
brycehcan't wait :-)00:19
BUGabundohi guys01:11
BUGabundousing nvidia with nouveua01:11
BUGabundoif I rotate my screen 90º, the touchpad doesn't rotate01:11
BUGabundois this known, or should I file a bug for it?01:11
BUGabundo I never write it well01:12
BUGabundosorry about that01:12
bjsnidershow some respect for the glorious french language01:12
BUGabundonext time, choose something *easy* :p01:12
mdeslaurnew? :)01:12
brycehBUGabundo, yeah known issue01:12
BUGabundothanks bryceh01:12
BUGabundoany bug I can sub to?01:13
brycehBUGabundo, you can rotate it manually using xinput I think01:13
brycehin fact I think there's a patch for it01:13
BUGabundoI made my laptop as a semi tablet, to read feeds :D01:13
BUGabundo⎜   ↳ SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad              id=12[slave  pointer  (2)]01:14
BUGabundoI guess that's the one I want01:14
bjsnidermdeslaur, they could have called it "novus" which is latin for "new"01:14
mdeslaurbjsnider: yeah, but then I would have trouble remembering how to spell it :)01:14
brycehI had a hell of a time trying to tell a native french speaker about the driver01:14
bjsnidera driver name has to have at least 2 syllables01:15
BUGabundobryceh: LOLOLOL01:15
bryceh"Yes, use the nouveau driver."  "Oh, a new driver for nvidia?  What's it called?"01:15
BUGabundonew new 01:15
BUGabundowhat ? new new 01:15
brycehpretty much01:15
mdeslaurwho's on first01:15
Sarvatthmm, wonder why they never took that orientation patch upstream now now that you mention it02:01
Sarvattah waiting for XI2.1 https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2112902:05
ubot4Freedesktop bug 21129 in Input/Core "General axis inversion and rotation support" [Normal,Assigned]02:05
Sarvatt(probably 2.2 now)02:05
jewsucanusehey bryceh, i'm getting a weird x error.02:08
jewsucanuseafter a few hours of use, most videos and images have color banding gradients02:08
jewsucanuseand this perists until an x restart.02:08
Sarvatthmm its implemented for absolute devices http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/xserver/commit/?id=6cccf0131c8464d8838cae2200730873d7dd9e4502:09
Sarvattwhat driver?02:10
Sarvattif its nvidia try changing away from the dynamic dithering mode? (shot in the dark)02:12
jewsucanusenatty bits btw02:15
brycehjewsucanuse, no idea02:16
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LLStarksi wish i could take a pic02:21
bjsniderlibv, someone has created another via graphics driver -- "chrome" by name03:07
brycehjust what the world needs03:08
bjsniderat least via users have lots of choice03:09
bjsniderover 3000 possible drivers and counting03:09
bjsniderand none of them work!03:09
Dr_Jakobbjsnider: linky?03:24
libvbjsnider: one of the openchrome... let's say... people, did that11:06
libvbjsnider: commits are made to git by "root"11:07
libvof someone who has been, let's call it, "hanging around" graphics for the last 4-5 years, one would expect better, no?11:08
soreauDoes anyone know if gallium will be default for radeon r3-5xx cards for natty?14:34
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rippsI'm gonna try out Xorg-edgers on my rv350, see how gallium is coming along17:22
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rippshmmmm.... [drm:radeon_gem_object_create] *ERROR* Failed to allocate GEM object (1224704, 2, 4096, -12)18:45
rippstried running pcsx to test opengl with a playstation game, now X seems to crash everytime I run a complex opengl program18:46
rippscool, with r300g, I can force flash to use gpu acceleration18:54
Sarvattwe're going to get yelled at for maing this font default http://sarvatt.com/downloads/mono.png :)19:06
Sarvattsoreau: it already is, yeah19:06
bjsnideri think that font looks cool19:08
ionI’ll have to see it without the blurry font rendering to compare with the current DejaVu/Vera one.19:09
vishSarvatt: reboot after updates! ;) 19:11
Sarvattion: without the blurry font rendering? it looks screwed up at anything but subpixel smoothing/slight hinting at the moment19:14
rippsawesome, 3d css transforms work in chromium now. and they look awesome19:16
