
andrewAnyone else remember the days before modern browsers had the ability to undo the closing of a tab?01:57
rmg51I remember the days when you got a bowser from your ISP :-D01:58
andrewBut how am I supposed to surf the web without aol?01:59
PennBotTitle: AOL.com - Welcome to AOL (at www.aol.com)02:00
andrew*cringes knowing that there are still people like that*02:00
andrewActually, I'm looking forward to using teachparentstech.com02:00
MutantTurkeyandrew: what about those days?02:01
andrewI just take for granted how easy ctrl+shift+t has made my life, that I often forget about the struggle that used to occur.02:02
rmg51and of course everyone remembers that it was Microsoft that came up with the idea for tabbed browsing :-/02:02
andrewDear wise men of this channel, what year did the first keyboards come out with the windows key?02:04
rmg51where would we be if not for Internet Explorer02:04
andrew(I'm too young to remember.)02:04
MutantTurkeyandrew: i still haven't implemented that into my browser02:05
pleia2andrew: am I allowed to answer?02:06
MutantTurkeyi haven't quite figured out how.02:06
andrewMutantTurkey: implemented what?02:06
andrewpleia2: sure02:06
MutantTurkeyreopening closed tabs02:06
andrewDear wise folk* of this channel, what year did the first keyboards come out with the windows key?02:06
pleia2they started coming out with win9502:06
pleia2so 94ish? I don't know exactly02:06
andrewpleia2: so, 95, or 9402:06
pleia2pretty sure02:06
andrewi knew win95 was the start of it, but I don't recall the year02:07
MutantTurkeyi free all the memory of a tab when it closes in my browsers, so i'm not sure exactly how i would go about re-opening them. I'd have to save it to a disk cache or something02:07
pleia2that's when it became standard anyway, weird keyboards may have had them earlier02:07
andrewMutantTurkey: ctrl+shift+t02:07
pleia2win95 was the first windows to have a start menu though, which is the purpose of the win key02:07
PennBotTitle: Windows key - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (at en.wikipedia.org)02:08
pleia2rmg51: ah, nice02:08
andrewI like the "Usage in non-Microsoft operating systems" section of that ^02:08
erstazipleia2: but the windows key was originally developed for win3.102:08
pleia2"originally introduced on the Microsoft Natural Keyboard before the release of Windows 95. This key became a standard key on PC keyboards since the release of the Windows 95 operating system."02:08
erstazihttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_key#Usage_with_Microsoft_Windows << example02:09
PennBotTitle: Windows key - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (at en.wikipedia.org)02:09
erstazithey had an extension or something, if I remember correctly02:09
* erstazi remembers win3.102:09
pleia2but 3.1 didn't have a start menu, what did it do?02:09
andrewthe cube effect02:10
erstazipleia2: I don't remember exactly02:11
andrewOk, someone fire up your vm of 3.1 that you have sitting around02:11
* rmg51 used 3.1102:11
pleia2http://www.michaelv.org/ ?02:11
PennBotTitle: michaelv.org (at www.michaelv.org)02:11
andrewwell aren't you fancy?02:11
pleia2aw, win key no worky02:11
andrewwinkey + scroll makes it bigger02:12
erstazipleia2: maybe this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Program_Manager02:12
PennBotTitle: Program Manager - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (at en.wikipedia.org)02:12
rmg51try ctrl+scroll02:16
MutantTurkey its weird. my dad gets seemingly random and sudden urges to vaccum late at night. wtf.03:00
jedijfhe's broken03:01
jedijfor......is it a dyson?03:01
MutantTurkeyi don't understand03:01
MutantTurkeyit is a crappy generic vaccuum cleaner.03:01
jedijfsee first answer...03:01
andrewOnce in a while I had those feelings at college03:01
MutantTurkeylol he just stopped again.03:01
MutantTurkey:| really aggrevating while trying to watch avatar.03:02
andrewgranted, this was like the once every 3 months when I was finally like... this place needs it03:02
MutantTurkeyandrew: thats accceptable.03:02
andrewAlso, 10pm isn't late, it was closer to 1am03:02
MutantTurkeywell. but still03:03
MutantTurkeyi have a baby sister?03:03
andrewMy senior year I cleaned occasionally before holding 20 person  meetings in the appartment03:03
andrewthat's a question?03:03
MutantTurkeyand extremely anal neighbors who once yelled at me for trekking the trash out to loudly03:03
MutantTurkeyi was trying to justify why 10pm would be a bad time03:03
erstazihonestly, babies sleep through vacuuming03:03
andrewThe only time babies don't sleep is when you are trying to sleep.03:04
MutantTurkeyi wouldn't put it to a test either though03:04
erstaziit can even put a baby to sleep, if you vacuum03:04
MutantTurkeyerstazi: thanks for the *great* tip03:04
erstaziyeah, you can tell who the new parents are when they try to be always so quiet around their newborns. They will learn that this will bite them later on!03:05
MutantTurkeyi'll bear that in mind when i get married03:10
erstaziHave yinz seen the videos of kids playing with iphones? I should record my son playing with my N900. Hilarious03:11
erstaziHe flips through the phone like a master, which is scary.03:12
MutantTurkeyi sort of want to try out a n90003:14
MutantTurkeyi feel like at this point, even though i'm only 16, i've already fallen far behind the times03:14
InHisNameDoes that mean MutantTurkey is a has been already ?04:37
andrewapparently my computer wasn't locked...05:39
ChinnoDogThat is a very secure password05:39
andrewNot anymore05:39
ChinnoDogok, it /was/ a very secure password05:40
ChinnoDogPennBot: apg is the Automated Password Generator05:41
andrewThe worst part of that was that was my password at work...05:44
andrewI say "was" because I *just* changed it (it was set to expire tomorrow anyways).05:44
ChinnoDogI already exposed my work password here awhile back. haha05:45
ChinnoDogI changed it asap. It sucked because I was logged into a lot of systems.05:45
andrewJust change it to something that is said often in here and no one will be the wiser when you accidently say it05:46
andrewLike to: "PennBot:" or something05:48
andrewit has caps, lower case, and a symbol05:48
andrewand no one would think twice when you accidently enter it in here05:48
andrewwell, that fun is done05:53
ChinnoDogPennBot doesn't have any numbers06:18
ChinnoDogMaybe if he were PennB0t..06:19
jthanandrew: how's the cr-48?23:49
jthanAnyone rush out to buy a nexus S?23:57
MutantTurkey  :[23:58

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