
TrickyJRonnie: ??00:18
Ronniemhall119, cjohnston, paultag any idea why null=True can be found here: attendee_profile = models.ForeignKey(UserProfile, help_text=_('the name of the attendee'), null=True)00:19
Ronnie99% of the data is imported correctly. the only problem (besides the User), is the subclassing of BaseEvent. Passing variables to TeamEvent and GlobalEvent does not work correct. The 'own' variables are stored correctly, but the BaseEvent params are empty00:39
czajkowskimhall119: ping 00:49
Ronniehmm, i see subclassing is a onetoone field, i guess i can solve that one00:59
Ddorda‎czajkowski: here?01:10
czajkowskinot really 01:11
Ddorda‎czajkowski: so ttyl01:11
czajkowskiif it's about the mail, can you keep correspondance on mail please . 01:11
mhall119czajkowski: pong02:03
czajkowskimhall119: tis ok used noggin 02:04
czajkowskiwasa LD issue 02:04
czajkowskisaid I may as well make use of the time and start re approvals02:04
Ronniemhall119: your needed in #django if you have the time02:05
mhall119Ronnie: on my way02:05
* mhall119 sends czajkowski a virtual Blake to keep her company at Heathrow02:35
Ronniemhall119: it totally worked.02:37
Ronnieik have now a local copy of loco.ubuntu.com02:37
Ronnieit takes some time to process the whole script, but it runs without errors (except the User to UserProfile)02:37
mhall119Ronnie: yay!02:38
Ronniemhall119: if you have time tomorrow, could you test my branche, to see if it also works in 1.1.x02:38
mhall119sure thing02:38
Ronniedholbach should be happy02:38
mhall119I might work an emergency update in to get UserProfile.User in the JSON feed for you02:39
mhall119unfortunately we've got a lot of stuff in trunk that's not ready to go out, so we can't do a standard deployment02:39
mhall119Ronnie: do me a favor and file a Critical bug for getting the user field of UserProfile in the JSON feed02:40
Ronniei will02:40
mhall119go ahead and assign it to me too02:40
mhall119and thanks for all the work you've put been putting in02:40
Ronnieone of my targets after getting ubuntu membership, was getting more involved internationally. I have to admit, i really like it02:43
mhall119where are you?02:44
Ronniefrom where... The netherlands02:45
Ronniemhall119: i cant set the priority, can you do that02:45
mhall119I'll make that fix tomorrow, but it'll probably be sometime next week before we can get it deployed02:46
ubot4Launchpad bug 692098 in loco-directory "JSON service does not send the user field for UserProfile (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]02:46
mhall119since LD is hosted on Canonical's servers, we have to put in a request with their IS team to do it02:46
Ronniethats ok02:46
Ronniegood to know anyway 02:47
Ronnieso, now my mind is ready to go to sleep. No more spooky spinning thoughts02:48
mhall119yeah, it's pretty late over there02:49
Ronniesee you tomorrow then02:50
=== fenris is now known as Guest1587
head_victimWhen I created http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/587/detail/ event it was linked to http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-au/ that team. Now it's not showing as being for any specific team. I can't see a way to relink it. Is there something I've done incorrectly?06:20
elkyhead_victim, file an actual bug on launchpad for it.06:24
head_victimelky: thanks will do06:24
elkyI can't even poke around to check since i'm crippled by the launchpadname2 bug06:25
elkyhead_victim, yeah, maybe adding my clone as admin might be worthwhile06:27
elkybut, it doesn't exist on launchpad, so it might 'splode things06:27
YoBoYgood morning08:11
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mhall119please don't splode loco-directory13:06
mhall119head_victim: did ubuntu-au change it's name in Launchpad?13:07
head_victimmhall119: not that I'm aware of, it changed owners is all that I know happened13:07
mhall119how long was the event associated with your team?13:08
head_victimWeek or so?13:09
head_victimMaybe 2 - 313:09
mhall119weird, there's no functionality for removing a team from an event in LD13:11
mhall119I'm not even sure what code might harbor a bug that would do it13:12
