
josuaHow can I make an own ubuntu distribution?00:00
VCoolioFirartix: xrandr -q  to find your options; then: xrandr -s 1024x76800:00
vex_Well, thanks for the help cousteau.00:00
sam-_-josua, why would you want to do that?00:00
cousteauvex_, anyway, the open source driver for your card should work ok,,, what do you get when you run   glxinfo | grep render   on a terminal?00:00
Firartixo yea worked with -s00:01
Firartixthanks alot VCoolio00:01
VCoolioyou're welcome00:01
josuai want to have my own OS00:01
CensoredBiscuitMy cousins windows machine flunked out, the idea of hooking them to ubuntu bothers me though as I would have to support it, to be or not to be.00:01
sam-_-CensoredBiscuit, then don't do it? :-)00:02
JeopardySholdenKjosua I think that's way off the ubuntu-topic00:02
shcherbakjosua: jubuntu?00:02
CensoredBiscuitIts like Ubuntu, just a J at the beginning00:03
josuano, maaybe something similar to the Ubuntu Christian edition00:03
VCooliojosua: look at remastersys for example00:03
josuamaybe HolyUbuntu, or HolyLinux...00:03
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CensoredBiscuitIs that even around anymore?00:03
josuayes, I think so00:04
shcherbakjosua: check disto-watch, and yes, you can redistribute ubuntu base into "new" distro (do not expect to have support, tho)00:04
CensoredBiscuitI mean isn't a background and maybe a bible program enough?00:04
VCoolioit would have to leave out gigolo when it's xfce based...00:05
josuawhy no support?00:05
CensoredBiscuitI can't think of anything else a  christain would need other than regular ubuntu00:05
JeopardySholdenKIn the end josua computers are makings of evil00:06
durandoguys i cant seem to figure out how to get my synaptics touchpad working any ideas?00:06
josuayes, but they can be used also for good things00:06
shcherbakjosua: there are even tools desinged to do it. No support because it is distro orientated, but if you do not drift far you can use same repos what base.00:06
josuaare you guys christians, or any of you?00:06
pr0ph3trunning runlevel 3 in ubutnu would boot to console or still go to x login?00:06
VCooliojosua: yes, but that's offtopic00:07
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pr0ph3tsam-_-: I tried the combination you gave me and it responded rebooting the X login screen but still did not respond to keyboard or mouse or trackpad00:08
CensoredBiscuitJosua, I am.. but as far as my computer the idea of a christian ubuntu seems a bit unnecessary . I mean there are several good bible programs out there, what else would you nee?00:08
VCooliopr0ph3t: still x, in ubuntu no difference except for 0 and 6 (or is it 1 and 6)00:08
TaZeRhey guys can someone give me a quick help-a-rino with something?00:09
Advoany reason why rsync -zxhvr  would be rscyincing files that already exist in the destination dir? nothing has changed between the files either..00:09
ikoniaguys can you take your fantasty relogious ubuntu version topic to #ubuntu-offtopic or another channel, this one is just for support00:09
josuamaybe religious icons, christian music or login sounds00:09
shcherbakjosua: come my son (/join #ubuntu-offtopic), share the light of elightement.00:09
CensoredBiscuitsorry I was trying to answer his question, I got caught up.00:09
TaZeRi was wondering how to get the website packetfind.com working properly under ubuntu, so the links open in xchat?00:09
TaZeRsuch a bitch to xdcc now gotta do it manually00:10
josuahow can i start creating an own distro?00:10
ikoniajosua: that's not ontopic for this channel00:10
CensoredBiscuitjosua, thats enough offtopic00:10
josuado I have to do it with my installed version, or need to download source-codes first?00:10
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ikoniajosua: please stop, it's not on-topic for this support channel00:11
TaZeRdoes any ubuntu professional know?00:11
shcherbakjosua: /join #ubuntu-offtopic and ask robinetd, he'd love to help you.00:11
pr0ph3tVCoolio: so there is no way to avoid booting the X login. The keyboard seems to be recognised by the system as the escabe keys I tried alt+ SysRq + k worked somehow, but no responses on the login00:11
TaZeRcan i speak with a manager?00:12
ikoniaTaZeR: what do you want00:12
sam-_-!ask |TaZeR00:12
ubottuTaZeR: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:12
TaZeRi was wondering how to get packetfind.com working with ubuntu, so the links open in xchat and connect me to the server instead of opening a blank page00:12
josuaok, thanks00:12
ikoniaTaZeR: no idea, try in #xchat00:13
pr0ph3tsorry I disconnected00:13
TaZeRso no one here uses xdcc search engines with ubuntu? gotta be some pirates around here who can help00:13
ikoniaTaZeR: not going to discuss illegal activities, this is your only warning00:13
JeopardySholdenKOk any newbie broplems here00:13
TaZeRbuzz off ur a lamer00:14
ikoniaJeopardySholdenK: pardon ?00:14
CensoredBiscuitcan someone lazy link me to offtopic00:15
JeopardySholdenKikonia: I just want to make my small contribution ?:| ?00:15
ikoniaCensoredBiscuit: what ?00:15
ikoniaJeopardySholdenK: if someone needs help, they will ask for it00:15
JeopardySholdenKikonia: ok00:16
PiciCensoredBiscuit: #ubuntu-offtopic you mean?00:16
CensoredBiscuitthank you00:16
shcherbakCensoredBiscuit: /join #ubuntu-offtopic00:16
halwhy do they do such silly things like remove easy access to the nautilus location bar? I just can't seen the sense in it :/00:16
cousteauis apt-xapian-index important? what would be the consequences of uninstalling it?00:18
boss_mcHowdy everyone, I'm looking for some kernel panic debugging guidance, I'm definitely starting to think it's a hardware issue but I'm trying to narrow down the component... I've tried memtest and that came back clean after 9 hours and 7 complete runs, so I doubt it's memory.  What should be my next step?00:18
binkulahi guys00:19
binkulaI have a question about compiz: is it possible to have translucent windows by default?00:19
ikoniaboss_mc: any patterns in the panic, or a regular "thing" that causes it00:19
JeopardySholdenKhi binkula00:19
binkulaI've managed to toggle opacity with shortcut keys00:19
JemtHello. I'm remastering Ubuntu which is working fine (adding/removing software). I now want to add more keyboard layouts, which I did by creating the necessary configuration file in /home/.gconf/desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard&/kbd/ with the required layouts. Unfortunately Gnome doesn't pick up the entries. So it seems creating the file is not sufficient. Can someone help me ?00:19
binkulabut I'm hoping for an automagic solution00:19
Picibinkula: iirc, there is a way to create transpareny 'rules' in ccsm, you could add all window classes to that and it would apply automatically.00:21
boss_mcikonia: It seems fairly random, happens anywhere between 10 mins and three hours after I turn on the PC, happend much less frequently if I stop X and just leave top running, though it still panics if I run prime95's stress test without X running00:21
Picibinkula: Have you tried asking in #compiz ?00:21
binkulaPici, aaah good place to start thanks :(00:21
binkula:) *00:21
binkulaPici, haha no - I started out in #kubuntu00:21
binkulaI will head there00:21
ikoniaboss_mc: have you tried to capture any of the messages from the panic ?00:21
binkulabut I'm also going to try your idea00:21
boss_mcikonia: how would I get the panic text dump (I can see the last few lines in TTY1 after it panics if I'm not using X00:21
boss_mcikonia, great minds think alike, shame I don't know how to collect the logs00:22
ikoniaboss_mc: something like net-dump00:22
boss_mcikonia, net-dump? I'll google it...00:22
durandohey guys how can i decrypt my private data folder i've been trying the instructions online but it says that the operation of mounting these encrypted files is not supported00:23
RypervencheI'm running Ubuntu 10.10 and when I listen to certain mp3s the sound stops and gives me an error. After that Skype crashes and I have to restart my computer to get it to work again. Can anyone help?00:23
spokenhi everyone I'm looking for help getting wireless working on my dell laptop.00:23
spokenright now iwconfig just says "no wireless extensions" after eth000:24
dissolutedoes anyone know how to deal with blurry chinese font rendering?00:25
cousteaudissolute, blurry as in pixeled?00:25
boss_mcikonia, unless I'm failing at google, that's not supplied by canonical...?00:25
mniejszezlohi, how can i set default window manager to metacity in 10.04?00:25
CensoredBiscuitspoken look for restricted drivers00:25
dissolutecousteau, no. I think they're being antialiased or something00:26
ikoniaboss_mc: look in the repos00:26
psicobraHi all i have just installed ubuntu 10.10 worked great untilll i installed all the updates  then grub was screwed00:26
psicobraany suggestions00:26
cousteaudissolute, then maybe they are just too small00:26
boss_mcikonia, apt knows nothing about it...00:26
VCooliobinkula: setting window transparancy also affects text and usability; try murrine gtk engine supporting transparant themes (rgba); e.g. http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Another+Gtk+RGBA+module+?content=10096800:27
ikoniaboss_mc: look at crash00:27
dnivrapsicobra, what happens when you try to boot?00:27
Rypervenchedissolute: What version of Ubuntu are you using?00:27
cousteaudissolute, you can try using a different font rendering method on Appearance > Fonts, try "Better shapes"00:27
binkulathanks VCoolio00:27
psicobradnivra: just get the grub safe boot thing00:27
dissolute<Rypervenche> 10.1000:28
psicobradnivra: i can press tab and it lists commands but thats it00:28
iroquois_after updating 10.04 my minimize button closes firefox instead of minimizing,how could this be fixed?00:28
dnivrapsicobra, you get a grub prompt?00:29
psicobradnivra: i have reinstalled ubuntu twice same thing00:29
psicobradnivra: yes00:29
Rypervenchedissolute: Go into your font options and then click uhhhh, wait what language is your Ubuntu in?00:29
dissolutethat screenshot kind of shows it, especially in the bold characters.00:29
dissolutemy installation is English00:29
JeopardySholdenKmniejszezlo: Try this: Goto System->Preferences->Appearance->VIsual Effects and click None.00:30
psicobradnivra: normally get the option to select ubuntu or windows not there any more just the grub prompt00:30
dnivrapsicobra, you reinstalled ubuntu twice? you should've just reinstalled grub. anyway even with a reinstall it doesn't get fixed? that's weird.00:30
dnivrapsicobra, goes straight to the prompt?00:30
psicobradnivra: yes00:30
shcherbakiroquois_: reset theme, or get ubuntu tweaks to set buttons again on order00:30
psicobradnivra: how do i reinstall grub00:30
dnivrapsicobra, well i really don't have much of a clue. try reinstalling grub; you did reinstall when you installed ubuntu but still-while you wait to see if someone else can help00:31
psicobradnivra: how do i reinstall grub00:31
dnivrapsicobra, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 has the instructions00:31
iroquois_ok ty shcherbak,(wow your yellow font sure is hard to read00:32
dnivrapsicobra, no problem :)00:32
cousteauI've just uninstalled apt-xapian-index. What consequences could this have? Will I lose automatic updates?00:32
haloh dear I've messed up my installation :(. I am installing on virtual box, and broken my user PATH variable in /etc/profile00:32
halnow the login screen won't let me in00:32
c0deredDoes anyone else have issues installing Windows XP via a VirtualBox? It keeps booting into a BSOD and then reboots. I was able to install Win 7 but not XP....strange00:32
cousteauhal: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games00:33
halcan anyone think of a way I can gain access to the machine?00:33
shcherbakiroquois_: what irc client are you using (it is exactly same what you should not!)00:33
cousteauhal, a live cd?00:33
iroquois_it's just bright yellow where it shows your name00:33
cousteauor maybe entering in safe mode00:33
halcousteau: yes, there is an error in mine, meaning that I can't log in with a user/password on the graphical screen00:33
Rypervenchedissolute: This is what mine looks like. http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/2008/screenyip.png00:34
Texashello room ...yes noob here lol.... does anyone know any intresting podcast based on linux?And also does anyone know a popular game for linux?00:34
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halis there a way to get to the shell from the graphical login cousteau ?00:34
iroquois_i can read your name if i put my nose right next to the screen00:34
shcherbakwolf: tux radar?00:34
cousteauhal, ctrl-alt-F100:34
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Guest14698thanks i wil lok into that00:35
theLE_Does anyone have any experience using GtkBuilder? Is there a way to use multiple GtkBuilders during the life of the program or do I have to get all of the UI at the same time?00:35
halcousteau: unfortunately virtualbox won't send those00:35
cousteauhal, ouch00:35
cousteautry booting from a live CD image00:36
Rypervenchedissolute: It looks as though you're using a different font than I am.00:36
shcherbakhal: choose session to xinit (plain x)00:37
halshcherbak: where is that please?00:37
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shcherbakhal: on bottom bar (when you pick user)00:38
iroquois_yellow is gone now shcherbak? strange00:38
shcherbakiroquois_: indeed00:39
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iroquois_it's back now00:39
shcherbakhal: on bottom bar (when you pick user)00:39
spokencensoredbiscuit thanks, trying now00:39
halI'm sorry shcherbak , one of the virtualbox functions just compeltely crashed my machine! :/00:39
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iroquois_i guess it's an identifier of some sort for when my name is posted00:39
halshcherbak: I can't see any option like that on 10.1000:40
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olskolirchey i couldn't load this site for two days now www.reportergary.com what could be the issue all other sites are fine00:42
shcherbakhal: do you have gdm?00:42
shcherbakhal: do you see accesibility options?00:42
predatordoes anyone know the url to tuxradar so i can get the podcast to download on rythbox00:42
ezrafreecan anyone tell me how to get my MX5000 bluetooth mouse to stop disconnecting after inactivity?00:42
iroquois_shcherbak,i can't find "theme"or "ubuntu tweaks" ?    ?00:42
halkind of shcherbak00:42
JeopardySholdenKmniejszezlo: Look this for metacity: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Metacity00:42
CensoredBiscuitspoken, let me know how it goes.00:42
ezrafreei keep having to press the red buttons on the bottom of the kb/mouse and then enter "sudo hidd --search"00:43
halshcherbak: let me show you a screenshot00:43
shcherbakiroquois_: menu > System > Preferences > Apperance (theme)00:43
iroquois_ah ok ty00:43
shcherbakhal: user field need to active00:43
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shcherbakiroquois_: ubuntu-tweaks you need to install from ppa00:44
halshcherbak: I can't log into the machine :)00:44
halshcherbak: http://img651.imageshack.us/i/screenshot050m.png/00:44
iroquois_ok thanks a bunch shcherbak00:44
sparrWI need to make files on a machine with an ubuntu live cd available over the network to another computer. Without an internet connection, there seems to not be a SMB or FTP server on the live cd. Are there other options?00:44
asdfasdf_I am trying to recover some documents for someone who has Windows Vista, using a live ubuntu CD. Should I normally be able to see the users documents under C:\Users\username\documents (the documents folder is empty)00:44
cousteauasdfasdf_, go to Places and click on the Windows drive00:45
shcherbakhal: press user, please to be promped for password.00:45
dnivrasparrW, i guess you could install them? or you could use scp to copy. the other computer should have ssh-server running.00:45
cousteau(this is, the drive which has Windows installed)00:45
halshcherbak: ahhh :)00:46
asdfasdf_cousteau: I have done that, that is how I know that C:\Users\username\documents is empty00:46
itaylor57wb KM020100:46
bastidrazordnivra: openssh-server is the package name00:46
sparrWdnivra: no internet connection, can't install them. other computer is windows, and i need to be able to browse/access files on the live cd machine from the windows machine00:46
dnivrabastidrazor, yeah openssh-server. thanks!00:47
c0deredasdfasdf_, i normally use Hirens boot Cd and launch Mini Windows XP. From there i browse the users files00:47
cousteauasdfasdf_, oh... but /media/thepartition/Users/username/documents/ exists?00:47
dnivrasparrW, not even on the other computer?00:47
halshcherbak: nope, none of those get me in :)00:47
* CoOltux sera a tutti00:47
asdfasdf_cousteau: yes00:47
durandocan someone help me with decrypting a directory that was encrypted with ecryptfs00:48
shcherbakhal: why it have to graphic log in?00:48
halshcherbak: the user mode defaults to graphical by default00:49
halok, I am in :)00:49
dnivra!it | CoOltux00:49
ubottuCoOltux: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)00:49
halI was able to send the ctrl+alt+f1 using hostkey+f100:49
KM0201itaylor57: :) thank you...00:50
ezrafreecan anyone tell me how to get my MX5000 bluetooth mouse to stay connected?00:50
halok, now I need to set my system path to a path that contains a space. Can someone tell me how to do that?00:50
halI've tried escaping it with a backslash, but this causes the issue from before00:50
aeon-ltdhal: use quotes on the whole path name00:50
halaeon-ltd: do you mean all the paths or just the part of the PATH that cotains the space?00:51
itaylor57KM0201: its amazing if you get a linux compatable computer and have no windowz or compiz, how ubuntu has no problems or issues?00:51
KM0201itaylor57: lol, tell that to lseactuary, he's driving me bananas00:52
itaylor57KM0201: still?00:52
KM0201its a good thing he didn't get banned earlier, he'd be lost w/o me..lol00:52
durandogrr i shall never encrypt again00:52
KM0201itaylor57: STILL!... i thinkwe've about got it worked out though.. we've got XP running in vbox, and i'm gonna show him how to setup a share and itunes00:52
halyay, I'm in, thanks aeon-ltd00:52
JeopardySholdenKezrafree: have you tried changing batteries?00:53
haland thank you shcherbak and cousteau for getting me out of a scrape :)00:53
KM0201itaylor57: its not all his fault though, he was having some issues w/ his mouse freezing up constantly to.. so he had to find anothe rone, etc00:53
itaylor57KM0201: I have a iphone (don't hate me), just waiting for the "lease" to run out and get an android00:53
boss_mcikonia, I'm giving linux-crashdump a try (from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Debugging)00:53
boss_mcikonia, see if I can get something useful from it00:53
KM0201itaylor57: i only make phone calls, so my phone doesn't take pictures or surf the internet, or IM, etc.00:54
itaylor57KM0201: good plan00:54
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c0derediPhones are the ish00:54
JeopardySholdenKHi coleslaw00:55
JeopardySholdenKhi zenbuntu00:58
zenbuntuis dis ch for ubuntu users?00:58
shcherbakzenbuntu: 100:59
Saryit is00:59
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:59
zenbuntujus installed 10.1001:00
c0deredDoes anyone else have issues installing Windows XP via a VirtualBox? It keeps booting into a BSOD and then reboots. I was able to install Win 7 but not XP....strange01:00
zenbuntualso testing mint 1001:00
lucasanyone knows how to mount a vhd file on ubuntu?01:01
lucashi! anyone knows how to mount a vhd file on ubuntu?01:04
boss_mclucas: vdfuse is your friend apparently01:06
sparrWHow can I check/modify the DNS servers used on the ubuntu livecd?01:07
aeon-ltdhal: sorry for the late reply, but you're welcome01:07
halaeon-ltd: :)01:07
lucasboss_mc: Thanks! would it be possible to compile it as a module and insert it somehow on the initrd?01:08
sam-_-lucas, ah what?01:10
sam-_-lucas, if you want modules loaded at boottime use /etc/modules01:11
lucasin a nutshell I am trying to make a vhd of my ubuntu install... Just thinking about how to make it bootable01:12
lazarus_where whould i request to see an app in the USC01:14
ActionParsniplazarus_: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com  maybe01:14
lazarus_ActionParsnip: just because i think aptana should be01:15
boss_mclucas: vdfuse is a program, not a kernel module...01:15
londonmet050I am trying to write to my external ntfs drive01:15
londonmet050but I get input/output error01:15
lucasah, ok! Didn't realise that! Thanks anyway!01:16
londonmet050I do have ntfs-3g01:16
londonmet050ls -la /media/*01:16
londonmet050rwx for user01:17
londonmet050and none for group and others01:17
londonmet050how can i mount to make it writeable01:17
coleslawhey can someone tell me how i'd import a virtubalbox vdi from another user's ubuntu login?   it says access denied01:17
coleslawor permission denied01:18
dnivracoleslaw, i think you do not have permissions to access the vdi file?01:18
coleslawi imaging i have to do something with the vdi permissions file, but i dont kow what01:18
* skraito say hi all01:18
coleslawdnivra: i don't think so, do you know how i can get them?01:18
dnivracoleslaw, what does ls -l <vdifilename> say?01:19
coleslawi want to learn to make a file to where every user on the machine can access/edit it01:19
londonmet050any one01:19
coleslaw-rw------- 1 avery avery 1911595520 2010-12-18 18:40 Windows XP.vdi01:20
coleslawsays that01:20
dnivracoleslaw, notice "rw-------". it means only avery has read and write permissions.01:20
JeopardySholdenKlondonmet050 put all in one post01:20
coleslawi see01:20
dnivracoleslaw, that's weird; you're logged in as avery now?01:21
londonmet050JeopardySholdenK: ?01:21
coleslawi'd like to add user "jennifer" to it so she can hvae read/write access01:21
londonmet050JeopardySholdenK:  Trying to write to NTFS based external hd. But getting input/output error01:21
coleslawim logged into the account i used to create the virtual machine right now01:21
dnivracoleslaw, oh! i thought avery had problems accessing it. open up a terminal and run the command "chmod 666 Windows\ XP.vdi" without the quotes01:22
coleslawi have this sort of problem with all sorts of files.  i'd like to know how to change these permissions01:22
dnivracoleslaw, alternative, you can right click the file -> properties -> permissions.01:22
coleslawthanks :)01:23
coleslawwhat does chmod 666 mean01:23
JeopardySholdenKlondonmet: Does it say precisly that? --- Error message - please.01:23
dnivracoleslaw, no problem :)01:23
dnivra!permissions | coleslaw01:23
ubottucoleslaw: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions01:23
JeopardySholdenKlondonmet050: Does it say precisly that? --- Error message - please.01:23
coleslawcan i do that to any file i want people to be able to access01:23
cousteaucoleslaw, it changes the file permissions to the "evil" mode: read/write permissions for everybody01:23
dnivracoleslaw, do read the link ubottu gave you ^^01:24
coleslawi will, i bookmarked it01:24
coleslawthanks a lot guys01:24
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coleslawwhen i made this shared directory to put the virtual machine in, i did with typing 777 in the command to create it01:24
coleslawwhats that mean01:24
coleslawsomeone here said to to that01:24
dnivracoleslaw, as cousteau said 666 changes to "evil" mode: read/write access to everyone :).01:24
coleslawchmod = change mode or something i take it?01:25
dnivracoleslaw, yeah. do go through the link.01:25
coleslawok i will, thanks!01:25
coleslawapprecaite it01:25
cousteauowner-group-others; 4=read, 2=write, 1=execute; so read+write=6 and 666 means that the owner, group and others will have read-write permissions to it01:26
C00rethe number of the beast01:27
londonmet050JeopardySholdenK:  Error creating directory input/output error01:27
dnivracousteau, noticed coleslaw left just a little before that?01:29
cousteaudnivra, isn't it obvious that I didn't?01:29
metalmanalguém do brasil pode me recomendar uns canais, não uso o irc há uns 3 ou 4 anos... OBRIGADO01:29
dnivracousteau, i know; so pointing out :).01:30
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.01:30
nataventurahow do you uninstall linux from the desktop edition?01:31
JeopardySholdenKlondonmet050 is it so that You have been using Your external drive for so far so good in windows?01:31
londonmet050JeopardySholdenK: I am only used it with media player01:31
londonmet050and always copied from OSX01:32
londonmet050and then Ubuntu01:32
binkulahi JimmyJ01:33
binkulayou're not from chatjunkies by any chance are you?01:33
JeopardySholdenKlondonmet050 so you mean that You have just attached to Your current Ubuntu?01:33
londonmet050JeopardySholdenK: yes01:34
JeopardySholdenKlondonmet050 well...01:34
JeopardySholdenKlondonmet050 your drive is partly corrupted - Ubuntu tells it while others stay quiet. :)01:34
londonmet050So I have to earse it01:35
londonmet050what tools are there to repair the file system01:35
CensoredBiscuitLive CD01:35
CensoredBiscuitTrinty Rescue CD01:35
CensoredBiscuitpersonally I recommend Trinty Rescue CD01:36
JeopardySholdenKmemtest86+, badblocks, smartctl01:36
londonmet050well it repair without deleting stuff01:36
JeopardySholdenKlondonmet050 memtest86+, badblocks, smartctl01:36
londonmet050JeopardySholdenK: Well any of these repair without data being lost01:37
JeopardySholdenKlondonmet050 don't know :D01:37
JeopardySholdenKlondonmet050 perhaps you'll take some hit ;)01:37
londonmet050well I am just wondering01:38
londonmet050I can create new directories but sometimes it is yelling01:38
londonmet050So I take it as NTFS corrupted01:38
JeopardySholdenKLook this londonmet050: http://www.tuxera.com/community/ntfs-3g-faq/    --->>> What does the “I/O error” mean?01:39
londonmet050JeopardySholdenK: I tried to copy something it did01:39
swimhey, why is my theme always changing?01:40
* skraito say hi all01:40
londonmet050JeopardySholdenK:  Thanks01:40
aeon-ltdswim: more details01:42
JeopardySholdenKlondonmet050: np01:42
swimaeon-ltd idk, it seems like many times i restart my computer, the theme changes..  if i select a specific theme, then within the next couple boots, it'll change itself, and it will always have the custom selected in the themes selection app under system, preferences, appearance, themes01:43
londonmet050CensoredBiscuit: You think trinty rescue cd can reapir ntfs file system01:44
chills518I got wireless to connect but I have to run both "sudo modprobe lib8021" and "insmod wl.ko" every time I boot to get it to connect.  How can I make this a permanent change so it connects automatically on bootup?01:44
industry__chills518: you can add it to your init scripts01:44
CensoredBiscuitIt might personally I know of it. My professor recommends it, so Its worth a shot right?01:45
sam-_-chills518 put it in /etc/modules01:45
industry__i.e. crontab -e, add an entry called @reboot01:45
londonmet050CensoredBiscuit:  in school?01:45
sam-_-industry, why not /etc/modules01:46
sam-_-industry, much easier01:46
CensoredBiscuitI don't know alot of NTFS01:46
industry__yeah good point you have sam, it's because i forgot about that file01:46
chills518do I just add those two lines to the modules file?01:47
sam-_-chills518 yes. without the extension .ko01:47
chills518kk... will do it now and let you know.  thank you both for the input...01:48
sam-_-and put wl.ko in /lib/modules somewhere01:48
chills518do I need the sudo in from as well or just "modprobe lib8021" and "insmod wl.ko"?01:49
chills518*in front01:49
sam-_-chills518, no. just the name of module. no modprobe. no sudo01:50
forestbearhey guys01:51
forestbearcan someone check if something iswrong with my fstab file?01:51
spencer_hey guys, I need to know how to write a filder to an ISO01:51
CensoredBiscuithey forestbear welcome to #ubuntu01:51
sam-_-chills518, modprobe looks  in the module directory /lib/modules/`uname -r` for all the modules and other files,01:51
Jemtspencer_: Look up genisoimage01:51
CensoredBiscuitSpencer_ use Brasero01:51
CensoredBiscuitif your using ubuntu already that is01:52
sam-_-chills518, make sure wl.ko is stored somewhere in this dir01:52
spencer_checking brasero01:52
swimhey, does anybody know of an app that is like "startup disk creater" that I can install which will allow me to create boot usbs for OSs like debian, DSL, puppy and the likes???01:52
sam-_-chills518, you compiled wl.ko yourself right?01:52
greezmunkeyJemt: Hadn't heard of that one, thanks :)01:52
spencer_censoredbiscuit I'm modifying a boot disc, will that still let me make it a boot disc?01:52
chills518yeah.  I downloaded it from a page and went through the "make" process if that is what you are meaning.. this is all kind of new to me...01:53
spencer_censoredbiscuit aww yeeaa thanks a ton man01:53
CensoredBiscuitI use it to burn copies of ubuntu all the time Spencer_01:53
CensoredBiscuitNo worries thats what i'm here fore01:53
forestbearcuz I can't boot into ubuntu01:53
greezmunkeyswim: You could take a look around at bootdisk.com for some ideas.01:54
forestbearin particular i noticed that when it says "ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/xxxx doesn't exist!", the entire /dev/disk/by-uuid folder doesn't exist01:54
swimcool, thanks01:54
aoanyone know how to adjust screen resolution in ubuntu 9.04 beyond what is listed in system preferences display?01:54
forestbearso if anyone could help tha would be great :D01:54
greezmunkeyforestbear: what error do you get on boot?01:58
forestbeargreezmunkey: "ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/xxxx doesn't exist!"01:59
sam-_-ao, are you sure your hardware supports it?01:59
greezmunkeyforestbear: you should be able to run sudo blkid to see the uuids available01:59
=== root is now known as Guest5813
aosam: not sure... how can i check?02:01
JeopardySholdenKSee you later alligators! ;)02:02
Jordan_Uforestbear: That most likely means that none of your partitions are being recognized. /dev/disk/by-uuid/ only exists when there are entries to go in it.02:02
forestbeargreezmunkey: the uuids are correct02:02
forestbearjordan_u: how do i fix that?02:02
Guest5813boa noite?02:03
error_203jordan_U: are u a chess player02:03
Jordan_U!ot | error_20302:03
ubottuerror_203: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:03
londonmet050CensoredBiscuit: Thanks for info02:03
Jordan_Uforestbear: Has Ubuntu ever worked on this machine?02:04
CensoredBiscuitsomeone say something just before I cleared my screen to mee02:04
CensoredBiscuitwhat was it?02:04
forestbearjordan_u: yes for a long time02:04
Jordan_U18:05 < londonmet050> CensoredBiscuit: Thanks for info02:04
forestbearjordan_u: only recently it stopped02:05
aeon-ltdCensoredBiscuit: "LONDONMET050: CENSOREDBISCUIT: Thanks for info"02:05
Jordan_Uforestbear: Does it work if you select an older kernel?02:05
CensoredBiscuitlondonmet050 sorry I couldnt help more, just knew the names of things that Might help02:05
greezmunkeyJordan_U: so should he force a fsck an see what it finds? Or will that even work?02:05
londonmet050CensoredBiscuit: Every little bit helps02:05
forestbearJordan_U: I actually removed the older entries from my grub boot list thing.... :/02:06
Jordan_Ugreezmunkey: I expect that it's a problem with missing/broken drivers in the initrd.02:06
CryptoSechey I was wondering if I can use the 10.04 amd64 bit CD I just downloaded to install it on my Intel processor? or is it only for AMD base processors?02:07
greezmunkeyJordan_U: forestbear how did you edit grub?02:07
Jordan_UCryptoSec: Yes, Intel uses the AMD64 architecture.02:07
forestbeargreezmunkey: using the kubuntu startup editor thing (though I use ubuntu, not kubuntu)02:07
CensoredBiscuithey guys how can I set permission for a partition that is empty?02:08
CensoredBiscuitand unmounted02:08
chills518sam-_-:  I put both "lib80211" and "wl" into the modules file and after reboot it was still not auto connecting.  strange..02:08
CensoredBiscuitat any specfic location02:08
industry__ you mount it, then you set permissions. then unmount it.02:09
CryptoSecgood to know... but why don't they just label it ubuntu 64-bit   instead of AMD64... I can see it confusing a lot of people...02:10
CensoredBiscuitdo i have to login as root to do that industry_?02:10
industry__it's called amd because amd made up the instruction set, i think02:10
sam-_-chills518, did you copy you wl file into the modules dir02:10
industry__andyes, you have to be root02:10
itaylor57CryptoSec: historical thing made made for amd first02:10
cardona507does ubuntu come with a .bashrc file out of the box? and if so where may I find it? thanks02:11
CensoredBiscuitindustry so that requires unlocking my root02:11
sam-_-chills518, you may have to run "sudo depod -a" after that02:11
sam-_-chills518, you may have to run "sudo depmod -a" after that02:11
industry__are you locked out?02:11
chills518it is in "/lib/modules/2.6.35-23-generic/kernel/net/wireless"  will this not work?02:11
Jordan_UCryptoSec: Intel had a 64 bit only (could not run 32 bit code) architecture before AMD came up with an architecture that was backwards compatible. Though that's mostly history now, so I agree just "64 bit" might be better.02:11
CensoredBiscuitindustry_ I keep it locked02:11
lacycan someone help me connect my ubuntu server to a windows share?02:11
greezmunkeyforestbear: look in /etc/default/grub are there any backup grub files evident?02:11
cardona507CensoredBiscuit: yes?02:11
CryptoSecalso the netbook isn't particularly for my thinkpad notebook? correct? I should be okay with the Desktop version02:12
CensoredBiscuitGo to home/user/ then go to view > hidden items and then look for .bashrc02:12
itaylor57Jordan_U: better explaination than mine :>)02:12
sam-_-chills518, run "sudo depmod -a" then try modprobe wl. what does it say?02:12
CensoredBiscuitunless you want the root on02:12
CensoredBiscuitthen go to root and do the same02:12
cardona507how do I view hidden items from the command line?02:12
Jordan_Ugreezmunkey: Settings for update-grub are stored in /etc/default/grub, actual entries are stored in /boot/grub/grub.cfg.02:12
itaylor57CryptoSec: desktop will work fine02:12
CensoredBiscuitthey should already show02:13
Jordan_Ucardona507: ls -a02:13
lacyI am getting an error that says mount error(127): Key has expired when I try to mount the share02:13
itaylor57CryptoSec: running desktop on a 13 inch02:13
chills518no results after modprobe wl... hmmm02:13
sam-_-chills518, it says nothing. then everything is fine02:14
greezmunkeyJordan_U: I'm on shaky ground, but was asking him to see if the tool he used to edit grub may have made a copy of the original.02:14
CryptoSecJordan_U: I agree.. hey ... everything that I have is in AMD.... first time bought an Intel base processor... but for an average person visiting the web site I think just displaying "ubantu-64bit.iso" makes a lot more sense...02:14
sam-_-chills518, try rebooting now02:14
chills518sounds good... brb... thank you02:14
CryptoSecI actually have w500 with a real good graphics card...  I made sure of that....02:14
itaylor57CryptoSec: you will be more happy with desktop of netbook unity02:15
greezmunkeyforestbear: did you see Jordan_U's response about /boot/grub/grub.cfg ? Look in /boot/grub to see if there is a backup file.02:15
CryptoSecwhat-a!  is there Bot in freenode?02:16
Jordan_UCryptoSec: There is a bug report about that here if you want to look at the reasoning given for keeping things the way they are: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/32237202:16
cardona507is getting auto completion on tab from bash something that I would put in .bashrc?02:16
=== Enissay__ is now known as Enissay
aeon-ltdcardona507: no its a built in function to have tab-completion02:16
forestbeargreezmunkey, jordan_u: I have a backup, seems quite old though, from when I updated from 9.0402:17
cardona507i created a linode ubuntu last night and hte .bashrc file that it came with is workable - today i am working on a boss's server and his .bashrc file is the same as my other one but it isn't taking effect02:17
Jordan_UCryptoSec: Sorry, after loading the entire page (bad connection on my end) I see that bug report isn't very usefull.02:17
itaylor57cardona507: its a part of standard bash02:17
chills518sam-_-:  worked perfect!  thank you very much!!02:17
lacyI'm using the command: sudo mount -t cifs //server-ip/foldershare/ -o username=Guest,password= /home/user/folder02:17
cardona507is there any reason it wouldn't be happening?02:17
greezmunkeyforestbear: yeah, I would tell you to use that one.02:17
CryptoSecis there a freenode bot?? what's going on here I guess freenode is turning into yahoo-chat02:17
greezmunkeyforestbear: I meant to type not use that one!!!02:17
forestbeargreezmunkey: okay I'll try it02:17
sam-_-chills518, sure np02:17
jnorhow can i have secure read write access to my ext4 partitions in Windows?02:17
greezmunkeyforestbear: no!02:18
Jordan_Uforestbear: How did you remove the older kernels?02:18
Shadowjedi01Hi there02:18
Shadowjedi01are any of you ubuntu guru's?02:18
greezmunkeyforestbear:  there sould have been a "'nt" at the end of "would"...02:18
Shadowjedi01I'm having issues with my Evolution client02:19
industry__ as far as i know, thereis no way to access a extzf from windows02:19
itaylor57Shadowjedi01: we are willing helpers here02:19
Shadowjedi01anyone care to give me a hand02:19
cardona507i feel like this bash is crippled - I wonder whats up?02:19
forestbearJordan_U: with the kubuntu startup editor thing, I don't think that's the problem though as it booted fine for a while even after I changed the menu02:19
greezmunkeyforestbear: so, there is a grub.cfg file present?02:19
CryptoSecJordan_U: thanks for the inquiry02:19
luneth95anyone know how to fix (process:346): GLib-WARNING **: getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0) error?02:19
itaylor57Shadowjedi01: whats the probleim02:19
cardona507it's won't even auto complete with tab02:19
chills518sam-_-: if I make changes the modules file do I need to run the depmod -a each time?02:19
industry__oh wow, i mean ext402:19
sam-_-jnor, what do you mean by secure?02:19
Shadowjedi01hold on let me open it up02:19
cardona507there are no colors - its all black and white02:19
cardona507yet the .bashrc file is the same as my other ubuntu02:19
sam-_-chills518, no02:19
forestbeargreezmunkey: nope, in /boot/grub there is no grub.cfg file02:20
sam-_-chills518, but if you update your kernel you have to rebuild wl.ko and run depmod again02:20
Shadowjedi01unable to authenticate imap server02:20
industry__cardona, you are probably using dash, not bash. check to see wha shell you're running02:20
Shadowjedi01I've been trying to sync it with my gmail all day and I'm about to rip out my hair02:20
jnorsam-_-: before when I had access to my ext2 partitions from windows, I had always mandatory disk check at linux boot02:20
greezmunkeyforestbear: booting my buntu box now.02:21
itaylor57Shadowjedi01: checking02:21
=== Sazpaimon_ is now known as Sazpaimon
Jordan_Uforestbear: Do you have more than one vmlinuz-2.6.* file in /boot/?02:21
jnorsam-_-: I want a software that wouldn't harm my ext4 partition02:21
chills518sam-_-: kk... thanks...02:21
luneth95um hello?  can someone help me with (process:346): GLib-WARNING **: getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0) error02:21
luneth95it wont even let me get to the desktop02:21
Sazpaimonso I made a USB image of ubuntu using the universal USB installer, but when I try to boot it on my laptop, it says "SYSLINUX" with the version info and just reboots02:22
Shadowjedi01I never knew this IRC resource was available to me before02:22
rwwCryptoSec: the FloodBots are used by #ubuntu to help prevent spam. They're not freenode-owned.02:22
Jordan_USazpaimon: What OS did you create the USB from and what version of Ubuntu were you putting on the USB?02:22
Shadowjedi01this kicks the shit out of browsing throng the forums02:22
=== tales is now known as deusr
bl01zkAre there any software packages on Ubuntu that will let me wireless into a computer that is ran in terminal?02:23
=== tales_ is now known as deusr
nit-witShadowjedi01, it has its limitations02:23
Shadowjedi01such as?02:23
forestbearjordan_u: yes, many02:23
Shadowjedi01well I don't expect any of you to compile a whole new distro for me02:23
* KM0201 has a massive headache02:24
luneth95ummmmm hello??? any person gonna help me with my problem?02:24
itaylor57Shadowjedi01: http://wazem.blogspot.com/2007/10/hot-to-configure-imap-on-evolution-and.html02:24
SazpaimonJordan_U, windows 7 for the first one, let me get back to you for the second question, I made it a while ago02:24
luneth95is pissed off no one will help02:24
CryptoSecrww: oh that makes sense.... good idea... but wouldn't naming it SpamBlocker would a lot better and less alarming?  just an idea...02:24
Shadowjedi01I'll check it out02:24
Shadowjedi01thanks taylor02:24
Sazpaimonyou know what, I may as well just make one from scratch again02:24
Jordan_U!patience | luneth9502:24
ubottuluneth95: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/02:24
MeXiOuShi everyone, just wondering if there are any asterisk gurus here?02:24
luneth95oh ok02:24
SazpaimonI'm trying to boot this on a pavilion ZE5500 i found by a dumpster02:24
rwwCryptoSec: They're bots that stop floods. The floods happen to be mostly spam (and confused new users) ;)02:24
Sazpaimonwill ubuntu support the oldass hardware on this, notably the wireless02:25
nit-witShadowjedi01, a really complex proble some times at the least needs to be done in a dialogue that may include pastebin text and pictures. Also just a lot of help that is sketchy, a person has to know when there help is not helping.02:25
Sazpaimonhttp://bizsupport1.austin.hp.com/bizsupport/TechSupport/Document.jsp?objectID=c00047498&lang=en&cc=us&taskId=101&prodSeriesId=367703&prodTypeId=321957 here's the spec page02:25
lexvegasDoes anyone know if i can transfer my GPG/PGP key to multiple computers by just copying the directory it is in under my home folder?02:25
Shadowjedi01nit, I totally understand what you mean02:25
metrixis there a way to boot a windows partition from grub that isn't in the grub list?02:25
industry__lexvegas: try it out and tell us02:26
CryptoSecrww: true... I give you that one...02:26
error_203what is tree command stands for?02:26
nit-witShadowjedi01, good group of people though we all fail at times. ;)02:26
dw-lexvegas: wouldnt that overwrite your keyring02:26
CryptoSecrww: smart idea...02:26
Jordan_Umetrix: Yes, but usually if update-grub doesn't find a windows installation it's because it's not actually bootable (missing its system partition for example).02:26
Shadowjedi01I just want to give back to the community02:26
greezmunkeyforestbear: can you paste /boot/grub/grub.cfg to paste.ubuntu.com please02:26
Shadowjedi01I have been using ubuntu for about 2 years now02:26
dw-lexvegas: make a backup. verify the backup.02:26
Shadowjedi01and I am fairly good02:26
Shadowjedi01but not a pro by any measure02:26
lexvegasindustry__, the problem is that i need to reinstall, but i only have one computer that i can test on.02:27
itaylor57Shadowjedi01: glad it worked02:27
lexvegasdw-, can i use keyring to do that?02:27
Jordan_Uforestbear: Make that your /boot/grub/menu.lst.02:27
Shadowjedi01itaylor57, I tried configuring it to pop earlier and it gave me the same message02:27
metrixJordan_u the problem is I can't get grub to work on my laptop, even after re-installing.. so  I wanted to run it directly from a usb grub02:27
Jordan_Ugreezmunkey: forestbear is using grub legacy.02:27
dw-lexvegas: just backup anything you overwrite by making a proper copy of all the hidden files02:27
industry__ah. but you should still backup your keys, then einstall.02:27
lexvegasdw-, alright sounds good02:27
greezmunkeyJordan_U: ah, I guess I missed that, I'l beg off.02:28
Jordan_Umetrix: What problem are you having with grub specifically?02:28
User51can somebody help me with a small question?02:28
ActionParsnipask away User5102:28
Jordan_Ugreezmunkey: He never said it explicitly, I just assumed that from the lack of a /boot/grub/grub.cfg.02:28
Shadowjedi01itaylor57, but there is lots of good info in this blog you gave me02:28
forestbeargreezmunkey, jordan_u:02:28
itaylor57Shadowjedi01: overall evolution has worked forme02:29
MeXiOuSdoes anyone know how to fix this error in asterisk loaded to ubuntu? "app_playback.c: ast_streamfile failed on SIP/ for custom" "No such file or directory"02:29
User51i want to know how to get the addres bar like in Windos example D:/Documents/123/02:29
Shadowjedi01itaylor57, yea I had it set up with my hotmail account but then I want away to army basic and forgot my password  so I had to start an entirely new account02:29
Shadowjedi01and with my hotmail account it worked fine02:29
Jordan_Uforestbear: Are you familiar with the "chroot" command?02:30
forestbearjordan_u: is that similar to chown?02:30
metrixjordan_u: after running my Windows 7 partition grub is destroyed (possibly a virus? I've scanned several times, can't find anything) I had to re-install grub.. after it is re-installed, my Toshiba nb205 hangs where grub loads.02:30
itaylor57Shadowjedi01: ex air force (dont hold it againstme )02:30
ActionParsnipUser51: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146024202:30
Shadowjedi01itaylor57, Officer or Enlisted?02:30
Jordan_Uforestbear: No. It's a way of running commands from a system you're not booted into, as if you were. (changes the apparent root directory).02:30
XshoppyXUser51: You are going to have to use the congif-editor and change a value in there to show the location bar02:31
itaylor57Shadowjedi01: officer (ICBMs)02:31
Jordan_Uforestbear: Where is your Ubuntu partition mounted currently? (If you don't know, look at or pastebin the output of "mount")02:31
Shadowjedi01itaylor57: SICK!02:31
Shadowjedi01itaylor57: what rank did you end @?02:32
itaylor57Shadowjedi01: Capt02:32
forestbearjordan_u: sda4 i think02:32
forestbearif that's what you mean02:32
Jordan_U!ot | Shadowjedi01 itaylor5702:32
ubottuShadowjedi01 itaylor57: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:32
Shadowjedi01I understand, sorry for the chatter02:32
Shadowjedi01it originally started as a tech ?02:32
itaylor57Jordan_U: my bad02:32
greezmunkeyforestbear: paste the output of the "mount" command02:32
Jordan_Uforestbear: No, that's the device name. The mount point is the directory through which you can access the files on that partition.02:33
ActionParsnipUser51: np bro02:33
forestbearJordan_U, Greezmunkey: oh it's not currently mounted, I am on a dual-booted windows right now02:33
Joordanhello, someone can helpme with iptables rules?02:33
Jordan_Uforestbear: Do you have a LiveCD you can boot from?02:34
lexvegasdw-, http://irtfweb.ifa.hawaii.edu/~lockhart/gpg/gpg-cs.html outlines a better way (Export and import again). Thought you might like to see02:34
dw-lexvegas: sweet02:35
forestbearjordan_u: yes I do, but it's 9.04 if that matters02:35
lacycan anyone tell me what 'Key has expired' means when mounting a windows share on ubuntu?02:35
ActionParsnipforestbear: jaunty is dead dude02:36
forestbearactionparsnip: i simply haven't made a livecd in a while02:36
ActionParsnipforestbear: thats cool, I suggest you get at least karmic but preferably Lucid as it'd LTS02:37
r00t4rd3dlacy have you set your windows password in uac to expire ?02:38
Blue1ActionParsnip: I may go back to 10.04 --02:38
ActionParsnipBlue1: its very mature now :)02:38
Blue1ActionParsnip: indeed --02:38
Jordan_Uforestbear: Can you be on IRC and at the grub prompt at the same time (i.e. with another computer)?02:38
lacyr00t4rd3d, no I have not -do I need to do that?02:39
r00t4rd3dlogin into windows and make sure the pass is still good02:39
Jordan_Uforestbear: If not, can you access your Ubuntu partition from windows?02:39
forestbearJordan_U: if it's possible to accomplish in windows I'd prefer that02:40
forestbearand yes I can access the partiion02:40
Jordan_Uforestbear: Ok, can you pastebin the list of files in /boot/?02:40
luneth95anyone to help me?02:40
lacyr00t4rd3d, ok, will do, brb02:41
=== randy is now known as Guest18996
ActionParsnipluneth95: without asking a question, no02:41
FishFaceluneth95: Ask the question and someone may answer02:41
Jordan_Ur00t4rd3d: Please change your nick to something less offensive.02:42
Iron_Chefis there a window manager best suited to a media cantre?02:44
ActionParsnipIron_Chef: i'd just use xbmc and be done02:44
r00t4rd3dwhat ?02:44
r00t4rd3dabsolutely not02:44
FishFaceUh boy02:44
r00t4rd3dive been on freenode longer then you been alive02:44
Jordan_Ur00t4rd3d: Anything you want as long as it's apropriate.02:44
ActionParsnipIron_Chef: use a light desktop like XFCE, then run xbmc02:44
r00t4rd3dwith this same nick02:44
Iron_ChefActionParsnip: cheers, sounds like a plan02:45
Iron_ChefActionParsnip: just one other thing, xbmc doesn't come up in the standard repos, is it a pain to install?02:45
Iron_Chef(on lucid)02:46
CensoredBiscuitr00t4rd3d, nice.02:46
luneth95someone help me with (process:346): GLib-WARNING **: getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0) error at boot of ubuntu 10.10.02:46
r00t4rd3dRegistered : Jan 10 15:40:00 2005 (5 years, 49 weeks, 0 days, 11:06:26 ago)02:46
=== sam---___---- is now known as sam-_-
r00t4rd3dheh , you change your nick02:46
numberzanyone know how to traces a permission denied error when ther perms are 777?02:46
sam-_-numberz, more information would be nice02:47
Jordan_Ur00t4rd3d: That unfortunately doesn't change the fact that your nick is not apropriate for this channel? Do you want to discuss this further in #ubuntu-ops?02:47
numberzsam-_-: it02:47
lcd15000hello all02:48
numberzsam-_-: it's a config error in ushare. the share in question is /random which is 777 root root but it just says can't start server permission denied on share02:48
SlothPandaIs there a way to start a program -- say Evolution -- in a minimized state?02:48
lacyr00t4rd3d, yes, it was a password issue, thank you very much!02:49
r00t4rd3dnp lacy02:49
numberzplease don't pm me without asking02:50
numberzif you want to help chat in here02:50
Texashello room any gamers in here?Looking for a good game to play up for suggestions02:50
PeterFabinskiMblpeterfabinski: hi back02:50
sam-_-numberz, how are you trying to access the file?02:51
EnigmaticCoderTexas: The machinarium demo is good02:51
luneth95can someone help me out with a ubuntu startup error?02:51
sam-_-numberz, why not pm if you don't mind me asking?02:51
ActionParsnipIron_Chef: no, it's quite easy02:51
ubottuluneth95: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:51
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.02:52
forestbearJordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/545448/02:52
lcd15000wondering your thoughs on LVM vs XFS, currently have a file server serving up smb shares, data is scattered across 3 drives 1TB, 1.5TB and 2TB, im thinking LVM to make one volume of the 3 disks but not sure if that is the best way to go about things...02:52
purpwhats a good virtual cd/dvd .iso mounter for ubuntu?02:52
ActionParsnipIron_Chef: http://www.unixmen.com/linux-distributions/4-ubuntu/996-install-xbmc-media-center-on-ubuntu-1004-lucid-lynx02:52
lcd15000whats up luneth95?02:52
luneth95(process:346): GLib-WARNING **: getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0)02:52
luneth95I have that error and I cant even get to the desktop02:53
ActionParsnipIron_Chef: it has a maverick folder too ;)02:53
Jordan_Uluneth95: Are you trying to log in as root?02:53
dw-purp: evolution, right click -> archive mount02:53
sam-_-numberz, so and why do you find it rude?02:53
luneth95no I set to autologon as my acc I made02:53
Osakahello :)02:53
lcd15000@purp you can mount iso files with the mount command02:53
sam-_-numberz, sry for my ignorance but i really don't understand02:54
luneth95 Jordan_U: I got tired of loging in as live use so I made my acc and set to autologon to the new acc02:54
purpcool beans...02:54
ActionParsnippurp: sudo mkdir /media/iso ; sudo mount -o loop /path/to/file.iso /media/iso    Linux has had this functionality for AGES, windows needs 3rd party apps because it is very lacking02:54
ActionParsnippurp: in that command, all you need to do is change the file.iso name and path, you can then use the same mount point for future mounts of iso files02:55
Etreusbuenos dias... hay algun canal para español... soy de paraguay...02:55
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.02:55
purpgotcha..appreciate that...02:55
iceswordwhat doyou mean by very lacking?02:55
purpdidn't realize it was that easy02:55
purpright click or the mounting option02:56
ActionParsnippurp: np, simple things lad. There are nautilus scripts which allow you to mount and unmount in nautilus but I dont use gui much for that sort of jazz02:56
pokirI've used windows all my life, is it worth it/will it be hard to switch to ubuntu? i realize i won't be able to play as many games but is that the only downside? ... and on the game note is there any kind of VM or something I could use to run games?02:56
r00t4rd3dpokir, wine02:56
EnigmaticCoderpokir: Or you could dual boot and use Windows only for games02:56
ActionParsnippokir: depends on the individual02:57
ActionParsnippokir: depends what games02:57
r00t4rd3danything with punkbuster and your beat02:57
ActionParsnippokir: virtualisation will run games pretty poorly02:57
ActionParsnipr00t4rd3d: urbanterror uses it as far as I remember02:57
EnigmaticCoderpokir: Ubuntu isn't too hard, in my opinion. You can use it almost like it is Windows, if you want. My parents use it and they aren't very computer literate. I help them if anything goes wrong, however02:58
PeterFabinskiMblActionParsnip, pm me02:58
sam-_-can someone explain to me why some people find it rude to pm them without asking them first? honest question02:58
PeterFabinskiMblsam-_-, i dont02:59
r00t4rd3dother people can benefit from your q/a too02:59
EnigmaticCodersam-_-: I've heard someone say that they don't like another blinking tab on top of all the other tabs they have open. I don't mind it though02:59
luneth95ummm poiple?02:59
luneth95how do I change wo I logon as?03:00
luneth95because I'm stuck at (process:346): GLib-WARNING **: getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0)03:00
r00t4rd3dsu name03:00
PeterFabinskiMblr00t4rd3d, i guess so03:00
luneth95is that the command?03:00
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luneth95su name?03:00
=== feanor is now known as feanor2
r00t4rd3dum i dont think su will help with that error03:01
feanor2how to install mandriva03:01
wedwo-sam-_-, if you arrived here looking for help and found everyone busy in PM sessions and not answering you you'd be irked. And then the "support" part of this chanel would cease to exist.03:01
lcd15000no thoughs on LVM vs XFW?03:01
feanor2s rmp in debian?03:01
luneth95then what might help with that error?03:01
sam-_-wedwo-, i didn't think of that03:02
pokirso it wouldn't be too hard to replace windows then?  everything I've seen from people at college it looked really complex and problems are hard to figure out but maybe thats just because I've never used it before03:02
Te3-BloodyIronhey, I'm trying to restart my X session as it's frozen, but restarting GDM hasn't done anything and I can't find a useful pid to kill. what can i do besides rebooting?03:02
ActionParsnipTe3-BloodyIron: ALT+K+PrintScreen03:02
EnigmaticCoderpokir: Why replace windows instead of dual booting?03:02
ActionParsnippokir: probably inexperience making it look hard, its simple03:03
feanor2pokir, try wubi, it's the best method by far03:03
Te3-BloodyIronActionParsnip: what does that do?03:03
ActionParsnipTe3-BloodyIron: restarts the X server03:03
PeterFabinskiMblis there a way to see 2 OSes at the same time03:03
Te3-BloodyIronany way i can do this through ssh?03:03
EnigmaticCoderPeterFabinskiMbl: What do you mean see 2 OSes?03:04
ActionParsnipTe3-BloodyIron: kill GDM will do it03:04
r00t4rd3dluneth95, your using an old version of a live cd ?03:04
Te3-BloodyIroni tried t.t03:04
Te3-BloodyIronany other ways?03:04
feanor2how to know what installed package size is?03:04
EnigmaticCoderPeterFabinskiMbl: You can view files on two OSes at the same time03:04
lcd15000PeterFabinskiMbi: sure, but in what context?03:04
sam-_-Te3-BloodyIron, did you sudo restart gdm?03:04
pokirEnigmaticCoder: I usually just leave my computer running until it crashes... was just hoping to find something more stable I guess03:04
ubottudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.03:05
Te3-BloodyIronsam-_-: i didn't sudo, i logged in as root, i know i know :P03:05
Te3-BloodyIronalt k prscr did not reboot x :(03:05
Te3-BloodyIroner restart03:05
luneth95r00t4rd3d: no I'm using ubuntu 10.10 on a usb03:05
sam-_-Te3-BloodyIron, you need to be on the tty where x is on03:06
iceswordctrl alt f703:06
Te3-BloodyIronyeah i have physical access03:06
Te3-BloodyIronbut im also trying to figure out a way to do it through ssh03:06
EnigmaticCoderpokir: It's up to you, but I'd personally keep both OSes until I tried Ubuntu for about a month or two to see if it's easy enough for me to use03:06
PeterFabinskiMblEnigmaticCoder, like linux and another os and see both03:06
Te3-BloodyIronas this happens kind of often recently :/03:06
r00t4rd3dluneth95, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1443231&page=1803:06
r00t4rd3d"Seems, just updating to the latest version of plymouth fixes things."03:06
sam-_-Te3-BloodyIron, 'k' Secure Access Key (SAK) Kills all programs on the current virtual console.03:06
r00t4rd3dI have no idea how to do that though :/03:06
sam-_-Te3-BloodyIron, http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/45703:06
EnigmaticCoderPeterFabinskiMbl: I'm not sure what you mean by SEE. Do you mean view Windows and Linux files at the same time?03:07
Te3-BloodyIronwell that doesn't do it i'm afraid :/03:07
r00t4rd3dmaybe try updating plymouth03:07
luneth95r00t4rd3d: thanks gonna try it out03:07
ActionParsnipPeterFabinskiMbl: Ubuntu can read and write NTFS, Windows can only read ext2 and ext3 with help from extra software03:07
sam-_-Te3-BloodyIron, if this doesn't work your system has crashed.03:08
Te3-BloodyIronsam-_-: but i can ssh into it?03:08
sam-_-Te3-BloodyIron, then sysreq have to work03:08
r00t4rd3dluneth95, have you updated your system since install ?03:08
Te3-BloodyIronwell, it hasnt :/03:08
PeterFabinskiMbllike running 2 computers at the same time, but only one computer? like a vm?03:08
sam-_-Te3-BloodyIron, i don't suppose you run a custom kernel?03:08
Te3-BloodyIroni run the kernel provided for mythbuntu03:09
Te3-BloodyIronand whatever updates it receives03:09
OsakaHow can I work out which /dev/* is my DVD drive? for some reason dvd is not it :/ lol I'm trying to use dd to copy it to my HDD03:09
sam-_-Te3-BloodyIron, then your doing sth. wrong03:09
ActionParsnipOsaka: sudo lshw -C drive03:09
Te3-BloodyIronwell, i dont know what that might be03:09
EnigmaticCoderI probably wouldn't use this, but is it possible to have a GUI open on one monitor and a text terminal open on the second?03:09
ActionParsnipsam-_-: i'd go with logging on as root being the wrong bit03:09
Te3-BloodyIronit seems to happen at random, but usually after longer periods of time03:09
EnigmaticCoderby text terminal I mean like alt + f103:09
sam-_-Te3-BloodyIron, alt + sysreq + k. try it again :-)03:10
Te3-BloodyIronand it only started doing it the last few months03:10
Te3-BloodyIronno dice03:10
Te3-BloodyIronill try some other keyboards03:10
sam-_-ActionParsnip, :-)03:10
luneth95 r00t4rd3d: no I hav'nt03:11
r00t4rd3dya do that03:11
Te3-BloodyIronno dice :(T03:11
sam-_-Te3-BloodyIron, oh yeah. the key may not work. but sysreqs are the last thing that stop working03:11
r00t4rd3dSystem , Admin , Update Manager03:11
luneth95 r00t4rd3d: acnt even get to the desktop03:11
luneth95 r00t4rd3d: how am I supposed to update if I cant acess desktop03:11
Te3-BloodyIronsam-_-: well, anyways, do you have any suggestions what could be causing this crashing?03:12
zettermy taskbar disappeared after autohide and doesnt show again03:12
zetterthis is troubling me03:12
Te3-BloodyIronsam-_-: because i can't find any suggestive feedback as to what could be doing it03:12
sam-_-Te3-BloodyIron, check the log files03:12
Te3-BloodyIronsam-_-: yeah i know, but so much logs, i dont know which ones i should check first03:12
sam-_-Te3-BloodyIron, what does crashing mean exactly. does x freeze?03:13
Te3-BloodyIronthis situation03:13
Te3-BloodyIronwhere X has become unresponsive03:13
Te3-BloodyIronbut i can still ssh into it03:13
EnigmaticCoderIs there a keystroke to open a new bash terminal?03:13
FloodBot1Te3-BloodyIron: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:13
Te3-BloodyIronand it appears dameons and other htings work in the background03:13
ActionParsnipTe3-BloodyIron: if you log on as your user you will have fewer issues03:13
sam-_-Te3-BloodyIron, then these files /var/log/Xorg*03:13
PeterFabinskiMblEnigmaticCoder, use both monitors as 1 desktop: the gui on one and a terminal on the other03:13
moszerhello, i'm trying to use this keyboard+mouse(combo), it is connected not via bluetooth, it's a prolink 2.4ghz, i guess its using wireless transmitter, can anyone help how to enable it in my ubuntu? pls, im desperate03:13
zetteri wasnt kidding, my taskbar disappeared03:14
johnyhdualboot system (from Wubi), after upgrade (of kernel)? it does not start - GRUB stops booting with error: no such device: <some UUID>  grub rescue>   How to fix that?03:14
r00t4rd3dlogin with failsafe apt-get update all from term ?03:14
zetterand i dont know how to get it back03:14
r00t4rd3dim guessing03:14
ActionParsnip!panelreset | zetter03:14
ubottuzetter: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »03:14
mhfshey guys ... I wrote a init.d script to start a custom service and it's working ok, but the service is running as the root user. how can I make it run with a different user?03:14
greezmunkeyEnigmaticCoder: Don't think so, but "gnome-terminal" should spawn another one.03:14
Jordan_Uforestbear: Add this entry to the end of your /boot/grub/menu.lst and try booting with it: http://pastebin.com/spYaRBD903:14
r00t4rd3derr sudo apt-get update should work03:14
ActionParsnipmoszer: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-setup-bluetooth-keyboard-and-mouse-in-ubuntu.html03:15
OsakaActionParsnip: nothing came up but I think when I ran it without the -class parameter it listed the logical names for it as /dev/cdrom03:15
Te3-BloodyIronActionParsnip: come again? i don't login as root locally03:15
ActionParsnipOsaka: try: sudo lshw -C disk  then03:15
luneth95 r00t4rd3d: how do you login as failsafe?03:15
ActionParsnipTe3-BloodyIron: good03:15
r00t4rd3dwhen you system boots you see a menu of choices ?03:15
Te3-BloodyIronActionParsnip: i'm just sshing in as root to administrate03:15
anilhow to format pen drive in ubentu ?03:15
EnigmaticCodergreezmunkey: Actually I just found it. Ctrl + Alt + T03:15
moszerActionParsnip: it is not connected via bluetooth, i have to scanning it, nothing03:15
ActionParsnipTe3-BloodyIron: not hugely secure but ok03:15
luneth95 r00t4rd3d: yes I do03:16
moszerActionParsnip: http://www.prolink2u.com/new/products/index.php?cid=10603:16
r00t4rd3done should be listed as failsafe and bring you to prompt maybe03:16
greezmunkeyEnigmaticCoder: nice!03:16
OsakaActionParsnip: that worked thank you XD03:16
Te3-BloodyIronActionParsnip: yeah yeah :P03:16
luneth95I have run from usb03:16
sam-_-mhfs, su?03:16
luneth95install to hd03:16
luneth95test memory03:17
sam-_-mhfs, su <username>03:17
EnigmaticCoderDoes anyone use mouseless firefox browsing? Can you browse as quickly as if you used a mouse?03:17
luneth95and advanced options03:17
Te3-BloodyIronhave you guys ever seen the fglrx driver cause these kind of issues?03:17
r00t4rd3drun from usb03:17
sam-_-EnigmaticCoder, i doubt it :-)03:17
PeterFabinskiMblEnigmaticCoder, whats that?03:17
rwwTe3-BloodyIron: fglrx is rather crap, so yes03:17
luneth95 r00t4rd3d: I did that03:17
Te3-BloodyIronrww: yeah but i need it for what i want to do03:17
r00t4rd3dluneth95, you have working windows installed ?03:17
luneth95I get the splash screen03:17
mhfssam-_-: yeah ... so obvious but I haven't thought of it. was expecting some fancy way to specify the user. thanks dude.03:17
r00t4rd3dinstall ubuntu with wubi03:18
r00t4rd3dfrom windows03:18
r00t4rd3dit will install ubuntu like a program kinda03:18
EnigmaticCoderPeterFabinskiMbl: Mouseless browsing lets you select links with a hotkey and a number03:18
=== Osaka is now known as OsakaFoo
r00t4rd3dwhen you boot will give you an option , windows or ubuntu03:19
EnigmaticCoderPeterFabinskiMbl: It might be more elaborate than that, but I think you get the point03:19
ActionParsnipmhfs: create a scipt with the stuff you want to run, then use the init script to run:  su - foo -c script    change foo to the name of the user and script to the script name (I suggest using absolute paths)03:19
moszeranyone pls, kindly help me03:19
forestbearjordan_u: ok i'll be back in a bit03:19
luneth95 r00t4rd3d: I'm using desktop version03:19
r00t4rd3dthats fine03:19
ActionParsnipmoszer: did you press the sync button on the reciever, then on the keyboard03:19
PeterFabinskiMblEnigmaticCoder, how could i set it up to try03:20
mhfsActionParsnip: thanks a lot!03:20
EnigmaticCoderPeterFabinskiMbl: Do you use firefox?03:20
zetter!reset panel03:20
ActionParsnipmhfs: look into: man su    and su examples to verify the syntax03:20
luneth95 r00t4rd3d: help I get a never ending error03:20
luneth95 r00t4rd3d: pyrun.exe -no disk03:20
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r00t4rd3dusing wubi you get that ?03:21
luneth95 r00t4rd3d: yes03:21
luneth95 r00t4rd3d: whoh I got it up now03:21
luneth95 r00t4rd3d: k what now?03:21
EnigmaticCoderPeterFabinskiMbl: Click Tools | Addons03:22
EnigmaticCoderPeterFabinskiMbl: Then click Get Addons03:22
moszerActionParsnip: there's no sync button, the transmitter automatically on/off when the battery are inserted*what is says on the manual03:22
EnigmaticCoderThen search for mouseless and enable that addon03:22
luneth95 r00t4rd3d: dude my usb is not showing up on the drive install list03:22
ActionParsnipmoszer: what is the make / model again please?03:22
r00t4rd3duse your harddrive03:22
r00t4rd3dthat windows is on03:23
bencahillI am trying to install ubuntu cli earlier on a usb stick, but it always gives me corrupt errors :(03:23
r00t4rd3dit wont mess up your windows03:23
Shadowjedi01so how do I patch the mad-wifi drivers to support packet injection03:23
luneth95 r00t4rd3d:u sure?03:23
r00t4rd3dand you can uninstall ubuntu threw add/remove programs within windows03:23
r00t4rd3dthats how im doing it03:23
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luneth95oh ok03:23
moszerprolink PKL5195G 2.4Ghz Wireless desktop03:24
luneth95 r00t4rd3d: I gotta go to bed03:24
ActionParsnipmoszer: let me search03:24
r00t4rd3dnighty night03:24
luneth95 r00t4rd3d: so after I install from windows what do I do?03:24
luneth95 r00t4rd3d: real quick03:24
PeterFabinskiMblhow do i add/delete a user03:24
moszerActionParsnip: i really appreciate it, thank you03:24
r00t4rd3dreboot and it will give you an option at boot , windows or ubuntu03:24
luneth95 r00t4rd3d: k seeya03:24
bencahillr00t4rd3d: woops, too late :)03:25
PeterFabinskiMbland give/take a users admin rights03:25
sam-_-PeterFabinskiMbl, useradd, userdel03:25
SaryPeterFabinskiMbl, from User and Group Menu.03:25
bencahillr00t4rd3d: he left right before you said "bye" :P03:25
r00t4rd3doh , i have join/part messages off :D03:26
bencahillr00t4rd3d: ah :)03:26
itaylor57r00t4rd3d: how gosh of you03:26
EnigmaticCoderPeterFabinskiMbl: To give take admin rights, $ usermod03:26
PeterFabinskiMblhow do i give/take admin from a user in terminal03:26
zetter!reset gnome-panel03:27
PeterFabinskiMblEnigmaticCoder, how do i take03:27
SaryActionParsnip, i successfully mange to pass to the installation process on that LG E300 :D03:27
