
drbobbfrankly if i can't find a fix i'll have to look for another player, cause this makes amarok pretty useless00:00
James147drbobb: try it on a new user, if it works as it should there its a config problem00:02
drbobbJames147: i am on a new user. i just installed kubuntu on a brand new laptop a few days ago00:02
James147drbobb: what version of kubuntu and amarok?00:03
drbobbJames147: current, 10.1000:04
James147what version of amarok?00:04
drbobbok so maybe the config got corrupted somehow, though it's only like the second time i'm playing any songs on this machine00:04
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drbobb3.4.3/KDE 4.5.400:05
drbobbsorry typo: 2.3.200:05
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drbobbi guess nuking amarok's config files should be as good as creating a new user00:06
James147drbobb: hmm, same version here... use to have a the same problem ages ago... not sure waht I did to fix it again, probally deleted amaroks configs00:07
valorieyou might rename, rather than nuking00:09
djusticedrbobb: you didn't play with the track progression button?00:09
valorieso you have access to your stats and such00:09
djusticeindeed. better to save it and figure out what went wrong.00:09
valoriedrbobb: we can help you in #amarok00:10
valorieif you are game to use it00:10
drbobblike I said i just set it up the other day, i don't mind nuking the config and starting over00:10
binkulahi guys00:10
valorieone thing you might try is changing phonon backends00:11
valoriethere is gstreamer, vlc and xine to choose from00:11
valorieeveryone has their favorite00:11
valorieSettings > Configure Amarok > Playback > Configure Phonon: Backends tab00:11
drbobbxine seems to be the default00:12
valoriebe aware that codecs can be backend sensitive00:12
valorieso if you change, be sure you have kubuntu-restricted-extras00:12
valoriewhich has them all00:12
valorieright now xine is the default, but that will soon change00:13
valorieAmarok devels want phonon-vlc00:13
drbobboh one weird thing is amarok wasn't changing the icon on the play button during playback00:13
valorieKubuntu devels want phonon-gstreamer00:13
valoriethat was a weird bug in 2.3.200:13
drbobbit should be pause while playing, and it remained with the arrow00:13
valorieseems to be fixed now00:13
valorieright, I experienced that00:14
drbobbnow that i nuked the config it's back to normal00:14
drbobbbut i never did anything unusual to trigger the bug so i expect it to resurface00:14
valoriejust so you know #amarok exists00:14
drbobbok thx00:15
valorieit seems that sometimes xine stutters on a bad tag or something00:15
drbobbwhat's wrong with the xine backend?00:15
valorieand seems to give up, rather than just forging ahead00:15
valorieno one is maintaining it00:15
valorieI don't know the details00:15
binkulaI have a compiz question: is it possible to have windows translucent by default? I've only figured out the keyboard toggling method00:15
drbobboh i see00:16
drbobbyeah playback continues to next song00:16
drbobbok thanks again00:17
James147binkula: in kwin you can, dont know about compiz though, you might want to ask on #ubuntu if no one else know here00:18
binkulathanks :)00:19
James147binkula: any reason your using compiz instead of kwin?00:19
binkulawell I'm using an emerald theme00:20
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Saryif you can't pass to the Desktop from the LiveCD , what does that mean!01:10
gr8m8Sary: if I understand you right you booted the live cd and don't get the desktop showing is that right?01:11
Sarygr8m8, Thats right :) , and it's stuck at the Kubuntu installation window.01:12
SaryTried all of those Boot parameters in F6 options list , non of them passed.01:14
gr8m8did you try the cd check?01:14
SaryIT's an LG E30001:14
SaryI did , no fails.01:15
SaryAlso , the "safe mode " option is missing form F4 mode options.01:16
gr8m8so it doesn't get past the menu - I'll have a quick google01:18
SaryYeah , you know that installation process Window on the LiveCd , To try - install Kubuntu.01:19
Saryit gets stuck right there.01:19
gr8m8Sary: from here - http://community.linuxmint.com/hardware/view/1276 - it seems you need to put   nomodeset   as a kernel boot option at the menu01:22
Sarygr8m8, much appreciate it .. i'll look at it.01:26
gr8m8np :)01:27
Saryi remember selecting that option , with the same result.01:27
gr8m8in www.google.com/linux I used lg e300 as a search term and that was the first non data recovery disk option01:28
SaryWhat blow me away is that i tried booting with Linux Mint LiveCD .. i passed to the Disktop , i could move the mouse , but can't select anything with it.01:29
SaryNice step on searching :D01:29
gr8m8seems there may be some settings X needs to use your hardware01:29
SaryYou know what , am a try it that option again from Kubuntu .. just for you :)01:30
gr8m8heh :)01:31
SaryYeah , but no clue to how could i go to that process.01:31
gr8m8I think F1 lets you add boot parameters but it has been a while since I had to do anything to boot into the live cd01:32
Saryalso , when i selected those options .. it gets stuck at * Checking battery state ..01:32
SaryF1 , it is .. i'll look at it.01:33
gr8m8I've seen a few ppl with that issue - mostly on desktop comps with no battery01:33
Saryhere , the battery is plugged in .. how about plugg in it off to see what happens01:34
gr8m8worth a shot01:35
SarySo now , i should delete "--" and add nomodeset .. then what01:36
gr8m8hit b for boot iirc01:37
Saryshould i delete "quiet splash" as well.01:38
Saryb it is.01:38
gr8m8if you delete splash you will get text output for the boot process01:38
Saryi hit b .. it enters with the Boot option line.01:39
SaryI am in ..01:42
Saryi passed to the Desktop , i hit Try Kubuntu :D01:43
SaryMy bad , seems that i didn't know how to use those options01:44
Saryi just heard the KDE log in sound :)01:44
gr8m8and the mouse works ok?01:45
gr8m8sounds like it is all good so far then01:45
SaryThanks a Bunch gr8m8 :) , i was trying for like 2 days now ! Wow01:46
gr8m8np :)01:46
SaryNo , to the partition part01:46
SaryHope it will last after the Reboot.01:51
gr8m8should do01:51
SaryOkay, waiting to pass to Disktop Setup ..01:53
SaryThe installer crashed !01:54
binkulaall right I was in the wrong section01:58
binkulaI have all windows transparent now01:58
Sarygr8m8, am on the last installation process Thanks to you :), much appreciate it .. cheers!02:18
gr8m8well done Sary :)02:22
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SaryNow, with a happy smile on may face :D .. i can pass that LG Notebook with a Linux flavor " Kubuntu " Yeah ,Cheah!02:29
SaryMay the open source be with you !02:29
sersangterminal advise for kubuntu instead of konsole02:39
sersangdidnt like it02:39
fernandoqu eonda02:58
fernandono hay nadie02:58
SaryRebooted, logged in .. and now02:59
fernandouna paguina en español03:00
fernandoporque nose ingles03:00
Snowhog!sp | fernando03:00
Sary!es | fernando03:00
ubottufernando: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:00
SaryAfter logging in , i am stuck again .. the disktop didn't show up. lol03:02
SaryGo it03:17
poyntzis there any way to have graphic compositing on by default? or do you always have to hit Alt + Shift + F12 to turn it on?03:18
KimLarouxpoyntz, in Power Management, configure the Power Profile you want it activated on03:19
SaryRemoved quiet and splash from grub bootloader and replace them with " nomodeset " .. Ctrl+X to boot .. and now am on the Desktop .. Activating the Graphic Driver.03:22
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poyntzKimLaroux: just checked.. apparently it isn't disabled in any of the profiles03:27
poyntzis it just me or does 10.10 not stock a .cbr viewer?03:35
