
sprunghello Linden94019:17
sprungi almost became your coworker if you are Linden Labs19:17
sprungi am a Racker19:18
Linden940no i am not linden labs19:41
Linden940i do own a company tho19:41
spridelsprung: where in TX are you a racker?19:47
sprungspridel, San Antonio19:49
spridelI'm in Austin and just applied to a position up here19:49
sprungspridel, thats excellent19:49
* spridel hopes to not get the standard Rackspace reject letter19:50
sprungthere's a standard rackspace reject?19:50
sprungi let them know i was a racker and i just needed to be officially be called one19:51
sprungthe fanatical support is not just a slogan19:51
sprungit's how they do everything19:51
sprungand yeah, really, it's not just a job, you're a fanatic19:52
spridelyep, "Thank you, your skills and abilities are impressive, however we have chosen to pursue more closely qualified applicants."19:52
spridelI've seen it 2x, hoping this is the one that gets me an interview19:53
sprungbasically, we're not a job, we're a lifestyle19:53
sprungif you're going to need to be here 20 hours to fix a problem you're going to do it, voluntarily19:53
sprungbecause you need to and because this is what you want to do19:53
spridelWhat function are you in?19:54
sprungnot that 20 hours ever happens19:54
sprungthats just an extreme example19:54
sprungi operate part of the cloud.19:54
sprungbeyond that, i am a linux admin.19:54
sprungi cannot tell you more.19:54
sprungthe culture is incredible.19:55
sprungmanagers that are actually managers19:55
spridellinux admin would have been acceptable, i figured hosting19:55
sprungmanagers that help rather than control19:55
sprungspridel, all we do is hosting19:56
sprungspridel, so you're in austin? i have heard we are expanding19:57
sprunginto austin19:57
spridelyou have a small office here in Austin19:57
sprungi dont know in what way exactly19:57
sprungyeah i just started here 2 weeks ago19:57
sprungim from kansas city19:57
sprungby way of omaha19:57
sprideli think it is a small datacenter actually, I applied for a Network Security Admin19:58
sprungso i moved from omaha to san antonio two weeks ago19:58
spridelSan Antonio is an awesome city19:58
sprungspridel, what are your credentials?19:58
spridelBBA MIS/CIS19:59
sprungspridel, i just saw Tron on the company dime, three rows had pieces of paper on the seats saying "reserved for rackers"19:59
spridelIf hired I need to get a CCNA in 60 days, which i'm already studying for whether or not i get the position19:59
sprungof course it got packed19:59
spridela company that gets making your employees happy, awesome20:00
sprungi need an RHCE, no deadline but im going to get it fast as shit20:00
sprungyeah in Rackspace they usually don't do deadlines20:00
sprungthey expect things done before they need to set deadlines20:00
spridelSecurity division they do20:00
sprungyeah because they are security division20:01
spridelWe want you to know what the ____ is going how20:01
sprungthey plan and limit everything20:01
sprungwhich is great20:01
sprungwell that goes into the Racker spirit20:02
sprungthats a big part of it20:02
sprungwe let you know what you are getting into20:02
sprungno surprises20:02
sprungi want you to understand this is not just a job it is a lifestyle20:03
sprungyou are becoming a racker20:03
sprideleveryone i know in the security industry is the same way, Learn it, Love it, share it, repeat.20:04
sprungand if you really want to be a racker, and they are taking a while to respond, send them an email in pseudo-essay form about how you are already a racker20:04
sprungi did that20:04
sprungspridel, rackspace is not the rest of the security industry20:05
spridelthanks for the tip. My previous experiences is that the form rejection letter was in my inbox in about 2 days, if I don't see anything by end of business monday I'll hope I've passed under a Lucky star20:06
sprungspridel, i applied for a customer facing support position, but i stutter and while that's something i can't help it's also something they can get away with ignoring even though it's a disability20:07
sprungso they put me on server side20:08
sprungwhere i wouldn't face customers20:08
sprungthats actually a way better deal20:08
sprungthat put me in ops20:08
sprungi skipped support20:08
sprungits funny, i did call center, customer facing etc for years and years20:09
sprungi stuttered but i always had high rankings20:09
sprunghere they let me skip all the phone shit20:09