zetterahh what was the command again03:27
ActionParsnipmoszer: when you attach the reciever do you see any output when you run:  dmesg | tail -n 2003:27
ActionParsnipSary: sweet03:27
ForestBearjordan_u: it worked, i am now in ubuntu03:28
PeterFabinskiMblEnigmaticCoder, is that the command for (example) lala?03:28
SaryActionParsnip, Yeah , a Linux Miracle :D03:28
johnyhhow Wubi works?03:29
r00t4rd3dgreat i personally think03:29
johnyhwhere is linux pseudo partition created by wubi? is it a file on windows?03:29
PeterFabinskiMblis there a wubi-like thing for mac?03:30
Jordan_UForestBear: Ok. Try running "sudo update-initramfs -c -k 2.6.32-25-generic" Then see if you can boot from the newer kernel.03:30
indioHi. Can I add 7zip support to file-roller?03:30
Jordan_UPeterFabinskiMbl: No, because linux doesn't have write support for OSX's default filesystem (journaled hfsplus) yet.03:31
moszerActionParsnip: i hope so, atleast it detect something, sadly, nothing happen03:31
amoskjohnyh: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide03:31
ActionParsnipindio: sure: sudo apt-get install p7zip03:31
Jordan_Ujohnyh: Yes, it's in C:\ubuntu\disks\root.diks03:31
indioActionParsnip: Many thanks.03:31
PeterFabinskiMblJordan_U, rats. is there a virtual machine emulator or something?03:32
ActionParsnipindio: you can also extract in cli with:  7z x filename03:32
Jordan_UPeterFabinskiMbl: You can run Ubuntu within VirtualBox (or any other VM software) under OSX.03:32
amoskPeterFabinskiMbl: kvm ?03:32
indioActionParsnip: Thank you.03:33
ForestBearjordan_u: it worked! thank you so much! updating my system won't screw it up right?03:33
PeterFabinskiMblJordan_U, i got virtualbox, do i download linux from somewhere?03:34
Jordan_UForestBear: I don't expect that it will, but it's hard to know since I don't know what caused the initrd to be created improperly or corrupted in the first place.03:35
greezmunkeyJordan_U: So it was initrd after all...03:35
Jordan_UPeterFabinskiMbl: Yes, http://ubuntu.com/download .03:35
greezmunkeyJordan_U: You rock dude...03:36
Jordan_U!caps | anil03:36
ubottuanil: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.03:36
Jordan_U!eol | anil03:36
ubottuanil: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades03:36
ForestBearjordan_u: but if things go wrong I can just use this working version of menu.lst (backed up) to fix things i think03:36
anilsorry !!!03:36
PeterFabinskiMblJordan_U, what do i do with the file when i get it?03:36
Jordan_UForestBear: Yes. I would recommend always keeping at least one old kernel entry in your menu.lst at all times.03:36
XtJacobanil: you should be able to update in the update manager03:37
Jordan_UPeterFabinskiMbl: Use it as the source for the virtual CDROM drive in VirtualBox.03:37
ForestBearJordan_U: thanks again. Well I'm off, see ya!03:38
anilupdate manager is showing 9.04 to 9.10 upgrade03:38
r00t4rd3dwill probably take a couple updates03:39
dejavou42I upgraded to 10.04 from 8.04, and it broke a lot of stuff. So, I backed up my home folder, and did a fresh install with 9.10. Problem is, my wifi and ethernet are still broken. The eth0 will not connect when set to dhcp mode, but when I set it to static, It says connected, but idle.03:40
Jordan_UPeterFabinskiMbl: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMuO6jDqdPU looks like a good video guide, though I've only watched about the first minute.03:40
dejavou42any thoughts?03:40
r00t4rd3dburn your home and start fresh :)03:41
moszerhello, i'm trying to use this keyboard+mouse(combo), it is connected not via bluetooth, it's a prolink 2.4ghz, i guess its using wireless transmitter, can anyone help how to enable it in my ubuntu? pls, im desperate03:41
PeterFabinskiMbli figured it out and got ubuntu installed, can i get mu mac folders from ubuntu03:41
error_203i have instaled kleansweep to delete orphand files.should i delete all orphand files,total found 161.13M03:41
r00t4rd3dive never had much luck updating from old to new with other distros03:41
dejavou42r00t4rd3d: haha, I don't think I will go that drastic03:42
askbuntuhow to enable sounds in Ubuntu03:42
Jordan_Ur00t4rd3d: Do you mind if I PM you? (about your nick)03:42
askbuntumy ubuntu doesn't have sound03:42
XtJacobanil: you could try sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade03:42
r00t4rd3di dont care03:42
* askbuntu is away: Asker Mode: [ON - OFF]03:43
r00t4rd3dim not a pm nazi >:]03:43
EnigmaticCoderaskbuntu: $ alsamixer03:43
askbuntuwhat is alsamixer03:43
r00t4rd3dsound control kinda03:43
EnigmaticCoderaskbuntu: When you've done that command, save the settings with this command sudo alsactl store 003:43
r00t4rd3dlike sound properties in windows03:43
r00t4rd3dor volume control03:44
error_203askbuntu:sudo apt-get install linux-restriced-modules-'uname-r' linux generic       after completing the process of this command just reboot ur system03:44
guinesswhy is video over the web, and just general web performance sooooo much better on windows vs ubuntu03:44
breadcrumbguiness, because flash on linux is crap03:44
breadcrumbthank adobe for that one..03:45
PeterFabinskiMblim using a virtualbox linux virtual machine on a mac, can i get my mac files in ubuntu and vice versa?03:45
dejavou42I need some help troubleshooting ethernet connection in ubuntu 9.10. Anyone care to help?03:45
guinesswell what is the workaround??03:45
feanor2PeterFabinskiMbl, with a bit of effort03:45
askbuntuhow to change ubuntu WM03:46
mhfshey there ... is there a way to apt-get install mysql-server without being prompted for the root password (running via a script)?03:46
askbuntufrom gnome standard wm to gnome-shell03:46
sam-_-breadcrumb, flash is crap everywhere03:46
=== askbuntu is now known as SC-M
SC-Mhow to change gnome wm to gnome-shell ?03:47
XtJacobmhfs: i think only way would be to login as root then run the script [sudo su]03:47
sam-_-breadcrumb, at least in my experience03:47
PeterFabinskiMblfeanor2, i shared the folder w/ virtualbox but i cant find it in ubuntu03:47
EnigmaticCoderIs there a file with a list of useful commands somewhere on Ubuntu?03:47
guinessdoes adobe have a department that just works with linux,  ya know since most windows networks are hosted on linux machines03:47
feanor2PeterFabinskiMbl, mount it03:47
rmccueSo, I've installed Samba on Ubuntu Server 10.10 and gone to restart it... but there's apparently no /etc/init.d/samba03:48
breadcrumbsam-_-, yes, but moreso in linux. my nvidia ion based netbook handles 1080p flash video just fine in windows. but in linux it has bad performance, especiallly fullscreen03:48
PeterFabinskiMblEnigmaticCoder, im wondering that too03:48
feanor2PeterFabinskiMbl, i believe it 'mount -t vboxfs <flder name> <mount point>03:48
PeterFabinskiMblwhat would mount point be? where i want the folder to show up?03:49
EnigmaticCoderrmccue: Out of curiousity, are there Windows machines in your network?03:49
clu3hi all, i installed ubuntu on my Toshiba Satellite L645 and yet the sound quality is really bad, I tried to find the driver so I googled and found nothing, even on toshiba's website. Any suggestions?03:49
rmccueEnigmaticCoder: Yep, that's what I'm setting Samba up for03:49
sharehow can i open vino-preferences and then close it all in one command03:50
sam-_-http://www.howtoforge.com/useful_linux_commands EnigmaticCoder,PeterFabinskiMbl a google search revealed this03:50
guinessi think all linux users should send them support requests all the linux users combined cant be ignored.03:50
SC-Mhow to install gnome-shell03:50
SC-Mon ubuntu absolutely03:50
EnigmaticCoderrmccue: When I set up my network (which wasn't between Windows machines) I read that Samba is not always secure with Windows machines. Just putting that out there03:50
share*how can i make vino-preferences window to close after open it?03:50
guinesshas anyone found a solution to the headphone sense "thorn in side" issue yet??03:51
greezmunkeyclu3: check this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=56846303:51
partyboy25hey does anybody know how i can get the lastest verion of java installed03:51
partyboy25i having problems03:51
guinesscheck the repositories03:51
sam-_-!java |partyboy2503:51
ubottupartyboy25: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.03:51
* skraito need tester for https://yohanespatra.wordpress.com/2010/12/19/0x71-perl-logger-to-syslog-simple-key-logger/ anyone get it working on their box ?03:51
ubuntu111where can i find my program files03:52
skraitoany one would like to try this keylogger03:52
skraitoon their ubuntu box ?03:52
skraitosee whether u can find any bug03:53
r00t4rd3dthey gonna kick me out of here cause of my nickname03:53
shareis there a way to run Vino minimized?03:53
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:53
skraitodefault key will be on /var/log/messages03:53
sam-_-ubuntu111, what program files?03:53
SC-Mhello, please how to install gnome-shell03:54
rmccueEnigmaticCoder: I don't need security, I control the network and all computers in it.03:54
EnigmaticCoderrmccue: K :)03:54
PeterFabinskiMblfeanor2, how would i specify, say, the desktop?03:54
sam-_-SC-M, sudo apt-get install gnome-shell03:55
feanor2PeterFabinskiMbl, /home/<your-name>/Desktop03:55
itaylor57famous last words03:55
dejavou42the route command tells me that the default gateway is When I try to change the default gateway with "sudo ip route add default via" I get RTNETLINK answers: file exists.03:55
SC-Msam-_-: I have do that. But After Install. The WM still same.03:55
PeterFabinskiMblfeanor2, your name being your user name?03:55
error_203what are orphand files?03:55
greezmunkeydejavou42: what is your subnet mask?03:56
mani hav downloaded .bin formatted qt sdk,now how do i run dat setup?????03:56
sam-_-SC-M run gnome-shell --replace03:56
PeterFabinskiMblfeanor2, im logged in as root03:56
feanor2PeterFabinskiMbl, /root/Desktop03:56
PeterFabinskiMblfeanor2, thx03:57
sam-_-man, why not install it from the repos?03:57
rmccueSo, why would samba not have an init.d entry?03:57
SC-Msam-_-: thanks.03:57
rmccue(There's a smbd, but that gives me "failed to connect to socket")03:57
greezmunkeydejavou42: paste the output of "ifconfig" to http://paste.ubuntu.com please03:57
sam-_-rmccue it's in /etc/init now03:57
dejavou42one second03:57
manim new to ubuntu i dont understnd how to install from repos??????03:58
guinessi know the answer is because linux is free, but why does flash totally suck on linux and not windows03:58
sam-_-man, sudo apt-get install <program name>03:58
guinessgo to thge software center03:58
feanor2guiness, because in linux progress means life and results mean death03:58
itaylor57guiness: flash sucks everywhere just in different ways03:58
manno no i hav downloaded dat03:58
SC-Mhow to find some repo sources03:59
guinessfeanor2 what do you mean03:59
manm asking how to install03:59
SC-Mi'm stuck at archive.ubuntu.com03:59
XtJacobguiness: market share for windows is bigger, so adobe problably see's it as a better investment03:59
mani mean i got dat setup downloaded in .bin format03:59
dejavou42GreezMunkey: ^03:59
manso how to run it03:59
feanor2guiness, noone cares abount flash, there;s so many new interesting things to work upon, so it's swept under carpet04:00
XtJacobhe means performancelinux and security on windowd04:00
rmccuesam-_-: There's a smbd.conf in there, no samba executable though04:00
sam-_-man, change the permission04:00
breadcrumbman - make the file executable with chmod u+x filenamehere04:00
greezmunkeydejavou42: nothing out of the ordinary there... are you using this box now?04:00
guinessso what is the new thing for video on the web and why does hulu not support it??04:00
ActionParsnipfeanor2: theres http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/12/flash-alternative-lightspark-0-4-5-released/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed:+d0od+(Omg!+Ubuntu!)&utm_content=Twitter04:00
sam-_-rmccue why would there be one?04:01
ActionParsnipfeanor2: lightspark04:01
feanor2ActionParsnip, does it work?04:01
dejavou42greezmunkey: yes, but using another box to connect to internet.04:01
ActionParsnipfeanor2: no idea, give it a try. It's free04:01
manafter makin executable in terminal wat do i do????04:01
sam-_-rmccue http://upstart.ubuntu.com/04:01
rmccuesam-_-: The documentation notes that to restart samba, `sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart`04:01
breadcrumbman: type ./filenamehere04:02
XtJacobthey don't support it because it's new and almost everyone has flash04:02
meekwarriorman ./file04:02
breadcrumbman: that is assuming you're already in the directory that the file is in04:02
dejavou42greezmunkey: its an hp dv8000. wireless and ethernet are not working on it at the moment.04:02
clu3greezmunkey, thanks a lot, i'll probably try that thread for the sound problem. looks like quite a bit of work :)04:02
feanor2does anyone know how to write apt-get regualr expressions?04:02
sam-_-rmccue that has changed now sudo restart samba04:02
rmccuesam-_-: "unknown job samba"04:02
guinessi mean i tried the beta version of flash but it only got a little better04:02
breadcrumbrmccue try smbd04:02
sam-_-rmccue that has changed now sudo restart smbd04:03
FezzlerAny guitar players here?  What is the best, most compatible A/D capture device for Ubuntu?04:03
greezmunkeyclu3: I found some references to "special" driver sets from Toshiba for Ubuntu on their lappys a while back. You may be well off to do some serious searching to see what you can find.04:03
obscurant1sti cannot browse to any websites, but when i use  tor, i can access websitescn anyoin help?04:03
guinessthere is a free flash thing the performance04:03
ActionParsnipFezzler: there is no best app for anything04:03
guinessand it is awesome04:03
guinesslight something04:03
guinessis the name04:03
ActionParsnipFezzler: just take the output from your amp and whack it into the audio ni, you can then use something like audacious04:04
FezzlerAny guitar players here?  What A/D capture devices work with Ubuntu?04:04
sam-_-obscurant1st, you need to change the proxy settings04:04
ActionParsnipguiness: lightspark04:04
guinessbut hulu doesnt support it04:04
feanor2how to see how many space an installed package takes???04:04
guinessat least the desktop app04:04
dejavou42greezmunkey: eth0 says its connected, but pings to router have a 100% loss.04:05
FezzlerActionParsnip>> Is that how you record tracks with your guitar low latency?04:05
ActionParsnipFezzler: i dont record, i just play but it's how I would. If you want low latency I'd install th rt kernel04:06
shrmnHey there. Quick question to make sure I have this right. I have my partitions set up as /, home and swap. If I am installing a different distro, all I have to do is tell it the same thing but specify not to format "home" right?04:06
shrmnI am switching buntus.04:06
guinessi cant get my mic to function like it does on windows04:06
FezzlerActionParsnip>> Ah.  I have RT kernel.  I wonder is there are any guitar recorders here?04:06
XtJacobshrmn: yes04:06
ActionParsnipshrmn: yep, mark the home partition to be used as /home with the right filesystem type but NOT format it and the settings should be used in the new distro04:06
PeterFabinskiwhat is the BackTrack path for the desktop04:06
manthnks frends04:07
mangot it04:07
shrmnThanks everyone.04:07
obscurant1stsam-_-: thx man. silly me. it was firefox. Somebody changed the proxy settings!, thx anyway!04:07
greezmunkeydejavou42: hold a sec, neighbor is here...04:07
r00t4rd3dis anyone here offended by my nick besides Jordan_U ?04:07
dejavou42greezmunkey: k thanks04:08
ActionParsnipshrmn: seperate /home partition has many advantages04:08
* skraito need a tester for https://yohanespatra.wordpress.com/2010/12/19/0x71-perl-logger-to-syslog-simple-key-logger/ sory if i repeat this i am using /ame04:08
clu3greezmunkey, yep, I've also spent almost 6 hours to search for the battery status display problem, no result. This new Toshiba model doesn't have much Ubuntu support, i doubt i'll find anything on my own04:08
EnigmaticCoderr00t4rd3d: I'm not offended by it, but I don't care much if people aren't politcally correct (usually)04:08
manhow to unzip the zipped files in ubuntu?????04:08
sam-_-r00t4rd3d, it's not a nice nick that's for sure04:08
sam-_-man, right click -> decompress04:09
shrmnActionParsnip, I did pick up that much from what I read before I did my initial install and am very thankful. :]04:09
Data_1r00t4rd3d: I agree with sam-_-. :')04:09
Stepan_I have a PC that has relatively low hardware, I think it was designed for Win 98 or 2000.  The primary purpose of this PC would be to go on the internet only.  Is there any distro that doesn't need much hardware and has a simple GUI?04:09
greezmunkeyclu3: contact Toshiba support to see what they have to say.04:09
shareis there a way to start Vino minimized?04:09
XtJacobstephan_: you could use xubuntu04:09
icekkHI, I created a tcp server, running it on ubuntu-server each time i run it, only 400 tcp socket clients can connect to it...04:10
icekkhow do i increase this limit to unlimitede04:10
greezmunkeydejavou42: Are you using Network Manager? Or are you statically defining things in /etc/network/interfaces?04:10
XtJacobor fluxbuntu i think04:10
* skraito anyone ?04:10
feanor2xubuntu is a bloat04:10
icekkmodify the ulimits or somethin?04:10
dejavou42network manager mostly04:10
EnigmaticCoderStepan_: There's xubuntu, but if that isn't low requirements enough, I've heard of damn small linux04:10
sam-_-feanor2, lubuntu then=04:10
XtJacobstepan: fluxbuntu is also good04:11
monty_hallis there a reason eacclerator isn't in synaptic?04:11
dejavou42greezemunkey: I've used terminal to force some changes, but I haven't written anything to the config files04:11
mandownloaded songs fron songs.pk can run safely in ubuntu?????04:11
dejavou42greezemunkey: If set to dhcp, eth0 will never connect, and dhcp is turned on in the router.04:12
feanor2man most likely04:12
Stepan_Thanks guys, will definatelly check these distros out04:12
ActionParsnipman: sure, why not04:12
ActionParsnipman: define safely..?04:12
sam-_-as long as the songs aren't executables for linux :-)04:13
feanor2ActionParsnip, he means exploitation of vulneabilities via mp3 format04:13
manmeans directly by clicking04:13
dejavou42greezemunkey: /etc/network/interfaces only has "auto lo           auto lo inet loopback"04:13
sam-_-never heard of an mp3 exploit.04:13
ActionParsnipman: sure, how is clicking related to safety?04:14
dejavou42greezmunkey: no entry for eth0. should I try to define eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces?04:14
myth-learnerHi - I'm an (myth/u)buntu newbie.  How can I change my firewall so I can run ssh on a different port?  (I know how to change ssh, just not change the (myth/u)buntu firewall.  Can anyone help?04:14
greezmunkeydejavou42: no entry where? network manager?04:15
sam-_-myth-learner, is there a firewall running?04:15
sam-_-myth-learner, ufw?04:15
ActionParsnipmyth-learner: edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config   you can change the port it runs on there04:15
dejavou42greezmunkey: There is no entry for eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces. network manager has two entries: one static, and one auto04:15
myth-learner@sam - ufw suggests that there are no iptables rules...04:15
shareim having a problem shutting down the computer04:16
myth-learner@ActionParsnip - thanks - I've got that working, but can't change the firewall04:16
dejavou42greezmunkey: dhcp* not auto04:16
greezmunkeydejavou42: that's normal, if you are letting network mgr do it's thing. Is this issue new, or from install?04:16
ActionParsnipmyth-learner: where is the firewall running?04:16
manno relation, i mean dat without using any other operation04:16
myth-learner@ActionParsnip - no idea.  I can connect on local host to multiple ssh ports, but from the other machines on my network I can only see port 22.04:17
EnigmaticCoderDoes anyone know how to add a trackbar to the current line in irssi (I just inquired on #irssi but didn't get a response)04:17
sam-_-myth-leaner, sudo iptables -L to see if ufw is right04:17
ActionParsnipmyth-learner: if its on your LAN then unless you configured iptables it will be running on the new port04:17
dejavou42greezmunkey: from install / upgrade. I upgraded to 10.04 from 8.04. it broke a lot of stuff, so I backed up my home folder and installed 10.10 and then 9.10. currently I'm running 9.10 which is a fresh install04:17
myth-learner@sam - only 3 chains in iptables.  all the vanilla stuff.04:18
G__81If there is no proper nvidia driver for my video card then cant i run 11.04 once it gets released ?04:18
ActionParsnipmyth-learner: if you drop the @ in your text, it highlights the text in the client, adding the character stops the highlight happening#04:18
myth-learnerActionParsnip - sorry dude.04:19
ActionParsnipG__81: #ubuntu+1 for natty discussion04:19
itaylor57EnigmaticCoder: I have a script somewhere let me look04:19
sam-_-myth-learner, then no firewall is running04:19
ActionParsnipsam-_-: well it is, its just not configured04:19
G__81ok thanks ActionParsnip04:19
myth-learnersam - :-(  So why can't I get ssh to work on a non-standard port.  Any other suggestions?04:19
sam-_-ActionParsnip, ok04:19
feanor2@feanor2 test04:20
sam-_-myth-learner, did you restart sshd after editing the conf04:20
sam-_-myth-learner, btw. if you are doing this for a security reason. don't it's not worth it04:21
myth-learnersam - I *think* I did, but I need to check04:21
myth-learnersam - it's 'cos I want to run multiple external ssh ports on my modem/router.04:21
ActionParsnipsam-_-: iptables runs from the first boot, its just got no rules of what to block and allow so it allows everything04:22
myth-learnerI know that I can easily be port scanned so it won't matter much if I try to hide the port.04:22
greezmunkeydejavou42: you've been through the mill then...Remove the eth0 profiles in network manager, and set up a new one static, give it mask, gate, and dns as your router ip address (gate) - see if that helps. NM on 9.x was a bit flaky...04:22
sam-_-myth-learner, y. but they all come from different ip adresses.04:22
sam-_-ActionParsnip, yes i know but thx for expl.04:23
EnigmaticCoderitaylor57: I found one on the irssi website, but I'm not sure how to use it. I've never used scripts in irssi04:23
itaylor57EnigmaticCoder: irssi-scripts has a trackbar.pl or google for it04:23
ActionParsnipmyth-learner: thats fine, you just need to setup the port forward on the router to be pushed to the right IPs on the internal.04:23
myth-learnersam - my modem is single ip external address, but want to have multiple incoming ports so I can ssh directly to different machines.04:23
myth-learnerActionParsnip - the router only does 1-1 port mapping, i.e. only maps port 12345 (external) to 12345 internally.04:24
ActionParsnipsam-_-: 04:19 < sam-_-> myth-learner, then no firewall is running04:24
ActionParsnipsam-_-: clearly not...04:24
sam-_-myth-learner, some routers allow the change the port via nat04:24
itaylor57EnigmaticCoder: that would be off topic checkout the irrsi home page and they will tell you how to add it04:24
greezmunkeydejavou42: once you've set up the new profile, disable and then enable to be sure your setting take effect.04:24
EnigmaticCoderitaylor57: ty04:24
myth-learnersam - cheap netgear ones don't.  :-(04:24
partyboy25i installed icedTea plug in    and trying to uninstall old java off the ubuntu   how do i do that04:24
myth-learnerActionParsnip - I think you must be right.  I can't see anything that means a firewall was running (I'm more from the fedora GUI world) and then testing iptables reinforced my view and now you guys are saying the same thing.  Perhaps I just forgot to restart sshd  (*hangs head in shame*)04:26
ActionParsnipmyth-learner: just change the port in sshd_config and then set the port forward on the WAN side to push through to the same port number as you are limited by your router04:26
sam-_-myth-learner, happens all the time to me :-)04:26
itaylor57EnigmaticCoder: http://scripts.irssi.org/04:26
=== shrmn is now known as braaaaiiiiiinnnn
partyboy25i installed iced tea plug in      so how do i delete the old version of java of the ubuntu  in shell terminal?04:27
ActionParsnipmyth-learner: its all learning dude, no worries04:27
=== braaaaiiiiiinnnn is now known as braaaaiiiiiinnns
EnigmaticCoderitaylor57: Thanks again04:27
sam-_-partyboy25, depends on what you had installed04:27
myth-learnersam-_- / ActionParsnip - thanks for the help.  I'll go and try the restart and see what happens.04:27
itaylor57EnigmaticCoder: i am just an old cli kinda guy04:28
partyboy25it in system prefances04:28
partyboy25java 6 control panel04:28
=== braaaaiiiiiinnns is now known as shrmn
partyboy25java 6 plug in control panel04:28
sam-_-partyboy25, sudo apt-get --purge autoremove sun-java*04:29
sam-_-partyboy25, try this04:29
rugwirohello everyone!!i want to install SQL server in ubuntu how do i do it?is it the same ways as installing it in windows??04:29
partyboy25thanks  i ll try04:29
sam-_-partyboy25, or is it called openjdk?04:29
gamerxi have a Asus Rampage 2 Extreme motherboard, just downloaded the linux drivers for audio, and have no idea what to do, is someone able to assist me?04:29
=== share_ is now known as share
chills518having trouble connecting to windows 7 pc.  Was able to see it before but must have changed something while getting my wireless working.  Now I can't even see the windows 7 pc.. any ideas?04:30
ActionParsnipchills518: can you ping it's IP?04:30
chills518yes.  I can ping IP but not pc name.04:30
myth-learnerActionParsnip / sam - you guys are the best!  Thanks for the help.  It works.  "/etc/init.d/ssh restart"  Doh!    :-)04:31
ActionParsnipchills518: sounds like your DNS doesn't include your router, you can add a resolution in /etc/hosts if you like04:31
itaylor57partyboy25 has a mix of open and sun methinks04:31
rugwirohello everyone!!i want to install SQL server in ubuntu how do i do it?is it the same ways as installing it in windows??04:32
Dr_Willischills518:  theres a known bug with samba and accessing windows 7 - if the (i am trying to rember) 'windows live login helper'  tool is installed on windows 7.04:32
itaylor57iced tea is open04:32
Dr_Willischills518:  i may have tha namne wrong. I learned about it on the forums a few weeks back04:32
ActionParsnip!lamp | rugwiro04:32
ubotturugwiro: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)04:32
holoseenI installed 10.10 netbook remix to a 2GB flash drive using pendrivelinux, should it boot with the splash asking to try or install? Seems like it should boot to logon screen...04:32
dejavou42greezmunkey: done. the same thing happened. After the connection is established, I pinged the router with complete loss. typing route in terminal tells me that the gateway is being set to
rugwirook thank a lot!!04:33
chills518actionparsnip:  I will try adding it to my hosts file...04:33
XtJacobholoseen: try gives you the desktop04:33
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: http://thelinuxexperiment.com/linux/accessing-windows-7-shares-from-ubuntu-is-a-pain/04:33
greezmunkeydejavou42: bizarre, what error do you get when you try to change to route again?04:33
holoseenXtJacob, yes and it takes a long time to get there once selected04:33
jackoripercable internet ( ethernet plug ) is directly connected to laptap for internet, how to setup or do settings , so that internet to work on ubuntu 10 ? ( local  internet  provider is fan to XP only ), but im ubuntu in our region.04:33
ActionParsnipchills518: you can access the system via IP if you like. You will bypass any DNS if you do04:33
yop129does anyone know where a network share is mounted when you access it?04:33
chills518dr_willis: I haven't seen any info on that bug yet.  I will look into that.  I have been all over the forums and such trying to resolve this and hadn't seen that possible issue yet..04:33
dejavou42greezmunkey: sudo ip route add default via
taraduffyhi, anyone is Oz? I am trying to connect to a Telstra 3G and having problems?04:34
greezmunkeydejavou42: what does the system give you back when you run that?04:34
Dr_Willischills518:  i found the info on the ubuntu forums i think. All i did to fix my lan issues was removed that  proram from the windows 7 box. I cant double check to see its name. since i removed it. - looking for the url now.04:34
sam-_-taraduffy, what problems?04:35
Dr_Willischills518:  it was somthing similer to 'windows games live login helper'04:35
dejavou42greezmunkey: RTNETLINK answers: File Exists04:35
chills518actionparsnip:  I had it earlier today going to Places > network> and saw the pc there... and it just kept asking for password over and over even though I was using correct passowrd04:35
holoseenWhat is the way to install netbook to flash so it boots into the system instead of the demo mode?04:35
gamerxanyone can help me with installing audio drivers?04:35
taraduffysam-_-: thanks: just wont connect; recognizes it, but fails to connect.04:35
partyboy25still working on it sam   brb   trying to figure this out04:36
Dr_Willischills518:  some info here also. (and otehr work arounds it seems) --> http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/75-63-windows-samba-issue04:36
=== PeterFabinski is now known as PeterFabinskiMbl
yop129chills518: try adding everyone to the share on the windows computer, that should fix it04:36
Dr_Willischills518:  on the plus side. from my research - this issue is supposed to get fixed in the next samba release. So hopefully 11.04 wont have the issue04:36
ActionParsnipholoseen: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent04:36
itaylor57partyboy25: what is your problem?04:36
=== PeterFabinskiMbl is now known as PeterFabinski
XtJacobholoseen: on the livecd there is no logon screen, if you want it without demo, install it to the flash drive like you would if you were installing it to  a hardribe, but make sure you set grub to the right drive04:37
ActionParsnipgamerx: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && bash ./alsa-info.sh04:37
yop129anyone know where a network share is mounted when you access it?04:37
sam-_-taraduffy, does it say anything at all?04:37
chills518dr_willis:  thanks for the info and link.  I will keep plugging away at it.04:37
ActionParsnipyop129: usually in a folder in ~/.gvfs04:37
sam-_-taraduffy, like authentication failure or sth.?04:37
sam-_-gamerx, where did you download your drivers from?04:38
chills518yop129:  thanks.   I think I have it set to everyone already.  I had no password on the windows system but read it had to have one so I setup the password and it is still not letting me in.. hahah04:38
Dr_Willischills518:  i cant seem to track down the forum where i saw the other info at.04:38
taraduffysam-_-: no. the network Manager icon spins around and then just stops in a failure graphic: but no error message.04:38
holoseenXtJacob, I understand, but won't grub attempt to install to the internal hd with no way around that?04:38
ActionParsnipgamerx: most cards work fine with alsa04:38
gigaclonis there a way to update from a older version to 10.10 via CD without wiping the harddrive?04:38
gamerxi want the optical out to work04:38
gigaclonolder version is like 8.1004:38
gamerxits not showing up in the list of outputs04:38
ActionParsnipgigaclon: you can use the alternate ISO to upgrade with. you can only update to the next release, or LTS to LTS04:39
XtJacobholoseen: at the end of the ubuntu install there is an option on where to install grub04:39
lekiiiHi, must I have to put my swap in primary or logic part ?04:39
yop129chills518: hmm, yeah i had trouble accessing it before and adding everyone to the share fixed it so thought maybe that might help04:39
PeterFabinskilekiii hi04:39
sam-_-ActionParsnip, i think there is a card from creative in there.04:40
sam-_-ActionParsnip, x-fi04:40
yop129ActionParsnip: so it's mounted in an invisible folder? not very effecient when u need to access it from a program :/04:40
chills518yop129:  I will double check that I do have it set to everyone just to make sure. :)  thanks for the info04:40
PeterFabinskiActionParsnip :):):):):)04:40
holoseenXtJacob, good, so to confirm, nothing gets written to the internal hd?04:40
Dr_Willisgigaclon:   thats supposed to be doable. but I find that its often best to just do a clean install.04:41
noonianyop129, I don't think the efficiency is any different. The only difference is hidden files have a . in front of them.04:41
FishFacechills518: Also read this if all else fails. Its about NAS, but Win7 is the problem - http://windows7forums.com/windows-7-networking/1669-cannot-access-nas-4.html - Look for a post from micky010404:41
ActionParsnipsam-_-: oh no, creative :(04:41
XtJacobholoseen: yes just make sure you set everything to the flashdrive, if you really want to make sure unplug the drive when you install it. :p04:42
yop129chills518: np04:42
Dr_Willischills518:  you may want to ask in #samba also.04:42
taraduffysam-_-: it just tries and then stops and says 'disconnected'.04:42
feanor2can someone recomment spellchecker better than aspell sh*t?04:42
Zarteevening mates04:42
yop129noonian: so i need to show hidden folders in nautilius before i can access it within a program, correct?04:42
gamerxActionParsnip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/545477/04:43
holoseenXtJacob, I was trying to avoid pulling the laptop internal hd! But that is probably the surest/safest route.04:43
feanor2yop129, no, just type path manually04:43
yop129feanor2: ok let me try it04:43
sam-_-taraduffy, take a look at /var/log/daemon.log networkmanager writes in there04:43
Dr_Willischills518:  heres some info on the 'problelm' i was having --> 'windows live sign on assisstant' --> http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en/w7itpronetworking/thread/9c6f1d74-f7f0-4503-94fa-0d79a559752704:43
NeoCicakhi... i'm using ubuntu 10.10 64 bit..... and somehow i always lost my desktop theme on boot up04:43
XtJacobholoseen: oh you're on a laptop :p, you might be able to disable the drive in the BIOS04:43
ActionParsnipgamerx: can you rerun the script but upload it, you will get a red hyperlink. What is the link?04:44
taraduffysam-_-: OK looking .. . .04:44
sam-_-taraduffy, you may paste it to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ then i will take a look04:44
r00t4rd3dNeoCicak, did you install it or just running a live/usb version ?04:44
Dr_Willischills518:  amuseing quote from the info --->  uninstalling "windows live sign in assistant", but at least weekly, this "assistant" reinstalls itself, and the problem returns.04:44
gamerxActionParsnip, you mean upload the contants of alsa-info.sh?04:45
Dr_Willischills518:  i started having the issue when some game installed that Sign In assistant.04:45
greezmunkeydejavou42: hmm, I did some looking around. Do you know how to statically define an ip address in /etc/network/interfaces?04:45
taraduffysam-_-: shall I paste it to you somewhere: please point me to the paste bin?04:45
dejavou42greezmunkey: yup, just tried that04:45
holoseenXtJacob, I think I will go the hardware disconnect way.04:45
ActionParsnipgamerx: no, when the script runs and you are asked if you want to upload, select yes and you'll get a hyperlink04:45
yop129feanor2: well that worked wonderfully actually, just off that they make it hidden04:45
chills518fishface:  thanks for the link I will check it out...04:46
XtJacobholoseen: ok, good luck!04:46
taraduffysam-_-: does this help: taraduffy-laptop NetworkManager[954]: <info> disconnect failed: (32) The serial port is not open.04:46
dejavou42greezmunkey: iface eth0 inet static        address         netmask      gateway
noonianyop129, oh sorry, I didn't realize you were having problems with a programs file browser. Thought you were being more technical.04:46
Dr_Willischills518:  another possible fix at --> http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/w7itprosecurity/thread/e30589d3-ab5a-4233-a199-7d5caf39587504:46
chills518dr_willis: I will go and check now on that.  I kind of remember enabling that on my windows pc... going to go and check on that right now.. thanks..04:46
gamerxActionParsnip, http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=56070306d42a0c27c737275377c1583943fc81fe04:46
dejavou42greezmunkey: then I did " sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart04:46
greezmunkeydejavou42: I was going to say to try doing that, and then stop the network manager app. Once network-manager os off, sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart - and see if you can ping. If so, then get into resolv.conf and setup a dns server so you can use the web.04:47
dejavou42greezmunkey: to stop network manager app, just remove it from panel?04:47
Dr_Willischills518:  yea. theres some sort of extra security that win7 can use. that breaks some things, revielws some bugs in samba.04:47
greezmunkeydejavou42: no, kill it.04:48
NeoCicakr00t4rd3d: i installed it04:48
sam-_-taraduffy, which version of ubuntu are you running?04:48
guinessi cant get 10.10 to run on my book04:49
yop129noonian: nope, just trying to access a video file through vlc, that did it, i looked everywhere mount, media, everywhere, but yeah it ended up being hidden folder, that;s why i said it was kind of odd they made it like that, apparently u can't access the mount under places in vlc's open dialog04:49
taraduffysam-_-: 10.1004:49
noonianvlc just needs a button to show hidden files04:50
noonianusually you dont want to because there are a ton of them and they clutter up the browser04:50
ActionParsnipgamerx: try: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ricotz/unstable; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get -y upgrade04:51
ActionParsnipgamerx: i'm not too good with sound stuffs, also in a terminal run: alsamixer  and be sure all levels are cranked and unmuted04:51
r00t4rd3dNeoCicak, how are you changing themes ?04:51
ActionParsnipnoonian: press CTRL+H when opening the file, it will show hidden files04:52
sam-_-taraduffy, might be a bug. did you update all the way?04:52
taraduffysam-_-: yes, up to date.04:52
Dr_Willisnoonian:  vlc here has a 'show hidden files'  in its right-click menus in the file browser window04:52
dejavou42greezmunkey: killed nm-applet, then restarted networking, but eth0 did not come up, so I did ifconfig eth0 up04:53
noonianyop129, well there you go :) thanks ActionParsnip and Dr_Willis04:53
yop129noonian: yep, i've tried it before, there's a lot, still haven't really gotten used to the linux file structure, windows was much more simpler, easier to find what was where in terms of programs and the files and clutter they leave behind04:53
Dr_Williscould be im using some differnt bersion of vlc. I recall the older versions not being quite as integgerated with gnome in how stuff worked04:53
yop129Dr_Willis: i'll check it, thanks :)04:53
sam-_-taraduffy, you can try to include maverick-update if you didn't already do that04:53
dejavou42greezmunkey: it didn't come up with an ip address at all04:53
Dr_Willisyop129:  are you refering to stuff in .gvfs?04:53
greezmunkeydejavou42: that's ok, you defined it in the interfaces file?04:54
guinessyeah specific files are tough to locate.  getting to them is even tougher04:54
noonianyop129, if you say so hehe. That is one of the reasons I prefer Linux.04:54
taraduffysam-_-: do you mean just run Update Manager?04:54
guinessbut i still love linux04:54
yop129Dr_Willis: nah just general04:54
yop129noonian: why is that04:54
guinesswith the exception of the flash issue04:54
dejavou42greezmunkey: sorry, I did an ifconfig, and no ip address04:54
sam-_-taraduffy, sudo software-properties-gtk04:55
greezmunkeydejavou42: you should have only needed sudo ifup eth004:55
=== Sazpaimon_ is now known as Sazpaimon
gamerxActionParsnip, just going to restart brb04:55
noonianyop129, I know where programs tend to leave files around and where everything should be04:55
yop129noonian: harder to find what u need, with windows everything was either in program files or in ur user directory's locallapp folder04:55
ActionParsnipyop129: youo may find you find windows "simpler" due to experience04:55
guinessi dont ever really need to get at the individual files tho04:56
ActionParsnipyop129: I find the %windir% in windows to be hugely disorganised personally04:56
taraduffysam_-_:  sudo software-properties-gtk gets me: WARNING: can not get name for '<gtk.TextBuffer object at 0x93f25cc (GtkTextBuffer at 0x90a8160)>'04:56
greezmunkeydejavou42: but, if you defined the interface in /etc/network/interfaces, and then restarted networking, it should have come up on its own.04:56
yop129ActionParsnip: probably, it's just in the "root" directory windows has less folders and it "seems" simpler structure04:56
partyboy25ok i am back how do i delete this one sam04:56
sam-_-taraduffy, gksu software-properties-gtk04:56
partyboy25hold on04:56
noonianyop129, I also like having all the preferences in hidden files in the home directory because I can install a completely new system and still keep my preferences04:56
ActionParsnipyop129: yes but more data in single folders rather than subfolders is less organised surely...04:56
yop129someone have some type of user guide or something where i can learn how the folder structure of linux is organized?04:57
partyboy25open jdk java 6 policy tool04:57
ActionParsnipyop129: http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/linuxdir.html04:57
dejavou42greezmunkey: gotcha, did sudo ifup eth0. it went to the correct IP address, but still 100% loss on pings to router, and the route command still says that gateway is
noonianyop129, http://www.comptechdoc.org/os/linux/usersguide/linux_ugfilestruct.html04:58
Dr_Willisyop129:  http://www.pathname.com/fhs/    also04:58
dejavou42greezmunkey: nm on the route command, just tested on the working box, and the first number is also
Dr_Willisyop129:  and -> (worth reading) -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard04:59
yop129ActionParsnip, noonian, Dr_Willis these i'll read up on, maybe then the structure won't be as confusing, thanks for all the help04:59
sam-_-partyboy25, you said you installed icedtea?05:00
sam-_-partyboy25, then leave it installed05:00
yop129everything's looking to be getting better with 10.10, installed it like 2 weeks ago and my headphone ports which didn't work before work now, trouchscreen works now, amazing improvements05:01
partyboy25yeah i am leaving that one05:01
greezmunkeydejavou42: Sounds like the subnet, not the gateway to me...05:01
partyboy25but how do i uninstall open jdk java 6 policy tool05:01
chills518dr_willis:  that was it.  I just uninstalled all the Windows Live stuff on my windows pc and I am in.. thank you!  I have been trying to get this working now for 4 days and not once did I see any website mention the windows live stuff... thanks again!05:02
sam-_-partyboy25, icedtea depends on openjdk05:02
itaylor57sam-_-: its his java plugin tohis browser no?05:02
Dr_Willischills518:  yea. Its aparently actually a bug in samba. from what ive reeasearched.. but MS likes installing things that most people dont need also. :) i was having the issue with windows to windows machines as well05:02
yop129gn everyone gonna go watch a movie :)05:03
sam-_-itaylor57, if he install icedtea plugin then yes05:03
sam-_-taraduffy, are you trying the update?05:04
itaylor57sam-_-: the java sun 6 plugin for mozilla could conflict with ice tea?05:05
dejavou42greezmunkey: you're not going to believe this, but I changed the subnet to, and restarted networking, and ifup eth0, and now its working....05:05
chills518on to my next and last issue... anyone know if they have a fix or workaround for getting DVDFab registration to work?05:06
itaylor57sam-_-: i came too late to the problem05:06
greezmunkeydejavou42: I would guess that the dhcp server in your router is misconfigured then.05:06
greezmunkeydejavou42: fix that problem, it will be easier than making custom adjustments on all of your machines.05:07
Agu10what's about directx getting native into ubuntu?05:08
Agu10is that just ignorants? is it wine getting built-in?05:08
Dr_WillisAgu10:  wine built in? never heard of that.   Wine does have some DX support now. the winetricks tweak script enalbrs some other DX features.05:09
Agu10ok but05:09
ActionParsnipAgu10: built into what?05:09
greezmunkeydejavou42: yes05:10
Agu10built-in into ubuntu...05:10
Agu10well then why would anyone use windows instead of wine on ubuntu?05:10
dejavou42greezmunkey: I believe its actually the ethernet port going bad on the laptop. When I move it a certain way, it works. otherwise it doesn't....05:10
^mNotIntelligenthi all !05:10
Dr_WillisAgu10:  wine is not perfect. and ti cant do 100% f all windows apps..05:10
Dr_Willis!appdb | Agu1005:10
ubottuAgu10: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help05:10
Agu10but I guess that's not the problem. I think what keeps people away from ubuntu is it's so hard to set up05:11
dejavou42greezmunkey: oh well, I love a good laptop motherboard swapout... crap. thanks for the help.05:11
Agu10and configure everything by using the command line...05:11
Agu10and old commands05:11
greezmunkeydejavou42: you could just be a few drops of solder away from fixing it too.05:12
ActionParsnipAgu10: wine is optional dude05:12
ActionParsnip!info wine05:12
ubottuwine (source: wine1.2): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (dummy package). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.1-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 39 kB, installed size 64 kB05:12
PeterFabinskihow do i add a channel05:12
Agu10ActionParsnip, yea I know... so what?05:12
Dr_WillisAgu10:  thats not really the case much these days. do you have an actual support wuestion? or are just chatting?05:12
ActionParsnipAgu10: you were saying it's built into ubuntu earlier...05:12
Agu10ActionParsnip, I heard directx was built-in05:13
Agu10so I thought they might be talking about wine actually05:13
dejavou42greezmunkey: could be, either way, they didn't make this model hp easy to take apart.05:13
Agu10Dr_Willis, actually, just chatting about ubuntu05:13
nirazioHow can I change default xdg user directories?05:13
ActionParsnipAgu10: ahh i see. Wine is a translation layer for directx so you dont need to install it. Directx is already handled05:13
Agu10right. can I run wpf apps on wine?05:14
* skraito say hi all05:14
ActionParsnipAgu10: whats 'wpf' stand for?05:14
Agu10am I wrong if I say running apps on wine is slower than running them on windows?05:14
Agu10ActionParsnip, sure05:14
chris|linuxcan some one help with a rather difficult install05:14
ActionParsnipAgu10: doom3 performs better in windows I read in some benchmarks05:15
Dr_WillisAgu10:  in some cases ive seen wine run windows apps better.05:15
Agu10Dr_Willis, cool05:15
ActionParsnipAgu10: what is a "wpu app"05:15
Dr_WillisAgu10:  it all depends on the app and what its doing.  I rarely need wine to run windows apps these days.05:15
mschulzeChris: possibly, what's the issue?05:15
Agu10windows presentation foundation (something like silverlight for desktop)05:15
Agu10windowing system05:15
PeterFabinskihow do i make a channel05:15
chris|linuxI am trying to get ubuntu setup on a kinda frankien machine05:15
ActionParsnipAgu10: there is silverlight for linux05:16
Agu10Dr_Willis, how do you run them then??05:16
chris|linuxI need to install on an external drive and boot to it05:16
dw-Dr_Willis: when I run windows apps I do need wine05:16
chris|linuxbut I keep getting grub rescue prompts05:16
Agu10ActionParsnip, yeah but wpf is not silverlight, its like winforms05:16
Agu10a newer winforms05:16
ActionParsnipAgu10: i'm not familiar with winforms05:16
chris|linuxwps is xml winforms05:16
ActionParsnipchris|linux: boot to livecd and reinstall grub to the usb device05:16
Agu10wpf is how any new gui should be like05:17
Agu10but it's too slow05:17
ActionParsnipAgu10: can you give a link / screenshetc please05:17
Dr_WillisAgu10:  i dont need the windows  apps. because i find linux apps that do the same job for the most part.05:17
Agu10Dr_Willis, lol, I see05:17
feanor2is there a gui tool for directories syncronization?05:17
mschulzeChris, yeah what ActionParsnip said05:18
Agu10ActionParsnip, http://web20p-rs-g04.wikispaces.com/file/view/WPF-CAB.png/64269430/WPF-CAB.png05:18
noonianAgu10, only windows apps I need are games05:18
Agu10ActionParsnip, http://community.devexpress.com/blogs/thinking/DXGrid%20for%20WPF.png05:18
Agu10noonian, lol05:18
Agu10well, I need lots of windows apps :S05:18
ActionParsnipAgu10: could probably do that in python without too much issue05:18
stenoknightI'm having a heck of a time getting sound with gtk-recordmydesktop. I've installed pulseaudio and set recordmydesktop's device to pulse, but I can't figure out how to get sound output from espeak (running in the terminal).05:18
Agu10i'm now staying with windows :305:18
ActionParsnipAgu10: linux isn't always the answer :D05:19
Agu10ActionParsnip, run those programs with python?05:19
ActionParsnipAgu10: no, make something similar05:19
Dr_WillisActionParsnip:  winforms reminds me of the old Hypercard on mac, and CanDo! on Amiga, (and other similer tools) from years past. :)05:19
Agu10oh right. python is only the programming language05:19
Agu10wpf is the windowing stuff05:19
ActionParsnipAgu10: far from it, the kernel has a lot of C in it05:19
stenoknightAny ideas? I'm happy getting just the complete wave mix on my computer as default audio, though being able to not record sound from my internal mic (which would just pick up typing noises) would be a bonus.05:20
Agu10ActionParsnip, what are you talking about?05:20
noonianAgu10, wine will run most windows programs but no one will help you troubleshoot them except the wine people05:20
Agu10noonian, ok05:20
mschulzeSteno, sorry I can't help you out there05:21
ActionParsnipAgu10: i suggest you consult the appdb to see if your app will run.05:21
monty_hallif I want something to run periodically in ubuntu, is there some gui app that manages tasks or do I just edit the crontab file.05:21
PeterFabinskiMblwhat is wine05:21
ActionParsnipmonty_hall: you can use gnome-schedule05:21
ActionParsnip!wine | PeterFabinskiMbl05:21
ubottuPeterFabinskiMbl: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu05:21
Agu10ActionParsnip, i want to run my own apps xD05:21
sam-_-Agu10, http://www.mono-project.com/WPF05:22
feanor2lol: wine people have 1 answer: buy cedega05:22
ActionParsnipmonty_hall: if you run gnome-schedule with gksudo  the thing will run as root05:22
stenoknightmschulze: no worries. Just thought someone might have used it before. A screencasting program without the ability to record audio is kind of, um... Not terribly useful? I know it's possible to make it work. I just don't know what I need to fiddle with.05:22
Agu10feanor2, what for?05:22
ActionParsnipAgu10: yes but if they use this WPF stuff, you can search for that cant you. think about it05:22
Agu10i just dont want to use commands ever. is that possible?05:22
Agu10while still being able to set up stuff right05:22
feanor2Agu10, no05:22
noonianAgu10, yes05:22
ActionParsnipAgu10: how do you mean 'commands'?05:22
Agu10ActionParsnip, there are few programs using wpf actually...05:23
monty_hallActionParsnip: thanks05:23
Agu10ActionParsnip, command line commands05:23
sam-_-Agu10, that's because it was doomed from the beginning05:23
Agu10sam-_-, im not talking about mono. about wine05:23
ActionParsnipAgu10: a lot of linux's power is in command line. it pays to learn it05:23
noonianAgu10, most command line programs have an optional gui frontend05:23
Agu10noonian, really most of them??05:24
ActionParsnipAgu10: a lot has been put in pretty guis so users can keep their hands glued to the mouse but as you use the OS you will see how slow the guis are and you can do most with a very simple command or 205:24
Agu10what I dislike is those commands are old, and they don't have consistent conventions05:24
PeterFabinskiMbl 05:24
rs0832Agu10: ActionParsnip is right. That is true for all operating systems. But linux is made to be powerful so you have to know then05:24
Agu10ActionParsnip, commands require you to learn them05:24
sam-_-Agu10, lol what do you mean by old?05:25
noonianAgu10, also there is a tendency to tell people how to do something using commands because it is much faster than describing which menus to navigate through and buttons to click05:25
ActionParsnipAgu10: not really, surely using a development tool like you have learned needs you to learn them too..05:25
Agu10sam-_-, they are VERY old... they are no real rules so that you know which parameter to use on all of them05:25
Agu10they change from command to command05:25
ActionParsnipAgu10: you will learn them just as you learned windows and the other stuff I'm sure you use05:26
Agu10ActionParsnip, actually, I just guess for most GUIs... i dont need to learn them05:26
Agu10I end up learning them if I use them a lot05:26
noonianAgu10, commands are just the names of installed pieces of software. some are scripts and some are actual binary files. So the commands available is dependent on the software installed05:26
rs0832Agu10: typing <command> -h should tell you how to use a command05:26
Agu10I guess keyboard shortcuts for GUIs are faster than command line commands, right?05:26
noonianAgu10, and man <comand> will give you info also05:26
ActionParsnipAgu10: exactly, guis exist in linux / ubuntu but they are terribly slow compared to their command line counterparts05:26
Agu10right but commands are so old that you have to read separate docs05:27
ActionParsnipAgu10: depends on what they do etc, you can form complex scripts in shell script then have a shortcut launch it05:27
Agu10like -h or man05:27
Agu10whereas on GUIs you automatically have the info in the tooltip05:27
noonianAgu10, for instance it is easy to move all files from a directory with a specific word in the name to a difference one with one command, with a gui you need to click on each file.05:27
ActionParsnipAgu10: as you use them you dont use them, there are also helps online which give example commands05:27
rs0832Agu10: you don't have to learn everything.. just important, frequently used ones05:28
eroickI'm trying to get a script to run at startup, but it won't. I've put it into /etc/init.d and made it +x, then ran update-rc.d scriptname defaults, but it does not run...05:28
feanor2how to sort the text file?05:28
Agu10noonian, actually, with a gui you can just type them and use keyboard shortcuts05:28
feanor2tried to use kate but it seemingly cannot05:28
ActionParsnipAgu10: until you have used linux as long as you have used windows so it is a fair comparison, you cant really speculate05:29
Agu10they are old since documentation is separated from the program and it's hard to access05:29
chris|linuxok I can't find anything on reinstall grub and pointers on were to look05:29
sam-_-eroick, is the link to the script in /etc/rc2.d/ ?05:29
noonianAgu10, how would you select all files with the word "old" in the title inside a directory using a gui without clicking the files?05:29
ActionParsnipAgu10: the man pages are part of the installation of the package and are accessed by the common command:: man05:29
rs0832Agu10: most linux programs come with regularly updated documentation05:29
Agu10ActionParsnip, still mac OSX is easier than linux, and I have used osx really short time...05:30
eroicksam-_-: yes, as S80scriptname05:30
feanor2File/Select files/*old* lol05:30
ActionParsnipAgu10: i have used both windows and linux for a very long time and  administered both on LANs, I find Linux waaay easier and more automatable05:30
noonianAgu10, mac osx has the same default command line interface; bash.05:30
Agu10noonian, you search for old, and then with arrow keys I guess05:30
ActionParsnipAgu10: the only way to get windows even close is to use powershell05:31
feanor2how to sort a file in Kate or some other way?05:31
eroicksam-_-: and the script works fine if I execute the symlink05:31
Agu10noonian, but you dont really need it05:31
buckyeroick, where is the script located?05:31
eroickbucky: /etc/init.d/05:31
Agu10yes, im not saying commands are bad05:31
PeterFabinskiMblAgu10, ActionParsnip , go argue somewhere05:31
Agu10commands are bad as they are now05:31
Agu10they're old and haven't been updated to latest tech05:32
DarkStarhey guys05:32
Agu10so that when you type a command a dropdown menu appears with all options05:32
Agu10and info on what each one does...05:32
rs0832Agu10: Also, debugging and fixing of errors is much easier if you use CLI because it gives you recognizable errors. A GUI just doesnt open05:32
sam-_-eroick, it should run. did you use /etc/init.d/skeleton?05:32
PeterFabinskiMblDarkStar, hi05:32
DarkStari got a problem can anyone help05:32
rs0832DarkStar: Sure05:32
skraitowhat problem dark ?05:32
ActionParsnipDarkStar: wassup?05:32
Agu10rs0832, it could as well send a message box saying what the error is...05:32
eroicksam-_-: nope... i just had a simple script.05:32
rs0832DarkStar: Ask and if someone knows a solution, they will :)05:33
izinucsskraito: a shortened nick doesn't get highlighted05:33
rs0832Agu10: not always05:33
noonianAgu10, what if the entire window manager is down?05:33
PeterFabinskiMblDarkStar, what problem05:33
DarkStarwhen i am playing any vid on youtube i don't get the sound05:33
Agu10rs0832, also, you could make every program open a command line if they have an error05:33
feanor2how to sort a file in Kate or some other way?05:33
ActionParsnipDarkStar: do you get sound elsewhere?05:33
rs0832Agu10: brasero, nautilus, ubuntu software center, etc.. dont05:33
sam-_-eroick, and if you type runlevel it is 2?05:33
Agu10rs0832, they were badly engineered?05:33
rs0832Agu10: not exactly05:33
DarkStarwhen i play music files yes but not with internet vids05:34
Agu10noonian, what if the command line is down?05:34
noonianAgu10, then so is the gui :P05:34
ActionParsnipDarkStar: can you use: http://pastie.org  to give the output of:  dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep swf; dpkg -l | grep gnash; lsb_release -a05:34
Agu10noonian, no05:34
rs0832Agu10: the command line doesnt work means nothing else works:)05:34
monty_hallin the ubuntu crontab what is the "#" (first field) used for.  BSD doesn't have one.05:34
eroicksam-_-: N 205:34
PeterFabinskiMblDarkStar, is it just youtube or other sites05:34
Agu10but still you will use commands just in case the window manager is down?05:34
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DarkStardidn't tried05:35
rs0832Agu10: yes05:35
Agu10that's mad05:35
ActionParsnipAgu10: tel you what, you use what you use, we'll use what we use and we'll all be happy :)05:35
noonianAgu10, all the software to keep the os running has to reason to have a graphics, all that does is slow down the computer and introduce added complexity that causes more bugs, errors, and crashes05:35
PeterFabinskiMblmaybe its youtube. try a different music site05:35
noonianAgu10, which is why mac, linux, and windows (for the most part) keep the gui seperate from the os05:35
monty_hallnm :P05:35
noonianAgu10, the mac operating system is open source btw, its called darwin. Its the GUI that you are paying for.05:36
Agu10ok but then why doesn't command lines have dropdowns to know what each command does?05:36
Agu10and all its options05:36
sam-_-eroick,  it should run. but maybe i'm wrong. try using the skeleton and paste your script in there05:36
rs0832Agu10: it does05:36
izinucsAgu10: that's what man pages are for05:36
noonianAgu10, they have files describing what they do05:36
ActionParsnipAgu10: because the dropdown would be massive05:36
fms6468Question: How can I restart directly into terminal. I have 10.10 installed.05:36
rs0832Agu10: just type <command> -h05:36
dhanijeremyneed help. all my media files audio & video plays too fast like it is being fast forward, it was working perfectly before & i get no sound.05:36
ActionParsnipAgu10: its not practical at all05:36
rs0832Agu10: or man <command>05:37
izinucsAgu10: or man cp05:37
Agu10lol typing -h or man is too slow05:37
feanor2how to sort a file in Kate or some other way?05:37
ActionParsnipAgu10: read: man mencoder   it's online if you dont have linux, it's massive05:37
Agu10it meants you have to first open another terminal and read all the docs05:37
DarkStarhere is the output http://pastie.org/138907105:37
noonianAgu10, a dropdown is not enough space to tell you how to use a non trivial piece of software05:37
sam-_-eroick, /etc/init.d/README the readme seems to emphasize my suspicion05:37
Agu10whereas you could just have a dropdown and choose with arrow keys which command to choose05:37
Agu10noonian, most options are trivially explained...05:38
ActionParsnipAgu10: its not practical05:38
izinucsAgu10: you obviously don't remember the pure MS Dos days.. no gui.. just dos.. and a reference manual you *might* have gotten when you bought that $2500 computer with 16 megs of ram...05:38
Agu10or at least they should be trivial to use05:38
cyphasewhat the best way to encrypt on-the-fly and backup files via ssh?05:38
Agu10izinucs, i wasnt born then...05:38
noonianAgu10, also, how do you choose a drop down option from within a script?05:38
phanindrarameshwhat is the software for mp3 cutter in ubuntu05:39
izinucsAgu10: my point exactly05:39
rs0832Agu10: yes but you would have to pres the up/down key hundreds of times to reach a script05:39
PeterFabinskiMblhow do i password protect a folder, if possible?05:39
DarkStarthe output of dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep swf; dpkg -l | grep gnash; lsb_release -a is this http://pastie.org/138907105:39
ActionParsnipAgu10: my terminal has a possible 2265 commands, then there are all the options. Do you SERIOUSLY think a drop down is practical05:39
Agu10noonian, you get that drop down in the IDE / script editor05:39
feanor2how to SORT a file in Kate or some other way?05:39
Agu10rs0832, no. you just start typing it...05:39
monty_hallany recommendation to periodically backup user directories?  I current have a cron task that just tar's directories.  Does ubuntu have anything like this?05:39
Agu10also, they should be object oriented then...05:40
Agu10and with proper naming05:40
monty_hall.. that's canned or some bin for this specific purpose.05:40
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rs0832Agu10: autocomplete?05:40
Agu10files.open myfile.txt05:40
ActionParsnipDarkStar: sudo apt-get --purge remove adobe-flashplugin; sudo dpkg -P flashplugin-installer; sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree05:40
feanor2monty_hall, technically, but it's very primitive05:40
noonianAgu10, object oriented has no meaning in this context.05:40
Agu10rs0832, autocomplete with a dropdown05:40
sam-_-Agu10, object orientation doesn't solve everything.05:40
Agu10noonian, why not?05:40
ActionParsnipAgu10: whynot just use cat or less to open a text file05:40
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ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:40
sam-_-noonian, actually it does05:40
Agu10object oriented I mean organized in categories, etc05:40
ActionParsnipAgu10: this is all offtopic for this channel05:41
Agu10am i not talking about ubuntu?05:41
ActionParsnipAgu10: it will be chatted about ni #ubuntu-offtopic05:41
izinucsActionParsnip: pastie.org has a *horrible* color scheme.. very hard to read.. pastebin.com works better for me.05:41
ActionParsnipAgu10: this is support ONLY05:41
sam-_-noonian, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_PowerShell05:41
rs0832Agu10: actually more about cli and GUI:)05:41
ActionParsnipizinucs: you can change the scheme with the drop down05:41
rs0832Agu10: i agree.. may be this is better for #ubuntu-offtopic05:42
dhanijeremyHELP!: all my media files audio & video plays too fast like it is being fast forward, it was working perfectly before & i get no sound. can someone email me the solution?05:42
izinucsActionParsnip: ah.. ok.. much better.. the default is hard on my old eyes05:42
ActionParsnipizinucs: put it on brilliance black and you have no issue :)05:42
sam-_-dhanijeremy, why email?05:43
sam-_-dhanijeremy, what media player are you using?05:43
EnigmaticCodergood night all05:43
izinucsActionParsnip: no that is not as easy as "Clean"..05:43
dhanijeremyi'm going out now... working...05:43
ActionParsnipizinucs: i use it because every other user uses pastebin.com plus pastie doesnt have all the stuff on the left showing other users pastes. Who cares05:43
ActionParsnipizinucs: do you really need to see the last few posts by some random punters?05:43
ActionParsnipizinucs: not clean at all05:43
nooniansam-_-, maybe I am mistaking his argument?05:44
rs0832Is there any reason why ubuntu (brasero) does not let me burn the ubuntu 10.10 desktop iso  to a 700 mb cd? (Error- Please replace the disc with a supported one)05:44
sam-_-noonian, maybe. he was on a rant anyway.05:44
ActionParsniprs0832: did you MD5 test the ISO?05:44
dhanijeremysam my email is htc.dhani@gmail.com05:44
rs0832ActionParsnip: yep05:44
sam-_-noonian, what i wanted to say is that objectorientation in  a shell can make sense05:44
DarkStarActionParsnip,  still the sound isn't working05:44
ActionParsniprs0832: i recommend gnomebaker. I have nothing but grief with brasero05:45
sam-_-noonian, like in the PowerShell05:45
feanor2how to SORT a file in Kate or some other way?05:45
ActionParsnipDarkStar: well now you have the right plugin at least05:45
izinucsActionParsnip: not sure what you mean by "last few .. random punters" but for just readability sake.. clean works  better for me.. now if it was a black background with green lettering that would sufice.05:45
rs0832ActionParsnip: k .. will try, thanks:)05:45
izinucsrs0832: the other option is k3b.. it's a kde app but will run fine on gnome.05:45
ActionParsnipizinucs: make a paste on pastebin.com then read the left colomn, look at all that pointless stuff05:45
sam-_-dhanijeremy, come back into irc when your done working. then we will help05:46
rs0832izinucs: ok thanks :)05:46
dhanijeremyok then05:46
nooniansam-_-, I see your point, but PowerShell seems like a domain specific programming language in its own right. I thought he was talking about a menu feature at an application level05:46
izinucsActionParsnip: yea but I only pay attention to what's relevant.. conditioning to ignoring google adds on searches etc.05:46
sam-_-noonian, ok. i'm tired. forgive me :-)05:46
ActionParsnipizinucs: sure but the page isnt clean, pastie's is05:47
ActionParsnipDarkStar: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=204022    or     http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=149323305:47
nooniansam-_-, me too thanks for the insight :)05:47
guinessare there any cutting edge devs in the linux world right now ??05:47
izinucsActionParsnip: you are right.. but the default color scheme isn't for me anyway.. glad to see that I can change it.05:47
sam-_-guiness, depends on how you define cutting edge05:47
holoseenIs it normal that a boot from a usb flash startup drive (2GB) netbook remix is going to be much slower than a spinning platter hd?05:47
noonianguiness, yes but maybe not in the chat :P05:47
izinucsguiness: the answer is "of course".......05:48
guinessi was hoping for company names05:48
sam-_-guiness, hint !Microsoft05:48
ActionParsnipizinucs: thats for the user to decide and you can change :)05:48
guinesssam- in the linux world??05:49
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guinessif that is true then why does linux video perf. fall soo short of windows05:49
izinucsActionParsnip: of course. and you pointed me in the right direction.. I didn't realize you could change the color scheme.. :)05:49
sam-_-guiness, that actually depends on the graphics card you have05:49
ActionParsnipizinucs: no worries, every day is a school day :)05:50
guinessi have a gateway nv79 book05:50
sam-_-guiness, nvidia05:50
sam-_-guiness, ?05:50
guinessumm i think intel graphics05:51
ActionParsnipguiness: lspci | grep -i vga   will tell you05:51