poyntzif i double click on them okular attempts to open them but fails..03:36
valoriewhat is .cbr?03:36
valorieit always works for pdfs, but I've not heard of .cbr03:37
poyntzcomic book file03:37
poyntzapparently i need evince..03:37
valoriegive me a link, and I'll check03:37
poyntzor a gtk program03:37
valorieI have 10.1003:38
poyntzme too03:38
poyntzwhat did you want a link to?03:38
valoriea page/file that needs that .cbr viewer03:40
poyntzahh.. yeh i dont have links03:40
poyntzi have e-comics downloaded03:40
poyntzthink i had gnome when i did.. but cant remember03:41
valorieI think I had a comic-viewer at one time03:42
valoriecomix or something03:42
poyntzapparently omaque opens comic books n its a kde app..03:42
valoriebut never could get it to do anything03:42
poyntzgah all the www.kde-* websites seem to be down... =S03:44
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valoriewoah, ask in #kde-www03:49
valoriethey were all just moved03:50
valorieI thought successfully03:50
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tanniynHello Everyone, is KDE-Look.org down?...04:12
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andrewh192hey, not sure, but i just tried loading it05:47
andrewh192and all it says is that the connection has timed out05:47
cfraz89yeah I think its down05:50
SC-Mhow to change desktop login manager from GDM to KDM?05:58
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cfraz89SC-M: itll be an option to update-alternatives05:59
cfraz89one sec06:00
cfraz89maybe try sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm06:03
izinucsIs there a way to sort menus alphabetically?06:06
ryan__right click in ur menu06:06
ryan__like favorites06:06
izinucsk.. I'll give it a shot when I'm on my desktop tomorrow..06:07
ryan__yea...It'll just ask a-xz or z-a06:07
cfraz89only in favorites though?06:08
ryan__let me check06:08
ryan__all other menu's are a-z already06:09
cfraz89ah nice spot06:11
saeiaNo sound in chrome after reboot?06:14
saeiabut system sounds work?06:14
ryan__or 10.4?06:16
saeia10.10 prolly just installed today if you are addressing me06:17
ryan__lol...sorry yea......hmmm06:17
saeiaidk how do i check06:17
ryan__10.4 needs an upgrade06:17
ryan__go to ursoftware add and remove06:18
saeiaoh yeah im running 10.1006:18
saeiaAnd im having problems with nivida drivers and dual moniters..06:19
ryan__odd...my 10.10 works fine06:19
saeiasomething about must refresh x server..06:19
ryan__its also new06:19
cfraz89saeia: your using the nvidia control panel?06:20
cfraz89trying to go twinview? could you paste exact error?06:20
saeiatwinview works06:21
saeiaCannon apply settings complety error06:21
saeiaand when i attempt to save to X Configureation file..06:22
saeiai fet "failed to parse existing x config file'/ect/x11/xorg.conf;!06:22
izinucssaeia: you have to start nvidia-settings with sudo from cli to be able to save to xorg.conf06:23
ryan__my 10.10 failed on kubuntu and gnome oo ...had to go back to 10.4 and run 10.10 on my other lap top intel card06:23
saeiais there a shortcut to terminal?06:24
izinucssaeia: alt+F206:24
ryan__with nvidia card that is06:24
izinucssaeia: actually kdesudo nvidia-settings06:25
saeiathanks izinucs06:25
saeiaSame error.06:26
saeiaand i get a horrid screaching when i turn my second one on.. >>;06:27
saeiadunno if thats related.. lol06:27
saeiaCould it be that i installed a specific driver instead of (verison current)?06:28
cfraz89what version are you using?06:28
izinucssaeia: what did you install? and how?06:28
cfraz89currents the one for 880006:28
saeiaOn hardware drivers i have driver verison 173 and another one that says (version current)06:29
izinucsfrom the repos or nvidia?06:29
saeiaim sorry im a complete noob..06:29
izinucssaeia: current (from repos) is actually 195 I think..06:29
saeiaWell noob at linux..06:30
saeiaSo i should try that one instead?06:30
cfraz89nah current is 26006:30
izinucssaeia: current? yes.. should be better than 17306:30
saeiaalright activating that now.06:30
ryan__izinucs: did u try ur "additional drivers" located in system of ur menu?06:30
ryan__it will detect ur spacific driver06:31
izinucsryan__: I have no driver issue.. saeia  might06:31
saeiabrb restarting06:31
cfraz89i like my nouveau drivers now06:32
saeiayeah im getting the same errors still06:33
izinucssaeia: what errors? missed that earlier06:33
ryan__saeia:  did u try ur "additional drivers" located in system of ur menu?06:33
saeiao.O all i have is hardware drivers06:34
ryan__that'ss work too06:34
izinucsthat's what he means06:35
saeiaAnd im tring to get dual moniters to work.. when i hit apply06:35
ryan__it gives u nothing?06:35
saeiaYeah thats wherei got thetwo diffrent 172 and current drivers06:35
saeiathats the only options i had06:35
izinucssaeia: are the monitors the same or different.. one vga vs. dvi.. 1024x768 vs. larger etc.?06:35
saeiaNope both  gateay EV910006:35
izinucssaeia: connected the same way?06:36
saeiaactually now its not giving me full resalution on my second..06:36
izinucssaeia: :)06:36
saeiathis drivers bleh06:36
ryan__also in ur system settings did u try and config through gui the doul monitor settings there?06:36
cfraz89that dunn work for nvidia06:36
saeiathe hell06:37
saeiathe last driver identifyed them both as  ev910s and had options up to 1600x1200@75hrz06:37
cfraz89saeia: just to make sure, could you pop open a terminal and say what it says for "apt-cache policy nvidia-current" ?06:37
saeia  Installed: 195.36.24-0ubuntu1~10.0406:39
saeia  Candidate: 195.36.24-0ubuntu1~10.0406:39
saeiais that what you want to see?06:39
saeiaoh i am running 10.406:39
izinucssaeia: do you know what card you have?06:39
cfraz89yeah thats fine...06:39
cfraz89old driver though06:39
cfraz89saeia: have you ever used a ppa? you might have better luck with newer drivers06:40
izinucssaeia: you might need a more current driver.  there's a ppa for that06:40
izinucscfraz89: x-swat? ppa?06:40
saeiaim pretty much brandnew to linux..06:40
cfraz89was thinking nvidia-vdpau06:40
izinucscfraz89: yea .. that one has a link to x-swat for the driver.. 260+06:40
cfraz89ah ok06:41
izinucscfraz89: walk him though how to add it to his sources and update to make the 260 "current".. I've gotta run..06:41
cfraz89saeia: a ppa is a repo for a specific person/team06:41
cfraz89a good way to get new stuff06:41
saeiathanks izinucs06:41
saeiaso how do i install one?o.o06:43
cfraz89i think in software center there is an option to add repositories?06:43
saeiawhere ? x.x06:45
cfraz89sorry dont have software center myself, using kubuntu06:46
saeiaim using kubuntu also..06:46
cfraz89ah ok06:46
cfraz89makes sense :D06:46
saeiayup espcially this being #kubuntu06:47
cfraz89if you go to settings on the left side06:47
cfraz89then edit origins06:47
cfraz89not sure if 10.04 had the new interface for kpackagekit. im on 11.04 now :D06:47
saeiaim on 11.04 too06:47
saeiaedit orgins?06:48
saeiai dont see that06:48
cfraz89saeia: arent you 10.04?06:48
saeiaoh yeah06:48
cfraz89hmm might be easier to do this over terminal when explaining06:49
saeiasorry i suck so much06:49
cfraz89lol all good06:49
cfraz89then its just "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates"06:49
valoriesaeia: you don't suck06:49
valorieyou're starting out06:49
valorieeveryone has to start somewhere06:49
ryan__Linux if a great and fun world and great commutity06:50
saeiaok i think that wokred cfraz8906:50
cfraz89cool, now sudo apt-get update06:51
cfraz89if you do sudo apt-get upgrade, is nvidia in the list?06:52
cfraz89possibly not06:53
cfraz89i think the ppa uses a different name for nvidia drivers06:53
saeiai just see alot of ubuntu.com06:53
sresuI use Kubuntu/KDE alone but today while checking for  updates I found language pack updates for gnome as well like language-pack-fr, language-pack-gnome-fr and language-pack-kde-fr... Why I'm getting updates for gnome as well?06:54
