
ikoniahello yyz00:11
yyzI have been sent here by the great Lords of <3. They have come baring a single message to you. This message is as follows: You are in violation of article 57 of the Shadow Proclamation. You are harboring an unauthorized species on a level 5 planet, known as "The Ubuntardian". You are hereby given one chance to leave now. If you do not leave, <3 will make you leave... And don't test them!00:11
ikoniayyz: ok, bye, I'm not interested in discussing anything with someone who joins a channel and spews junk00:11
bazhangless than 3 = <3 ?00:16
Flannelbazhang: < is "Less than", yeah.00:17
bazhangso the troll channel #lessthanthree00:17
PiciYes.  And please don't retaliate. The IRCC is in contact with some of the people there.00:17
Flannelbazhang: The folks in #lessthanthree00:17
ikoniaPici: some of the guys who actually run the channel where very reasonable and didn't want to be a problem, so I don't know why this stupidity is continuing00:17
Piciikonia: Thats what I'm getting that.00:18
Picier, at, not that.00:18
bazhanghe's not an op there, so doubt its from them00:18
PiciIts someone trying to stir up trouble.00:19
bazhang* [thewizord] (~root@c-69-242-226-253.hsd1.az.comcast.net00:23
PiciDoesn't surprise me.00:23
bazhangreal name: Adolf Hitler00:23
PiciWhat a nice fellow.00:23
macodoubt it00:23
bazhangin his irc client00:23
macohahaha props for the Doctor Who quoting though00:24
maco"You are in violation of article 57 of the Shadow Proclamation. You are harboring an unauthorized species on a level 5 planet" <-- from Doctor Who00:25
macoThe Eleventh Hour...00:25
PiciAh. I couldn't place it, but it sounded familiar.00:25
PiciI've actually never made it through a single episode of Doctor Who. <.<00:25
PiciYeah, I know.00:26
* maco points at 4 boxes of Doctor Who DVDs in closet00:26
PiciI missed out on a lot of good sci-fi the first time around.00:26
PiciI only recently watched Farscape.00:27
macowait wait00:27
macoso if you recognised that quote..00:27
macothat means you saw part of the Eleventh Hour...but you *didnt* get to the "bowties are cool" bit when he wins?00:27
PiciIt sounded familiar, probably was quoted somewhere else as a nod to Doctor Who and I didn't realize it.00:27
macowhre do you live again?00:28
macooh oh oh wait00:28
macoi now00:28
macochristmas day starting at midnight00:28
macoon BBC america, they're doing a Doctor Who marathon00:28
macoand i mean that as in the midnight between xmas eve and xmas day00:28
macoyou can catch up on the last season!00:29
maco(though, i have the last season on DVD because i have an awesome friend)00:29
macoi should go see what time the christmas special is00:31
PiciOddly enough, I watched and loved Torchwood.00:32
macoianto :(00:33
Jordan_UAny advice on how to handle r00t4rd3d in #ubuntu?02:45
r00t4rd3dwho has a problem with my nickname02:48
r00t4rd3dthat ive been using on freenode for 5+ years ?02:48
Tm_TCensoredBiscuit: hi how can we help you?02:48
Jordan_Ur00t4rd3d: I have a problem with your nickname.02:48
r00t4rd3dwell to bad02:49
r00t4rd3dget over it02:49
r00t4rd3dits not offensive in any way02:49
r00t4rd3dI dont like your nickname either02:49
CensoredBiscuitNothing Tm_T I'm just leaving02:49
Tm_Tr00t4rd3d: hi, the fact how long you've been using your nick doesn't matter02:50
r00t4rd3dwell i come to ubuntu to help , if you wanna kick me out cause of my nick so be it02:50
r00t4rd3dits my registered nick and im not changing it02:50
r00t4rd3dive used this nick for more then 15 years02:51
r00t4rd3dand this is the first time anyone has said anything about it02:51
r00t4rd3dso no02:51
r00t4rd3dthanks but no thanks02:51
r00t4rd3dgrow up02:53
Tm_TI'm wondering why this became so confrontational, as only what I've seen is Jordan_U asked to change the nick02:53