ionIf a horizontal or vertical line has subpixels that are anywhere between the background color and the text color, the rendering is using lower frequency content than would be possible, i.e. blur. That might look aesthetically nice, but nobody can claim it’s not less readable. We’ve drawn our characters with sharp lines through the human history for a reason.19:16
ionEven the -full one is blurry: alas, you need to do sudo perl -i -pwe 's/\000\Klcddefault\000/lcdlegacy\000\000/g' /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon-2.0/libxsettings.so to get sharp fonts in Ubuntu Gnome.19:17
ionThe powers that be haven’t provided us with a better way to do it, and i haven’t got around to creating a good patch. :-)19:18
bjsnideri don't see the blur in that screenshot19:19
ionIt would be obvious if you’d see the really sharp text next to it. You could fire up xmag and look at any horizontal or vertical line to see the between-0%-and-100% subpixels.19:20
ionAlt-F2, xmag, Enter19:21
* bjsnider nods19:22
ionThe solution to get aesthetically good-looking fonts is getting displays with considerably better resolutions, not using blurry rendering to approximate it with the cost of readability.19:22
bjsnidermy monitor only does 96 dpi19:22
ionStill waiting for the 300 DPI displays. :-P19:23
ion…affordable ones, that is.19:24
bjsniderwhy stop at 300?19:27
bjsniderwe can't even really get much past 96 at this point though19:27
ionI didn’t mean the progress should stop at 300. :-)19:28
ilmarimy home laptop is 140dpi, my work one is 14719:30
* mdeslaur will run his 300 DPI display at 96 DPI to get massive resolution :P19:30
ilmari1440x900 on 12.1" and 1920x1200 on 15.4", respectively19:30
bjsniderat 300 dpi the windows icons would be so small that they'd be invisible19:31
ionmdeslaur: That makes no sense. In LCDs, the resolution is a physical property of the display that doesn’t change. :-)19:31
Sarvattvish: why'd you make me reboot, gnome classic session breaks in new interesting ways every friday update :)19:32
mdeslaurion: right, I meant massive window real estate :P19:32
ionbjsnider: Toolkits should scale images (picking the closest appropriate bitmap version available for small sizes) based e.g. font size.19:33
ionmdeslaur: You mean you want small fonts? Then the setting you’re after is the font size. :-)19:34
bjsniderion, windows doesn't19:34
ilmaribjsnider: and?19:34
ionbjsnider: Yes, i said “decent”. ;-) Anyway, as high-resolution displays become available, i’m sure Bill will have to follow.19:35
bjsnideractually maybe windows 7 does, i dealt with a guy who had a laptop with a large resolution and small display and his icons were tiny19:35
bjsniderbut he was using vista19:35
mdeslaurion: okok, you win :P19:35
Sarvattion: http://sarvatt.com/downloads/mono-full-lcddefault.png19:35
ilmariicons should be vector graphics anyway19:35
Sarvattwhoops lcdlegacy I meant19:35
ionsarvatt: Not bad. I can see further hinting is needed, but i could get used to that.19:36
ionThanks for the screenshot. :-)19:36
ionBy switching between http://sarvatt.com/downloads/mono-full-lcddefault.png and http://sarvatt.com/downloads/mono-subpixel-full.png one can clearly see the difference in blurriness.19:37
ionNot to mention between http://sarvatt.com/downloads/mono.png and http://sarvatt.com/downloads/mono-full-lcddefault.png19:37
bjsniderSarvatt, does the led on your wifi chip work?19:38
mdeslaurugh, I hate full hinting19:40
Sarvattbjsnider: atk9k is all kinds of screwed up in the latest kernels but yeah the led works fine19:45
Sarvattbjsnider: knew it was too good to be true that we could keep the same basic packaging between 3 releases for nvidia/fglrx :)20:08
Sarvatt(see end of https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/natty-changes/2010-December/date.html )20:08
bjsniderwell, dumping the modalias package is fine by me20:09
bjsnideri wonder if it's possible to move all of nvidia-common into jockey and then just have jockey and the drivers20:10
bjsniderof course that's not the way debian does things, they have to have separate packages for every little thing20:11
Sarvatthmm guess we could build lib32vdpau in the PPA so people can get flash acceleration on amd64, I'm totally stumped on what to do with it in the archive though20:15
soreauSarvatt: Awesome, thanks.21:56

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