cfraz89saeia: apt-get upgrade?06:55
cfraz89it should ask before it starts06:55
cfraz89with a list of what will be upgraded06:55
cfraz89but i think nvidia-current wont be in the list06:55
saeiait http://security.ubuntu.com lucid-security Release.gpg06:55
saeiaIgn http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid-security/main Translation-en_US06:55
saeiaHit http://archive.canonical.com lucid Release.gpg06:55
saeiaIgn http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ lucid/partner Translation-en_US06:55
saeiaHit http://us.archive.ubuntu.com lucid Release.gpg06:55
FloodBotK1saeia: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:55
saeiaIgn http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid/main Translation-en_US06:55
cfraz89saeia: you probably have to do sudo apt-get install nvidia-graphics drivers aswell06:55
ryan__cfraz89, have u played with ur softwaare sources?06:55
cfraz89ryan__: a tonne lol. love my ppas06:56
ryan__thats y06:56
ryan__you opened up ubuntu sources as well06:57
saeiahm what would be the proper syntax of the command cfraz gave me? o.O06:58
saeiait keeps coming up cannot find package06:58
saeiacfraz89:  what would be the snytax of that last line?06:59
cfraz89wow i really have to make a swapfile lol06:59
cfraz89saeia: "sudo apt-get upgrade" should list upgrades first07:00
cfraz89i would say let that update everything07:01
cfraz89and then "sudo apt-get install nvidia-graphics-drivers"07:01
cfraz89should jam the new ones in, possibly asking to uninstall nvidia-current07:01
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saeiacfraz89:  it says cant find package nvidia-graphics=drivers07:03
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Guest84702my fonts look funny...07:08
Guest84702and when i enable antialiasing, it messes up firefox and chrome fonts07:09
Guest84702can someone help me please07:09
Guest84702im using ubuntu and kubuntu07:09
cfraz89Guest84702: what kind of funny?07:11
cfraz89make sure you enable sub-pixel aa if its an lcd. and what font are you using?07:11
Guest84702ubuntu fonts07:11
Guest84702yes sir07:11
=== Guest84702 is now known as doctordoctor
cfraz89have sub-pixel turned on? medium hinting looks good with this font07:12
doctordoctorbut it looks fine in ubuntu07:13
cfraz89ubuntu defaults to sub-pixel on. not sure if kubuntu does...07:13
cfraz89but just make sure in fonts next to anti-aliasing press configure07:13
cfraz89and check off sub-pixel and set level to medium07:13
doctordoctordone. let me restart x and let u know how it goes07:13
doctordoctornice. thanks07:15
cfraz89np :D07:15
saeiacfraz89: it says cant find package nvidia-graphics=drivers07:15
saeiaer - instead of =07:15
cfraz89ah crap. what if you do sudo apt-cache search nvidia?07:16
cfraz89wish theyd change the default font settings. i think thats why alot of people think kde has bad fonts07:16
doctordoctoreverything looks beautoful07:18
doctordoctorthank you07:18
cfraz89yeah its a pretty sweet font07:18
doctordoctorive tried so many kde distros...i just love kubuntu07:19
cfraz89same :)07:19
doctordoctorand running it with ubuntu installed as well is just awesome07:20
cfraz89haha best of both worlds?07:20
doctordoctorthe only thing i hate is the splash screen at boot07:20
cfraz89which one?07:21
doctordoctoru know the one which says ubuntu/kubuntu with those 4 dots07:21
doctordoctorthe one that comes up after gurb07:21
cfraz89yeah, dont like either?07:21
cfraz89saeia: anything comes up?07:21
cfraz89k firefox 4 has finally won me over chromium07:22
doctordoctoractually...i love the one that came after installation. the text like one after updating ubuntu turns me off07:23
cfraz89ahh because your using nvidia drivers?07:23
cfraz89theres a fix for that, one sec07:24
cfraz89happens when the drivers don't do kms07:24
cfraz89or manually is here07:25
doctordoctorcfraz89: what about plymouth manager07:28
cfraz89whats that?07:28
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cfraz89looks cool07:30
cfraz89hmm anyone know why transfer over wireless would be heaps slow?08:02
cfraz89also why my n cards always connect at 65mb?08:03
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doctordoctorcant seem to load the comics, and the other kde improvements like themes, wallpapers etc08:32
doctordoctoranyone have any ideas?08:33
valoriewhat are you trying, exactly?08:34
doctordoctorget new wall papers08:34
valorieand in what, by which I mean, which version of Kub. ?08:34
doctordoctorcant even seem to get a list of comics from the comic widgets08:34
doctordoctorkubuntu 10.1008:35
doctordoctorthis has never happened before...had to reinstall ubuntu and everything last night08:35
doctordoctorcant seem to find anythign since then08:35
darthanubisyou had? to reinstall because of the widgets?08:36
doctordoctorno...i kinda messed up the previous installation08:36
doctordoctoris the server or something not working08:37
doctordoctorthe kde-look.org site isnt working either08:38
valorieoh right, it was down earlier08:41
valoriethat's a private site08:41
valorienot sure how to contact the owner08:41
valoriekde-look and kde-apps are both down08:42
valoriesame meta-site08:42
doctordoctorthats probably why it isnt workign then08:44
doctordoctori love kde08:48
doctordoctorespecially now that ive got the fonts thing resolved08:48
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valorieI love it too08:59
valoriehave always, ever since I left windows08:59
asraniel_hi, is there any tool on the kubuntu 10.10 live cd to manage my partitions?09:19
Torchasraniel_: no, but you can download kde partition manager from a running live cd and use it09:20
asraniel_Torch: ah ice09:21
asraniel_Torch: you know the name of it? i usually use gparted09:21
Torchasraniel_: the package is called partitionmanager09:22
ubuntuinstalling kubuntu/trinity09:31
asraniel_jeah, i just made the kubuntu installer crash ;)09:32
ubuntukde3 back to life!09:33
asraniel_i hate kde3, kde4 is epic09:34
cfraz89no, kde3 was epic09:35
cfraz89kde 4 is more epic09:35
cfraz89ultra-epic even09:35
asraniel_cfraz89: ok ;)09:36
ubuntuyeah it seems kde3 apps are outdated09:37
ubuntueven trinity ("kde 3.5.12") uses konqueror 3.5.1009:37
Torchubuntu: what else would they use?09:37
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ubuntuperhaps i just need to find a distro that customizes kde4 nicely09:38
cfraz89its not customised unless you did it :D09:40
ubuntui want either a windows 7-like kde4 (translucent taskbar + translucent kwin (Aurorae)),09:41
cfraz89ubuntu- go for the oxygen-transparent style09:42
cfraz89get full transparent windows and looks good09:42
ubuntuor a kde-3 like kde4 (flashy, opaque taskbar + polyester kwin/kstyle)09:42
ubuntucfraz89: i just want the window frame to be translucent09:42
ubuntui know that style09:43
cfraz89ah k well just aurorae then, or qtcurve can do it too09:43
ubuntuevery widget except text boxes becomes translucent09:43
ubuntuthere's one thing i hate fedora (which i currently use): it doesn't even have Aurorae kwin in its repo now that kde-look.org is down09:44
cfraz89isnt aurorae part of kde now even?09:44
ubuntucurrently i'm installing ubuntu/trinity (kde3) while chatting here09:45
ubuntui found its Konqueror is 3.5.10 which means most software is outdated too09:45
ubuntuso i really shouldn't miss kde309:46
ubuntumiss as in 'think of'09:46
ubuntu'think of me, think of me fondly'09:46
wqapolWhen I try update software sources through KPackageKit, the 'download package files' dialog pauses at 99% (55/56th file).09:47
wqapolUnchecking qwibber-daily from sources list did the job. But its a bit of trial and error to find the odd one out.09:51