Tm_TJordan_U: I would have recommended to discuss it friendly in the PM first, with some argumentation why it is requested, raising such things in the channel without explanation easily gets them defensive without reason02:55
Jordan_UThe implication is that he will be kicked if he doesn't change his nick. I wasn't going to do that without agreement from other ops (bazhang yesterday agreed that the nick was offensive but didn't suggest any particular action).02:55
Jordan_UIt's an unfortunate situation.02:55
Tm_Tyup, nothing serious yet and in general you did it quite nicely02:56
Jordan_UWhat do you think should happen if he doesn't change his nick?02:57
Tm_Task nicely with some good arguments, it's not outright offensive in my eyes, although not something I like either02:58
Tm_Tyou might like to hear others' opinions too, as I tend to be a bit too gentle at times02:59
tonyyarussoThe attitude is worse than the nick - I doubt they're a particularly helpful member of the community anyway.02:59
Tm_Tyes the attitude wasn't nice, but considering how the issue was rised, I'm not entirely surprised03:00
Tm_Tthat's why trying to discuss it nicely with argumentation wouldn't be a bad thing03:00
Jordan_Utonyyarusso: From what I've seen recently he actually is helpfull and perfectly respectful in #ubuntu.03:01
Tm_Tit shouldn't matter much nor what we think if he's helpful or not, for such small thing calling out publicly is not the best way nor IMO required in any way03:04
Tm_Tpublicly in this case means support channel03:04
Jordan_UTm_T: I'm not sure what you mean.03:04
Tm_Thi semitones, how can we help you?03:05
semitonesI came here to see the counter rww was talking about :P03:05
semitonesusers sudaded by the no idle policy: 103:06
semitonesI'll leave now :D03:06
rwwTm_T: Sorry, I spilled some -offtopic in here :(03:06
Tm_Trww: it's ok (:03:06
Tm_Tas long as it doesn't happen every time I have long sentence ready to be entered (;03:07
Tm_TJordan_U: I mean that we don't count karma, good deeds doesn't make bad deeds more allowed03:07
Tm_Tnor we should treat someone more poorly because we assume them less valuable to us/our community03:08
Tm_Tofcourse things are not this simple, but in general idea03:08
Jordan_UThe way I see the nick is as self-depricating humor, but by using "retarded" as a pejorative he is insulting people with genuine mental retardation. I may be reading that incorrectly but I can't see any non-offensive interpretation.03:20
Tm_Tif that's how you see it, explain it to him politely (:03:31
r00t4rd3db0nghitter , cybersix , testi , billybigrigger , manbra , mikack , reuteras , seemawn but my nick is offensive ?04:27
r00t4rd3dhow are those family friendly nicks but mine isnt ?04:27
* r00t4rd3d waits....04:29
r00t4rd3dbut Jordan_U isnt singling me out !04:33
CarlFKif an op has asked you to change your nick, you should prolly change your nick04:37
r00t4rd3dim not going to04:37
CarlFKcomparing it's level of offensiveness to others doesn't change its level04:38
r00t4rd3dNo one has ever been offended by my nick till today04:39
CarlFKyou don't know that04:39
CarlFKand even if it is true, another thing that doesn't matter04:39
r00t4rd3doh well im going back to #ubuntu to help people if i can and forgetting this04:42
CarlFK"... grow up"  attitude has room for improvement, but I don't think he is too far out of line04:47
elkyAre people continuing to talk to him, or is he coming back in here to harrass ops based on one simple request?05:48
Jordan_Uelky: I had a conversation with him in PM.05:57
elkybetween the first and subsequent visits from him?05:57
Jordan_Uelky: Yes.05:59
bazhang<sagaci> #ubuntu-women? :)  possible troll in coming10:32
tsimpsonbazhang: it's in reply to root_ (watching)10:32
bazhangtsimpson, yep thus the warning to those in -women; should have put in -irc in retrospect (spur of the moment, my apologies)10:33
IdleOneprime example of why a only ubuntu-namespace op channel would be good.10:34