noonianin a terminal05:51
sam-_-guiness, so it should perform pretty well in linux05:51
guinessyeah intel05:52
guinessweb video totally sucks05:52
ActionParsnipguiness: which model!?05:52
sam-_-ActionParsnip, intel hd05:52
noonianguiness, that might be the version of flash you have installed if it is flash video05:52
ActionParsnipguiness: poor config dude, a biot of config and it'll fly05:52
guinessi have the latest beta05:53
noonianguiness, if you are using the free version you might try the non-free version05:53
ActionParsnipguiness: what is the output of:  lsb_release -c05:53
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sam-_-guiness, yeah. that's adobes fault05:53
guinessnon free version05:54
eroicksam-_-: changed it to use skeleton, still no dice.05:54
ActionParsnipguiness: what is the output of:  lsb_release -c   please05:54
sam-_-guiness, but still you should be able to play 1080p reasonably well. it works for me. i got intel hd too05:55
guinessim on 10.0405:55
guinessit is lucid05:55
ActionParsnipguiness: some xorg.conf files which should help: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+question/13371705:55
sam-_-eroick, then i'm afraid i can't help05:55
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ActionParsnipguiness: Lucid is released so isn't the "latest beta", maverick has been released since05:56
guinessactionparsnip  res is not my issue05:56
guinessweb video05:56
ActionParsnipguiness: and natty is coming soon in april05:56
eroicksam-_-: yeah, its pretty odd. i can even use 'service scriptname start' and start it05:57
guinessi cant install 10.1005:57
sam-_-ActionParsnip, i think he meant flash beta05:57
ActionParsnipguiness: the option may make the flash run a little nicer05:57
izinucssam-_-: ActionParsnip perhaps flash squared for 64 bit05:57
guinessok thanx05:57
noonianhow can you tell what version of flash is installed?05:58
sam-_-izinucs, i'm running 32-bit because of flash :-)05:58
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newbieI tried installing ubuntu restricted extras but the download failed05:58
sam-_-noonian. about:plugins in your browser05:58
izinucssam-_-: flash squared works pretty well.. for most everything on 64 bit..05:58
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newbiesubprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 12805:58
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SC-Chow to change desktop login manager from GDM to KDM05:58
newbieI'm not sure what to do05:58
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sam-_-izinucs, ok. good to know05:59
izinucsSC-C: on the screen where you login there should be a menu option to do that..05:59
nooniansam-_-, thanks05:59
ActionParsnipizinucs: are you using the 64bit adobe plugin?05:59
izinucsActionParsnip: I am on my desktop05:59
SC-Mthat's changing the DE05:59
SC-Mi mean, the Login Screen05:59
newbie I tried installing ubuntu restricted extras but the download failed, subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 12805:59
sam-_-SC-M sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm should do the trick06:01
ActionParsnipSC-M: you can change the wallpaper and colour of the login screen currently06:02
sam-_-newbie, sudo apt-get clear then try again06:02
ActionParsnipSC-M: http://maketecheasier.com/change-login-and-boot-screen-in-ubuntu-lucid/2010/05/1306:03
newbiesam-_-:  i should type "sudo apt-get clear" into the terminal?06:03
CensoredBiscuitnewbie yes06:04
Shawn146hey why are there programs being removed from ubuntu 9.10 karmic koala?06:04
Shawn146like compiz fusion extras06:04
ActionParsnipnewbie: try: http://pastie.org/138910106:04
CensoredBiscuitshawn146 what are you talking about06:04
newbieActionParsnip: Type all those in?06:05
Shawn146the LTS06:05
feanor2how to SORT a file in Kate or some other way??06:05
Shawn146upgrade for ubuntu06:05
ActionParsnip!info compiz-fusion-plugins-extra | Shawn14606:05
ubottuShawn146: compiz-fusion-plugins-extra (source: compiz-fusion-plugins-extra): Collection of extra plugins from OpenCompositing for Compiz. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.6-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 3494 kB, installed size 9736 kB06:05
ActionParsnipnewbie: one after the other, yes06:05
ActionParsnipShawn146: is that what you meant?06:05
sam-_-feanor2, cat <filename> |sort06:05
Shawn146i know what it is -_-06:05
Shawn146yes it is06:06
ActionParsnipShawn146: it's in the universe repo.06:06
ActionParsnipShawn146: http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/compiz-fusion-plugins-extra06:06
Shawn146thats not what i am talking about06:06
Shawn146when i upgraded from my 9.10, it said some packages were obselete06:07
Shawn146a lot fo them i use06:07
Shawn146like grub06:07
FloodBot1Shawn146: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:07
Shawn146oh ok..06:07
sam-_-Shawn146 maybe the name changed. imho i'm not sad for compiz06:07
Shawn146is compiz done with?06:08
ActionParsnipShawn146: karmic and such use grub206:08
izinucsShawn146: it will be with 11.0406:08
ActionParsnipShawn146: no, compiz is still in lucid and onwards06:08
sam-_-unfortunately not i guess.06:08
Shawn146when does thay come out?06:09
sam-_-but they are trying to replace it with unity06:09
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.06:09
izinucsShawn146: I don't think unity uses compiz.. 11.04 comes out in 2011 april.. like the version number says :)06:09
gigaclonany way to run sliverlight in ubuntu?06:09
Shawn146oh just notice date06:09
izinucsgigaclon: it's called moonlight06:10
nooniangigaclon, not to my knowledge :(06:10
Shawn146what does palm one do?06:10
Shawn146I ahve a palm os 4 device06:10
sam-_-gigaclon, there in moonlight.06:10
sam-_-gigaclon, but it's not as mature as silverligth06:10
rs0832giglaclon: http://linux.softpedia.com/get/Internet/Firefox-Extensions/Novel-Moonlight-37840.shtml06:11
noonianizinucs, wow, does that work with netflicks?06:11
ActionParsnipShawn146: unity uses mutter right now but it's planned to use compiz in natty06:11
sam-_-noonian, it doesn't to my knowledge06:11
izinucsnoonian: netflicks doesn't support linux even though they use linux on the backend to do business.06:11
newbieActionParsnip: hey after entering line 8 I get an error message:sudo: aptitude: command not found06:11
gigaclonnetflixs is the only reason to do it06:11
Shawn146\are there still cool things in ubuntu?06:11
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noonianizinucs, yeah its lame, one of the only things missing from my desktop06:12
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izinucs_______________: quit06:12
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_______________I am not doing that06:12
_______________That is another line.06:12
ubottuYour nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with Freenode.06:13
_l30_hahaha :P06:13
_l30_sorry guys06:13
nooniannewbie, can you type "echo $PATH" into a terminal real quick please?06:13
feanor2how to SORT a file in Kate editor or some other way?? ffs06:13
DiamondciteSort a text file?06:14
sam-_-feanor2 what is wrong with cat <file> |sort06:14
newbienoonian: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games06:14
izinucsfeanor2: you might also ask in #kubuntu or #linux or #kde06:14
DiamondciteI don't think kate has such an ability..06:14
feanor2lol it's damned filterm i need inplace sort06:14
Diamondcitefeanor2: Please consider the sort command or open it with openoffice/libreoffice.06:15
Diamondcitecalc takes just about anything as spreadsheet :)06:15
nooniannewbie, oh maybe aptitude just isnt installed, I thought it was by default but I dont even have it installed06:15
ActionParsnipnewbie: just change it for apt-get   then, it'll still work06:16
Dr_Willisnoonian:  aptitude is not installed by default any more i think.06:16
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: was just using marco's command lump he likes to throw around ;)06:16
Dr_Willisactually is synaptic even installed by default any more? I was thinking it was getting removed also.06:17
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: dont think so, i think its all software centre now06:18
newbieActionParsnip: What should it so just type that in(" apt-get")06:18
sam-_-that's said because software centre sucks06:18
ActionParsnipnewbie: just replace any occurrences of aptitude with apt-get06:19
Dr_Willissoftware center needs some sort of 'tag' feature. its way too hard to find stuff i know thats in there. :)06:20
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: it needs to run faster too, waaay to slow for my liking06:20
Dr_Willisits nice how it can be installing stuff then i can be selecting/searching for other things to install..06:21
Dr_Willisbut i fguess if they add too many features. it will get to 'complex' :)06:22
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: yeah i like that, add stuff to install whicle other stuff is installing :006:23
sam-_-either way it sucks currently06:23
* sam-_- needs to sleep06:23
sam-_-gb. cu06:24
diz_Childvmpk no sound..06:24
newbieActionParsnip: ok it asked me to use 202 mb of space so I think its working ( i said y)06:25
ActionParsnipnewbie: sounds like you needed sme updates :)06:26
newbieActionParsnip: yeah i didn;t have the internet connect when I installed ubuntu on the computer06:27
izinucsnewbie: have you done a full update after installing?  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ... ?06:27
ActionParsnipnewbie: hehe well, hope its nicer now06:27
newbieizinucs: no this is my first time ever using ubuntu 8-)06:28
sunshinepantsnewbie: welcome!06:28
izinucsnewbie: do that command in terminal and let it update06:29
newbiesunshinepants: Thanks, I love how fast ubuntu boots up and stuff I just wish I had connected to the internet in the beginning so I wouldn';thave to go  through this hassle lol06:30
savidHi, my CPU is stuck at 800Mhz.  I can't get it back up to 2200, and video playback is choppy at best.  Here's my cpufreq info:  http://pastie.org/1389130    Any ideas?06:30
Shawn146what is DTSN screen technology?06:30
newbieizinucs: ok, once its done with this I will enter those three commands into terminal06:31
izinucsnewbie: yes.. all on one line06:31
sunshinepantsnewbie: yea, it works pretty good.  if you have any problems you can come here and they'll help you06:32
newbieizinucs: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get dist-upgrade <--- Like this?06:32
izinucsnewbie: include the && between commands06:33
r00t4rd3ddoes anyone play assault cube ?06:34
izinucsnewbie: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get ...etc.etc.etc06:34
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PeterFabinskiMblhow do i start network service at startup06:36
r00t4rd3dsystem , pref , start up preff06:37
Dr_WillisPeterFabinskiMbl:  what service?06:37
r00t4rd3derr ...06:37
r00t4rd3dthe service should start by default06:40
PeterFabinskiMbli have to manually start it when the computer starts06:40
RayGalinatoHi, can anyone help me? I was wondering if the changes I made to my sysctl.conf is persistent and how I can get default values restored.06:41
rs0832PeterFabinskiMbl: nm-applet?06:41
lordguckgood morning: I am faced with an odd ssd problem. Until yesterday I was using ubuntu netbook 10.04 on a a-data 64gb ssd card. all of a sudden after an update reboot it is reported (even in bios) as 128gb! dd even produces a 128gb dump. testdisk/fdisk can not find a partition anymore :-( Any idea how to recover the data intact?06:41
Dr_WillisRayGalinato:  you edited /etc/sysctl.conf ? if so then yes the changes get reapplied on every reboot06:41
Dr_WillisRayGalinato:  looking at that file. Its all 'comments' so if you remove any changes. it would be back to the defaults.06:42
RayGalinatoDr_Willis: Thank you! That helps a lot :)06:42
PeterFabinskiMbl@now EST06:42
ubottuCurrent time in EST: December 19 2010, 01:42:5806:42
Dr_WillisRayGalinato:  Logical way to do things. :) I had to mess with the -> #kernel.printk = 3 4 1 306:43
Dr_WillisRayGalinato:  line just the other day for a laptop with some odd hardware06:43
r00t4rd3dPeterFabinskiMbl, what command do you use to start it ?06:43
Dr_Williswow - some how the zeitguiest activity journal can log that i used vi to check out sysctrl.conf :) wonder how it does that.06:44
PeterFabinskiMblmaybe i'm on the wrong channel. is there one for BackTrack?06:45
ohirDr_Willis: .viminfo06:45
ohirPeterFabinskiMbl: check a) if you autostart nm-applet b) whether you touched /etc/network/interfaces06:46
ohirPeterFabinskiMbl: nm-applet no longer competite with someone who know that file exists06:47
rs0832PeterFabinskiMbl: #backtrack-linux06:48
PeterFabinskiMblrs0832, thanks06:48
newbieizinucs: hey can you paste that upgrade line again? when i closed firefox my clipboard was erased06:49
rs0832PeterFabinskiMbl: sure, no problem:)06:49
izinucsnewbie: you doing irc in FF?  install xchat.. but yes.. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  ...06:49
newbieizinucs: its spit this back: E: The update command takes no arguments06:51
SyriaGuys please tell me how can i install apache2 on an ubuntu vps remotly?06:51
izinucsnewbie: you can cut and paste it or do the command individually..06:51
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izinucsSyria: can you ssh in? sudo apt-get install apache206:52
Syriaizinucs I am sorry but I don't know to ssh to it.!06:55
sresuI use Kubuntu/KDE alone but today while checking for updates I found language pack updates for gnome as well like language-pack-fr, language-pack-gnome-fr and language-pack-kde-fr... Why I'm getting updates for gnome as well?06:55
ShaRoseThere. as soon as it finishes downloading I will see if we can run ubuntu on the freebie netbook my sister got.06:55
ShaRoseHopefully can, windows ce is crap :P06:55
izinucssresu: have you installed *any* gnome programs that you like?06:56
newbieizinucs: K all done including xchat06:56
sresuizinucs: I guess not06:56
izinucssresu: not to worry06:56
izinucsnewbie: did it do some updates?06:56
Us3r_Unfriendlynewbie: have you tried irssi or weechat?  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rShwAB62qM&hd=106:57
sresuizinucs: Then well if tha's case I should've got updates for gnome only if GNOME apps were installe right?06:57
newbieizinucs: ahh I closed the terminal already but I don't think it did06:57
izinucssresu: no idea.. my systems have a mix of kde and gnome apps.. desktop is kubuntu .. laptop is ubuntu.. both have a mix06:57
newbieUs3r_Unfriendly: no, I'll give those a try in a bit06:58
izinucsgotta run.. sorry guys.06:58
Dr_WillisSyria:  if you cant even ssh into a remote box. doing stuff likle that that on it will be a bit hard06:58
SyriaDr_Willis I have just hired a server with ubuntu 10.4 lucid installed on it but I don't know how to ssh to it so i can install apache and mysql.06:59
Dr_WillisSyria:  ssh ip#06:59
Dr_WillisSyria:  or hostname or whatever its called.06:59
Dr_Willis!ssh | Syria06:59
ubottuSyria: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)06:59
nirazioHow to install opsview in lucid??06:59
maxinux61Anyone know if it is possible to get 3D working on an Intel 855 chip set?07:00
SyriaDr_Willis Thank you I will read it.07:00
Dr_Willismaxinux61:  you may want to check the forums for that exact chipset.07:00
Us3r_Unfriendlynirazio: are you talking about nagios?  server monitoring package?07:00
maxinux61DR_Willis: I did most of the posts say it is not possible because the devs disabled in in 10.10.07:01
SyriaDr_Willis Do you think that the ssh server is installed on the vps?07:01
maxinux61I was hoping to get a work around.07:01
Dr_Willismaxinux61:  perhaps it will get reneabled in 11.04 - or the ppa's for the lateext X will have it.07:01
Dr_WillisSyria:  how can i tell.. its your server.  if they dont have ssh setup.. then how are they expecting you do actually 'do' anything on it?07:02
newbiethanks everyone so much07:02
nirazioUs3r_Unfriendly: Yes07:02
SyriaDr_Willis Thanks again.07:02
maxinux61Dr_Willis: Thanks, I will check the PPA's.07:02
Us3r_Unfriendlynirazio:      sudo apt-get install nagstamon07:02
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vinusWhich is the fastest downloader for ubuntu?07:04
industrialphreakfeeds them some kimchi07:05
Us3r_Unfriendlynirazio: I think i'm going to do something different today and tell you how to find it in Ubuntu.  Open a terminal and type in:       sudo apt-get update         then:         sudo apt-cache search opsview                 then it will come up with the name of the package in the repositories.  I guess this is for everyone that doesn't know package names.  Also synaptic is a great gui front-end for07:06
Us3r_Unfriendly apt-get.  It'll be easier to you synaptic07:06
Us3r_Unfriendly*use synaptic07:06
ActionParsnipUs3r_Unfriendly: apt-cache doesn't need sudo ;)07:06
Us3r_UnfriendlyActionParsnip: take that back...no sudo....but installing you'll need sudo from the command line07:07
ActionParsnipUs3r_Unfriendly: just the cache, users can search :D07:08
Us3r_UnfriendlyActionParsnip: i usually don't use sudo at all07:08
nirazioUs3r_Unfriendly: Nothing cane up in the result07:08
ActionParsnipUs3r_Unfriendly: for apt-get you will, users can't install packages07:08
Us3r_UnfriendlyActionParsnip: but also for apt-get update you'll need sudo07:08
Us3r_Unfriendlynirazio: what version of ubuntu you say?07:08
ActionParsnipUs3r_Unfriendly: true but for apt-cache it's not needed07:08
nirazioUs3r_Unfriendly: ubuntu 10.0407:08
Us3r_UnfriendlyThnx for your imput ActionParsnip07:08
jorgeluishey guys i need some help07:09
Us3r_Unfriendlynirazio: are you using the ubuntu repos07:09
Us3r_Unfriendlynirazio: you should have the package in 10.0407:09
nirazioUs3r_Unfriendly: I think i should add the repo for installing opsview..07:10
nirazioWhat should i add???07:10
vinushow can i run a tar.gz file?07:10
Us3r_Unfriendlynirazio: that would be good07:10
pickett_what do i type to uncompress a *.tar.gz file?07:11
Us3r_Unfriendlyvinus: we use that package for pacman in Arch, you'll want the .deb of the package your trying to install07:11
Us3r_Unfriendlypickett_: to uncompress you need to use gzip.   I would say look at this:       man gzip07:12
neilnhow to run .tar.gz files in my 10.1007:13
vinusUs3r_Unfriendly:i download it from a site,it only provide tar.gz file...07:13
Us3r_Unfriendlypickett_: then also man tar07:13
ubottuAcronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.07:13
Us3r_Unfriendlyvinus: what program is it?07:13
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression07:13
Us3r_Unfriendlyvinus: have you tried:            sudo apt-get install gmobilemedia07:15
Dr_Willis!info unp07:15
ActionParsnipjust use unp, it's badass07:15
ubottuunp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0~pre4 (maverick), package size 13 kB, installed size 100 kB07:15
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: unp-five!07:16
=== ZenMaster is now known as Auckla
Dr_Willisunp - has the official ActionParsnip  seal of Approval (AP)07:16
vinusyes bro y im doing this is bcoz my net is slow....so like to download it externally and install...07:16
Us3r_Unfriendlyvinus: ?07:17
Us3r_Unfriendlyvinus: so you like to download from another machine and install that way....are you downloading from a windows machine?07:17
Us3r_Unfriendlynever mind07:18
gopsHello world07:18
Us3r_Unfriendlyhi gops07:18
gopshi us3r07:18
r00t4rd3dhow come the word com is starred out on the ubuntu forums ?07:18
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk07:18
Dr_Willisr00t4rd3d:  im not sure we know what you are talking about.07:18
Us3r_Unfriendlyhi again r00t4rd3d07:18
gopsi just need to know the chat client used by Mathew Frrel in the movie  Diehard 407:19
maxjezyhello, anyone who can tell me how to make icons on desktop go away07:19
Us3r_Unfriendlygops: i don't know if he even was using linux in diehard 407:19
Dr_Willismaxjezy:  its a gconf setting. the 'ubuntu-tweak' program has some check box's to hide/show them.07:19
maxjezyDr_Willis, i know, but in ubuntu 10.10 i cant find that feature in gconf-editor07:20
feanor2"com" was filtered by profanity filter on ubuntuforums recently07:20
maxjezyi have been searching for it days and nights07:20
Dr_Willismaxjezy:  i use ubuntu-tweak so cant tell you where.07:20
silenthow can i show my pictures to you on this07:20
Us3r_Unfriendlygops: does this look good enough?   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rShwAB62qM&hd=107:20
maxjezyDr_Willis, is it in the repo?07:20
Dr_Willismaxjezy:  it has its own ppa07:20
r00t4rd3dDr_Willis, check this out http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/8733/screenshotpc.png07:20
maxjezyi see.07:20
maxjezyi'll google it07:20
r00t4rd3deverything that has com in it is *** out07:20
gopsok i am checking that link07:20
ubuntuplease help me urgent!07:22
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuntu: what's up?07:22
gops@ us3r ,oh cool , which is that chat client07:22
ubuntui used a s/w kleensweep07:22
gopswee chat?07:22
rigvedhi everyone. if i wanted to mount my windows partition automatically, then i would add this line to fstab, right? - UUID=<UUID>       /media             ntfs    errors=remount-ro      0       107:22
Us3r_Unfriendlygops: irssi is great too07:22
ubuntuand deleted all orphand files and its backup07:22
Us3r_Unfriendlygops: or were you looking more for the gui based client?07:23
silentwho can help me about wine07:23
Dr_WillisI perfer weechat to irssi these days07:23
maxjezyis http://ubuntu-tweak.com/ a good source for ubuntu-tweak?07:23
ubuntuwhen i restarted system it says init: hwclock main process(321) terminated with status 12707:23
Dr_Willissilent:  state the actual propblem and lets see.. theres always #winehq also07:23
gopsno i am intersted in terminal chat clients07:23
Dr_Willisrigved:  you dont want to mount to /media/  but somthing like /media/MAKEADIRECTORY07:24
ubuntudr_williams: i deleted orphand files and its backup07:24
Dr_Willisgops:  weechat is one of the best terminal chat clients out.07:24
Flannelr00t4rd3d: That's just that page, for whatever reason.  It's nothing on your end.07:24
gopsok im  installing that07:24
Dr_Willisubuntu:  using what tool ? its possible the cleanup is not related to your problem07:24
Dr_Willisgops:  be sure to read the weechat docs/guides at their homepage07:25
r00t4rd3di see that on multiple pages :/07:25
Dr_Willis!tab | ubuntu07:25
ubottuubuntu: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.07:25
silentoh no !!can you see me?? is this sth wrong with xchat??if somebody see me say yes!!ok??07:25
rigvedDr_Willis: ok. it always gets mounted there. i'll change it the name of the drive. otherwise the other parts of the line are fine, right?07:25
misterandersonHey what should a person who just installed ubuntu get?07:25
Flannelr00t4rd3d: It's just something with the forums, whatever it happens to be.  you might ask in #ubuntuforums if you're curious07:25
Dr_Willissilent:  we see  your messages....07:25
Dr_Willismisteranderson:  get to the manual page and read the guide? :) what sort of answer are you expecting?07:25
Dr_Willis!manual | misteranderson07:25
ubottumisteranderson: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/07:25
Dr_Willismisteranderson:  while reading  - install the 'ubuntu-restricted-extras' package for starters. :)07:26
ubuntuwhen i restarted my system it says  init:hwlock main process(321) terminated with status 127  cann't open /etc/default/rcs  int:mountall main process(326) terminated with 12707:27
Us3r_Unfriendlygops: xchat;  empathy;  pidgin   those are 3 gui based im/irc clients07:27
silentok thaks a lot !!it`s my first time use this,but so sorry that my english is poor ,but i want join this very much !!i like ubuntu ,i like linux07:27
ubuntudr_williams:this happens after deleting orphand backup07:27
misterandersonDr_Willis, I think I already installed that, I will check out the manual07:28
Dr_Willismisteranderson:  other then that pacakge and insstalling flash/java - and perhaps the chrome browser.. it all depends on what his needs are.07:28
Dr_Willis!info kleensweep07:28
ubottuPackage kleensweep does not exist in maverick07:28
ubuntudr_williams:i started system in recover mode also but  the same thing comes written07:28
Dr_Willisubuntu:  never seen or heard of kleensweep - not seen anyone else with a similer error message.  so not sure what to suggest.07:29
ubuntudr_williams:plz help me as i don't want to lost my dtas07:29
Us3r_UnfriendlyDr_Willis: what is kleensweep?07:29
Dr_Willisubuntu:  i have a /etc/default/rcS  but not a 'rcs'07:29
Dr_WillisUs3r_Unfriendly:  seems to be some tool ubuntu  used...07:30
Us3r_UnfriendlyDr_Willis: for?07:30
dnivra!info kleansweep07:30
ubottukleansweep (source: kleansweep): File cleaner for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.9-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 144 kB, installed size 532 kB07:30
ubuntudr_williams:u can see the tool in software package07:30
Dr_WillisUs3r_Unfriendly: ---> :  never seen or heard of kleenswee07:30
Dr_Willisubuntu:  # This file belongs to the "initscripts" package.07:30
Dr_Willisubuntu:  perhaps reinstall the initscripts package.07:30
Us3r_UnfriendlyDr_Willis: i think you might be talking about bleachbit07:31
ubuntudr_williams: m using live cd this time07:31
Us3r_Unfriendly!info bleachbit07:31
ubottubleachbit (source: bleachbit): delete unnecessary files from the system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.0-1 (maverick), package size 234 kB, installed size 1564 kB07:31
Dr_WillisUs3r_Unfriendly:  no we are not.. :) uit seems07:31
franciscoi need help07:31
franciscobut i don't speak english very well07:31
dnivraUs3r_Unfriendly, Dr_Willis check what ubottu just said earlier ^^ :)07:31
franciscocould someone help me?07:31
Dr_Willisubuntu:  you can mount the broken system,  chroot in, and intall things.. or backup stuff..07:31
dnivrafrancisco, what language do you speak well?07:31
ubuntudr_williams: how shoulsd i mount07:32
dnivra!spanish | francisco07:32
ubottufrancisco: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.07:32
franciscoin ubuntu-es07:32
francisconobody is online07:32
franciscoi need help07:32
dnivra!ask | francisco07:32
ubottufrancisco: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:32
franciscoso this is why I join here07:32
* Dr_Willis notices that 'kleansweep' has a BIG BOLD warning when it starts up. 'for advanced users, its assumed you know what can be safely deleted'07:32
dnivraDr_Willis, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=893281 says the same.07:33
franciscoI have ubuntu 10.04 lts07:33
francisco32 bits version07:33
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:33
Us3r_Unfriendlyubottu: you'll use "sudo fdisk -l" "sudo mount /dev/-thedrivepartitionhere- /media/07:33
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:33
franciscothen i downloaded xubuntu 10.04 lts 64 bits07:33
franciscoand intall it in /07:33
dnivra!enter | francisco07:33
ubottufrancisco: please see above07:33
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuntu: you'll use "sudo fdisk -l" "sudo mount /dev/-thedrivepartitionhere- /media/07:34
franciscobut can't see  my home folder07:34
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ubuntudr_willis: but can i use this command in my live desktop07:34
Dr_Willisubuntu:  you 'chroot' into the installed system. and use whatever commands you want07:34
ubuntuus3r_unfriendly; can i use this command in live desktop07:34
Dr_Willisubuntu:  i suggest getting to your data abd backing stuff up to some save place also...07:35
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuntu sudo mount /dev/dm-2 /media/ <---for mounting from a livecd works for me07:35
dnivra!details | francisco07:35
ubottufrancisco: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."07:35
franciscobut i dont speak english very well07:36
ubuntudr_williams:but my files were missing now.and i want to tell u that when i cleaned orphaned file and after this when i goes to open any thing it was just flashing and was dissapered07:36
Mr18How do I make ubuntu set my mounts as read - write?07:36
Mr18because it is setting this to read only07:36
dnivrafrancisco, please try to say everything in a single line. makes it easier to read. don't worry about your english-you made sense so far. take your time.07:37
bullgardMr18: see 'man mount'07:37
Dr_WillisMr18:  if you are refering to NTFS filesystems? or what?07:37
Mr18Well, it's my psp.07:37
Dr_WillisMr18:  for ntfs/vfat - install  and run the ntfs-config tool  perhaps.07:37
Mr18I can't drag files into it.07:37
franciscoI install it Xubuntu 10.04 64 bits on / were ubuntu 10.4 32 BITS WAS, then i can't see The /home folder that I was on ubuntu07:37
Dr_Willisfrancisco:  if you installed xubuntu over  the old / - it proberly reformated it.. you had /home/ on its own partition?07:38
dangerFlakesHey everybody07:38
franciscoi only click to formating / & swap and keep /home, but i only can see the partition where i install xubuntu07:39
franciscojust 30 gb out of 12507:39
ubuntudr_willis;when i type chroot in terminal it said missing operand07:39
Dr_Willisfrancisco:  if /home is on its own partition. then you proberly dident TELL the installer what to use for /home/  check the other filesystems/partitions and see what one is home. and mount it to access it.07:39
bullgardfrancisco: In a terminal, type 'df -h' and see if /home appears.07:39
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuntu: begin with07:40
dangerFlakes(super noob) ok, nvidia troubles here... trying to active the drivers but i keep getting an error about held broken packages. any ideas?07:40
Mr18Dr_Willis, thanks.07:40
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuntu: begin with:     su -07:40
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Dr_WillisHmm.. theres some factoid on moving the home dir.07:40
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ubottuYour home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome07:40
Mr18Dr_Willis, actually that didn't work >.>07:40
Dr_WillisMr18:  youmayneed to remount the device.07:41
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuntu: then:            chroot /whereeveryoumountto07:41
Mr18Dr_Willis, Let me check07:41
Dr_WillisMr18:  or just access it as root.07:41
franciscowelll... i think Will re-install xubuntu and put /home on the opld ubuntu partition07:41
Dr_Willisfrancisco:  if your home data is on /dev/sdb1 you just need to add ONE line to /etc/fstab to make it used.07:41
Dr_Willis!mount | francisco07:41
ubottufrancisco: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount07:41
franciscodamn... how much i hate to do'nt speak english very well07:42
Dr_Willisfrancisco:  find where yiour old-home is at via 'sudo fdisk -l' and mounting the filesystmes. to verify its there.07:42
franciscocan't understand 100%07:42
ubuntuus3r_unfriendly: su  said authentication filure07:42
Dr_Willissu is not used in ubuntu :) by default. use sudo -s, or similer.07:42
mouseI want to make a release build of something for windows.  Can anyone recommend a good compiler?07:42
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuntu: sorry you'll need to type in first:        sudo passwd     to create a password for root07:43
Dr_WillisUs3r_Unfriendly:  thats not really needed  'sudo -s' will work.07:43
Us3r_Unfriendlysudo should work though07:43
dnivrafrancisco, i think you didn't specify during installation that /home was a separate partition. to do so, you just need to add a line to the file /etc/fstab. more details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount.07:43
ubuntudr_willaims: ya sudo -s works to get into root07:43
dnivramouse, i think gcc should be enough.07:43
Us3r_Unfriendlydr_williams is right.  I just dive in with su -   ...that's just me though07:44
dangerFlakes_anyone know how I can remedy this? Nvidia restricted drivers wont activate, keep getting a System error about broken pkgs07:44
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dnivramouse, but best would be compiling it in a windows machine :).07:44
Us3r_Unfriendlyjust kidding with you Dr_Willis07:44
ubuntuus3r_uninfriendly:now what should i do07:44
Us3r_UnfriendlyDr_Willis: / Dr_Williams07:44
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuntu: your trying to mount your drive from a live cd right?07:45
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Dr_Willisubuntu:  mount your installed systemn. determnine where its mounted to. You can do that with the file manager on the live cd.07:45
mousednivra, Yeah I was afraid of that.  I didn't want to reboot.07:45
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuntu: you should forget the terminal for this one and open a nautilus window and select on the left your drive07:45
dnivramouse, at the risk of something going wrong in the building? i suggest you do compile it in windows. but, choice is yours :).07:46
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount07:46
Dr_Willissudo chroot /mnt/WhereYourSystemISMountedTo/ /bin/bash07:46
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuntu: go to places and computer or where ever, and you'll see the unmounted partition in the left panel07:46
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuntu: then a icon should pop up on your desktop07:47
ubuntusays sorry ur nautilius program closed unexceptionally07:48
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuntu: it most likely mounted that partition at:    /media/the-partition-name-here07:48
dangerFlakespls, anyone. Nvidia restricted drivers wont activate, keep getting a System error about broken pkgs07:48
Dr_WillisdangerFlakes:  sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade,  try again.07:48
Mr18Dr_Willis, Nope. I am still getting problem with Destiantion is read only :/07:49
Us3r_Unfriendlyubuntu: then your stuck with the terminal then07:49
Dr_WillisMr18:  mount it by hand then. or use root to access it.07:49
Mr18I already did.07:49
dangerFlakeshey dr, yeah, did that, nothing updated07:49
Us3r_UnfriendlyDr_Willis: your going to have to get into remote-connection/ssh and get paid for this07:50
cryptic1hi i know very little about firewalls networking etc and even less about command line or linux07:51
cryptic1i am wondering if i am being attacked or something from firestarter07:51
cryptic1it keeps showing blocked onnections07:51
Us3r_Unfriendlycryptic1: a good place to start is install gufw.  I never liked firestarter with iptables ever07:52
cryptic1ok ty07:52
Dr_WillisUs3r_Unfriendly:  i dont think I can be paid enough to do that.07:52
nickHi, could anyone recommend some open source ecommerce software please07:52
Us3r_Unfriendlycryptic1: unless you like firestarter.  I just saying that of my experience with it07:52
=== nick is now known as Guest13613
cryptic1its all new to me so i will take ur recommendation07:53
dnivraGuest13613, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_free_and_open_source_eCommerce_software07:53
dangerFlakesDr_Willis, no luck, rebooted, updated and upgraded, same situation07:53
cryptic1i also have klam av but i think the only thing u really neeed to worry about is key loggers on ubuntu07:53
Guest13613dnivra: I saw that, was looking for a recommendation :)07:53
Us3r_Unfriendlycryptic1: make sure to uninstall or turn of firestarter in /etc/rc.d so it doesn't boot.  You never want 2 firewalls running at the same time.  They're both are front-ends for "iptables"07:53
dnivraGuest13613, oh! okay :).07:54
industry__or just apt-get remove firestarter07:54
Us3r_Unfriendlyindustry__: true07:54
Mr18Dr_Willis, Where is the directory of the filesystem, cuz I can't figure out how to mount it07:54
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) was the eleventh release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ - Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91007:55
eagles0513875is karmic still supported?07:55
Dr_WillisMr18:  in /media/ somewhere by default - you can mount it by hand whever you want07:55
KB1JWQeagles0513875: Yes07:55
krishna_37Hi every one07:55
Dr_WillisMr18:  sudo mkdir /media/PSP   . sudo mount /dev/XXXX /media/PSP   -t vfat -o OPTIONSYOUMAYNEED07:56
krishna_37I have a new assembled PC on which i want to install ubuntu 9.1007:56
industry__Mr18: if you haven't mounted the filesystem yet, then it is one of the device entries under /dev/, if it is an attached disk using the scsi command set, it will be an sd[x]07:56
krishna_37getting error disk boot failure07:56
cryptic1ok have gufw with listening report up07:56
krishna_37can anyone help me on this07:56
industry__krishna_37 -- why an older version?07:56
Dr_Williskrishna_37:  booting the cd? or what ecactly07:57
Mr18Dr_Willis, I get mount: /media is not a block device07:57
cryptic13 udp 2 are avahi daemon and 1 is dhcclient307:57
krishna_37first want to install the OS07:57
Us3r_Unfriendlykrishna_37: why 9.10 may i ask?07:57
krishna_37will upgrade07:57
krishna_37its booting CD07:57
OneTonTurdwhat not 10.10?07:57
dnivrakrishna_37, wouldn't it be easier to install a newer version?07:57
industry__krisha, your life will be easier if you use a newer version07:58
krishna_37its a new assembled PC07:58
krishna_37Let me try this07:58
dangerFlakespls, anyone. Nvidia restricted drivers wont activate, keep getting a System error about broken pkgs07:58
Us3r_Unfriendlykrishna_37: so you only have the 9.10 cd.  I have that too somewhere07:58
krishna_37the new version i need to download07:58
Dr_Willis!mount | Mr1807:58
ubottuMr18: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount07:58
krishna_37which i will start latter07:58
dnivrakrishna_37, it's possible that the cd is corrupted. try checking the disk for errors.07:58
industry__Mr18: you need to mount a device under /dev/. /media is where the filesystem of that device will be attached to your filesystem tree07:59
Dr_WillisMr18: -->  sudo mount /dev/YOUNEEDTOFINDWHAT_sdX_it_is  /media/PSP   -t vfat -o OPTIONSYOUMAYNEED07:59
krishna_37I had aready used in my lapi07:59
krishna_37it worked07:59
cryptic1is there any gui app that can detect keyloggers for ubuntu. I have klam av but it cant update not sure if klam finds loggers though07:59
krishna_37will a new assembled PC cause any issues07:59
Us3r_Unfriendlykrishna_37: you could download the 10.10 version or you could after you install 9.10, type in a terminal:    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade07:59
OneTonTurdCouldn't you technically mount it where you wanted though. like /mnt  ?07:59
Us3r_Unfriendlykrishna_37: takes longer to do it that way though07:59
iszakHow do I inspect a package (not installed) to see the version?07:59
Dr_WillisdangerFlakes:  youmay want to pastebin the output of 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get upgrade' for the channel to look at.07:59
Us3r_UnfriendlyOneTonTurd: yes08:00
industry__cryptic1: i don't know about gui apps, but there are rootkit scanners08:00
=== sloopy is now known as Guest13684
bogdan_vb cineva limba romana?08:00
Us3r_UnfriendlyOneTonTurd: i usually mount in /media/ or /mnt/ or even my desktop...some ppl might have issues but i have never08:00
cryptic1industry_ u recommend any for a noob?08:01
krishna_37can any one help me with this version installation08:01
ubottuDaca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro08:01
industry__cryptic1: try chkrootkit: http://www.chkrootkit.org/08:01
dangerFlakesHey everybodysi cant, not on this computer, ha. but there are no erroros with either08:01
Us3r_Unfriendlykrishna_37: what do you need help with installing?08:01
dnivraiszak, try "apt-get show <packagename>"08:01
dangerFlakesman, sorry, been drinking08:01
krishna_37cant even boot into the bootable cd08:01
OneTonTurdUs3r_Unfriendly> I just recently installed World of Warcraft this way.08:01
iszakThanks dnivra, always forget that.08:02
Us3r_UnfriendlyOneTonTurd: ugh world of worcraft08:02
dangerFlakesupgrade and update go just fine, no errors08:02
Us3r_Unfriendlysorry i'm not a gamer08:02
dnivraiszak, no problem :)08:02
dangerFlakesits the instal of the driver that gets an error08:02
OneTonTurdUs3r_Unfriendly> mounted it to /mnt  then I just grabbed the info off the disk.08:02
OneTonTurdUs3r_Unfriendly> haha I know right.08:02
krishna_37stuck here08:02
iszakdnivra, it says invalid operation "show".08:03
krishna_37cant understand why its not booting08:03
iszakI guess you meant apt-cache?08:03
dnivraiszak, sorry "apt-cache show" :P08:03
Us3r_UnfriendlyOneTonTurd: you could used the dd command to create a iso of the disk and mounted the iso too08:03
Us3r_Unfriendlybut that works...i usually deal with iso's08:03
iszakdnivra, thanks once more.08:04
dnivrakrishna_37, what happens when you try to boot?08:04
Us3r_UnfriendlyOneTonTurd: sorry misread...if you have the disk no reason to create a iso.  need coffee08:04
sacarlsoncryptic1: your working on the premiss that ubuntu/linux is as unsecure as windows.  all apps you install with ubuntu if you use packages has been verified and key verified as being the real thing08:04
dnivraiszak, no problem. sorry about the mix up :).08:04
krishna_37when i put the cd in the new PC and change the boot order to CD i am getting the error08:04
krishna_37disk boot failure08:04
iszakdnivra, some help is better than no help.08:04
OneTonTurdUs3r_Unfriendly> I actually followed a guide lol.08:05
dnivraiszak, not always :). sometimes it's best to keep quiet :).08:05
cryptic1i understand but i am a paranoid lifetime windows user pretty much08:05
Us3r_UnfriendlyOneTonTurd: did it work for you?08:05
ubottuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE08:05
OneTonTurdUs3r_Unfriendly> mount /dev/drivename where drive name was my cdrom108:05
industry__cryptic1 unless you have a reason to suspect your system has been compromised, chances are you are okay.08:05
cryptic1i was downloading a bunch of music apps for wine and then that firestarter was goingg crazy with a bunch of blocked connections08:06
OneTonTurdUs3r_Unfriendly> then mount -t udf -o ro,unhide,uid=1000 /dev/drivename /mountpoint  and i mounted it to /mnt08:06
Us3r_UnfriendlyOneTonTurd: i converted someone from work to linux but he wanted me to install wow on his machine, but after i saw the 7 gig file to install, i said forget it.  takes like 2 days to install...time i don't have08:06
cryptic1found 2 rootkits in ubuntu software center too08:06
cryptic1one is chrootkit08:06
dnivra!msgthebot | karthick8708:06
ubottukarthick87: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".08:06
IdleOnethose are rootkit checkers08:06
sacarlsoncryptic1: virus protection is completely useless on any platform in my opinion,  if you want more security there are better ones that exist in ubuntu/linux08:06
Us3r_Unfriendlycryptic1: you found rootkits...i seriously doubt it08:07
iszakSo why does Ubuntu package with Ruby 1.8 as opposed to 1.9.x?08:07
OneTonTurdUs3r_Unfriendly>  It wasn't so bad.  This is my first real time going full linux with no dual boot. so08:07
cryptic1sorry i am not very good with the terminology08:07
IdleOnecryptic1: the rootkits you found are tools used to check for rootkits08:07
r00t4rd3dUs3r_Unfriendly, im gonna kill you for showing me that video08:07
dnivrakrishna_37, it seems that disk boot error is a problem with 9.10.  check http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1287583.08:07
Dr_Willisiszak:  the version may of not been out when the reelase  was 'frozen'08:07
olx69I try to step through virt-manager. vista32 is installed on host x64. Now I try to connect using rdp which wont work. vista has allowed remote and desktop. But on linux host I can't connect08:08
olx69any ideas08:08
iszakDr_Willis, that's what I thought, but I believe it was.08:08
iszakOh well, I will just make it, thanks anyway Dr_Willis.08:08
IdleOnecryptic1: if you stick to the software center you are 99.999% guaranteed safe (nothing is 100%)08:08
Dr_Willisiszak:  i doubt it.. then again. if it came out a few days/weeks bnefor.. they dont snapshot everything on the exact day08:08
ohirdid it say hostip?08:08
Dr_Willisiszak:  look for ppa's08:08
sacarlsoncryptic1: one I beleave in is something like tripwire http://remoteadmin.org.uk/tutorials/42-linux/56-tripwire-ubuntu  I also note changes in my system with git  that monitors changes and my commits that I comment.08:09
Us3r_Unfriendlyr00t4rd3d: why you say that?08:10
zcat[1]gdebi is a really backward step IMHO ... only a matter of time before the same "you need X codec to see this video" scam sites start including a .deb along with the usual .exe and .dmg malware installer ....08:11
r00t4rd3ddidnt really know to much about compiz08:11
zcat[1]but for now you're safe ;)08:11
Us3r_Unfriendlyr00t4rd3d: so your going to kill me over compiz?  that's new08:11
industry__zcat[1]: malware is always a given. no operating system can protect a user from themselves.08:12
Us3r_UnfriendlyDr_Willis: you also try to help ppl that quit on you half way through?08:12
Dr_WillisUs3r_Unfriendly:  i do have a life/./ and a sick wife..08:13
Dr_WillisUs3r_Unfriendly:  i try to help when i can.08:13
Us3r_UnfriendlyDr_Willis: I do as well08:13
Dr_Williseven if they get my name wrong 100 times08:13
zcat[1]industry__:  the whole concept of package management and trustworthy software repositories though it probably as close as you can get.. gdebi really breaks that.08:13
r00t4rd3dnow i have new addiction08:14
=== dangerFlakes_ is now known as dangerFlakes
Us3r_UnfriendlyDr_Willis: that's why i was calling you Dr_Williams...i started laughing after he was calling you the wrong name08:14
Us3r_Unfriendlyr00t4rd3d: what's that?08:14
Scutumhello I have a question, I found this site http://www.andlinux.org/downloads.php what do you guys suggest08:14
industry__zcat[1]: there was always dpkg. gdebi makes it graphical. that's the only difference.08:14
zcat[1]It's like we threw away Linux's biggest advantage because Windows users want to be able to click an installer on a website like they do in Windows.. but they left windows because of the malware problems. Hello?!!08:14
Us3r_Unfriendlyr00t4rd3d: hopefully not killing me08:14
Scutumto run linux virtually on vista08:15
r00t4rd3dnah messing with compiz08:15
Scutumr00t4rd3d, is that fir me?08:15
industry__so really the problem is that it's too easy. which sure, it is. which is why you need the big warnings that say only install packages from trustworthy sources.08:15
Dr_WillisScutum:  that worked decently well when i tried it. However. Youmay need to know some linux allready to make it work right. and it was 32bit os only08:15
Us3r_Unfriendlyr00t4rd3d: in that video I was using "the experimental plugins" from compiz's site.  you'll need "git"08:15
r00t4rd3dScutum, no08:15
r00t4rd3di got them08:15
varun_Hello world!!I have a problem with mounting.When I connect an external hard drive via usb  then automount does not work and the error exit code 1 shows up saying I need to be superuser to mount.The /etc/fstab shows "user" as one of the options.Also I changed the ownership of the mount folders to my name using--- chown +R myname foldername08:15
r00t4rd3dScutum, just install wubi :D08:16
Us3r_Unfriendlyvarun_: mount the drive manually08:16
zcat[1]industry__:  I guess we'll see. I still think gdebi is a mistake08:16
Us3r_Unfriendlyvarun_: or change the /etc/fstab08:16
Scutumok Il give it a try08:16
dnivraScutum, you could just run it in virtualbox right?08:16
zephyscutum: also virtualbox by oracle08:16
zcat[1]makes it far too easy for noobs to end up running some untrusted script as root..08:16
Dr_Williszcat[1]:  gdebi is not installed by default any more. ubuntu software center is the default app to open .deb packages now08:16
dnivra!virtualbox | Scutum08:16
ubottuScutum: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox08:16
zcat[1]Dr_Willis:  Oh.. that's good!08:17
zcat[1]although does it just do the same thing gdebi did though?08:17
varun_@Us3r_Unfriendly what should I change the fstab to?08:17
industry__hardly, if the package center does the same thing. in ubuntu, though, it's not always about the apps08:17
Dr_Williszcat[1]:  And ive never noticed gdebi being able to 'add' repos/ppa's  - it just pulls in stuff from the allready setup repos as needed08:17
sacarlsonvarun_: what format is this usb drive in?  ext4?08:17
Dr_Williszcat[1]:  so i dont see gdebi being an issue08:17
Us3r_Unfriendlyr00t4rd3d: wubi is not the greatest...it's Ubuntu running inside a running windows os.  If you get a bad malware that effects you so you can't boot, you'll not be able to use linux either08:17
industry__Dr_Willis: it was a graphical .deb package installer.08:18
varun_It has 3 partitions08:18
industry__from my experience with it. didn't use the repositories.08:18
Dr_Williszcat[1]:  i have se3en .deb's that auto-add their own ppa. that could be a risk.. but so is downloading a .deb from any source in the frst place.08:18
varun_one is ntfs and the others ext308:18
zcat[1]Dr_Willis:  no.. you go to http://scumware.org/ and you click on 'rootme.deb' and it offers to open that in gdebi (or now software centre I guess) and then prompts for the user's password so it can run it as root under gksu08:18
Scutumr00t4rd3d, is wubi the way to go you think?08:18
Dr_Willisindustry__:  it pulls in ne3eded packages from the repos for a given deb.08:18
Us3r_Unfriendlyvarun_: i would suggest mounting it manually from the command line but you'll need "fdisk;mount;and maybe mkdir08:18
r00t4rd3dmalware cant touch me08:18
dangerFlakescant get the nvidia drivers to activate. any one know why?08:19
Us3r_Unfriendlyr00t4rd3d: yeah08:19
zcat[1]just like installing some random exe or msi under windows08:19
Dr_Williszcat[1]: so what do you expect it to do exactly?08:19
Us3r_Unfriendlyr00t4rd3d: well stick to the repos for life to be more safer than08:19
industry__not exactly. at least you have to type a root password under ubuntu/linux. in windows, all you had to do was look at the file funny.08:19
dnivraScutum, i wouldn't recommend it- partitioning is always what i'd recommend. try running it in virtualbox if you want.08:19
varun_@Us3r_Unfriendly I connect the hard drive when I need to save something but everytime I do do I need to mount it manually?Shouldnot this behaviour be automated?08:20
Dr_Willisgdebi's main feature is it can pull in needed deps for foo.deb  vs. just doing a 'sudo dpkg -i foo.deb'08:20
Us3r_Unfriendlyr00t4rd3d: why did you say kill back there?  some might take that serious08:20
r00t4rd3dScutum, wubi basically installs ubuntu like a program. When you boot you can choose windows or ubuntu08:20
zcat[1]Dr_Willis:  I'd prefer it opens some dialog that advises the user to install 'rootme' via the ubuntu repos (if the package exists)08:20
Dr_WillisScutum:  I reccomend trying ubuntu in virtualbox if you wan tit.08:20
Us3r_Unfriendlyvarun_: yes it should but it isn't hard to do.08:20
varun_It is not required when I connect a Usb.Also the same external drive has a virtual CD which mounts automatically08:20
Dr_Williszcat[1]:  i do belive ive seen such messages/dialogs in either gdebi, or the software center.08:20
ScutumDr_Willis, a virtual box08:20
Mr18Dr_Willis, wow, all I had to do was reformat :(08:20
sacarlsonvarun_: I assume you use uuid in your fstab file?  I'm not sure about ntfs,  that could be the problem.  is ntfs the  first of the partitions?08:21
dikdikhey guys08:21
Dr_Williszcat[1]:   'package exists in a newer version int he repos' or some such message.08:21
ScutumDr_Willis, what virtual box do you suggest?08:21
dikdikis anyone as excited as i am over the prospect of a second korean war????08:21
dnivra!virtualbox | Scutum08:21
Dr_WillisScutum:  err.. 'virtualbox' :)  from the vbox homepage08:21
dnivra!virtualbox | Scutum08:21
varun_@Us3r_Unfriendly It is not hard ,I open gparted and then click on each and say mount and that does it.08:21
Us3r_Unfriendlyr00t4rd3d; Scutum i also think it's more safer to create another partition and installing ubuntu without wubi.08:21
dnivra!vbox | Scutum08:21
dikdikits going to be AWESOME08:21
ubottuScutum: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox08:21
dnivra!ot | dikdik08:21
ubottudikdik: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:21
dikdikdnivra: suck my fucking dick08:22
dnivrathanks IdleOne was about to call in the ops :)08:23
dangerFlakesanyone know how I can remedy this? Nvidia restricted drivers wont activate, keep getting a System error about broken pkgs08:23
zcat[1]hmmm.. does this mean they'll make a sequel to MASH?08:23
r00t4rd3dop caller08:23
ScutumI want to be running linux on top of windows08:23
varun_@sacarlson here is my /etc/fstab08:23
Scutumno partititon08:23
Us3r_Unfriendlythat's nice dikdik08:23
Dr_WillisScutum:  then use that anlinux. IF you got 32bit windows.08:23
dangerFlakesi was ablr to update and upgrade fine, btw, no errors there08:23
Dr_WillisScutum:  theres other ways to do it also. but i use vbox normally08:23
dnivraScutum, virtual box is best. no hassles, no worries. just you need to boot windows to use ubuntu-perfect to try out :)08:24
Administrator_hello everyone08:24
Us3r_UnfriendlyScutum: alright, Dr_Willis offered virtualbox which is a great choice, or just use wubi08:24
Dr_WillisdangerFlakes:  check the forums for tips on fixing 'broken packages'  pastebin the exact error messages for the channel to read08:24
Dr_WillisScutum:  wubi does not run alongside windows. it installs 'under' windows.08:24
ScutumDr_Willis, you mean adlinux right?08:24
ScutumI want something simple hussle free08:25
Scutumwubi wont do it then08:25
Dr_WillisandLinux is a complete Ubuntu Linux system running seamlessly in Windows 2000 based systems (2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 7; 32-bit versions only).08:25
sacarlsonvarun_: I see two that must be your problem /dev/sda3  and /dev/sda4  but I thought you said they were usb drives08:25
ScutumDr_Willis, thank you08:25
Dr_Willisas i said.. its 32bit ONLY..08:25
r00t4rd3dyour always limited with VM's i think08:25
Dr_Willisso i cant even use it any more08:26
Us3r_Unfriendlybut with wubi ubuntu will start in windows.  i believe it uses the windows mbr too08:26
Dr_Willisandlinux is a specialized qemu (i think) setup.08:26
dangerFlakesSystemError E:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.08:26
Dr_Williswith wubi You boot to linux, or windows.  andlinus spawns a virtual machine, that then uses xming/vnc to make linux apps appear on the windows desktop08:26
r00t4rd3dnot in windows , dual boot08:26
sacarlsonvarun_: I'm not sure if it's possible for ntfs but you should use the uuid instead of /dev/sda4  as the drive definition08:26
ScutumUs3r_Unfriendly, I would like to use linux a a windows application08:26
vipulwhat is diffrence between sudo -s and sudo -i  ?08:27
Scutumnot as a partititon08:27
Dr_WillisdangerFlakes:  so unhold/remvoe the held packages perhaps.08:27
Dr_Willisvipul:  the enviroment variables from what i recall08:27
Administrator_ i want use ubuntu ce08:27
varun_@sacarlson the sda 3 and 4 are fine coz they are partitions of the internal hard drive and get mounted  at boottime.All the drives named sda are the problem coz they08:27
deddlyHow do I update the catalogue in Ubuntu Software Center?08:27
dangerFlakeshow do you do that, im super new at this08:27
varun_are the ones parts of ext hard drive and they are08:27
Scutumandlinux would be best08:27
Scutumis what I get from all this answers08:28
sacarlsonvarun_: then witch of these disks entries is not automounting?08:28
varun_connected via ext USB.08:28
varun_all drives named sdb are problems08:28
Us3r_UnfriendlyDr_Willis: but you have the option of booting from which ever want from the windows "host", it's hard to explain but it's like it's installing it inside of windows, not creating a seperate partition08:28
Weazelis there an 'easy' way to change file type icons ? (ex: change a folder icon inside a specific theme)08:28
vipulDr_Willis,  sory i dont understand08:28
SyriaHow to allow ping requests from for example?08:29
dnivradangerFlakes, open synaptic. click on status(at the bottom left corner) and select "broken". that should get you the broken package.08:29
sacarlsonvarun_: they may be mounting now but if the disk is physicaly moved to another controler or port then it can cause a problem,  but as long as they stay where they are I guess it's fine08:29
cryptic1ok i did rkhunter installation from ubuntu software center viewing the readme file but its like trying to read another language08:29
deddlyPlease could someone tell me how to update the catalogue in Ubuntu Software Center?08:29
Dr_Willisvipul:  google for the terms 'root shell ubuntu right way' and theres a site/guide that explains it08:29
Us3r_UnfriendlyWeazel: right click the folder and go to properties.  you can click the icon in the window that pops up and change it from there08:29
cryptic1how do i scan? opened a terminal and copied the first few commands08:30
WeazelUs3r_Unfriendly:  but it will only work for that specific Icon,  not for all folders or file types08:30
Us3r_UnfriendlyWeazel: then gksudo nautilus /usr/share/icons/08:30
sacarlsonvarun_: again same error failure to use uuid since they may mount as different point when you use plug and play08:30
nightcrowi have recently deployed an image of ubuntu 10.04 onto a new server with clonezilla - but for some reason there is no timeout with the grub08:31
cryptic1closed terminal temporarily gave up and came back here08:31
dnivradeddly, you mean package lists? you can do that from update manager. i am not sure if you can from software center.08:31
nightcrowit waits for me to press enter key to load the OS - i have tried to edit grub.lst but to no avail08:31
nightcrowcan someone help me please08:31
varun_sacarlson: sorry did not make myself clear.All sda s are fine and I have no worries about them coz they are parts of the internal harddrive but the sdb are partitions in ext and I am concerned about their automount.I am going to change the sda and sdb to uuids for all and then try again08:31
Us3r_UnfriendlyWeazel: your most likely going to have to go to the humanity directory08:31
r00t4rd3dcryptic1, just type sudo rkhunter --check in a terminal08:31
Scutumsacarlson, are you pattrick?08:31
dnivranightcrow, 10.04 uses grub2, which no longer has menu.lst file.08:31
nightcrowi mean - grub.cfg08:32
r00t4rd3dsudo rkhunter --check08:32
nightcrowtypo :)08:32
sacarlsonScutum: no I'm scotty08:32
Scutumoh sorry08:32
WeazelUs3r_Unfriendly: thanks, but thats exactly what i'm trying to avoid, changing each one manually08:32
intickhi all, i hvae a problem with my FTP server ... i can access it and list folders content from local without problem but when i try using my public IP, it connects very well but does not allow me to list files/folders ..08:32
dnivranightcrow, saw https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 on how to set a timeout?08:32
inticki've checked rights i think it has a relation with passive/active mode08:32
cryptic1awesome thanks08:33
deddlydnivra: What I mean is that I'm in Ubuntu Software Centre and want to read about something I'm interested in installing. When I click on "more info" it says "To show information about  this item, the software catalog needs updating08:33
Us3r_Unfriendlynightcrow: try sudo apt-get install startupmanager.  the gui for changing grub options08:33
reactorhow do I run notify-osd from sh script?08:33
Us3r_UnfriendlyWeazel: sorry don't know what to tell you then08:33
nightcrowi dont use a gui08:33
r00t4rd3dcryptic1, another command you should run is sudo rkhunter --update08:33
sacarlsonScutum: that's ok  my real name is Scott Anton Carlson  as why my nick sacarlson08:33
nightcrowi log onto the server via ssh08:33
Us3r_UnfriendlyWeazel: that's how you do it08:33
cryptic1ok thank u r00t08:34
Us3r_Unfriendlynightcrow: what's the issue?08:34
sivakumarhow can i change my booting option i.e with out pressing the enter button to linux it should go to the linux like windows does08:34
Dr_WillisYou dont edit grub.cfg by hand. Youedit the proper grub /etc/default/grub file and rerun update-grub,08:34
nightcrowUs3r_Unfriendly: no timeout in grub08:34
Dr_Willissivakumar:  whats  it going to now?08:34
WeazelUs3r_Unfriendly: i understand, but thats too complicated for  something that should be simple like how windows implemented it, but oh well, u win some....08:34
nightcrowit waits for user input before loading the OS - i have to press enter08:34
dnivradeddly, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=156670808:34
Scutumsacarlson, can I PM?08:34
sacarlsonScutum: sure08:34
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.08:34
nit-witsivakumar, do you want a default boot08:35
sivakumarDr_Willis, it showing  two os one is linux and the other is windows08:35
sivakumarnit-wit, yes08:35
Dr_Willissivakumar:  so its not timing out and defaulting to #1 ?08:35
deddlyThanks, dnivra. I'll take a look08:35
dnivradeddly, it's a known bug.08:35
nit-witsivakumar, install startup manager in Ubuntu08:35
varun_@dinvra howdy08:35
nightcrowDr_Willis: i have the same problem08:36
nightcrowbut im only running one OS08:36
nit-witsivakumar, I'm assuming this is apartitoned install not wubi08:36
Us3r_UnfriendlyWeazel: well windows might be the os for you...i don't mean that in a mean way either08:36
sivakumarDr_Willis, where08:37
r00t4rd3dcryptic1, do you think someone is trying to hack your box ?08:37
Dr_Willissivakumar:  by default gruvb waits like 10 sec. then goes to the first entry here.08:37
Dr_Willissivakumar:  its set in /etc/default/grub08:37
Us3r_Unfriendlyr00t4rd3d: it can be done from here08:37
cryptic1just paranoid and delusional i guess08:37
cryptic1so i want to know how to check these things08:37
r00t4rd3dbut your root pass is 12308:38
Emmanuel_ChanelHello! Someone can help me? I cannot input sound from the pink jack of my headset.08:38
WeazelUs3r_Unfriendly: if i weigh Microsoft's evil/probs/bugs/impotantancy  vs the freedom of linux,  then i'll stick to manual... (just wanted to know if there is a gui like filetypes thingie thats all)08:38
Us3r_UnfriendlyEmmanuel_Chanel: that's for recording08:38
joakimkHow can I "merge" two txt files into one file, as happens with SVN when there is no conflict (status G)?08:38
r00t4rd3dEmmanuel_Chanel, sudo apt-get install alsamixer08:38
Emmanuel_Chanelok. I try.08:38
Dr_Willisjoakimk:  you mean put file2 at the end of file1? or some more complex mergeing?08:39
joakimksomething like "merge file1.txt file2.txt > file.txt"08:39
thehurleyi'm able to manually tether my iphones internet connection, does anyone know how to to configure ubuntu 10.10 so that once the usb cable is plugged in, the tethering connection is automatically brought up?08:39
Dr_Willisjoakimk:  use 'cat'08:39
WeazelUs3r_Unfriendly: if u would see how my desktop looks like right now, u'll know why i wanted somthing like that :D its so beautiful its killing any Mac or windows or whatnot08:39
rkviraniHow do I change the default runlevel?08:39
Us3r_UnfriendlyWeazel: i haven't seen a app for that.  I manually innertwine my icons themes together and that's how i do it08:39
Dr_Willisrkvirani:  ubuntu dosent use runlevles like other disrtos do08:39
joakimkDr_Willis: no, I want changes in file1 and file2 to be used, both, as long as they don't conflict...08:39
ubottuIn Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.08:39
ubottuFTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd08:39
sivakumarDr_Willis, how to set them08:39
Us3r_UnfriendlyWeazel: take a screenshot and post it on www.imageshack.us08:40
Weazelaight sec08:40
deddlydnivra: Fixed that problem, thanks!08:40
Dr_Willissivakumar:  check the grub2 docs/guides -  It should be listed near the top opf /etc/default/grub08:40
deddlyDoes anyone know if there is a simple command to test sound?08:40
Us3r_UnfriendlyDr_Willis: that's why i frown apon ubuntu.  the rc levels and the xorg.conf upset me a ton when they first changed it08:40
rkviranideddly: sound is very complicated in linux.08:41
Us3r_UnfriendlyDr_Willis: but i still love it at the same time08:41
nit-witsivakumar, here is a great tutorial on tweaking grub2 look in the signature for more grub fun. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128760208:41
rkviranithere are a few different sound servers.08:41
deddlyrkvirani: Yes I08:41
Us3r_Unfriendlypulse and alsa08:41
deddlyrkvirani: Yes I am just getting to realise that lol08:41
joakimkDr_Willis: Did that make sense? Like, if line 1 is changed in file1, and line 3 is changed in file2, I want the output file to contain *both* of these modifications08:41
Us3r_Unfriendlyto start08:41
=== jofo_ is now known as jofo
deddlyrkvirani: I just though there might be a simple sound sample I could play to see if it's working08:42
Dr_Willisjoakimk:  what if theres a blank line ahead of one line thats ot changed.. it can get complex.08:42
Dr_WillisUs3r_Unfriendly:  upstart is much cleaner then sysv stuff.  it was a needed change.08:42
joakimkDr_Willis: well, then I'd want to have that line... I see your point. But SVN does this, right?08:42
Dr_Willisjoakimk:  no idea. I dont code much08:42
Us3r_Unfriendlyjoakimk: your going to deffinitly wanna look more into that via the web.  Rc manages the daemons and other auto starting services you'll need08:42
rkviraniAnyone know how to change the default runlevel in ubuntu, I cant find /etc/inittab!!!08:42
dangerFlakesok, I think i figured it out, conflicting nvidia drivers08:43
dangerFlakesthe one i have installed is not metting me remove it and install the correct one08:43
joakimkUs3r_Unfriendly: what's Rc?08:43
Us3r_UnfriendlyDr_Willis: i agree with upstart08:43
rkviranideddly: I think there might be one in your home directory08:43
Us3r_Unfriendlyjoakimk: /etc/rc.local08:44
Us3r_Unfriendlyjoakimk: your runlevels08:44
Dr_Willisrkvirani:  ubuntu dosent use runlevels any more. what  are you trying to acomplish by altering runlevels?08:44
joakimkUs3r_Unfriendly: ah. Thanks.08:44
deddlyrkvirani: ok...well I can't see one. Never mind08:45
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/08:45
neverwhereany one trying out lubuntu?08:45
Us3r_Unfriendlyneverwhere: never tried it08:45
Dr_Willisneverwhere:  it works decently well. lacking in a few ways, but over all - very useable08:45
deddlyI have a clean install after I wrecked my sound. Can anyone please help be install the right componants to avoid buzzing/clicking audio? I want to play mp3 and I want low system demands08:45
=== nicofs_ is now known as nicofs
neverwherei agree, i am currently using it on a sandisk flash drive and running quite well :)08:46
Us3r_Unfriendlyneverwhere: not saying it is bad or anything...i just never got to using it08:46
Us3r_Unfriendlyneverwhere: i want to though and gentoo08:47
neverwhereto me it's rather a lesser gnome, and i'm curious with gentoo just as well.08:48
Dr_WillisYou dont hear a lot about gentoo these days. :)08:48
Dr_Williswhen lubuntu gets officially supported  - i bet it will take off big time08:48
neverwheregentoo seems that it is sort of like BSD08:48
r00t4rd3di think ive tried every linux distro made08:48
neverwherewhich im also a lil curious about08:48
Us3r_UnfriendlyDr_Willis: I use a live gentoo disk to remove malware from windows machines when I have customers08:48
neverwherewhat do you use on gentoo to remove crapware from windows???08:49
Us3r_Unfriendly*as a side job08:49
sivakumardeddly, whats the problem08:49
meg_how to install ymessenger08:50
Dr_WillisUs3r_Unfriendly:  i got a 10 iso's on one flash drive tool :) to do that. heh.08:50
Dr_Willis!im | meg_08:50
ubottumeg_: The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete08:50
meg_how to install ymessenger in linux08:50
Dr_Willismeg_:  use some IM client that supports yahoo, or try meebo.com08:50
r00t4rd3dmeg kmess ftw !08:50
Dr_Willismeg_:  last i checked the official yahoo program for linux - was like outdated..08:50
neverwheremeg try pidin, empathy kopete, they all support yahoo messager08:50