cfraz89wqapol: i guess if you apt-get update from terminal you could see which mirror is hanging09:54
wqapolThanks will remember it the next time somthing like this happens.09:55
wqapolYes it does show, it says gpg error: ng signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 51BB8E83EBA7BD4909:58
wqapol. Its a 404 not found.09:58
cfraz89i get that for mirrors i add without adding the key, doesn't delay though?09:58
cfraz89usually i get delays for a server timeout09:59
cfraz89hi ggeorgy10:06
ggeorgyi search a program for video transcoding10:07
ggeorgyto transcoding video for my phone10:08
ggeorgysamsung gt-s523010:08
cfraz89ahh mm used ot have a good one10:08
cfraz89cant remember the name10:09
ggeorgyi found transmaggedon in software center10:09
cfraz89lol saw that10:09
ggeorgybut is too slow10:10
cfraz89ffmpeg is a good fast backend10:11
cfraz89just have to find a good interface10:11
cfraz89ah winff10:12
cfraz89thats what i used10:12
ggeorgyi have pymaxe10:13
cfraz89any good?10:13
ggeorgybut can't convert video10:13
cfraz89gonna need to start transcoding for my htc legend soon10:13
cfraz89ah apparently handbrake has a linux version too. i think its pretty popular?10:17
ggeorgyi installed winff10:17
ggeorgyi dont find10:18
cfraz89oh did you install winff from ubuntu repos?10:18
cfraz89it cant find ffmpeg?10:19
cfraz89ill try installing it10:19
ggeorgyok thanks10:19
cfraz89at least its installing ffmpeg when i install winff10:20
cfraz89hmm, it worked, though missing the mp3 codec10:26
cfraz89just check your preferences, in linux tab,10:26
cfraz89is path set to /usr/bin/ffmpeg?10:26
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timhi, after an upgrade to kde 4.6 b2, the gpg integration into kmail is broken. gpg-agent is running, and tools like kleopatra work fine as well. is this a known issue or maybe even a solution for this?11:03
valorieknown issue11:05
valorienot sure about a fix yet, though11:05
valorieyou might ask in #kde11:05
tweedleim trying to install the ATI drivers from amd/ati.com11:06
tweedleim using 8.1011:07
tweedlebecause it's the only version the says i actually have the card installed11:07
tweedleand because it's an older version, i have to use programs that im not used to11:07
tweedlecan someone tell me the package name that i can install the synaptic package manager with?11:08
tweedlei cant seem to find it in adept11:08
tweedleno one can help ?11:11
cfraz89its synaptic :)11:11
tweedleit says thats not a package11:12
tweedleE: Package synaptic has no installation candidate11:13
timvalorie: ok ... i'll ask there11:19
valoriethat's weird11:20
valoriethat used to be the first thing I installed11:21
sosaitedhow can I install adept?11:21
valoriefinally kpackagekit is good enough to use!11:21
valorietweedle: maybe you don't have all repositories allowed?11:21
valorieyou can do that work in even old kpackagekit11:22
valoriesosaited: same answer11:22
valoriein kpackagekit11:22
sosaitedvalorie: Nothing found in that11:22
valoriewow, well, check your repositories11:23
tweedleit says i cant install synaptic because it has no installation candidate11:23
valoriemake sure all the reasonable stuff is being used11:23
tweedlei have11:23
valorieand remember to update11:23
valoriewell, I know I used synaptic back then11:23
valorieand I could still now if I wanted11:23
tweedlei dont want to update because it makes my video card disaapear11:23
tweedlethis is the only version that shows it11:24
valorieI understand, and I'm not trying to talk you into anything11:24
tweedlei undestand11:24
tweedleis their a .deb of synaptic?11:24
valorieexcept you have to have the repository where it is enabled11:24
tweedlei cant compile yet either11:24
valorieand i don't know where that is11:24
tweedleim looking hard for it11:24
sosaitedvalorie: All the repositories are enabled. I'll try to update the sources if I can find how in KPackage, I am a Ubuntu user stuck to set up a Kubuntu :(11:24
valorieok, well11:25
valorieIMO it's better11:25
valoriebut it's all in your taste and what you are used to11:25
sosaitedYeah the new user I am trying to get migrated to Linux also liked KDE better (Though I showed him openSUSE),  but being a Ubuntu fan I am going to set up Kubuntu11:27
sosaitedvalorie: BTW from where can I disable desktop effects?  Its an old laptop (1.3Ghz Celeron M, 512MB ram) and the mouse lags and opening of windows is slow11:30
valoriein systemsettings11:31
valorieoh, older11:31
valorieit's still something close to that11:31
valorieK Menu > system something11:31
valoriebut i gotta go to bed! after 3:30am here11:32
macoand its just called "desktop effects" in there11:32
sosaitedmaco: Yeah found it11:34
sosaitedBut its still damn slow. I guess I should install the updates and intel 855gm GTT patch to see if that improves stuff11:35
timvalorie: according to some info on #kde, the gmail/gpg problem is caused by an buggy version of gnupg11:36
sosaitedDamn it. Xapian eating cpu again11:37
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bigbrovar<bigbrovar> I have this issue when I try to setup extended view external monitor on kde 4.5  my main  workspace shows up on the external monitor and not my laptop as I would like it to11:48
bigbrovarNormally the empty workspace should be the one to show up on the external monitor and not my main workspace (with all the panels and widgets)11:49
macodepends which is primary11:54
macoie, which is coming after the --left-of or --right-of in your xrandr command11:54
bigbrovarwell I am using the kde display and monitor settings11:56
bigbrovarI am not good with xrandr11:56
bigbrovarmaco: how do I do this with xrandr11:58
macofirst type "xrandr" to find out the displays' names11:58
macolike VGA1 or so?11:58
bigbrovarseems the external monitor is vga111:59
bigbrovarmaco:  and my laptop is lvds111:59
macothen xrandr --output vga1 --right-of lvds111:59
macoor (left of if you prefer)11:59
bigbrovargot some help from the kde channel and running this command xrandr --output LVDS1 --primary --auto --output VGA1 --auto  seems to fixed the problem12:03
wqapolIs KDE-look.org website down for anyone?12:55
tsimpsonwqapol: apparently it's been down for several hours now12:59
macothe whole network of them is down... gnome-look and the lot12:59
wqapoltsimpson: thanks because http://opendesktop.org/ is also down13:00
wqapolyes seems whole network is down13:00
wqapolSuch a drastic situation that even the founder's website is down http://hive01.com13:07
asraniel_anybody knows if there is a way for me to check what the exact wireless chipset is that i use? because i try to find the windows driver of it and i thought perhaps i can find the name under linux13:28
asraniel_nevermind, found it13:32
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BluesKajHmpfCBR, sometimes if there are Windows pcs on the network one needs to edit the /etc/hosts.allow file to list the IPs of each pc on the network whether they are linux or windows14:44
HmpfCBRBluesKaj: via the properties of the folder. It should be a windows network drive, since it is listed under smb:/. There is no windows pc in the network.15:02
BluesKajHmpfCBR, is it listed in dolphin/network?15:03
HmpfCBRin dolphin it is listed at network -> samba shares -> workgroup -> Falter (machine name) -> VIDEOS (folder name), however if I click on VIDEOS it is empty and the error message file or folder smb://falter/VIDEOS does not exist shows up15:05
BluesKajHmpfCBR, it's not necessary to use samba shares , I use network folders and ssh for all the machines on our network ..smb is still part of the  equation but I don't specify it , I use ssh to setup network folders om my wifes vista-pc and my daughters mac as well as 2 other linuc machines ,, and have access to all15:10
