[09:35] morning all [09:49] Morning duanedesign [09:49] hackathons ftw [10:30] nigelb: !! [10:30] :) [10:32] duanedesign: heh, 2 days of hacking. total fun :) [10:45] whatcha working on nigelb ? [10:45] i have been working on a Preferences Panel for CLI Companion [10:46] so you can set scrollback, foreground and background color, encoding, etc... [10:46] So far only the scrollback works :\ [10:55] duanedesign: Nothin decided yet [10:59] nigelb: i found a new site to help with practicing Python http://codingbat.com/python [10:59] i like it better then euler, not so math oriented [10:59] * duanedesign not so good at math :P [11:13] duanedesign: heh [11:25] off to get breakfast. Ill bring back donuts for all [11:34] :) [19:13] aloha all [19:13] stuck in the airport :( [19:14] good thing I have my trusty phone modem [19:21] jcastro: your dude's AmeA / IAMA on reddit went great. [19:21] jcastro: dude's pretty cool. [19:21] AMA * [19:27] bbl, reading a book / flying [19:27] much love [21:18] paultag: travel safe [21:18] * duanedesign said two hours later [22:26] paultag: thanks, his idea, I had doubts that it owuldn't turn into something dumb, but it ended up awesome [22:27] boo