mhall119but file a bug against loco-directory, and we'll see what we can track down13:12
mhall119and maybe get someone to fix it for you in the db13:13
head_victimThanks for that.13:13
mhall119head_victim: were there any other events for au ever listed in LD?13:14
head_victimmhall119: I don't think so. I think that was the first one13:14
mhall119czajkowski: you still stuck?13:15
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leoquanthow was diving cjohnston ?18:38
cjohnston56 degrees18:39
leoquantah ツ18:39
cjohnstontethering sucks!18:46
Ronniehey all18:53
leoquanthai Ronnie 18:54
cjohnstonRonnie: the team members/other members... for some reason they arent sorting for me18:59
cjohnstonplus I added a comment to the review18:59
Ronniecjohnston: ill have a look19:00
Ronniei can now test with live data :D19:00
cjohnstonother than if it doesnt work, I don't know why it isnt ordering the users correctly19:00
cjohnstonwith the json stuff Ronnie ?19:01
cjohnstonI need to learn how to do that19:01
Ronniefinished the code yesterday19:01
Ronnieits easy19:01
Ronnie(altohugh the users and UserProfile are not linked correctly)19:01
cjohnstonthat was the new bug correct?19:02
Ronniemhall119: will make the fix asap, and hopefully next week it will be included on the server19:02
Ronniefor JSON: grab the code from this page: https://code.launchpad.net/~ronnie.vd.c/loco-directory/61130419:03
Ronnieand run: ./manage.py import-life-data19:03
Ronniei dont know if migrate, init-ld and update are still neccecairy19:03
Ronniethe syncing takes a lot of time19:04
cjohnstoni bet19:04
Ronnieit does a lot of database requests19:04
cjohnstonand im teathered19:04
cjohnstonprolly not a good idaa19:04
Ronnieinit-ld is needed to receive the code from ubuntu-website19:08
mhall119you can get the ubuntu-website code manually19:16
mhall119init-ld is just a helper in that respect19:16
Ronniemhall119: true, maybe its better to include that one in the future as a separate command19:17
Ronniemhall119: maybe its also a good idea, to get only the relevant data from the server datetime.now() - 2 months for the events19:18
mhall119yeah, I think that would be safe19:24
mhall119cjohnston: I'm going to push the change to the UserProfile JSON feed to production, unless youhave any concerns19:26
mhall119it's literally one line: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mhall119/loco-directory/fixes-692098/revision/34519:26
Ronniecjohnston: first: ^  then: on which page, the team_members/other_members are not sorted?19:30
Ronniecjohnston: http://ubuntuone.com/p/UUx/19:31
mhall119Ronnie: okay, update is made, it's in IS's hands now19:38
Ronniethen ill make an update to the script, so the fake linking disappears19:39
mhall119oh nice, rt replies with a ticket # now19:42
cjohnstonRonnie: for owner.contacts19:49
cjohnstonand add meeting19:49
cjohnstonmhall119: that shouldd be fine19:50
Ronniecjohnston: meeting, indeed. ill fix that in a sec. on what pages are the owner.contacts displayed?19:51
cjohnstonedit tea 19:56
cjohnstonmhall119: can we make all the json stuff work with this update?19:57
mhall119cjohnston: what other json work is needed?19:57
cjohnstoni thought Ronnie had a json patch19:58
mhall119cjohnston: I think his is all on the consuming end19:58
Ronniemine is indeed on the consuming end19:58
Ronnieill upload the new versions when the server is updated19:59
cjohnstonRonnie: one sec.. got a scvreenshot for ya20:10
Ronnieoke, i already fixed it for adding new meetings, but not for updating meetingd20:11
cjohnstonRonnie: mhall119 ^20:12
Ronniemhall119: are you able to reproduce the results of cjohnston20:13
cjohnstonThe way I did it was created a new instance, syncdb mirate init-ld update then merge in and runserver]20:15
Ronniemhall119, cjohnston: any idea why: user__groups__name__in=self.instance.teams.all() does not work, but user__groups__name__in=[self.instance.teams.all()[0]] does?20:17
cjohnstonbeyond my skill level20:18
Ronnieill now use: teams = [team for team in self.instance.teams.all()]20:20
cjohnstongotta call20:20