BluesKajerr linux15:10
HmpfCBR BluesKaj, I normally use ssh in conjunction with sftp kio-slave. However this requires copying of keys  and so on. That is why I want to see if I can make use of samba to share single just folders.15:13
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BluesKajHmpfCBR, user management , maybe /15:16
HmpfCBRBluesKaj: should be ok, since I granted read access to all non specified users15:19
freinhardis there a *good* SIP soft phone for kde?15:23
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miky_hello !!15:40
gouwihi =)15:40
getpwnamcan I copy a USB drive installation of Kubuntu directly over to another USB drive?15:45
igneriousany one know how to install ganbas from .tar.bz2 file15:46
satish__i couldnt boot from usb drive on which i have installed ubuntu15:46
igneriousplease tell15:47
rorkignerious: first extract the archive with Ark, then check for a readme15:48
rorksatish__: have you set usb as the first boot option in your bios?15:49
igneriousok. Thanks rork15:49
satish__yes , ihv formatted it as ext2 and tried to boot from it15:50
rorksatish__: do you get in the kubuntu boot menu? Can you validate the iso or usb?15:52
satish__nope, i installed system onto usb from a cd15:53
rorksatish__: sorry, I don't have enough experience with that process to help you further. Maybe someone else can.15:56
reinaldonews user15:59
James147satish__: what happens when you try to boot?16:01
James147getpwnam: yes you can, although you may need to edit some files depending on how you decide to do it16:02
satish__nothing comes up it continues to boot hard disc since the second priority is set to it16:02
James147satish__: have you changed the boot prioty in the bios (or, hit the key to bring up a menu to choose the boot device)?16:03
satish__does freenode.net has any downloads16:04
satish__James147: in bios16:06
James147satish__: and when you mount the drive you can see the files?16:07
satish__James147: yes16:08
James147satish__: do you know if you computer can boot from a use harddrive?16:08
satish__James147: i dont know , my pc is old so it might not be able to16:10
satish__James147: but it does boot from pen drive if its been used with unetbootlin16:10
James147satish__: some can be fussy what they boot off, and will happly boot off a usb cd, but not a harddrive, and afaik usb flash drives can be somewhere inbetween depending on whats on them16:12
rorkwelcome reinaldo16:13
James147satish__: if you can, I would suggest trying it on a different computer, see if it works on that if you can16:13
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dacjoin #apple17:08
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igneriouscan any tell me the target directory of dextop theme17:27
James147ignerious: ~/.kde/share/apps/desktoptheme17:31
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danyhi all17:48
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MonikaMy UMTS stick doesn't connect on Maverick anymore. On Lucid I used to kill knetworkmanager and start nm-applet, that was able to connect. But on Maverick knetworkmanager is not in the list of processes. What is it called now?18:12
James147Monika: maverick uses the network manager widget, should be in the panel or systray, just remove it to stop it18:15
MonikaThanks, trying that. ... Still nm-applet doesn't start, says: An instance is already running. But no nm-applet is in the list of programs (when pressing Ctrl+Esc).18:17
Monikabtw how do I start netowrk manager widget again?18:18
James147Monika: add it to the panel again18:19
James147Monika: the same way you add any widget18:19
Monikaah ok, did that ... but now it's larger than before and not part of the systray18:20
Monikabut anyway, it's there18:20
James147Monika: right click on the systray > system tray settings ... to add it to the systray18:20
Monikaah there, thanks18:21
dsemblano_Monika: Or you have to move the widget, click on plasma icon and you can move it to systray18:21
Monikano, couldn't be moved to systray18:21
Monikaonly near t18:21
Monikaso, is the networkmanager widget as bad with UMTS sticks as in 10.04 or is it now expected to work? it doesn't seem to work with my stick :'( (which works with nm-applet)18:22
Monikamobile internet18:23
dsemblano_Hi to all, anyone has the same problem? I have a HP notebook (dv5-1260br), when I'm using headphone (sound is fine), then I unplug, hear the sound from notebook speakers and then plug again and no sound is heard from headphone.  Only works if I restart the system.18:23
Monikayou know what I mean, James147?18:24
James147Monika: yeah, not sure how well the network widget behaves with them though,18:25
James147Monika: although it should be able to as far as I know...18:25
tilted_mindAnyone have an issue where sometimes an outline to a box shows up on the screen?18:27
tilted_mindIt looks like the folder view widget, but only the outline and much larger.18:28
saeiaHey guys im having problems with my dual screens..18:34
dsemblanosaeia: What kind of problems?18:35
saeiaAll it will do is twinview18:35
James147saeia: and what graphics card?18:35
saeiaSomeone else was helping me last night.. and the driver i have now isnt correctly identifying my second display..18:36
saeiaBut its still the same problem..18:36
James147saeia: kde isnt yet designed to work with seperate screens as far as I know... to twinview is the only way you can really do it atm18:36
saeiaI get cannot completly apply18:36
saeiaOH really?18:36
BajK_how do I restore a deleted activity or re-access the content of thje widgets that were saved there?18:37
James147saeia: I think its because it requires there to be two plasma-desktop instances running and communicating with each other... which isent easy to do18:37
James147BajK_: Not sure that is possible i am afraid :(18:38
saeiaso thats why i cant save to configuation file?18:38
James147BajK_: although, you might be intrested to know that activity managment is getting better with the comming releases18:38
BajK_great. really great feature.18:39
BajK_i have 4.6 running18:39
BajK_and it is still the worst thing i ever encounterd18:39
BajK_you never know which activity you are looking at and it always spits out random new ones and suddenly you find yourself in another acitivty and delete it and BAM all your widgets you thought were in the only acitivty named by yourself (instead of "untitled")18:39
BajK_are gone18:39
Monikasaeia what kind of setting are you trying to achieve?18:40
BajK_I always thought it was not a good idea using the notes plasmoids for storing some information but I never wanted to realize that this is such a broken piece of...18:40
BajK_and restoring old config files (from june 2010) doesnt help either18:40
BajK_since the activity does not pop up18:40
James147BajK_: 4.6 is still in development... you cant expect it to be stable yet.... and I havnt encountered those problems with 4.6... from what I have seen of it its allot better18:40
saeiaI guess its called sperate x screen18:40
James147saeia: what is wrong with twinview?18:40
MonikaSo you prefer it when you are not able to move a window from one screen to another?18:41
BajK_and who thought it was a good idea saving those properties instantly?18:41
MonikaOr what is the reason for not using Twinview?18:41
BajK_whenever something is and you reset your computer, the configs are unsaved and all your changes are gone. BUT THIS TIME IT WAS SAVED INSTANTLY18:41
saeiaherrrr.... i want it to work like windows! :B18:41
saeiathats all i can say ._.18:41
Monikahow is it on Windows differently?18:42
saeiaI dont like how it pops up  on the both moniters when i expand18:42
Monikahm, I have a Geforce and it does not cover both windows when I maximize18:42
saeiaOh should it not be doing that?18:42
