
KenGah but i'm in need of assistance if anyone has the time. I have a server that's worked well in the past. Tried to install the Zyental .iso but it failed to work properly, so went back to Ubuntu Server 10.10. On boot i'm constantly faced with "DISK BOOK FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER".  I've tried Ubuntu Server 10.04 and it's no different. I installed a copy of Windows XP and it installed and booted correct00:50
KenThe odd thing is it's worked fine before.00:51
shareHow can I restrict a user to his /home folder in openssh server?00:51
KenMaybe remove read/write access from all but the users home directory.00:53
KenFor that user, that is.00:53
shareKen: yeah i know that way  :P00:53
KenShare: Hmm. Try threatening them with a hammer?00:54
KenShare: I'm not sure. I'll do a bit of a search but I don't know any other way aside from that.00:54
KenThe hammer thing I mean.00:54
Kenshare: There seems to be some discussion on forcing the use to use sftp instead of SSH too.00:55
KenAnd a little talk about lshell.00:56
shareWrite failed: Broken pipe00:56
KenI'd love to have some Chroot issues right now. I can't even get booting.00:57
pmatulisKen: wipe out the boot sector of your drives01:10
KenI have the Ultimate Boot CD. I'm not sure how to do that, Pmatulis, but i'll look it up now and try. Thank you01:10
KenOh joy. The error has changed to "Error loading operating system." Pmatulis, I pledge you my first born!01:14
KenI appreciate the help. Thank you very much.01:14
KenFix of Grub2 or a reinstall should have it all working again I suspect.01:15
Kenpmatulis: Thank you! It's working. I've been fighting with this for hours.01:16
_Techie_can anybody help me fix this , http://sprunge.us/RfdD01:25
pmatulis_Techie_: what type of machine is this from?01:41
_Techie_one built from old parts01:42
_Techie_its a ECS KN1 SLI lite motherboard with a AMD Athlon X2 420001:42
pmatulis_Techie_: and you're using what release?01:45
_Techie_beware if you say upgrade to 10.10 i will kill you01:46
pmatulis_Techie_: does it boot or what?01:47
_Techie_it functions fine but this error makes the oot process take longer thani would like01:48
pmatulis_Techie_: perhaps study bug #44311301:48
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 443113 in linux ""Error probing SMB2" boot message on nVidia ION chipset (Acer Aspire Revo, ASrock ION 330, ASUS netbooks...)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44311301:48
pmatulis_Techie_: you don't have a netbook but there is a kernel boot option you may want to try01:49
pmatulis_Techie_: see comment #2901:49
instabinHello I am having a problem with apache after doing the updates my php will work if I type www.mydomian.com but not if I use just mydomain.com01:51
instabinWhen using just mydomain.com it try to download a file instead of displaying the php page01:51
_Techie_pmatulis, will try that, gonna init 601:59
_Techie_pmatulis, it worked, the dmesg shows a much friendlier message, however i still need to disable acpi02:05
=== fenris is now known as Guest14513
SophiaGood day/night, I run Ubuntu 10.04 *32 on a VPS and suddently get segemtation fault when i run ap-get update or any other software02:34
Sophiasudo rm -vf /var/cache/apt/*.bin, apt-get clean02:35
Sophiadid not help02:35
Sophiacould someone be so kind an help me pls?02:36
AkakuMattwhat are you trying to do?02:38
Sophiaupdate the system02:39
Sophiaand install php502:39
AkakuMattwhy are u using apt-get clean?02:41
AkakuMattwell reguardless sudo apt-get install php502:42
Sophiabecause im loged in as root02:42
AkakuMattwhy would you login as root?02:43
AkakuMattuse a normal user and sudo02:43
Sophiafollowed this guid02:43
AkakuMattWell that guide is not what you want to do02:44
Sophiafair enough02:44
Sophiabut sudo doe snot change the problem02:44
AkakuMattyou can do anything as root without being logged in as root02:44
Sophiaand it worke dfine for several week02:44
AkakuMattthats because your root already02:44
AkakuMattjust use apt-get install php5 without sudo and clean02:44
Sophiathat what I did02:45
SophiaI get segmentation faults02:45
Sophiafor any apt command that is02:45
AkakuMattuse pastebin and show me what your talking about02:46
AkakuMattAnd first of all backup and update your ripositories02:47
AkakuMattapt-get update02:47
AkakuMattim going to tell you to read man apt-get and check out the distro-upgrade option tword the top02:56
Sophiau want me to upgrad to 10.10?02:57
AkakuMattbut it should update your 10.402:57
AkakuMatthave you tried doing the install php5 since you updated02:58
SophiaI get the same segmentation fault with apt-get upgrade02:58
AkakuMattyou do realise that says there is a 0% segfault02:58
Sophiaas i said, any apt command02:58
AkakuMattSegmentation faultsts... 0%02:59
Sophiawell, its not installing anything02:59
AkakuMattsorry i cant help03:00
AkakuMatttry there03:00
SophiaI was on taht page before I cam ehere03:00
Sophiai tried all these commands, mentione dit in my initial post03:00
AkakuMattKeep reading03:01
AkakuMattyou obvisuly dont read more than the first post03:01
AkakuMattAnd they both referance to a memory issue03:02
AkakuMattuse google03:03
Sophiahow can the cache size be soddenly to small?03:06
Sophiaok, I did nano /etc/apt/apt.conf  added>03:15
SophiaAPT::Cache-Limit "20000000";  (file was empty) saved, retried apt-get update, same issue03:15
AkakuMattdid you check your memory? or not?03:18
jetoleHey guys. Does anyone know how the MAC times of files relates to when I'm looking at windows files via CIFS mounts?03:18
Sophiai restarted the server again...works now03:19