deddlysivakumar: I was experiencing clicking and crackling when playing sound, so I tried installing Open Sound System and nothing worked at all. Nobody could help me get ALSA back so I reinstalled the entire OS. I now have a clean install and would like to avoid the same problems.08:51
meg_were can i download ymessenger for linux and how to install it08:52
Dr_Willisdeddly:  what OSS did you install exactly?08:52
Dr_Willismeg_:  are you even reading what people are saying to you?08:52
Us3r_Unfriendlyr00t4rd3d: i made it with openshot...I got to say i like it better than pitivi08:52
WeazelUs3r_Unfriendly: sry totally missed ur request--- >  http://img17.imageshack.us/g/desktop1u.png/08:52
deddlyDr_Willis: I followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenSound08:53
rkpisanuis it possible to mount file without root permission ? mount -o loop new.root.bin /tmp/smaller08:53
meg_how to install yahoo messenger for linux08:53
Us3r_UnfriendlyWeazel: i gots to say i like the setup08:54
Dr_Willisrkpisanu:   theres the 'fuse' tools that can let ysers do it. there may be other ways08:54
neverwhereyeah, meg, i encourage you to install pidgin as i consider that to be the defacto IM app for any linux distro IMHO. what disrto r u using meg???08:54
deddlyDr_Willis: I only installed OSS because I thought it might help me get rid of the crackling noise08:54
rkpisanuDr_Willis, thanks, but what is other way ?08:54
WeazelUs3r_Unfriendly: thanks :D, many things intertwined to create all of that, got a bit lazy with the icons, since i need to change the icons manually every single place from small to big ^_^ thats why i asked08:55
Dr_Willisdeddly:   youmay want to try updaeting the alsa drivers/system.08:55
WeazelUs3r_Unfriendly: oh well i guess its time to get back to work now08:55
r00t4rd3dwow pidgin and kmess look the same :/08:55
Dr_Willisrkpisanu:  you can set up sudo to allow specific commands perhaps.08:55
meg_but how to do it08:55
rkpisanuDr_Willis, i want to avoid sudo08:55
Dr_Willisrkpisanu:  then use fuse. that would be the safest way i imagine08:55
neverwheremeg what distro r u using???08:55
deddlyDr_Willis: First, though, Gstreamer codecs are the ones I want, right?08:55
Dr_Willisdeddly:  Huh? I always install ubuntu-restrict3ed-extras08:56
meg_iam using linux os but i cant install ym08:56
deddlyDr_Willis: Oh ok I'll try that08:56
ShaRoseanyone know of a a windows CE version of wubi?08:56
Dr_WillisShaRose:  i would be suprised if such a thing existed08:57
ShaRoseyeah I figured I'd ask08:57
Dr_Willismeg_:  you mean the YM client from the yahoo web site?08:58
meg_you did asnwer my question08:58
ShaRosetrying to get netbook ection on an easy pc08:58
jeponghi... can i install unity shell on my maverick desktop? thanks08:58
ShaRosesister get a free one at her Christmas party, so08:58
Dr_WillisShaRose:  i saw some mini-netbooks that came witn windowsce over the weekend.. wife wanted one.. i wouldent let her get one. Im not even sure tha twindows ce can run normal windows apps.08:58
zeppelin101can i use gparted to re-size a partition on a hard drive on which ubuntu is installed and from which it is running from?08:58
ShaRosethis one uses ARM as well08:58
Dr_WillisShaRose:  they are basically going to use what they came with then.   reason i wouldent let her get one.08:59
Us3r_Unfriendlyzeppelin101: yes but it's safe to do it from a live cd though08:59
Dr_WillisShaRose:  ther are ARM based ubuntu/linux ouyt. if it can boot from flash08:59
meg_plzzz tell me how to install yahoo messenger for linux and download it08:59
ShaRosetrying to get it to do that08:59
Dr_Willismeg_:  use one of the many IM clients in the package manager software center.  most all of them can do Yahoo and many other Im chat protiocals at the same time.09:00
zeppelin101Us3r_Unfriendly: i run into a strange problem when I try to re-size an ext4 & an ntfs partition whether gparted is running off ubuntu or off a live cd..09:00
r00t4rd3dmeg , we need to know what distro of linux are you running , ubuntu ?09:00
Dr_Willismeg_:  install and use pidgin perhaps. 'sudo apt-get install pidgin'09:00
zeppelin101Us3r_Unfriendly: also, do i need to unmount a FS before i can re-size it? ( i think yes..)09:00
Dr_Williszeppelin101:  definatly YES09:00
Dr_Williszeppelin101:  i tend to use live cd's to do that task. so everything is unmounted09:01
r00t4rd3dmeg open a terminal and type this sudo apt-get install pidgin09:01
zeppelin101Dr_ thanks09:01
Us3r_Unfriendlymeg_: i agree with r00t4rd3d09:01
r00t4rd3dmeg or you can get it in the synaptic package manager09:02
neverwheremeg if you are using ubuntu, than just use empathy to IM people using the yahoo protocal. is there some thing special you are trying to do that empathy does not support??09:02
rigvedmeg_: yes. use empathy is very good ^^09:03
Us3r_UnfriendlyZed`: yes09:03
meg_yes i do it sudu in termenal09:04
r00t4rd3dApplications , Internet , pidgin09:04
neverwherelol, i was saying that from the begining, just sudo apt-get install pidgin09:06
neverwherepress "y"09:06
Dr_Willishit the big key that says 'e n t e r' .....09:07
Dr_Willisor just go to meebo.com to do your IM work.09:07
narcislinuxsee this http://narcistux.wordpress.com/09:08
Dr_WillisI think theres some alterantive to meebo these days also.09:08
neverwheredr willis, since that mostall distors have some IM client that works with almost all IM's it is almost pointless to use anything else09:08
neverwherethough IMHO i think empathy is garbage, and kopete is fairly decent, pidgin still takes the fame09:10
Xyeklops79I need help installing Qwest wireless internet that has Vista crap on it09:10
Xyeklops79I got the self installation09:10
* skraito hi guys need tester for http://yohanespatra.wordpress.com/2010/12/19/0x71-perl-logger-to-syslog-simple-key-logger/ sory to advertise is a simple keylogger using syslog09:11
neverwhere>>> uh be more specific09:11
Xyeklops79Please use my name to let me know your talkin to me09:11
meg_the pidgin is complete what do next09:11
Dr_Willismeg_:  run pidgin09:11
Xyeklops79Can anybody help me to install Qwest wireless09:12
Dr_Willisit should be in themenus. somewhere09:12
meg_how run pidgin09:12
Dr_Willismeg_:  Look in the menus?09:12
=== Wm is now known as iJWM
Dr_Willisor run 'pidgin' from a terminal09:12
Xyeklops79I got my terminal up but dont know how to install it?09:12
neverwhereas said befpre meg, pidgin is going to be under applications/ internet09:13
neverwherefor the buntus anyway09:13
Dr_WillisXyeklops79:  you may want to check the forums for that . If its xp/wndows binary/exeucatles. those proberly wont do what you need09:13
skraitoany one can test this script ? sorry to advertise again09:13
skraitosee whether its working09:13
skraitoon your ubuntu ?09:13
Dr_Willisskraito:  take it elsewhere to advertise.09:13
IdleOneskraito: please stop advertising09:13
elricsfateGuys anyway to get a .net app running in wine? It told me to install the windows version of mono which I have done.09:13
Xyeklops79Call Klops for short09:13
skraitonah i need help09:13
skraitonot advertising here09:14
skraito: (09:14
Dr_Willisskraito:  and how is it ubuntu support related exactly09:14
Xyeklops79It has alot of Windows Vista crap on it09:14
Dr_Williselricsfate:  perhaps ask in #winehq or check the wine forums09:14
neverwhereblah, no wine... jut another excuse to run windows garbage09:14
Xyeklops79But its the best I can get for now09:14
elricsfateI have done all of that Dr_Willis09:14
elricsfateWine HQ was useless09:14
elricsfatethey told me to use google which I had already done09:15
Dr_Williselricsfate:  they are the wine experts.   theres the forums also i guess.09:15
elricsfateand they told me what I already knew by linking me to some pages I had already read09:15
elricsfatewell it seems the wine experts were not that expert :/09:15
Xyeklops79Dr Willis How do I find the forums for that then?09:15
ubottuThe Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums.09:15
Xyeklops79Ok thank you much :)09:16
meg_how run pidgin dont familiar in linux09:16
Dr_Willismeg_:  it has an icon in themenus.. or in a terminal type 'pidgin'09:16
Dr_Willis!manual | meg_09:17
ubottumeg_: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/09:17
neverwhereWTF is qwest wireless anyway?!09:17
Dr_Willisneverwhere:  i think its some cellphpne thing09:17
Xyeklops79Its an internet company in MN09:17
Xyeklops79and cable09:17
* skraito say hi all09:17
Dr_WillisIf its a normal ISp. i cant imagine what they want you to install in the first place.09:17
neverwherewhy would you need to install anything for that?09:17
chainlock hi09:18
Xyeklops79Its a self Install CD09:18
Dr_Willissome isps have helper tools you can isntall. but not needed for the most part.09:18
skraitohi chainlock and xyeklops09:18
skraitomind to help testing a script ?09:18
skraitoperl script ?09:18
Dr_WillisXyeklops79:  and how are you connected to the internet? router/modem/cable/dsl? sme fancy wireless modem?09:18
systemg33khow do i get evolution to check "all" my folders?09:18
chainlockim on an android phone09:18
neverwherein my experience there is absolutly no need to install software like that to get connected09:18
Xyeklops79Its a DSL09:18
chainlocki cant sorry09:19
IdleOneskraito: stop asking for testers for your script. it has nothing to do with ubuntu.09:19
Dr_Willis!dsl | Xyeklops7909:19
ubottuXyeklops79: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE09:19
Xyeklops79But right now Im going off unsecure link lol09:19
meg_pidgin run what do next09:19
Administrator_you  can iinstall ubuntu on android phone?09:19
skraitoi wonder why so many people just get offended so quickly09:19
skraitoi just need to test it on ubuntu09:19
Dr_WillisAdministrator_:  i think ive seen videos of that done.09:19
chainlockwith andchat09:19
IdleOneskraito: install ubuntu and test it yourself09:20
neverwheremeg it should have promt you to type the handle of your yahoo account and password, after that your yahoo freinds should have come up09:20
neverwherejust like AIM09:20
elricsfateAnyone that can help with my wine problem? Winehq was ZERO help09:20
neverwheresorry, i cannot help i think wine is another way to stay dependant on windoes09:20
Xyeklops79DR you said something about Freenode? What was that again and how do I get to that?09:21
Dr_WillisXyeklops79:  you are on freenode...09:21
Xyeklops79lol sorry09:21
Xyeklops79You said that there was something I do in here to help me along also09:21
neverwhereklops what are you using to chat with us???09:21
Dr_WillisI donrt recall mentionign Freenode at all.09:21
* Dr_Willis has a short attention span.09:21
Administrator_andchat is not opensouce09:21
Xyeklops79Im not familiar with this chat at all... I onlt know to come here for help09:22
Xyeklops79Ummm Xchat IRC09:22
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines09:22
Xyeklops79ok it was someone else09:22
elricsfateneverwhere: Thanks for you opinion despite me not asking for it. I came here to ask for help not your opinion on what you use.09:22
tristan3199us1my ubuntu has changed.. what did i do.. i lost my audio button on the toolbar at the top of the screen.09:22
neverwherei still dont particularly understand what it is your trying to do klops otherwise i could help09:22
Xyeklops79yeah it what my cousin put on here for me to use09:23
Dr_Willistristan3199us1:  either it crashes, or you accidently removed it while removing other stuff from the panel.09:23
Dr_Willis!reset-panel | tristan3199us109:23
inticktristan3199us1: re-add notification zone09:23
Dr_Willis!resetpanel | tristan3199us109:23
ubottutristan3199us1: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »09:23
neverwhereelricsfate, i know, im sorry just had to state it. dont want to offend09:23
elricsfateneverwhere: well this is a support channel. Not a channel to state things.09:23
Xyeklops79I got this self install CD for DSL and cant get the sh!t to open09:23
systemg33khow do i get evolution to check "all" (like spam) my folders?09:24
Xyeklops79or install09:24
systemg33kthere is no option under Receiving Options09:24
meg_what cant add inpidgin09:24
neverwheremy bad. i will keep the comments to my self as far as that goes elricsfate09:25
tristan3199us1thanks dr willis.. also some icons have changed.. like my folders look different and a few other icons have changed.. can i do something in terminal to reset to looks of things..09:25
Dr_Willistristan3199us1:  ubuntu-tweak has a tool to totally reset all settings09:26
tristan3199us1from the repos?09:26
Dr_Willistristan3199us1:  or play with teh appearance settings to get what you like09:26
Xyeklops79So is there inside the Browser folder to run to get it to install09:26
tristan3199us1thanks again..09:26
Dr_Willisubuntu-tweak - not in the repos. google for it09:26
DSteelejoin #fluxbox09:29
meg_what can add pidgin i need use yahoo messenger09:35
SeanInSeattleHey all. Does anyone know where to get themes for gnome?09:35
rigvedmeg_: use empathy. it supports yahoo messager09:36
rigved!info community-themes | SeanInSeattle09:38
ubottuSeanInSeattle: community-themes (source: community-themes): desktop artwork by the Ubuntu community. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.23.1 (maverick), package size 240 kB, installed size 3056 kB09:38
meg_how to install yahoo messenger in linux ubuntu09:41
neverwheremeg_ if you are reading this< you should have been able to select a protocol, like AIM, or Yahoo, or what ever when prompted for a messenger service. Select one of them, and enter username and password. your friends should come up when the program connects to the yahoo server.09:41
SyriaGuys please tell me how to unzip a file using terminal? is it sudo unzip file.zip ?09:41
zcat[1]you don't have to sudo EVERYTHING09:42
databitswhat is the best virtualization software to run on ubuntu desktop 10.10 ?09:42
neverwheredatabits, virtualbox09:42
Xyeklops79what do you mean you dont have to sudo everything??? lol I sudo everything lol09:43
databitsneverwhere: thank you09:43
yop129can someone provide support with setting up ear candy, can't get it working09:43
Xyeklops79I sudo alot to everything i do09:43
Xyeklops79How do you not sudo everything?09:44
skraitoguys any gamer here for ubuntu09:44
skraitoanyone can run allods succesfully on wine ?09:44
zcat[1]drives me NUTS.. people sudo to unzip or wget then complain that "linux ALWAYS has permission things getting in the way" ..09:45
zcat[1]well if you SUDO everything all your files end up owned by root!09:45
SyriaGuys how can unzip a file using therminal please?09:46
deddlyMy sound is really wierd. When I play a song, sometimes there is no sound at all, sometimes the song plays but with odd clicking, sometimes I just get a loud buzz like it's repeating part of the song over and over very fast and occasionally, though not often, the song plays with no problems. What is causing this and can it be fixed?09:46
yop129so anyone here have any experience with ear candy?09:46
zcat[1] /rant09:46
zcat[1]Syria:  just unzip x finename.zip  NO SUDO!!!!09:46
Syriazcat[1] ahaaa no sudo thats it09:46
Xyeklops79REALLY zcat??? Damn, then all my shit is owned by Root!?09:47
meg_how to download yahoo messenger for linux ubuntu09:47
meg_how to download yahoo messenger for linux ubuntu using termenal09:47
yop129meg_: u want yahoo or an alternate?09:47
databitswhat is the best mp3... general audio player? Hoping to find something along the lines of winamp....09:47
yop129meg_: there's empathy that comes with it that u can use09:47
Syriazcat[1] can you please tell me how to remove a folder? a whole folder?09:47
deddlydatabits: audacious is nice09:48
zcat[1]meg_:  try just using pidgin, it's already installed09:48
zcat[1]Syria:  rm -rf foldername09:48
databitsdeddly ... thanks09:48
deddlydatabits: and it can use winamp skins09:48
systemg33k<zcat[1]>actually i think empathy is installed not pidgin09:48
Syriazcat[1] Thank you very much, I am still trying to learn using the terminal it is awesome.09:48
zcat[1]Err sorry.. used to be called pidgin?! I can't remember09:49
yop129zcat[1]: it's empathy in 10.1009:49
systemg33k<zcat[1]>no is called pidgin.09:49
AblaquiAlgun español?09:49
alesanhi, how can I download the sources for a package that I have installed?09:49
alesanthe package is "xawtv"09:49
zcat[1]anyhow... ubuntu has an IM client that handles just about every common IM network. You don't need to install another09:49
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.09:50
meg_how to download yahoo messenger for linux ubuntu09:50
zcat[1].. and if you really did need to install another you'd be better advised to find one in the software center rather than downloading something from terminal09:50
yop129meg_: alright keep repeating urself when people are responding to u and u're ignoring them09:51
systemg33kmeg_: http://linux.softpedia.com/progDownload/Yahoo-Messenger-Download-2.html09:51
dw-meg_: google it09:51
systemg33kmeg_: download the ubuntu one and install it09:51
alesanyes but how to download the "sources" of a package09:51
dw-meg_: sorry not meant to be rude http://google.com/search?q=yahoo+messenger+ubuntu09:51
zcat[1]alesan:  pt-get source IIRC...09:52
zcat[1]alesan:  apt-get source IIRC...09:52
alesanzcat[1], and where will I find the sources?09:52
zcat[1]alesan:  it'll arrive as a tarball in /usr/src09:52
tristan3199us1meg just use wine....09:53
tristan3199us1or pidgin..09:53
ubottusource-o-matic is not available anymore, please use Software Sources (in your Applications / K menu) to configure your repositories. Do NOT enable "Proposed updates" unless you're willing to test possibly seriously flawed packages.09:53
noonianalesan, you need to make sure the appropriate lines are uncommented out in /etc/apt/sources.list also09:53
deddlyCan anyone help me with my sound probem? It's really wierd. When I play a song, sometimes there is no sound at all, sometimes the song plays but with odd clicking, sometimes I just get a loud buzz like it's repeating part of the song over and over very fast and occasionally, though not often, the song plays with no problems. What is causing this and can it be fixed?09:53
alesannoonian, which line do I need for xawtv?09:53
zcat[1]alesan:  also yeah, you need to enable all the src repos .. you can do that through software sources or synaptic or just edit the /etc/apt/sources.list directly..09:54
meg_how to download ymessenger for linux ubuntu09:54
alesanmeg_, you can use firefow or wget09:54
noonianalesan, just uncomment all the deb-src ones for the ones you have enabled already09:54
yop129does pulseaudio come as standard in 10.10?09:55
On|OffUsing gnome-system-log, is there a way the log displays the bottom of the selected log file instead of the beginning ? It' s rather anoying.09:55
tristan3199us1i have an issue.. i want to put an 8gig file on usb.. it gets 80 percent done or so and has an error saying the file is too large.. not that im out of room but the file is too large... what does this mean...09:55
meg_i dont have firefow09:55
darth_grantiustristan3199us1: what file system?09:56
deddlyNo sound experts here?09:56
darth_grantiusfat can only have file sizes of 4gb iirc09:56
darth_grantiussame with fat3209:56
tristan3199us1my ntsf usb or my ext3 HD..09:56
deployFor months my Ubuntu has been freezing a couple of times a day. Total lock up. Cant even get to a TTY to run top. Which log might give me a clue or what can I do to track down the problem?09:56
alesanmeg_, firefox09:56
zcat[1]tristan3199us1:  sounds like your USB is FAT32 not NTFS...09:57
yop129tristan3199us1: ur USB drive, what file system?09:57
yop129tristan3199us1: try formatting the USB to NTFS09:57
systemg33kIn thunderbird I have second mail account but no Spam folder shows up. Why?09:57
tristan3199us1i tried them all.. i reformatted the usb like 10 times to every possible file system09:57
yop129tristan3199us1: but backup everything first obviouslly09:57
tristan3199us1i dont need anything on the usb drive... i just want a huge iso to fit on my 16 gb drive..09:58
=== Wm is now known as iJWM
yop129what's the exact error it gives?09:59
tristan3199us1it says the file is too large to be split??09:59
tristan3199us1i didnt ask anything to be split tho09:59
lulzcatPIT PIT CHEST09:59
tristan3199us1lulzcat is an advertisement.. ban it..10:00
rigveddeploy: see somewhere in /var/log. not sure which log has the required info.10:00
databitswhat is a good program to handle RAR archives ?10:00
deployNeither am I!10:00
tristan3199us1should i do a rar archive and move that to the drive..10:00
=== lance_ is now known as Guest14445
zcat[1]databits:  install rar/unrar, I think fileroller (built into gnome) will then use that as a back end so you just double-click and it opens like any other archive..10:01
zcat[1]databits:  otherwise you can use rar and unrar from the terminal ...10:02
skraitohi guys in ubuntu when we do full partition does it install grub10:02
skraitoi dont see grub on my screen when boot up10:02
JragonIs there a way to chmod one folder(htdocs) and it chmods everthing else insideof it?10:02
JragonSorry, I didn't mean to leave.10:03
tristan3199us1so basically nobody knows why i cant put it on my ntsf usb..10:03
yop129tristan3199us1: try copying the file through command line10:03
zcat[1]skraito:  if there's only one OS installed, GRUB2 gets configured to just boot straight into it so you won't see the GRUB menu10:03
yop129tristan3199us1: do it in the terminal10:03
skraitooh crap10:03
zcat[1]skraito:  if you want to see it hold the shift key10:03
rigvedskraito: press "Shift" just before the boot process starts. you'll see the boot menu10:03
tristan3199us1will do yop12910:03
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skraitoi dont have vista cd10:03
skraitonow i am stuck10:03
skraitoany suggestion i want to get rid of my ubuntu10:03
rigvedskraito: ^^10:03
skraitobut stuck with grub10:03
yop129does anyone use ear candy?10:04
skraitoand my damn asus laptop dont come with window vista cd10:04
JragonSorry, I didn't mean to leave.10:04
skraitooh man life sux10:04
JragonIs there a way to chmod one folder(htdocs) and it chmods everthing else insideof it?10:04
rigvedskraito: ^^ check what zcat[1] and I have said earlier10:04
skraitochmod -R10:04
tristan3199us1sounds self inflicted skraito10:04
agushow to download file from internet via ssh and leave the process10:04
zcat[1]skraito:  in the past I've used Ubuntu's 'mbr' package to install a generic MBR that's sufficient to get WinXP booted. I think Vista and Seven have a much more complicated boot sequence though10:04
yop129agus: why ssh u can use wget usually10:05
tristan3199us1download the iso and burn it...10:05
JragonSkraito, od you just type chmod 777 -r /odt/lampp/htdocs?10:05
skraitoif i am not wrong chmod -R 777 directory10:05
JragonIn root...10:05
skraitoman chmod10:05
rigvedskraito: are you unable to get the grub boot menu after pressing "Shift"?10:05
JragonI'll try that.10:05
agusI already use wget using ssh, can I close terminal without stop the process10:05
zcat[1]skraito:  so you had a dusl-boot system and you removed the ubuntu partition?10:06
skraitonope i wanted to get rid of ubuntu10:06
tristan3199us1is there anything i can use to get more familiar with the terminal...10:06
yop129tristan3199us1: there are commands online10:06
zcat[1]skraito:  so this is really a windows problem... you're on the wrong channel ;)10:06
Peddyis 7zip included in ubuntu by default?10:06
yop129tristan3199us1: the copy command would be cp, so try searching terminal cp on google10:06
JragonIs there a way to see the what folders are chmodded?10:06
Dr_WillisPeddy:  i dont think so10:07
rigved!terminal | tristan3199us110:07
ubottutristan3199us1: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal10:07
Dr_Willis!info p7zip10:07
ubottup7zip (source: p7zip): 7zr file archiver with high compression ratio. In component universe, is optional. Version 9.04~dfsg.1-1 (maverick), package size 350 kB, installed size 1000 kB10:07
Peddyah, ty10:07
agus I already use wget using ssh to download file, can I close terminal without stop the process?10:07
PeddyDr_Willis, do you know of any included archival software that supports passwords?10:07
JimboLimboMorning, I've been having problems with vnc (x11vnc/remote desktop/vncserver) running and when I remote to the machine it randomly restarts my gdm, any help on what is going on?10:07
rigvedagus: no10:07
yop129!info earcandy10:07
ubottuearcandy (source: earcandy): PulseAudio sound management tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5~bzr75-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 43 kB, installed size 408 kB10:07
agusis there anyway?10:08
zcat[1]agus:  in future, run 'screen' first .. then ctrl-A D will detatch the session, screen -X will reattach it.10:08
yop129cool, didn't know there was feature like that10:08
JragonIs there a way to see the what folders are chmodded?10:08
tristan3199us1i visited something called 4chan.. somebody at work was talking about it and i thought i would see for myself..10:08
tristan3199us1now it has its own menu with file edit ect..10:08
JragonIs there a way to see the what folders are chmodded?10:08
Dr_Willistristan3199us1:  what are you talking about?10:09
yop129tristan3199us1: see what? lol, it's not that kind of cp10:09
tristan3199us1sorry.. off subject..10:09
agusI dont understand the step10:09
Dr_WillisJragon:  ls -al , shows the modes on files/dirs10:09
tristan3199us1firefox says at the top .. "file, edit, view, history, 4chan, help...10:09
JragonSo if i cd to /opt/lampp/htdocs then do ls-al it will show me?10:09
yop129tristan3199us1: and he broke the rules by telling u and u broke the rules by saying it here10:09
Dr_WillisJragon:  try it and see.. and its ls -al (with a space)10:10
zcat[1]!info screen | agus10:10
ubottuagus: screen (source: screen): terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0.3-14ubuntu4 (maverick), package size 595 kB, installed size 1020 kB10:10
tristan3199us1rules of the site???10:10
yop129tristan3199us1: post a screenshot10:10
yop129tristan3199us1: yeah10:10
tristan3199us1am i banned.. lol10:10
JimboLimboMorning, I've been having problems with vnc (x11vnc/remote desktop/vncserver) running and when I remote to the machine it randomly restarts my gdm, any help on what is going on10:10
databitszcat: what is the program called that is used for rar/unrar ?10:10
JragonHmm... It shows a whole load of info and then down the side it has my folders highlighted in green10:10
JragonThere is also . and ..10:11
yop129tristan3199us1: lol it's off topic let's not talk about it here, post a screenshot of the problem u're having with the menus10:11
zcat[1]databits:  the one for rar is called "rar" and the one to unrar is called "unrar" -- ;-)10:11
JragonWhat is the floodbot thing?10:11
alesanis this a takeover attempt?10:11
GneaJragon: normal stuff10:11
Gneaalesan: impossible to do here10:11
JimboLimbosilly you cant take over a services channel10:11
skraitowhat is the torrent downloader prefered on ubuntu ?10:11
databitsI'm going to guess that is cli based program correct ? Is there a rar/unrar program that is gui based ?10:12
JimboLimboskraito, qbittorent or deluge10:12
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME), Ark (KDE), or Xarchiver (XFCE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression10:12
JragonDr_Willis so what does it mean?10:12
Gneadatabits: file roller10:12
tristan3199us1yop129: want to pm me and inform me how "it" works10:12
rigved!floodbot | Jragon10:12
ubottuJragon: FloodBot1,2,3, and 4 are all bots, please direct your questions to the channel.10:12
zcat[1]Jragon:  there's a dozen floodbots, so when one person accidentally posts three lines in a row it gets followed by a dozen bots opping up and changing modes....10:12
tristan3199us1and will do..10:12
rigved!flood | Jragon10:12
ubottuJragon: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:12
Dr_Willis!permissions | Jragon10:12
ubottuJragon: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions10:12
yop129so no one here knows about earcandy?10:12
GneaJragon: they prevent flooding, plain and simple.10:12
tristan3199us1i know of skullcandy10:13
JimboLimbohas anyone had problems with vncserver/x11vnc randomly restarting gdm? need assistance10:13
Dr_Willisyop129:  i heard about it once ages ago.. and thats about it.10:13
databitsGnea what is the best way to install file roller ... using the synaptic package installer ?10:13
sacarlsondatabits: seems nautilus does almost all the un compresion I normaly need,  I think you can add more to it if needed10:13
Dr_Willisyop129:  could be a dead project. ive not seen it mentioned in quite some time10:13
Gneadatabits: yeah, it should already be there10:13
yop129Dr_Willis: trying to get it working, seems like good app, but can't get it to function10:14
Dr_Willisyop129:  never really tried it. check its homepage if it has issues10:14
JragonGnea: lol, first time i saw them i thought they were for flooding.10:14
JragonThanks Dr_Willis10:14
JimboLimbohas anyone had problems with vncserver/x11vnc randomly restarting gdm? which requires me to ssh and restart x11vnc/vncserver again, need assistance10:15
databitssacarlson: does nautilus have a feature where you can right click on the file and select uncompress here ? that way you don't have to go threw and open the program to uncompress the files ?10:15
sagaciNo jimbo10:15
Syria#join #ubuntu-server10:15
`marianne`i have a randomish question... does *any* OS currently support the use of 3D displays to do things like make windows float at different depths, or above the wallpaper, etc?10:15
yop129Dr_Willis: i did, nothing on the homepage except features, changelog, and how to dl it, does pulseaudio come standard with ubuntu 10.10?10:15
sagaciUbuntu doesn't10:16
Dr_Willisyop129:  pulse audio is standard.. has been for years10:16
JimboLimbo`marianne`: yea compiz does that10:16
NoobTesterhi all10:16
Dr_Willisdatabits:  i have such a menu item here.. not sure where it came from.10:16
`marianne`JimboLimbo, neat, thanks :) was just looking at what display i'd want to get if i became stupidly rich hehe10:16
rigved`marianne`: JimboLimbo means that ubuntu does , when used with compiz10:17
`marianne`even better then!10:17
sacarlsondatabits: normaly I just double click it in nautilus and it opens compressed files in an arkive manager10:17
JragonHow do I record audio? I have downloaded audacity, using my inbuilt microphone it does not pick up anything. Please help thanks.10:17
NoobTesterchannel for ubuntu ita?10:17
`marianne`or, you know, if 3D TVs become less expensive10:17
deddlyMy sound is really weird. When I play a song, sometimes there is no sound at all, sometimes the song plays but with odd clicking, sometimes I just get a loud buzz like it's repeating part of the song over and over very fast and occasionally, though not often, the song plays with no problems. However the song starts off, that's how it plays all the way through. What is causing this and can it be fixed?10:17
JimboLimboJragon: make sure the right mic is selected10:17
sacarlsondatabits: there is a right click to compress things10:17
rigved!it | NoobTester10:17
ubottuNoobTester: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)10:17
yop129Dr_Willis: alright, hmm10:18
JragonAlso when i plug in my amp to the audio soccet it doesnt pick up anything.10:18
JimboLimboJragon: check audio settings also install pulse audio volume control10:18
JragonWhats the sorce for that so i can do the apt-get install thing.10:18
databitsI just tried opening up the file with the default program that was allready installed which is "file-roller" rar files are not supported :(10:18
JimboLimboJragon: just search synaptic for exactly what i wrote10:19
Dr_Willis!rar | databits10:19
ubottudatabits: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free10:19
Dr_Willisdatabits:  you have to install the proper 'rar' bianries to add support to fileroler for them10:19
Dr_Willisdatabits:  7zip also has rar extensions you can install.10:19
databitsubottu: thanks alot bro10:20
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:20
sagaciThey're proprietary, right?10:20
JragonAn error occured when opening Synamptic:10:20
JragonW: Duplicate sources.list entry http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/ maverick/partner i386 Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.canonical.com_ubuntu_dists_maverick_partner_binary-i386_Packages)10:20
Dr_Willisjabalsad:  you got a redundant entry in your sources listing.. its not a critical error. (or sholdent be)10:21
JragonJimboLimbo, there is nothing on the list when i search.10:22
JimboLimboJragon: check your repos that they are all enabled..then update it, then search10:22
databitsdr willis: which program would you recomend installing to handle all my archiving ?10:22
JimboLimboit's called PulseAudio Volume Control10:23
Dr_Willisdatabits:  i just use the command line. and perhaps 'mc'10:24
databitsI think I might have found a good package :)10:24
sagaciWhich one?10:25
trijntjeHi all, is there a way to let cairo-dock display the icons from the applications menu?10:25
sacarlsondatabits: it seems in this post they seem to think that file roller can support rar but I'm not sure myself http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-21375.html10:25
JragonJimboLimbo, how do i do that?10:26
Dr_Willissacarlson:  it can IF you have the rar binaries installed.10:27
sacarlsondatabits: Dr_Willis: there ya go install the rar libs then10:27
sagaciBinary blobs10:27
databitswell I downloaded the 7zip10:27
databitsit said that it installed correctly... but now I'm unsure how to get to the program10:28
Dr_Willisdatabits:  i install the 7zip stuff and the rar binaries.. and bascialy can extract anything i find.10:28
Dr_Willis!info unp10:28
ubottuunp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0~pre4 (maverick), package size 13 kB, installed size 100 kB10:28
Dr_Willis!info unrar10:28
ubottuunrar (source: unrar-nonfree): Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.9.10-1 (maverick), package size 100 kB, installed size 252 kB10:28
fortellerHi, does anyone know if I have to do anything special to get Wine to recognize USBs?10:28
databitsit has been a long time sense I have ran ubuntu desktop... I know there is a way to add programs to the applications menu10:29
sacarlsondatabits: well 7zip isn't unrar,  you would also need to install that with apt-get install unrar10:29
Dr_Willis!info p7zip-rar10:29
ubottup7zip-rar (source: p7zip-rar): non-free rar module for p7zip. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 9.04~ds.1-1 (maverick), package size 54 kB, installed size 156 kB10:29
databitsit said right on the package description, that it was capable of decompressing rar files10:29
Dr_Willis7zip has a module for ar :)10:29
root_what   up10:29
databitsubottu: where did you find that ?10:29
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:29
Dr_Willisdatabits:  i searched the package manager. :)  synaptic10:30
root_where are the woman10:30
Dr_Willis sudo apt-get install p7zip p7zip-rar  unrar rar  unp10:31
sagaci#ubuntu-women? :)10:31
bazhangroot_, wrong network10:31
yop129does anyone know where i can get documentation for earcandy?10:31
bazhangsagaci, dont suggest that10:31
Dr_Willisyop129:  if theres none at the homepage.. check its source.10:31
dalbeloHow do I refresh the /etc/network/interfaces file to make changes take effect without reboot computer?10:31
databitsinstalling now10:32
databitsok it is installed... how do I go about running the program now ?10:32
sacarlsondatabits: double click on the file I guess10:32
Dr_Willisdatabits:  what program?10:33
Emmanuel_ChanelHello! My mic. mute problem is solved, with r00t4rd3d 's help. Thanks r00t4rd3d .10:33
Dr_Willisdatabits:  i just 'unp archivename' and it extracts it for me 99.999% of the time. :)10:33
Emmanuel_ChanelBut the mic input works slowly. But I don't know what keywords to search by. Someone can help me?10:33
yop129Dr_Willis: whatchu talking about willis (sorry, couldn't resist), but seriously the source code might have documentation inside it?10:33
JimboLimbohas anyone had problems with vncserver/x11vnc randomly restarting gdm? which requires me to ssh and restart x11vnc/vncserver again, need assistance.  only randonly restarts gdm when vnc is loaded btw.10:34
deancI see there's a community project to put ubuntu on intel macs, but is it pretty unstable?10:34
Dr_Willisyop129:  if it dosent.. well.. we cant learn about stuff thats not documented/exists...10:34
dalbeloHow do I refresh network setting in /etc/network/interfaces without rebooting the computer?10:34
bazhangdeanc, you mean ppc? it works fine on intel macs10:35
Dr_Willisdeanc:  ive never heard it called unstable..  its intel hardware basically. with just a few changes. Check the forums perjhaps? it seems used quite a lot.10:35
Dr_Willisdeanc:  ppc - is a WHOLE nother disaster. :)10:35
ohirdalbelo: ifup / ifdown will do the trick10:35
ohirdalbelo: ifdown eth0 then ifup eth010:35
sagaciHe's probably referring to EFI10:35
deancbazhang, Dr_Willis: well im thinking of buying a macbook air but I *really* dont wanna use OSX10:35
ohirdalbelo: its better to do ifdown before you fiddle with interfaces file10:36
Dr_Willisdeanc:  then why spend the extra $$$?  i dont see the point.10:36
JimboLimbowhy spend so much on a macbook air?10:36
JimboLimbono point then10:36
bazhangdeanc, works perfectly well on my intel iMac10:36
deancbecause it's so pretty and light!10:36
dpydeanc, yeah, why spend so much money on looks10:36
Dr_Willisdeanc:  buy 2 normal laptops.. and you dont have to carry it around.10:36
deancBecause I have the money to waste? :)10:36
dpydeanc, hardware isn't worth the $$$10:36
deancBy all means *please* find me a laptop that thin with same specs :>10:36
JimboLimbodeanc: then waste it on your local charity10:36
ohirDr_Willis: its for someone who already has a mac10:36
rigvedJimboLimbo: try #virt at irc.oftc.net.10:37
Dr_WillisYou can get some very nice useable laptops in the $500 range.10:37
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:37
JimboLimborigved how come?10:37
rigvedJimboLimbo: for your VNC problem10:37
Eduardhello guys10:37
JimboLimbobut its a problem on ubuntu10:37
Eduardcould someone help me with 10.10 install10:37
sagaciOk ed10:37
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sagaciFire away10:38
yop129Eduard: wat do u need10:38
databitsok I got it working now  :)10:38
rigvedJimboLimbo: yes. but you might get help there too. it's for gtk based vnc, i think10:38
Eduardi want to install nvidia-96 drivers, after install i run nvidia-xconfig as root, so that new xorg.conf could be created10:38
Eduardafter rebot i get to tty110:38
JimboLimboim having problems with any vnc in general10:38
Eduardso the driver doesn't work10:38
JimboLimboremote desktop/vncserver/x11vnc10:38
databitsok now I have another question... I do alot of web development, and I was using dreamweaver.  Would "wine" run dreamweaver well, or is there a application that is up to par with dreamweaver that is designed for linux ?10:39
Eduardany ideas???10:39
JimboLimbodatabits: osalt.com10:39
Emmanuel_ChanelSeems solved by https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting10:39
JimboLimbodatabits and wine can run certain versions check it at winehq.com10:39
sagaciEd, can you startx10:40
Eduarddidin't try, I'm now on fedora, I'll reinstall my system back to ubuntu and try it, and btw, deleting xorg.conf and restarting system seems to do the trick10:41
sagaciDid you tweak the file10:41
Eduardno, it was default, generated by nvidia-xconfig10:42
a_hi, i have a problem with conky10:42
Friaris there an empty trash button in ubuntu that will empty the .local trashfiles for the users?10:43
Eduardmaybe, it has something to do with nouveau, maybe nouveau and nvidia driver are conflicting?10:43
sagaciProbably, it's messy10:43
a_when i write "$audacious_status" in .conkyrc there is "${audacious_status}" in conky showed up10:43
medy_i bought airtel datacard nd my internet is working properly bt orkut and fb are nt opening in my ubuntu firefox ????????10:43
morcegolasHi, I'm trying ro run a .py file but it says command not found, I'm really a linux noob...10:44
sagaciAre you in the right directory10:45
a_morcegolas: write in terminal "sudo apt-get install python"10:45
medy_all other sites are responding very fast10:45
a_medy_ drivers?10:45
morcegolasa_: I think i have python, let me see10:45
Dr_Willisa_:  conky has a  its own support channels. and a forums and many faq's out. You may want to check.    I havent messed with conky in ages. but i imagine the issue is proberly a typo, find an example that does what you want. and cut/paste from it10:45
Dr_WillisFriar:  for all users? not that ive ever seen. that could be 'bad'10:45
a_where's conky's irc channel?10:45
medy_which drivers???10:45
Dr_Willisa_:  try #conky ? check conky homepage.10:46
a_in freenode?10:46
databitsdr_willis: I have wine installed but I'm not sure how to run the program10:46
IledenHi! I just upgraded my laptop from 10.04 to 10.10, and my WLAN broke. It can see my network, but connecting to it fails. Weirdly enough, I did manage to connect once, but there was about 50% packet loss with ping. My network is ok, verified via another computer, and the WLAN did work perfectly in 10.04. Any ideas?10:46
FriarDr_Willis, how about for 1 user?10:46
medy_hav installed all drivers10:47
sagaciDid you upgrade or clean install10:47
medy_pls elp me10:47
morcegolasHi, I'm trying ro run a .py file but it says command not found, I'm really a linux noob... Please help me10:47
Iledensagaci: was that directed to me? I upgraded, not clean install.10:47
FriarDr_Willis, I can definitely see how that could be bad. I have a 30GB SSD in my laptop and my wife has a tendency to fill it with pictures.....even though she has an external drive dedicated to this.10:48
Linuxsapienhey hey good people.. Im having an issue here.. When I click on a URL with any app, it opens Gedit instead of a new tab in firefox.. any ideas how to amend this?10:48
Linuxsapienand its not prefered application, I looked :(10:48
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databitsmorcegolas: you have to "python (command.py)10:49
morcegolasdatabits: I'll try, thanks10:49
databitshow do I go about opening "wine" once I have the package installed ?10:49
Iledendatabits: it should be in the menu, and from command line you can run it with "wine <file>"10:50
sagaciIt's under applications10:51
moruzanybody in freepascal here10:51
databitsit is not showing up in the menu10:51
sagaciOr right click an exe10:51
Iledendatabits: I don't think there's much for running wine by itself, though, as it's an emulator you should be running some program with wine, instead of just wine itself.10:51
moruzanybody wanna chat ?10:51
databitswell I want to see if I can run the new cs5 dreamweaver on here10:52
Iledendatabits: I think it also associates itself with .exe, so if you try opening and .exe with file manager, it probably runs it with wine automatically10:52
moruzUbuntu is very cool !10:52
Iledendatabits: for example, if you want to install something with "setup.exe", just find that file and run it, or either run from the command line "wine setup.exe"10:52
Linuxsapienmoruz i agree :D10:52
databitsthank you10:53
databitswhat is a good cd emulation program ?10:53
Dr_Willisdatabits:  To do what task exactly?10:53
IledenHi! I just upgraded my laptop from 10.04 to 10.10, and my WLAN broke. It can see my network, but connecting to it fails. Weirdly enough, I did manage to connect once, but there was about 50% packet loss with ping. My network is ok, verified via another computer, and the WLAN did work perfectly in 10.04. The problem disappears when starting with an earlier kernel via grub. Any ideas what to do here?10:53
neverwherevirtulbox databits10:53
Dr_Willisdatabits:  to work around game copy protection? thats not really going to work. You can moutn ISO files easially enough10:54
databitsI have 3 gig's of ram in this machine10:54
moruzIts a bit slow on my machine, Pentium4 2 processors... although I've tweaked everything I could as much as I could, now it's much better but still, not as fast as WinXP, anyway I like it all the same at least it's free and opensource !10:54
databitsif I'm going to do a virtual machine... how much would be a good set ammount for windows ?10:54
IledenThat is, after upgrade to 10.10 my WLAN fails with latest kernel 2.6.35-23-generic but works with 2.6.32-26-generic. Is there anything I can do to fix this?10:55
neverwheredrive soace databits?10:55
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databitsI have 120 gig10:55
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Dr_Willisdatabits:  depends on what youa re doing in the virtual machine10:55
neverwhereit depends on what your going to use windows for iguess10:56
moruzI'm gonna leave, goodbye everybody, will be back some other time... cheers.10:56
Dr_Willisdatabits:  give it 512mb. its trival to change later10:56
neverwherer we talking RAM or drive space here?10:56
databitsI was thinking a gig10:56
Dr_Willisdatabits:  so go for it.. its trivial to change10:56
databitsbecause dreamweaver takes up a nice ammount of space10:57
neverwherei have always allocated 1024 for RAM inn VB10:57
WinstonSmithIleden, try installing linux-backports-modules-compat-wireless10:57
WinstonSmithIleden, that would be  linux-backports-modules-compat-wireless-2.6.35-23-generic10:58
neverwherewinstonsmith, doesnt that only work woth his current kernel version???10:58
WinstonSmithneverwhere, yes but that is his current kernel10:59
neverwhere<Ileden> That is, after upgrade to 10.10 my WLAN fails with latest kernel 2.6.35-23-generic but works with 2.6.32-26-generic. Is there anything I can do to fix this? why roll back?10:59
neverwherehe would need to roll back the kernel modula, which will not work in his case11:01
VJeanНечто! тут?11:02
StavaWhere do I find laptops that ship with ubuntu or another linux dist?11:02
Dr_WillisStava:  err.. google? and look for companies in your area? system76 is one such company11:03
Dr_WillisStava:  dell  also does it still.11:03
StavaDr_Willis, I tried :o11:03
StavaDr_Willis, well those are only low tier computers11:03
Dr_Willisi belive system76 can do rather high end things.. so you need to do some resarch i guess.11:04
StavaAlright then11:04
Iledenneverwhere: ok, I don't know what rolling back a kernel module meand. I'm pretty lost with inner workings of kernels, basically I just know they contain the "drivers" for devices and I can choose which one to run (no idea what that actaully causes, though).11:04
neverwhereyeah i hate having to buy windows license to just wipe the disk clean and install linux distro11:04
Dr_WillisTheres dozens of smaller pc makers that can also ship machines without windows.11:04
yop129neverwhere: buy a license, good one :P11:04
Iledenneverwhere: of course, if it won't work in my case anyway, no need to know :)11:05
neverwherethats basically what we end up doing. we buy a license for microsoft windows whatever, then we end up formating the drive anyway11:05
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yop129gnome-look.org is down wow11:06
StavaOh right, I get a weird keyboard layout (for me) if I buy at zareason or system76 :(11:06
yellabs-r2hello there11:07
codeanu_hi I am trying to install systemd on ubuntu 10.04 but it says libudev0 (>=154) , and in my system libudev0 is 151, Can anyone tell me how to upgrade it ?11:07
yellabs-r2is there anyone around who has experience with multi seat ubuntu 10.04 ? especially the video cards ...nvidia11:07
IledenYup I try to collect these windows licences, just in case a friends needs one for an (old) new computer or something.11:08
DrManhattani wonder how much I can sell 2g of ddr1 for11:08
yellabs-r2or ... is there anyone around who has experience with multi seat ubuntu 10.10 ? especially the video cards ...nvidia11:08
Iledenbut it's really annoying to know a part of the laptop price goes to microsoft.11:08
neverwhereileden, i had same issue as you, and ended up having to install like this...sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-compat-wireless-2.6.32-2.6.35-23-generic11:09
neverwherei dnt think it works that way\11:09
DrManhattanwow! 30 bucks a chip!11:09
yellabs-r2sell for 20 - 40 euro11:09
codeanu_hi I am trying to install systemd on ubuntu 10.04 but it says libudev0 (>=154) , and in my system libudev0 is 151, Can anyone tell me how to upgrade it ?11:09
yop129why does pressing ctrl+alt+F12 throw it into an empty purple screen11:09
neverwherey r u preesing that key combo?11:10
Iledenneverwhere: s... that package makes my 2.6.35-23 kernel use the wireless drivers from 2.6.32 anyway?11:10
Dr_Willisyop129:  thats the framebuffer/consoles. and theres nothing running on it.. so ya just see blankness11:10
yellabs-r2codeanu , are you upgrading?11:10
Dr_Willisyop129:  ive seen it set where log files and stuff can appear there11:10
Iledenneverwhere: can I install that while using the previous kernel?11:10
yop129Dr_Willis: hmm and is ctrl+alt+F1 - F6 like screens or something?11:11
yellabs-r2codeanu , maybe its better to backup all your files and go for an clean install ( if you are upgrading )11:11
pksadiqhave anybody tested adobe native flash square for linux 64bit?11:11
yop129Dr_Willis: when i press ctrl + alt + f7 it puts me back into my desktop11:11
tweedlewhat is the package name that will install the synaptic package manager?11:12
Dr_Willisyop129:  yes... so? thats how it works.11:12
Dr_Willisf1-6 = consoles. f7 is the default for X.  8+ not normally used11:12
neverwherethats the prob ileden, i dint know but it is worth typing that into the terminal, if you dont think it is corrct ou can always abort, but likely it will tell you i cannot perofrm the operation. you are infact stating that you ant to install an older module into a newer kernal11:12
yop129Dr_Willis: yeah idk, lol that's normal for you, but idk what it is11:12
aertyuis it possible to check upstream/downstream speed from ubuntu terminal ?11:13
aertyuif yes what's the command ?11:13
SyriaI have a file called start.sh how can I adjust it to run automatically on startup via terminal please?11:13
Iledenneverwhere: I can, if needed, connect the laptop with ethernet wire to net to do the install using the latest kernel. is this a better idea?11:13
akshatjaertyu, try ifconfig11:14
yellabs-r2Syria , add to sessions ( dont forget to make executable )11:14
neverwhereit is your only option ileden. you must be connected to the internet to install from repos11:14
aertyuwith ifconfig  ? askhl_11:14
aertyuwith ifconfig  ? akshatj11:14
aertyuare you sure ?11:14
Syriayellabs-r2 Can you tell me how to this step by step please, i have a web based application on my server and i want it to start automatically.11:15
ggeorgycan you help me i want to convert a  video to ffmpeg for my phone /thanks?!!11:15
akshatjaertyu, no wait11:15
Iledenneverwhere: not really, though... i could download the package and install it later, using som weird command line opiton, I think. but I'll just use the wire :)11:15
ggeorgy :(11:15
codeanu_yellabs-r2, ya i want to upgrage ity11:15
thomas82Hi, is there any possibility to use a kernel from Lucid in Maverick  and retain all functionality of the system?11:15
yellabs-r2Syria , i will try, go to system / preferences / startup application11:15
codeanu_yellabs-r2, can u tell me how to do that ?11:16
neverwhereyou must install the .deb package if you want to install for later use. regardless you must have some kind of internet connection to do that11:16
Syriayellabs-r2 I have in installed on my ubuntu server.11:16
akshatjggeorgy, WinFF is a handy GUI utility that uses ffmpeg11:16
yellabs-r2Syria , hmm, no desktop then?11:16
ggeorgyi tryed it but not work11:16
Syriayellabs-r2 no desktop, only terminal11:17
aertyuis it possible to check upstream/downstream speed from ubuntu terminal ?11:17
neverwherenot sure aertyu...11:17
Iledenneverwhere: "E: Unable to locate package iinux-backports-modules-compat-wireless-2.6.32-2.6.35-23-generic"11:18
yellabs-r2Syria , okey, please take a look at this how - to http://www.ivankristianto.com/os/ubuntu/howto-run-script-on-boot-process-in-ubuntu/1171/11:18
Iledenneverwhere: em, right, there's a tyop11:18
Syriayellabs-r2 Thnx a lot.11:18
Iledenneverwhere: however, "E: Unable to locate package linux-backports-modules-compat-wireless-2.6.32-2.6.35-23-generic"11:18
aertyuthen how such website like " calculating bandwith speed  calculator " works, they based on what ?11:19
Iledenaertyu: they usually choose a server ner you, and send traffic with max speed to that server, and measure what that speed it11:19
neverwherewell it was worht a try, but it is not technically a backport doing it that way. a back port is to install a newer kernel module to an older kernel11:19
yellabs-r2ggeorgy . fast route : http://media-convert.com/omzetten/11:19
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Iledenneverwhere: ok. any other ideas?11:20
neverwherei had the same issue with atheros cars in my net book. had to wait till the 2.6.35 kernel to install the backport11:20
sacarlsoncodeanu_: did you try ppa? https://launchpad.net/~a7x/+archive/ppa11:20
neverwherereinstall with older kernel, what version of ubuntu r u using???11:21
Iledenaertyu: uh, that was full of typos, sorry :)11:21
aertyuvoila, my question is that one " traffic with max speed " how to send to max speed traffic by command line ? Ileden11:21
yellabs-r2ggeorgy  , or ffmpeg --help11:21
skraitohi guys11:21
skraitowhats cd burner prefered for ubuntu ?11:21
Iledenneverwhere: 10.10. but was using 10.04 before without problems.11:21
neverwhereor ndiswrapper11:21
codeanu_sacarlson, thanks .. I will try that11:21
aertyuthat's must be possible too11:21
yellabs-r2ggeorgy  , or ffmpeg -i yourinput file thenyouroutputfilename.avi11:22
neverwhereid go with 10.04 and stick with it then. you can build what you need to lucid from mavarrick11:22
Iledenaertyu: it's possible, but you need a server near you, that doesn't have any connection problems of it's own.11:22
Dr_Willisskraito:  i like k3b. but its a KDE app :) but it works good under gnome11:22
yellabs-r2okey got to go, eat11:22
yellabs-r2bye and good luck all11:22
aertyui already have that one Ileden11:23
Iledenneverwhere: yikes, i should downgrade? I've heard horror stories of people doing that and screwing up the system...11:23
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neverwhereback up and do clean install. not actual downgrade11:23
Iledenneverwhere: is it possible to just use the earlier kernel? will that cause me problems?11:23
skraitothx u11:23
neverwherei dont know, i wondered that my self when i was having trouble with my wireless, as said before you could use ndiswrapper, but it suck s fat ass, unless it works for you11:24
Iledenaertyu: think is, the traffic calculators sites have a network of solid servers, and they choose a one near you automatically. there could be a tool for that for commanline too, but i don't know of any11:24
neverwheremy netbook froze up all the time using ndiswrapper11:24
Syriayellabs-r2 Do you know how to write text in vim terminal please?11:24
aertyuok thanks a lot Ileden11:25
Iledenneverwhere: ndiswrapper?11:25
Rix_is ubuntu lightweight11:25
neverwherewhat aireless card is this anyway ileden11:25
pksadiqWOW, adobe flash square works very fine in amd64 , get it at http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10_square.html11:25
rigvedcan anyone tell me what is /etc/shadow about?11:25
neverwhererix, light wieight enough :)11:25
Emmanuel_ChanelHello! I cannot voicechat on Ubuntu since my voice is cut every second.11:26
sacarlsonRix_: lubuntu is lighter than ubuntu,  there are much ligher destro lubuntu like DSL11:26
rigvedRix_: if you want really light-weight, then use lxde desktop11:26
neverwhererix i am using lxde lubuntu atm11:27
Iledenaertyu: no problem. a good choice of a stabile server is some ubuntu/linux mirror site, probably. Then use wget http://wherver.the.server.is/path/to/linux.iso to start downloading a big file from them, wget will then report the speed for you.11:27
neverwhereon a flash drve btw, that tells you how light it is11:27
Rix_hah  :p11:27
Iledenaertyu: but with upload speed, it's more tricky, as there aren't many servers around that let you just upload stuff to them :)11:27
Rix_i'll look at lubuntu11:27
rigved!lubuntu | Rix_11:27
ubottuRix_: lubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.11:27
Rix_thanks sir11:28
neverwherelubuntu, is really just ubuntu with openbox window manager. you could always look for distros that use that. crunchbang is another11:28
IledenThat is, after upgrade to 10.10 my WLAN fails with latest kernel 2.6.35-23-generic but works with 2.6.32-26-generic. Is there anything I can do to fix this? How do I for example force my system to use the older kernel by default? What are the problems this might cause?11:28
Iledenneverwhere: thanks for the help11:29
Rix_i am on  #crunchbang11:29
StavaShould I install windows first or last to avoid trouble? :p11:29
Stavayeah I agree11:29
aertyuwhat you call "linux mirror site " ?  Ileden11:29
neverwhereour welcome, i guess first you would have to some how install older kernal, then force it to boot by default by editing a config file11:29
neverwherestave ALWAYS windows first, if you are going to do that11:30
Iledenneverwhere: I do have the older kernel still in the system, selectabe from the menu, and using it doesn't cause any trouble - at least not in plain sight.11:31
Dr_Willislubuntu is a bit more then just openbox. :) im testing it out right now11:31
Iledenneverwhere: where can I configure my system to use it by default, and what problems might this cause?11:32
neverwhereit wont cause any problems ubless you have apps that require a certain kernel version11:32
Iledenaertyu: there are sites all around the world, and keep copies of linux istall CD-images, for example, so everyone doesn't have to stress e.g. ubuntu's servers to get them. These are called mirrors.11:32
rigvedmy laptop can only boot ubuntu in failsafex mode (i can boot debian properly though). will i be able to boot into lubuntu properly?11:32
Dr_Willisrigved:  depends on why its only going into failsafe mode.11:33
Dr_Willisrigved:  the kernel and X versions and configs are the same for both11:33
Iledenneverwhere: hmm, it's worth a try to just keep on using the earlier kernel then. how do I configure the system (grub)? and will it revert back to latest when there's a kernel update?11:34
rigvedDr_Willis: how do i find out what's causing the problem?11:34
Rix_lubuntu looks slick11:34
Belialanyoen there11:34
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rigved!ask | Guest3394111:35
ubottuGuest33941: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:35
neverwhereif i were you ileden, i would not do anymore kernel uodates, i would have to take some time googling it, but i know it is possible to use older kernel, and keep it that way11:35
Iledenneverwhere: yeah, I'll do that. and I can try upgrading the kernel to an even later vresion some day, to see if the problem has gone away. :) But how do I configure grub to use the previous kernel as a default?11:37
bl4dehello, guys11:37
bl4decan anyone help me about AppIndicator in c language?11:37
bl4dethe problem is that I can't find examples11:38
FishFaceIleden: Thing is, if you have already done updates with the newest kernel in use, then go back to the older kernel, then things would probably start going haywire.11:38
FishFaceIleden: Knowing that, you could go to option #7 on this page - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119527511:39
IledenFishFace: oh. That's what I was afraid of...11:39
Dr_Willisrigved:  no idea really. check the forums perhaps. im not clear on the original problem11:39
FishFaceIleden: I know you probably are exhausted fixing the drivers, but you might want to hang on a bit longer and see if you can fix it :)11:40
rigvedDr_Willis: ok. i have searched but not found anything. is it possible to make my laptop boot into failsafex mode automatically? i know that it requires modifying the xorg.conf file, but i don't know what to modify it to.11:41
rigvedDr_Willis: i mean how do i set it to use the vesa drivers by default?11:42
rigvedDr_Willis: never mind. found it on the forums. thanx11:43
IledenFishFace: yeah, well, this last week my work computer's display adapter broke down, and i had to reinstall ubunut to get the new one to work, also my netbook's display broke, and now this with my home laptop... yes, pretty exchauseted :D but I want things to work, so...11:43
IledenFishFace: so how can I proceed with trying to fix the driver?11:44
aertyui also own myself a server i can't mirror linux install cd iso ? Ileden11:44
aertyucan i mirror linux cd iso ?11:45
OinsWhen i boot my system, the order of the HDDs always change. Sometimes my bootdevice is sda, sometimes it's sdb. Now the main problem, one of the devices is truecrypted. But how can i mount the truecrypt hdd with a script if the device order always change... any ideas? udev should not work in this case... :(11:45
aertyuif yes what's my profit ? Ileden11:45
IdleOneaertyu: what do you mean by profit?11:45
Iledenaertyu: no profit. well small ad probably displayed for people who download via yuor site, but mostly I think people/companies do it for the sake of goodwill.11:46
FishFaceIleden: Wlan drivers right? Unless it is a very new laptop you should be able to dig up something. Unless you have a WUSB54GC card, I cant help11:47
aertyuno, of course i m not talking about money, to makes everything clear, what will bring to me ? Ileden11:47
IledenFishFace: yes, it's WLAN, and pretty old laptop, wireless is via PCMCIA (or PC-card wherver they are called these days) slot.11:47
IledenFishFace: the wlan card is newer than the laptop.11:48
FishFaceIleden: Wow! :)11:49
IledenFishFace: in fact, it's a wlan card I bought for this computer just because I migrated from windows to ubuntu and the previous wlan card didn't work with ubuntu... :)11:49
StavaIs there any site that list hardware/computers that are (or are not) compatible with linux/ubuntu?11:49
IledenFishFace: computer is IBM ThinkPad T30, Wlan card is DLink AirPlus G DWL-G630.11:50
DrManhattanI have to be honest with you, I've found ubuntu supports more hardware out of the box than any other operating system i've ever tried11:50
codeanu_hi, m working on ubuntu 10.4 and I want to update my libudev0 from 151 to >154, how can i do that ?11:50
IledenStava: there are some list in the ubuntu wiki.11:51
telugehey guys i need a mini crash course what does the phrase "Hardware clock set to UTC?" mean?11:51
DrManhattanyou might have to tweak wireless a little bit to get it working but other than that, its been pretty nice11:51
SyriaI have just installed webmin and i am being asked for a user name and a password but i did not create any of them! how can i do that please?11:51
FishFaceIleden: You know, I used to run almost that same exact setup. But no more. I really don't know what is going to work with that setup.11:52
sacarlsonteluge: there is local time and utc time (universal time)11:52
amithi m new user. What are file system in linux?11:52
telugeproblem with ubuntu is it's so user friendly it doesnt really teach you whats going on... so when you break it....the only guys that can help are people who already know about linux... i.e. this chat11:53
telugethanx sacarlson11:53
dw-google can fix anything11:53
dw-ask the right questions11:53
sacarlsonamit: linux supports many file systems the defaults may be ext3 or ext411:53
telugeext4 is default i believe11:53
codeanu_hi, m working on ubuntu 10.4 and I want to update my libudev0 from 151 to >154, how can i do that ?11:53
IledenFishFace: well, ubuntu 10.04 did work very well. :(11:53
IledenFishFace: i guess I could buy at least 1.5 years more life by downgrading, then. *sigh*11:54
sacarlsoncodeanu_: didn't the ppa work?11:54
bonjoyee1teluge: UTC  is what was previously called GMT...11:54
FishFaceIleden: I think that is the way you need to go.11:55
bonjoyee1 teluge: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coordinated_Universal_Time11:55
Iledenbonjoyee1: sort of. see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coordinated_Universal_Timeh11:55
codeanu_<sacarlson> it also has 151 as latest11:55
sacarlsoncodeanu_: why didn't they work?  if they don't have it then you may need to compile your own and maybe create your own ppa11:56
bonjoyee1teluge: so if your hardware clock (bios) is set to UTC...the OS can automatically set your local time..u choose at install time11:56
sacarlsoncodeanu_: I saw versions as big as 161 in ppa11:56
codeanu_sacarlson: can u send me the link of 161 ?11:56
FishFaceIleden: That Thinkpad doesn't have USB does it?11:56
Iledenbonjoyee1, teluge : UTC is not exactly the same as GMT, but there's only theoretical differences.11:57
EduardHello guys, I need some help with nvidia-96 driver install11:57
IledenFishFace: yes it does. USB 1.0 :D11:57
amitsacarlson:sir plz tell me some more names of file system11:57
bonjoyee1Ileden: yes..to the end user...the effect is the same!11:57
EduardGot the driver installed, now in Additional Drivers it says that the driver is activated but not currently in use, how do i fix tihs?11:57
Iledenbonjoyee1: true.11:57
Eduardand also, xorg.conf is missing on my system11:58
DrManhattan10.04 didn't detect my wireless on the livecd , I havent tried 10.10 yet11:58
IledenEduard: new ubuntu systems don't need xorg.conf.11:58
DrManhattanEduard, its not missing, they don't use it unless you don't use it specifically for something11:59
DrManhattaneverything usually autodetects properly11:59
amitwhat is samba?11:59
EduardOh, ok. Then how do i make the driver not only activated but also used?11:59
FishFaceIleden: Well, you could get a cheap adapter on Ebay or somewhere. 10 bucks? WG111v2 or something.11:59
EduardBecause now, god knows, what driver my system is running...12:00
IledenFishFace: yea, that's probably what i'll try to do. less trouble than messing with downgrading.12:00
FishFaceIleden: I'm off to work. Good luck on that :)12:00
DrManhattanif you play with it enough, you can usually get your wireless working one way or another, especially if you have the windows driver for it12:00
IledenFishFace: thanks for the help!12:00
EduardAny ideas?12:00
amitwhat is samba and how to use it12:00
DrManhattanndiswrapper and all12:00
aeon-ltd!samba | amit12:01
ubottuamit: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.12:01
IledenEduard: in fact not god, but rather /var/log/Xorg.0.log probably knows. :)12:01
amithow to communicate with ubottu?12:01
IledenEduard: you can still use xorg.conf - it overrides the automatic system.12:02
sacarlsoncodeanu_: even debian has 16X you must not be looking very hard http://packages.debian.org/sid/libudev012:03
EduardIleden: I'm stupid or my system is crazy.........12:03
sagaciLol even debian12:03
sacarlsoncodeanu_: debian is known for haveng the oldest stable stuf so?12:03
Eduard[    15.909] (II) LoadModule: "nouveau"12:03
Eduard[    16.140] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/nouveau_drv.so12:03
Eduard[    16.140] (II) LoadModule: "nv"12:04
Eduard[    16.141] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/nv_drv.so12:04
Eduardapparently it loads, both nv and nouveau...12:04
sagaci!info libudev012:04
ubottulibudev0 (source: udev): udev library. In component main, is required. Version 162-2.1 (maverick), package size 123 kB, installed size 200 kB12:04
IledenEduard: I think it does load them, but it ends up using only one. How to tell that from the log, I have no idea, but I undertsand it is there somewhere :)12:04
ksbalajiwhich app to use to combine mp3 files to make a single mp3 file please?12:05
sacarlsonamit: there are too many to say,  you may have used or using fat32, ntfs and many more12:05
Antonishello folks. could someone please help me out.. how can I get the filesize of / (root) using df?12:06
ksbalajisagaci: thanks. but audacity takes too long to combine and builds up very big temp files!12:07
EduardIleden: I'll probably give a shot to one crazy thing, I'll try running nvidia-xconfig12:07
