
ali1234speaking of watching TV, i just noticed one of the fragrances in that air freshner as is "open windows"00:18
ali1234what do open windows smell like? do they smell different to closed windows?00:19
hamitronjars with food in smell different, so maybe ;)00:21
gorddepends where you live00:22
gordif you live on a farm i bet they smell a lot different00:22
hamitronand the direction of the wind00:24
hamitronI find East winds smell like pigs, and not the nice bacon sort :/00:25
hamitronbrb, coffee00:40
hamitronnn o/02:49
ali1234youtube has a beta homepage redesign04:05
ali1234<spoiler>it looks like facebook</spoiler>04:05
JoraI'm in the minority of people that don' t care for facebook though.04:07
ali1234well i just filled in the feedback form slating it04:10
Jorawhat was your feedback, thumbs up or thumbs down to the new look04:13
ali12342 out of 504:13
ali1234where 1 = worse and 5 = better04:13
ali1234and that's only because the old one was terrible in an entirely different way04:14
Jorain what way was that?04:14
ali1234well, the only thing i care about is subscriptions...04:16
ali1234but both the old front page and the subscription rss are horrible broken04:16
ali1234when you watch a video it disappears from the homepage... usually04:17
ali1234and then it starts showing old videos from years ago for no reason04:17
ali1234and sometimes videos just skip the homepage entirely04:17
ali1234the whole thing is incredibly buggy04:17
ali1234the best way i have found to subscribe to my own subscriptions feed, and then watch the videos while logged out, so they don't get marked as watched04:18
Joraa lot of sites like youtube seem to be really buggy and have these little quirks that can be quite annoying.04:19
ali1234the worst thing is this experimental thing doesn't actually fix any of the problems like this04:19
ali1234it's still hopelessly messed up and videos have the wrong date or don't show up, or show as watched when i haven't watched them (or the reverse)04:20
ali1234but now it also looks like a facebook wall with annoying comments randomly interspersed with videos04:20
JoraYeah, I always wonder how they come up with these experimental things. It would have to be partially from user feedback, you'd think but if bugs like you're describing are not fixed maybe someone on their end is just doing whatever the heck they feel like to "refresh" the look of youtube04:21
ali1234well it;s pretty obvious what happened here. someone noticed facebook is popular, and that all google's social network stuff so far has utterly failed, so now they are trying to turn youtube into facebook04:22
ali1234it's not a refresh of the look, it;s a wholesale lifting of the facebook "wall" thing04:22
ali1234i guess you can try it out here, if you don't see the message on the homepage: http://www.youtube.com/homepage_experiment04:22
JoraRipping off the facebook wall is just unoriginal and boring04:23
ali1234and if i wanted it, i would go to facebook04:23
ali1234i already turned on that thing that spams all my youtube actions on my facebook and twitter, just to fill my facebook and twitter with something, because i never use them, because they suck so much04:24
JoraI guess they are trying to market to the majority of people out there who like facebook, twitter, and other social networking utilities that employ that particular styel04:25
ali1234they must have got confused by that, and think that because i *post* on facebook and twitter, that i have an interest in *reading* facebook and twitter. this would be incorrect assumption...04:25
Joralol that might confuse your friends that use facebook, so they might write responses to stuff that gets spams to facebook or twitter04:26
JoraWell the ones that aren't too bright anyway04:27
ali1234facebook has one good feature which is you can configure it to email you when certain things happen, and it is quite specific04:27
ali1234so i get notifications if someone invites me to some event, but not if they post "LOL" on one of my favourited youtube video reposts04:28
ali1234that is one thing that is good about facebook04:28
ali1234as for twitter, i don't have a single friend that uses it04:28
JoraI don't use twitter, personally I think its kind of stupid. Facebook just feels like a huge invasion of privacy.04:29
JoraInvites on facebook would be convenient though.04:30
ali123490% of the people i have as "friends" on facebook are people i haven't spoken to since i was at school04:33
shaunothe main thing that turns me away from facebook, is that other people can upload what they like and 'tag' you in it.04:34
shaunofar too many people don't seem to understand that the internet doesn't need to see me drunk04:35
Jorathe thing that turned me away from facebook is that random people that i e-mailed would look up my e-mail address on facebook and want to add me as their friend, even if I didn't know them.04:35
JoraThere were all snoopy and interested who I knew and things like that.04:35
ali1234i get that on linked-in :)04:35
ali1234it's less creepy on linkedin i guess04:36
ali1234since that's what it's for04:36
JoraYeah, potential employers seeing you drunk probably isn't a good thing. Even if you are an original and productive worker they could still think you are someone who doesnt' take your work seriously because you are tagged in some random person's holiday photo drunk.04:37
ali1234and on gmail anyone who emails you and you reply seems to show up in your google talk list and you can see they are online... either that or they are stalking me too04:37
JoraYahoo mail can seem that way too04:39
JoraBut isn't being stalked fun (sarcasm)...04:40
Jorawell, unless its someone you like04:41
DasEihmm, the instant-ticker function of twitter I like, facebook like other "open personal" blogs I also avoid04:43
DasEiJora: that could be seen the other way around too..04:45
JoraWhat could be seen as the other way around?04:45
DasEiJora: never work for people who believe, but don't know04:45
* DasEi thinks of a facebookaccount, well I do it locally better04:46
JoraYeah, sometimes though a job is a job and you just have to take what is out there, and its better to maximize your chances of landing a job than not04:46
DasEiy, I'm kidding04:46