mhall119cjohnston: it could be that you just don't have team membership for anybody in your new instance20:22
mhall119Ronnie: .all() returns an iterator, not a list or tuple20:22
Ronniemhall119: but i expacted that  __in also needed an iterator (not exactly and list or tuple)20:23
mhall119you could also do user__groups__name__in=[t for t in self.instance.teams.all()]20:23
Ronniemhall119: thats indeed my solution now20:23
mhall119Ronnie: I don't think it'll take an iterator20:23
Ronniecjohnston: mhall119, could you test: https://code.launchpad.net/~ronnie.vd.c/loco-directory/62749220:27
Ronniemeetings now work20:27
Ronniethe event location map is now updated too, and works for global events. althoug the placing and styling needs some work20:44
Ronnieis there someone with knowlegde of the HTML/CSS ?20:44
cjohnstonRonnie: still not sorted21:19
cjohnstoncan you try setting up a new install from trunk and then merge your fixes21:19
Ronniecjohnston: im now trying: http://pastebin.com/9rmUxFhv21:31
cjohnstonI didnt import the life data21:33
cjohnstonis that the problem?21:33
Ronniei havent tried 'a clean one'. now running into an error. the server is not updated yet. so retrieving live data does not work yet21:34
cjohnstonthats how i did it21:35
cjohnstonbecause its more like the live version21:35
cjohnstonset it up to run and THEN merge in the patch21:36
Ronnieoke, trying that one now21:44
Ronniecjohnston: indeed, when i follow your method, the sorting fails22:02
cjohnstonRonnie: afaik thats the way that it should be tested as thats the way we do it22:05
Ronniecjohnston: i do not agree, because the data on the local side is different from the server. On the local side, the users have no groups. therefore the code cannot work. On the server the users HAS groups, and therefore can be linked to different teams22:09
Ronniecjohnston: if you manually add users to some groups, the script works. So, i guess there is nothing wrong with the code, but with the initial script for the local part22:17
cjohnstonmhall119: ping22:18
cjohnstonwhat do you mean has groups vs doesnt have groups22:18
cjohnstona local copy of ld knows what team you belpong to22:18
mhall119cjohnston: pong22:18
Ronniecjohnston: why does users have no group assigned then?22:18
mhall119okay, when setting LD up locally, init-ld will create users from team admins in LP22:19
Ronniethe import-life-data (shouldn't that be live instead of life? ) creates a mirror of the server (as far as security and privacy allows)22:19
mhall119but it won't assign them to a team/group until they actually log into LD22:19
mhall119yes, s/life/live/22:19
cjohnstonmhall119: how should this be tested22:19
mhall119cjohnston: log in using openid, that should assign your user at least to a group/team22:20
Ronniemhall119: when i login with openid, no UserProfile is created. but the User is indeed linked to the group22:22
mhall119hmmm, I thought we were creating profiles at login....22:22
Ronniemhall119: i think it creates the profile when the profile is called the first time22:25
mhall119that was dholbach's area, I'm not as familiar with it as I would like22:27
Ronnieill mark it as a bug then. high priority?22:33
Ronniemhall119: ^22:33
mhall119I don't know on priority, there might be a reason they're not being created on login22:33
Ronniemhall119: true, lets wait for an answer from dholbach first then22:37
cjohnstonwhen i set it up, it knows what team im on22:38
cjohnstonso it should know what team everyone is on22:38
cjohnstonunless because the other users havent logged in,it doesnt know cause it hasnt already downloaded it22:39
Ronniecjohnston: does is know also when you not have logged in?22:39
cjohnstoni dunno22:40
Ronniecjohnston: can you see yourzelf as a member of your own team, when editing your team details?22:40
mhall119it only gets membership details for a user when they log in22:40
cjohnstonRonnie: no22:41
cjohnstonnoone shows up22:41
Ronniecjohnston: when you lookup your User, in the admin interface, is the group your in activated?22:42
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TrickyJ[a]Ronnie hi23:25
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