elkybazhang, especially since he's well aware11:19
_Hhi I'm being mocked and such for my dyslexia and utism12:07
_Hin #ubuntu-offtopic12:07
IdleOneWe didn't mock you for you disabilities12:08
IdleOneor because of them12:08
_H(12:06:30 PM) dwatkins: _H: being dyslexic and autistic is no excuse for not knowing howto calculate the area of a rectangle, dude12:09
_H(12:06:47 PM) tonyyarusso: _H: Sorry, but this is a channel where you get mocked for stupidity.12:09
tonyyarusso^ has nothing to do with dyslexia or autism12:09
elky_H, is there anything further? if not, we ask that you part the channel12:17
elkyI'm sick to the eyeballs of people blaming everything on autism.12:18
IdleOneit's an easy out12:19
macoonly if the people you're talking to have no idea what it is12:19
elkyanyone actually pulling the excuse out probably does not actually have autism.12:20
IdleOnemy cousin never uses it as an excuse12:20
IdleOnein fact he gets upset if you try to treat him "special"12:21
tonyyarussoNot to mention the fact that pretty much everyone on IRC is above-average on the autism spectrum...12:23
Tm_Ttonyyarusso: that's a fact?12:23
macoelse we'd use some sort of communication mechanism that involved faces? :P12:23
tonyyarussoTm_T: I should think so :)12:23
tonyyarussomaco: hackergotchis count as social interaction, right?12:24
Tm_Ttonyyarusso: what you think isn't fact (;12:24
elkytonyyarusso, geekdom favours spectrum behaviours, yes.12:24
Tm_Tthis actually would be interesting subject for study12:25
elkyI believe it has been studied.12:25
Tm_TIRC & spectrum?12:25
elkygeekdom & spectrum12:25
tonyyarussomaybe not IRC specifically12:25
Tm_Tah, I personally don't care of "geekdom" much12:26
Tm_Tprolly because of the stereotypes related to it12:26
elkyIf irc correlated highly with the spectrum, then most of finland would be...12:27
* tonyyarusso 's Finn side sees to contradiction there12:27
elkyhttp://mrissa.livejournal.com/746160.html is a worthwhile read for arguments against the autism excuse12:28
elkyyou guys are terrible12:54
macoreferring to the "how do i make a sandwich?" thing in -ot?12:55
macoim still thinking its a very patient troll12:56
macogiven the spaghetti thing the other day12:56
elkymahen? no, he's too stupid to be a troll.12:57
macoi thought it was ....i can say it but i cant spell it... feigned.... stupidity.   did i spell it right?12:57
elkyWell, in that nobody can roleplay that much stupid for this much time without breaking character.12:57
macothis is reminding me of my uncle13:03
macountil he was 55, my grandma packed his lunch every day13:03
maconow that she's in a home, he lives on microwavable Hungry Man meals13:03
tonyyarussosparklehistory's grandparents are like that too.13:05
Tm_Tnoone makes me lunch ):13:10
elkySo, from the This-Can't-Possibly-End-Badly department. In a few months time, I'm going to be moving to Wellington, NZ, for work.13:19
elkyHands up who knows the relevance of this.13:20
IdleOnenot sure why that would be bad13:20
elkyIt starts with B.13:20
elkyNo. Nothing of the sort.13:21
IdleOnebotulism is bad13:21
IdleOneex boyfriend13:21
elkyNo. Oh gods no.13:21
popeyMy boss (45 year old family man) came into work teh other day with lunch in a plastic box which needed reheating, he had/has absolutely no clue how to use a microwave oven. We had to show him. This surprised most of us.13:21
elkyThink trolls.13:22
IdleOneelky: save us the time and tell us please13:22
Tm_Tthat thing that replaced Kolto13:22
tonyyarussoIdleOne: nono, I got this!13:22
* IdleOne waits13:22
* Tm_T is giving extra hints13:22
elkyA particular troll who we love dearly lives in Wellington.13:22
IdleOneand you are worried that this troll may do something?13:23
elkyIdleOne, no, not at all.13:23
IdleOneI suggest, mace and a pocket knife13:23
IdleOnestab him first then make him blind13:23
elkyIdleOne, for his protection?13:23