AlanBellmorning all08:40
czajkowskiAlanBell: ello08:41
AlanBellit is looking nice and christmassy here08:47
AlanBellerr czajkowski were you supposed to be leaving on a jet plane today?08:49
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
popeyhttp://popey.com/webcam/ \o/ snow09:05
sam_010203Anyone up?09:07
czajkowskiAlanBell: I am..... so far Aer Lingus haven't pulled any of their flights from Heathrow BA have pulled them all. Flight leaves at 8pm tonight so things may change . Leaving bath at 12 on a bus to allow for delays. All taxis are closed in Bath with the snow09:09
czajkowskinperry: I will throttle you if you wish for any more snow between now and 12 today09:10
danfishczajkowski: the piccies on the news from Heathrow don't look too good :(09:24
czajkowskidanfish: aye :(09:39
popeyczajkowski: :S good luck!09:42
czajkowskigonna be a long day of travels09:45
popeyi now have a jabber server I think09:51
popeyno idea how to tell empathy to connect to it though09:53
popeywhere is MattJ when you need him! :)09:57
danfishI can connect with empathy to prosody on my VPS, but I'm not sure what I need to get it to connect to other jabber servers09:59
popeyi can connect to it, but it rejects me signing up09:59
popeyi only added two lines to the end of the config file09:59
popeyVirtualHost "popey.com"09:59
popeyallow_registration = true09:59
popeybut when i connect it says it's not serving popey.com10:00
danfishpopey: that should work - have you tried adding yourself manually?10:00
popeytrying to self-register in empathy10:00
popeycan see the connection in prosody log10:00
popeyroot@ubuntuserver:/var/log/prosody# prosodyctl adduser daddy@popey.com10:03
popeyThe host 'popey.com' is not listed in the configuration file (or is not enabled).10:03
popeymakes me think it's not reading my config file10:03
danfishor is it reading another config file?10:04
popeyprosody.cfg.lua is the one I edited10:05
popeyjust added those two lines to the end10:05
danfishI faintly remember having the same problem but can't remember how I fixed it - I'll paste my config file in a moment if it would help10:07
danfishooh - I think I remember now - is the config file in /etc/prosody/conf.avail/ ?10:10
popeyno, the global one in /etc/prosody10:11
* popey copies the example one10:11
danfishhttp://pastebin.com/eSCqpGaC  <- my very simple config file that's in /etc/prosody/conf.avail/10:14
popeybut thats disabled?10:15
popey(line 5)10:15
danfishahh - in lua "--" comments out lines10:15
popey"this server does not serve popey.com"10:17
popeywhen i sign up as "daddy@popey.com"10:17
* AlanBell can't sign up with popey.com either10:17
popeyits on a box on my lan :)10:17
danfishoh - sorry, an extra step is to symlink the config file into /etc/prosody/conf.d/10:18
popeythats looking better10:20
popeyprosodyctl adduser isnt moaning10:20
danfishyeah! That's just about exhausted my staggeringly small knowledge of jabber and prosody :)10:21
popeybut still can't self register10:21
* popey resorts to manual10:21
popeyok, manually created user, which worked, but connecting in still fails10:22
* popey gives up on prosody for the moment10:22
* popey sets a watch on mattj10:22
dauberspopey: Have you created a thing allowing the domain?10:37
dauberspopey: in /etc/prosody/conf.d/ I had to create a config file (gblabs.cfg.lua) containing VirtualHost "gblabs.co.uk"10:39
daubersIn order to allow the domain in :)10:39
AlanBelldoes natty kill kittens at the moment?10:42
* AlanBell ponders a backup and upgrade10:42
daubersAlanBell: The unity dock and stuff doens't appear on my laptop at the moment. Just sits there waiting10:46
daubersNeed to fight my way to the post office shortly10:57
danfishhmm, has only been snowing here for 1 hour and already 4" and it's suppose to continue until tonight10:59
danfishme thinks the weatherman's prediction of 10-12cm might have been a little on the low side :S10:59
nperryHappy snowday y'all11:10
nperry2.3 hit aosp <311:18
MartijnVdSnperry: now for it to hit ota11:34
nperryMartijnVdS: Don't need the ota :P11:41
TheOpenSourcerermorning - very #FFF where I am.11:43
shaunohoping it keeps up a few more days.  never seem to get snow on my days off11:45
* danfish thinks today may be a day for experimental cooking and drinking allowed after the 'yardarm' :D11:49
=== cbx333 is now known as cbx33
MartijnVdShmm experimental drinking :)11:53
cbx33hey people11:53
MartijnVdS\o cbx11:53
cbx33anyone here good with database design?11:53
MartijnVdSwhat do you want to do?11:54
cbx33I'm working on a django project to almost "inventory" datacenter design11:54
cbx33so it'll store information about all servers/switches/power and where everything is connected11:54
cbx33so you can do things like dependency analysis11:54
cbx33and what if failure checks11:54
cbx33I have a table for "devices"11:55
cbx33and a device can have multiple "ports"11:55
cbx33a port can be, power, network, sas, fibre11:55
cbx33you name it11:55
cbx33now the issue is....associated with each port can be a number of parameters....11:55
cbx33which are not the same11:55
cbx33ie, network port would have vlan,11:56
cbx33but power port wouldn't need that11:56
MartijnVdScbx33: have "sasport", "networkport" etc., all point to devices11:56
MartijnVdSin code make them subclass of "port"11:56
MartijnVdSor something11:56
cbx33but then it limits the design11:56
MartijnVdSthis is much easier in code than it is in db :)11:56
cbx33what if a new type of connection comes11:56
MartijnVdSwhy? you can always add another table11:56
cbx33I could, but that entails more coding11:57
cbx33if i do it this way we can add different types of ports11:57
cbx33in the database11:57
cbx33in fact now I have a table called port types11:57
MartijnVdSyes but you really want that subclass structure11:57
cbx33why so?11:57
MartijnVdSsata_port (is a port), gigabit_port (is a port)11:58
MartijnVdSI think11:58
MartijnVdSso you could say "device.all_ports" to get all ports, but be flexible in the kind of port11:58
cbx33but as i said I'm then limited....someone else using the system could add a new type of custom "port"11:58
MartijnVdScbx33: you'll need custom parameters/code for those new ports anyway11:59