Sophiamaybe the issue was caused by two winscp sessions running simultaniously03:19
Sophiaanyway, thank you fo ryour help03:20
claydi am working on a cloud server install of ubuntu 10.04 and tab completion is not working.  Any thoughts on how to turn it on?03:22
claydnever mind found it.  needed bash-completion installed03:26
ScubaDogganyone still awake in here?08:19
ScubaDoggguys, I am getting attr errors, on a md ext3 /home partition & have read that I need extended attribs for samba4 on an ext3 partition. Should I adjust my fstab like  /dev/md6 /home ext3 user_xattr 1 1 or more like /dev/md6 /home ext3 rw,acl,user_xattr 0 208:21
ScubaDoggsrv is @ a colo s I don't want to break it.08:22
uvirtbotNew bug: #691819 in ntp (main) "ntpd stopped working when time server disappeared" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69181908:26
Psi-JackI need someone here that's somewhat formidable with ocfs2. I have a 2-node ocfs2 cluster over an iSCSI link, running under kvm. When I unplugged the vnic from cweb1, leaving it on for cweb2, cweb1 became faulted with no quorum, obviously, as did cweb2. But what happened was, cweb2 went into a kernel panick loop that would not recover for anything. cweb1 never panicked, nor rebooted, cweb2 never08:32
Psi-Jackrebooted, but panicked continuously.08:32
Psi-JackI plugged the vnic back into cweb1, all was good. It restored everything, ocfs2 was usable. cweb2 remained in panick until forcefully rebooted by alternative means. Now, I know ocfs2's kernel designed fault tolerance is setup to reboot when quorum is lost, but it did neither reboot, nor properly even fence itself at all.08:33
ScubaDoggdoes this look safe to put into my fstab?08:33
ScubaDogg/dev/md6 /home ext3 rw,acl,user_xattr 0 208:33
Psi-JackScubaDogg: Do you know what all that does?08:41
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uvirtbotNew bug: #691852 in clamav (main) "package clamav-base 0.96.3+dfsg-2ubuntu1. failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: sub-processo script post-installation instalado retornou estado de saída de erro 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69185210:41
=== makomi_ is now known as makomi
woutervddnhey guys.. I've just installed ubuntu server to virtualbox I bridged my wlan0 installed sql, apache2,.. I've set up apache2 and I am connected to my router like it should.12:20
woutervddnBut I can't access the standard index.html page from my host computer..12:20
woutervddnI'm guessing it's the portforwarding.. which ports are used by default?12:21
woutervddngot it.. apperantly I was using the wrong ip: instead of
woutervddnhey guys I've got another question, I'm trying to connect true ftp and this is what I get:13:01
woutervddnStatus:Connecting to
woutervddnResponse:fzSftp started13:01
woutervddnCommand:open "test@" 2213:01
woutervddnError:Could not connect to server13:01
woutervddnI just tried ftp localhost on the virtual server and that works.13:16
woutervddnbut connect true filezilla won't work..13:17
woutervddnanyone has an idea?13:17
WinstonSmithwoutervddn, "Command: open "test@" 22" <== try port 21? 22 is ssh13:21
woutervddnI tried that but that gives me following13:21
woutervddnStatus:Waiting to retry...13:22
woutervddnStatus:Connecting to
woutervddnStatus:Connection attempt failed with "EHOSTUNREACH - No route to host".13:22
woutervddnError:Could not connect to server13:22
WinstonSmithNo route to host sounds like the ip is wrong. what is your host OS? what ftp server are you using?13:23
woutervddnubuntu-studio 10.04 is my host system13:25
woutervddnftp server is vsftpd13:25
WinstonSmithdid you configure vsftpd to accept connections from all ips? e.g. not just from localhost?13:26
WinstonSmithsry cant help you much there never configured vsftp myself13:26
woutervddnyes.. i did.. but I'll look at vsftpd.conf again :)13:27
woutervddnthx anyway13:27
=== jdeba is now known as j3roen
g0bl1nhi, are there ubuntu server 1010 ami available in amazon aws ?13:44
SpamapSg0bl1n: http://uec-images.ubuntu.com14:01
SpamapSI think14:01
g0bl1nSpamapS, thank you, great14:02
woutervddnhey any of you know an alternative for cpanel to use on ubuntu-server?15:46
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pmatuliswoutervddn: some people use ebox but it's not officially supported by ubuntu16:03
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uvirtbotNew bug: #691956 in bind9 (main) "package bind9 1:9.7.0.dfsg.P1-1ubuntu0.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69195617:37
=== viezerd- is now known as viezerd
woutervddnis there something like a vhcs package for ubuntu?20:28
woutervddn(sudo apt-get...)20:29
woutervddnor does there exist another control panel with the same fnctionality?20:30
SpamapSwoutervddn: ebox20:39
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox20:39
woutervddnthx.. I'll look for it :)20:39
woutervddnit's installing ^^20:40
uvirtbotNew bug: #692043 in bind9 (main) "package bind9 1:9.6.1.dfsg.P1-3ubuntu0.4 [modified: usr/share/bind9/bind9-default.md5sum] failed to install/upgrade: el subprocés installed post-installation script retornà el codi d'eixida d'error 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69204322:41
wizardslovakhello people23:19
wizardslovaki am building myself small home server , nothing fancy , media server little website with sql23:20
wizardslovakand i dunno which spu to decide23:20
wizardslovakamd or intel?23:20
wizardslovaki want to run 64 bit ubuntu server on it23:21
SpamapSwizardslovak: why do you want 64-bit?23:47

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