IdleOnehaha ok13:23
IdleOneif you think he needs it13:23
IdleOneI don't see how the troll living there is relevant really, but knowing we have muscle close by is good :)13:25
elkyI imagine a chance encounter will result in me rolling on the ground in fits of laughter.13:25
IdleOneelky: We have a troll that needs a talking to. *elky gets in car and drives over*13:25
IdleOnetonyyarusso: you still guessing?13:25
IdleOnekeep going13:26
elkyHe's trying to get me to say it. I don't particularly want to summon him.13:26
IdleOnePM me so I know what who we are talking about13:27
IdleOneelky: also make sure to take pics :)13:28
elkyIdleOne, this will involve suspending laughter13:29
elkyTm_T, lol13:29
IdleOneThis portion of #ubuntu-ops brought to you by tonyyarusso and the letter B13:31
Tm_Telky: I can get you few bacta canisters if need be13:32
elkyThis is all something that only occurred to me after I had already sought and got director approval.13:36
Tm_Tso I just locked myself out...13:50
Tm_Tglad it's only -20 °C13:50
IdleOnewarm there today13:51
IdleOnealmost swimsuit weather13:51
Tm_Ttook only 15 min to get keys from the neighbour (:13:53
IdleOneyour neighbour has keys to your house??13:53
IdleOneI don't like my neighbours enough for that13:54
Tm_Tit's a key for all doors in this housing association (or what it should be called)13:56
IdleOneoh, ok13:56
IdleOnea master key13:56
IdleOneI would change my locks13:56
Tm_TIdleOne: so the apartment owner cannot come in?13:57
IdleOnelandlord has no reason to enter my house if I am not there13:57
Tm_Tespecially after the rent is left unpaid13:58
* Tm_T hides13:58
IdleOneI pay my rent :P13:58
Tm_TI don't13:58
IdleOneas well you shouldn't13:59
Tm_TI mean, uh, the money transfer must have had some hiccup, I'm sure!14:00
IdleOneyeah, the bank messed up14:00
IdleOneTm_T: has a rubber check book14:00
Tm_TI have never seen check book in Finland, I doubt anyone actually uses such things around here14:01
IdleOneso you either use cash or debit card?14:02
IdleOnerent is direct payment from your bank ?14:03
Tm_Tthere's credit cards too, but for the payment situation, they're quite similar to debit14:04
mneptokTm_T: i submit expense reports to Espoo. Espoo contacts the US bank. they mail a paper check to me. this is a great source of amusement in .fi16:59
Tm_TI can imagine, in here you would just get the money right into the bank account17:02
IdleOneand that was a prime example for why we should never have a not publicly logged ops only channel.18:29
mneptokIdleOne: it's actually a reason why our expense reports are GPG encrypted. :)18:31
IdleOnewell that too18:32
IdleOnemneptok: I was refering to an earlier convo in here about something that was going on in -ot. the user read the log of here and saw what was said about them18:32
IdleOnemy reasoning is with such a channel, we would be accused of breach of CoC and guidelines much more often.18:35
IdleOneI still think we should have that channel though.18:35
ubottuFloodBotK1 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (BajK_ appears to be abusive - 4)18:51
macoIdleOne: user did not object my "maybe they're a troll who's really good at pretending to be stupid" though...so maybe i'm right!20:26
IdleOneI think the fact the user came back and complained is proof that we should not discuss users publicly or in a derogatory way. even if they are stupid, it isn't very nice and we shouldn't do it20:28
* IdleOne is guilty of doing this.20:29
IdleOnejust want to make it clear I am not pointing any fingers at anybody.20:29
elkyIdleOne, i find it amusing that judging by the scrollback here, the user took objection to me explaining why i thought you guys were being horrible.21:33
elkymaco, no, you have that backwards. If he were, he'd be indignant on the subject.21:34

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