cbx33they may want to monitor "stack" cable configurations11:59
cbx33well for some maybe11:59
cbx33if I'm just storing parameters11:59
cbx33there's no big deal really11:59
MartijnVdShave you tried asking in a database-specific channel?11:59
MartijnVdSwe do this at work (using everything we sell: email accounts, DSL, etc.) as subclasses12:01
MartijnVdSthen when we sell something new: implement a little bit of code, done.12:01
danfishcbx33: have a look in #django - they're generally very helpful12:01
cbx33danfish, yeh i was about to12:01
cbx33not a lot of activity in there right now12:01
danfishcbx33: it tends to liven up there in the afternoon CET12:04
MartijnVdSeven on weekends?12:04
danfishMartijnVdS: good point12:05
cbx33yeh i'll wait till monday12:07
shaunoor atleast until the yanks wake up12:07
bigcalmAnybody want some snow? The amount I ordered was more than required12:22
AlanBellTheOpenSourcerer: wotcha12:23
danfishbigcalm: I can put you in touch with some Eskimos who might be interested :P12:24
MartijnVdSWhen I was at IBM, I started a product called Websphere [...] It was too complex for people to master. I overdesigned it.12:24
nperryOnly reason why I came to work in the snow today http://twitpic.com/3h2lxl12:30
bigcalmFree wood?12:31
bigcalm(that's what she said)12:33
Pendulumhi bigcalm12:40
brobostigonafternoonings all.12:41
brobostigonhi bigcalm12:42
popeypoor czajkowski13:01
Pendulumoh no :(13:03
Pendulumespecially as I assume she's already on the bus to Heathrow :-/13:05
nperryiirc, she was leaving at midday13:05
Pendulumnperry: she tweeted about being on the bus13:06
nperryI missed the bus tweet :/13:06
dwatkinsRight, that's it, I'm taking today off everything and spending the day in bed.13:06
nperryWish I did that, would like to go home now and sit infront of the fire13:07
dwatkinsI've been running around sorting things for weeks now, what with moving house and starting a new job and all, today is the first day I can actually take off doing stuff.13:08
dwatkinsI think I'll try to understand oauth, it's not essential, but gives me a tangible goal.13:08
nperryPeople don't understand #uksnow13:14
mattti'm flying tuesday ... kinda nervous :/13:15
nperryIts to report what is currently falling, not already falen.13:15
daubersHmmm.... poor mac mini swaps it's little head of while playing minecraft.... might be time to buy some ram for it13:28
AlanBellthink I might head out to do some panic buying13:39
_Hanyone know where I can [from the uk] get a pump for a haier washing machine model number HWD100013:40
mrxtianWhat version of ubunu does that washing machine run ?13:43
matttAlanBell: you're mad13:44
mrxtian_H: sudo apt-get install pump --xtra-option:model=HWD100013:45
czajkowskialanbell cheers for updatws13:53
czajkowskiairport is closed13:53
Pendulumczajkowski: where are you?13:54
czajkowskion a,bus13:54
czajkowskiwe keep seeing the signs on road airport closed13:54
Pendulumczajkowski: so where is the bus taking you if the airport is closed?13:55
czajkowskiwere not sure13:55
Pendulumoh dear13:55
czajkowskito the airpot just not sure we can get through13:55
Pendulumczajkowski: sounds exciting in a non-fun way13:58
* Pendulum hugs czajkowski 14:01
czajkowskiflight canceled14:04
_Hczajkowski: look at it on the bright side14:10
_Hczajkowski: you are safe14:11
Pendulum_H: huh?14:11
_H(02:04:59 PM) czajkowski: flight canceled14:11
Pendulum_H: she's in a bus on the way to the airport for a flight that is now canceled14:12
Pendulumnot sure what part of that is safe14:12
_Hwell find something to smile about14:12
czajkowskitheres the penny14:12
Pendulum_H: also, it's really not nice to be happy about someone's flight being canceled.14:12
_HI don't mean to be horrid14:13
_HI am trying to get you thinking positively14:13
Pendulumczajkowski: at least if you get stuck at the airport, you'll have plenty of time to harrass air lingus into getting you on the first flight when they start flying again?14:14
_Hmy washer broke14:15
_Hbut I will get it fixed :)14:15
suprengrSomeone needs to amend the channel topic methinks... or have I travelled back in time again??14:18
* suprengr hums theme tune to Dr. Who14:18
brobostigonczajkowski: according to bbc news, heathrow will be up and going again @ 16:00, to give them time to clear snow,14:18
brobostigon:( apparently all shorthaul flights from heathrow are now cancelled for restof the day.14:22
nperryouch :(14:23
_Hhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THcbQyFtCqg is an approriate song but considering the snow and the compleate fail of canceled flights going home for summer may be more appropriate14:23
suprengr...and they're sparaying the planes green! [beeb news channel on freeview]14:23
brobostigonsuprengr: i am watching on bbc news,on sky.14:24
nperrypopey is a good snowman builder :/14:25
brobostigonthe ever reliable, popeycam.14:25
suprengrany of the kent crew on at the mo? can't get thru to daughter to see if it's ok for her there to get to work tonight... is it that sunny she's out sunbathing?14:26
_Hczajkowski: I called rudolf to get you home he's on his way14:27
* bigcalm waves at therealpopey14:27
* _H waves at popey and thinks she is lucky14:27
* MartijnVdS googles for his name + "site:wikipedia.org" (and wikimedia.org)14:28
MartijnVdSlos of my CC-BY photos on Wikipedia \o/14:28
brobostigon_H: popey is a man,14:28
_Hso.... I been reading that nick rong14:28
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: THE man, some would say :)14:28
_HI read it as poppy14:29
brobostigonMartijnVdS: hehe, yyeah :)14:29
danfishisn't that Daviey's hat on it's head :P14:29
_Hwell the woman in the pic looks prettier than I14:29
* suprengr sends _H some specs14:29
brobostigonafternoonings danfish14:30
_Hsuprengr: no really she does14:30
danfishyo brobostigon :)14:30
brobostigondanfish: :)14:30
Pendulum_H: popey is a he14:30
_HI know14:30
_Hthere was a woman in popey's web cam14:31
_Hand that's who I meant14:31
brobostigon_H: popey's wife maybe ?14:31
Pendulumdanfish: I assume you mean the hat on the snowman's head?14:31
* _H is a woman with confidance issues14:31
brobostigon_H: welcome, :)14:32
_Hbrobostigon: thanks14:32
danfishPendulum: yup - sorry - get left behind. Plugged in the Slow Cooker which blew all the circuit breaker, so got net broke :(14:32