codeanu_sacarlson: ya done thans a lot ..12:07
Iledenksbalaji: if command line works for you, "sox" is a good program.12:08
ksbalajiheden thanks. I ve not tried sox. I shall try.12:09
JemtHello guys. I'm remastering the Ubuntu Live CD. Can someone tell me how to make the CD boot into the live environment by default? Currently it boots into an environment where I can click two buttons: Try Ubuntu or Install Ubuntu. If I want it to start the Live environment instead, I have to press a key on the keyboard while booting, which brings me to a boot menu, from where I can select the Live environment. But it would be great if I could just l12:09
JemtCD boot into the LIve Environment without involving the user12:09
Iledenksbalaji: although... i just remembered, good luck trying to get mp3 _encoding_ support active for it. :( (And blame the idiotic patents, not the program, please)12:09
ksbalajiheden does not lame take care of encoding?12:10
Dr_WillisJemt:  i think theres some grub/syslinux kernel option that skips that. but i never looked into it much12:10
Iledenksbalaji: could be it can use lame for it. I had problems trying to get it to encode mp3.12:11
IgramulHi, my usb hub and usb drives seem to be in usb1.1 mode and are extremely slow. Is there a way to force linux to use usb2.0 drivers for those hubs/drives?12:11
milen8204hello all12:11
thiago_hi guys, i have a problem with my sound card, intel ich5, the sound doesnt play12:11
JemtDr_Willis: That's what I thought too. I should be able to set the default boot parameters in isolinux/txt.cfg, but that does not seem to be sufficient12:11
EduardGuys, wish me good luck, i've ran nvidia-xconfig and blacklisted nouveau12:12
thiago_somebody help me?12:12
thiago_hi guys, i have a problem with my sound card, intel ich5, the sound doesnt play12:12
ksbalajianother prob: I damaged my son's laptop Lucid while fixing his dual win7 MBR. Any advise to restore his grub?12:12
EduardNow, the epic guestion is, will I boot or go to tty112:12
Dr_WillisJemt:  the syslinx config for ubuntu is so complex. i can barely follow how it works. :)12:12
Iledenksbalaji: I did manage to do it though, i think. or maybe i ended up using something else, can't remebmer anymore.12:12
JemtDr_Willis: :-S :-)  Well, the configuration files make sense. If only they worked :)12:12
Bondv6ksbalaji, I tend to boot a rescue cd of some sort, and install grub from it. like "system rescuecd"12:13
thiago_ubuntu 10.10 have issues with intel sound card?12:13
ksbalajiIleden: I shall try sox . Thanks.12:13
sacarlsonJemt: I guess grep for what you see in the screens at boot to try to locate what scripts are used at boot12:13
Dr_Willisthiago_:  not that ive heard of.. i imagine there are more then 1 intel sound chipsets out.12:13
Iledenksbalaji: you're welcome, and good luck :)12:14
Jemtsacarlson: It's all graphical :)12:14
thiago_Dr_Willis, yes, and my model have a Ac97 chipset12:14
thiago_Dr_Willis: yes, and my model have a Ac97 chipset12:14
Dr_Willisthiago_:  tahts rather standard. should work fine.12:14
Bondv6ksbalaji, you can use the ubuntu-cd too, and use a terminal in the live desktop12:14
ksbalajicnghost: what is that?12:14
sacarlsonJemt: what version are you playing with?12:15
thiago_Dr_Willis: yes, i can configure throgh sound-preferenches, but i can't hear anything12:15
ksbalajiBondv6: I ve ubuntu livecd How to do rescue please?12:15
Jemtsacarlson: Ubuntu 10.1012:16
thiago_Dr_Willis: on ubutu 10.04 this problem doesnt exist12:16
sacarlsonJemt: ok I'll take a quick look12:16
Bondv6ksbalaji, did you see the link I posted? Look under the "GUI" or "Command line" secution there12:16
ksbalajiBondv6: I am grateful to get command help for restoring lucid12:16
Bondv6ksbalaji, I'd use the "command line" version there12:16
ksbalajiBondv6: oh I shall check url.12:16
Bondv6ksbalaji, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto#Backup,%20Repairing%20and%20Reinstalling%20GRUB12:16
Jemtsacarlson: Thank you, I appreciate it. Please take a look at CD/isolinux/txt.cfg - notice the 'default' option which seems to do nothing12:16
thiago_Dr_Willis, i'll make a downgrade, what you think?12:17
sacarlsonJemt: I just noted that I don't have the iso for 10.10 desktop only xbuntu 10.10  it would take me some time before I could even try12:17
EduardHello back guys, My Plan failed :(12:17
ksbalajiBondv6: But, I do not want to reinstall lucid! Is there a way to  repair?12:17
Jemtsacarlson: I see. But I would suspect the setup to be quite similar12:18
EduardI'm getting "Failed to load /usr/lib/xorg/extra/modules/nvidia-drv.so"12:18
Dr_Willisthiago_:  doubtfull.. if you upgraded.. i would try a clean new insatll instead12:18
Eduard"Failed to load module nvidia(loader failed, 7)"12:18
Eduardhow to fix this?12:18
sacarlsonJemt: I'm not sure12:18
Bondv6ksbalaji, yeah. Assuming it's just the mbr that is the issue, you can fix that by installing "grub12:18
sacarlsonJemt: I guess it's not gnome it's something else12:19
thiago_Dr_Willis, ok, i'll try12:19
Eduardguys, any ideas? I desperately need help, I'12:19
Jemtsacarlson: True, I'm pretty sure it has something to do with isolinux.12:19
Jemtsacarlson: Will uploading the isolinux folder help you ?12:20
Dr_WillisEduard:  whats the video chipset anyway?12:20
EduardDr_Willis : geforce mx 400, nvidia 96 driver is installed12:20
Dr_WillisEduard:  mx400 - Hmm. that old a chipset. it could be the 96 version is to 'new' for it. and dosent support it.12:21
sacarlsonJemt: I'm not sure what you mean, you give me the isolinux folder you have?12:21
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Dr_Willistheres some listing at the !nvidia wiki page as to what drivers are for what chipsets12:21
sagaciOld card12:21
sacarlsonJemt: I'll just get the ubuntu 10.10 disk,  it's something I should already have12:21
EduardDr_Willis: nvidia-96 all the way, on 10.04 it worked fine, and a while ago nvidia released update to 96 driver so that it could support  10.1012:22
Jemtsacarlson: Yes. It's simply the original folder from the Ubuntu 10.10 ISO. In case that can help you figure out what's going on... and by that helping me :)12:22
Jemtsacarlson: Okay, super12:22
Jemtsacarlson: I'll keep investigating. I'll let you know if I figure it out12:22
EduardDr_Willis: the only problem is, how do i make it load in 10.10, considering that Additional driver reports that nvidia-96 is installed, activated, but not in use12:22
sacarlsonJemt: I assume it's a 32bit,  that's what I plan to get12:23
Jemtsacarlson: Yes, 32 Bit12:23
rom1vI would like to connect two computers without using a router12:24
aeon-ltdamit: err forward slash?12:24
Jemtrom1v: You use a switch for that12:24
Bondv6ksbalaji, you need to first mount your partitions on the old system. Have you done this?12:24
rom1vbut in /etc/network/interfaces, if I don't set a "gateway", everything I do give a "network unreachable"12:24
rom1vI would like to do it without any switch12:24
Dr_Willisrom1v:   what kind of network cards.  and you may want to isntall a dhcpd server on one of them12:24
Jemtrom1v: How are they physically connected ?12:25
ksbalajiBondv6: That was a nice guide. But Lucid has grub2 (grub-pc)and would that mean command-line something else?12:25
Bondv6rom1v, if the two computers are one the same network, they don't need a router between12:25
rom1vok, so I will explain my problem :12:25
Dr_Willisrom1v:  100speed = you will need a crossover cable.. gb networking - should auto-crossover.12:25
Bondv6ksbalaji, yeah, I was about to say - you'll have to use "grub-install" tool12:25
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Bondv6ksbalaji, do you have a seperate boot-partition, or is it under the root parition (/) ?12:25
JemtOh yes, cross over is important :)12:26
rom1vI flashed my switch with a bad firmware, I would like to "flash it again", but I can't access it12:26
Bondv6ksbalaji, default it is under the root partition12:26
jason__i'm running 10.10 and set my resolution to something that's not supported.  so i don't have a gui.  how to i reset the resolution?12:26
rom1vso I connected my laptop to my router, to flash using tftp12:26
rom1von my laptop, I configured a static ip, with the router-ip as gateway : it seems to work12:26
ksbalajiBondv6: I've a / partition  a separate swap and a separate home not boot partition12:26
ksbalajiBondv6: the boot is in / partition12:26
rom1vbut as soon as I tftp-put a file on the router, it "disconnect" (because the router is the gateway)12:27
rom1vso I don't know how I can flash my router again12:27
Bondv6ksbalaji, first you want to mount your old / parition on the livecd. Mount it on say /mnt or so12:27
ksbalajiI am on the job. just restarted laptop to be sure with live cd.12:28
Bondv6rom1v, if the laptop and router both have an IP in the same network, they won't need to use a default router, because they are "directly connected"12:28
ksbalajiBondv6: can I use gparted to mount / partitions?12:28
rom1vbut I need a crossed cable?12:28
Dr_Willisrom1v:  for gb network cards no.. for tbase 100 - yes.12:29
Bondv6ksbalaji, easiest is to use the "mount" tool, maybe the paritions show up on the desktop?12:29
Bondv6rom1v, if they both have gigabit interfaces, it should be fine without crossed cable12:29
ksbalajiit used to show up on places. under that partition name - ubuntu12:29
Eduardhow to fix this:12:29
EduardE: Unable to locate package nvidia-graphics-drivers.conf12:29
EduardE: Couldn't find any package by regex 'nvidia-graphics-drivers.conf'12:29
leafwizHey. The screen turns black when we some times change user in ubuntu 10.0412:30
Eduardi am trying to uninstall all nvidia related stuff12:30
leafwizI read something about updating uspalsh.conf with the correct resolution12:30
cousteauis there an option on the gconf editor or something to disable image borders on nautilus thumbnails?12:31
ksbalajiBondv6: I could just click it and it is mounted. on media - it also shows up on desktop12:31
Bondv6ksbalaji, if you write "mount" in a terminal, you should see which device it is, and where it is mounted12:31
Bondv6ksbalaji, or "df -h" is perhaps better, so you can check the size of it.12:32
Bondv6ksbalaji, which device is it?12:32
Bondv6ksbalaji, should be called /dev/sd* or /dev/hd* something12:32
clarkgriswoldhttp://pastebin.com/qeEstHZd <-- grub.cfg - why doesn't color or play work?  pretty certain that's the paste12:33
milen8204anyone knows ogv files converters ?12:33
yubahaqhow can i change a resolution from boot to 1252x86412:33
coz_milen8204,   ffmpeg should work12:33
alex__hi all12:33
ksbalajiBondv6: /dev/sda5 and /media/ubuntu12:34
milen8204ok i will try thanks12:34
alex__does anybody know how to set Totem to use gl drivers?12:34
coz_milen8204,   it should be as simple as   ffmpeg -i   name.ogv  to name.avi12:35
telugedoes anyone remember the old tool ubuntu used to have called reconstructor?12:35
ksbalajiBondv6: size is 20gb12:35
rdz11Hi, does anybody knows where is the pidgin error log file located at in ubuntu? I'm trying to see the output of an action12:35
coz_teluge,     https://projects.lumentica.com/projects/reconstructor/wiki12:35
AceKingI have a dumb question. I bought a 2 tb HDD and formatted it using the disk utility. I formatted it to Fat32 because I store my videos on it that I play through my xbox 360. I transfered all my videos over from a failing drive after the format and here's my problem. In my haste I never partitioned the drive. I can see the drive on the xbox 360, but I can't see it on a windows computer. Is there anything I can do at this point?12:36
ksbalajiBondv6: do I cd to install grub?12:36
Dr_Willisteluge:  theres the reconstructor web siet that lets you remaster  ubuntu. but its no longer free last i checked12:36
Bondv6ksbalaji, then you should be able to reinstall grub as: grub-install --root-directory /media/ubuntu/boot /dev/sda512:36
milen8204coz_,  i am new but will try :D12:36
milen8204coz_, should I type to ?12:36
milen8204in  terminal ?12:36
Dr_WillisAceKing:  check the 'sudo fdisk -l' output of the drive. If its just 'sda' and not 'sda1' you should still be able to mount /dev/sda12:37
telugeah k thanks DR_Willis12:37
coz_milen8204,  well that command should work   ffmpeg -i   name.ogv  name.avi   the "name" is the name of the video you have and this should be done in the terminal12:37
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coz_milen8204,   first  open a terminal  cd to the location of the video.ogv  you have12:37
ksbalajisudo grub-install --root-directory /media/ubuntu/boot /dev/sda5 perhaps? and after chrooting?12:37
Dr_WillisAceKing:  gparted might be able to resize and redo the partitions12:37
coz_milen8204,   then run that command replacing  "name"  with the name of the video you have12:37
milen8204coz_, thnaks i understand will try12:37
AceKingDr_Willis, Thank you.. If I do anything will I lose the data on the drive?12:38
Dr_WillisAceKing:  just mounting it under linux wont lose anything.. andy resize operation has risks12:38
milen8204i thing its work12:39
AceKingDr_Willis, Thank you, I appreciate the info12:39
milen8204coz_ thanks a lot ()12:39
coz_milen8204,   hope that worked12:39
ksbalajiBondv6: (shudder) would that damage existing win7?12:39
Bondv6ksbalaji, you shouldn't need to chroot. Yeah, you will need to be a root user (or use sudo)12:39
milen8204coz_, will see thanks12:40
ksbalajiok - one final info before I hit enter - will win7 survive?12:40
Bondv6ksbalaji, no, it won't damage win7 but you might have to create a boot entry for it12:40
clarkgriswoldhttp://pastebin.com/qeEstHZd <-- grub.cfg - why doesn't color or play work?  pretty certain that's the paste12:41
Bondv6ksbalaji, wait12:41
ksbalajiBondv6: thanks - I got the answer from you. But I have to add - win7 need not survive in the longrun. Only on this computer for some time!12:41
Bondv6ksbalaji, this will be correct: grub-install --root-directory /media/ubuntu/boot /dev/sda12:41
ksbalajiBondv6: with sudo?12:42
Bondv6ksbalaji, yeah12:42
ksbalajiBondv6: can that also be hda or sda0 instead of just sda? (sorry for asking again)12:44
Dr_Willissudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/InstalledSystemMointPoint  /dev/sda --recheck12:44
ksbalajiDr_Willis: Hi! thanks for your attention ! what does --recheck do please?12:45
Bondv6ksbalaji, it has to be the hardisk-device that the computer boots from. /dev/hda could be such a device, while /dev/sda1 wold be a partition12:45
telugeanyone here with experience editing or patching kernels?12:46
bouncysteveQ: I'm trying to use policykit to allow non-privileged users to install using software-center. I've followed the instructions in the first answer at http://askubuntu.com/questions/3/how-can-i-set-the-software-center-to-install-software-for-non-root-users but it doesn't work (even after restarting). Anyone know what's wrong?12:46
ksbalajiBondv6: yes sda1 is the win7 partition. hda is my hdd.12:46
Bondv6ksbalaji, if sda1 is the win7 partition, then /dev/sda is your drive12:46
JeroenDeDauwI'm trying to set up some website on an Ubuntu server but am having some problems with accessing it. When I hit my ip, I get the Apache "It works" page. When I modify the thing in /var/ww/, nothing changes to the page I get.12:47
JeroenDeDauwI did not set up this server, so don't know what's going on exactly. I guess some rerouting or something, but am not sure how to find to where (I'm rather new to Linux). Any help?12:47
telugejus delete the win7 partition.... win7 is too fru fru anyways ^^12:47
Bondv6JeroenDeDauw, You'll have to look in the www configuration for the default site, to see what's going on. usually that would be /etc/apache2/sites-available/default12:48
ksbalajiBondv6: thanks. teluge just did that once. That is where the problem started of reinstalling this and that and this...!12:48
Bondv6ksbalaji, /dev/hd* is usually things connected with ATA, while /dev/sd* is usually serial-attached drives, like scsi, s-ata and sas12:50
van7huhi all, I am using ubuntu 10.04, grub is grub 2 but why I type in command "grub --version" in terminal,it shows that the version is 0.97,what is the problem here ?12:50
rdz11I went to the Pidgin support page and found this, thanks though "if Pidgin isn't crashing, you can use the Debug Window (Help->Debug Window) to obtain the debug log output."12:50
ksbalajiBondv6: do I have to add --recheck as Dr_Willis suggested? = sudo grub-install --root-directory /media/ubuntu/boot /dev/sda --recheck ?12:50
Bondv6van7hu, grub2 uses such versions. it's a bit confusing12:51
Bondv6ksbalaji, you can, it should give you a warning if it didn't install though12:52
yeatsvan7hu: did you do an in-place upgrade?12:52
van7hubondv6 : no, with "update-grub" command it printouts "do you want to create menu.lst" ?12:52
Dr_Willisvan7hu:  You are on an old system? whate version? menu.lst is for grub112:52
ksbalajivan7hu: may be it is grub version and not ubuntu lucid version?12:52
denndaHow do I get pidgin to show up in the indicator applet and not quit the entire app when i press the close button, but instead just hide the window?12:52
van7huyeah, 10.0412:52
Bondv6van7hu, ah sorry, yeah, that is grub legacy12:52
Dr_Willisvan7hu:  was this a clean install or a upgrade?12:53
* van7hu go for st,please wait thank !12:53
yeatsvan7hu: if your computer is booting correctly, I would leave well enough alone unless you have a particular need for GRUB212:53
van7huyeah, i have opensuse and ubuntu on my pc12:54
JeroenDeDauwBondv6: Cool. I'm not seeing anything very enlightening there though. This is what's there: http://dpaste.org/dPMf/12:54
van7huI install opensuse 1stly and ubuntu 2ndly12:54
bouncysteveHi all, I'm trying to edit policykit to allow non-privileged users to install using software-center. I've created a file in /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/  but it still asks for admin user's password. Anyone know what's wrong?12:54
Bondv6JeroenDeDauw, which document are you editing?12:55
van7hunow, I've installed xen and I want to ask it for grub of ubuntu12:55
ksbalajivan7hu: just be happy with grub - you would have seen my plight with grub2 here now.12:55
JeroenDeDauwBondv6: /var/www/index.html12:56
Dr_Willisvan7hu:  for a complex setup. you masy need some tweaking to your menu.lst then.12:56
Bondv6JeroenDeDauw, could there be another document in that folder, that is taking presence over index.html ?12:56
denndanvm figured it out12:56
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JeroenDeDauwBondv6: It's the only file there (which is index.html). Also, when I try to hit a directory with site in it that I put in /var/ww/, I get a not found error.12:58
milen8204anyone who has use new version of VLC player ?12:59
sagaciI have13:00
coz_milen8204,  which version do you have?13:00
DrManhattanIm on 1.1.5 on osx13:00
DrManhattanworks great13:01
genupulasi have 1.1.413:01
milen8204DrManhattan, have you try to convert files ?13:01
coz_milen8204,  I am using 1.1.5  also13:01
DrManhattanno I don't use cpu based transcoding13:01
milen8204coz_, how to update to 1.1.5 ?13:01
EduardGuys, has anybody experience this stupid bug, when you set the screen resulution to 1024x768 in nvidia-settings and save the new xorg.conf and afterwards restart, you end up with a extremely small resolution like 400x400 or smth13:01
Eduardand yet, nvidia-settings shows that resolution is 1024x76813:02
ethereticHello! Someone take a look at http://pastebin.com/kt3pyvvS - running Transmission causes horrendous lag, same for amule. Why?13:02
milen8204i think in 1.1.4 can`t convert a ting13:02
coz_milen8204,  let me check for the ppa  hold on13:02
=== balaji-away is now known as ksbalaji
coz_milen8204,  do you have all of the extra codecs installed?13:02
milen8204coz_, i think so13:03
Eduardguys ,any ideas on how to fix this13:03
OerHcoz_, c-korn is moved to ppa:n-muench/vlc2 for vlc 1.1.513:03
milen8204i clicked more than 10 times :D in symantic :D13:03
freedomhello everyone13:04
coz_OerH,  ok maybe you can guide him to that ppa13:04
coz_milen8204,   open system/administration/synaptic packages manager.... hit the Search button and type  in     ubuntu restricted   to see if you have the ubuntu-restricted-extras  package installed13:05
JeroenDeDauwBondv6: No idea whats wrong?13:05
ethereticWops. Did I miss a reply?13:05
etheretichttp://pastebin.com/kt3pyvvS - transmission/amule=lag13:06
milen8204i have it13:06
DongSirThis is my first time to here!13:06
milen8204coz_, i have it13:06
ksbalajiBondv6: :( something went wrong. maybe the system directory?  http://pastebin.com/L0STvf9C13:06
coz_milen8204,  ok13:07
milen8204i have addons too13:07
OerHcoz_, milen8204 i found the ppa https://launchpad.net/~n-muench/+archive/vlc2 just add the ppa in softwaresources & upgrade13:07
milen8204OerH, thanks13:10
freedomwhat is that?13:10
Bondv6JeroenDeDauw, /var/ww/ or /var/www ?13:13
freedomI can not install the NVIDIA graphics driver13:13
ksbalajiDr_Willis:  --recheck has given some output but I do not know how to change the command. http://pastebin.com/L0STvf9C13:13
JeroenDeDauwBondv6: /www/13:13
Bondv6ksbalaji, hmm, I think you have to write --root-directory=/media/ubuntu/boot13:14
rizoi would like to compile a GTK project, but i have a problem including the right libraries. >>g++ -o ./Debug/gladetest ./Debug/main.o  "-L." "-L." "-L/usr/lib/"  -lgtkmm-2.4<< returns >>/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgtkmm-2.4<<. But i am shure libgtkmm-2.4 is there, i can $locate it using search function. Any idea what is wrong?13:15
Tyrnisplop all :)13:15
tcpa252Hello ppl13:15
Bondv6JeroenDeDauw, not sure. could be several things. But if you are getting "it works", then that is usually some document in /var/lib/www13:15
ksbalajiBondv6: sudo --root-directory=/media/ubuntu/boot --recheck? (what then about sda?)13:15
telugecan someone with alot of experience in other distros message me?13:16
Bondv6ksbalaji, you need the whole command you typed earlier, but use "=" between root-directory and argument, instead of space13:16
tcpa252Could anyone please help fixing this ridiculously high resolution problem after each system boot-up, here is a example of it: http://img844.imageshack.us/img844/5461/screenshotuje.png13:16
tsimpsonrizo: you need the -dev packages to compile stuff13:16
cousteaurizo, make sure you have a file called libgtkmm-2.4.a (or .so)13:17
cousteaurizo, you probably need something called libgtkmm-2.4-dev or similar13:17
Bondv6tcpa252, system-> preferences-> monitor should let you set it13:17
JeroenDeDauwBondv6: There is no "www" dir in /var/lib/. I'm just going to poke the person who set the thing up - thanks for your help though :)13:18
tcpa252Bondv6: i'm running proprietary nvidia drivers, so in my case i guess it is nvidia-settings13:18
tcpa252and also, that would mean changing resolution after each boot-up13:18
rizocousteau, it is callled /usr/lib/libgtkmm-2.4.so.113:18
home-alonewhat is best PDF viewer13:18
tcpa252here is my xorg.conf : http://pastebin.ca/202348713:19
Bondv6JeroenDeDauw, sorry, I ment to say /var/www13:19
cousteauhome-alone, I think Okular, it seems to be very complete... although I use Evince and it's very nice13:19
nickravehello can anyone help me with my Ubunto installation?13:19
rizotsimpson, i have libgtk2.0-dev installed13:19
Bondv6tcpa252, I thought that tool could write an updated xorg-config13:19
tsimpsonrizo: but not libgtkmm-2.4-dev13:20
cousteauhome-alone, you could also use the official Acrobat's one... but afaik it's hard to install since it's not on the repositories13:20
AbhiJitnickrave, what happen?13:20
Bondv6ksbalaji, did it work?13:20
nickraveI have a problem after I've burned the CD, it just wont boot up into the installation page, I get a man in a circle logo13:20
nickraveat the bottom13:20
nickravethen nothing13:20
tcpa252Bondv6 yes, it does, you see the problem, after each restart my screen resolution is way off, no matter what resolution is set through nvidia-settings13:21
home-alonethank I will okular a try . I strictly use FOSS13:21
rizotsimpson, you are right :) will try that, thank you!13:21
nickraveyeah a little man13:21
AbhiJitnickrave, are you sure its ubuntu13:21
yeatsnickrave: hit any key when the man appears - it should put you into the menu13:21
clarkgriswoldhttp://pastebin.com/qeEstHZd <-- grub.cfg - why doesn't color or play work?  pretty certain that's the paste13:21
nickraveyeah I tired that13:21
tcpa252Bondv6: so that means, if i don't find the cause of the problem, I'll be stuck changing my resolution after each system restart13:21
* AbhiJit cant remember any 'man' in installation process13:22
yeatsnickrave: sounds like a bad burn or a CD drive problem13:22
nickraveI managed to install OS X, so can't be a drive problem13:22
Bondv6tcpa252, did you use the "save to X configuration file" ?13:22
yeatsAbhiJit: see the bottom of this image: http://mitchtowner.net/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/shot0001.png13:22
coz_nickrave,   when this "man in a circle" logo appears  did you hit enter?13:23
nickraveNO I'll try that now - thanks13:23
AbhiJitthat man13:23
yeatsAbhiJit: when there are resolution problems that's sometimes all you see13:23
AbhiJitits accessibility icon13:23
tcpa252Bondv6: yes I did this a lot of times, with no apparent luck, each time after restart my screen resolution is way off, and yet nvidia-settings shows that current resolution is the one i set before restart13:24
rizotsimpson, thank you, that solved the problem :)13:24
nickraveOK yeah that's all it was!13:24
Bondv6tcpa252, hmm, you could try to look in the Xorg.conf file after it's saved, to make sure the resolution is set in it?13:24
nickraveStupid really thanks a lot, it's gone into the install page13:24
Gigacoresuggest the best twitter client ever!13:24
tcpa252Bondv6: http://pastebin.ca/202348713:24
tcpa252it's my current xorg.conf, as far as i can see, theres no setting for current screen resolution....13:25
coz_nickrave,   not stupid...it is a new approach... and if you have not seen it before  then   ,,hey ... now you know :)13:25
Bondv6tcpa252, and what mode do you want to use=?13:25
tcpa252Bondv6 1024x76813:25
telugeI'm a gamer,formerly windows till i upgraded ram and mobo to 64 bit.... cant stand win 7 novice at best to linux usin ubuntu 10.10 hate it i like minimalistic highly customizable os's i loved windows xp.?Any suggestions? I'm on the fence as far as arch goes.13:26
=== ksbalaji is now known as balaji-away
Bondv6tcpa252, you could put that mode in "the front" of the others13:27
tcpa252Bondv6: sec, i'll try it13:27
=== balaji-away is now known as ksbalaji
yeatsteluge: try LXDE/Lubuntu13:28
yeats!lubuntu | teluge13:28
ubottuteluge: lubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.13:28
Dr_Willisteluge:  perhaps state what you  want to 'do' with your system.  thats the big thing.13:29
ksbalajiBondv6: , Dr_Willis it worked but I get grub prompt instead of login do I proceed with sudo grub-update there?13:29
Dr_Willis'minimalisitic highly customizeable' - a bit of a contridiction :)13:29
Dr_Willisksbalaji:  the grub prompt is for grub commands not linux commands.13:29
Bondv6try awesomeWM :)13:30
* yeats never thought of WinXP as "minimalistic" either13:30
Bondv6that is highly customizable via Lua :)13:30
Dr_Willisksbalaji:  if grub is loading. then it perhaps need to be configured to find the right menu files.13:30
Dr_WillisCustomize it so its no longer minimal. :)13:30
Bondv6ksbalaji, okay, good, as Dr_Willis says grub is now working again. I'm surprised it is not finding your menu-files now13:31
tcpa252Bondv6: Thank you very much, you saved my day13:31
ksbalajiBondv6: Dr_Willis thanks for consolation. How to configure grub2?13:32
Bondv6tcpa252, cool13:32
telugeno you dont get it willis... i like it minimal an 10.10 is anything but13:32
Bondv6ksbalaji, boot up the livecd again13:32
ksbalajiThere is something about updating grub. ?13:32
telugeand i'd really like to get the most out of my ram and graphics card as far as windows gaming/linux gaming goes13:32
telugewithout all the fru fru...13:32
ksbalajiBondv6: ok. rebooting13:33
Dr_Willis!grub2 | ksbalaji13:33
ubottuksbalaji: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub213:33
Bondv6ksbalaji, maybe we gave it the wrong path to root-directory13:34
Dr_Willisteluge:  whats the point in minimal if you are lacking wanted features.. 'minimal' is just the latest buzzword everyone likes to spout.  It seems to mean very little these days. (yes thats a pun)13:34
blixtenanyone know how to get 32bit applications to run on a 64 bit powerpc ?13:35
=== ksbalaji is now known as balaji-away
=== balaji-away is now known as ksbalaji
Dr_Willisteluge:  if you want best windows gaming - run stuff in windows.. linux gaming . the gnome desktop is going to take up so few resources  on most mondern gaming rigs. that it wont matter muich as to what window manager/desktop  you use13:35
telugecute ...hmmm better explanation is minimal desktop compare windows xp to windows 7 and i love the windows xp version best13:35
Dr_Willisif you want to use 'minimal' system resources - use lubuntu.13:36
telugerun stuff in windows go with win 7 so i can utilize my ram or forgo my ram and go with xp? i think not i can get everything working in linux i jus want it running better im greedy13:36
Dr_Willisbut even with a full gnome desktopp here - and all this syecandy.. just sitting here ircing. im using less then 4% of my cpu.13:37
ksbalajiBondv6: I have something to tell . May be we give sda5 (lucid) partition the boot flag using gparted from livecd?13:37
clarkgriswoldcan anyone help me get color going? http://pastebin.com/qeEstHZd13:37
telugelubuntu ill give it a look at ty13:37
clarkgriswoldi think - i have agnosia so this is hard =//13:37
Bondv6ksbalaji, yeah, seems it should not have the "/boot" directory postfixed. this might work better: sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/ubuntu /dev/device13:37
ksbalajiBondv6: rebooted from livecd.13:37
Bondv6ksbalaji, yeah you could make sure it has the boot flag13:38
IRConanhi there... is it currently possible to install ubuntu maverick to a multidevice BTRFS partition?13:38
Dr_WillisBondv6:  :) my examples did point to the location of where the boot directory was at. not  the full path including boot. so i think you are right13:38
Bondv6Dr_Willis, hehe, done this so many times, but still end up getting it wrong. It's easy to think you remember it better than you actually do :/13:39
shankhsI was trying to create a bootable usb stick using dd_rescue but I messed up and now fdisk is showing only sdb and not sdb1 . can anybody please help me in bringing sdb1 back?13:39
Bondv6Dr_Willis, you wrote that page? nice work13:39
telugeall the eyecandy is jus so ugly to me i like the rudimentary feel13:39
coz_shankhs,  if no one can help here at this moment  you could scoot over to the ##linux channel ..13:39
shankhscoz_: tahnks13:40
=== alyx is now known as Guest46972
jimcooncatshankhs, I hope you did't have anything on it you'll miss ...13:40
shankhsnope but I am unable to make it bootable without sdb1 partition13:41
UnholyTerrorclarkgriswold, #grub13:41
ksbalajiBondv6: sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/ubuntu /dev/sda ?13:41
jimcooncatshankhs, why not just start over with the ubuntu tools?13:41
Bondv6ksbalaji, yeah, looks good, if /media/ubuntu is the /dev/sda13:42
shankhsjimcooncat: sorry I did not get u13:42
clarkgriswoldUnholyTerror, tried it13:42
jan-soereni got a problem here with java13:43
mineurwjat's the problem?13:43
UnholyTerrorclarkgriswold, tried what? going to the #grub channel?13:43
jan-soerenwell i think i mite have it installed but the variables i dont know how to fix13:43
clarkgriswoldi gotta go - later13:44
jimcooncatshankhs, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent13:44
ksbalajiBondv6: Dr_Willis before I give the command I see that the boot flag is set for some other partition ( the extended partition 3) Can I just change it and reboot to see whether grub works?13:44
Bondv6ksbalaji, yeah13:44
jan-soerenummmm so can some1 help me with my problem?13:45
duffydackjan-soeren, if you explain more, yes13:45
shankhsjimcooncat: thanks13:45
txdv_______________: nice nick13:45
jan-soerenwell I couldnt find the jre in ubuntu software13:45
jan-soerenso i went to java.com13:46
Bondv6It's in ubuntu software13:46
jan-soereni looked if i had java13:46
=== ksbalaji is now known as balaji-away
jan-soerenwell i couldnt find it in ubuntu software13:46
duffydackjan-soeren, you might have openjre installed...13:46
IdleOnejan-soeren: you have to enable the Partner repository for java-jre13:46
jan-soerenhow to do that??13:47
jan-soereni havnt used linux until yesterday13:47
iceswordIdleOne, you op?13:47
txdvwhat did you use before?13:47
=== balaji-away is now known as ksbalaji
Dr_Willis!partner | jan-soeren13:48
ubottujan-soeren: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »13:48
home-alonesuggest me a simple app for image editing . I try to use Gimp but it is a bit complex . I need simple one13:48
IdleOneicesword: what's up?13:48
Dr_Willishome-alone:  it depends on what you are doing as your editing task.13:48
iceswordIdleOne, operator?13:48
Dr_Willishome-alone:   check the pacakge manager listings - see what looks good.13:49
home-aloneI want basic editing . like changing background . simple changes etc13:49
iceswordhome-alone, windows jpg edit, lol13:49
duffydackhome-alone, shotwell?  gthumb has some nice editing tools also13:49
AbhiJithome-alone, oo drawing13:49
IdleOne!find dia13:50
ubottuFound: dia-common, dia-gnome, dia-libs, gnome-media, gnome-media-common, kdemultimedia, kdemultimedia-dbg, kdemultimedia-dev, kdemultimedia-kio-plugins, kdiamond (and 163 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=dia&searchon=names&suite=maverick&section=all13:50
IdleOneicesword: Did you need something from an op?13:50
jan-soerenyea ubottu it doesnt work it doesnt do anythin when i typed that command in13:51
home-alonewhere can i learn basic Gimp techniques13:51
iceswordIdleOne, nope13:51
IdleOneicesword: ok :)13:51
iceswordIdleOne, how to be a op?13:51
ubottuIf you are interested in joining the Ops team, take a look at both http://www.siltala.net/2010/03/24/ops-teams-applications-announcement/ and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam/OperatorRequirements for info on the process and requirements.  You can also learn about what the job entails from people in #ubuntu-irc.13:52
DeadmanIncJSFailed to fetch http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/pool/main/g/google-chrome-beta/google-chrome-beta_8.0.552.224-r68599_i386.deb 404  Not Found [IP: 80]13:52
jan-soerenubottu: the code u told me to type didnt work13:52
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:52
DeadmanIncJSthat's the error i get when trying to use update manager13:53
home-alonehow to learn gimp basics..????13:53
DeadmanIncJSany ideas on how to fix that?13:53
basslinerhome-alone: not possible at all.13:53
duffydackhome-alone, http://www.scottphotographics.com/40-best-gimp-tutorials-of-2010/13:53
AbhiJithome-alone, wait13:53
jan-soerenok were to install jre v6u2313:53
home-aloneok abhijit13:54
AbhiJithome-alone, install gnome doc. its very nice13:54
AbhiJitits in software center13:54
home-aloneabhijit if you could tell me terminal command13:54
AbhiJit!java | jan-soeren13:54
ubottujan-soeren: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.13:54
AbhiJithome-alone, wait13:54
pumperhi i have question about connectin to internet using dialup modem in debian13:55
pumperanybody can help me?13:55
tyler_dpumper: its difficult... all I know13:55
jan-soerenwhat to search when looking for java??13:55
TurRaneomeHi, I'm having an issue where Ubuntu won't connect to a previously working Wifi, other devices can and do (Android phone, windows PCs) and it only stopped13:55
TurRaneomeworking after it slept13:55
jan-soerenand i dont mean jdk13:55
hogdwarfHow good is security of AppArmor (ubuntu implementation) vs Selinux ?13:56
tyler_danyone figured out networking with windows 7 as the host? does the new samba package handle passwords properly?13:56
hogdwarffor desktop13:56
AbhiJithome-alone, sudo apt-get install gnome-help-en && sudo apt-get install gnome-help-common && sudo apt-get install gnome-data13:56
tyler_dhogdwarf: what do you mean? specifically13:56
jan-soerenwhat to search when i look for jre v6u2313:56
jan-soerenin the ubuntu software center i mean13:56
hogdwarftyler_d: strenght ?13:57
AbhiJitits gimp13:57
hogdwarflabel vs path ?13:57
Dr_Willistyler_d:  new one? never noticed. on my windows bpx;s i removed that 'windows live login helper' (i thnk thats the name) program. and samba started connecting properly13:57
home-alonethanks alot abhijit13:57
AbhiJithome-alone, sudo apt-get install gimp-help-en && sudo apt-get install gimp-help-common && sudo apt-get install gimp-data13:57
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »13:57
AbhiJithome-alone, no see the corrected command13:58
tyler_dhogdwarf: implimented by novel, and noted throughout the interpipes... and makes changing some configs painful. My assumption is its secure13:58
wasp-Bonjour !13:58
wasp-ya des Frogs ici ?13:58
tyler_dDr_Willis: I removed that and still no joy :(13:58
ksbalajiBondv6: Dr_Willis hooooray! got it booting. like a breeze.  Without your help, I would never have coined the command line. Now the #$% win7 does not show up in grub menu.13:58
home-alonedo i need to install all 3 of them, abhijit..???13:59
Dr_Willistyler_d:  'windows live sign in assistant' is what i removed. and it started working.. theres some sites with otuer possible fix;s as well13:59
IdleOne!fr | wasp-13:59
ubottuwasp-: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:59
Dr_Willistyler_d:  http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en/w7itpronetworking/thread/9c6f1d74-f7f0-4503-94fa-0d79a559752713:59
AbhiJithome-alone, its not 313:59
wasp-many tks ! bye13:59
AbhiJithome-alone, its one only13:59
home-aloneok dear . thank you .13:59
tyler_dDr_Willis: the outline for the "fixes" is an implimentation on Windows 7 Pro... lgp is not available in home premium...14:00
ksbalajiBondv6: Dr_Willis  Many Thanks! only if win7 would dual boot!14:00
AbhiJithome-alone, welcome14:00
peteycan anyone help me? tryin to boot ubuntu on my netbook14:00
Dr_Willistyler_d:  never noticed. and i cant keep the windows variants strght - so thats all i know.14:00
tyler_dpetey: thats a little bit vague... errors? problems?14:00
ksbalajiBondv6: you were correct /media/ubuntu worked instead of /media/ubuntu/boot .14:00
Bondv6ksbalaji, you can run "sudo update-grub2" from ubuntu terminal, maybe it will add windows entry for you14:01
Dr_Willistyler_d:  other url i recall reading (i bookmarked it) was -> http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/75-63-windows-samba-issue14:01
tyler_dDr_Willis: doncha just love windows and the 8 different versions.... going to check the live sign-in thingy14:01
ksbalajiBondv6: thanks I shall try. But even without it, my son can access those files.14:01
peteytyler. ive created a bootable usb disk and changed bios to boot from usb. but then screen just goes black, flashin whiteline in top left corner14:01
tyler_dDr_Willis: seen both of these, and a few more.... brb14:01
DeadmanIncJSanybody having issues updating with update manager?14:02
Dr_Willistyler_d:  some game i had installed the windows live junk. and after that sambe wasent connecing.. i looked into it.. removed the live sign-n thing. and it worked.. so thats the extent of my research14:02
pumperi installed my modem and configured connection using pppconfig. but when i want to connect using pon no error message apears this means to me i connected but i cant open any web page or ping what i can do ?14:02
Dr_Willispumper:  try pinging the dns server, and gateway ip#'s - if those work but for example pinging www.google.com ddoes not... You got a DNS issue..14:02
tristan3199usksbalaji.. it will accuall duel boot... i had a duel boot on my laptop for a few months till i removed the windows partition because its seems to slow..14:02
pumperDr-willis:how to ping dns server?14:03
Bondv6ksbalaji, yeah, windows does actually dual-boot, but I've found it easier to do it with grub14:03
=== ksbalaji is now known as balaji-away
LLhello, i have a problem. it's disappeared the panel on the top-bar that allows to change status on the chat client (the panel with the user-name). Does it happen becouse i uninstalled evolution?14:05
TurRaneomeHi, I'm having an issue where Ubuntu won't connect to a previously working Wifi, other devices can and do (Android phone, windows PCs) and it only stopped working when I put the laptop to sleep? I can connect to other wifi's now, but not my homenetwork. I've tried removing the profile and restarting the computer, but it still doesnt work.14:05
peteytyler. ive created a bootable usb disk and changed bios to boot from usb. but then screen just goes black, flashin whiteline in top left corner14:05
tristan3199usbondv6: the windows bootloader is harder to configure how you want it.. mine booted into grub.. with a windows option added..14:05
Dr_Willispetey:  sounds like grub or bootloader did not get installed right.14:06
Bondv6tristan3199us, ahh, I see14:06
peteyso what can i do14:06
tristan3199uspetey: i have that happen everytime i try to make a persistant usb.. did you install from the ubuntu installer or unetbootin..14:07
peteyubuntu installer14:08
LLhello, i have a problem. it's disappeared the panel on the top-bar that allows to change status on the chat client (the panel with the user-name). Does it happen because i uninstalled evolution?14:08
tristan3199usthe ubuntu install doesnt ever work for me i have to use unetbootin to install.. but than its not persistant14:08
=== balaji-away is now known as ksbalaji
jan-soereni think i found jre 6 finnaly14:08
peteyok thanks. can i use unetbootin with windows14:09
Dr_Willispetey:  theres a dozen tools to make bootable flash drvees at the pendrivelinux web site. try some otehr ones.14:09
peteywill do, thanks very much guys.14:09
tristan3199usto make a persistant usb goto youtube or ubuntu.com has a tutorial..14:10
ksbalajiBondv6: I updated grub2 . win7 entry did not show up. I added a custom entry for win7. But on rebooting, win7 says boot MGR is missing! good show for win7?14:10
LLhelp,i have a problem. i use ubuntu 10.10. it's disappeared the panel on the top-bar that allows to change status on the chat client (the panel with the user-name). Does it happen becouse i uninstalled evolution?14:11
ksbalajiBondv6: Dr_Willis I suspect that microsopt people do not want anything else to boot. Especially linux.14:11
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:12
ksbalajiBondv6: but thanks to you , now lucid boots like a breeze.14:12
Bondv6ksbalaji, cool. Maybee you have to modify the grub-entry for it to boot win7 correctly. I'm sorry, but I don't know how to boot windows with Grub14:13
=== petr is now known as Guest86528
arthurI am brazil freands14:14
tyler_dso killing the live sign-in process worked... haven't bounced the win box yet however that has fixed it for now. painful14:14
arthurtem algum brasileiro ai?14:14
UnholyTerrorksbalaji, you suspect right.14:15
Dr_Willistyler_d:  so its now 2 for 2 - fixing win7/samba - by removing the live sign in helper...14:15
FloodBot2arthur: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:15
sacarlsonksbalaji: you should have been able to just sudo update-grub to add win7 to your grub menus14:15
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.14:15
arthurBrazilian brother14:15
tyler_dDr_Willis: the problem is that the windows live sign-in helper enables further "security" by changing the lgp security14:15
tyler_dDr_Willis: you can also fix it by simply "re-enabling" the 1st and 2nd level smb security14:16
arthurmy wine not road in ubunto 10.414:17
=== bryan is now known as prosperian_maste
tristan3199usmight help add windows7 to grub2 http://erickoo.wordpress.com/2009/06/14/how-to-add-vista-partition-to-grub-2-ubuntu-9-10-karmic-koala/14:17
sresuWhich package can help me convert pdf to doc>?14:18
DaveDoes anyone know how to fix windows boot problems?14:18
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AbhiJitGuest99990, ##windows14:19
sresuGuest99990: ##windows14:19
rigvedhow do i logout from a GUI session using the command line?14:19
tyler_drigved: you can kill the gnome display manager14:19
Bondv6rigved, you could do a "killall gnome-session"14:19
tyler_drigved: service gdm stop14:20
Guest99990Cheers guys14:20
tyler_drigved: or grep for the users process id and kill the session that way14:20
ksbalajiDave, I just got the problem started by win7 solved! It ate up the grub. Now it is fixed with help from here. However, win7 booting was lost.14:20
rigvedtyler_d, Bondv6: i can log back in again, right?14:20
UnholyTerrorksbalaji, what is you r setup?14:21
tyler_drigved: do a restart then14:21
rigvedtyler_d: ok14:21
tyler_drigved: service gdm restart14:21
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tyler_don that note ^ what ever happened to ctrl-alt-backspace?14:21
Weazelis http://gnome-look.org/ down ? or is it just me ?14:21
ksbalajiUnholyTerror: ? lucid and win7 dual boot running on acer laptop. ?14:21
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Bondv6rigved, with the killall-command yes. if you stop gdm you will have to start it again first14:22
UnholyTerrorksbalaji, what is default boot?14:22
ksbalajiofcourse it is lucid in sda5 (whereas win7 rests in sda1)14:23
UnholyTerrorksbalaji, linux is default boot in BIOS?14:23
mongytyler_d, its alt+sysrq+k isnt it.14:23
UnholyTerrorksbalaji, so it boots straight into grub/linux first?14:23
eddy-linux  good14:23
tyler_dmongy: not trying it right now... but made a mental note14:24
rigvedBondv6: it worked14:24
Weazelis http://gnome-look.org/ down ? or is it just me ???14:24
ksbalajiUnholyTerror: I do nothing with BIOS. It tries to boot first from CD then from USB and then from HDD14:24
rigvedtyler_d: it gave me some error.14:24
UnholyTerrorksbalaji, so it boots straight into grub/linux first?14:24
rigvedtyler_d, Bondv6: thanx for your help14:24
tyler_drigved: try a restart (what are you tryign to accomplish here?)14:25
tyler_drigved: /etc/init.d/gdm start14:25
ksbalajiUnholyTerror: as you said grub first boots lucid.14:25
rigvedtyler_d: sometimes when i log in, the power icon does not display. the Me icon is displayed twice. so i cannot logout or shutdown from the gui14:26
rigvedtyler_d: i know the command to restart, but now i know the command to logout also. thanx.14:26
peteyguess what people14:26
peteyim running ubuntu14:27
tyler_drigved: yw :)14:27
UnholyTerrorksbalaji, have you tried: 'sudo update-grub' - should see your win7 and add it to the grub menu.14:27
rigvedpetey: good for you! have you got some problem that you want to ask the channel?14:28
erUSULrigved: "logout"14:28
jan-soereni need help with my terminial seems that when i follow instructions and type in stuff it doesnt work14:28
peteyi did but u guys fixed it. so cheers14:29
rasenganHi, can I use the Ubuntu logo/brand/likeliness/etc. for my own project?14:29
rasenganOr is that not allowed (see Android/Google)14:29
UnholyTerrorksbalaji, have you tried: 'sudo update-grub' - should see your win7 and add it to the grub menu.14:43
=== ksbalaji is now known as balaji-away
UnholyTerrorksbalaji, as long as the Win7 bootloader is not messed up.14:43
UnholyTerrorbalaji-away, as long as the Win7 bootloader is not messed up.14:43
=== trauler is now known as trawler
techbreakplease suggest me some avi mpeg to 3gp converter in  ubuntu14:43
erUSUL!info winff | techbreak14:44
ubottutechbreak: winff (source: winff): graphical video and audio batch converter using ffmpeg. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.2.0-1ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 1416 kB, installed size 4496 kB14:44
erUSUL!info arista | techbreak14:44
ubottutechbreak: arista (source: arista): multimedia transcoder for the GNOME Desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.5-1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 290 kB, installed size 2596 kB14:44
pr0ph3tis it something to do with X or the login manager?14:44
pr0ph3tplease help because I am really at a loss here14:45
=== balaji-away is now known as ksbalaji
techbreakerUSUL, thanks ;) will try..14:46
h0hohi, what repository should i add to install gw6c?14:46
jan-soerenazm: ok so i check the canocial partners thingy now wat??14:48
=== Iranian1 is now known as Iranian
jan-soerenive checked canocial partners now wat??14:49
UnholyTerrorjan-soeren, did you reload like it asked?14:50
nirazioOn my ubuntu machime I have squid3 as a daemon which starts at boot. But squid3 takes a long time to start and stop (alomst more than 30 seconds). So it has slowed down my OS startup and shoutdown time considerably.14:50
=== ksbalaji is now known as balaji-away
jan-soerenit didnt ask to reload14:51
UnholyTerrorjan-soeren, are you in Synaptics?14:51
lolzeri am using sonyerricson w200i as modem to connect to internet... at first it get connected but after some time the phone gets automatically into file manager mode....in XP it work fine ...earlier versions of ubuntu also worked ...can any1 help me??14:51
lolzeri am using sonyerricson w200i as modem to connect to internet... at first it get connected but after some time the phone gets automatically into file manager mode....in XP it work fine ...earlier versions of ubuntu also worked ...can any1 help me??14:52
h0hoi can find the package online, but its not in apt-get, please help :'(14:52
jan-soerenyes i am in the synaptics14:52
jan-soerenoh i see wat u mean now lol14:53
jan-soerenok im reloading14:53
UnholyTerrorjan-soeren, when you checked the partner repo under other software tab it should have told/asked you to reload the list, right?14:53
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jan-soerenok so its reloaded wats the next step for getting java?14:55
jan-soerenand no it never told me to reload but i did it anyway14:55
UnholyTerrorjan-soeren, ok, now search for 'java'14:55
jan-soerenok it finnished loading the search14:56
=== Juo_ is now known as Juo
UnholyTerrorjan-soeren, i'm using the 'sun-java6-bin' package, myself.14:57
=== balaji-away is now known as ksbalaji
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jan-soerenso wat do i do now?? that ive searched??14:58
ksbalajiUnholyTerror: you are right my win7 bootloader is messed up.14:58
Weazeldoes any1 have any information regarding the error message  -- > "required kernel toshiba support not enabled."  when i type "sudo toshset -3g on" for my mobile built-in modem (toshiba tecra)14:58
pr0ph3tcan anyone help with my ubuntu login freeze problem please :(14:59
UnholyTerrorksbalaji, you'll need to go to #grub now...14:59
UnholyTerrorksbalaji, i'm getting ready to drive home... good luck.14:59
Smileywhat package does ubuntu use for "hibernation"15:00
Animawolfhttp://lolpics.se/2958-saw-fffuuuu lols15:00
ksbalajiUnholyTerror: thanks and bye.15:00
UnholyTerrorjan-soeren, I'm getting ready to drive home... good luck.15:00
jan-soerenUnholyTerror: wat now that ive searched for java??? u still havnt said a thing lol15:00
BluesKaj jan-soeren . one can alsp open a terminal and do , sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras, that will install java flash and configure them for you , rather than p[oke around with synaptic15:01
Smileygah its hibernate, not suspend2 :|15:02
Weazeldamn toshset, i miss u :(15:02
=== rez is now known as Guest74816
lolzerplz help me... my phone get into file manager mode after  some time i am connected to internet... it works fine in XP and earlier version of ubuntu15:08
jan-soerenwell were to get tutorials for linux???15:08
jan-soerenwhere to get free online ubuntu 10.10 tutorials15:09
maxflaxHello, ubuntu has taken a turn I don't like.. it decides for me what I can do.. thats not ok.. thats "apple" big brother attitude15:10
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lolzeri am really having problems with this version.... no support  for mpasmgui15:11
BluesKajmaxflax, in what manner ?15:12
Dr_Willis!manual | jan-soeren15:12
ubottujan-soeren: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/15:12
BluesKaj!ubuntu | jan-soeren15:12
ubottujan-soeren: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com15:12
Dr_Willisjan-soeren:  tutorials for what ? theres the wiki pages and forum posts. and dozens of other guides/sites15:12
=== fong is now known as onats
killer_hello to all:)15:13
maxflaxBluesKaj - Security ExecutableBit15:13
maxflaxBluesKaj - If I trust a program and I want to run it from vfat I should be able to choose so..15:13
jan-soerenk ty guys15:14
Dr_Willismaxflax:  post a message on the forums/brain storm site. Its consdierd a security issue. so use the terminal if you really want to run them.15:14
geirhamaxflax: You just need to set the exec flag on the mount15:14
jan-soerenwell u guys were awesome g2g15:14
maxflaxBluesKaj - Having my OS telling me that "Oh no.. you can't run this - even if I change the execute permission is insane"15:14
Dr_Willismaxflax:  or set vfat to mount EVERY file as 'executable'15:15
Dr_WillisYou could set up .exe's to open with somthing else i imagine.15:15
Dr_Willisi always use 'wine whatever.exe' from terminal.because to many times i have window sapps that dont work right. and at least from the terminal i get some usefull error messages15:16
maxflaxDr_Willis - removing the ability in the GUI to select for my self is just damn stupid - even M$ has the option to turn of the check15:17
Dr_Willismaxflax:  whatever.. do you have an actual support issue for this channel? if you want to just rant. theres #ubuntu-offtopic and the forums.15:18
Dr_Willismaxflax:  and that topic has been argued to death in the forums.15:18
jan-soerenlol guess wat i just realised15:18
neizmaxflax: this isn't windows.  Running from the terminal in a general sense is better than the GUI15:18
maxflaxDr_Willis - ok, here's my question then.. how do I remove it?15:18
jan-soerenmy sound does not work but it works on windows15:19
jan-soerenwere to install my sound??15:19
c0nv1ctjan-soeren, did you try unmuting it and turning up the volume?15:19
jan-soerenit was not muted anyway15:19
BluesKajmaxflax, http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/unix-or-linux-commands-for-changing-user-rights.html15:19
maxflaxneiz - The gui shouldn't handicap the user15:20
jan-soereni went into sound preferences15:20
c0nv1ctjan-soeren, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems15:20
jan-soerenbut i dont know wat is my actual sound lol15:20
jan-soerenk ty15:20
Dr_Willismaxflax:  set the .exe  to load with a differnt application by default. perhaps a shell scrhot that does 'xterm -e wine $1' or similer..  I just use the terminal.15:21
Dr_Willismaxflax:  or theres ways to set it where ntfs/vfat/cdroms mount with EVERY file executable. so by default they are in fact executable.15:22
neizmaxflax: the power of linux comes from the terminal/CLI. Learn it.15:22
maxflaxBluesKaj - where do I change the mount option for my drive so it's set to exec?15:22
gggggis there anyone here willing to help me with something on pm, i want to create an account on some site that banned my country and disabled proxy signup15:23
maxflaxneiz - I know bash, but like a good gui for stuff15:23
BluesKajmaxflax, if it's mounted in nautilus /networking , right click properties the permissions tab / make executable15:25
Dr_WillisBluesKaj:  that wont work if its a NTFS or VFAT filesystem. or on an optical disk.15:26
iceswordwhat do you use to rebuild a partition table?15:26
evertondoes any know why k3b open when i click on to my computer ubuntu15:26
maxflaxBluesKaj - If it were that easy I wouldn't ask here! :p15:27
BluesKajDr_Willis, I'm assuming it's a ntfs partition15:27
=== alakoo_ is now known as alakoo
Dr_Williseverton:  the file assoication for the 'folder' type has gotten messed up perhaps15:27
maxflaxDr_Willis - How do I make it mount as always set to exec?15:27
Dr_Williseverton:  ive seen it happen if you select a folder with dvd 'files' and tell it to open with.. a video player or otehr app.15:27
Dr_Willismaxflax:  i use the /etc/fstab   for my internal drives  - but not sure how to do it for removeable media15:28
wildc4rdafternoon all15:28
Dr_WillisI find having everything on ntfs/vfat executable - more annoying then using 'wine /whatever.exe' in a terminal when needed.15:28
evertonDr_willis I understand you I trying to find the area where i c an fix it15:28
maxflaxDr_Willis - it is a internal drive formatted with NTFS15:29
Dr_Williseverton:  try ubuntu-tweak, and check teh file assocations. theres one for folder types, let me see what mine is set to.15:29
Dr_Willismaxflax:  then you can make a fstab entry for the drive. and set the proper umask/fmask/dmask and it can set them to be all executable.15:29
Dr_Willismaxflax:  the ntfs-3g faq/docs gives examples.15:29
maxflaxDr_Willis - Well, if I put it in fstab it will auto mount.. I only mount it if I need it..15:30
Dr_Willismaxflax:  fstab has a 'noauto' option15:31
jan-soerenfixed problem15:31
ejcwebI want to simulate microphone input using an MP3 I play. Is this possible?15:31
Dr_Williseverton:  under ubuntu-tweak, file type 'tool' under 'folder' -> theres a list of what ones to use.  I think 'open folder' is the default its supposed to be.15:31
Dr_Williseverton:  ubuntu-tweak also has a toolto reset all of gnome back to the gnome defaults. :015:32
m___njoin #qt15:32
Dr_Williseverton:  ive had differnt desktops 'fight' over  what to set the default app for folders to be. :(15:32
Dr_Willisejcweb:  ive seen similer trticks done with the 'webcamstudio' program . it lets you reroute stuff to differnt /dev/video# and /dev/audio# type devices you could use as if they were a real input15:33
rigvedejcweb: one way is to send the audio output to the mic input. there's one audio connector available that can do this15:33
maxflaxDr_Willis - what umask to type for it to be exec?15:34
Dr_Willisejcweb:  its also perhaps possible with the various pulse audio config tools. (some are not installed by default)15:34
ejcwebrigved: Yeah, unfortunately I don't own one of those cables at the moment. I'm trying to find a different solution.15:34
Dr_Willismaxflax:  no idea.  I would have to look it up on the ntfs-3g docs/faq15:34
Dr_WillisI always get confused by umasks.15:34
Dr_Willismaxflax:  try 0000, mount it .. look and see.. unmount. try a differnet #15:35
ejcwebDr_Willis: I mean, the alternative is to select a different input source. I've got a choice of OSS, Port Audio, or PulseAudio. At the moment I'm on Port Audio default, which is my mic.15:35
Dr_Willisthe umask is like '777-XXX' where XXX is the actual mask.. I think...15:35
Dr_Willisso 000 would make them all mode '777' or am i confused.15:35
sunny_hu. how do i boot livecd with bigger root partition size?15:35
=== emma is now known as em
n2diyhow do I restart the print services?15:36
evertonDr_Willis ok I am installing utweaks15:36
Dr_Willisn2diy:  sudo service cups restart (perhaps)15:37
Dr_Willisyea its 'cups' :)15:37
Dr_WillisBBL  gotta do a reboot.15:37
icesword!find weechat15:38
ubottuFound: weechat, weechat-core, weechat-curses, weechat-dbg, weechat-dev15:38
maxflaxhow do I write to unmount a drive in terminal.. writing umount on it just return saying the unit is busy15:38
petarbttnx for Test Disk is very good program . save my live :)15:39
icesword!info weechat15:39
ubottuweechat (source: weechat): Fast, light and extensible chat client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.2-1 (maverick), package size 21 kB, installed size 52 kB15:39
n2diyDr.Willlis, the command took, but I still can't see the network printer?15:39
sunny_maxflax, try -f option15:39
maxflaxsunny_ : nope15:39
sunny_maxflax, also try lsof to see which process holds it busy15:40
icesword!man umount15:40
iceswordcd out that directory15:40
CovertOddityIm connected to a VPN and it is set as my default ipv4/6 route, however i want to route my http/s traffic through my normal interface since i only use the VPN for SMB-shares. I guess i need to use iptables for this but how can i achieve this?15:41
pr0ph3tre all15:41
iceswordjust cd out that dir15:41
maxflaxicesword - jupp - that did the trick :)15:41
pr0ph3tis there a way to have an interactive startup in ubuntu 10.10 so I don't start gdm?15:41
iceswordjust like the stupid usb stuff15:42
sunny_how do i boot livecd with bigger root partition size? any boot options?15:43
nirazioWhy isn't Lubuntu an official derivative of Ubuntu?15:44
AbhiJitnirazio, #lubuntu15:44
ubottuThe Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.15:45
expiationis there a way to install wubi bigger than 30gb?15:45
=== mue__ is now known as mue
icesworddepends, i think no15:46
dhanijeremyhelp! all my media files plays too fast like it were being fast forwarded. Anyone???15:46
tyler_ddhanijeremy: dance quicker15:47
tyler_ddhanijeremy: sorry, never heard that one before :)15:47
dhanijeremyi get no sound15:47
bezaoi'm running ubuntu server 10.04 how to upgrade to 10.10?15:47
tyler_dbezao: sudo apt-get upgrade15:47
tom_im trying to get my broadcom 440 wireless card working in ubuntu 10.1015:48
bezaotyler_d that will upgrade apt-get15:48
dhanijeremyi've tried google for a solution but there is nothing...15:48
tyler_dbezao: sorry, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade15:48
bezaotyler_d apt-get said theres nothing to upgrade15:48
jchase520is it possable to shrink a partition and extend a differant one from ubuntu?15:49
tyler_dbezao: apt-get dist-upgrade said this?15:49
bezaotyler_d yes15:49
dhanijeremytyler_d, can you help me?15:49
rigvedbezao: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo do-release-upgrade15:49
tyler_dbezao: so within your repository you have marked lts only?15:49
bezaorigved No new release found15:50
petarbtCheckGMail won't start as a normal user ubuntu 10.10 ?15:50
tyler_ddhanijeremy: I know very little about sound, my best suggestion would be to try using alsa drivers15:50
bezaowhen i log it, it says: Linux ubuntu 2.6.32-26-generic-pae #48-Ubuntu SMP Wed Nov 24 10:31:20 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS15:50
rigvedbezao: you must set apt to check for normal releases15:50
bezaorigved how can i do it?15:50
h0hodoes anyone know where gw6c is located? cus i can't find it in apt-get15:50
sunny_how do i boot livecd with bigger root partition size? any boot options?15:50
krunalhow can i play quicktime streaming files?15:50
dhanijeremyweird, it works before i mess with gdm...15:51
petarbtits start only with sudo checkgmail, how to make to start as a normal user15:51
=== tonghuix is now known as Left
jchase520i think paly on linux has quik time15:51
tyler_dh0ho: enable universe package then try again... http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/gw6c15:51
icesword!info mplayer15:51
ubottumplayer (source: mplayer): movie player for Unix-like systems. In component universe, is extra. Version 2:1.0~rc4~try1.dsfg1-1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 2832 kB, installed size 5384 kB15:51
krunaljchase520, it can play full .mov files but not .mov files with external url15:52
krunalfor example apple.com/trailers15:52
jchase520ah ok15:52
rigvedbezao: aptitude15:52
h0hotyler_d, how would i got about that? what should i put in sources.list?15:52
tyler_dh0ho: in sources.list you need to uncomment the repo's15:53
torres09how do I start an alternate X session? like if i am playing a game on X0, if i do xinit -- :1 on tty I am dumped into some sort of terminal xsession....15:53
bezaorigved it says 29257 new packges, lol,15:53
jchase520can you shrink a vlume in ubuntu?15:54
Idol_Mindi'm having issues installing/configuring squid on 10.10. can someone help?15:54
rigvedbezao: yes but those are not for you. just says that there are those many new packages which you can download15:54
tyler_djchase520: using gparted yes you can. best to have a backup first though15:55
Idol_Mindwhen I try to go to the web console, I get "The requested URL could not be retrieved"15:55
bezaorigved what do i select then? installed packges? not installed packges?15:55
jchase520well i want to expand my partition that has ubuntu and shrink my stupid windows one lol15:55
tyler_djchase520: then back it up and use gparted is the simplest solution.15:56
torres09how do i start a new xsession on say Ctrl Alt F815:56
jchase520ok thanks!15:56
dhanijeremytyler_d, FIXED! i change the output to Internal Audio Analog Stereo instead of RV620 Audio Device (Radeon HD 34xx Series) Digital Stereo (HDMI) Stereo15:56
tyler_ddhanijeremy: nicely done, it sounded liek a config thing.15:56
tyler_ddhanijeremy: sorry I was of no help :(15:56
dhanijeremyyeah, but weird because i didnt touch any of the config thing.15:57
insanoIs there any way to install ubuntu over a LAN?15:57
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rigvedbezao: one moment. even i'm trying to figure out myself. never used it for this purpose before15:57
dhanijeremynvm, next time you know what to suggest :)15:57
icesword!net install15:57
tyler_dinsano: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet15:58
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate15:58
torres09how do i start a new xsession?15:58
iceswordno you won't15:58
tyler_dtorres09: startx -- :115:58
sacarlsoninsano: yes with pxeboot15:59
insanosacarlson, Can I install my own customized ISO?15:59
tyler_dtorres09: I haven't done it, though it outlines it from here --> http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/multiple-x.html15:59
=== Left is now known as tonghuix
torres09tyler_d startx -- :1 drops me into some sort of xterm i guess....i just want a new gnome session....like if i have a game on X016:00
sacarlsoninsano: yes if your iso is bootable16:00
tyler_dtorres09: why not simply go to a different desktop? ie. ctrl-alt-"arrow right"16:00
rigvedbezao: sudo do-release-upgrade -d16:01
rigvedbezao: what does that give you? ^^16:01
insanosacarlson, The tutorials I've seen say that I need a netboot installation.16:01
torres09tyler_d doesnt work if i am running something like a media center XBMC for instance16:02
sacarlsoninsano: I havn't played with it in some time but there are instructions the give you step by step to setup a pxeboot server16:02
tyler_dtorres09: ahh... so you want a completely different instance of X16:02
rigvedbezao: ok. got it16:02
nirazioWhat is the boot kernel option (casper) to change the size of the ram root file system when booting from livecd. I want to be able to install few packages to work with, w/o really installing the system.16:02
rigvedbezao: sudo apt-get install update-manager-core16:03
insanosacarlson, Can I pvt you?16:03
sacarlsoninsano: sure16:03
torres09tyler_d yeah i guess16:03
Aimeri have problem with .htaccess, when I add directive which lock access to config.php, it also lock access to the other config.php files in other subdirectories16:04
djznis there any application wich will dock a "system logger" text into the workspace?16:04
rigvedbezao: edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and set Promt=normal16:04
rigvedbezao: sudo do-release-upgrade16:04
rigvedbezao: do these three steps16:05
guestI have a question about using dual monitors with an ATI Card on 10.04; Please message me if you have a moment of free time to discuss.  Thank  you!16:05
rigvedbezao: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade16:05
rigvedbezao: gotta go. all the best!16:05
torres09how do i start a different instance of X?16:05
jimfleigWhat is a reasonable wait time for Setting up grub to complete after selecting Install Updates from the Update Manager and the Applying Changes window appears?16:06
llutztorres09: startx -- :116:06
sam_010203Apart from Skype.  what other chat program can you use to video chat out of the box in linux?????16:06
Aimeri have problem with .htaccess, when I add directive which lock access to config.php, it also lock access to the other config.php files in other subdirectories.16:06
