
beunonight karni!00:11
jonathan_why is the copy web link option in ubuntu one greyed out only for some items?06:16
jonathan_edit:  Suddenly for all items06:16
duanedesignmorning all09:35
nirazioWhen Ubuntu One is available in german and other languages?11:01
nirazioWhen Ubuntu One is available in german and other languages?11:05
duanedesignhello nirazio11:07
niraziohi duanedesign11:07
duanedesignnirazio: there should be a german translation for U111:07
nirazioNo i have searched11:08
duanedesignsorry na11:19
duanedesigni was looking11:20
duanedesignit appears there is a translation https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client11:20
duanedesignnot sure why it is not working11:20
ryeduanedesign, the web ui is english only at the moment, maybe that's11:33
duanedesignrye: ahhh12:27
duanedesignrye: i was trying to remember the command to launch an application in a different locale from the command line12:28
duanedesignI thought it was something like:  LANG=es_AR.utf8 ubuntuone-preferences12:28
nessitaduanedesign: LC_ALL=<Locale> <app>12:30
ryeduanedesign, i had to do LANGUAGE=en_US for indicator12:31
ryewe definitely need an international backup day12:32
duanedesignfor sure12:32
ryepreferally celebrated a week before international hardware failure day12:34
duanedesigni made the mistake of backing stuff up on an Iomega 1GB jazz drive. Now I can't find one to get my information off the disks12:35
duanedesignseemed like a good idea 10 years ago :P12:36
ryeduanedesign, what's the life time of these disks?12:37
duanedesignrye: not sure...unlike the Zip disk, which was a floppy disk technology, the Jazz was a Hard Disk Drive technology12:40
duanedesignrye: http://paste.ubuntu.com/545247/ <-- are steps 5-7 really necessary?13:08
ryeduanedesign, to keep it all clean - yes13:12
ryeduanedesign, but it won't be that bad if the tokens were left @ ubuntuone13:12
duanedesignthank you13:13
nirazioWhen Ubuntu One is available in german and other languages?14:25
nirazioduanedesign: Did you got one??14:25
duanedesignnirazio: are you referring to the Ubuntu One Preferences on your desktop or the website one.ubuntu.com?14:33
duanedesignok i am seeing if it works for me14:42
duanedesignnirazio: i changed my language to German and Ubuntu one Prefernces was in German14:57
nirazioHow did you change it???14:58
duanedesignSystem > Administration > Launguage Support14:58
duanedesignin the Language tab select Install/Remove Languages14:59
duanedesignThen drag the language you want to the top of the list14:59
duanedesignclick Apply System Wide and then Sign Out and back in (or restart)15:00
duanedesigntook me awhile to get back. I couldnt figure out what Restart was in German :)15:00
dutchiei have shared file links returning 503 errors20:13
karthick87How do I change the name of a file once I have uploaded it to the Ubuntu One Cloud?20:53
nessitadutchie: url please?20:56
nessitakarthick87: you can just rename it on your local computer and it will be synched to the cloud20:57
facundobatistakarthick87, just rename it in your computer20:57
dutchienessita: it seems to be working now20:58
nessitadutchie: ok, if you have the problem again let us know21:02
dutchiewill do21:07
duffydackwhen you rename it, does it re-upoad it?21:20
duffydackor has it got the smarts to just rename it21:20
ryeduffydack, just renames21:37
duffydackdone it before but only with small files so its all the same21:39

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