
=== fenris is now known as Guest14513
YoBoYgood morning09:18
cjohnstonits time to go diving!11:28
locodir-userRonnie: Hey buddy 13:26
Ronniehey ....13:26
locodir-userBack to work on week ends :(13:26
Ronnieglad to be still student :)13:27
locodir-userHmmm... !!! yaa !!! u lucky13:28
locodir-usernick / Tricky13:28
locodir-userwhats the command to change the nick ?13:28
Ronnie /nick Tricky13:28
=== locodir-user is now known as TrickyJ
TrickyJCool :)13:29
Ronniestill on webchat13:29
Ronniedidn't chatzilla work?13:29
TrickyJYaa man chatzilla is not working13:34
Ronniedoes it give specific errors?13:35
TrickyJNaa i guess its a secured network it just say unable to connect try again..,May be i dont have access to it 13:36
=== Ddorda1 is now known as Ddorda
head_victimWhere is the loco.ubuntu.com/teams able to be updated?15:35
head_victimIs this only possible by team admins or anyone logged in?15:35
Ronnieim currently investigating: bug 611304, most of the code works already, but for security reasons, the user of the UserProfile is not sended with JSON, therefore the data cannot be copied 1:1. Does someone have thoughts about this?18:14
ubot4Launchpad bug 611304 in loco-directory "Import data from loco.ubuntu.com JSON service locally (affects: 1) (heat: 1)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61130418:14
mhall119Ronnie: the username, id, first and last can be copied18:45
mhall119just not password18:45
mhall119the Profile JSON should just contain the user ID though18:45
mhall119there's already a service for the rest of the User object18:46
Ronniemhall119: return model_service(UserProfile, request, url, exclude=['user'])18:46
Ronniean userprofile cannot be linked to a django user18:46
Ronniewhile all requests work with django users18:46
mhall119Ronnie: was that already there, or is this something you're doing?18:46
Ronniethats the JSON, that is already in the code (development, i dont know whats currently live running)18:47
mhall119hmm, we can probably allow user, it should just show the integer id18:48
Ronniethe integer id should be enough18:50
mhall119check and see what it gives if you remove the exclide=['user']18:50
Ronnieim running into some other problems atm, but i think almost all can be solved. the model does not seemed to be changed too much18:50
Ronniethen it shlould work, other m2m and o2m relationships are working too18:51
Ronniecurrently i get already the live date from the server18:51
mhall119dholbach will love you for that18:52
Ronniehmm, running into datetime problems now. i need to check for that too19:08
Ronniemhall119: in what way does the live-data conflicts with the command init-ld and update ?19:55
mhall119init-ld pulls team and user data from Launchpad, and initializes countries and languages from system ISO files20:31
mhall119it doesn't populate any event of venue info20:31
mhall119live-data should probably pull everything, including what init-ld would do, and completely replace the local DB20:32
mhall119otherwise foreign keys might not line up right20:32
Ronniebut i have still a problem when an FK is deleted on the server side20:33
Ronniehave to look for a way to 'or' define the pk myself, 'or' make a mapping between the server_pk and local_pk20:33
Ronniemhall119: i was thinking about the latter one20:46
mhall119I'm thinking you just require a complete replacement of all local data21:18
mhall119like a ./manage.py reset21:19
Ronnietrue, but what about the mapping, can it be done without21:19
mhall119you shouldn't need a mapping if you're only using what's on the server21:20
mhall119unless the JSON services aren't giving you enough data for that21:20
Ronnieand what happens if entrys on the server are deleted?21:20
mhall119the live-data isn't meant to keep databases in sync21:20
mhall119just to give us 'live' data to test against when we're developing locally21:21
Ronniei mean, when it is deleted before syncing, the PK does not exists anymore, but the local just keeps adding the numbers21:21
mhall119oh, you mean deleted mid-sync?21:23
Ronnieno, when an object is deleted on the server, the PK lets say 3 does not exists anymore. when i recreate the objects, django decides the pk. so with 1 and 2 are fine, but 4 on the server will be 3 on the local db21:24
TrickyJwatch out guys :P http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs214.snc4/39050_421528357147_644872147_4574223_5524899_n.jpg21:25
Ronniemhall119:  the script sometimes fails when the data on the server is null, while it cant be null in local db. need to find a proper solution for that one21:45
=== locodir-user is now known as TrickyJ
TrickyJREGISTER <tricky#123> <alivesoftwares@rediffmail.com>22:04
TrickyJRonnie: check out here22:05
TrickyJSyntax: REGISTER <password> <email-address>22:05
Ronnieyes, with that command (/msg Nickserv REGISTER <your_secret_pwd> <your_email>) you can register an account for IRC22:06
* mhall119 is sooo tempted to troll czajkowski over being stranded right now22:41
czajkowskimhall119: BESTP_NOT_TO_DO_THAT22:41
mhall119merry Christmas czajkowski, it's 74 F here22:42
mhall119you should never have left22:42
czajkowskimhall119: so help me I will throttle you22:43
Ronniemhall119: how soon jou think the server instance can be chainged, so the UserProfiles, includes the User Id?22:59
Ronniemhall119: running into problems with the 'overwritten' save function of Venue23:18

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