to run on battery and POW! shut down immediately03:32
qu1nn1looked at the settings for power management and nothing seemed out of the ordinary.... bug?03:33
pleia2yikes, that shouldn't happen!03:33
pleia2sounds like a bug :(03:33
qu1nn1I am beta testing OS's as I am sick of xp.03:36
=== ZachK_ is now known as zkriesse
holsteinanyone awake?05:20
holsteini made a GPG key a year ago at least05:21
holsteini think im going to have to do it again :/05:21
holsteinim trying to learn how to upload to a PPA05:21
holsteinwhat if im running debuild?05:31
holsteinand one of the messages at the end is saying "gpg: no secret key available"05:32
holsteinis that for me?05:32
holsteindebsign: gpg error occurred!  Aborting....05:32
* holstein found a forum post...05:33
holsteinNot enough random bytes available.  Please do some other work to give05:48
holsteinthe OS a chance to collect more entropy! (Need 277 more bytes)05:48
holsteinwhat qualifies as "work"05:48
IAmNotThatGuyholstein, type something05:51
IAmNotThatGuywhen you see Need 277 more bytes)05:51
IAmNotThatGuyrandom stuff05:51
holsteinNeed 282 more bytes05:51
holsteinit got worse ;)05:51
IAmNotThatGuyjust type. it doesnt matter05:52
IAmNotThatGuybrb in few minutes05:52
PCChrisIf I'm setting up an openVPN connection in NetworkManager (from nm-applet), what is the best way for nm to access the certs and keys that are in a protected directory?  Should I just copy these or change the permissions on the files?  As in, should I do either one of the latter two options or something else entirely?07:44
PCChris(I know not the *right* place to ask necessarily, but this channel seems more active than the official NetworkManager channel, which I posted to as well)07:45
hobgoblinhi PCChris - you might well have to hang about for an answer - in the meantime have you looked on the forum or in the wiki's?07:53
PCChrisI actually have not tried searching those yet....have tried the Google with no success, not quite sure what I should search for07:54
PCChrishobgoblin, ^^07:55
hobgoblinme neither ;)07:56
hobgoblinstart with vpn I guess - it'll get you to a wiki to start with07:57
PCChrishobgoblin, k thanks07:58
hobgoblinwelcome - sorry I can;t be of more help - but I didn't want you to think we were ignoring you07:59
PCChrishobgoblin, no problem, might just have to try #nm some more times and see if I ever get a response08:03
PCChrishobgoblin, mostly concerned about people hijacking my private client key...though I just realized if they break into my Ubuntu box somehow then unless I change from the default "user you setup initially is a sudoer" behavior they can probably get to the file no matter what anyway08:06
sogeppyo guys08:09
hobgoblinPCChris: a thought occurs to me - have a look at this guy's forum threads http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=510812 and also his blog - there is a vpm over ssh which might point you in the rigth direction http://bodhizazen.net/Tutorials/VPN-Over-SSH08:10
hobgoblinPCChris: but I hasten to add that I wouldn't know for sure ;)08:10
PCChrishobgoblin, ok thanks again..will look into those08:11
hobgoblinhi sogepp08:11
sogepphi hobgoblin :)08:11
nit-withobgoblin, helo hob08:47
jerkmy problem is like this: there are three audio I/O ports in my pc. only the middle one works as an audio output-- but i want at least two ports to work as audio outputs, one for the speakers and the other for the headphone. using ubuntu 10.04. can you help plz?08:48
reaper_anyone up in here08:54
nit-witreaper_, yeah08:57
nit-witreaper_, common man spit it out.;)08:58
reaper_need to fix drivers to play a mmo08:58
nit-witcome on man08:58
reaper_VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller08:59
nit-witreaper_, mmo?08:59
reaper_yeah regnum Online08:59
nit-witreaper_, driver fro the graphics09:00
nit-witreaper_, run this in the terminal and pastebin it   lspci | grep VGA09:01
nit-witreaper_, or is that what the info is09:02
nit-witreaper_, I usualy add this ppa for intel drivers, it might get you closer thats the most I know. https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates09:06
reaper_ok thanks09:07
nit-witreaper_, there aemore unstable ppa as well09:07
josewhat version of ubuntu should I install on a laptop pentium III 1.13 ghz, 512MB ram, 30 GB HD09:16
bioterrorLubuntu 10.1009:17
andrew_46bioterror: Standard Ubuntu will not run on this?09:19
bioterrorsure it will run, but lubuntu will be _fast_09:19
bioterrorbut I would suggest more from for the gnome09:20
bioterrormore ram09:21
bioterrorit's recommended to have 1GB of RAM for the vanilla ubuntu09:23
andrew_46bioterror: I will admit I have not used Lubuntu, sounds like an interesting project09:25
