
yofelhow do I get my black grub background back?03:21
yofelviolet looks horrible03:21
Volkodav it does03:48
Volkodavnew upgrade wants to remove nvidia-settings-modealiases03:48
VolkodavI guess I wait till it is not pasrtial &03:49
yofelVolkodav: that's ok, the modalias packages are going away03:50
Volkodavwhy is that ?03:50
Volkodavobsolete ?03:51
yofelVolkodav: see apt-get changelog nvidia-current03:51
Volkodavviolet  does look ugly03:52
yofelit does, esp. since it's the only violet screen here in kubuntu :(03:52
Volkodavsame in ubuntu03:53
yofelisn't gnome-terminal background violet in ubuntu?03:53
* yofel wonders when they'll color ttys03:53
Volkodavdo not remember - I always switch to green on black03:54
Volkodavyofel: Did you try BURG by any chance - I heard it has more bells and whistles then just grub203:56
yofelnot yet, so far I'm fine with grub203:57
VolkodavI saw some screenshots - looks nice similar to refit03:57
nit-witVolkodav, burg is grub2 blinged not in sync though04:06
Volkodavyes it is grub2 based04:06
KnifeySpooneyHi, is the 200 line kernel patch already included in the natty daily build? http://marc.info/?l=linux-kernel&m=128978361700898&w=204:09
nit-witVolkodav, used it for awhile with stock grub2 removed. You can't reload the burg to the mbr from a live cd. A person could probably chroot in and get a net access and do something though, I didn't want to work that hard.04:10
yofelgood, grub background black again04:12
Volkodavnit-wit: there is no option to install to mbr ?04:13
Volkodavthat sounds weird04:13
Volkodavdoes it come on a live cd ?04:14
nit-witVolkodav, burg isn't on the live cd it is  third party04:14
nit-witVolkodav, here is the ppa last update last june 23rd https://launchpad.net/~bean123ch/+archive/burg04:19
KnifeySpooneyFor some reason when I run the daily build of natty, when I select "Try ubuntu without installing," my monitor loses input but the computer still works.04:49
KnifeySpooneyany help or a fix?04:49
KnifeySpooneynevermind, found the bug report04:50
twager!info linux-image06:37
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (natty), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 all armel powerpc)06:37
=== zniavre__ is now known as zniavre
jMCghttp://pastebin.com/3aQMedPf nvidia-common package is b0rked.08:41
jMCg(Probably in combination with the new Python2.7 stuff)08:41
jMCg...well, that was random. Maybe I should go back to Gnome.. because Unity feels a tiny weeee bit completeley unstable.09:19
jMCgOh.. woha.. left click works again.09:19
IdleOnehas nvidia-common (0.2.26) been pushed to the repos yet?11:54
IdleOneI see fix released on the bug report11:54
coz_good day12:09
coz_hey guys.. I noticed that nvidia-common has been kept back... anyone try rebooting without this?13:37
IdleOnecoz_: the bug says there is a fix released13:42
IdleOnehave not seen it yet :/13:42
coz_ok IdleOne   so dont reboot yet  i would assume :)13:46
coz_and I wanted to clean out all the fans ..darn :)13:47
IdleOnecoz_: http://ubuntu.mirror.iweb.ca/ has 0.2.26 check your repos :)13:49
coz_IdleOne,   ah nice it installed :)13:50
nperryVersion: 0.2.25 :(13:50
IdleOnenperry: be patient your mirror will get updated soon13:51
nperryI am patient.13:51
coz_darn it didnt install13:51
nperryJust wanted to add something to the conversation :P13:51
nperryHumm on my desktop python-apt isn't installed14:02
nperryAnd gives a load of unmet dependencies14:03
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:03
nperryWhats that internal error :s14:03
IdleOnesudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:04
nperryI've been aptitude safe-upgrade'ing14:06
ccookeHeh. It's been a while since I tried an .04 release before Christmas14:12
ccookeNatty's surprisingly usable, though... apart from the way it's stopped displaying popup menus at all :-)14:12
QuintasanIs anyone running natty having problem with IOWait spikes? http://wstaw.org/m/2010/12/19/217.png <---- everytime I run any app or do something within a window the the green bars (IOWait) spike up to 3/4ths of the meter effectively freezing my desktop for few seconds at least. Not to mention running other apps takes at least 7 seconds.15:00
=== emma is now known as em
BUGabundowhat the heck18:53
BUGabundoan entire folder that was encripted with encfs simply disapeared18:53
penguin42anything in dmesg18:53
BUGabundoit wasn't even here18:54
BUGabundono idea for how long18:54
BUGabundoglad I have somewhat recent backups18:54
