
seidosi think it'd be cool if there was a way to have a "run field" on the panel.04:17
seidoswell, i added this guy:  http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/26736/04:32
pleia2there is the "run application" gnome panel thingy, but that's just one you click to get the f2 menu04:58
seidosyeah, i want to see if i can get the source for it05:01
pleia2I tend to like the alt+f2 thing, but I hate my mouse :)05:02
pleia2hmm, it is quite gloomy out there05:03
seidosi think i'd like to have the option to do both.  i hate waiting for alt-f2 to open05:03
seidosthere's a new dresden codak comic that is pretty funny:  http://dresdencodak.com/2010/12/17/evan-guest-comic/05:03
seidosit might take your mind away from the gloom05:03
seidosall the lights are off in this dwelling05:04
pleia2hehe, thanks05:04
seidosexcept for notebook screen05:04
pleia2I have lights on, making brownies :d05:04
pleia2hah, that's pretty good05:05
pleia2here's to friday nights in :)05:05
akkha, I like the comic05:06
seidosdresden codak is probably my favorite comic.05:06
seidosvery creative stuff.05:06
seidoswish i could draw and write like that.05:07
* pleia2 chuckles at cat's scrodinger05:08
seidoshaha, yeah, i remember that a bit.05:12
seidospleia2, send me a link if you have it handy so i can check it out again05:16
seidosha, thanks for the link pleia2.  i was thinking of something else, hadn't seen that one.05:28
nUboon2AgeMemorial service held for 43 homeless people who died on the streets in Silicon Valley in the past year  http://www.mercurynews.com/breaking-news/ci_16868562?nclick_check=1  pleia215:07
nUboon2Age"...Santa Clara County Homeless Census and Survey reported that 7,086 people county-wide are homeless on any given night, she said, and 12,000 people over the course of a year.  The homeless are at much greater risk of illness, injury and death than the average population," Van Every said."15:11
nUboon2AgeFroma 2007 Mercury news article: 'Maybe this is about that this happens at all. That people die on the streets. Our streets. Streets that for so many are paved in gold. It's an awful reality that we live in a place known for mind-boggling innovation and heart-stopping success stories, a place where the beauty of a problem is that it can be solved. And yet it's a place where people live - and too often die - in parks15:16
nUboon2Ageand under bridges and in the doorways of downtown high-rises. "The overall issue is that it's horrible," said Chris Block, executive director of Charities Housing, a non-profit developer of affordable housing. "It's so unacceptable that anybody dies on the streets in Santa Clara County."'15:16
nUboon2AgeMemorials honor homeless deaths in Oakland, and across the nation http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2009/12/21/18633358.php15:18
nUboon2AgeMany of the homeless are veterans. est. 150,000 across the u.s.15:23
nUboon2Agei have an idea (which is far from developed yet) that we could offer Ubuntu support to homeless shelters,agencies and ministries.15:25
nUboon2Agealso veterans groups15:25
nUboon2Age"...2,815 homeless deaths in Los Angeles County between January, 2000 and May, 2007, based on statistics provided by the Los Angeles County Coroner’s office. Homelessness in Los Angeles: Los Angeles [city and county] has the disgrace of being the homeless capital of the United States with over 73,000 homeless people in the County of Los Angeles, approximately 50% of that in the City of Los Angeles.Only 16.7% of Los15:29
nUboon2AgeAngeles County’s homeless population is sheltered, which is lowest percentage of any major city."15:29
nUboon2Age"Season: Winter claimed the most homeless deaths with 27% of the total deaths, followed by Summer [25%]; Spring [24%] and Fall [23%]."15:31
nUboon2AgeOn average a homeless person’s life is 36% shorter than a housed person’s life. For homeless Latina females, their lives were 49% shorter than expected.15:32
nUboon2Age""We just want people out of the cold so we don't have any deaths," says Senior Program Director Lorena Collins"15:37
nUboon2AgeFind them. House them. Save them. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:UQXT1lxHnMMJ:www.shiftmag.us/%3Fp%3D355+homeless+death,+santa+clara&cd=28&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us15:42
nUboon2Age"Nearly half of foster kids in the U.S. become homeless when they turn 18"15:49
nUboon2Age"Just a few years earlier, Willie was “living the good life.” He was working in the accounting and data processing field and buying tickets to see the San Jose Sharks hockey team. He had a decent income, his own residence and no major medical problems keeping him down. But now, he had no income, no home — a wandering man whose only immediate thoughts were near child-like: Please, just a few more minutes of15:50
nUboon2Agesleep. “You learn to take a little nap somewhere, then move along, then take a nap somewhere else,” Willie says. “Homeless people learn where they can sleep and where they can’t."15:50
seidosi noticed zareason doesn't have any certified ubuntu systems:  http://webapps.ubuntu.com/certification/ and system76 only has 2 :(16:38
seidosdell, lenovo, and hp have the most it looks like.  this is really kind of a bummer.  i would think that since system76 and zareason were linux only shops, that they would be able to pull off more certifications.  but i guess dell, hp, and lenovo have the "capital advantage"16:42
nUboon2Agemy guess is it takes money/resources to go through the process of becoming Ubuntu certified and that zareason hadn't put in the resources yet.  Maybe MarkDude can enlighten us.19:53
nUboon2Ageseidos: ^19:53
MarkDudeWe are working with some folks from Canonical21:49
* MarkDude does not know what specifics I can say, and what parts are under NDA. We had a kernel person down at the shop the other day21:50
seidossalamba sirsasana:  http://yoga.about.com/od/yogaposes/a/headstand.htm23:21
seidosha!  the ubuntu pose.  i should do that when i do yoga.23:21

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