bioterrorandrew_46, I suggest to try it out ;)09:26
andrew_46bioterror: Just checking out the website now :)09:26
duanedesignmorning all09:31
andrew_46duanedesign: hello :)09:31
duanedesignyes Lubuntu is nice.09:32
duanedesignhello andrew_4609:33
andrew_46I will admit to being a pretty solid xfce user, but there is always time for something different :)09:34
duanedesigni am not sure how different XFCE is from LXDE, I imagine they are fairly similar experience. But i have not used XFCE so i am assuming :)09:43
bioterrorxfce was fast on version 3 ;)09:43
andrew_46I used Xubuntu for a long time a while back, although I believe it is not exactly thriving as focus is on gnomr09:44
* andrew_46 will learn to type one day09:46
bioterrorbut I'm off for the music concert, laters09:47
andrew_46bioterror: see you :)09:47
doezAnyone play world of warcraft here?10:27
pedro3005I used to10:30
doezDid you have any problems with the framerate?10:31
pedro3005I used to run it with wine at ~ 60 fps10:31
doezHow much tweaking did you have to do?10:32
pedro3005practically none10:36
pedro3005I ran it with a geforce 880010:36
doezOh, I'm with AMD's 6870 and cant seem to get it to run even10:38
doezBefore i installed the drirvers manually i could at least run it with 1 or 2 fps10:38
doezI thought the problem was that i ran 64 bit linux, but when i googld it showd up that it was no problem10:39
pedro3005and the same card worked perfectly on windows?10:40
doezOh yes.10:40
doezSays here I have to run it in windowed mode, and add some wow binary stuff to wine.10:43
doezDid you do that?10:43
pedro3005I'd run it in fullscreen o_O10:43
pedro3005but I remember I did a little tweaking10:44
pedro3005change a wow setting10:44
pedro3005oh yeah10:44
doezAnd just copying over the windows install to the wine folder works, yes?10:44
doezThe OpenGL, yeah10:44
doezI did that.10:44
doezBoth the wtf config and the regedit one10:44
doezI tried adding the .exe file to winecfg, no luck10:46
doezGot any ideas?10:46
doezglxinfo | grep rendering, gives me nothing in the terminal10:50
pedro3005#winehq maybe10:54
doezalready there asking :)10:55
=== andrew_ is now known as Guest31799
niraziohi can anyone say me the difference between client and server environment???14:27
bioterroryou mean Ubuntu Desktop Edition and Ubuntu Server Edition?14:30
hobgoblinnirazio: the server edition is optimised (afaik) for use as a server - desktop more for normal use - server has no gui14:34
niraziooke :)14:35
hobgoblinthere are other differences - best thing to do would be look at ubuntu.com and google14:35
bioterrorserver is minimal installation optimized to be a server14:35
bioterrorbut you can say sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop14:35
bioterroror what ever desktop14:35
hobgoblinsorry - thought that was nirazio asking lol14:36
doezI cant seem to run world of warcraft with wine, can anyone help me?14:53
nirazioCan anyone help me in setting up vsftpd??14:54
IAmNotThatGuydoez, you should try #winehq channel14:54
doezI've been there already14:55
IAmNotThatGuynirazio, https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ftp-server.html14:55
IAmNotThatGuydoez, we mostly prefer to not to use wine. so most of us dont have knowledge about it.14:56
IAmNotThatGuypedro3005, still here14:56
doezIs there an alternative?14:56
IAmNotThatGuyno wine = no .exe14:57
vipulIAmNotThatGuy,  is there any new version for wine?14:58
doez1.2.2 is the stable one14:58
doez1.3.9 is the develop one14:59
nirazioIAmNotThatGuy, when i restart it says Rather than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8) utility, e.g. service vsftpd restart14:59
vipulhumm.... wine supoort .exe file under linux right14:59
doezIt does, to some extent14:59
vipuldoez,  what do you mean by some extent? can you explain it15:00
doezTaken from my own experience I cant get anything to run under wine.15:00
doezExcept spotify.15:00
doezIt's tricky, basically.15:00
doezFrom what I've heard, it is possible with a lot of tweaking.15:01
doezAnd searching.15:01
doezAnd testing.15:01
doezTrial and error I guess.15:01
vipulok i  have some question related to account password changing in ubuntu15:01
duanedesignyeah some apps do better under wine then others15:02
vipulwell just now 20 mins before i have login to my root user with sudo -s and then password then i try to change my account password with this command <passwd> <--- and it shows me a result you password hav been successfully updated15:03
vipulbut when i try to login with new password in root user i am unable to log in it ? why15:04
vipulbut when i used this command sudo passwd  <---- and changes my password15:04
vipulit works15:04