* danfish notes danfish cannot construct a sentence today14:33
jacobwthe christmas week is forth coming14:34
MartijnVdSjacobw: what's wrong with that?14:34
jacobwlots of busy work to do14:35
jacobwi'm glad i'm working through it, i couldn't stand being at home all the time14:35
* jacobw is a scrooge14:35
AlanBellczajkowski: oh noes!14:36
PendulumAlanBell: how was the panic shopping?14:36
AlanBellgot soup and mince and sausagemeat14:36
* _H feels sad14:37
AlanBellwassup _H?14:37
* _H will be spending christmas here.... alone14:37
danfishAlanBell: was all that was left?14:37
AlanBelldanfish: nope, that was what I went for14:37
suprengrin case it affects anybody... M5 northbound... don't bother!  20 mile queue at/beforer Worcester/Birmingham boundary14:37
AlanBellbutchers report they are having a good day14:37
jacobw_H: you're not alone, we're you friends inside your computer14:38
_Hno friends [they are going to sweden] or family [they don't invite me to stuff -not even funerals]14:38
danfishAlanBell: excellent14:38
_Hjacobw: and the voices14:38
* _H chuckles14:38
AlanBell_H: come along to the party on tuesday14:38
MartijnVdS_H: you could attend the Ubuntu christmas party :)14:38
AlanBellif the trains are not broken14:38
danfishif the trains break, #blamebobcrow14:39
_HAlanBell: ?? where is it?14:40
AlanBell_H: http://ubunt.eu/c214:40
* _H gets paid the 23rd and can't get to london14:41
_Hthanks though14:41
_HI shall join via irc14:41
brobostigonof the trains break #blame-philiphammond-mp14:43
brobostigonif the*14:43
danfishtrains running OK here in Saarrf London today14:48
MartijnVdSah :)14:49
MartijnVdSPhonetics :)14:49
suprengrdanfish: like nawrff  ???14:50
MartijnVdSsuprengr: "oop nawrff"?14:50
suprengr...& hi all14:52
MartijnVdShttp://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OopNorth ;)14:52
suprengrMartijnVdS: reads like a TopGear script - but good14:54
MartijnVdSsuprengr: Try reading it in Jeremy Clarkson's voice :)14:54
danfishsuprengr: yup :)14:55
suprengr...."....in................................................ the world"  perhaps14:55
suprengr[you must get the pause right for it to work]14:56
marsilainenhello all15:00
brobostigonafternoonings marsilainen15:00
marsilainenis there a way to connect to an apache server (on port 80 as a regular user, from telnet etc) and check what modules are enabled?15:01
MartijnVdSmarsilainen: only if mod_status is enabled and configured15:01
marsilainenI see15:01
marsilainena previous hosting provider I was using (for VPS) disabled my account because they said I was running a proxy server15:01
MartijnVdSsometimes modules add themselves to the Server: response header15:01
marsilainenI was wondering how they could tell15:01
MartijnVdSso "HEAD / HTTP/1.1" shuold be enough15:02
marsilainenI was only using proxy to proxy to an app running on another port15:02
marsilainenbut they seemed to take offence to this15:02
MartijnVdSmarsilainen: how open was the proxy?15:03
marsilainenwell, I didn't think it was open at all15:03
MartijnVdSyou could use ssh -D -- it's a socks proxy (works with your browser if you set it)15:03
marsilainenas far as I was aware it was only available to people who logged in, through an SSL interface15:03
marsilainenbut perhaps it was more open than I'd intended it15:04
brobostigonblackadder2 on tonight, :)15:04
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as LewisCawte
* MartijnVdS wonders when his upstairs neighbor will be done with his remodeling job15:05
MartijnVdShe's been at it for almost a year now15:05
marsilainendoes the apache vhost config in this tutorial seem secure re: proxy in this tutorial: http://mewbies.com/how_to_install_ajaxterm_tutorial.htm  ?15:09
* popey returns to the warm15:30
MartijnVdSwb popey15:30
suprengrhttp://yro.slashdot.org/story/10/12/18/1327244/Bank-of-America-Cuts-Off-Wikileaks    ...so, it starts....15:32
suprengr[yeh ot i know, but sometimes.....]15:32
popey:) MartijnVdS15:37
* ging wishes it was warm15:42
_Hging temp in c?15:45
* MartijnVdS watches some radio ;)15:47
gingdont have a termometer15:47
gingdoubt it is about 17 even with all the heaters to max15:48
MartijnVdSging: isolation time :)15:48
_Hging ubuntu has a temp thing in the top right15:48
popeyhttp://popey.me/fuZz8p  <- video of us making our snowman :)15:48
MartijnVdS_H: yeah but that's outside temperature at the nearest weather station :)15:48
_Hthat's what I mean15:49
* _H has a weather station that feeds her ubuntu machine that is less than 500 meteres away from, her15:49
ging_H: the weather station temp doesnt account for the fact they still havent properly fixed my heating15:51
_Hand put a jumper on15:51
Azelphurmy heating is crap, old victorian house leaks heat like crazy too15:52
AzelphurI just wrap up in a duvet if it gets cold15:52
MartijnVdSAzelphur: http://www.mysnuggiestore.com/15:52
gingi have, but it's annoying having to constantly wear a jumper round the house and freeze every time i get out of bed or the shower15:52
MartijnVdSging: ^15:52
brobostigonging: givethe relavent person a prod with a long stick, with a pointy end.15:52
AzelphurMartijnVdS: do not want wtf blanket D:15:53
MartijnVdSAzelphur: blanket with arm holes.. oversized poncho really :)15:53
AzelphurMartijnVdS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h05ZQ7WHw8Y wtf blanket :p15:53
gingit's aparently imposible to be unhappy in a poncho15:53
_HAzelphur: http://www.avonandsomerset.police.uk/LocalPages/NewsDetails.aspx?nsid=22121&t=4 second down15:53
_Hinsulate your loft or you may get raided by police lmao15:54
Azelphur_H haha15:54
MartijnVdS_H: at least you'll have a warm cell until they figure out you don't have any plants ;)15:55
macoAzelphur: have you tried putting plastic on the windows?15:55
Azelphurmaco: nah15:56
macowould leak less heat15:56
Azelphurthe windows are actually the only slightly good part of the house15:56
Azelphurthink more along the lines of multiple holes through the walls15:56
AlanBellI can totally see maco making one of those designs15:57
MartijnVdSAzelphur: double glazed windows?15:57
Azelphurand a radiator system with so much air in it that the safety on the boiler kicks in on a daily basis15:57
