
zatrickyHey all. I'm at an ISP, with an Ubuntu mirror which is already listed on launchpad under a former employee's details rather than an official address. What can I do to get this rectified?01:02
wgrantzatricky: Ask a question at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion and an admin can sort it out for you.01:08
zatrickythanks, I'll take it there01:09
timhi all, i am trying to build a new package for gnupg2, importing the old package into git with git import-dsc. when building with git-buildpackage, the compilation fails because of `binary file contents changed' errors. how can this be resolved?11:59
=== jelmer__ is now known as jelmer
CarlFKwhy don't I see any lines?  file size says  1.5K15:29
prof7bitI have some basic questions: I have a project (not on launchpad) and I would like to know how hard it would be to make it an ubuntu package and host it on launchpad. Which would be the best place to ask my (possibly stupid) questions?16:40
prof7bitits a python application and I have a script that runs it all through pyinstaller copies the resulting binaries and other needed files into a fakeroot and creates a binary .deb package already but it seems launchpad needs source packages and i have not the slightest clue how to do this16:42
prof7bitthis is what I have used all the time to make the binary .deb http://pastebin.com/m7eSEF0j  it is probably the complete wrong way but it is the simplest I have found and it works. I assume I would hzave to throw away all this and write complicated makefiles (no clue) and setup.py (no clue about it either) to make it work?16:48
prof7biti have seen a dozen websites that explain all this as complicated as possible but I still miss the essence of it. There must be an easy way that is not twice as complicated as writing the application itself!?16:49
prof7bitwhat is the best place to ask these questions?16:51
prof7bitis there a mailinglist? the launchpad website has a zillion pages but no mention of a forum or a mailinglist for such beginners questions16:52
prof7bitam I in the wrong channel?16:53
jelmerprof7bit: hi16:56
jelmerprof7bit: no, you're in the right channel but it's weekend now so there aren't a lot of people here16:56
jelmerprof7bit: you would need to build a proper source package to have it built on launchpad16:57
jelmerthere are several packaging guides on the ubuntu wiki and the debian homepage explaining how to create packages16:58
jelmerthe #ubuntu-packaging channel is the primary channel for that kind of discussion16:58
prof7biti have seen some of these guides, the problem is they all seem ten times more complicated than it was for me to write my application (sorry if i sound a bit frustrated)16:59
jelmerprof7bit: that script only creates a binary package, not a source package17:01
jelmerprof7bit: it's also very specific to your local environment17:01
prof7bityes.  the reason is i don't know how to make a source package for the only purpose to later make this binary package, thats the reason why i made this simple script that just puts the needed files together and then calls dpkg17:02
jelmerprof7bit: so other people can modify the package, and so it can be rebuilt on launchpad17:02
exarkunprof7bit: https://github.com/astraw/stdeb is sort of neat and might be worth a look17:03
prof7biti assume i would have to put pyinstaller itself into the source package to make it build on the launchpad server17:03
jelmerI'm not sure what pyinstaller is17:04
prof7bitsimilar to py2exe. it packs all python files and the python interpreter and wxpython and all needed libs into one executable that has no other dependencies than gtk217:05
prof7bitso i avoid problems with people having different versions of python and wxpython installed17:06
prof7bitan older version of my script ust distributed the python files themselves and i made it depending on python >= 2.5  but suddeny it broke with python 2.7 and this is what i want to avoid17:07
prof7biti'm a great fan of self-contained software that "just works". therefore my affinity to tools like py2exe or pyinstaller or static linking or bundling all dependencies in one package17:11
prof7bitthere are arguments against it, but i want to make things as robust and simple as possible17:12
exarkunI imagine to make a source package of such a thing, you'll need to build all of those dependencies, not just include their ultimate binaries in your package17:13
prof7bit(the windows version of my application would run off a thumb drive on any windows >= XP)17:13
prof7bitmaybe launchpad is not the optimal platform for this type of application17:14
exarkuncould be.  otoh, you could also just add a 'python < 2.7' dependency to your package and not bundle all the depencencies.17:15
exarkun(separate topic) does it make sense to have two different piles of code beneath a single launchpad project?  in unrelated bzr branches?17:17