vipuli want's to know the exact diffrence between this 2 comands15:05
duanedesignpasswd would change the password for your user account. sudo passwd would change the password for the root account?15:08
duanedesigndoez: does any of this help you https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WorldofWarcraft15:09
doezIt does not I'm afraid.15:09
doezReally tho I think it's driver related.15:09
duanedesigndoez: i figured you had probably seen that15:09
doezThanks tho.15:10
doezDo you know how to install video drivers?15:10
doezOr how to check if I even have them installed15:10
JoeMaverickSettdoez: this might help, have a look; http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=20549 (about WoW)15:14
doezThank you. Though I don't see anything related to my problem.15:16
duanedesigndoez: what do you get from this command:  lspci -nn | grep VGA15:18
doez"06:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon HD 5870 (Cypress) [1002:6898]15:18
doezAny good?15:20
duanedesigni am looking to see which driver that is15:21
doezIn synaptic or their website?15:22
duanedesigndoez: ok15:27
duanedesigndoez: yeah there is a pdf that lists the card supported by the flgrx driver. http://www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/catalyst_104_linux.pdf15:28
duanedesignif its not supported by it then you use the open source driver15:28
duanedesignlooks like your card is15:28
duanedesigndoez: do any drivers show up under System->Administration->Hardware Drivers15:29
doezYes I found a driver for my card on their website15:29
doezHold on.15:30
doezSays here I need to activate the driver.15:30
doezShould I?15:30
doezIt's the FGLRX one.15:30
duanedesignyes. that is the flgrx driver. Better 3d support15:30
doezAlright, I'll reboot and see if it did the trick.15:32
doezCookie to you for now.15:32
JoeMaverickSettmy ATI seems to work better with the open source driver. :)15:33
doezduanedesign: Had to format my computer after applying those video drivers. It wouldn't let me start it.15:48
doezGuess I'll try again.15:49
* holstein waves15:53
holsteinhow do i file a bug against lucid-backports?15:53
holsteinim trying to add 'lucid-backports' to the 'in what package did you find this bug' field15:54
holsteinand that doesnt seem right...15:54
hobgoblinbackports is a repo - I'd file it against the package you have the bug in15:56
holsteini'll try that15:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 691937 in rakarrack (Ubuntu) "bug report for backporting (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,In progress]16:00
holsteini think thats clear16:00
holsteini'll drop it in ubuntu-bugs too16:00
holsteinsee if im doing it properly16:00
slashedicehi all16:20
slashediceanyone mind helping me with a install problem of 10.10?16:21
holsteinslashedice: sure16:21
holsteinwhats up?16:21
slashediceokay, i was able to get ubuntu installed on my laptop no probs, and thats how im actually talking to you right now, but my desktop is being a pain16:22
slashediceevery time I go to install on my desktop, it will show the 4 blinking in succession lights, and then suddenly they will all go solid and will never load16:23
holsteinslashedice: how did the live CD run?16:24
slashedicei think thats the one i downloaded16:24
holsteintry getting to the desktop from the LIVE setup16:24
slashedicethats the one where it will basically load off the cd and give you a basic desktop correct?16:24
holsteinslashedice: its the usual download16:25
holsteinif you didnt search around for a different disc16:25
holsteinthats more than likely the one you have16:25
holsteinyou'll see 2 options at some point16:25
slashediceyeah thats how my laptop started, and that disk worked fine, just not so good on my desktop16:25
holsteininstall or run live without changes16:25
slashediceyeah i cant get there16:25
holsteinso you choose 'run live'16:25
holsteinand no dice?16:25
slashedicewell when my comp boots, it doesnt give me that option16:26
slashediceit just automatically starts doing its thing16:26
holsteinthis will be when the CD boots16:26
holsteinslashedice: you remember when you did the lappy install16:26
holsteinthere was something graphic that poped up16:27
holsteinand said install or run live16:27
holsteinthats what you need to get too16:27
slashediceyeah it hangs up at the boot ubuntu screen16:27
holsteinslashedice: im not sure if your acutally booting the CD or not16:27
holsteinslashedice: AH16:27
hobgoblinslashedice: how much ram - what graphics card on the desktop16:28
holsteinlets assume that its the graphics card for a moment then16:28
slashediceits a nvidia 250 gt and i have 8 gigs of ram16:28
holsteinhobgoblin: what has happened with 'safe graphics mode' ?16:29