sprungi'm like "okay!"20:09
sprungit was not my favorite20:09
spridelThat is win20:10
sprungthrough being competent enough and what i do and being shitty enough and what i don't like to do i obtained advancement20:10
sprungmy references helped too, my former two bosses had nothing but great things to say about me20:11
spridelsweet. Right now, I'm mainly working as a contractor for an acquaintance/friend of mine.  He says he'll put in a reference for me, he understands, that where I am, and where his company(startup) can't work together much longer unless his business picks up drastically.20:16
sprungspridel, get him to write you a recommendation on LinkedIn21:25
sprungour HR department is one of the most amazing parts of the company in selecting people21:26
spridelGood Call21:26
sprungthey will look past some of education for personality fit and experience21:27
sprideltechnically I'm "overeducated" for the position21:28
sprungspridel, i would never say what you just said again21:38
sprungit sounded arrogant21:38
sprungspridel, education can never match experience, it can't even come close21:39
sprungyou can never be overeducated to work at rackspace21:39
sprungeverybody is learning all the time, and studying all the time21:39
sprungi hope this makes sense, and as you grow for a few years you will realize that education means a lot less than experience21:40
sprungone can cheat getting experience by getting lots of certifications21:42
sprungi did that21:42
sprungexperience means you can solve hard problems21:43
sprungcertifications means you can solve a hard test21:43
spridelwhat i mean is that they are looking for an Associates and I have a bachelors21:43
sprungthey get you through the door21:43
sprungspridel, meaningless21:43
sprungi have nothing21:44
sprungi have 3 years towards a bachelors and no degree21:44
sprungwhat i am saying is all that stuff your mom and dad tried to prep you for just doesn't matter21:44
sprungwe only hire fanatics21:45
sprideli agree with the education != Experience21:45
sprungi turned down a job that would have paid 13k more21:45
sprungto work here21:46
sprungbecause i'm a fanatic21:46
sprungthat's how much this is not a job it is a lifestyle21:46
spridelI see21:49
sprungspridel, if you had an opportunity to work on the starship enterprise or something cool like that, would you lose money to do it?21:51
sprungwell, i'm a trekkie and thats why i did it21:52
spridelto work at a place i felt comfortable, hell yeah21:53
sprungthere you go21:53
sprungalso there is, even in the winter, a 30 degree difference in temperature21:54
sprungno winters anymore21:54
spridelI've been trying to find a position in Security since May when I graduated, I've applied to a few higher Level positions, this is the first Entry-level one I've seen.22:00
sprungspridel, and one of the few in the entire country you could get22:09
spridelsprung: you are probably very right about that22:11
sprungspridel, even in this economy, the company is taking off22:11
sprungi cant tell you anything more than that22:12
spridelsprung: that's because businesses wised up to the fact that they shouldn't be in the business of running a datacenter when their core is Finance/acct/advertising/etc.22:15
sprungit is humorous you would say that22:19
sprungspridel, this company can't exist without great marketing/advertising/accounting22:19
sprungwell actually lol22:19
sprungit can22:19
sprungit can't exist without a fanatical IT ops and support staff22:20
sprungThis company can't be successful without great marketing/advertising/accounting22:20
sprungbut in this company we have all decided we are fanatical in what we do and that's it22:21
sprungwe give even our janitors and security guards the same benefits and they are fanatical too22:21
sprungand they're CONTRACTORS22:22
spridelthat's awesome22:23
sprungspridel, just don't act like you already have credentials because you went to this and that school.22:25
sprungrackspace already has some of the best and the brightest, i'm not either but they picked me. what you need is to realize that you not only know nothing but can22:26
sprungrackspace already has some of the best and the brightest, i'm not either but they picked me. what you need is to realize that you not only know nothing but cant wait to have the opportunity22:26
sprungto know more22:26
spridelsprung how was tron?22:34

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