prof7bitthe 2.7 problem is solved already, it was just an example. But I also want to make a distribution which is the equivalent of the "portable" windows version: something i can simply put on a thumb drive, plug it into any ubuntu PC and ust run it from there.17:17
exarkunI have my actual project and another project that's a dependency, but could easily be used elsewhere.  Can I host their code at the same place?  Or should I make a new launchpad project for the dep?17:18
exarkunprof7bit: Nothing says you have to abandon your pyinstaller for other platforms.  But maybe it's not the best approach to packaging for Ubuntu.17:18
prof7bitand i thought if i already have a script that builds this portable linux app i can also ust stuff the binaries into a .deb for easy permanent installation17:19
exarkunprof7bit: The self-contained version for Ubuntu is a deb, and debs for all its dependencies.17:19
exarkunOf course, you can also keep doing what you're doing now, but launchpad probably won't help much, because it wants to build packages for a bunch of architectures and ubuntu releases.17:19
exarkunAnd having big binary blobs in the package definition isn't compatible with that.17:20
prof7bitif i make a .deb that only contains the .py files and a start script in /usr/bin to start the application, would this be a binary or a source deb or something else?17:21
prof7bitit would not be able to create a binary deb but it could run from the .py files already17:21
prof7bitbut it would be a "binary" in the sense that it contains runnable code17:22
prof7bitsimple exmple: a .deb that only contains /usr/bin/hello.py17:23
prof7bitnothing else17:23
prof7bitwhat would this be? a source or a binary?17:23
prof7bitit could be installed without problems and then run, so it would be a "binary", wouldn't it?17:24
exarkunI only sort of know what I'm talking about now, but I think you're misunderstanding the difference between source and binary packages17:25
prof7bitbut if i upload this as a source package to launchpad what would happen on the server?17:26
prof7bitwhat would it try to do with it?17:26
exarkunit will do the only thing it knows how to do, build binary packages out of it17:27
exarkunthat mostly means "run a makefile you provide"17:27
exarkunand now I'm in danger of telling you completely made up things, so don't ask me any more questions about this :)17:28
prof7bitwhat would i put into this makefile? would it just be empty and do nothing (/usr/bin/hello.py is already executable)17:28
prof7bitand *where* do i put this makefile?17:29
prof7bitthere is no source folder, there is only /usr/bin/hello.py17:30
prof7bit(sorry if i sound too frustrated, but i only see a myriad of overcomplicated things to achieve such a simpla task as ust copying one file into the directory where it belongs)17:34
* exarkun shrugs17:34
exarkunmaking debian packages isn't trivial, no doubt about that17:35
exarkunI'd answer more of your questions, but I always give up at about this point17:35
prof7bitmaking a deb that ust works is actually quite eaysy (see my script, just copy the files where they belong and then dpkg -b) , what makes it complicated is the distinction of source and binary and the need for makefiles and other complicated things.17:37
* exarkun shrugs17:37
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
smo_where can i find the list of supported sections in the debian/control file ?20:07
smo_gmediafinder_0.1-1.dsc: Unknown section 'AudioVideo'20:07
gusnansmo_, http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-archive.html#s-subsections20:09
smo_thanks gusnan20:10
smo_ok, second thing i don t understand, i just made a change for the section in my debian/control file, i do the debuild... then reupload with dput and i have rejected package: File gmediafinder_0.1-1.debian.tar.gz already exists in Gstyle PPA, but uploaded version has different contents20:33
smo_i go in my pool, redownload the original orig.tar.gz, redo the debuild -S again and still rejected ???20:34
smo_oh sorry20:35
bdrungwhy doesn't launchpad know the ISC license?20:37
smo_raaaah, debuild regenerate my .debian.tar.gz file each time, how can i bypass it please?21:05
micahgsmo_: it's supposed to21:07
smo_ok but my package is rejected for that21:08
smo_File gmediafinder_0.1-1.debian.tar.gz already exists in Gstyle PPA, but uploaded version has different contents21:08
micahgsmo_: only if it's the same version, you can't upload the same version twice21:08
smo_so what must i do? ^^21:10
wgrantbdrung: Only a few common licenses from each category are listed.21:11
wgrantsmo_: Change the version number. It is conventional to do call the version version 0.1-0ppa1, the second 0.1-0ppa2, etc.21:11
smo_ok wgrant21:11
RenatoSilvaUrsinha-afk: help me please23:16

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