IAmNotThatGuyslashedice, you installed 32 bit OS?16:29
holsteini havent acutally used the 10.10 live CD16:29
slashediceno i grabbed 64 bit16:29
IAmNotThatGuyyou have a live CD/ USB now?16:30
hobgoblinwhen you first get the cd to boot hit any key and you should then see the different options16:30
slashediceyeah,  i had no probs installing on my laptop with it16:30
hobgoblinmight need nomodeset or something16:30
slashediceyeah i can get there16:30
slashedicebut then it locks up at the ubuntu boot screen16:31
IAmNotThatGuyhobgoblin, I believe its nomodeset issue16:31
hobgoblinthen explain to slashedice how to use it :)16:31
slashediceok, let me fire the desktop up16:31
slashediceone sec16:31
slashediceok it booted and i hit f6, and theres a screen that says try ubuntu without installing, install ubuntu, check disc for defects, etc16:32
IAmNotThatGuyhobgoblin, gpated is the only way I know =]16:33
slashedicethats the screen i should be at, correct?16:33
hobgoblinadd it to the kernel option - not sure which it is off hand16:33
slashedicetheres a bunch of f key commands, like f6 other options and nomodeset is there16:34
slashediceselect that one?16:34
hobgoblincan but try16:35
slashediceok im gonna give it a go16:36
hobgoblinit might also be useful to remove quiet and splash then you might at least see what it hangs on16:36
slashediceok its booting and boot screen is not pretty anymore lol16:37
slashediceits still blinking through the 4 dots though16:38
slashediceok it says unreliable cpu thermal sensor; monitoring disabled16:39
slashediceok it loaded this time16:40
slashediceim sitting at the desktop16:40
slashedicethanks for all the help16:41
hobgoblinonce you have installed - don't reboot straight away - you can add nomodeset to the grub defaults - you might just end up with a non booting desktop16:42
slashediceok, is that something to watch out for with all nvidia cards?16:45
hobgoblinno - mine works fine without - but it's a bit older16:45
slashediceok, is that thermal sensor stuff something to be worried about?16:47
hobgoblinnot any idea :)16:58
holsteinslashedice: i did that on my server box17:00
holsteinabout a year ago17:00
holsteinand it hasnt caught fire yet ;)17:00
holsteinthe bios will still be 'doing its thing'17:01
holsteinif the CPU gets hot or something17:01
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Herr_Gunteri need some help18:50
sogeppguys, how many method we can use to return grub2 on ubuntu ??18:53
ubot2Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:53
reaper_anyone know of a program for ubuntu that will let you record video as you watch it19:12
holsteinreaper_: vlc transcodes19:18
holsteinwhat are you trying to accomplish?19:18
reaper_like when I watch a vid I may wait to record it19:19
holsteinyou probably already have the file if your watching it19:19
reaper_not live from the Internet19:20
holsteinas a creator of media, i would say request a copy from the content creator19:20
reaper_like youtube19:20
holsteinyeah, email and ask for a copy19:21
holsteinthe author may not want you to copy it19:21
reaper_true but if that was the case they probably shouldnt have put it on the Internet19:22
holsteinthat doesnt make it 'right'19:22
reaper_has anyone played Regnum Online?19:43
reaper_having trouble running Regnum Online says Unsupported video card can anyone help with this/19:45
holsteinreaper_: what video card do you have?19:49
holsteinmore importantly, what driver are you using19:50
holsteinprobably have to use a proprietary driver19:50
reaper_mobile chipset19:51
sogepphave you ever compile driver for intel video card???19:51
reaper_no I try and it did work19:52
sogeppi can't play game properly with ubuntu, i wonder that my graphic card too low for ubuntu19:53
reaper_my laptop isnt a year old yeah so I know thats not my problem I can play Doom 3 with no problem19:55
holsteinreaper_: what graphics card do you have?19:59
holsteinintel is usually pretty well supported driver wise19:59
holsteinbut not great performance wise19:59
holsteinif its nvidia, i think you'll need the proprietary driver to 'have any fun' ;)20:00
sogeppmine too, but it can't play even alien arena, seeesh,20:00
holsteinalthough, i use the open one on my studio box20:00
holsteinwith nvidia20:00
reaper_Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)20:00
holsteinyeah, so thats prolly just what you get then20:01
holsteinwith that hardware20:01
reaper_yeah in win7 i think it comes up as using ATI but not 100% on that20:02
Yorvykreaper_, what laptop do you have, some have two video devices in them20:09
reaper_sony vaio20:09
Yorvykreaper_, which model20:11
Yorvykreaper_, It is just the Intel video and not one of the two video ones20:16