BUGabundobut it scares me18:54
BUGabundoscares me A LOT18:54
BUGabundorebooting to livecd and fsck this darn BTRFS partition18:54
penguin42isn't sure if I trust BTRFS or encfs less18:55
BUGabundoit contains all my docs and photografs :S18:55
BUGabundopenguin42: been using encfs for several years18:55
BUGabundoonly got bitten once , when they changed the algo18:55
charlie-tcaDoes BTRFS work with encrypt ?18:56
BUGabundoworked till now18:56
BUGabundoand still not sure what exaclty happened18:56
BUGabundoI just tested with another volume and its fine19:02
BUGabundoits just this one that's missing19:02
BUGabundodoesn't seem related to encfs19:02
BUGabundohey ikonia19:02
BUGabundowhich leave it to FS :(19:03
penguin42BUGabundo: Does it have a lost+found ?19:04
BUGabundolet me check19:04
BUGabundodon't have one19:05
BUGabundomaybe I need to fsck it 1st19:05
BUGabundobut being btrfs19:05
BUGabundoits an entire diferent tool19:05
penguin42isn't there an fsck.btrfs?19:05
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
BUGabundo fsck this disk19:06
BUGabundosave the good ideas for when I come back19:06
BUGabundonothing there19:16
BUGabundonot the bit verbose either19:16
BUGabundoI'll restore the back, in the hopes not much as been lost19:17
BUGabundoapparently its not ready yet19:23
BUGabundoI was founding it strange... too early for dinner19:23
BUGabundooh F!!19:25
BUGabundoits not on my last month backup either19:25
* BUGabundo panics19:25
BUGabundomaking a new backup from previous backup19:27
* BUGabundo PANICS further19:27
BUGabundooh wait... im looking at the WRONG external disk19:31
* BUGabundo is still scared19:32
jMCgBUGabundo: really, DON'T PANIC.19:33
BUGabundothere goes my evening19:38
BUGabundoI have all till one month ago19:38
BUGabundoprecisely one month19:38
penguin42BUGabundo: According to the logs you weren't having a good day precisely one month ago19:42
BUGabundodon't recall19:43
penguin42[00:18] <BUGabundo> today is a BAD day to upgrade19:43
BUGabundosure, lets blame mozilla :p19:43
BUGabundosent 16.01G bytes  received 226.19K bytes  24.65M bytes/sec19:48
BUGabundototal size is 16.01G  speedup is 1.0019:48
bjsniderpenguin42 has every irc log memorized going back years19:59
penguin42bjsnider: Just you be careful, otherwise I'll pull out the log of that incident....20:00
* BUGabundo greps logs for dirty words20:17
BUGabundoI need a bit of advice here20:49
BUGabundotrying to mount a path into an existing sub folder of a mounted device20:50
yofelif it's a different device or a bind mount it should work20:53
BUGabundoone is an usb disk20:55
BUGabundothe other path is in the internal disk20:55
BUGabundoboth are encfs mountpoints20:56
BUGabundoyofel: ideas?21:00
yofelfirst time I hear of encfs, so I'm not sure how the encryption stuff will handle that :/21:00
BUGabundowell, for all purposes, both are the plain visible, userland, endpoints21:01
BUGabundolet me try to remount them with --public, so accessible to root21:01
BUGabundoand then trying some $ mount magic21:01
BUGabundomy M key stop working in terminatl21:02
BUGabundoworks everywhere else21:02
BUGabundobut not in gnome terminal21:02
BUGabundomount: /media/56c2b7bf-6ee5-4ec9-a40d-5d27a94d0bd7/blob is not a block device21:07
BUGabundono go21:07
BUGabundothanks yofel. bind seems to have worked21:10
BUGabundoseem that encFS doesn't like bind21:24
BUGabundotrying to use the encripted volume instead21:24
viatoris there a way to add a web shrotcut to the launcher?21:46
BUGabundoso bind doesn't sync the overhead of encFS :\21:48
BUGabundo!info encfs21:50
ubottuencfs (source: encfs): encrypted virtual filesystem. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.2-1 (natty), package size 387 kB, installed size 1824 kB21:50
BUGabundowow that's old21:50
BUGabundohttp://code.google.com/p/encfs/ shows encfs-1.7.421:50
BUGabundoSep 05, 201021:55
BUGabundoencfs-1.7.2.tgz.asc (1.7.2 signature) file uploaded by valient21:55
viatorok how do you make a prizm app and add it to launcher22:05
viatorok this is A PAIN22:31
viatoryou have to install the prism app for firfox tell it to make a site an app22:31
viatorbut it in unity youcant see theapp on desktop'22:32
viatorso you have to gksudo nautilus to see it22:32
viatorthen change its permissions22:32
viatorthen launch iot22:32
viatorthen add to launcher22:32
viatorit snags the favicon from the web but im guessing they arent in svg cause they look like crap22:33

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