popeyquery jpds15:57
Azelphurpopey: needs more / :p15:57
MartijnVdSAzelphur: don't tell the police you /ed popey 8-)15:58
_HMartijnVdS: you haven't been arrested have you?15:58
MartijnVdS_H: Not in the UK ;)15:58
JamesMRwhat interesting conversation have I walked in on?15:58
macoAlanBell: i like the hands/kbd idea..mine always get cold typing15:59
MartijnVdSyou'll have to be able to type without looking at your fingers though15:59
MartijnVdSwell some people can't16:00
macoisnt that something you're supposed to learn in school when you're 10-ish16:00
danfishSM2 today : http://fishms.homelinux.com/16:01
danfish(with thanks to popey for the webcamrc settings)16:01
matrixoracleabout 3 inches here atm..16:02
matrixoraclemight go to the pub, see if i can get snowed in..16:04
dutchiepopey: nice video16:59
marsilainencan anyone tell me if this seems secure enough (eg. doesn't create an open proxy etc): http://pastebin.com/LF1Fbt8Q16:59
shaunoooh, just seen the news.  cztab may not be too happy17:00
marsilainenall that is within an SSL vhost btw17:00
MartijnVdSmarsilainen: if you run it only on localhost (listen there's no problem with it being an open proxy17:02
MartijnVdSmarsilainen: just use ssh -L (see manpage for details) to forward the "localhost" port on the remote machine to your local one17:02
marsilainenMartijnVdS: hmm, I'm not really sure what you mean17:08
marsilainensee, this is to provide remote access to ajaxterm17:08
marsilainenajaxterm runs on localhost:8022 (only)17:08
MartijnVdSmarsilainen: so do: ssh -L 8022:localhost:8022 host_where_Its_running17:08
MartijnVdSmarsilainen: then use your browser to go to localhost:802217:08
MartijnVdSand no proxy required it should work17:09
marsilainenwell that assumes that ssh is available on machine with browser17:09
MartijnVdSthat's SSH port forwarding17:09
marsilainenthis is not always the case17:09
MartijnVdSmarsilainen: also works with putty's port forwarding :)17:09
marsilainenif I had ssh on the local machine, then I could just ssh to the remote one...17:09
MartijnVdSmarsilainen: putty \o/17:09
marsilainenthis is to provide web access when no ssh is availabe17:09
marsilainenputty not always available17:10
MartijnVdSsure it is17:10
marsilainenok, how about if you are behind a firewall which doesn't allow outbound connections except on port 80?17:10
MartijnVdSfire the network admin because they're clueless17:10
marsilainenI'm afraid you're not understanding my requirement...17:11
marsilainensometimes people are in places where ssh outbound access is not available17:11
marsilainenthese people need to connect to this machine using web only17:11
marsilainenhence the usage of ajaxterm17:11
ali1234a ssh connection and a https connection are almost impossible to distinguish, since they are both ssl encrypted. hint: run sshd on port 8017:13
ali1234ssh has enough tricks to get you through any firewall that allows you any kind of connection17:13
marsilainenok, so where should I run the normal webserver on that machine?17:14
ali1234run it on a different machine17:14
marsilainenor now I have to put in another box, specifically to run ssh on port 80?17:14
marsilainenor give it an extra ip17:14
marsilainenplus they may not have an ssh client17:14
marsilainensome of these people are using internet cafes in remote places17:15
marsilainenthey may not have an ssh client on those machines17:15
marsilainentherefore ajaxterm is a good solution17:15
marsilainenI wasn't trying to get into an argument about whether ajaxterm was the right solution or not - we've decided to use it17:15
ali1234sure, ajaxterm is a good solution when people don't *have* an ssh client or any way to install one. but that's not what you asked for17:16
ali1234you asked for a way to get past a firewall that only allows connections on port 8017:16
marsilainenI was really just asking about whether my security measures for using it seem appropriate17:16
marsilainenyes, I was countering the argument of 'use putty'17:16
marsilainenbut anyway, sorry if I was misleading17:16
ali1234yeah....... so you're running it over http instead of https... i certainly wouldn't do that17:20
marsilainenali1234: that whole thing is inside an SSL vhost17:22
marsilainenso it's all over https 44317:22
marsilainenonly the proxy on the local machine to the ajaxterm itself is over http17:22
marsilainenbut that's all on the localhost so I assume that's fine17:22
ali1234as long as you trust everyone on the local machine17:23
marsilainenI do17:23
popeymarsilainen: you on a site where only port 80 is in use, not 443?17:23
ali1234including the people who login with ajaxterm17:23
popeycant be if you're saying you're doing it over https17:23
marsilainenpopey: both 80 and 443 are in use17:23
popey443 is in use for this or for other things?17:23
marsilainenpopey: this and other things17:23
popeyI run ssh on port 443, lets me get through any proxy I have tried17:23
AlanBellmarsilainen: why not just move ajaxterm to 443 rather than proxying it there17:23
popeyalso, shellinabox is quite nice :)17:24
popeyrather than ajaxterm17:24
marsilainenpopey: some users don't have access to an SSH client so therefore ports are not the only issue here17:24
ali1234i don't understand the point of this thing17:25
ali1234i mean the proxy system17:25
marsilainenAlanBell: I've done that for two reasons: 1) I understand that it's the recommended way to run ajaxterm and 2) it's not the only thing that 443 is being used for17:25
marsilainenpopey: I've not come accross shellinabox, will take a look17:25
popeyworks very nicely17:25
popeyyou can even run screen inside it17:25
popeywhich makes it even more useful17:25
ali1234is ajaxterm running as a completely different user running a different copy of the http daemon?17:25
AlanBell!info shellinabox17:25
lubotu3Package shellinabox does not exist in maverick17:25
* Flashtek yawns17:26
ali1234cos that might actually make sense...17:26
marsilainenali1234: correct17:26
popeythats messy, I'd use shellinabox then17:26
popeywhich you could just run in a vhost over ssl17:26
popeyover your existing ssl17:26
popeyno proxy rubbish needed17:26
AlanBellthe proxy sounds like it could be replaced with an iptables port forward anyway17:27