James147saeia: ... it dosent here, check the settings in system settings > display > multiple monitors18:42
Monikado you have the binary driver installed?18:43
saeiaIt says i dont have the requirements for it or some crap but the nvidia settings show both of them18:43
saeiaSorry im a complety noob to linux ._.18:43
BajK_James147: where are the contents of a widget stored? like the content of a note?18:44
saeiaWhen i used twinview from the ninvidia settings it made both moniters like one big display18:44
dsemblanosaeia: Have you tried the display application? System Settings - Hardware - Display and Monitors, and you can set the position18:44
saeiaconnected the task bar went accross in everything18:44
James147BajK_: from what I remember in ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc18:44
James147saeia: tahts the idea of twinview, but kde is able to split the desktop into two virtual desktops again...18:45
BajK_restoring this file doesnt help either.18:45
BajK_doesn't nepomuk or so provide a ... time thingie view?18:45
James147BajK_: if you repolace the config files you should do it when plasma-desktop isnet running18:45
BajK_i did. but it does only incompletely restore the config18:45
BajK_on only one screen18:46
James147also, its best to store important notes in somehting like basket18:46
saeiadsemblano:  if i enable twinview i can modify in that window?18:46
saeiaBecause it just says i dont have it18:46
James147saeia: to use the multiple monitors config, you need to enable twinview first18:46
dsemblanosaeia: You mean, modify on Display ? I think so18:47
saeiaNow im getting a failed to set meta mode error18:47
saeiawell im just going to go back to driver 174 and try waht you guys said..18:49
saeiaanother guy had me tring to get beta repositorys..18:49
BajK_James147: why should I even THINK of saving my texts to a different location than a note widget?18:49
igneriousmy plymouth manager is encountering an error. Please help!!!!!18:50
BajK_okay, fuck stupid plasma desktop. I thought after two years of develeopment it may get mature to some point but it seems it is more important spending time for stupid animations nobody ever needs like stupid scrolling or such shit than just MAKING IT WORK. I never liked GNome but at least it WORKS and does not store CRUCIAL data in ONE SINGLE FILE18:51
saeiaIs there any problems with using nvidia 176?18:51
saeiahe mad i guess..18:53
saeiaso theres no way to split the screens and jsut allow it to drag windows over like in windows?18:54
saeiawhats he s oupset about anyway?18:58
James147saeia: seperate screens with xinerama, but as far as I know xinerama is depricated... with nvidia twinview is the best option.... not sure why kde isent spliting the screen back up though18:59
James147saeia: it lets windows be draged from one screen to another in seperate screns mode... but isnt being developted any more19:00
James147and last time i tried it made the computer lag horrfically19:01
saeiawhy did they kill it? o_O19:01
saeiaoh.. because no one uses crts anymore.. and lcds can sm sandwitched together i guess19:01
saeiaim running two crts btw.. lol19:01
igneriousmy plymouth manager is encountering an error. Please help!!!!!19:02
saeiaso is just really the best its going to get James147?19:04
saeiathe KDE window is still saying its one moniter at 3200x1280 >_>19:05
James147saeia: dont know... never had any problems with kde and twinview before19:05
James147saeia: mine says that as well... (well for my res... but still) but kde treats each half as a seperate screen19:05
James147(maximising to one screen for example)19:06
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saeiajames do you know what driver you are using?19:06
* James147 blames nvidia for comming up with twinview in the first place19:06
James147185 I think... one sec19:06
James147260.19.06 :s19:07
James147i was way off19:07
saeiaor are they still called drivers or no >.>;19:07
saeiathey are called repos?19:07
saeiahow do i get that one? o_o;19:07
saeiai got 17619:07
James147what version of kubuntu are you running?19:08
saeia10.04 i think19:08
James147saeia: hmm, try using jockey-kde (hardware drivers) and activate the "current" nvidia driver... or installing "nvidia-current"19:09
saeiathe "current" driver dosnt correctly identify my second display and nothing wokrs on twin view19:10
saeiawhats jocky-kde? x.x19:10
James147saeia: a tool for installing/activating drivers... but it wont really do and thing spical beyond installing the drivers as far as i know19:10
James147saeia: you could try it that way, though it shouldnt hurt19:11
igneriousWhy dont you upgrade to 10.10 saeia. Its great19:11
saeiaherp how do i do that19:12
saeiado i have to install a whole new os or can just upgrade?19:12
James147saeia: kpackagekit should tell you (you might need to configure it to look for "normal" releases rather then LTS ones) or try running "sudo do-release-upgrade"19:12
MonikaI got to connect with umtsmon now19:13
igneriousyou can upgrade without format but I recomend you format and fresh install 10.1019:13
* James147 notes that you dont need to formate to reinstall... and not doing so will keep /home intact19:14
ignerioushey can any one help me about plymouth manager error19:15
susundberghey, when i mark a bug (reported by me) to be duplicate, should i change it status also?19:18
saeiaso you think it might solve my problem ignerious19:19
igneriousi think so19:20
igneriousdo you about plymouth manager19:21
saeiabut meerkats scare the fuck out of me >.>19:21
saeiaI dont know what that is lol19:21
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ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional..19:31
mbnoimiWhy kubuntu doesn't include restricted codecs in all distros19:40
mbnoimiwhile Mint does!19:40
Snowhogmbnoimi: Different philosphies.19:40
saeiano sound from chrome?19:40
saeiaor konkour?19:41
mbnoimiis there open source codecs for playing mp3 for including htem in kubuntu distros19:43
fdgis kubuntu a kubuntu or is kubuntu a ubuntu with kde ?19:44
Snowhogmbnoimi: medibuntu repository. Kubuntu does not include restricted codecs. You have to install them yourself.19:44
Monikambnoimi install kubuntu-restricted-extras19:44
Monikathis provides mp3-support19:44
Monikaalso support for more video codecs19:44
Snowhogfdg: All the *buntues utilize the same kernels. It's the DE that differs.19:44
fdgyou mean desktop ?19:45
Snowhogfdg: Yes.19:45
James147fdg: ^^ as well as the same repos... so share the same available programs19:45
fdgand how does it differ from mint ? also by de ?19:45
James147fdg: you can, for example, install kde on ubuntu or gnome on kubuntu19:45
fdgso basically kubuntu is ubuntu19:45
Snowhogfdg: Mint and *buntu are different distros, with different philosophies.19:46
MonikaKubuntu, Ubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu are all one and the same distribution19:46
saeiai like your name Snowhog19:46
fdgok i get it19:46
Monikaall the (...)ubuntus are fully binary compatible and share the same repositories19:46
saeiaWhats diffrent about lubuntu?19:46
Monikadifferent desktop19:46
James147fdg: apart from running a different de and having different initally installed software  ubuntu and kubuntu are teh same19:46
Monikauses even less resources than Xfce19:46
saeiaso its light does it work better then kde?19:47
fdgi don't know if I should switch to mint because kubuntu has alot of problems on my computer, newer versions have real problem with sound and network19:47
saeiaKDE seems to be more about looking pretty then fixing things.. no offence..19:47
James147saeia: that would depend on your deffiniion of "better"19:47
Monikait is light, it has less functionality than KDE19:47