Yorvykreaper_, with you saying win7 may be using ATI I thought it may have two video cards in20:18
reaper_o ok20:18
reaper_got it20:19
reaper_to work20:19
YorvykSome do have a mobile graphics chip to save power and a 3d chip for when you want to play games or something but it drains the batteries very quickly20:19
reaper_yeah i think so20:20
reaper_ok I got pass the video card error not it say cant open file 'game.cfg' (error 2 No such file or directory)20:21
Yorvykwhich is more fun, playing the game or getting it to run :)20:24
reaper_get it to run20:25
Yorvykreaper_, do you have game.cfg in he appropriate folder20:32
reaper_its ok got it to run20:33
YorvykPersistence pays,  have fun :)20:34
reaper_yes it does, I will and thanks20:36
kristian-aalborghi all22:14
kristian-aalborganyone got experiences with symlinking /var /bin /swap etc?22:14
kristian-aalborgI have sort of limited space, thus I'm thinking about doing this22:16
aveilleuxkristian-aalborg: That seems like it would royally screw up the system.22:18
kristian-aalborgaveilleux: why?22:18
aveilleuxkristian-aalborg: Because 1. you need those files, and 2. symlink to what?22:18
kristian-aalborgI have a second hdd that I can't boot from - I'd copy things there, then symlink to them22:19
aveilleuxkristian-aalborg: Why bother symlinking? Just mount them as /whatever.22:19
* kristian-aalborg is dumb22:22
kristian-aalborgaveilleux: that seems to be the more clever solotion, yes22:22
kristian-aalborgI'll do it after install22:22
kristian-aalborghaving  a system spread out over several hdd's is not optimal, of course... but I kind of hope it will make it faster since the second hdd is CompactFlash22:23
aveilleuxkristian-aalborg: Actually, spreading the system out like that can increase system read/write times.22:24
asterismohi people22:25
kristian-aalborgaveilleux: here's the scenario, any input you may have is appreciated22:25
asterismoi was wondering if anybody knows of some irc channel about web applet development22:25
kristian-aalborgI have one 4g hdd and one 4g compactflash22:25
asterismoit's for a friend of mine22:25
kristian-aalborgon these, I would like a minimal ubuntu + slitaz + whatever... this machine is there to play with, not be practical22:26
kristian-aalborgso, I split the hdd in two and put slitaz on it and I'm in the process of putting ubuntu on the second half22:26
kristian-aalborgI'd like to take advantage on the extra 4g for more than media files, of course22:27
* asterismo is wondering about web applet development channel on the IRC22:30
kristian-aalborgasterismo: #web here on freenode22:30
asterismothanks kristian-aalborg22:31
kristian-aalborgaveilleux: how'd you go about something like that?22:32
aveilleuxkristian-aalborg: Set up the partitions normally, then use a LiveCD to copy the data. Once you're done with that, edit /etc/fstab to reflect the new mounts.22:33
aveilleuxkristian-aalborg: I'm a little busy so I can't really get into it right now, hopefully someone else can walk you through it22:33
asterismokristian-aalborg > do you know any other web development channel? thanks in advance22:33
kristian-aalborgthanks aveilleux - I'll look into it22:34
asterismomaybe a java one22:34
kristian-aalborgasterismo: nope, sorry - have you tried simply /JOIN #java ?22:34
asterismokristian-aalborg > I'll try that thanks22:35
kristian-aalborgnot sure anything's there - if no luck, try googling it22:36
sogeppguys, how to register my id on freenode???22:45
aveilleuxsogepp:  /msg nickserv register <password> <email>22:51
yofelkristian-aalborg: just as a side note, you could try to make LVM treat both the hdd and compact flash as one virtual drive, I never tried that with a CF though23:19
kristian-aalborghi yofel23:19
kristian-aalborgI'm 90% through installation, should this have been done during partition perhaps?23:20
aveilleuxkristian-aalborg: Yes23:20
yofelyes, actually before that23:20
kristian-aalborgthat makes it easy, then ;)23:20
kristian-aalborgthe thing aveilleux suggested seems rather straightforward, though23:21
yofelyep, and I would recommend that too if you use regular partitions23:21
ibuclawbtrfs allows you to create a filesystem that spans multiple devices23:23
ibuclawie: mkfs-btrfs /dev/sda /dev/sdb23:24
kristian-aalborghi ibuclaw23:24
ibuclawthough it's still in development.23:24
ibuclawand commit speed is no way near as nice as ext423:24
kristian-aalborgI don't really want my /bin to be "in development" ;)23:25
ibuclawkristian-aalborg, when I'm ill, I don't really want to go to "a practice" ;)23:25
ibuclawat the end of the day, you either testing or being tested. =)23:26

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