holstein | ScottL: lol | 15:43 |
holstein | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rakarrack/+bug/584859 | 15:43 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 584859 in rakarrack (Ubuntu) "rakarrack doesn't work" [Undecided,Incomplete] | 15:43 |
holstein | maybe lol isnt the proper response | 15:43 |
holstein | its sad really | 15:43 |
ScottL | holstein, yeah, it is slightly sad, but at least they are filing bug reports | 17:05 |
holstein | i just hope its not file, wipe, forget... | 17:05 |
holstein | ScottL: you have a minute? | 17:06 |
ScottL | yeah | 17:06 |
holstein | i made https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rakarrack/+bug/691937 | 17:06 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 691937 in rakarrack (Ubuntu) "bug report for backporting" [Undecided,In progress] | 17:06 |
holstein | not sure how to file it against lucid-backports | 17:06 |
holstein | or more acurately, im not sure what that means... | 17:07 |
holstein | i think thats clear though right? | 17:07 |
ScottL | lol, i had been meaning to clear up that part of the instructions | 17:08 |
holstein | maybe, i should know the lingo though | 17:09 |
holstein | for a minute, i was on the bug squad | 17:09 |
holstein | too much to take on for me | 17:11 |
ScottL | look for "Also affects project" and click the green cross icon | 17:11 |
ScottL | then you should input "lucid-backports" | 17:12 |
holstein | yeah, that worked | 17:16 |
holstein | ScottL: OK | 17:31 |
holstein | im on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/BackportsHowToHelp#Change Details | 17:31 |
holstein | and i have the changelog file open | 17:32 |
ScottL | holstein, okay | 17:49 |
holstein | ;) | 17:51 |
ScottL | just follow the instruction and use the example at the end as a go by | 17:53 |
ScottL | but REMEMBER, the changelog file is highly formatted | 17:53 |
holstein | yeah, i think i'l read over that for a while | 17:57 |
holstein | until it makes sense... | 17:57 |
ScottL | holstein, just keep in mind two main things: | 17:59 |
ScottL | 1. the file is made to contain specific information | 17:59 |
ScottL | 2. it is formatted to be machine readable | 17:59 |
holstein | yeah, i dont want to bork it | 18:00 |
ScottL | holstein, this what i had done for rakarrack changelog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/545387/ | 21:20 |
ScottL | mind you, this isn't all of it, just the last two entries - don't erase the other parts! | 21:20 |
ScottL | the ppa1 will be removed later on when it is actually put into the backports repository | 21:21 |
ScottL | well, actually the '~ppa1' will be removed (forgot to include the tilde) | 21:21 |
holstein | ScottL: thanks for that | 21:44 |
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