fdgi dont get how can you judge kde while the system is basically the same as ubuntu19:47
Monikaif you just want something light, try Xfce19:48
fdgthe difference is that you can modify your desktop the way you want and need19:48
Monikalxde is really if you have veeery old computers19:48
saeiaim sorry im a complete noob19:48
saeiaI know i REALLLY hate gnome19:48
saeiathe first time i tried linux was before suse became opensuse19:48
fdgi dont like it too19:48
saeiaand it had old kde and i really liked it19:48
fdgseems totally rigid and prehistoric on many ways19:48
fdgbut kde for example likes to crash once in a while19:49
Monikahaven't had KDE crash19:49
fdgand restart de, just the same as windows explorer does19:49
fdgdepends how much you play with its functions19:49
fdgOR it may be just me and my computer19:49
dayhawkanyone herre run sandbox??19:50
fdgthou I heard other opinions that kde is unstable19:50
saeiai've had some crashes and i've been running kde for less then a 2 days..19:50
saeiabut those were just programs19:50
James147fdg: you cant really say that with out a version number... kde 4.0 was really unstable, but the later version are much much more stable19:51
saeiaanyone use suse before it became open suse?19:51
fdgmy distro that works is the one with the end .21 while I have later .22 and ,25 versions and none of them work19:51
James147kde 4.X makes huge improvments each version, espically when compaired with other de19:51
fdgprobably because i have a big mess on my computer and installed kubuntus one on another19:52
saeiaalright.. i guess im going to try 10.1019:52
saeiawell that failed19:54
saeiadunno why that happened19:56
fdgmaybe kde does but kubuntu annoyed me with new 10.10 and even 10.0419:57
fdgI don't know why the hell 10.10 as a standard doesn't have a valid network manager working19:57
fdgit doesn't show me network manager19:58
fdgin livecd19:58
fdgi can't connect to network19:58
macoshould be plasma widget networkmanager19:58
fdgneither I can play any sound19:58
macoin the systray maybe?19:58
fdgi cant find it in the lower bar19:58
fdgdon't remember that it even was in the menu19:59
macois there a triangle on the systray?19:59
macoit should pop out a list of more plasmoids19:59
fdgno there wasn't19:59
fdgof course it should19:59
macoand no it wouldnt be in the menu since its not a separate program19:59
fdgbut it didn't19:59
fdgthat makes it even bigger problem20:00
macoright click the tray then20:00
fdgi havent got it in the tray20:00
macoin the system tray settings, in "display" is "network management" checked?20:00
fdgI'm not running livecd now20:01
macooh well then i cant help you20:01
fdgno no, but help me with this20:01
fdgevery time my kubuntu goes to sleep mode when it gets back it has unmanaged network20:01
fdgand each time I have to switch it back on manually20:02
fdgwhats the problem with it, and why did it work in 9.10 and didn't work in 10.04  ?20:02
macodont know20:02
fdglol thats my point20:02
fdgkubuntu is a cool system but pretty faulty since 9.1020:03
fdgat least on my computer20:03
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marcosrorizhi guys20:04
fdg9.10 was the only version of kubuntu that was fautless20:04
marcosrorizis there a way to get the old icons of kde on the tray ? ( I hate the monochrome ones...)20:04
macothat is highly variable person to person...depends what hardware you have, features you need, etc.20:04
fdgi use amilo pa 355920:04
fdgi guess20:05
macofrom others i hear that kubuntu /finally/ stopped being *expletive here*-y recently20:05
fdgmarcosroriz i guess that you need to install new theme or just switch them in the appearance but im not sure20:09
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macois there a way to tell choqok to only download like...50... posts instead of freaking *200* when it starts up?20:18
macoit crashes immediately20:18
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saeiaunetbootin keeps saying that my flashdrive isnt mounted..20:39
James147is it mounted?20:40
saeiawell it comes up in dolphin20:40
James147saeia: dosent mean its mounted, open it in dolphin to mount it20:41
saeiaOh ok.20:41
saeiashould i try xubuntu or just get 10.10..20:41
saeiaim kinda warey of more graphical stuff that dosnt need t obe there..20:42
saeiaand that guy rage quitting about it kinda alarms me too20:42
Snowhogsaeia: Are you able to use a LiveCD?20:42
James147saeia: think he did that because he lost some stuff he stored in knotes20:42
saeiaI dont have any blank cds.20:43
Monikado you have an USB-stick?20:43
Monikaempty one20:43
Snowhogsaeia: But does your PC have a CD/DVD device?20:43
Monikathen create a Live-USB stic20:43
saeiaYeah thats what i been using but every time i dont use unetbootin and sometimes when i do20:43
saeiai just get a isolinux boot:20:43
saeiai have a 4gig drive that i've been using20:45
Snowhogsaeia: Does you PC have a CD/DVD drive?20:45
saeiaYeah.. but i dont have any blank cds..20:45
Snowhogsaeia: Not a problem. You can order - for free- a LiveCD from https://shipit.ubuntu.com/20:46
saeiathat would take months though.. lol20:46
Snowhogsaeia: No, about a week or two.20:46
=== bulldog98 is now known as bulldog98-konver
saeiawhy is using a flashdrive out of the question o.O20:47
James147saeia: if your already on a *ubuntu system then you can also use usb-creator[-kde] to creat live usbs20:47
Snowhogsaeia: At least, that's what it took when I order from there.20:47
saeiai've tried gentoo/debian/fedora with it alreaty20:47
saeiagentoo... is.. scary...20:47
James147saeia: yeah, its aimed at advanced users :)20:48
saeiainstall gentoo they said..20:48
* saeia shakes20:48
saeiaits the best they said..20:49
James147saeia: try arch :) .. you learn one hell of alot about linux tryin to install that beast :D20:49
saeiaEvery time i tried with unetbootin i just get a boot:20:49
saeiaAm i doing it wrong?20:49
saeiaI've been intrested in it..20:50
saeiaAtleast with gentoo and unetbootin i got ot some kind of linux prompt20:50
James147saeia: hmm, not sure, what happens if you use usb-creator ... also dose the iso pass the md5 sum?20:50
saeiaidk i just did arch linux on unetbootin lol20:51
saeiaand i forgot about md5 checksums20:51
saeiaok i tried downloading the torret and the iso twice for arch linux.. and its still not ocming up in my downloads folder and thats where its pointed too..21:00
ner0xAny reason Thunderbird doesn't install lightning? Anyone else get this error?21:01
fdgdoes anyone know some good software developer chat rooms ?21:05
bulldog98-konverfdg: #qt21:05
bulldog98-konveror #kde21:06
Monika#kubuntu-devel #kde-devel21:06
fdgthanks, can i ask java, android etc questions there ?21:08
Monikago to #java21:10
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saeiahow do you check a md5 checkum?21:44
Mamaroksaeia: type md5sum followed by the so file name, then hit the enter key21:45
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ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »21:47
saeiaMamarok: md5sum /home/downloads/file.iso?21:49
Monikamore like md5um ~/downloads/file.iso21:50
Monikaor /home/username/downloads/file.iso21:50
Monikaor you cd into the directory (e.g. cd downloads) and then just do md5sum file.iso21:50
saeiacapitals are annoying...21:51
Monikalike Washington D.C.? ;)21:53
saeiadunno if yours mocking me or not lol21:54
MonikaI am making a light-hearted joke and not mocking you.21:55
saeiayou are evil i hate you! ;~;21:55
Monikatotally evil21:55
Monikahave you managed to check hte md5sum?21:55
saeiawhy the hell am i install archlinux anyway21:56
saeiai know nothing about linux21:56
saeiai just must hate myslef21:56
Monikawell, Archlinux might not be the best distro to start with if you know nothing of Linux, yet21:57