PeterFabinskihow do i get a VirtualBox shared folder16:06
jimfleigIf the reasonable wait time has passed, is there any way to exit this state without crashing the system?16:07
bonjoyee PeterFabinski: what is the guest os?16:07
torres09llutz: ya know that but that doesn't give me something like a new Gnome or KDE session does it....i just want an alternate X when i am running a media center or sumthing16:07
PeterFabinskibonjoyee: BackTrack 416:08
Jed2Hi all..I've just installed ubuntu 10.10 using wubi alongside vista and I cant connect to my wifi with ubuntu. Vista connects fine. Can anyone suggest how to fix this pls?16:08
llutztorres09: WINDOWMANANAGER=<wm of your choice> startx -- :116:08
bonjoyeePeterFabinski: have u installed the guest-additions?16:08
PeterFabinskihow do i do that?16:08
sam_010203jed2   what are you using to connect?   network manager?16:08
torres09llutz: will try that thanks..16:08
llutztorres09: or just create a personal ~/.xinitrc16:09
cr215hi everyone.  i need help getting my microphone to work when using voip(?) software such as the phone feature in gmail or icall internet phone. i successfully tested the mic with sound recorer so i dont know what it could be.  can anyone help me?16:09
sam_010203CR215  have u checked if it the mic settings in alsamixer are on?16:09
Aimercould anyone give me an answer?16:09
torres09llutz:  yeah i tried creation .xinitrc and exec gnome-session...didn't work...16:09
bonjoyee PeterFabinski: mount the guest-additions cd in the guest os...and run the appropriate setup...buti think u need to install the kernel headers in the guest os as well..16:10
k3n5h1ni cant setup wireless on my dell vostro16:10
k3n5h1nubuntu v 10.416:10
Jed2OK I'm newie with ubunto btw. I just installed ubuntu and when it started up it tried to connect. I pointed it at the correct wifi name and put in the password. it tries to connect then replies that I need to enter password16:10
xMOLATZEN_DUxDoes mego have repositories right noe?16:10
erUSULAimer: maybe in #httpd ?16:10
cr215sam_o1o23: i dont  know what alsamixer is16:10
bonjoyeePeterFabinski: else u can use other means like sftp or ftp or even nfs..if your host os is also linux based..16:11
bluefrogAimer, within your site directory directive add  <Files config.php> Order allow,deny       deny from all      <\Files>16:11
AnirbanHazraCan I run .NET apps on Ubuntu hardy ?16:11
bluefrogaimer and forget bout htaccess16:11
cr215i meant to say samo1o2o316:11
PeterFabinskibonjoyee: i  clicked install guest additions but nothing happened in the vm16:12
torres09llutz:  when I try WINDOWMANANAGER=gnome startx -- :1 i get no protocol specified error..16:12
bonjoyee PeterFabinski: does it have a gui?16:12
r00t4rd3dJed2, so enter your password ?16:12
bezaohow can i correct my ubuntu acentuation? por ex, "é" gives something like this "%e"16:12
Jed2yes I did16:12
bonjoyee PeterFabinski: your guest os? ..does it have a graphical interface?16:12
bluefrogbezao, in what program?16:12
Jed2it tries to log in for abotu a minute then the same window pops up again16:12
soreautorres09: gnome isnt a window manager, its a desktop environment. metacity and compiz are window managers16:13
PeterFabinskibonjoyee: like it has a "desktop"? yes.16:13
bezaobluefrog for whole ubuntu, now i'm on console mode, ubuntu server.16:13
r00t4rd3djed2 are you sure its not asking for your ubuntu pass ? Does it say anything about login keyring ?16:13
torres09soreau:  so how do i start a new Xsession with gnome desktop environment?16:14
bluefrogbezao, change the keayboard layout I presume16:14
bonjoyee PeterFabinski: then check under something like "My computer" or /media/cdrom if u can find some setups in there...16:14
bonjoyeeelse mount the cd manually..using the mount command..16:14
bezaobluefrog my keyword layout is fine, when i type something it prompts me a message, i've installed it on portuguese-brasil language16:14
llutztorres09: try "startx -m gnome-session  -- :1"16:14
k3n5h1ndo i need to enter ipv4/6 settings while setting up wireless?16:15
PeterFabinskibonjoyee: i found the cd but theres nothing for BackTrack16:15
k3n5h1nautomatic works, doesnt it?16:15
bonjoyeePeterFabinski: isn't backtrack linux?16:15
k3n5h1ni have entered the ssid, and wpa personal password16:15
PeterFabinskibonjoyee: yes...16:15
cysiolandHow to measure song pitch in Ubuntu?16:15
Jed2it has two drop downs...top one I cant change but it is show type of wifi encryption and I would assume is asking for the wifi pw. I havent tried my ubuntu pw. No mention of keyring btw16:15
PeterFabinskibonjoyee: when i open either of the linux files i just get a script in the text editor16:16
Aimerbluefrog: it doesn't work, it also lock files in subdirectories16:16
r00t4rd3djed2 can you turn off your wireless security and try it ?16:16
bonjoyeethen run the .run file for your architecture...32 bit or 6416:16
bonjoyeewith root privileges...16:17
Jed2turn off via the admin page for my router?16:17
bonjoyeePeterFabinski: also what is your host os?16:17
Jed2ok will try. brb. ta16:17
k3n5h1noh connected16:17
PeterFabinskibonjoyee: mac16:17
k3n5h1ni created a new net work connection btw16:17
nirazioI have configured vsftpd as anonymous.But still it's asking for password..Can anyone help me??16:17
cysiolandHow to measure song pitch in Ubuntu???16:18
bonjoyeePeterFabinski: ok...then try installing the guest additions..16:18
r00t4rd3dnirazio, have you restarted vsftpd after configuring as anony ?16:19
sacarlsoncysioland: I played with something like that but it wasn't working very well last I tried it.  it was like pitch to midi or something16:19
nirazior00t4rd3d: Yes i have restarted vsftpd16:19
cysiolandsacarlson I have .mp3 file16:20
bonjoyee PeterFabinski: you want to share folders on your mac system with the guest backtrack..right?16:20
sacarlsoncysioland: well I think this worked with wav but you can convert an mp3 to wav16:20
r00t4rd3dnirazio, http://www.g-loaded.eu/2008/12/02/set-up-an-anonymous-ftp-server-with-vsftpd-in-less-than-a-minute/16:21
r00t4rd3dcheck your settings16:21
torres09llutz: if i write startx -m gnome-session --:1 in say tty1 i am still getting no protocol spec. error...16:21
PeterFabinskibonjoyee: yes. VirtualBox says that BackTrack can access the folder, but i can't find the folder16:21
PeterFabinskiin backtrack16:22
MorphixNWcan anyone here help to install/calibrate a touchscreen on 10.10?16:22
bonjoyeePeterFabinski: how did u share it?16:22
PeterFabinskiare you using VirtualBox16:22
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PeterFabinskiin the "devices" menu for the VirtualBox application, is there a "shared folders" button?16:24
r00t4rd3dnirazio, did your settings and startup procedure match that tutorial ?16:24
bonjoyeethats right...16:24
bonjoyeeok so u have done that part..and started the guest?16:24
MorphixNWcan anyone here help to install/calibrate a touchscreen on 10.10?16:25
PeterFabinskithe folder is shared with BackTrack, but i can't find it anywhere16:25
nirazior00t4rd3d: Yes But still it's asking for a password16:25
bonjoyeePeterFabinski: try this in the guest: sudo  mount -t vboxsf sharename mountpoint16:26
bonjoyeebut i honestly feel...u have to install the guest additions in the guest os..16:26
jimfleigI installed a program from a .tgz file and can find the folder and the files for the program.  Which file should be selected to run the program?  Can a place on the Applications Menu be created for the program?16:27
r00t4rd3dnirazio, I would start over and follow that tutorial to a T. You must be missing something.16:27
PeterFabinskibonjoyee: the share name is the name of the folder i want and the mounntpoint is where i want the folder to show up?16:27
r00t4rd3dpastebin your config file16:27
torres09how do i start a new xsession with gnome16:28
bonjoyeePeterFabinski: just the name of the folder..not the entire path16:28
erUSULjimfleig: launch it from a terminal or « alt + f2 » dialog16:28
jimfleigr00t4rd3d  was the pastebin your config file directed to me?16:29
bonjoyee PeterFabinski: for the mountpoint..specify the entire path16:29
PeterFabinskibonjoyee: i did that and i get this error: mount: unknown filesystem type 'vboxsf'16:29
r00t4rd3djimfleig, no.16:29
r00t4rd3dtorres09, does startx do anything ?16:29
bonjoyee PeterFabinski: thats right..u do not have the guest addition installed..16:29
r00t4rd3djimfleig, what the program source code ?16:30
nirazior00t4rd3d: Did you tried??16:30
PeterFabinskibonjoyee: when i try to install the guest additions, i just get a script in Kate (text editor) and nothing happens.16:31
AmberJCan I delete *.deb files in /var/cache/apt/archives/ to free up disk space?16:31
bonjoyee PeterFabinski: please paste the contents of the cd by doing ls -l on pastebin..16:31
jimfleigerUSUL  launch it   which file is "it"?16:31
torres09r00t4rd3d:  i generally get an error like locking ~/.Xauthority or something....16:31
erUSULAmberJ: sudo apt-get clean16:31
PeterFabinskibonjoyee: what do you mean?16:32
AmberJThanks a lot erUSUL16:32
r00t4rd3djimfleig, most apps that come in a tgz file are source code. You have to compile them. What app was it ?16:32
erUSULjimfleig: what did you installed? see the source folder for binary files16:32
r00t4rd3dand where did you getit16:32
solyamaveric cannot rebbot on Asus F5N.any idea?16:32
AmberJerUSUL, What if I manually rm them?16:32
bonjoyeePeterFabinski: in a terminal do ls -l /media/Virtual*16:33
FlintWestWoodgood morning all. i have alot of movies and music videos on my computer. i want to share it to my other computers and my itouch via a web interface. what do i need to do to set that up?16:33
erUSULAmberJ: that should be ok too.16:33
PeterFabinskibonjoyee: whats the *16:33
bonjoyeeand paste the output on http://pastebin.com16:33
erUSULAmberJ: beter use apt-get clean though. less likely to make a mistake16:33
d3lck0hi all16:33
bonjoyeePeterFabinski: wildcard character...16:33
erUSULAmberJ: "sudo rm" can be a WMD ;P16:33
r00t4rd3djim link ?16:33
torres09r00t4rd3d:  and if i run startx as root then it says it uses conf file frm /usr/lib/X11/xorg.conf.d16:34
HowardTheDuckhey all16:34
torres09r00t4rd3d:  and dumps me into blank screen16:34
d3lck0somebody has the fuppes media center transconding mkv for ps3¿?16:34
bonjoyee!paste > PeterFabinski16:34
ubottuPeterFabinski, please see my private message16:34
jimfleigI followed instructions that included ./con...(I don't remember the rest), /make and /sudo make install.  This is from memory.  I can look up the read me file and copy the exact instructions that I followed.16:34
wtfsveni have a question about clamAV on backtrack16:34
HowardTheDuckhow would i completely uninstall k3b and all it's dependencies out of ubuntu16:34
HowardTheDuckif i just do an apt-get remove that will leave the dependencies right?16:34
jimfleigI can look up the link.  Be a minute.16:35
bonjoyee!paste > bonjoyee16:35
ubottubonjoyee, please see my private message16:35
nadodegdo autoremove16:35
* HowardTheDuck tired of k3b screwing up disks in 10.0416:35
erUSULHowardTheDuck: try « sudo apt-get autoremove »16:35
HowardTheDuckautoremove wipes dependencies?16:35
PeterFabinskibonjoyee:do i just type the star, or do i put something there?16:35
AmberJerUSUL, yea...right. :)16:35
HowardTheDuckwhat about adding --purge to the end of the command should i do that?16:35
solyamaveric cannot reboot on Asus F5N. any idea????16:35
erUSULHowardTheDuck: no; --purge is to remove config files16:35
bonjoyeePeterFabinski: replace the * with the correct name of the folder if you can..16:36
HowardTheDuckah okay16:36
wtfsvenanyone else have trouble updating signatures with the clamtk interface on backtrack?16:36
erUSUL!backtrack | wtfsven16:36
ubottuwtfsven: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)16:36
HowardTheDucktoo bad, Brasero has always made coasters since I was using 9.04, so I used K3b.  Now K3B makes coasters and Brasero works just fine16:36
bonjoyeePeterFabinski: the * will work as well..16:36
wtfsvenah.  thanks for the channel name.16:36
PeterFabinskibonjoyee: i get cannot access /media/Virtual*: no such file or directory16:38
bonjoyeePeterFabinski: sudo mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom16:38
bonjoyeePeterFabinski: cd /media/cdrom16:38
bonjoyeePeterFabinski: ls -l16:39
FireGuys, how do i uninstall Evolution without blowing away the entire OS? :D16:39
jimfleiglink: http://freshmeat.net/projects/dxf2g/releases/286996 and instructions that were entered in terminal: $ tar -xzvf dxf2G-version.tgz (Enter, and wait), $ cd dxf2G-version (Enter, and wait), $ ./configure (Enter, and wait), $ make (Enter, and wait), $ sudo make install (Enter, and wait)16:39
jimfleigIt seemed as though everything in terminal went well.16:40
jimfleigerUSUL or r00t4rd3d  any thoughts?16:40
erUSULjimfleig: try « dxf2g »16:41
FireGuys, how do i uninstall Evolution without blowing away the entire OS? :D16:41
Eth4nsudo apt-get remove evolution16:42
Eth4ni think16:42
Eth4ni havent used ubuntu in ages16:42
bonjoyeeFire: ubuntu? what version?16:42
bonjoyee Fire: open synaptic...select evolution..mark for removal/complete removal...applpy16:43
jimfleigerUSUL  result from dxf2g is command not found16:43
PeterFabinskibonjoyee: how do i install the guest additions16:43
adacSomeone familiar with "hardinfo"? I noticed that it can run as a command line program aswell, but the silly thing is that installation of "hardinfo" requires gnome (http://pastie.org/1390103) But on my server I don't want to install grafical gnome16:43
rigvedbonjoyee: Devices > Install Guest Additions16:44
bonjoyeePeterFabinski: do you see some .run files under /media/cdrom?16:44
erUSULjimfleig: try « dxf2G »16:44
r00t4rd3djimfleig, do this , in a terminal sudo updatedb16:44
r00t4rd3dthen locate dxf2g16:44
Firebonjoyee: there are tons of packages related to it...16:44
solyamaveric cannot reboot on Asus F5N. any idea?16:44
PeterFabinskibonjoyee: how do i see the contents of /media/cdrom16:44
rigvedbonjoyee: sorry16:44
bonjoyeePeterFabinski: ls -l /media/cdrom16:45
rigvedPeterFabinski: Devices > Install Guest Additions16:45
savidDoes anyone know of a good linux video editor that supports selective audio fading (ie, the ability to fade audio in and out at a given level at a given point in the video)?16:45
bonjoyee rigved: its ok:)16:45
nemoso. ubuntu has this "smart tab complete" in bash16:45
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nemoI suppose it is handy in large directories to skip to supported types16:45
savidie,  when someone is talking  in the video, I want to decrease the music track a bit,  and then have the music increase back to full volume after.16:45
jimfleigerUSUL  here are the files in the dxf2g-1.0.5 folder  aclocal.m4  config.h.in    configure.ac  examples    Makefile.am  scripts16:45
jimfleigAUTHORS     config.log   COPYING INSTALL     Makefile.in  src16:45
jimfleigChangeLog   config.status  depcomp install-sh  man  stamp-h116:45
jimfleigconfig.h    configure   doc Makefile    missing16:45
FloodBot2jimfleig: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:45
r00t4rd3djimfleig, it has an install script , install-sh16:46
nemobut. linux does not require file extensions, and furthermore, there are many file extensions it seems unaware a client supports.  for example. no gif playing for mplayer...16:46
erUSULjimfleig: i saw the archive. the c file is dxf2G with capital G so the command should be --> dxf2G16:46
nemois there a way to easily disable this feature? 'cause it is turning out to be more fail than help :(16:46
jimfleigdxf2G got results but if the program is running then I don't know where to find it16:46
bonjoyeeFire: when u mark evolution for removal...all related packages that are not required will show under "auto removable"..u can safely remove those as well16:46
nemoI imagine if I dug through bash config I might find, I'm just hoping someone knows offhand16:46
patrunjelHi, i'm running Ubuntu 10.04, and using Code::Blocks 8.02 IDE .Can somewone please tell me how to install the SDL library?16:47
nemopatrunjel: sdl dev packages?16:47
maxflaxIf I write "mount  -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda5 /media/Storage" I mount my ntfs disk.. how do I write it in fstab so it does it bu auto?16:47
PeterFabinskibonjoyee: i get this: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6 Dec 11 14:30 /media/cdrom -> cdrom016:47
bonjoyeePeterFabinski: oh... try ls -l /media/cdrom016:47
nemopatrunjel: 'cause there are a bunch of libsdl-*-dev packages. just look in synaptic and install the ones you need...16:47
nemopatrunjel: I just have installed the ones that Hedgewars uses (for doing hedgewars builds)16:48
erUSUL!ntfs | maxflax16:48
ubottumaxflax: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE16:48
cheipciao a tutti16:48
PeterFabinskibonjoyee: i see the run files, what do i do with them?16:48
jimfleigerUSUL  I see something is the results from dxf2G that I need to pursue.  This may be the answer.  Thanks for your help!16:48
patrunjelnemo, i have installed something SDL-related (don't ask me what).As header i have to write #include <SDL/SDL.h> but i can see it doesn't cover like the SDL_Init SDL_SetVideoMode and everything, i get compiler errors.I just don't know what to install...16:49
bonjoyeePeterFabinski: ok ..now do cd /media/cdrom016:49
patrunjelnemo, i'm interested in the library that contains SDL_SetVideoMode , for example.16:49
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cheipi've reinstalled ubuntu maverik, it doesen't recognized my wifi module, it's strange16:49
bonjoyeethen ./<nameofyourunfile?16:49
nemopatrunjel: welp. lemme grep :)16:49
MorphixNWcan anyone help me with touchscreen calibration on 10.10?16:49
bonjoyeesudo ./<nameofyourunfile>16:49
PeterFabinskibonjoyee: now what?16:50
cheipthe module is (by lspci): Atheros Communications Inc. AR2413 802.11bg NIC (rev 01)16:50
cheipwhat drivers can I install?16:50
nemopatrunjel: probably the base package though16:50
nemopatrunjel: try libsdl1.2-dev for a start16:50
KM0201cheip: do you have anything in system/admin/hardware drivers?16:50
KM0201hmm, guess not16:50
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bonjoyeePeterFabinski: any progress?16:51
MorphixNWcan anyone help me with touchscreen calibration on 10.10?16:51
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ay_i consist a ubuntu usb system with usb creator gtk inside ubuntu16:52
PeterFabinskibonjoyee:i did cd /media/cdrom... now what?16:52
patrunjelnemo, it's already installed.In the tutorial i'm learning from, there is always included the include "SDL.h" header.It's kinda confusing, everything on the net is for Windows :))16:52
KM0201MorphixNW: given the fact so few people have touch screens, I would not expect any help configuring it here..  you're probalby the 2nd or 3rd person i've saw mention a touch screen in about 6yrs here16:52
ay_but when i boot usb i took live systemnot found16:52
MorphixNWI have an eGalax Touchscreen which does appear to be installed, however, the calibration is miles off and I cant configure it16:52
ay_what is that16:52
nemopatrunjel: huh. odd. SDL dev is more common in linux16:53
bonjoyeePeterFabinski: sudo ./namofrunfile16:53
nemopatrunjel: you'd think there'd be more linux tutorials16:53
MorphixNWsomeone somewhere must be able to help16:53
frxstremhow can I uninstall Ubuntu Netbook (the ubuntu-netbook package)?16:53
nemopatrunjel: that's in SDL_video.h though16:53
KM0201MorphixNW: well if someone could, they would have answered... it's just not that common of an issue, for most folks here to be educated about.16:53
KM0201try the forums16:53
patrunjelnemo, well, i guess there are :) i don't really have a clue...i'm now learning, and i need the library so i can experiment16:53
nemopatrunjel: you probably already have it installed, just not included16:53
bonjoyeePeterFabinski: is your guest 32 or 64 bit?16:54
MorphixNWwasting my time here is pointless then16:54
patrunjelnemo, /home/patrunjel/123/main.cpp|1|error: SDL_video.h: No such file or directory|16:54
patrunjel/home/patrunjel/123/main.cpp||In function ‘int main(int, char**)’:|16:54
patrunjel/home/patrunjel/123/main.cpp|7|error: ‘SDL_Surface’ was not declared in this scope|16:54
patrunjel/home/patrunjel/123/main.cpp|7|error: ‘screen’ was not declared in this scope|16:54
patrunjel/home/patrunjel/123/main.cpp|9|error: ‘bmp’ was not declared in this scope|16:54
FloodBot2patrunjel: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:54
patrunjel/home/patrunjel/123/main.cpp|11|error: ‘SDL_Rect’ was not declared in this scope|16:54
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:54
KM0201MorphixNW: if thats how you feel16:54
nemobad bad bad bad patrunjel not cool16:54
nemopatrunjel: anyway  grep -l SDL_SetVideoMode /usr/include/SDL/* returns /usr/include/SDL/SDL_video.h16:54
Jed2To whoever as helping me with my wifi connection prob. I've managed to sort it now (somehow). Tried to connect to an ensecured neighbours wifi...it connected then I tried my own secured and it worked. So not sure what happened.16:55
hypernerd_Hey guys, in nano, I noticed that it color codes any code you put in there.. Is this looking for python syntax?16:55
Felix00hi. is there any way to completely DISABLE cpu throttling? I got a P4 prescott, 69º on idle. I noticed when temp is 79º, cpu throttles to 75% (T2). Will modprobe -r p4_clockmod disable throttling or just disable linux from noticing it?16:55
KM0201Jed2: what was your wireless device?16:55
r00t4rd3djed2 good :D16:55
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nemopatrunjel: http://gigionit.blogspot.com/2010/11/sdl-quickstart-for-linux-empty-window.html16:55
bonjoyeePeterFabinski: progress?16:55
nemopatrunjel: did a quick google search16:55
patrunjelnemo, i sayd i'm sorry, i wanted to do something else :)16:55
nemopatrunjel: other option is to find a simple existing open source SDL app too16:55
Jed2Cheers r00t16:55
nemopatrunjel: I couldn't read any sorry 'cause you were muted ;)16:56
solyamaveric cannot reboot on Asus F5N. any idea????16:56
Jed2KM the one in my laptop ? or my router. router is BT home hub16:56
KM0201solya: what do you mean can't reboot?16:56
bonjoyeePeterFabinski: try sudo ./VBoxLinuxAdditions-x86.run16:56
Jed2havent the foggiest what is in my laptop16:56
KM0201Jed2: no, i mean your wireless device, any wireless router should work... if you don't know, then its amazing its fixed..lol16:57
KM0201!tab | Jed216:57
ubottuJed2: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.16:57
bastidrazorFelix00: the package 'cpufrequtils' manages cpu throttling. you can use cpufreq-info and cpufreq-set to set how it is controlled16:57
patrunjelnemo, ok :) but it doesn't find SDL_video.h16:57
r00t4rd3dJed2, ur lucky it just worked16:57
r00t4rd3dmost wifi cards are pain16:57
bezaodamn, i did ctrl+c during 'do-release-upgrade' it was asking me for keep or change my apache settings, how can i do know?16:57
nemopatrunjel: maybe /usr/include/SDL is not in your search path16:57
solyaKM0201: all 'initscripts' run on reboot, but when it killed all process, just stops and nothing happens16:57
bezaodamn, i did ctrl+c during 'do-release-upgrade' it was asking me for keep or change my apache settings, how can i do know?  how can i continue the process?16:57
patrunjelnemo, sorry, i forgot to tell, it has something to do with the thing that i installed Ubuntu using wubi? :)16:57
Jed2lol yes, I'm ashamed to say I dont know...and I'm a an ROV pilot tech too :(16:58
KM0201r00t4rd3d: not really... atheros/intel, typically just "work"... broadcom/ralink just require installing firmware/restricted drivers... not that hard once you figure it out.16:58
nemopatrunjel: oh. or else you didn't install the package that provides SDL video :)16:58
nemolemme check16:58
Felix00bastidrazor, i got cpufrequtils. Got cpufreq enabled in userspace gobernor, minumum is full speed, but i dont see any option to set the throttle.16:58
KM0201solya: i have no idea on taht one16:58
bonjoyee PeterFabinski: ?16:58
nemopatrunjel: I'm updating apt-file now16:58
nemo(to see what package provides it)16:58
solyaKM0201: on initscripts I mean the shutdown runlevel or something like that. I use an other lnx, just trin' to help sy16:58
r00t4rd3dKM0201, i had to fight with my broadcom.16:58
PeterFabinskibonjoyee: i 8 lunch16:59
bonjoyeePeterFabinski: sorry..16:59
nemo$ apt-file search SDL_video.h16:59
nemolibsdl1.2-dev: /usr/include/SDL/SDL_video.h16:59
KM0201r00t4rd3d: which broadcom?.. most of them.. use either the new STA driver, or the b43 driver/firmware.. both of which are in the repositories and take about 10sec to install16:59
nemopatrunjel: no luck for you. seems to be part of the standard dev package - you installed that right? :)16:59
r00t4rd3dKM0201, had to patch my kernel , install fakeroot , slap my mother16:59
nemopatrunjel: sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev16:59
PeterFabinskibonjoyee: its ok>> what did you say to do?16:59
KM0201r00t4rd3d: what?... which broadcom16:59
bezaodamn, i did ctrl+c during 'do-release-upgrade' it was asking me for keep or change my apache settings, how can i do know?  how can i continue the process?16:59
Jed2OK next question chaps....is there a need for anti virus with ubuntu?16:59
nemopatrunjel: that's covered in that tutorial I linked too, I think16:59
bonjoyeesudo ./VBoxLinuxAdditions-x86.run16:59
nemoJed2: no16:59
Jed2nemo: cheers17:00
nemoJed2: unless you want to virus scan your windows dual boot - install clamav and maybe a clamav frontend for that17:00
bastidrazorFelix00: change the governor..   cpufreq-info will tell you what speeds are available17:00
KM0201Jed2: only if you're planning to share w/ windows... that way you can scan it, and don't unknowingly pass on a virus to a windows user17:00
nemoJed2: scanning outside a running operating system can often offer better results for hiding viruses :)17:00
nemoKM0201: oh. that's a good one too17:00
bonjoyee PeterFabinski: also give me the output of , uname -m17:00
bogustrumperDoes anybody in here have any experience with lirc and serial ir blasters?  I had mine working, then moved to 10.04 and now I'm having some trouble...17:00
solyaanybody using maveric on Asus laptop?17:00
nemoKM0201: reminds me of when I was trying to unpack some small windows util. ran it in wine.  it had a virus. poor virus was very confused and did not work at all17:00
Jed2I want to move over completely to ubuntu after a trial period so I dont think I will need AV then17:00
mitnickhello =)17:01
patrunjelnemo, when i was trying to run the thing in the tutorial on the console, i got some sort or warning...now i realised i had synaptic opened...dumb :)17:01
nemoKM0201: it tried to write some stuff to drive_c without much success :)17:01
KM0201Jed2: very unlikely17:01
nemopatrunjel: yeah. lock on installer17:01
KM0201nemo: i've tried to install known viruses in Wine... it never works right..lol17:01
KM0201i've taken to XP in Vbox to test viruses17:01
nemoKM0201: they try to do too low-level of stuff...17:01
bezaoi was running 'do-release-upgrade' when i acidentaly typed ctrl+c, it has stoped the upgrade! what can i do to re-run it?17:01
nemoKM0201: oh. yeah. that works well. with an image set to reset on shutdown17:01
patrunjelnemo, libsdl1.2-dev: /usr/include/SDL/SDL_video.h this is the output for the libsdl1.2-dev: /usr/include/SDL/SDL_video.h command17:02
Felix00bastidrazor, do you know what throttling is? nothing to do with frequency stepping. At 79º, freq still being 3.2 Ghz (full speed), but throttling state makes CPU 'sleep' 25% of the time 'till temp falls to 77º, then throtttle disables17:02
r00t4rd3dKM0201 , BCM432117:02
Jed2Many thanks one and all for you help. I will now get off and start exploring Ubuntu. Cheers17:02
rigvedJed2: it's more for the security of other windows users :)17:02
nemopatrunjel: ummm17:02
Jed2rigved: thanks17:02
PeterFabinskibonjoyee: i get command not found for the .run17:02
nemopatrunjel: I said to install libsdl1.2-dev - I was just pasting the results of apt-file for you, so you'd see how it worked17:02
KM0201nemo: i don't even do that.. i just back up the "clean" image to an external source, and when i tire of the virus, i delete the virtual drive, and load the clean one17:02
KM0201r00t4rd3d: what version of Ubuntu? that really should not have been such an issue17:02
bonjoyeePeterFabinski: uname -a17:02
nemoKM0201: ah. guess that works17:02
nemoKM0201: but read only images are handy for testing in general17:03
bezaoHELP i was running 'do-release-upgrade' when i acidentaly typed ctrl+c, it has stoped the upgrade! what can i do to re-run it?17:03
KM0201!broadcom | r00t4rd3d it's quite simple nowdays...17:03
ubottur00t4rd3d it's quite simple nowdays...: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx17:03
PeterFabinskibonjoyee: uname -m gives me i68617:03
nemoKM0201: and you can clone 'em for a more permanent one17:03
bastidrazorFelix00: i gues i did not know what throttling was. :\17:03
KM0201nemo: yup.17:03
bonjoyeesudo ./media/cdrom0/VBoxLinuxAdditions-x86.run17:03
bonjoyeePeterFabinski: try that..17:03
Felix00thanks anyway bastidrazor17:03
bezaoHELP i was running 'do-release-upgrade' when i acidentaly typed ctrl+c, it has stoped the upgrade! what can i do to re-run it?17:03
Felix00hi. is there any way to completely DISABLE cpu throttling? I got a P4 prescott, 69º on idle. I noticed when temp is 79º, cpu throttles to 75% (T2). Will modprobe -r p4_clockmod disable throttling or just disable linux from noticing it?17:04
bastidrazorFelix00: best of luck.17:04
solyaCan sy help with an ACPI problem?????17:04
nemowow. 79!17:04
Felix00do you know what throttling is? nothing to do with frequency stepping. At 79º, freq still being 3.2 Ghz (full speed), but throttling state makes CPU 'sleep' 25% of the time 'till temp falls to 77º, then throtttle disables17:04
PeterFabinskibonjoyee: uname -a gets Linux bt #1 SMP Sun Nov 14 06:32:36 EST 2010 i686 GNU/Linux17:04
nemoFelix00: erm....17:04
nemoFelix00: throttling doesn't necessarily involve a sleep17:04
bonjoyeePeterFabinski: pwd17:04
nemoFelix00: can also reduce the overall clock rate17:04
nemoFelix00: and 79 is very high17:04
Felix00i know nemo .17:05
nemoyou risk system being forcibly shut down if it gets much hotter17:05
Felix00prescotts works 30º hotter than northwood. 69º is normal temp as intel says.17:05
solyaCan sy help with an ACPI problem?17:05
patrunjelnemo, 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 11 not upgraded. This is the output after i run sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev17:05
bezao-i was running 'do-release-upgrade' when i acidentaly typed ctrl+c, it has stoped the upgrade! what can i do to re-run it?17:06
nemopatrunjel: ok. so you do have it then :)17:06
C_Okiedoes backing up internal drives contents on an external and also backing up data/os booting from that external onto the same external have any merit ? Could you assume the flash drive will less likely fail than a hdr17:06
nemopatrunjel: ls -l /usr/include/SDL/SDL_video.h17:06
bonjoyeePeterFabinski: whats output of "pwd"17:06
patrunjelnemo, libsdl1.2-dev:: command not found here is the output after i run the libsdl1.2-dev: /usr/include/SDL/SDL_video.h17:06
bezao-i was running 'do-release-upgrade' when i acidentaly typed ctrl+c, it has stoped the upgrade! what can i do to re-run it?17:06
nemopatrunjel: that was just output from apt-file dude17:07
nordleHas anyone noticed a change in syntax for Mencoder in 10.10 recently?  ie bitrate for x264 appears to have gone nuts.17:07
nemopatrunjel: as I said before.  anyway. please run  ls -l /usr/include/SDL/SDL_video.h17:07
patrunjel-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 38018 2010-06-09 05:39 /usr/include/SDL/SDL_video.h17:07
patrunjelnemo, sorry, -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 38018 2010-06-09 05:39 /usr/include/SDL/SDL_video.h17:07
bonjoyeePeterFabinski: ok.. then do "sudo ./VBoxLinuxAdditions-x86.run"17:07
nemopatrunjel: ok. you have dependancies. I think problem is your include path then17:07
nemopatrunjel: please talk to #sdl or #c or some other development channel17:07
Makdaamhi, did anyone set up trac-mercurial on ubuntu?17:08
nemopatrunjel: your problems are in what to specify to do a build17:08
nirazioFor Photoshop there is Genuine Fractals plugin to increase image resolution with very little loss in visual quality. Is there an analogue for GIMP?17:08
solyaCan sy help with ACPI problem?17:08
PeterFabinskibonjoyee: finally! something happened!17:08
Felix00nemo, and never passes 79º on full load. throttling does not *change* the freq in mhz. you can prove by monitoring cpu freq and launching cpuburn. Instead, PC load, diminishes, as it still work to the same frequ but its 25% of the time sleeping. So *implicitily* does not change the freq, but the freq in that moment isnt full loadable.17:09
patrunjelnemo, thanks a lot.  http://blogs.citypages.com/blotter/YouDaManJesus.jpg17:09
Felix00so i want just to disable throttling17:09
PeterFabinskibonjoyee: finally! it installed! bye 4 a few min... i have to restart17:09
bonjoyeebezao-: was it downloading when u cancelled?17:10
PeterFabinskibonjoyee: how DO i restart?17:10
Felix00it must be easy, i just want to create an event that when Tx > T0 goto T017:10
bonjoyee PeterFabinski: sudo reboot (i assume the guest)17:10
brontoeeenordle, try #x26417:10
PeterFabinskibonjoyee: do  i need to sudo anything? im logged in as root.17:11
bonjoyeePeterFabinski: reboot17:11
PeterFabinskibonjoyee: so no sudo for anything?17:11
=== sam---___---- is now known as sam-_-
PeterFabinskiat all?17:11
nemoFelix00: I've looked up where to setup the temperature limits manually in proc17:11
nemoFelix00: but that's hardly a convenient or nice way to do it17:11
bonjoyee PeterFabinski: are u asking about guest os..if yes then if are root already..then just type reboot or else sudo reboot17:12
nordlebrontoeee: cheers, will do.17:12
nemoFelix00: (looked up in the past when trying to prevent damage) sooo, gonna sit back and see if someone has a good way to do it in here. maybe do some googling of my own.17:12
PeterFabinskibonjoyee: ok17:12
nemoFelix00: but 79 is still very high.17:12
nemoFelix00: mine is running at 3717:12
Felix00i know nemo , OEM pc, bad heatsink17:13
bonjoyeebezao-: u there?17:13
bezao-bonjoyee no, it was installing17:13
Felix00but till are ok for prescott, just google it17:13
Felix00but till 80º are ok for prescott, just google it17:13
nemomaybe not for long periods of time though17:13
nemoseems that sort of thing could eventually degrade17:14
nemobuuut ok. fine17:14
Felix00i let cpuburn, glxgears and screensaver all night17:14
bezao-bonjoyee i did an apt-get update, it showed my and error, and told me to tpe dpkg --configure -a, and it got back where it was installing17:14
nemo80°C seems to risk materials breaking down over time17:14
Felix00nothing happened, temp = 79,77,79,77,...17:14
Felix00because the throttling17:14
bezao-bonjoyee i guess everything is okay now17:14
bonjoyeebezao-: thats right...17:14
nemoFelix00: the throttling you apparently want to override ;)17:14
PeterFabinskibonjoyee: how do i auto-start network17:15
Felix00nemo, its safe to do that. if 90º is reached, system reboots safely. chip burns at 130º+17:15
Felix00at least 12017:16
bonjoyeePeterFabinski: as in?17:16
Felix00just want to see if without throttle i can get full cicles at hight temps17:16
nemoFelix00: I suspect being very hot for extended periods of time could acculumate damage. you might want to verify that17:16
Felix00and maintain below 90º17:16
nemolike. can you run at 80 for days at a time17:16
nemoFelix00: "full cicles" ? what?17:17
PeterFabinskibonjoyee: start the BackTrack network service when the computer starts17:17
nemoFelix00: but. yeah. you're running at twice my temperature and want more. nutty17:17
bonjoyeePeterFabinski: does it have network-manager?17:17
PeterFabinskibonjoyee: ?17:17
PeterFabinskibonjoyee: what linux are you using17:18
bonjoyeePeterFabinski: debian..father of ubuntu and hence backtrack!!17:18
sam-_-bonjoyee: mother of ubuntu. a father was not involved ;-)17:19
petarbthow to recovery my partition http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/2081/screenshot2mp.png17:19
=== isilion is now known as Felix00
bonjoyee sam-_-:is it? how do ya know;)17:20
Felix00sorry nemo my cat pulled the power cable -_-17:20
PeterFabinskibonjoyee:  when i start the computer i always have to go into the Services menu and start "network", can i do that automatically?17:20
sam-_-bonjoyee, if there was a father it would have to be mark :-)17:20
smt-mobilHi guys, i just attachted a touchscreen device to my computer, wich works fine aber calibrating, but when i store results to udev rules they are ignored by the next reboot, anyone´s got an idea  how to get them persistent?17:20
bonjoyee sam-_-:lol17:20
sam-_-PeterFabinski, what services menu?17:21
PeterFabinskisam-_-: i have backtrack17:21
bonjoyeePeterFabinski: do you have System>Administration>Services menu?17:22
Felix00nemo, i already know the intel presscots handle big temps. I saw a comparisson between northwood and presscott: they monitor stability while turning off the fan in both cpus to see throttling and shutdown. Both processors act the same way, with the only difference that prescott works 35º hotter, and crit temp is higher.17:23
PeterFabinskibonjoyee: no17:23
sam-_-PeterFabinski, this is an ubuntu channel ask in #backtrack-linux17:23
PeterFabinskisam-_-: i was wondering if thre was a channel for that! thx17:24
bonjoyee PeterFabinski: did u get the shared folder?17:24
none_13hi all... where store chromium bookmaks???17:24
jimfleigFrom the Ubuntu Software Center qcad was selected and installed.  All went well.  I can find and launch the program from its /usr/bin location.  Why isn't there a selection in the Applications menu or one of its submenus?  Can this be created?17:24
Gamer1990can someone help me?17:24
nemoFelix00: I'm not sure of your sources but there's a big difference between running hot for 10 minutes and running hot for hours17:24
Felix00lets reask in other way: How to make cpufreq, cpufreq-utils, or acpid to FIX permanently Tx value to T0?17:24
KM0201none_13: not sure where they are stored, but you can import/xport them same as Firefox and any other browser17:24
nemoFelix00: poking around online I see plenty of people who consider higher than 65 not good on a prescott17:24
KM0201Gamer1990: just state your question, if someone can help, theyw ill17:24
Gamer1990how do i get my video card to stop flickering?17:25
nemoFelix00: soo. yeah. clearly you feel you know what you're doing, I'll just drop it.  g/l, hope you get what you want and don't kill your system17:25
PeterFabinskibonjoyee: the guest additions are installed. i havent looked for the folder yet. its not on the desktop17:25
rigvedjimfleig: right click on the applications menu, click on edit menus. add the application that you want17:25
Felix00nemo, 12hrs at full load 79º last night, i repeat. i got this pc since 3 years and always was hotty. i repeat, dont worry about that17:25
KM0201Gamer1990: is it ATI?17:25
Gamer1990it is an ATI Radeon X1600 PRO 512 AGP17:25
nemoFelix00: is all fine until it dies ;)  but ok. dropping it17:25
KM0201Gamer1990: it depends really, do you have desktop effects enabled?..17:26
rigvedPeterFabinski: you need to mount the shared folder manually17:26
Gamer1990i just installed it a few minutes ago17:26
Felix00so, someone ould tell me if what i want to do is an acpid event or something?17:26
KM0201Gamer1990: did you install the driver for ATI?17:26
bonjoyeePeterFabinski: it wont be on the desktop..u have mount it using   sudo mount -t vboxsf  sharename mountpoint17:26
Gamer1990where do i get it?17:26
KM0201!ati | Gamer199017:26
ubottuGamer1990: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:26
gambit_2this ububuntu has been a god send windows can take a back seat for now on17:27
mattlhey, i'm using 10.04 -- is it safe to install backports from lenny? the package i'm using-- movabletype-opensource -- needs to be updated for security reasons, but i can't find an adequate version in ubuntu backports.17:27
=== Omegared is now known as ]k[^Omegadoom
Gamer1990ok where do i get this driver?17:28
KM0201Gamer1990: that link describes everything for you.17:28
xanguamattl: no, it's not17:28
KM0201mattgyver: that would be a very bad idea17:28
mattlxangua: gah. okay. thanks :)17:28
KM0201mattl: check.. see above17:28
Gamer1990i'm running 10.1017:28
mattlKM0201: what am i checking, sorry?17:29
KM0201i said it was a bad idea.. check is a way of saying "correction"17:29
KM0201i responded to the wrong matt17:29
Gamer1990my card is a legacy device17:29
monty_hallanybody running courier mail?  I'm getting s_connect errors.  I recally many moons ago there was some type of permissions problem w/ the default install.17:29
monty_hall all I had to do was change it and everything worked.17:29
KM0201Gamer1990: do you see anything in system/admin/hardware drivers17:30
Gamer1990it is empty17:30
KM0201Gamer1990: then you're goign to have to follow the instructions at the link i gave you17:30
Gamer1990what exactly do i have to do to fix it?17:31
Gamer1990as in what do i have to read in order to fix the problem17:32
KM0201Gamer1990: READ THE PAGE AND THE LINKS THAT ARE THERE REGARDING ATI.. nobody is gonna hand hold you through it17:32
stevecoh1what is the best or easiest way to upgrade a system from Ubuntu 8.04 to the 10.4 or 10.10 (and which should I target)?17:32
Gamer1990i just turned desktop effects off17:32
KM0201Gamer1990: well, just a second ago, you said you weren't running them...17:32
xanguastevecoh1: run the update manager¿17:33
Gamer1990i didn't know i was running them17:33
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KM0201Gamer1990: then rather than say "No, its not".. say "I don't know, how do i check"17:33
stevecoh1I didn't think that updated across versions.17:33
Gamer1990my card is an ATI RV53017:33
bonjoyeestevecoh1: from 8.04 u can only go to 10.04..after that u may go to 10.1017:33
stevecoh1bonjoyee: so I do that with a ubuntu 10.04 CDROM?17:34
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bonjoyee!upgrade |  stevecoh117:35
ubottustevecoh1: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade17:35
KM0201stevecoh1: i think you can do it online... but it takes  a while, and if something goes fubar.. well.. just be happy you already have a 10.04 cd ready. :)17:35
* KM0201 has never had luck upgrading...17:35
KM0201stevecoh1: it should go w/o saying, to  make sure everything is backed up, in case somethng goes wrong and you need to reinstall..17:36
durandohey guys i want to run xbmc off my notebook to my hdtv (hdmi out on the notebook)and have the notebook screen to do work with my desktop environment17:36
durandois this possible and if so how17:36
bonjoyeestevecoh1: if u dont mind reinstalling..do a clean install..that will give a much more stable system and also advantages like ext417:37
PeterFabinskihow do i auto-start network17:39
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wilhartbtw, should i remove pulseaudio ?17:40
JemtPeterFabinski: What do you mean ? How you make Ubuntu auto connect to a network ?17:40
JemtPeterFabinski: http://www.google.dk/#hl=en&source=hp&biw=1481&bih=924&q=ubuntu+wifi+auto+connect&aq=0&aqi=g1&aql=&oq=Ubuntu+wifi+auto+con&gs_rfai=&fp=86fe4ebeec17f16117:42
matillawho's gonna upgrade to gnome-unity???17:42
Jed2well I can't connect again :(17:43
PeterFabinskii have to go into network manager and click "connect"every time i start the computer... i have a wired connection17:44
maxohey guys, I'm having big problems today. Files I've been saving on a NTFS partition in Ubuntu have now gone missing. I managed to recover some using chkdsk, but not all, and I've found other people have the same problem, and certain workarounds. But it's worrying me - I can't afford to lose data. How do Ubuntu users dual-booting have a Documents folder that can be accessed both in Ubuntu and Windows?17:44
Gamer1990it doesn't tell me where to get the driver17:44
chkdskOh, you just said "chkdsk", whoops17:44
Gamer1990i must be missing something.17:44
Jed2how can I stop all these Connect and left messages on screen?17:45
jimfleigFrom the Ubuntu Software Center qcad was selected and installed.  All went well.  I can find and launch the program from its /usr/bin location.  Why isn't there a selection in the Applications menu or one of its submenus?  Can this be created?17:45
exodus_msmaxo, are you asking how to access files on a windows partition while your logged into ubuntu?17:45
xanguadepends of what client you use Jed217:45
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EndersE: Encountered a section with no Package: header E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_maverick-security_main_binary-amd64_Packages E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened. E: _cache->open() failed, please report.17:46
maxoexodus_ms: I can access my ntfs partition, but it seems this can be quite risky - a couple of times I've lost files. So I'm wondering if there's a better way?17:46
Enderswhere do I report/how do i fix17:46
Jed2r00t4rd3d: wb17:46
Enigmati1CoderHow do I get KDE screensavers in Ubuntu?17:46
KM0201Enigmati1Coder: i think there's a kde-screensaver pack in the repositories17:47
KM0201Enigmati1Coder: if not, kde-look.org probably has some17:47
Gamer1990can someone please help me with my card?17:47
icioHas anybody had any luck getting the GDM working on a VIA chipset? 10.10, compiling the driver according to the user wiki didn't do the trick.17:48
icio(Appears to be a driver issue)17:48
Enigmati1CoderKM0201: Ty I think I got it (checking right now)17:48
danyhi all17:48
danydoes anyonw know a channel about rrdtool?17:48
PeterFabinskihow do i auto start network17:48
jimfleigI am trying to cd from jimfleig@ubuntu:~$ to the file system/usr/bin to try to launch qcad.  How do I get to the file system directory in terminal?17:49
exodus_msmaxo, im not sure. which partition did you lose the files on, the windoze or linux partition?17:49
sam-_-_PeterFabinski, didn't they tell you in backtrack-linux?17:49
xanguaedit your netwrk configuracion ans set to autoconect¿¿ PeterFabinski17:49
Makdaamdid anyone set up Trac on Ubuntu? with Apache?17:49
maxoexodus_ms, the windoze ntfs partition17:50
iciojimfleig: cd /usr/bin ?17:50
sam-_-_jimfleig, /usr/bin is in your PATH just execute qcad17:50
sacarlsonjimfleig: can't you just try qcad in the terminal to start it?17:50
PeterFabinskisam-_-: no17:50
Gamer1990i'm installing fglrx17:50
PeterFabinskixangua: how17:51
Gamer1990KM0201 , help.17:51
xanguaclic on the network icon PeterFabinski17:51
exodus_msmaxo, ok. i dont know. ive shared files like that before, but in the end I just used an external hdd that i could mount on either os im logged into17:51
maxoexodus_ms, it's happened a few times before. I think if I hibernate windows, then boot up linux, it can corrupt the ntfs windows partition. But ntfs-3g is supposed to stop ntfs partitions being mounted if windows has set a hibernate flag17:51
jimfleigicio and sam-_-_   Thank you!17:51
PeterFabinskixangua: where is it17:51
maxoexodus_ms, but I'm not even sure I had hibernated windows this time. And it just seems really risky, I don't want to lose files :-(17:52
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xanguaon your notification area PeterFabinski ...17:52
jimfleigsacarlson  qcad from jimfleig@ubuntu:~$ starts it also17:52
jdioutkastmy ubuntu machine randomly restarts and i cant figure out why can some1 help me out?17:52
LinuxGuy2009I have an ASUS M3N78-Pro mobo with an NVIDIA 8300 onboard video with HDMI connector. I installed the proprietary driver from the nvidia website, and video on my HDTV works just fine. My issue is that I get no audio over the HDMI cable even though I have HDMI audio enabled in the BIOS, and also have HDMI audio out selected in Ubuntu sound preferences. Am I missing something?17:52
Gamer1990why am i being ignored?17:52
sam-_-_PeterFabinski, press alt + f2 and type nm-applet17:52
jimfleigCan a selection in the Applications menu be created?17:52
maxoI think the other problem is ntfs is such a terrible filesystem. But then the only other filesystem windows can read is FAT - and although I think that's better for recovering files, it only stores file sizes up to 4GB and is pretty bad too. So I basically seem to be stuck17:53
sacarlsonjimfleig: it might also already be in Applications>grafics>qcad17:53
PeterFabinskisam-_-_: it says it cant run the specified command17:54
sam-_-_!patience | Gamer199017:54
ubottuGamer1990: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:54
jimfleigsacarlson  it isn't there  I've checked all the Applications submenus.17:54
maxoHas anyone found a way of saving data on an ext3 partition and being able to access that with Windows?17:55
sacarlsonjimfleig: you can add a launcher to the control panel with a right click on it17:55
chicognuHow I delete a folder that start with a ( with out rename it ?17:55
sam-_-_PeterFabinski, so you may want to install it17:55
sam-_-_PeterFabinski, sudo apt-get install nm-applet17:55
jimfleigAre there instructions available to accomplish this?17:55
SeqCan anybody help with xorg.conf.d for a trackball? I've got a file that seems to match (according to Xorg.0.log) but it fails to apply "AccelerationNumerator" or "AccelerationDenominator"17:56
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trismchicognu: use single quotes: rm -rf '(directory_name'17:56
sam-_-_PeterFabinski, i'm sry. correct command is: sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome17:56
chicognutrism, tk17:56
Enigmati1CoderI'm trying to use KDE screensavers along with xscreensavers. I installed kscreensaver, but they aren't showing up in the screensaver list. How can I use kscreensavers?17:56
chicognutrism, tks17:56
jdioutkastcan some1 help me figure out why my computer randomly restarts17:57
sacarlsonjimfleig: yes step 1 right click on control panel step 2 select add to panel, step 3 fill in the boxes.  done deal17:57
sam-_-_Gamer1990, can you post your q. again?17:57
KM0201Enigmati1Coder: they're prbably in a different location than Gnome screen savers.. you'll have to find them and move them most likely17:57
gregLmaxo: samba17:57
Gamer1990sam-_-_ , i need help with my flickering video card.17:58
Enigmati1CoderKM0201: Thanks, let me try that17:58
sam-_-_Gamer1990, flickering?17:58
maxogregL: but with the files on a remote host then?17:58
Gamer1990sam-_-_ , pm me17:58
KM0201Enigmati1Coder: if i had to *GUESS*.. id' say they're probably under /home/.kde/something17:58
gregLmaxo, Yes, I do it all the time..Winxp ,vista and win717:59
jdioutkastcan some1 help me figure out why my computer randomly restarts17:59
bonjoyeejdioutkast: please be more elaborate..18:00
KM0201jdioutkast: are you sure thats linux related?.. that uusually suggests either a power supply (or if it happens to be a laptop) a cooling issue18:00
Enigmati1CoderI didn't see them in .kde. Is $ locate the best way to find them?18:00
gregLmaxo google samba ubuntu 10.1018:00
maxogregL: so do you use a NAS or something?18:00
jdioutkastim pretty sure its linux related, I have tested out all the hardware18:00
KM0201jdioutkast: seems very unlikely.18:00
gregLmaxo,nope,I share my video files on my network..18:01
jdioutkastwell im not sure what else it could be, i guess i could install windows on it and see if it still restarts18:01
jimfleigsacarlson  a right click on Applications (Ubuntu 10.?) got me where I needed to be  Thank You!18:01
* KM0201 <3's FreeNas18:01
maxogregL: so where are your documents stored?18:02
jdioutkastis their logs i could check or something that could give me any information?18:02
maxogregL, (this is for a dual-boot system)18:02
bonjoyee jdioutkast: System>Administration>LogViewer18:02
jfactorHello, I recently used clamAv to preform a scan of a windows partition through Ubuntu, I then realised that my hard drive was 98% full. I can't find any files that may have caused this, can anyone help?18:02
jdioutkastwhich logs should i look at specifically?18:03
gregLmaxo: in my document folder...You can share any folders you want...18:03
nmefistowhy i cant mount cdrom? on ubuntu 10.1018:03
s_v_e_nHello - any chance to make phpgroupware working on lucid with php5.3 ?18:03
s_v_e_nI get many Deprecated-warnings and cannot login.18:03
bonjoyeejfactor: Applications>acessories>disk usage analyser18:03
maxogregL: yes but if I boot up windows instead of ubuntu, how is it going to access the ext3 partition, since ubuntu isn't running to share that partition with smb?18:04
nmefistoi am in group cdrom... but anyway cant mount cdrom18:04
gregLmaxo: ah! well that's a whole different situation then..18:04
keitomy acer revo's audio has suddenly stopped working with maverick.  any ideas on how to get this back? Checked all sound settings and everything is as it should be... it's not a HW issue as XBMC  Live on the same machine works fine18:05
maxogregL: I do have a NAS which shares files thru smb, but it's a bit noisy and not 100% reliable so I just use it for backups rather than holding a master copy of files18:05
jfactorbonjoyee: Thanks I will see what I can do with this18:05
keitomaxo, there is software for Win that enables it to access ext318:06
gregLmaxo: sorry no help there..I have never tried to duel boot...18:06
maxokeito: ah yes, I just saw that, but not sure how reliable it is18:07
maxoI'm wondering whether I should do the most extreme thing I can do - wipe Windows 7 altogether, and then just run it within virtualbox on ubuntu. But not sure how well it would run18:07
keitomaxo, last time i checked it was pretty crappy, but it worked to a fashion.. that was a LONG time ago though18:08
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keitomaxo, do that... VB is great and it's a much better way of working with 2 OSes18:08
wilgilI need help setting up a raid 5.  My drives keep switching from sda sdb sdc and sdd.  I am using ubuntu desktop and I just want to setup a raid 5 array to share my videos to all of my TVs.  Any help would be appreciated18:08
maxokeito, I feel it's a bit of an extreme approach. But I can't keep losing data!18:09
liminalim having a problem with dual monitor support in ubuntu - does anyone know how ubuntu decides which monitor is primary??18:09
Gamer1990sam-_-_ , pm me.18:09
keitomaxo, why don't you have a shared partition?  NTFS (urggh!)  it'll work for both OSes18:09
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wilgilSorry, I will check in with you gurus later.  My old lady is informing me that we have to go to church.18:10
keitoliminal, xorg.conf18:10
liminalkeito sure.. but where18:10
keitoliminal, good question... monitor device section?!  have a google18:10
liminalkeito i have.. it doesnt18:11
maxokeito: but I think the problem is if I hibernate windows (though I'm not even sure if this is what happened this time), it caches ntfs data. Then, if I boot ubuntu and access that ntfs partition (even though it's not supposed to be able to, since it should have some sort of flag set on the partition), then boot back into windows, windows then messes up that ntfs partition18:11
keitomaxo, ahhh in which case VB18:12
AbhishDoes anybody know a good resource for learning Linux from the ground up? Like, I want to be saavy enough to build and configure my own distro if I wanted.18:12
keitoliminal, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22117418:13
craiggleshey guys, i've got a vps and i ssh into it, if i have a file on my vps, how can i get it from the vps to my this computer? surely there's a simple command.18:13
keitoliminal, you specify main monitor and second monitor18:13
Gamer1990sam ?18:13
snowrichardcraigggles you could use scp18:13
KM0201Abhish: crawl before you walk... learn the basics of the OS first18:13
keitowhat is a quick way to purge all sound settings without removing and re-installing?  my sound has died18:14
Gamer1990sam-_-_ , help.18:14
Gamer1990sam-_-_ , help.18:14
Gamer1990sam-_-_ , help.18:14
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maxoAbhish: there's a distro that you have to compile it all yourself. I can't remember the name now though. But prob. best play around with command-line terminal stuff and getting the basics before building a whole distro18:15
snowrichardmaxo - linux from scratch18:15
keitomaxo, gentoo?!18:15
maxoyes gentoo!18:15
maxoand linux from scratch18:16
AbhishWell, I'm not talking about necesssarilly building a distro. But I would like aa source where I could learn up to that point. I went to the book store, and all the books there covered things I already knew.18:16
keito!sound > keito18:16
ubottukeito, please see my private message18:16
ubottuUnity is a shell for GNOME, but it is not GNOME-shell. See http://unity.ubuntu.com and http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/10/31/unity-some-further-clarification-points/ for more information. Have a question, check http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/unity18:18
keitoThe sound troubleshooting wiki is seriously out-of-date.18:18
sam-_-_keito, better "/msg ubottu !sound"18:18
keitosam-_-_, yeah just seen that tip in a pm from the bot18:19
sacarlsonAbhish: when you say your own destro do you want to make a derivitive of ubuntu?  you can create your own caches of deb files or create you own boot cd's18:19
sam-_-_keito, ok. i didn't know.18:20
keitosam-_-_, np  cheers for the tip though ;0)18:20
AbhishI have thought of that. But mainly I just really want to get geeky with it. I want ot understand the system fully.18:20
Abhishsacarlson basically, I just really want to understand Linux on a very fundamental level.18:21
sam-_-_Abhish, there is no single resource imho but you can always read the source code :-)18:22
aeon-ltdAbhish: then use ground up distros and learn the init system18:22
keitoAbhish, get gentoo, it sounds like that is what you want18:22
sacarlsonAbhish: you need a bit more focus to start maybe you want to learn to program in c?  maybe look at the source in the kernel at kernel.org  with git?18:22
facefacehow do I install xmms18:22
ubottuxmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious or xmms2 instead.18:22
sam-_-_Abhish, gentoo is a good tip and maybe linux from scratch18:22
facefacehow do I install xmms218:22
aeon-ltd!find xmms218:22
ubottuFound: gkrellxmms2, gxmms2, remuco-xmms2, wmxmms2, xmms2, xmms2-client-avahi, xmms2-client-cli, xmms2-client-medialib-updater, xmms2-client-nycli, xmms2-client-vis (and 52 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=xmms2&searchon=names&suite=maverick&section=all18:22
keitofaceface, audacious18:22
snowrichardtotem works quite well18:23
aeon-ltd!package xmms218:23
facefacekeito: I dont like audacous or otem18:23
keitoxmms2 then18:23
AbhishI am learning C and C++ also, but I want to understand the system architecture. What makes it tick...18:23
hylianfaceface, sudo apt-get install xmms2 from the terminal window would do it.18:23
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sacarlsonAbhish: to acomplish anything you need focus and a goal.  put your first goal at a point you can reach or strive for.18:24
sam-_-_Abhish, LFS teaches people how a Linux system works internally18:24
Abhishsacarlson Ok, ultimately my goal would be to create my own distro... but I want the understanding that entails. I am looking at Linux From Scratch now... looks like a good resource.18:25
sam-_-_Abhish, that's a quote from http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/18:25
facefacedoes xmms2 have a gui? xmms2 at the cli just gives me a command listing18:25
AbhishWhy was gentoo recommended?18:26
KM0201Abhish: cuz it's nice and hard, you'll love it.18:26
AbhishIsn't that just another pre-packaged distro?18:26
AbhishThat sounds so dirty.18:26
rocket16Is there a way to change Pidgin status from memenu?18:26
rigvedKM0201: hard as in robust?18:26
KM0201faceface: try audacious... very similar to the old xmms, if that what you're looking for.18:26
KM0201rigved: yes...18:26
hylianpromoe is a gui for xmms2. sudo apt-get install promoe18:27
keitoAbhish, you compile everything from source, beginning with the kernel, and build your system from there18:27
facefaceKM0201: I'll give it a go, but I don't remeber liking in ;-)18:27
hylianfaceface, promoe is a good gui for xmms218:27
KM0201faceface: it's more or less the same thing... even uses xmms Skins if you hvae any downloaded18:27
keitoAbhish, LFS is where you basically create a distro by putting the kernel and packages together.  gentoo is a distro where you build everything from scratch18:28
AbhishI'll take a look at gentoo. I have downloaded the books from LFS.18:28
alecbenzerwhy does the flex package make a symlink for flex++ that points to flex? aren't they different programs?18:28
facefaceKM0201: hmm... looks good! Now let see if it can handle m3u...18:28
sacarlsonAbhish: all that is really needed to make a custom destro is to create a prototype of the way you want you linux and package it into a iso cd and support a method of distubution in this case apt-get.18:28
KM0201faceface: pretty sure it can... not 100% though18:29
KM0201faceface: if not, download vlc  it'll play m3u18:29
AbhishI didn't imagine it would be very difficult... but I want to make damn sure that I know what I'm doing so I can get the desired result.18:29
kyleslaptopDoes any one know how to fix a problem with the bar that has the exit, maximize and minimize thats mising?18:29
AbhishAnd I especially want the knowledge to be able to effectively trouble shoot my issues, instead of googlin myself into a coma.18:30
KM0201kyleslaptop: it's missing?.. are you using some sort of theme you downloaded, etc?18:30
keitokyleslaptop, add them in via gconf-editor?18:30
facefaceKM0201: audacious ++! I wonder why I thought I didn't like it!18:30
facefacety all18:30
jianfeidoes anyone have a link to tor not on the tor website? I need to download it, but the tor website is blocked where I am18:30
KM0201Abhish: and thats perfectly understandable, but you need to learn the OS, before you try to build one.... you don't learn to swim by becoming a lifeguard18:30
dirtydevilanyone can help me in assigning mouse events in Xlib?18:30
sacarlsonAbhish: maybe take a look at http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/remastersys after you have your prototype the way you want it to package into iso18:30
sam-_-_alecbenzer, obviously not or not anymore18:31
KM0201faceface: dunno, i've used it since the original xmms went away18:31
r00t4rd3dAbhish, what you desire takes year and years.18:31
sam-_-_alecbenzer, maybe it detects if it's run via symlink18:31
AbhishI'm an obsessive geek. I have years and years.18:31
sam-_-_alecbenzer, then behaves differently18:31
FriarI'm looking at building a new computer.....I do a lot of ripping DVDs and CDs so I want something with a lot of CPU power....I'm looking at the phenom 6 core. anyone have any comments about the phenom 6 core vs. the intel 6 core?18:31
keitokyleslaptop, in gconf-editor it's under Apps>Metacity>General -- Button Layout should be "close,minimize,maximize:"18:31
slgmathinking of switching from opendns to google dns - does ping matter? theres 25ms difference18:31
AbhishPhenom 6 core is excellent.18:32
KM0201Abhish: if you have years and years, then just google info on Linux from Scratch, and go at it...18:32
sam-_-_Friar, why would you need a 6 core. any reasons?18:32
sacarlsonAbhish: it doesn't really take years and years to make a custom iso just collect the packages you like and change the settings the way you like and do it18:32
AbhishI'm starting on that now.18:32
Friarsam, I want them for encoding....18:32
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alecbenzersam-_-_: hm, I didn't know that could be done. it seems to not be working with a sample input file from a tutorial though...but I guess the tutorial's file might just be old or something18:33
KM0201Abhish: well, its' really off topic for this channel, linux from scratch has a channel on another network18:33
Friardo it quite a bit, and my laptop right now only gets about 20 frames per second....yes sam, I use handbrake with H.26418:33
AbhishI'll go through LFS info for starters. THen I may  have a better idea of what I'm doing.18:33
copertonprima volta che utilizzo sta chat  qualcuno mi vuole aiutare18:33
sayreswhats aplet in this pic???top ,right       -> http://img522.imageshack.us/i/screenshot2s.png/18:33
AbhishO, does it?18:33
r00t4rd3dive used unix based os's on and off for about 10 years. Im still a newb.18:33
sam-_-_alecbenzer, there is always the man pages :-)18:33
AbhishI'll google it.18:34
KM0201r00t4rd3d: he'll learn.. i was just hoping to get him to go away18:34
AbhishMan pages are lovely... unless you don't know what to look up in the first place.18:34
KM0201Abhish: if you want to be off topic, go to #ubuntu-offtopic18:35
facefaceAbhish: then irc is ++ ;-)18:35
facefaceAbhish: go to18:35
facefaceAbhish: go to ##linux18:35
sayres(10:03:51 PM) sayres: whats aplet in this pic???top ,right       -> http://img522.imageshack.us/i/screenshot2s.png/  plz help18:36
Friaranother note on the new build....I've had a lot of luck with OCZ SSDs, but they don't have a SATA III drives out yet. Does anyone know if they are coming out with any new drives?18:36
sam-_-_Friar, i would google for some benchmarks with x26418:36
Ray2Where to find gnome-unity and can it be used on 10.04 live cd18:36
KM0201sayres: that looks like system Monitor.. not 100% sure though18:36
coperton k18:36
KM0201sayres: good looking screenshot though18:36
sam-_-_Friar, they are quite common. be sure that they use the same settings18:36
MarkSSWhere can I read about why files are color coded the way they are in Ubuntu? I seem to recall a kind of list or something...18:36
sacarlsonAbhish: oh if you don't know what to look up take a look at what files you see in /usr/bin and /bin and us man on what you see.  that might give you an idea.  if that fails google it18:36
copertonce nemusu18:38
sam-_-_MarkSS, you are talking about /etc/bash.bashrc ?18:38
Abhishsacarlson good idea, thanks.18:39
hylianMarkSS, color coded??18:39
AbhishOk, I'm looking at the LFS books now. This looks to be EXACTLY what I had hoped for. Thanks for the tip!18:39
llutzMarkSS: thats "dircolors" from coreutils18:40
MarkSSI go to /usr/bin and type ls and it gives me a long list of stuff. Some are green, some blue, some red, some double highlighted...18:40
sam-_-_Abhish, but keep in mind that the ubuntu way may be different sometimes18:40
MarkSSI'm just trying to figure out what each color means heh18:40
MarkSSWhere can I view dircolors?18:40
sacarlsonMarkSS: well you can see with ls -l  how that is maped18:41
Abhishsam-_-_ thanks, I'll keep that in mind. I have played with a couple of distros, and have noticed some subtle yet significant differences.18:41
sam-_-_MarkSS, echo $LS_COLORS18:41
sam-_-_MarkSS, for the colors that ls uses18:41
Ray2Where to find gnome-unity and can it be used on 10.04 live cd18:42
hylianMarkSS, dircolors -p will give you a directory of what the colors mean.18:42
seekHello ubuntu users....18:43
MarkSSEven more useful! Thanks guys :)18:43
seekam rather new to ubuntu....18:43
pid_Any one free for a few minutes? I need a hand with something..18:44
sam-_-_!ask |seek18:44
ubottuseek: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:44
hylianRay2, you can download it, but unity is meant to be a replacement for gnome, not to run on top of it, and it's crashy if you do, im writing from a netbook that had unity as the main gui.18:44
seekhave a qok18:44
sam-_-_!ask |pid18:44
ubottupid: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:44
pid_K, so Im running ubuntu through virtualbox with windows 7 as host18:44
pid_So I ran the script to share c and d drive18:45
pid_How do I make these run on startup?18:45
pid_I googled it but it told me to run /etc/init.d/rc.local18:45
pid_and put it in there18:45
pid_But when I run that noting happens18:45
seekI want to upload from my JVC dgital camera have a firewire connection do i need some kind of driver?18:45