marsilainenAlanBell: it needs to forward only one path to the proxy - other paths need to remain intact17:28
marsilainenAlanBell: so that https://example.com/ajaxterm/  goes to the proxyed ajaxterm, but other paths like https://example.com/phpmyadmin/  still work17:28
AlanBelloh ok17:29
ali1234shellinabox starts it's own webserver.... therefore you still need the (exact same) proxy afaict17:29
marsilainenI could put it on a separate vhost - but that would require extra IP, extra SSL cert = extra expense17:29
marsilainenright - so I guess shellinabox doesn't solve anything then...17:31
marsilainenso, I guess back to my original question :)17:31
marsilainendoes this look secure enough: http://pastebin.com/LF1Fbt8Q17:31
popeyi disagree17:33
popeyshellinabox wouldn't need a proxy17:33
marsilainenpopey: does shellinabox run it's own daemon that listens on a port?17:34
marsilainenpopey: how does apache connect to it?17:34
popeylast time I looked it was a cgi script17:34
popeyit doesn't listen on its own port or run its own webserver as I understand it17:35
marsilainenthat seems to suggest it runs on a port as a daemon?17:35
ali1234shellinaboxd -s /:LOGIN17:35
popeyi had it running off my apache17:35
ali1234This command starts a web server at http://localhost:4200 and blah blah blah17:35
popeynot separately17:35
ali1234yeah. i'm sure you could set up ajaxterm to do that, but the point is to run it as a different user with different permissions for extra security (i guess)17:36
marsilainenif it was to run as cgi, who would it run as?17:37
marsilainenI guess it would have to run as root?17:37
marsilainento allow people to login17:37
marsilainensounds scary...17:37
ali1234CGI typically runs as the webserver user17:37
marsilainenbut then how could people log in?17:37
ali1234at the end of the day anything run by the webserver is run by the webserver user17:37
ali1234the webserver doesn't actually have to run as root17:38
ali1234the webserver can effectively ssh to localhost using the credentials you supply it17:38
ali1234that's just one way it can work17:38
marsilainenthat's true17:38
marsilainenin any case, everything I see for shellinabox seems to indicate that it runs it's own daemon listening on a port, just like ajaxterm17:39
marsilainenso the issues are still the same whichever is used17:39
ali1234but the webserver user does need certain privileges which may or may not be appropriate for the "normal" webservers you also want to run17:39
ali1234pretty much yeah17:39
ali1234comes down to which one you like better/ has better reviews17:40
ali1234why is it whenever i buy books online, i always get a voucher for wine?17:47
jacobwwb suprengr17:47
ali1234doesn't seem to even matter where i buy the books from17:47
jacobwthe internet is telling you need to get out more :)17:47
MartijnVdSwhy do you need to get out of you have wine17:48
popeyhmm, looks like virgin are rate limiting my connection17:58
popeygetting 4.8Mb/s down17:58
penguin42popey: What's that limited down from?18:02
popeyah well, walk away from the computer for a bit18:03
penguin42popey: It's not too extreme a limit, have you been battering it hard all day?18:03
suprengrpopey: sure it's it's not just the electrons getting cold?18:03
=== AlanBell changed the topic of #ubuntu-uk to: Welcome to #ubuntu-uk! http://ubuntu-uk.org | This channel is publicly archived: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Mailing List: http://tinyurl.com/uukml | Support Guidelines - http://tinyurl.com/uuksupport | Meeting Thursday December 30th 21:00 GMT in #ubuntu-uk-meeting http://tinyurl.com/uukmeet | Christmas party http://ubunt.eu/c2
AlanBell30th good for people?19:01
MartijnVdSwhat's up the 30th?19:03
AlanBellrescheduled meeting19:03
BigRedSIs there some filesystem-level encryption for a linuxy filesystem? Like on fat and ntfs19:38
_Hdoes the pressure of water matter for a washing machine? I have 4bars of pressure...19:41
Yorvyk_H, Yes if it is too low but 4 bar is OK. Most household water systems should be 2-6 bar.19:48
_HYorvyk: I'm 12 floors up... pressure like that is impressive no?19:49
MartijnVdS_H: high buildings have special pumps19:50
MartijnVdSso everyone has enough pressure19:50
_Hoh, ok19:51
* MartijnVdS has two (one for hot, one for cold)19:51
_Hwe just had ours redone19:51
MartijnVdS(yes I have 3-4 bars of HOT water 8-)19:51
_Hall 144 flats all new electric [mains] new fuse boards and circuit breakers, new kitchin and bathrooms too19:52
* _H likes her council flat [hides as the fact that she has new things in a council flat means that people may hate her]19:53
MartijnVdS_H: all houses need updates/fixes, even council flats :)19:54
* MartijnVdS is saving money for a new kitchen19:54
_HMartijnVdS: your right you know [I spent 4 years without a kitchin there where 3 units that was it19:55
MartijnVdS_H: mine's falling apart a little :)19:55
_Hoh and it cost over 3 quid to heat enough water TO SIMPLY wash up19:56
_Hor bath19:56
dutchieBigRedS: there is always ecryptfs19:59
BigRedSdutchie: hmm, would that necessarily reduce the used size?20:04
* BigRedS wanders off for a google20:04
MartijnVdSBigRedS: which one? :)20:06
_HBigRedS:  auntie google knows everything20:07
BigRedSI've got distracted from that already...20:09
Azelphurmy mums stranded at work :(20:10
AzelphurIf anyone happens to play TF2, I have 2 servers up and running with the latest update :D20:18
* MartijnVdS only has TF2 on PS320:21
ali1234i heard TF2 on PC is just a game about collecting hats now20:22
Azelphurali1234: haha, depends on if you care about hats or not20:23
Azelphurhats are fun but the game is still there20:23
MartijnVdScapture the hat20:23
* Flashtek gets to install 2 Xubuntu systems in 2 schools next week..20:23
MartijnVdSwhy xubuntu?20:23
MartijnVdS(any special reason?)20:24
Flashtekit's for a display unit..20:24
Flashtekdisplaying 3 web pages20:24
Flashtekthat's all it does20:24
FlashtekXubuntu is small, light and works..20:24
MartijnVdSah cool20:25
MartijnVdSto display time tables, etc. in a slideshow?20:25
Flashtekno, let me show you what it'll display..20:26
MartijnVdSconnected to issyl0's projects?20:27
* dutchie wonders what's going on in http://ubuntuone.com/p/UME/20:27