Monikayou can still give it a try later once you have a bit of experience21:57
apacheloggersaeia: the thrill of advanture?22:06
* apachelogger once installed windows22:07
Monikaapachelogger: o.o22:08
MonikaYou know no fear!22:09
apacheloggerI know, I am wicked22:09
andrewh192hey is there a more simplier audio program like amarok22:11
andrewh192that might be a little less strenious on my memory22:11
andrewh192i am running on an old laptop22:12
andrewh192and tryin to keep everything as simple as i can to keep it running as best i can22:12
apacheloggerandrewh192: vlc22:32
BloodyRain2kcan someone help me with installing glib 2.0 gthread 2.0 and gobject 2.0? I don't have internet on my linux pc so I need them as deb packages or similar22:38
MonikaBloodyRain2k if you use Synaptic, you can use that on the off-line Linux PC and from the menu select to export the list of requested packages22:39
Monikatake that to another PC, could even be Windows I think22:39
Monikadownload them there22:39
Monikatake them back, install them with Synaptic22:39
BloodyRain2ksounds like a better why than try and erroring through the packages like i did before. If it's not preinstalled in kubuntu I'd need to get that first and learn how to do said things.22:42
Monikaoh, that could be somewhat hard22:43
Monikacan you not get your Linux PC on the internet temporarily?22:43
BloodyRain2kif i could i wouldn't have the problem ^^ my network manager is wrecked and wont connect anymore and trying to reinstall it made me already download 20 packages one after another from here just to USB stick them over there22:44
Monikahow about reinstalling the system?22:45
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: here is a wicked idea... muon-downloader ... create a list of packages on your kubuntu, get the muon-downloader and have it create a tar of all necessary packages from any system with intarwebs access22:45
Monikaif you have a separate home partition it's fast and easy22:45
Monikaif not, get an external hard drive, copy the home partition there, reinstall, copy back22:45
Monikathis time use separate /home22:45
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: thanks to Qt neverminding the operating system, dep resolution can happen on the kubuntu system, so the downloader really just needs urls it can fetch the stuff from22:45
BloodyRain2kMonika: not really in the mood to reinstall it, I'd love it if I could just get a network manager gnome 082 pack with all deps and just install it *sigh*22:46
Monikabut reinstalling is so fast22:46
Monikalike 30 minutes actual installation22:46
Monika90 minutes installing packages and config22:47
BloodyRain2kI think I now need to reinstall it anyways, i installed to many things without knowing anything and now my package manager is wrecked too Oo does Kubuntu have some repair function? XD22:52
apacheloggerBloodyRain2k: yeah, we call it usb-creator, it impelements the reinstall paradigm :P22:57
apacheloggervery powerful tool22:57
BloodyRain2kout of curiousity, what does apt-get -f install?22:59
apacheloggerBloodyRain2k: try to fix a broken dendency tree23:02
apacheloggerit essentially will try to add/remove the smallest amount of packages to bring the lot of packages back into consistent dependency state23:02
apachelogger(usually not a very useful command, unless an upgrade or similar died midway through in which case the dependencies could be in a broken state)23:03
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BloodyRain2kor a person without knowledge slaps one package after another into the system without knowing what it will cause, either it fixed some things I broke or broke even more, I'll see in a few minutes23:06
apacheloggerBloodyRain2k: depends on how you slapped it into it23:09
apacheloggerif you did it by apt-get you would not get into a state of inconsitency23:09
apacheloggersince apt simply refuses to execute actions that violate the dependencies23:09
BloodyRain2kI should just have stolen my towers lan cable before, would have spared my poor kubuntu and me some pain23:11
BloodyRain2kand how i slapped it: downloading deb files and install them with dpkg -i :o23:11
apacheloggerthat would do for inconsistency then ;)23:12
saeiawhy dont my brouseres have sound when i try and use them?23:12
* apachelogger goes talking to people to solve the undelrying issue here23:12
apacheloggersaeia: what browser do you use?23:12
saeiachrome and its the same on konkorer23:13
BloodyRain2kone thing I was wondering for some time now, what do the Recovery Mode versions do that you can select in grub?23:13
apacheloggersaeia: I suppose you mean in flash movies etc.?23:14
apacheloggerBloodyRain2k: drops you to a root shell and IIRC provides some basic options for fixing23:14
apacheloggerlike say nuke your X config23:15
apacheloggersaeia: what other applications are running?23:15
saeiai unno23:16
saeianothing involving sound23:16
saeiarebooted a few times with diffrent apps running23:16
saeiasame thing23:16
Monikadoes sound work with other things than browsers?23:17
saeiai think system sounds work23:17
Monikahave you heard anything?23:17
Monikalike, a music file23:17
saeiai dont know if i have any23:17
Monikathere is an ogg file or something23:18
Monikain the sample folder23:18
apacheloggeryou get one with amarok actually23:18
apacheloggerit will be in the playlist at first start23:18
* apachelogger actually invented that feature years ago ^^23:18
BloodyRain2kI think I need a guide how to reinstall kubuntu to fix things but not replace or remove existing software, simple said a repair install but not a system nuking >_<23:22
xevilBloodyRain2k: use a text package manager like aptitude to sort out your broken dependencies23:24
saeiawheres the smaple folder?23:24
BloodyRain2kxevil: my current problem is that I can't even get into my system anymore, my kubuntu loading screen turned purple and text only it seems, showing Ubuntu 10.04 and 4 dots that change between white and red, I guess I have to give the recovery mode a try. I think I did something like del system32 to my linux lol23:26
xevilcan't even get to a terminal?23:27
xevilBloodyRain2k: it may be easier to reinstall...23:28
BloodyRain2kone try with recovery mode now and if that fails to rescue it ill nuke it ;_;23:31
xevilBloodyRain2k: good luck23:33
BloodyRain2kgrml, gotta burn a new kubuntu disc first, recovery mode doesnt like my anymore too: Archivement Unlocked - Destroyed KUbuntu ;_;23:37
BloodyRain2kmhm, I got a 64bit AMD on my pc where I wanna install it, should i then get the 64bit version?23:38
MonikaBloodyRain2k you have the choice of amd64 (= 64-bit on all AMD and almost all Intel processors) or i386 (= 32-bit on all AMD and Intel processors)23:40
yofelpersonal preference, unless you have >3GiB of RAM I would recommend the 32bit version though23:40
MonikaIf you have more than 4 GB RAM, you must use the amd6423:40
yofelMonika: not really, you can use 32bit PAE kernel, not sure how much that helps, but you can use >4GiB of memory on 32bit with that23:41
BloodyRain2kgot exactly 3 gb ram so I'd get the amd64 version?23:41
MonikaI'd say if you have 1 GB or more, go with amd6423:41
yofelBloodyRain2k: then it's your choice, I use 64bit fine here23:41
Monikathere is not really any reason not to use amd64 (anymore)23:41
Monikain the early time two years ago stuff like Flash didn't use to work23:41
Monikabut now everything is fine23:41
BloodyRain2kugh I think I'll do it like with linux, screw 64bit oô better save with 3223:41
Monikahave been using amd64 for ... don't know, 1.5 years or so23:41
Monikano no23:41
Monikago for 64bit23:42
Monikait's fine23:42
Monikajust don't expect any big boost from it ... unless you do video works or something like this23:42
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