pid_Can anyone help?18:46
jeroenimopid_: which commands?18:46
pid_sudo mount -t vboxsf cdrive /home/pid/cdrive18:46
jeroenimopid_: sudo is not necessary18:47
sam-_-_pid_ put it in /etc/rc.local without the sudo18:47
sayres KM0201:I do not know what?I think it is screenlets ...You know what?18:47
hylianRay2, i realize i didn't answer your question, sorry. if you run synaptic, you should be able to install it just by searching for unity, making unity your default gui however, im not 100% certain of. you may be able to at login18:47
MarkSSI need to install a plugin-wireless usb key thing. What program is good for doing it? It requires a CD to install the driver. Will need to extract that somehow too.18:47
mimmostella1983Ciao amici di #ubuntu !!18:48
hylianMarkSS, your question is, erratic, sorry dude, can you be way more clear?18:48
pid_When I runWhen I run ect/rc.local nothing happens18:48
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »18:49
sam-_-_pid_ of course not. it does nothing by default18:49
sam-_-_pid_ but if you edit the file and put your code in it will run at startup18:49
MarkSSOf course. I have a usb-key like device that gives me wireless. I need to get a file off the driver CD it came with to make it work. What package(s) will enable me to set this up and get my connection working?18:49
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots18:49
P1nkrabbitevening all :)18:50
sacarlsonMarkSS: most wirless keythings are plug and play are you sure it doesn't work?18:50
sam-_-_MarkSS, which brand?18:50
* hylian nods to pinkrabbitt18:50
jeroenimoMarkSS: chipset?18:50
pid_Thats the thing..I cant edit it, when it opens it is empty18:50
braidlovehello, can anyone tell me whether my comp is running the proprietary driver or the open driver for the graphics card? thanks.18:50
braidlovei have newly installed Ubuntu 10.10 yestrady18:51
keitopid_, I would put the commands in a script, make it executable and then add the script to the Startup Apps in System>Prefs18:51
P1nkrabbitim new and having problems with installing ubuntu10.1018:51
MarkSSIt is a Cisco Linksys AE100018:51
sam-_-_keito, but they need to be run as root. is it possible with system>prefs ?18:51
pid_How would I do that?18:52
Ray2hylian, Unity not found in synaptic ...Is it still unstable ...Do you need to download an iso to have it instead of gnome18:52
hylianbraidlove, under the system - administration - additional drivers will show you what drivers are running if any, and what is available. all the drivers in the additional drivers section are usually not open.18:52
ubottuP1nkrabbit: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:52
P1nkrabbitit goes well untill i reach the installation part where it has to retrieve files ... it doesnt retrieve any lol18:52
xanguaRay2: hylian sudo apt-get install ubuntu-netbook18:52
jeroenimoMarkSS: mac80211 seems supporting that chipset18:53
sayresWho knows what is this?   top ,right       -> http://img522.imageshack.us/i/screenshot2s.png/  plzz18:53
sam-_-_P1nkrabbit, you install from cd?18:53
P1nkrabbitany idea why?18:53
braidlovehylian: thanks. "additional drivers" shows just a big blank.18:53
P1nkrabbityes i install from cd18:53
hylianRay2, well, i know that if you download the netbook edition, you will already have it. if you are not using a netbook, it defaults to gnome, and vice versa, but once it is installed, you can choose your favorite gui at login.18:53
Ray2xangua, I am using a pc with 10.0418:53
braidlovehylian: does this mean I'm NOT running proprietary driver ? Does that mean also that I'm NOT running open driver?18:53
sam-_-_P1nkrabbit, it shouldn't be necessary to retrieve any files for the install18:54
xanguaRay2: unity is only aviable since 10.1018:54
keitoP1nkrabbit, no.  rc.local for that -- try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65909118:54
hylianbraidlove, ofcoarse i can't tell from here, but if you haven't installed any driver you will be running off of the default no thrills vesa driver, which is open.18:54
wizardslovakhello people18:54
keitoP1nkrabbit, that wasn't meant for you sorry! ;0)18:54
Ray2xangua, hylian thanks for the info18:54
wizardslovakis there software to cut mp3 in half in ubuntu?18:54
braidlovehylian: is open better than propiertary?18:54
keitowizardslovak, mp3splt18:55
MarkSSI guess it just doesn't work18:55
braidlovehylian: also, if proprieatray driver is better than open driver, where can i get proprietary drivers?18:55
jeroenimoMarkSS: iwconfig gives no output, and dmesg gives info when you plug in the adapter18:55
hylianbraidlove, define better. for me, no. i like 3d environments, like celestia, so no. also if you like those things that make your desktop look slick like the see through menu's and bar's, then no.18:55
keitowizardslovak, there is a gui -- mp3splt-gtk18:55
wizardslovakkeito,  thank you18:56
sam-_-_wizardslovak, try audacious18:56
keitowizardslovak, np18:56
wilharthaving problem with pulseaudio http://pastebin.ca/202373118:56
hylianbraidlove, the additional drivers section is proprietary.18:56
sam-_-_wizardslovak, ahm audacity. sry about the wrong name18:56
braidlovehylian: but why is there nothing in the add'l drivers section?18:56
braidlovehylian: nothing to pci18:56
braidlovehylian: nothing to pick.18:57
P1nkrabbiti also have the issue that i currently have the internet but when running the installation i dont have internet, and it is a wired connection i use.18:57
wizardslovakkeito,  do u know how to cut with ti?18:57
keitosam-_-_, audacity is a little hardcore for mere splitting, mp3splt is perfect for the job.... I do love audacity though =D18:57
sacarlsonMarkSS: sounds like it's a ralink chip and may need to look at this http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=156732818:57
hylianbraidlove, what is your hardware? if it is intel based, then you may be using the best driver for your hardware already, or you could be using a nvidia or ati card that is not supported.18:57
sam-_-_keito, ok good tip18:58
giuseppe_sera a tutti18:58
Ub3r-N00bhey guys, does anyone know how track IP address to an exact phisical address ? ,potentially received information to be used for counter-spam action18:58
sam-_-_wizardslovak, ti = texas instruments?18:58
wizardslovaki ment IT18:58
aeon-ltd!it | giuseppe_18:58
ubottugiuseppe_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:58
keitowizardslovak, splitpoints18:59
braidlovehylian: lspci | grep VGA 05:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc R480 [Radeon X850XT Platinum (PCIE)]18:59
hylianbraidlove, if you don't know, sysinfo works well, nice gui too.18:59
jeroenimoMarkSS: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?p=135355818:59
roknirUb3r-N00b: there are geoIP databases that would have estimated info, but it's not perfect.  also, i haven't found any that are free...18:59
keitowizardslovak, not on a machine with it installed at the moment to guide you through18:59
sacarlsonUb3r-N00b: only if your the fbi or if it goes to a fixed static ip host that can be easily looked up.  but they normaly have many customers.18:59
braidlovehylian: is this ATI card supported in ubuntu?18:59
wilharthaving problem with pulseaudio http://pastebin.ca/202373119:00
sam-_-_braidlove, of course but not by fglrx19:00
keitowilhart, aren't we all? ;0)19:00
sam-_-_braidlove, should work "out of the box"19:00
hylianbraidlove, i may have some bad news for you, ati is not exactly the most supported hardware for linux. the company has to provide drivers, and ati isn't known for keeping up with their hardware that's only a few years old. im going to take a look and see if i can find if that card is supported.19:00
braidlovesam-_-_: i don't understand19:00
Ub3r-N00bi have found the street where the computer is located, but i need the exact street number, that would presupose that it is a fixed static ip19:00
braidlovehylian: thanks.19:00
Ub3r-N00broknir, coul you give me some software names ?19:01
sam-_-_braidlove, fglrx is the proprietary driver by ati19:01
wilhartkeito, ?19:01
giuseppe_qualcuno mi può aiutare?19:01
sacarlsonroknir: Ub3r-N00b: there are geo ip look ups that are free.  they will give you some info like contry and maybe the isp provider19:01
pid_Ok, so im back. that didn't work19:01
sam-_-_braidlove, your card is supported by the opensource driver though19:01
keitowilhart, joke... pulseaudio is the bane of many an ubuntu user19:01
pid_How do I make a script into an exe?19:01
braidlovesam-_-_: so what can i do19:01
roknirUb3r-N00b: http://www.ip2location.com/ but again, i really don't think you're going to get more accurate than street/block.  i doubt you'll get an address #.19:02
braidlovesam-_-_: r u saying that my driver should just work as is?19:02
keitopid_, sudo chmod +x19:02
sam-_-_braidlove, doesn't  it just work?19:02
Ub3r-N00broknir, thanks mate19:02
braidlovesam-_-_: well, not sure what you mean by "work". but in braid (the game), it crashes19:02
wilhartkeito, what should i do now ? remove pulse?19:02
hylianbraidlove, what sam is saying is that the open driver, which does work, does not have all the functionality that the proprietary driver has.19:02
keitowilhart, that tends to fix most peoples issues, but it's a right royal pain in the ass to do19:03
pid_Could you be a bit more specific?19:03
sacarlsonroknir: Ub3r-N00b: like this one is free and gives my isp provider and country http://ip-lookup.net/19:03
PeterFabinskihow do i shut down19:03
keitopid_, sudo chmod +x /path/to/script19:03
sam-_-_braidlove, run this glxinfo |grep -i direct19:04
pid_Ahh, cheers mate19:04
keitopid_, np19:04
hylianbraidlov e, you may want to check out another distro, like pclinuxos. i hate to turn you from ubuntu, but some of the other distro's are using older kernels and can then use older drivers from proprietary sources.19:04
sayresWho knows what is this?   top ,right       -> http://img522.imageshack.us/i/screenshot2s.png/  plzz:'(19:04
keitobraidlove, or you oculd upgrade that card of yours.. it's old school ;)19:05
roknirsacarlson: that information is general though.  you can dig that up from just the IP without needing a geoIP solution.19:05
sam-_-_hylian, the opensource driver is fine. it doesn't provide full 3d accel yet but other than that...19:05
pid_sudo chmod +x mount -t vboxsf cdrive /home/pid/cdrive Is that right?19:05
jdioutkastdoes anyone know of any bios setting that causes ubuntu to random restart?19:05
hyliansam i personally was crippled by ubuntu for 2 years, which is when i went to pclinuxos. im back now because i finally got the money to buy a nvidia card that is supported, but.19:06
sam-_-_jdioutkast, some bios provide the ability to start at a certain time or by "wake on lan" but not just random19:06
sacarlsonroknir: ya yours is cooler but it says I'm in bangkok about 100 miles away but gives a lat/lon that is cool you can see me from google earth now19:06
PeterFabinskihow do i shut down19:06
wilhartkeito, do you know any url that i could follow?19:06
keitosayres, where did you get the shot?  did it not say?  could be anything.  maybe conky or a screenlet?19:06
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WynPeterFabinski: errr top right icon ?19:07
rigvedPeterFabinski: what do you want to shut down?19:07
sam-_-_hylian, ok. but the situation is constantly improving imho :-)19:07
Wynrigved: guess he found it :D19:07
rigvedWyn: :)19:07
pid_It didn't work :(19:07
LancelotI'm running Karmic, and something strange just happened. I was using firefox and all of a sudden the screen went all funny. It broke up into rectangular segments and those frozen segments rendered random parts of the screen. Is that just a freak video driver crash?19:08
hyliansam-_-_, you are right, it is, which is why i said yet. the open source driver for fglrx is gonna be awesome, it's just gonna take some time.19:08
=== juancarlos_ is now known as Ayax32
keitowilhart, I've had nothing but ballache when trying to remove pulse in the past,  there is(/was) no concise guide, I battled it out... alsa irc chan was a good place to start19:08
WynLancelot: you uisng COmpiz effects ?19:08
sam-_-_hylian, true19:08
LancelotWyn: yes, I am. Nothing fancy though. Just the cube stuff.19:09
wilhartkeito, how do i fix this alsa aint even working anymore, no sound!*19:09
dnhello everyone19:09
WynLancelot: maybe some clash or weirdness there, whats your logs say ?19:09
perrinbonjour j'ai un problème de lenteur de démarrage 5 minutes env comment peut on savoir ou il coince19:09
Wynwilhart: define not working19:09
keitowilhart, snap... same here... currently contemplating reformatting19:09
sayreskeito : Can you tell me how can I correct this way?19:09
LancelotWyn: how do I get to the logs ?19:09
wilhartWyn, no sound!19:10
rigved!fr | perrin19:10
ubottuperrin: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.19:10
keitowilhart, what machine is it, what ubuntu version?19:10
wilhartkeito, 10.1019:10
Ub3r-N00bsacarlson, thanks mate19:10
keitowilhart, my sound was working until yesterday19:10
wilhartkeito, i started fiddling with it and i removed pulseaudio and now i cant' insatll it again19:11
keitowilhart, desktop? laptop?19:11
wilhartkeito, desktop19:11
hylianwilhart, this is gonna sound real stupid, since this is ofcoarse the first thing you did, but ubuntu like to start at first muted on one of my machines, did you check to see if it was muted?19:11
dnmy google earth doesnt work, very sadly... if anybody can help me with this problem would be great, i think the problem is connected with video appropriate drivers19:11
Wynwilhart: version, trouble shooting steps taken so far, what happened when this happened etc19:11
wilharthylian, i cant even start alsamixer :D19:11
braidlovesam-_-_:  it says "direct rendering: Yes"19:11
LancelotWyn: how do I get to the logs?19:11
wilhartALSA lib pulse.c:229:(pulse_connect) PulseAudio: Unable to connect: Connection refused19:11
keitowilhart, I'm currently here trying to find out a way to purge all audio settings a and return to default/fresh install settings... no idea yet19:12
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braidlovekeito: i wish i could upgrade this old comp, but no budget 8 - (19:12
WynLancelot: dmesg or /var/log/debug19:12
keitowilhart, the wiki for SoundTroubleshooting is well out of date19:12
wilhartkeito, yes that's what i was gonna do.19:12
wilhartkeito, OR then i have to reinstall ubuntu19:12
keitowilhart, I could have reformatted by now ;0)19:12
wilhartkeito, what do yo mean ?19:13
sam-_-_braidlove, so braid crashes. you run it via wine?19:13
keitowilhart, I'd just like to know *how* to purge and refresh audio19:13
nirazioHow much disk space they should allocate while opting for advanced partition method during an Ubuntu installation. For /, /boot, /home, swap and other paritions.???19:13
wilhartyep. let's google19:13
braidlovesam-_-_: no, this week, they came out with official linux bin19:13
braidlovesam-_-_: check out humblebundle.com19:13
Wynwilhart: try clicking on prefrences under the volume control first just to see whats using it, you have audiocity or some such running ?19:13
LancelotWyn: I don't have a /debug directory. Which log file should I be looking for?19:13
Flannelnirazio: How much RAM do you have, and do you ever intend to hibernate?19:13
keitowilhart, there is a troubleshooting guide that shows you how to purge, but it is out of date19:14
stevecoh1sbackup problem.  I am trying to use the sbackup package to back up from one computer to another in my home network.  I specify the connection as ssh://user:password@ and I get no permission errors.  However I am able to connect via ssh as user, and there are no permission problems.  What am I missing?19:14
keito!sound > wilhart19:14
ubottuwilhart, please see my private message19:14
Flannelnirazio: Also, how big is your HDD total?19:14
sam-_-_braidlove, oh yeah. i heard about that.19:14
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pid_I still have the problem, any other solutions?19:14
sam-_-_braidlove, it very likely is a bug in the drivers.19:14
nirazioFlannel: 160 GB harddisk and 2 GB RAM19:14
dni have dell inspiron 2200 how to install apropriate 3d driver?19:14
sam-_-_braidlove, did you upgrade all  the way?19:14
WynLancelot: try cat /var/log/debug19:14
braidlovesam-_-_: in the open drivers?19:14
Flannelnirazio: Hibernation?19:14
braidlovesam-_-_: upgrade what?19:14
sam-_-_braidlove, yes19:14
sam-_-_braidlove, ubuntu19:15
sayres Can you tell me how can I correct this way?     top ,right       -> http://img522.imageshack.us/i/screenshot2s.png/:-X19:15
braidlovesam-_-_: yes, i'm in ubuntu 10.10, but haven't donet he update19:15
sam-_-_braidlove, you also may want to enable ubuntu-updates19:15
braidlovesam-_-_: i haven't done the ubuntu-updates becaes of our pricey internet bandwidth plan19:15
Wynkeito: just use syanptic manger, search alsa, remove, re.install if thats what you want19:15
FrenkHey I have a question concerning TELNET - when I telnet e.g. Port 25 (SMTP) which information does my computer send? Does it send my computers name???19:15
nirazioFlannel: I never use hibernation19:15
BugStalkerHi all19:15
hylianbraidlove, did you check the message i sent to you in private? (and please try and not use private)19:16
LancelotWyn: okay, I have some output. Nothing looks out of the ordinary19:16
sam-_-_braidlove, hmm... i'm afraid i can't help you then19:16
keitoWyn, there's surely more to it... modules etc....  I would like a command line one-liner ideally19:16
stevecoh1sbackup problem.  I am trying to use the sbackup package to back up from one computer to another in my home network.  I specify the connection as ssh://user:password@ and I get no permission errors.  However I am able to connect via ssh as user, and there are no permission problems.  What am I missing?19:16
Flannelnirazio: Is this just a standard desktop? or are you going to be playing with servers and stuff?19:16
wilhartoh, man19:17
wilhartprobably have to install linux again19:17
stevecoh1again - why would ssh work but sbackup over ssh not work?19:17
nirazioFlannel: Standard desktop19:17
Wynkeito: remove and purge it then but you will miss some, searching with synaptic will give you the lot including libaries and modules19:17
pid_im trying to run a script as an exe...19:17
keitoWyn, k19:17
WynLancelot: wait in and see if it happens again, update etc19:17
BugStalkerFor what it is worth - I thought a simple word of constructive criticism might be in order.  PERSONALLY I have not switched to Ubuntu - because it is too "cartoonish".  I work in a business environment.  I don't need my supervisors looking over my shoulder and thinking I am playing a game19:17
Wynpid_: chmod +x19:18
Flannelnirazio: I'd go 10GB /, 1GB /boot, 2GB swap, and then the rest /home19:18
keitopid_, chmod +x makes a file executable19:18
BugStalkerI work with SUSE linux at work, simply because right out of the box - it looks professional19:18
keitopid_, what do you mean by exe?19:18
LancelotWyn: okay, but don't the logs clear with each reboot?19:18
pid_I tried that, I get  chmod: cannot access `+x': No such file or directory19:18
pid_chmod: cannot access `mount': No such file or directory19:18
pid_chmod: cannot access `vboxsf': No such file or directory19:18
BugStalkerYou can pass those comments on to whomever does the programming for ubuntu - or you can let it fall on deaf ears19:18
WynLancelot: na, depends on the logs, they rotate on the sys logs19:19
wilhartkeito, hmm no help there.19:19
Wynpid_: re-wind dude19:19
Wynpid_: can you ls the file you want to chmod ?19:19
nirazioFlannel: Thank you :)19:19
NCS_OneI'm trying to play some mkv movie and it get out of sync, what do I need to install to play it right?19:19
WynNCS_One: mkv is a contaner format, VLC plays it well19:20
hylianpid_, it is chmod a+x filename, so like chmod a+x vboxsrv etc..19:20
keitopid_, ?  you need to put the command in a file, name it whatever, eg "startup-script.sh", then if it is on your desktop "sudo chmod +x ~/Desktop/startup-script.sh"19:20
hylianbraidlove, i hope you find what you need, no matter what you decide.19:20
Flannelnirazio: No problem19:20
=== Rain is now known as Guest31575
keitopid_, you should look up creating bash scripts on google19:21
smt-mobilhi, where to put a script that should be executed before login?19:22
pid_Ok...Running ubuntu through virtualdesk...want to share files from host...ran sudo mount -t vboxsf cdrive /home/pid/cdrive...But I want to autorun at startup...somone suggested as setting is as an exe19:22
keitopid_, the startup-script should begin "#!/bin/bash" as the first line in the text file19:22
EnigmaticCoderIs there any "intercom" software that would allow my parents to speak into a microphone downstairs and call me on my computer upstairs?19:23
braidlovehylian: why not use private?19:23
braidlovehylian i like private because it puts all my messages together without all the other messages19:24
braidlove8 - 019:24
hylianbraidlove, i think it's discouraged because then not everyone can be at your disposal, im not certain if that's the truth, i just know they look upon going private here.19:24
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WynEnigmaticCoder: spend 10 bucks on a baby thing19:24
pid_That doesn’t  really help....19:25
dntnx for help...19:25
Wynpid_: what, exactly are you trying to do19:25
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Wynbraidlove: theres 1465 people in channel, thats useful19:26
keitopid_, http://www.diy-computer-repairs.com/ubuntu-10-04-virtualbox-shared-folders/19:26
yop129why does going to System - About Ubuntu show me as having 11.04 natty narwhal?19:26
keitopid_, that guide has everything you need19:26
sam-_-_braidlove, you may try the vesa driver. but braid will not run with those i'm afraid19:26
Lancelotyop129 - what version are you using?19:26
hylianyop129, did you download and install the development version?19:27
pid_Imma take a look19:27
bliss_need some help with rc.local I have to  insert “su vboxers -c "screen -dmS vboxwebsrv vboxwebsrv"” before the “exit 0″.19:27
keitopid_, literally everything...  you want to pay attention to the last bit19:27
yop129Lancelot, i'm using 10.1019:27
bliss_do i uncomment the bash sript19:27
hylianyop129, i downloaded and installed 10.10, and it says im using 11.04 too..19:28
yop129hylian, no, i dled 10.10 and installed that, i've checked the about page before and it's shown 10.10, not for some reason it shows 11.0419:28
mongybliss_, above the exit line yes, but no need for su19:28
yop129hylian, hmm, really odd, says released in April 2011 lol19:28
NCS_OneWyn: I'm getting a lot of breakes19:29
bliss_mongy: thanks why no need for su?19:29
Dr_Willisbliss_:  just enter the  line befor the exit 0 line.. thats all there is to it.19:29
WynNCS_One: was the mkv a download from, errr the web ?19:29
hylianyop129, uname -a should give you the true info using the terminal19:29
NCS_OneWyn: yes19:29
sIDxmine says 11.04 also19:29
mongybliss_,  the script (rc.local) is run as root19:29
bliss_mongy: ok19:30
Dr_Willisbliss_:  you may want a & at the end of that line.19:30
hylianyop129, oops that's what kernal version you are using19:30
yop129hylian, hmm it outputs 2.6.35-23generic19:30
bliss_Dr_Willis: say that again please19:30
Dr_Willisbliss_:  err.. you do want a su -- because it looks like youa are runnign that as the vboxers user.. from what i recall.19:30
Dr_Willisbliss_:  --> commandyouarerunning &19:31
yop129alright well at least it's not just me lol19:31
hylianyop129, it's lsb_release -a not uname, my bad.19:31
Dr_Willissu vboxers -c "screen -dmS vboxwebsrv vboxwebsrv"  &19:31
mongybliss_,  sorry, usually dont need su :)  Dr_Willis to the rescue19:31
bliss_ah ok thanks19:31
Dr_Willismongy:  you dont want screen running as root. :)19:31
WynNCS_One: it may be the source file then, if VLC and movie player for instance show the same it is the source, side note to sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras19:32
yop129hylian, alright now it shows 10.10, guess someone updated the about page too soon19:32
hylianyop129, it says under about ubuntu 11.04, but lsb_release -a says 10.10.19:32
mongyDr_Willis, i dont  use rc.local much, very simple commands normally...  ill keep that in mind19:32
Dr_Willisnight all19:32
hylianyop129, ok, cool19:32
sam-_-_yop129, why does it bother you?19:32
yop129hylian, yeah, since it's not just me then i won't worry19:32
yop129sam-_-_, nah, just wanted to make sure it's not just me, that there's not something wrong19:33
sam-_-_yop129, ok :-)19:33
bx-ghJust a question to all... who's really is writing and compiling ubuntu and placing it online for all of us?19:33
bx-ghwho are the devs19:33
pid_the guide is not helping..19:33
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Wynbx-gh: me, im all up in your box19:34
sam-_-_bx-gh folks from all over the world19:34
NCS_OneWyn: already have that, I always had problems playing mkv files, but when I try the same source on windows it plays ok19:34
pnglHi, I am not showing up as part of a group even though I am on the group line in /etc/group. Any ideas19:34
sam-_-_bx-gh, the dev is done at launchpad.net19:34
yop129lol anyway one more question, i installed xchat, but i don't get any notifications, i beleive it's called lib-notify right?, I even installed the libnotify-bin optional package when installing xchat19:34
pid_keito: the guide aint helping much, im still stuck here mate19:34
Wynbx-gh: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers#Ubuntu%20Core%20Developers19:34
bx-ghbut how makes the finally decision for what goes in and comes out of this distro19:35
bx-ghok thanks19:35
geirhapngl: Changes to group membership doesn't take effect before you log in again.19:35
monty_hallIn courier mail I have to change owner for /var/run/authdaemon to daemon:daemon.  How can I let this happen @ boot time?19:35
expiationis there a way to install wubi bigger than 30gb or to increase the size after?19:35
pnglgeirha: doesn't opening a new bash count as login?19:36
geirhapngl: It does not.19:36
yop129mongy, any idea what the libnotify-bin was that is listed underneath the xchat install?19:36
WynNCS_One: weird, try vls filename.mkv19:36
mongyyop129, no idea.. but the app you need is xchat-indicator.19:36
pnglgeirha: thank you.19:36
yop129mongy, alright, thanks19:36
mongyyop129, well its the notify system itself, just what it has to do with xchat (nothing) idk19:37
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WynNCS_One: watch for the error and vlc's output and then we can debug the traceback19:37
bliss_Dr_Willis: like this does anything need uncommenting http://pastebin.com/u6CQRj3L19:37
kingOfBudzmy computer's broke19:37
mongybliss_,  only 1 " ?19:37
yop129mongy, hmm that's weird because it was originally blanked out underneath the xchat in ubuntu software center and i selected it so that i would get the notifications, but nothing from xchat, every other ntoficastion worked before19:38
mongyyop129, I think some apps have it coded in, and others dont, and need extra packages, like xchat19:38
sam-_-_kingOfBudz then let it acquire currency...19:39
mongybliss_, looks ok apart from that tho....19:39
bliss_mongy: ok thanks whats & for?19:39
GaryDyop129: i am using pidgin for irc...19:39
yop129mongy, yeah just weird why it has libnotify-bin listed underneath it, ok i installed the indicator let me restart and try it19:40
mongyputs it to background19:40
kingOfBudzi know it sucks i was really stoned and spilled coffee on it19:40
yop129GaryD, i've used it before, don't really like it, pidgin is for im19:40
braidlovesam-_-_: ok. i'll update19:40
braidlovesam-_-_: but how can i update ONLY the packages relevant to this driver?19:41
Wynbliss_: the Dr is not in the house and no19:41
noonianbraidlove, why wouldn't you want to update everything?19:41
bliss_mongy: ok thanks whats & for?19:41
magicianlordnoonian: sometimes packages can break things19:41
yop129can someone mention my name, i wanna see if the notification works19:41
WynkingOfBudz: did you try and turn it on again ?19:41
sam-_-_braidlove, try sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-radeon19:42
Lancelothow do you get in/out of the console only mode?19:42
sam-_-_braidlove, might be a lot nonetheless19:42
braidlovesam-_-_:  xserver-xorg-video-radeon is already the newest version.19:42
UbuntuNewbieIf anyone knows how to answer this question I will be greatful: I have just installed ubuntu 10.10 and when the computer boots it doesn19:42
UbuntuNewbiet show the GUI19:42
yop129damn, didn't work one sec19:42
sam-_-_braidlove did you run sudo apt-get update before?19:42
braidlovenoonian: because currently, my interned bandwidth is VERY pricey 8 - )19:43
WynUbuntuNewbie: no X server you mean ? no login screen ?19:43
braidloveand i was gonig to update theother stuff from another place19:43
sam-_-_braidlove, do you pay per mb?19:43
UbuntuNewbieIf anyone knows how to answer this question I will be greatful: I have just installed ubuntu 10.10 and when the computer boots it doesn't show the gui, and I can only get it to show gui if I type startx19:43
yop129can someone mention my name plz19:43
braidlovesam-_-_: 3 tiers19:43
braidlove1st tier = up to 3 GB19:43
braidlovesecond: i think up to 6 GB19:43
kingOfBudzwyn it worked thnx i was hitting some other button, needed to be pushing power button19:43
braidlovesam-_-_: and the thing is, i don't have access to the current usage.19:43
sam-_-_all 3G?19:44
niraziohow to install intous 4 driver???19:44
sam-_-_braidlove, all 3G?19:44
WynUbuntuNewbie: X should of course start on boot, did you edit anything ? or is this a clean install ?19:44
braidlovesam-_-_: what do you mean "all  3g"?19:44
yop129can someone say my name plz19:44
UbuntuNewbieWyn: It is a clean install.19:44
braidloveyop129: why?19:44
WynkingOfBudz: NO DO NOT TURN IT ON19:44
gobbeUbuntuNewbie: just log in and try startx19:44
sam-_-_braidlove, do go to the internet via 3G?19:44
yop129braidlove, test, thanks it works :)19:44
noonianalso, how do you get the behavior UbuntuNewbie is describing if i want it?19:44
WynkingOfBudz: TURN IT OFF dry it the fuck out then clean it off and dry it again19:44
sam-_-_braidlove, or DSL or cable?19:45
braidlovesam-_-_:  do you mean via a cellphone company. if so, yes19:45
magicianlordwhat's better : ubuntu 10.10 32bit or 64bit19:45
braidloveit's HSPA19:45
Jordan_U!language | Wyn19:45
ubottuWyn: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional..19:45
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UbuntuNewbieI get no errors it just doesn19:45
Guest50829does anyone know how to get or install itunes that WORKS other than using VirtualBox?19:45
sam-_-_braidlove is there no other option available where you live?19:45
WynJordan_U: :D indeed19:45
UbuntuNewbieI get no errors it just doesnt start, gui19:45
braidlovesam-_-_: not for now. we live in a rural part of town19:45
sam-_-_braidlove wow that really sucks19:46
braidlovesam-_-_: but maybe in a few months, a new company will be adding more towers in our rural area19:46
UbuntuNewbiegobbe: thats what I do, but I would like it to do that automatically19:46
yop129can someone say my name, last time i promise19:46
braidlovesam-_-_: yeah , it doees so much.19:46
WynUbuntuNewbie: it may not be starting at the right run level, if it is a new clean install just re-install it, it would prob be quicker19:46
niraziohow to install intous 4 driver???19:46
sam-_-_braidlove, country?19:46
UbuntuNewbieWyn Okay, I will try that, thanks19:46
noonianGuest50829, iTunes doesnt have a linux version so you are stuck either using a VM or running it through wine. If you havent tried alternatives though I would recommend banshee19:46
Wynyop129: yop129 yop12919:46
nicolaushey guys my cd drive wont accept burn cds can someone help me fix it19:46
braidlovesam-_-_: canada19:47
yop129Wyn, alright cool, thanks19:47
Guest50829Yeah, nothing works really. Oh well I can live without, thanks anyway!19:47
Wynnicolaus: all or any particular kind ? prob your cd reader not Ubuntu19:47
sam-_-_braidlove, very nice apart from the internet :-)19:47
bliss_re my question about rc local should this line be with or without quotes" su vboxers -c "screen -dmS vboxwebsrv vboxwebsrv"19:48
nicolauswyn: i tried it in other computers but it work19:48
sam-_-_nicolaus, somtimes it helps to clean the lens19:48
durandohow can i run seperate resolutions under multi display without changing the desktop area?19:48
PeterFabinskihow do i ssh19:48
braidlovesam-_-_: yes.19:48
GaryDnoonian: i believe to get the behavior UbuntuNewbie is having just remove gdm.19:49
Jordan_U!ssh | PeterFabinski19:49
ubottuPeterFabinski: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)19:49
sam-_-_braidlove, also cold this time of year19:49
ay_i use usb creator gtk software to create bootable os in usb19:49
Wynnicolaus: the reader or the cd's ?19:49
bliss_ssh  yourusername"yourdomin.com19:49
nicolausthe reader19:49
ay_but i cant take no live file system found error19:49
ay_what the hell19:49
yop129mongy, hey, figured out that i don't need libnotify-bin nor xchat-indicator, there's a setting in the prefrences to turn it on, so i don't even know what those two are for19:49
nicolausi think its the region on the laptop19:49
Wynay_: UNETbottin rocks for usb's19:49
ay_i try to install mint19:50
Wynnicolaus: no, not under Ubuntu19:50
GaryDay_: unetbootin all the way. you can create almost any kind of linux live usb.19:50
ay_and i create with unetbootin19:50
Jordan_U!mint | ay_19:50
ubottuay_: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org19:50
ay_i took this is not valid system disk19:50
WynGaryD: heck yeah, I have four installs on one USB, UNETBottin is great19:50
ay_please inset another disk error,19:50
nicolausright now i am using windows 7 to test it19:50
mongyyop129, erm... I dont get notifications unless I use the indicator pkg19:51
Wynay_: your burning it wrong then I guess, just use a USB if you can, fast and fun19:51
nicolausbut it was working before but when i ran a system recovery it just stop work19:51
durandohey guys anyone good with multi display setups?19:51
GaryDWyn: lol...yep...with the size of flash drives these days you can be amazed what you can use them for.19:51
mongyyop129, I think you are thinking of other methods of notification, Im more interested in the ubuntu notify system..19:51
nicolausbut original discs work fine but just the burn disc dont work19:51
Wynnicolaus: you mean you have a dual boot and the cd's work in one system and not the other, you are putting the disks in another couputer or you have taken the cd-rom hardware out and are testing it under windows ?19:52
yop129mongy, try uninstalling the xchatindicator and in prefrences just turn on show tray balloons on highlighted message and private message, i did that and it worked19:52
yop129mongy, yeah the ubuntu one where u receive a message at top right, right?19:52
bliss_ rrc.local -with or without the quotes su vboxers -c "screen -dmS vboxwebsrv vboxwebsrv19:52
mongyyop129, yeah thats what I mean... I prefer to get notifications this way..19:53
bliss_su vboxers -c "screen -dmS vboxwebsrv vboxwebsrv"19:53
SageXanyone recommend a linux game programming book??19:53
yop129mongy, yeah that's how i'm getting it now without indicator, weird19:53
mongyyop129, but what about when you are on a different desktop19:53
magicianlordwhen will linux drivers for sound and graphics be equal to windows?19:53
GaryDis it possible to make an ubuntu system with a gui that is written completely in html/css/javascript? sort of a webuntu?19:54
sam-_-_SageX, which programming-language19:54
nicolausno wyn: The pc is only windows 7 but it wont read burn cds only originals.19:54
yop129mongy, what do u mean different desktop, like workspace? i was on different workspace a second ago and got notification that u sent19:54
mongymagicianlord, when vendors become less proprietary :)19:54
mongyyop129, thru the notification system?19:54
nicolausi want to install ubuntu but i have it on a burn cd that i have been using a long time which works fine but when i put it in the computer it dont work19:54
yop129mongy, yeah, the one that popups with black background19:55
sam-_-_nicolaus, try cleaning the lens of the cd drive or burn ubuntu again then try again19:55
Wynnicolaus: im sorry, you cant read burned cd's on a windows installation or Ubuntu ? and it is your reader anyway i would think, not all cd reader hardware supports burned cd's of some types cd-+r example19:55
SageXsam-_-_,  C# / C++19:55
mongyyop129, well thats changed then.... I tried without ages ago19:55
magicianlordmanbra: what is the vendors' major malfunction?19:55
mongylet me try it19:55
HydrogooHey folks19:55
bliss_mongy: su vboxers -c "screen -dmS vboxwebsrv vboxwebsrv" with or without the quotes19:55
mongyyop oh wait, you use a tray icon?    I dont19:56
farmer|mirIs there a way to emulate Active Desktops in Ubuntu? IE, having a web page as the wallpaper?19:56
mongylast thing I want is extra stuff up there19:56
HydrogooI'm looking for some help with remote administration of Ubuntu, anyone able to help please?19:56
Jordan_Umagicianlord: They refuse to provide specifications that would allow linux developers to write drivers.19:56
WynHydrogoo: whats the problem ?19:56
yop129mongy, ok, yeah u'll see it works, because i installed the indicator and still didn't work, so i check the settings turned the feature on in alerts and it worked, so i'm like do i really need the indicator, i unistalled the indicator, restarted xchat and the notifications still work19:56
sam-_-_SageX, well i don't know of a book but depending on the game you may want to learn opengl?19:56
nicolauswyn: i think so too because when i go in device manager i see that there is a region set on it and on this computer here when i check windows 7 is says no region selected but on the laptop with the problem it wont work19:56
nicolaussam-_-_: I will try cleaning the drive also and see what happens19:57
magicianlordJordan_U: should there be a law made that makes this required, for the sake of the free computing world?19:57
SageXsam-_-_,  yeah would you know where to start with OpenGl19:57
Jordan_U!ot | magicianlord19:57
ubottumagicianlord: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:57
GaryDyop129: you don't need the xchat-indicator for notifications. just if you want an icon in the panel.19:57
sam-_-_SageX, there are dozens of opengl tuts on the internet19:58
yop129GaryD, well that's odd because i don't have it yet i have the icon in the panel19:58
SageXthanks sam-_-_19:58
Wynnicolaus: the reader on Windows and the reader on the laptop are not the same ones, if the reader on the laptop plats other cd's then it is not the lens,  try  sudo regionset and changing region and see if that helps19:58
bx-ghCan someone help me with this question?.... Why is it all linux, kernel, or linux kernel IRC channels sooo quiet19:58
GaryDyop129: hmmm19:59
mongyyop129, ok trying without.......19:59
yop129ill send u something19:59
expiationis there a way to install wubi bigger than 30gb or to increase the size after?19:59
bliss_mongy: su vboxers -c "screen -dmS vboxwebsrv vboxwebsrv" with or without the quotes19:59
sam-_-_SageX, maybe libsdl.org might be interessting for you?19:59
mongyyop129, well I'll be......19:59
yop129mongy, worked right?19:59
mongybliss_, I dont know, sorry.  try with and without, whatever works :)19:59
GaryDyop129: i see...the xchat-indicator allows xchat to integrate with the indicator-messages plugin19:59
kirkousi have problem in xubuntu with second dispay.. it does nothing :)20:00
gizmobayIs there a way to clear the bash shell command line quickly?20:00
nicolauswyn: Ubuntu is not on the laptop i am trying to work on20:00
yop129GaryD, what's the indicator-messages plugin, like the top right notifications/20:00
nicolausok one more thing20:00
SageXsam-_-_,  got it their site is interesting20:00
mongyyop129, that explans why I was getting it even when I have xchat in focus.... it was using 2 notifications :)20:00
nicolaushow do i get ubuntu to run from a flash drive20:00
itaylor57gizmobay: ctrl U20:00
Wynnicolaus: UNETBootin20:01
yop129mongy, well, i fixed that problem for u without even intending to :P20:01
GaryDyop129: yep...the little envelope icon that allows you to control evolution, pidgin, gmailwatcher, and xchat...20:01
Wynnicolaus: Windows 7 is not supported in this channel20:01
yop129GaryD, well see both mongy and i removed the indicator, but we still receive the notifications, so it's not that20:01
WynHydrogoo: use putty http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/x86/putty.exe20:02
sam-_-_SageX, game programming on linux is not that different from windows. (if you use opengl) so tutorials for windows will help as well20:02
nicolausyeh i kno20:02
nicolausi want ubuntu on that computer20:02
GaryDyop129: the notificatoions come from notify-osd....20:02
nicolausbut it wont boot froma flashdrive dont kno why20:02
kirkousi have problem in xubuntu with second dispay.. it does nothing :) does anybody have an idea where is the problem?20:02
nicolausit keeps asking me to mount it20:02
mongyyop129, well must be new in 2.8.8, it didnt do it in 2.8.620:02
Wynnicolaus: check the BIOS, make sure it can boot from usb's20:02
SageXthanks for the heads up sam-_-_20:02
GaryDnicolaus: check in the bios settings20:02
gizmobayOne other question. When you have multiple shell tabs open, they don't share history until you reboot. For example, I type pwd on one shell I can't use the errors keys on the other shell to get the previous typed command. Is there a command or key stroke to sync up the history so to speak?20:03
nicolausyeh it do that20:03
UbuntuLilyWhat is the easiest way to backup a partition (No compression needed)20:03
yop129GaryD, hmm, control it how exactly i have the icon in the envelope thing and when i click on it, it gives me a network list20:03
Wyngizmobay: no20:03
nicolausit boots but when i click install ubuntu20:03
gizmobayokay thanks20:03
sam-_-_SageX, glad i could help a little20:03
nicolausit ask me to mount it to a cd drive20:03
UbuntuLilyI have my /home on its own partition and want to back it up before I reinstall ubunutu20:03
GaryDnicolaus: does the flash drive have the boot flag? is it bootable?20:03
Wynnicolaus: really ? how did you put Ubuntu on the usb ?20:04
BBrooks_can someone help me capture network traffic and after lets say 30 mins, to overwrite the dump?20:04
GaryDnicolaus: how did you create the ubuntu flash drive?20:04
nicolausi use a software called ultraiso20:04
nicolausit as never failed me before20:04
BBrooks_is there a utility for that?20:04
kirkousi have problem in xubuntu with second dispay.. it does nothing :) does anybody have an idea where is the problem?20:04
nicolausi use it for other operating systems so i kno it works20:04
ardianHi I have a dual boot computer I re-installed windows in it now I don't see the grub menu it just boots into windows how do I acess my Ubuntu box ?20:04
Wynnicolaus: dont know that one20:04
GaryDWyn: quit typing so fast...or maybe i'll wait to see if you answer...lol20:04
WynGaryD: hah :D20:05
WynGaryD: all yours mate;)20:05
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mongyUbuntuLily, personally I`d rsync -av . /media/backupdevice/20:05
sam-_-_UbuntuLily, sth. like this tar -cvzf ~/backup.tar.gz ~/20:06
SageXsam-_-_,  your help is greatly appreciated20:06
sam-_-_UbuntuLily, mongy rsync is great too20:06
GaryDnicolaus: you need to download unetbootin, and use it....i can almost guarantee it will work. i wouldn't recommend using anything else...try it.20:06
Kompvirohow are you guys doing today?20:06
saykoudoes any one use veetle20:07
WynHydrogoo: so whats up with shorewall ?20:07
nicolausgaryd i sure will20:07
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sam-_-_saykou, no is it any good?20:07
mongysam-_-_,  yeah, actually would use the --delete option as well, personally.20:07
pinche2643Question: Anybody know of any ubuntu tools to notice a machine going down?20:07
HydrogooI've installed it and using a guide that I've found, but it isn't giving me the corect area where shorewall should be installed20:07
GaryDnicolaus: cool....let us know when you're on ubuntu20:07
facepollutionQuick question for those more elite than I. I uninstalled something I should not have using apt in Hardy, and it uninstalled a bunch of important stuff that depended on it, like gedit. Is there a way to tell apt to automatically install all default Hardy packages by any chance?20:08
magicianlordfacepollution: install 10.1020:08
ardianHi I have a dual boot computer I re-installed windows in it now I don't see the grub menu it just boots into windows how do I acess my Ubuntu box ?20:08
GaryDfacepollution: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop20:08
saykousam-_-_, its a prog that enables you to see live stream from a website fairly used20:08
sam-_-_pinche2643, ping ?20:08
yop129GaryD, would u happen to know if there is a difference between notif-osd and libnotify-bin?20:08
WynHydrogoo: you mean you can not find the config files ? also do not remote install it if you can help it20:09
pinche2643sam - what do u mean ping?20:09
Wynpinche2643: tradtional IRC attention request, ping answer pong20:09
mongyyop129, 1 sends and 1 displays20:09
sam-_-_saykou, yes i noticed. is it any good?20:09
trismyop129: libnotify-bin contains programs for sending messages to a notification daemon, such as notify-send, notify-osd is a special notification daemon (there are others)20:10
facepollutionGaryD: Exactly what I needed. You're a lifesaver.20:10
trismyop129: special = specific20:10
saykousam-_-_ yes20:10
mongyyop129,  hmm, I wonder what notify-osd-icons look like20:10
Montreal1i have problem with my "liveticker news" on 945GC intel card...liveticker is running jerky...any tip what to change in my xorg.conf file?20:10
sam-_-_pinche2643 ping the machine. if it doesn't respond anymore it's down20:11
yop129trism, so i guess empathy and others use notify-osd because i don't have libnotify-bin installed right?20:11
Wynsam-_-_: hah, not ping - pong then ? thats funny20:11
mongyyop129, well its 'optional'   so you dont need it20:11
Sean93how do i use wget to download from megaupload?20:11
sam-_-_saykou ok i might try it someday20:11
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pinche2643sam, thanks. but I am looking for something more sophisticated. no pong means machine is down. i want a tool that tells me "hard drive is failing" or "fan is failing" or "memory blocks corrupted"20:12
yop129mongy, hmm, but apparently programs can send out notifications on their own then, they don't need libnotify-bin right?20:12
trismyop129: none of them actually use notify-osd, they use libnotify to send a notification, and notify-osd receives it (although they may depend on notify-osd, but that would be more of an ubuntu thing)20:12
mongyyop129, wonder if the notify-osd-icons would show the icon as well in the notification......cool if so20:12
HydrogooI installed shorewall locally and when following the guide I found via google, I cannot seem to find the config files20:12
GaryDyop129: i believe the difference is that libnotify-bin is a library used by some programs to send messages to the notification area, while notify-osd is a complete notification framework for programs that have the capability to talk through it.20:12
saykousam-_-_ theres a problem with it ... i can't install and it seams its because of im using x86_x64 ubuntu20:12
GaryDfacepollutioin: no prob20:12
aeon-ltdSean93: you can't iirc, and the hacking required is more time consuming than using a browser, unless you have a account with direct access to the files20:13
expiationis there a way to install wubi bigger than 30gb or to increase the size after?20:13
xanguaexpiation: try a real install20:13
trismyop129: libnotify-bin just contains a command line program, notify-send, that lets you use libnotify from the command line, such at typing: notify-send "Message Title" "This is my notification"20:13
WynHydrogoo: prob in /etc20:13
sam-_-_saykou, what's the error?20:14
GaryDtrism: cool....thanks for clarifying. that is good to know.20:14
HydrogooI'm using the following guide http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/php/how-to-setup-a-dedicated-web-server-for-free/20:14
saykoui install the script and it wont work sam-_-_20:14
yop129trism, ohh alright, so it's for user use and scripts not what programs use to interact, weird that they have it as one of the options to install for xchat20:14
HydrogooPart 6 is the shorewall install20:14
expiationxangua i just want to try it for awhile before replacing :\20:15
Sean93how do i use wget to download from megaupload?20:15
magicianlordtrism: what should be installed, xfce4notify, or python-notify20:15
aeon-ltdSean93: i already answered that20:15
aeon-ltdSean93: you can't iirc, and the hacking required is more time consuming than using a browser, unless you have a account with direct access to the files20:15
sam-_-_pinche2643, nagios might be for you20:15
mohamedhello guys how's going i missed u all20:15
WynHydrogoo: ls /etc/sho  and press the tab key20:16
mohamedguys i need a serious help20:16
sam-_-_saykou i need more info. what do you do? and what doesn't work then20:16
GaryDxchat recommends libnotify because it can use it to send notifications. i bet if you didn't have libnotify the notifications wouldn't work.20:16
siman #windows-ru20:16
mohamedi've got a prob here20:16
Hydrogoo@Wyn Got Shorewall dir20:16
magicianlordGaryD: then libnotify should be installed instead of xfce4-notify?20:17
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=== Acwb_ is now known as Acwb
mohamedsima can u help me20:17
sam-_-_!ask | mohamed20:17
ubottumohamed: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:17
magicianlordor perhaps notification daemon?20:17
WynHydrogoo: what files cant you find ?20:17
mohamedthanks sam20:17
mohamedok sorry for that ubottu20:17
facepollutionGaryD: Worked like a charm. I have everything back now. Thanks again.20:18
Wynmohamed: ubottu is a channel bot20:18
mohamedit's my lap top it's hanging i don't know why20:18
mohamedi know20:18
magicianlordwhat's the difference betwen libnotify and notification-daemon? should both be installed20:18
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mohamedjust apologize for u all20:18
Wynmohamed: so your just really polite ? cool20:18
HydrogooWyn: This dir should have some files that are needed to be copied to the shorewall folder /usr/share/doc/shorewall-common/examples/one-interface/*20:18
HydrogooCan't find this folder tho20:18
trismmagicianlord: libnotify is used to send notifications, notification-daemon receives messages sent by libnotify20:19
WynHydrogoo: version of ubuntu you are using please ?20:19
mohamedso how i can check my system on ubuntu10.1020:19
saykousam-_-_, i tried to install the script the automaticly give you, and with all the permissions, and i load firefox again with that page and it says that i have to download again. im guessing and because im using x64 ... it dosent work for x6420:19
magicianlordtrism: are both needed20:19
Hydrogoo10.10 server20:19
nirazioI would like to purchase more memory for one of my computers. Is there a utility that will tell me what type of memory is installed in the machine?20:19
trismmagicianlord: but we use notify-osd to receive notifications by default, so you probably don't need notification-daemon unless you want to try a different one20:20
mohamedsam u still there20:20
greezmunkeySean93: I don't know if it will work, but wget supports ftp downloading. It also supports continuing a download that gets cut off. It uses this form from the manpage: wget -c ftp://sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk/ls-lR.Z You'll have to tailor that to suit your needs (no pun intended)20:20
sam-_-_saykou go to about:plugins in you browser20:20
itaylor57nirazio: lshw20:20
sam-_-_saykou is veetle listed there=20:20
GaryDmagicianlord: you should not need xfce4-notifyd unless you are on xubuntu. i am running lubuntu and all i have installed is notification-daemon. on ubuntu i would install notify-osd and there is a ppa with a program to customize notify-osd.20:21
mohamedany programmer here can help me ?20:21
magicianlordGaryD: do i need libnotify if i have notif-daemon installed20:21
saykousam-_-_ nope20:21
mohamedis there any programmer here ?20:22
GaryDmagicianlord: you will need libnotify for xchat to send on screen messages, yes.20:22
mohamedlooks like there's no one20:23
WynHydrogoo: cant find them on the file list, try ls /usr/share/doc/shorewall then tab and see if you can locate it then check the shorewall folders for the example folder or grep inside it20:23
magicianlordGaryD: what if i dont use xchat. what else uses libnotify20:23
Wynmohamed: hanging how ?20:23
mohamedno more20:23
sam-_-_saykou, do you use firefox?20:23
mongyGaryD,  it needed xchat-indicator in earlier versions of xchat (well for me anyway)...  just in case anyone is using older version20:23
saykousam-_-_ yes20:24
kirkmorenoCan anyone recommend a free online storage website20:24
=== kirkmoreno is now known as Bboy
greezmunkeymagicianlord: I made that work with irssi, I found a script on the net to get started, and made it work for me. That os load is history now though, but it is possible.20:25
mohamedhow can i changemy name in xchat ?20:25
HydrogooWyn: Found the directories I need, they have changed since the release of that tutorial20:25
HydrogooThanks for the help20:25
Wynkirkmoreno ubuntu 120:25
WynHydrogoo: np20:25
=== mohamed is now known as Agent090
sam-_-_saykou, you may need to install the 32-bit version of firefox if veetle is a 32-bit plugin20:25
saykousam-_-_ how does one do that'20:26
Agent090what kind of linux is the best ever ?20:26
magicianlordgreezmunkey: i just want plug in and out plugging usb notifications and battery20:26
magicianlordin openbox20:26
WynAgent090: is that a trick qeustion ?20:26
Agent090u know ?20:26
FriarI was looking at installing the amazon mp3 downloader. they have a .deb for ubuntu 9.04 and it is 32 bit. is there a way I can at least try to install it on 64 bit and 10.10?20:26
GaryDmagicianlord: things like the vlc-plugin-notify, osmo, evolution, empathy, nautilus, rhythmbox, gnome-mplayer, as wewll as many other programs and libraries.20:26
WynAgent090: do you know what channel your in mohamed ?20:26
GnimshHey #ubuntu20:27
Friarwhen I try to install it I get an error saying it is 32 bit and it won't go any farther in the install process.20:27
WynAgent090: #Ubuntu20:27
* Wyn facepalm to the troll20:27
greezmunkeymagicianlord: I don't know about openbox, sorry.20:27
Agent090channerl means ....?20:27
GnimshI have a strange video issue with ubuntu 10.10 where the screen is...jumpy or staticky, I guess, upon startup20:27
GaryDmagicianlord: what file manager are you using?20:27
* Wyn note to self, dont feed the troll20:27
GaryDmagicianlord: also, i assume you aren't running straight ubuntu?20:28
ZykoticK9Friar, try "sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture PACKAGE.DEB" to install 32bit on 64bit OS20:28
ZykoticK9Friar, be sure you have ia32libs install as well20:28
=== mohamed is now known as agent007
FriarZykoticK9, will that automatically look for the .deb in my file system? or do I need to put the .deb somewhere in particular for this to work?20:29
=== agent007 is now known as kgb
ZykoticK9Friar, you need to be in the same directory OR give the full path to the DEB20:29
=== squishy is now known as SquishyNotHere
sam-_-_saykou, like ZykoticK9 says20:29
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sam-_-_saykou "sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture PACKAGE.DEB"20:30
=== Guest18241 is now known as mohamed
saykousam-_-_ will try20:30
sam-_-_saykou http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/f/firefox/20:30
=== mohamed is now known as lenovo
GaryDmagicianlord: ???20:31
mrstockssam-_-_, are you there?20:31
sam-_-_mrstocks y20:31
Picilenovo: Please pick a nick and stick with it.20:32
lenovoany programmer here20:32
Pici!offtopic | lenovo20:32
ubottulenovo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:32
nicolausmy computer dont have bluetooth but the icon is still there is there a way to remove it20:32
WynPici: you noticed the name skiping as well ? :D20:32
nicolausok nvm20:32
nicolausfix it20:32
PTBDhallo. kann mir jemand sagen, was ich machen muss, damit die man pages für für C in deutsch sind?20:32
PTBDoh sorry, this is the english channel20:33
maco!de | PTBD20:33
ubottuPTBD: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.20:33
lenovoany programmer here pls20:33
Wynnicolaus: you can disable it on startup as well via administration - start up manager20:33
sam-_-_nicolaus, system ->pref -> startup applications20:33
GaryDlenovo: what kind of programmer?20:33
greezmunkeynicolaus: tell the bluetooth service not to start, should be in system>administration>startup or some such...20:33
nicolausthanks guys20:33
BluesKaj!ask | lenovo20:33
ubottulenovo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:33
GaryDnicolaus: you could also remove bluez since your computer doesn't support bluetooth.20:34
magicianlordubottu likes questions and ice creams20:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:34
nicolauskk garyd20:34
lenovoi wanna know how to start learn it20:34
Wynlenovo: wrong irc channel20:34
GaryDmagicianlord: did you get it?20:34
Wynlenovo: google is your friend20:34
macolenovo: try ##python20:34
lenovoa programmer will me more helpful20:35
Picilenovo: Please ask in #python.20:35
GaryDlennovo: this channel is for ubuntu.....check the #python channel....also search google.20:35
magicianlordGaryD: what20:35
BluesKajlenovo, maybe the #python chat might be closer to your needs20:35
lenovothanks grayd20:35
Wynlenovo: there are user groups in Egypt, this is not a python channel20:35
Picilenovo: you'll need to register to join there though.20:35
Pici!register > lenovo20:35
ubottulenovo, please see my private message20:35
GaryDweren't you asking about libnotify?20:36
FriarZykoticK9, when I try that I get all kinds of error messages about missing backages.20:36
sam-_-_Wyn lol egypt. bc. his name was mohamed?20:36
GaryDmagicianlord: weren't you asking about libnotify? or did you get it figured out?20:36
Wynsam-_-_: na, I NMaped his ass20:36
sam-_-_Wyn ah20:36
magicianlordGaryD: do i need both20:37
ZykoticK9Friar, the real issue is those are probably 32bit libs that it's looking for!  on ubuntu forum search for getlibs and download the script to install 32bit libraries - best of luck man.20:37
FriarZykoticK9, thanks for the help. I appreciate it.20:38
Friarcould I use a .deb for a newer version of debian?20:38
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GaryDmagicianlord: at the least you will need notification-daemon and libnotify20:38
magicianlordi have notif dem without libnot, and usb and power worked. but now, maybe they will work better20:39
magicianlordi hav to go20:39
GaryDbye homies20:40
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »20:43
gumdropok i am working on getting my iSight to work on my macbook 3.1  I have my machine set up as single-boot for ubuntu.  I just downloaded the isight firmware tools package online.20:43
gumdropWhat should i do now?20:43
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stOrmBlasthello guys, pls someone who help me with this question: i got runing ubuntu 10.04 of 32 bits, its posible for me to install virtualbox ?20:43
sam-_-_st0rmBlast yes20:44
stOrmBlastreally ?20:44
=== E8newallm_ is now known as E8newallm
sam-_-_try sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose20:44
stOrmBlastthats awsome :D20:45
WynstOrmBlast: both from package manager and from people who make it, recomend using people who make it as it has usb support20:45
saykousam-_-_ it gives some erros can you help?20:45
sam-_-_saykou dependency errors?20:45
stOrmBlastsam-_-_ : and if i want to run windows its posible 2 ?20:46
sam-_-_st0rmBlast yes20:46
sam-_-_stOrmBlast yes20:47
saykousam-_-_ yes20:47
KM0201does Vbox-ose support USB now?  i know it didn't used to, thats why i always used the "non-free" one from the vbox repository20:47
=== Luke_ is now known as anberlin
sam-_-_saykou you will need to install all of them first20:47
saykouwhat all of them like download all ?20:48
stOrmBlastok sam-_-_ : its installing now20:48
saykoubut i think i was the correct package sam-_-_20:48
WynKM0201: i use the non free direct repo as well for that reason20:48
KM0201Wyn: i was just wondering if that changed in Vbox-OSE... doesn't sound like it20:49
sam-_-_saykou all the packages firefox 32bit depends on20:49
KM0201i don't mind licensing agreements.20:49
saykouok sam-_-_20:49
gumdropok i am working on getting my iSight to work on my macbook 3.1  I have my machine set up as single-boot for ubuntu.  I just downloaded the isight firmware tools package online.  What should i do now?20:49
stOrmBlastsam-_-_ : did i neet another thing to install windows in virtualbox ?20:50
WynKM0201: http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads  it supports USB20:50
KM0201stOrmBlast: a windows cd20:50
WynKM0201: lol20:50
=== kirkmoreno is now known as Bboy
KM0201Wyn: i know that oes... i'm talking about OSE edition.20:51
KM0201i have the "Non-Free" edition, it works great w/ USB20:51
stOrmBlastpls take a look : * No suitable module for running kernel found [fail] -----> its that normally?20:51
WynKM0201: na, only vb /sun direct rocks de usb20:51
WynKM0201: bit of a fail really20:52
sam-_-_Wyn, you mean oracle ;-(20:52
stOrmBlastits normal ?20:52
Wynsam-_-_: :D indeed20:52
sam-_-_did install virtualbox-ose-dkms20:52
sam-_-_stOrmBlast, did install virtualbox-ose-dkms20:52
KM0201what does dkms stand for?20:53
stOrmBlastnope !20:53
KM0201stOrmBlast: why don't you just add the repository from virtualbox.org and install the non-free version?20:53
sam-_-_stOrmBlast, then install it as well sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose-dkms20:53
stOrmBlastsam i do this: sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose20:53
WynKM0201: kernel modules20:53
Pici!dkms | KM020120:53
ubottuKM0201: DKMS is Dynamic Kernel Module Support. See https://launchpad.net/dkms for more.20:53
KM0201oh ok.20:53
saykousam-_-_ i may seeam a noobie, or something but how do i know from all that list witch ones are and are not20:53
sam-_-_saykou, don't be afraid to ask. asking is learning. learning is good :-)20:54
sam-_-_saykou, what list?20:54
gumdrop ok i am working on getting my iSight to work on my macbook 3.1  I have my machine set up as single-boot for ubuntu.  I just downloaded the isight firmware tools package online.  What should i do now?20:54
stOrmBlastKM0201 : i dont know how to do this20:54
WynKM0201: he needs to install vb first20:54
saykousam-_- http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/f/firefox/20:55
saykousam-_-_ http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/f/firefox/20:55
CroxPumahi everyone20:55
KM0201stOrmBlast: just stay w/ sam.. i'm not gonna confuse you by telling you to do other stuff, but the instructions to do this, are right on their website20:55
sam-_-_stOrmBlast KM201 might be right. may be better to use the none free version20:55
Wyngumdrop: V4L2 ?20:55
Wynsam-_-_: USB is rather useful20:55
KM0201lol.. kind of20:56
gumdropI think so20:56
stOrmBlastsam-_-_ : and how i do that ?20:56
KM0201stOrmBlast: go to virtualbox.org20:56
izinucssam-_-_: stOrmBlast might also need build-essential for the install of the pul version of vbox to do the kernel mod correctly (along with dkms)20:56
sima.ощшт #debian-russian20:56
KM0201why does he need the kernel mod?20:56
izinucsKM0201: I thought vbox pul version has a kernel mod for the non-free stuff that it contains.20:57
sam-_-_stOrmBlast: http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads20:57
WynKM0201: vb needs some kernel mods for virtulization, should come with install, not sure why he tried to install them sepratly20:57
KM0201Wyn: i see... is this only required on the OSE install? cuz i didn't do that, i just installed it, and i run XP as a guest just fine20:58
WynKM0201: chances are it put them in for you20:58
KM0201Wyn: i guess... i just followed the instructions on virtualbox.org20:58
WynKM0201: should not need to install them separately20:58
WynKM0201:  same here20:58
=== richard is now known as richardr
stOrmBlastsam-_-_ : did i need to remove vb, to instal the new one ?20:59
KM0201Wyn: i dunno, i guess not.. all i know is it gives me an easy way to sync my zune w/o needing to dual boot.20:59
sam-_-_saykou firefox_3.6.13+build3+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.10.10.1_i386.deb20:59
WynKM0201: whats a ZUne ?20:59
KM0201Microsofts version of an Ipod.20:59
sam-_-_saykou, http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/firefox20:59
sam-_-_saykou, here you can find the dependencies20:59
sam-_-_stOrmBlast, no but you can. you don't need it anymore21:00
civilordergonehey does anyone know why when i load jnlp files it pops up a black screen21:00
saykousam-_-_ thanks a bunch21:00
gumdropsorry i PMed you Wyn.  I wasnt trying to be rude21:00
Wyngumdrop: no problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22562121:01
gumdropit's confusing to discuss issues with how busy the main chat room is21:01
stOrmBlastsam-_-_ : ok tkx for helping , and other guys 2 =]21:01
Wyngumdrop: old but prob still valid21:01
Wyngumdrop: understood, this way people can chip in with advice21:01
nirazioI'm looking for a way to reboot into Windows from Ubuntu on a 10.10/Vista dual boot system. The specific use case is that I would like to be able to ssh into my running Ubuntu instance and issue a command that will initiate a reboot directly into Windows.21:01
izinucsgumdrop: y0ou have to use nicks at the beginning of each post for who you're talking to so the line will highlight on the receiving end.. if they don't use your nick then ask them too.. and you'll see the highlight and know they are talking to you directly21:02
=== bruno is now known as Guest31142
Wynnirazio: edit your grub.conf file so windows is at the top of the boot list21:03
aeon-ltdnirazio: heh, i don't think thats directly possible, but how about this - a script that will rewrite grubs boot order to reverse ubuntu and windows (or just swap between 2 configs) then a reboot should just choose windows21:03
sam-_-_saykou, this might be interessting for you http://www.unixtutorial.org/2008/03/install-32-bit-deb-packages-on-64-bit/21:03
izinucsnirazio: if you copy the windows grub boot line to the top of the list in the grub menu then on each boot windows will be the default load.. if you're in ubuntu and ssh into it then.. sudo reboot now .. should reboot the machine into the first item in the grub list.21:04
mohamedhow i can change the chatroom21:04
izinucsmohamed: if you want to join a different room then.. /join #<room name>21:05
frxstremis there a program that could go through each line in a file and count how many times that line occours, and then print the results?21:05
mohamedwhere i write this stat21:05
izinucsmohamed: where you normally type to post here.. :)21:05
aeon-ltdmohamed: to change channels depends on your irc client21:05
mohamedcopy that21:05
mohamedwhat's the icr21:05
izinucsyou're in IRC "Internet Relay Chat"21:06
saykousam-_-_ interesting enough lol21:06
sam-_-_mohamed write /join #chatroom21:06
Wynmohamed:  /JOIN #python21:06
mohamedu got me wyn21:07
izinucscaps shouldn't be necessary thought21:07
mohamedcan we be friends ?21:07
Wynizinucs: good point, on XChat they are, on others not21:07
expiationso i guess it isn't possible to install wubi bigger than 30gb?21:07
rocket16I don't see the encryption option in nautilus right-click menu in maverick. :( How to get it back?21:08
izinucsWyn: been a while since I used XChat.. I'm ssh'd into my server which runs screen and irssi21:08
itaylor57frxstrem: grep -i "<line contents>" <filename> | wc -l21:08
igorshi. i have an ubuntu image on my usb. how can I boot from it, i'm on a macbook. Any idea?21:08