MartijnVdSdutchie: fire in minecrack?20:28
FlashtekMartijnVdS: issyl0's projects ?20:28
MartijnVdSFlashtek: http://www.govspark.org.uk/ ?20:29
ali1234it's a generic error page, look: http://ubuntuone.com/p/UME/ert/saspsadjsd/falsepage/asdlkasjsdas/00000/qwd123ed23/20:30
dutchieMartijnVdS: yeah, but no idea what started it20:30
dutchieah, that lavafall20:31
FlashtekMartijnVdS: nope.. not linked to that.. though we owuld be happy to help20:32
MartijnVdSFlashtek: you should poke her about it :)20:35
FlashtekMartijnVdS: poked20:37
FlashtekMartijnVdS: see the 3 tabs at the top of the page ?20:37
Flashtekthose are the 3 pages..20:39
dutchieczajkowski: hi21:34
dutchiestill stuck in the airport?21:34
czajkowskiwill e till 7:30pm tomorrow21:34
czajkowskiless than impressed21:34
AlanBellhi czajkowski21:42
AlanBellare you OK there tonight?21:42
czajkowskidont have a choice really21:42
czajkowskiall hotels are fully booked21:42
AlanBellas long as you are safe and warm21:43
AlanBelland have cider21:43
czajkowskipub closing in an hour21:47
LewisCawteugh, why do my speakers keep popping :|22:05
* dutchie hugs czajkowski 22:17
czajkowskiso cheer me up22:25
czajkowskiwho won strictly22:25
dutchie(apologies to anyone who i just spoilt it for)22:27
xr1I was wondering is its possible to run a SDHC card as a harddrive, I read online that it would kill the memory card because it is limited to write cycles? Is this right?22:29
Yorvykxr1, depends what you do with it22:33
xr1Yorvyk: I want to run Ubuntu on it22:33
xr1instead of using a normal hard drive22:34
xr1although I don't know if the speed would be a problem?22:34
YorvykIf you have swap on it it may die quite quickly22:36
popeynot as quick as you might think22:36
YorvykThe speed will be similar to a USB drive as that is how card slots are noramlly attched to the MOBO22:37
xr1So how long is a SDHC card likely to last for22:41
Yorvykxr1, how long’s a piece of string :)22:43
xr1ok ok ;)22:44
=== Gary_ is now known as Gary
popeyi have seen estimates of ~25 years22:46
popeybased on average usage22:47
dwatkinsI've seen reports which say an SSD can be worn out in 9 months of continuous reading and writing22:51
dwatkinsbut that's maxing-out the interface for the whole time.22:51
xr1What about running it of a USB stick.. is that the same problem or not?22:51
xr1SSD I cannot afford ;)22:52
dwatkinstrue, AlanBell, but I believe they use the same means to store data, although I could be wrong.22:52
AlanBellbut either way, it will last quite a long time22:52
dwatkinsindeed, it would take quite a lot of writing to kill one, in general22:52
AlanBellthey put them in Mac laptops, which are designed to last at least until the next one is announced22:53
=== gary is now known as Gary
xr1Maybe I should get it a go and see22:53
dwatkinsturn off atime, xr122:54
dwatkinsthat way, you won't write to the device every time a file is accessed22:54
AlanBellisn't that off by default these days?22:54
dwatkinsI don't know, there's also the question on whether you want to use a journalled filesystem, but I havn't looked into ext4 for flash storage, so my information is probably well out of date22:55
ali1234the USB stick would probably last longer, but only because they are so slow23:01
* popey wonders where czajkowski is23:03
* czajkowski tickles popey 23:03
* bigcalm ponders another vodka and pepsimax23:04
* Gary tickles czajkowski \o/23:04
czajkowskihmm found a piece of space but the power socket is dead, probably why it was free in the first place23:05
Flashtek lol23:07
ali1234this was just posted on another channel: http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/pjd/papers/fast10-flash.pdf23:07
dwatkinsthat's one handy channel, ali123423:08
popeyczajkowski: got much battery left? any way to get some sleep?23:08
bigcalmFrom my experience, it takes a long time to get to sleep at airports23:09
czajkowskipopey: nope and nope23:09
czajkowskimost power sockets are gone23:09
czajkowskino way I can sleep here23:09
czajkowskimeh not the end of the wolrd I guess just stupidly annoying23:10
czajkowskialso while I love kids, kids who pull screaming tanturms and parents walk off need to be shot23:10
dutchiebigcalm: classy drinking23:10
bigcalmdutchie: enjoyable23:11
AlanBellczajkowski: I have some sympathy with the parents tbh23:11
bigcalmI appear to be building the Great Wall of China in Minecraft23:11
czajkowskiAlanBell: there is still no need to let kids scream and pull a wobbly tbh. it doesnt do anyone any favours23:12
AlanBellczajkowski: if you can't beat them join them23:12
czajkowskiAlanBell: not fair on the hundreds of people tbh, for parents not able to control their kids.23:13
* dutchie goes back to minecraft23:14
* czajkowski takes dutchie minecraft away from him 23:14
czajkowskidutchie: unpacked yet23:14
dutchieyes, actually23:14
macoczajkowski: i think the reason parents walk off is as a way to say to their kids "lalala im not listening, you're not getting your way, so stop it"23:15
czajkowskiwell done :p23:15
czajkowskimaco: so it's ok for the others to have to deal with it. maco also to note, usually I adore kids, but manners are a must.23:15
AlanBellczajkowski: so do you have a plane tomorrow?23:16
czajkowskiAlanBell: aye in theory 7:25pm but we were just told it may not take off due to A) weather and B) backlog23:17
czajkowskiyes I was using a lot stronger earlier on23:19
AlanBellI can hardly believe it of you23:19
matttheathrow's still shut?23:22
czajkowskimattt: yes23:22
matttyou're stuck there over night?23:23
dwatkinsI hope they're feeding you, czajkowski23:27
exobuzzgood morning/night23:29
Azelphurhaha, now this is gonna be funny23:30
exobuzzthe snow is annoying. its too cold to work with artistically23:30
LSEactuary'join #km020123:30
Azelphurexobuzz: :p23:30
exobuzzi wanted to do a snow C= logo and its too powedery23:30
Azelphurmy dads been running around shouting at everyone and trying to accuse the lodger of using too much bandwith23:31
Azelphurand me and my brother have both been calling shenanigans23:31
exobuzztell your dad, pay an extra 2 quid a month23:31
exobuzzhold on23:31
exobuzzyou should pay it!23:31
exobuzzyou are the one downloading my joggler images23:31