aeon-ltdexpiation: if you lov ubuntu that much, dual boot :)21:08
mohamedu can't21:08
Wynmohamed: You live in Cario, I dont, you are either Trolling or do not know IRC etiquette, either way /join #python come back here if you have a specfic Ubuntu qeustion only21:08
expiationaeon-ltd i just want to try it but wow alone is 28 gigz21:09
sam-_-_igors, i think you need to hold down shift when powering up.21:09
Wynizinucs: yeah, I only use it on my Laptop gui21:09
frxstremitaylor57: no, I meant like it would go through every single line (not only a subset of lines) and count how many times that line occoured21:09
sam-_-_igors, then select boot device21:09
rocket16igors: Download UNetbootin and use the image to make an installer (live image) of ubuntu in your usb.21:09
aeon-ltdexpiation: wow = world of warcraft? seriously?21:09
frxstrem...and then print a list of all the lines and how many times it occoured21:09
igorssam-_-_: hum, didn't try shift yet..21:09
saykousam-_-_ how do you know so much about linux?21:09
mohamedi  copy that but i'm still here21:09
expiationaeon-ltd indeed21:09
izinucsWyn: I find Quassel works as well as xchat.. if you don't mind a kde client :)21:09
mohamedi wrote the statment and i didn't go there21:10
aeon-ltdexpiation: you want ubuntu to play wow? just dual boot win for games ubuntu for everything else21:10
sam-_-_saykou, do i?21:10
itaylor57frxstrem: I have no idea what you are trying to do sorry21:10
igorsrocket16: i followed the instructions from ubuntu download page on how to create the image for usb21:10
sam-_-_saykou, trust me. i don't21:10
Wynizinucs: hah, I havd sevral clients but I kinda like XChat, if it aint broke dont fix it ;)21:10
mongyaint nothing wrong with xchat.21:10
saykousam-_-_ you don't? compared with who?21:11
frxstremitaylor57: well, I have a file with about 190 000 lines, and I want to find out which lines are most commonly occouring21:11
izinucsWyn: yep.. I run kde on the desktop and gnome on the lappies.. so I'm always switching around.. as long as I can see what's going on and respond I'm good :)21:11
r00t4rd3dxchat ftw21:11
Wynheck yeah21:11
Wynizinucs: I tried KDE a while back, the desktop layout with no actaul desktop and in/out focus folders anoys me21:12
sam-_-_saykou, compared with other geeks like me21:12
mohamedgimme a hand21:13
itaylor57frxstrem: I could do that is perl, but I am not aware of a script/app that would do that standalone21:13
mohamedi've wrote what u saied but i didn't go to python room what's wrong21:13
Wynmohamed: Google21:13
HydrogooWyn: If you are still there, many thinks for your help, I finally managed to setup my webserver.  I owe you some hobnobs21:13
WynHydrogoo: no problem, its all good bro21:14
aeon-ltdmohamed: no space at the beginning21:14
mohamedi know21:14
aeon-ltdmohamed: then you need to change channel21:15
aeon-ltdYAY netsplit ...21:15
industry__woo netsplit21:15
bawniowhat just happend21:15
aeon-ltdbawnio: netsplit, a server just split off the channel, it'll be back/bach21:16
=== extor is now known as exTor
Wynboomhead shot :D21:16
sayreshow delete 2 panels ???21:16
aeon-ltdtareth: hmmm ubottu was on that server it seems21:16
sayreshow delete 2 panels ???:-D21:16
bawniofreedom mofo21:16
=== exTor is now known as ExtOr
KM0201woops, ubottu isnt back yet21:17
bawnioyay, no nagging21:17
KM0201bawnio: he'll be bak21:17
bawnioKM0201, of course21:17
mongysayres, right click delete?21:17
sayresmongy: 2 panels????????21:18
mongysayres, so you want to delete both?21:18
mongysayres, remove the gnome-panel package then maybe..  thats my first guess.21:19
Tobbi|UbuntuHey. I'm connected to my university's VPN via Ubuntu. Now, I'd like to know how to access the VPN's shared folders?21:19
Wynsayres: just right-click then delte this panel21:19
mongyyou cant delete the only panel left.21:20
industry__network rejoined?21:21
Wyntry clicking on network, open a floder and click on it it should show up uni net21:21
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit21:21
sam-_-_saykou, i just installed veetle myself. audio and video are not in sync21:21
Wynindustry__: ya think ?21:21
jabbadazai need help. just installed 10.10 for notebooks.  now i need to make a nat script to run on it. but im having problems running a script i found. http://tldp.org/HOWTO/IP-Masquerade-HOWTO/firewall-examples.html . ihave modified it a little bit,but each time i try to run it.it spams me with : not found. ido try to run the script with sudo. the script is also chmoded to 755. so why am i havinig problems running the script ??21:21
saykousam-_-_ that maybe a prob of the channel21:21
saykousam-_-_ try change to another21:21
hanswdear all, could anyone tell me about the chances of running a terratec cinergy t stick out of the box on 10.10?21:21
sam-_-_saykou, tried 2. will try another one21:21
nyusoo, anyone want to help with my grub issue?21:21
sayresmongy: Aside from this not another way?:-X21:21
rocket16Hey guys, nautilus's right-menu encrypt menu doesn't appear, even though I have seahorse and gnupg installed. Any help?21:22
=== pothos_ is now known as pothos
Wynhansw: http://kuparinen.org/martti/comp/ubuntu/en/terratec.html21:22
sam-_-_saykou, no didn't help21:22
saykousam-_-_ it works good in windows21:23
hanswWyn, thanx, will take a look21:23
Wynnyu: what issue ?21:23
Wynhansw: no prob but also no offical support21:23
hanswWyn, no problem, used to compile my own kernels21:23
ryno1Does anyone know how to allow media sharing on Ubuntu?21:23
Wynhansw: cool21:23
nyuwyn: grub is fraked, just boots up to a screen saying the drive isnt found and a grub rescue prompt21:24
Wynryno1: setup smb to the media folder ?21:24
hanswWyn, mostly nasty :-) I wanted usb support years back, ac patches provided them21:24
mongysayres, not that I know of.......if you dont want panels, then it would be logical to just remove the package21:24
Wynhansw: hah, the bad old days21:24
Wynmongy: that would be not good :D21:24
=== jeanne is now known as Guest94657
nyuwyn: i tried reinstalling ubuntu and running rescatux, no dice21:25
mongyWyn, why?  he doesnt want panels.  it doesnt remove anything critical21:25
Wynnyu: when you boot to grub boot screen try editing the boot line and adjusting the drive, it could be it is not mounting, its not connected / hardware problem or it has the wrong path / name21:25
mongysayres,  try just setting it to autohide if you dont want to remove it21:26
Wynnyu: if you have a live disk use that to chck the correct grub config21:26
ryno1Wyn: Will this work with PS3?21:26
sayres mongy:  tanks21:26
Wynryno1: will what work with what ?21:26
jabbadazawhy cant i run a script having iptables in it ?IPT=/sbin/iptables says command not found. altho the location is correct. the script is 755 and run with sudo.21:27
nyuwyn: i can boot the drive with super grub disk. im not sure what i need to change in the grub config or how to do so21:27
Wynmongy: the panels are useful, they also run the network manager icon, if he has a gui he will realise just how much he needs them if not then yes, remove them and x21:27
Wynnyu: if you have a live disk, when you boot into it you can then check the drive path and name by cat'ing fstab21:28
ryno1Wyn: I want to access my computer's media through my PS321:28
mongyWyn, he/she does not want any panels... go figure.21:28
Wynryno1: mediatomb21:28
Wynryno1: http://linuxowns.wordpress.com/2008/04/28/stream-media-from-ubuntu-to-your-ps3/21:29
Wynmongy: each to there own I guess21:29
mongyWyn, in linux that happens a lot :)21:29
=== Shaded is now known as Chastity_
sam-_-_saykou, seems like a known problem. but there is an easy fix in the forums21:30
Wynmongy: yeah, then a few days later how do I re-install etc21:30
saykousam-_-_ you already found a fix for that21:30
sam-_-_saykou, http://forums.veetle.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=68821:31
selflesshow do I creste a gpg key for my server21:31
saykousam-_-_ that quote "asking is learning and learning is good " you came up with that ?21:31
GnimshWould someone please watch this video illustrating the video issue I have with 10.10 and let me know if they've encountered it? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0req-d9jXAk21:32
sam-_-_saykou, i'm sure someone else used the exact same words before me21:32
N2DeepHow do I permanently remove the date/time from the bottom right corner of my screen session?21:33
sam-_-_Gnimsh, nice21:33
ryno1Wyn: Thank you very much21:33
JCodei have ubuntu 10.4 and I'm having a problem during movie play cause i can see lines cutting up my videos while i watch over windows works fine anyone can guide me through please21:33
saykousam-_-_ its really good one, but í'm not sure if some one used that i just search on google with quotes ... eheh21:33
Wynryno1: np21:33
mongyGnimsh, first question... tried disabling compiz?21:33
Gnimshmongy, I have not21:33
GnimshIt does however dissipate after 5 minutes and then stops completely21:33
sam-_-_Gnimsh, might be an issue with the cable21:33
xanguaN2Deep: right clic>remove¿¿21:33
GnimshIt also happens randomly21:33
Gnimshno cable, it's a laptop21:34
mongyGnimsh,  what video chip21:34
GnimshIt doesn't happen every time i start the laptop21:34
Gnimshati mobile radion21:34
N2Deepxangua: thank you21:34
sam-_-_Gnimsh, y. sure. the internal cable then21:34
WynJCode: system , preferences , appearance - try changing it21:34
mongyGnimsh, tried windows to make sure?21:34
Wynno cable its a laptop, wonderful21:34
mongythere is a cable attaching the board to the lcd panel :)21:35
CkhiKuzadIs there an alternative to the default Ubuntu screen locking program? Or any way to add things to it to add security, like a mouse gesture type thing?21:35
Gnimshmongy yes it doesn't seem to happen in windows, though I've run it only twice in the last month21:35
JCodeWyn,  i recently changed my monitor into 32inch i used to have 17inchs would that matter might it be X problem, and if yes i tried to change the resolution and i cant set it higher than 800x60021:36
mongyGnimsh, well you need to determine if its hardware or linux.... so run windows for a while.21:36
GnimshI dislike that option.21:36
GnimshI think I'll start with compiz21:36
WynCkhiKuzad: I use bluelock, locks my screen when i walk more then two meteres away21:36
mongyGnimsh, tbh, I had a similar issue with my screen...it went 'weird' after being powered on for more than 30mins or so....it was hardware issue21:36
nirazioIs there any application like bootcamp for ubuntu.So that we can easily boot into windows...21:36
jabbadazai need some help. im trying to set up my lappy as a router/firewall for another pc. im trying to run iptable script to do the Nating. but i cant get the script to run. any ideas? script and output. http://pastebin.ca/202388021:36
sam-_-_Gnimsh, nice lawnmower action btw21:37
GnimshMine happes upon bootup after being off all night21:37
mongynirazio, wubi21:37
WynJCode: theres your problem then, check your drivers21:37
CkhiKuzadWyn, my computer can't use Bluetooth, My phone cant either ._.21:37
Gnimshya i need a new fan too...21:37
mongynirazio, and ubuntu boots windows and itself fine.21:37
GnimshCkhiKuzad, what's older the phone or the computer?21:37
WynJCode: first sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg21:37
CkhiKuzadComputer, Gnimsh21:37
WynCkhiKuzad: k21:37
chris_Hello fellow IRCers21:38
CkhiKuzadHello chris_21:38
pinkisntwellwhat difference does it make if i change a computer's subnet mask?21:38
chris_Hello CkhiKuzad21:38
* jabbadaza feels hes beeing ignored :/21:38
izinucsGnimsh: looks kinda like the wrong refresh rate. are you running nvidia?21:38
Wynpinkisntwell: a lot21:38
JeopardySholdenKHi chris_21:39
chris_Has anybody ever heard of JoliCloud21:39
WynCkhiKuzad: what dont you like about the default lock screen / system ?21:39
JCodeWyn,  nothing happened after the reconfiguring shell i do it in console mode, cause im already using Gnome21:39
xangua!ot | chris_21:39
ubottuchris_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:39
chris_JeopardySholdenK hello21:39
pinkisntwellWyn: can you help me understand it? i've been reading on networking. i understood how a subnet mask is used in routing, however i can't understand what difference it makes for a single computer connected to a network21:39
WynJCode: no, you should do it from a terminal, as root, youmean nothing at all happens ?21:39
industry__pinkisntwell: it modifies the way your computer routes your packets21:39
Gnimshno izinucs, ati21:39
Gnimshati x1600 actually21:40
peppis_Hur lämnar man server här?21:40
izinucsGnimsh: if you type xrandr in a terminal you21:40
Gnimshsupposed to have better opensource support21:40
viatorwhat channel should i got to ask questions abt unity21:40
CkhiKuzadWyn, it's just a bit to simple. I'm trying to make my system as secure as possible, and if someone finds out my password, then they get every file i have. I want to find a way to make it need a mouse gesture,also21:40
pinkisntwellindustry__: so if my computer has an address of and a subnet mask of, what does this mean?21:40
izinucsGnimsh: you'll see what the card is currently set at21:40
KB1JWQ!se | peppis_21:40
ubottupeppis_: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se21:40
JCodeWyn, nope i go to next line after i type that , i installed it from the 10.4 and did apt-get upgrade works fine as workout machine but the movie playing is horrible21:41
Wynpinkisntwell: its a subdivsion of the network, depending on IP address, not the right channel, also google (no offense) really is your friend here, loooots of info for you21:41
Gnimshizinucs, if it were a refresh rate issue wouldn't it always do that, instead of stopping after a few minutes?21:42
viator"google is your friend" = the RTFM21:42
WynJCode: if you can not adjust your screen size your x-config is wrong, if you dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and get no print out then x is broken21:42
pinkisntwellWyn: yes i found all the info about routing, but i don't know what difference it makes on the computer level21:42
Wynviator: not in this case, there are lots of info and training sites on it, to large a subject for quick IRC chat21:42
Gnimshi don't know how to tell which one is the refresh rate21:42
industry__pinkisntwell: I'm not an expert on routing, but as I understand it, the network mask divides a network into a subnetwork21:42
guntbertpinkisntwell: your question will me more on topic in ##networking21:42
JCodeWyn, so you think i have to remove and install again  the xorg, or install the whole system all over21:42
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izinucsGnimsh: k. ati isn't my preferred card choice.. I really don't know much about how to configure it.. xrandr handles the configuration for resolution and refresh rate.. if the refresh is close but not correct the card might be trying to compensate.. if it's a separate card and not built into the motherboard then it might be worth the effort to pull it out and put it back to reseat it.. just shooting in the dark here.21:44
nirazioI am trying to switch into Unicode entry mode using Ctrl + Shift + U, but after I hit this combination nothing happens. I also tried Ctrl + U, Ctrl + Alt + U. Do I need to enable this mode anywhere?I use default USA layout.21:44
WynJCode: na, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution also try changing your refresh rate system -prefrences - monitors21:44
Gnimshset to 60 MHz21:45
SSilver2k2test pass21:46
Bazzhey everyone. i am tryin to learn password hacking. trying to test my system security. I have full authority to try to get into my system, using my laptop from an outside network.what do i do?21:46
WynCkhiKuzad: oh, no idea on that, however have you thought about encrypting your files and kepping the key on a usb ?21:46
WynBazz: you use google21:47
WynBazz: and backtrack21:47
izinucsBazz: you want someone here to walk you through hacking a machine? good luck.. google21:47
guntbertbazhang_: thats off topic here21:47
velocirachaelive been trying to get bittorrent to work, but i keeps telling me "problem connecting to tracker"21:48
Wynvelocirachael: use Deluge21:48
Bazzwell, i dont no what to do, i got a book on testing my systems security, but its not making sense21:48
JCodeWyn, i have nothing in /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:49
JeopardySholdenKBazz : I am glad that it doesn't. ;) No fence.21:49
guntbertBazz: there is a channel ##security ...21:49
Bazzlol, none taken, im about as new to linux as possible21:49
WynBazz: Nothing to do with you being a gamer ?21:49
Bazzi play WoW21:50
JeopardySholdenKBazz Linux is secure by default21:50
WynBazz: and the bass21:50
guntbert!ot | Wyn , Bazz21:50
ubottuWyn , Bazz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:50
r00t4rd3dJeopardySholdenK, not necessarily21:50
Wynguntbert: unneeded21:51
mongyguntbert, bazz isnt bazhang... lol.21:52
geeknikGood afternoon. I have Ubuntu 11.04 Alpha 1 (server) installed on a machine, and on every login, I see *** /dev/sda5 will be checked for errors at next reboot ***. I've done the touch /forcefsck and I've tried shutdown -rF now, but the message never goes away. Any ideas?21:52
mongyguntbert, how goes it (duffy from vbox chan)21:53
velocirachaeli downloaded deluge, but when i try to "open with", only bitorrent is an option21:53
greezmunkeygeeknik: is /forcefsck still there?21:53
geeknikgreezmunkey: Nope.21:53
JragonHello. I need some help installing the drivers for the Epson Styles NX20021:53
JragonI have never installed any drivers befor,21:54
greezmunkeygeeknik: check your logs then21:54
WynJragon: you tried just pluging it in ?21:55
=== hekos is now known as Hekos
JragonT?hat didnt work.21:55
geeknikgreezmunkey: i grep'd dmesg and messages for fsck and nothing came up. however, in boot.log I did see this: /dev/sda5: clean, 245/124496 files, 83515/248976 blocks21:56
geeknikdoesn't explain why the message is still there on login though. =)21:56
geekniki wonder if this is a reportable bug. guess i'll search launchpad.21:57
WynJragon: system - administration - printing21:57
greezmunkeygeeknik: you are on the bleeding edge, expect blood21:58
geeknikgreezmunkey: oh, i know. i just wanted to make sure fsck was actually doing it's job. thanks. =)21:58
Jragon Than what? The printer shows up but it doesnt print.21:59
geeknikI also found this: fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2 /dev/mapper/sh*tbox1-root: clean, 103845/4669440 files, 1179707/18669568 blocks21:59
greezmunkeygeeknik: good luck, at least you can help sort it via launchpad21:59
geeknikso it checked everything it should have.21:59
mewayUm hello. I had this error. so I followed instructions. ICEauthority or something like that. Now my permissions are messed up. When I click places and home folder it gives me an error about nautilius could not create the following required folders /home/meway/Desktop,/home/meway/.nautilus.21:59
JragonI take that back, Its works fine now.21:59
* meway crys22:00
WynJragon: cool22:00
mewayAlso now I have to type sudo in for everything22:00
JragonThanks for the Wyn anyway.22:00
mewayincluding ls22:00
mewaywtf :{22:00
Wynmeway:  live disk or another user and ls -la it, better live disk, ls -la then change the perms22:01
mewaywyn? I am on a full instalation22:01
Wynmeway: try sudo su first then see if you can ls -la as root22:01
mewayI am on my normal user22:01
Wynmeway: you have root yes ?22:01
geekniki hate to say this, but bugzilla is better than launchpad. i'm lost when it comes to launchpad. lol.22:01
Wynmeway: open a terminal, type sudo su22:01
mewaywyn ok done22:02
Wynmeway: then type ls -la22:02
mewaybut thats not the issue22:02
meway-la command not found22:02
Wynmeway: the issue is your perms, ls -la will tell you what belongs to what then you can change it back to you as the owener22:02
guntbertWyn: please don't recommend sudo su - use sudo -i instead22:02
Wynguntbert: good point22:02
meway-la not found22:02
mongywas about to say same22:03
chiques_In street English, what is a 'symbolic link'?22:03
Wynmeway: ls -la comes back with -la not found ?22:03
mewayWyn nvm got it22:03
mongyguntbert, tho, isnt sudo -s prefered?22:03
mewaywhat am I looking for?22:03
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Wynchiques_: a short cut in effect22:03
chiques_Wyn, thanks22:04
aethelrickchiques_: a symlink is like a shortcut to a file22:04
guntbertmongy: -i acts like a complete login, so the environment is set properly22:04
chiques_Thanks aethelrick22:04
mewaysome things are root and some things are ?? and some things are meway22:04
mongyguntbert, noted22:04
mewayWyn Idk what I am looking at22:04
Wynmeway: nothing should be root22:05
aethelrickchiques_: but they're a bit more useful than short cuts on windows... you can make them executable and they bahave as if they are the file they are a shortcut to22:05
mewayWyn How do I change a line than?22:05
=== kunal_ddevil is now known as dirtydevil
fuhoHi everyone, could someone help me with this command? iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -j SNAT -to venet0 I am trying to get OpenVPN working and CLI keep telling me that venet0 is wrong argument22:05
Wynmeway: chown -R meway:meway some folder22:06
itaylor57was going to describe the difference between a soft vs hard link in unix but ...22:06
greezmunkeymeway: Here's a good explanation: http://www.perlfect.com/articles/chmod.shtml22:06
Wynmeway: change meway for your user name of course22:06
mewaymeway would be my user name22:07
=== Hekos is now known as hekos
chiques_aethelrick, That seems to be what my application is using it for.22:07
Wynmeway: just run that in your homw folder then22:07
Wynmeway: chown -R meway:meway *22:07
mewaywhats the star for?22:07
metallicoguys, what was the name of that package kde-addons or kde-plugins or something like that?22:07
geeknikwhat would be the name of the package that displays information when you login?22:08
geirhameway, Wyn: chown -R meway:meway ~22:08
aethelrickmeway: chown -R meway:meway * means change owner to the user meway and the group meway recursivesly on all files and folder in my current folder22:08
itaylor57geeknik: you mean Plymouth?22:08
greezmunkeygeeknik: that motd, message of the day stuff22:08
=== hekos is now known as Hekos
Wyngeirha: dont teach your grandmother to suck eggs22:08
sam-_-_geeknik, apt-cache search kde addons22:09
geekniki suppose. the system information display, last login display. this is the Server distro, no GUI.22:09
geirhaWyn: Hm?22:09
Wyngeirha: it means I know the symbol for the home folder thanks :D22:09
mewaypermisson denied22:09
Quantum_Ionmeway, sudo -i22:10
* Wyn is used to servers22:10
mewayo.o nvm its doing something22:10
Quantum_IonI am not trying to visit the morgue22:10
itaylor57Quantum_Ion: LOL22:11
Bazzwhat exactly is backtrack?22:11
geirhaWyn: Sure, the commands do different things though.22:11
itaylor57!backtrack | Bazz22:11
ubottuBazz: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)22:11
Bazzok then, ty22:11
Wyngeirha: yep, sudo -i for instance should not be used, sudo or permenent sudo su should be used not sudo -i or sudo -s but htats just the offical line22:12
mongyBazz, it has security tools as part of it.. penetration testing etc...22:12
doc-donkeyam i at the good place for random linux question ?22:12
Bazzok, thank you mongy22:12
geirhaWyn: No, I mean * vs ~   * doesn't match files starting with dot22:13
Quantum_Iondoc-donkey, This is Ubuntu Linux not just Linux22:13
nicolausi installed playonlinux but i cant find where it got installed to22:13
exarkunUbuntu 9.10 stopped automatically setting up my wireless card for me.  What shall I investigate to learn the cause of this problem, and then fix it?22:14
Quantum_Ionnicolaus, check /usr/local or /opt directory22:14
Wynnicolaus: cmd line playonlinux then avalible via applications22:14
doc-donkeyok. i just dont know where to seek for help for my particular problem, looking to instal a .gz i've downloaded, but i have no clue how22:14
Wyngeirha: damn, your right you know, no I just feel like anewbie22:14
mongydoc-donkey, what is it22:14
Quantum_Ionnicolaus, try which playonlinux22:14
traulerHow to tell to c++ comioler that it recomile files all time?   and do not write thet I do not need22:14
Sean93how do a make a command answer yes to any quiestion it is asked?22:15
itaylor57Sean93: what command are you doing?22:15
mongySean93, depends what the command is22:15
mewaywyn everything is still broken22:15
Sean93apt-get upgrade22:15
greezmunkeySean93: check manpage but usually some form of -Y or -y22:15
mewaywyn accept worse now22:15
Wynmeway: reboot22:16
itaylor57there is an option for that22:16
mewaywyn setuid root22:16
sam-_-_apt-get -y22:16
mewaywhat is this?22:16
Montreal1hi...how can i compile latest VLC under Hardy?22:16
itaylor57sam-_-_: thanks22:16
nicolausi installed it22:16
traulerHow to tell to c++ comioler that it recomile files all time? and do not write thet I do not need22:16
histo!software > Montreal122:16
ubottuMontreal1, please see my private message22:16
doc-donkeyso i can unzip the cgpsmapper-static.gz, it gives me a file named cgpsmapper-static, and after that, i have no damn clue what to do22:17
nicolausbut it says its install but i cant find it22:17
histodoc-donkey: did it come with a readme22:17
histodoc-donkey: what does it do?22:17
ubottuA general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents22:17
Wynnicolaus: first start it from the command line, it then goes through config setup22:17
Quantum_IonCompiling VLC will take a long time22:17
narayan44I just made an ubuntu live CD with ucr22:17
Quantum_Ionfrom source22:17
nicolauswhats the command line22:17
Wynmeway: chown root:root /usr/bin/sudo then chmod 4111 /usr/bin/sudo22:18
Montreal1but can be done for Hardy 8.4?22:18
histonicolaus: terminal22:18
Quantum_Ionand you need a bunch of other packages22:18
narayan44I installed true crypt with a GUI installer in the chroot22:18
aethelricknicolaus: it sounds like a statically linked executable... if you trust where you got it from, simply mark it as executable and then run it22:18
narayan44I won't work on the CD bow22:18
narayan44err now22:18
histo!who | Quantum_Ion22:18
ubottuQuantum_Ion: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:18
Quantum_IonMontreal1, yes22:18
Wynnicolaus: applications - accessories - terminal22:18
histoMontreal1: have you checked getdeb?22:18
doc-donkeyhisto, it unzip a file with no dot something at the end, and i dont know what to use to run it22:18
Quantum_IonMontreal1, Have you ever compiled a software package before ?22:18
Montreal1is old ver22:18
nicolausand then22:18
greezmunkeydoc-donkey: did you check out: http://www.cgpsmapper.com22:19
nicolause in what command22:19
Montreal1yes, i have22:19
narayan44anyone know anything about making your own live cds?22:19
Wynaethelrick: I ran into the same thing, you install it then start the first run from the command line, it then asks you some qeustions and thats it22:19
histo!ask | narayan4422:19
ubottunarayan44: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:19
Quantum_IonMontreal1, The source code is here http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-sources.html22:19
geeknik30 minutes later, I finally managed to get a bug report filed. *grin* The launchpad interface sucks.22:19
nicolausoh i found it thanks guys22:20
geeknikgreezmunkey: thanks for your help. =)22:20
greezmunkeydoc-donkey: what about: http://reidster.net/garmin/22:20
kalarikkalMy touchpad is not working unless I hold down Fn+F7. Please help22:20
AtomicDryadIs there still no txtmode boot for ubuntu server?22:20
Montreal1Quantum_Ion, tnx..noticed that...22:21
Montreal1but i think it's gonna be pain in the b....22:21
dekonenarayan44: you could try http://www.geekconnection.org/remastersys/22:21
Montreal1coz hardy is old distro22:21
Montreal1i can't find deb22:21
kalarikkali removed xserver-xorg-input-synaptics so i can use the mousepad but then tap and other synaptics features doesn't work22:21
* mongy like remastersys.22:21
mongyI just made one for usb as it happens.22:21
Quantum_IonMontreal1, I did it before and it takes a while because you will need to satisfy the depency issues by downloading software manually22:22
AtomicDryadAs in 80x24 doslike text console with messages >.>22:22
sam-_-_Montreal1 why don't you upgrade?22:22
doc-donkeygreezmunkey : the website only link for the download, no specific readme or anything..22:22
narayan44I have most of what I need working, except I installed truecrypt manually, and the executable won't execute22:22
narayan44and it won't tell me why22:22
paxcoalguien habla español22:22
narayan44there seems to be one more step22:22
AtomicDryad(without a fracking splash screen)22:22
Montreal1<sam-_-_> long story22:22
mewayWyn I rebooted my other computer and now seems to be completly fcked thanks...22:22
jashCan i get some help with Skype Mic problem?22:22
sam-_-_Montreal1 support ends soon anyway22:23
Quantum_Ionan Ubuntu Linux Guru ?22:23
mewaymy gui is gone22:23
ikoniawhat ?22:23
jashHelp? :(22:23
* AtomicDryad flees22:24
mewayI have a background22:24
mewaythats it22:24
mewayI can hit ctrl e and go to the other desktop22:24
histojash: right click on the speaker and change the input for your sound preferences22:24
mewaybut still its another background22:24
mewayall that shows up is a background22:24
jashI have but its not picking up.22:24
mewayyay omg its a fcking background22:24
mewayI get to look at a background22:24
jashIt was working earlier but I reset and now its not?22:24
ikoniameway: control the langauge please.22:24
narayan44or better yet, does anyone have a .deb of truecrypt or know how to make one?22:25
mewayI just asked for help and my problem got worse.22:25
sam-_-_narayan44, you can download one at truecrypt.org22:25
exarkunI booted the Maverick live cd, then booted back into Karmic.  Now my wifi card doesn't work.  iwconfig says "Tx-Power=off".  I don't have a physical switch for the wifi card on this laptop.  How do I turn it back on?22:26
mongynarayan44,  its a pkg in the repo isnt it....truecryptfs?22:26
Quantum_Ionnarayan44, http://linuxandfriends.com/2010/02/03/how-to-truecrypt-setup-on-ubuntu-linux/22:26
mongynarayan44,  or maybe I am thinking of encryptfs22:26
geeknikI have my home directories encrypted on ubuntu, I think that's enough. =)22:26
sam-_-_narayan44, sry. obviously not anymore22:26
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supercom32I have an NV37GL nvidia graphics card and when I installed lucid I don't see the "Hardware driver" icon used to install proprietary drivers. And when I install the nvidia drivers manually using the repos, I can't get the desktop to show up. Any ideas what to do?22:27
narayan44thanks anyway22:27
iflemaexarkun: try shutdown for a few sec... not reboot.... may help??22:27
narayan44I have truecrypt running on my desktop, no probs22:27
narayan44the have an exe installer now like you typically do with windows22:27
histosupercom32: which nvidia driver did you install?22:27
narayan44what I NEED is truecrypt on an ubuntu live cd22:27
exarkuniflema: tried that, didn't help :/22:27
SentynelI'm trying to open an old dbm database on ubuntu and having problems. everything I can find seems to expect a bsd dbm file (*.db), but this is a different dbm version (I don't know which) providing a .dir and a .pag file22:27
supercom32histo: nvidia-current22:27
mongynarayan44, cryptsetup is on livecd, so you can use encrypted folders...22:28
sam-_-_narayan44, you only need the binary of truecrypt22:28
mongynarayan44, or, use remastersys to make it how you like, if its not cryptsetup you need22:28
histosupercom32: hrm.. let me check something22:28
Quantum_Ionnarayan44, Why do you need all this encryption do you work at WikiLeaks or something ?22:28
narayan44but hahaha22:29
mongynarayan44, cryptsetup is the only tool I need personally.  I have home and 2 usb sticks encrypted.22:29
supercom32histo: I'm supprised that lspci can show the card, but it won't add the automatic driver download icon for me.22:29
Montreal1and...Quantum_Ion...can try this version also?22:29
narayan44another thing, where does gnome keep its menu files22:29
Montreal13rd post22:29
histosupercom32: well it should have shown it. But i'm assuming it's an issue with using current . I'm trying to find the right one for ya22:29
narayan44I need to edit some of them by hand22:30
supercom32histo: Ah22:30
sam-_-_narayan44, maybe ~/.config/menu22:30
sam-_-_narayan44, maybe ~/.config/menus22:30
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narayan44the defaults22:30
narayan44somewhere in /usr/share?22:30
busatahellow, I just installed lamp-server, using tasksel, on ubuntu 10.10 netbook remix (not efficient, but eh), now I enabled userdir with a2enmod , enabled the php, but I still get 403 errors when trying to browse to the site, I tried various chmod settings, changed group to www-data, any clues?22:31
narayan44cd share22:31
narayan44oops wrong window22:31
histosupercom32: what is the real name of the card like nvidia quadro ...22:31
Quantum_IonMontreal1, The deb version of vlc doesn't work on your Ubuntu 9.10 system ?22:31
ikoniabusata: can you browse to the server root22:31
supercom32histo: Quadro PCI-E Series (rev a2)22:31
busataikonia: yes22:31
mewayWyn Its broken still and now I only have a background to work with any ideas? I also still have my initial problem22:31
ikoniabusata: how are you trying to access the user dir's ?22:32
sam-_-_meway, backup your home dir and start over22:32
histosupercom32: hrm.. yeah you can try one of the older versions like 180 or try drivers direct from nvidia22:32
histo!nvidia | supercom3222:32
ubottusupercom32: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:32
mongybusata, no expoert but dont you need to use ~name ?22:32
mongyexpert *22:32
busataikonia: http://localhost/~busata22:32
mewaysam-_-_: ......................................................................................................................................................22:33
Quantum_Ionmeway, use tar or rsync and back up your /home directory and reinstall buddy22:33
ikoniabusata: try a file also for a test /~busta/index.html22:33
busatamongy: yes, it's what I'm trying, it worked fine a week ago or so on an ubuntu vm, not sure why it fails now22:33
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ikoniameway: don't do that22:33
busataikonia: did, still gives permission errors22:33
aethelrickmeway: what started all this?22:33
mewayHow do you expect me to do that?????????? I have nothing to backup with22:33
busataaethelrick: pacman :-(22:33
ikoniabusata: exactly what error is it giving ?22:33
Quantum_Ionmeway, you can back up your /home directory with tar22:33
busatafrom server log?22:33
sam-_-_meway switch to console?22:34
ikoniabusata: just on the page22:34
mongymeway, what is your problem exactly.22:34
mewayaethelrick: could not update ICEauthority file /home/meway/.ICEauthority22:34
supercom32histo: what package should I select? Theres a bunch and it's kind of confusing22:34
sam-_-_meway alt + ctl + f122:34
histosupercom32: if you want to try the package from ubuntu remove nvidia-curret and install nvidia-glx-18022:34
mewaythan I fallowed some instruction on google and had not access to anything unless I did sudo22:34
busataikonia: "You don't have permission to access /~busata on this server."22:34
mewayso when I clicked my home folder under places it said something about nautlius22:35
mongybusata, try enabling indexes22:35
ikoniabusata: can you show me the permissions of your /home and /home/busta/public_html diretory please22:35
ikoniamongy: he can't hit a file, so it's not indexes22:35
Quantum_Ionmeway, What version of Ubuntu Linux are you running ?22:35
mewaywyn had me do something and a bunch of other ppl were talking so I was typing in thinks like sudo -i and following chmode bla bla bla22:35
Quantum_Ionmeway, cat /etc/lsb-release22:35
mongyikonia, ah ok.22:35
mewayQuantum_Ion:  9.1022:35
ikoniamongy: my first thought too22:36
mewayQuantum_Ion: I can't do anything I have a blank screen with a background22:36
Montreal1Quantum_Ion, i have Hardy 8.0422:36
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades22:36
* mongy needs quad core vision and brain power in here22:36
aethelrickmeway: it sounds like you've damaged your home directory... all is not lost. press CTRL+ALT+F1 to switch to a console22:36
mewaynow there is a problem with configureation server22:36
Quantum_Ionmeway, WOW burn an iso with Ubuntu Linux 10.04  Lucid LTS22:36
busataikonia: drwxr-xr-x 2 busata busata 4096 2010-12-19 23:28 public_html/ & drwx------ 31 busata busata 12288 2010-12-19 23:28 busata/22:36
busatamight have forgotten setting home right :)22:36
ikoniabusata: ahh ha, public_html the apache user won't be able to read anything in there22:37
ikoniabusata: it's owned totally by you with no group or world read/execute permissions22:37
mewayQuantum_Ion: ok I am logged into my user22:37
Quantum_Ionmeway, so do you have any important files in your /home directory22:38
* mongy watches and learns.22:38
mewayQuantum_Ion: problem is the computer that just crapped out was my only way of burning cd's22:38
mewayQuantum_Ion: I develop video games what do you think? It wont let me access because apprently Im not ... sec22:39
mewaysetuid root22:39
yao_ziyuanjust installed ubuntu 10.10 and gnome-main-menu22:39
yao_ziyuanit seems favorites automatically restore to random order after manually rearranged22:40
aethelrickmeway: if you're at a console, create a new user account, then reboot and log into it22:40
mewayQuantum_Ion: I have backups22:40
mewayaethelrick: and than?22:40
aethelrickmeway: the new account will have correct permissions and won't be missing anything vital22:40
Quantum_Ionmeway, To make a backup of your /home directory run this command  tar -pczf backup.tar.gz  /home22:40
mewayQuantum_Ion: I have a backup22:41
mewayaethelrick: how do I make a new account?22:41
Quantum_Ionmeway, then take the tar.gz and burn it to disk or move it to a usb hardrive with lots of space22:41
aethelrickmeway: you WILL then have a place to work and recover the other account if you want to22:41
mewayQuantum_Ion: already did like 2 days ago XD22:41
mewayaethelrick: how do I make a new user?22:42
Quantum_Ionmeway, so did you move the backup.tar.gz to another hard drive or burn it to a DVD-RW ?22:42
greezmunkeymeway:sudo adduser (username), then setpass (username)22:42
aethelrickmeway: adduser someuser22:43
greezmunkeymeway: er passwd (username)22:43
mewaygreezmunkey: must be setuid root22:43
Quantum_Ionmeway, Do you have Grub installed ?22:43
mewayQuantum_Ion: i did last time I um hit the power button.....22:44
Quantum_Ionmeway, There is a way to reset the root master password from Grub22:44
aethelrickmeway: sudo -i22:44
mewayaethelrick: I get the same message22:44
mewaymust be setuid root22:44
mongyrw /init/bash from kernel or use recovery mode22:44
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aethelrickmeway: how many user accounts you got on the box ??22:44
mewayaethelrick: 122:45
aethelrickmeway: sounds like your sudo binary has the wrong permissions22:46
aethelrickmeway: do you have a root account password set or are you running exclusively with sudo?22:46
aethelrickmeway: I think you permission tinkering earlier was done from the wrong directory and has changed permissions through your whole machine22:47
mewayaethelrick: and that would do what to me?22:48
aethelrickmeway: I could talk you through fixing this, but you'll need a CD you can boot from or a root password. It may be quicker (and easier for you) to simply reload the box22:48
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »22:48
mewayaethelrick: I am root22:49
mewayaethelrick: I know the password22:49
aethelrickmeway: if you're logged in as root, then change sudo permissions with the following command22:49
ChrysalisI have a general challenge with my mic not working with the ALSA drivers.22:49
Quantum_Ionmeway, Try this http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-reset-forgotten-ubuntu-password.html22:50
aethelrickchmod 4755 /usr/bin/sudo22:50
aethelrickmeway: chmod 4755 /usr/bin/sudo22:50
Quantum_Ionmeway, Save yoruself the headache make an install Ubuntu Linux 10.04 Lucid LTS22:50
[thor]!it | alfio22:50
ubottualfio: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)22:50
mewayaethelrick: It appeared to do nothing22:51
aethelrickmeway: good... then it worked without error :)22:51
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busataikonia: thanks for the help btw :)22:51
mewayaethelrick: now what?22:52
aethelrickmeway: you should be able to sudo now22:52
chris66can anyone help me i have a new wusb600n but cannot get to install HELP PLEASE22:52
aethelrickmeway: create a new user with the command adduser22:52
aethelrickmeway: then reboot and log in as that user22:52
JZAhi how can I do to record my line output into a file?22:52
mewayaethelrick: if I can't sudo22:53
GuessAndCheckHi, is there a Windows 7 channel?  Thanks22:53
JZAI want to use sox or arecord (command line) most times it uses /dev/dsp but that will give me the microphpne22:53
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Quantum_Ionmeway, your system is fscked up your need a new install22:53
mewayI really don't want 1022:54
pdelgallegohi what is the best to encrypt a document? is there anything else than mcrypt?22:54
Quantum_Ionmeway, Why eventually you will have to upgrade22:55
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[thor]pdelgallego: TrueCrypt22:55
* meway goes back to version 822:55
pdelgallego[thor], thx, I going to take a look at it22:55
Quantum_Ionmeway, Go back to RedHat Linux 1.1 while your at it22:56
chris66can anyone help me i have a new wusb600n but cannot get to install HELP PLEASE22:56
chris66can anyone help me i have a new wusb600n but cannot get to install HELP PLEASE22:56
* meway goes to fedora22:56
guilhermecregister e-mail22:57
Quantum_Ionmeway, you need a moment of clarity ?22:57
* meway just realized this computer has a cd burning (but its windows)22:57
^c|0ud^can someone help me with getting a script to work on ubuntu startup?22:57
* meway waits 6 hours for 10 to download22:58
chris66can anyone help me i have a new wusb600n but cannot get to install HELP PLEASE22:58
^c|0ud^trying to get vboxheadless to autostart XP on bootup22:58
Quantum_Ionmeway, So boot into Windows and burn your azz an Ubuntu Linux 10.04 Lucid LTS22:58
^c|0ud^doesnt seem to work.22:58
Diamondcitechris66: If it's V2 try to google for your answer.. if it's V1.. no idea...22:58
aethelrickmeway: you can also use you command line to download and burn a CD if you need to22:58
industrialphreakgotta love VB22:59
aethelrickmeway: use wget for the download22:59
chris66its v222:59
Quantum_Ionaethelrick, He can only burn an iso in Windows22:59
Diamondcitechris66: http://homecommunity.cisco.com/t5/Wireless-Adapters/UBUNTU-WUSB600N-v2-WORKS/td-p/31802622:59
narayan44funky driver or something?22:59
greezmunkeychris66: I have one of those. Even at it's best it had problems. I bought a new card.22:59
mewayaethelrick: it not letting me do anything without sudoing and its not letting me sudo unless I am setuid root and I don't even know what that is22:59
Quantum_Ionmeway, Install Mozilla Firefox on Windows and use the pause and resume function in the download menu if the download will take 6 hours or more23:00
Azeroxhow can I change the brightness on my laptop?23:00
mewayi'm on firefox23:00
AzeroxI try the usual shortcut I've been using on Windows and its not working23:00
Azeroxhow can I configure it?23:00
chris66been on there still bashing my head againest the wall23:00
Diamondcitechris66: How so? What went wrong?23:00
Quantum_Ionmeway, FireFox has the pause and resume option in the Download menu if the download is gonna take you over 6 hours23:00
aethelrickQuantum_Ion: you can burn CD's from command line with cdrecord23:01
mewayQuantum_Ion: I was exadurating should only take about 20m23:01
Quantum_Ionaethelrick, I know but Meway can only burn iso's on Windows he said23:01
mewayI said no such thing23:01
harovaliHi ,   I downloaded the ubuntu 10.10 Desktop iso image, and now I´m using unetbootin to create a pendrive that I can boot in a cdrom-less machine. However, the machine doesn´t recognize the bootable usb stick. I thing it has to do with a missing grub on my part into the stick, but I don´t know how to do it. I even tried to use different filesystem types (ext3 and vfat, and put a "bootable" flag into the first partition, bu23:01
mewayharovali: simply placing the iso on the stick does not work23:02
PleXuSAnyone have any experience setting up Win7 PXE setup?23:02
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PleXuSon ubuntu :)23:03
Guest44884hey is enyone here a rocker by any chance?23:03
Quantum_Ionmeway, I think you are just pulling peoples chain for the fun of it today23:03
harovalimeway: oh, I also tried that , but I rememebr it not to work, I´ll try again.23:03
narayan44no I am a regular chair23:03
ChrysalisI have a general challenge with my mic not working with the ALSA drivers.23:04
Dezz_hi, since installing the Nvidia drivers the boot splash screen has disappeared and the console fonts are ugly.23:04
Guest44884aw man ,.... atleast i have myself23:04
Dezz_not really a huge problem, but is there any way I can fix this?23:04
greezmunkeyGuest44884: playin som zepplin on my bass right now, but that's off topic man.23:04
silktacoanyone know why an ISO would boot fine under parallels but not boot under qemu/libvirt on 10.04 ubuntu?23:05
mewayharovali: you have to put the image on the drive from the iso not just place the iso23:05
mewayQuantum_Ion: just your chain because you r want me to have it your way :p 10.1023:05
harovalimeway: how do I do it ?  By doing a dd ? Or by copying files with cp -a ?23:06
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velocirachaelhey, trying to connect vista laptop to ubuntu desktop with x11vnc. i use vncpasswd in terminal to change password, but i still get authenticate issues. my ports 5800-5900 are open on router.23:08
velocirachaelany ideas?23:08
Dante123hi all, had 10.10 working fine.  Installed wacom stuff for my tablet.....now I can23:08
Dante123can't boot into x.  Any ideas?23:09
Diamondcitevelocirachael: You might have to specify the vncpasswd file explicitly in the command line launching x11vnc23:09
spencer_Hey guys, are there any drivers for thos elittle micro USB bluetooth antennas?23:09
mewayharovali: well if you already have a version of ubuntu it should be in a drop down menu at the top of your screen to install to usb or disk23:09
Dante123have to boot in recover mode....failsafe graphics to get into x23:09
harovalimeway: no, I'm in another distro, trying to make a usb stick from a ubuntu iso23:10
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Quantum_Ionmeway, Let me know when you have Ubuntu Linux 10.04 Lucid LTS installed, okay ?23:10
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* BernardV is happy. Have ubuntu running on an embedded system with AMD geode LX, 800x480px display.. next step is the penmount touchscreen and internal GPS23:11
mewayQuantum_Ion: why?23:11
Quantum_Ionmeway, Just want to know when you have a really stable version of Ubuntu Linux installed that's all23:12
mewayharovali lmgtfu23:12
narayan44AMD geodes are fun23:12
harovalimeway: thanks23:12
BernardVindeed narayan44  :)23:12
narayan44whole board the size of an expansion card23:12
Quantum_Ionmeway, LTS = Long Term Stable version of Ubuntu Linux not like that experimental version 10.1023:12
narayan44use no power make no heat23:13
mewayharovali: http://www.google.com/#hl=en&expIds=17259,17311,18168,25451,27558&sugexp=ldymls&xhr=t&q=how+do+I+install+ubuntu+to+a+flash+drive%3F&cp=41&pf=p&sclient=psy&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=how+do+I+install+ubuntu+to+a+flash+drive%3F&gs_rfai=&pbx=1&fp=83f87efc6f926f1323:13
narayan44run full x86-32 code, so you can use embed them23:13
narayan44manually compiling truecrypt23:13
toolbocI have a simple question23:14
toolbocnot sure if I am in the right place but likely a simple solution23:14
saintlyits completely silent of in Xubuntu ...23:14
spencer_toolboc go ahead23:14
mewayso sense I can't break anything more what fun can I have with this23:14
saintlyi have a thems question23:14
DaraelGot a problem with my wifi:  Network-manager (or at least nm-applet) insists "device not ready".23:14
Caelumthere's no magnifier in ubuntu23:14
narayan44I think I found out why truecrypt wouldn't run23:14
Quantum_IonHey I just install experimental Ubuntu Linux 10.10 now my keyboard inputs data in Mandarin Chinese and won't let me text in English and I live in the USA so what do I do now ?23:14
toolbocI shared folders using the right-click gui method and have shares that I don't want to share anymore23:14
narayan44missing dependencies23:14
BernardVnarayan44: I have a complete embedded system here, but now I've seen this I'm sure I will buy a dev board. It's nice to play with.23:14
toolboc/etc/samba/smb.conf does not list any shares23:15
toolbochowever I see them when I browse the Network on another computer23:15
spencer_toolboc would you mind just typign everything into a single post?23:15
DaraelCaelum: A screen magnifier?  I think there is... *checks* yes, the gnome-mag package.23:15
mongycompiz has a better magnifier23:15
DaraelCaelum: Not by default, but it's there.  kmag if you're using kubuntu, though.23:15
CaelumDarael: oh nice, thank you23:16
toolboc I shared folders using the right-click gui method and have shares that I don't want to share anymore and /etc/samba/smb.conf does not list any shares.  However, however I see them when I browse the Network on another computer23:16
toolbocWhere is the list of all shared folders in Ubuntu?23:16
DaraelCaelum: I believe Orca, which /is/ installed by default, does magnification too, but ICBW.23:17
BernardVHehe.. installing the restricted package. Question with a select box: "Do you accept the EULA license terms?" for the windows fonts.. But it's a bit odd, do I have to select the question? ;)23:17
DaraelBernardV: That's a UI bug in my book.  I should file it, if I were you.  Not quite sure which package you file it against, though.23:17
nikrehi, how can i partition my new hdd in ubuntu? i also use this hdd for windows and it is ntfs now. i remember gparted being used for this but i need the up-to-date tool and preferrably a good ui23:18
BernardVDarael: I'm fairly new to Ubuntu (mostly debian console only) so I wouldn't even know where to file it.23:18
spencer_Are there any drivers for those little micro USB bluetooth dongles that anyone knows of?23:18
CaelumI put "user ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL" in /etc/sudoers but sudo still asks me for password23:19
DaraelBernardV: Ah.  http://launchpad.net is the place you want, but I'll do it later.23:19
mewaywoot a whole 7%23:19
meway1 hour 17m left23:19
ubnoobhello everyone, does anyone know of a good program for managing ipod touch? In addition i can't mount the drive-any sugestions?23:19
BernardVok.. thnx Darael for the link and for doing it later ;)23:19
spencer_ubnoob have you tried GTKpod?23:19
Caelumubnoob: gtkpod23:20
ubnoobone second pls let me check which program i have.23:20
mewayubnoob hold down the home button for 30 seconds and on button23:20
mewaythan let go of home and allow to turn on23:20
Daraelnikre: if you install the package "gparted" you get a partition editor, or I believe system->administration->disk utility will let you do basic foratting.23:20
Tesa2Can someone tell me what's wrong here?? http://gyazo.com/1470168f5b91cc3991df0426c5001807.png23:21
ubnoob<Caelum> yes i have that downloaded but i can't mount the drive23:21
spencer_ubnoob is the device on when plugged in?23:21
Caelumubnoob: you need ifuse to mount23:21
ubnoobyes its on23:21
Caelumubnoob: go to #gtkpod23:22
ubnoobifuse??? is that in the package manager?23:22
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mewaywell i'm going to leave as I wait23:22
Caelumubnoob: yes it is23:22
DaraelGot a problem with my wifi; nm-applet insists "device not ready".23:22
toolbocWhat file gets updated, when you share a folder using the gui?23:22
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Daraeltoolboc: /etc/smb.conf IIRC.23:24
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leslieI was currently running Windows 7, downloaded and installed Ubuntu 10.10 fell in love with it. Would like some help now removing Windows 7 from the hard drive23:24
lesliecould someone please help?23:24
=== LSD-26| is now known as drugs
BernardVwow I'm impressed. The geode even runs movieplayer with a MP3 stream23:24
Daraelleslie: Do you still have a live CD?23:24
toolbocDarael:  Thanks, however, I checked there and there is no shares listed in there, yet I see them when I browse the network23:25
Daraeltoolboc: Yeah, I realised a moment ago that there must be a per-user file as well.  Not sure what, though.23:25
Daraelleslie: You'll need to load it if you want to reclaim the Win7 space - we need to do things to your hard drive.23:25
CaelumDarael: weird, it says I have gnome-mag installed but I don't see it in the applications menu anywhere23:26
=== drugs is now known as mrstocks
leslieWould I just simply run a new install with the LiveCD and run the install as whole disk23:26
ubnoobi installed ifuse but i still get this message "DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus"23:26
D3ath101leslie, if u have a usb drive, download the software to the usb drive and boot from the usb, click install, and to use the entire hardrive. the option is right there.23:26
Caelumubnoob: you use ifuse to mount the ipod23:26
Caelumubnoob: ifuse <directory>23:26
Daraelleslie: That would work.  You would lose any files you had on there, though.  If that's OK by you, go ahead, but otherwise we can remove the Win7 sections without harming your Ubuntu install.23:26
ubnooboh..let me try23:27
hakimsheriffsorry if this is repeated but I lost my internet connection, What are the requirements to join the Ubuntu Memebers Group?23:27
sam-_-_leslie, run palimpsest. delete the partition23:27
leslieDarael : That would be very nice due to the fact that I've been busy downloading and installing all sorts of software23:27
Caelumubnoob: make an empty directory as a mount point23:27
Daraelsam-_-_: That may let one delete the partition but it won't reclaim the space.23:27
draven_solnautilus on my client keeps crashing when moving files to the server23:28
ubnoob<Caelum> i don't know how to do that.23:28
Daraelleslie: Right.  You'll need to run your live-cd and go to system->administration->gparted partition editor.23:28
Caelumubnoob: mkdir foo; ifuse foo # done23:28
leslieAnd the partition editor will allow me to format the win 7 partition as well as reclaim the memory of that partition right ?23:29
Daraelleslie: Basically, yes.  You'll need to remove any partitions formatted as NTFS, then you can expand the existing partitions to fill the freed space.23:29
ubnoobi get this message in the terminal "GNUTLS ERROR: A TLS fatal alert has been received.23:30
BernardVleslie: The partition editor will not format the partition, only define what type it is23:30
Caelumubnoob: what does that have to do with anything23:30
DaraelBernardV: Gparted acts as a frontend to the various mkfs tools as well, so it actually /will/ format it.23:30
lesliedarael : thank you so much. if I run into anymore probelms I will be bacl23:30
lesliecorrection: back23:30
MaJaX_vous avez quoi en uname -r ?23:31
ubnoobi don't know what to do to get it to mount, so i don't know if i did it wrong23:31
Darael!fr | MaJaX_23:31
ubottuMaJaX_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.23:31
BernardVAh ok.. sorry.. was thinking of (c)fdisk etc... don't mind me.. will be quiet ;)23:31
DaraelNo problem.  Easy to miss that I'd directed leslie to gparted, after all.23:32
* Caelum waves to Khisanth 23:32
neurochromemy sound stopped working after a powercut on maverick - acer revo r3610.  I've booted into a live image and it still doesn't work... but it works fine on the other OS (xbmc live) installed on the same machine!  any ideas?23:32
Khisanthhi :)23:32
hakimsheriffWhat are the requirements to join the ubuntu members group?23:32
DaraelGot a problem with my wifi; nm-applet insists the device is not ready.  Card is a Realtek RTL8191SEvB.  Wicd works fine but I need to test nm.23:33
toolbocFor the record, it has to do with Ubuntu's bastardization of Samba through a package called nautilus-share23:34
Daraeltoolboc: Will remember that.23:34
BernardVThnx toolboc for pointing that.23:34
toolbocnot sure why ALL forum posts deal with /etc/samba/smb.conf which is does not use23:35
ubnoobCaelum: I tried to mount but it don't work, what do you think i should do?23:35
Caelumubnoob: go to #gtkpod, they will help you23:35
ubnoobok, thanks23:36
BernardVDarael: What happens if you remove and reload the module for the realtek ?23:36
moep2wie kann ich ubuntu (10.04) im safe mode starten?23:37
BernardVavond moep223:37
DaraelBernardV: No change.23:37
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sam-_-_!de |moep223:38
ubottumoep2: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.23:38
moep2ehm, how to start ubuntu 10.04 in safe mode?23:38
mohamedwhat should i do if i forgot my password ?23:38
DaraelBernardV: Well, strictly speaking that's not true - I get dropouts after which it refuses to connect to anything, and reloading the module is a temporary fix for that, but it doesn't affect nm.23:38
histomohamed: boot to a live cd or recovery mode and change it23:39
sam-_-_moep2, append "single" to the boot command23:39
Daraelmoep2: After your BIOS diagnostic screen, hold shift.  You should get a grub menu.  You can choose safe mode from that.23:39
moep2ok, thx23:39
Daraelmoep2: Sorry, that's recovery mode.  Safe mode doesn't exist, though there's safe graphics mode available from the login screen.  I think.23:40
BernardVDarael: When searching google I see posts about dropping connections for that realtek, it's not the same problem.. but what I could find in this short time is 2.6.36...23:40
bencahillhey peeps :), if I copied an existing hdd ubuntu install to a usb drive, would it work?23:41
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durandoi am trying to setup dual displays with different resolutions using the ati catalyst drivers can someone help23:41
sam-_-_bencahill, if you do it right. yes.23:42
DaraelBernardV: Yeah, I too was only able to find the connection-drop problem.  Guess I'll try a different kernel and see if it works.23:42
bencahillsam-_-_: do you have any tips?23:42
sam-_-_bencahill, you may need to install grub on the usb drive23:42
bencahillsam-_-_: I'll use the existing grub on the hdd to boot the usb23:42
moep2Darael, ehm, i want to start only a shell without any graphicdriver.23:43
sam-_-_bencahill, oh ok. then just make sure the permissions are being kept the same23:43
shcherbakmoep2: text as boot option23:43
BernardVDarael: Maybe this one: http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=21&PFid=48&Level=5&Conn=4&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false&Downloads=true23:44
bencahillsam-_-_: could I just use a cp while in the existing hdd, or would I need to use a boot cd?23:44
BernardVmake and the remove/add the module23:44
Daraelmoep2: You probably do want the recovery mode, then.23:44
hectorhi all23:44
hectorhow do i force the restricted drivers pop-up to show up again23:44
sam-_-_bencahill, yes you could but don't copy dirs like dev or sys23:44
DaraelBernardV: I'll give it a go.  I'm loath to do it, though.  And it does seem odd that wicd manages it just fine.23:44
moep2okey, i try23:44
hectori accidentlly closed it and i want to install the restricted drivers23:44
ActionParsniphector: use the System -> Admin -> hardware drivers item23:45
bencahillsam-_-_: ok, will it work without those?23:45
Daraelhector: system->administration->Additional Drivers23:45
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JCDGhello friends23:45
sam-_-_bencahill, just create and empty dev/sys dir and23:45
Daraelhector: The specific name of the option will depend on your release - it used to be "hardware drivers" as ActionParsnip said.23:45
neurochromeNext release it'll be Restricted Drivers again, just to confuse people23:45
sam-_-_bencahill, you will be fine23:45
BernardVDarael: http://blog.debit.nl/dareal.txt (this is a copy of the post)23:46
Delo_hi, is there any way I can set up Evolution to work with a Hotmail account?23:46
hectori am on 10.0423:46
bencahillsam-_-_: ok i gtg, bbl, thx!23:46
Delo_i used the default values and tried an online guide, but it never updated and the account didn't appear in the left pane.23:46
DaraelCheers, BernardV.23:46
neurochromeDelo_, yeah, plenty of guides online23:46
BernardVThat about wicd is true...23:46
histohector: System > admin > hardware drivers23:46
hectoris there a link on what i need to do to update to 10.1023:46
ActionParsnipDelo_: http://pricklytech.wordpress.com/2010/05/01/ubuntu-10-4-lucid-configuring-evolution-to-connect-to-hotmail-windows-live-mail/23:46
histo!upgrade > hector23:46
ubottuhector, please see my private message23:46
zvacetDelo_:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingHotmailWithEvolution23:46
JCDGDoes anyone of you have resolved the issue in UNE with the battery? because my machine goes to hibernate very often by saying that the battery is extremely low...when it's nos true23:47
hectordoes that upgrade path work for the Netbook Version ?23:47
DaraelBernardV: The linked driver appears to be for the USB version of the card?  At least, it has USB as a name-section and PCI is lacking.23:47
mohamedany one know about python compilier23:47
hectoror will i loose netbook features23:48
histohector: yes it works23:48
neurochromeWhere are all the audio specialists?  This is doing my head in!23:48
histo!install > malik_23:48
Daraelmohamed: Python is an interpreted language.  While you can probably compile it, you're not really meant to.  The #python folks can probably help you best.23:49
White-Horseis ati radeon hd 5xxx supported yet with ubuntu 10.04 or 10.10 ?23:49
nirazioI have an old Ubuntu LAMP server. I'd like to move the webpage over to a newer Ubuntu server and I'm wondering what the easiest way to backup and restore the webpage would be? Or just the easiest way to transfer the settings to a new server.23:49
histo!ati > White-Horse23:49
ubottuWhite-Horse, please see my private message23:49
histonirazio: wget23:49
knoppixDo i need to do anything to sda2 before I partition it?23:49
histonirazio: or are you talking aobut mirroring thepackages installed on the new server?23:49
ActionParsnipnirazio: why dont you ALREADY have a backup!?23:50
Daraelnirazio: If you've got both up, then you can use rsync to make the whole site the same.23:50
histoknoppix: what are you tyring to do?23:50
neurochromeknoppix, sda2 is a partition23:50
Bennishey, quick question. I'm ssh'd into a ubuntu machine from putty on windows and trying to start empathy on the remote ubuntu machine, but i keep getting a display error. What am i doing wrong?23:50
BernardVDarael: You could try the SEvA223:50
knoppixhisto, I want to install 10.0423:51
DaraelBennis: if you want empathy to run on the remote display, prepend "DISPLAY=:0" (no quotes) to the command.  If you want it displaying locally you'll need an X server on your Windows box.23:51
lacrymologyI've compiled a library that I need to use to compile some more stuff... where should I put it (I'm guessing /usr/something)? or rather, is there some special thing I can do to "register" it somewhere?23:51
histoknoppix: okay on /dev/sda2?23:51
knoppixhisto, i am using g-parted to do this.23:51
Bennisexcellent, thanks :D23:51
DaraelBennis: There should have been a space on the end of that DISPLAY line.  Whoops.23:51
histoknoppix: okay well if you have /dev/sda2 that means you already have a partition there.23:51
knoppixhisto, i want to partition sda2 1 more time to make unallocated space23:52
neurochromeknoppix, sda is a HDD sda2 is the second partition on that drive23:52
zvacetknoppix : sda2 is partition so mark it as ext4 and make it root / if you want to install ubuntu on one partition23:52
knoppixhisto, do i need to do anything inparticular before i partition sda2?23:52
histoknoppix: you want ot resize /dev/sda2 then tomake free psace23:52
histoknoppix: you don't paritition sda2 you partition sda23:52
histoknoppix: I think you are getting confused23:52
neurochromeknoppix, you might want to think about having multiple partitions for Ubuntu (sda2=/, sda3=/home)23:53
nullkuhlhow can i write a path to the env varibales instead of typing export in each session ?23:53
JCDGDoes anyone of you have resolved the issue in UNE with the battery? because my machine goes to hibernate very often by saying that the battery is extremely low...when it's nos true23:54
ActionParsnipnullkuhl: add to the ~/.bashrc  to add to path23:54
knoppixhisto, i would like to make free space from sda2.23:54
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reaper_anyone know if anyone good games that run on Ubuntu23:54
ActionParsnipnullkuhl: add:  export PATH=$PATH:/new/path  to add /new/path   to PATH23:54
neurochromereaper_, yes... check out the humble indie bundle for a start23:55
zvacetknoppix . do you try to shrink sda2 or expand it?23:55
White-Horsethe msg that ubottu gave is very out dated  has anyone tried the ATI HD Radeon 5xxx ?23:55
nullkuhlActionParsni thanks23:55
knoppixzvacet, shrink it using g-parted23:55
neurochromereaper_, prey, savage223:55
BernardVDarael: nvm the va223:55
BernardVIn the spanish post it says you need to use the 8192SE driver23:56
zvacetknoppix : so do it and you can leave unallocated space and on it install ubuntu23:56
White-Horseits been 1 and 1/2 years since the last update ati made for there cards with linux23:56
metallicoguys, i still cant get the interactive globe to work as desktop, as soon as I select "globe" in the dropdown in the desktop options, KDE just freezes23:56
FuukoGood evening everybody.23:57
metallicoany ideas how to fix it?23:57
ActionParsnipWhite-Horse: it's supported by the proprietary driver, just as it was last year, so its still valid23:57
FuukoI would like to know how to install Virtualbox on a Ubuntu/10.04 host.23:57
BernardVDarael: From another source "Actually, it seems neither the 8191SE-VA2 or RTL8191SU are correct, but rather the RTL8192SE."23:57
knoppixzvacet, what i was asking before was, is there anything i need to do before i shrink sda2?23:57
FuukoCurrently-- it is impossible.23:57
DaraelBernardV: Understood.  Just been browsing daemon.log, looks like NM is having trouble reading the card's MAC address.  Wonder why....23:57
ActionParsnipWhite-Horse: the hardware driver applet installs the driver, just like it says, just like it did 1.5 years ago23:57
White-Horselast year only ATI HD Radeon 4xxx was supported23:57
zvacetknoppix:  what is on it Windows or something else23:57
ActionParsnipWhite-Horse: its supported now23:58
DaraelBernardV: The VA2 link appears to give me the 8192SE driver package anyway.23:58
knoppixzvacet, yes XP sp223:58
knoppixzvacet, on sda123:58
BernardVDarael: ok. But not reading the MAC is ..... weird23:58
ActionParsnipWhite-Horse: just because a document isnt as erecent as your tastes would like doesn't mean it doesnt stil apply23:58
White-Horsethanks ActionParsnip23:58
zvacetknoppix:  but nothing on sda2 ?23:58
DaraelBernardV: I know.  But: NetworkManager[7106]: <error> [1292800012.541448] [nm-device-wifi.c:3095] real_update_permanent_hw_address(): (wlan0): unable to read permanent MAC address (error 0)23:59
ActionParsnipWhite-Horse: look at the text, rather than homing in on the editted date first, you'll be fine23:59
zvacetknoppix:  or you are trying to shrink sda1 to make room for sda223:59
knoppixzvacet, i have ubuntu 10.04 on there. boot loader is corrupt and i dont know how to fix it. So i would like to make unallocated space from sda223:59

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