exobuzz1gb each23:31
Azelphurexobuzz: the fun part is that nobody is using significantly more bandwith than anyone else23:31
exobuzzi have a feeling you are far too old to be living at home now23:32
dwatkinsmeasue it and get everyone to pay proportionally?23:32
Azelphurexobuzz: haha23:32
Azelphurdwatkins: or just just go on an ISP which is cheaper and unlimited23:32
Azelphurwhich is what me and my brother have been saying23:32
dwatkinsyeah, that's a much better option23:32
exobuzzAzelphur, <25 maybe ok >25.. you bandwidth cheapskate! :)23:32
Azelphurexobuzz: I'm 20 :p23:32
dwatkinsI just switched to 40 GB a month with BT, I'll probably go for their unlimited option soon23:32
exobuzzAzelphur, its good to know. that 20 year olds runs linux.. and not just old men with beards23:33
dwatkinsWe've used 35 GB this month already.23:33
Azelphurbut yea the amusing part is that my dads been starting huge arguments and trying to get me to firewall the lodger23:33
dwatkins...and there are only two of us23:33
Azelphurbut everyone so far is using more or less the same bandwith :D23:33
exobuzzAzelphur, this one is for you http://www.ex-parrot.com/~pete/upside-down-ternet.html23:34
Azelphurhttp://dl.dropbox.com/u/3832397/screenshots/December%202010/2010-12-18-233349_1037x478_scrot.png is the stats :P23:34
Azelphurexobuzz: haha23:34
dwatkinsthe upside-down-ternet is an awesome idea23:34
AzelphurMy dads been trying to pin it all on 00:26, but as you can see there isn't a huge difference23:34
exobuzzor blurred-to-fucknernet23:34
exobuzzim not swearing. its a real word23:34
AzelphurI just like making my dad pay the extra bills because he refuses to switch to an unlimited ISP23:34
AzelphurIt's good to watch him pay for acting like an idiot :)23:35
dwatkinsis there a 12 or 18 month tie-in?23:35
Azelphurdwatkins: nope, we arn't tied23:35
exobuzzi did 300gb upstream from public ftp from my home adsl last month. i might be on my isp shitlist23:35
Azelphurexobuzz: haha23:35
exobuzzftp to my ip and help yourselves23:35
exobuzzeveryone else does23:35
exobuzzall good quality downloads ofcourse. no rubbish films. proper stuff like.. mirrors of worldofspectrum and 450,000 music mods, and magazine scans..23:37
exobuzzand if you like computers. check out this recent mag scanning project http://malus.exotica.org.uk/~buzz/byte/23:37
exobuzzawesome stuff. 1975 onwards23:37
exobuzzaltair 8800. only $1795. no monitor or keyboard23:38
dwatkinsexobuzz: I used to live in Reading, just reading about the site you just did23:38
exobuzzdwatkins, aah.. im near reading. didcot..23:38
exobuzzdwatkins, the joggler site or my exotica site or ?23:39
dwatkinsthe tourism one was what I had started reading about23:39
dwatkinsI used to live in Didcot, too23:39
exobuzzyou read my commercial site page.. hah. im terrible. i did that about 6 years ago..23:39
dwatkinsnow I live in Edinburgh, however23:40
exobuzzi should update the news23:40
exobuzzi need to rm -rf it23:40
dwatkinscopyright says 201023:40
exobuzzprint date23:40
dwatkinsI couldn't access an ftp site so I sent for port 8023:40
exobuzzi should do a blog about my self. since i have all this crap everywhere. and i need a central thing23:40
exobuzzi ean. my business name/website was a rubbish idea since i dont update it so..23:41
exobuzzthis is the closest thing i have to a homepage http://www.exotica.org.uk/wiki/User:BuZz . lame huh. although www.exotica.org.uk is my baby23:41
exobuzz14 years online23:41
exobuzz(although under various domains over the years)23:42
dwatkinsyeah, I know the feeling23:42
exobuzzthis is a repost.. and im terrible but im doing it again. since i said the site was my baby. technically this is my baby :-) (1.8 years old though) http://www.exotica.org.uk/wiki/File:Natalie_on_c64.jpg23:44
exobuzzsecond post of that url on 2 days. but shes so cute. i cant help it. even though shes grown somewhat since!23:44
exobuzzim talking about the c64 of course23:45
dwatkinsof course23:45
popeyexobuzz: please upgrade xbmc on my xbox, thanks23:45
exobuzzpopey, hi!23:45
dwatkinsI need to get youtube to work on XBMC23:45
exobuzzpopey, sure.. erm.. do you have a download ?23:45
popey(I am semi kidding of course) :)23:45
popeyi just cant be arsed :)23:45
dwatkinsI have an actual xbox running XBMC, is it even possible for me to upgrade it to a recent version of the software?23:47
popeyi do too23:48
popeyand sometime I'll upgrade it23:48
popeybut now.. bed23:48
dwatkinsnn popey23:48
czajkowskinn popey23:49
bigcalmToodle pip, popey23:49
exobuzzdwatkins, xbmc on htpc or xbox1 ?23:52
exobuzzaah xbox123:52
exobuzzdepending how your system is setup depends how to install. some systems duplicate the default.xbe to c:\ as xboxdash.xbe or something. other have it booting via another dash like evox23:53
exobuzzif worried. install it somewhere new, and launch form what you have to test23:53
dwatkinscool, thanks exobuzz - I'll have a read23:54
exobuzzi develop xbmc4xbox btw.. well only since april or something. i intended to fix a single bug with both the xbox and linux etc versions. then fell into a massive debate about the future of the xbox version. it got thrown out of the svn, and had its own hom and i somehow got roped into developing it more.. i roped myself in probably23:55
dwatkinswow I didn't realise it was still being actively developed, ace23:55
exobuzzme and another guy who was been working on it longer. and another guy who helps with skins/translations. but really 2 devs. and 1100 xbox users on the forum..23:55
exobuzzned more devs23:55
exobuzzyou can watch iplayer etc from a recent xbmc4xbox build23:56
exobuzzeven 1500kbps h264..23:56
exobuzzalthough it drops some frames here and there23:56
exobuzzi do the iplayer plugin also.. i need a new hobby23:56
dwatkinsWe recently hooked a PS3 up to the net, and discovered all the neat stuff it can do23:57
exobuzzyeh ps3 is pretty nice. id buy one if it wasnt so pricey (and i dont like the sony tax)23:58
exobuzzalso ive got 3 unplayed games on my wii.. i mean.. id probably let it gather dust too23:58
exobuzzi use my xbox1 more.. funny23:58
exobuzzhttp://www.xbmc4xbox.org is the "commuity site for xbmc on xbox"23:58

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